From f705cc0fbaebf3eb17baea0369c703b8b6aeda06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Barbero Martin <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 13:21:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] wip chart histogram list modules #8222

 pandora_console/images/histograma.png         | Bin 0 -> 933 bytes
 pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php       |  53 ++-
 .../include/functions_reporting.php           |  52 ++-
 .../Widgets/graph_module_histogram.php        |   2 +
 pandora_console/include/styles/pandora.css    |  10 +
 .../operation/agentes/stat_win.php            | 420 ++++++++++--------
 6 files changed, 326 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pandora_console/images/histograma.png

diff --git a/pandora_console/images/histograma.png b/pandora_console/images/histograma.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1cee771613ed1539662b034288e613bb0cbc9a73
GIT binary patch
literal 933

literal 0

diff --git a/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php b/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php
index c34b838ba9..ec9737d981 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php
@@ -1189,14 +1189,25 @@ if (check_login()) {
             $data[8] = ' ';
             if ($module['history_data'] == 1) {
+                $tresholds = true;
+                if (empty((float) $module['min_warning']) === true
+                    && empty((float) $module['max_warning']) === true
+                    && empty($module['warning_inverse']) === true
+                    && empty((float) $module['min_critical']) === true
+                    && empty((float) $module['max_critical']) === true
+                    && empty($module['critical_inverse']) === true
+                ) {
+                    $tresholds = false;
+                }
                 $nombre_tipo_modulo = modules_get_moduletype_name($module['id_tipo_modulo']);
                 $handle = 'stat'.$nombre_tipo_modulo.'_'.$module['id_agente_modulo'];
                 $url = 'include/procesos.php?agente='.$module['id_agente_modulo'];
                 $win_handle = dechex(crc32($module['id_agente_modulo'].$module['nombre']));
-                // Try to display the SNMP module realtime graph
+                // Try to display the SNMP module realtime graph.
                 $rt_button = get_module_realtime_link_graph($module);
-                if (!empty($rt_button)) {
+                if (empty($rt_button) === false) {
                     $data[8] = $rt_button.'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
@@ -1207,6 +1218,19 @@ if (check_login()) {
                     $draw_events = 0;
+                if ($tresholds === true || $graph_type === 'boolean') {
+                    $link = "winopeng_var('".'operation/agentes/stat_win.php?'."type=$graph_type&amp;".'period='.SECONDS_1DAY.'&amp;id='.$module['id_agente_modulo'].'&amp;refresh='.SECONDS_10MINUTES.'&amp;'."histogram=1', 'day_".$win_handle."', 800, 480)";
+                    $data[8] .= '<a href="javascript:'.$link.'">'.html_print_image(
+                        'images/histograma.png',
+                        true,
+                        [
+                            'border' => '0',
+                            'alt'    => '',
+                            'class'  => 'invert_filter',
+                        ]
+                    ).'</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;';
+                }
                 $link = "winopeng_var('".'operation/agentes/stat_win.php?'."type=$graph_type&amp;".'period='.SECONDS_1DAY.'&amp;id='.$module['id_agente_modulo'].'&amp;refresh='.SECONDS_10MINUTES.'&amp;'."draw_events=$draw_events', 'day_".$win_handle."', 800, 480)";
                 if (!is_snapshot_data($module['datos'])) {
                     $data[8] .= '<a href="javascript:'.$link.'">'.html_print_image(
@@ -1349,9 +1373,30 @@ if (check_login()) {
-        $output .= grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
-        echo $output;
+        if ($params['histogram'] === true) {
+            $params['id_agent_module'] = $params['agent_module_id'];
+            $params['dinamic_proc'] = 1;
+            $output .= '<div class="stat_win_histogram">';
+            if ($params['compare'] === 'separated') {
+                $graph = \reporting_module_histogram_graph(
+                    ['datetime' => ($params['begin_date'] - $params['period'])],
+                    $params
+                );
+                $output .= $graph['chart'];
+            }
+            $graph = \reporting_module_histogram_graph(
+                ['datetime' => $params['begin_date']],
+                $params
+            );
+            $output .= $graph['chart'];
+            $output .= '</div>';
+        } else {
+            $output .= grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
+        }
+        echo $output;
         if (is_metaconsole() === true && empty($server_id) === false) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
index 231684c90a..415c74854c 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
@@ -14171,6 +14171,9 @@ function reporting_module_histogram_graph($report, $content, $pdf=0)
     if ($modules_is_string === false) {
         if ($agentmodule_info['max_critical'] == 0) {
             $max_value_critical = null;
+            if ((bool) $content['dinamic_proc'] === true) {
+                $max_value_critical = 0.01;
+            }
         } else {
             $max_value_critical = $agentmodule_info['max_critical'];
@@ -14378,26 +14381,35 @@ function reporting_module_histogram_graph($report, $content, $pdf=0)
     $width_graph  = 100;
     $height_graph = 80;
-    $return['chart'] = flot_slicesbar_graph(
-        $array_result,
-        $time_total,
-        $width_graph,
-        $height_graph,
-        $legend,
-        $colors,
-        $config['fontpath'],
-        $config['round_corner'],
-        $homeurl,
-        '',
-        '',
-        false,
-        0,
-        [],
-        true,
-        $ttl,
-        $content['sizeForTicks'],
-        true
-    );
+    if (empty($array_result) === false) {
+        $return['chart'] = flot_slicesbar_graph(
+            $array_result,
+            $time_total,
+            $width_graph,
+            $height_graph,
+            $legend,
+            $colors,
+            $config['fontpath'],
+            $config['round_corner'],
+            $homeurl,
+            '',
+            '',
+            false,
+            0,
+            [],
+            true,
+            $ttl,
+            $content['sizeForTicks'],
+            true,
+            $report['datetime']
+        );
+    } else {
+        $return['chart'] = graph_nodata_image(
+            $width_graph,
+            $height_graph,
+            'area'
+        );
+    }
     if ($metaconsole_on) {
         // Restore db connection.
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/lib/Dashboard/Widgets/graph_module_histogram.php b/pandora_console/include/lib/Dashboard/Widgets/graph_module_histogram.php
index 32ca90c3cb..dba9035877 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/lib/Dashboard/Widgets/graph_module_histogram.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/lib/Dashboard/Widgets/graph_module_histogram.php
@@ -378,6 +378,8 @@ class GraphModuleHistogramWidget extends Widget
         $size = parent::getSize();
+        $output = '';
         // Desactive scroll bars only this item.
         $id_agent = $this->values['agentId'];
         $id_module = $this->values['moduleId'];
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/styles/pandora.css b/pandora_console/include/styles/pandora.css
index 169e3918ce..cf2ff8a7a3 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/styles/pandora.css
+++ b/pandora_console/include/styles/pandora.css
@@ -8385,3 +8385,13 @@ div.stat-win-spinner img {
   margin: 5px;
   font-size: 12px;
+.stat_win_histogram {
+  width: 95%;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  margin-top: 18%;
+#stat-win-module-graph .stat_win_histogram div.nodata_container {
+  width: 100%;
diff --git a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
index c7cd106421..af8fb783c6 100644
--- a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
+++ b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
@@ -194,60 +194,7 @@ ui_print_message_dialog(
         $time_compare_separated = get_parameter('time_compare_separated', 0);
         $time_compare_overlapped = get_parameter('time_compare_overlapped', 0);
         $unknown_graph = get_parameter_checkbox('unknown_graph', 1);
-        $fullscale_sent = get_parameter('fullscale_sent', 0);
-        if (!$fullscale_sent) {
-            if (isset($config['full_scale_option']) === false
-                || $config['full_scale_option'] == 0
-            ) {
-                $fullscale = 0;
-            } else if ($config['full_scale_option'] == 1) {
-                $fullscale = 1;
-            } else if ($config['full_scale_option'] == 2) {
-                if ($graph_type == 'boolean') {
-                    $fullscale = 1;
-                } else {
-                    $fullscale = 0;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            $fullscale = get_parameter('fullscale', 0);
-        }
-        $type_mode_graph = get_parameter_checkbox(
-            'type_mode_graph',
-            ($fullscale === 1) ? 0 : $config['type_mode_graph']
-        );
-        $time_compare = false;
-        if ($time_compare_separated) {
-            $time_compare = 'separated';
-        } else if ($time_compare_overlapped) {
-            $time_compare = 'overlapped';
-        }
-        if ($zoom > 1) {
-            $height = ($height * ($zoom / 2.1));
-            $width = ($width * ($zoom / 1.4));
-        }
-        // Build date.
-        $date = strtotime($start_date.' '.$start_time);
-        $now = time();
-        if ($date > $now) {
-            $date = $now;
-        }
-        $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false);
-        $unit = db_get_value(
-            'unit',
-            'tagente_modulo',
-            'id_agente_modulo',
-            $id
-        );
+        $histogram = (bool) get_parameter('histogram', 0);
         // FORM TABLE.
         $table = html_get_predefined_table('transparent', 2);
@@ -258,162 +205,257 @@ ui_print_message_dialog(
         $table->style[2] = 'text-align:left;font-weight: bold;';
         $table->style[3] = 'text-align:left;';
         $table->class = 'table_modal_alternate';
         $table->data = [];
-        $table->data[0][0] = __('Refresh time');
-        $table->data[0][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time(
-            'refresh',
-            $refresh,
-            '',
-            '',
-            0,
-            7,
-            true
-        );
-        $table->data[0][2] = __('Show events');
-        $disabled = false;
-        if (isset($config['event_replication']) === true) {
-            if ($config['event_replication']
-                && !$config['show_events_in_local']
-            ) {
-                $disabled = true;
+        $time_compare = false;
+        if ($time_compare_separated) {
+            $time_compare = 'separated';
+        } else if ($time_compare_overlapped) {
+            $time_compare = 'overlapped';
+        }
+        if ($histogram === false) {
+            $fullscale_sent = get_parameter('fullscale_sent', 0);
+            if (!$fullscale_sent) {
+                if (isset($config['full_scale_option']) === false
+                    || $config['full_scale_option'] == 0
+                ) {
+                    $fullscale = 0;
+                } else if ($config['full_scale_option'] == 1) {
+                    $fullscale = 1;
+                } else if ($config['full_scale_option'] == 2) {
+                    if ($graph_type == 'boolean') {
+                        $fullscale = 1;
+                    } else {
+                        $fullscale = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                $fullscale = get_parameter('fullscale', 0);
-        }
-        $table->data[0][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'draw_events',
-            1,
-            (bool) $draw_events,
-            true,
-            $disabled
-        );
-        if ($disabled) {
-            $table->data[1] .= ui_print_help_tip(
-                __("'Show events' is disabled because this %s node is set to event replication.", get_product_name()),
-                true
+            $type_mode_graph = get_parameter_checkbox(
+                'type_mode_graph',
+                ($fullscale === 1) ? 0 : $config['type_mode_graph']
-        }
-        $table->data[1][0] = __('Begin date');
-        $table->data[1][1] = html_print_input_text(
-            'start_date',
-            $start_date,
-            '',
-            10,
-            20,
-            true
-        );
+            if ($zoom > 1) {
+                $height = ($height * ($zoom / 2.1));
+                $width = ($width * ($zoom / 1.4));
+            }
-        $table->data[1][2] = __('Show alerts');
-        $table->data[1][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'draw_alerts',
-            1,
-            (bool) $draw_alerts,
-            true
-        );
+            // Build date.
+            $date = strtotime($start_date.' '.$start_time);
+            $now = time();
-        $table->data[2][0] = __('Begin time');
-        $table->data[2][1] = html_print_input_text(
-            'start_time',
-            $start_time,
-            '',
-            10,
-            10,
-            true
-        );
+            if ($date > $now) {
+                $date = $now;
+            }
-        $table->data[2][2] = __('Show unknown graph');
-        $table->data[2][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'unknown_graph',
-            1,
-            (bool) $unknown_graph,
-            true
-        );
+            $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false);
-        $table->data[3][0] = __('Time range');
-        $table->data[3][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time(
-            'period',
-            $period,
-            '',
-            '',
-            0,
-            7,
-            true
-        );
+            $unit = db_get_value(
+                'unit',
+                'tagente_modulo',
+                'id_agente_modulo',
+                $id
+            );
-        $table->data[3][2] = '';
-        $table->data[3][3] = '';
-        if (!modules_is_boolean($id)) {
-            $table->data[4][0] = __('Zoom');
-            $options = [];
-            $options[$zoom] = 'x'.$zoom;
-            $options[1] = 'x1';
-            $options[2] = 'x2';
-            $options[3] = 'x3';
-            $options[4] = 'x4';
-            $options[5] = 'x5';
-            $table->data[4][1] = html_print_select(
-                $options,
-                'zoom',
-                $zoom,
+            $table->data[0][0] = __('Refresh time');
+            $table->data[0][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time(
+                'refresh',
+                $refresh,
+                7,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[0][2] = __('Show events');
+            $disabled = false;
+            if (isset($config['event_replication']) === true) {
+                if ($config['event_replication']
+                    && !$config['show_events_in_local']
+                ) {
+                    $disabled = true;
+                }
+            }
+            $table->data[0][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'draw_events',
+                1,
+                (bool) $draw_events,
+                true,
+                $disabled
+            );
+            if ($disabled) {
+                $table->data[1] .= ui_print_help_tip(
+                    __("'Show events' is disabled because this %s node is set to event replication.", get_product_name()),
+                    true
+                );
+            }
+            $table->data[1][0] = __('Begin date');
+            $table->data[1][1] = html_print_input_text(
+                'start_date',
+                $start_date,
+                '',
+                10,
+                20,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[1][2] = __('Show alerts');
+            $table->data[1][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'draw_alerts',
+                1,
+                (bool) $draw_alerts,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[2][0] = __('Begin time');
+            $table->data[2][1] = html_print_input_text(
+                'start_time',
+                $start_time,
+                '',
+                10,
+                10,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[2][2] = __('Show unknown graph');
+            $table->data[2][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'unknown_graph',
+                1,
+                (bool) $unknown_graph,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[3][0] = __('Time range');
+            $table->data[3][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time(
+                'period',
+                $period,
+                '',
+                '',
+                0,
+                7,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[3][2] = '';
+            $table->data[3][3] = '';
+            if (!modules_is_boolean($id)) {
+                $table->data[4][0] = __('Zoom');
+                $options = [];
+                $options[$zoom] = 'x'.$zoom;
+                $options[1] = 'x1';
+                $options[2] = 'x2';
+                $options[3] = 'x3';
+                $options[4] = 'x4';
+                $options[5] = 'x5';
+                $table->data[4][1] = html_print_select(
+                    $options,
+                    'zoom',
+                    $zoom,
+                    '',
+                    '',
+                    0,
+                    true,
+                    false,
+                    false
+                );
+                $table->data[4][2] = __('Show percentil');
+                $table->data[4][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                    'show_percentil',
+                    1,
+                    (bool) $show_percentil,
+                    true
+                );
+            }
+            $table->data[5][0] = __('Time compare (Overlapped)');
+            $table->data[5][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'time_compare_overlapped',
+                1,
+                (bool) $time_compare_overlapped,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[5][2] = __('Time compare (Separated)');
+            $table->data[5][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'time_compare_separated',
+                1,
+                (bool) $time_compare_separated,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[6][0] = __('Show AVG/MAX/MIN data series in graph');
+            $table->data[6][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'type_mode_graph',
+                1,
+                (bool) $type_mode_graph,
-                false,
-            $table->data[4][2] = __('Show percentil');
-            $table->data[4][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-                'show_percentil',
+            $table->data[6][2] = __('Show full scale graph (TIP)');
+            $table->data[6][2] .= ui_print_help_tip(
+                __('TIP mode charts do not support average - maximum - minimum series, you can only enable TIP or average, maximum or minimum series'),
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[6][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'fullscale',
-                (bool) $show_percentil,
+                (bool) $fullscale,
+                true,
+                false
+            );
+        } else {
+            $table->data[0][0] = __('Begin date');
+            $table->data[0][1] = html_print_input_text(
+                'start_date',
+                $start_date,
+                '',
+                10,
+                20,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[0][2] = __('Begin time');
+            $table->data[0][3] = html_print_input_text(
+                'start_time',
+                $start_time,
+                '',
+                10,
+                10,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[1][0] = __('Time range');
+            $table->data[1][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time(
+                'period',
+                $period,
+                '',
+                '',
+                0,
+                7,
+                true
+            );
+            $table->data[1][2] = __('Time compare (Separated)');
+            $table->data[1][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
+                'time_compare_separated',
+                1,
+                (bool) $time_compare_separated,
-        $table->data[5][0] = __('Time compare (Overlapped)');
-        $table->data[5][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'time_compare_overlapped',
-            1,
-            (bool) $time_compare_overlapped,
-            true
-        );
-        $table->data[5][2] = __('Time compare (Separated)');
-        $table->data[5][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'time_compare_separated',
-            1,
-            (bool) $time_compare_separated,
-            true
-        );
-        $table->data[6][0] = __('Show AVG/MAX/MIN data series in graph');
-        $table->data[6][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'type_mode_graph',
-            1,
-            (bool) $type_mode_graph,
-            true,
-            false
-        );
-        $table->data[6][2] = __('Show full scale graph (TIP)');
-        $table->data[6][2] .= ui_print_help_tip(
-            __('TIP mode charts do not support average - maximum - minimum series, you can only enable TIP or average, maximum or minimum series'),
-            true
-        );
-        $table->data[6][3] = html_print_checkbox_switch(
-            'fullscale',
-            1,
-            (bool) $fullscale,
-            true,
-            false
-        );
         $form_table = html_print_table($table, true);
         $form_table .= '<div class="w100p right mrgn_top_15px right_align">';
         $form_table .= html_print_submit_button(
@@ -434,6 +476,8 @@ ui_print_message_dialog(
             $menu_form .= html_print_input_hidden('server', $server_id, true);
+        $menu_form .= html_print_input_hidden('histogram', $histogram, true);
         if (isset($_GET['type']) === true) {
             $type = get_parameter_get('type');
             $menu_form .= html_print_input_hidden('type', $type, true);
@@ -497,6 +541,8 @@ ui_print_message_dialog(
             'zoom'            => $zoom,
             'height'          => 300,
             'type_mode_graph' => $type_mode_graph,
+            'histogram'       => $histogram,
+            'begin_date'      => strtotime($start_date.' '.$start_time),
         // Graph.

From a0a74cf7bb5b52c5e39b4bd909a26aa9a69ae6d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Barbero Martin <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 13:01:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] add new chart histogram

 pandora_console/include/class/Tree.class.php  | 53 +++++++++++++++----
 .../include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js | 29 ++++++++++
 .../operation/agentes/status_monitor.php      | 27 ++++++++++
 3 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pandora_console/include/class/Tree.class.php b/pandora_console/include/class/Tree.class.php
index 73e19c0d38..8dd8b97698 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/class/Tree.class.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/class/Tree.class.php
@@ -669,15 +669,20 @@ class Tree
         // HTML of the server type image
         $module['serverTypeHTML'] = servers_show_type($module['server_type']);
-        // Link to the Module graph
-        // ACL
+        // Link to the Module graph.
+        // ACL.
         $acl_graphs = false;
         $module['showGraphs'] = 0;
-        // Avoid the check on the metaconsole. Too slow to show/hide an icon depending on the permissions
-        if (!empty($group_id) && !is_metaconsole()) {
-            $acl_graphs = check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'RR');
-        } else if (!empty($all_groups)) {
+        // Avoid the check on the metaconsole.
+        // Too slow to show/hide an icon depending on the permissions.
+        if (empty($group_id) === false && is_metaconsole() === false) {
+            $acl_graphs = check_acl_one_of_groups(
+                $config['id_user'],
+                $all_groups,
+                'RR'
+            );
+        } else if (empty($all_groups) === false) {
             $acl_graphs = true;
@@ -686,8 +691,24 @@ class Tree
         if ($module['showGraphs']) {
+            $tresholds = true;
+            if (empty((float) $module['min_warning']) === true
+                && empty((float) $module['max_warning']) === true
+                && empty($module['warning_inverse']) === true
+                && empty((float) $module['min_critical']) === true
+                && empty((float) $module['max_critical']) === true
+                && empty($module['critical_inverse']) === true
+            ) {
+                $tresholds = false;
+            }
             $graphType = return_graphtype($module['id_module_type']);
-            $url = ui_get_full_url('operation/agentes/stat_win.php', false, false, false);
+            $url = ui_get_full_url(
+                'operation/agentes/stat_win.php',
+                false,
+                false,
+                false
+            );
             $winHandle = dechex(crc32($module['id'].$module['name']));
             $graph_params = [
@@ -697,20 +718,20 @@ class Tree
                 'refresh' => SECONDS_10MINUTES,
-            if (is_metaconsole()) {
-                // Set the server id
+            if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
+                // Set the server id.
                 $graph_params['server'] = $module['serverID'];
             $graph_params_str = http_build_query($graph_params);
-            $moduleGraphURL = "$url?$graph_params_str";
+            $moduleGraphURL = $url.'?'.$graph_params_str;
             $module['moduleGraph'] = [
                 'url'    => $moduleGraphURL,
                 'handle' => $winHandle,
-            // Info to be able to open the snapshot image new page
+            // Info to be able to open the snapshot image new page.
             $module['snapshot'] = ui_get_snapshot_link(
                     'id_module'   => $module['id'],
@@ -720,6 +741,16 @@ class Tree
+            if ($tresholds === true || $graphType === 'boolean') {
+                $graph_params['histogram'] = 1;
+                $graph_params_str_th = http_build_query($graph_params);
+                $moduleGraphURLTh = $url.'?'.$graph_params_str_th;
+                $module['histogramGraph'] = [
+                    'url'    => $moduleGraphURLTh,
+                    'handle' => $winHandle,
+                ];
+            }
         $module_alerts = alerts_get_alerts_agent_module($module['id']);
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js b/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js
index afa55434c0..6d2d14bf7c 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js
+++ b/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js
@@ -990,6 +990,35 @@ var TreeController = {
                 typeof element.showGraphs != "undefined" &&
                 element.showGraphs != 0
               ) {
+                // Graph hisstogram pop-up
+                if (typeof element.histogramGraph != "undefined") {
+                  var graphImageHistogram = $(
+                    '<img src="' +
+                      (controller.baseURL.length > 0
+                        ? controller.baseURL
+                        : "") +
+                      'images/histograma.png" /> '
+                  );
+                  graphImageHistogram
+                    .addClass("module-graph")
+                    .click(function(e) {
+                      e.stopPropagation();
+                      try {
+                        winopeng_var(
+                          element.histogramGraph.url,
+                          element.histogramGraph.handle,
+                          800,
+                          480
+                        );
+                      } catch (error) {
+                        // console.log(error);
+                      }
+                    });
+                  $content.append(graphImageHistogram);
+                }
                 // Graph pop-up
                 if (typeof element.moduleGraph != "undefined") {
                   if (element.statusImageHTML.indexOf("data:image") != -1) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/status_monitor.php b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/status_monitor.php
index 16961214cf..5e5ab2b43f 100644
--- a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/status_monitor.php
+++ b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/status_monitor.php
@@ -1725,6 +1725,17 @@ $table->data[4][0] .= __('Not condition').'&nbsp;'.ui_print_help_tip(__('If you
                     if ($row['history_data'] == 1 && $acl_graphs) {
+                        $tresholds = true;
+                        if (empty((float) $module['min_warning']) === true
+                            && empty((float) $module['max_warning']) === true
+                            && empty($module['warning_inverse']) === true
+                            && empty((float) $module['min_critical']) === true
+                            && empty((float) $module['max_critical']) === true
+                            && empty($module['critical_inverse']) === true
+                        ) {
+                            $tresholds = false;
+                        }
                         $graph_type = return_graphtype($row['module_type']);
                         $url = ui_get_full_url('operation/agentes/stat_win.php', false, false, false);
@@ -1738,6 +1749,10 @@ $table->data[4][0] .= __('Not condition').'&nbsp;'.ui_print_help_tip(__('If you
                             'refresh' => SECONDS_10MINUTES,
+                        if ($tresholds === true || $graph_type === 'boolean') {
+                            $graph_params['histogram'] = 1;
+                        }
                         if (is_metaconsole() && isset($row['server_id'])) {
                             // Set the server id.
                             $graph_params['server'] = $row['server_id'];
@@ -1749,6 +1764,18 @@ $table->data[4][0] .= __('Not condition').'&nbsp;'.ui_print_help_tip(__('If you
                         $data[8] = get_module_realtime_link_graph($row);
+                        if ($tresholds === true || $graph_type === 'boolean') {
+                            $data[8] .= '<a href="javascript:'.$link.'">'.html_print_image(
+                                'images/histograma.png',
+                                true,
+                                [
+                                    'border' => '0',
+                                    'alt'    => '',
+                                    'class'  => 'invert_filter',
+                                ]
+                            ).'</a>';
+                        }
                         if (!is_snapshot_data($row['datos'])) {
                             $data[8] .= '<a href="javascript:'.$link.'">'.html_print_image('images/chart.png', true, ['border' => '0', 'alt' => '', 'class' => 'invert_filter']).'</a>';

From 6be6b1a95d7fdc340ce917014f335d86bbe05543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Barbero Martin <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 12:18:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] add new macros #3763

 pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php                   | 2 +-
 pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php           | 4 ++--
 pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js | 2 +-
 pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php            | 8 +++++++-
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php b/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php
index ec9737d981..c43da3e146 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/ajax/module.php
@@ -1396,11 +1396,11 @@ if (check_login()) {
             $output .= grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
-        echo $output;
         if (is_metaconsole() === true && empty($server_id) === false) {
+        echo $output;
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
index ac9b380abf..d4d26d8777 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
@@ -14165,7 +14165,7 @@ function reporting_module_histogram_graph($report, $content, $pdf=0)
     if (modules_is_disable_agent($content['id_agent_module'])
         || modules_is_not_init($content['id_agent_module'])
     ) {
-        if ($metaconsole_on) {
+        if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') {
             // Restore db connection.
@@ -14429,7 +14429,7 @@ function reporting_module_histogram_graph($report, $content, $pdf=0)
-    if ($metaconsole_on) {
+    if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') {
         // Restore db connection.
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js b/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js
index 6d2d14bf7c..14f4f2c4dc 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js
+++ b/pandora_console/include/javascript/tree/TreeController.js
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ var TreeController = {
                 typeof element.showGraphs != "undefined" &&
                 element.showGraphs != 0
               ) {
-                // Graph hisstogram pop-up
+                // Graph histogram pop-up
                 if (typeof element.histogramGraph != "undefined") {
                   var graphImageHistogram = $(
                     '<img src="' +
diff --git a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
index af8fb783c6..a30e8a43c2 100644
--- a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
+++ b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
@@ -504,7 +504,13 @@ ui_print_message_dialog(
         $menu_form .= '</span>';
         $menu_form .= '</div>';
-        $menu_form .= '<div class="module_graph_menu_content module_graph_menu_content_closed invisible">';
+        $class = 'module_graph_menu_content';
+        if ($histogram === false) {
+            $class .= ' module_graph_menu_content_closed invisible';
+        }
+        $menu_form .= '<div class="'.$class.'">';
         $menu_form .= $form_table;
         $menu_form .= '</div>';
         $menu_form .= '</div>';