2010-03-04 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>

* conf/pandora_server.conf: Several typos and better formating.

        * util/change_remoteconfig.pl: Tool to massive edit the server IP 
        in remote configuration files. Could be modified to alter any other 
        fixed field.

        * util/gpx2pandora_agent_data.pl: Transform a standard GPX GIS data 
        file in several Pandora FMS XML data server compatible files with GIS

        * util/gis.README: Small "documentation" on how to start to using GIS
        in the Server.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@2474 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
slerena 2010-03-04 19:55:19 +00:00
parent 3770fd48a7
commit 3bf7f1594a
5 changed files with 355 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
2010-03-04 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* conf/pandora_server.conf: Several typos and better formating.
* util/change_remoteconfig.pl: Tool to massive edit the server IP
in remote configuration files. Could be modified to alter any other
fixed field.
* util/gpx2pandora_agent_data.pl: Transform a standard GPX GIS data
file in several Pandora FMS XML data server compatible files with GIS
* util/gis.README: Small "documentation" on how to start to using GIS
in the Server.
2010-03-04 Pablo de la Concepción <pablo.concepcion@artica.es>
* conf/pandora_server.conf: Corrected typo

View File

@ -233,32 +233,35 @@ max_queue_files 250
# restart 0
# restart_delay 60
# More information about GIS Setup in /usr/share/pandora_server/util/gis.README
# Flag to activate GIS (positional information for agents and maps)
# by default it is desactivated
#activate_gis 0
# Flag to activate GIS (positional information for agents and maps) by default it is desactivated
# activate_gis 0
# Radius of the Error in meters to consider two gis locations as the same location.
# location_error 50
# Radius of error in meters to consider two gis locations as the same location.
#location_error 50
# Recon reverse geolocation mode [disabled, sql, file]
# * disabled: The recon task doesn't try to geolocate the ip discovered.
# * sql: The recon task trys to query the SQL database to geolocate the ip discovered
# * file: The recon task trys to find the geolocation information of the ip discovered in
# the file indicated in the recon_reverse_geolocation_file parameter
# disabled The recon task doesn't try to geolocate the ip discovered.
# sql The recon task trys to query the SQL database to geolocate the
# ip discovered
# file The recon task trys to find the geolocation information of the
# ip discovered in the file indicated in the
# recon_reverse_geolocation_file parameter
# recon_reverse_geolocation_mode disabled
# Recon reverse geolocation file (databases with the reverse geolocation information using
# MaxMind GPL GeoLiteCity.dat format).
# Recon reverse geolocation file. This is the database with the reverse
# geolocation information using MaxMind GPL GeoLiteCity.dat format).
#recon_reverse_geolocation_file /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat
# Radius (in meters) of the circle in where the agents will be place randomly when finded by a recon task
# The center of the cicle is guessed by geolocating the IP.
# Radius (in meters) of the circle in where the agents will be place randomly
# when finded by a recon task. Center of the circle is guessed
# by geolocating the IP.
#recon_location_scatter_radius 1000
# Pandora Server self-monitoring (embedded agent) (by default disabled)
# self_monitoring 1
#self_monitoring 1
# Update parent from the agent xml
#update_parent 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
# (c) Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas 2010
# This script is licensed under GPL v2 licence.
use strict;
use POSIX qw(floor);
# TODO: Let more massive changes (fields) to be changed.
# Used to calculate the MD5 checksum of a string
use constant MOD232 => 2**32;
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print "This tool is used to do a massive change in all remote configuration\n";
print "files for the remote agents, and change a list of files, given it's \n";
print "agent name (case sensisitive)\n\n";
print "Usage: change_remoteconfig.pl <file_with_server_names> <server_ip>\n\n";
my $fichero_nombres = $ARGV[0];
my $servidor_destino = $ARGV[1];
# Ruta al directorio data_in
my $data_in = "/var/spool/pandora/data_in";
print "Massive changes are set. Ready to modify files at $data_in/conf and the MD5 hashes in $data_in/md5\n";
open (NOMBRES, $fichero_nombres) or die ("File $fichero_nombres not readable : $!");
my @servidores = <NOMBRES>;
close (NOMBRES);
print "Server IP address '$servidor_destino' is about to be changed in these agents:\n";
print "Total agents: ". scalar(@servidores)."\n";
print @servidores;
print "Waiting 10 seconds. Press ^C to cancel.n\n";
sleep (10);
foreach (@servidores) {
my $servidor = $_;
chomp ($servidor);
print "Procesing: $servidor " ;
my $nombre_md5 = md5($servidor);
my $fichero_conf = "$data_in/conf/$nombre_md5.conf";
# Se lee el fichero y se cambia la linea correspondiente
open (CONF_FILE, $fichero_conf)or print ("Could not open file '$fichero_conf': $!.");
open (NEW_CONF_FILE, '>', "$fichero_conf.new")or print ("Could not open file '$fichero_conf.new': $!.");
while (my $linea = <CONF_FILE>) {
if ($linea =~ m/^\s*server_ip.*/) {
$linea = "server_ip\t$servidor_destino\n";
print NEW_CONF_FILE $linea;
close (CONF_FILE);
close (NEW_CONF_FILE);
`mv $fichero_conf.new $fichero_conf`;
# Calculate the new configuration file MD5 digest
open (CONF_FILE, $fichero_conf)or print ("Could not open file '$fichero_conf': $!.");
my $conf_md5 = md5 (join ('', <CONF_FILE>));
close (CONF_FILE);
print "Nuevo MD5 : $conf_md5\t";
my $fichero_md5 = "$data_in/md5/$nombre_md5.md5";
`echo -n "$conf_md5" > $fichero_md5`;
# MD5 leftrotate function. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode.
sub leftrotate ($$) {
my ($x, $c) = @_;
return (0xFFFFFFFF & ($x << $c)) | ($x >> (32 - $c));
# Initialize some variables needed by the MD5 algorithm.
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode.
my (@R, @K);
sub md5_init () {
# R specifies the per-round shift amounts
@R = (7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22,
5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20,
4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23,
6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21);
# Use binary integer part of the sines of integers (radians) as constants
for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) {
$K[$i] = floor(abs(sin($i + 1)) * MOD232);
# Return the MD5 checksum of the given string.
# Pseudocode from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode.
sub md5 ($) {
my $str = shift;
# Note: All variables are unsigned 32 bits and wrap modulo 2^32 when calculating
# Initialize variables
my $h0 = 0x67452301;
my $h1 = 0xEFCDAB89;
my $h2 = 0x98BADCFE;
my $h3 = 0x10325476;
# Pre-processing
my $msg = unpack ("B*", pack ("A*", $str));
my $bit_len = length ($msg);
# Append "1" bit to message
$msg .= '1';
# Append "0" bits until message length in bits â¡ 448 (mod 512)
$msg .= '0' while ((length ($msg) % 512) != 448);
# Append bit /* bit, not byte */ length of unpadded message as 64-bit little-endian integer to message
$msg .= unpack ("B64", pack ("VV", $bit_len));
# Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks
for (my $i = 0; $i < length ($msg); $i += 512) {
my @w;
my $chunk = substr ($msg, $i, 512);
# Break chunk into sixteen 32-bit little-endian words w[i], 0 <= i <= 15
for (my $j = 0; $j < length ($chunk); $j += 32) {
push (@w, unpack ("V", pack ("B32", substr ($chunk, $j, 32))));
# Initialize hash value for this chunk
my $a = $h0;
my $b = $h1;
my $c = $h2;
my $d = $h3;
my $f;
my $g;
# Main loop
for (my $y = 0; $y < 64; $y++) {
if ($y <= 15) {
$f = $d ^ ($b & ($c ^ $d));
$g = $y;
elsif ($y <= 31) {
$f = $c ^ ($d & ($b ^ $c));
$g = (5 * $y + 1) % 16;
elsif ($y <= 47) {
$f = $b ^ $c ^ $d;
$g = (3 * $y + 5) % 16;
else {
$f = $c ^ ($b | (0xFFFFFFFF & (~ $d)));
$g = (7 * $y) % 16;
my $temp = $d;
$d = $c;
$c = $b;
$b = ($b + leftrotate (($a + $f + $K[$y] + $w[$g]) % MOD232, $R[$y])) % MOD232;
$a = $temp;
# Add this chunk's hash to result so far
$h0 = ($h0 + $a) % MOD232;
$h1 = ($h1 + $b) % MOD232;
$h2 = ($h2 + $c) % MOD232;
$h3 = ($h3 + $d) % MOD232;
# Digest := h0 append h1 append h2 append h3 #(expressed as little-endian)
return unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h0)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h1)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h2)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h3));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Pandora FMS uses the MaxMind GeoIP API to map IP address to it's GPS coordinates. This is a GPL library included in Pandora FMS libraries.
In order to be able to use GeoIP/GIS features of the Pandora FMS reconserver, you need to download and install a GeoLiteCite maps. You can download from maxmind site or from Pandora FMS download site. For more information about MaxMind and GeoIP database, check this URLs:
Install manually Geo-IP-PurePerl-1.24.tar.gz
This database will be used with Pandora FMS recon server for positioning detected host Systems. Check Pandora FMS documentacion for more information.
Prior to use this database you need to decompress it with gzip -d and edit your /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf file and point the GeoLiteCity GeoLiteCity.dat file with Pandora FMS configuration token 'recon_reverse_geolocation_file', like:
activate_gis 1
recon_reverse_geolocation_file /usr/share/pandora_server/util/GeoLiteCity.dat
location_error 50
recon_reverse_geolocation_mode file
recon_location_scatter_radius 1000
Get a new version at:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use PandoraFMS::Tools;
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Hostname;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use constant AGENT_VERSION => '3.1';
# Check parameters
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print "Pandora FMS GIS tool to produce XML files from a standard GPX file\n";
print "This will put all the XML files in /var/spool/pandora/data_in directory \n";
print "\n";
print "Usage: $0 <filename.gpx> <agent_name>\n\n";
exit 1;
# Configuration tokens
my %Conf = (
'server_path' => '/var/spool/pandora/data_in',
'interval' => 300,
'agent_name' => hostname (),
'description' => 'Data from GPX',
'group' => '',
'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1',
my $file_name = shift;
my $agent_name = shift;
if (defined($agent_name)) {
print "agent_name: $agent_name\n";
$Conf{'agent_name'} = $agent_name;
my $xml_data = XMLin ($file_name, forcearray => 1 );
# Invalid XML
if ($@) {
print "Invalid XML";
rename($file_name, $file_name . '_BADXML');
exit -1;
# Debug, code commented
print "Printing XML DATA\n";
#print Dumper ($xml_data);
#print "Finish Printing XML DATA\n";
# 'rte' => [
# {
# 'rtept' => [
# {
# 'ele' => [
# '728'
# ],
# 'speed' => [
# '0'
# ],
# 'time' => [
# '2010-02-19T10:45:08Z'
# ],
# 'lat' => '40.4327545166',
# 'lon' => '-3.7009150982'
# },
my $posiciones = $xml_data->{'rte'}[0];
# Process positions
foreach my $position (@{$posiciones->{'rtept'}}) {
my $longitude= $position->{'lon'};
my $latitude= $position->{'lat'};
my $altitude= $position->{'ele'}[0];
my $timestamp= $position->{'time'}[0];
$timestamp =~ s/Z$//;
$timestamp =~ s/T/ /;
$timestamp =~ s/02/31/;
# Use the current time
$timestamp= strftime ('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime ());
print "Longitude: $longitude, Latitude: $latitude, Altitude: $altitude, Timestamp: $timestamp\n";
my $OS = $^O;
my $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" . $Conf{'encoding'} . "'?>\n" .
"<agent_data description='" . $Conf{'description'} ."' group='11".
"' os_name='$OS' os_version='1' interval='" . $Conf{'interval'} .
"' version='" . AGENT_VERSION . "' timestamp='" . $timestamp.
"' agent_name='" . $Conf{'agent_name'} . "' timezone_offset='0' longitude='" .$longitude.
"' latitude='" .$latitude."' altitude='".$altitude."'>\n";
$xml .= "<module>";
$xml .= " <name><![CDATA[gps_data]]></name>";
$xml .= " <description><![CDATA[GPS Data export from GPX source]]></description>";
$xml .= " <type>generic_proc</type>";
$xml .= " <data><![CDATA[1]]></data>";
$xml .= "</module>";
$xml .= "</agent_data>";
# print $xml;
# Save XML data file
my $temp_file = $Conf{'server_path'} . '/' . $Conf{'agent_name'} . '.' . time () . '.data';
open (TEMP_FILE, "> $temp_file") ||print ("Could not write XML data file: $!");
print TEMP_FILE $xml;
close (TEMP_FILE);