* Updated functions pandora_serverkeepaliver and pandora_updateserver to work on instances of server instead of single name. Now instances for servers will be called "xxx_Net" for Network, "xxx_Data" for Data Server, and "xxx_SNMP" for SNMP Server. This way, a individual keepalive will be used for each instance.

* Added the keywork "server_keepalive" for server configuration: Time to check another server is down. Would be nice if all servers in a setup has the same value (reflect this in doc. please!).
* Fixed a stupid issue in numeric data (commas and dots for use real numeric values).... I wish this fix an old bug identified in SourceForge.
* Something more I cannot remeber now, it's 3:44am of Saturdar 1th July... Beta2 need to be finished NOW!.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@69 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
slerena 2006-07-01 01:54:36 +00:00
parent f792d3c69f
commit 498a45ad79
6 changed files with 63 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package pandora_config;
# Pandora Config package
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnol<EFBFBD>icas S.L
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ sub pandora_loadconfig {
$pa_config->{"network_threads"}=10; # Fixed default
$pa_config->{"keepalive"}=200; # 200 Seconds initially for server keepalive
$pa_config->{"keepalive"}=60; # 200 Seconds initially for server keepalive
# Check for UID0
if ($> == 0){
printf " [W] It is not a good idea running Pandora Server as root user, please DON'T DO IT!\n";
@ -190,8 +190,13 @@ sub pandora_loadconfig {
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^server_threshold\s([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"server_threshold"} = $1; }
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^alert_threshold\s([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"alert_threshold"} = $1; }
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^network_timeout\s([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'networktimeout'}= $1; }
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^server_keepalive\s([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"keepalive"} = $1; $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} = $1; }
if ( $pa_config->{"verbosity"} > 0){
print " [*] Server keepalive ".$pa_config->{"keepalive"}."\n";
print " [*] Server threshold ".$pa_config->{"server_threshold"}."\n";
# Check for valid token token values
if (( $pa_config->{"dbuser"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"basepath"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"logfile"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"dbhost"} eq "") || ( $pa_config->{"pandora_master"} eq "") || ( $pa_config->{"dbpass"} eq "" ) ) {
print "[ERROR] Bad Config values. Be sure that $archivo_cfg is a valid setup file. \n\n";
@ -231,15 +236,13 @@ sub pandora_loadconfig {
if ($pa_config->{"daemon"} == 1) {
print " [*] This server is running in DAEMON mode.\n";
# Abrimos el directorio de datos y leemos cada fichero
logger ($pa_config, "Launching $parametro $pa_config->{'version'} $pa_config->{'build'}", 0);
my $config_options = "Logfile at ".$pa_config->{"logfile"}.", Basepath is ".$pa_config->{"basepath"}.", Checksum is ".$pa_config->{"pandora_check"}.", Master is ".$pa_config->{"pandora_master"}.", SNMP Console is ".$pa_config->{"snmpconsole"}.", Server Threshold at ".$pa_config->{"server_threshold"}." sec, verbosity at ".$pa_config->{"verbosity"}.", Alert Threshold at $pa_config->{'alert_threshold'}";
logger ($pa_config, "Config options: $config_options");
# Check valid Database variables and update server status
eval {
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306", $pa_config->{'dbuser'}, $pa_config->{'dbpass'}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
pandora_updateserver ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'},1, $dbh); # Alive status
pandora_updateserver ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'},1, $opmode, $dbh); # Alive status
if ($@) {

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package pandora_db;
# Pandora Database Package
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnol<EFBFBD>icas S.L
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ sub module_generic_data (%$$$$$) {
if (ref($m_data) ne "HASH"){
if ($m_data =~ /[0-9]*/){
$m_data =~ s/\,/\./g; # replace "," by "."
$m_data = sprintf("%.2f", $m_data); # Two decimal float. We cannot store more
} else {
$m_data =0;
@ -584,8 +585,9 @@ sub module_generic_data_inc (%$$$$$) {
my $a_min = $datos->{min}->[0];
if (ref($m_data) ne "HASH"){
$m_data =~ s/\,/\./g; # replace "," by "."
$m_data = sprintf("%.2f", $m_data); # Two decimal float. We cannot store more
# to change this, you need to change mysql structure
# to change this, you need to change mysql structure
$m_data =~ s/\,/\./g; # replace "," by "."
if (ref($a_max) eq "HASH") {
@ -845,43 +847,31 @@ fin_DB_insert_datos:
sub pandora_serverkeepaliver (%$) {
my $pa_config= $_[0];
my $dbh = $_[1];
my $opmode = $_[1]; # 0 dataserver, 1 network server, 2 snmp console
my $dbh = $_[2];
my $pandorasuffix;
my @data;
if ($pa_config->{"keepalive"} <= 0){
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $temp = 300; # Update each 2,5 minutes, down if 5minutes unknown
my $temp = $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} * 2; # Down if keepalive x 2 seconds unknown
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($timestamp,"- $temp seconds",\$err);
$fecha_limite = &UnixDate($fecha_limite,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
$fecha_limite = &UnixDate($fecha_limite,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# Look updated servers and take down non updated servers
my $query_idag = "select * from tserver where keepalive < '$fecha_limite'";
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
my @data;
# If exists a defined alert for this module then continue
if ($s_idag->rows != 0) {
@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array();
# Update server data
my $sql_update = "update tserver set status = 0 where id_server = $data[0]";
while (@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array()){
# Update server data
my $sql_update = "update tserver set status = 0 where id_server = $data[0]";
# Update my server
my $id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $dbh);
if ($id_server == -1){
# Must create a server entry
my $sql_server = "insert into tserver (name,description) values ('$servername','Autocreated at startup')";
$id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $dbh);
# Update server data
my $sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, keepalive = '$timestamp', snmp_server = $pa_config->{snmpconsole}, network_server = $pa_config->{'networkserver'}, data_server = $pa_config->{'dataserver'}, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = $pa_config->{'pandora_check'} where id_server = $id_server";
pandora_updateserver ($pa_config,$pa_config->{'servername'},1,$opmode, $dbh);
@ -895,19 +885,34 @@ sub pandora_updateserver (%$$$) {
my $pa_config= $_[0];
my $servername = $_[1];
my $status = $_[2];
my $dbh = $_[3];
my $id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $dbh);
my $opmode = $_[3]; # 0 dataserver, 1 network server, 2 snmp console
my $dbh = $_[4];
my $sql_update;
my $pandorasuffix;
if ($opmode == 0){
$pandorasuffix = "_Data";
} elsif ($opmode == 1){
$pandorasuffix = "_Net";
} else {
$pandorasuffix = "_SNMP";
my $id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $servername.$pandorasuffix, $dbh);
if ($id_server == -1){
# Must create a server entry
my $sql_server = "insert into tserver (name,description) values ('$servername','Autocreated at startup')";
my $sql_server = "insert into tserver (name,description) values ('$servername".$pandorasuffix."','Autocreated at startup')";
$id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $dbh);
$id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}.$pandorasuffix, $dbh);
# Update server data
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', snmp_server = $pa_config->{snmpconsole}, network_server = $pa_config->{'networkserver'}, data_server = $pa_config->{'dataserver'}, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = $pa_config->{'pandora_check'} where id_server = $id_server";
if ($opmode == 0){
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', snmp_server = 0, network_server = 0, data_server = 1, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = $pa_config->{'pandora_check'} where id_server = $id_server";
} elsif ($opmode == 1){
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', snmp_server = 0, network_server = 1, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
} else {
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', snmp_server = 1, network_server = 0, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
my $query_sql; my $query_sql2; my $query_sql3;
my $exec_sql; my $exec_sql2; my $exec_sql3;
my $buffer;
my $opmode = 1; # network server code for pandora_updateserver function
while ( 1 ) {
logger ($pa_config,"Loop in Network Module Subsystem",10);
# For each element
@ -115,14 +115,15 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
# siguiente elemento
# Calculate ID Agent from a select where module_type (id_tipo_modulo) > 4 (network modules)
# Check for MASTER SERVERS only: check another agents if their servers are gone
$server_id = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $dbh);
$server_id = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}."_Net", $dbh);
$buffer = "";
if ($pa_config->{"pandora_master"} == 1){
my $id_server;
# I am the master, we need to check another agents
# if their server is down
# So look for servers down and keep their id_server
$query_sql2 = "select * from tagente where disabled = 0 and id_server != $server_id ";
$query_sql2 = "select * from tagente where disabled = 0 and id_server != $server_id";
$exec_sql2 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql2);
$exec_sql2 ->execute;
while (@sql_data2 = $exec_sql2->fetchrow_array()) {
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
# I'm the master server, and there is an agent
# with its agent down, so ADD to list
$buffer = $buffer." OR id_agente = $id_agente ";
logger ($pa_config, "Added id_agente $id_agente for Master Network Server ".$pa_config->{"servername"}." agent pool",5);
logger ($pa_config, "Added id_agente $id_agente for Master Network Server ".$pa_config->{"servername"}."_Net"." agent pool",5);
@ -215,8 +216,8 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Pandora Data Server
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnol<EFBFBD>icas S.L
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ sub pandora_keepalived {
sleep $pa_config->{"server_threshold"};
pandora_serverkeepaliver($pa_config,0,$dbh); # 0 for dataserver

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Pandora Server. SNMP Console
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnol<EFBFBD>icas S.L
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ sub pandora_snmptrapd {
sleep ($pa_config{'server_threshold'});

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@ -60,3 +60,6 @@ dataserver 1
# Network timeout (in seconds) for timeout in network connections for Network agents
network_timeout 10
# Server keepalive (in seconds)
server_keepalive 60