Fixed adition of the snmp actions alerts. TICKET: #2417

This commit is contained in:
mdtrooper 2015-07-14 14:07:04 +02:00
parent 656e7ab3bf
commit 46516385e9
1 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ $save_alert = (bool)get_parameter('save_alert', false);
$modify_alert = (bool)get_parameter('modify_alert', false);
$delete_alert = (bool)get_parameter('delete_alert', false);
$multiple_delete = (bool)get_parameter('multiple_delete', false);
$add_action = get_parameter('addbutton', '');
$add_action = (bool)get_parameter('add_alert', 0);
$delete_action = get_parameter('delete_action', 0);
if ($add_action == "Add") {
if ($add_action) {
$values['id_alert_snmp'] = get_parameter('id_alert_snmp');
$values['alert_type'] = get_parameter('alert_type');
$values['al_field1'] = get_parameter('field1_value');
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ if ($add_action == "Add") {
$values['al_field8'] = get_parameter('field8_value');
$values['al_field9'] = get_parameter('field9_value');
$values['al_field10'] = get_parameter('field10_value');
$result = db_process_sql_insert('talert_snmp_action', $values);
if ($delete_action) {
$action_id = get_parameter('action_id');
$result = db_process_sql_delete('talert_snmp_action', array('id'=>$action_id));
@ -466,10 +466,12 @@ if ($multiple_delete) {
if ($count == $total) {
ui_print_success_message(__('Successfully deleted alerts (%s / %s)', $count, $total));
__('Successfully deleted alerts (%s / %s)', $count, $total));
else {
ui_print_error_message(__('Unsuccessfully deleted alerts (%s / %s)', $count, $total));
__('Unsuccessfully deleted alerts (%s / %s)', $count, $total));
@ -506,16 +508,19 @@ if ($create_alert || $update_alert) {
echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="databox filter" style="font-weight: bold">';
// Description
echo '<tr><td class="datos" valign="top">'.__('Description').'</td><td class="datos">';
html_print_textarea('description', 3, 2, $description, 'style="width:400px;"');
//html_print_input_text ("description", $description, '', 60);
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr>' .
'<td class="datos" valign="top">' . __('Description') . '</td>' .
'<td class="datos">';
html_print_textarea('description', 3, 2, $description, 'style="width:400px;"');
echo '</td>' .
//echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>' . __('Alert filters') . ui_print_help_icon("snmp_alert_filters", true) . '</b></td></tr>';
// OID
echo '<tr id="tr-oid"><td class="datos2">'.__('Enterprise String').'</td><td class="datos2">';
echo '<tr id="tr-oid">' .
'<td class="datos2">' . __('Enterprise String') . '</td>' .
'<td class="datos2">';
html_print_input_text ("oid", $oid, '', 50, 255);
echo '</td></tr>';
@ -1126,6 +1131,7 @@ else {
html_print_div(array('id' => 'help_snmp_alert_hint', 'content' => ui_print_help_icon ("snmp_alert_field1", true), 'hidden' => true));
echo '</table>';
html_print_input_hidden('add_alert', 1);
echo html_print_submit_button (__('Add'), 'addbutton', false, array('class' => "sub next", 'style' => "float:right"), true);
echo '</form>';
echo '</div>';