2010-02-04 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/functions_gis.php: add javascript function "isInt" for test int values, rename some javascript functions for to avoid typing mistakes with similar name functions in PHP. Add the function "activateAjaxRefresh" and "getArrayListIcons". * operation/gis_maps/ajax.php: add new operation "get_new_positions" for ajax refresh the points. * operation/gis_maps/render_view.php: change the source code for to use new functions as "activateAjaxRefresh" for example. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@2330 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
2010-02-04 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/functions_gis.php: add javascript function "isInt" for test int
values, rename some javascript functions for to avoid typing mistakes with
similar name functions in PHP. Add the function "activateAjaxRefresh" and
* operation/gis_maps/ajax.php: add new operation "get_new_positions" for
ajax refresh the points.
* operation/gis_maps/render_view.php: change the source code for to use new
functions as "activateAjaxRefresh" for example.
2010-02-04 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: fix the show icon agent view.
@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ function printMap($idDiv, $iniZoom, $numLevelZooms, $latCenter, $lonCenter, $bas
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.openlayers.org/nightly/OpenLayers.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
function isInt(x) {
var y=parseInt(x);
if (isNaN(y)) return false;
return x==y && x.toString()==y.toString();
$(document).ready (
function () {
@ -95,26 +101,26 @@ function printMap($idDiv, $iniZoom, $numLevelZooms, $latCenter, $lonCenter, $bas
function addPoint(layerName, pointName, lon, lat, id, type_string) {
function js_addPoint(layerName, pointName, lon, lat, id, type_string) {
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat)
.transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject());
var layer = map.getLayersByName(layerName);
layer = layer[0];
layer.addFeatures(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point,{nombre: pointName, estado: "ok", id: id, type: type_string, long_lat: new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject()) }));
layer.addFeatures(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point,{nombre: pointName, id: id, type: type_string, long_lat: new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject()) }));
function addPointExtent(layerName, pointName, lon, lat, icon, width, height, id, type_string) {
function js_addPointExtent(layerName, pointName, lon, lat, icon, width, height, id, type_string) {
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat)
.transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject());
var layer = map.getLayersByName(layerName);
layer = layer[0];
layer.addFeatures(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point,{estado: "ok", id: id, type: type_string, long_lat: new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject()) }, {fontWeight: "bolder", fontColor: "#00014F", labelYOffset: -height, graphicHeight: width, graphicWidth: height, externalGraphic: icon, label: pointName}));
layer.addFeatures(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point,{id: id, type: type_string, long_lat: new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject()) }, {fontWeight: "bolder", fontColor: "#00014F", labelYOffset: -height, graphicHeight: width, graphicWidth: height, externalGraphic: icon, label: pointName}));
function addPointPath(layerName, lon, lat, color, manual, id) {
function js_addPointPath(layerName, lon, lat, color, manual, id) {
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat)
.transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject());
@ -141,7 +147,7 @@ function printMap($idDiv, $iniZoom, $numLevelZooms, $latCenter, $lonCenter, $bas
function addLineString(layerName, points, color) {
function js_addLineString(layerName, points, color) {
var mapPoints = new Array(points.length);
var layer = map.getLayersByName(layerName);
@ -213,7 +219,6 @@ function makeLayer($name, $visible = true, $dot = null) { static $i = 0;
jQuery.ajax ({
data: "page=operation/gis_maps/ajax&opt="+featureData.type+"&id=" + featureData.id,
//data: "page=operation/gis_maps/ajax&opt=point_path_info&id=" + featureData.id,
type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
url: "ajax.php",
@ -251,6 +256,123 @@ function activateSelectControl($layers=null) {
* Activate the feature refresh by ajax.
* @param Array $layers Its a rows of table "tgis_map_layer" or None is all.
* @param integer $lastTimeOfData The time in unix timestamp of last query of data GIS in DB.
* @return None
function activateAjaxRefresh($layers = null, $lastTimeOfData = null) {
if ($lastTimeOfData === null) $lastTimeOfData = time();
require_jquery_file ('json');
<script type="text/javascript">
var last_time_of_data = <?php echo $lastTimeOfData; ?>; //This time use in the ajax query to next recent points.
var refreshAjaxIntervalSeconds = 1000;
var idIntervalAjax = null;
function searchPointAgentById(id) {console.log(id);
for (layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < map.getNumLayers(); layerIndex++) {
layer = map.layers[layerIndex];
if (layer.features != undefined) {
for (featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < layer.features.length; featureIndex++) {
feature = layer.features[featureIndex];
if (feature.data.id == id) {
return feature;
return null;
function refreshAjaxLayer(layer) {
var featureIdArray = Array();
for (featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < layer.features.length; featureIndex++) {
feature = layer.features[featureIndex];
if (feature.data.type != 'point_path_info') {
if (featureIdArray.length > 0) {
jQuery.ajax ({
data: "page=operation/gis_maps/ajax&opt=get_new_positions&id_features=" + featureIdArray.toString()
+ "&last_time_of_data=" + last_time_of_data,
type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
url: "ajax.php",
timeout: 10000,
success: function (data) {
if (data.correct) {
if (data.content != "null") {
listAgentsPoints = $.evalJSON(data.content);
for (var idAgent in listAgentsPoints) {
if (isInt(idAgent)) {
listPoints = listAgentsPoints[idAgent];
for (var pointIndex in listPoints) {
if (isInt(pointIndex)) {
feature = searchPointAgentById(idAgent);
var point = new OpenLayers.LonLat(listPoints[pointIndex].longitude, listPoints[pointIndex].latitude)
.transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject());
feature.data.long_lat = point;
function clock_ajax_refresh() {
for (layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < map.getNumLayers(); layerIndex++) {
layer = map.layers[layerIndex];
if ($layers === null) {
else {
foreach ($layers as $layer) {
if (layer.name == '<?php echo $layer['layer_name']; ?>') {
//last_time_of_data = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); //Unixtimestamp
$(document).ready (
function () {
idIntervalAjax = setInterval("clock_ajax_refresh()", refreshAjaxIntervalSeconds);
function addPoint($layerName, $pointName, $lat, $lon, $icon = null, $width = 20, $height = 20, $point_id = '', $type_string = '') {
<script type="text/javascript">
@ -259,15 +381,17 @@ function addPoint($layerName, $pointName, $lat, $lon, $icon = null, $width = 20,
if ($icon != null) {
addPointExtent('<?php echo $layerName; ?>',
js_addPointExtent('<?php echo $layerName; ?>',
'<?php echo $pointName; ?>', <?php echo $lon; ?>,
<?php echo $lat; ?>, '<?php echo $icon; ?>', <?php echo $width; ?>, <?php echo $height?>, <?php echo $point_id; ?>, '<?php echo $type_string; ?>');
<?php echo $lat; ?>, '<?php echo $icon; ?>', <?php echo $width; ?>,
<?php echo $height?>, <?php echo $point_id; ?>, '<?php echo $type_string; ?>');
else {
addPoint('<?php echo $layerName; ?>',
'<?php echo $pointName; ?>', <?php echo $lon; ?>, <?php echo $lat; ?>, <?php echo $point_id; ?>, '<?php echo $type_string; ?>');
js_addPoint('<?php echo $layerName; ?>',
'<?php echo $pointName; ?>', <?php echo $lon; ?>, <?php echo $lat; ?>, <?php echo $point_id; ?>,
'<?php echo $type_string; ?>');
@ -282,7 +406,7 @@ function addPointPath($layerName, $lat, $lon, $color, $manual = 1, $id) {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready (
function () {
addPointPath('<?php echo $layerName; ?>', <?php echo $lon; ?>, <?php echo $lat; ?>, '<?php echo $color; ?>', <?php echo $manual; ?>, <?php echo $id; ?>);
js_addPointPath('<?php echo $layerName; ?>', <?php echo $lon; ?>, <?php echo $lat; ?>, '<?php echo $color; ?>', <?php echo $manual; ?>, <?php echo $id; ?>);
@ -328,8 +452,28 @@ function get_agent_icon_map($idAgent, $state = false) {
$icon = "images/gis_map/icons/" . $row['icon_path'];
if (!$state)
return $icon . ".png";
return $icon . "_" . $state . ".png";
else {
switch (get_agent_status($idAgent)) {
case 1:
case 4:
//Critical (BAD or ALERT)
$state = "_bad";
case 0:
//Normal (OK)
$state = "_ok";
case 2:
$state = "_warning";
// Default is Grey (Other)
$state = '';
return $icon . $state . ".png";
@ -337,33 +481,6 @@ function addPath($layerName, $idAgent) {
$listPoints = get_db_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_data WHERE tagente_id_agente = ' . $idAgent . ' ORDER BY end_timestamp ASC');
if ($idAgent == 1) {
$listPoints = array(
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.709, 'latitude' => 40.422, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 1),
array('id_tgis_data' => 1, 'longitude' => -3.710, 'latitude' => 40.420, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 2, 'longitude' => -3.711, 'latitude' => 40.420, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 1),
array('id_tgis_data' => 3, 'longitude' => -3.712, 'latitude' => 40.422, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 4, 'longitude' => -3.708187, 'latitude' => 40.42056, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0)
if ($idAgent == 2) {
$listPoints = array(
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.703, 'latitude' => 40.420, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.704, 'latitude' => 40.422, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.706, 'latitude' => 40.422, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0)
if ($idAgent == 3) {
$listPoints = array(
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.701, 'latitude' => 40.425, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.703, 'latitude' => 40.422, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.708, 'latitude' => 40.424, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0),
array('id_tgis_data' => 0, 'longitude' => -3.705, 'latitude' => 40.421, 'altitude' => 0, 'manual_placement' => 0)
$avaliableColors = array("#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#000000");
$randomIndex = array_rand($avaliableColors);
@ -387,7 +504,7 @@ function addPath($layerName, $idAgent) {
addLineString('<?php echo $layerName; ?>', points, '<?php echo $color; ?>');
js_addLineString('<?php echo $layerName; ?>', points, '<?php echo $color; ?>');
@ -593,4 +710,65 @@ function getAgentMap($agent_id, $heigth, $width, $show_history = false, $history
addPoint("layer_for_agent_".$agent_name, $agent_name, $agent_position['last_latitude'], $agent_position['last_longitude'], $agent_icon, 20, 20, $agent_id, 'point_agent_info');
* Return a array of images as icons in the /pandora_console/images/gis_map/icons.
* @param boolean $fullpath Return as image.png or full path.
* @return Array The array is [N][3], where the N index is name base of icon and [N]['ok'] ok image, [N]['bad'] bad image, [N]['warning'] warning image and [N]['default] default image
function getArrayListIcons($fullpath = true) {
$return = array();
$validExtensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
$path = '';
if ($fullpath)
$path = 'images/gis_map/icons/';
$dir = scandir('images/gis_map/icons/');
foreach ($dir as $index => $item) {
$chunks = explode('.', $item);
$extension = end($chunks);
if (!in_array($extension, $validExtensions))
$baseImages = array();
$stateImages = array();
foreach ($dir as $item) {
if (strstr($item, "_") !== false)
$stateImages[] = $item;
$baseImages[] = $item;
foreach ($baseImages as $item) {
$chunks = explode('.', $item);
$extension = end($chunks);
$nameWithoutExtension = str_replace("." . $extension, "", $item);
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['ok'] = null;
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['bad'] = null;
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['warning'] = null;
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['default'] = $path . $item;
if (in_array($nameWithoutExtension.'_bad.' . $extension, $stateImages))
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['bad'] = $path . $nameWithoutExtension.'_bad.' . $extension;
if (in_array($nameWithoutExtension.'_ok.' . $extension, $stateImages))
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['ok'] = $path . $nameWithoutExtension.'_ok.' . $extension;
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['bad'] = $path . $nameWithoutExtension.'_bad.' . $extension;
if (in_array($nameWithoutExtension.'_warning.' . $extension, $stateImages))
$return[$nameWithoutExtension]['warning'] = $path . $nameWithoutExtension.'_warning.' . $extension;
return $return;
@ -24,6 +24,31 @@ require_once ('include/functions_ui.php');
$opt = get_parameter('opt');
switch ($opt) {
case 'get_new_positions':
$id_features = get_parameter('id_features', '');
$last_time_of_data = get_parameter('last_time_of_data');
$returnJSON = array();
$returnJSON['correct'] = 1;
$rows = get_db_all_rows_sql('SELECT *
FROM tgis_data
WHERE tagente_id_agente IN (' . $id_features . ') AND start_timestamp > from_unixtime(' . $last_time_of_data . ')');
$listCoords = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$coords['latitude'] = $row['latitude'];
$coords['longitude'] = $row['longitude'];
$coords['start_timestamp'] = $row['start_timestamp'];
$coords['id_tgis_data'] = $row['id_tgis_data'];
$listcoords[$row['tagente_id_agente']][] = $coords;
$returnJSON['content'] = json_encode($listcoords);
echo json_encode($returnJSON);
case 'point_path_info':
$id = get_parameter('id');
$row = get_db_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_data WHERE id_tgis_data = ' . $id);
@ -81,32 +81,19 @@ if ($layers != false) {
if ($coords['last_latitude'] == null)
switch (get_agent_status($idAgent)) {
case 1:
case 4:
//Critical (BAD or ALERT)
$status = "bad";
case 0:
//Normal (OK)
$status = "ok";
case 2:
$status = "warning";
// Default is Grey (Other)
$status = false;
$icon = get_agent_icon_map($idAgent, $status);
if ($show_history=='y'){
addPath($layer['layer_name'], $idAgent);
$icon = get_agent_icon_map($idAgent, true);
if ($show_history == 'y') {
addPath($layer['layer_name'], $idAgent);
addPoint($layer['layer_name'], $agentName, $coords['last_latitude'], $coords['last_longitude'], $icon, 20, 20, $idAgent, 'point_agent_info');
$timestampLastOperation = get_db_value_sql("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()");
activateAjaxRefresh($layers, $timestampLastOperation);
Reference in New Issue