Started the DB migration files to 6.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_templates`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `talert_templates` ADD COLUMN `field1_recovery` text NOT NULL;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_actions`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field1_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field2_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field3_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field4_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field5_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field6_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field7_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field8_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field9_recovery` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD COLUMN `field10_recovery` text NOT NULL;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `tconfig` (`token`, `value`) VALUES
('graph_color4', '#FF66CC'),
('graph_color5', '#CC0000'),
('graph_color6', '#0033FF'),
('graph_color7', '#99FF99'),
('graph_color8', '#330066'),
('graph_color9', '#66FFFF'),
('graph_color10', '#6666FF');
UPDATE tconfig SET `value`='#FFFF00' WHERE `token`='graph_color2';
UPDATE tconfig SET `value`='#FF6600' WHERE `token`='graph_color3';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE tgraph_source MODIFY COLUMN `weight` float(8,3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig_os`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `tconfig_os` (`name`, `description`, `icon_name`) VALUES ('Router', 'Generic router', 'so_router.png');
INSERT INTO `tconfig_os` (`name`, `description`, `icon_name`) VALUES ('Switch', 'Generic switch', 'so_switch.png');
INSERT INTO `tconfig_os` (`name`, `description`, `icon_name`) VALUES ('Satellite', 'Satellite agent', 'satellite.png');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `min_ff_event_normal` int(4) unsigned default '0';
ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `min_ff_event_warning` int(4) unsigned default '0';
ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `min_ff_event_critical` int(4) unsigned default '0';
ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `each_ff` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0';
/* 2014/05/31 */
ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `ff_timeout` int(4) unsigned default '0';
/* 2014/03/18 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tmodule_relationship`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tmodule_relationship` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`module_a` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`module_b` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`disable_update` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
FOREIGN KEY (`module_a`) REFERENCES tagente_modulo(`id_agente_modulo`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (`module_b`) REFERENCES tagente_modulo(`id_agente_modulo`) ON DELETE CASCADE
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `id_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
/* 2014/03/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f11_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f12_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f13_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f14_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f15_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f16_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f17_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f18_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f19_` text;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `_snmp_f20_` text;
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_map` ADD COLUMN `l2_network` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tlayout_data`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tlayout_data` ADD COLUMN `id_group` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE `tlayout_data` ADD COLUMN `id_custom_graph` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_1` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 2;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_3` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 3;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_4` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 4;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_5` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 5;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_6` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 6;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_7` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 7;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_8` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 8;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_9` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 9;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_10` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 10;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_11` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 11;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_12` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 12;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_13` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 13;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_14` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 14;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_15` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 15;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_16` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 16;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_17` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 17;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_18` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 18;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_19` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 19;
ALTER TABLE `talert_snmp` ADD COLUMN `order_20` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 20;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp_action`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `talert_snmp_action` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`id_alert_snmp` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`alert_type` int(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`al_field1` text NOT NULL,
`al_field2` text NOT NULL,
`al_field3` text NOT NULL,
`al_field4` text NOT NULL,
`al_field5` text NOT NULL,
`al_field6` text NOT NULL,
`al_field7` text NOT NULL,
`al_field8` text NOT NULL,
`al_field9` text NOT NULL,
`al_field10` text NOT NULL,
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `treport`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `treport` ADD COLUMN `non_interactive` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
/* 2014/04/11 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `trecon_script` and `trecon_task`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `trecon_script` ADD COLUMN `macros` TEXT;
ALTER TABLE `trecon_task` ADD COLUMN `macros` TEXT;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `trecon_script`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `trecon_script` (`name`, `description`, `script`, `macros`) VALUES ('SNMP L2 Recon','Pandora FMS SNMP Recon Plugin for level 2 network topology discovery.
(c) Artica ST 2014 <>


   ./ <task_id> <group_id> <create_incident> <custom_field1> <custom_field2> [custom_field3] [custom_field4]

 * custom_field1 = comma separated list of networks (i.e.:,
 * custom_field2 = comma separated list of snmp communities to try.
 * custom_field3 = a router in the network. Optional but recommended.

 * custom_field4 = set to -a to add all network interfaces (by default only interfaces that are up are added).

 Additional information:
When the script is called from a recon task the task_id, group_id and create_incident parameters are automatically filled by the Pandora FMS Server.','/usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts/','{\"1\":{\"macro\":\"_field1_\",\"desc\":\"Network\",\"help\":\"Comma separated list of networks (i.e.:,\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"2\":{\"macro\":\"_field2_\",\"desc\":\"Community\",\"help\":\"Comma separated list of snmp communities to try.\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"3\":{\"macro\":\"_field3_\",\"desc\":\"Router\",\"help\":\"A router in the network. Optional but recommended.\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"4\":{\"macro\":\"_field4_\",\"desc\":\"Optional parameter\",\"help\":\"Set to -a to add all network interfaces (by default only interfaces that are up are added).\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"}}');
INSERT INTO `trecon_script` (`name`, `description`, `script`, `macros`) VALUES ('WMI Recon Script','This script is used to automatically gather host information via WMI.
Available parameters:

* Network = network to scan (e.g.
* WMI auth = comma separated list of WMI authentication tokens in the format username%password (e.g. Administrador%pass).

See the documentation for more information.','/usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts/','{\"1\":{\"macro\":\"_field1_\",\"desc\":\"Network\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"2\":{\"macro\":\"_field2_\",\"desc\":\"WMI auth\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"}}');
/* 2014/04/10 */
ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(150) NULL;
/* 2014/05/05 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tlink`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UPDATE `tlink` SET `link`='' WHERE `name`='Pandora FMS Manual';
/* 2014/05/07 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `tconfig` (`token`, `value`) VALUES
('custom_report_front', 0),
('custom_report_front_font', 'FreeSans.ttf'),
('custom_report_front_logo', 'images/pandora_logo_white.jpg'),
('custom_report_front_header', ''),
('custom_report_front_footer', '');
/* 2014/05/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_profile`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile` WHERE `id_np`=1;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile` WHERE `id_np`=4;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile` WHERE `id_np`=5;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile` WHERE `id_np`=6;
/* 2014/05/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_profile_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile_component` WHERE `id_np`=1;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile_component` WHERE `id_np`=4;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile_component` WHERE `id_np`=5;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile_component` WHERE `id_np`=6;
DELETE FROM `tnetwork_profile_component` WHERE `id_nc`=24 AND `id_np`=3;
/* 2014/05/25 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `min_ff_event_normal` int(4) unsigned default '0';
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `min_ff_event_warning` int(4) unsigned default '0';
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `min_ff_event_critical` int(4) unsigned default '0';
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `each_ff` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0';
/* 2014/05/30 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnews`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tnews` ADD COLUMN `id_group` int(10) NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE `tnews` ADD COLUMN `modal` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE `tnews` ADD COLUMN `expire` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0;
/* 2014/05/31 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_estado`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tagente_estado` ADD COLUMN `ff_start_utimestamp` bigint(20) default 0;
/* 2014/06/24 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `trecon_script`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `trecon_script` WHERE id_recon_script=1;
/* 2014/08/07 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo MODIFY COLUMN `post_process` double(24,15) default 0;
/* 2014/08/18 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_commands`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `talert_commands` (`name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES ('Integria IMS Ticket','Internal type','This alert create a ticket into your Integria IMS.',1,'[\"Integria IMS API path\",\"Integria IMS API pass\",\"Integria IMS user\",\"Ticket title\",\"Ticket group ID\",\"Ticket priority\",\"Ticket description\"]','[\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"10,Maintenance;0,Informative;1,Low;2,Medium;3,Serious;4,Very Serious\",\"\"]');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_actions`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SET @command_id = (SELECT id FROM talert_commands WHERE name='Integria IMS Ticket');
INSERT INTO `talert_actions` (`name`, `id_alert_command`, `field1`, `field2`, `field3`, `field4`, `field5`, `field6`, `field7`, `field8`, `field9`, `field10`, `id_group`, `action_threshold`) VALUES ('Create a ticket in Integria IMS',@command_id,'http://localhost/integria/include/api.php','1234','admin','_agent_: _alert_name_','1','3','_alert_description_','','','',0,0);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `tconfig` WHERE `token`='sla_period';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `network_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UPDATE `tnetwork_component` SET `module_interval`= 3600 WHERE `id_nc`=53;
UPDATE `tnetwork_component` SET `post_process`= 0.000000115740741 WHERE `id_nc`=53;
UPDATE `tnetwork_component` SET `unit`= 'day' WHERE `id_nc`=53;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` MODIFY COLUMN `post_process` DOUBLE(24,15) DEFAULT 0;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` MODIFY COLUMN `post_process` DOUBLE(24,15) DEFAULT 0;
@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_templates`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE talert_templates ADD (field1_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_actions`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field1_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field2_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field3_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field4_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field5_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field6_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field7_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field8_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field9_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_actions ADD (field10_recovery CLOB default '' NULL);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color4', '#FF66CC');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color5', '#CC0000');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color6', '#0033FF');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color7', '#99FF99');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color8', '#330066');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color9', '#66FFFF');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('graph_color10', '#6666FF');
UPDATE tconfig SET value='#FFFF00' WHERE token='graph_color2';
UPDATE tconfig SET value='#FF6600' WHERE token='graph_color3';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig_os`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO tconfig_os VALUES (17, 'Router', 'Generic router', 'so_router.png');
INSERT INTO tconfig_os VALUES (18, 'Switch', 'Generic switch', 'so_switch.png');
INSERT INTO tconfig_os VALUES (19, 'Satellite', 'Satellite agent', 'satellite.png');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* 2014/05/21 */
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN min_ff_event_normal INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN min_ff_event_warning INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN min_ff_event_critical INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN each_ff NUMBER(1, 0) default 0;
/* 2014/05/31 */
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN ff_timeout INTEGER unsigned default 0;
/* 2014/03/18 */
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tmodule_relationship`
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmodule_relationship (
module_a NUMBER(10, 0) NOT NULL REFERENCES tagente_modulo(id_agente_modulo)
module_b NUMBER(10, 0) NOT NULL REFERENCES tagente_modulo(id_agente_modulo)
disable_update NUMBER(1, 0) default 0 NOT NULL
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tmodule_relationship_inc BEFORE INSERT ON tmodule_relationship REFERENCING NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT tmodule_relationship_s.nextval INTO :NEW.ID FROM dual; END;;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (id_group NUMBER(10, 0) default 0 NOT NULL);
/* 2014/03/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f11_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f12_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f13_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f14_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f15_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f16_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f17_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f18_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f19_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (_snmp_f20_ CLOB default '');
ALTER TABLE tnetwork_map ADD (l2_network NUMBER(1, 0) default 0 NOT NULL);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tlayout_data`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `tlayout_data` ADD COLUMN id_group NUMBER(10, 0) default 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `tlayout_data` ADD COLUMN id_custom_graph NUMBER(10, 0) default 0 NOT NULL;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_snmp`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_1 NUMBER(10, 0) default 1 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_2 NUMBER(10, 0) default 2 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_3 NUMBER(10, 0) default 3 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_4 NUMBER(10, 0) default 4 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_5 NUMBER(10, 0) default 5 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_6 NUMBER(10, 0) default 6 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_7 NUMBER(10, 0) default 7 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_8 NUMBER(10, 0) default 8 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_9 NUMBER(10, 0) default 9 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_10 NUMBER(10, 0) default 10 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_11 NUMBER(10, 0) default 11 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_12 NUMBER(10, 0) default 12 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_13 NUMBER(10, 0) default 13 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_14 NUMBER(10, 0) default 14 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_15 NUMBER(10, 0) default 15 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_16 NUMBER(10, 0) default 16 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_17 NUMBER(10, 0) default 17 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_18 NUMBER(10, 0) default 18 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_19 NUMBER(10, 0) default 19 NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE talert_snmp ADD (order_20 NUMBER(10, 0) default 20 NOT NULL);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table talert_snmp_action
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE talert_snmp_action (
id_alert_snmp NUMBER(10, 0) NOT NULL default 0,
alert_type NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL default 0,
al_field1 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field2 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field3 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field4 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field5 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field6 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field7 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field8 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field9 CLOB default '' NOT NULL,
al_field10 CLOB default '' NOT NULL
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table treport
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE treport ADD (non_interactive NUMBER(5, 0) default 0 NOT NULL);
/* 2014/04/10 */
ALTER TABLE treport_content ADD (name VARCHAR2(150) default NULL);
/* 2014/04/11 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `trecon_script` and `trecon_task`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE trecon_script ADD (macros CLOB default '' NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE trecon_task ADD (macros CLOB default '' NOT NULL);
/* 2014/05/05 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table tlink
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UPDATE tlink SET link='' WHERE name='Pandora FMS Manual';
/* 2014/05/07 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('custom_report_front', 0);
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('custom_report_front_font', 'FreeSans.ttf');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('custom_report_front_logo', 'images/pandora_logo_white.jpg');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('custom_report_front_header', '');
INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('custom_report_front_footer', '');
/* 2014/05/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_profile`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile WHERE id_np=1;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile WHERE id_np=4;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile WHERE id_np=5;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile WHERE id_np=6;
/* 2014/05/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_profile_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_np=1;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_np=4;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_np=5;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_np=6;
DELETE FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_nc=24 AND id_np=3;
/* 2014/05/25 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE tnetwork_component ADD COLUMN min_ff_event_normal INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE tnetwork_component ADD COLUMN min_ff_event_warning INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE tnetwork_component ADD COLUMN min_ff_event_critical INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE tnetwork_component ADD COLUMN each_ff NUMBER(1, 0) default 0;
/* 2014/05/30 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnews`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE tnews ADD COLUMN id_group NUMBER(10, 0) default 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE tnews ADD COLUMN modal NUMBER(5, 0) default 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE tnews ADD COLUMN expire NUMBER(5, 0) default 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE tnews ADD COLUMN expire_timestamp TIMESTAMP default NULL;
/* 2014/05/31 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_estado`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE tagente_estado ADD COLUMN ff_start_utimestamp NUMBER(10, 0) default 0;
/* 2014/06/24 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table trecon_script
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM trecon_script WHERE id_recon_script=1;
/* 2014/08/07 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo MODIFY COLUMN post_process NUMBER(18,15) default 0;
/* 2014/08/18 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_commands`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO talert_commands (name, command, description, internal, fields_descriptions, fields_values) VALUES ('Integria IMS Ticket','Internal type','This alert create a ticket into your Integria IMS.',1,'[\"Integria IMS API path\",\"Integria IMS API pass\",\"Integria IMS user\",\"Ticket title\",\"Ticket group ID\",\"Ticket priority\",\"Ticket description\"]','[\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"10,Maintenance;0,Informative;1,Low;2,Medium;3,Serious;4,Very Serious\",\"\"]');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_actions`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO talert_actions (name, id_alert_command, field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, id_group, action_threshold) VALUES ('Create a ticket in Integria IMS',13,'http://localhost/integria/include/api.php','1234','admin','_agent_: _alert_name_','1','3','_alert_description_','','','',0,0);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM tconfig WHERE token='sla_period';
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table "talert_templates"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "talert_templates" ADD COLUMN "field1_recovery" text NULL default '';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table "talert_actions"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field1_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field2_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field3_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field4_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field5_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field6_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field7_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field8_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field9_recovery" text NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_actions" ADD COLUMN "field10_recovery" text NULL default '';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table "tconfig"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO "tconfig" ("token", "value") VALUES
('graph_color4', '#FF66CC'),
('graph_color5', '#CC0000'),
('graph_color6', '#0033FF'),
('graph_color7', '#99FF99'),
('graph_color8', '#330066'),
('graph_color9', '#66FFFF'),
('graph_color10', '#6666FF');
UPDATE "tconfig" SET "value"='#FFFF00' WHERE "token"='graph_color2';
UPDATE "tconfig" SET "value"='#FF6600' WHERE "token"='graph_color3';
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table "tconfig_os"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO "tconfig_os" VALUES (17, 'Router', 'Generic router', 'so_router.png');
INSERT INTO "tconfig_os" VALUES (18, 'Switch', 'Generic switch', 'so_switch.png');
INSERT INTO "tconfig_os" VALUES (19, 'Satellite', 'Satellite agent', 'satellite.png');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* 2014/05/21 */
ALTER TABLE "tagente_modulo" ADD COLUMN "min_ff_event_normal" INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tagente_modulo" ADD COLUMN "min_ff_event_warning" INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tagente_modulo" ADD COLUMN "min_ff_event_critical" INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tagente_modulo" ADD COLUMN "each_ff" SMALLINT default 0;
/* 2014/05/31 */
ALTER TABLE "tagente_modulo" ADD COLUMN "ff_timeout" INTEGER unsigned default 0;
/* 2014/03/18 */
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tmodule_relationship`
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE "tmodule_relationship" (
"module_a" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES tagente_modulo("id_agente_modulo")
"module_b" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES tagente_modulo("id_agente_modulo")
"disable_update" SMALLINT NOT NULL default 0
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table "talert_snmp"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "id_group" INTEGER NOT NULL default 0;
/* 2014/03/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table "talert_snmp"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f11_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f12_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f13_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f14_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f15_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f16_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f17_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f18_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f19_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "talert_snmp" ADD COLUMN "_snmp_f20_" text DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE "tnetwork_map" ADD COLUMN "l2_network" SMALLINT NOT NULL default 0;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tlayout_data`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "tlayout_data" ADD COLUMN "id_group" INTEGER NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tlayout_data" ADD COLUMN "id_custom_graph" INTEGER NOT NULL default 0;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table talert_snmp_action
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE "talert_snmp_action" (
"id_alert_snmp" INTEGER default 0,
"alert_type" INTEGER default 0,
"al_field1" TEXT default '',
"al_field2" TEXT default '',
"al_field3" TEXT default '',
"al_field4" TEXT default '',
"al_field5" TEXT default '',
"al_field6" TEXT default '',
"al_field7" TEXT default '',
"al_field8" TEXT default '',
"al_field9" TEXT default '',
"al_field10" TEXT default ''
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table treport
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "treport" ADD COLUMN "non_interactive" SMALLINT DEFAULT 0;
/* 2014/04/10 */
ALTER TABLE "treport_content" ADD COLUMN "name" varchar(150) NULL;
/* 2014/04/11 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `trecon_script` and `trecon_task`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "trecon_script" ADD COLUMN "macros" TEXT default '';
ALTER TABLE "trecon_task" ADD COLUMN "macros" TEXT default '';
/* 2014/05/05 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table tlink
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UPDATE "tlink" SET "link"='' WHERE "name"='Pandora FMS Manual';
/* 2014/05/07 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tconfig`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO "tconfig" ("token", "value") VALUES
('custom_report_front', 0),
('custom_report_front_font', 'FreeSans.ttf'),
('custom_report_front_logo', 'images/pandora_logo_white.jpg'),
('custom_report_front_header', ''),
('custom_report_front_footer', '');
/* 2014/05/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_profile`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile" WHERE "id_np"=1;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile" WHERE "id_np"=4;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile" WHERE "id_np"=5;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile" WHERE "id_np"=6;
/* 2014/05/19 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_profile_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile_component" WHERE "id_np"=1;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile_component" WHERE "id_np"=4;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile_component" WHERE "id_np"=5;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile_component" WHERE "id_np"=6;
DELETE FROM "tnetwork_profile_component" WHERE "id_nc"=24 AND "id_np"=3;
/* 2014/05/25 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnetwork_component`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "tnetwork_component" ADD COLUMN "min_ff_event_normal" INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tnetwork_component" ADD COLUMN "min_ff_event_warning" INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tnetwork_component" ADD COLUMN "min_ff_event_critical" INTEGER default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tnetwork_component" ADD COLUMN "each_ff" SMALLINT default 0;
/* 2014/05/30 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tnews`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "tnews" ADD COLUMN "id_group" INTEGER NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE "tnews" ADD COLUMN "expire_timestamp" TIMESTAMP without time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00';
/* 2014/05/31 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_estado`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "tagente_estado" ADD COLUMN "ff_start_utimestamp" BIGINT default 0;
/* 2014/06/24 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table trecon_script
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM "trecon_script" WHERE "id_recon_script"=1;
/* 2014/08/07 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `tagente_modulo`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "tagente_modulo" MODIFY COLUMN "post_process" NUMERIC(18,15) default 0;
/* 2014/08/18 */
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_commands`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO "talert_commands" ("name", "command", "description", "internal", "fields_descriptions", "fields_values") VALUES ('Integria IMS Ticket','Internal type','This alert create a ticket into your Integria IMS.',1,'[\"Integria IMS API path\",\"Integria IMS API pass\",\"Integria IMS user\",\"Ticket title\",\"Ticket group ID\",\"Ticket priority\",\"Ticket description\"]','[\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"10,Maintenance;0,Informative;1,Low;2,Medium;3,Serious;4,Very Serious\",\"\"]');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Table `talert_actions`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO "talert_actions" ("name", "id_alert_command", "field1", "field2", "field3", "field4", "field5", "field6", "field7", "field8", "field9", "field10", "id_group", "action_threshold") VALUES ('Create a ticket in Integria IMS',13,'http://localhost/integria/include/api.php','1234','admin','_agent_: _alert_name_','1','3','_alert_description_','','','',0,0);
Reference in New Issue