Merge branch 'ent-10268-pandora_db-refactorizacion-del-sistema-de-compactacion-de-datos' into 'develop'

Changes on compact db

Closes pandora_enterprise#10268

See merge request artica/pandorafms!6343
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Rodriguez 2023-10-24 11:04:33 +00:00
commit 3c59c40b4c
3 changed files with 166 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -359,6 +359,9 @@ SET @id_os = 9;
INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`)
SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'ID:STATUS' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os);
INSERT INTO tmodule_group (name) SELECT ('Security') WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tmodule_group WHERE LOWER(name) = 'security');
UPDATE `tevent_alert` ea INNER JOIN `tevent_rule` er ON = er.id_event_alert SET disabled=1 WHERE er.log_agent IS NOT NULL OR er.log_content IS NOT NULL OR er.log_source IS NOT NULL;

View File

@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tagente_modulo` (
`warning_time` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0,
`quiet_by_downtime` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`disabled_by_downtime` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`id_agente_modulo`),
KEY `main_idx` (`id_agente_modulo`,`id_agente`),
KEY `tam_agente` (`id_agente`),

View File

@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Path qw(rmtree);
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use List::Util qw(min);
use List::Util qw(sum);
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
BEGIN { push @INC, '/usr/lib/perl5'; }
@ -443,116 +446,187 @@ sub pandora_purgedb ($$$) {
# Compact agent data.
sub pandora_compactdb ($$$) {
my ($conf, $dbh, $dbh_conf) = @_;
sub pandora_compactdb {
my ($conf, $dbh, $dbh_conf) = @_;
my $total_modules = get_db_value($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo) FROM tagente_modulo");
# Interval in hours to compact.
my $compaction_interval = 24;
my $compaction_factor = (3600 * $compaction_interval) / 300;
# Number of agents to be proceced on this execution
my $agents_limit = int($total_modules / $compaction_factor);
my $last_compact_offset = pandora_get_config_value($dbh, "last_compact_offset");
unless ($last_compact_offset) {
db_do($dbh, "INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('last_compact_offset', '0')");
$last_compact_offset = 0;
# Obtain a group of modules to compact.
my @module_groups = get_db_rows(
'SELECT id_agente_modulo, id_tipo_modulo, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_compact) as last_compact FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo > ? LIMIT ?',
# Compact the group of modules.
my $starting_time = time();
pandora_compact_modules($dbh, $conf, @module_groups);
my $ending_time = time();
log_message('COMPACT', "Time taken: " . ($ending_time - $starting_time) . " seconds.");
# Add the offset.
$last_compact_offset += $agents_limit;
# If the offset is higher than the max module start again
$last_compact_offset = 0 if ($last_compact_offset >= $total_modules);
# Save the new offset
db_do($dbh, "UPDATE tconfig SET value = ? WHERE token = 'last_compact_offset'", $last_compact_offset);
sub pandora_compact_modules {
my ($dbh, $conf, @module_groups) = @_;
# Obtain the minimun last compact from the block
my $min_compact = min(map { $_->{"last_compact"} } @module_groups);
# if the min has not been setted
if($min_compact == 0){
$min_compact = get_db_value(
'SELECT MIN(td.utimestamp)
FROM tagente_datos td, tagente_modulo tm
WHERE td.id_agente_modulo = tm.id_agente_modulo
AND tm.id_tipo_modulo not in (2, 6, 9, 18, 21, 31, 35, 100)
AND td.id_agente_modulo BETWEEN ? AND ?',
$module_groups[0]->{"id_agente_modulo"}, $module_groups[-1]->{"id_agente_modulo"}
# One week of data of data as max from the last min compact.
my $max_compact = $min_compact + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
# If the last compact is on the future set the current time as max.
$max_compact = time() if($max_compact > time());
log_message('COMPACT', "Compacting data of agents agents $module_groups[0]->{'id_agente_modulo'} to $module_groups[-1]->{'id_agente_modulo'}, data between " . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime($min_compact)) . " and " . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime($max_compact)));
# Obtain all the data from the interval to avoid multiple requests
# Avoid pull data from modules that should be skipped.
my @data = get_db_rows (
'SELECT td.id_agente_modulo, td.datos, td.utimestamp
FROM tagente_datos td, tagente_modulo tm
WHERE td.id_agente_modulo = tm.id_agente_modulo
AND tm.id_tipo_modulo not in (2, 6, 9, 18, 21, 31, 35, 100)
AND td.utimestamp < ? AND td.utimestamp >= ?
AND td.id_agente_modulo BETWEEN ? AND ?
$max_compact, $min_compact, $module_groups[0]->{"id_agente_modulo"}, $module_groups[-1]->{"id_agente_modulo"}
my $total_data = scalar(@data);
my $proceced_total_data = 0;
my $progress = 0;
my $compactations = 0;
my %count_hash;
my %id_agent_hash;
my %value_hash;
my %module_proc_hash;
return if ($conf->{'_days_compact'} == 0 || $conf->{'_step_compact'} < 1);
# Convert compact interval length from hours to seconds
my $step = $conf->{'_step_compact'} * 3600;
# The oldest timestamp will be the lower limit
my $limit_utime = get_db_value ($dbh, 'SELECT min(utimestamp) as min FROM tagente_datos');
return unless (defined ($limit_utime) && $limit_utime > 0);
# Max. 168 steps or 7 days in one hour steps.
# This avoids blocking of old modules without last compact
my $step_limit = 24 * 7;
# Calculate the start date
my $start_utime = time() - $conf->{'_days_compact'} * 24 * 60 * 60;
my $last_compact = $start_utime;
my $stop_utime;
# Compact the modules in this block
foreach my $module (@module_groups) {
$progress = $total_data == 0 ? 0 : ($proceced_total_data / $total_data) * 100;
printf(strftime("\r" . "%H:%M:%S", localtime()) . ' [COMPACT] ' . "Progress: %.2f%%", $progress);
my $id = $module->{"id_agente_modulo"};
my $module_type = $module->{"id_tipo_modulo"};
# Do not compact the same data twice!
if (defined ($conf->{'_last_compact'}) && $conf->{'_last_compact'} > $limit_utime) {
$limit_utime = $conf->{'_last_compact'};
if ($start_utime <= $limit_utime || ( defined ($conf->{'_last_compact'}) && (($conf->{'_last_compact'} + 24 * 60 * 60) > $start_utime))) {
log_message ('COMPACT', "Data already compacted.");
log_message ('COMPACT', "Compacting data from " . strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($limit_utime)) . " to " . strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($start_utime)) . '.', '');
next unless defined ($module_type);
next if ($module_type == 2 || $module_type == 6 || $module_type == 9 || $module_type == 18 || $module_type == 21 || $module_type == 31 || $module_type == 35 || $module_type == 100);
# Prepare the query to retrieve data from an interval
while (1) {
# Obtain the data just for this module
my @module_data = grep { $_->{"id_agente_modulo"} == $id } @data;
my $total_elements = scalar(@module_data);
# Calculate the stop date for the interval
$stop_utime = $start_utime - $step;
# No data for this module.
next if ($total_elements == 0);
# Out of limits
last if ($start_utime < $limit_utime);
# Obtain the last compact of this module to avoid compact something previously compacted
my $last_compact = $module ->{"last_compact"};
# Mark the progress
log_message ('', ".");
# In case that the last compact has not been defined take the minimun data as last compact
$last_compact = min(map { $_->{"utimestamp"} } @module_data)-1 if($last_compact == 0);
# Create an array to store INSERT commands
my @insert_commands;
my $insert_command = 'INSERT INTO tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo, datos, utimestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
my $step_number = 0;
my $first_compact = $last_compact;
# Compact using the steps
while($step_number < $step_limit){
my $next_compact = $last_compact + $step;
my @data = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp < ? AND utimestamp >= ?', $start_utime, $stop_utime);
# No data, move to the next interval
if ($#data == 0) {
$start_utime = $stop_utime;
last if($next_compact > time());
# Obtain the data between the last compact and the next step.
my @data_in_range = grep { $_->{"utimestamp"} > $last_compact && $_->{"utimestamp"} <= $next_compact } @module_data;
my $total_range_elements = scalar(@data_in_range);
# Nothing to compress, skip this step.
if($total_range_elements == 0){
$last_compact = $next_compact;
# Get interval data
foreach my $data (@data) {
my $id_module = $data->{'id_agente_modulo'};
if (! defined($module_proc_hash{$id_module})) {
my $module_type = get_db_value ($dbh, 'SELECT id_tipo_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = ?', $id_module);
next unless defined ($module_type);
my $total_data = sum(map { $_->{"datos"} } @data_in_range);
# Mark proc modules.
if ($module_type == 2 || $module_type == 6 || $module_type == 9 || $module_type == 18 || $module_type == 21 || $module_type == 31 || $module_type == 35 || $module_type == 100) {
$module_proc_hash{$id_module} = 1;
else {
$module_proc_hash{$id_module} = 0;
my $avg = $total_data / $total_range_elements;
# Skip proc modules!
next if ($module_proc_hash{$id_module} == 1);
$proceced_total_data += $total_range_elements;
push @insert_commands, [$insert_command, $id, $avg, int($last_compact + ($step / 2))];
if (! defined($value_hash{$id_module})) {
$value_hash{$id_module} = 0;
$count_hash{$id_module} = 0;
$last_compact = $next_compact;
$step_number +=1;
# Small sleep to don't burn the DB
usleep (1000);
if (! defined($id_agent_hash{$id_module})) {
$id_agent_hash{$id_module} = $data->{'id_agente'};
$value_hash{$id_module} += $data->{'datos'};
db_do ($dbh, 'DELETE FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > ? AND utimestamp <= ? AND id_agente_modulo = ?', $first_compact, $last_compact, $id);
# Delete interval from the database
db_do ($dbh, 'DELETE ad FROM tagente_datos ad
INNER JOIN tagente_modulo am ON ad.id_agente_modulo = am.id_agente_modulo AND am.id_tipo_modulo NOT IN (2,6,9,18,21,31,35,100)
WHERE ad.utimestamp < ? AND ad.utimestamp >= ?', $start_utime, $stop_utime);
# Execute the INSERT commands
foreach my $command (@insert_commands) {
my ($sql, @params) = @$command;
db_do($dbh, $sql, @params);
# Insert interval average value
foreach my $key (keys(%value_hash)) {
$value_hash{$key} /= $count_hash{$key};
db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo, datos, utimestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', $key, $value_hash{$key}, $stop_utime);
usleep (1000); # Very small usleep, just to don't burn the DB
# Move to the next interval
$start_utime = $stop_utime;
# Update the last compacted timestamp.
db_do($dbh, "UPDATE tagente_modulo SET last_compact = FROM_UNIXTIME(?) WHERE id_agente_modulo = ?", $last_compact, $module ->{"id_agente_modulo"});
$compactations += $step_number;
log_message ('', "\n");
# Mark the last compact date
if (defined ($conf->{'_last_compact'})) {
db_do ($dbh_conf, 'UPDATE tconfig SET value=? WHERE token=?', $last_compact, 'last_compact');
} else {
db_do ($dbh_conf, 'INSERT INTO tconfig (value, token) VALUES (?, ?)', $last_compact, 'last_compact');
printf(strftime("\r" . "%H:%M:%S", localtime()) . ' [COMPACT] ' . "Progress: %.2f%%", 100);
log_message('COMPACT', "A total of $proceced_total_data elements has been compacted into $compactations elements");
@ -1234,9 +1308,8 @@ sub pandoradb_main {
# Only active database should be compacted. Disabled for historical database.
# Compact on if enable and DaysCompact are below DaysPurge
if (($conf->{'_onlypurge'} == 0)
&& ($conf->{'_days_compact'} < $conf->{'_days_purge'})
) {
pandora_compactdb ($conf, defined ($history_dbh) ? $history_dbh : $dbh, $dbh);
pandora_compactdb ($conf, $dbh, $dbh);
# Update tconfig with last time of database maintance time (now)