2011-04-12 Javier Lanz <javier.lanz@artica.es>
* include/functions_reporting.php: Fixed the functionality for the sla horitontal bar graph. Truncated some agent and module names. Cleaned the code style * include/ajax/reporting.ajax.php: Added functionality to add & delete elements from the global reports * include/functions_ui.php: Added function printSmallFont * godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.item_editor.php: Fixed a wee problem with the module combo size git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@4195 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
2011-04-12 Javier Lanz <javier.lanz@artica.es>
* include/functions_reporting.php: Fixed the functionality for the sla
horitontal bar graph. Truncated some agent and module names. Cleaned the
code style
* include/ajax/reporting.ajax.php: Added functionality to add & delete
elements from the global reports
* include/functions_ui.php: Added function printSmallFont
* godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.item_editor.php: Fixed a wee
problem with the module combo size
2011-04-12 Juan Manuel Ramon <juanmanuel.ramon@artica.es>
* extensions/users_connected.php
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ switch ($action) {
$line = null;
$description = null;
$sql = null;
$group = null;
$group = 0;
$only_display_wrong = 0;
$monday = true;
$tuesday = true;
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ switch ($action) {
case 'event_report_group':
$description = $item['description'];
$period = $item['period'];
$group = $item['id_agent'];
$group = $item['id_group'];
case 'event_report_module':
$description = $item['description'];
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ print_input_hidden('id_item', $idItem);
<tr id="row_module" style="" class="datos">
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><?php echo __('Module'); ?></td>
<td style="">
<td style="max-width: 180px">
if($idAgent) {
$sql = "SELECT id_agente_modulo, nombre FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = " . $idAgent;
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ print_input_hidden('id_item', $idItem);
else {
<select id="id_agent_module" name="id_agent_module" disabled="disabled">
<select style="max-width: 180px" id="id_agent_module" name="id_agent_module" disabled="disabled">
<option value="0"><?php echo __('Select an Agent first'); ?></option>
@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ function print_SLA_list($width, $action, $idItem = null) {
$nameModule = get_db_value_filter('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $item['id_agent_module']));
echo '<tr id="sla_' . $item['id'] . '" style="" class="datos">
<td>' . printTruncateText($nameAgent, 20) . '</td>
<td>' . printTruncateText($nameModule, 20) . '</td>
<td>' . printSmallFont($nameAgent) . '</td>
<td>' . printSmallFont($nameModule) . '</td>
<td>' . $item['sla_min'] . '</td>
<td>' . $item['sla_max'] . '</td>
<td>' . $item['sla_limit'] . '</td>
@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ function print_General_list($width, $action, $idItem = null) {
$nameModule = get_db_value_filter('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $item['id_agent_module']));
echo '<tr id="general_' . $item['id'] . '" style="" class="datos">
<td>' . printTruncateText($nameAgent, 35) . '</td>
<td>' . printTruncateText($nameModule, 35) . '</td>
<td>' . printSmallFont($nameAgent) . '</td>
<td>' . printSmallFont($nameModule) . '</td>
<td style="text-align: center;">
<a href="javascript: deleteGeneralRow(' . $item['id'] . ');">' . print_image("images/cross.png", true) . '</a>
@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW")) {
$delete_sla_item = get_parameter('delete_sla_item', 0);
$delete_general_item = get_parameter('delete_general_item', 0);
$get_custom_sql = get_parameter('get_custom_sql', 0);
$add_sla = get_parameter('add_sla', 0);
$add_general = get_parameter('add_general', 0);
$id = get_parameter('id', 0);
$truncate_text = get_parameter ('truncate_text', 0);
@ -44,6 +46,18 @@ if ($delete_sla_item) {
if ($delete_general_item) {
$result = process_sql_delete('treport_content_item', array('id' => (int)$id));
$data['correct'] = 1;
if ($result === false) {
$data['correct'] = 0;
echo json_encode($data);
if ($add_sla) {
$id_module = get_parameter('id_module', 0);
$sla_limit = get_parameter('sla_limit', 0);
@ -69,6 +83,25 @@ if ($add_sla) {
if ($add_general) {
$id_module = get_parameter('id_module', 0);
$result = process_sql_insert('treport_content_item', array(
'id_report_content' => $id,
'id_agent_module' => $id_module));
if ($result === false) {
$data['correct'] = 0;
else {
$data['correct'] = 1;
$data['id'] = $result;
echo json_encode($data);
if ($get_custom_sql) {
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
@ -389,9 +389,15 @@ function get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $ma
global $config;
// Initialize variables
if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time ();
if ((empty ($period)) OR ($period == 0)) $period = $config["sla_period"];
if ($daysWeek === null) $daysWeek = array();
if (empty ($date)) {
$date = get_system_time ();
if ((empty ($period)) OR ($period == 0)) {
$period = $config["sla_period"];
if ($daysWeek === null) {
$daysWeek = array();
// Limit date to start searching data
$datelimit = $date - $period;
@ -405,7 +411,7 @@ function get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $ma
$days = array();
//Translate to mysql week days
if ($daysWeek)
if ($daysWeek) {
foreach ($daysWeek as $key => $value) {
if (!$value) {
if ($key == 'monday') {
@ -431,6 +437,7 @@ function get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $ma
if (count($days) > 0) {
$sql .= ' AND DAYOFWEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) NOT IN (' . implode(',', $days) . ')';
@ -445,7 +452,9 @@ function get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $ma
$sql .= ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC';
$interval_data = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql, true);
if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array ();
if ($interval_data === false) {
$interval_data = array ();
// Get previous data
$previous_data = get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit);
@ -528,9 +537,23 @@ function get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value =
$time = (string) get_parameter ('time', date ('h:iA'));
$datetime = strtotime ($date.' '.$time);
//Get the module_interval
$interval = get_module_interval ($id_agent_module);
if ($period < 3600) {
$k = 6;
} elseif ($period < 86400) {
$k = 24;
} elseif ($period < 172800) {
$k = 48;
} else {
$k = 100;
$slices = $config["graph_res"] * $k;
$sub_period = $period / $slices;
if ($sub_period < $interval) {
$sub_period = $interval;
$final_time = $datetime - $period + $sub_period;
$data = array();
@ -538,13 +561,13 @@ function get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value =
while ($final_time <= $datetime) {
$sla_value = get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $sub_period, $min_value, $max_value, $final_time,
$days, $timeFrom, $timeTo);
if ($sla_value == false) {// 4 for the Unknown value
if ($sla_value === false || $sla_value < 0) {// 4 for the Unknown value
$data[$i] = 4;
} elseif (($sla_value >= ($sla_limit - 10)) && ($sla_value <= ($sla_limit + 10))) {//2 when value is within the edges
$data[$i] = 2;
} elseif ($sla_value > ($sla_limit + 10)) { //1 when value is OK
$data[$i] = 1;
} elseif ($sla_value < ($sla_value - 10)) { //3 when value is Wrong
} elseif ($sla_value < ($sla_limit - 10)) { //3 when value is Wrong
$data[$i] = 3;
$final_time += $sub_period;
@ -1861,7 +1884,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$table->colspan[1][0] = 4;
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Simple graph').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 75, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 75, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -1884,7 +1907,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$table->colspan[1][0] = 4;
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Simple baseline graph').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 65, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 65, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -1908,7 +1931,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$graph = get_db_row ("tgraph", "id_graph", $content['id_gs']);
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Custom graph').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$graph['name'].$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($graph['name'], 25, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -2013,6 +2036,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$sla_value = get_agentmodule_sla ($sla['id_agent_module'], $content['period'],
$sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $report["datetime"], $content, $content['time_from'],
//Fill the array data_graph for the pie graph
if ($sla_value === false) {
@ -2032,9 +2056,9 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = printTruncateText(get_agentmodule_agent_name ($sla['id_agent_module']));
$data[1] = printTruncateText(get_agentmodule_name ($sla['id_agent_module']));
$data[2] = $sla['sla_max'].' / ';
$data[0] = printSmallFont(get_agentmodule_agent_name ($sla['id_agent_module']));
$data[1] = printSmallFont(get_agentmodule_name ($sla['id_agent_module']));
$data[2] = $sla['sla_max'].'/';
$data[2] .= $sla['sla_min'];
$data[3] = $sla['sla_limit'];
@ -2051,7 +2075,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">'.__('Fail').'</span>';
$data[4] .= format_numeric ($sla_value). " %";
$data[4] .= format_numeric ($sla_value). "%";
$data[4] .= "</span>";
@ -2086,16 +2110,17 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$daysWeek = json_encode ($days);
$table2->width = '99%';
$table2->style[0] = 'text-align: right';
$table2->data = array ();
foreach ($slas as $sla) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = get_agentmodule_agent_name ($sla['id_agent_module']);
$data[0] .= '/';
$data[0] .= get_agentmodule_name ($sla['id_agent_module']);
$data[0] = printSmallFont(get_agentmodule_agent_name ($sla['id_agent_module']));
$data[0] .= "<br>";
$data[0] .= printSmallFont(get_agentmodule_name ($sla['id_agent_module']));
$data[1] = "<img src='include/fgraph.php?tipo=sla_horizontal_graph&id=".$sla['id_agent_module'].
array_push ($table2->data, $data);
$table->colspan[4][0] = 3;
@ -2109,13 +2134,13 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Monitor report').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
$table->colspan[1][0] = 3;
if ($content["description"] != ""){
$table->colspan[1][0] = 3;
$data_desc = array();
$data_desc[0] = $content["description"];
array_push ($table->data, $data_desc);
@ -2143,7 +2168,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Avg. Value').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name).' - '.printTruncateText($module_name).$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 75, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 75, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -2172,7 +2197,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Max. Value').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 75, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 75, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -2196,7 +2221,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Min. Value').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 75, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 75, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -2225,7 +2250,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Summatory').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 75, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 75, false).$sizhfin;
$data[2] = $sizh.human_time_description_raw ($content['period']).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -2255,7 +2280,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh.__('Agent detailed event').$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.get_agent_name($content['id_agent']).$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText(get_agent_name($content['id_agent']), 75, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2394,7 +2419,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'event_report_group':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh . __('Group detailed event') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh . get_group_name($content['id_agent']) . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh . printTruncateText(get_group_name($content['id_group']), 60, false) . $sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2407,14 +2432,14 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data = array ();
$table->colspan[2][0] = 3;
$data[0] = get_group_detailed_event_reporting($content['id_agent'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"], true);
$data[0] = get_group_detailed_event_reporting($content['id_group'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"], true);
array_push ($table->data, $data);
case 'event_report_module':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('Module detailed event') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2433,7 +2458,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'alert_report_module':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('Alert report module') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2452,7 +2477,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'alert_report_agent':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('Alert report agent') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2495,7 +2520,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'database_serialized':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('Serialize data') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 75, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 75, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2546,7 +2571,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'TTRT':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('TTRT') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2574,7 +2599,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'TTO':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('TTO') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2602,7 +2627,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'MTBF':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('MTBF') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2630,7 +2655,7 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
case 'MTTR':
$data = array ();
$data[0] = $sizh. __('MTTR') . $sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name.$sizhfin;
$data[1] = $sizh.printTruncateText($agent_name, 70, false).' <br> '.printTruncateText($module_name, 70, false).$sizhfin;
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// Put description at the end of the module (if exists)
@ -2722,8 +2747,8 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
foreach ($data_avg as $d) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($agent_name[$i], 30);
$data[1] = printTruncateText($module_name[$i], 30);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($agent_name[$i]);
$data[1] = printSmallFont($module_name[$i]);
$d === false ? $data[2] = '--':$data[2] = $d;
array_push ($table1->data, $data);
@ -2734,8 +2759,8 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
foreach ($agent_name as $a) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($agent_name[$i], 30);
$data[1] = printTruncateText($module_name[$i], 30);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($agent_name[$i]);
$data[1] = printSmallFont($module_name[$i]);
$data_avg[$i] === false ? $data[2] = '--':$data[2] = $data_avg[$i];
array_push ($table1->data, $data);
@ -2785,14 +2810,14 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$table2->style[0] = 'text-align: center';
$i = 1;
foreach ($modules_list as $m) {
$table2->head[$i] = printTruncateText($m['nombre'], 20);
$table2->head[$i] = printTruncateText($m['nombre'], 20, false);
$table2->style[$i] = 'text-align: center';
foreach ($agent_list as $a) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($a['nombre'], 20);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($a['nombre']);
$i = 1;
foreach ($modules_list as $m) {
foreach ($generals as $g) {
@ -2990,8 +3015,8 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data_pie_graph[$agent_name[$i]] = $dt;
if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($agent_name[$i], 30);
$data[1] = printTruncateText($module_name[$i], 30);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($agent_name[$i]);
$data[1] = printSmallFont($module_name[$i]);
$data[2] = $dt;
array_push ($table1->data, $data);
@ -3006,8 +3031,8 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data_pie_graph[$an] = $data_top[$i];
if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($an, 30);
$data[1] = printTruncateText($module_name[$i], 30);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($an);
$data[1] = printSmallFont($module_name[$i]);
$data[2] = $data_top[$i];
array_push ($table1->data, $data);
@ -3245,8 +3270,8 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data_pie_graph[$agent_name[$j]] = $dex;
if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($agent_name[$j], 30);
$data[1] = printTruncateText($module_name[$j], 30);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($agent_name[$j]);
$data[1] = printSmallFont($module_name[$j]);
$data[2] = $dex;
array_push ($table1->data, $data);
@ -3260,8 +3285,8 @@ function render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
$data_pie_graph[$an] = $data_exceptions[$j];
if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) {
$data = array();
$data[0] = printTruncateText($an, 30);
$data[1] = printTruncateText($module_name[$j], 30);
$data[0] = printSmallFont($an);
$data[1] = printSmallFont($module_name[$j]);
$data[2] = $data_exceptions[$j];
array_push ($table1->data, $data);
@ -68,6 +68,35 @@ function printTruncateText($text, $numChars = 25, $showTextInAToopTip = true, $r
* Print a string with a smaller font depending on its size.
* @param string $string String to be display with a smaller font.
* @param boolean $return Flag to return as string or not.
function printSmallFont ($string, $return = true) {
$str = str_replace (' ', ' ', $string);
$length = strlen($str);
if ($length >= 30) {
$size = 0.7;
} elseif ($length >= 20) {
$size = 0.8;
} elseif ($length >= 10) {
$size = 0.9;
} elseif ($length < 10) {
$size = 1;
$s = '<span style="font-size: '.$size.'em;">';
$s .= $string;
$s .= '</span>';
if ($return) {
return $s;
} else {
echo $s;
* Prints a generic message between tags.
Reference in New Issue