diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-ENVMON-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-ENVMON-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff3921b4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-ENVMON-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- CISCO-ENVMON-MIB.my:  CISCO Environmental Monitor MIB file
+-- November 1994 Sandra C. Durham/Jeffrey T. Johnson
+-- Copyright (c) 1994-2003, 2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+        OBJECT-TYPE,
+        Gauge32,
+        Integer32
+                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        DisplayString,
+        TruthValue
+                FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        OBJECT-GROUP,
+                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+        ciscoMgmt
+                FROM CISCO-SMI;
+        LAST-UPDATED    "200312010000Z"
+        ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
+                "       Cisco Systems
+                        Customer Service
+                Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
+                        San Jose, CA  95134
+                        USA
+                   Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
+                E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
+                "The MIB module to describe the status of the Environmental
+                Monitor on those devices which support one."
+        REVISION        "200312010000Z" 
+                "Added c37xx (13) and other (14) as values for 
+                 ciscoEnvMonPresent"
+        REVISION        "200311250000Z"
+                "Added ciscoEnvMonMIBMiscNotifGroup."
+        REVISION        "200210150000Z"
+                "Added c7600(12) as values for ciscoEnvMonPresent"
+        REVISION        "200207170000Z"
+                "Added optional groups ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeGroup
+                 and ciscoEnvMonStatChangeNotifGroup."
+        REVISION        "200202040000Z"
+                "Added osr7600(11) as values 
+                for ciscoEnvMonPresent"        
+        REVISION        "200108300000Z"
+                "Added c10000(10) as values for ciscoEnvMonPresent"
+        REVISION        "200108160000Z"
+                "Added cat4000(9) as values for ciscoEnvMonPresent"
+        REVISION        "200105070000Z"
+                "Added cat6000(7),ubr7200(8) 
+                as values for ciscoEnvMonPresent"
+        REVISION        "200001310000Z"
+                "Add notFunctioning to CiscoEnvMonState.
+                "
+        REVISION        "9810220000Z"
+                "Renamed enumerated value internalRPS(5) as 
+                 internalRedundant(5) and added description for
+                 ciscoEnvMonSupplySource enumerated values.
+                "
+        REVISION        "9808050000Z"
+                "Add enumerated value internalRPS(5) to 
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplySource.
+                "
+        REVISION        "9611120000Z"
+                "Add monitoring support for c3600 series router"
+        REVISION        "9508150000Z"
+                "Specify a correct (non-negative) range for several
+                index objects."
+        REVISION        "9503130000Z"
+                "Miscellaneous changes including monitoring support
+                for c7000 series redundant power supplies."
+        ::= { ciscoMgmt 13 }
+        STATUS  current
+                "Represents the state of a device being monitored.
+                 Valid values are:
+                 normal(1):         the environment is good, such as low
+                                    temperature.
+                 warning(2):        the environment is bad, such as temperature
+                                    above normal operation range but not too
+                                    high.
+                 critical(3):       the environment is very bad, such as
+                                    temperature much higher than normal
+                                    operation limit.
+                 shutdown(4):       the environment is the worst, the system
+                                    should be shutdown immediately.
+                 notPresent(5):     the environmental monitor is not present,
+                                    such as temperature sensors do not exist.
+                 notFunctioning(6): the environmental monitor does not 
+                                    function properly, such as a temperature
+                                    sensor generates a abnormal data like
+                                    1000 C.
+                "
+        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
+                        normal(1),
+                        warning(2),
+                        critical(3),
+                        shutdown(4),
+                        notPresent(5),
+                        notFunctioning(6)
+                }
+CiscoSignedGauge  ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+        STATUS  current
+                "Represents the current value of an entity, as a signed 
+                 integer."
+        SYNTAX  Integer32 
+ciscoEnvMonObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIB 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonPresent OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+                        oldAgs (1),
+                        ags    (2),
+                        c7000  (3),
+                        ci     (4),
+                        cAccessMon (6),
+                        cat6000 (7),
+                        ubr7200 (8),
+                        cat4000 (9),
+                        c10000 (10),
+                        osr7600(11),
+                        c7600  (12),
+                        c37xx  (13),
+                        other  (14)
+                   }
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The type of environmental monitor located in the chassis.
+                An oldAgs environmental monitor card is identical to an ags
+                environmental card except that it is not capable of supplying
+                data, and hence no instance of the remaining objects in this
+                MIB will be returned in response to an SNMP query.  Note that
+                only a firmware upgrade is required to convert an oldAgs into
+                an ags card."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonObjects 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CiscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "The table of voltage status maintained by the environmental
+                monitor."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonObjects 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "An entry in the voltage status table, representing the status
+                of the associated testpoint maintained by the environmental
+                monitor."
+        INDEX      { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable 1 }
+CiscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex   Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr   DisplayString,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue   CiscoSignedGauge,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow  Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageLastShutdown  Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageState         CiscoEnvMonState
+        }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "Unique index for the testpoint being instrumented.
+                This index is for SNMP purposes only, and has no
+                intrinsic meaning."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "Textual description of the testpoint being instrumented.
+                This description is a short textual label, suitable as a
+                human-sensible identification for the rest of the
+                information in the entry."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoSignedGauge
+        UNITS      "millivolts"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The current measurement of the testpoint being instrumented."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32
+        UNITS      "millivolts"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The lowest value that the associated instance of the object
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue may obtain before an emergency
+                shutdown of the managed device is initiated."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32
+        UNITS      "millivolts"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The highest value that the associated instance of the object
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue may obtain before an emergency
+                shutdown of the managed device is initiated."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 5 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageLastShutdown OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32
+        UNITS      "millivolts"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The value of the associated instance of the object
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue at the time an emergency
+                shutdown of the managed device was last initiated.  This
+                value is stored in non-volatile RAM and hence is able to
+                survive the shutdown."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 6 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonState
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The current state of the testpoint being instrumented."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry 7 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CiscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "The table of ambient temperature status maintained by the
+                environmental monitor."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonObjects 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "An entry in the ambient temperature status table, representing
+                the status of the associated testpoint maintained by the
+                environmental monitor."
+        INDEX      { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable 1 }
+CiscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex       Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr       DisplayString,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue       Gauge32,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold         Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown      Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState             CiscoEnvMonState
+        }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "Unique index for the testpoint being instrumented.
+                This index is for SNMP purposes only, and has no
+                intrinsic meaning."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "Textual description of the testpoint being instrumented.
+                This description is a short textual label, suitable as a
+                human-sensible identification for the rest of the
+                information in the entry."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Gauge32
+        UNITS      "degrees Celsius"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The current measurement of the testpoint being instrumented."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32
+        UNITS      "degrees Celsius"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The highest value that the associated instance of the
+                object ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue may obtain
+                before an emergency shutdown of the managed device is
+                initiated."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32
+        UNITS      "degrees Celsius"
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The value of the associated instance of the object
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue at the time an emergency
+                shutdown of the managed device was last initiated.  This
+                value is stored in non-volatile RAM and hence is able to
+                survive the shutdown."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry 5 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonState
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The current state of the testpoint being instrumented."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry 6 }
+ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CiscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "The table of fan status maintained by the environmental
+                monitor."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonObjects 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "An entry in the fan status table, representing the status of
+                the associated fan maintained by the environmental monitor."
+        INDEX   { ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable 1 }
+CiscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex       Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr       DisplayString,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanState             CiscoEnvMonState
+        }
+ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "Unique index for the fan being instrumented.
+                This index is for SNMP purposes only, and has no
+                intrinsic meaning."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "Textual description of the fan being instrumented.
+                This description is a short textual label, suitable as a
+                human-sensible identification for the rest of the
+                information in the entry."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonFanState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonState
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The current state of the fan being instrumented."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CiscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "The table of power supply status maintained by the
+                environmental monitor card."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonObjects 5 }
+ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "An entry in the power supply status table, representing the
+                status of the associated power supply maintained by the
+                environmental monitor card."
+        INDEX   { ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable 1  }
+CiscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex    Integer32,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr    DisplayString,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyState          CiscoEnvMonState,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplySource         INTEGER
+        }
+ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+                "Unique index for the power supply being instrumented.
+                This index is for SNMP purposes only, and has no
+                intrinsic meaning."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "Textual description of the power supply being instrumented.
+                This description is a short textual label, suitable as a
+                human-sensible identification for the rest of the
+                information in the entry."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonSupplyState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     CiscoEnvMonState
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The current state of the power supply being instrumented."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonSupplySource OBJECT-TYPE
+                        unknown(1),
+                        ac(2),
+                        dc(3),
+                        externalPowerSupply(4),
+                        internalRedundant(5)
+                }
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS     current
+                "The power supply source.
+                 unknown - Power supply source unknown
+                 ac      - AC power supply
+                 dc      - DC power supply
+                 externalPowerSupply - External power supply
+                 internalRedundant - Internal redundant power supply 
+                "
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonAlarmContacts OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX BITS {
+                        minorVisual(0),
+                        majorVisual(1),
+                        criticalVisual(2),
+                        minorAudible(3),
+                        majorAudible(4),
+                        criticalAudible(5),
+                        input(6)
+                }
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS current
+                "Each bit is set to reflect the respective
+                 alarm being set.  The bit will be cleared
+                 when the respective alarm is cleared."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonObjects 6 }
+ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIB 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableShutdownNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      current
+               "This variable  indicates  whether  the  system
+                produces the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.  A false 
+                value will prevent shutdown notifications 
+                from being generated by this system."
+        DEFVAL { false }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableVoltageNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+               "This variable  indicates  whether  the  system
+                produces the ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification. A false 
+                value will prevent voltage notifications from being 
+                generated by this system. This object is deprecated
+                in favour of ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif."
+        DEFVAL { false }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableTemperatureNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+               "This variable  indicates  whether  the  system
+                produces the ciscoEnvMonTemperatureNotification.
+                A false value prevents temperature notifications 
+                from being sent by  this entity. This object is 
+                deprecated in favour of 
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif."
+        DEFVAL { false }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableFanNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+               "This variable  indicates  whether  the  system
+                produces the ciscoEnvMonFanNotification.
+                A false value prevents fan notifications 
+                from being sent by  this entity. This object is 
+                deprecated in favour of 
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif."
+        DEFVAL { false }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableRedundantSupplyNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+               "This variable  indicates  whether  the  system
+                produces the ciscoEnvMonRedundantSupplyNotification. 
+                A false value prevents redundant supply notifications
+                from being generated by this system. This object is
+                deprecated in favour of 
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif."
+        DEFVAL { false }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables 5 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      current
+               "This variable indicates whether the system
+                produces the ciscoEnvMonVoltStatusChangeNotif,
+                ciscoEnvMonTempStatusChangeNotif, 
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusChangeNotif and  
+                ciscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif. A false value will 
+                prevent these notifications from being generated by 
+                this system."
+        DEFVAL { false }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationEnables 6 }
+-- the following two OBJECT IDENTIFIERS are used to define SNMPv2 Notifications
+-- that are backward compatible with SNMPv1 Traps.
+ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIB 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
+ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        -- no OBJECTS
+        STATUS  current
+                "A ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification is sent if the environmental
+                monitor detects a testpoint reaching a critical state
+                and is about to initiate a shutdown.  This notification 
+                contains no objects so that it may be encoded and sent in the
+                shortest amount of time possible.  Even so, management
+                applications should not rely on receiving such a notification
+                as it may not be sent before the shutdown completes."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageState
+                }
+        STATUS  deprecated
+                "A ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification is sent if the voltage 
+                measured at a given testpoint is outside the normal range 
+                for the testpoint (i.e. is at the warning, critical, or
+                shutdown stage).  Since such a notification is usually 
+                generated before the shutdown state is reached, it can 
+                convey more data and has a better chance of being sent 
+                than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.
+                This notification is deprecated in favour of
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltStatusChangeNotif."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonTemperatureNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState
+                }
+        STATUS  deprecated
+                "A ciscoEnvMonTemperatureNotification is sent if the 
+                temperature measured at a given testpoint is outside 
+                the normal range for the testpoint (i.e. is at the warning, 
+                critical, or shutdown stage).  Since such a Notification 
+                is usually generated before the shutdown state is reached,
+                it can convey more data and has a better chance of being
+                sent than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.
+                This notification is deprecated in favour of 
+                ciscoEnvMonTempStatusChangeNotif."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 3 }
+ciscoEnvMonFanNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanState
+                }
+        STATUS  deprecated
+                "A ciscoEnvMonFanNotification is sent if any one of
+                the fans in the fan array (where extant) fails. 
+                Since such a notification is usually generated before 
+                the shutdown state is reached, it can convey more 
+                data and has a better chance of being sent
+                than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.
+                This notification is deprecated in favour of
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusChangeNotif."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonRedundantSupplyNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyState
+                }
+        STATUS  deprecated
+                "A ciscoEnvMonRedundantSupplyNotification is sent if
+                the redundant power supply (where extant) fails. 
+                Since such a notification is usually generated before 
+                the shutdown state is reached, it can convey more 
+                data and has a better chance of being sent
+                than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.
+                This notification is deprecated in favour of 
+                ciscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 5 }
+ciscoEnvMonVoltStatusChangeNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageState
+                }
+        STATUS  current
+                "A ciscoEnvMonVoltStatusChangeNotif is sent if there is 
+                 change in the state of a device being monitored
+                 by ciscoEnvMonVoltageState."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 6 }
+ciscoEnvMonTempStatusChangeNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState
+                }
+        STATUS  current
+                "A ciscoEnvMonTempStatusChangeNotif is sent if there 
+                 is change in the state of a device being monitored
+                 by ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 7 }
+ciscoEnvMonFanStatusChangeNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanState
+                }
+        STATUS  current
+                "A ciscoEnvMonFanStatusChangeNotif is sent if there 
+                 is change in the state of a device being monitored
+                 by ciscoEnvMonFanState."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 8 }
+ciscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyState
+                }
+        STATUS  current
+                "A ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatChangeNotif is sent if there 
+                 is change in the state of a device being monitored
+                 by ciscoEnvMonSupplyState."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications 9 }
+-- conformance information
+ciscoEnvMonMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIB 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBConformance 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+        STATUS  deprecated
+                "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+                the Cisco Environmental Monitor MIB. This is
+                deprecated and new compliance
+                ciscoEnvMonMIBComplianceRev1 is added."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+                MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroup }
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBCompliances 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonMIBComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+        STATUS  current
+                "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+                the Cisco Environmental Monitor MIB."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+                MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroupRev,
+                                   ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifGroup }
+        GROUP   ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeGroup
+                "The ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeGroup is optional. 
+                 This group is applicable for implementations which
+                 need status change notifications for environmental
+                 monitoring."
+        GROUP   ciscoEnvMonStatChangeNotifGroup
+                "The ciscoEnvMonStatChangeNotifGroup is optional. 
+                 This group is applicable for implementations which
+                 need status change notifications for environmental
+                 monitoring."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBCompliances 2 }
+-- units of conformance
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonPresent,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageLastShutdown,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageState,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanState,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyState,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplySource,
+                ciscoEnvMonAlarmContacts,
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableShutdownNotification,
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableVoltageNotification,
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableTemperatureNotification,
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableFanNotification,
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableRedundantSupplyNotification
+        }
+        STATUS  deprecated
+                "A collection of objects providing environmental 
+                monitoring capability to a cisco chassis. This group 
+                is deprecated in favour of ciscoEnvMonMIBGroupRev."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups 1 }
+ciscoEnvMonMIBGroupRev OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonPresent,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageLastShutdown,
+                ciscoEnvMonVoltageState,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown,
+                ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonFanState,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplyState,
+                ciscoEnvMonSupplySource,
+                ciscoEnvMonAlarmContacts,
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableShutdownNotification
+        }
+        STATUS  current
+                "A collection of objects providing environmental 
+                 monitoring capability to a cisco chassis."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups 2 }
+ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif
+        }
+        STATUS  current
+                "A collection of objects providing enabling/disabling
+                 of the status change notifications for environmental 
+                 monitoring."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups 3 }
+                ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "A notification group providing shutdown notification
+                 for environmental monitoring. "
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups 4 }
+ciscoEnvMonStatChangeNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+                 ciscoEnvMonVoltStatusChangeNotif,
+                 ciscoEnvMonTempStatusChangeNotif,
+                 ciscoEnvMonFanStatusChangeNotif,
+                 ciscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif
+        }
+        STATUS   current
+                 "A collection of notifications providing the status 
+                  change for environmental monitoring."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups 5 }
+                 ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification,
+                 ciscoEnvMonTemperatureNotification,
+                 ciscoEnvMonFanNotification,
+                 ciscoEnvMonRedundantSupplyNotification
+        }
+        STATUS   deprecated
+                 "A collection of various notifications for the 
+                 enviromental monitoring mib module. The notifications
+                 the group and the group are both in deprecated state.
+                 The notifications in the group were deprecated in 
+                 favour of notifications in
+                 ciscoEnvMonStatChangeNotifGroup."
+        ::= { ciscoEnvMonMIBGroups 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a758cf3872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- February 1996, Jeffrey T. Johnson
+-- July 2001, Seth Wang
+-- Copyright (c) 2001, 2013 by cisco Systems Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+    Integer32,
+    Gauge32,
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    DisplayString,
+    TruthValue
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    Percent
+    ciscoMgmt
+        FROM CISCO-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED    "201309180000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
+            "Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc.
+            170 West Tasman Drive
+            San Jose, CA 95134-1706
+            USA
+            Tel: +1 408 526 4000
+            E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
+        "MIB module for monitoring memory pools"
+    REVISION        "201309180000Z"
+        "Added new notification ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif.
+        Added new notification ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryRecoveryNotif.
+        Added new object ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifEnable.
+        Added new object ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold.
+        Added new group ciscoMemoryPoolGroupRev1 which deprecates 
+        ciscoMemoryPoolGroup.
+        Added new compliance ciscoMemoryPoolComplianceRev2 which
+        deprecates ciscoMemoryPoolComplianceRev1."
+    REVISION        "200107310000Z"
+        "Added a new table, ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationTable, which
+        provides information about memory utilization."
+    REVISION        "199602010000Z"
+        "Initial version of this MIB module."
+    ::= { ciscoMgmt 48 }
+CiscoMemoryPoolTypes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents the different types of memory pools that
+        may be present in a managed device.  Memory pools can
+        be roughly categorized into two groups, predefined
+        pools and dynamic pools.  The following pool types
+        are currently predefined:
+            1:  processor memory
+            2:  i/o memory
+            3:  pci memory
+            4:  fast memory
+            5:  multibus memory
+        Dynamic pools will have a pool type value greater than
+        any of the predefined types listed above.
+        Note that only the processor pool is required to be
+        supported by all devices.  Support for other pool types
+        is dependent on the device being managed."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (1..65535)
+ciscoMemoryPoolObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolMIB 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CiscoMemoryPoolEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A table of memory pool monitoring entries."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolObjects 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CiscoMemoryPoolEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An entry in the memory pool monitoring table."
+    INDEX           { ciscoMemoryPoolType } 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolTable 1 }
+CiscoMemoryPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ciscoMemoryPoolType                    CiscoMemoryPoolTypes,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolName                    DisplayString,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolAlternate               Integer32,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolValid                   TruthValue,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed                    Gauge32,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolFree                    Gauge32,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree             Gauge32,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold Percent
+ciscoMemoryPoolType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CiscoMemoryPoolTypes
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "The type of memory pool for which this entry
+        contains information." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "A textual name assigned to the memory pool.  This
+        object is suitable for output to a human operator,
+        and may also be used to distinguish among the various
+        pool types, especially among dynamic pools." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 2 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolAlternate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Indicates whether or not this memory pool has an
+        alternate pool configured.  Alternate pools are
+        used for fallback when the current pool runs out
+        of memory.
+        If an instance of this object has a value of zero,
+        then this pool does not have an alternate.  Otherwise
+        the value of this object is the same as the value of
+        ciscoMemoryPoolType of the alternate pool." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 3 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolValid OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Indicates whether or not the remaining objects in
+        this entry contain accurate data.  If an instance
+        of this object has the value false (which in and of
+        itself indicates an internal error condition), the
+        values of the remaining objects in the conceptual row
+        may contain inaccurate information (specifically, the
+        reported values may be less than the actual values)." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 4 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolUsed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool
+        that are currently in use by applications on the
+        managed device." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 5 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolFree OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool
+        that are currently unused on the managed device.
+        Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and
+        ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory
+        in the pool" 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 6 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Indicates the largest number of contiguous bytes
+        from the memory pool that are currently unused on
+        the managed device." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 7 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object is used to indicate the threshold value in
+        percentage of free memory remaining in a memory pool.
+        If the free memory available goes below this threshold value and
+        if ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifEnable is set to 'true',
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif will be generated. When the
+        available free memory comes back to the threshold value
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryRecoveryNotif will be generated." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry 8 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CiscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A table of memory pool utilization entries. Each of the
+        objects provides a general idea of how much of the memory
+        pool has been used over a given period of time. It is
+        determined as a weighted decaying average."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolObjects 2 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CiscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An entry in the memory pool utilization table."
+    AUGMENTS           { ciscoMemoryPoolEntry  } 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationTable 1 }
+CiscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization1Min  Percent,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization5Min  Percent,
+        ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization10Min Percent
+ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization1Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This is the memory pool utilization for 1 minute." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization5Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This is the memory pool utilization for 5 minutes." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry 2 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization10Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This is the memory pool utilization for 10 minutes." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationEntry 3 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object is used to enable or disable the generation of
+        notification when the available memory in the system has fallen
+        below ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold and on recovery.
+        Setting this object to 'true' will generate
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif and 
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryRecoveryNotif. 
+        Setting this object to 'false' will disable the generation of
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif and
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryRecoveryNotif." 
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolObjects 3 }
+-- notifications
+ciscoMemoryPoolNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolMIB 2 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolMIBNotificationPrefix  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolNotifications 0 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolName,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "This notification is generated when the percentage of free
+        memory in the system has fallen below
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold and when the value of
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifEnable is set to 'true'.
+        ciscoMemoryPoolName indicates the name of the memory pool for
+        which the notification is being generated.
+        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed indicates the used memory in bytes for the
+        memory pool."
+   ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolMIBNotificationPrefix 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryRecoveryNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolName,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "This notification is generated when the percentage of free
+        memory in the system has returned to
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold after suffering from a
+        low memory. This notification is generated when the value of
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifEnable is set to 'true'. This
+        notification is generated as a recovery notification for
+        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif.
+        ciscoMemoryPoolName indicates the name of the memory pool for
+        which the notification is being generated.
+        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed indicates the used memory in bytes for the
+        memory pool."
+   ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolMIBNotificationPrefix 2 }
+-- conformance information
+ciscoMemoryPoolConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolMIB 3 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolConformance 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+ciscoMemoryPoolCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Memory Pool MIB"
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoMemoryPoolGroup }
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolCompliances 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Memory Pool MIB"
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoMemoryPoolGroup }
+    GROUP           ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationGroup
+        "Per memory pool utilization statistics is mandatory for
+        the managed system that supports memory pool utilization."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolCompliances 2 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          current
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Memory Pool MIB"
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoMemoryPoolGroupRev1 }
+    GROUP           ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationGroup
+        "Per memory pool utilization statistics is mandatory for
+        the managed system that supports memory pool utilization."
+    GROUP           ciscoMemoryPoolNotificationGroup
+        "ciscoMemoryPoolNotificationGroup is mandatory for the managed
+        system that supports memory pool notifications."
+    GROUP           ciscoMemoryPoolNotificationCtrlGroup
+        "ciscoMemoryPoolNotificationCtrlGroup is mandatory for the
+        managed system that supports memory pool notifications."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolCompliances 3 }
+-- units of conformance
+ciscoMemoryPoolGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolName,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolAlternate,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolValid,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolFree,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree
+                    }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing memory pool monitoring."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolGroups 1 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolUtilizationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization1Min,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization5Min,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUtilization10Min
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "An optional group providing a collection of memory pool
+        utilization objects."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolGroups 2 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotif,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryRecoveryNotif
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of all the notifications supported in the
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolGroups 3 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolNotificationCtrlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         { ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifEnable }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of all the notification control objects."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolGroups 4 }
+ciscoMemoryPoolGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolName,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolAlternate,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolValid,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolUsed,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolFree,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree,
+                        ciscoMemoryPoolLowMemoryNotifThreshold
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing memory pool monitoring."
+    ::= { ciscoMemoryPoolGroups 5 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-PROCESS-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-PROCESS-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb01f3cf1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-PROCESS-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,3311 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- CISCO-PROCESS-MIB.my: MIB for CPU and process statistics
+-- August 1998, Ramanathan R. Kavasseri
+-- Copyright (c) 1998, 2001, 2003, 2006-2011 by cisco Systems Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- This mib was extracted from RFC xxx
+    Counter32,
+    Gauge32,
+    Unsigned32,
+    Counter64
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    TimeStamp,
+    DisplayString,
+    RowStatus,
+    TruthValue,
+    RowPointer,
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString
+    CounterBasedGauge64
+        FROM HCNUM-TC
+    EntPhysicalIndexOrZero,
+    Unsigned64
+        FROM CISCO-TC
+    ciscoMgmt
+        FROM CISCO-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED    "201106230000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
+            "Cisco Systems
+            Customer Service
+            Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
+            San Jose, CA  95134
+            USA
+            Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
+            E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
+        "The MIB module to describe active system processes.
+        Virtual Machine refers to those OS which can run the 
+        code or process of a different executional model OS.
+        Virtual Process assume the executional model 
+        of a OS which is different from Native OS. Virtual
+        Processes are also referred as Tasks.
+        Thread is a sequence of instructions to be executed
+        within a program. Thread which adhere to POSIX standard
+        is referred as a POSIX thread."
+    REVISION        "201106230000Z"
+        "Added new table cpmCoreTable as well as a new optoinal
+        compliance group cpmCoreGroup."
+    REVISION        "201005060000Z"
+        "Added the following new objects to the cpmCPUTotalTable.
+        cpmCPUMemoryCommitted, cpmCPUMemoryCommittedOvrFlow and
+        cpmCPUMemoryHCCommitted.
+        Added new compliance group cpmCPUTotalMemoryCommitGroup which
+        includes Committed memory objects.
+        Added new compliance cProcessMIBComplianceRev5 which 
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev4."
+    REVISION        "200910120000Z"
+        "Added TEXTUAL-CONVENTION called CPULoadAverage.
+        Added the following new objects to cpmCPUTotalTable.
+        cpmCPULoadAvg1min, cpmCPULoadAvg5min, cpmCPULoadAvg15min.
+        Added new compliance group cpmCPULoadAvgGroup which includes
+        load average objects.
+        Added new compliance cProcessMIBComplianceRev4 which 
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev3."
+    REVISION        "200901230000Z"
+        "Added the following new objects to cpmCPUTotalTable.
+        cpmCPUMemoryUsedOvrflw, cpmCPUMemoryHCUsed,
+        cpmCPUMemoryFreeOvrflw, cpmCPUMemoryHCFree,
+        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReservedOvrflw, cpmCPUMemoryHCKernelReserved,
+        cpmCPUMemoryLowestOvrflw, cpmCPUMemoryHCLowest
+        Added the following new objects to cpmProcessExtRevTable.
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRevOvrflw, cpmProcExtHCMemAllocatedRev,
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRevOvrflw, cpmProcExtHCMemFreedRev,
+        cpmProcessTextSegmentSizeOvrflw, cpmProcessHCTextSegmentSize,
+        cpmProcessDataSegmentSizeOvrflw, cpmProcessHCDataSegmentSize,
+        cpmProcessStackSizeOvrflw, cpmProcessHCStackSize,
+        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySizeOvrflw, cpmProcessHCDynamicMemorySize
+        Added the following new objects to cpmThreadTable.
+        cpmThreadStackSizeOvrflw, cpmThreadHCStackSize
+        Added the following new objects to cpmVirtualProcessTable.
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocatedOvrflw,
+        cpmVirtualProcessHCMemAllocated,
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreedOvrflw, cpmVirtualProcessHCMemFreed
+        Added following new compliance groups.
+        cpmCPUTotalOverflowGroup, cpmCPUTotalOverflowGroup,
+        cpmProcessExtRevOverflowGroup, cpmProcessExtRevHCGroup,
+        cpmThreadOverflowGroup, cpmThreadHCGroup,
+        cpmVirtualProcessOverflowGroup, cpmVirtualProcessHCGroup
+        Added new compliance cProcessMIBComplianceRev3 which deprecates
+        cProcessMIBComplianceRev2."
+    REVISION        "200703230000Z"
+        "Added new objects to support POSIX compliant OS. Added
+        cpmThread, cpmThreadTable, cpmVirtualProcess, 
+        cpmVirtualProcessTable and updated cpmCPUTotalTable, 
+        cpmProcessExtRevTable. Added cProcessMIBComplianceRev2
+        by deprecating cProcessMIBComplianceRev1. Added 
+        cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup, cpmPosixProcessGroup, 
+        cpmThreadGroup, cpmVirtualProcessGroup."
+    REVISION        "200301220000Z"
+        "cpmCPUThresholdTable, cpmCPUHistoryTable,
+        cpmCPUProcessHistoryTable are added for CPU thresholding 
+        feature."
+    REVISION        "200105180000Z"
+        "The objects cpmProcExtUtil5Sec, cpmProcExtUtil1Min,
+        cpmProcExtUtil5Min,cpmCPUTotal5sec, cpmCPUTotal1min 
+        and cpmCPUTotal5min are deprecated to increase the
+        value range as 0..100. The table cpmProcessExtTable
+        is deprecated. The new objects added are 
+        cpmProcessExtRevTable, cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev,
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev, cpmProcExtInvokedRev, 
+        cpmProcExtRuntimeRev, cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev,
+        cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev, cpmCPUTotal5MinRev, 
+        cpmCPUTotal5secRev, cpmCPUTotal1minRev and 
+        cpmCPUTotal5minRev."
+    REVISION        "9804150000Z"
+        "Initial version of this MIB."
+    ::= { ciscoMgmt 109 }
+    DISPLAY-HINT    "d"
+    STATUS          current
+        "The average number of processes in the queue waiting for CPU
+        time over the last N minutes, where the N is defined by the 
+        object using this TC. This is similar to UNIX/Linux system load
+        average. The calculation may vary by different OS kernels, so
+        refer  to  the specific system document of your interest.
+        The object value, which uses this TC, reflects the average
+        number of runnable processes with units of hundredths of
+        processes, i.e. a value of 183 indicates the average number of
+        runnable processes over the N minutes is 1.83."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+-- This MIB displays memory and CPU utilization on cisco devices. CPU
+-- utilization will give a general idea of how busy the processor is.
+-- The numbers are a ratio of the current idle time over the longest
+-- idle time. Please note that this information should be used as an
+-- estimate only.
+ciscoProcessMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIB 1 }
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBObjects 1 }
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBObjects 2 }
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBObjects 3 }
+cpmVirtualProcess  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBObjects 4 }
+    ::= { cpmProcess 5 }
+-- Cisco CPU Total Table
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmCPUTotalEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A table of overall CPU statistics."
+    ::= { cpmCPU 1 }
+    SYNTAX          CpmCPUTotalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "Overall information about the CPU load. Entries in this
+        table come and go as CPUs are added and removed from the
+        system."
+    INDEX           { cpmCPUTotalIndex } 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalTable 1 }
+CpmCPUTotalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmCPUTotalIndex                 Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex         EntPhysicalIndexOrZero,
+        cpmCPUTotal5sec                  Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUTotal1min                  Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUTotal5min                  Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUTotal5secRev               Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUTotal1minRev               Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUTotal5minRev               Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMonInterval                Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue      Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue  Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryUsed                 Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryFree                 Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReserved       Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryLowest               Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryUsedOvrflw           Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryHCUsed               CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmCPUMemoryFreeOvrflw           Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryHCFree               Counter64,
+        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReservedOvrflw Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryHCKernelReserved     CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmCPUMemoryLowestOvrflw         Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryHCLowest             CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmCPULoadAvg1min                CPULoadAverage,
+        cpmCPULoadAvg5min                CPULoadAverage,
+        cpmCPULoadAvg15min               CPULoadAverage,
+        cpmCPUMemoryCommitted            Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryCommittedOvrflw      Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUMemoryHCCommitted          CounterBasedGauge64
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An index that uniquely represents a CPU (or group of CPUs)
+        whose CPU load information is reported by a row in this table.
+        This index is assigned arbitrarily by the engine
+        and is not saved over reboots." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 1 }
+cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          EntPhysicalIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The entPhysicalIndex of the physical entity for which
+        the CPU statistics in this entry are maintained.
+        The physical entity can be a CPU chip, a group of CPUs,
+        a CPU card etc. The exact type of this entity is described by
+        its entPhysicalVendorType value. If the CPU statistics
+        in this entry correspond to more than one physical entity
+        (or to no physical entity), or if the entPhysicalTable is
+        not supported on the SNMP agent, the value of this object
+        must be zero." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 2 }
+cpmCPUTotal5sec OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 second
+        period. This object obsoletes the busyPer object from 
+        the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated
+        by cpmCPUTotal5secRev which has the changed range of
+        value (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 3 }
+cpmCPUTotal1min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute
+        period. This object obsoletes the avgBusy1 object from 
+        the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated
+        by cpmCPUTotal1minRev which has the changed range
+        of value (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 4 }
+cpmCPUTotal5min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 minute
+        period. This object deprecates the avgBusy5 object from 
+        the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated
+        by cpmCPUTotal5minRev which has the changed range 
+        of value (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 5 }
+cpmCPUTotal5secRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 second
+        period. This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal5sec 
+        and increases the value range to (0..100). This object
+        is deprecated by cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue" 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 6 }
+cpmCPUTotal1minRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute
+        period. This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal1min 
+        and increases the value range to (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 7 }
+cpmCPUTotal5minRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 minute
+        period. This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal5min 
+        and increases the value range to (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 8 }
+cpmCPUMonInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    UNITS           "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "CPU usage monitoring interval. The value of this
+        object in seconds indicates the how often the 
+        CPU utilization is calculated and monitored." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 9 }
+cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the last
+        cpmCPUMonInterval period. 
+        This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal5secRev." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 10 }
+cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU busy percentage in the
+        interrupt context in the last cpmCPUMonInterval
+        period." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is currently
+        under use." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 12 }
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is currently
+        free." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 13 }
+cpmCPUMemoryKernelReserved OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is reserved
+        for kernel usage." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 14 }
+cpmCPUMemoryLowest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The lowest free memory that has been recorded since
+        device has booted." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 15 }
+cpmCPUMemoryUsedOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of cpmCPUMemoryUsed.
+        This object needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmCPUMemoryUsed exceeds 32-bit, otherwise this object value
+        would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 16 }
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is currently under
+        use. This object is a 64-bit version of cpmCPUMemoryUsed." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 17 }
+cpmCPUMemoryFreeOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of cpmCPUMemoryFree.
+        This object needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmCPUMemoryFree exceeds 32-bit, otherwise this object value
+        would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 18 }
+    SYNTAX          Counter64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is currently free.
+        This object is a 64-bit version of cpmCPUMemoryFree." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 19 }
+cpmCPUMemoryKernelReservedOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReserved. This object needs 
+        to be supported only when the value of 
+        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReserved exceeds 32-bit, otherwise
+        this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 20 }
+cpmCPUMemoryHCKernelReserved OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is reserved
+        for kernel usage. This object is a 64-bit version of
+        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReserved." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 21 }
+cpmCPUMemoryLowestOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of cpmCPUMemoryLowest.
+        This object needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmCPUMemoryLowest exceeds 32-bit, otherwise this object value
+        would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 22 }
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The lowest free memory that has been recorded since device has
+        booted. This object is a 64-bit version of cpmCPUMemoryLowest." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 23 }
+cpmCPULoadAvg1min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CPULoadAverage
+    UNITS           "hundredths of processes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU load Average in the last 1 minute period" 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 24 }
+cpmCPULoadAvg5min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CPULoadAverage
+    UNITS           "hundredths of processes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU load Average in the last 5 minutes period" 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 25 }
+cpmCPULoadAvg15min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CPULoadAverage
+    UNITS           "hundredths of processes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU load Average in the last 15 minutes period" 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 26 }
+cpmCPUMemoryCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is currently
+        Committed." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 27 }
+cpmCPUMemoryCommittedOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmCPUMemoryCommitted.
+        This object needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmCPUMemoryCommitted exceeds 32-bit, otherwise this object
+        value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 28 }
+cpmCPUMemoryHCCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall CPU wide system memory which is currently
+        committed. This object is a 64-bit version of
+        cpmCPUMemoryCommitted" 
+    ::= { cpmCPUTotalEntry 29 }
+-- Cisco Core Table
+cpmCoreTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmCoreEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A table of per-Core statistics."
+    ::= { cpmCPU 2 }
+cpmCoreEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmCoreEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "Overall information about the Core load. Entries in this
+        table could come and go as Cores go online or offline."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmCoreIndex
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmCoreTable 1 }
+CpmCoreEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmCoreIndex         Unsigned32,
+        cpmCorePhysicalIndex EntPhysicalIndexOrZero,
+        cpmCore5sec          Gauge32,
+        cpmCore1min          Gauge32,
+        cpmCore5min          Gauge32,
+        cpmCoreLoadAvg1min   CPULoadAverage,
+        cpmCoreLoadAvg5min   CPULoadAverage,
+        cpmCoreLoadAvg15min  CPULoadAverage
+cpmCoreIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An index that uniquely represents a Core (or group of Cores)
+        whose Core load information is reported by a row in this table.
+        This index is assigned arbitrarily by the engine
+        and is not saved over reboots." 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 1 }
+cpmCorePhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          EntPhysicalIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The entCorePhysicalIndex of the physical entity for which
+        the Core statistics in this entry are maintained.
+        The physical entity can be a CPU chip, a group of CPUs,
+        a CPU card etc. The exact type of this entity is described by
+        its entPhysicalVendorType value. If the Core statistics
+        in this entry correspond to more than one physical entity
+        (or to no physical entity), or if the entPhysicalTable is
+        not supported on the SNMP agent, the value of this object
+        must be zero." 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 2 }
+cpmCore5sec OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall Core busy percentage in the last 5 second
+        period." 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 3 }
+cpmCore1min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall Core busy percentage in the last 1 minute
+        period." 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 4 }
+cpmCore5min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall Core busy percentage in the last 5 minute
+        period." 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 5 }
+cpmCoreLoadAvg1min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CPULoadAverage
+    UNITS           "hundredths of processes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall Core load Average in the last 1 minute period" 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 6 }
+cpmCoreLoadAvg5min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CPULoadAverage
+    UNITS           "hundredths of processes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall Core load Average in the last 5 minutes period" 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 7 }
+cpmCoreLoadAvg15min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CPULoadAverage
+    UNITS           "hundredths of processes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The overall Core load Average in the last 15 minutes period" 
+    ::= { cpmCoreEntry 8 }
+-- Cisco Processes Common Table
+cpmProcessTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmProcessEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A table of generic information on all active
+        processes on this device."
+    ::= { cpmProcess 1 }
+cpmProcessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmProcessEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "Generic information about an active process on this
+        device. Entries in this table come and go as processes are 
+        created and destroyed by the device."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmProcessPID
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmProcessTable 1 }
+CpmProcessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmProcessPID          Unsigned32,
+        cpmProcessName         DisplayString,
+        cpmProcessuSecs        Unsigned32,
+        cpmProcessTimeCreated  TimeStamp,
+        cpmProcessAverageUSecs Unsigned32
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object contains the process ID. cpmTimeCreated
+        should be checked against the last time it was polled,
+        and if it has changed the PID has been reused and the
+        entire entry should be polled again." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessEntry 1 }
+cpmProcessName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE  (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The name associated with this process. If the name is
+        longer than 32 characters, it will be truncated to the first
+        31 characters, and a `*' will be appended as the last
+        character to imply this is a truncated process name." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessEntry 2 }
+cpmProcessuSecs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    UNITS           "microseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "Average elapsed CPU time in microseconds when the
+        process was active. This object is deprecated
+        by cpmProcessAverageUSecs." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessEntry 4 }
+cpmProcessTimeCreated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The time when the process was created. The process ID
+        and the time when the process was created, uniquely 
+        identifies a process." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessEntry 5 }
+cpmProcessAverageUSecs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    UNITS           "microseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Average elapsed CPU time in microseconds when the
+        process was active. This object deprecates the
+        object cpmProcessuSecs." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessEntry 6 }
+-- Cisco processes detail Table.  This table is mandatory on systems
+-- that have the internal capability to keep the information.
+cpmProcessExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmProcessExtEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "This table contains information that may or may
+        not be available on all cisco devices. It contains
+        additional objects for the more general
+        cpmProcessTable. This object is deprecated by
+        cpmProcessExtRevTable."
+    ::= { cpmProcess 2 }
+cpmProcessExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmProcessExtEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "An entry containing additional information for
+        a particular process. This object is deprecated by
+        cpmProcessExtRevEntry."
+    AUGMENTS           { cpmProcessEntry  } 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtTable 1 }
+CpmProcessExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocated Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtMemFreed     Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtInvoked      Counter32,
+        cpmProcExtRuntime      Counter32,
+        cpmProcExtUtil5Sec     Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtUtil1Min     Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtUtil5Min     Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtPriority     INTEGER
+cpmProcExtMemAllocated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The sum of all the dynamically allocated memory that
+        this process has received from the system. This includes
+        memory that may have been returned. The sum of freed
+        memory is provided by cpmProcExtMemFreed. This object
+        is deprecated by cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 1 }
+cpmProcExtMemFreed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The sum of all memory that this process has returned
+        to the system. This object is deprecated by 
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 2 }
+cpmProcExtInvoked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The number of times since cpmTimeCreated that
+        the process has been invoked. This object is
+        deprecated by cpmProcExtInvokedRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 3 }
+cpmProcExtRuntime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    UNITS           "microseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The amount of CPU time the process has used, in
+        microseconds. This object is deprecated by
+        cpmProcExtRuntimeRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 4 }
+cpmProcExtUtil5Sec OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "This object provides a general idea of how busy
+        a process caused the processor to be over a 5 
+        second period. It is determined as a weighted 
+        decaying average of the current idle time over 
+        the longest idle time. Note that this information 
+        should be used as an estimate only. This object is 
+        deprecated by cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev which has the 
+        changed range of value (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 5 }
+cpmProcExtUtil1Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "This object provides a general idea of how busy
+        a process caused the processor to be over a 1 
+        minute period. It is determined as a weighted 
+        decaying average of the current idle time over the 
+        longest idle time. Note that this information 
+        should be used as an estimate only. This object is 
+        deprecated by cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev which has
+        the changed range of value (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 6 }
+cpmProcExtUtil5Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "This object provides a general idea of how busy
+        a process caused the processor to be over a 5 
+        minute period. It is determined as a weighted 
+        decaying average of the current idle time over 
+        the longest idle time. Note that this information 
+        should be used as an estimate only. This object
+        is deprecated by cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev which
+        has the changed range of value (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 7 }
+cpmProcExtPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        critical(1),
+                        high(2),
+                        normal(3),
+                        low(4),
+                        notAssigned(5)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The priority level at which the process is
+        running. This object is deprecated by
+        cpmProcExtPriorityRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtEntry 8 }
+cpmProcessExtRevTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmProcessExtRevEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "This table contains information that may or may
+        not be available on all cisco devices. It contains
+        additional objects for the more general
+        cpmProcessTable. This object deprecates 
+        cpmProcessExtTable."
+    ::= { cpmProcess 3 }
+cpmProcessExtRevEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmProcessExtRevEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An entry containing additional information for
+        a particular process. This object deprecates 
+        cpmProcessExtEntry."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmProcessPID
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevTable 1 }
+CpmProcessExtRevEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev         Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev             Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtInvokedRev              Counter32,
+        cpmProcExtRuntimeRev              Counter32,
+        cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev             Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev             Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev             Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtPriorityRev             INTEGER,
+        cpmProcessType                    INTEGER,
+        cpmProcessRespawn                 TruthValue,
+        cpmProcessRespawnCount            Counter32,
+        cpmProcessRespawnAfterLastPatch   Counter32,
+        cpmProcessMemoryCore              INTEGER,
+        cpmProcessLastRestartUser         SnmpAdminString,
+        cpmProcessTextSegmentSize         Unsigned32,
+        cpmProcessDataSegmentSize         Gauge32,
+        cpmProcessStackSize               Gauge32,
+        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySize       Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRevOvrflw   Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtHCMemAllocatedRev       CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRevOvrflw       Gauge32,
+        cpmProcExtHCMemFreedRev           CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmProcessTextSegmentSizeOvrflw   Unsigned32,
+        cpmProcessHCTextSegmentSize       Unsigned64,
+        cpmProcessDataSegmentSizeOvrflw   Gauge32,
+        cpmProcessHCDataSegmentSize       CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmProcessStackSizeOvrflw         Gauge32,
+        cpmProcessHCStackSize             CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySizeOvrflw Gauge32,
+        cpmProcessHCDynamicMemorySize     CounterBasedGauge64
+cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The sum of all the dynamically allocated memory that
+        this process has received from the system. This includes
+        memory that may have been returned. The sum of freed
+        memory is provided by cpmProcExtMemFreedRev. This object
+        deprecates cpmProcExtMemAllocated." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 1 }
+cpmProcExtMemFreedRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The sum of all memory that this process has returned
+        to the system. This object  deprecates 
+        cpmProcExtMemFreed." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 2 }
+cpmProcExtInvokedRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The number of times since cpmTimeCreated that
+        the process has been invoked. This object 
+        deprecates cpmProcExtInvoked." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 3 }
+cpmProcExtRuntimeRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    UNITS           "microseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The amount of CPU time the process has used, in
+        microseconds. This object deprecates
+        cpmProcExtRuntime." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 4 }
+cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object provides a general idea of how busy
+        a process caused the processor to be over a 5 
+        second period. It is determined as a weighted 
+        decaying average of the current idle time over 
+        the longest idle time. Note that this information 
+        should be used as an estimate only. This object
+        deprecates cpmProcExtUtil5Sec and increases the 
+        value range to (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 5 }
+cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object provides a general idea of how busy
+        a process caused the processor to be over a 1 
+        minute period. It is determined as a weighted 
+        decaying average of the current idle time over the 
+        longest idle time. Note that this information 
+        should be used as an estimate only. This object 
+        deprecates cpmProcExtUtil1Min and increases the value
+        range to (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 6 }
+cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object provides a general idea of how busy
+        a process caused the processor to be over a 5 
+        minute period. It is determined as a weighted 
+        decaying average of the current idle time over 
+        the longest idle time. Note that this information 
+        should be used as an estimate only. This object
+        deprecates cpmProcExtUtil5Min and increases the
+        value range to (0..100)." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 7 }
+cpmProcExtPriorityRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        critical(1),
+                        high(2),
+                        normal(3),
+                        low(4),
+                        notAssigned(5)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The priority level at  which the process is
+        running. This object deprecates 
+        cpmProcExtPriority." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 8 }
+cpmProcessType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        other(1),
+                        posix(2),
+                        ios(3)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the kind of process in context." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 9 }
+cpmProcessRespawn OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates whether respawn of a process is enabled
+        or not. If enabled the process in context repawns after
+        it has crashed/stopped." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 10 }
+cpmProcessRespawnCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the number of times the process has
+        respawned/restarted." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 11 }
+cpmProcessRespawnAfterLastPatch OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the number of times a process has
+        restarted after the last patch is applied. This is to 
+        determine the stability of the last patch." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 12 }
+cpmProcessMemoryCore OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        other(1),
+                        mainmem(2),
+                        mainmemSharedmem(3),
+                        mainmemText(4),
+                        mainmemTextSharedmem(5),
+                        sharedmem(6),
+                        sparse(7),
+                        off(8)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the part of process memory to be
+        dumped when a process crashes. The process 
+        memory is used for debugging purposes to trace the 
+        root cause of the crash.
+        sparse        - Some operating systems support minimal
+                        dump of process core like register
+                        info, partial stack, partial memory
+                        pages especially for critical process
+                        to facilitate faster process restart." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 13 }
+cpmProcessLastRestartUser OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicate the user that has last restarted the
+        process or has taken running coredump of the process." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 14 }
+cpmProcessTextSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the text memory of a process and all
+        its shared objects." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 15 }
+cpmProcessDataSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the data segment of a process and
+        all its shared objects." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 16 }
+cpmProcessStackSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the amount of stack memory used by the
+        process." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 17 }
+cpmProcessDynamicMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the amount of dynamic memory being used
+        by the process." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 18 }
+cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRevOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev. This object needs
+        to be supported only when the value of 
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev exceeds 32-bit, 
+        otherwise this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 19 }
+cpmProcExtHCMemAllocatedRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The sum of all the dynamically allocated memory that this
+        process has received from the system. This includes memory
+        that may have been returned. This object is a 64-bit version
+        of cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 20 }
+cpmProcExtMemFreedRevOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev. This object needs to 
+        be supported only when the value of
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev exceeds 32-bit,otherwise
+        this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 21 }
+cpmProcExtHCMemFreedRev OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The sum of all memory that this process has returned to the
+        system. This object is a 64-bit version of
+        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 22 }
+cpmProcessTextSegmentSizeOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmProcessTextSegmentSize. This object needs
+        to be supported only when the value of 
+        cpmProcessTextSegmentSize exceeds 32-bit, 
+        otherwise this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 23 }
+cpmProcessHCTextSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the text memory of a process and all
+        its shared objects. This object is a 64-bit version
+        of cpmProcessTextSegmentSize." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 24 }
+cpmProcessDataSegmentSizeOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmProcessDataSegmentSize. This object needs
+        to be supported only when the value of 
+        cpmProcessDataSegmentSize exceeds 32-bit, 
+        otherwise this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 25 }
+cpmProcessHCDataSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the data segment of a process and
+        all its shared objects.. This object is a 64-bit
+        version of cpmProcessDataSegmentSize." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 26 }
+cpmProcessStackSizeOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of cpmProcessStackSize.
+        This object needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmProcessStackSize exceeds 32-bit, otherwise this object value
+        would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 27 }
+cpmProcessHCStackSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the amount of stack memory used by the process.
+        This object is a 64-bit version of cpmProcessStackSize." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 28 }
+cpmProcessDynamicMemorySizeOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySize. This object needs
+        to be supported only when the value of 
+        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySize exceeds 32-bit, 
+        otherwise this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 29 }
+cpmProcessHCDynamicMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "kilo-bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates the amount of dynamic memory being used
+        by the process. This object is a 64-bit version of
+        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySize." 
+    ::= { cpmProcessExtRevEntry 30 }
+-- Threshold Table allows the CPU threshold configurations.
+-- When the configured threshold is reached a NMS will be notified
+-- with this event.
+cpmCPUThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmCPUThresholdEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "This table contains the information about the
+        thresholding values for CPU , configured by the user."
+    ::= { cpmProcess 4 }
+cpmCPUThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmCPUThresholdEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An entry containing information about
+        CPU thresholding parameters. cpmCPUTotalIndex
+        identifies the CPU (or group of CPUs) for which this
+        configuration applies."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmCPUThresholdClass
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdTable 1 }
+CpmCPUThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmCPUThresholdClass         INTEGER,
+        cpmCPURisingThresholdValue   Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod  Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue  Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUThresholdEntryStatus   RowStatus
+cpmCPUThresholdClass OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        total(1),
+                        interrupt(2),
+                        process(3)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "Value of this object indicates the type of
+        utilization, which is monitored. The total(1) indicates
+        the total CPU utilization, interrupt(2) indicates the
+        the CPU utilization in interrupt context and process(3)
+        indicates the CPU utilization in the process level
+        execution context." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdEntry 1 }
+cpmCPURisingThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
+    STATUS          current
+        "The percentage rising threshold value configured by
+        the user. The value indicates, 
+        if the percentage CPU utilization is equal to or above
+        this value for cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod duration 
+        then send a cpmCPURisingThreshold notification to
+        the NMS." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdEntry 2 }
+cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (5..4294967295)
+    UNITS           "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
+    STATUS          current
+        "This is an observation interval.
+        The value of this object indicates that 
+        the CPU utilization should be above
+        cpmCPURisingThresholdValue for this duration to send a 
+        cpmCPURisingThreshold notification to the NMS."
+    DEFVAL          { 5 } 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdEntry 3 }
+cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
+    STATUS          current
+        "The percentage falling threshold value configured by
+        the user. The value indicates, if the percentage 
+        CPU utilization is equal to or below this value for 
+        cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod duration
+        then send a cpmCPUFallingThreshold notification 
+        to the NMS." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdEntry 4 }
+cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (5..4294967295)
+    UNITS           "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
+    STATUS          current
+        "This is an observation interval. The value of this
+        object indicates that CPU utilization should be below
+        cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue for this duration to send a 
+        cpmCPURisingThreshold notification to the NMS."
+    DEFVAL          { 5 } 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdEntry 5 }
+cpmCPUThresholdEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
+    STATUS          current
+        "The status of this table entry." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUThresholdEntry 6 }
+cpmCPUHistoryThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
+    STATUS          current
+        "The user  configured value of this object gives
+        the minimum percent CPU utilization of a process
+        in the last cpmCPUMonInterval duration required to be a 
+        member of history table. When this object is changed
+        the new value will have effect in the next interval." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistory 1 }
+cpmCPUHistorySize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
+    STATUS          current
+        "A value configured by the user which specifies the
+        number of reports in the history table. 
+        A report contains set of processes which crossed
+        the cpmCPUHistoryThreshold 
+        in the last cpmCPUMonInterval along with 
+        the time at which this report is
+        created, total and interrupt CPU utilizations. 
+        When this object is changed
+        the new value will have effect in the next interval." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistory 2 }
+cpmCPUHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmCPUHistoryEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A list of CPU utilization history entries."
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistory 3 }
+cpmCPUHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmCPUHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A historical sample of CPU utilization statistics.
+        cpmCPUTotalIndex identifies the CPU (or group of CPUs)
+        for which this history is collected. 
+        When the cpmCPUHistorySize is
+        reached the least recent entry is lost."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryReportId
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistoryTable 1 }
+CpmCPUHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmCPUHistoryReportId      Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUHistoryReportSize    Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUHistoryTotalUtil     Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUHistoryInterruptUtil Gauge32,
+        cpmCPUHistoryCreatedTime   TimeStamp
+cpmCPUHistoryReportId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "All the entries which are created at the same time
+        will have same value for this object. When the
+        configured threshold for being a part of History table
+        is reached then the qualified processes become the
+        part of history table. The entries which became the 
+        part of history table at one instant will have
+        the same value for this object. When this object
+        reaches the max index value then it will wrap around." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistoryEntry 1 }
+cpmCPUHistoryReportSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The number of process entries in a report.
+        This object gives information about how many processes 
+        became a part of history table at one instant." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistoryEntry 2 }
+cpmCPUHistoryTotalUtil OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Total percentage of CPU utilization
+        at cpmCPUHistoryCreated." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistoryEntry 3 }
+cpmCPUHistoryInterruptUtil OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Percentage of CPU utilization in the interrupt context
+        at cpmCPUHistoryCreated." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistoryEntry 4 }
+cpmCPUHistoryCreatedTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "Time stamp with respect to sysUpTime indicating
+        the time at which this report is created." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistoryEntry 5 }
+cpmThreadTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmThreadEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "This table contains generic information about
+        POSIX threads in the device."
+    ::= { cpmThread 1 }
+cpmThreadEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmThreadEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An entry containing the general statistics
+        of a POSIX thread."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmProcessPID,
+                        cpmThreadID
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmThreadTable 1 }
+CpmThreadEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmThreadID              Unsigned32,
+        cpmThreadName            SnmpAdminString,
+        cpmThreadPriority        Unsigned32,
+        cpmThreadState           INTEGER,
+        cpmThreadBlockingProcess RowPointer,
+        cpmThreadCpuUtilization  Gauge32,
+        cpmThreadStackSize       Gauge32,
+        cpmThreadStackSizeOvrflw Gauge32,
+        cpmThreadHCStackSize     CounterBasedGauge64
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object contains the thread ID. ThreadID is
+        Unique per process." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 1 }
+cpmThreadName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the name of the thread.
+        Thread names need not be unique. Hence statistics 
+        should be analyzed against thread ID." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 2 }
+cpmThreadPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..63)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the priority of a POSIX thread.
+        The higher the number, the higher the priority of the 
+        thread over other threads." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 3 }
+cpmThreadState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        other(1),
+                        dead(2),
+                        running(3),
+                        ready(4),
+                        stopped(5),
+                        send(6),
+                        receive(7),
+                        reply(8),
+                        stack(9),
+                        waitpage(10),
+                        sigsuspend(11),
+                        sigwaitinfo(12),
+                        nanosleep(13),
+                        mutex(14),
+                        condvar(15),
+                        join(16),
+                        intr(17),
+                        sem(18)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the current state of a thread.
+        Running state means that the thread is actively 
+        consumig CPU. All the other states are just waiting 
+        states. The valid states are:
+        other         - Any other state apart from the listed 
+                        ones.
+        dead          - Kernel is waiting to release the 
+                        thread's resources.
+        running       - Actively running on a CPU.
+        ready         - Not running on a CPU, but is ready to 
+                        run (one or more higher or equal 
+                        priority threads are running).
+        stopped       - Suspended (SIGSTOP signal).
+        send          - Waiting for a server to receive 
+                        a message.
+        receive       - Waiting for a client to send a message.
+        reply         - Waiting for a server to reply to a 
+                        message.
+        stack         - Waiting for more stack to be allocated.
+        waitpage      - Waiting for process manager to 
+                        resolve a fault on a page.
+        sigsuspend    - Suspended for a signal.
+        sigwaitinfo   - Waiting for a signal.
+        nanosleep     - Sleeping for a period of time.
+        mutex         - Waiting to acquire a mutex
+        condvar       - Waiting for a condition variable to be 
+                        signalled.
+        join          - Waiting for the completion of another 
+                        thread.
+        intr          - Waiting for an interrupt.
+        sem           - Waiting to acquire a semaphore." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 4 }
+cpmThreadBlockingProcess OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          RowPointer
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object identifies the process on which the
+        current thread is blocked on. This points to the 
+        cpmProcessTable of the process on which the thread 
+        in context is blocked. This is valid only to threads
+        which are either in send/reply states. For the 
+        rest of the threads it is returned as 0.0" 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 5 }
+cpmThreadCpuUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object provides a general idea on how busy
+        the thread in context caused the processor to be." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 6 }
+cpmThreadStackSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the stack size allocated to
+        the thread in context." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 7 }
+cpmThreadStackSizeOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of cpmThreadStackSize.
+        This object needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmThreadStackSize exceeds 32-bit, otherwise this object value
+        would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 8 }
+cpmThreadHCStackSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the stack size allocated to the
+        thread in context. This object is a 64-bit version of
+        cpmThreadStackSize." 
+    ::= { cpmThreadEntry 9 }
+cpmVirtualProcessTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmVirtualProcessEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "This table contains information about virtual
+        processes in a virtual machine."
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcess 1 }
+cpmVirtualProcessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmVirtualProcessEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An entry containing the general statistics of a
+        virtual process in a virtual machine."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmProcessPID,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessID
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessTable 1 }
+CpmVirtualProcessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmVirtualProcessID                 Unsigned32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessName               SnmpAdminString,
+        cpmVirtualProcessUtil5Sec           Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessUtil1Min           Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessUtil5Min           Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated       Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreed           Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessInvokeCount        Counter32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessRuntime            Counter32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocatedOvrflw Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessHCMemAllocated     CounterBasedGauge64,
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreedOvrflw     Gauge32,
+        cpmVirtualProcessHCMemFreed         CounterBasedGauge64
+cpmVirtualProcessID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the process ID of a virtual
+        process. PID is unique only inside one address space.
+        Virtual process PID should be considered along with 
+        Parent process cpmProcessPID." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 1 }
+cpmVirtualProcessName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString (SIZE  (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the name of a virtual process.
+        If the name is longer than 32 characters, it will be
+        truncated to the first 31 characters, and a `*' will be
+        appended as the last character to imply this is a
+        truncated process name." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 2 }
+cpmVirtualProcessUtil5Sec OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates an estimated CPU utilization by
+        a virtual process over the last 5 seconds." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 3 }
+cpmVirtualProcessUtil1Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates an estimated CPU utilization by
+        a virtual process over the last one minute." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 4 }
+cpmVirtualProcessUtil5Min OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This indicates an estimated CPU utilization by
+        a virtual process over the last 5 minutes." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 5 }
+cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the memory allocated by the
+        virtual process inside the address space of a 
+        process running on Native OS." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 6 }
+cpmVirtualProcessMemFreed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the memory freed by the virtual
+        process inside the address space of a process running 
+        on Native OS." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 7 }
+cpmVirtualProcessInvokeCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The number of times a virtual process is invoked." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 8 }
+cpmVirtualProcessRuntime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Counter32
+    UNITS           "microseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The amount of CPU time a virtual process has used in
+        microseconds." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 9 }
+cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocatedOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated. This object 
+        needs to be supported only when the value of
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated exceeds 32-bit,
+        otherwise this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 10 }
+cpmVirtualProcessHCMemAllocated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the memory allocated by the
+        virtual process inside the address space of a process
+        running on Native OS. This object is a 64-bit version
+        of cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 11 }
+cpmVirtualProcessMemFreedOvrflw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object represents the upper 32-bit of
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreed. This object needs
+        to be supported only when the value of 
+        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreed exceeds 32-bit, 
+        otherwise this object value would be set to 0." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 12 }
+cpmVirtualProcessHCMemFreed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CounterBasedGauge64
+    UNITS           "bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object indicates the memory freed by the virtual process
+        inside the address space of a process running on Native OS.This
+        object is a 64-bit version of cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated." 
+    ::= { cpmVirtualProcessEntry 13 }
+-- History table contains the statistics for the processes
+-- qualified to be a part of history table.
+-- The statistics are the CPU utilization of processes
+-- for past 5 second period.
+cpmCPUProcessHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry 
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A list of process history entries. This table contains
+        CPU utilization of processes which crossed the 
+        cpmCPUHistoryThreshold."
+    ::= { cpmCPUHistory 4 }
+cpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          CpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "A historical sample of process utilization
+        statistics. The entries in this table will have
+        corresponding entires in the cpmCPUHistoryTable.
+        The entries in this table get deleted when the entry
+        associated with this entry in the cpmCPUHistoryTable 
+        gets deleted."
+    INDEX           {
+                        cpmCPUTotalIndex,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryReportId,
+                        cpmCPUProcessHistoryIndex
+                    } 
+    ::= { cpmCPUProcessHistoryTable 1 }
+CpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cpmCPUProcessHistoryIndex Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUHistoryProcId       Unsigned32,
+        cpmCPUHistoryProcName     DisplayString,
+        cpmCPUHistoryProcCreated  TimeStamp,
+        cpmCPUHistoryProcUtil     Gauge32
+cpmCPUProcessHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
+    STATUS          current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
+        the cmpCPUProcessHistory table among those in the 
+        same report. This index is between 1 to N, 
+        where N is the cpmCPUHistoryReportSize." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry 1 }
+cpmCPUHistoryProcId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The process Id associated with this entry." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry 2 }
+cpmCPUHistoryProcName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The process name associated with this entry." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry 3 }
+cpmCPUHistoryProcCreated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The time when the process was created. The process ID
+        and the time when the process was created, uniquely 
+        identifies a process." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry 4 }
+cpmCPUHistoryProcUtil OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS           "percent"
+    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+    STATUS          current
+        "The percentage CPU utilization of a process at
+        cpmCPUHistoryCreatedTime." 
+    ::= { cpmCPUProcessHistoryEntry 5 }
+-- notifications
+ciscoProcessMIBNotifPrefix  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIB 2 }
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBNotifPrefix 0 }
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPURisingThresholdValue,
+                        cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue,
+                        cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev,
+                        cpmProcessTimeCreated
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A cpmCPURisingThreshold notification is sent
+        when configured rising CPU utilization threshold
+        (cpmCPURisingThresholdValue) is reached and
+        CPU utilization remained above the threshold 
+        for configured interval(cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod)
+        and such a notification is requested. 
+        The cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev and cpmProcessTimeCreated 
+        objects can be repeated multiple times
+        in a notification indicating the top users of CPU."
+   ::= { ciscoProcessMIBNotifs 1 }
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue,
+                        cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue,
+                        cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A cpmCPUFallingThresholdTrap is sent when the
+        configured falling threshold
+        (cpmCPURisingThresholdValue) 
+        is reached and CPU utilization remained under 
+        threshold for configured 
+        interval (cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod) 
+        and such a notification is requested."
+   ::= { ciscoProcessMIBNotifs 2 }
+-- conformance information
+ciscoProcessMIBConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIB 3 }
+cpmCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBConformance 1 }
+    ::= { ciscoProcessMIBConformance 2 }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This is deprecated and new 
+        compliance cProcessMIBComplianceRev is added."
+    MODULE          -- this module
+                        cpmCPUTotalGroup,
+                        cpmProcessGroup
+                    }
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtGroup
+        "The cpmProcessExtGroup is optional for all entities."
+    OBJECT          cpmProcExtPriority
+    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
+        "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 1 }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This compliance module
+        deprecates cProcessMIBCompliance."
+    MODULE          -- this module
+                        cpmCPUTotalGroupRev,
+                        cpmProcessGroupRev
+                    }
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessExtGroupRev is optional for all
+        entities. This object is defined after deprecating
+        cpmProcessExtGroup."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 2 }
+cProcessMIBComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This compliance module
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev."
+    MODULE          -- this module
+                        cpmCPUThresholdGroup,
+                        cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1
+                    }
+    GROUP           cpmCPUHistoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUHistoryGroup is optional and gives
+        the information about process CPU utilization history."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup is optional and
+        these traps indicates that 
+        configured threshold is reached."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 3 }
+cProcessMIBComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This compliance module
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev1."
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 }
+    GROUP           cpmCPUHistoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUHistoryGroup is optional and gives
+        the information about process CPU utilization history."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup is optional and
+        these traps indicates that configured threshold 
+        is reached."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessExtGroupRev is optional and gives
+        detailed process monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdGroup is optional and provides
+        information on configuring threshold values."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessGroupRev is optional and provides common
+        process monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup gives information about
+        CPU wide system memory of POSIX OS.
+        cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup is mandatory if the Operating
+        System of the managed system supports Posix standard
+        kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmPosixProcessGroup
+        "The cpmPosixProcessGroup gives information about
+        POSIX process. cpmPosixProcessGroup is mandatory if
+        the Operating System of the managed system
+        supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmThreadGroup
+        "The cpmThreadGroup gives information about POSIX
+        threads. cpmThreadGroup is mandatory if the Operating
+        System of the managed system supports Posix standard
+        kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessGroup
+        "The cpmVirtualProcessGroup gives information about
+        virtual process. cpmVirtualProcessGroup is mandatory
+        Operating System of the managed system supports
+        Posix standard kernel."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 4 }
+cProcessMIBComplianceRev3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This compliance module
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev2."
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 }
+    GROUP           cpmCPUHistoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUHistoryGroup is optional and gives
+        the information about process CPU utilization history."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup is optional and
+        these traps indicates that configured threshold 
+        is reached."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessExtGroupRev is optional and gives
+        detailed process monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdGroup is optional and provides
+        information on configuring threshold values."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessGroupRev is optional and provides common
+        process monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup gives information about
+        CPU wide system memory of POSIX OS.
+        cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup is mandatory if the Operating
+        System of the managed system supports Posix standard
+        kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmPosixProcessGroup
+        "The cpmPosixProcessGroup gives information about
+        POSIX process. cpmPosixProcessGroup is mandatory if
+        the Operating System of the managed system
+        supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmThreadGroup
+        "The cpmThreadGroup gives information about POSIX
+        threads. cpmThreadGroup is mandatory if the Operating
+        System of the managed system supports Posix standard
+        kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessGroup
+        "The cpmVirtualProcessGroup gives information about
+        virtual process. cpmVirtualProcessGroup is mandatory
+        Operating System of the managed system supports
+        Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtRevOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtRevHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmThreadOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmThreadHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which
+        run on 32-bit operating system."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 5 }
+cProcessMIBComplianceRev4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This compliance module
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev3."
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 }
+    GROUP           cpmCPUHistoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUHistoryGroup is optional and gives the information
+        about process CPU utilization history."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup is optional and these traps
+        indicates that configured threshold is reached."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessExtGroupRev is optional and gives detailed process
+        monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdGroup is optional and provides information on
+        configuring threshold values."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessGroupRev is optional and provides common process
+        monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup gives information about CPU wide
+        system memory of POSIX OS.
+        cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup is mandatory if the Operating System of
+        the managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmPosixProcessGroup
+        "The cpmPosixProcessGroup gives information about POSIX process.
+        cpmPosixProcessGroup is mandatory if the Operating System of the
+        managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmThreadGroup
+        "The cpmThreadGroup gives information about POSIX threads.
+        cpmThreadGroup is mandatory if the Operating System of the
+        managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessGroup
+        "The cpmVirtualProcessGroup gives information about virtual
+        process.cpmVirtualProcessGroup is mandatory Operating System of
+        the managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtRevOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtRevHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmThreadOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmThreadHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmCPULoadAvgGroup
+        "The cpmCPULoadAvgGroup is optional and provides CPU load
+        average information.This Group is valid only for the device
+        which supports it."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 6 }
+cProcessMIBComplianceRev5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS          current
+        "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+        the Cisco Process MIB. This compliance module
+        deprecates cProcessMIBComplianceRev4"
+    MODULE          -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 }
+    GROUP           cpmCoreGroup
+        "The cpmCoreGroup is optoinal and gives per-core CPU utilization."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUHistoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUHistoryGroup is optional and gives the information
+        about process CPU utilization history."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup is optional and these
+        traps indicates that configured threshold is reached."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessExtGroupRev is optional and gives detailed process
+        monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUThresholdGroup
+        "The cpmCPUThresholdGroup is optional and provides information
+        on configuring threshold values."
+    GROUP           cpmProcessGroupRev
+        "The cpmProcessGroupRev is optional and provides common process
+        monitoring information."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup
+        "The cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup gives information about CPU wide
+        system memory of POSIX OS.
+        cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup is mandatory if the Operating System of
+        the managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmPosixProcessGroup
+        "The cpmPosixProcessGroup gives information about POSIX process.
+        cpmPosixProcessGroup is mandatory if the Operating System
+        of the managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmThreadGroup
+        "The cpmThreadGroup gives information about POSIX threads.
+        cpmThreadGroup is mandatory if the Operating System of the
+        managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessGroup
+        "The cpmVirtualProcessGroup gives information about virtual
+        process.cpmVirtualProcessGroup is mandatory Operating System of 
+        the managed system supports Posix standard kernel."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtRevOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmProcessExtRevHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmThreadOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmThreadHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessOverflowGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system."
+    GROUP           cpmVirtualProcessHCGroup
+        "This group is an optional group for the devices which run on
+        32-bit operating system"
+    GROUP           cpmCPULoadAvgGroup
+        "The cpmCPULoadAvgGroup is optional and provides CPU load
+        average information.This Group is valid only for the device
+        which supports it"
+    GROUP           cpmCPUTotalMemoryCommitGroup
+        "The cpmCPUTotalMemoryCommitGroup is optional and provides system
+        Committed memory information.This Group is valid only for the
+        device which supports it."
+    ::= { cpmCompliances 7 }
+-- units of conformance
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex,
+                        cpmCPUTotal5sec,
+                        cpmCPUTotal1min,
+                        cpmCPUTotal5min
+                    }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing CPU load monitoring
+        information. This group is mandatory for all cisco devices.
+        This group is deprecated since the objects cpmCPUTotal5sec,
+        cpmCPUTotal1min and cpmCPUTotal5min are
+        deprecated. A new object cpmCPUTotalGroupRev is
+        added in place of it."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 1 }
+cpmProcessGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcessPID,
+                        cpmProcessName,
+                        cpmProcessuSecs,
+                        cpmProcessTimeCreated
+                    }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing common process
+        monitoring information. This group is mandatory for 
+        all cisco devices. This object is deprecated
+        by cpmProcessGroupRev."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 2 }
+cpmProcessExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcExtMemAllocated,
+                        cpmProcExtMemFreed,
+                        cpmProcExtInvoked,
+                        cpmProcExtRuntime,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil5Sec,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil1Min,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil5Min,
+                        cpmProcExtPriority
+                    }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing additional and
+        more detailed process monitoring information. This 
+        group is mandatory for all cisco devices that have 
+        the internal capability to keep this information. 
+        This group is deprecated and new group
+        cpmProcessExtGroupRev is added."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 3 }
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex,
+                        cpmCPUTotal5secRev,
+                        cpmCPUTotal1minRev,
+                        cpmCPUTotal5minRev
+                    }
+    STATUS          deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing CPU load monitoring
+        information. This group is mandatory for all cisco
+        devices. This group deprecates cpmCPUTotalGroup.
+        This group is deprecated since the object
+        cpmCPUTotal5secRev is deprecated.
+        A new object cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 is
+        added in place of it."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 4 }
+cpmProcessExtGroupRev OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev,
+                        cpmProcExtMemFreedRev,
+                        cpmProcExtInvokedRev,
+                        cpmProcExtRuntimeRev,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev,
+                        cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev,
+                        cpmProcExtPriorityRev
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing additional and
+        more detailed process monitoring information. This 
+        group is mandatory for all cisco devices that have 
+        the internal capability to keep this information.
+        This group is formed after deprecating cpmProcessExtGroup.
+        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev, cpmProcExtMemFreedRev,
+        cpmProcExtInvokedRev, cpmProcExtRuntimeRev,
+        cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev, cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev and 
+        cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev are the new objects added."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 5 }
+cpmProcessGroupRev OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcessPID,
+                        cpmProcessName,
+                        cpmProcessAverageUSecs,
+                        cpmProcessTimeCreated
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing common process
+        monitoring information. This group is mandatory for 
+        all cisco devices. This object deprecates
+        cpmProcessGroup."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 6 }
+cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex,
+                        cpmCPUTotal1minRev,
+                        cpmCPUTotal5minRev,
+                        cpmCPUMonInterval,
+                        cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue,
+                        cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing CPU load monitoring
+        information. This group is mandatory for all cisco
+        devices. This group deprecates cpmCPUTotalGroupRev."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 7 }
+cpmCPUThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPURisingThresholdValue,
+                        cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod,
+                        cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue,
+                        cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod,
+                        cpmCPUThresholdEntryStatus
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects used for configuration
+        of thresholding."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 8 }
+cpmCPUHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUHistorySize,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryThreshold,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryTotalUtil,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryInterruptUtil,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryCreatedTime,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryReportSize,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryProcId,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryProcName,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryProcCreated,
+                        cpmCPUHistoryProcUtil
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing information
+        about CPU utilization history."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 9 }
+cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+                        cpmCPURisingThreshold,
+                        cpmCPUFallingThreshold
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A group of notifications."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 10 }
+cpmCPUPosixMemoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUMemoryUsed,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryFree,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReserved,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryLowest
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of common objects providing
+        CPU wide System memory information running
+        POSIX compliant OS."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 11 }
+cpmPosixProcessGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcessType,
+                        cpmProcessRespawn,
+                        cpmProcessRespawnCount,
+                        cpmProcessRespawnAfterLastPatch,
+                        cpmProcessMemoryCore,
+                        cpmProcessLastRestartUser,
+                        cpmProcessTextSegmentSize,
+                        cpmProcessDataSegmentSize,
+                        cpmProcessStackSize,
+                        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySize
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of common objects providing Process
+        information on devices running POSIX compliant OS."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 12 }
+cpmThreadGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmThreadName,
+                        cpmThreadPriority,
+                        cpmThreadState,
+                        cpmThreadBlockingProcess,
+                        cpmThreadCpuUtilization,
+                        cpmThreadStackSize
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing thread information
+        information on devices running POSIX compliant OS."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 13 }
+cpmVirtualProcessGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmVirtualProcessName,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessUtil5Sec,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessUtil1Min,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessUtil5Min,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocated,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreed,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessInvokeCount,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessRuntime
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing virtual process
+        information on devices that can run virtual machines."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 14 }
+cpmCPUTotalOverflowGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUMemoryUsedOvrflw,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryFreeOvrflw,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryKernelReservedOvrflw,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryLowestOvrflw
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of Overflow (Ovrflw) objects providing CPU load
+        monitoring information."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 15 }
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUMemoryHCUsed,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryHCFree,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryHCKernelReserved,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryHCLowest
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of High Capacity (HC) objects providing CPU
+        load monitoring information."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 16 }
+cpmProcessExtRevOverflowGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRevOvrflw,
+                        cpmProcExtMemFreedRevOvrflw,
+                        cpmProcessTextSegmentSizeOvrflw,
+                        cpmProcessDataSegmentSizeOvrflw,
+                        cpmProcessStackSizeOvrflw,
+                        cpmProcessDynamicMemorySizeOvrflw
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of Overflow objects providing additional
+        and more detailed process monitoring information."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 17 }
+cpmProcessExtRevHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmProcExtHCMemAllocatedRev,
+                        cpmProcExtHCMemFreedRev,
+                        cpmProcessHCTextSegmentSize,
+                        cpmProcessHCDataSegmentSize,
+                        cpmProcessHCStackSize,
+                        cpmProcessHCDynamicMemorySize
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of High Capacity objects providing
+        additional and more detailed process monitoring 
+        information."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 18 }
+cpmThreadOverflowGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         { cpmThreadStackSizeOvrflw }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of Overflow objects providing thread
+        information on devices running POSIX compliant OS."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 19 }
+cpmThreadHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         { cpmThreadHCStackSize }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of High Capacity objects providing thread
+        information on devices running POSIX compliant OS."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 20 }
+cpmVirtualProcessOverflowGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmVirtualProcessMemAllocatedOvrflw,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessMemFreedOvrflw
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of Overflow objects providing virtual process
+        information on devices that can run virtual machines."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 21 }
+cpmVirtualProcessHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmVirtualProcessHCMemAllocated,
+                        cpmVirtualProcessHCMemFreed
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of High Capacity objects providing virtual process
+        information on devices that can run virtual machines."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 22 }
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPULoadAvg1min,
+                        cpmCPULoadAvg5min,
+                        cpmCPULoadAvg15min
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing CPU load average
+        information"
+    ::= { cpmGroups 23 }
+cpmCPUTotalMemoryCommitGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCPUMemoryCommitted,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryCommittedOvrflw,
+                        cpmCPUMemoryHCCommitted
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing CPU system Committed memory
+        information."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 24 }
+cpmCoreGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS         {
+                        cpmCorePhysicalIndex,
+                        cpmCore5sec,
+                        cpmCore1min,
+                        cpmCore5min,
+                        cpmCoreLoadAvg1min,
+                        cpmCoreLoadAvg5min,
+                        cpmCoreLoadAvg15min
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A collection of objects providing per-Core CPU utilization."
+    ::= { cpmGroups 25 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-QOS-PIB-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-QOS-PIB-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2b4f910ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-QOS-PIB-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,2022 @@
+    Counter64,
+    Unsigned32,
+    IpAddress
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    DisplayString,
+    MacAddress,
+    TruthValue
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ciscoPibToMib
+    ;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200708290000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems Inc."
+        "Cisco Systems
+        Customer Service
+        Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
+            San Jose, CA 95134
+            USA
+        Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
+        E-mail: cs-wbu@cisco.com"
+            "The Cisco QOS Policy PIB for provisioning QOS policy."
+    REVISION    "200708290000Z"
+            "Add new enum values in QosInterfaceQueueType
+             textual convention for various queue type."
+    REVISION    "200405030000Z"
+            "Add new enum value in QosInterfaceQueueType
+             textual convention for 1p3q8t queue type."
+    REVISION    "200302210000Z"
+            "Add new enum values in QosInterfaceQueueType
+             textual convention to indicate queue types
+             containing priority queue. Add new enum value
+             in ThresholdSetRange textual convention for
+             zero threshold."
+    REVISION    "200205020000Z"
+            "Fix the SYNTAX of Role and RoleCombination."
+    REVISION    "200006160000Z"
+            "Added QosInterfaceTypeCapabilities textual convention."
+    REVISION    "200005110000Z"
+            "Initial version of this PIB module."
+    ::= { ciscoPibToMib 1 }
+-- New textual conventions
+-- DiffServ Codepoint
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that is in the range of the DiffServ codepoint
+        values."
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63)
+-- Layer 2 CoS
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that is in the range of the layer 2 CoS values.
+        This corresponds to the 802.1p and ISL CoS values."
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7)
+-- Supported Queues
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that is limited to the number of queues per
+        interface supported by the PIB.  Limited to 64 which is the
+        number of codepoints."
+        oneQ(1), twoQ(2), threeQ(3), fourQ(4),
+        eightQ(8), sixteenQ(16), thirtyTwoQ(32), sixtyFourQ(64)
+        }
+-- Supported Thresholds
+ThresholdSetRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that is limited to the number of threshold sets
+        per queue supported by the PIB. A threshold set is a
+        collection of parameters describing queue threshold.  The
+        parameters of a threshold set depend on the drop mechanism the
+        queue implements.  For example, the threshold set for
+        tail-drop  comprises a single parameter, the percentage of
+        queue size at which dropping occurs.  The threshold set for
+        WRED comprises two parameters; within the range of the two
+        parameters packets are randomly dropped."
+        zeroT(0), oneT(1), twoT(2), fourT(4), eightT(8)
+        }
+-- Percentage for thresholds, etc.
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that is in the range of a percent value."
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100)
+-- Interface types
+QosInterfaceQueueType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "An enumerated type for all the known interface types.  The
+        interface types are currently limited to a predefined
+        combination of queues and thresholds such that the product of
+        queues and thresholds does not exceed 64 (i.e., the total
+        number of DSCPs."
+        oneQ1t(1),      oneQ2t(2),      oneQ4t(3),       oneQ8t(4),
+        twoQ1t(5),      twoQ2t(6),      twoQ4t(7),       twoQ8t(8),
+        threeQ1t(9),    threeQ2t(10),   threeQ4t(11),    threeQ8t(12),
+        fourQ1t(13),    fourQ2t(14),    fourQ4t(15),     fourQ8t(16),
+        eightQ1t(17),   eightQ2t(18),   eightQ4t(19),    eightQ8t(20),
+        sixteenQ1t(21), sixteenQ2t(22), sixteenQ4t(23),
+        sixtyfourQ1t(24), sixtyfourQ2t(25), sixtyfourQ4t(26),
+        oneP1Q0t(27),   oneP1Q4t(28),   oneP1Q8t(29),    oneP2Q1t(30),
+        oneP2Q2t(31),   oneP3Q1t(32),   oneP7Q8t(33),    oneP3Q8t(34),
+        sixteenQ8t(35), oneP15Q8t(36),  oneP15Q1t(37),   oneP7Q1t(38),
+        oneP31Q1t(39),  thirtytwoQ1t(40), thirtytwoQ8t(41),
+        oneP31Q8t(42),  oneP7Q4t(43),   oneP3Q4t(44),    oneP7Q2t(45) 
+    }
+QosInterfaceTypeCapabilities ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "An enumeration of interface capabilities.  Used by the PDP to
+        select policies and configuration to push to the PEP."
+        unspecified (0),
+        -- Classification support
+        inputL2Classification (1), inputIpClassification (2),
+        outputL2Classification (3), outputIpClassification (4),
+        inputPortClassification (19), outputPortClassification (20),
+        -- Policing support
+        inputUflowPolicing (5), inputAggregatePolicing (6),
+        outputUflowPolicing (7), outputAggregatePolicing (8),
+        policeByMarkingDown (9), policeByDropping (10),
+        inputUflowShaping (21), inputAggregateShaping (22),
+        outputUflowShaping (23), outputAggregateShaping (24),
+        -- Supported scheduling mechanisms
+        fifo (11), wrr (12), wfq (13), cq (14), pq (15), cbwfq (16),
+        pqWrr (25), pqCbwfq (26),
+        -- Supported congestion control mechanisms
+        tailDrop (17), wred (18)
+  }
+-- Role
+-- This TC is commented out since it is not actually used in this
+-- PIB.  Nevertheless, the size and character restrictions must still
+-- be enforced
+--     STATUS current
+--         "A display string where valid letters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
+--         ., - and _.  Name can not start with an '_'.
+--     SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31))
+-- Role Combination
+RoleCombination ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "A Display string consisting of a set of roles concatenated
+        with a '+' character where the roles are in lexicographic
+        order from minimum to maximum."
+-- Policy Instance Index
+PolicyInstanceId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "A textual convention for an attribute that is an an
+        unsigned integer index attribute of class.  It is used for
+        attributes that exist for the purpose of providing an integer
+        index of an instance.
+        For any integer index that refers to another policy instance,
+        that other policy instance must exist. Furthermore, it is an
+        error to try to delete a policy instance that is referred to by
+        another instance without first deleting the referring
+        instance."
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+-- Unsigned 64 bit integer
+    STATUS current
+        "An unsigned 64 bit integer. We use SYNTAX Counter64 for the
+        enconding rules."
+    SYNTAX Counter64
+-- Object identifier for conformance statements
+qosPIBConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 1 }
+-- Device Config.
+-- This group contains device configuration information.  This
+-- configuration is either set by management or reflects the physical
+-- configuration of the device.  This configuration is generally
+-- reported to the PDP (i.e., the policy server so that the PDP can
+-- determine what policies to download to the PEP (i.e., the device).
+qosDeviceConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 2 }
+qosDevicePibIncarnationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosDevicePibIncarnationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "This class contains a single policy instance that identifies
+        the current incarnation of the PIB and the PDP that installed
+        this incarnation.  The instance of this class is reported to
+        the PDP at client connect time so that the PDP can (attempt
+        to) ascertain the current state of the PIB."
+    ::= { qosDeviceConfig 1 }
+qosDevicePibIncarnationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosDevicePibIncarnationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The single policy instance of this class identifies the
+        current incarnation of the PIB and the PDP that installed
+        this incarnation."
+    INDEX { qosDeviceIncarnationId }
+    ::= { qosDevicePibIncarnationTable 1 }
+QosDevicePibIncarnationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosDeviceIncarnationId   PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosDevicePdpName         DisplayString,
+        qosDevicePibIncarnation  OCTET STRING,
+        qosDevicePibTtl          Unsigned32
+    }
+qosDeviceIncarnationId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosDevicePibIncarnationEntry 1 }
+qosDevicePdpName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The name of the PDP that installed the current incarnation of
+        the PIB into the device.  By default it is the zero length
+        string."
+        ::= { qosDevicePibIncarnationEntry 2 }
+qosDevicePibIncarnation OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An octet string to identify the current incarnation.  It has
+        meaning to the PDP that installed the PIB and perhaps its
+        standby PDPs. By default the empty string."
+        ::= { qosDevicePibIncarnationEntry 3 }
+qosDevicePibTtl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The number of seconds after a client close or TCP timeout for
+        which the PEP continues to enforce the policy in the PIB.
+        After this interval, the PIB is consired expired and the
+        device no longer enforces the policy installed in the PIB."
+        ::= { qosDevicePibIncarnationEntry 4 }
+qosDeviceAttributeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosDeviceAttributeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The single instance of this class indicates specific
+        attributes of the device.  These include configuration values
+        such as the configured PDP addresses, the maximum message
+        size, and specific device capabilities.  The latter include
+        input port-based and output port-based classification and/or
+        policing, support for flow based policing, aggregate based
+        policing, traffic shaping capabilities, etc."
+    ::= { qosDeviceConfig 2 }
+qosDeviceAttributeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosDeviceAttributeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The single instance of this class indicates specific
+        attributes of the device."
+    INDEX { qosDeviceAttributeId }
+    ::= { qosDeviceAttributeTable 1 }
+QosDeviceAttributeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosDeviceAttributeId     PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosDevicePepDomain       DisplayString,
+        qosDevicePrimaryPdp      IpAddress,
+        qosDeviceSecondaryPdp    IpAddress,
+        qosDeviceMaxMessageSize  Unsigned32,
+        qosDeviceCapabilities    BITS
+    }
+qosDeviceAttributeId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosDeviceAttributeEntry 1 }
+qosDevicePepDomain OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The QoS domain that this device belongs to.  This is
+        configured locally on the device (perhaps by some management
+        protocol such as SNMP).  By default, it is the zero-length
+        string."
+        ::= { qosDeviceAttributeEntry 2 }
+qosDevicePrimaryPdp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The address of the PDP configured to be the primary PDP for
+        the device."
+    ::= { qosDeviceAttributeEntry 3 }
+qosDeviceSecondaryPdp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The address of the PDP configured to be the secondary PDP for
+        the device.  An address of zero indicates no secondary is
+        configured."
+    ::= { qosDeviceAttributeEntry 4 }
+qosDeviceMaxMessageSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The maximum size message that this PEP is capable of
+        receiving in bytes.  A value of zero means that the maximum
+        message size is unspecified (but does not mean it is
+        unlimited).  A message greater than this maximum results in a
+        MessageTooBig error on a 'no commit' REP."
+    ::= { qosDeviceAttributeEntry 5 }
+qosDeviceCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
+        unspecified (0),
+        -- QoS labels supported
+        layer2Cos (1), ipPrecedence (2), dscp (3)
+        }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An enumeration of device capabilities.  Used by the PDP to
+        select policies and configuration to push to the PEP."
+    ::= { qosDeviceAttributeEntry 6 }
+qosInterfaceTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosInterfaceTypeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "This class describes the interface types of the interfaces
+        that exist on the device.  It includes the queue type, role
+        combination and capabilities of interfaces.  The PEP does not
+        report which specific interfaces have which characteristics."
+    ::= { qosDeviceConfig 3 }
+qosInterfaceTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosInterfaceTypeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class describes a role combination for
+        an interface type of an interface that exists on the device."
+    INDEX { qosInterfaceTypeId }
+    ::= { qosInterfaceTypeTable 1 }
+QosInterfaceTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosInterfaceTypeId           PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosInterfaceQueueType        QosInterfaceQueueType,
+        qosInterfaceTypeRoles        RoleCombination,
+        qosInterfaceTypeCapabilities QosInterfaceTypeCapabilities
+    }
+qosInterfaceTypeId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosInterfaceTypeEntry 1 }
+qosInterfaceQueueType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosInterfaceQueueType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The interface type in terms of number of queues and
+        thresholds."
+    ::= { qosInterfaceTypeEntry 2 }
+qosInterfaceTypeRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "A combination of roles on at least one interface of type
+        qosInterfaceType."
+    ::= { qosInterfaceTypeEntry 3 }
+qosInterfaceTypeCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosInterfaceTypeCapabilities
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An enumeration of interface capabilities.  Used by the PDP to
+        select policies and configuration to push to the PEP."
+    ::= { qosInterfaceTypeEntry 4 }
+-- General Config for the entire domain.
+-- Table of DiffServ codepoint mappings
+-- Maps DSCP to marked-down DSCP, IP precedence and CoS
+qosDomainConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 3 }
+qosDiffServMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosDiffServMappingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "Maps each DSCP to a marked-down DSCP.  Also maps each DSCP to
+        an IP precedence and QosLayer2Cos.  When configured for the
+        first time, all 64 entries of the table must be
+        specified. Thereafter, instances may be modified (with a
+        delete and install in a single decision) but not deleted
+        unless all instances are deleted."
+    ::= { qosDomainConfig 1 }
+qosDiffServMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosDiffServMappingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class represents mappings from a DSCP."
+    INDEX { qosDscp }
+    ::= { qosDiffServMappingTable 1 }
+QosDiffServMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosDscp       Dscp,
+        qosMarkedDscp Dscp,
+        qosL2Cos      QosLayer2Cos
+        }
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A DSCP for which this entry contains mappings."
+    ::= { qosDiffServMappingEntry 1 }
+qosMarkedDscp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The DSCP to use instead of the qosDscp when the packet is out
+        of profile and hence marked as such."
+    ::= { qosDiffServMappingEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX QosLayer2Cos
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The L2 CoS value to use when mapping this DSCP to layer 2
+        CoS."
+    ::= { qosDiffServMappingEntry 3 }
+-- Table of Layer 2 CoS to DSCP mappings
+qosCosToDscpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "Maps each of eight CoS values to a DSCP.  When configured for
+        the first time, all 8 entries of the table must be
+        specified. Thereafter, instances may be modified (with a
+        delete and install in a single decision) but not deleted
+        unless all instances are deleted."
+    ::= { qosDomainConfig 2 }
+qosCosToDscpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosCosToDscpEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class maps a CoS value to a DSCP."
+    INDEX { qosCosToDscpCos }
+    ::= { qosCosToDscpTable 1 }
+QosCosToDscpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosCosToDscpCos  QosLayer2Cos,
+        qosCosToDscpDscp Dscp
+        }
+qosCosToDscpCos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosLayer2Cos
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The L2 CoS value that is being mapped."
+    ::= { qosCosToDscpEntry 1 }
+qosCosToDscpDscp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The DSCP value to use when mapping the L2 CoS to a DSCP."
+    ::= { qosCosToDscpEntry 2 }
+-- The Unmatched Policy Table
+-- This group specifies the policy to apply to an interface for a
+-- given role combination where no other policy matches.  More
+-- specifically, the unmatched policy is what is applied to non-IP
+-- packets for which there is no MAC classification, or what is
+-- applied to IP packets that do not match any ACE in any ACL applied
+-- to the interface.
+qosUnmatchedPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 4 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosUnmatchedPolicyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A policy class that specifies what QoS to apply to a packet
+        that does not match any other policy configured for this role
+        combination for a particular direction of traffic."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicy 1 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosUnmatchedPolicyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies the unmatched policy
+        for a particular role combination for incoming or outgoing
+        traffic."
+    INDEX { qosUnmatchedPolicyId }
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyTable 1 }
+QosUnmatchedPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyId            PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyRole          RoleCombination,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDirection     INTEGER,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDscp          Dscp,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDscpTrusted   TruthValue,
+        qosUnmatchPolMicroFlowPolicerId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyAggregateId   PolicyInstanceId
+    }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 1 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyRole OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "Role combination for which this instance applies."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 2 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyDirection OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER { in(0), out(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The direction of packet flow at the interface in question to
+        which this instance applies."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 3 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyDscp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The DSCP to classify the unmatched packet with.  This must be
+        specified even if qosUnmatchedPolicyDscpTrusted is true."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 4 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyDscpTrusted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "If this attribute is true, then the Dscp associated with the
+        packet is trusted, i.e., it is assumed to have already been
+        set.  In this case, the Dscp is not rewritten with
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDscp (qosUnmatchedPolicyDscp is ignored)
+        unless this is a non-IP packet and arrives untagged.  The
+        packet is still policed as part of its micro flow and its
+        aggregate flow.
+        When a trusted action is applied to an input interface, the
+        Dscp (for an IP packet) or CoS (for a non-IP packet)
+        associated with the packet is the one contained in the packet.
+        When a trusted action is applied to an output interface, the
+        Dscp associated with the packet is the one that is the result
+        of the input classification and policing."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 5 }
+qosUnmatchPolMicroFlowPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An index identifying the instance of policer to apply to
+        unmatched packets.  It must correspond to the integer index of
+        an instance of class qosPolicerTable or be zero.  If zero, the
+        microflow is not policed."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 6 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyAggregateId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An index identifying the aggregate that the packet belongs
+        to.  It must correspond to the integer index of an instance of
+        class qosAggregateTable or be zero.  If zero, the microflow
+        does not belong to any aggregate and is not policed as part of
+        any aggregate."
+    ::= { qosUnmatchedPolicyEntry 7 }
+-- The Policer Group
+-- This group specifies policer parameters that can then be used by
+-- other groups such as the IP ACL Actions, or the unmatched policy.
+-- This group also defines aggregates that flows can then be assigned
+-- to.
+qosPolicer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 5 }
+-- The Policer Definition Table
+qosPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosPolicerEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class specifying policing parameters for both microflows
+        and aggregate flows.  This table is designed for policing
+        according to a token bucket scheme where an average rate and
+        burst size is specified."
+    ::= { qosPolicer 1 }
+qosPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosPolicerEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies a set of policing
+        parameters."
+    INDEX { qosPolicerId }
+    ::= { qosPolicerTable 1 }
+QosPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosPolicerId          PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosPolicerRate        Unsigned64,
+        qosPolicerNormalBurst Unsigned32,
+        qosPolicerExcessBurst Unsigned32,
+        qosPolicerAction      INTEGER
+    }
+qosPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosPolicerEntry 1 }
+qosPolicerRate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The token rate.  It is specified in units of bit/s. A rate of
+        zero means that all packets will be out of profile.  If the
+        qosPolicerAction is set to drop then this effectively
+        denies any service to packets policed by this policer."
+    ::= { qosPolicerEntry 2 }
+qosPolicerNormalBurst OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The normal size of a burst in terms of bits."
+    ::= { qosPolicerEntry 3 }
+qosPolicerExcessBurst OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The excess size of a burst in terms of bits."
+    ::= { qosPolicerEntry 4 }
+qosPolicerAction OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER { drop(0), mark(1), shape(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An indication of how to handle out of profile packets.  When
+        the shape action is chosen then traffic is shaped to the rate
+        specified by qosPolicerRate."
+    ::= { qosPolicerEntry 5 }
+-- The Aggregate Table
+qosAggregateTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosAggregateEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "Instances of this class identify aggregate flows and the
+        policer to apply to each."
+    ::= { qosPolicer 2 }
+qosAggregateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosAggregateEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies the policer to apply to
+        an aggregate flow."
+    INDEX { qosAggregateId }
+    ::= { qosAggregateTable 1 }
+QosAggregateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosAggregateId        PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosAggregatePolicerId PolicyInstanceId
+    }
+qosAggregateId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosAggregateEntry 1 }
+qosAggregatePolicerId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An index identifying the instance of policer to apply to the
+        aggregate.  It must correspond to the integer index of an
+        instance of class qosPolicerTable."
+    ::= { qosAggregateEntry 2 }
+-- MAC DA Classification Group
+-- This group determines the CoS to assign to a MAC frame on the
+-- basis of the destination MAC address.  There is no provision for
+-- policing or rate limiting at layer 2.
+qosMacQos OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 6 }
+qosMacClassificationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosMacClassificationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class of MAC/Vlan tuples and their associated CoS values."
+    ::= { qosMacQos 1 }
+qosMacClassificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosMacClassificationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies the mapping of a VLAN
+        and a MAC address to a CoS value."
+    INDEX { qosMacClassificationId }
+    ::= { qosMacClassificationTable 1 }
+QosMacClassificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosMacClassificationId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosDstMacVlan          INTEGER,
+        qosDstMacAddress       MacAddress,
+        qosDstMacCos           QosLayer2Cos
+    }
+qosMacClassificationId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosMacClassificationEntry 1 }
+qosDstMacVlan OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The VLAN of the destination MAC address of the L2 frame."
+    ::= { qosMacClassificationEntry 2 }
+qosDstMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX MacAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The destination MAC address of the L2 frame."
+    ::= { qosMacClassificationEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX QosLayer2Cos
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The CoS to assign the packet with the associated MAC/VLAN
+        tuple.  Note that this CoS is overridden by the policies to
+        classify the frame at layer 3 if there are any."
+    ::= { qosMacClassificationEntry 4 }
+-- The IP Classification and Policing Group
+qosIpQos OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 7 }
+-- The ACE Table
+qosIpAceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "ACE definitions."
+    ::= { qosIpQos 1 }
+qosIpAceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIpAceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies an ACE."
+    INDEX { qosIpAceId }
+    ::= { qosIpAceTable 1 }
+QosIpAceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIpAceId              PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIpAceDstAddr         IpAddress,
+        qosIpAceDstAddrMask     IpAddress,
+        qosIpAceSrcAddr         IpAddress,
+        qosIpAceSrcAddrMask     IpAddress,
+        qosIpAceDscpMin         Dscp,
+        qosIpAceDscpMax         Dscp,
+        qosIpAceProtocol        INTEGER,
+        qosIpAceDstL4PortMin    INTEGER,
+        qosIpAceDstL4PortMax    INTEGER,
+        qosIpAceSrcL4PortMin    INTEGER,
+        qosIpAceSrcL4PortMax    INTEGER,
+        qosIpAcePermit          TruthValue
+    }
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 1 }
+qosIpAceDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The IP address to match against the packet's destination IP
+        address."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 2 }
+qosIpAceDstAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "A mask for the matching of the destination IP address."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 3 }
+qosIpAceSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The IP address to match against the packet's source IP
+        address."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 4 }
+qosIpAceSrcAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "A mask for the matching of the source IP address."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 5 }
+qosIpAceDscpMin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The minimum value that the DSCP in the packet can have and
+        match this ACE."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 6 }
+qosIpAceDscpMax OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The maximum value that the DSCP in the packet can have and
+        match this ACE."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 7 }
+qosIpAceProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The IP protocol to match against the packet's protocol.
+        A value of zero means match all."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 8 }
+qosIpAceDstL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 dest port number
+        can have and match this ACE."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 9 }
+qosIpAceDstL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 dest port number
+        can have and match this ACE."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 10 }
+qosIpAceSrcL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 source port
+        number can have and match this ACE."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 11 }
+qosIpAceSrcL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 source port
+        number can have and match this ACE."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 12 }
+qosIpAcePermit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "If the packet matches this ACE and the value of this attribute
+        is true, then the matching process terminates and the QoS
+        associated with this ACE (indirectly through the ACL) is
+        applied to the packet.  If the value of this attribute is false,
+        then no more ACEs in this ACL are compared to this packet and
+        matching continues with the first ACE of the next ACL."
+    ::= { qosIpAceEntry 13 }
+-- The ACL Definition Table
+qosIpAclDefinitionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIpAclDefinitionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class that defines a set of ACLs each being an ordered list
+         of ACEs."
+    ::= { qosIpQos 2 }
+qosIpAclDefinitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIpAclDefinitionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies an ACE in an ACL and its
+        order with respect to other ACEs in the same ACL."
+    INDEX { qosIpAclDefinitionId }
+    ::= { qosIpAclDefinitionTable 1 }
+QosIpAclDefinitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIpAclDefinitionId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIpAclId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIpAceOrder Unsigned32,
+        qosIpAclDefAceId PolicyInstanceId
+    }
+qosIpAclDefinitionId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIpAclDefinitionEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An index for this ACL.  There will be one instance of
+        policy class qosIpAclDefinition with this integer index for
+        each ACE in the ACL per role combination."
+    ::= { qosIpAclDefinitionEntry 2 }
+qosIpAceOrder OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that determines the position of this ACE in the ACL.
+        An ACE with a given order is positioned in the access contol
+        list before one with a higher order."
+    ::= { qosIpAclDefinitionEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "This attribute specifies the ACE in the qosIpAceTable that is
+        in the ACL specified by qosIpAclId at the position specified
+        by qosIpAceOrder."
+    ::= { qosIpAclDefinitionEntry 4 }
+-- The ACL Action Table
+qosIpAclActionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIpAclActionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class that applies a set of ACLs to interfaces specifying,
+        for each interface the order of the ACL with respect to other
+        ACLs applied to the same interface and, for each ACL the
+        action to take for a packet that matches a permit ACE in that
+        ACL.  Interfaces are specified abstractly in terms of
+        interface role combinations."
+    ::= { qosIpQos 3 }
+qosIpAclActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIpAclActionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class applies an ACL to traffic in a
+        particular direction on an interface with a particular role
+        combination, and specifies the action for packets which match
+        the ACL."
+    INDEX { qosIpAclActionId }
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionTable 1 }
+QosIpAclActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIpAclActionId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIpAclActAclId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIpAclInterfaceRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIpAclInterfaceDirection INTEGER,
+        qosIpAclOrder Unsigned32,
+        qosIpAclDscp Dscp,
+        qosIpAclDscpTrusted TruthValue,
+        qosIpAclMicroFlowPolicerId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIpAclAggregateId PolicyInstanceId
+    }
+qosIpAclActionId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The ACL associated with this action."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 2 }
+qosIpAclInterfaceRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The interfaces to which this ACL applies specified in terms
+        of a set of roles."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 3 }
+qosIpAclInterfaceDirection OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER { in(0), out(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The direction of packet flow at the interface in question to
+        which this ACL applies."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 4 }
+qosIpAclOrder OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer that determines the order of this ACL in the list
+        of ACLs applied to interfaces of the specified role
+        combination. An ACL with a given order is positioned in the
+        list before one with a higher order."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The DSCP to classify the packet with in the event that the
+        packet matches an ACE in this ACL and the ACE is a permit."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 6 }
+qosIpAclDscpTrusted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "If this attribute is true, then the Dscp associated with
+        the packet is trusted, i.e., it is assumed to have already
+        been set.  In this case, the Dscp is not rewritten with
+        qosIpAclDscp (qosIpAclDscp is ignored).  The packet is still
+        policed as part of its micro flow and its aggregate flow.
+        When a trusted action is applied to an input interface, the
+        Dscp associated with the packet is the one contained in the
+        packet.  When a trusted action is applied to an output
+        interface, the Dscp associated with the packet is the one that
+        is the result of the input classification and policing."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 7 }
+qosIpAclMicroFlowPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An index identifying the instance of policer to apply to the
+        microflow.  It must correspond to the integer index of an
+        instance of class qosPolicerTableor be zero.  If zero, the
+        microflow is not policed."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 8 }
+qosIpAclAggregateId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An index identifying the aggregate that the packet belongs
+        to.  It must correspond to the integer index of an instance of
+        class qosAggregateTable or be zero.  If zero, the microflow
+        does not belong to any aggregate and is not policed as part of
+        any aggregate."
+    ::= { qosIpAclActionEntry 9 }
+-- QoS Interface Group
+-- This group specifies the configuration of the various interface
+-- types including the setting of thresholds, queueing parameters,
+-- mapping of DSCPs to queues and thresholds, etc.
+qosIfParameters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoQosPIBMIB 8 }
+-- Table of scheduling discipline preferences
+qosIfSchedulingPreferencesTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "This class specifies the scheduling preference an interface
+        chooses if it supports multiple scheduling types.  Higher
+        values are preferred over lower values."
+    ::= { qosIfParameters 1 }
+qosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies a scheduling preference
+        for a queue-type on an interface with a particular role
+        combination."
+    INDEX { qosIfSchedulingPreferenceId }
+    ::= { qosIfSchedulingPreferencesTable 1 }
+QosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry ::=  SEQUENCE {
+        qosIfSchedulingPreferenceId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIfSchedulingRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIfSchedulingPreference INTEGER,
+        qosIfSchedulingDiscipline INTEGER,
+        qosIfSchedulingQueueType QosInterfaceQueueType
+    }
+qosIfSchedulingPreferenceId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry 1 }
+qosIfSchedulingRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The combination of roles the interface must have for this
+        policy instance to apply to that interface."
+    ::= { qosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry 2 }
+qosIfSchedulingPreference OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The preference to use this scheduling discipline and queue
+        type.  A higher value means a higher preference.  If two
+        disciplines have the same preference the choice is a local
+        decision."
+    ::= { qosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry 3 }
+qosIfSchedulingDiscipline OBJECT-TYPE
+        weightedFairQueueing (1),
+        weightedRoundRobin (2),
+        customQueueing (3),
+        priorityQueueing (4),
+        classBasedWFQ (5),
+        fifo (6),
+        pqWrr (7),
+        pqCbwfq (8)
+        }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An enumerate type for all the known scheduling disciplines."
+    ::= { qosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry 4 }
+qosIfSchedulingQueueType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosInterfaceQueueType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The queue type of this preference."
+    ::= { qosIfSchedulingPreferenceEntry 5 }
+-- Table of drop mechanism preferences
+qosIfDropPreferenceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIfDropPreferenceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "This class specifies the preference of the drop mechanism an
+        interface chooses if it supports multiple drop mechanisms.
+        Higher values are preferred over lower values."
+    ::= { qosIfParameters 2 }
+qosIfDropPreferenceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIfDropPreferenceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies a drop preference for
+        a drop mechanism on an interface with a particular role
+        combination."
+    INDEX { qosIfDropPreferenceId }
+    ::= { qosIfDropPreferenceTable 1 }
+QosIfDropPreferenceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIfDropPreferenceId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIfDropRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIfDropPreference INTEGER,
+        qosIfDropDiscipline INTEGER
+    }
+qosIfDropPreferenceId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIfDropPreferenceEntry 1 }
+qosIfDropRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The combination of roles the interface must have for this
+        policy instance to apply to that interface."
+    ::= { qosIfDropPreferenceEntry 2 }
+qosIfDropPreference OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The preference to use this drop mechanism.  A higher value
+        means a higher preference.  If two mechanisms have the same
+        preference the choice is a local decision."
+    ::= { qosIfDropPreferenceEntry 3 }
+qosIfDropDiscipline OBJECT-TYPE
+        qosIfDropWRED (1),
+        qosIfDropTailDrop (2)
+        }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "An enumerate type for all the known drop mechanisms."
+    ::= { qosIfDropPreferenceEntry 4 }
+-- The Assignment of DSCPs to queues and thresholds for each interface
+-- type.
+qosIfDscpAssignmentTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIfDscpAssignmentEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The assignment of each DSCP to a queue and threshold for each
+        interface queue type."
+    ::= { qosIfParameters 3 }
+qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIfDscpAssignmentEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies the queue and threshold
+        set for a packet with a particular DSCP on an interface of
+        a particular type with a particular role combination."
+    INDEX { qosIfDscpAssignmentId }
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentTable 1 }
+QosIfDscpAssignmentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIfDscpAssignmentId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIfDscpRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIfQueueType QosInterfaceQueueType,
+        qosIfDscp Dscp,
+        qosIfQueue INTEGER,
+        qosIfThresholdSet INTEGER
+        }
+qosIfDscpAssignmentId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry 1 }
+qosIfDscpRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The role combination the interface must be configured with."
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry 2 }
+qosIfQueueType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosInterfaceQueueType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The interface queue type to which this row applies."
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX Dscp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The DSCP to which this row applies."
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The queue to which the DSCP applies for the given interface
+        type."
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry 5 }
+qosIfThresholdSet OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The threshold set of the specified queue to which the DSCP
+        applies for the given interface type."
+    ::= { qosIfDscpAssignmentEntry 6 }
+-- The configuration of RED thresholds
+qosIfRedTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class of lower and upper values for each threshold set in a
+        queue supporting WRED.  If the size of the queue for a given
+        threshold is below the lower value then packets assigned to
+        that threshold are always accepted into the queue.  If the
+        size of the queue is above upper value then packets are always
+        dropped.  If the size of the queue is between the lower and
+        the upper then packets are randomly dropped."
+    ::= { qosIfParameters 4 }
+qosIfRedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIfRedEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies threshold limits for a
+        particular RED threshold of a given threshold set on an
+        interface and with a particular role combination."
+    INDEX { qosIfRedId }
+    ::= { qosIfRedTable 1 }
+QosIfRedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIfRedId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIfRedRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIfRedNumThresholdSets ThresholdSetRange,
+        qosIfRedThresholdSet INTEGER,
+        qosIfRedThresholdSetLower Percent,
+        qosIfRedThresholdSetUpper Percent
+        }
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIfRedEntry 1 }
+qosIfRedRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The role combination the interface must be configured with."
+    ::= { qosIfRedEntry 2 }
+qosIfRedNumThresholdSets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX ThresholdSetRange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The values in this entry apply only to queues with the number
+        of thresholds specified by this attribute."
+    ::= { qosIfRedEntry 3 }
+qosIfRedThresholdSet OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The threshold set to which the lower and upper values apply.
+        It must be in the range 1 through qosIfRedNumThresholdSets.
+        There must be exactly one PRI for each value in this range."
+    ::= { qosIfRedEntry 4 }
+qosIfRedThresholdSetLower OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The threshold value below which no packets are dropped."
+    ::= { qosIfRedEntry 5 }
+qosIfRedThresholdSetUpper OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The threshold value above which all packets are dropped."
+    ::= { qosIfRedEntry 6 }
+-- The configuration of tail drop thresholds
+qosIfTailDropTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIfTailDropEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class for threshold sets in a queue supporting tail drop.
+        If the size of the queue for a given threshold set is at or
+        below the specified value then packets assigned to that
+        threshold set are always accepted into the queue.  If the size
+        of the queue is above the specified value then packets are
+        always dropped."
+    ::= { qosIfParameters 5 }
+qosIfTailDropEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIfTailDropEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies the queue depth for a
+        particular tail-drop threshold set on an interface with a
+        particular role combination."
+    INDEX { qosIfTailDropId }
+    ::= { qosIfTailDropTable 1 }
+QosIfTailDropEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIfTailDropId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIfTailDropRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIfTailDropNumThresholdSets ThresholdSetRange,
+        qosIfTailDropThresholdSet INTEGER,
+        qosIfTailDropThresholdSetValue Percent
+        }
+qosIfTailDropId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIfTailDropEntry 1 }
+qosIfTailDropRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The role combination the interface must be configured with."
+    ::= { qosIfTailDropEntry 2 }
+qosIfTailDropNumThresholdSets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX ThresholdSetRange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The value in this entry applies only to queues with the
+        number of thresholds specified by this attribute."
+    ::= { qosIfTailDropEntry 3 }
+qosIfTailDropThresholdSet OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The threshold set to which the threshold value applies"
+    ::= { qosIfTailDropEntry 4 }
+qosIfTailDropThresholdSetValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Percent
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The threshold value above which packets are dropped."
+    ::= { qosIfTailDropEntry 5 }
+-- Weights for interfaces that support WRR, WFQ, CBWFQ, etc.
+qosIfWeightsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosIfWeightsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A class of scheduling weights for each queue of an interface
+        that supports weighted round robin scheduling or a mix of
+        priority queueing and weighted round robin.  For a queue with
+        N priority queues, the N highest queue numbers are the
+        priority queues with the highest queue number having the
+        highest priority.  WRR is applied to the non-priority queues."
+    ::= { qosIfParameters 6 }
+qosIfWeightsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QosIfWeightsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An instance of this class specifies the scheduling weight for
+        a particular queue of an interface with a particular number
+        of queues and with a particular role combination."
+    INDEX { qosIfWeightsId }
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsTable 1 }
+QosIfWeightsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        qosIfWeightsId PolicyInstanceId,
+        qosIfWeightsRoles RoleCombination,
+        qosIfWeightsNumQueues QueueRange,
+        qosIfWeightsQueue INTEGER,
+        qosIfWeightsDrainSize Unsigned32,
+        qosIfWeightsQueueSize Unsigned32
+    }
+qosIfWeightsId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX PolicyInstanceId
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An integer index to identify the instance of the policy class."
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsEntry 1 }
+qosIfWeightsRoles OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX RoleCombination
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The role combination the interface must be configured with."
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsEntry 2 }
+qosIfWeightsNumQueues OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX QueueRange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The value of the weight in this instance applies only to
+        interfaces with the number of queues specified by this
+        attribute."
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsEntry 3 }
+qosIfWeightsQueue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The queue to which the weight applies."
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsEntry 4 }
+qosIfWeightsDrainSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The maximum number of bytes that may be drained from the
+        queue in one cycle.  The percentage of the bandwith allocated
+        to this queue can be calculated from this attribute and the
+        sum of the drain sizes of all the non-priority queues of the
+        interface."
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsEntry 5 }
+qosIfWeightsQueueSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The size of the queue in bytes.  Some devices set queue size
+        in terms of packets.  These devices must calculate the queue
+        size in packets by assuming an average packet size suitable
+        for the particular interface.
+        Some devices have a fixed size buffer to be shared among all
+        queues.  These devices must allocate a fraction of the
+        total buffer space to this queue calculated as the the ratio
+        of the queue size to the sum of the queue sizes for the
+        interface."
+    ::= { qosIfWeightsEntry 6 }
+qosPIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { qosPIBConformance 1 }
+qosPIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { qosPIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance
+    STATUS current
+        "The compliance statement for the QOS Policy Derived MIB."
+    MODULE        
+        qosDevicePibIncarnationTableGroup,
+        qosDeviceAttributeTableGroup,
+        qosInterfaceTypeTableGroup
+    }
+    ::= { qosPIBCompliances 1 }
+qosDevicePibIncarnationTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosDevicePdpName,
+        qosDevicePibIncarnation,
+        qosDevicePibTtl
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 1 }
+qosDeviceAttributeTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosDevicePepDomain,
+        qosDevicePrimaryPdp,
+        qosDeviceSecondaryPdp,
+        qosDeviceMaxMessageSize,
+        qosDeviceCapabilities
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 2 }
+qosInterfaceTypeTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosInterfaceQueueType,
+        qosInterfaceTypeRoles,
+        qosInterfaceTypeCapabilities
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 3 }
+qosDiffServMappingTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosMarkedDscp,
+        qosL2Cos
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 4 }
+qosCosToDscpTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosCosToDscpDscp
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 5 }
+qosUnmatchedPolicyTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyRole,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDirection,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDscp,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyDscpTrusted,
+        qosUnmatchPolMicroFlowPolicerId,
+        qosUnmatchedPolicyAggregateId
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 6 }
+qosPolicerTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosPolicerRate,
+        qosPolicerNormalBurst,
+        qosPolicerExcessBurst,
+        qosPolicerAction
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 7 }
+qosAggregateTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosAggregatePolicerId
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 8 }
+qosMacClassificationTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosDstMacVlan,
+        qosDstMacAddress,
+        qosDstMacCos
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 9 }
+qosIpAceTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIpAceDstAddr,
+        qosIpAceDstAddrMask,
+        qosIpAceSrcAddr,
+        qosIpAceSrcAddrMask,
+        qosIpAceDscpMin,
+        qosIpAceDscpMax,
+        qosIpAceProtocol,
+        qosIpAceDstL4PortMin,
+        qosIpAceDstL4PortMax,
+        qosIpAceSrcL4PortMin,
+        qosIpAceSrcL4PortMax,
+        qosIpAcePermit
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 10 }
+qosIpAclDefinitionTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIpAclId,
+        qosIpAceOrder,
+        qosIpAclDefAceId
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 11 }
+qosIpAclActionTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIpAclActAclId,
+        qosIpAclInterfaceRoles,
+        qosIpAclInterfaceDirection,
+        qosIpAclOrder,
+        qosIpAclDscp,
+        qosIpAclDscpTrusted,
+        qosIpAclMicroFlowPolicerId,
+        qosIpAclAggregateId
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 12 }
+qosIfSchedulingPreferencesTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIfSchedulingRoles,
+        qosIfSchedulingPreference,
+        qosIfSchedulingDiscipline,
+        qosIfSchedulingQueueType
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 13 }
+qosIfDropPreferenceTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIfDropRoles,
+        qosIfDropPreference,
+        qosIfDropDiscipline
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 14 }
+qosIfDscpAssignmentTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIfDscpRoles,
+        qosIfQueueType,
+        qosIfDscp,
+        qosIfQueue,
+        qosIfThresholdSet
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 15 }
+qosIfRedTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIfRedRoles,
+        qosIfRedNumThresholdSets,
+        qosIfRedThresholdSet,
+        qosIfRedThresholdSetLower,
+        qosIfRedThresholdSetUpper
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 16 }
+qosIfTailDropTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIfTailDropRoles,
+        qosIfTailDropNumThresholdSets,
+        qosIfTailDropThresholdSet,
+        qosIfTailDropThresholdSetValue
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 17 }
+qosIfWeightsTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        qosIfWeightsRoles,
+        qosIfWeightsNumQueues,
+        qosIfWeightsQueue,
+        qosIfWeightsDrainSize,
+        qosIfWeightsQueueSize
+    }
+    STATUS current
+        ""
+    ::= { qosPIBGroups 18 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-SMI.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-SMI.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..479cf9b671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-SMI.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- CISCO-SMI.my:  Cisco Enterprise Structure of Management Information
+-- April 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
+-- Copyright (c) 1994-1997, 2001, 2009, 2012, 2016 by cisco Systems Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- ****************************************************************
+    enterprises
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED    "201601150000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
+            "Cisco Systems
+            Customer Service
+            Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive
+            San Jose, CA  95134
+            USA
+            Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
+            E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
+        "The Structure of Management Information for the
+        Cisco enterprise."
+    REVISION        "201601150000Z"
+        "Added ciscoLDAP under cisco"
+    REVISION        "201208290000Z"
+        "Added ciscoSMB under otherEnterprises"
+    REVISION        "200902030000Z"
+        "Added ciscoSB under otherEnterprises"
+    REVISION        "200203210000Z"
+        "Added ciscoPKI for PKI policy and extension OIDs"
+    REVISION        "200105220000Z"
+        "Added transport protocol domains."
+    REVISION        "200011012246Z"
+        "Added ciscoDomains to define new transports.  Also added
+        ciscoCpeCIB, which will contain managed objects that
+        contribute to the CPE Configuration Information Base (CIB)."
+    REVISION        "200001110000Z"
+        "Added ciscoPolicy, ciscoPolicyAuto, ciscoPIB, and
+        ciscoPibToMib."
+    REVISION        "9704090000Z"
+        "Added ciscoPartnerProducts to generate sysObjectID
+        for partner platforms"
+    REVISION        "9505160000Z"
+        "New oid assignments for Cisco REPEATER MIB and others."
+    REVISION        "9404262000Z"
+        "Initial version of this MIB module."
+    ::= { enterprises 9 }
+-- assigned by IANA
+ciscoProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoProducts is the root OBJECT IDENTIFIER from
+        which sysObjectID values are assigned.  Actual
+        values are defined in CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB."
+    ::= { cisco 1 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "Subtree beneath which pre-10.2 MIBS were built."
+    ::= { cisco 2 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "Subtree beneath which pre-10.2 experiments were
+        placed."
+    ::= { cisco 3 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "reserved for pakmon"
+    ::= { cisco 4 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "subtree reserved for use by the Workgroup Business Unit"
+    ::= { cisco 5 }
+otherEnterprises OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "otherEnterprises provides a root object identifier
+        from which mibs produced by other companies may be
+        placed.  mibs produced by other enterprises are
+        typicially implemented with the object identifiers
+        as defined in the mib, but if the mib is deemed to
+        be uncontrolled, we may reroot the mib at this
+        subtree in order to have a controlled version."
+    ::= { cisco 6 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoSB provides root Object Identifier for Management
+        Information Base for products of Cisco Small Business.
+        This includes products rebranded from linksys aquisition.
+        MIB numbers under this root are managed and controlled
+        by ciscosb_mib@cisco.com."
+    ::= { otherEnterprises 1 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoSMB provides root Object Identifier for Management
+        Information Base for products of Cisco built for Small and 
+        Medium Business market.The MIB numbers under this root are 
+        managed and controlled by ciscosmb_mib@cisco.com"
+    ::= { otherEnterprises 2 }
+ciscoAgentCapability OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoAgentCapability provides a root object identifier
+        from which AGENT-CAPABILITIES values may be assigned."
+    ::= { cisco 7 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoConfig is the main subtree for configuration mibs."
+    ::= { cisco 8 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoMgmt is the main subtree for new mib development."
+    ::= { cisco 9 }
+ciscoExperiment OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoExperiment provides a root object identifier
+        from which experimental mibs may be temporarily
+        based.  mibs are typicially based here if they
+        fall in one of two categories
+        1) are IETF work-in-process mibs which have not
+        been assigned a permanent object identifier by
+        the IANA.
+        2) are cisco work-in-process which has not been
+        assigned a permanent object identifier by the
+        cisco assigned number authority, typicially because
+        the mib is not ready for deployment.
+        NOTE WELL:  support for mibs in the ciscoExperiment
+        subtree will be deleted when a permanent object
+        identifier assignment is made."
+    ::= { cisco 10 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoAdmin is reserved for administratively assigned
+        OBJECT IDENTIFIERS, i.e. those not associated with MIB
+        objects"
+    ::= { cisco 11 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoModules provides a root object identifier
+        from which MODULE-IDENTITY values may be assigned."
+    ::= { cisco 12 }
+lightstream OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "subtree reserved for use by Lightstream"
+    ::= { cisco 13 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoworks provides a root object identifier beneath
+        which mibs applicable to the CiscoWorks family of network
+        management products are defined."
+    ::= { cisco 14 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "subtree reserved for use by the former Newport Systems
+        Solutions, now a portion of the Access Business Unit."
+    ::= { cisco 15 }
+ciscoPartnerProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoPartnerProducts is the root OBJECT IDENTIFIER from
+        which partner sysObjectID values may be assigned. Such 
+        sysObjectID values are composed of the ciscoPartnerProducts
+        prefix, followed by a single identifier that is unique for 
+        each partner, followed by the value of sysObjectID of the
+        Cisco product from which partner product is derived.  Note
+        that the chassisPartner MIB object defines the value of the
+        identifier assigned to each partner."
+    ::= { cisco 16 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoPolicy is the root of the Cisco-assigned OID
+        subtree for use with Policy Management."
+    ::= { cisco 17 }
+-- Note that is currently unassigned
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoPIB is the root of the Cisco-assigned OID
+        subtree for assignment to PIB (Policy Information
+        Base) modules."
+    ::= { ciscoPolicy 2 }
+ciscoPolicyAuto OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoPolicyAuto is the root of the Cisco-assigned
+        OID subtree for OIDs which are automatically assigned
+        for use in Policy Management."
+    ::= { cisco 18 }
+-- Note that is currently unassigned
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoPibToMib is the root of the Cisco-assigned
+        OID subtree for MIBs which are algorithmically
+        generated/translated from Cisco PIBs with OIDs
+        assigned under the ciscoPIB subtree.
+        These generated MIBs allow management
+        entities (other the current Policy Server) to
+        read the downloaded policy.  By convention, for PIB
+        'ciscoPIB.x', the generated MIB shall have the
+        name 'ciscoPibToMib.x'."
+    ::= { ciscoPolicyAuto 2 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoDomains provides a root object identifier from which
+        different transport mapping values may be assigned."
+    ::= { cisco 19 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoCIB is the root of the Cisco-assigned OID subtree for
+        assignment to MIB modules describing managed objects that
+        part of the CPE automatic configuration framework."
+    ::= { cisco 20 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoCibMmiGroup is the root of the Cisco-assigned OID
+        subtree for assignment to MIB modules describing managed
+        objects supporting the Modem Management Interface (MMI),
+        the interface that facilitates CPE automatic configuration."
+    ::= { ciscoCIB 1 }
+ciscoCibProvGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoCibStoreGroup is the root of the Cisco-assigned OID
+        subtree for assignment to MIB modules describing managed
+        objects contributing to the Configuration Information Base
+        (CIB)."
+    ::= { ciscoCIB 2 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoPKI is the root of cisco-assigned OID subtree for PKI
+        Certificate Policies and Certificate Extensions."
+    ::= { cisco 21 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoLDAP is the root of the Cisco-assigned OID
+        subtree for assignment to LDAP (Lightweight Directory
+        Access Protocol) modules."
+    ::= { cisco 22 }
+-- ciscoAdmin assignments follow
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoProxy OBJECT IDENTIFIERS are used to uniquely name
+        party mib records created to proxy for SNMPv1."
+    ::= { ciscoAdmin 1 }
+    ::= { ciscoProxy 1 }
+ciscoContextProxy  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { ciscoProxy 2 }
+-- Administrative assignments for repeaters
+ciscoRptrGroupObjectID OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "ciscoRptrGroupObjectID OBJECT IDENTIFIERS are used to
+        uniquely identify groups of repeater ports for use by the
+        SNMP-REPEATER-MIB (RFC 1516) rptrGroupObjectID object."
+    ::= { ciscoAdmin 2 }
+ciscoUnknownRptrGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The identity of an unknown repeater port group."
+    ::= { ciscoRptrGroupObjectID 1 }
+cisco2505RptrGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The authoritative identity of the Cisco 2505 repeater
+        port group."
+    ::= { ciscoRptrGroupObjectID 2 }
+cisco2507RptrGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The authoritative identity of the Cisco 2507 repeater
+        port group."
+    ::= { ciscoRptrGroupObjectID 3 }
+cisco2516RptrGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The authoritative identity of the Cisco 2516 repeater
+        port group."
+    ::= { ciscoRptrGroupObjectID 4 }
+ciscoWsx5020RptrGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The authoritative identity of the wsx5020 repeater
+        port group."
+    ::= { ciscoRptrGroupObjectID 5 }
+-- Administrative assignments for chip sets
+    STATUS          current
+        "Numerous media-specific MIBS have an object, defined as
+        an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, which is the identity of the chipset
+        realizing the interface.  Cisco-specific chipsets have their 
+        OBJECT IDENTIFIERS assigned under this subtree."
+    ::= { ciscoAdmin 3 }
+ciscoChipSetSaint1 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The identity of the Rev 1 SAINT ethernet chipset
+        manufactured for cisco by LSI Logic."
+    ::= { ciscoChipSets 1 }
+ciscoChipSetSaint2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The identity of the Rev 2 SAINT ethernet chipset
+        manufactured for cisco by LSI Logic."
+    ::= { ciscoChipSets 2 }
+ciscoChipSetSaint3 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The identity of the Rev 3 SAINT ethernet chipset
+        manufactured for cisco by Plessey."
+    ::= { ciscoChipSets 3 }
+ciscoChipSetSaint4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The identity of the Rev 4 SAINT ethernet chipset
+        manufactured for cisco by Mitsubishi."
+    ::= { ciscoChipSets 4 }
+-- Transport protocol domains
+-- The textual conventions for these domains are defined in CISCO-TM.
+    ::= { ciscoDomains 99999 }
+ciscoTDomainUdpIpv4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The UDP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressIPv4."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 1 }
+ciscoTDomainUdpIpv6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The UDP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressIPv6 for global IPv6
+        addresses and CiscoTAddressIPv6s for scoped IPv6 addresses."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 2 }
+ciscoTDomainTcpIpv4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The TCP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressIPv4."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 3 }
+ciscoTDomainTcpIpv6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The TCP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressIPv6 for global IPv6
+        addresses and CiscoTAddressIPv6s for scoped IPv6 addresses."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 4 }
+ciscoTDomainLocal OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The Posix Local IPC transport domain. The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressLocal.  The Posix
+        Local IPC transport domain incorporates the well known UNIX
+        domain sockets."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 5 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "The CLNS transport domain.  The corresponding transport
+        address is of type CiscoTAddressOSI."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 6 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "The CONS transport domain.  The corresponding transport
+        address is of type CiscoTAddressOSI."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 7 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "The DDP transport domain.  The corresponding transport
+        address is of type CiscoTAddressNBP."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 8 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "The IPX transport domain.  The corresponding transport
+        address is of type CiscoTAddressIPX."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 9 }
+ciscoTDomainSctpIpv4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The SCTP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressIPv4."
+        "RFC 2960 - Stream Control Transmission Protocol. R. Stewart,
+        Q. Xie, K. Morneault, C. Sharp, H. Schwarzbauer, T. Taylor,
+        I. Rytina, M. Kalla, L. Zhang, V. Paxson. October 2000."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 10 }
+ciscoTDomainSctpIpv6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS          current
+        "The SCTP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+        transport address is of type CiscoTAddressIPv6 for global IPv6
+        addresses and CiscoTAddressIPv6s for scoped IPv6 addresses."
+        "RFC 2960 - Stream Control Transmission Protocol. R. Stewart,
+        Q. Xie, K. Morneault, C. Sharp, H. Schwarzbauer, T. Taylor,
+        I. Rytina, M. Kalla, L. Zhang, V. Paxson. October 2000."
+    ::= { ciscoTDomains 11 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-TC.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-TC.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1b43294e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/CISCO-TC.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,2669 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- CISCO-TC.my:  Cisco MIB Textual Conventions
+-- May 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
+-- Copyright (c) 1994-2015 and by Cisco Systems Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- ***************************************************************
+    Gauge32,
+    Integer32,
+    Unsigned32,
+    Counter64
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ciscoModules
+        FROM CISCO-SMI;
+ciscoTextualConventions MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED    "201506090000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
+            "Cisco Systems
+            Customer Service
+            Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
+            San Jose, CA  95134
+            USA
+            Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
+            E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
+        "This module defines textual conventions used throughout
+        cisco enterprise mibs."
+    REVISION        "201506090000Z"
+        "Added the following enumerations for IfOperStatusReason:
+        physicalPortHotStandBy,
+        wimaxModemUnattached,
+        wpanModemUnattached,
+        rbhModulo,
+        fpcMinLinkNotMet,
+        misCabling,
+        rcvSrpOnNonFcoeFex,
+        acessPortOnBd,
+        lacpMisConfig,
+        fortyGMemberPort,
+        goldLoopBackTest,
+        edpError,
+        vpcCompCheckFailed,
+        aclQosNoResource,
+        vpcShutdown,
+        notPcMember,
+        systemIntfShut,
+        speedGroupConfigMisMatch,
+        dot1qMisConfig,
+        mdMisMatch,
+        vpcPeerLinkShut,
+        notAvailable"
+    REVISION        "201407230000Z"
+        "-Added the textual-convention CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter64."
+    REVISION        "201208060000Z"
+        "-Added the following enums for IfOperStatusReason:
+        ficonNoPortSwapLogicalPort,
+        ficonInvalidPortNum,
+        remotePortInL2vpnDown,
+        suspendedDueToNoLacpPdus,
+        fcotValidationFailedAtDriver,
+        unsupportedTransceiverMd5DigestNotSame,
+        unsupportedTransceiver,
+        adminStateConfigChange,
+        vlanAllowedList,
+        vlanAllowedListOverride,
+        vlanAllowedListAdd,
+        vlanAllowedRemove,
+        vlanCfgStateChange,
+        vlanCfgDelete,
+        pppPeerNotResponding,
+        pppAuthFailed,
+        xcvrAuthFailed,
+        badFramesRcvdFromLink"
+    REVISION        "201202010000Z"
+        "Added CiscoVlanIndex TC."
+    REVISION        "201111110000Z"
+        "Added CiscoEntityIndexList TC."
+    REVISION        "201106170000Z"
+        "-Added the following enums for FcIfOperStatusReason:
+        fcRedirectIsolation,
+        portActLicenseNotAvailable,
+        sdmIsolation,
+        fcidAllocationFailed,
+        unavailableNPVUpstreamPort,
+        unavailableNPVPrefUpstreamPort,
+        sfpReadError,
+        stickyDownOnLinkFailure,
+        tooManyLinkFlapsErr,
+        unidirectionalUDLD,
+        txRxLoopUDLD,
+        neighborMismatchUDLD,
+        authzPending,
+        hotStdbyInBundle,
+        incompleteConfig,
+        incompleteTunnelCfg,
+        hwProgrammingFailed,
+        tunnelDstUnreachable,
+        suspendByMtu,
+        sfpInvalid,
+        sfpAbsent,
+        portCapabilitiesUnknown,
+        channelErrDisabled,
+        vrfMismatch,
+        vrfForwardReferencing,
+        dupTunnelConfigDetected,
+        primaryVLANDown,
+        vrfUnusable,
+        errDisableHandShkFailure,
+        errDisabledBPDUGuard,
+        dot1xSecViolationErrDisabled,
+        emptyEchoUDLD,
+        vfTaggingCapErr,
+        portDisabled,
+        tunnelModeNotConfigured,
+        tunnelSrcNotConfigured,
+        tunnelDstNotConfigured,
+        tunnelUnableToResolveSrcIP
+        tunnelUnableToResolveDstIP,
+        tunnelVrfDown,
+        sifAdminDown,
+        phyIntfDown,
+        ifSifLimitExceeded,
+        sifHoldDown,
+        noFcoe,
+        dcxCompatMismatch,
+        isolateBundleLimitExceeded,
+        sifNotBound,
+        errDisabledLacpMiscfg,
+        satFabricIfDown,
+        invalidSatFabricIf,
+        noRemoteChassis,
+        vicEnableNotReceived,
+        vicDisableReceived,
+        vlanVsanMappingNotEnabled,
+        stpNotFwdingInFcoeMappedVlan,
+        moduleOffline,
+        udldAggModeLinkFailure,
+        stpInconsVpcPeerDisabled,
+        setPortStateFailed,
+        suspendedByVpc,
+        vpcCfgInProgress,
+        vpcPeerLinkDown,
+        vpcNoRspFromPeer,
+        protoPortSuspend,
+        tunnelSrcDown,
+        cdpInfoUnavailable,
+        fexSfpInvalid,
+        errDisabledIpConflict,
+        fcotClkRateMismatch,
+        portGuardTrustSecViolation,
+        sdpTimeout,
+        satIncompatTopo,
+        waitForFlogi,
+        satNotConfigured,
+        npivNotEnabledInUpstream,
+        vsanMismatchWithUpstreamSwPort,
+        portGuardBitErrRate,
+        portGuardSigLoss,
+        portGuardSyncLoss,
+        portGuardLinkReset,
+        portGuardCreditLoss,
+        bitErrorRate,
+        signalLoss,
+        syncLoss,
+        linkReset,
+        creditLoss,
+        ipQosMgrPolicyAppFailure,
+        pauseRateLimitErrDisabled,
+        lstGrpUplinkDown,
+        stickyDnLinkFailure,
+        routerMacFailure,
+        dcxMultipleMsapIds,
+        dcxHundredPdusRcvdNoAck,
+        enmSatIncompatibleUplink,
+        enmLoopDetected,
+        nonStickyExternallyDisabled,
+        subGroupIdNotAssigned,
+        vemUnlicensed,
+        profileNotFound,
+        nonExistentVlan,
+        vlanInvalidType,
+        vlanDown,
+        vpcPeerUpgrade,
+        ipQosDcbxpCompatFailure,
+        nonCiscoHbaVfTag,
+        domainIdConfigMismatch,
+        sfpSpeedMismatch,
+        xcvrInitializing,
+        xcvrAbsent,
+        xcvrInvalid,
+        vfcBindingInvalid,
+        vlanNotFcoeEnabled,
+        pvlanNativeVlanErr,
+        ethL2VlanDown,
+        ethIntfInvalidBinding,
+        pmonFailure,
+        l3NotReady,
+        speedMismatch,
+        flowControlMismatch,
+        vdcMode,
+        suspendedDueToMinLinks,
+        enmPinFailLinkDown,
+        inactiveM1PortFpathActiveVlan,
+        parentPortDown,
+        moduleRemoved,
+        corePortMct,
+        nonCorePortMct,
+        ficonInorderNotActive,
+        invalidEncapsulation,
+        modemLineDeasserted,
+        ipSecHndshkInProgress,
+        sfpEthCompliantErr,
+        cellularModemUnattached,
+        outOfGlblRxBuffers,
+        sfpFcCompliantErr,
+        ethIntfNotLicensed,
+        domainIdsInvalid,
+        fabricNameInvalid."
+    REVISION        "201002240000Z"
+        "Added CiscoURLStringOrEmpty textual convention."
+    REVISION        "200906180000Z"
+        "Added the new textual convention CiscoVrfName"
+    REVISION        "200903100000Z"
+        "Added the new textual convention CiscoInterfaceIndexList"
+    REVISION        "200902260000Z"
+        "Added the new textual convention Cisco2KVlanList"
+    REVISION        "200804020000Z"
+        "Added the new textual convention CiscoBridgeDomain."
+    REVISION        "200702150000Z"
+        "Added following textual conventions:
+        CiscoVlanList,
+        CiscoCosList, 
+        CiscoPbbServiceIdentifier"
+    REVISION        "200607060000Z"
+        "Added the following enums to IfOperStatusReason:
+        - elpFailureAllZeroPeerWWNRcvd,
+        - preferredPathIsolation."
+    REVISION        "200604130000Z"
+        "Added enumeration to IfOperStatusReason from 113-131
+        ('dpvmVsanSuspended' to 'domainOther')."
+    REVISION        "200506240000Z"
+        "Added CvE164Address textual convention."
+    REVISION        "200506160000Z"
+        "Added following textual conventions:
+        CiscoURLString
+        CiscoHTTPResponseStatusCode
+        EntLogicalIndexOrZero."
+    REVISION        "200410110000Z"
+        "Added IfOperStatusReason textual convention."
+    REVISION        "200406080000Z"
+        "Added CiscoPortListRange textual convention."
+    REVISION        "200404140000Z"
+        "Added CiscoPortList textual convention.
+        Removed Unsigned32 textual convention."
+    REVISION        "200212180000Z"
+        "Changed MilliSeconds TC to CiscoMilliSeconds as it was
+        overlapping with the one in a standard MIB."
+    REVISION        "200212121600Z"
+        "Added the 'http' enumeration to CiscoNetworkProtocol."
+    REVISION        "200212020000Z"
+        "Added Unsigned64 textual convention."
+    REVISION        "200209220000Z"
+        "Added ListIndex, ListIndexOrZero, TimeIntervalSec,
+        TimeintervalMin, MicroSeconds and MicroSeconds TC from 
+        Andiamo's TC MIB ."
+    REVISION        "200209170000Z"
+        "Added ConfigIterator & BulkConfigResult textual
+        convention for bulk provisioning.
+        Added CountryCodeITU textual convention for ITU-T defined
+        country codes for non-standard facilities."
+    REVISION        "200204160000Z"
+        "Added PerfHighIntervalCount TEXTUAL-CONVENTION."
+    REVISION        "200107070000Z"
+        "Added enumerations to CiscoNetworkProtocol"
+    REVISION        "200101180000Z"
+        "Added CiscoAlarmSeverity textual convention.
+        Changed SAPType display hint to d.  Changed
+        INTEGER to Integer32 in CiscoPort and
+        CiscoIpProtocol TCs.  Changed SnmpAdminString
+        to OCTET STRING in CiscoLocationSpecifier.
+        Removed IMPORTs for ciscoProducts and
+        SnmpAdminString."
+    REVISION        "200011210000Z"
+        "Added CiscoLocationClass, CiscoLocationSpecifier
+        CiscoInetAddressMask, CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter32, 
+        CiscoSnapShotAbsCounter32 textual conventions."
+    REVISION        "9810280000Z"
+        "Added CiscoRowOperStatus, EntPhysicalIndexOrZero,
+        Port and IpProtocol textual conventions."
+    REVISION        "9703130000Z"
+        "Added SAPType, CountryCode textual convention."
+    REVISION        "9608140000Z"
+        "Added InterfaceIndexOrZero textual convention."
+    REVISION        "9607080000Z"
+        "Added new CiscoNetworkProtocol enumerations."
+    REVISION        "9602220000Z"
+        "Added Unsigned32 textual conventions."
+    REVISION        "9506070000Z"
+        "Miscellaneous updates/corrections, including making
+        CiscoNetworkProtocol enumerations contiguous."
+    ::= { ciscoModules 1 }
+    STATUS          current
+        "An integer that is in the range of the layer 2 CoS values. It
+        corresponds to the IEEE 802.1P CoS value which defines eight
+        (2^3) user priority levels.
+        Note: the IEEE 802.1P has been merged into IEEE 802.1D."
+        "IEEE 802.1D, 2004 Edition, Annex G User priorities and traffic
+            classes."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..7)
+CiscoNetworkProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents the different types of network layer protocols."
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        ip(1),
+                        decnet(2),
+                        pup(3),
+                        chaos(4),
+                        xns(5),
+                        x121(6),
+                        appletalk(7),
+                        clns(8),
+                        lat(9),
+                        vines(10),
+                        cons(11),
+                        apollo(12),
+                        stun(13),
+                        novell(14),
+                        qllc(15),
+                        snapshot(16),
+                        atmIlmi(17),
+                        bstun(18),
+                        x25pvc(19),
+                        ipv6(20),
+                        cdm(21),
+                        nbf(22),
+                        bpxIgx(23),
+                        clnsPfx(24),
+                        http(25),
+                        unknown(65535)
+                    }
+CiscoNetworkAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents a network layer address.  The length and format of
+        the address is protocol dependent as follows:
+        ip        4 octets
+        decnet    2 octets
+        pup       obsolete
+        chaos     2 octets
+        xns       10 octets
+                  first 4 octets are the net number
+                  last 6 octets are the host number
+        x121    
+        appletalk 3 octets
+                  first 2 octets are the net number
+                  last octet is the host number
+        clns
+        lat
+        vines     6 octets
+                  first 4 octets are the net number
+                  last 2 octets are the host number
+        cons
+        apollo    10 octets
+                  first 4 octets are the net number
+                  last 6 octets are the host number
+        stun      8 octets
+        novell    10 octets
+                  first 4 octets are the net number
+                  last 6 octets are the host number
+        qllc      6 octets
+        bstun     1 octet - bi-sync serial tunnel 
+        snapshot  1 octet
+        atmIlmi   4 octets
+        x25 pvc   2 octets (12 bits)
+        ipv6      16 octets
+        cdm
+        nbf
+        bgpIgx
+        clnsPfx  upto 20 octets
+        http     upto 70 octets
+                 first 4 octets are the IPv4 host 
+                 address
+                 next 2 octets are the TCP port 
+                 number
+                 remaining(1 upto 64) octets are 
+                 the URI"
+    STATUS          current
+        "An unsigned 64 bit integer. We use SYNTAX Counter64 for the
+        encoding rules."
+    SYNTAX          Counter64
+InterfaceIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Either the value 0, or the ifIndex value of an
+        interface in the ifTable."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS          current
+        "Service Access Point - is a term that denotes the means
+        by which a user entity in layer n+1 accesses a service
+        of a provider entity in layer n."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..254)
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents a case-insensitive 2-letter country code taken
+        from ISO-3166. Unrecognized countries are represented as 
+        empty string."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0 | 2))
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention represents a country or area code for
+        non-standard facilities in telematic services."
+    REFERENCE       "ITU-T T.35 - Section 3.1 Country Code"
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..255)
+EntPhysicalIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention is an extension of entPhysicalIndex.
+        If non-zero, the object is an entPhysicalIndex. If zero, no
+        appropriate entPhysicalIndex exists. Any additional semantics
+        are object specific."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+CiscoRowOperStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents the operational status of an table entry.
+        This textual convention allows explicitly representing
+        the states of rows dependent on rows in other tables.
+        active(1) -
+            Indicates this entry's RowStatus is active
+            and the RowStatus for each dependency is active.
+        activeDependencies(2) -
+            Indicates that the RowStatus for each dependency
+            is active, but the entry's RowStatus is not active.
+        inactiveDependency(3) -
+            Indicates that the RowStatus for at least one
+            dependency is not active.
+        missingDependency(4) -
+            Indicates that at least one dependency does
+            not exist in it's table."
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        active(1),
+                        activeDependencies(2),
+                        inactiveDependency(3),
+                        missingDependency(4)
+                    }
+    STATUS          current
+        "The TCP or UDP port number range."
+        "Transmission Control Protocol. J. Postel. RFC793,
+            User Datagram Protocol. J. Postel. RFC768"
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535)
+    STATUS          current
+        "IP protocol number range."
+    REFERENCE       "Internet Protocol. J. Postel. RFC791"
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..255)
+CiscoLocationClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "An enumerated value which provides an indication of
+        the general location type of a particular physical and/or
+        logical interface.
+        chassis - a system framework for mounting one or more 
+                  shelves/slots/cards.
+        shelf - a cabinet that holds one or more slots.
+        slot -  card or subSlot holder.
+        subSlot - daughter-card holder.
+        port - a physical port (e.g., a DS1 or DS3 physical port).
+        subPort - a logical port on a physical port (e.g., a DS1 
+                  subPort on a DS3 physical port).
+        channel - a logical interface (e.g., a DS0 channel, signaling
+                  channel, ATM port, other virtual interfaces).
+        subChannel - a sub-channel on a logical interface."
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        chassis(1),
+                        shelf(2),
+                        slot(3),
+                        subSlot(4),
+                        port(5),
+                        subPort(6),
+                        channel(7),
+                        subChannel(8)
+                    }
+CiscoLocationSpecifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Use this TC to define objects that indicate the
+        physical entity and/or logical interface location 
+        of a managed entity on a managed device. In SNMP, a 
+        standard mechanism for indicating the physical location
+        of entities is via the ENTITY-MIB. However, that approach
+        is not satisfactory in some cases because:
+        1. The entity requiring a location-based naming may be 
+           associated with an entity which can not be represented 
+           as a physical entity in the ENTITY-MIB,
+        2. NMS applications may desire a more direct 
+           name/representation of a physical entity than is 
+           available via the ENTITY-MIB, e.g., a physical entity
+           which is named via a hierarchy of levels in the ENTITY-MIB.
+        The value of an object defined using this TC is an ASCII 
+        string consisting of zero or more elements separated by 
+        commas. Each element is of the form  = . 
+        An example of this syntax is 'slot=5,port=3'.
+        The syntax of the string is formally specified using
+        ABNF notation (with one exception, noted below), as
+        follows:                 
+        location-specifier =  elem *(',' elem) 
+                       ; subject to 
+                       ; size restriction specified in the SYNTAX
+                       ; clause below
+        elem    =   loctype '=' number
+        number  = %x00-FFFFFFFF / %d0-4294967295
+        loctype = 1*32VCHAR 
+        It is recommended that loctype use one of the enumerated
+        labels defined for CiscoLocationClass.
+        (NOTE: To conform to ABNF notation as defined in RFC2234, 
+         substitute the single-quote symbol with a double-quote 
+         symbol in the above rules.)
+        A zero length of CiscoLocationSpecifier is object-specific
+        and must be defined as part of the description of any object
+        which uses this syntax."
+        "RFC2234, Augmented BNF for syntax specifications: ABNF"
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+CiscoInetAddressMask ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Denotes a generic Internet subnet address mask.
+        The Internet subnet address mask is represented as the
+        number of contiguous 1-bit from MSB (most significant bit)
+        of the Internet subnet address mask.
+        A CiscoInetAddressMask value is always interpreted within
+        the context of an InetAddressType value. The 
+        InetAddressType only object or InetAddressType with
+        InetAddress objects which define the context must be
+        registered immediately before the object which uses the
+        CiscoInetAddressMask textual convention.  In other words,
+        the object identifiers for the InetAddressType object and
+        the CiscoInetAddressMask object MUST have the same length
+        and the last sub-identifier of the InetAddressType object
+        MUST be 1 less than the last sub-identifier of the 
+        CiscoInetAddressMask object and MUST be 2 less than the
+        last sub-identifier of the CiscoInetAddressMask object if
+        an InetAddress object is defined between InetAddressType
+        and CiscoInetAddressMask objects.
+        The maximum value of the CiscoInetAddressMask TC is 32 for
+        the value 'ipv4(1)' in InetAddressType object and 128 for
+        the value 'ipv6(2)' in InetAddressType object.
+        The value zero is object-specific and must therefore be
+        defined as part of the description of any object which
+        uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of zero might
+        include situations where Internet subnet mask was unknown,
+        or when none subnet masks need to be referenced."
+        "RFC2851, Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..128)
+CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This TC describes an object which counts events with the
+        following semantics: objects of this type will be set to
+        zero(0) on creation and will thereafter count appropriate
+        events, it locks at the maximum value of 4,294,967,295 if
+        the counter overflows.
+        This TC may be used only in situations where wrapping is
+        not possible or extremely unlikely situation."
+    SYNTAX          Gauge32
+CiscoSnapShotAbsCounter32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This TC describes an object which stores a snap-shot value
+        with the following semantics: objects of this type will
+        take a snap-shot value from their associated
+        CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter32 type objects on creation."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+CiscoAlarmSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents the perceived alarm severity associated
+        with a service or safety affecting condition and/or
+        event.  These are based on ITU severities, except
+        that info(7) is added.
+            cleared(1) -
+                Indicates a previous alarm condition has been
+                cleared.  It is not required (unless specifically
+                stated elsewhere on a case by case basis) that an
+                alarm condition that has been cleared will produce
+                a notification or other event containing an
+                alarm severity with this value.
+            indeterminate(2) -
+                Indicates that the severity level cannot be
+                determined. 
+            critical(3) -
+                Indicates that a service or safety affecting
+                condition has occurred and an immediate
+                corrective action is required.
+            major(4) -
+                Indicates that a service affecting condition has
+                occurred and an urgent corrective action is
+                required.
+            minor(5) -
+                Indicates the existence of a non-service affecting
+                condition and that corrective action should be
+                taken in order to prevent a more serious (for
+                example, service or safety affecting) condition.
+            warning(6) -
+                Indicates the detection of a potential or impending
+                service or safety affecting condition, before any
+                significant effects have been felt.
+            info(7) -
+                Indicates an alarm condition that does not
+                meet any other severity definition.  This can
+                include important, but non-urgent, notices or
+                informational events."
+    REFERENCE       "ITU-X.733"
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        cleared(1),
+                        indeterminate(2),
+                        critical(3),
+                        major(4),
+                        minor(5),
+                        warning(6),
+                        info(7)
+                    }
+PerfHighIntervalCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "A 64 bit counter associated with a
+        performance measurement in a previous
+        15 minute measurement interval. In the
+        case where the agent has no valid data
+        available for a particular interval the
+        corresponding object instance is not
+        available and upon a retrieval request
+        a corresponding error message shall be
+        returned to indicate that this instance
+        does not exist (for example, a noSuchName
+        error for SNMPv1 and a noSuchInstance for
+        SNMPv2 GET operation).
+        In a system supporting
+        a history of n intervals with
+        IntervalCount(1) and IntervalCount(n) the
+        most and least recent intervals
+        respectively, the following applies at
+        the end of a 15 minute interval:
+            - discard the value of IntervalCount(n)
+            - the value of IntervalCount(i) becomes that
+              of IntervalCount(i-1) for n >= i > 1
+            - the value of IntervalCount(1) becomes that
+              of CurrentCount
+            - the TotalCount, if supported, is adjusted.
+        This definition is based on CounterBasedGauge64 TEXTUAL
+        CONVENTION  defined in RFC2856. The PerfHighIntervalCount
+        type represents a non-negative
+        integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never
+        exceed a maximum value, nor fall below a minimum value. The
+        maximum value can not be greater than 2^64-1
+        (18446744073709551615 decimal), and the minimum value can
+        not be smaller than 0.  The value of a PerfHighIntervalCount,
+        has its maximum value whenever the information being modeled
+        is greater than or equal to its maximum value, and has its
+        minimum value whenever the information being modeled is
+        smaller than or equal to its minimum value.  If the
+        information being modeled subsequently decreases below
+        (increases above) the maximum (minimum) value, the
+        PerfHighIntervalCount also decreases (increases).
+        Note that this TC is not strictly supported in SMIv2,
+        because the 'always increasing' and 'counter wrap' semantics
+        associated with the Counter64 base type are not preserved.
+        It is possible that management applications which rely
+        solely upon the (Counter64) ASN.1 tag to determine object
+        semantics will mistakenly operate upon objects of this type
+        as they would for Counter64 objects.
+        This textual convention represents a limited and short-term
+        solution, and may be deprecated as a long term solution is
+        defined and deployed to replace it."
+        "RFC 2856(HCNUM-TC MIB).
+            RFC 2493(PerfHist-TC-MIB)."
+    SYNTAX          Counter64
+ConfigIterator ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This object type is a control object type which applies to
+        writable objects in the same SNMP PDU related to the
+        same table containing those objects. It controls an 
+        operation which repeatedly applies the specified 
+        configuration data to more than one rows in a table. 
+        The operation starts from the row specified by the index 
+        of the instance and repeats for the number of rows as 
+        the value of the object. 
+        ConfigIterator object needs to be accompanied by one set of
+        writable objects which are of the same instance to apply to.
+        For example, a SNMP PDU contains 
+           { objectA.10 = 1, 
+             objectB.10 = 'E1',
+             objectC.10 = 44,
+             objectRepetition.10 = 100 }
+        The SYNTAX of objectRepetition is ConfigIterator.
+        This will apply value 1 to objectA, value 'E1' to objectB,
+        value 44 to objectC in the table starting from row 10 
+        repeatedly for 100 rows.
+        The iteration is based on the number of rows, not based on
+        the value of the index. For sparse tables, the index 10, 
+        20, 30, 110, and 120 counts for 5 rows, the operation will 
+        go beyond index 100 in the previous SNMP PDU example.
+        The iteration will stop prematurely when it comes to the 
+        following situations:
+        (1) When the number of the rows in the table is less than
+            the designated row indicated by the ConfigIterator 
+            object. 
+        (2) When it encounters the first error in any row, the 
+            operation won't continue to next row.
+        The operation of ConfigIterator object applies only to
+        the writable objects having the same index as the
+        ConfigIterator object in one SNMP PDU.
+        For example, a SNMP PDU contains
+           { objectD.5 = 38,
+             objectE.6 = 'T1',
+             objectF.5 = 'false',
+             objectIterator.5 = 10 }
+        The SYNTAX of objectIterator is ConfigIterator.
+        This will apply value 38 to objectD, value 'false' to 
+        objectF in the table starting from row 5 repeatedly 
+        for 10 rows. Since the object objectE.6 has different
+        index (6) from the index of objectIterator, the 
+        repetition won't be applied to it. However the value 
+        of objectE in the row 6 will be set to 'T1' according
+        to regular SNMP SET orperation. 
+        If there is row overlapping of the iteration in a SNMP PDU,
+        it will be operated as they are in two different SNMP PDUs.
+        For example, a SNMP PDU contains
+           { objectD.5 = 38,
+             objectD.6 = 40,
+             objectE.6 = 'T1',
+             objectF.5 = 'false',
+             objectIterator.5 = 10
+             objectIterator.6 = 10 }
+        This will apply value 38 to objectD, value 'false' to 
+        objectF starting from row 5 repeatedly for 10 rows, and
+        apply value 40 to objectD, value 'T1' to objectE starting
+        from row 6 repeatedly for 10 rows. The final value of 
+        objectD.6 can be 38 or 40, it depends on the SNMP stack of
+        the system starts SNMP SET for the row 5 before the row 6 
+        or the other way around.
+        The object defined as ConfigIterator will be set to value 1 
+        after the iteration operation is kick-off regardless the 
+        system has completed the operation to the designated rows 
+        or not. Therefore retrieving the value of this object 
+        is meaningless. It acts as the one time operation for 
+        bulk configuration.
+        The object defined as ConfigIterator has no meaning by itself,
+        it has to be combined with one or more than one writable 
+        objects from the same table and within the same SNMP PDU
+        for the repetition operation.
+        For example, a SNMP PDU contains
+           { objectG.2 = 49,
+             objectH.2 = 'AE'h
+             objectIterator.4 = 20 }
+        The SYNTAX of objectIterator is ConfigIterator. Since
+        there are no objects having the same index as the index
+        of objectIterator in the PDU, the result of this SNMP 
+        operation will set value 49 to objectG and value 0xAE 
+        to objectH of the row 2 only as regular SNMP SET operation.
+        The index of the instance indicates the starting row for the
+        iteration. 
+        The order of the iteration depends, for instance, on: 
+        (1) physical hardware position, or
+        (2) logical index.
+        It depends on the characters of the table which contains
+        the ConfigIterator object.
+        Iteration can be done through some or all the components
+        of the index for a table. The description of the iterator
+        object in that table should describe which part of the 
+        index the iteration is applied to.
+        The operation for this object type is based on the best
+        effort. When the agent receives a SNMP PDU containing this 
+        data type, the return status of the SNMP request reflects 
+        only the result of the SET operation has applied to the 
+        starting row. It may return a SNMP response with SUCCESS 
+        status regardless the number of rows for the data actually 
+        been deployed later on. Therefore it is possible the data 
+        might not be completely deployed to the number of rows
+        designated by the ConfigIterator and the operation stops 
+        prematurely due to an error it first encounters after 
+        n rows (n < the value of ConfigIterator object).
+        Usually the error report mechanism for this type of operation
+        is accomplished by combining this type of object with the
+        other two objects in the same table:
+        (1) An OwnerString object
+        (2) An object indicates the result of the operation.
+        When issuing this bulk configuration request, the SNMP 
+        manager should provide its identifier in (1) object.
+        After issuing the request, it should check the value of (1) 
+        object if it is the same with it own name.
+        If they are the same, then the value of the object presents
+        in (2) is the result from the previous operation from this
+        manager. Otherwise, another SNMP manager might issue
+        the bulk configuration to the same table before the previous
+        bulk operation has been completed. These two objects will 
+        represent the last bulk operation in the table."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+BulkConfigResult ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention defines the format of the
+        displayable textual result from the bulk configuration
+        operation specified as ConfigIterator type.
+        The format should be: 
+        'COMPLETION=          error occured>/,
+         ERROR=/:
+         '
+        For example:
+        'COMPLETION=22/100,ERROR=38/44:Invalid Ds1 line coding 
+         for the line type'"
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    STATUS          current
+        "A unique value greater than zero, for each of the
+        list that is defined. The object using this 
+        convention should give all the object specific 
+        details including the list type."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention is an extension of the
+        ListIndex. In addition to the ListIndex range, 
+        this also includes 0 in its range of values. 
+        This value could be object specific and 
+        should be given the description of that object. 
+        In most cases, a value 0 means that the it does 
+        not represent any lists."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS          current
+        "A period of time, measured in units of 1 second."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    STATUS          current
+        "A period of time, measured in units of 1 minute."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+CiscoMilliSeconds ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents time unit value in milliseconds."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    STATUS          current
+        "Represents time unit value in microseconds."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
+    STATUS          current
+        "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight
+        ports. The object defined by this textual convention
+        can specify a port range of 2k ports in its description.
+        Example: 1 - 2048, 2049 - 4096, etc. The first octet 
+        represents the first 8 ports of the range of ports
+        specified by the object, the second octet represents 
+        the next 8 ports, etc. When a port range is not
+        specified, a default port range of '1 - 2048' is assumed.
+        Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
+        the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
+        represents the highest numbered port. Thus, each port
+        of the bridge is represented by a single bit within the
+        value of this object.  If that bit has a value of '1'
+        then that port is included in the set of ports; the port
+        is not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
+        Note that if the length of this string is less than
+        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain
+        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets
+        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size,
+        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets,
+        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256))
+CiscoPortListRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "Indicates the port range.
+        oneto2K(1) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 1 to 2048.
+        twoKto4K(2) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 2049 to 4096.
+        fourKto6K(3) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 4097 to 6144.
+        sixKto8K(4) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 6145 to 8192.
+        eightKto10K(5) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 8193 to 10240.
+        tenKto12K(6) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 10241 to 12288.
+        twelveKto14K(7) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 12289 to 14336.
+        fourteenKto16K(8) indicates that the port number range is
+        from 14337 to 16384.
+        When an object is defined with this textual convention,
+        it must be accompanied by an object of CiscoPortList
+        syntax."
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        oneto2k(1),
+                        twoKto4K(2),
+                        fourKto6K(3),
+                        sixKto8K(4),
+                        eightKto10K(5),
+                        tenKto12K(6),
+                        twelveKto14K(7),
+                        fourteenKto16K(8)
+                    }
+IfOperStatusReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "The cause of current operational state of the
+        interface.
+        GLOSSARY:
+                BB        - Buffer-to-Buffer.
+        BB_Credit - Buffer-to-Buffer credit, a link level flow
+                    control mechanism.
+        B_Port    - A Fibre Channel, Bridging port.
+        BPDU      - Bridge Protocol Data Unit.
+        CDP       - Cisco Discovery Protocol.
+        Class F   - A connectionless service with notification on 
+                    non-delivery between E_Ports, used for control, 
+                    coordination, and configuration of the Fabric.
+        Class N   - Refers to any class of service (different types
+                    of frame delivery services) other than Class F.
+        E_D_TOV   - Error Detect Timeout Value.
+        EDP       - Error Disabled Policy.
+        ENM       - Egress Non-Multicast.
+        ELP       - Exchange Link Parameter.
+        E-mode    - A fibre channel port providing E_Port 
+                    functionality. 
+        E_Port    - A Fabric Expansion Port.  
+        EPP       - Exchange Peer Parameters.
+        ESC       - Exchange Switch Capabilities.
+        Fabric    - The set of physically connected fibre channel
+                    switches.
+        FEX       - Fabric EXtender.
+        FC-FS     - Fibre Channel Framing and Signaling.
+        FCIP      - Fibre Channel over IP protocol.
+        FCID      - Fibre Channel Domain ID.
+        FCOE      - Fibre Channel Over Ethernet.
+        FCOT      - Fibre channel optical transmitter.
+        FC-PH     - The Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling 
+                    standard.
+        FCSP      - Fibre Channel Security Protocol. 
+        Fibre Channel - The primary protocol for building SANs. 
+        FICON     - An I\O protocol used between IBM (and compatible) 
+                    mainframes and storage.
+        FLOGI     - Fabric Login, used by a node port to establish a
+                    session with the fabric.
+        FPC       - Fabric Port Channel.
+        GBIC      - Gigabit Interface Converter; a removable 
+                    transceiver module permitting Fibre Channel and 
+                    Gigabit Ethernet physical-layer transport.
+        Interconnect_Ports - Switch Ports that assume either the
+                    E_Port or B_Port mode are generally referred to 
+                    as Interconnect_Ports.
+        LACP      - Link Access Control Protocol.
+        LIP       - Loop Initialization Primitive sequence.
+        LR        - Link Reset, the FC-PH defined primitive sequence 
+                    used to initiate a link reset.
+        MTU       - Maximun transmission unit. 
+        NOS       - Not Operational Sequence, the FC-PH defined 
+                    primitive sequence to indicate that the 
+                    transmitting port has detected a link failure (or)
+                    offline condition.
+        VIC       - Virtual Interface Card.
+        VPC       - Virtual Port Channel.
+        NPIV      - N Port Identifier Virtualization.
+        NPV       - NPort Virtualizer.
+        Nx_Port   - A Fiber Channel Node Port. 
+        OLS       - Offline Sequence, the FC-PH defined primitive 
+                    sequence to indicate that the port is entering
+                    into offline state.
+        OHMS      - Online Health Management System.
+        PMON      - Port Monitor.
+        QoS       - Quality of Service.
+        R_A_TOV   - Resource Allocation Timeout Value.
+        RBH       - Resource Bundle Hash.
+        RCF       - Reconfigure Fabric. 
+        Rxbbcredit - Receive BB credit value configured for 
+                     a FC interface.
+        SAN       - Storage Area Network; a network linking computing 
+                    devices to disk or tape arrays and other devices 
+                    over Fibre Channel.
+        SIF       - Service Information Field.
+        SDM       - Security Device Manager.
+        SDP       - Secure Device Provisioning.
+        SFP       - Small Formfactor Pluggable.
+        SRP       - Spatial Reuse Protocol.
+        TE_Port   - Trunking E_Port.
+        TOV       - Time out value.
+        UDLD      - Uni Directional Link Detection.
+        VDC       - Virtual Device Context.
+        VEM       - Virtual Ethernet Module.
+        VFC       - Virtual Fibre Channel.
+        VRF       - VPN Routing and Forwarding.
+        VSAN      - Virtual Storage Area Network.
+        WiMAX     - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access.
+        WPAN      - Wireless Personal Area Network.
+        WWN       - World Wide Name.
+        xE_Port   - A Fiber channel port that can assume either 
+                    E_Port or TE_Port mode.
+        The enumerated values which provides the cause of the current
+        operational state of the interface are,
+           'other(1)' - reasons other than defined here.
+           'none(2)' - no failure.
+           'hwFailure(3)' - hardware failure.  
+           'loopbackDiagFailure(4)' - loopback diagnostics failure.
+           'errorDisabled(5)' - the port is not operational due to 
+               some error conditions that require administrative 
+               attention.
+           'swFailure(6)' - software failure.
+           'linkFailure(7)' - physical link failure.
+           'offline(8)' -  physical link is in offline state as 
+               defined in the FC-FS standards.
+           'nonParticipating(9)' - during loop initialization, the 
+               port is not allowed to participate in loop operations.
+           'initializing(10)' - port is being initialized. 
+           'vsanInactive(11)'- port VSAN is inactive. The port becomes 
+               operational again when the port VSAN is active. 
+           'adminDown(12)' - ifAdminStatus is 'down'.
+           'channelAdminDown(13)' - this port is a member of a port 
+               channel and that port channel's ifAdminStatus is 
+               'down'. 
+           'channelOperSuspended(14)' - this port is a member of a 
+               port channel and its operational parameters are 
+               incompatible with the port channel parameters.  
+           'channelConfigurationInProgress(15)' - this port is 
+               undergoing a port channel configuration.
+           'rcfInProgress(16)' - an isolated xE_port is transmitting 
+               an reconfigure fabric, requesting a disruptive 
+               reconfiguration in an attempt to build a single, 
+               non-isolated fabric. Only the Interconnect_Ports can 
+               become isolated. 
+           'elpFailureIsolation(17)' - during a port initialization 
+               the prospective Interconnect_Ports find incompatible 
+               link parameters.
+           'escFailureIsolation(18) - during a port initialization the 
+               prospective Interconnect_Ports are unable to proceed 
+               with initialization as a result of ESC.
+           'domainOverlapIsolation(19)' - there is a overlap in 
+               domains while attempting to connect two existing 
+               fabrics.
+           'domainAddrAssignFailureIsolation(20)' - the elected 
+               principal switch is not capable of performing domain 
+               address manager functions so no Nx_port traffic can be 
+               forwarded across switches, hence all Interconnect_Ports 
+               in the switch are isolated.
+           'domainOtherSideEportIsolation(21)' - the peer E_port is 
+               isolated.
+           'domainInvalidRcfReceived(22)' - invalid RCF received.
+           'domainManagerDisabled(23) - domain manager is disabled.
+           'zoneMergeFailureIsolation(24)' - the two Interconnect_Ports 
+               cannot merge zoning configuration after having exchanged 
+               merging request for zoning.
+           'vsanMismatchIsolation(25)' - this VSAN is not configured 
+               on both sides of a trunk port.
+           'parentDown(26)' - the physical port to which this interface 
+               is bound is down.
+           'srcPortNotBound(27)'- no source port is specified for this 
+               interface.
+           'interfaceRemoved(28)' - interface is being removed.
+           'fcotNotPresent(29)' - FCOT (GBIC) not present.
+           'fcotVendorNotSupported(30)' - FCOT (GBIC) vendor is not 
+               supported. 
+           'incompatibleAdminMode(31)' - port administrative mode is 
+               incompatible with port capabilities. 
+           'incompatibleAdminSpeed(32)' - port speed is incompatible 
+               with port capabilities. 
+           'suspendedByMode(33)' - port that belongs to a port channel
+               is suspended due to incompatible operational mode.
+           'suspendedBySpeed(34)' - port that belongs to a port channel
+               is suspended due to incompatible operational speed.
+           'suspendedByWwn(35)' - port that belongs to a port channel 
+               is suspended due to incompatible remote switch WWN.
+           'domainMaxReTxFailure(36)' - domain manager failure after 
+               maximum retries.
+           'eppFailure(37)' - trunk negotiation protocol failure after 
+               maximum retries.
+           'portVsanMismatchIsolation(38)' - an attempt is made to 
+               connect two switches using non-trunking ports having 
+               different port VSANs. 
+           'loopbackIsolation(39)' - port is connected to another port 
+               in the same switch.
+           'upgradeInProgress(40)' - linecard upgrade in progress.
+           'incompatibleAdminRxBbCredit(41)' - receive BB credit is 
+               incompatible.
+           'incompatibleAdminRxBufferSize(42)' - receive buffer size 
+               is incompatible.
+           'portChannelMembersDown(43)' - no operational members.
+           'zoneRemoteNoRespIsolation(44)' - isolation due to remote 
+               zone server not responding.
+           'firstPortUpAsEport(45)' - in a over subscribed line card, 
+               when the first port in a group is up in E-mode, other 
+               ports in that group cannot be brought up.
+           'firstPortNotUp(46)' - in a over subscribed line card, 
+               first port cannot be brought up in E-mode when the 
+               other ports in the group are up.
+           'peerFcipPortClosedConnection(47)' - port went down because 
+               peer FCIP port closed TCP connection.    
+           'peerFcipPortResetConnection(48)' - port went down because 
+               the TCP connection was reset by the peer FCIP port.
+           'fcipPortMaxReTx(49)' - FCIP port went down due to maximum 
+               TCP re-transmissions reached the configured limit.
+           'fcipPortKeepAliveTimerExpire(50)' - FCIP port went down 
+               due to TCP keep alive timer expired.
+           'fcipPortPersistTimerExpire(51)' - FCIP port went down due 
+               to TCP persist timer expired.
+           'fcipPortSrcLinkDown(52)' - FCIP port went down due to 
+               Ethernet link down.
+           'fcipPortSrcAdminDown(53)' - FCIP port went down because 
+               the source Ethernet link was administratively shutdown.
+           'fcipPortAdminCfgChange(54)' - FCIP port went down due to 
+               configuration change. 
+           'fcipSrcPortRemoved(55)' - FCIP port went down due to source 
+               port removal.
+           'fcipSrcModuleNotOnline(56)' - FCIP port went down due to 
+               source module not online.
+           'invalidConfig(57)' - this port has a misconfiguration with 
+               respect to port channels.
+           'portBindFailure(58)' - port got isolated due to port bind 
+               failure.  
+           'portFabricBindFailure(59)' - port got isolated due to 
+               fabric bind failure.    
+           'noCommonVsanIsolation(60)' - trunk is isolated because 
+               there are no common VSANs with peer.
+           'ficonVsanDown (61)' - FICON VSAN down.
+           'invalidAttachment (62)' -  invalid attachment.
+           'portBlocked (63)' - port blocked due to FICON. 
+           'incomAdminRxBbCreditPerBuf (64)' - disabled due to 
+               incompatible administrative port rxbbcredit, 
+               performance buffers.
+           'tooManyInvalidFlogis (65)' - suspended due to too many 
+               invalid FLOGIs. 
+           'deniedDueToPortBinding (66)' - suspended due to port 
+               binding.
+           'elpFailureRevMismatch (67)' - isolated for ELP failure due 
+               to revision mismatch.
+           'elpFailureClassFParamErr (68)' - isolated for ELP failure 
+               due to Class F parameter error.
+           'elpFailureClassNParamErr (69)' - isolated for ELP failure 
+               due to Class N parameter error.
+           'elpFailureUnknownFlowCtlCode (70)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to invalid flow control code.
+           'elpFailureInvalidFlowCtlParam (71)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to invalid flow control parameter.
+           'elpFailureInvalidPortName(72)' - isolated for ELP failure 
+               due to invalid port name.
+           'elpFailureInvalidSwitchName (73)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to invalid switch name.
+           'elpFailureRatovEdtovMismatch (74)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to R_A_TOV or E_D_TOV mismatch.
+           'elpFailureLoopbackDetected (75)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to loopback detected.
+           'elpFailureInvalidTxBbCredit (76)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to invalid transmit BB credit.
+           'elpFailureInvalidPayloadSize (77)' - isolated for ELP 
+               failure due to invalid payload size.
+           'bundleMisCfg (78)' - misconfiguration in port channel 
+               membership detected.
+           'bitErrRuntimeThreshExceeded (79)' - bit error rate too 
+               high. It has exceeded the run time threshold.
+           'linkFailLinkReset (80)' - link failure due to link reset.
+           'linkFailPortInitFail (81)' - link failure due to port 
+               initialization failure.
+           'linkFailPortUnusable (82)' - link failure due to port 
+               unusable.
+           'linkFailLossOfSignal (83)' - link failure due to loss of 
+               signal. 
+           'linkFailLossOfSync (84)' - link failure due to loss of 
+               sync.
+           'linkFailNosRcvd (85)' - link failure due to non-operational 
+               sequences received.
+           'linkFailOLSRcvd (86)' - link failure due to offline 
+               sequences received.
+           'linkFailDebounceTimeout (87)' - link failure due to 
+               re-negotiation failed.
+           'linkFailLrRcvd (88)' - link failure when link reset(LR) 
+               operation fails due to non-empty receive queue.  
+           'linkFailCreditLoss (89)' - link failure due to excessive 
+               credit loss indications.
+           'linkFailRxQOverflow (90)' - link failure due to receive 
+               queue overflow.
+           'linkFailTooManyInterrupts (91)' - link failure due to 
+               excessive port interrupts.
+           'linkFailLipRcvdBb (92)' - link failure when loop 
+               initialization(LIP) operation fails due to non empty 
+               receive queue.
+           'linkFailBbCreditLoss (93)' - link failure when link 
+               reset(LR) operation fails due to queue not empty.
+           'linkFailOpenPrimSignalTimeout (94)' - link failure due to
+               open primitive signal timeout while receive queue
+               not empty.
+           'linkFailOpenPrimSignalReturned (95)' - link failure due to
+               open primitive signal returned while receive queue 
+               not empty. 
+           'linkFailLipF8Rcvd (96)' - link failure due to F8 LIP 
+               received.
+           'linkFailLineCardPortShutdown (97)' - link failure due to 
+               port shutdown.
+           'fcspAuthenFailure (98)' - fibre channel security protocol 
+               authorization fail.
+           'fcotChecksumError (99)' - FCOT SPROM checksum error. 
+           'ohmsExtLoopbackTest (100)' - link suspended due to external 
+               loopback diagnostics failure.
+           'invalidFabricBindExchange (101)' - invalid fabric binding 
+               exchange.
+           'tovMismatch (102)' - link isolation due to TOV mismatch.
+           'ficonNotEnabled (103)' - FICON not enabled.
+           'ficonNoPortNumber (104)' - no FICON port number.
+           'ficonBeingEnabled (105)' - FICON is being enabled.
+           'ePortProhibited (106)' - port down because FICON prohibit 
+               mask in place for E/TE port.
+           'portGracefulShutdown (107)' - port has been shutdown 
+               gracefully.
+           'trunkNotFullyActive (108)' - some of the VSANs which are 
+               common with the peer are not up.
+           'fabricBindingSwitchWwnNotFound (109)' - peer switch WWN not 
+               found in fabric binding active database.
+           'fabricBindingDomainInvalid (110)' - peer domain ID is 
+               invalid in fabric binding active database.
+           'fabricBindingDbMismatch (111)' - fabric binding active 
+               database mismatch with peer. 
+           'fabricBindingNoRspFromPeer (112)' - fabric binding no 
+               response from peer.
+           'dpvmVsanSuspended (113)' - dpvm vsan is suspended.
+           'dpvmVsanNotFound (114)' - dpvm vsan not found.
+           'trackedPortDown (115)' - port down because tracked
+               port is down.
+           'ecSuspendedOnLoop (116)' - port suspended because extended
+               BB credits are configured on loop port.
+           'isolateBundleMisCfg (117)' - port isolated due to bundle
+               mis-configuration.
+           'noPeerBundleSupport (118)' - peer port does not support
+               bundle.
+           'portBringupIsolation (119)' - trunk port isolated during 
+               bringup time.
+           'domainNotAllowedIsolated (120)' - port isolated due to
+               domain not allowed.
+           'virtualIvrDomainOverlapIsolation (121)' - port isolated
+                      due to virtual IVR domain overlap.
+           'outOfService (122)' - port is in out of service state.
+           'portAuthFailed (123)' - port has encountered an 802.1x 
+            authentication failure.
+           'bundleStandby (124)' - port cannot be brought up in 
+                   a bundle, since the bundle has max members.
+           'portConnectorTypeErr (125)' - Error in the port connector 
+            type (SFP).
+           'errorDisabledReInitLmtReached (126)' - the port is not 
+            operational after trying to initialize the port multiple 
+            times due to some erorrs.
+           'ficonDupPortNum (127)' - the ficon vsan has a duplicate 
+            port number.
+           'localRcf (128)' - fcdomain applied a locally disruptive
+            reconfiguration (the local domain became invalid; no 
+            RCF frames have been sent outside the local switch).
+            'twoSwitchesWithSameWWN (129)' - merge attempt between
+            VSANs containing the same WWN. If the user attempts to 
+            merge two different VSANs and both have at least one 
+            switch with the same WWN then the link in between the 
+            VSANs is isolated.
+            'invalidOtherSidePrincEFPReqRecd (130)' - EFP request frame
+            indicating a principal switch other than the locally 
+            known one.
+            'domainOther (131)' - other domain manager reasons not 
+            defined here.
+            'elpFailureAllZeroPeerWWNRcvd (132)' - isolated for ELP 
+            failure due to peer WWN is received with all zeros.
+            'preferredPathIsolation (133)' - port isolated due to
+             preferred path not able to program the routes.
+            'fcRedirectIsolation (134)' - port isolated due to
+                    FC Redirect not being able to program routes.
+             'portActLicenseNotAvailable (135)' - port not brought up
+                due to lack of port activation licenses.
+             'sdmIsolation (136)' - port isolated due to SDM 
+                (Security Device Manager) not being
+                able to program routes.
+             'fcidAllocationFailed (137)' - port down due to failure
+                in FCID (Fibre Channel Domain ID) allocation.   
+             'externallyDisabled (138)' - port externally disabled.
+             'unavailableNPVUpstreamPort (139)' - NPV 
+                     (NPort Virtualizer) upstream port not available.
+             'unavailableNPVPrefUpstreamPort (140)' - NPV 
+                (NPort Virtualizer) preferred 
+                upstream port not available.
+             'sfpReadError (141)' - the port is not operational due to 
+                     SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) read error.
+             'stickyDownOnLinkFailure (142)' - the port is 
+                     not operational due to link failure 
+                     in the sticky down mode.
+             'tooManyLinkFlapsErr (143)' - too many link flaps 
+                     on the port in a short interval.
+             'unidirectionalUDLD (144)' - unidirectional UDLD 
+                (Uni Directional Link Detection) detected.
+             'txRxLoopUDLD (145)' - UDLD (Uni Directional 
+                     Link Detection) Tx Rx loop.
+             'neighborMismatchUDLD (146)' - UDLD 
+                (Uni Directional Link Detection) neighbor mismatch.
+             'authzPending (147)' - authorization pending.
+             'hotStdbyInBundle (148)' - hot standby in bundle.
+             'incompleteConfig (149)' - all parameters on the port 
+                              have not been configured.
+             'incompleteTunnelCfg (150)' - incomplete tunnel config.
+             'hwProgrammingFailed (151)' - hardware programming failed.
+             'tunnelDstUnreachable (152)' - no route to 
+                     tunnel destination address.
+             'suspendByMtu (153)' - MTU allocation failed.
+             'sfpInvalid (154)' - SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) 
+                is not Cisco certified.
+             'sfpAbsent (155)' - SFP (Small Formfactor 
+                     Pluggable) is absent.
+            'portCapabilitiesUnknown (156)' - the capabilities of the 
+                    port are unknown.
+             'channelErrDisabled (157)' - the port-channel to which 
+                     the port belongs is in error disabled state.
+             'vrfMismatch (158)' - Mismatch in source and transport VRF
+                        (VPN Routing and Forwarding).
+             'vrfForwardReferencing (159)' - Forward referencing 
+                     transport VRF (VPN Routing and Forwarding).
+             'dupTunnelConfigDetected (160)' - two tunnel interfaces 
+                     with same configuration is not allowed.
+             'primaryVLANDown (161)' - primary VLAN is in down state.
+             'vrfUnusable (162)' - VRF (VPN Routing and Forwarding) 
+                    is unusable.
+             'errDisableHandShkFailure (163)' - port is not operational 
+                             due to an internal handshake failure.
+             'errDisabledBPDUGuard (164)' - BPDUGuard 
+             (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) triggered 
+             error disable on the port.
+             'dot1xSecViolationErrDisabled (165)' - error disabled 
+                   due to dot1x security violation.
+             'emptyEchoUDLD (166)' - UDLD (Uni Directional 
+                     Link Detection) empty echo.
+             'vfTaggingCapErr (167)' - VF Tagging capability 
+                     mismatch error.
+             'portDisabled (168)' - Port disabled.
+             'tunnelModeNotConfigured (169)' - Tunnel Mode is not 
+                             configured.
+             'tunnelSrcNotConfigured (170)' - Tunnel Source is not 
+                             configured. 
+             'tunnelDstNotConfigured (171)' - Tunnel Destination 
+                             is not configured.
+             'tunnelUnableToResolveSrcIP (172)' - Unable to resolve 
+                             tunnel source IP address. 
+             'tunnelUnableToResolveDstIP (173)' - Unable to resolve 
+                             tunnel destination IP address.
+             'tunnelVrfDown (174)' - Tunnel VRF down.
+             'sifAdminDown (175)' - SIF (Service Information Field) 
+                is admin down.
+             'phyIntfDown (176)' - Physical interface is down.
+             'ifSifLimitExceeded (177)' - Interface SIF 
+             (Service Information Field)limit is exceeded.
+             'sifHoldDown (178)' - SIF (Service Information Field) 
+                     hold down.
+             'noFcoe (179)' - No FCOE (Fibre Channel Over Ethernet) 
+                configuration.
+             'dcxCompatMismatch (180)' - DCX Compatibility Mismatch.
+             'isolateBundleLimitExceeded (181)' - Isolation due to 
+                         bundle limit exceeded.
+             'sifNotBound (182)' - SIF (ervice Information Field) 
+                     is not bound.
+             'errDisabledLacpMiscfg (183)' - Error Disabled due to 
+                     LACP (Link Access Control Protocol) misconfig.
+             'satFabricIfDown (184)' - Satellite fabric interface down.
+             'invalidSatFabricIf (185)' - Invalid satellite fabric 
+                             interface.
+             'noRemoteChassis (186)' - No remote chassis.
+             'vicEnableNotReceived (187)' - VIC enable not received.
+             'vicDisableReceived (188)' - VIC disable received.
+             'vlanVsanMappingNotEnabled (189)' - VLAN VSAN mapping not 
+                             enabled.
+             'stpNotFwdingInFcoeMappedVlan (190)' - STP not forwarding 
+                             in FCOE Mapped Vlan.
+             'moduleOffline (191)' - Module Offline.
+             'udldAggModeLinkFailure (192)' - UDLD (Uni Directional Link
+                Detection) aggresive mode link failure.
+             'stpInconsVpcPeerDisabled (193)' - STP inconsistent 
+                     VPC (Virtual Port Channel) peer disabled. 
+             'setPortStateFailed (194)' - Set port state failed.
+             'suspendedByVpc (195)' - Suspended by VPC 
+                     (Virtual Port Channel).
+             'vpcCfgInProgress (196)' - VPC (Virtual Port Channel)
+                 configuration in progress.
+             'vpcPeerLinkDown (197)' - VPC (Virtual Port Channel)
+                 peer link down.
+             'vpcNoRspFromPeer (198)' - VPC (Virtual Port Channel) 
+                no response from peer.
+             'protoPortSuspend (199)' - Proto port suspend.
+             'tunnelSrcDown (200)' - Tunnel source down.
+             'cdpInfoUnavailable (201)' - CDP 
+             (Cisco Discovery Protocol) information unavailable.
+             'fexSfpInvalid (202)' - FEX (Fabric Extender) 
+             SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) invalid.
+             'errDisabledIpConflict (203)' - Error Disabled due to IP
+                              conflict.
+             'fcotClkRateMismatch (204)' - FCOT CLK rate mismatch.
+             'portGuardTrustSecViolation (205)' - Error disabled due 
+                 to port guard (Cisco Trusted Security Violation).
+             'sdpTimeout (206)' - SDP (Secure Device Provisioning)
+                      timeout.
+             'satIncompatTopo (207)' - Satellite incompatible topology.
+             'waitForFlogi (208)' - Wait for FLOGI.
+             'satNotConfigured (209)' - Satellite not configured.
+             'npivNotEnabledInUpstream (210)' - NPIV (N Port Identifier
+                Virtualization) not enabled in upstream.
+             'vsanMismatchWithUpstreamSwPort (211)' - VSAN 
+                     mismatch with upstream switch port.
+             'portGuardBitErrRate (212)' - Error disabled due to port 
+                             guard (Bit Error Rate).
+             'portGuardSigLoss (213)' - Error disabled due to 
+                     port guard (Signal Loss).
+             'portGuardSyncLoss (214)' - Error disabled due to port 
+                             guard (Sync Loss).
+             'portGuardLinkReset (215)' - Error disabled due to port
+                             guard (Link Reset).
+             'portGuardCreditLoss (216)' - Error disabled due to port
+                             guard (Credit Loss).
+             'ipQosMgrPolicyAppFailure (217)' - IP QOS Manager policy 
+                          application failure.
+             'pauseRateLimitErrDisabled (218)' - Port error disabled due
+                                        to pause rate limit condition.
+             'lstGrpUplinkDown (219)' - EthPM LSTGRP downstream link 
+                             down due to upstream link down.
+             'stickyDnLinkFailure (220)' - Port kept in error disabled
+                                         state due to Link Failure.
+             'routerMacFailure (221)' - Router MAC failure.
+             'dcxMultipleMsapIds (222)' - Port error disabled due to
+                                        multiple MSAP IDs (DCX).
+             'dcxHundredPdusRcvdNoAck (223)' - Hundred PDUs received 
+                             without ACK (DCX).
+             'enmSatIncompatibleUplink (224)' - Satellite Incompatible 
+                             Uplink.
+             'enmLoopDetected (225)' - Loop Detected (ENM).
+             'nonStickyExternallyDisabled (226)' - Disabled by VPD 
+                             Manager with shut/no shut allowed.
+             'nonStickyExternallyDisabled (227)' - Sub-group ID 
+                             not assigned.
+             'vemUnlicensed (228)' - VEM Unlicensed.
+             'profileNotFound (229)' - Profile not found.
+             'nonExistentVlan (230)' - VLAN does not exist.
+             'vlanInvalidType (231)' - Invalid VLAN type.
+             'vlanDown (232)' - VLAN down.
+             'vpcPeerUpgrade (233)' - VPC Peer Upgrade.
+             'ipQosDcbxpCompatFailure (234)' - IPQOS DCBXP compatibility
+                           failure.
+             'nonCiscoHbaVfTag (235)' - Error Disabled due to Non-Cisco 
+                             HBA VF Tag.
+             'domainIdConfigMismatch (236)' - Domain ID config mismatch.
+             'sfpSpeedMismatch (237)' - SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable)
+                 speed mismatch.
+             'xcvrInitializing (238)' - Transceiver initializing.
+             'xcvrAbsent (239)' - Transceiver absent.
+             'xcvrInvalid (240)' - Transceiver invalid.
+             'vfcBindingInvalid (241)' - Invalid VFC Binding.
+             'vlanNotFcoeEnabled (242)' - VLAN down due to FCOE 
+                             disabled.
+             'pvlanNativeVlanErr (243)' - Private VLAN 
+                             Native VLAN error.
+             'ethL2VlanDown (244)' - Ethernet L2 VLAN down.
+             'ethIntfInvalidBinding (245)' - Invalid Binding 
+                     to Ethernet Interface.
+             'pmonFailure (246)' - PMON Failure.
+             'l3NotReady (247)' - L3 not ready.
+             'speedMismatch (248)' - Speed Mismatch.
+             'flowControlMismatch (249)' - Flow Control Mismatch.
+             'vdcMode (250)' - VDC mode 
+             'suspendedDueToMinLinks (251)' - Suspended due 
+                             to Min Links.
+             'enmPinFailLinkDown (252)' - ENM Pin Fail Link Down.
+             'inactiveM1PortFpathActiveVlan (253)' - Inactive M1 Port
+                                    F Path Active VLAN.
+             'parentPortDown (254)' - Parent Port Down.
+             'moduleRemoved (255)' - Module Removed.
+             'corePortMct (256)' - Core Port MCT.
+             'nonCorePortMct (257)' - Non Core port MCT.
+             'ficonInorderNotActive (258)'- FICON Inorder Not Active.
+             'invalidEncapsulation (259)' - Invalid Encapsulation.
+             'modemLineDeasserted (260)' - Modem line Deasserted.
+             'ipSecHndshkInProgress (261)' - IP Sec Handshake in 
+                                     progress.
+             'sfpEthCompliantErr (262)' - Sfp Ethernet compliant error.
+             'cellularModemUnattached (263)' - Cellular Modem 
+                             unattached.
+             'outOfGlblRxBuffers (264)' - Out of Global Rx Buffers.
+             'sfpFcCompliantErr (265)' - Sfp Fc compliant Error.
+             'ethIntfNotLicensed (266)' - Ethernet Interface Not 
+                                             Licensed.
+             'domainIdsInvalid (267)' - Domain IDs Invalid.
+             'fabricNameInvalid (268)' - Fabric Name Invalid.
+             'ficonNoPortSwapLogicalPort (269)' - Ficon No Port Swap Logical Port.
+             'ficonInvalidPortNum (270)' - Ficon Invalid Port Number.
+             'remotePortInL2vpnDown (271)' - Remote Port in L2VPN Down.
+             'suspendedDueToNoLacpPdus (272)' - Suspended due to no LACP PDUs.
+             'fcotValidationFailedAtDriver (273)' - Fcot validation failed at driver.
+             'unsupportedTransceiverMd5DigestNotSame (274)' - Unsupported transceiver MD5 digest not Same.
+             'unsupportedTransceiver (275)' - Unsupport transceiver.
+             'adminStateConfigChange (276)' - Admin state config change.
+             'vlanAllowedList (277)' - Allowed Vlan list configured on the port.
+             'vlanAllowedListOverride (278)' - Allowed Vlan list changed on the port.
+             'vlanAllowedListAdd (279)' - Vlan has been added to the allowed Vlan list on the port.
+             'vlanAllowedListRemove  (280)' - Vlan has been removed from the allowed Vlan list on the port.
+             'vlanCfgStateChange (281)' - Port affected due to Vlan state change.
+             'vlanCfgDelete (282)' - Port affected due to Vlan delete.
+             'pppPeerNotResponding (283)' - ppp peer not responding.
+             'pppAuthFailed (284)' - ppp authentication failed.
+             'xcvrAuthFailed (285)' - Transceiver authentication failed.
+             'badFramesRcvdFromLink (286)' - Excessive bad frames received from link.
+             'physicalPortHotStandBy (287)'
+                  - Physical Port in Hot-StandBy State.
+             'wimaxModemUnattached (288)'
+                  - Modem Disconnected from WiMAX network.
+             'wpanModemUnattached (289)'
+                  - Modem Disconnected from WPAN network.
+             'rbhModulo (290)'
+                  - Down due to RBH modulo load-balance feature toggle.
+             'fpcMinLinkNotMet (291)'
+                  - Suspended as the FPC min-link requirement has not
+                    been met.
+             'misCabling (292)'
+                  - Miscabling detected.
+             'rcvSrpOnNonFcoeFex (293)'
+                  - Down due to received SRP for a non-FCOE capable FEX 
+             'acessPortOnBd (294)'
+                  - Inactive due to access port is configured with a
+                    Bridge-Domain ID.
+             'lacpMisConfig (295)'
+                  - LACP port suspended due to misconfiguration.
+             'fortyGMemberPort (300)'
+                  - Port is a member of a 40G interface.
+             'goldLoopBackTest (301)'
+                  - Suspended due to Loopback diagnostics.
+             'edpError (302)'
+                  - Down due to EDP enforcement.
+             'vpcCompCheckFailed (303)'
+                  - VPC down because compatibility check failed.
+             'aclQosNoResource (304)'
+                  - Not enough free entries in TCAM bank for QoS.
+             'vpcShutdown (305)'
+                  - VPC shutdown.
+             'notPcMember (306)'
+                  - Port is not a member of a port channel.
+             'systemIntfShut (307)'
+                  - System interface shutdown.
+             'speedGroupConfigMisMatch (308)'
+                  - Speed-Group config does not match type of transceiver.
+             'dot1qMisConfig (310)'
+                  - Dot1q-tunnel misconfiguration.
+             'mdMisMatch (311)'
+                  - Mobility Domain Config Mismatch.
+             'vpcPeerLinkShut (312)'
+                  - Suspended because VPC peer link had been shut down.
+             'notAvailable (313)'
+                  - Port Operation Status is currently not available.
+             "
+    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
+                        other(1),
+                        none(2),
+                        hwFailure(3),
+                        loopbackDiagFailure(4),
+                        errorDisabled(5),
+                        swFailure(6),
+                        linkFailure(7),
+                        offline(8),
+                        nonParticipating(9),
+                        initializing(10),
+                        vsanInactive(11),
+                        adminDown(12),
+                        channelAdminDown(13),
+                        channelOperSuspended(14),
+                        channelConfigurationInProgress(15),
+                        rcfInProgress(16),
+                        elpFailureIsolation(17),
+                        escFailureIsolation(18),
+                        domainOverlapIsolation(19),
+                        domainAddrAssignFailureIsolation(20),
+                        domainOtherSideEportIsolation(21),
+                        domainInvalidRcfReceived(22),
+                        domainManagerDisabled(23),
+                        zoneMergeFailureIsolation(24),
+                        vsanMismatchIsolation(25),
+                        parentDown(26),
+                        srcPortNotBound(27),
+                        interfaceRemoved(28),
+                        fcotNotPresent(29),
+                        fcotVendorNotSupported(30),
+                        incompatibleAdminMode(31),
+                        incompatibleAdminSpeed(32),
+                        suspendedByMode(33),
+                        suspendedBySpeed(34),
+                        suspendedByWWN(35),
+                        domainMaxReTxFailure(36),
+                        eppFailure(37),
+                        portVsanMismatchIsolation(38),
+                        loopbackIsolation(39),
+                        upgradeInProgress(40),
+                        incompatibleAdminRxBbCredit(41),
+                        incompatibleAdminRxBufferSize(42),
+                        portChannelMembersDown(43),
+                        zoneRemoteNoRespIsolation(44),
+                        firstPortUpAsEport(45),
+                        firstPortNotUp(46),
+                        peerFCIPPortClosedConnection(47),
+                        peerFCIPPortResetConnection(48),
+                        fcipPortMaxReTx(49),
+                        fcipPortKeepAliveTimerExpire(50),
+                        fcipPortPersistTimerExpire(51),
+                        fcipPortSrcLinkDown(52),
+                        fcipPortSrcAdminDown(53),
+                        fcipPortAdminCfgChange(54),
+                        fcipSrcPortRemoved(55),
+                        fcipSrcModuleNotOnline(56),
+                        invalidConfig(57),
+                        portBindFailure(58),
+                        portFabricBindFailure(59),
+                        noCommonVsanIsolation(60),
+                        ficonVsanDown(61),
+                        invalidAttachment(62),
+                        portBlocked(63),
+                        incomAdminRxBbCreditPerBuf(64),
+                        tooManyInvalidFlogis(65),
+                        deniedDueToPortBinding(66),
+                        elpFailureRevMismatch(67),
+                        elpFailureClassFParamErr(68),
+                        elpFailureClassNParamErr(69),
+                        elpFailureUnknownFlowCtlCode(70),
+                        elpFailureInvalidFlowCtlParam(71),
+                        elpFailureInvalidPortName(72),
+                        elpFailureInvalidSwitchName(73),
+                        elpFailureRatovEdtovMismatch(74),
+                        elpFailureLoopbackDetected(75),
+                        elpFailureInvalidTxBbCredit(76),
+                        elpFailureInvalidPayloadSize(77),
+                        bundleMisCfg(78),
+                        bitErrRuntimeThreshExceeded(79),
+                        linkFailLinkReset(80),
+                        linkFailPortInitFail(81),
+                        linkFailPortUnusable(82),
+                        linkFailLossOfSignal(83),
+                        linkFailLossOfSync(84),
+                        linkFailNosRcvd(85),
+                        linkFailOLSRcvd(86),
+                        linkFailDebounceTimeout(87),
+                        linkFailLrRcvd(88),
+                        linkFailCreditLoss(89),
+                        linkFailRxQOverflow(90),
+                        linkFailTooManyInterrupts(91),
+                        linkFailLipRcvdBb(92),
+                        linkFailBbCreditLoss(93),
+                        linkFailOpenPrimSignalTimeout(94),
+                        linkFailOpenPrimSignalReturned(95),
+                        linkFailLipF8Rcvd(96),
+                        linkFailLineCardPortShutdown(97),
+                        fcspAuthenfailure(98),
+                        fcotChecksumError(99),
+                        ohmsExtLoopbackTest(100),
+                        invalidFabricBindExchange(101),
+                        tovMismatch(102),
+                        ficonNotEnabled(103),
+                        ficonNoPortNumber(104),
+                        ficonBeingEnabled(105),
+                        ePortProhibited(106),
+                        portGracefulShutdown(107),
+                        trunkNotFullyActive(108),
+                        fabricBindingSwitchWwnNotFound(109),
+                        fabricBindingDomainInvalid(110),
+                        fabricBindingDbMismatch(111),
+                        fabricBindingNoRspFromPeer(112),
+                        dpvmVsanSuspended(113),
+                        dpvmVsanNotFound(114),
+                        trackedPortDown(115),
+                        ecSuspendedOnLoop(116),
+                        isolateBundleMisCfg(117),
+                        noPeerBundleSupport(118),
+                        portBringupIsolation(119),
+                        domainNotAllowedIsolated(120),
+                        virtualIvrDomainOverlapIsolation(121),
+                        outOfService(122),
+                        portAuthFailed(123),
+                        bundleStandby(124),
+                        portConnectorTypeErr(125),
+                        errorDisabledReInitLmtReached(126),
+                        ficonDupPortNum(127),
+                        localRcf(128),
+                        twoSwitchesWithSameWWN(129),
+                        invalidOtherSidePrincEFPReqRecd(130),
+                        domainOther(131),
+                        elpFailureAllZeroPeerWWNRcvd(132),
+                        preferredPathIsolation(133),
+                        fcRedirectIsolation(134),
+                        portActLicenseNotAvailable(135),
+                        sdmIsolation(136),
+                        fcidAllocationFailed(137),
+                        externallyDisabled(138),
+                        unavailableNPVUpstreamPort(139),
+                        unavailableNPVPrefUpstreamPort(140),
+                        sfpReadError(141),
+                        stickyDownOnLinkFailure(142),
+                        tooManyLinkFlapsErr(143),
+                        unidirectionalUDLD(144),
+                        txRxLoopUDLD(145),
+                        neighborMismatchUDLD(146),
+                        authzPending(147),
+                        hotStdbyInBundle(148),
+                        incompleteConfig(149),
+                        incompleteTunnelCfg(150),
+                        hwProgrammingFailed(151),
+                        tunnelDstUnreachable(152),
+                        suspendByMtu(153),
+                        sfpInvalid(154),
+                        sfpAbsent(155),
+                        portCapabilitiesUnknown(156),
+                        channelErrDisabled(157),
+                        vrfMismatch(158),
+                        vrfForwardReferencing(159),
+                        dupTunnelConfigDetected(160),
+                        primaryVLANDown(161),
+                        vrfUnusable(162),
+                        errDisableHandShkFailure(163),
+                        errDisabledBPDUGuard(164),
+                        dot1xSecViolationErrDisabled(165),
+                        emptyEchoUDLD(166),
+                        vfTaggingCapErr(167),
+                        portDisabled(168),
+                        tunnelModeNotConfigured(169),
+                        tunnelSrcNotConfigured(170),
+                        tunnelDstNotConfigured(171),
+                        tunnelUnableToResolveSrcIP(172),
+                        tunnelUnableToResolveDstIP(173),
+                        tunnelVrfDown(174),
+                        sifAdminDown(175),
+                        phyIntfDown(176),
+                        ifSifLimitExceeded(177),
+                        sifHoldDown(178),
+                        noFcoe(179),
+                        dcxCompatMismatch(180),
+                        isolateBundleLimitExceeded(181),
+                        sifNotBound(182),
+                        errDisabledLacpMiscfg(183),
+                        satFabricIfDown(184),
+                        invalidSatFabricIf(185),
+                        noRemoteChassis(186),
+                        vicEnableNotReceived(187),
+                        vicDisableReceived(188),
+                        vlanVsanMappingNotEnabled(189),
+                        stpNotFwdingInFcoeMappedVlan(190),
+                        moduleOffline(191),
+                        udldAggModeLinkFailure(192),
+                        stpInconsVpcPeerDisabled(193),
+                        setPortStateFailed(194),
+                        suspendedByVpc(195),
+                        vpcCfgInProgress(196),
+                        vpcPeerLinkDown(197),
+                        vpcNoRspFromPeer(198),
+                        protoPortSuspend(199),
+                        tunnelSrcDown(200),
+                        cdpInfoUnavailable(201),
+                        fexSfpInvalid(202),
+                        errDisabledIpConflict(203),
+                        fcotClkRateMismatch(204),
+                        portGuardTrustSecViolation(205),
+                        sdpTimeout(206),
+                        satIncompatTopo(207),
+                        waitForFlogi(208),
+                        satNotConfigured(209),
+                        npivNotEnabledInUpstream(210),
+                        vsanMismatchWithUpstreamSwPort(211),
+                        portGuardBitErrRate(212),
+                        portGuardSigLoss(213),
+                        portGuardSyncLoss(214),
+                        portGuardLinkReset(215),
+                        portGuardCreditLoss(216),
+                        ipQosMgrPolicyAppFailure(217),
+                        pauseRateLimitErrDisabled(218),
+                        lstGrpUplinkDown(219),
+                        stickyDnLinkFailure(220),
+                        routerMacFailure(221),
+                        dcxMultipleMsapIds(222),
+                        dcxHundredPdusRcvdNoAck(223),
+                        enmSatIncompatibleUplink(224),
+                        enmLoopDetected(225),
+                        nonStickyExternallyDisabled(226),
+                        subGroupIdNotAssigned(227),
+                        vemUnlicensed(228),
+                        profileNotFound(229),
+                        nonExistentVlan(230),
+                        vlanInvalidType(231),
+                        vlanDown(232),
+                        vpcPeerUpgrade(233),
+                        ipQosDcbxpCompatFailure(234),
+                        nonCiscoHbaVfTag(235),
+                        domainIdConfigMismatch(236),
+                        sfpSpeedMismatch(237),
+                        xcvrInitializing(238),
+                        xcvrAbsent(239),
+                        xcvrInvalid(240),
+                        vfcBindingInvalid(241),
+                        vlanNotFcoeEnabled(242),
+                        pvlanNativeVlanErr(243),
+                        ethL2VlanDown(244),
+                        ethIntfInvalidBinding(245),
+                        pmonFailure(246),
+                        l3NotReady(247),
+                        speedMismatch(248),
+                        flowControlMismatch(249),
+                        vdcMode(250),
+                        suspendedDueToMinLinks(251),
+                        enmPinFailLinkDown(252),
+                        inactiveM1PortFpathActiveVlan(253),
+                        parentPortDown(254),
+                        moduleRemoved(255),
+                        corePortMct(256),
+                        nonCorePortMct(257),
+                        ficonInorderNotActive(258),
+                        invalidEncapsulation(259),
+                        modemLineDeasserted(260),
+                        ipSecHndshkInProgress(261),
+                        sfpEthCompliantErr(262),
+                        cellularModemUnattached(263),
+                        outOfGlblRxBuffers(264),
+                        sfpFcCompliantErr(265),
+                        ethIntfNotLicensed(266),
+                        domainIdsInvalid(267),
+                        fabricNameInvalid(268),
+                        ficonNoPortSwapLogicalPort(269),
+                        ficonInvalidPortNum(270),
+                        remotePortInL2vpnDown(271),
+                        suspendedDueToNoLacpPdus(272),
+                        fcotValidationFailedAtDriver(273),
+                        unsupportedTransceiverMd5DigestNotSame(274),
+                        unsupportedTransceiver(275),
+                        adminStateConfigChange(276),
+                        vlanAllowedList(277),
+                        vlanAllowedListOverride(278),
+                        vlanAllowedListAdd(279),
+                        vlanAllowedRemove(280),
+                        vlanCfgStateChange(281),
+                        vlanCfgDelete(282),
+                        pppPeerNotResponding(283),
+                        pppAuthFailed(284),
+                        xcvrAuthFailed(285),
+                        badFramesRcvdFromLink(286),
+                        physicalPortHotStandBy(287),
+                        wimaxModemUnattached(288),
+                        wpanModemUnattached(289),
+                        rbhModulo(290),
+                        fpcMinLinkNotMet(291),
+                        misCabling(292),
+                        rcvSrpOnNonFcoeFex(293),
+                        acessPortOnBd(294),
+                        lacpMisConfig(295),
+                        fortyGMemberPort(300),
+                        goldLoopBackTest(301),
+                        edpError(302),
+                        vpcCompCheckFailed(303),
+                        aclQosNoResource(304),
+                        vpcShutdown(305),
+                        notPcMember(306),
+                        systemIntfShut(307),
+                        speedGroupConfigMisMatch(308),
+                        dot1qMisConfig(310),
+                        mdMisMatch(311),
+                        vpcPeerLinkShut(312),
+                        notAvailable(313)
+                    }
+EntLogicalIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention is an extension of entLogicalIndex.
+        If non-zero, the semantic is same as entLogicalIndex object.
+        If zero, no appropriate entLogicalIndex exists.  Any additional 
+        semantics must be defined as part of the description of any 
+        object which uses this syntax."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention defines the URL string.
+        The  Universal Resource Locator(URL). The URL strings
+        are compact string representation for a resource
+        available via internet. This is the address location 
+        of the page to load. The string should represent a
+        fully qualifying string with the format 
+        'protocol:/server/page'. In general the string should 
+        point to any value that can be saved/loaded.
+        Any limitation for the URL must be defined as part of
+        the description of any object which uses this syntax."
+    REFERENCE       "Uniform Resource Locators. RFC 1738."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention is an extension of CiscoURLString.
+        This extension permits the additional value of empty (zero
+        length) string.  The description of any object which uses this
+        syntax must specifically describe the meaning of empty string
+        value."
+    REFERENCE       "Uniform Resource Locators. RFC 1738."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+CiscoHTTPResponseStatusCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This corresponds to the HTTP Status code.
+        The Status-Code element in HTTP response is 
+        a 3-digit integer result code of the attempt
+        to understand and satisfy the HTTP request
+        The Status-Code is intended for use by automata.
+        The first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of 
+        response.  The last two digits do not have any 
+        categorization role. There are 5 values for the first digit:
+         - 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
+         - 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received,
+                understood, and accepted
+         - 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order 
+                to complete the request
+         - 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax 
+                or cannot be fulfilled
+         - 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an 
+                apparently valid request."
+        "RFC 2616 Section 6.1.1 Status Code and Reason Phrase."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (100..599)
+    STATUS          current
+        "A UTF-8 string limited to the character set defined for
+        E.164, '0123456789*#,'.
+        Note that  represents the double quote which
+        cannot be contained in a SMI description clause.
+             OR
+        An IA5String limited to the character set '0123456789*#,.'"
+        "ITU-T E.164, Q.931 chapter 4.5.10
+         ITU-H H.225.0 Annex H"
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128))
+    STATUS          current
+        "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight
+        VLANs. The object defined by this textual convention
+        can specify a VLAN range of 1k VLANs in its description.
+        Example: 0 - 1023, 1024 - 2047, etc. The first octet
+        represents the first 8 VLANs of the range of VLANs
+        specified by the object, the second octet represents
+        the next 8 VLANs, etc. When a VLAN range is not
+        specified, a default VLAN range of '0 - 1023' is assumed.
+        Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
+        the lowest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit
+        represents the highest numbered VLAN. Thus, each VLAN
+        of the device is represented by a single bit within the
+        value of this object.  If that bit has a value of '1'
+        then that VLAN is included in the set of VLANs; the VLAN
+        is not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
+        Note that if the length of this string is less than
+        128 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain
+        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets
+        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size,
+        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets,
+        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
+    STATUS          current
+        "Each bit represents a CoS value (0 through 7)."
+    SYNTAX          BITS {
+                        cos0(0),
+                        cos1(1),
+                        cos2(2),
+                        cos3(3),
+                        cos4(4),
+                        cos5(5),
+                        cos6(6),
+                        cos7(7)
+                    }
+CiscoPbbServiceIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "An integer-value which identifies the service instance of
+        the Provider Backbone Bridge frame."
+    REFERENCE       "IEEE P802.1ah/D3.3 chapter 9.8, December 2006"
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..16777216)
+CiscoBridgeDomain ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "An object with this syntax contains a bridge domain number
+        which is used to distinguish between multiple bridge domains. A
+        bridge domain represents a set of (logical) Ethernet segments
+        which are interconnected by 802.1D bridges. 802.1Q allows for a
+        maximum of 4095 VLANs within a bridge domain. Some devices can
+        be connected to multiple bridge domains, e.g., routers with
+        some of their interfaces in one bridge domain and other
+        interfaces in other bridge domain. In such devices, the
+        combination of bridge-domain-number and VLAN-id can be used to
+        uniquely identify any VLAN across all interfaces."
+    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..65535)
+    STATUS          current
+        "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs.
+        The object defined by this textual convention can specify a VLAN
+        range of 2k VLANs in its description. Example: 0 - 2047, 2048 -
+        4095, etc. The first octet represents the first 8 VLANs of the
+        range of VLANs specified by the object, the second octet
+        represents the next 8 VLANs, etc.
+        Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the
+        lowest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents
+        the highest numbered VLAN. Thus, each VLAN of the device is
+        represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If
+        that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is included in the
+        set of VLANs; the VLAN is not included if its bit has a value of
+        '0'.
+        Note that if the length of this string is less than 256 octets,
+        any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. An
+        NMS may omit any zero-valued octets from the end of this string
+        in order to reduce SetPDU size, and the agent may also omit
+        zero-valued trailing octets, to reduce the size of GetResponse
+        PDUs."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256))
+CiscoInterfaceIndexList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This textual convention contains a list of ifIndex values.
+        Each ifIndex value is represented by four octets.
+        Every set of four octets represents a value of an instance
+        of ifIndex object, defined in IF-MIB, corresponding to a
+        particular interface.
+        For example, the first octet to the fourth octet represent a 
+        value of the instance of ifIndex object for the first 
+        interface in the list.  The fifth octet to the eighth octet 
+        represent a value of the instance of ifIndex object for
+        the second interface in the list.
+        Up to 64 interfaces can be represented by this textual 
+        convention."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256))
+    STATUS          current
+        "The name of the Virtual Private Network Routing and
+        Forwarding (VRF) domain.
+        Semantics of a zero length CiscoVrfName are object-specific
+        and must be defined as part of the description of any object
+        which uses this syntax."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32))
+CiscoEntityIndexList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This text convention contains a list of entPhysicalIndex
+        values.
+        Each entPhysicalIndex value is represented by four
+        octets. Every set of four octets represents a value of an
+        instance of entPhysicalIndex object, defined in ENTITY-MIB,
+        corresponding to a particular physical entity.
+        For example, the first octet to the fourth octet
+        represents a value of the instance of entPhysicalIndex object
+        for the first physical entity in the list. The fifth octet to
+        the eighth octet represents a value of the instance of
+        entPhysicalIndex object for the second physical entity in the
+        list.
+        Up to 64 physical entities can be represented by this
+        textual convention."
+    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256))
+    STATUS          current
+        "The VLAN-id of a VLAN on ISL or 802.1q trunks.
+        For a new object which needs the vlan-id of a VLAN as 
+        its SYNTAX, it is suggested to import VlanIndex or VlanId 
+        from Q-BRIDGE-MIB instead of importing this TC. 
+        For a existing MIB which have the import of VlanIndex 
+        from CISCO-VTP-MIB, it is suggested to import this TC."
+    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..4095)
+CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS          current
+        "This TC describes an object which counts events with
+        the following semantics: objects of this type will be 
+        set to zero(0) on creation and will thereafter count 
+        appropriate events, it locks at the maximum value of 
+        2^64-1 (18446744073709551615 decimal) if the counter 
+        overflows. This TC may be used only in situations where
+        wrapping is not possible or extremely unlikely situation."
+    SYNTAX          Counter64
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/ENTITY-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/ENTITY-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc46483f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/ENTITY-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1466 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- Entity MIB version 3
+-- September 2005, Subra Hegde
+-- Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- This mib was extracted from RFC 4133
+    Integer32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TDomain, TAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION,
+    AutonomousType, RowPointer, TimeStamp, TruthValue,
+    DateAndTime
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    SnmpAdminString
+    LAST-UPDATED "200508100000Z"
+            "        WG E-mail: entmib@ietf.org
+                     Mailing list subscription info:
+                       http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/entmib
+                     Andy Bierman
+                     ietf@andybierman.com
+                     Keith McCloghrie
+                     Cisco Systems Inc.
+                     170 West Tasman Drive
+                     San Jose, CA 95134
+                     +1 408-526-5260
+                     kzm@cisco.com"
+            "The MIB module for representing multiple logical
+            entities supported by a single SNMP agent.
+            Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This
+            version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4133; see
+            the RFC itself for full legal notices."
+    REVISION        "200508100000Z"
+            "Initial Version of Entity MIB (Version 3).
+             This revision obsoletes RFC 2737.
+             Additions:
+               - cpu(12) enumeration added to PhysicalClass TC
+               - DISPLAY-HINT clause to PhysicalIndex TC
+               - PhysicalIndexOrZero TC
+               - entPhysicalMfgDate object
+               - entPhysicalUris object
+             Changes:
+               - entPhysicalContainedIn SYNTAX changed from
+                 INTEGER to PhysicalIndexOrZero
+             This version published as RFC 4133."
+    REVISION        "199912070000Z"
+            "Initial Version of Entity MIB (Version 2).
+             This revision obsoletes RFC 2037.
+             This version published as RFC 2737."
+    REVISION        "199610310000Z"
+            "Initial version (version 1), published as
+             RFC 2037."
+    ::= { mib-2 47 }
+entityMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 1 }
+-- MIB contains four groups
+entityPhysical OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 1 }
+entityLogical  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 2 }
+entityMapping  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 3 }
+entityGeneral  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 4 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+    DISPLAY-HINT      "d"
+    STATUS            current
+            "An arbitrary value that uniquely identifies the physical
+            entity.  The value should be a small, positive integer.
+            Index values for different physical entities are not
+            necessarily contiguous."
+    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+PhysicalIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT      "d"
+    STATUS            current
+            "This textual convention is an extension of the
+            PhysicalIndex convention, which defines a greater than zero
+            value used to identify a physical entity.  This extension
+            permits the additional value of zero.  The semantics of the
+            value zero are object-specific and must, therefore, be
+            defined as part of the description of any object that uses
+            this syntax.  Examples of the usage of this extension are
+            situations where none or all physical entities need to be
+            referenced."
+    SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS            current
+            "An enumerated value which provides an indication of the
+            general hardware type of a particular physical entity.
+            There are no restrictions as to the number of
+            entPhysicalEntries of each entPhysicalClass, which must be
+            instantiated by an agent.
+            The enumeration 'other' is applicable if the physical entity
+            class is known, but does not match any of the supported
+            values.
+            The enumeration 'unknown' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is unknown to the agent.
+            The enumeration 'chassis' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is an overall container for networking
+            equipment.  Any class of physical entity, except a stack,
+            may be contained within a chassis; and a chassis may only
+            be contained within a stack.
+            The enumeration 'backplane' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is some sort of device for aggregating and
+            forwarding networking traffic, such as a shared backplane in
+            a modular ethernet switch.  Note that an agent may model a
+            backplane as a single physical entity, which is actually
+            implemented as multiple discrete physical components (within
+            a chassis or stack).
+            The enumeration 'container' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is capable of containing one or more removable
+            physical entities, possibly of different types.  For
+            example, each (empty or full) slot in a chassis will be
+            modeled as a container.  Note that all removable physical
+            entities should be modeled within a container entity, such
+            as field-replaceable modules, fans, or power supplies.  Note
+            that all known containers should be modeled by the agent,
+            including empty containers.
+            The enumeration 'powerSupply' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is a power-supplying component.
+            The enumeration 'fan' is applicable if the physical entity
+            class is a fan or other heat-reduction component.
+            The enumeration 'sensor' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is some sort of sensor, such as a temperature
+            sensor within a router chassis.
+            The enumeration 'module' is applicable if the physical
+            entity class is some sort of self-contained sub-system.  If
+            the enumeration 'module' is removable, then it should be
+            modeled within a container entity, otherwise it should be
+            modeled directly within another physical entity (e.g., a
+            chassis or another module).
+            The enumeration 'port' is applicable if the physical entity
+            class is some sort of networking port, capable of receiving
+            and/or transmitting networking traffic.
+            The enumeration 'stack' is applicable if the physical entity
+            class is some sort of super-container (possibly virtual),
+            intended to group together multiple chassis entities.  A
+            stack may be realized by a 'virtual' cable, a real
+            interconnect cable, attached to multiple chassis, or may in
+            fact be comprised of multiple interconnect cables.  A stack
+            should not be modeled within any other physical entities,
+            but a stack may be contained within another stack.  Only
+            chassis entities should be contained within a stack.
+            The enumeration 'cpu' is applicable if the physical entity
+            class is some sort of central processing unit."
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
+       other(1),
+       unknown(2),
+       chassis(3),
+       backplane(4),
+       container(5),     -- e.g., chassis slot or daughter-card holder
+       powerSupply(6),
+       fan(7),
+       sensor(8),
+       module(9),        -- e.g., plug-in card or daughter-card
+       port(10),
+       stack(11),        -- e.g., stack of multiple chassis entities
+       cpu(12)
+    }
+    STATUS            current
+            "A specially formatted SnmpEngineID string for use with the
+            Entity MIB.
+            If an instance of an object of SYNTAX SnmpEngineIdOrNone has
+            a non-zero length, then the object encoding and semantics
+            are defined by the SnmpEngineID textual convention (see STD
+            62, RFC 3411 [RFC3411]).
+            If an instance of an object of SYNTAX SnmpEngineIdOrNone
+            contains a zero-length string, then no appropriate
+            SnmpEngineID is associated with the logical entity (i.e.,
+            SNMPv3 is not supported)."
+    SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) -- empty string or SnmpEngineID
+--           The Physical Entity Table
+entPhysicalTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntPhysicalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "This table contains one row per physical entity.  There is
+            always at least one row for an 'overall' physical entity."
+    ::= { entityPhysical 1 }
+entPhysicalEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      EntPhysicalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "Information about a particular physical entity.
+            Each entry provides objects (entPhysicalDescr,
+            entPhysicalVendorType, and entPhysicalClass) to help an NMS
+            identify and characterize the entry, and objects
+            (entPhysicalContainedIn and entPhysicalParentRelPos) to help
+            an NMS relate the particular entry to other entries in this
+            table."
+    INDEX   { entPhysicalIndex }
+    ::= { entPhysicalTable 1 }
+EntPhysicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      entPhysicalIndex          PhysicalIndex,
+      entPhysicalDescr          SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalVendorType     AutonomousType,
+      entPhysicalContainedIn    PhysicalIndexOrZero,
+      entPhysicalClass          PhysicalClass,
+      entPhysicalParentRelPos   Integer32,
+      entPhysicalName           SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalHardwareRev    SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalFirmwareRev    SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalSoftwareRev    SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalSerialNum      SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalMfgName        SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalModelName      SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalAlias          SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalAssetID        SnmpAdminString,
+      entPhysicalIsFRU          TruthValue,
+      entPhysicalMfgDate        DateAndTime,
+      entPhysicalUris           OCTET STRING
+entPhysicalIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "The index for this entry."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 1 }
+entPhysicalDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A textual description of physical entity.  This object
+            should contain a string that identifies the manufacturer's
+            name for the physical entity, and should be set to a
+            distinct value for each version or model of the physical
+            entity."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 2 }
+entPhysicalVendorType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An indication of the vendor-specific hardware type of the
+            physical entity.  Note that this is different from the
+            definition of MIB-II's sysObjectID.
+            An agent should set this object to an enterprise-specific
+            registration identifier value indicating the specific
+            equipment type in detail.  The associated instance of
+            entPhysicalClass is used to indicate the general type of
+            hardware device.
+            If no vendor-specific registration identifier exists for
+            this physical entity, or the value is unknown by this agent,
+            then the value { 0 0 } is returned."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 3 }
+entPhysicalContainedIn OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of entPhysicalIndex for the physical entity which
+            'contains' this physical entity.  A value of zero indicates
+            this physical entity is not contained in any other physical
+            entity.  Note that the set of 'containment' relationships
+            define a strict hierarchy; that is, recursion is not
+            allowed.
+            In the event that a physical entity is contained by more
+            than one physical entity (e.g., double-wide modules), this
+            object should identify the containing entity with the lowest
+            value of entPhysicalIndex."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 4 }
+entPhysicalClass OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysicalClass
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An indication of the general hardware type of the physical
+            entity.
+            An agent should set this object to the standard enumeration
+            value that most accurately indicates the general class of
+            the physical entity, or the primary class if there is more
+            than one entity.
+            If no appropriate standard registration identifier exists
+            for this physical entity, then the value 'other(1)' is
+            returned.  If the value is unknown by this agent, then the
+            value 'unknown(2)' is returned."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 5 }
+entPhysicalParentRelPos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An indication of the relative position of this 'child'
+            component among all its 'sibling' components.  Sibling
+            components are defined as entPhysicalEntries that share the
+            same instance values of each of the entPhysicalContainedIn
+            and entPhysicalClass objects.
+            An NMS can use this object to identify the relative ordering
+            for all sibling components of a particular parent
+            (identified by the entPhysicalContainedIn instance in each
+            sibling entry).
+            If possible, this value should match any external labeling
+            of the physical component.  For example, for a container
+            (e.g., card slot) labeled as 'slot #3',
+            entPhysicalParentRelPos should have the value '3'.  Note
+            that the entPhysicalEntry for the module plugged in slot 3
+            should have an entPhysicalParentRelPos value of '1'.
+            If the physical position of this component does not match
+            any external numbering or clearly visible ordering, then
+            user documentation or other external reference material
+            should be used to determine the parent-relative position.
+            If this is not possible, then the agent should assign a
+            consistent (but possibly arbitrary) ordering to a given set
+            of 'sibling' components, perhaps based on internal
+            representation of the components.
+            If the agent cannot determine the parent-relative position
+            for some reason, or if the associated value of
+            entPhysicalContainedIn is '0', then the value '-1' is
+            returned.  Otherwise, a non-negative integer is returned,
+            indicating the parent-relative position of this physical
+            entity.
+            Parent-relative ordering normally starts from '1' and
+            continues to 'N', where 'N' represents the highest
+            positioned child entity.  However, if the physical entities
+            (e.g., slots) are labeled from a starting position of zero,
+            then the first sibling should be associated with an
+            entPhysicalParentRelPos value of '0'.  Note that this
+            ordering may be sparse or dense, depending on agent
+            implementation.
+            The actual values returned are not globally meaningful, as
+            each 'parent' component may use different numbering
+            algorithms.  The ordering is only meaningful among siblings
+            of the same parent component.
+            The agent should retain parent-relative position values
+            across reboots, either through algorithmic assignment or use
+            of non-volatile storage."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 6 }
+entPhysicalName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The textual name of the physical entity.  The value of this
+            object should be the name of the component as assigned by
+            the local device and should be suitable for use in commands
+            entered at the device's `console'.  This might be a text
+            name (e.g., `console') or a simple component number (e.g.,
+            port or module number, such as `1'), depending on the
+            physical component naming syntax of the device.
+            If there is no local name, or if this object is otherwise
+            not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length
+            string.
+            Note that the value of entPhysicalName for two physical
+            entities will be the same in the event that the console
+            interface does not distinguish between them, e.g., slot-1
+            and the card in slot-1."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 7 }
+entPhysicalHardwareRev    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the
+            physical entity.  The preferred value is the hardware
+            revision identifier actually printed on the component itself
+            (if present).
+            Note that if revision information is stored internally in a
+            non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must
+            convert such information to a printable format, in an
+            implementation-specific manner.
+            If no specific hardware revision string is associated with
+            the physical component, or if this information is unknown to
+            the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length
+            string."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 8 }
+entPhysicalFirmwareRev    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the
+            physical entity.
+            Note that if revision information is stored internally in a
+            non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must
+            convert such information to a printable format, in an
+            implementation-specific manner.
+            If no specific firmware programs are associated with the
+            physical component, or if this information is unknown to the
+            agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 9 }
+entPhysicalSoftwareRev    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The vendor-specific software revision string for the
+            physical entity.
+            Note that if revision information is stored internally in a
+            non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must
+            convert such information to a printable format, in an
+            implementation-specific manner.
+            If no specific software programs are associated with the
+            physical component, or if this information is unknown to the
+            agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 10 }
+entPhysicalSerialNum   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical
+            entity.  The preferred value is the serial number string
+            actually printed on the component itself (if present).
+            On the first instantiation of an physical entity, the value
+            of entPhysicalSerialNum associated with that entity is set
+            to the correct vendor-assigned serial number, if this
+            information is available to the agent.  If a serial number
+            is unknown or non-existent, the entPhysicalSerialNum will be
+            set to a zero-length string instead.
+            Note that implementations that can correctly identify the
+            serial numbers of all installed physical entities do not
+            need to provide write access to the entPhysicalSerialNum
+            object.  Agents which cannot provide non-volatile storage
+            for the entPhysicalSerialNum strings are not required to
+            implement write access for this object.
+            Not every physical component will have a serial number, or
+            even need one.  Physical entities for which the associated
+            value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)'
+            (e.g., the repeater ports within a repeater module), do not
+            need their own unique serial number.  An agent does not have
+            to provide write access for such entities, and may return a
+            zero-length string.
+            If write access is implemented for an instance of
+            entPhysicalSerialNum, and a value is written into the
+            instance, the agent must retain the supplied value in the
+            entPhysicalSerialNum instance (associated with the same
+            physical entity) for as long as that entity remains
+            instantiated.  This includes instantiations across all
+            re-initializations/reboots of the network management system,
+            including those resulting in a change of the physical
+            entity's entPhysicalIndex value."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 11 }
+entPhysicalMfgName   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The name of the manufacturer of this physical component.
+            The preferred value is the manufacturer name string actually
+            printed on the component itself (if present).
+            Note that comparisons between instances of the
+            entPhysicalModelName, entPhysicalFirmwareRev,
+            entPhysicalSoftwareRev, and the entPhysicalSerialNum
+            objects, are only meaningful amongst entPhysicalEntries with
+            the same value of entPhysicalMfgName.
+            If the manufacturer name string associated with the physical
+            component is unknown to the agent, then this object will
+            contain a zero-length string."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 12 }
+entPhysicalModelName   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The vendor-specific model name identifier string associated
+            with this physical component.  The preferred value is the
+            customer-visible part number, which may be printed on the
+            component itself.
+            If the model name string associated with the physical
+            component is unknown to the agent, then this object will
+            contain a zero-length string."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 13 }
+entPhysicalAlias    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object is an 'alias' name for the physical entity, as
+            specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile
+            'handle' for the physical entity.
+            On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value
+            of entPhysicalAlias associated with that entity is set to
+            the zero-length string.  However, the agent may set the
+            value to a locally unique default value, instead of a
+            zero-length string.
+            If write access is implemented for an instance of
+            entPhysicalAlias, and a value is written into the instance,
+            the agent must retain the supplied value in the
+            entPhysicalAlias instance (associated with the same physical
+            entity) for as long as that entity remains instantiated.
+            This includes instantiations across all
+            re-initializations/reboots of the network management system,
+            including those resulting in a change of the physical
+            entity's entPhysicalIndex value."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 14 }
+entPhysicalAssetID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object is a user-assigned asset tracking identifier
+            (as specified by a network manager) for the physical entity,
+            and provides non-volatile storage of this information.
+            On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value
+            of entPhysicalAssetID associated with that entity is set to
+            the zero-length string.
+            Not every physical component will have an asset tracking
+            identifier, or even need one.  Physical entities for which
+            the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal
+            to 'false(2)' (e.g., the repeater ports within a repeater
+            module), do not need their own unique asset tracking
+            identifier.  An agent does not have to provide write access
+            for such entities, and may instead return a zero-length
+            string.
+            If write access is implemented for an instance of
+            entPhysicalAssetID, and a value is written into the
+            instance, the agent must retain the supplied value in the
+            entPhysicalAssetID instance (associated with the same
+            physical entity) for as long as that entity remains
+            instantiated.  This includes instantiations across all
+            re-initializations/reboots of the network management system,
+            including those resulting in a change of the physical
+            entity's entPhysicalIndex value.
+            If no asset tracking information is associated with the
+            physical component, then this object will contain a
+            zero-length string."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 15 }
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object indicates whether or not this physical entity
+            is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor.  If
+            this object contains the value 'true(1)' then this
+            entPhysicalEntry identifies a field replaceable unit.  For
+            all entPhysicalEntries that represent components
+            permanently contained within a field replaceable unit, the
+            value 'false(2)' should be returned for this object."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 16 }
+entPhysicalMfgDate  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object contains the date of manufacturing of the
+            managed entity.  If the manufacturing date is unknown or not
+            supported, the object is not instantiated.  The special
+            value '0000000000000000'H may also be returned in this
+            case."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 17 }
+entPhysicalUris OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object contains additional identification information
+            about the physical entity.  The object contains URIs and,
+            therefore, the syntax of this object must conform to RFC
+            3986, section 2.
+            Multiple URIs may be present and are separated by white
+            space characters.  Leading and trailing white space
+            characters are ignored.
+            If no additional identification information is known
+            about the physical entity or supported, the object is not
+            instantiated.  A zero length octet string may also be
+            returned in this case."
+            "RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic
+            Syntax, section 2, August 1998."
+    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 18 }
+--           The Logical Entity Table
+entLogicalTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntLogicalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "This table contains one row per logical entity.  For agents
+            that implement more than one naming scope, at least one
+            entry must exist.  Agents which instantiate all MIB objects
+            within a single naming scope are not required to implement
+            this table."
+    ::= { entityLogical 1 }
+entLogicalEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      EntLogicalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "Information about a particular logical entity.  Entities
+            may be managed by this agent or other SNMP agents (possibly)
+            in the same chassis."
+    INDEX       { entLogicalIndex }
+    ::= { entLogicalTable 1 }
+EntLogicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      entLogicalIndex            Integer32,
+      entLogicalDescr            SnmpAdminString,
+      entLogicalType             AutonomousType,
+      entLogicalCommunity        OCTET STRING,
+      entLogicalTAddress         TAddress,
+      entLogicalTDomain          TDomain,
+      entLogicalContextEngineID  SnmpEngineIdOrNone,
+      entLogicalContextName      SnmpAdminString
+entLogicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of this object uniquely identifies the logical
+            entity.  The value should be a small positive integer; index
+            values for different logical entities are not necessarily
+            contiguous."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 1 }
+entLogicalDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A textual description of the logical entity.  This object
+            should contain a string that identifies the manufacturer's
+            name for the logical entity, and should be set to a distinct
+            value for each version of the logical entity."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 2 }
+entLogicalType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An indication of the type of logical entity.  This will
+            typically be the OBJECT IDENTIFIER name of the node in the
+            SMI's naming hierarchy which represents the major MIB
+            module, or the majority of the MIB modules, supported by the
+            logical entity.  For example:
+               a logical entity of a regular host/router -> mib-2
+               a logical entity of a 802.1d bridge -> dot1dBridge
+               a logical entity of a 802.3 repeater -> snmpDot3RptrMgmt
+            If an appropriate node in the SMI's naming hierarchy cannot
+            be identified, the value 'mib-2' should be used."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 3 }
+entLogicalCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "An SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C community-string, which can be used to
+            access detailed management information for this logical
+            entity.  The agent should allow read access with this
+            community string (to an appropriate subset of all managed
+            objects) and may also return a community string based on the
+            privileges of the request used to read this object.  Note
+            that an agent may return a community string with read-only
+            privileges, even if this object is accessed with a
+            read-write community string.  However, the agent must take
+            care not to return a community string that allows more
+            privileges than the community string used to access this
+            object.
+            A compliant SNMP agent may wish to conserve naming scopes by
+            representing multiple logical entities in a single 'default'
+            naming scope.  This is possible when the logical entities,
+            represented by the same value of entLogicalCommunity, have
+            no object instances in common.  For example, 'bridge1' and
+            'repeater1' may be part of the main naming scope, but at
+            least one additional community string is needed to represent
+            'bridge2' and 'repeater2'.
+            Logical entities 'bridge1' and 'repeater1' would be
+            represented by sysOREntries associated with the 'default'
+            naming scope.
+            For agents not accessible via SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C, the value
+            of this object is the empty string.  This object may also
+            contain an empty string if a community string has not yet
+            been assigned by the agent, or if no community string with
+            suitable access rights can be returned for a particular SNMP
+            request.
+            Note that this object is deprecated.  Agents which implement
+            SNMPv3 access should use the entLogicalContextEngineID and
+            entLogicalContextName objects to identify the context
+            associated with each logical entity.  SNMPv3 agents may
+            return a zero-length string for this object, or may continue
+            to return a community string (e.g., tri-lingual agent
+            support)."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 4 }
+entLogicalTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The transport service address by which the logical entity
+            receives network management traffic, formatted according to
+            the corresponding value of entLogicalTDomain.
+            For snmpUDPDomain, a TAddress is 6 octets long: the initial
+            4 octets contain the IP-address in network-byte order and
+            the last 2 contain the UDP port in network-byte order.
+            Consult 'Transport Mappings for the Simple Network
+            Management Protocol' (STD 62, RFC 3417 [RFC3417]) for
+            further information on snmpUDPDomain."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 5 }
+entLogicalTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TDomain
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "Indicates the kind of transport service by which the
+            logical entity receives network management traffic.
+            Possible values for this object are presently found in the
+            Transport Mappings for Simple Network Management Protocol'
+            (STD 62, RFC 3417 [RFC3417])."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 6 }
+entLogicalContextEngineID    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpEngineIdOrNone
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The authoritative contextEngineID that can be used to send
+            an SNMP message concerning information held by this logical
+            entity, to the address specified by the associated
+            'entLogicalTAddress/entLogicalTDomain' pair.
+            This object, together with the associated
+            entLogicalContextName object, defines the context associated
+            with a particular logical entity, and allows access to SNMP
+            engines identified by a contextEngineId and contextName
+            pair.
+            If no value has been configured by the agent, a zero-length
+            string is returned, or the agent may choose not to
+            instantiate this object at all."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 7 }
+entLogicalContextName    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The contextName that can be used to send an SNMP message
+            concerning information held by this logical entity, to the
+            address specified by the associated
+            'entLogicalTAddress/entLogicalTDomain' pair.
+            This object, together with the associated
+            entLogicalContextEngineID object, defines the context
+            associated with a particular logical entity, and allows
+            access to SNMP engines identified by a contextEngineId and
+            contextName pair.
+            If no value has been configured by the agent, a zero-length
+            string is returned, or the agent may choose not to
+            instantiate this object at all."
+    ::= { entLogicalEntry 8 }
+entLPMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntLPMappingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "This table contains zero or more rows of logical entity to
+            physical equipment associations.  For each logical entity
+            known by this agent, there are zero or more mappings to the
+            physical resources, which are used to realize that logical
+            entity.
+            An agent should limit the number and nature of entries in
+            this table such that only meaningful and non-redundant
+            information is returned.  For example, in a system that
+            contains a single power supply, mappings between logical
+            entities and the power supply are not useful and should not
+            be included.
+            Also, only the most appropriate physical component, which is
+            closest to the root of a particular containment tree, should
+            be identified in an entLPMapping entry.
+            For example, suppose a bridge is realized on a particular
+            module, and all ports on that module are ports on this
+            bridge.  A mapping between the bridge and the module would
+            be useful, but additional mappings between the bridge and
+            each of the ports on that module would be redundant (because
+            the entPhysicalContainedIn hierarchy can provide the same
+            information).  On the other hand, if more than one bridge
+            were utilizing ports on this module, then mappings between
+            each bridge and the ports it used would be appropriate.
+            Also, in the case of a single backplane repeater, a mapping
+            for the backplane to the single repeater entity is not
+            necessary."
+    ::= { entityMapping 1 }
+entLPMappingEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      EntLPMappingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "Information about a particular logical entity to physical
+            equipment association.  Note that the nature of the
+            association is not specifically identified in this entry.
+            It is expected that sufficient information exists in the
+            MIBs used to manage a particular logical entity to infer how
+            physical component information is utilized."
+    INDEX       { entLogicalIndex, entLPPhysicalIndex }
+    ::= { entLPMappingTable 1 }
+EntLPMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      entLPPhysicalIndex         PhysicalIndex
+entLPPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of this object identifies the index value of a
+            particular entPhysicalEntry associated with the indicated
+            entLogicalEntity."
+    ::= { entLPMappingEntry 1 }
+-- logical entity/component to alias table
+entAliasMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntAliasMappingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "This table contains zero or more rows, representing
+            mappings of logical entity and physical component to
+            external MIB identifiers.  Each physical port in the system
+            may be associated with a mapping to an external identifier,
+            which itself is associated with a particular logical
+            entity's naming scope.  A 'wildcard' mechanism is provided
+            to indicate that an identifier is associated with more than
+            one logical entity."
+    ::= { entityMapping 2 }
+entAliasMappingEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      EntAliasMappingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "Information about a particular physical equipment, logical
+            entity to external identifier binding.  Each logical
+            entity/physical component pair may be associated with one
+            alias mapping.  The logical entity index may also be used as
+            a 'wildcard' (refer to the entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero object
+            DESCRIPTION clause for details.)
+            Note that only entPhysicalIndex values that represent
+            physical ports (i.e., associated entPhysicalClass value is
+            'port(10)') are permitted to exist in this table."
+    INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero }
+    ::= { entAliasMappingTable 1 }
+EntAliasMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero        Integer32,
+      entAliasMappingIdentifier         RowPointer
+entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of this object identifies the logical entity
+            that defines the naming scope for the associated instance
+            of the 'entAliasMappingIdentifier' object.
+            If this object has a non-zero value, then it identifies the
+            logical entity named by the same value of entLogicalIndex.
+            If this object has a value of zero, then the mapping between
+            the physical component and the alias identifier for this
+            entAliasMapping entry is associated with all unspecified
+            logical entities.  That is, a value of zero (the default
+            mapping) identifies any logical entity that does not have
+            an explicit entry in this table for a particular
+            entPhysicalIndex/entAliasMappingIdentifier pair.
+            For example, to indicate that a particular interface (e.g.,
+            physical component 33) is identified by the same value of
+            ifIndex for all logical entities, the following instance
+            might exist:
+                    entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.0 = ifIndex.5
+            In the event an entPhysicalEntry is associated differently
+            for some logical entities, additional entAliasMapping
+            entries may exist, e.g.:
+                    entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.0 = ifIndex.6
+                    entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.4 =  ifIndex.1
+                    entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.5 =  ifIndex.1
+                    entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.10 = ifIndex.12
+            Note that entries with non-zero entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero
+            index values have precedence over zero-indexed entries.  In
+            this example, all logical entities except 4, 5, and 10,
+            associate physical entity 33 with ifIndex.6."
+    ::= { entAliasMappingEntry 1 }
+entAliasMappingIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowPointer
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of this object identifies a particular conceptual
+            row associated with the indicated entPhysicalIndex and
+            entLogicalIndex pair.
+            Because only physical ports are modeled in this table, only
+            entries that represent interfaces or ports are allowed.  If
+            an ifEntry exists on behalf of a particular physical port,
+            then this object should identify the associated 'ifEntry'.
+            For repeater ports, the appropriate row in the
+            'rptrPortGroupTable' should be identified instead.
+            For example, suppose a physical port was represented by
+            entPhysicalEntry.3, entLogicalEntry.15 existed for a
+            repeater, and entLogicalEntry.22 existed for a bridge.  Then
+            there might be two related instances of
+            entAliasMappingIdentifier:
+               entAliasMappingIdentifier.3.15 == rptrPortGroupIndex.5.2
+               entAliasMappingIdentifier.3.22 == ifIndex.17
+            It is possible that other mappings (besides interfaces and
+            repeater ports) may be defined in the future, as required.
+            Bridge ports are identified by examining the Bridge MIB and
+            appropriate ifEntries associated with each 'dot1dBasePort',
+            and are thus not represented in this table."
+    ::= { entAliasMappingEntry 2 }
+-- physical mapping table
+entPhysicalContainsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntPhysicalContainsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A table that exposes the container/'containee'
+            relationships between physical entities.  This table
+            provides all the information found by constructing the
+            virtual containment tree for a given entPhysicalTable, but
+            in a more direct format.
+            In the event a physical entity is contained by more than one
+            other physical entity (e.g., double-wide modules), this
+            table should include these additional mappings, which cannot
+            be represented in the entPhysicalTable virtual containment
+            tree."
+    ::= { entityMapping 3 }
+entPhysicalContainsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      EntPhysicalContainsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A single container/'containee' relationship."
+    INDEX       { entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalChildIndex }
+    ::= { entPhysicalContainsTable 1 }
+EntPhysicalContainsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      entPhysicalChildIndex     PhysicalIndex
+entPhysicalChildIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of entPhysicalIndex for the contained physical
+            entity."
+    ::= { entPhysicalContainsEntry 1 }
+-- last change time stamp for the whole MIB
+entLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time a conceptual row is
+            created, modified, or deleted in any of these tables:
+                    - entPhysicalTable
+                    - entLogicalTable
+                    - entLPMappingTable
+                    - entAliasMappingTable
+                    - entPhysicalContainsTable
+            "
+    ::= { entityGeneral 1 }
+-- Entity MIB Trap Definitions
+entityMIBTraps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 2 }
+entityMIBTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBTraps 0 }
+    STATUS             current
+            "An entConfigChange notification is generated when the value
+            of entLastChangeTime changes.  It can be utilized by an NMS
+            to trigger logical/physical entity table maintenance polls.
+            An agent should not generate more than one entConfigChange
+            'notification-event' in a given time interval (five seconds
+            is the suggested default).  A 'notification-event' is the
+            transmission of a single trap or inform PDU to a list of
+            notification destinations.
+            If additional configuration changes occur within the
+            throttling period, then notification-events for these
+            changes should be suppressed by the agent until the current
+            throttling period expires.  At the end of a throttling
+            period, one notification-event should be generated if any
+            configuration changes occurred since the start of the
+            throttling period.  In such a case, another throttling
+            period is started right away.
+            An NMS should periodically check the value of
+            entLastChangeTime to detect any missed entConfigChange
+            notification-events, e.g., due to throttling or transmission
+            loss."
+   ::= { entityMIBTrapPrefix 1 }
+-- conformance information
+entityConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 3 }
+entityCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityConformance 1 }
+entityGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+entityCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement
+            version 1 of the Entity MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                           entityPhysicalGroup,
+                           entityLogicalGroup,
+                           entityMappingGroup,
+                           entityGeneralGroup,
+                           entityNotificationsGroup
+        }
+    ::= { entityCompliances 1 }
+entity2Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement
+            version 2 of the Entity MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                           entityPhysicalGroup,
+                           entityPhysical2Group,
+                           entityGeneralGroup,
+                           entityNotificationsGroup
+        }
+        GROUP entityLogical2Group
+            "Implementation of this group is not mandatory for agents
+            that model all MIB object instances within a single naming
+            scope."
+        GROUP entityMappingGroup
+            "Implementation of the entPhysicalContainsTable is mandatory
+            for all agents.  Implementation of the entLPMappingTable and
+            entAliasMappingTables are not mandatory for agents that
+            model all MIB object instances within a single naming scope.
+            Note that the entAliasMappingTable may be useful for all
+            agents; however, implementation of the entityLogicalGroup or
+            entityLogical2Group is required to support this table."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalSerialNum
+        MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
+            "Read and write access is not required for agents that
+            cannot identify serial number information for physical
+            entities, and/or cannot provide non-volatile storage for
+            NMS-assigned serial numbers.
+            Write access is not required for agents that can identify
+            serial number information for physical entities, but cannot
+            provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned serial
+            numbers.
+            Write access is not required for physical entities for which
+            the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal
+            to 'false(2)'."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalAlias
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is required only if the associated
+            entPhysicalClass value is equal to 'chassis(3)'."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalAssetID
+        MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
+            "Read and write access is not required for agents that
+            cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned asset
+            identifiers.
+            Write access is not required for physical entities for which
+            the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal
+            to 'false(2)'."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalClass
+            other(1),
+            unknown(2),
+            chassis(3),
+            backplane(4),
+            container(5),
+            powerSupply(6),
+            fan(7),
+            sensor(8),
+            module(9),
+            port(10),
+            stack(11)
+        }
+            "Implementation of the 'cpu(12)' enumeration is not
+            required."
+    ::= { entityCompliances 2 }
+entity3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement
+            version 3 of the Entity MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                           entityPhysicalGroup,
+                           entityPhysical2Group,
+                           entityPhysical3Group,
+                           entityGeneralGroup,
+                           entityNotificationsGroup
+        }
+        GROUP entityLogical2Group
+            "Implementation of this group is not mandatory for agents
+            that model all MIB object instances within a single naming
+            scope."
+        GROUP entityMappingGroup
+            "Implementation of the entPhysicalContainsTable is mandatory
+            for all agents.  Implementation of the entLPMappingTable and
+            entAliasMappingTables are not mandatory for agents that
+            model all MIB object instances within a single naming scope.
+            Note that the entAliasMappingTable may be useful for all
+            agents; however, implementation of the entityLogicalGroup or
+            entityLogical2Group is required to support this table."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalSerialNum
+        MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
+            "Read and write access is not required for agents that
+            cannot identify serial number information for physical
+            entities, and/or cannot provide non-volatile storage for
+            NMS-assigned serial numbers.
+            Write access is not required for agents that can identify
+            serial number information for physical entities, but cannot
+            provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned serial
+            numbers.
+            Write access is not required for physical entities for
+            which the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object
+            is equal to 'false(2)'."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalAlias
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is required only if the associated
+            entPhysicalClass value is equal to 'chassis(3)'."
+        OBJECT entPhysicalAssetID
+        MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
+            "Read and write access is not required for agents that
+            cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned asset
+            identifiers.
+            Write access is not required for physical entities for which
+            the associated value of entPhysicalIsFRU is equal to
+            'false(2)'."
+    ::= { entityCompliances 3 }
+-- MIB groupings
+entityPhysicalGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entPhysicalDescr,
+              entPhysicalVendorType,
+              entPhysicalContainedIn,
+              entPhysicalClass,
+              entPhysicalParentRelPos,
+              entPhysicalName
+            }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The collection of objects used to represent physical
+            system components, for which a single agent provides
+            management information."
+    ::= { entityGroups 1 }
+entityLogicalGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entLogicalDescr,
+              entLogicalType,
+              entLogicalCommunity,
+              entLogicalTAddress,
+              entLogicalTDomain
+            }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The collection of objects used to represent the list of
+            logical entities, for which a single agent provides
+            management information."
+    ::= { entityGroups 2 }
+entityMappingGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entLPPhysicalIndex,
+              entAliasMappingIdentifier,
+              entPhysicalChildIndex
+            }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The collection of objects used to represent the
+            associations between multiple logical entities, physical
+            components, interfaces, and port identifiers, for which a
+            single agent provides management information."
+    ::= { entityGroups 3 }
+entityGeneralGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entLastChangeTime
+            }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The collection of objects used to represent general entity
+            information, for which a single agent provides management
+            information."
+    ::= { entityGroups 4 }
+entityNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { entConfigChange }
+    STATUS        current
+            "The collection of notifications used to indicate Entity MIB
+            data consistency and general status information."
+    ::= { entityGroups 5 }
+entityPhysical2Group    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entPhysicalHardwareRev,
+              entPhysicalFirmwareRev,
+              entPhysicalSoftwareRev,
+              entPhysicalSerialNum,
+              entPhysicalMfgName,
+              entPhysicalModelName,
+              entPhysicalAlias,
+              entPhysicalAssetID,
+              entPhysicalIsFRU
+            }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The collection of objects used to represent physical
+            system components, for which a single agent provides
+            management information.  This group augments the objects
+            contained in the entityPhysicalGroup."
+    ::= { entityGroups 6 }
+entityLogical2Group    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entLogicalDescr,
+              entLogicalType,
+              entLogicalTAddress,
+              entLogicalTDomain,
+              entLogicalContextEngineID,
+              entLogicalContextName
+            }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The collection of objects used to represent the
+            list of logical entities, for which a single SNMP entity
+            provides management information."
+    ::= { entityGroups 7 }
+entityPhysical3Group    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              entPhysicalMfgDate,
+              entPhysicalUris
+            }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The collection of objects used to represent physical
+            system components, for which a single agent provides
+            management information.  This group augments the objects
+            contained in the entityPhysicalGroup."
+    ::= { entityGroups 8 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..412e7be9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,3791 @@
+--     A private enterprise MIB for F5  traffic management 
+--     systems.
+--     VERSION: 11.5.1
+    Integer32, Opaque, enterprises, Counter32, Counter64, TimeTicks
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    Gauge 
+        FROM RFC1155-SMI 
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC 
+    CounterBasedGauge64 
+        FROM HCNUM-TC 
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetPortNumber
+    bigipTrafficMgmt, bigipCompliances, bigipGroups, LongDisplayString
+    LAST-UPDATED "201208011820Z" -- Wed Aug  1 18:20:36 UTC 2012 
+    ORGANIZATION "F5 Networks, Inc."
+         "postal: F5 Networks, Inc. 
+	 	  401 Elliott Ave. West 
+                  Seattle, WA 98119
+          phone:  (206) 272-5555
+          email:  support@f5.com"
+        "Top-level infrastructure of the F5 enterprise MIB tree." 
+    ::= { bigipTrafficMgmt 6 }
+apmProfiles                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipApm 1 }
+apmProfileAccessStat           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 1 }
+apmProfileConnectivityStat     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 2 }
+apmProfileRewriteStat          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 3 }
+apmAccessStat                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 4 }
+apmGlobalConnectivityStat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 5 }
+apmGlobalRewriteStat           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 6 }
+apmProfileAccessAgentStat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 7 }
+apmProfileAccessMiscStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmProfiles 8 }
+apmLeasepool                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipApm 2 }
+apmLeasepoolStat               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmLeasepool 1 }
+apmAcl                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipApm 3 }
+apmAclStat                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apmAcl 1 }
+-- Profile_access_stat
+apmPaStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmProfileAccessStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessStat 1 } 
+apmPaStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmProfileAccessStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessStat 2 } 
+apmPaStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of access profiles."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessStat 3 } 
+apmPaStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmPaStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmPaStat Table"
+		apmPaStatName,
+		apmPaStatVsName
+	}
+	::= { apmPaStatTable 1 } 
+ApmPaStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmPaStatName                                          LongDisplayString,
+        	apmPaStatConfigSyncState                               Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatTotalSessions                                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatTotalEstablishedStateSessions                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatCurrentActiveSessions                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatCurrentPendingSessions                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatCurrentCompletedSessions                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatUserLoggedoutSessions                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdminTerminatedSessions                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMiscTerminatedSessions                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultAllow                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultDeny                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultRedirect                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultRedirectWithSession         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalInstances                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalUsages                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalSuccesses                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalFailures                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalErrors                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalSessVars                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalInstances             Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalUsages                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalSuccesses             Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalFailures              Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalErrors                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalSessVars              Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalInstances                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalUsages                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalSuccesses                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalFailures                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalErrors                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalSessVars                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdAgentTotalInstances                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdAgentTotalUsages                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdAgentTotalSuccesses                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdAgentTotalFailures                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdAgentTotalErrors                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAdAgentTotalSessVars                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalInstances                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalUsages                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalSuccesses                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalFailures                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalErrors                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalSessVars                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalInstances                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalUsages                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalSuccesses                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalFailures                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalErrors                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalSessVars                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalInstances                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalUsages                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalSuccesses                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalFailures                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalErrors                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalSessVars                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalInstances                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalUsages                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalSuccesses                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalFailures                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalErrors                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalSessVars                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalInstances                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalUsages                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalSuccesses                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalFailures                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalErrors                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalSessVars                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalInstances                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalUsages                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalSuccesses                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalFailures                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalErrors                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalSessVars                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalInstances                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalUsages                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalSuccesses                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalFailures                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalErrors                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalSessVars                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalInstances                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalUsages                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalSuccesses                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalFailures                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalErrors                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalSessVars                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalInstances                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalUsages                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalSuccesses                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalFailures                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalErrors                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalSessVars                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalInstances               Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalUsages                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalSuccesses               Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalFailures                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalErrors                  Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalSessVars                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalInstances                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalUsages                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalSuccesses                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalFailures                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalErrors                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalSessVars                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalInstances                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalUsages                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalSuccesses                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalFailures                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalErrors                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalSessVars                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalInstances                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalUsages                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalSuccesses                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalFailures                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalErrors                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalSessVars                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalInstances                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalUsages                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalSuccesses                   Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalFailures                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalSessVars                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalInstances              Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalUsages                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalSuccesses              Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalFailures               Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalErrors                 Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalSessVars               Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalInstances                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalUsages                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalSuccesses                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalFailures                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalErrors                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalSessVars                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRaAgentTotalInstances                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRaAgentTotalUsages                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRaAgentTotalSuccesses                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRaAgentTotalFailures                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRaAgentTotalErrors                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRaAgentTotalSessVars                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalInstances                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalUsages                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalSuccesses                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalFailures                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalErrors                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalSessVars                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVaAgentTotalInstances                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVaAgentTotalUsages                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVaAgentTotalSuccesses                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVaAgentTotalFailures                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVaAgentTotalErrors                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVaAgentTotalSessVars                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatIeAgentTotalInstances                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatIeAgentTotalUsages                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatIeAgentTotalSuccesses                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatIeAgentTotalFailures                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatIeAgentTotalErrors                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatIeAgentTotalSessVars                          Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalInstances                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalUsages                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalSuccesses                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalFailures                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalErrors                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalSessVars                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalInstances                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalUsages                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalSuccesses                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalFailures                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalErrors                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalSessVars                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalInstances                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalUsages                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalSuccesses                    Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalFailures                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalErrors                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalSessVars                     Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdNoResultErrors                             Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdNoSessionErrors                            Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdNoDeviceInfoErrors                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdNoTokenErrors                              Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdNoSigErrors                                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdTotalMismatchErrors                        Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdInvalidSigErrors                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdMcPipelineInitErrors                       Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdMcSetSessVarErrors                         Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdMcPipelineCloseErrors                      Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdApResultErrors                             Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatApdApInternalErrors                           Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatAllowedRequests                               Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatDeniedRequests                                Counter64,
+        	apmPaStatVsName                                        LongDisplayString
+	}
+apmPaStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 1 } 
+apmPaStatConfigSyncState OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The state of config sync operation"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 2 } 
+apmPaStatTotalSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total user sessions in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 3 } 
+apmPaStatTotalEstablishedStateSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total user sessions in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 4 } 
+apmPaStatCurrentActiveSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total active user sessions in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 5 } 
+apmPaStatCurrentPendingSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total user sessions going through access policy evaluation in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 6 } 
+apmPaStatCurrentCompletedSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total user sessions completed access policy evaluation in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 7 } 
+apmPaStatUserLoggedoutSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions logged out by user in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 8 } 
+apmPaStatAdminTerminatedSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions terminated by admin in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 9 } 
+apmPaStatMiscTerminatedSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions terminated by internal errors/conditions in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 10 } 
+apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultAllow OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions resulted allow ending in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 11 } 
+apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions resulted deny ending in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 12 } 
+apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultRedirect OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions redirected to the configured URI after closing the session in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 13 } 
+apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultRedirectWithSession OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions redirected to the configured URI without closing the session in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 14 } 
+apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the ending deny agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 15 } 
+apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of ending deny agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 16 } 
+apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the ending deny agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 17 } 
+apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the ending deny agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 18 } 
+apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the ending deny agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 19 } 
+apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the ending deny agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 20 } 
+apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the ending redirect agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 21 } 
+apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of ending redirect agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 22 } 
+apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the ending redirect agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 23 } 
+apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the ending redirect agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 24 } 
+apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the ending redirect agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 25 } 
+apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the ending redirect agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 26 } 
+apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the ending allow agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 27 } 
+apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of ending allow agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 28 } 
+apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the ending allow agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 29 } 
+apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the ending allow agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 30 } 
+apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the ending allow agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 31 } 
+apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the ending allow agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 32 } 
+apmPaStatAdAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the active directory agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 33 } 
+apmPaStatAdAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of active directory agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 34 } 
+apmPaStatAdAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the active directory agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 35 } 
+apmPaStatAdAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the active directory agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 36 } 
+apmPaStatAdAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the active directory agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 37 } 
+apmPaStatAdAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the active directory agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 38 } 
+apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the client cert agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 39 } 
+apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of client cert agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 40 } 
+apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the client cert agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 41 } 
+apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the client cert agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 42 } 
+apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the client cert agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 43 } 
+apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the client cert agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 44 } 
+apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the HTTP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 45 } 
+apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of HTTP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 46 } 
+apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the HTTP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 47 } 
+apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the HTTP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 48 } 
+apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the HTTP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 49 } 
+apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the HTTP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 50 } 
+apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the LDAP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 51 } 
+apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of LDAP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 52 } 
+apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the LDAP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 53 } 
+apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the LDAP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 54 } 
+apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the LDAP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 55 } 
+apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the LDAP agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 56 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the Radius agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 57 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of Radius agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 58 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the Radius agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 59 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the Radius agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 60 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the Radius agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 61 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the Radius agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 62 } 
+apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the SecurID agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 63 } 
+apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of SecurID agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 64 } 
+apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the SecurID agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 65 } 
+apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the SecurID agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 66 } 
+apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the SecurID agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 67 } 
+apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the SecurID agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 68 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the Radius Acct agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 69 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of Radius Acct agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 70 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the Radius Acct agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 71 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the Radius Acct agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 72 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the Radius Acct agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 73 } 
+apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the Radius Acct agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 74 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the Linux File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 75 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of Linux File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 76 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the Linux File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 77 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the Linux File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 78 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the Linux File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 79 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the Linux File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 80 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the Linux Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 81 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of Linux Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 82 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the Linux Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 83 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the Linux Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 84 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the Linux Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 85 } 
+apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the Linux Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 86 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total instances of the Mac File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 87 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total usages of Mac File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 88 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total success conditions created/reached by the Mac File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 89 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total failure conditions created/reached by the Mac File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 90 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total error conditions created/reached by the Mac File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 91 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	     The total session variables created by the Mac File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 92 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Mac Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 93 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Mac Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 94 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Mac Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 95 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Mac Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 96 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Mac Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 97 } 
+apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Mac Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 98 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows Browser Cache Cleaner agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 99 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows Browser Cache Cleaner agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 100 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows Browser Cache Cleaner agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 101 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows Browser Cache Cleaner agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 102 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows Browser Cache Cleaner agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 103 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows Browser Cache Cleaner agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 104 } 
+apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows Antivirus Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 105 } 
+apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows Antivirus Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 106 } 
+apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows Antivirus Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 107 } 
+apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows Antivirus Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 108 } 
+apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows Antivirus Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 109 } 
+apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows Antivirus Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 110 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows OS Info Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 111 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows OS Info Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 112 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows OS Info Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 113 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows OS Info Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 114 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows OS Info Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 115 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows OS Info Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 116 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 117 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 118 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 119 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 120 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 121 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows File Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 122 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows MachineCert Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 123 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows MachineCert Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 124 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows MachineCert Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 125 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows MachineCert Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 126 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows MachineCert Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 127 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows MachineCert Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 128 } 
+apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the  Firewall Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 129 } 
+apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of  Firewall Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 130 } 
+apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the  Firewall Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 131 } 
+apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the  Firewall Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 132 } 
+apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the  Firewall Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 133 } 
+apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the  Firewall Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 134 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 135 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 136 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 137 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 138 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 139 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 140 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows Protected Workspace agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 141 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows Protected Workspace agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 142 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows Protected Workspace agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 143 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows Protected Workspace agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 144 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows Protected Workspace agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 145 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows Protected Workspace agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 146 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 147 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 148 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 149 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 150 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 151 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows Process Check agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 152 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Windows Group Policy agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 153 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Windows Group Policy agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 154 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Windows Group Policy agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 155 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Windows Group Policy agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 156 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Windows Group Policy agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 157 } 
+apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Windows Group Policy agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 158 } 
+apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the External Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 159 } 
+apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of External Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 160 } 
+apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the External Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 161 } 
+apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the External Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 162 } 
+apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the External Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 163 } 
+apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the External Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 164 } 
+apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 165 } 
+apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 166 } 
+apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 167 } 
+apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 168 } 
+apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 169 } 
+apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Logon page agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 170 } 
+apmPaStatRaAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Resource Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 171 } 
+apmPaStatRaAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Resource Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 172 } 
+apmPaStatRaAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Resource Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 173 } 
+apmPaStatRaAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Resource Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 174 } 
+apmPaStatRaAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Resource Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 175 } 
+apmPaStatRaAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Resource Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 176 } 
+apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Route Domain Selection agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 177 } 
+apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Route Domain Selection agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 178 } 
+apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Route Domain Selection agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 179 } 
+apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Route Domain Selection agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 180 } 
+apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Route Domain Selection agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 181 } 
+apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Route Domain Selection agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 182 } 
+apmPaStatVaAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Variable Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 183 } 
+apmPaStatVaAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Variable Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 184 } 
+apmPaStatVaAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Variable Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 185 } 
+apmPaStatVaAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Variable Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 186 } 
+apmPaStatVaAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Variable Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 187 } 
+apmPaStatVaAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Variable Assignment agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 188 } 
+apmPaStatIeAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the iRule Event agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 189 } 
+apmPaStatIeAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of iRule Event agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 190 } 
+apmPaStatIeAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the iRule Event agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 191 } 
+apmPaStatIeAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the iRule Event agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 192 } 
+apmPaStatIeAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the iRule Event agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 193 } 
+apmPaStatIeAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the iRule Event agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 194 } 
+apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Logging Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 195 } 
+apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Logging Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 196 } 
+apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Logging Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 197 } 
+apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Logging Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 198 } 
+apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Logging Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 199 } 
+apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Logging Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 200 } 
+apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Decision Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 201 } 
+apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Decision Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 202 } 
+apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Decision Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 203 } 
+apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Decision Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 204 } 
+apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Decision Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 205 } 
+apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Decision Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 206 } 
+apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total instances of the Message Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 207 } 
+apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total usages of Message Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 208 } 
+apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total success conditions created/reached by the Message Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 209 } 
+apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total failure conditions created/reached by the Message Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 210 } 
+apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total error conditions created/reached by the Message Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 211 } 
+apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalSessVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session variables created by the Message Box Agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 212 } 
+apmPaStatApdNoResultErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received without a result by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 213 } 
+apmPaStatApdNoSessionErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received without a valid session by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 214 } 
+apmPaStatApdNoDeviceInfoErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received without device info by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 215 } 
+apmPaStatApdNoTokenErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received without a token by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 216 } 
+apmPaStatApdNoSigErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received without a signature by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 217 } 
+apmPaStatApdTotalMismatchErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received with client data mismatch by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 218 } 
+apmPaStatApdInvalidSigErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total responses received with invalid client data signature by APD from the client in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 219 } 
+apmPaStatApdMcPipelineInitErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total pipeline initialization errors caused by memcached in APD"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 220 } 
+apmPaStatApdMcSetSessVarErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total session var set errors caused by memcached in APD"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 221 } 
+apmPaStatApdMcPipelineCloseErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total pipeline close errors caused by memcached in APD"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 222 } 
+apmPaStatApdApResultErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total access policy result errors in APD"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 223 } 
+apmPaStatApdApInternalErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+	    The total access policy internal errors in APD"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 224 } 
+apmPaStatAllowedRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total allowed requests in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 225 } 
+apmPaStatDeniedRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total denied requests in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 226 } 
+apmPaStatVsName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name virtual server in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPaStatEntry 227 } 
+-- Profile_connectivity_stat
+apmPcStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmProfileConnectivityStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmProfileConnectivityStat 1 } 
+apmPcStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmProfileConnectivityStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmProfileConnectivityStat 2 } 
+apmPcStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of connectivity profiles."
+	::= { apmProfileConnectivityStat 3 } 
+apmPcStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmPcStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmPcStat Table"
+		apmPcStatName
+	}
+	::= { apmPcStatTable 1 } 
+ApmPcStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmPcStatName                                          LongDisplayString,
+        	apmPcStatTotConns                                      Counter64,
+        	apmPcStatCurConns                                      Counter64,
+        	apmPcStatMaxConns                                      Counter64,
+        	apmPcStatIngressRaw                                    Counter64,
+        	apmPcStatEgressRaw                                     Counter64,
+        	apmPcStatIngressCompressed                             Counter64,
+        	apmPcStatEgressCompressed                              Counter64
+	}
+apmPcStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a connectivity profile"
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 1 } 
+apmPcStatTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 2 } 
+apmPcStatCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total current SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 3 } 
+apmPcStatMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The max SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 4 } 
+apmPcStatIngressRaw OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total raw bytes received by SSL/VPN connections in the system when compression is enabled."
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 5 } 
+apmPcStatEgressRaw OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total raw bytes transmitted by SSL/VPN connections in the system when compression is enabled."
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 6 } 
+apmPcStatIngressCompressed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total compressed bytes received by SSL/VPN connections in the system when compression is enabled."
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 7 } 
+apmPcStatEgressCompressed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total compressed bytes transmitted by SSL/VPN connections in the system when compression is enabled."
+	::= { apmPcStatEntry 8 } 
+-- Profile_rewrite_stat
+apmPrStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmProfileRewriteStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmProfileRewriteStat 1 } 
+apmPrStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmProfileRewriteStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmProfileRewriteStat 2 } 
+apmPrStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of rewrite profiles."
+	::= { apmProfileRewriteStat 3 } 
+apmPrStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmPrStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmPrStat Table"
+		apmPrStatName
+	}
+	::= { apmPrStatTable 1 } 
+ApmPrStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmPrStatName                                          LongDisplayString,
+        	apmPrStatClientReqBytes                                Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatClientRespBytes                               Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatServerReqBytes                                Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatServerRespBytes                               Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatClientReqs                                    Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatClientResps                                   Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatServerReqs                                    Counter64,
+        	apmPrStatServerResps                                   Counter64
+	}
+apmPrStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a rewrite profile"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 1 } 
+apmPrStatClientReqBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes received from the client requests"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 2 } 
+apmPrStatClientRespBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes sent in the client responses"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 3 } 
+apmPrStatServerReqBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes sent in the server requests"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 4 } 
+apmPrStatServerRespBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes received from the server responses"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 5 } 
+apmPrStatClientReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the client requests received"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 6 } 
+apmPrStatClientResps OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the client responses sent"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 7 } 
+apmPrStatServerReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number requests sent to the server"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 8 } 
+apmPrStatServerResps OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number responses received from the server"
+	::= { apmPrStatEntry 9 } 
+-- Profile_access_agent_stat
+apmPgStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmProfileAccessAgentStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessAgentStat 1 } 
+apmPgStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmProfileAccessAgentStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessAgentStat 2 } 
+apmPgStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of agents per access profiles."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessAgentStat 3 } 
+apmPgStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmPgStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmPgStat Table"
+		apmPgStatName,
+		apmPgStatAgentName
+	}
+	::= { apmPgStatTable 1 } 
+ApmPgStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmPgStatName                                          LongDisplayString,
+        	apmPgStatAgentName                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	apmPgStatInstances                                     Counter64,
+        	apmPgStatUsages                                        Counter64,
+        	apmPgStatSuccesses                                     Counter64,
+        	apmPgStatFailures                                      Counter64,
+        	apmPgStatErrors                                        Counter64,
+        	apmPgStatSessionVars                                   Counter64
+	}
+apmPgStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 1 } 
+apmPgStatAgentName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The agent name in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 2 } 
+apmPgStatInstances OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total instances of agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 3 } 
+apmPgStatUsages OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total usages of agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 4 } 
+apmPgStatSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of successes for agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 5 } 
+apmPgStatFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of failures for agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 6 } 
+apmPgStatErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors for agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 7 } 
+apmPgStatSessionVars OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of session variables for agent in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPgStatEntry 8 } 
+-- Profile_access_misc_stat
+apmPmStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmProfileAccessMiscStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessMiscStat 1 } 
+apmPmStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmProfileAccessMiscStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessMiscStat 2 } 
+apmPmStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing miscellaneous statistic information for access profiles."
+	::= { apmProfileAccessMiscStat 3 } 
+apmPmStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmPmStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmPmStat Table"
+		apmPmStatName
+	}
+	::= { apmPmStatTable 1 } 
+ApmPmStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmPmStatName                                          LongDisplayString,
+        	apmPmStatConfigSyncState                               Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspResultError                               Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspSessionError                              Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspDeviceInfoError                           Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspTokenError                                Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspSignatureError                            Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspDataMsmtchError                           Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInspClientSignError                           Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatMemInitError                                  Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatMemSessionVarError                            Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatMemCloseError                                 Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatResultError                                   Counter64,
+        	apmPmStatInternalError                                 Counter64
+	}
+apmPmStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 1 } 
+apmPmStatConfigSyncState OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of config sync operation"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 2 } 
+apmPmStatInspResultError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors inspection host no result in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 3 } 
+apmPmStatInspSessionError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors inspection host no session in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 4 } 
+apmPmStatInspDeviceInfoError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors inspection host no device info in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 5 } 
+apmPmStatInspTokenError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors inspection host no token in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 6 } 
+apmPmStatInspSignatureError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors inspection host no signature in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 7 } 
+apmPmStatInspDataMsmtchError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors inspection host client data mismatch in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 8 } 
+apmPmStatInspClientSignError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors invalid client data signature in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 9 } 
+apmPmStatMemInitError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors memory cached pipeline in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 10 } 
+apmPmStatMemSessionVarError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors memory set session variable in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 11 } 
+apmPmStatMemCloseError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of errors memory finish pipeline failed in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 12 } 
+apmPmStatResultError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of result errors in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 13 } 
+apmPmStatInternalError OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of internal errors in the specified access profile"
+	::= { apmPmStatEntry 14 } 
+-- Access_stat
+apmAccessStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmAccessStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmAccessStat 1 } 
+apmAccessStatTotalSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions created in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 2 } 
+apmAccessStatCurrentActiveSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total active user sessions in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 3 } 
+apmAccessStatCurrentPendingSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total user sessions going through access policy evaluation in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 4 } 
+apmAccessStatCurrentEndedSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total user sessions completed access policy evaluation in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 5 } 
+apmAccessStatUserLoggedoutSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions logged out by user in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 6 } 
+apmAccessStatAdminTerminatedSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions terminated by admin in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 7 } 
+apmAccessStatMiscTerminatedSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions terminated by internal errors/conditions in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 8 } 
+apmAccessStatResultAllow OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions resulted allow ending in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 9 } 
+apmAccessStatResultDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions resulted deny ending in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 10 } 
+apmAccessStatResultRedirect OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions redirected to the configured URI after closing the session in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 11 } 
+apmAccessStatResultRedirectWithSession OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total sessions redirected to the configured URI without closing the session in the system"
+	::= { apmAccessStat 12 } 
+-- Global_connectivity_stat
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmGlobalConnectivityStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 1 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 2 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total current SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 3 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The max SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 4 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatIngressRaw OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total raw bytes received by SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 5 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatEgressRaw OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total raw bytes transmitted by SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 6 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatIngressCompressed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total compressed bytes received by SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 7 } 
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatEgressCompressed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total compressed bytes transmitted by SSL/VPN connections in the system"
+	::= { apmGlobalConnectivityStat 8 } 
+-- Global_rewrite_stat
+apmGlobalRewriteStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmGlobalRewriteStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 1 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatClientReqBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes received from the client requests"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 2 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatClientRespBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes sent in the client responses"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 3 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatServerReqBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes sent in the server requests"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 4 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatServerRespBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bytes received from the server responses"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 5 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatClientReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the client requests received"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 6 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatClientResps OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the client responses sent"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 7 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatServerReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number requests sent to the server"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 8 } 
+apmGlobalRewriteStatServerResps OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number responses received from the server"
+	::= { apmGlobalRewriteStat 9 } 
+-- Leasepool_stat
+apmLeasepoolStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmLeasepoolStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStat 1 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmLeasepoolStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStat 2 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApmLeasepoolStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of leasepools."
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStat 3 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmLeasepoolStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmLeasepoolStat Table"
+		apmLeasepoolStatName
+	}
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatTable 1 } 
+ApmLeasepoolStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmLeasepoolStatName                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatCurMembers                             Integer32,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatCurAssigned                            Integer32,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatCurFree                                Integer32,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatMaxAssigned                            Integer32,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatTotPickRequests                        Counter64,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatTotPickFailure                         Counter64,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatTotReserveRequests                     Counter64,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatTotReserveFailure                      Counter64,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatTotReleaseRequests                     Counter64,
+        	apmLeasepoolStatTotReleaseFailure                      Counter64
+	}
+apmLeasepoolStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a leasepool"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 1 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatCurMembers OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of IP addresses in the leasepool"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 2 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatCurAssigned OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP addresses currently assigned to user sessions"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 3 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatCurFree OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of available/free addresses in the leasepool"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 4 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatMaxAssigned OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The max number of IP addresses assigned at any single time in the leasepool since last stats reset"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 5 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTotPickRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of requests for IP addresses from active unit in HA pair"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 6 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTotPickFailure OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of failures to assign an IP address"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 7 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTotReserveRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of requests for specific IP address from standby unit in HA pair"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 8 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTotReserveFailure OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of failures to reserve a specific IP address"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 9 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTotReleaseRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of requests to release IP address for either active or stand"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 10 } 
+apmLeasepoolStatTotReleaseFailure OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of failures to release IP address"
+	::= { apmLeasepoolStatEntry 11 } 
+-- Acl_stat
+apmAclStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  apmAclStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { apmAclStat 1 } 
+apmAclStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of apmAclStat entries in the table."
+	::= { apmAclStat 2 } 
+apmAclStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of Acls."
+	::= { apmAclStat 3 } 
+apmAclStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  ApmAclStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the apmAclStat Table"
+		apmAclStatName
+	}
+	::= { apmAclStatTable 1 } 
+ApmAclStatEntry ::= 
+        	apmAclStatName                                         LongDisplayString,
+        	apmAclStatActionAllow                                  Counter64,
+        	apmAclStatActionContinue                               Counter64,
+        	apmAclStatActionDiscard                                Counter64,
+        	apmAclStatActionReject                                 Counter64
+	}
+apmAclStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a acl"
+	::= { apmAclStatEntry 1 } 
+apmAclStatActionAllow OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times allow action executed"
+	::= { apmAclStatEntry 2 } 
+apmAclStatActionContinue OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times continue action executed"
+	::= { apmAclStatEntry 3 } 
+apmAclStatActionDiscard OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times discard action executed"
+	::= { apmAclStatEntry 4 } 
+apmAclStatActionReject OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times reject action executed"
+	::= { apmAclStatEntry 5 } 
+ -- Compliance and Group
+bigipApmCompliance	MODULE-COMPLIANCE 
+	STATUS current
+		"This specifies the objects that are required to claim 
+                 compliance to F5 Traffic Management System."
+	  MANDATORY-GROUPS { bigipApmGroups } 
+	::= { bigipCompliances 6 } 
+bigipApmGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {  bigipGroups 6 }
+apmPaStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmPaStatResetStats,
+		apmPaStatNumber,
+		apmPaStatName,
+		apmPaStatConfigSyncState,
+		apmPaStatTotalSessions,
+		apmPaStatTotalEstablishedStateSessions,
+		apmPaStatCurrentActiveSessions,
+		apmPaStatCurrentPendingSessions,
+		apmPaStatCurrentCompletedSessions,
+		apmPaStatUserLoggedoutSessions,
+		apmPaStatAdminTerminatedSessions,
+		apmPaStatMiscTerminatedSessions,
+		apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultAllow,
+		apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultDeny,
+		apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultRedirect,
+		apmPaStatAccessPolicyResultRedirectWithSession,
+		apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEndingDenyAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEndingRedirectAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEndingAllowAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatAdAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatAdAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatAdAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatAdAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatAdAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatAdAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatClientCertAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatHttpAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatLdapAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatSecuridAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatRadiusAcctAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxFcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsLinuxPcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacFcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsMacPcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinCcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsAvAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinOsInfoAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinFcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinMcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsFwcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPcTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinPwTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinRcAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatEpsWinGpAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatExternalLogonAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatLogonAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatRaAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatRaAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatRaAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatRaAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatRaAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatRaAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatRdsAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatVaAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatVaAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatVaAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatVaAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatVaAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatVaAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatIeAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatIeAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatIeAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatIeAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatIeAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatIeAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatLoggingAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatDecnBoxAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalInstances,
+		apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalUsages,
+		apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalSuccesses,
+		apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalFailures,
+		apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalErrors,
+		apmPaStatMesgBoxAgentTotalSessVars,
+		apmPaStatApdNoResultErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdNoSessionErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdNoDeviceInfoErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdNoTokenErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdNoSigErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdTotalMismatchErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdInvalidSigErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdMcPipelineInitErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdMcSetSessVarErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdMcPipelineCloseErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdApResultErrors,
+		apmPaStatApdApInternalErrors,
+		apmPaStatAllowedRequests,
+		apmPaStatDeniedRequests,
+		apmPaStatVsName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmProfileAccessStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 1 }
+apmPcStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmPcStatResetStats,
+		apmPcStatNumber,
+		apmPcStatName,
+		apmPcStatTotConns,
+		apmPcStatCurConns,
+		apmPcStatMaxConns,
+		apmPcStatIngressRaw,
+		apmPcStatEgressRaw,
+		apmPcStatIngressCompressed,
+		apmPcStatEgressCompressed
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmProfileConnectivityStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 2 }
+apmPrStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmPrStatResetStats,
+		apmPrStatNumber,
+		apmPrStatName,
+		apmPrStatClientReqBytes,
+		apmPrStatClientRespBytes,
+		apmPrStatServerReqBytes,
+		apmPrStatServerRespBytes,
+		apmPrStatClientReqs,
+		apmPrStatClientResps,
+		apmPrStatServerReqs,
+		apmPrStatServerResps
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmProfileRewriteStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 3 }
+apmPgStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmPgStatResetStats,
+		apmPgStatNumber,
+		apmPgStatName,
+		apmPgStatAgentName,
+		apmPgStatInstances,
+		apmPgStatUsages,
+		apmPgStatSuccesses,
+		apmPgStatFailures,
+		apmPgStatErrors,
+		apmPgStatSessionVars
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmProfileAccessAgentStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 4 }
+apmPmStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmPmStatResetStats,
+		apmPmStatNumber,
+		apmPmStatName,
+		apmPmStatConfigSyncState,
+		apmPmStatInspResultError,
+		apmPmStatInspSessionError,
+		apmPmStatInspDeviceInfoError,
+		apmPmStatInspTokenError,
+		apmPmStatInspSignatureError,
+		apmPmStatInspDataMsmtchError,
+		apmPmStatInspClientSignError,
+		apmPmStatMemInitError,
+		apmPmStatMemSessionVarError,
+		apmPmStatMemCloseError,
+		apmPmStatResultError,
+		apmPmStatInternalError
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmProfileAccessMiscStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 5 }
+apmAccessStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmAccessStatResetStats,
+		apmAccessStatTotalSessions,
+		apmAccessStatCurrentActiveSessions,
+		apmAccessStatCurrentPendingSessions,
+		apmAccessStatCurrentEndedSessions,
+		apmAccessStatUserLoggedoutSessions,
+		apmAccessStatAdminTerminatedSessions,
+		apmAccessStatMiscTerminatedSessions,
+		apmAccessStatResultAllow,
+		apmAccessStatResultDeny,
+		apmAccessStatResultRedirect,
+		apmAccessStatResultRedirectWithSession
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmAccessStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 6 }
+apmGlobalConnectivityStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatResetStats,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatTotConns,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatMaxConns,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatIngressRaw,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatEgressRaw,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatIngressCompressed,
+		apmGlobalConnectivityStatEgressCompressed
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmGlobalConnectivityStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 7 }
+apmGlobalRewriteStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatResetStats,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatClientReqBytes,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatClientRespBytes,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatServerReqBytes,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatServerRespBytes,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatClientReqs,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatClientResps,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatServerReqs,
+		apmGlobalRewriteStatServerResps
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmGlobalRewriteStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 8 }
+apmLeasepoolStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmLeasepoolStatResetStats,
+		apmLeasepoolStatNumber,
+		apmLeasepoolStatName,
+		apmLeasepoolStatCurMembers,
+		apmLeasepoolStatCurAssigned,
+		apmLeasepoolStatCurFree,
+		apmLeasepoolStatMaxAssigned,
+		apmLeasepoolStatTotPickRequests,
+		apmLeasepoolStatTotPickFailure,
+		apmLeasepoolStatTotReserveRequests,
+		apmLeasepoolStatTotReserveFailure,
+		apmLeasepoolStatTotReleaseRequests,
+		apmLeasepoolStatTotReleaseFailure
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmLeasepoolStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 9 }
+apmAclStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		apmAclStatResetStats,
+		apmAclStatNumber,
+		apmAclStatName,
+		apmAclStatActionAllow,
+		apmAclStatActionContinue,
+		apmAclStatActionDiscard,
+		apmAclStatActionReject
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of apmAclStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipApmGroups 10 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-COMMON-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-COMMON-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..466b63c5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-COMMON-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1730 @@
+-- F5-MIB 
+--     A private enterprise MIB for F5 Networks.
+--     VERSION: 11.6.1
+    enterprises, Integer32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+    LAST-UPDATED "201603022024Z" -- Wed Mar  2 20:24:18 UTC 2016
+    ORGANIZATION "F5 Networks, Inc."
+         "postal: F5 Networks, Inc. 
+                  401 Elliott Ave. West
+                  Seattle,  WA 98119
+          phone:  (206) 272-5555
+          email:  support@f5.com"
+        "Top-level infrastructure of the F5 enterprise MIB tree." 
+    ::= { enterprises  3375 }
+bigipTrafficMgmt      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { f5 2 }
+bigipNotification     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipTrafficMgmt 4 }
+bigipCompliance       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipTrafficMgmt 5 }
+bigipNotifications    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipNotification 0 }
+bigipNotifyObjects    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipNotification 1 }
+bigipCompliances      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipCompliance 1 }
+bigipGroups           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipCompliance 2 }
+bigipNotificationGroups     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipGroups 4 } 
+-- bigipNotifyObjects
+bigipNotifyObjMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX DisplayString 
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS current
+                "The additional information about the related notification."
+        ::= { bigipNotifyObjects 1 }
+bigipNotifyObjNode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX DisplayString 
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS current
+                "The user-assigned name or IP address of the node."
+        ::= { bigipNotifyObjects 2 }
+bigipNotifyObjPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX DisplayString 
+        MAX-ACCESS read-only
+        STATUS current
+                "The port or service name."
+        ::= { bigipNotifyObjects 3 }
+-- bigipNotifications 
+bigipAgentStart        NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	STATUS      current
+		"An indication that the agent has started running."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 1 }
+bigipAgentShutdown     NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	STATUS current
+		"An indication that the agent is in the process of being shut down."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 2 }
+bigipAgentRestart      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	STATUS      current
+		"An indication that the agent has been restarted.
+		(eg. It happens when a SIGHUP is received.)
+		This does not imply anything about whether the configuration has
+		changed (unlike the standard coldStart or warmStart traps)"
+	::= { bigipNotifications 3 }
+bigipCpuTempHigh      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"CPU temperature is too high."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 4 }
+bigipCpuFanSpeedLow      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"CPU fan speed is too low."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 5 }
+bigipCpuFanSpeedBad      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"CPU fan speed signal not received."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 6 }
+bigipChassisTempHigh      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"Chassis temperature is too high."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 7 }
+bigipChassisFanBad      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"Chassis fan status is bad."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 8 }
+bigipChassisPowerSupplyBad      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"Chassis power supply status is bad."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 9 }
+bigipServiceDown      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg,
+		bigipNotifyObjNode,
+		bigipNotifyObjPort
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A service is detected DOWN."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 10 }
+bigipServiceUp      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg,
+		bigipNotifyObjNode,
+		bigipNotifyObjPort
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A service is detected UP."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 11 }
+bigipNodeDown      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg,
+		bigipNotifyObjNode
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A node is detected DOWN."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 12 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg,
+		bigipNotifyObjNode
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A node is detected UP."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 13 }
+bigipStandby      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system is going into standby mode."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 14 }
+bigipActive      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system is going into active mode."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 15 }
+bigipActiveActive      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system is going into active-active mode."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 16 }
+bigipFeatureFailed      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A high availability feature triggered action failed."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 17 }
+bigipFeatureOnline      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A high availability feature is now responding."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 18 }
+bigipLicenseFailed      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The license validation failed."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 19 }
+bigipLicenseExpired      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The license has expired."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 20 }
+bigipTamdAlert      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"Too many authentication failures (> 60) in 1 second to
+		TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 21 }
+bigipAggrReaperStateChange     NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The aggressive reaper state changed. Aggressive reaper 
+		state changes indicate the system is moving into distress-mode 
+		for DOS prevention."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 22 }
+bigipARPConflict      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"There is an ARP conflict."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 23 }
+bigipNetLinkDown      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"An internal interface link is down. This is for L1 and L2. 
+		These are internal links within the box connecting the CPU 
+		and Switch subsystems, which should never lose link. 
+		If they do, it indicates a serious problem."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 24 }
+bigipDiskPartitionWarn      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The disk partition free space is very limited, which is   
+		less than a specified limit. By default, the limit is set
+		to 30% of total disk space."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 25 }
+bigipDiskPartitionGrowth      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The disk partition exceeds the specified growth limit. 
+		By default, the limit is set to 5% of the total disk space.
+		The growth is difference of two consecutive monitoring data."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 26 }
+bigipAuthFailed      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The login/sshd authentication has failed."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 27 }
+bigipConfigLoaded      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The compoent which created this event has been
+deprecated.  The configuration was loaded."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 28 }
+bigipLogEmerg      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system is in an unusable situation."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 29 }
+bigipLogAlert      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"Action must be taken immediately for the system to work
+	::= { bigipNotifications 30 }
+bigipLogCrit      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system is in a critical condition." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 31 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system has some error conditions." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 32 }
+bigipLogWarning      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The system is experiencing some warning conditions." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 33 }
+bigipPacketRejected      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The packets are rejected." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 34 }
+bigipCompLimitExceeded  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The compression license limit is exceeded." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 35 }
+bigipSslLimitExceeded  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The SSL license limits are exceeded, 
+		either for TPS (Transactions Per Second) or 
+		for MPS (Megabits Per Second)." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 36 }
+bigipExternalLinkChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"An external interface link status changes.  
+		For a fixed port, this is an occurrence when network cables 
+		are connected  or removed, and the network is reconfigured; 
+		for a pluggable port (such as a SFP or XFP port), this happens 
+		when the pluggable unit is plugged in or unplugged, 
+		or when a cable is connected or removed from a plugged port.  
+		The possible values are UP, DOWN, or UNPOPULATED."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 37 }
+bigipAsmRequestBlocked  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The HTTP request was blocked because it issued (at least one)
+		violation(s) which is marked as blocking at the current active 
+		policy in Application Security Module."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 38 }
+bigipAsmRequestViolation  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The HTTP request issued a violation to the current active policy. 
+		This violation is marked as an alerting violation in that policy
+		in Application Security Module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 39 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 40 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 41 }
+bigipGtmPoolDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 42 }
+bigipGtmPoolEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 43 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A link is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 44 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A link is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 45 }
+bigipGtmLinkDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A link is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 46 }
+bigipGtmLinkEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A link is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 47 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A wide IP is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 48 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A wide IP is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 49 }
+bigipGtmWideIpDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A wide IP is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 50 }
+bigipGtmWideIpEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A wide IP is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 51 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool member is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 52 }
+bigipGtmPoolMbrNotAvail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool member is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 53 }
+bigipGtmPoolMbrDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool member is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 54 }
+bigipGtmPoolMbrEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool member is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 55 }
+bigipGtmServerAvail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A server is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 56 }
+bigipGtmServerNotAvail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A server is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 57 }
+bigipGtmServerDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A server is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 58 }
+bigipGtmServerEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A server is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 59 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A virtual server is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 60 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A virtual server is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 61 }
+bigipGtmVsDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A virtual server is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 62 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A virtual server is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 63 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A data center is becoming available in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 64 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A data center is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 65 }
+bigipGtmDcDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A data center is disabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 66 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A data center is enabled in global traffic management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 67 }
+bigipHardDiskFailure  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  This object has been eliminated.
+                The hard disk is failing." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 68 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"An application object is becoming available in global management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 69 }
+bigipGtmAppObjNotAvail  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"An application object is becoming unavailable in global management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 70 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"An application is becoming available in global management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 71 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"An application is becoming unavailable in global management module." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 72 }
+bigipGtmJoinedGroup  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"BIG-IP GTM joined sync group." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 73 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"BIG-IP GTM left sync group." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 74 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"In failover condition, this standby will not be able to go active." 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 75 }
+bigipInetPortExhaustion  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+            "The TMM has run out of source ports and cannot open new communications channels with other machines."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 76 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A gtm machine (which equates to an iquery connect to a gtm machine) has gone UP" 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 77 }
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A gtm machine (which equates to an iquery connect to a gtm machine) has gone DOWN" 
+	::= { bigipNotifications 78 }
+bigipAsmFtpRequestBlocked  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+		bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The FTP request was blocked because it issued (at least one)
+		violation(s) which is marked as blocking at the current active
+		policy in Application Security Module."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 79 }
+bigipAsmFtpRequestViolation  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+		bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The FTP request issued a violation to the current active
+		policy. This violation is marked as an alerting violation 
+		in that policy in Application Security Module."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 80 }
+bigipGtmBig3dSslCertExpired  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "BIG-IP GTM BIG3D SSL Cert has expired."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 81 }
+bigipGtmBig3dSslCertWillExpire  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "BIG-IP GTM BIG3D SSL Cert will expire."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 82 }
+bigipGtmSslCertExpired  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "BIG-IP GTM SSL Cert has expired."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 83 }
+bigipGtmSslCertWillExpire  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "BIG-IP GTM SSL Cert will expire."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 84 }
+bigipAsmSmtpRequestBlocked  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+		bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The SMTP request was blocked because it issued (at least one)
+		violation(s) which is marked as blocking at the current active
+		policy in Application Security Module."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 85 }
+bigipAsmSmtpRequestViolation  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+		bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The SMTP request issued a violation to the current active
+		policy. This violation is marked as an alerting violation 
+		in that policy in Application Security Module."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 86 }
+bigipBladeTempHigh      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"Blade temperature is too high."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 87 }
+bigipBladeNoPower      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"A blade lost power. The blade may be pulled out"
+	::= { bigipNotifications 88 }
+bigipClusterdNoResponse      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"The cluster daemon failed to respond for 10 or more seconds."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 89 }
+bigipBladeOffline      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+	STATUS      current
+		"A blade has failed - offline."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 90 }
+bigipAsmDosAttackDetected  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "DoS attack detected by Application Security Module."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 91 }
+bigipAsmBruteForceAttackDetected  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Brute force attack detected by Application Security Module."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 92 }
+bigipAomCpuTempTooHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "AOM reports the air temperature near the host CPU too high."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 93 }
+bigipGtmKeyGenerationRollover  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "DNSSEC Key generation has rolled over."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 94 }
+bigipGtmKeyGenerationExpiration  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "DNSSEC Key generation has expired."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 95 }
+bigipRaidDiskFailure  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Disk failure in a RAID disk array."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 96 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolStatusChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Status Change."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 97 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolStatusChangeReason  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Status Change Reason."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 98 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Disabled."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 99 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Enabled."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 100 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolMbrStatusChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Member Status Change."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 101 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolMbrStatusChangeReason  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Member Status Change Reason."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 102 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolMbrDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Member Disabled."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 103 }
+bigipGtmProberPoolMbrEnabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Prober Pool Member Enabled."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 104 }
+bigipAvrAlertsMetricSnmp  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "AVR alert metric state changed - notification for SNMP."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 105 }
+bigipAvrAlertsMetricSmtp  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS     deprecated 
+                "Deprecated! AVR alert metric state changed - notification for SMTP (based on SNMP)."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 106 }
+bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpPowerOn  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "A VCMP guest is powered on from a suspended or powered off state."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 107 }
+bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpPowerOff  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "A VCMP guest is powered off."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 108 }
+bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpHBLost  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "A VCMP guest heartbeat is lost."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 109 }
+bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpHBDetected  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "A VCMP guest heartbeat is detected or regained."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 110 }
+bigipSsdMwiNearThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "SSD disk wear-out indicator is near its threshold."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 111 }
+bigipSsdMwiReachedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "SSD disk wear-out indicator has reached its threshold."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 112 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertTempHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Temperature is too high."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 113 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertVoltageHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Voltage is too high."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 114 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertFanSpeedLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Fan speed is too low."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 115 }
+bigipLibhalSsdPhysicalDiskRemoved  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "SSD physical disk was removed."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 116 }
+bigipLibhalSsdLogicalDiskRemoved  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "SSD logical disk was removed."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 117 }
+bigipLibhalDiskBayRemoved  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Disk sled was removed from a bay."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 118 }
+bigipLibhalBladePoweredOff  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Blade is about to be powered off."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 119 }
+bigipLibhalSensorAlarmCritical  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Blade hardware sensor indicated critical alarm."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 120 }
+bigipChmandAlertFanTrayBad  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Chassis fan tray is bad or removed."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 121 }
+bigipUnsolicitedRepliesExceededThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "The DNS cache object received unsolicited query replies
+                exceeding a configured threshold."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 122 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertVoltageLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Voltage is too low."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 123 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertMilliVoltageHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Milli-Voltage is too high."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 124 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertCurrentHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Current is too high."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 125 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertPowerHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Power is too high."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 126 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertMilliVoltageLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Milli-Voltage is too low."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 127 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertCurrentLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Current is too low."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 128 }
+bigipSystemCheckAlertPowerLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "Power is too low."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 129 }
+bigipNodeRate      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A node has exceeded the allowed rate."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 130 }
+bigipMemberRate      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A pool member has exceeded the allowed rate."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 131 }
+bigipVirtualRate      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"A virtual has exceeded the allowed rate."
+	::= { bigipNotifications 132 }
+bigipDosAttackStart      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "A DOS attack start was detected."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 133 }
+bigipDosAttackStop      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "A DOS attack stop was detected."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 134 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A virtual has become available."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 135 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A virtual has become unavailable."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 136 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A virtual has become enabled."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 137 }
+bigipLtmVsDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A virtual has become disabled."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 138 }
+bigipDnsRequestRateLimiterEngaged  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "The DNS Services request rate limiter has been engaged."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 139 }
+bigipGtmRequestRateLimiterEngaged  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+                "The GTM request rate limiter has been engaged."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 140 }
+bigipTrafficGroupStandby  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A traffic group is going into standby mode on the system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 141 }
+bigipTrafficGroupActive  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A traffic group is going into active mode on the system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 142 }
+bigipTrafficGroupOffline  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A traffic group is going into offline mode on the system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 143 }
+bigipTrafficGroupForcedOffline  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A traffic group is going into forced offline mode on the system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 144 }
+bigipTrafficGroupDeactivate  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A traffic group is being deactivated on the system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 145 }
+bigipTrafficGroupActivate  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A traffic group is being activated on the system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 146 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "Power supply unit has powered on."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 147 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "Power supply unit has powered off."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 148 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "Power supply unit is absent."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 149 }
+bigipClusterPrimaryChanged  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "The primary blade has been changed in the cluster system."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 150 }
+bigipSystemShutdown  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "The system is shutting down."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 151 }
+bigipFipsDeviceError  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "Encountered error in the FIPS card operation."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 152 }
+bigipUpdatePriority  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "There is a high priority software update available."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 153 }
+bigipUpdateServer  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "Unable to connect to the F5 Update Check server."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 154 }
+bigipUpdateError  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "There was an error checking for updates."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 155 }
+        OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg
+        }
+        STATUS      current
+            "The FIPS card is currently in faulty state."
+        ::= { bigipNotifications 156 }
+-- Compliance & Groups  
+bigipNotificationCompliance   MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+        STATUS current
+                "This specifies the objects that are required to claim
+                 compliance to F5 Traffic Management System."
+        MODULE
+          MANDATORY-GROUPS { 
+		bigipNotifyObjectsGroup,
+		bigipAgentNotifyGroup 
+	  }
+        ::= { bigipCompliances 4 }
+bigipNotifyObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+         OBJECTS {
+                bigipNotifyObjMsg,
+                bigipNotifyObjNode,
+		bigipNotifyObjPort
+        }
+        STATUS   current
+                "A collection of objects used for the notification MIB."
+        ::= { bigipNotificationGroups 1 }
+bigipAgentNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+		bigipAgentStart, 
+		bigipAgentShutdown, 
+		bigipAgentRestart 
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The notifications relating to the basic operation of 
+		the BIGIP agent."
+    ::= { bigipNotificationGroups 2 }
+bigipSystemNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+		bigipCpuTempHigh,
+		bigipCpuFanSpeedLow,
+		bigipCpuFanSpeedBad,
+		bigipChassisTempHigh,
+		bigipChassisFanBad,
+		bigipChassisPowerSupplyBad,
+		bigipServiceDown,
+		bigipServiceUp,
+		bigipNodeDown,
+		bigipNodeUp,
+		bigipStandby,
+ 		bigipActive,
+		bigipActiveActive,
+		bigipFeatureFailed,
+		bigipFeatureOnline,
+		bigipLicenseFailed,
+		bigipLicenseExpired,
+		bigipTamdAlert,
+		bigipAggrReaperStateChange,
+		bigipARPConflict,
+		bigipNetLinkDown,
+		bigipDiskPartitionWarn,
+		bigipDiskPartitionGrowth,
+		bigipAuthFailed,
+		bigipConfigLoaded,
+		bigipLogEmerg,
+		bigipLogAlert,
+		bigipLogCrit,
+		bigipLogErr,
+		bigipLogWarning,
+		bigipPacketRejected, 
+		bigipCompLimitExceeded, 
+		bigipSslLimitExceeded,
+		bigipExternalLinkChange,
+		bigipAsmRequestBlocked,
+		bigipAsmRequestViolation,
+		bigipGtmPoolAvail,
+		bigipGtmPoolNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmPoolDisabled,
+		bigipGtmPoolEnabled,
+		bigipGtmLinkAvail,
+		bigipGtmLinkNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmLinkDisabled,
+		bigipGtmLinkEnabled,
+		bigipGtmWideIpAvail,
+		bigipGtmWideIpNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmWideIpDisabled,
+		bigipGtmWideIpEnabled,
+		bigipGtmPoolMbrAvail,
+		bigipGtmPoolMbrNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmPoolMbrDisabled,
+		bigipGtmPoolMbrEnabled,
+		bigipGtmServerAvail,
+		bigipGtmServerNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmServerDisabled,
+		bigipGtmServerEnabled,
+		bigipGtmVsAvail,
+		bigipGtmVsNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmVsDisabled,
+		bigipGtmVsEnabled,
+		bigipGtmDcAvail,
+		bigipGtmDcNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmDcDisabled,
+		bigipGtmDcEnabled,
+		bigipHardDiskFailure,
+		bigipGtmAppObjAvail,
+		bigipGtmAppObjNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmAppAvail,
+		bigipGtmAppNotAvail,
+		bigipGtmJoinedGroup,
+		bigipGtmLeftGroup,
+	 	bigipStandByFail,
+		bigipInetPortExhaustion,
+		bigipGtmBoxAvail,
+		bigipGtmBoxNotAvail,
+		bigipAsmFtpRequestBlocked,
+		bigipAsmFtpRequestViolation,
+		bigipGtmBig3dSslCertExpired,
+		bigipGtmBig3dSslCertWillExpire,
+		bigipGtmSslCertExpired,
+		bigipGtmSslCertWillExpire,
+		bigipAsmSmtpRequestBlocked,
+		bigipAsmSmtpRequestViolation,
+		bigipBladeTempHigh,
+		bigipBladeNoPower,
+		bigipClusterdNoResponse,
+		bigipBladeOffline,
+		bigipAsmDosAttackDetected,
+		bigipAsmBruteForceAttackDetected,
+		bigipAomCpuTempTooHigh,
+		bigipGtmKeyGenerationRollover,
+		bigipGtmKeyGenerationExpiration,
+		bigipRaidDiskFailure,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolStatusChange,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolStatusChangeReason,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolDisabled,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolEnabled,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolMbrStatusChange,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolMbrStatusChangeReason,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolMbrDisabled,
+		bigipGtmProberPoolMbrEnabled,
+		bigipAvrAlertsMetricSnmp,
+		bigipAvrAlertsMetricSmtp,
+		bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpPowerOn,
+		bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpPowerOff,
+		bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpHBLost,
+		bigipVcmpAlertsVcmpHBDetected,
+		bigipSsdMwiNearThreshold,
+		bigipSsdMwiReachedThreshold,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertTempHigh,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertVoltageHigh,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertFanSpeedLow,
+		bigipLibhalSsdPhysicalDiskRemoved,
+		bigipLibhalSsdLogicalDiskRemoved,
+		bigipLibhalDiskBayRemoved,
+		bigipLibhalBladePoweredOff,
+		bigipLibhalSensorAlarmCritical,
+		bigipChmandAlertFanTrayBad,
+		bigipUnsolicitedRepliesExceededThreshold,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertVoltageLow,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertMilliVoltageHigh,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertCurrentHigh,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertPowerHigh,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertMilliVoltageLow,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertCurrentLow,
+		bigipSystemCheckAlertPowerLow,
+		bigipNodeRate,
+		bigipMemberRate,
+		bigipVirtualRate,
+		bigipDosAttackStart,
+		bigipDosAttackStop,
+		bigipLtmVsAvail,
+		bigipLtmVsUnavail,
+		bigipLtmVsEnabled,
+		bigipLtmVsDisabled,
+		bigipDnsRequestRateLimiterEngaged,
+		bigipGtmRequestRateLimiterEngaged,
+                bigipTrafficGroupStandby,
+                bigipTrafficGroupActive,
+                bigipTrafficGroupOffline,
+                bigipTrafficGroupForcedOffline,
+                bigipTrafficGroupDeactivate,
+                bigipTrafficGroupActivate,
+		bigipPsPowerOn,
+		bigipPsPowerOff,
+		bigipPsAbsent,
+		bigipClusterPrimaryChanged,
+		bigipSystemShutdown,
+                bigipFipsDeviceError,
+                bigipUpdatePriority,
+                bigipUpdateServer,
+                bigipUpdateError,
+                bigipFipsFault
+	}
+	STATUS      current
+		"The notifications relating to the operation of 
+		the BIGIP system."
+    ::= { bigipNotificationGroups 3 }
+LongDisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+	DISPLAY-HINT "1024a"
+	STATUS       current
+	DESCRIPTION  "A longer version of SNMPv2-TC::DisplayString."
+	SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024))
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..802e017ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,21707 @@
+--     A private enterprise MIB for F5  traffic management 
+--     systems.
+--     VERSION: 11.6.1
+    Integer32, Opaque, enterprises, Counter32, Counter64, TimeTicks
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    Gauge 
+        FROM RFC1155-SMI 
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC 
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetPortNumber
+    bigipTrafficMgmt, bigipCompliances, bigipGroups, LongDisplayString
+    LAST-UPDATED "201512211859Z" -- Mon Dec 21 18:59:22 UTC 2015 
+    ORGANIZATION "F5 Networks, Inc."
+         "postal: F5 Networks, Inc. 
+	 	  401 Elliott Ave. West 
+                  Seattle, WA 98119
+          phone:  (206) 272-5555
+          email:  support@f5.com"
+        "Top-level infrastructure of the F5 enterprise MIB tree." 
+    ::= { bigipTrafficMgmt 1 }
+sysGlobals               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 1 }
+sysNetwork               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 2 }
+sysPlatform              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 3 }
+sysProduct               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 4 }
+sysSubMemory             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 5 }
+sysSystem                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 6 }
+sysHostInfoStat          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 7 }
+sysSystemStat            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 8 }
+sysSoftware              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 9 }
+sysClusters              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 10 }
+sysModules               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 11 }
+sysProcess               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 12 }
+sysVCMP                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 13 }
+sysCM                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bigipSystem 14 }
+sysAdmin                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 1 }
+sysArpNdp                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 2}
+sysDot1dBridge           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 3 }
+sysInterfaces            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 4 }
+sysL2                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 5 }
+sysPacketFilters         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 6 }
+sysRoute                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 7 }
+sysSelfIps               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 8 }
+sysSelfPorts             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 9 }
+sysSpanningTree          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 10 }
+sysTransmission          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 11 }
+sysTrunks                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 12 }
+sysVlans                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 13 }
+sysDevice                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 14 }
+sysTunnels               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 15 }
+sysLldp                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNetwork 16 }
+sysGlobalAttrs           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobals 1 }
+sysGlobalStats           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobals 2 }
+sysGlobalAttr           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalAttrs 1 }
+sysGlobalStat           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 1 }
+sysGlobalAuthStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 2 }
+sysGlobalConnPoolStat   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 3 }
+sysGlobalHttpStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 4 }
+sysGlobalIcmpStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 5 }
+sysGlobalIcmp6Stat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 6 }
+sysGlobalIpStat         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 7 }
+sysGlobalIp6Stat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 8 }
+sysGlobalClientSslStat  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 9 }
+sysGlobalServerSslStat  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 10 }
+sysGlobalStreamStat     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 11 }
+sysGlobalTcpStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 12 }
+sysGlobalUdpStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 13 }
+sysGlobalFastHttpStat   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 14 }
+sysGlobalXmlStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 15 }
+sysGlobalIiopStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 16 }
+sysGlobalRtspStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 17 }
+sysGlobalSctpStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 18 }
+sysGlobalFastL4Stat     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 19 }
+sysGlobalHost           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 20 }
+sysGlobalTmmStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 21 }
+sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 22 }
+sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 23 }
+sysGlobalDnsStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 24 }
+sysGlobalLsnPoolStat    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 25 }
+sysGlobalFtpStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 26 }
+sysGlobalSipStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 27 }
+sysGlobalPptpStat       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 28 }
+sysGlobalPcpStat        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 29 }
+sysGlobalDnsServerStat  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 30 }
+sysGlobalMptcpStat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysGlobalStats 31 }
+sysAdminIp               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysAdmin 1 }
+sysSysDevice                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDevice 1 }
+sysUnicastAddr                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDevice 2 }
+sysSysDeviceActiveModules         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDevice 4 }
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModules       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDevice 5 }
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModules       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDevice 6 }
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModules    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDevice 7 }
+sysCpu                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPlatform 1 }
+sysChassis               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPlatform 2 }
+sysGeneral               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPlatform 3 }
+sysDeviceModelOIDs       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPlatform 4 }
+sysPlatformInfo          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPlatform 5 }
+sysCpuSensor             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPlatform 6 }
+sysChassisFan            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysChassis 1 }
+sysChassisPowerSupply    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysChassis 2 }
+sysChassisTemp           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysChassis 3 }
+sysBladeTemp             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysChassis 4 }
+sysBladeVoltage          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysChassis 5 }
+-- sysArpNdp
+sysArpStaticEntry        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysArpNdp 1 }
+-- sysDot1dBridge
+sysDot1dbaseStat         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDot1dBridge 1 }
+sysDot1dbaseStatPort     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDot1dBridge 2 }
+sysInterface             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysInterfaces 1 }
+sysInterfaceMediaOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysInterfaces 2 }
+sysInterfaceId           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysInterfaces 3 }
+sysInterfaceStat         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysInterfaces 4 }
+sysIfxStat               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysInterfaces 5 }
+sysInterfaceMediaSfp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysInterfaces 6 }
+-- sysL2
+sysL2Forward             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysL2 1 }
+sysL2ForwardStat         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysL2 2 }
+sysL2ForwardAttr         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysL2 3 }
+sysPacketFilter          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPacketFilters 1 }
+sysPacketFilterAddress   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPacketFilters 2 }
+sysPacketFilterVlan      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPacketFilters 3 }
+sysPacketFilterMac       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPacketFilters 4 }
+sysPacketFilterStat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysPacketFilters 5 }
+-- sysRoute
+sysRouteMgmtEntry        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysRoute 1 }
+sysRouteStaticEntry      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysRoute 2 }
+sysSelfIp                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSelfIps 1 }
+sysSelfPort              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSelfPorts 1 }
+sysSelfPortDefault       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSelfPorts 2 }
+sysStp                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 1 }
+sysStpGlobals            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 2 }
+sysStpInterfaceMbr       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 3 }
+sysStpVlanMbr            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 4 }
+sysStpBridgeStat         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 5 }
+sysStpBridgeTreeStat     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 6 }
+sysStpInterfaceStat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 7 }
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStat  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 8 }
+sysStpGlobals2           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSpanningTree 9 }
+sysDot3Stat              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysTransmission 1 }
+sysTrunk                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysTrunks 1 }
+sysTrunkStat             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysTrunks 2 }
+sysTrunkCfgMember        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysTrunks 3 }
+sysVlan                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 1 }
+sysVlanMember            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 2 }
+sysVlanGroup             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 3 }
+sysVlanGroupMbr          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 4 }
+sysProxyExclusion        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 5 }
+sysVlanStat              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 6 }
+sysVlanxStat             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVlans 7 }
+sysFecStat               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysTunnels 1 }
+sysHostMemory            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 1 }
+sysHostCpu               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 2 }
+sysHostDisk              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 3 }
+sysMultiHost             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 4 }
+sysMultiHostCpu          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 5 }
+sysLogicalDisk           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 6 }
+sysPhysicalDisk          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 7 }
+sysDiskBay               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 8 }
+sysLogicalDiskMembers    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysHostInfoStat 9 }
+sysSoftwareVolume        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSoftware 1 }
+sysSoftwareImage         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSoftware 2 }
+sysSoftwareHotfix        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSoftware 3 }
+sysSoftwareStatus        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSoftware 4 }
+sysPvaStat               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSystemStat 1 }
+sysTmmStat               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysSystemStat 2 }
+sysCluster               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysClusters 1 }
+sysClusterMbr            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysClusters 2 }
+sysChassisSlot           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysClusters 3 }
+sysModuleAllocation      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysModules 1 }
+sysProcPidStat           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysProcess 1 }
+sysVcmp                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 1 }
+sysVcmpCpuCore           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 2 }
+sysVcmpVlan              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 3 }
+sysVcmpStat              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 4 }
+sysVcmpAssignedSlots     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 5 }
+sysVcmpAllowedSlots      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 6 }
+sysVirtualDisk           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysVCMP 7 }
+sysCmSyncStatus          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysCM 1 }
+sysCmSyncStatusDetails   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysCM 2 }
+sysCmFailoverStatus      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysCM 3 }
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetails OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysCM 4 }
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatus  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysCM 5 }
+sysLldpNeighbors         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysLldp 1 }
+bigip520                                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 1 }
+bigip540                                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 2 }
+bigip1000                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 3 }
+bigip1500                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 4 }
+bigip2400                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 5 }
+bigip3400                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 6 }
+bigip4100                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 7 }
+bigip5100                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 8 }
+bigip5110                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 9 }
+bigip6400                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 10 }
+bigip6800                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 11 }
+bigip8400                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 12 }
+bigip8800                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 13 }
+em3000                                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 14 }
+wj300                                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 15 }
+wj400                                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 16 }
+wj500                                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 17 }
+wj800                                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 18 }
+bigipPb200                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 19 }
+bigip1600                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 20 }
+bigip3600                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 21 }
+bigip6900                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 22 }
+bigip8900                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 23 }
+bigip3900                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 24 }
+bigip8950                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 25 }
+em4000                                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 26 }
+bigip11050                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 27 }
+em500                                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 28 }
+arx1000                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 29 }
+arx2000                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 30 }
+arx4000                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 31 }
+arx500                                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 32 }
+bigip3410                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 33 }
+bigipPb100                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 34 }
+bigipPb100n                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 35 }
+sam4300                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 36 }
+firepass1200                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 37 }
+firepass4100                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 38 }
+firepass4300                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 39 }
+swanWJ200                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 40 }
+trafficShield4100                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 41 }
+wa4500                                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 42 }
+bigipVirtualEdition                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 43 }
+bigip11000                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 44 }
+bigip11050N                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 45 }
+bigipViprionB2100                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 46 }
+bigipViprionB4300                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 47 }
+bigipViprionC2400                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 48 }
+arx1500                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 49 }
+arx2500                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 50 }
+bigip11000F                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 51 }
+bigip11050F                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 52 }
+bigip6900F                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 53 }
+bigip6900N                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 54 }
+bigip6900S                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 55 }
+bigip8900F                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 56 }
+bigip8950S                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 57 }
+bigipPb200N                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 58 }
+bigip4000                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 59 }
+bigip10000                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 60 }
+bigip2000                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 61 }
+bigip5000                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 62 }
+bigip7000                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 63 }
+bigip800                                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 64 }
+bigipViprionB4300N                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 65 }
+bigip10000F                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 66 }
+bigip10000S                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 67 }
+bigip7000F                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 68 }
+bigip7000S                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 69 }
+bigipViprionB2250                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 70 }
+bigip5050                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 71 }
+bigip5250                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 72 }
+bigip4050                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 73 }
+bigip4250                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 74 }
+bigip2050                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 75 }
+bigip2250                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 76 }
+bigip7050                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 77 }
+bigip7250                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 78 }
+bigip10050                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 79 }
+bigip10250                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 80 }
+bigip2200                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 81 }
+bigip4200                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 82 }
+bigip5200                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 83 }
+bigip7200                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 84 }
+bigip7200F                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 85 }
+bigip7200S                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 86 }
+bigip10200                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 87 }
+bigip10200F                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 88 }
+bigip10200S                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 89 }
+bigiq7000                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 90 }
+bigip5250F                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 91 }
+bigip12050                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 92 }
+bigip10350N                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 93 }
+bigipVcmpGuest                          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 94 }
+bigip7055                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 96 }
+bigip7255                               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 97 }
+bigip10055                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 98 }
+bigip10255                              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 99 }
+unknown                                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysDeviceModelOIDs 1000 }
+-- Global_attr
+sysAttrArpMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of dynamic entries which can be exist
+		at one time."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 1 } 
+sysAttrArpAddReciprocal OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"When enabled add the IP/MAC address of an ARP requester 
+		into the ARP table. Enabling this field can allow a malicious 
+		user on the local net to poison the ARP cache. Disabling 
+		it reduces the performance of the system"
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 2 } 
+sysAttrArpTimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Determine how long (in seconds) ARP entries are kept in
+		the cache before being marked stale."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 3 } 
+sysAttrArpRetries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of times to request an ARP before
+		giving up and marking the IP address as unavailable."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 4 } 
+sysAttrBootQuiet OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The behavior of boot message display during a reboot of  
+		the system. Enabling this suppresses the messages. 
+		Disabling this displays messages."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 5 } 
+sysAttrConfigsyncState OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCmSyncStatus and sysCmSyncStatusDetails.
+		 Enumerated state between peer systems.
+		-1 - uninitialized or disabled config state
+		 0 - Synchronized
+		 1 - Local config modified, recommend configsync to peer
+		 2 - Peer config modified, recommend configsync from peer
+		 3 - Config modified on both systems, manual intervention required"
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 6 } 
+sysAttrConnAdaptiveReaperHiwat OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The high threshold for dynamic reaper, at which point no 
+		 new connection will be allowed."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 7 } 
+sysAttrConnAdaptiveReaperLowat OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The low threshold for dynamic reaper, at which point the 
+		 reaper will kick in."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 8 } 
+sysAttrConnAutoLasthop OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The behavior of automatic last hop pools."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 9 } 
+sysAttrFailoverActiveMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The redundant pair mode. Enabling is to use active-active mode. 
+		By default this is disable, active-standby mode is used."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 10 } 
+sysAttrFailoverForceActive OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The behavior of failover. Enabling makes failover daemon 
+		always attempt to become the active unit."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 11 } 
+sysAttrFailoverForceStandby OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The behavior of failover. Enabling makes failover daemon 
+		go to standby whenever is senses its peer alive."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 12 } 
+sysAttrFailoverIsRedundant OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The redundant mode of the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 13 } 
+sysAttrFailoverMemoryRestartPercent OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Refer sysAttrConnAdaptiveReaperHiwat and sysAttrConnAdaptiveReaperLowat
+		for memory threshold when TMM (Traffic Management Module) takes actions.   
+		The percentage of memory usage that triggers reboot."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 14 } 
+sysAttrFailoverNetwork OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The  behavior of using the network as a backup to, or
+		instead of, the serial line for failover if this value 
+		is 1.  By default this feature is disabled."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 15 } 
+sysAttrFailoverStandbyLinkDownTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"How long the external link is held down when the unit 
+		fails over and becomes standby. This is so an external 
+		switch will update its L2 tables and use the newly active 
+		unit's link. Each unit = 1/10 of a second. 
+		Zero value = disable (ie. do not bring link down)."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 16 } 
+sysAttrFailoverSslhardware OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! This feature has been eliminated.
+		Enables/disables the action prescribed by 
+		sysAttrFailoverSslhardwareAction (failover or reboot)."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 17 } 
+sysAttrFailoverSslhardwareAction OBJECT-TYPE 
+		failover(0),
+		reboot(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! This feature has been eliminated.
+		This is controlled by the sysAttrFailoverSslhardware.  
+		If sysAttrFailoverSslhardware is enabled, the action 
+		prescribed here will take place when SSL hardware fails."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 18 } 
+sysAttrFailoverUnitMask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Refer to sysCmTrafficGroupStatus, sysCmFailoverStatus, and
+		sysCmFailoverStatusDetails.
+		This data indicates whether the machine is active or standby.
+		The value for this data could be 0, 1, 2, or 3. 
+		The values of 1 and 2 are only defined for an active-active installation. 
+		If two boxes are both active, value for unit 1 will be 1 and value for unit 2 will be 2. 
+		Otherwise, for active unit, this value is 3; for stand-by unit, this value is 0."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 19 } 
+sysAttrFailoverUnitId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Refer to sysCmTrafficGroupStatus, sysCmFailoverStatus, and
+		sysCmFailoverStatusDetails.
+		The controller unique unit id, 1 or 2, in the event that 
+		network communication is not possible with its peer."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 20 } 
+sysAttrModeMaint OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of system maintenance mode. 
+		 disable - not in maintenance mode; 
+		 enable  - maintenance mode."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 21 } 
+sysAttrPacketFilter OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disabled(0),
+		enabled(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This option globally enables or disables processing of all 
+			packet filter options, including the rule list. The packet 
+			filter is enabled by default."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 22 } 
+sysAttrPacketFilterAllowImportantIcmp OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disabled(0),
+		enabled(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This option causes the packet filter to automatically 
+			accept a number of important ICMP types without requiring 
+			the addition of a rule to handle them. Acceptance of ICMP 
+			traffic by this option occurs prior to rule list evaluation, 
+			making it impossible to override the behavior of this option 
+			with a rule. The types of ICMP packets accepted by this 
+			option include:
+			UNREACH (3) - all types 
+			REDIRECT (5) - all types 
+			TIMEXCEED (11) - all types 
+			This option is enabled by default."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 23 } 
+sysAttrPacketFilterEstablished OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disabled(0),
+		enabled(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The status of filter established feature. This option 
+			 controls whether or not filter rules are applied to 
+			 packets which are part of an existing, established 
+			 connection or pseudo-connection. When this option is 
+			 enabled, all ingress packets are subject to filter 
+			 rules. When the option is disabled, filter rules are not 
+			 applied to packets which are part of an existing 
+			 connection. That is useful to prevent filtering of reply 
+			 traffic. This option is disabled by default."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 24 } 
+sysAttrPacketFilterDefaultAction OBJECT-TYPE 
+		accept(0),
+		discard(1),
+		reject(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The filter default action. This variable controls how to 
+			 handle packets which did not match any rules. It can be 
+			 either accept, discard or reject. The default value is 
+			 accept."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 25 } 
+sysAttrPacketFilterSendIcmpErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The feature to control the kind of errors to send for REJECT rules."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 26 } 
+sysAttrPvaAcceleration OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		partial(1),
+		full(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of hardware acceleration desired."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 27 } 
+sysAttrVlanFDBTimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Controls how long before an entry expires in the L2 forwarding 
+		database."
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 28 } 
+sysAttrWatchdogState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		enable(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of watch dog feature - a hardware device that 
+		 monitors the system for hardware failure. "
+	::= { sysGlobalAttr 29 } 
+-- Global_stat
+sysStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 1 } 
+sysStatClientPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 2 } 
+sysStatClientBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 3 } 
+sysStatClientPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 4 } 
+sysStatClientBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 5 } 
+sysStatClientMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 6 } 
+sysStatClientTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 7 } 
+sysStatClientCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 8 } 
+sysStatServerPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 9 } 
+sysStatServerBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 10 } 
+sysStatServerPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 11 } 
+sysStatServerBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 12 } 
+sysStatServerMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 13 } 
+sysStatServerTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 14 } 
+sysStatServerCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 15 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 16 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 17 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 18 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 19 } 
+sysStatPvaClientMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 20 } 
+sysStatPvaClientTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 21 } 
+sysStatPvaClientCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 22 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 23 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 24 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 25 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 26 } 
+sysStatPvaServerMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 27 } 
+sysStatPvaServerTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 28 } 
+sysStatPvaServerCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 29 } 
+sysStatTotPvaAssistConn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the partially hardware accelerated connections on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 30 } 
+sysStatCurrPvaAssistConn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of the partially hardware accelerated connections on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 31 } 
+sysStatMaintenanceModeDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because the virtual
+		server was in maintenance mode. "
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 32 } 
+sysStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because they exceeded
+		the connection limit for a virtual server (IP:port)."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 33 } 
+sysStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The packets that are not connection requests and are 
+		destined for a virtual server that has no connection 
+		for the client address."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 34 } 
+sysStatNoHandlerDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The incoming packets that could not be processed by a
+		a virtual server, NAT, or SNAT."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 35 } 
+sysStatLicenseDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The packets which were dropped due to exceeding licensing 
+		limitations."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 36 } 
+sysStatConnectionMemoryErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The errors of that connection could not be created because memory 
+		was not available."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 37 } 
+sysStatCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of CPUs on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 38 } 
+sysStatActiveCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active CPUs on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 39 } 
+sysStatMultiProcessorMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		modeup(0),
+		modesmp(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Used to refer to the mode the system's processors were
+			running in."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 40 } 
+sysStatTmTotalCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Traffic management CPU usage. The total cycles spent in 
+		traffic management."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 41 } 
+sysStatTmIdleCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Traffic management CPU usage. The cycles spent polling with no 
+		traffic."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 42 } 
+sysStatTmSleepCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Traffic management CPU usage. The cycles yielded."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 43 } 
+sysStatMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total memory available in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).
+	        Use sysStatMemoryTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 44 } 
+sysStatMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory in use in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).
+	        Use sysStatMemoryUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 45 } 
+sysStatDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total dropped packets."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 46 } 
+sysStatIncomingPacketErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total incoming packet errors for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 47 } 
+sysStatOutgoingPacketErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total outgoing packet errors for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 48 } 
+sysStatAuthTotSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of concurrent auth sessions on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 49 } 
+sysStatAuthCurSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent auth sessions on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 50 } 
+sysStatAuthMaxSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent auth sessions on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 51 } 
+sysStatAuthSuccessResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth success results (That is when a 
+		successful authorization has completed all of the required 
+		auth services.) on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 52 } 
+sysStatAuthFailureResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth failure results (That is when an 
+		unsuccessful authorization operation has completed.) on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 53 } 
+sysStatAuthWantcredentialResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth wantcredential results (That is when 
+		an authorization operation needs an additional credential.) on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 54 } 
+sysStatAuthErrorResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth error results (That is when an error 
+		occurred during authorization has occurred.) on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 55 } 
+sysStatHttpRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of HTTP requests to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 56 } 
+sysStatHardSyncookieGen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware SYN cookies are generated on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 57 } 
+sysStatHardSyncookieDet OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware SYN cookies are detected on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 58 } 
+sysStatClientPktsIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets received by the system from client-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 59 } 
+sysStatClientBytesIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes received by the system from client-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 60 } 
+sysStatClientPktsOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets sent to client-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 61 } 
+sysStatClientBytesOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes sent to client-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 62 } 
+sysStatClientMaxConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from client-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 63 } 
+sysStatClientTotConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total connections from client-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 64 } 
+sysStatClientCurConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current connections from client-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 65 } 
+sysStatServerPktsIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets received by the system from server-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 66 } 
+sysStatServerBytesIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes received by the system from server-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 67 } 
+sysStatServerPktsOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets sent to server-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 68 } 
+sysStatServerBytesOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes sent to server-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 69 } 
+sysStatServerMaxConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from server-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 70 } 
+sysStatServerTotConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total connections from server-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 71 } 
+sysStatServerCurConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current connections from server-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 72 } 
+sysStatClientPktsIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets received by the system from client-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 73 } 
+sysStatClientBytesIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes received by the system from client-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 74 } 
+sysStatClientPktsOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets sent to client-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 75 } 
+sysStatClientBytesOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes sent to client-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 76 } 
+sysStatClientMaxConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from client-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 77 } 
+sysStatClientTotConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total connections from client-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 78 } 
+sysStatClientCurConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current connections from client-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 79 } 
+sysStatServerPktsIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets received by the system from server-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 80 } 
+sysStatServerBytesIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes received by the system from server-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 81 } 
+sysStatServerPktsOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets sent to server-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 82 } 
+sysStatServerBytesOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes sent to server-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 83 } 
+sysStatServerMaxConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from server-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 84 } 
+sysStatServerTotConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total connections from server-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 85 } 
+sysStatServerCurConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current connections from server-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 86 } 
+sysStatClientPktsIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average average number of packets received by the system from client-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 87 } 
+sysStatClientBytesIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes received by the system from client-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 88 } 
+sysStatClientPktsOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets sent to client-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 89 } 
+sysStatClientBytesOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes sent to client-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 90 } 
+sysStatClientMaxConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 91 } 
+sysStatClientTotConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 92 } 
+sysStatClientCurConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 93 } 
+sysStatServerPktsIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets received by the system from server-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 94 } 
+sysStatServerBytesIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes received by the system from server-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 95 } 
+sysStatServerPktsOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of packets sent to server-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 96 } 
+sysStatServerBytesOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of bytes sent to server-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 97 } 
+sysStatServerMaxConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from server-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 98 } 
+sysStatServerTotConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total connections from server-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 99 } 
+sysStatServerCurConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current connections from server-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 100 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from client-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 101 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from client-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 102 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets sent to client-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 103 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average  number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to client-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 104 } 
+sysStatPvaClientMaxConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 105 } 
+sysStatPvaClientTotConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 106 } 
+sysStatPvaClientCurConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 107 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from server-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 108 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesIn5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from server-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 109 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets sent to server-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 110 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesOut5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to server-side from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 111 } 
+sysStatPvaServerMaxConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 112 } 
+sysStatPvaServerTotConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 113 } 
+sysStatPvaServerCurConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 114 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from client-side in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 115 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes received
+		by the system from client-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 116 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets sent to client-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 117 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average  number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to client-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 118 } 
+sysStatPvaClientMaxConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 119 } 
+sysStatPvaClientTotConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 120 } 
+sysStatPvaClientCurConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 121 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from server-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 122 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesIn1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from server-side in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 123 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets sent to server-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 124 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesOut1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to server-side from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 125 } 
+sysStatPvaServerMaxConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 126 } 
+sysStatPvaServerTotConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 127 } 
+sysStatPvaServerCurConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 128 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from client-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 129 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from client-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 130 } 
+sysStatPvaClientPktsOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets sent to client-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 131 } 
+sysStatPvaClientBytesOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average  number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to client-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 132 } 
+sysStatPvaClientMaxConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 133 } 
+sysStatPvaClientTotConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 134 } 
+sysStatPvaClientCurConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 135 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from server-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 136 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesIn5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from server-side in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 137 } 
+sysStatPvaServerPktsOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated packets sent to server-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 138 } 
+sysStatPvaServerBytesOut5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to server-side from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 139 } 
+sysStatPvaServerMaxConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 140 } 
+sysStatPvaServerTotConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 141 } 
+sysStatPvaServerCurConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average current hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 142 } 
+sysStatMemoryTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total memory available in Kilobytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 143 } 
+sysStatMemoryUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory in use in Kilobytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { sysGlobalStat 144 } 
+-- Global_auth_stat
+sysAuthStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalAuthStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 1 } 
+sysAuthStatTotSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of concurrent auth sessions."
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 2 } 
+sysAuthStatCurSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent auth sessions."
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 3 } 
+sysAuthStatMaxSessions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent auth sessions"
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 4 } 
+sysAuthStatSuccessResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth success results (That is when a 
+		successful authorization has completed all of the required 
+		auth services.)."
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 5 } 
+sysAuthStatFailureResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth failure results (That is when an 
+		unsuccessful authorization operation has completed.)."
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 6 } 
+sysAuthStatWantcredentialResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth wantcredential results (That is when 
+		an authorization operation needs an additional credential.)"
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 7 } 
+sysAuthStatErrorResults OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of auth error results (That is when an error 
+		occurred during authorization has occurred.)."
+	::= { sysGlobalAuthStat 8 } 
+-- Global_connpool_stat
+sysConnPoolStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalConnPoolStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalConnPoolStat 1 } 
+sysConnPoolStatCurSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of currently idle connections in pools on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalConnPoolStat 2 } 
+sysConnPoolStatMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of idle connections in pools on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalConnPoolStat 3 } 
+sysConnPoolStatReuses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times a connection was reused from pools on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalConnPoolStat 4 } 
+sysConnPoolStatConnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times a new connection was initiated in pools on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalConnPoolStat 5 } 
+-- Global_http_stat
+sysHttpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalHttpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 1 } 
+sysHttpStatCookiePersistInserts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of successful attempts to insert HTTP headers 
+		 for cookie persistence (set-cookie header insertions)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 2 } 
+sysHttpStatResp2xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 200 to 206 
+		 (successful responses)"
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 3 } 
+sysHttpStatResp3xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 300 to 307 
+		 (redirection responses)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 4 } 
+sysHttpStatResp4xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 400 to 417  
+		 (client errors)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 5 } 
+sysHttpStatResp5xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 500 to 505 
+		 (server errors)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 6 } 
+sysHttpStatNumberReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of HTTP requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 7 } 
+sysHttpStatGetReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of HTTP get requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 8 } 
+sysHttpStatPostReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of HTTP post requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 9 } 
+sysHttpStatV9Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 9 requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 10 } 
+sysHttpStatV10Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 10 requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 11 } 
+sysHttpStatV11Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 11 requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 12 } 
+sysHttpStatV9Resp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 9 responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 13 } 
+sysHttpStatV10Resp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 10 responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 14 } 
+sysHttpStatV11Resp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 11 responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 15 } 
+sysHttpStatMaxKeepaliveReq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of requests made in a connection."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 16 } 
+sysHttpStatRespBucket1k OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses under 1k."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 17 } 
+sysHttpStatRespBucket4k OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses under 1 - 4k."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 18 } 
+sysHttpStatRespBucket16k OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses under 4 - 16k."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 19 } 
+sysHttpStatRespBucket32k OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses under 16 - 32k."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 20 } 
+sysHttpStatPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of response bytes before compression has taken place."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 21 } 
+sysHttpStatPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of response bytes after compression has taken place."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 22 } 
+sysHttpStatNullCompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of bytes subjected to NULL compression (for license enforcement)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 23 } 
+sysHttpStatHtmlPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: HTML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 24 } 
+sysHttpStatHtmlPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: HTML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 25 } 
+sysHttpStatCssPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: CSS."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 26 } 
+sysHttpStatCssPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: CSS."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 27 } 
+sysHttpStatJsPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Javascript."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 28 } 
+sysHttpStatJsPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Javascript."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 29 } 
+sysHttpStatXmlPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: XML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 30 } 
+sysHttpStatXmlPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: XML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 31 } 
+sysHttpStatSgmlPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: SGML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 32 } 
+sysHttpStatSgmlPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: SGML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 33 } 
+sysHttpStatPlainPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Plain."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 34 } 
+sysHttpStatPlainPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Plain."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 35 } 
+sysHttpStatOctetPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Octet stream."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 36 } 
+sysHttpStatOctetPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Octet stream."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 37 } 
+sysHttpStatImagePrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Images."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 38 } 
+sysHttpStatImagePostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Images."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 39 } 
+sysHttpStatVideoPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Video files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 40 } 
+sysHttpStatVideoPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Video files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 41 } 
+sysHttpStatAudioPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 42 } 
+sysHttpStatAudioPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 43 } 
+sysHttpStatOtherPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of precompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: other than 
+		HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, SGML, Plain, Images, Video files, 
+		Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 44 } 
+sysHttpStatOtherPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of postcompressed bytes for the MIME-Types: other than 
+		HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, SGML, Plain, Images, Video files, 
+		Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 45 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of RAM cache hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 46 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheMisses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of RAM cache misses, excluding un-cacheable data."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 47 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheMissesAll OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The total number of RAM cache misses."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 48 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of RAM cache hits in bytes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 49 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheMissBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of RAM cache misses in bytes, excluding un-cacheable data."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 50 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheMissBytesAll OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The total number of RAM cache misses in bytes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 51 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The Ram cache current size."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 52 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of items stored in Ram cache."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 53 } 
+sysHttpStatRamcacheEvictions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  The number of Ram cache evictions."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 54 } 
+sysHttpStatRespBucket64k OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the larger buckets."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpStat 55 } 
+-- Icmp_stat
+sysIcmpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalIcmpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 1 } 
+sysIcmpStatTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted 
+		to send."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 2 } 
+sysIcmpStatRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 3 } 
+sysIcmpStatForward OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity forwarded."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 4 } 
+sysIcmpStatDrop OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity dropped."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 5 } 
+sysIcmpStatErrCksum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but 
+		determined as having ICMP-specific errors, bad ICMP checksums."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 6 } 
+sysIcmpStatErrLen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but 
+			determined as having ICMP-specific errors, bad ICMP bad length."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 7 } 
+sysIcmpStatErrMem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of memory allocation errors in the process."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 8 } 
+sysIcmpStatErrRtx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of routing errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 9 } 
+sysIcmpStatErrProto OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but
+		determined as having protocol errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 10 } 
+sysIcmpStatErrOpt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of errors in options."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 11 } 
+sysIcmpStatErr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of other not specified errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmpStat 12 } 
+-- Icmp6_stat
+sysIcmp6StatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalIcmp6Stat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 1 } 
+sysIcmp6StatTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted 
+		to send."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 2 } 
+sysIcmp6StatRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 3 } 
+sysIcmp6StatForward OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity forwarded."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 4 } 
+sysIcmp6StatDrop OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity dropped."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 5 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErrCksum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but 
+		determined as having ICMP-specific errors, bad ICMP checksums."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 6 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErrLen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but 
+			determined as having ICMP-specific errors, bad ICMP bad length."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 7 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErrMem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of memory allocation errors in the process."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 8 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErrRtx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of routing errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 9 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErrProto OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but
+		determined as having protocol errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 10 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErrOpt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of errors in options."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 11 } 
+sysIcmp6StatErr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of other not specified errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIcmp6Stat 12 } 
+-- Ip_stat
+sysIpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalIpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 1 } 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of transmitted datagrams to interfaces."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 2 } 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received datagrams from interfaces."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 3 } 
+sysIpStatDropped OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of dropped datagrams."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 4 } 
+sysIpStatRxFrag OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received IP datagrams that have been successfully 
+		fragmented at this entity."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 5 } 
+sysIpStatRxFragDropped OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received IP datagrams that have been dropped
+		because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could 
+		not be."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 6 } 
+sysIpStatTxFrag OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of transmitted IP datagrams that have been successfully 
+		fragmented at this entity."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 7 } 
+sysIpStatTxFragDropped OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of transmitted IP datagrams that have been dropped
+		because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could 
+		not be."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 8 } 
+sysIpStatReassembled OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 9 } 
+sysIpStatErrCksum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of datagrams discarded due to errors in their
+		IP headers, bad checksums."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 10 } 
+sysIpStatErrLen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their
+		IP headers, bad length."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 11 } 
+sysIpStatErrMem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of memory allocation errors in the packet process."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 12 } 
+sysIpStatErrRtx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of routing errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 13 } 
+sysIpStatErrProto OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their
+		protocols."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 14 } 
+sysIpStatErrOpt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of errors in options."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 15 } 
+sysIpStatErrReassembledTooLong OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams discarded due to errors of 
+		reassembled too long."
+	::= { sysGlobalIpStat 16 } 
+-- Ip6_stat
+sysIp6StatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalIp6Stat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 1 } 
+sysIp6StatTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of transmitted datagrams to interfaces."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 2 } 
+sysIp6StatRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received datagrams from interfaces."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 3 } 
+sysIp6StatDropped OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of dropped datagrams."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 4 } 
+sysIp6StatRxFrag OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received IP datagrams that have been successfully 
+		fragmented at this entity."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 5 } 
+sysIp6StatRxFragDropped OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received IP datagrams that have been dropped
+		because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could 
+		not be."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 6 } 
+sysIp6StatTxFrag OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of transmitted IP datagrams that have been successfully 
+		fragmented at this entity."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 7 } 
+sysIp6StatTxFragDropped OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of transmitted IP datagrams that have been dropped
+		because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could 
+		not be."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 8 } 
+sysIp6StatReassembled OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 9 } 
+sysIp6StatErrCksum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of datagrams discarded due to errors in their
+		IP headers, bad checksums."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 10 } 
+sysIp6StatErrLen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their
+		IP headers, bad length."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 11 } 
+sysIp6StatErrMem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of memory allocation errors in the packet process."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 12 } 
+sysIp6StatErrRtx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of routing errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 13 } 
+sysIp6StatErrProto OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their
+		protocols."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 14 } 
+sysIp6StatErrOpt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of errors in options."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 15 } 
+sysIp6StatErrReassembledTooLong OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of IP datagrams discarded due to errors of 
+		reassembled too long."
+	::= { sysGlobalIp6Stat 16 } 
+-- Global_clientssl_stat
+sysClientsslStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalClientSslStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 1 } 
+sysClientsslStatCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 2 } 
+sysClientsslStatMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 3 } 
+sysClientsslStatCurNativeConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent native connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 4 } 
+sysClientsslStatMaxNativeConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent native connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 5 } 
+sysClientsslStatTotNativeConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of concurrent native connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 6 } 
+sysClientsslStatCurCompatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent compat connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 7 } 
+sysClientsslStatMaxCompatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent compat connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 8 } 
+sysClientsslStatTotCompatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of concurrent compat connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 9 } 
+sysClientsslStatEncryptedBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total encrypted bytes received."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 10 } 
+sysClientsslStatEncryptedBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total encrypted bytes sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 11 } 
+sysClientsslStatDecryptedBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total decrypted bytes received."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 12 } 
+sysClientsslStatDecryptedBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total decrypted bytes sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 13 } 
+sysClientsslStatRecordsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total records received."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 14 } 
+sysClientsslStatRecordsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total records sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 15 } 
+sysClientsslStatFullyHwAcceleratedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Fully hardware-accelerated implies usage of the Cavium 
+		 Nitrox or similar hardware accelerator such that all 
+		 significant cryptographic operations are offloaded, 
+		 including but not limited to the SSL handshake (at least 
+		 the RSA/DSA/DH operations) and record processing (at least 
+		 the bulk cipher plus MAC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 16 } 
+sysClientsslStatPartiallyHwAcceleratedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Partially hardware-accelerated indicates that at least the 
+		 RSA decryptions are offloaded."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 17 } 
+sysClientsslStatNonHwAcceleratedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Non-accelerated connections are those for which no 
+		 steady-state hardware acceleration is available (either 
+		 because no hardware accelerators are available or because 
+		 the necessary cryptographic operations are unsupported).  
+		 Because the extent of hardware acceleration may not be known 
+		 until a connection has closed (mid-stream SSL handshakes 
+		 might renegotiate an SSL session not supported by hardware 
+		 acceleration), this statistic will not be updated for a  
+		 given connection until it has closed."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 18 } 
+sysClientsslStatPrematureDisconnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections disconnected before SSL session 
+		 establishment: the total number of connections that were 
+		 prematurely closed before an SSL session was established, 
+		 not including connections in pass-through mode."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 19 } 
+sysClientsslStatMidstreamRenegotiations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of mid-stream SSL re-negotiations, not including 
+		 initial SSL session establishment."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 20 } 
+sysClientsslStatSessCacheCurEntries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of the current entries in this cache."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 21 } 
+sysClientsslStatSessCacheHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the cache hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 22 } 
+sysClientsslStatSessCacheLookups OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the cache lookups."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 23 } 
+sysClientsslStatSessCacheOverflows OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the cache overflows."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 24 } 
+sysClientsslStatSessCacheInvalidations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the session invalidations."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 25 } 
+sysClientsslStatPeercertValid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the valid certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 26 } 
+sysClientsslStatPeercertInvalid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the invalid certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 27 } 
+sysClientsslStatPeercertNone OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of connections without certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 28 } 
+sysClientsslStatHandshakeFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of  handshake failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 29 } 
+sysClientsslStatBadRecords OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the bad records."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 30 } 
+sysClientsslStatFatalAlerts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the fatal alerts."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 31 } 
+sysClientsslStatSslv2 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL protocol version 2."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 32 } 
+sysClientsslStatSslv3 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL protocol version 3."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 33 } 
+sysClientsslStatTlsv1 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL TLS protocol version 1."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 34 } 
+sysClientsslStatAdhKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The anonymous Diffie-Hellman."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 35 } 
+sysClientsslStatDhDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! DSS certificate is obsolete in BIGIP.
+		The diffie-Hellman w/ DSS certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 36 } 
+sysClientsslStatDhRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The diffie-Hellman w/ RSA certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 37 } 
+sysClientsslStatDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! DSS certificate is obsolete in BIGIP.
+		The DSS certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 38 } 
+sysClientsslStatEdhDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! DSS certificate is obsolete in BIGIP.
+		The ephemeral Diffie-Hellman w/ DSS cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 39 } 
+sysClientsslStatRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The RSA certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 40 } 
+sysClientsslStatNullBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"No encryption."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 41 } 
+sysClientsslStatAesBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Advanced Encryption Standard (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 42 } 
+sysClientsslStatDesBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Digital Encryption Standard (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 43 } 
+sysClientsslStatIdeaBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"IDEA (old SSLv2 cipher)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 44 } 
+sysClientsslStatRc2Bulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Rivest Cipher 2 (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 45 } 
+sysClientsslStatRc4Bulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Rivest Cipher 4 (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 46 } 
+sysClientsslStatNullDigest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"No message authentication."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 47 } 
+sysClientsslStatMd5Digest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Message Digest 5."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 48 } 
+sysClientsslStatShaDigest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Secure Hash Algorithm."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 49 } 
+sysClientsslStatNotssl OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the bad client greetings."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 50 } 
+sysClientsslStatEdhRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman w/ RSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 51 } 
+sysClientsslStatTotConns5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total SSL connections from client-side to the system in last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 52 } 
+sysClientsslStatTotConns1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total SSL connections from client-side to the system in last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 53 } 
+sysClientsslStatTotConns5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average total SSL connections from client-side to the system in last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 54 } 
+sysClientsslStatSecureHandshakes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of handshakes, including mid-stream re-negotiations,
+			 performed with peers supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 55 } 
+sysClientsslStatInsecureHandshakeAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of handshakes, including mid-stream re-negotiations,
+			 performed with peers not supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 56 } 
+sysClientsslStatInsecureHandshakeRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of rejected initial handshakes with peers
+			 not supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 57 } 
+sysClientsslStatInsecureRenegotiationRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of rejected renegotiation attempts by peers
+			 not supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 58 } 
+sysClientsslStatSniRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of rejected handshake attempts by peers
+			 not supporting SSL SNI extension or having mismatched
+			 server names."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 59 } 
+sysClientsslStatTlsv11 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL TLS protocol version 1.1."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 60 } 
+sysClientsslStatTlsv12 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL TLS protocol version 1.2."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 61 } 
+sysClientsslStatDtlsv1 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL DTLS protocol version 1.0."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 62 } 
+sysClientsslStatEcdheRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral ECDH w/ RSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 63 } 
+sysClientsslStatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections using SSL FWDP feature."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 64 } 
+sysClientsslStatCachedCerts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP cached certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 65 } 
+sysClientsslStatEcdhRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Fixed ECDH with RSA signed cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 66 } 
+sysClientsslStatEcdheEcdsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral ECDH with ECDSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 67 } 
+sysClientsslStatEcdhEcdsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Fixed ECDH with ECDSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 68 } 
+sysClientsslStatDheDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral DH with DSS cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 69 } 
+sysClientsslStatAesGcmBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Advanced Encryption Standard Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 70 } 
+sysClientsslStatDestinationIpBypasses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP Destination IP Bypasses."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 71 } 
+sysClientsslStatSourceIpBypasses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP Source IP Bypasses."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 72 } 
+sysClientsslStatHostnameBypasses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP Hostname Bypasses."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 73 } 
+sysClientsslStatRenegotiationsRejected OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of renegotiations rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 74 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections sending the status-request extension in the client hello."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 75 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingResponseStatusErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total OCSP response errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 76 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingResponseValidationErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total OCSP response validation errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 77 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingCertStatusErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total certificate status errors (revoked, unknown)."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 78 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingOcspConnHttpErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total HTTP errors on the connection made to fetch the OCSP response."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 79 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingOcspConnTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total timeouts on the connection made to fetch the OCSP response."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 80 } 
+sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingOcspConnFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connection failures when fetching OCSP response."
+	::= { sysGlobalClientSslStat 81 } 
+-- Global_serverssl_stat
+sysServersslStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalServerSslStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 1 } 
+sysServersslStatCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 2 } 
+sysServersslStatMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 3 } 
+sysServersslStatCurNativeConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent native connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 4 } 
+sysServersslStatMaxNativeConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent native connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 5 } 
+sysServersslStatTotNativeConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of concurrent native connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 6 } 
+sysServersslStatCurCompatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of concurrent compat connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 7 } 
+sysServersslStatMaxCompatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of concurrent compat connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 8 } 
+sysServersslStatTotCompatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of concurrent compat connections with 
+		 established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 9 } 
+sysServersslStatEncryptedBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total encrypted bytes received."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 10 } 
+sysServersslStatEncryptedBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total encrypted bytes sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 11 } 
+sysServersslStatDecryptedBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total decrypted bytes received."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 12 } 
+sysServersslStatDecryptedBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total decrypted bytes sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 13 } 
+sysServersslStatRecordsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total records received."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 14 } 
+sysServersslStatRecordsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total records sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 15 } 
+sysServersslStatFullyHwAcceleratedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Fully hardware-accelerated implies usage of the Cavium 
+		 Nitrox or similar hardware accelerator such that all 
+		 significant cryptographic operations are offloaded, 
+		 including but not limited to the SSL handshake (at least 
+		 the RSA/DSA/DH operations) and record processing (at least 
+		 the bulk cipher plus MAC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 16 } 
+sysServersslStatPartiallyHwAcceleratedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Partially hardware-accelerated indicates that at least the 
+		 RSA decryptions are offloaded."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 17 } 
+sysServersslStatNonHwAcceleratedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Non-accelerated connections are those for which no 
+		 steady-state hardware acceleration is available (either 
+		 because no hardware accelerators are available or because 
+		 the necessary cryptographic operations are unsupported).  
+		 Because the extent of hardware acceleration may not be known 
+		 until a connection has closed (mid-stream SSL handshakes 
+		 might renegotiate an SSL session not supported by hardware 
+		 acceleration), this statistic will not be updated for a  
+		 given connection until it has closed."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 18 } 
+sysServersslStatPrematureDisconnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections disconnected before SSL session 
+		 establishment: the total number of connections that were 
+		 prematurely closed before an SSL session was established, 
+		 not including connections in pass-through mode."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 19 } 
+sysServersslStatMidstreamRenegotiations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of mid-stream SSL re-negotiations, not including 
+		 initial SSL session establishment."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 20 } 
+sysServersslStatSessCacheCurEntries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of the current entries in this cache."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 21 } 
+sysServersslStatSessCacheHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the cache hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 22 } 
+sysServersslStatSessCacheLookups OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the cache lookups."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 23 } 
+sysServersslStatSessCacheOverflows OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the cache overflows."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 24 } 
+sysServersslStatSessCacheInvalidations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the session invalidations."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 25 } 
+sysServersslStatPeercertValid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the valid certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 26 } 
+sysServersslStatPeercertInvalid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the invalid certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 27 } 
+sysServersslStatPeercertNone OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of connections without certificates."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 28 } 
+sysServersslStatHandshakeFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of handshake failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 29 } 
+sysServersslStatBadRecords OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the bad records."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 30 } 
+sysServersslStatFatalAlerts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the fatal alerts."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 31 } 
+sysServersslStatSslv2 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL protocol version 2."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 32 } 
+sysServersslStatSslv3 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL protocol version 3."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 33 } 
+sysServersslStatTlsv1 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL TLS protocol version 1."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 34 } 
+sysServersslStatAdhKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The anonymous Diffie-Hellman."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 35 } 
+sysServersslStatDhDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! DSS certificate is obsolete in BIGIP.
+		The diffie-Hellman w/ DSS certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 36 } 
+sysServersslStatDhRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The diffie-Hellman w/ RSA certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 37 } 
+sysServersslStatDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! DSS certificate is obsolete in BIGIP.
+		The DSS certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 38 } 
+sysServersslStatEdhDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! DSS certificate is obsolete in BIGIP.
+		The ephemeral Diffie-Hellman w/ DSS cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 39 } 
+sysServersslStatRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The RSA certificate."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 40 } 
+sysServersslStatNullBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"No encryption."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 41 } 
+sysServersslStatAesBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Advanced Encryption Standard (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 42 } 
+sysServersslStatDesBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Digital Encryption Standard (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 43 } 
+sysServersslStatIdeaBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"IDEA (old SSLv2 cipher)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 44 } 
+sysServersslStatRc2Bulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Rivest Cipher 2 (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 45 } 
+sysServersslStatRc4Bulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Rivest Cipher 4 (CBC)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 46 } 
+sysServersslStatNullDigest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"No message authentication."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 47 } 
+sysServersslStatMd5Digest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Message Digest 5."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 48 } 
+sysServersslStatShaDigest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Secure Hash Algorithm."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 49 } 
+sysServersslStatNotssl OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the bad client greetings."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 50 } 
+sysServersslStatEdhRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman w/ RSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 51 } 
+sysServersslStatSecureHandshakes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of handshakes, including mid-stream re-negotiations,
+			 performed with peers supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 52 } 
+sysServersslStatInsecureHandshakeAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of handshakes, including mid-stream re-negotiations,
+			 performed with peers not supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 53 } 
+sysServersslStatInsecureHandshakeRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of rejected initial handshakes with peers
+			 not supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 54 } 
+sysServersslStatInsecureRenegotiationRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of rejected renegotiation attempts by peers
+			 not supporting SSL secure renegotiation."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 55 } 
+sysServersslStatSniRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of rejected handshake attempts by peers
+			 not supporting SSL SNI extension or having mismatched
+			 server names."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 56 } 
+sysServersslStatTlsv11 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL TLS protocol version 1.1."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 57 } 
+sysServersslStatTlsv12 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL TLS protocol version 1.2."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 58 } 
+sysServersslStatDtlsv1 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The SSL DTLS protocol version 1.0."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 59 } 
+sysServersslStatEcdheRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral ECDH w/ RSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 60 } 
+sysServersslStatConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections using SSL FWDP feature."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 61 } 
+sysServersslStatEcdhRsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Fixed ECDH with RSA signed cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 62 } 
+sysServersslStatEcdheEcdsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral ECDH with ECDSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 63 } 
+sysServersslStatEcdhEcdsaKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Fixed ECDH with ECDSA cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 64 } 
+sysServersslStatDheDssKeyxchg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Ephemeral DH with DSS cert."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 65 } 
+sysServersslStatAesGcmBulk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Advanced Encryption Standard Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM)."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 66 } 
+sysServersslStatDestinationIpBypasses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP Destination IP Bypasses."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 67 } 
+sysServersslStatSourceIpBypasses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP Source IP Bypasses."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 68 } 
+sysServersslStatHostnameBypasses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total SSL FWDP Hostname Bypasses."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 69 } 
+sysServersslStatRenegotiationsRejected OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of renegotiations rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalServerSslStat 70 } 
+-- Global_stream_stat
+sysStreamStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalStreamStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalStreamStat 1 } 
+sysStreamStatReplaces OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of replace operations completed on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalStreamStat 2 } 
+-- Global_tcp_stat
+sysTcpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalTcpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 1 } 
+sysTcpStatOpen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of current open connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 2 } 
+sysTcpStatCloseWait OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of current connections in CLOSE-WAIT/LAST-ACK."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 3 } 
+sysTcpStatFinWait OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of current connections in FIN-WAIT/CLOSING."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 4 } 
+sysTcpStatTimeWait OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of current connections in TIME-WAIT."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 5 } 
+sysTcpStatAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 6 } 
+sysTcpStatAcceptfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections not accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 7 } 
+sysTcpStatConnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections established."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 8 } 
+sysTcpStatConnfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 9 } 
+sysTcpStatExpires OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections expired due to idle timeout."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 10 } 
+sysTcpStatAbandons OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections abandoned connections due to 
+		retries/keep-alives."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 11 } 
+sysTcpStatRxrst OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received RST."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 12 } 
+sysTcpStatRxbadsum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bad checksum."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 13 } 
+sysTcpStatRxbadseg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of malformed segments."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 14 } 
+sysTcpStatRxooseg OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of out of order segments."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 15 } 
+sysTcpStatRxcookie OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received SYN-cookies."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 16 } 
+sysTcpStatRxbadcookie OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bad SYN-cookies."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 17 } 
+sysTcpStatSyncacheover OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of SYN-cache overflow."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 18 } 
+sysTcpStatTxrexmits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of retransmitted segments."
+	::= { sysGlobalTcpStat 19 } 
+-- Global_udp_stat
+sysUdpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalUdpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 1 } 
+sysUdpStatOpen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of current open connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 2 } 
+sysUdpStatAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 3 } 
+sysUdpStatAcceptfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections not accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 4 } 
+sysUdpStatConnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections established."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 5 } 
+sysUdpStatConnfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 6 } 
+sysUdpStatExpires OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of connections expired connections due to idle timeout."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 7 } 
+sysUdpStatRxdgram OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received datagrams."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 8 } 
+sysUdpStatRxbaddgram OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of malformed datagrams."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 9 } 
+sysUdpStatRxunreach OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received ICMP un-reached."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 10 } 
+sysUdpStatRxbadsum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bad checksum."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 11 } 
+sysUdpStatRxnosum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of no checksum."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 12 } 
+sysUdpStatTxdgram OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of transmitted datagrams."
+	::= { sysGlobalUdpStat 13 } 
+-- Admin_ip
+sysAdminIpNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysAdminIp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysAdminIp 1 } 
+sysAdminIpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of a device's administrative IP addresses on this machine."
+	::= { sysAdminIp 2 } 
+sysAdminIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysAdminIpEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysAdminIp Table"
+		sysAdminIpAddrType,
+		sysAdminIpAddr
+	}
+	::= { sysAdminIpTable 1 } 
+SysAdminIpEntry ::= 
+        	sysAdminIpAddrType                                     InetAddressType,
+        	sysAdminIpAddr                                         InetAddress,
+        	sysAdminIpNetmaskType                                  InetAddressType,
+        	sysAdminIpNetmask                                      InetAddress,
+        	sysAdminIpName                                         LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysAdminIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysAdminIpAddr"
+	::= { sysAdminIpEntry 1 } 
+sysAdminIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An administrative IP address on this machine. It is 
+		 interpreted within the context of a sysAdminIpAddrType value."
+	::= { sysAdminIpEntry 2 } 
+sysAdminIpNetmaskType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask type of sysAdminIpNetmask"
+	::= { sysAdminIpEntry 3 } 
+sysAdminIpNetmask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask for the administrative IP address on this machine. It is 
+		 interpreted within the context of a sysAdminIpNetmaskType value."
+	::= { sysAdminIpEntry 4 } 
+sysAdminIpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of admin ip."
+	::= { sysAdminIpEntry 5 } 
+-- Arp_static_entry
+sysArpStaticEntryNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysArpStaticEntry entries in the table."
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntry 1 } 
+sysArpStaticEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysArpStaticEntryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of static ARP/NDP entries."
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntry 2 } 
+sysArpStaticEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysArpStaticEntryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysArpStaticEntry Table"
+		sysArpStaticEntryName
+	}
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntryTable 1 } 
+SysArpStaticEntryEntry ::= 
+        	sysArpStaticEntryIpAddrType                            InetAddressType,
+        	sysArpStaticEntryIpAddr                                InetAddress,
+        	sysArpStaticEntryMacAddr                               MacAddress,
+        	sysArpStaticEntryName                                  LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysArpStaticEntryIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysArpStaticEntryIpAddr."
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntryEntry 1 } 
+sysArpStaticEntryIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An IP address entry of the ARP/NDP entry. It is interpreted within 
+		the context of a sysArpStaticEntryIpAddrType."
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntryEntry 2 } 
+sysArpStaticEntryMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address which the specified IP address to be mapped to."
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntryEntry 3 } 
+sysArpStaticEntryName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name binding"
+	::= { sysArpStaticEntryEntry 4 } 
+-- Snmp_bridge_stat
+sysDot1dbaseStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysDot1dbaseStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStat 1 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address used by this bridge when it must
+		be referred to in a unique fashion.   It is
+		recommended that this be the numerically smallest
+		MAC address of all ports that belong to this
+		bridge.  However it is only required to be unique.
+		When concatenated with dot1dStpPriority a unique
+		bridge identifier is formed which is used in the
+		spanning tree protocol."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStat 2 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatNumPorts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ports controlled by this bridging entity."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStat 3 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatType OBJECT-TYPE 
+		uninitialized(0),
+		unknown(1),
+		transparentonly(2),
+		sourcerouteonly(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Indicates what type of bridging this bridge can
+		perform.  If a bridge is actually performing a
+		certain type of bridging this will be indicated by
+		entries in the port table for the given type."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStat 4 } 
+-- Snmp_dot1dbase_stat_port
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysDot1dbaseStatPort entries in the table."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPort 1 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains generic information about
+		every port that is associated with this bridge.
+		Transparent, source-route, etc. ports are included.
+		This is a part of sysDot1dbaseStat and syssysDot1dbaseStatResetStat
+		will reset data in this table."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPort 2 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysDot1dbaseStatPort Table"
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPortTable 1 } 
+SysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry ::= 
+        	sysDot1dbaseStatPortIndex                              INTEGER,
+        	sysDot1dbaseStatPortPort                               INTEGER,
+        	sysDot1dbaseStatPortName                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysDot1dbaseStatPortDelayExceededDiscards              Counter64,
+        	sysDot1dbaseStatPortMtuExceededDiscards                Counter64
+	}
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the table that contains generic information 
+		about every port that is associated with this bridge."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry 1 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortPort OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The port number of the port for which this entry
+		contains bridge management information."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry 2 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the interface corresponding to the port."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry 3 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortDelayExceededDiscards OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of frames discarded by this port due
+		to excessive transit delay through the bridge.  It
+		is incremented by both transparent and source
+		route bridges."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry 4 } 
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortMtuExceededDiscards OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of frames discarded by this port due
+		to an excessive size.  It is incremented by both
+		transparent and source route bridges."
+	::= { sysDot1dbaseStatPortEntry 5 } 
+-- Interface
+sysInterfaceNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysInterface entries in the table."
+	::= { sysInterface 1 } 
+sysInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysInterfaceEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of the interfaces on the device."
+	::= { sysInterface 2 } 
+sysInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysInterfaceEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysInterface Table"
+		sysInterfaceName
+	}
+	::= { sysInterfaceTable 1 } 
+SysInterfaceEntry ::= 
+        	sysInterfaceName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysInterfaceMediaMaxSpeed                              Integer32,
+        	sysInterfaceMediaMaxDuplex                             INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceMediaActiveSpeed                           Integer32,
+        	sysInterfaceMediaActiveDuplex                          INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceMacAddr                                    MacAddress,
+        	sysInterfaceMtu                                        Integer32,
+        	sysInterfaceEnabled                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceLearnMode                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceFlowCtrlReq                                INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStpLink                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStpEdge                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStpEdgeActive                              INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStpAuto                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStpEnable                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStpReset                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceStatus                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceComboPort                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfacePreferSfp                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfaceSfpMedia                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysInterfacePhyMaster                                  INTEGER
+	}
+sysInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 1 } 
+sysInterfaceMediaMaxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The best possible media speed in MBPS for the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 2 } 
+sysInterfaceMediaMaxDuplex OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		half(1),
+		full(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The best possible media duplex mode for the specified interface.
+		 half    - Force half duplex;
+		 full    - Force full duplex;
+		 none    - All media is deselected."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 3 } 
+sysInterfaceMediaActiveSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current active media speed for the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 4 } 
+sysInterfaceMediaActiveDuplex OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		half(1),
+		full(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The active media duplex mode for the specified interface.
+		 half    - Force half duplex;
+		 full    - Force full duplex;
+		 none    - All media is deselected."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 5 } 
+sysInterfaceMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 6 } 
+sysInterfaceMtu OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum transmission unit size of datagram which can be 
+		sent/received on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 7 } 
+sysInterfaceEnabled OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of the specified interface, whether it is enabled."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 8 } 
+sysInterfaceLearnMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		learnforward(0),
+		nolearnforward(1),
+		nolearndrop(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The learn mode of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 9 } 
+sysInterfaceFlowCtrlReq OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		txrx(1),
+		tx(2),
+		rx(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The request pause state of the specified interface.
+		none - no pause;
+		txrx - pause all data flow;
+		tx - pause out going data flow;
+		rx - pause in coming data flow."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 10 } 
+sysInterfaceStpLink OBJECT-TYPE 
+		linkp2p(0),
+		linkshared(1),
+		linkauto(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The STP link types for the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 11 } 
+sysInterfaceStpEdge OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The edge-port state for the specified interface is enabled."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 12 } 
+sysInterfaceStpEdgeActive OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The active edge-port state for the specified interface is enabled."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 13 } 
+sysInterfaceStpAuto OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The auto edge-port detection state for the specified interface is enabled."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 14 } 
+sysInterfaceStpEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The STP state for the specified interface is enabled."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 15 } 
+sysInterfaceStpReset OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The STP protocol detection reset state for the specified interface is enabled."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 16 } 
+sysInterfaceStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		up(0),
+		down(1),
+		uninitialized(3),
+		unpopulated(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current state of the specified interface.
+		 up            - has link and is initialized;  
+		 down          - has no link and is initialized;
+		 uninitialized - has not been initialized;	
+		 unpopulated   - interface not physically populated."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 17 } 
+sysInterfaceComboPort OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state which indicates whether or not the specified interface is a dual media 
+		port supporting both fixed copper and SFP."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 18 } 
+sysInterfacePreferSfp OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state which indicates whether or not SFP is the preferred media. 
+		This is only used only for dual media ports."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 19 } 
+sysInterfaceSfpMedia OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether or not the specified interface supports SFP media."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 20 } 
+sysInterfacePhyMaster OBJECT-TYPE 
+		slave(0),
+		master(1),
+		auto(2),
+		none(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The configured SFP media type of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceEntry 21 } 
+-- Interface_media_options
+sysIntfMediaNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysInterfaceMediaOptions entries in the table."
+	::= { sysInterfaceMediaOptions 1 } 
+sysIntfMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of the non-SFP media options of the interfaces."
+	::= { sysInterfaceMediaOptions 2 } 
+sysIntfMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysIntfMediaEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysIntfMedia Table"
+		sysIntfMediaName,
+		sysIntfMediaIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysIntfMediaTable 1 } 
+SysIntfMediaEntry ::= 
+        	sysIntfMediaName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysIntfMediaIndex                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysIntfMediaMediaOption                                INTEGER
+	}
+sysIntfMediaName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an interface."
+	::= { sysIntfMediaEntry 1 } 
+sysIntfMediaIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the non-SFP media option for the specified interface."
+	::= { sysIntfMediaEntry 2 } 
+sysIntfMediaMediaOption OBJECT-TYPE 
+		media10THdx(1),
+		media10TFdx(2),
+		media100TxHdx(3),
+		media100TxFdx(4),
+		media1000THdx(5),
+		media1000TFdx(6),
+		media1000FxHdx(7),
+		media1000FxFdx(8),
+		media10000TxHdx(9),
+		media10000TFdx(10),
+		media10000FxHdx(11),
+		media10000FxFdx(12),
+		mediaAuto(13),
+		mediaInternal(14),
+		media1000SxHdx(15),
+		media1000SxFdx(16),
+		media1000LxHdx(17),
+		media1000LxFdx(18),
+		media10000SrFdx(19),
+		media10000LrFdx(20),
+		media10000ErFdx(21),
+		media1000CxFdx(22),
+		media10000SfpPlusCuFdx(23),
+		media40000Sr4Fdx(24),
+		media40000Lr4Fdx(25)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The media option for non-SFP media of the specified interface.
+		media10THdx - 10BaseT:RJ45, half duplex,
+		media10TFdx - 10BaseT:RJ45, full duplex,
+		media100TxHdx - 100BaseTX:RJ45, half duplex,
+		media100TxFdx - 100BaseTX:RJ45, full duplex,
+		media1000THdx - 1000BaseT - gigabit ethernet RJ45, half duplex,
+		media1000TFdx - 1000BaseTX:gigabit ethernet RJ45, full duplex,
+		media1000FxHdx - deprecated. 1000BaseTX:gigabit over fiber, half duplex,
+		media1000FxFdx - deprecated. 1000BaseTX:gigabit over fiber, full duplex,
+		media10000TxHdx - deprecated. 1000BaseTX:10gigabit RJ45, half duplex,
+		media10000TFdx - 10000BaseT - 10gig Ethernet - Copper, full duplex,
+		media10000FxHdx - deprecated. 1000BaseTX:10gigabit over fiber, half duplex,
+		media10000FxFdx - deprecated. 1000BaseTX:10gigabit over fiber, full duplex,
+		mediaAuto - autoselect best media,
+		mediaInternal - this media option is only used internally,
+		media1000SxHdx - deprecated. 1000BaseSX: gigabit over fiber - Shortwave, half duplex,
+		media1000SxFdx - 1000BaseSX: gigabit over fiber - Shortwave, full duplex ,
+		media1000LxHdx - deprecated.1000BaseLX - gigabit over fiber - Longwave, full duplex,
+		media1000LxFdx - 1000BaseLX - gigabit over fiber - Longwave, half duplex,
+		media10000SrFdx - 10GBase-SR - Shortwave 850nm multimode fiber - 300m max - serial 64B/66B encoding, full duplex,
+		media10000LrFdx - 10GBase-LR - Longwave 1310nm single mode fiber - 10km max - serial 64B/66B encoding, full duplex,
+		media10000ErFdx - 10GBase-ER - Extra longwave 1550nm single mode fiber - 40km max - serial 64B/66B encoding, full duplex,
+		media1000CxFdx - 1000BaseCX: Copper, full duplex,
+		media10000SfpPlusCuFdx - 10G SFP+: Copper, full duplex,
+		media40000Sr4Fdx - 40GBase: fiber, Shortwave (850nm), full duplex,
+		media40000Lr4Fdx - 40GBase: fiber, Longwave (1310nm), full duplex."
+	::= { sysIntfMediaEntry 3 } 
+-- Interface_id
+sysIfNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysInterfaceId entries in the table."
+	::= { sysInterfaceId 1 } 
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains information of numerical IDs and names of a collection of 
+			interfaces."
+	::= { sysInterfaceId 2 } 
+	SYNTAX  SysIfEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysIf Table"
+		sysIfIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysIfTable 1 } 
+SysIfEntry ::= 
+        	sysIfIndex                                             INTEGER,
+        	sysIfName                                              LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The unique value for an interface."
+	::= { sysIfEntry 1 } 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name for an interface associated with the specified interface ID."
+	::= { sysIfEntry 2 } 
+-- Interface_stat
+sysInterfaceStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysInterfaceStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStat 1 } 
+sysInterfaceStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysInterfaceStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStat 2 } 
+sysInterfaceStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysInterfaceStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of the interfaces on the device."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStat 3 } 
+sysInterfaceStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysInterfaceStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysInterfaceStat Table"
+		sysInterfaceStatName
+	}
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatTable 1 } 
+SysInterfaceStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysInterfaceStatName                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysInterfaceStatPktsIn                                 Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatBytesIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatPktsOut                                Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatBytesOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatMcastIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatMcastOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatErrorsIn                               Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatErrorsOut                              Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatDropsIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatDropsOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatCollisions                             Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatQqIn                                   Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatQqOut                                  Counter64,
+        	sysInterfaceStatPauseActive                            INTEGER
+	}
+sysInterfaceStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 1 } 
+sysInterfaceStatPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received on this interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 2 } 
+sysInterfaceStatBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 3 } 
+sysInterfaceStatPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets transmitted out of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 4 } 
+sysInterfaceStatBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes transmitted out of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 5 } 
+sysInterfaceStatMcastIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of multicast packets received on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 6 } 
+sysInterfaceStatMcastOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of multicast packets transmitted out of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 7 } 
+sysInterfaceStatErrorsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received packets that are either undersized, 
+		oversized, or have FCS errors by the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 8 } 
+sysInterfaceStatErrorsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of excessive collisions, incremented for each 
+		frame that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and 
+		was aborted on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 9 } 
+sysInterfaceStatDropsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets dropped on ingress for various reasons on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 10 } 
+sysInterfaceStatDropsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets aged out or with excessive transmission 
+		delays due to multiple deferrals on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 11 } 
+sysInterfaceStatCollisions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of collisions on the specified interface, incremented by the 
+		number of collisions experienced during transmissions of a frame"
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 12 } 
+sysInterfaceStatQqIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of double tagged packets received on the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 13 } 
+sysInterfaceStatQqOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of double tagged packets transmitted out of the specified interface."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 14 } 
+sysInterfaceStatPauseActive OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		txrx(1),
+		tx(2),
+		rx(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The pause state of the specified interface.
+		none - no pause;
+		txrx - pause all data flow;
+		tx - pause out going data flow;
+		rx - pause in coming data flow."
+	::= { sysInterfaceStatEntry 15 } 
+-- Snmp_ifx_stat
+sysIfxStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysIfxStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysIfxStat 1 } 
+sysIfxStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysIfxStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysIfxStat 2 } 
+sysIfxStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains additional statistic information of collection of 
+		interfaces."
+	::= { sysIfxStat 3 } 
+sysIfxStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysIfxStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysIfxStat Table"
+		sysIfxStatName
+	}
+	::= { sysIfxStatTable 1 } 
+SysIfxStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysIfxStatName                                         LongDisplayString,
+        	sysIfxStatInMulticastPkts                              Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatInBroadcastPkts                              Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatOutMulticastPkts                             Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatOutBroadcastPkts                             Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcInOctets                                   Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcInUcastPkts                                Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcInMulticastPkts                            Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcInBroadcastPkts                            Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcOutOctets                                  Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcOutUcastPkts                               Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcOutMulticastPkts                           Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHcOutBroadcastPkts                           Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatHighSpeed                                    Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatConnectorPresent                             Integer32,
+        	sysIfxStatCounterDiscontinuityTime                     Counter64,
+        	sysIfxStatAlias                                        LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysIfxStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the interface."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 1 } 
+sysIfxStatInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+		address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 2 } 
+sysIfxStatInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+		address at this sub-layer."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 3 } 
+sysIfxStatOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 4 } 
+sysIfxStatOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 5 } 
+sysIfxStatHcInOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of octets received on the interface,
+		including framing characters."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 6 } 
+sysIfxStatHcInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+		or broadcast address at this sub-layer."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 7 } 
+sysIfxStatHcInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+		address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 8 } 
+sysIfxStatHcInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+		address at this sub-layer."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 9 } 
+sysIfxStatHcOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+		interface, including framing characters."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 10 } 
+sysIfxStatHcOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+		multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+		those that were discarded or not sent."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 11 } 
+sysIfxStatHcOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 12 } 
+sysIfxStatHcOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 13 } 
+sysIfxStatHighSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units
+		of 1,000,000 bits per second.  If this object reports a
+		value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in
+		the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'.  For interfaces
+		which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no
+		accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain
+		the nominal bandwidth.  For a sub-layer which has no concept
+		of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 14 } 
+sysIfxStatConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface
+		sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'
+		otherwise."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 15 } 
+sysIfxStatCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+		any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a
+		discontinuity.  The relevant counters are the specific
+		instances associated with this interface of any Counter32 or
+		Counter64 object contained in the sysInterfaceTable or sysInterfaceXTable. 
+		If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+		initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+		object contains a zero value."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 16 } 
+sysIfxStatAlias OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This object is an 'alias' name for the interface as
+		specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile
+		'handle' for the interface."
+	::= { sysIfxStatEntry 17 } 
+-- L2_forward
+sysL2ForwardNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysL2Forward entries in the table."
+	::= { sysL2Forward 1 } 
+sysL2ForwardTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing static L2 forwarding entries information."
+	::= { sysL2Forward 2 } 
+sysL2ForwardEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysL2ForwardEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysL2Forward Table"
+		sysL2ForwardVlanName,
+		sysL2ForwardMacAddr
+	}
+	::= { sysL2ForwardTable 1 } 
+SysL2ForwardEntry ::= 
+        	sysL2ForwardVlanName                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysL2ForwardMacAddr                                    MacAddress,
+        	sysL2ForwardIfname                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysL2ForwardIftype                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysL2ForwardDynamic                                    INTEGER
+	}
+sysL2ForwardVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN name which static forward entity is from."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardEntry 1 } 
+sysL2ForwardMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardEntry 2 } 
+sysL2ForwardIfname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of interface for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardEntry 3 } 
+sysL2ForwardIftype OBJECT-TYPE 
+		interface(0),
+		trunk(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of interface for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardEntry 4 } 
+sysL2ForwardDynamic OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The dynamic state of the specified entity."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardEntry 5 } 
+-- Packet_filter_rule
+sysPacketFilterNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPacketFilter entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPacketFilter 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysPacketFilterEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of packet filters."
+	::= { sysPacketFilter 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPacketFilterEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPacketFilter Table"
+		sysPacketFilterRname
+	}
+	::= { sysPacketFilterTable 1 } 
+SysPacketFilterEntry ::= 
+        	sysPacketFilterRname                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPacketFilterOrder                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysPacketFilterAction                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysPacketFilterVname                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPacketFilterLog                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysPacketFilterRclass                                  LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPacketFilterExpression                              LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysPacketFilterRname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the rule is used only for identification by the 
+		 user and for logging."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterOrder OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The rule sort-order. The sort-order part of the rule is an 
+		 integer value used to assign a relative weight to the rule. 
+		 The sort-order may be any number between 0 and 999, but no two 
+		 rules may have the same value. The specific value of the 
+		 sort-order is not important, only its position relative to the 
+		 other rules' sort-orders.  Rule evaluation order is determined 
+		 by starting with the lowest numbered rule and moving up through 
+		 to the highest."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterAction OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		accept(1),
+		discard(2),
+		reject(3),
+		continue(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The action the filter takes. The action part of the rule can 
+		 be any one of the values accept, discard, reject or none.  
+		 The reject behaves as discard, but also returns an ICMP packet 
+		 to the sender indicating that the traffic matching the rule was 
+		 explicitly rejected. The ICMP will be of type 3 (destination 
+		 unreachable), code 13 (administratively prohibited), and 
+		 contain most or all of the L3 and L4 headers of the packet 
+		 being rejected.  The none is special in that it indicates no 
+		 action. It can be used for pure accounting or logging purposes 
+		 without making a decision on how to handle the traffic."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 3 } 
+sysPacketFilterVname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN name currently in existence. The VLAN part of the  
+		 rule determines which ingress VLAN to match on. If present,  
+		 this must be a specific VLAN name currently in existence. If 
+		 omitted, the rule matches all VLANs."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 4 } 
+sysPacketFilterLog OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The log option, whether or not logging will be performed. 
+		 If a rule has an associated logging action, an entry will be 
+		 created in the system log each time the rule is matched. The 
+		 log entry will contain details of the traffic that matched 
+		 the rule, such as source and destination addresses and ports. 
+		 If a rule does not have an associated logging action, no log 
+		 entry is created."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 5 } 
+sysPacketFilterRclass OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The rate class name specified by the user."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 6 } 
+sysPacketFilterExpression OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The BPF(Berkeley Packet Filter) filter expression. The filter
+		 part of the rule is the expression used to match ingress 
+		 traffic."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterEntry 7 } 
+-- Packet_filter_allow_trusted_address
+sysPacketFilterAddrNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPacketFilterAddress entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddress 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysPacketFilterAddrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of rate filter allow/trusted addresses."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddress 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPacketFilterAddrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPacketFilterAddr Table"
+		sysPacketFilterAddrRname,
+		sysPacketFilterAddrIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddrTable 1 } 
+SysPacketFilterAddrEntry ::= 
+        	sysPacketFilterAddrIndex                               INTEGER,
+        	sysPacketFilterAddrIpType                              InetAddressType,
+        	sysPacketFilterAddrIp                                  InetAddress,
+        	sysPacketFilterAddrRname                               LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysPacketFilterAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Name is now used for indexing."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddrEntry 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterAddrIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysPacketFilterAllowTrustedAddress"
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddrEntry 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterAddrIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The allow trusted IP address in the packet filter.  
+		It is interpreted within the context of an  sysPacketFilterAllowTrustedAddressType value."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddrEntry 3 } 
+sysPacketFilterAddrRname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the rule for use in folders."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterAddrEntry 4 } 
+-- Packet_filter_allow_trusted_vlan
+sysPacketFilterVlanNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPacketFilterVlan entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterVlan 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysPacketFilterVlanEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of rate filter allow/trusted VLANs."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterVlan 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPacketFilterVlanEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPacketFilterVlan Table"
+		sysPacketFilterVlanRname,
+		sysPacketFilterVlanIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysPacketFilterVlanTable 1 } 
+SysPacketFilterVlanEntry ::= 
+        	sysPacketFilterVlanIndex                               INTEGER,
+        	sysPacketFilterVlanName                                LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPacketFilterVlanRname                               LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysPacketFilterVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Name is now used for indexing."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterVlanEntry 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the allow trusted VLAN in the packet filter."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterVlanEntry 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterVlanRname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the rule for use in folders."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterVlanEntry 3 } 
+-- Packet_filter_allow_trusted_mac_addr
+sysPacketFilterMacNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPacketFilterMac entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterMac 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterMacTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysPacketFilterMacEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of rate filter allow/trusted MAC addresses."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterMac 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPacketFilterMacEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPacketFilterMac Table"
+		sysPacketFilterMacRname,
+		sysPacketFilterMacIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysPacketFilterMacTable 1 } 
+SysPacketFilterMacEntry ::= 
+        	sysPacketFilterMacIndex                                INTEGER,
+        	sysPacketFilterMacAddr                                 MacAddress,
+        	sysPacketFilterMacRname                                LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysPacketFilterMacIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Name is now used for indexing."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterMacEntry 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The allow trusted MAC address in the packet filter."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterMacEntry 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterMacRname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the rule for use in folders."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterMacEntry 3 } 
+-- Packet_filter_rule_stat
+sysPacketFilterStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysPacketFilterStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterStat 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPacketFilterStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterStat 2 } 
+sysPacketFilterStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysPacketFilterStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of packet filters."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterStat 3 } 
+sysPacketFilterStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPacketFilterStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPacketFilterStat Table"
+		sysPacketFilterStatRname
+	}
+	::= { sysPacketFilterStatTable 1 } 
+SysPacketFilterStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysPacketFilterStatRname                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPacketFilterStatHits                                Counter64
+	}
+sysPacketFilterStatRname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the rule is used only for identification by the 
+		 user and for logging."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterStatEntry 1 } 
+sysPacketFilterStatHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of matches on filter rule. Each time a rule is 
+		 matched by a packet, a use count for that rule is 
+		 incremented. This is unrelated to the optional logging action 
+		 which might be enabled for the rule. The use count for a new 
+		 rule starts at zero and increments for each matching packet."
+	::= { sysPacketFilterStatEntry 2 } 
+-- Route_mgmt_entry
+sysRouteMgmtEntryNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysRouteMgmtEntry entries in the table."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntry 1 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRouteMgmtEntryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing administrative route information."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntry 2 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysRouteMgmtEntryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysRouteMgmtEntry Table"
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryName
+	}
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryTable 1 } 
+SysRouteMgmtEntryEntry ::= 
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryDestType                              InetAddressType,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryDest                                  InetAddress,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmaskType                           InetAddressType,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmask                               InetAddress,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryType                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryGatewayType                           InetAddressType,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryGateway                               InetAddress,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryMtu                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysRouteMgmtEntryName                                  LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysRouteMgmtEntryDestType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysRouteMgmtEntryDest."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 1 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryDest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The destination IP address in the route table. It is interpreted 
+		within the context of a sysRouteMgmtEntryDestType value."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 2 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmaskType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmask."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 3 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask of the specified destination IP address in the route table.  
+			It is interpreted within the context of 
+		a sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmaskType value."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 4 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryType OBJECT-TYPE 
+		gateway(0),
+		pool(1),
+		interface(2),
+		blackhole(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of the specified route."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 5 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryGatewayType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysRouteMgmtEntryGateway."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 6 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryGateway OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The gateway to the specified destination IP address in the route table. 
+		It is interpreted within the context of an 
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryGatewayType value."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 7 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryMtu OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum transmission unit size of datagram which can be 
+		sent to the specified destination."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 8 } 
+sysRouteMgmtEntryName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of destination."
+	::= { sysRouteMgmtEntryEntry 9 } 
+-- Route_static_entry
+sysRouteStaticEntryNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysRouteStaticEntry entries in the table."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntry 1 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRouteStaticEntryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing static route information."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntry 2 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysRouteStaticEntryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysRouteStaticEntry Table"
+		sysRouteStaticEntryName
+	}
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryTable 1 } 
+SysRouteStaticEntryEntry ::= 
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryDestType                            InetAddressType,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryDest                                InetAddress,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryNetmaskType                         InetAddressType,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryNetmask                             InetAddress,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryType                                INTEGER,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryVlanName                            LongDisplayString,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryGatewayType                         InetAddressType,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryGateway                             InetAddress,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryPoolName                            LongDisplayString,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryMtu                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysRouteStaticEntryName                                LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysRouteStaticEntryDestType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysRouteStaticEntryDest."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 1 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryDest OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The destination IP address in the route table. It is interpreted 
+		within the context of a sysRouteStaticEntryDestType value."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 2 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryNetmaskType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysRouteStaticEntryNetmask."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 3 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryNetmask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask of the specified destination IP address in the route table.  
+			It is interpreted within the context of 
+		a sysRouteStaticEntryNetmaskType value."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 4 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryType OBJECT-TYPE 
+		gateway(0),
+		pool(1),
+		interface(2),
+		blackhole(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of the specified route."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 5 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the VLAN which the specified destination associates with."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 6 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryGatewayType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysRouteStaticEntryGateway."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 7 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryGateway OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The gateway to the specified destination IP address in the route table. 
+		It is interpreted within the context of an 
+		sysRouteStaticEntryGatewayType value."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 8 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryPoolName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the pool which the specified destination associates with."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 9 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryMtu OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum transmission unit size of datagram which can be 
+		sent to the specified destination."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 10 } 
+sysRouteStaticEntryName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of destination."
+	::= { sysRouteStaticEntryEntry 11 } 
+-- Self_ip
+sysSelfIpNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSelfIp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSelfIp 1 } 
+sysSelfIpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of self IPs."
+	::= { sysSelfIp 2 } 
+sysSelfIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSelfIpEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSelfIp Table"
+		sysSelfIpName
+	}
+	::= { sysSelfIpTable 1 } 
+SysSelfIpEntry ::= 
+        	sysSelfIpAddrType                                      InetAddressType,
+        	sysSelfIpAddr                                          InetAddress,
+        	sysSelfIpNetmaskType                                   InetAddressType,
+        	sysSelfIpNetmask                                       InetAddress,
+        	sysSelfIpUnitId                                        Integer32,
+        	sysSelfIpIsFloating                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysSelfIpVlanName                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSelfIpName                                          LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSelfIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysSelfIpAddr."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 1 } 
+sysSelfIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address of a self IP. It is 
+		 interpreted within the context of a sysSelfIpAddrType value."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 2 } 
+sysSelfIpNetmaskType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysSelfIpNetmask."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 3 } 
+sysSelfIpNetmask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask of the specified self IP. It is interpreted within 
+		 the context of a sysSelfIpNetmaskType value."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 4 } 
+sysSelfIpUnitId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The unit number associated with the specified self IP address."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 5 } 
+sysSelfIpIsFloating OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of the specified self IP address, whether it is shared."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 6 } 
+sysSelfIpVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN associated with the specified self IP address."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 7 } 
+sysSelfIpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of self IP."
+	::= { sysSelfIpEntry 8 } 
+-- Self_port
+sysSelfPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSelfPort entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSelfPort 1 } 
+sysSelfPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of self IP access list."
+	::= { sysSelfPort 2 } 
+sysSelfPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSelfPortEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSelfPort Table"
+		sysSelfPortSelfName,
+		sysSelfPortProtocol,
+		sysSelfPortPort
+	}
+	::= { sysSelfPortTable 1 } 
+SysSelfPortEntry ::= 
+        	sysSelfPortAddrType                                    InetAddressType,
+        	sysSelfPortAddr                                        InetAddress,
+        	sysSelfPortProtocol                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysSelfPortPort                                        InetPortNumber,
+        	sysSelfPortSelfName                                    LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSelfPortAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  Use self_name as index
+		The IP address type of sysSelfPortAddr."
+	::= { sysSelfPortEntry 1 } 
+sysSelfPortAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  Use self_name as index
+		The self IP address. 
+		It is interpreted within the context of 
+		a sysSelfPortAddrType value."
+	::= { sysSelfPortEntry 2 } 
+sysSelfPortProtocol OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The protocol allowed to access for the specified self IP.
+		'0' means allowing all protocols;
+		'256' means allowing the default list, which is listed in sysSelfPortDefault."
+	::= { sysSelfPortEntry 3 } 
+sysSelfPortPort OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetPortNumber
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The service allowed to access for the specified self IP.
+		'0' means allowing all services for the specified protocol(s)."
+	::= { sysSelfPortEntry 4 } 
+sysSelfPortSelfName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of self port."
+	::= { sysSelfPortEntry 5 } 
+-- Stp
+sysStpNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStp 1 } 
+sysStpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of STP instances of the BIGIP spanning tree."
+	::= { sysStp 2 } 
+sysStpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStp Table"
+		sysStpName
+	}
+	::= { sysStpTable 1 } 
+SysStpEntry ::= 
+        	sysStpInstanceId                                       Integer32,
+        	sysStpPriority                                         INTEGER,
+        	sysStpRootAddr                                         MacAddress,
+        	sysStpRegionalRootAddr                                 MacAddress,
+        	sysStpName                                             LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysStpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		" The spanning tree instance ID, 0-4095."
+	::= { sysStpEntry 1 } 
+sysStpPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The bridge priority of the specified spanning tree instance.
+		Each bridge in a spanning tree instance has a priority value, 
+		which controls the topology of the spanning tree chosen by the protocol.
+		The bridge with the lowest priority value will become the root 
+		of the spanning tree. Priority values range from 0-61440 in steps 
+		of 4096. Hence, the supported priorities are:
+				   0       16384       32768       49152
+				4096       20480       36864       53248
+				8192       24576       40960       57344
+			   12288       28672       45056       61440
+		The default bridge priority is 61440, which will prevent BIGIP 
+		from being chosen as the root bridge.  If the specified bridge 
+		priority is not one of the allowed values listed above, it is
+		rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
+		In STP or RSTP mode, only STP instance 0 is valid."
+	::= { sysStpEntry 2 } 
+sysStpRootAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address of the root bridge."
+	::= { sysStpEntry 3 } 
+sysStpRegionalRootAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address of the regional root bridge."
+	::= { sysStpEntry 4 } 
+sysStpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"STP name"
+	::= { sysStpEntry 5 } 
+-- Stp_globals
+sysStpGlobalsMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		stp(1),
+		rstp(2),
+		mstp(3),
+		passthru(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The STP mode."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 1 } 
+sysStpGlobalsFwdDelay OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The forward delay parameter, which controls how long an 
+		interface was blocked from forwarding network traffic after 
+		a reconfiguration of the spanning tree topology. The default 
+		value is 15 seconds, and the valid range is 4-30 seconds.  
+		Note that this parameter has no effect when the STP mode 
+		is RSPT or MSTP, as long as all bridges in the spanning tree 
+		use the RSTP or MSTP protocol."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 2 } 
+sysStpGlobalsHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The hello time, which is the time interval in seconds 
+		between the periodic transmissions that communicate spanning 
+		tree information to the adjacent bridges in the network. 
+		The default value is 2 seconds, and the valid range is 1-10 seconds."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 3 } 
+sysStpGlobalsMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The maximum age parameter, which controls how long spanning tree 
+		information received from other bridges is considered valid.  
+		The default value is 20 seconds, and the valid range is 6-40 seconds."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 4 } 
+sysStpGlobalsTransmitHold OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The transmit hold count parameter, which is an absolute limit on 
+		the number of spanning tree protocol packets the BIG-IP may transmit 
+		on a port in any hello time interval.  This ensures that the spanning 
+		tree packets will not unduly load the network even in unstable 
+		conditions. The default value is 6 packets, and the valid range 
+		is 1-10 packets."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 5 } 
+sysStpGlobalsMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The maximum hops an MSTP packet may travel before it is discarded.  
+		It's used only when the STP mode is MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 6 } 
+sysStpGlobalsIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The configuration identifier name in a spanning tree region, 
+		used to identify a group of adjacent bridges with identical 
+		configuration name, configuration revision levels, and assignments 
+		of VLANs to spanning tree instances.  This setting is used only 
+		when the STP mode is MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 7 } 
+sysStpGlobalsRevision OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		 The configuration revision level of the MSTP configuration.  
+		It's used only when the STP mode is MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals 8 } 
+-- Stp_interface_mbr
+sysStpInterfaceMbrNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStpInterfaceMbr entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbr 1 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysStpInterfaceMbrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of STP instances and their interfaces."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbr 2 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpInterfaceMbrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStpInterfaceMbr Table"
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceName,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrName
+	}
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrTable 1 } 
+SysStpInterfaceMbrEntry ::= 
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceId                           Integer32,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrName                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrType                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrStateActive                          INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrRole                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrPriority                             INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrPathCost                             Integer32,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrStateRequested                       INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceName                         LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! 
+		A parent STP instance's ID."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 1 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of STP port object of the specified STP instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 2 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+		interface(0),
+		trunk(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of the STP port object of the associated STP instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 3 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrStateActive OBJECT-TYPE 
+		detach(0),
+		block(1),
+		listen(2),
+		learn(3),
+		forward(4),
+		disable(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The active state of the specified STP port object 
+		in the associated STP instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 4 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrRole OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		root(1),
+		designate(2),
+		alternate(3),
+		backup(4),
+		master(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The role of the specified STP port object in the associated STP instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 5 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The priority of the specified STP port object in the associated STP instance.
+			 This priority value influences which STP port is chosen to carry 
+		network traffic. Interfaces with numerically lower values are favored 
+		to carry traffic. Interface priorities have values in the range
+		from 0-240 in steps of 166. Hence, the supported priorities are:
+				   0        64       128       192
+				  16        80       144       208
+				  32        96       160       224
+				  48       112       176       240
+		The default interface priority is 128.  If the specified interface 
+		priority is not one of the allowed values listed above, 
+		it is rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
+		In STP or RSTP mode, only STP instance 0 is valid."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 6 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrPathCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The path cost for the specified STP port object in the associated STP instance.
+		An interface path cost represents the relative cost of sending network
+		traffic through that interface. In calculating the spanning tree, 
+		the algorithm tries to minimize the total path cost between each point
+			and the root bridge. By manipulating the path costs of different 
+		interfaces, it's possible to steer traffic toward paths that are faster,
+		more reliable, and/or more economical. Path costs have a range of
+		1-200,000,000, and the default path cost for an interface is based on 
+		the interface's maximum speed (not the actual speed).
+				  Max interface speed         Default path cost
+					  10 Gb/s                 2,000
+					   1 Gb/s                 20,000
+					 100 Mb/s                 200,000
+					  10 MB/s                 2,000,000
+		The default path cost is a function of the interface's maximum speed, 
+		not its actual speed, so the default path cost of a 10/100/1000 Mb/s 
+		interface will be 20,000 even if the interface is running at 10 Mb/s.
+		Changes in link speed don't cause path costs to change.
+		Link aggregation doesn't affect the default path cost, 
+		i.e. a trunk of four 1 Gb/s interfaces will still have a default path 
+		cost of 20,000.
+		In STP or RSTP mode, only STP instance 0 is valid."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 7 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrStateRequested OBJECT-TYPE 
+		detach(0),
+		block(1),
+		listen(2),
+		learn(3),
+		forward(4),
+		disable(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The requested state of the specified STP port object 
+		in the associated STP instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 8 } 
+sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Parent stp instance name"
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceMbrEntry 9 } 
+-- Stp_vlan_mbr
+sysStpVlanMbrNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStpVlanMbr entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStpVlanMbr 1 } 
+sysStpVlanMbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of STP instances and their VLAN members."
+	::= { sysStpVlanMbr 2 } 
+sysStpVlanMbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpVlanMbrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStpVlanMbr Table"
+		sysStpVlanMbrStpName,
+		sysStpVlanMbrVlanVname
+	}
+	::= { sysStpVlanMbrTable 1 } 
+SysStpVlanMbrEntry ::= 
+        	sysStpVlanMbrInstanceId                                Integer32,
+        	sysStpVlanMbrVlanVname                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysStpVlanMbrStpName                                   LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysStpVlanMbrInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! 
+		A parent STP instance's ID."
+	::= { sysStpVlanMbrEntry 1 } 
+sysStpVlanMbrVlanVname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN of the specified STP instance.
+		This method may be used only in MSTP mode. In STP or RSTP mode, 
+		all VLANs automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0."
+	::= { sysStpVlanMbrEntry 2 } 
+sysStpVlanMbrStpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Parent STP name"
+	::= { sysStpVlanMbrEntry 3 } 
+-- Snmp_stp_bridge_stat
+sysStpBridgeStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysStpBridgeStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 1 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		stp(1),
+		rstp(2),
+		mstp(3),
+		passthru(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The mode of STP bridge."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 2 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatFwdDelay OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The forward delay in 256ths of a second.  
+		It controls how fast a port changes its spanning state 
+		when moving toward the Forwarding state. The value determines 
+		how long the port stays in each of the Listening and Learning
+		states, which precede the Forwarding state. This value is also used, 
+		when a topology change has been detected and is underway, to age 
+		all dynamic entries in the Forwarding Database. 
+		[Note that this value is the one that this bridge is currently using, 
+		in contrast to sysSnmpStpBridgeStatBridgeFwdDelay which is the value 
+		that this bridge and all others would start using if/when this bridge 
+		were to become the root."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 3 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The hello time in 256ths of a second. It is the time interval 
+		between the periodic transmissions that communicate spanning tree 
+		information to the adjacent bridges in the network. This is 
+		the actual value that this bridge is currently using."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 4 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum age in 256ths of a second. It controls how long 
+		spanning tree information received from other bridges is 
+		considered valid. This is the actual value that this bridge 
+		is currently using."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 5 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatBridgeFwdDelay OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The bridge forward time (256ths). The value that all bridges use 
+		for ForwardDelay when this bridge is acting as the root."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 6 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatBridgeHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The bridge hello time (256ths). The value that all bridges use 
+		for HelloTime when this bridge is acting as the root."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 7 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatBridgeMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The bridge maximum age (256ths). The value that all bridges use 
+		for MaxAge when this bridge is acting as the root."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 8 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatTransmitHold OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The transmit hold count in BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units)  
+		per hello time."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 9 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatPathCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CIST root bridge (external) path cost.
+		CIST is Common and Internal Spanning Tree created by MSTP to represent 
+		the connectivity of the entire network. This is equivalent to 
+		the single spanning tree used for STP and RSTP. 
+		Communications between MST regions occurs using the CIST"
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 10 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatRootPrio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CIST root bridge priority. 
+		CIST is Common and Internal Spanning Tree created by MSTP to represent
+			the connectivity of the entire network. This is equivalent to
+			the single spanning tree used for STP and RSTP.
+			Communications between MST regions occurs using the CIST"
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 11 } 
+sysStpBridgeStatRootAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CIST root bridge MAC address.
+		CIST is Common and Internal Spanning Tree created by MSTP to represent
+			the connectivity of the entire network. This is equivalent to
+			the single spanning tree used for STP and RSTP.
+			Communications between MST regions occurs using the CIST"
+	::= { sysStpBridgeStat 12 } 
+-- Stp_bridge_tree_stat
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStpBridgeTreeStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStat 1 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains port objects information of the BIGIP spanning tree.
+		This is a part of sysStpBridgeStat and sysStpBrigeStatResetStat
+		will reset data in this table."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStat 2 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStpBridgeTreeStat Table"
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatTable 1 } 
+SysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatIndex                              INTEGER,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatInstanceId                         INTEGER,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatPriority                           INTEGER,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatLastTc                             TimeTicks,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatTcCount                            Integer32,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatDesigRootPrio                      INTEGER,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatDesigRootAddr                      MacAddress,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatInternalPathCost                   Integer32,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatRootPort                           LongDisplayString,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatRootPortNum                        INTEGER,
+        	sysStpBridgeTreeStatInstanceName                       LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the table that contains generic information 
+		about spanning bridge tree."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 1 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The spanning tree instance ID."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 2 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The bridge priority in the spanning tree."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 3 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatLastTc OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX TimeTicks
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time of last topology change."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 4 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatTcCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The count of topology changes."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 5 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatDesigRootPrio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The regional root bridge priority (MSTP)."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 6 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatDesigRootAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The regional root bridge address (MSTP)."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 7 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatInternalPathCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The root internal path cost (MSTP)."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 8 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatRootPort OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The root port interface name"
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 9 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatRootPortNum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The root port number."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 10 } 
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatInstanceName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The spanning tree instance name."
+	::= { sysStpBridgeTreeStatEntry 11 } 
+-- Snmp_stp_interface_stat
+sysStpInterfaceStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysStpInterfaceStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStat 1 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStpInterfaceStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStat 2 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysStpInterfaceStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"The spanning tree information apply to the  particular network 
+		interfaces or trunks."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStat 3 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpInterfaceStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStpInterfaceStat Table"
+		sysStpInterfaceStatName
+	}
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatTable 1 } 
+SysStpInterfaceStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatName                                LongDisplayString,
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatPortNum                             INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatStpEnable                           INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatPathCost                            Integer32,
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatRootCost                            Integer32,
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatRootPrio                            INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceStatRootAddr                            MacAddress
+	}
+sysStpInterfaceStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an interface."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 1 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatPortNum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The STP port number."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 2 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatStpEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether STP is enable or not on port."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 3 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatPathCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The external path cost of the specified port in the associated STP tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 4 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatRootCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree in MSTP) root path cost."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 5 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatRootPrio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree in MSTP) root bridge priority."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 6 } 
+sysStpInterfaceStatRootAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree in MSTP) root bridge MAC address."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceStatEntry 7 } 
+-- Stp_interface_tree_stat
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStpInterfaceTreeStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStat 1 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains port objects information of the  spanning interface tree.
+		This is a part of sysStpInterfaceStat and sysStpInterfaceStatResetStat
+		will reset data in this table."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStat 2 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStpInterfaceTreeStat Table"
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatName,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatTable 1 } 
+SysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatName                            LongDisplayString,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatIndex                           INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatInstanceId                      INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatPriority                        INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatState                           INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatStatRole                        INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigRootPrio                   INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigRootAddr                   MacAddress,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigCost                       Integer32,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigBridgePrio                 INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigBridgeAddr                 MacAddress,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigPortNum                    INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigPortPriority               INTEGER,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatInternalPathCost                Integer32,
+        	sysStpInterfaceTreeStatFwdTransitions                  Integer32
+	}
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an interface which represents a port object 
+		in a spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 1 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the table that contains the information of 
+		the specified port in a spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 2 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ID of the STP instance which the specified port associated with."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 3 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The priority of the specified port in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 4 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		detach(0),
+		block(1),
+		listen(2),
+		learn(3),
+		forward(4),
+		disable(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state in which the specified port is in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 5 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatStatRole OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		root(1),
+		designate(2),
+		alternate(3),
+		backup(4),
+		master(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The role of the port object in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 6 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigRootPrio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The regional root bridge priority component of the port's
+		priority vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 7 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigRootAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The regional root bridge MAC address component of the port's
+		priority vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 8 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The internal root path cost component of the port's priority
+		vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 9 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigBridgePrio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The designated bridge priority component of the port's priority
+		vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 10 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigBridgeAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The designated bridge MAC address component of the port's
+		priority vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 11 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigPortNum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The designated port identifier component of the port's priority
+		vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 12 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The designated port priority component of the port's priority
+		vector in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 13 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatInternalPathCost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The internal path cost of the specified port in the associated 
+		spanning tree instance. This is only for MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 14 } 
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatFwdTransitions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The count of transitions to forwarding state for the port 
+		in the associated spanning tree instance."
+	::= { sysStpInterfaceTreeStatEntry 15 } 
+-- Snmp_dot3_stat
+sysDot3StatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysDot3Stat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysDot3Stat 1 } 
+sysDot3StatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysDot3Stat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysDot3Stat 2 } 
+sysDot3StatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains statistic information of collection of 
+		ethernet-like interfaces attached to a particular system."
+	::= { sysDot3Stat 3 } 
+sysDot3StatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysDot3StatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysDot3Stat Table"
+		sysDot3StatName
+	}
+	::= { sysDot3StatTable 1 } 
+SysDot3StatEntry ::= 
+        	sysDot3StatName                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysDot3StatAlignmentErrors                             Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatFcsErrors                                   Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatSingleCollisionFrames                       Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatMultiCollisionFrames                        Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatSqetestErrors                               Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatDeferredTx                                  Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatLateCollisions                              Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatExcessiveCollisions                         Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatIntmacTxErrors                              Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatCarrierSenseErrors                          Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatFrameTooLongs                               Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatIntmacRxErrors                              Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatSymbolErrors                                Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatDuplexStatus                                INTEGER,
+        	sysDot3StatCollisionCount                              Counter64,
+        	sysDot3StatCollisionFreq                               Counter64
+	}
+sysDot3StatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the interface."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 1 } 
+sysDot3StatAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames received on a particular
+		interface that are not an integral number of
+		octets in length and do not pass the FCS check."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 2 } 
+sysDot3StatFcsErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames received on a particular
+		interface that are an integral number of octets
+		in length but do not pass the FCS check.  This
+		count does not include frames received with
+		frame-too-long or frame-too-short error."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 3 } 
+sysDot3StatSingleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of successfully transmitted frames on
+		a particular interface for which transmission
+		is inhibited by exactly one collision."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 4 } 
+sysDot3StatMultiCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of successfully transmitted frames on
+		a particular interface for which transmission
+		is inhibited by more than one collision."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 5 } 
+sysDot3StatSqetestErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR
+		message is generated by the PLS sublayer for a
+		particular interface. The SQE TEST ERROR
+		is set in accordance with the rules for
+		verification of the SQE detection mechanism in
+		the PLS Carrier Sense Function as described in
+		IEEE Std. 802.3, 1998 Edition, section"
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 6 } 
+sysDot3StatDeferredTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames for which the first
+		transmission attempt on a particular interface
+		is delayed because the medium is busy.
+		The count represented by an instance of this
+		object does not include frames involved in
+		collisions."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 7 } 
+sysDot3StatLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times that a collision is
+		detected on a particular interface later than
+		one slotTime into the transmission of a packet."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 8 } 
+sysDot3StatExcessiveCollisions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames for which transmission on a
+		particular interface fails due to excessive
+		collisions.
+		This counter does not increment when the
+		interface is operating in full-duplex mode."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 9 } 
+sysDot3StatIntmacTxErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames for which transmission on a
+		particular interface fails due to an internal
+		MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
+		counted by an instance of this object if it is
+		not counted by the corresponding instance of
+		either the sysDot3StatLateCollisions object, the
+		sysDot3StatExcessiveCollisions object, or the
+		sysDot3StatCarrierSenseErrors object."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 10 } 
+sysDot3StatCarrierSenseErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times that the carrier sense
+		condition was lost or never asserted when
+		attempting to transmit a frame on a particular
+		interface."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 11 } 
+sysDot3StatFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames received on a particular
+		interface that exceed the maximum permitted
+		frame size."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 12 } 
+sysDot3StatIntmacRxErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of frames for which reception on a
+		particular interface fails due to an internal
+		MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
+		counted by an instance of this object if it is
+		not counted by the corresponding instance of
+		either the sysDot3StatFrameTooLongs object, the
+		sysDot3StatAlignmentErrors object, or the
+		sysDot3StatFcsErrors object."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 13 } 
+sysDot3StatSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is a hardware counter that increments each time 
+		a valid receiver was present and at least 1 invalid data 
+		symbol was detected."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 14 } 
+sysDot3StatDuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(1),
+		halfDuplex(2),
+		fullDuplex(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current mode of operation of the MAC
+		entity.  'unknown' indicates that the current
+		duplex mode could not be determined."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 15 } 
+sysDot3StatCollisionCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of per-frame media collisions for
+		which a particular collision histogram cell
+		represents the frequency on a particular
+		interface."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 16 } 
+sysDot3StatCollisionFreq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A count of individual MAC frames for which the
+		transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
+		particular interface occurs after the
+		frame has experienced exactly the number
+		of collisions in the associated
+		sysDot3CollisionCount object."
+	::= { sysDot3StatEntry 17 } 
+-- Trunk
+sysTrunkNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysTrunk entries in the table."
+	::= { sysTrunk 1 } 
+sysTrunkTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of trunks."
+	::= { sysTrunk 2 } 
+sysTrunkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysTrunkEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysTrunk Table"
+		sysTrunkName
+	}
+	::= { sysTrunkTable 1 } 
+SysTrunkEntry ::= 
+        	sysTrunkName                                           LongDisplayString,
+        	sysTrunkStatus                                         INTEGER,
+        	sysTrunkAggAddr                                        MacAddress,
+        	sysTrunkCfgMbrCount                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysTrunkOperBw                                         Integer32,
+        	sysTrunkStpEnable                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysTrunkStpReset                                       INTEGER,
+        	sysTrunkLacpEnabled                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysTrunkActiveLacp                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysTrunkShortTimeout                                   INTEGER
+	}
+sysTrunkName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 1 } 
+sysTrunkStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		up(0),
+		down(1),
+		disable(2),
+		uninitialized(3),
+		loopback(4),
+		unpopulated(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The interface status."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 2 } 
+sysTrunkAggAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The aggregator MAC address of the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 3 } 
+sysTrunkCfgMbrCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of configured members that the specified trunk has."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 4 } 
+sysTrunkOperBw OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The operational bandwidth in Mbps."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 5 } 
+sysTrunkStpEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Whether STP is enabled for the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 6 } 
+sysTrunkStpReset OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Whether STP reset command is enabled for the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 7 } 
+sysTrunkLacpEnabled OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Whether LACP is enabled for the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 8 } 
+sysTrunkActiveLacp OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The active versus passive LACP on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 9 } 
+sysTrunkShortTimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The short versus long timeout on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkEntry 10 } 
+-- Trunk_stat
+sysTrunkStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysTrunkStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysTrunkStat 1 } 
+sysTrunkStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysTrunkStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysTrunkStat 2 } 
+sysTrunkStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistic information of trunks."
+	::= { sysTrunkStat 3 } 
+sysTrunkStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysTrunkStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysTrunkStat Table"
+		sysTrunkStatName
+	}
+	::= { sysTrunkStatTable 1 } 
+SysTrunkStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysTrunkStatName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysTrunkStatPktsIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatBytesIn                                    Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatPktsOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatBytesOut                                   Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatMcastIn                                    Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatMcastOut                                   Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatErrorsIn                                   Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatErrorsOut                                  Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatDropsIn                                    Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatDropsOut                                   Counter64,
+        	sysTrunkStatCollisions                                 Counter64
+	}
+sysTrunkStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 1 } 
+sysTrunkStatPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 2 } 
+sysTrunkStatBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 3 } 
+sysTrunkStatPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets transmitted out of the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 4 } 
+sysTrunkStatBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes transmitted out of the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 5 } 
+sysTrunkStatMcastIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of multicast packets received on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 6 } 
+sysTrunkStatMcastOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of multicast packets transmitted out of the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 7 } 
+sysTrunkStatErrorsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received packets that are either undersized, 
+		oversized, or have FCS errors by the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 8 } 
+sysTrunkStatErrorsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of excessive collisions, incremented for each 
+		frame that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and 
+		was aborted on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 9 } 
+sysTrunkStatDropsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets dropped on ingress for various reasons on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 10 } 
+sysTrunkStatDropsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets aged out or with excessive transmission 
+		delays due to multiple deferrals on the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 11 } 
+sysTrunkStatCollisions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of collisions on the specified trunk, incremented by the 
+		number of collisions experienced during transmissions of a frame"
+	::= { sysTrunkStatEntry 12 } 
+-- Trunk_cfg_mbr
+sysTrunkCfgMemberNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysTrunkCfgMember entries in the table."
+	::= { sysTrunkCfgMember 1 } 
+sysTrunkCfgMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysTrunkCfgMemberEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of configured trunk members."
+	::= { sysTrunkCfgMember 2 } 
+sysTrunkCfgMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysTrunkCfgMemberEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysTrunkCfgMember Table"
+		sysTrunkCfgMemberTrunkName,
+		sysTrunkCfgMemberName
+	}
+	::= { sysTrunkCfgMemberTable 1 } 
+SysTrunkCfgMemberEntry ::= 
+        	sysTrunkCfgMemberTrunkName                             LongDisplayString,
+        	sysTrunkCfgMemberName                                  LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysTrunkCfgMemberTrunkName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a trunk to which this member belongs."
+	::= { sysTrunkCfgMemberEntry 1 } 
+sysTrunkCfgMemberName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a trunk member associated with the specified trunk."
+	::= { sysTrunkCfgMemberEntry 2 } 
+-- Vlan
+sysVlanNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVlan entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVlan 1 } 
+sysVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing informations of VLANs."
+	::= { sysVlan 2 } 
+sysVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVlanEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVlan Table"
+		sysVlanVname
+	}
+	::= { sysVlanTable 1 } 
+SysVlanEntry ::= 
+        	sysVlanVname                                           LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanId                                              INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanSpanningTree                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanMacMasquerade                                   MacAddress,
+        	sysVlanMacTrue                                         MacAddress,
+        	sysVlanSourceCheck                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanFailsafeEnabled                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanMtu                                             INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanFailsafeTimeout                                 Integer32,
+        	sysVlanFailsafeAction                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanMirrorHashPortEnable                            INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanLearnMode                                       INTEGER
+	}
+sysVlanVname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 1 } 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN tag numbers or IDs (valid range is 1-4095)."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 2 } 
+sysVlanSpanningTree OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The status of spanning tree domain is enabled."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 3 } 
+sysVlanMacMasquerade OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  Use traffic group MAC address instead.
+			The MAC masquerade address for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 4 } 
+sysVlanMacTrue OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The true MAC address used by the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 5 } 
+sysVlanSourceCheck OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The source checking state for the specified VLAN. 
+		If it's true and auto lasthop is disabled, check that the
+		source of the first packet of a connection is correct 
+		(correct VLAN, router, node)."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 6 } 
+sysVlanFailsafeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The failsafe state for the specified VLAN is enabled."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 7 } 
+sysVlanMtu OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum transmission unit size of datagram which can be 
+			sent to the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 8 } 
+sysVlanFailsafeTimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The failsafe timeouts for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 9 } 
+sysVlanFailsafeAction OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unusedhaaction(0),
+		reboot(1),
+		restart(2),
+		failover(3),
+		goactive(4),
+		noaction(5),
+		restartall(6),
+		failoveraborttm(7),
+		gooffline(8),
+		goofflinerestart(9),
+		goofflineaborttm(10),
+		goofflinedownlinks(11),
+		goofflinedownlinksrestart(12)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The failsafe action for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 10 } 
+sysVlanMirrorHashPortEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state whether to hash the port for VLAN mirroring for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 11 } 
+sysVlanLearnMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		learnforward(0),
+		nolearnforward(1),
+		nolearndrop(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The learn mode of the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanEntry 12 } 
+-- Vlan_member
+sysVlanMemberNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVlanMember entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVlanMember 1 } 
+sysVlanMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of VLAN members."
+	::= { sysVlanMember 2 } 
+sysVlanMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVlanMemberEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVlanMember Table"
+		sysVlanMemberParentVname,
+		sysVlanMemberVmname
+	}
+	::= { sysVlanMemberTable 1 } 
+SysVlanMemberEntry ::= 
+        	sysVlanMemberVmname                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanMemberParentVname                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanMemberTagged                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanMemberType                                      INTEGER
+	}
+sysVlanMemberVmname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN member."
+	::= { sysVlanMemberEntry 1 } 
+sysVlanMemberParentVname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN to which the specified member belongs."
+	::= { sysVlanMemberEntry 2 } 
+sysVlanMemberTagged OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The tagged/untagged state of the specified VLAN member."
+	::= { sysVlanMemberEntry 3 } 
+sysVlanMemberType OBJECT-TYPE 
+		interface(0),
+		trunk(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of the specified VLAN member."
+	::= { sysVlanMemberEntry 4 } 
+-- Vlangroup
+sysVlanGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVlanGroup entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVlanGroup 1 } 
+sysVlanGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of VLAN groups."
+	::= { sysVlanGroup 2 } 
+sysVlanGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVlanGroupEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVlanGroup Table"
+		sysVlanGroupName
+	}
+	::= { sysVlanGroupTable 1 } 
+SysVlanGroupEntry ::= 
+        	sysVlanGroupName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanGroupVlanId                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanGroupMode                                       INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanGroupBridgeAllTraffic                           INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanGroupBridgeInStandby                            INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanGroupBridgeMulticast                            INTEGER,
+        	sysVlanGroupMacMasquerade                              MacAddress,
+        	sysVlanGroupMacTrue                                    MacAddress
+	}
+sysVlanGroupName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 1 } 
+sysVlanGroupVlanId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The VLAN ID/tag numbers (valid range is 1-4095)."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 2 } 
+sysVlanGroupMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		transparent(0),
+		translucent(1),
+		opaque(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The transparency mode for the specified VLAN group. 
+		transparent - bridge with no modifications;
+		translucent - toggle locally-modified bit of src MAC;
+		opaque - bridge using proxy-arp."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 3 } 
+sysVlanGroupBridgeAllTraffic OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state to indicate whether to bridge non-IP traffic as 
+		well as IP traffic for the specified VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 4 } 
+sysVlanGroupBridgeInStandby OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state to indicate whether to bridge while unit is 
+		in standby mode for the specified VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 5 } 
+sysVlanGroupBridgeMulticast OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state to indicate whether to bridge multicast/broadcast 
+		traffic for the specified VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 6 } 
+sysVlanGroupMacMasquerade OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!  Use traffic group MAC address instead.
+			The MAC masquerade address for the specified VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 7 } 
+sysVlanGroupMacTrue OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The true MAC address used by the specified VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupEntry 8 } 
+-- Vlangroup_mbr
+sysVlanGroupMbrNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVlanGroupMbr entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupMbr 1 } 
+sysVlanGroupMbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of VLAN group's members."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupMbr 2 } 
+sysVlanGroupMbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVlanGroupMbrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVlanGroupMbr Table"
+		sysVlanGroupMbrGroupName,
+		sysVlanGroupMbrVlanName
+	}
+	::= { sysVlanGroupMbrTable 1 } 
+SysVlanGroupMbrEntry ::= 
+        	sysVlanGroupMbrGroupName                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanGroupMbrVlanName                                LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysVlanGroupMbrGroupName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupMbrEntry 1 } 
+sysVlanGroupMbrVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN group's member associated with the specified VLAN group."
+	::= { sysVlanGroupMbrEntry 2 } 
+-- Proxy_exclusion
+sysProxyExclusionNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysProxyExclusion entries in the table."
+	::= { sysProxyExclusion 1 } 
+sysProxyExclusionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysProxyExclusionEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of a list of IP's that proxy arp will ignore on VLAN groups."
+	::= { sysProxyExclusion 2 } 
+sysProxyExclusionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysProxyExclusionEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysProxyExclusion Table"
+		sysProxyExclusionVlangroupName,
+		sysProxyExclusionIpType,
+		sysProxyExclusionIp
+	}
+	::= { sysProxyExclusionTable 1 } 
+SysProxyExclusionEntry ::= 
+        	sysProxyExclusionVlangroupName                         LongDisplayString,
+        	sysProxyExclusionIpType                                InetAddressType,
+        	sysProxyExclusionIp                                    InetAddress
+	}
+sysProxyExclusionVlangroupName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN group."
+	::= { sysProxyExclusionEntry 1 } 
+sysProxyExclusionIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysProxyExclusionIp"
+	::= { sysProxyExclusionEntry 2 } 
+sysProxyExclusionIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address ignored from the global proxy exclusion list 
+		for the specified VLAN group. It is interpreted within the context 
+		of a sysProxyExclusionIpType value"
+	::= { sysProxyExclusionEntry 3 } 
+-- Cpu_status_stat
+sysCpuNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The number of sysCpu entries in the table."
+	::= { sysCpu 1 } 
+sysCpuTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCpuSensor table.
+			A table containing information of CPU status on the system."
+	::= { sysCpu 2 } 
+sysCpuEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysCpuEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS deprecated
+		"Columns in the sysCpu Table"
+		sysCpuIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysCpuTable 1 } 
+SysCpuEntry ::= 
+        	sysCpuIndex                                            INTEGER,
+        	sysCpuTemperature                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysCpuFanSpeed                                         Integer32,
+        	sysCpuName                                             LongDisplayString,
+        	sysCpuSlot                                             INTEGER
+	}
+sysCpuIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCpuSensor table.
+			The CPU index on the system."
+	::= { sysCpuEntry 1 } 
+sysCpuTemperature OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCpuSensor table.
+			The temperature of the indexed CPU on the system.
+			This is only supported for the platform where
+			the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysCpuEntry 2 } 
+sysCpuFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCpuSensor table.
+			The fan speed (in RPM) of the indexed CPU on the system.,
+			This is only supported for the platform where
+			the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysCpuEntry 3 } 
+sysCpuName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCpuSensor table.
+			Identifier for the CPU."
+	::= { sysCpuEntry 4 } 
+sysCpuSlot OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysCpuSensor table.
+			Chassis slot number, if applicable."
+	::= { sysCpuEntry 5 } 
+-- Chassis_fan_status_stat
+sysChassisFanNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysChassisFan entries in the table."
+	::= { sysChassisFan 1 } 
+sysChassisFanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of chassis fan status of the system."
+	::= { sysChassisFan 2 } 
+sysChassisFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysChassisFanEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysChassisFan Table"
+		sysChassisFanIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysChassisFanTable 1 } 
+SysChassisFanEntry ::= 
+        	sysChassisFanIndex                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysChassisFanStatus                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysChassisFanSpeed                                     Integer32
+	}
+sysChassisFanIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of a chassis fan on the system. It identifies a 
+		particular chassis fan."
+	::= { sysChassisFanEntry 1 } 
+sysChassisFanStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		bad(0),
+		good(1),
+		notpresent(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The status of the indexed chassis fan on the system.,
+		This is only supported for the platform where 
+		the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysChassisFanEntry 2 } 
+sysChassisFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The actual speed of the indexed chassis fan on the system.
+		This is only supported for the platform where the actual 
+		fan speed data is available.
+		'0' means fan speed is unavailable while the associated chassis status is good."
+	::= { sysChassisFanEntry 3 } 
+-- Chassis_power_supply_status_stat
+sysChassisPowerSupplyNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysChassisPowerSupply entries in the table."
+	::= { sysChassisPowerSupply 1 } 
+sysChassisPowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysChassisPowerSupplyEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of chassis power supply status of the system."
+	::= { sysChassisPowerSupply 2 } 
+sysChassisPowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysChassisPowerSupplyEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysChassisPowerSupply Table"
+		sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysChassisPowerSupplyTable 1 } 
+SysChassisPowerSupplyEntry ::= 
+        	sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex                             INTEGER,
+        	sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus                            INTEGER
+	}
+sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of a power supply  on the system."
+	::= { sysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 1 } 
+sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		bad(0),
+		good(1),
+		notpresent(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The status of the indexed power supply on the system.,
+		This is only supported for the platform where 
+		the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 2 } 
+-- Chassis_temperature_status_stat
+sysChassisTempNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysChassisTemp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysChassisTemp 1 } 
+sysChassisTempTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysChassisTempEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of chassis temperature of the system."
+	::= { sysChassisTemp 2 } 
+sysChassisTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysChassisTempEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysChassisTemp Table"
+		sysChassisTempIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysChassisTempTable 1 } 
+SysChassisTempEntry ::= 
+        	sysChassisTempIndex                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysChassisTempTemperature                              Integer32
+	}
+sysChassisTempIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of a chassis temperature sensor on the system. 
+		It identifies a particular chassis temperature sensor, fan, etc."
+	::= { sysChassisTempEntry 1 } 
+sysChassisTempTemperature OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chassis temperature (in Celsius) of the indexed sensor on the system.,
+		This is only supported for the platform where 
+		the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysChassisTempEntry 2 } 
+-- Product
+sysProductName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product name."
+	::= { sysProduct 1 } 
+sysProductVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product version."
+	::= { sysProduct 2 } 
+sysProductBuild OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product build number."
+	::= { sysProduct 3 } 
+sysProductEdition OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product edition."
+	::= { sysProduct 4 } 
+sysProductDate OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product build date."
+	::= { sysProduct 5 } 
+sysProductHotfix OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The 'Edition' field contains the hotfix number, if applicable"
+	::= { sysProduct 6 } 
+-- Memory_usage_stat
+sysSubMemoryResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysSubMemory. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysSubMemory 1 } 
+sysSubMemoryNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The number of sysSubMemory entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSubMemory 2 } 
+sysSubMemoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS deprecated
+		"Deprecated! 
+		A table containing information of the memory usage for each subsystem."
+	::= { sysSubMemory 3 } 
+sysSubMemoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSubMemoryEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS deprecated
+		"Columns in the sysSubMemory Table"
+		sysSubMemoryName
+	}
+	::= { sysSubMemoryTable 1 } 
+SysSubMemoryEntry ::= 
+        	sysSubMemoryName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSubMemoryAllocated                                  Counter64,
+        	sysSubMemoryMaxAllocated                               Counter64,
+        	sysSubMemorySize                                       Counter64
+	}
+sysSubMemoryName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! 
+		The name of the subsystem."
+	::= { sysSubMemoryEntry 1 } 
+sysSubMemoryAllocated OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+		The number of bytes currently allocated for this subsystem."
+	::= { sysSubMemoryEntry 2 } 
+sysSubMemoryMaxAllocated OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+		The maximum number of bytes allocated for this subsystem."
+	::= { sysSubMemoryEntry 3 } 
+sysSubMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!
+		The size in bytes of each object."
+	::= { sysSubMemoryEntry 4 } 
+-- System
+sysSystemName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The operating system name."
+	::= { sysSystem 1 } 
+sysSystemNodeName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host name of the system on the network."
+	::= { sysSystem 2 } 
+sysSystemRelease OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current system release level."
+	::= { sysSystem 3 } 
+sysSystemVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current system version level."
+	::= { sysSystem 4 } 
+sysSystemMachine OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the hardware type the system is running."
+	::= { sysSystem 5 } 
+sysSystemUptime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX TimeTicks
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The system up time in 1/100 seconds since boot."
+	::= { sysSystem 6 } 
+sysSystemUptimeInSec OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The system up time in seconds since boot."
+	::= { sysSystem 7 } 
+-- Global_fasthttp_stat
+sysFastHttpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalFastHttpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 1 } 
+sysFastHttpStatClientSyns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of client SYN cookies generated."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 2 } 
+sysFastHttpStatClientAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of client TCP accepts."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 3 } 
+sysFastHttpStatServerConnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of server TCP connects."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 4 } 
+sysFastHttpStatConnpoolCurSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of available server-side flows in the reuse pools."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 5 } 
+sysFastHttpStatConnpoolMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of available server-side flows in the reuse pools."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 6 } 
+sysFastHttpStatConnpoolReuses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times a server-side flow was reused from the pools."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 7 } 
+sysFastHttpStatConnpoolExhausted OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of times the reuse pools was exhausted."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 8 } 
+sysFastHttpStatNumberReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of http requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 9 } 
+sysFastHttpStatUnbufferedReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of un-buffered requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 10 } 
+sysFastHttpStatGetReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of get requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 11 } 
+sysFastHttpStatPostReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of post requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 12 } 
+sysFastHttpStatV9Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 9 requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 13 } 
+sysFastHttpStatV10Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 10 requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 14 } 
+sysFastHttpStatV11Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of version 11 requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 15 } 
+sysFastHttpStatResp2xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 200 to 206 
+		(successful responses)."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 16 } 
+sysFastHttpStatResp3xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 300 to 307 
+		(redirection responses)."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 17 } 
+sysFastHttpStatResp4xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 400 to 417 (client errors). "
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 18 } 
+sysFastHttpStatResp5xxCnt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side responses in range of 500 to 505 (server errors)."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 19 } 
+sysFastHttpStatReqParseErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of request parse errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 20 } 
+sysFastHttpStatRespParseErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of response parse errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 21 } 
+sysFastHttpStatClientRxBad OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bad TCP segments dropped from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 22 } 
+sysFastHttpStatServerRxBad OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bad TCP segments dropped from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 23 } 
+sysFastHttpStatPipelinedReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pipelined HTTP requests detected."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastHttpStat 24 } 
+-- Global_xml_stat
+sysXmlStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalXmlStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalXmlStat 1 } 
+sysXmlStatNumErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! The total number of XML parsing errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalXmlStat 2 } 
+-- System_information
+sysGeneralHwName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the system hardware model."
+	::= { sysGeneral 1 } 
+sysGeneralHwNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! 
+		   The name of the system model. This is replaced by platform.marketing_name"
+	::= { sysGeneral 2 } 
+sysGeneralChassisSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The system serial number."
+	::= { sysGeneral 3 } 
+-- Global_iiop_stat
+sysIiopStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalIiopStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalIiopStat 1 } 
+sysIiopStatNumRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of IIOP requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalIiopStat 2 } 
+sysIiopStatNumResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of IIOP responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalIiopStat 3 } 
+sysIiopStatNumCancels OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of IIOP cancel messages."
+	::= { sysGlobalIiopStat 4 } 
+sysIiopStatNumErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of IIOP error messages."
+	::= { sysGlobalIiopStat 5 } 
+sysIiopStatNumFragments OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of IIOP fragments."
+	::= { sysGlobalIiopStat 6 } 
+-- Global_rtsp_stat
+sysRtspStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalRtspStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalRtspStat 1 } 
+sysRtspStatNumRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of RTSP requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalRtspStat 2 } 
+sysRtspStatNumResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of RTSP responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalRtspStat 3 } 
+sysRtspStatNumErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of RTSP errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalRtspStat 4 } 
+sysRtspStatNumInterleavedData OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of interleaved RTSP data packets."
+	::= { sysGlobalRtspStat 5 } 
+-- Global_sctp_stat
+sysSctpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalSctpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 1 } 
+sysSctpStatAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of accepted connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 2 } 
+sysSctpStatAcceptfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of not accepted responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 3 } 
+sysSctpStatConnects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of established connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 4 } 
+sysSctpStatConnfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of connections failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 5 } 
+sysSctpStatExpires OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of expired connections due to idle timeout."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 6 } 
+sysSctpStatAbandons OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of abandoned connections due to retries/keep-alives."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 7 } 
+sysSctpStatRxrst OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received Abort chunks."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 8 } 
+sysSctpStatRxbadsum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bad checksum in received packets."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 9 } 
+sysSctpStatRxcookie OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received SCTP cookies (including bad and good ones)."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 10 } 
+sysSctpStatRxbadcookie OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received bad SCTP cookies."
+	::= { sysGlobalSctpStat 11 } 
+-- L2_forward_stat
+sysL2ForwardStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysL2ForwardStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStat 1 } 
+sysL2ForwardStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysL2ForwardStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing current entries (dynamic and static) of 
+		L2 forwarding information. An object of this type is transient.
+		By default, this table displays nothing until sysL2ForwardAttrVlan
+		is set."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStat 2 } 
+sysL2ForwardStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysL2ForwardStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysL2ForwardStat Table"
+		sysL2ForwardStatVlanName,
+		sysL2ForwardStatMacAddr
+	}
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStatTable 1 } 
+SysL2ForwardStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysL2ForwardStatVlanName                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysL2ForwardStatMacAddr                                MacAddress,
+        	sysL2ForwardStatIfname                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysL2ForwardStatIftype                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysL2ForwardStatDynamic                                INTEGER
+	}
+sysL2ForwardStatVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN name which static forward entity is from."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStatEntry 1 } 
+sysL2ForwardStatMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC address for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStatEntry 2 } 
+sysL2ForwardStatIfname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of interface for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStatEntry 3 } 
+sysL2ForwardStatIftype OBJECT-TYPE 
+		interface(0),
+		trunk(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of interface for the specified VLAN."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStatEntry 4 } 
+sysL2ForwardStatDynamic OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The dynamic state of the specified entity."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardStatEntry 5 } 
+-- L2_forward_attr
+sysL2ForwardAttrVlan OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN name which is used for querying sysL2ForwardStat.
+		sysL2ForwardStat will display L2 forward statistics associated 
+		VLAN specified here. The default is set to 'none', which means 
+		sysL2ForwardStat will display nothing. If this is set to 'all', 
+		sysL2ForwardStat will display for all VLANs."
+	::= { sysL2ForwardAttr 1 } 
+-- Memory_info_stat
+sysHostMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total host memory in bytes. Use sysHostMemoryTotalKb for gauge type.
+		This is for a single host system. For multiple host system, 
+		please refer sysMultiHost table."
+	::= { sysHostMemory 1 } 
+sysHostMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host memory in bytes currently in use. Use sysHostMemoryUsedKb for
+		gauge type. This is for a single host system. For multiple host system, 
+		please refer sysMultiHost table."
+	::= { sysHostMemory 2 } 
+sysHostMemoryTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total host memory in Kilobytes. 
+		This is for a single host system. For multiple host system, 
+		please refer sysMultiHost table."
+	::= { sysHostMemory 3 } 
+sysHostMemoryUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host memory in Kilobytes currently in use.
+		This is for a single host system. For multiple host system, 
+		please refer sysMultiHost table."
+	::= { sysHostMemory 4 } 
+-- Cpu_info_stat
+sysHostCpuNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated!.
+		The number of sysHostCpu entries in the table."
+	::= { sysHostCpu 1 } 
+sysHostCpuTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		A table containing entries of system CPU usage information. This is for a single host system."
+	::= { sysHostCpu 2 } 
+sysHostCpuEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysHostCpuEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS deprecated
+		"Columns in the sysHostCpu Table"
+		sysHostCpuIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysHostCpuTable 1 } 
+SysHostCpuEntry ::= 
+        	sysHostCpuIndex                                        INTEGER,
+        	sysHostCpuId                                           Integer32,
+        	sysHostCpuUser                                         Counter64,
+        	sysHostCpuNice                                         Counter64,
+        	sysHostCpuSystem                                       Counter64,
+        	sysHostCpuIdle                                         Counter64,
+        	sysHostCpuIrq                                          Counter64,
+        	sysHostCpuSoftirq                                      Counter64,
+        	sysHostCpuIowait                                       Counter64
+	}
+sysHostCpuIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		 The index of a CPU in this CPU table."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 1 } 
+sysHostCpuId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The ID of a processor."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 2 } 
+sysHostCpuUser OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor in user context."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 3 } 
+sysHostCpuNice OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor running niced processes."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 4 } 
+sysHostCpuSystem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 5 } 
+sysHostCpuIdle OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor doing nothing."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 6 } 
+sysHostCpuIrq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 7 } 
+sysHostCpuSoftirq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 8 } 
+sysHostCpuIowait OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Replaced by sysMultiHostCpu table.
+		The time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete."
+	::= { sysHostCpuEntry 9 } 
+-- Disk_info_stat
+sysHostDiskNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysHostDisk entries in the table."
+	::= { sysHostDisk 1 } 
+sysHostDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing entries of system disk usage information."
+	::= { sysHostDisk 2 } 
+sysHostDiskEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysHostDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysHostDisk Table"
+		sysHostDiskPartition
+	}
+	::= { sysHostDiskTable 1 } 
+SysHostDiskEntry ::= 
+        	sysHostDiskPartition                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysHostDiskBlockSize                                   Integer32,
+        	sysHostDiskTotalBlocks                                 Integer32,
+        	sysHostDiskFreeBlocks                                  Integer32,
+        	sysHostDiskTotalNodes                                  Integer32,
+        	sysHostDiskFreeNodes                                   Integer32
+	}
+sysHostDiskPartition OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a disk partition."
+	::= { sysHostDiskEntry 1 } 
+sysHostDiskBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes in the specified partition."
+	::= { sysHostDiskEntry 2 } 
+sysHostDiskTotalBlocks OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of total blocks in the specified partition."
+	::= { sysHostDiskEntry 3 } 
+sysHostDiskFreeBlocks OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of free blocks in the specified partition."
+	::= { sysHostDiskEntry 4 } 
+sysHostDiskTotalNodes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of total file nodes in the specified partition."
+	::= { sysHostDiskEntry 5 } 
+sysHostDiskFreeNodes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of free file nodes in the specified partition."
+	::= { sysHostDiskEntry 6 } 
+-- Self_port_default
+sysSelfPortDefNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSelfPortDefault entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSelfPortDefault 1 } 
+sysSelfPortDefTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of default protocol/service access list."
+	::= { sysSelfPortDefault 2 } 
+sysSelfPortDefEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSelfPortDefEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSelfPortDef Table"
+		sysSelfPortDefAllowName,
+		sysSelfPortDefProtocol,
+		sysSelfPortDefPort
+	}
+	::= { sysSelfPortDefTable 1 } 
+SysSelfPortDefEntry ::= 
+        	sysSelfPortDefProtocol                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysSelfPortDefPort                                     InetPortNumber,
+        	sysSelfPortDefAllowName                                LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSelfPortDefProtocol OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The default protocol allowed.
+		'0' means allowing all protocols."
+	::= { sysSelfPortDefEntry 1 } 
+sysSelfPortDefPort OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetPortNumber
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The default service allowed.
+		'0' means allowing all services for the specified protocol(s)."
+	::= { sysSelfPortDefEntry 2 } 
+sysSelfPortDefAllowName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The allow name of self port default."
+	::= { sysSelfPortDefEntry 3 } 
+-- Interface_media_options_sfp
+sysIntfMediaSfpNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysInterfaceMediaSfp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysInterfaceMediaSfp 1 } 
+sysIntfMediaSfpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of the SFP media options of the interfaces."
+	::= { sysInterfaceMediaSfp 2 } 
+sysIntfMediaSfpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysIntfMediaSfpEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysIntfMediaSfp Table"
+		sysIntfMediaSfpName,
+		sysIntfMediaSfpIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysIntfMediaSfpTable 1 } 
+SysIntfMediaSfpEntry ::= 
+        	sysIntfMediaSfpName                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysIntfMediaSfpIndex                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysIntfMediaSfpType                                    INTEGER
+	}
+sysIntfMediaSfpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of an interface."
+	::= { sysIntfMediaSfpEntry 1 } 
+sysIntfMediaSfpIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the SFP media option for the specified interface."
+	::= { sysIntfMediaSfpEntry 2 } 
+sysIntfMediaSfpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+		media10THdx(1),
+		media10TFdx(2),
+		media100TxHdx(3),
+		media100TxFdx(4),
+		media1000THdx(5),
+		media1000TFdx(6),
+		media10000TFdx(10),
+		mediaAuto(13),
+		mediaInternal(14),
+		media1000SxFdx(16),
+		media1000LxFdx(18),
+		media10000SrFdx(19),
+		media10000LrFdx(20),
+		media10000ErFdx(21),
+		media1000CxFdx(22),
+		media10000SfpPlusCuFdx(23),
+		media40000Sr4Fdx(24),
+		media40000Lr4Fdx(25)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The media option for SFP media of the specified interface.
+		media10THdx - 10BaseT:RJ45, half duplex,
+		media10TFdx - 10BaseT:RJ45, full duplex,
+		media100TxHdx - 100BaseTX:RJ45, half duplex,
+		media100TxFdx - 100BaseTX:RJ45, full duplex,
+		media1000THdx - 1000BaseT - gigabit ethernet RJ45, half duplex,
+		media1000TFdx - 1000BaseTX:gigabit ethernet RJ45, full duplex,
+		media10000TFdx - 10000BaseT - 10gig Ethernet - Copper, full duplex,
+		mediaAuto - autoselect best media,
+		mediaInternal - this media option is only used internally,
+		media1000SxFdx - 1000BaseSX: gigabit over fiber - Shortwave, full duplex,
+		media1000LxFdx - 1000BaseLX - gigabit over fiber - Longwave, half duplex,
+		media10000SrFdx - 10GBase-SR - Shortwave 850nm multimode fiber - 300m max - serial 64B/66B encoding, full duplex,
+		media10000LrFdx - 10GBase-LR - Longwave 1310nm single mode fiber - 10km max - serial 64B/66B encoding, full duplex,
+		media10000ErFdx - 10GBase-ER - Extra longwave 1550nm single mode fiber - 40km max - serial 64B/66B encoding, full duplex,
+		media1000CxFdx - 1000BaseCX: Copper, full duplex,
+		media10000SfpPlusCuFdx - 10G SFP+: Copper, full duplex,
+		media40000Sr4Fdx - 40GBase: fiber, Shortwave (850nm), full duplex,
+		media40000Lr4Fdx - 40GBase: fiber, Longwave (1310nm), full duplex."
+	::= { sysIntfMediaSfpEntry 3 } 
+-- Pva_stat
+sysPvaStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysPvaStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysPvaStat 1 } 
+sysPvaStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPvaStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPvaStat 2 } 
+sysPvaStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistics information of the Packet Velocity Acceleration Engine (PVA) on the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStat 3 } 
+sysPvaStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPvaStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPvaStat Table"
+		sysPvaStatPvaId
+	}
+	::= { sysPvaStatTable 1 } 
+SysPvaStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysPvaStatPvaId                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPvaStatClientPktsIn                                 Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatClientBytesIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatClientPktsOut                                Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatClientBytesOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatClientMaxConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatClientTotConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatClientCurConns                               Gauge,
+        	sysPvaStatServerPktsIn                                 Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatServerBytesIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatServerPktsOut                                Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatServerBytesOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatServerMaxConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatServerTotConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatServerCurConns                               Gauge,
+        	sysPvaStatTotAssistConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatCurAssistConns                               Gauge,
+        	sysPvaStatHardSyncookieGen                             Counter64,
+        	sysPvaStatHardSyncookieDet                             Counter64
+	}
+sysPvaStatPvaId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ID of PVA (Packet Velocity Acceleration Engine) on the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 1 } 
+sysPvaStatClientPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 2 } 
+sysPvaStatClientBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 3 } 
+sysPvaStatClientPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 4 } 
+sysPvaStatClientBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 5 } 
+sysPvaStatClientMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 6 } 
+sysPvaStatClientTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 7 } 
+sysPvaStatClientCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current hardware accelerated connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 8 } 
+sysPvaStatServerPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets received 
+		by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 9 } 
+sysPvaStatServerBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes received 
+		by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 10 } 
+sysPvaStatServerPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated packets sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 11 } 
+sysPvaStatServerBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware accelerated bytes sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 12 } 
+sysPvaStatServerMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 13 } 
+sysPvaStatServerTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 14 } 
+sysPvaStatServerCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current hardware accelerated connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 15 } 
+sysPvaStatTotAssistConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of the partially hardware accelerated connections on the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 16 } 
+sysPvaStatCurAssistConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current number of the partially hardware accelerated connections on the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 17 } 
+sysPvaStatHardSyncookieGen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware SYN cookies are generated on the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 18 } 
+sysPvaStatHardSyncookieDet OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware SYN cookies are detected on the system."
+	::= { sysPvaStatEntry 19 } 
+-- Tmm_stat
+sysTmmStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysTmmStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysTmmStat 1 } 
+sysTmmStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysTmmStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysTmmStat 2 } 
+sysTmmStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistics information of the Traffic Management Module (TMM) on the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStat 3 } 
+sysTmmStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysTmmStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysTmmStat Table"
+		sysTmmStatTmmId
+	}
+	::= { sysTmmStatTable 1 } 
+SysTmmStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysTmmStatTmmId                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysTmmStatTmmPid                                       Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatCpu                                          Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatTmid                                         Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatNpus                                         Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientPktsIn                                 Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientBytesIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientPktsOut                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientBytesOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientMaxConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientTotConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientCurConns                               Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatServerPktsIn                                 Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerBytesIn                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerPktsOut                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerBytesOut                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerMaxConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerTotConns                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerCurConns                               Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatMaintenanceModeDeny                          Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatMaxConnVirtualAddrDeny                       Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny                       Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny                      Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatNoHandlerDeny                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatLicenseDeny                                  Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatCmpConnRedirected                            Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatConnectionMemoryErrors                       Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatTmTotalCycles                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatTmIdleCycles                                 Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatTmSleepCycles                                Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatMemoryTotal                                  Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatMemoryUsed                                   Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatDroppedPackets                               Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatIncomingPacketErrors                         Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatOutgoingPacketErrors                         Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatHttpRequests                                 Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5s                               Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m                               Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m                               Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatSlotId                                       INTEGER,
+        	sysTmmStatMemoryTotalKb                                Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatMemoryUsedKb                                 Gauge,
+        	sysTmmStatClientEvictedConns                           Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatClientSlowKilled                             Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerEvictedConns                           Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatServerSlowKilled                             Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatSwSyncookies                                 Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatSwSyncookieAccepts                           Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatSyncookieRejects                             Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatHwSyncookies                                 Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatHwSyncookieAccepts                           Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatWlSyncookieHits                              Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatWlSyncookieAccepts                           Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatWlSyncookieRejects                           Counter64,
+        	sysTmmStatConnectionFlowMiss                           Counter64
+	}
+sysTmmStatTmmId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The key for TMM (Traffic Management Module) access on the system. 
+		This is a concatenation of the slot and cpuid. ie: '1.0'."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 1 } 
+sysTmmStatTmmPid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The process ID of the specified TMM (Traffic Management Module) on the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 2 } 
+sysTmmStatCpu OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An index of CPU on which the specified TMM (Traffic Management Module) is running on the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 3 } 
+sysTmmStatTmid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An index of a running TMM (Traffic Management Module) on the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 4 } 
+sysTmmStatNpus OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of TMMs (Traffic Management Module) on the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 5 } 
+sysTmmStatClientPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 6 } 
+sysTmmStatClientBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 7 } 
+sysTmmStatClientPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 8 } 
+sysTmmStatClientBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 9 } 
+sysTmmStatClientMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 10 } 
+sysTmmStatClientTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 11 } 
+sysTmmStatClientCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 12 } 
+sysTmmStatServerPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 13 } 
+sysTmmStatServerBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 14 } 
+sysTmmStatServerPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 15 } 
+sysTmmStatServerBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 16 } 
+sysTmmStatServerMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 17 } 
+sysTmmStatServerTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 18 } 
+sysTmmStatServerCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 19 } 
+sysTmmStatMaintenanceModeDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because the virtual
+		server was in maintenance mode. "
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 20 } 
+sysTmmStatMaxConnVirtualAddrDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because they exceeded
+		the connection limit for a virtual server address."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 21 } 
+sysTmmStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because they exceeded
+		the connection limit for a virtual server (IP:port)."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 22 } 
+sysTmmStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The packets that are not connection requests and are 
+		destined for a virtual server that has no connection 
+		for the client address."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 23 } 
+sysTmmStatNoHandlerDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The incoming packets that could not be processed by a
+		a virtual server, NAT, or SNAT."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 24 } 
+sysTmmStatLicenseDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The packets which were dropped due to exceeding licensing 
+		limitations."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 25 } 
+sysTmmStatCmpConnRedirected OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connections that were redirected to a different TMM in the cluster."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 26 } 
+sysTmmStatConnectionMemoryErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connections could not be created because memory was not available."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 27 } 
+sysTmmStatTmTotalCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the provided tmm usage ratios.
+			Traffic management CPU usage. The total cycles spent in traffic management."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 28 } 
+sysTmmStatTmIdleCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the provided tmm usage ratios.
+		Traffic management CPU usage. The cycles spent polling with no traffic."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 29 } 
+sysTmmStatTmSleepCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the provided tmm usage ratios.
+		Traffic management CPU usage. The cycles yielded (uniprocessor only)."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 30 } 
+sysTmmStatMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total memory available in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).
+	        Use sysTmmStatMemoryTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 31 } 
+sysTmmStatMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory in use in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).
+	        Use sysTmmStatMemoryUsedKb. for gauge type"
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 32 } 
+sysTmmStatDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total dropped packets."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 33 } 
+sysTmmStatIncomingPacketErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total incoming packet errors for the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 34 } 
+sysTmmStatOutgoingPacketErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total outgoing packet errors for the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 35 } 
+sysTmmStatHttpRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of HTTP requests to the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 36 } 
+sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The percentage of time the TMM was busy over the last 5 seconds."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 37 } 
+sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The percentage of time the TMM was busy over the last 1 minute."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 38 } 
+sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The percentage of time the TMM was busy over the last 5 minutes."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 39 } 
+sysTmmStatSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the slot where the TMM is running."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 40 } 
+sysTmmStatMemoryTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total memory available in Kilobytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 41 } 
+sysTmmStatMemoryUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory in use in Kilobytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 42 } 
+sysTmmStatClientEvictedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of client-side connections that have been evicted from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 43 } 
+sysTmmStatClientSlowKilled OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of slow client-side connections that have been killed from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 44 } 
+sysTmmStatServerEvictedConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of server-side connections that have been evicted from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 45 } 
+sysTmmStatServerSlowKilled OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of slow server-side connections that have been killed from the system."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 46 } 
+sysTmmStatSwSyncookies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of syn cookies received."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 47 } 
+sysTmmStatSwSyncookieAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of syn cookies received that were accepted."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 48 } 
+sysTmmStatSyncookieRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of syn cookies received that were rejected."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 49 } 
+sysTmmStatHwSyncookies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware syn cookies received."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 50 } 
+sysTmmStatHwSyncookieAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware syn cookies received that were accepted."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 51 } 
+sysTmmStatWlSyncookieHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of whitelist syn cookie hits."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 52 } 
+sysTmmStatWlSyncookieAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of whitelist syn cookies received that were accepted."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 53 } 
+sysTmmStatWlSyncookieRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of whitelist syn cookies received that were rejected."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 54 } 
+sysTmmStatConnectionFlowMiss OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of TCP packets discarded due to the lack of an associated
+	        flow."
+	::= { sysTmmStatEntry 55 } 
+-- Host_info_stat
+sysMultiHostNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysMultiHost entries in the table."
+	::= { sysMultiHost 1 } 
+sysMultiHostTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing system statistics information of the host, such as memory usage, cpu type, etc."
+	::= { sysMultiHost 2 } 
+sysMultiHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysMultiHostEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysMultiHost Table"
+		sysMultiHostHostId
+	}
+	::= { sysMultiHostTable 1 } 
+SysMultiHostEntry ::= 
+        	sysMultiHostHostId                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysMultiHostTotal                                      Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostUsed                                       Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostMode                                       INTEGER,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuCount                                   Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostActiveCpuCount                             Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotal                           Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsed                            Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostSwapTotal                                  Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostSwapUsed                                   Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostTotalKb                                    Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostUsedKb                                     Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotalKb                         Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsedKb                          Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostSwapTotalKb                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostSwapUsedKb                                 Gauge
+	}
+sysMultiHostHostId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host identifier."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 1 } 
+sysMultiHostTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total host memory in bytes for the specified host.
+	        Use sysMultiHostTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 2 } 
+sysMultiHostUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host memory in bytes currently in use for the specified host.
+	        Use sysMultiHostUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 3 } 
+sysMultiHostMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		modeup(0),
+		modesmp(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! This used to reference mode processor was running in."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 4 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of CPUs for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 5 } 
+sysMultiHostActiveCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active CPUs for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 6 } 
+sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total other non-TMM memory in bytes for the specified host.
+	        Use sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 7 } 
+sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The other non-TMM memory in bytes currently in use for the specified host.
+	        Use sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 8 } 
+sysMultiHostSwapTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total swap in bytes for the specified host.
+	        Use sysMultiHostSwapTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 9 } 
+sysMultiHostSwapUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The swap in bytes currently in use for the specified host.
+	        Use sysMultiHostSwapUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 10 } 
+sysMultiHostTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total host memory in Kilobytes for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 11 } 
+sysMultiHostUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host memory in Kilobytes currently in use for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 12 } 
+sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total other non-TMM memory in Kilobytes for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 13 } 
+sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The other non-TMM memory in Kilobytes currently in use for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 14 } 
+sysMultiHostSwapTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total swap in Kilobytes for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 15 } 
+sysMultiHostSwapUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The swap in Kilobytes currently in use for the specified host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostEntry 16 } 
+-- Host_info_stat_cpu_info
+sysMultiHostCpuNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysMultiHostCpu entries in the table."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpu 1 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing entries of system CPU usage information for a system."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpu 2 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysMultiHostCpuEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysMultiHostCpu Table"
+		sysMultiHostCpuHostId,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuTable 1 } 
+SysMultiHostCpuEntry ::= 
+        	sysMultiHostCpuHostId                                  LongDisplayString,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIndex                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuId                                      Integer32,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUser                                    Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuNice                                    Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSystem                                  Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIdle                                    Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIrq                                     Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq                                 Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIowait                                  Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio                              Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUser5s                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuNice5s                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSystem5s                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIdle5s                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIrq5s                                   Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq5s                               Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIowait5s                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio5s                            Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUser1m                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuNice1m                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSystem1m                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIdle1m                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIrq1m                                   Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq1m                               Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIowait1m                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio1m                            Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUser5m                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuNice5m                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSystem5m                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIdle5m                                  Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIrq5m                                   Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq5m                               Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuIowait5m                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio5m                            Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuStolen                                  Counter64,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuStolen5s                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuStolen1m                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuStolen5m                                Gauge,
+        	sysMultiHostCpuSlotId                                  INTEGER
+	}
+sysMultiHostCpuHostId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A host identifier on the system."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 1 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the table that contains the information of 
+		the specified processor of the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 2 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ID of the specified processor of the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 3 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUser OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 4 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuNice OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 5 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSystem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 6 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIdle OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 7 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIrq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 8 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 9 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIowait OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 10 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is usage ratio of CPU for the associated host. This value indicates the present cpu usage. For usage
+		computed over specific intervals, please use the specific (5s,1m,5m) OIDs"
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 11 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUser5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 12 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuNice5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 13 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSystem5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 14 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIdle5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 15 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIrq5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 16 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 17 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIowait5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 18 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is  average usage ratio of CPU for the associated host in the last five seconds. It is calculated by 
+		(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+		where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-second interval;
+		user: sysMultiHostCpuUser5s;
+		niced: sysMultiHostCpuNiced5s;
+			stolen: sysMultiHostCpuStolen5s;
+		system: sysMultiHostCpuSystem5s;
+		idle: sysMultiHostCpuIdle5s;
+		irq: sysMultiHostCpuIrq5s;
+		iowait: sysMultiHostCpuIowait5s"
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 19 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUser1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 20 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuNice1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 21 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSystem1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 22 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIdle1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 23 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIrq1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 24 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 25 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIowait1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 26 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is  average usage ratio of CPU for the associated host in the last one minute. It is calculated by 
+		(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+		where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 1-minute interval;
+		user: sysMultiHostCpuUser1m;
+		niced: sysMultiHostCpuNiced1m;
+			stolen: sysMultiHostCpuStolen1m;
+		system: sysMultiHostCpuSystem1m;
+		idle: sysMultiHostCpuIdle1m;
+		irq: sysMultiHostCpuIrq1m;
+		iowait: sysMultiHostCpuIowait1m"
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 27 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUser5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 28 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuNice5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 29 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSystem5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 30 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIdle5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 31 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIrq5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 32 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 33 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuIowait5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 34 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is  average usage ratio of CPU for the associated host in the last five minutes. It is calculated by 
+		(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+		where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-minute interval;
+		user: sysMultiHostCpuUser5m;
+		niced: sysMultiHostCpuNiced5m;
+			stolen: sysMultiHostCpuStolen5m;
+		system: sysMultiHostCpuSystem5m;
+		idle: sysMultiHostCpuIdle5m;
+		irq: sysMultiHostCpuIrq5m;
+		iowait: sysMultiHostCpuIowait5m"
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 35 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuStolen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 36 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuStolen5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 37 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuStolen1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 38 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuStolen5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 39 } 
+sysMultiHostCpuSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"If this is an appliance, the slot is 0. If this is in a cluster, the slot is the position in the cluster (1-based)"
+	::= { sysMultiHostCpuEntry 40 } 
+-- Global_bigproto_stat
+sysFastL4StatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalFastL4Stat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 1 } 
+sysFastL4StatOpen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of current open connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 2 } 
+sysFastL4StatAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of accepted connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 3 } 
+sysFastL4StatAcceptfails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of not accepted connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 4 } 
+sysFastL4StatExpires OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of expired connections due to idle timeout."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 5 } 
+sysFastL4StatRxbadpkt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of malformed packets."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 6 } 
+sysFastL4StatRxunreach OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received ICMP unreach/TCP RST."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 7 } 
+sysFastL4StatRxbadunreach OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of received TCP RST outside the current window."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 8 } 
+sysFastL4StatRxbadsum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bad checksum."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 9 } 
+sysFastL4StatTxerrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of transmit datagram errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 10 } 
+sysFastL4StatSyncookIssue OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of syncookies issued."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 11 } 
+sysFastL4StatSyncookAccept OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of syncookies accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 12 } 
+sysFastL4StatSyncookReject OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of syncookies rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 13 } 
+sysFastL4StatServersynrtx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of retransmissions of SYN to server for a syncookied connection."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 14 } 
+sysFastL4StatLbcSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Successful Late Binding Connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 15 } 
+sysFastL4StatLbcTimedout OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Late Binding Connections that were timed out."
+	::= { sysGlobalFastL4Stat 16 } 
+-- Cluster
+sysClusterNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysCluster entries in the table."
+	::= { sysCluster 1 } 
+sysClusterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing cluster information of the system."
+	::= { sysCluster 2 } 
+sysClusterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysClusterEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysCluster Table"
+		sysClusterName
+	}
+	::= { sysClusterTable 1 } 
+SysClusterEntry ::= 
+        	sysClusterName                                         LongDisplayString,
+        	sysClusterEnabled                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterFloatMgmtIpType                              InetAddressType,
+        	sysClusterFloatMgmtIp                                  InetAddress,
+        	sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmaskType                         InetAddressType,
+        	sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmask                             InetAddress,
+        	sysClusterMinUpMbrs                                    Integer32,
+        	sysClusterMinUpMbrsEnable                              INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMinUpMbrsAction                              INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterAvailabilityState                            INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterEnabledStat                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterDisabledParentType                           Integer32,
+        	sysClusterStatusReason                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysClusterHaState                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterPriSlotId                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterLastPriSlotId                                INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterPriSelTime                                   Counter64
+	}
+sysClusterName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 1 } 
+sysClusterEnabled OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether cluster environment is enabled or not."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 2 } 
+sysClusterFloatMgmtIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 3 } 
+sysClusterFloatMgmtIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address of the specified cluster. It is interpreted within 
+		 the context of a sysClusterMgmtIpType value."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 4 } 
+sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmaskType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask type of of the specified cluster IP address."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 5 } 
+sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask of the specified cluster IP address. It is interpreted within 
+		 the context of a sysFloatMgmtNetmaskType value."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 6 } 
+sysClusterMinUpMbrs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The minimum number of UP members required for the specified cluster 
+		before a high availability action to be taken. 
+		This is used when ltmClusterMinUpMbrsEnable is true."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 7 } 
+sysClusterMinUpMbrsEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether or not an action will be taken when the 
+			minimum number of UP members requirement is not met for the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 8 } 
+sysClusterMinUpMbrsAction OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unusedhaaction(0),
+		reboot(1),
+		restart(2),
+		failover(3),
+		goactive(4),
+		noaction(5),
+		restartall(6),
+		failoveraborttm(7),
+		gooffline(8),
+		goofflinerestart(9),
+		goofflineaborttm(10),
+		goofflinedownlinks(11),
+		goofflinedownlinksrestart(12)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to be taken if the minimum number of UP members requirement 
+			is not met for the specified cluster. This is used when 
+			sysClusterMinUpMbrsEnable is true."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 9 } 
+sysClusterAvailabilityState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		green(1),
+		yellow(2),
+		red(3),
+		blue(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of the specified cluster availability indicated in color"
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 10 } 
+sysClusterEnabledStat OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		enabled(1),
+		disabled(2),
+		disabledbyparent(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of the specified cluster activity status, as specified 
+			by the user."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 11 } 
+sysClusterDisabledParentType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of parent object which disabled the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 12 } 
+sysClusterStatusReason OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The detail description of the cluster's status of parent object 
+			which disabled the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 13 } 
+sysClusterHaState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		offline(0),
+		forcedoffline(1),
+		standby(2),
+		active(3),
+		unknown(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of high availability action."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 14 } 
+sysClusterPriSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID of current primary slot in the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 15 } 
+sysClusterLastPriSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID of last primary slot in the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 16 } 
+sysClusterPriSelTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time interval since the primary slot is selected in the cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterEntry 17 } 
+-- Cluster_mbr
+sysClusterMbrNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysClusterMbr entries in the table."
+	::= { sysClusterMbr 1 } 
+sysClusterMbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing cluster members information of the system."
+	::= { sysClusterMbr 2 } 
+sysClusterMbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysClusterMbrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysClusterMbr Table"
+		sysClusterMbrCluster,
+		sysClusterMbrSlotId
+	}
+	::= { sysClusterMbrTable 1 } 
+SysClusterMbrEntry ::= 
+        	sysClusterMbrCluster                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysClusterMbrSlotId                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrAvailabilityState                         INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrEnabledStat                               INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrDisabledParentType                        Integer32,
+        	sysClusterMbrStatusReason                              LongDisplayString,
+        	sysClusterMbrLicensed                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrState                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrEnabled                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrPriming                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysClusterMbrMgmtAddrType                              InetAddressType,
+        	sysClusterMbrMgmtAddr                                  InetAddress,
+        	sysClusterMbrHaState                                   INTEGER
+	}
+sysClusterMbrCluster OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 1 } 
+sysClusterMbrSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot id in the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 2 } 
+sysClusterMbrAvailabilityState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		green(1),
+		yellow(2),
+		red(3),
+		blue(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of the specified cluster member availability indicated in color"
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 3 } 
+sysClusterMbrEnabledStat OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(0),
+		enabled(1),
+		disabled(2),
+		disabledbyparent(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of the specified cluster member activity status, as specified 
+			by the user."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 4 } 
+sysClusterMbrDisabledParentType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The type of parent object which disabled the specified cluster member."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 5 } 
+sysClusterMbrStatusReason OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The detail description of the cluster's status of parent object 
+			which disabled the specified cluster member."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 6 } 
+sysClusterMbrLicensed OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether or not the specified cluster member is licensed."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 7 } 
+sysClusterMbrState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		initial(0),
+		quorumwait(1),
+		quorum(2),
+		running(3),
+		shutdown(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state which the specified cluster member in at."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 8 } 
+sysClusterMbrEnabled OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whehter the specified member is enabled or not."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 9 } 
+sysClusterMbrPriming OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether or not priming is enabled."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 10 } 
+sysClusterMbrMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of the specified cluster member."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 11 } 
+sysClusterMbrMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address of the specified cluster member. It is interpreted within 
+		 the context of a sysClusterMbrMgmtAddrType value."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 12 } 
+sysClusterMbrHaState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		offline(1),
+		forcedoffline(2),
+		standby(3),
+		active(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state of high availability action of the specified cluster member."
+	::= { sysClusterMbrEntry 13 } 
+-- Software_volume
+sysSwVolumeNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSoftwareVolume entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSoftwareVolume 1 } 
+sysSwVolumeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing software volume information on the system."
+	::= { sysSoftwareVolume 2 } 
+sysSwVolumeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSwVolumeEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSwVolume Table"
+		sysSwVolumeSlotId,
+		sysSwVolumeName
+	}
+	::= { sysSwVolumeTable 1 } 
+SysSwVolumeEntry ::= 
+        	sysSwVolumeSlotId                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysSwVolumeName                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwVolumeSize                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwVolumeActive                                      INTEGER
+	}
+sysSwVolumeSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID."
+	::= { sysSwVolumeEntry 1 } 
+sysSwVolumeName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The harddisk name."
+	::= { sysSwVolumeEntry 2 } 
+sysSwVolumeSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The space of the specified harddisk."
+	::= { sysSwVolumeEntry 3 } 
+sysSwVolumeActive OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether or not the specified slot is active."
+	::= { sysSwVolumeEntry 4 } 
+-- Software_image
+sysSwImageNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSoftwareImage entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSoftwareImage 1 } 
+sysSwImageTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing software image information on the system."
+	::= { sysSoftwareImage 2 } 
+sysSwImageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSwImageEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSwImage Table"
+		sysSwImageSlotId,
+		sysSwImageFilename
+	}
+	::= { sysSwImageTable 1 } 
+SysSwImageEntry ::= 
+        	sysSwImageSlotId                                       INTEGER,
+        	sysSwImageFilename                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageProduct                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageVersion                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageBuild                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageChksum                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageVerified                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysSwImageBuildDate                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageLastModified                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwImageFileSize                                     LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSwImageSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 1 } 
+sysSwImageFilename OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The software image name."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 2 } 
+sysSwImageProduct OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product name of the specified image."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 3 } 
+sysSwImageVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The version of the specified image."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 4 } 
+sysSwImageBuild OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The build number of the specified image."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 5 } 
+sysSwImageChksum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chksum of specified image."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 6 } 
+sysSwImageVerified OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether the specified image is verified or not."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 7 } 
+sysSwImageBuildDate OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The date when the specified image is built."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 8 } 
+sysSwImageLastModified OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The date when the specified image is last modified."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 9 } 
+sysSwImageFileSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The size of the specified software image."
+	::= { sysSwImageEntry 10 } 
+-- Software_hotfix
+sysSwHotfixNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSoftwareHotfix entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSoftwareHotfix 1 } 
+sysSwHotfixTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing hotfix software information on the system."
+	::= { sysSoftwareHotfix 2 } 
+sysSwHotfixEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSwHotfixEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSwHotfix Table"
+		sysSwHotfixSlotId,
+		sysSwHotfixFilename
+	}
+	::= { sysSwHotfixTable 1 } 
+SysSwHotfixEntry ::= 
+        	sysSwHotfixSlotId                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysSwHotfixFilename                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwHotfixProduct                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwHotfixVersion                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwHotfixBuild                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwHotfixChksum                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwHotfixVerified                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysSwHotfixHotfixId                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwHotfixHotfixTitle                                 LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSwHotfixSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 1 } 
+sysSwHotfixFilename OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The software image name."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 2 } 
+sysSwHotfixProduct OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product name of the specified hotfix image."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 3 } 
+sysSwHotfixVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The version of the specified hotfix image."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 4 } 
+sysSwHotfixBuild OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The build number of the specified hotfix image."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 5 } 
+sysSwHotfixChksum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chksum of specified hotfix image."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 6 } 
+sysSwHotfixVerified OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether the specified hotfix image is verified or not."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 7 } 
+sysSwHotfixHotfixId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ID of the hotfix image."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 8 } 
+sysSwHotfixHotfixTitle OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The title of the hotfix image."
+	::= { sysSwHotfixEntry 9 } 
+-- Software_status
+sysSwStatusNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSoftwareStatus entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSoftwareStatus 1 } 
+sysSwStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing software status information on the system."
+	::= { sysSoftwareStatus 2 } 
+sysSwStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSwStatusEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSwStatus Table"
+		sysSwStatusSlotId,
+		sysSwStatusVolume
+	}
+	::= { sysSwStatusTable 1 } 
+SysSwStatusEntry ::= 
+        	sysSwStatusSlotId                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysSwStatusVolume                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwStatusProduct                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwStatusVersion                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwStatusBuild                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSwStatusActive                                      INTEGER
+	}
+sysSwStatusSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID."
+	::= { sysSwStatusEntry 1 } 
+sysSwStatusVolume OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The harddisk name."
+	::= { sysSwStatusEntry 2 } 
+sysSwStatusProduct OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product name of the specified software."
+	::= { sysSwStatusEntry 3 } 
+sysSwStatusVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The version of the specified software."
+	::= { sysSwStatusEntry 4 } 
+sysSwStatusBuild OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The build number of the specified software."
+	::= { sysSwStatusEntry 5 } 
+sysSwStatusActive OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether the system is acive or not."
+	::= { sysSwStatusEntry 6 } 
+-- Global_host_info_stat
+sysGlobalHostResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalHost. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 1 } 
+sysGlobalHostMemTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total host memory in bytes for the system.
+	Use sysGlobalHostMemTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 2 } 
+sysGlobalHostMemUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host memory in bytes currently in use for the system.
+	Use sysGlobalHostMemUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 3 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of CPUs in the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 4 } 
+sysGlobalHostActiveCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active CPUs in the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 5 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUser OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors in user context for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 6 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuNice OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors running niced processes for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 7 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSystem OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors servicing system calls for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 8 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIdle OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors doing nothing for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 9 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIrq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors servicing hardware interrupts for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 10 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors servicing soft interrupts for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 11 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIowait OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by all processors waiting for external I/O to complete for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 12 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is usage ratio of CPU for the system. It is calculated by 
+	(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+	where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 10-second interval;
+	user: sysGlobalHostCpuUser;
+	niced: sysGlobalHostCpuNiced;
+		stolen: sysGlobalHostCpuStolen;
+	system: sysGlobalHostCpuSystem;
+	idle: sysGlobalHostCpuIdle;
+	irq: sysGlobalHostCpuIrq;
+	iowait: sysGlobalHostCpuIowait"
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 13 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUser5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 14 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuNice5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 15 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSystem5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 16 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIdle5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 17 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIrq5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 18 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 19 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIowait5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 20 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is  average usage ratio of CPU for the system in the last five seconds. It is calculated by 
+	(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+	where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-second interval;
+	user: sysGlobalHostCpuUser5s;
+	niced: sysGlobalHostCpuNiced5s;
+		stolen: sysGlobalHostCpuStolen5s;
+	system: sysGlobalHostCpuSystem5s;
+	idle: sysGlobalHostCpuIdle5s;
+	irq: sysGlobalHostCpuIrq5s;
+	iowait: sysGlobalHostCpuIowait5s"
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 21 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUser1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 22 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuNice1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 23 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSystem1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 24 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIdle1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 25 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIrq1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 26 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 27 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIowait1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 28 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is  average usage ratio of CPU for the system in the last one minute. It is calculated by 
+	(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+	where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 1-minute interval;
+	user: sysGlobalHostCpuUser1m;
+	niced: sysGlobalHostCpuNiced1m;
+		stolen: sysGlobalHostCpuStolen1m;
+	system: sysGlobalHostCpuSystem1m;
+	idle: sysGlobalHostCpuIdle1m;
+	irq: sysGlobalHostCpuIrq1m;
+	iowait: sysGlobalHostCpuIowait1m"
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 29 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUser5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 30 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuNice5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 31 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSystem5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 32 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIdle5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 33 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIrq5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 34 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 35 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuIowait5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 36 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This is  average usage ratio of CPU for the system in the last five minutes. It is calculated by 
+	(sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait),
+	where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-minute interval;
+	user: sysGlobalHostCpuUser5m;
+	niced: sysGlobalHostCpuNiced5m;
+		stolen: sysGlobalHostCpuStolen5m;
+	system: sysGlobalHostCpuSystem5m;
+	idle: sysGlobalHostCpuIdle5m;
+	irq: sysGlobalHostCpuIrq5m;
+	iowait: sysGlobalHostCpuIowait5m"
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 37 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuStolen OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time 'stolen' from the system (for virtual machines)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 38 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuStolen5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time 'stolen' from the system in the last five seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 39 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuStolen1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time 'stolen' from the system in the last one minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 40 } 
+sysGlobalHostCpuStolen5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average time 'stolen' from the system in the last five minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 41 } 
+sysGlobalHostMemTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total host memory in Kilobytes for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 42 } 
+sysGlobalHostMemUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host memory in Kilobytes currently in use for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 43 } 
+sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total other non-TMM memory in bytes for the system.
+	        Use sysGlobalHostOtherMemTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 44 } 
+sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The other non-TMM memory in bytes currently in use for the system.
+	        Use sysGlobalHostOtherMemUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 45 } 
+sysGlobalHostSwapTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total swap in bytes for the system.
+	        Use sysGlobalHostSwapTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 46 } 
+sysGlobalHostSwapUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The swap in bytes currently in use for the system.
+	        Use sysGlobalHostSwapUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 47 } 
+sysGlobalHostOtherMemTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total other non-TMM memory in Kilobytes for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 48 } 
+sysGlobalHostOtherMemUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The other non-TMM memory in Kilobytes currently in use for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 49 } 
+sysGlobalHostSwapTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total swap in Kilobytes for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 50 } 
+sysGlobalHostSwapUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The swap in Kilobytes currently in use for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalHost 51 } 
+-- Module_allocation
+sysModuleAllocationNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysModuleAllocation entries in the table."
+	::= { sysModuleAllocation 1 } 
+sysModuleAllocationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysModuleAllocationEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Resource allocation information about modules on the system"
+	::= { sysModuleAllocation 2 } 
+sysModuleAllocationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysModuleAllocationEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysModuleAllocation Table"
+		sysModuleAllocationName
+	}
+	::= { sysModuleAllocationTable 1 } 
+SysModuleAllocationEntry ::= 
+        	sysModuleAllocationName                                LongDisplayString,
+        	sysModuleAllocationProvisionLevel                      INTEGER,
+        	sysModuleAllocationMemoryRatio                         INTEGER,
+        	sysModuleAllocationCpuRatio                            INTEGER,
+        	sysModuleAllocationDiskRatio                           INTEGER
+	}
+sysModuleAllocationName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the Module"
+	::= { sysModuleAllocationEntry 1 } 
+sysModuleAllocationProvisionLevel OBJECT-TYPE 
+		none(1),
+		minimum(2),
+		nominal(3),
+		dedicated(4),
+		custom(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The provisioning level indicates how the systems resources
+		are distributed amongst the modules"
+	::= { sysModuleAllocationEntry 2 } 
+sysModuleAllocationMemoryRatio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ratio of available memory to allocate. Only valid if level is 'custom'"
+	::= { sysModuleAllocationEntry 3 } 
+sysModuleAllocationCpuRatio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ratio of CPU to allocate to this module. Only valid if level is 'custom'"
+	::= { sysModuleAllocationEntry 4 } 
+sysModuleAllocationDiskRatio OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ratio of available disk space to allocate to this module. Only valid if level is 'custom'"
+	::= { sysModuleAllocationEntry 5 } 
+-- Global_tmm_stat
+sysGlobalTmmStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalTmmStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 1 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatNpus OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of TMMs (Traffic Management Module) on the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 2 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 3 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received by the system from client-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 4 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 5 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes sent to client-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 6 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 7 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 8 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatClientCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current connections from client-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 9 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 10 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received by the system from server-side."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 11 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 12 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes sent to server-side from the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 13 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 14 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerTotConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 15 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatServerCurConns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current connections from server-side to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 16 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMaintenanceModeDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because the virtual
+		server was in maintenance mode. "
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 17 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMaxConnVirtualAddrDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because they exceeded
+		the connection limit for a virtual server address."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 18 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connection requests rejected because they exceeded
+		the connection limit for a virtual server (IP:port)."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 19 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The packets that are not connection requests and are 
+		destined for a virtual server that has no connection 
+		for the client address."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 20 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatNoHandlerDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The incoming packets that could not be processed by a
+		virtual server, NAT, or SNAT."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 21 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatLicenseDeny OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The packets which were dropped due to exceeding licensing 
+		limitations."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 22 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatCmpConnRedirected OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connections that were redirected to a different TMM in the cluster."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 23 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatConnectionMemoryErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The connections could not be created because memory was not available."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 24 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatTmTotalCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the provided tmm usage ratios.
+		Traffic management CPU usage. The total cycles spent in traffic management."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 25 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatTmIdleCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the provided tmm usage ratios.
+		Traffic management CPU usage. The cycles spent polling with no traffic."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 26 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatTmSleepCycles OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS	 deprecated
+		"Deprecated! Please use the provided tmm usage ratios.
+		Traffic management CPU usage. The cycles yielded."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 27 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total memory available in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).
+	        Use sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotalKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 28 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory in use in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).
+	        Use sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsedKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 29 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total dropped packets."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 30 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatIncomingPacketErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total incoming packet errors for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 31 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatOutgoingPacketErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total outgoing packet errors for the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 32 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatHttpRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of HTTP requests to the system."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 33 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatTmUsageRatio5s OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The percentage of time all TMMs were busy over the last 5 seconds."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 34 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The percentage of time all TMMs were busy over the last 1 minute."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 35 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The percentage of time all TMMs were busy over the last 5 minutes."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 36 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotalKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total memory available in Kilobytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 37 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsedKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory in use in Kilobytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module)."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 38 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatSwSyncookies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of syn cookies received."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 39 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatSwSyncookieAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of syn cookies received that were accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 40 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatSyncookieRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of syn cookies received that were rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 41 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatHwSyncookies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware syn cookies received."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 42 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatHwSyncookieAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hardware syn cookies received that were accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 43 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatWlSyncookieHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of whitelist syn cookie hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 44 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatWlSyncookieAccepts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of whitelist syn cookies received that were accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 45 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatWlSyncookieRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of whitelist syn cookies received that were rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 46 } 
+sysGlobalTmmStatConnectionFlowMiss OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of TCP packets discarded due to the lack of an associated
+	        flow."
+	::= { sysGlobalTmmStat 47 } 
+-- Platform
+sysPlatformInfoName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The platform name"
+	::= { sysPlatformInfo 1 } 
+sysPlatformInfoMarketingName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The system name used by marketing"
+	::= { sysPlatformInfo 2 } 
+-- Logical_disk
+sysLogicalDiskNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysLogicalDisk entries in the table."
+	::= { sysLogicalDisk 1 } 
+sysLogicalDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysLogicalDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Logical disks status"
+	::= { sysLogicalDisk 2 } 
+sysLogicalDiskEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysLogicalDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysLogicalDisk Table"
+		sysLogicalDiskSlotId,
+		sysLogicalDiskName
+	}
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskTable 1 } 
+SysLogicalDiskEntry ::= 
+        	sysLogicalDiskSlotId                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysLogicalDiskName                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLogicalDiskDevname                                  LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLogicalDiskMedia                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLogicalDiskSize                                     Integer32,
+        	sysLogicalDiskFormat                                   LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysLogicalDiskSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskEntry 1 } 
+sysLogicalDiskName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The logical disk name."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskEntry 2 } 
+sysLogicalDiskDevname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The logical disk device name."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskEntry 3 } 
+sysLogicalDiskMedia OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The logical disk media."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskEntry 4 } 
+sysLogicalDiskSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The size of logical disk"
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskEntry 5 } 
+sysLogicalDiskFormat OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The logical disk formate."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskEntry 6 } 
+-- Physical_disk
+sysPhysicalDiskNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysPhysicalDisk entries in the table."
+	::= { sysPhysicalDisk 1 } 
+sysPhysicalDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysPhysicalDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Physical disk status"
+	::= { sysPhysicalDisk 2 } 
+sysPhysicalDiskEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysPhysicalDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysPhysicalDisk Table"
+		sysPhysicalDiskSerialNumber
+	}
+	::= { sysPhysicalDiskTable 1 } 
+SysPhysicalDiskEntry ::= 
+        	sysPhysicalDiskSerialNumber                            LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPhysicalDiskSlotId                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysPhysicalDiskName                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysPhysicalDiskIsArrayMember                           INTEGER,
+        	sysPhysicalDiskArrayStatus                             INTEGER
+	}
+sysPhysicalDiskSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The serial number of physical disk"
+	::= { sysPhysicalDiskEntry 1 } 
+sysPhysicalDiskSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID."
+	::= { sysPhysicalDiskEntry 2 } 
+sysPhysicalDiskName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The physical disk name."
+	::= { sysPhysicalDiskEntry 3 } 
+sysPhysicalDiskIsArrayMember OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"If the physical disk is the member of an array. Default is false"
+	::= { sysPhysicalDiskEntry 4 } 
+sysPhysicalDiskArrayStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		undefined(0),
+		ok(1),
+		replicating(2),
+		missing(3),
+		failed(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The physical disk array status"
+	::= { sysPhysicalDiskEntry 5 } 
+-- Disk_bay
+sysDiskBayNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysDiskBay entries in the table."
+	::= { sysDiskBay 1 } 
+sysDiskBayTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Disk bay status"
+	::= { sysDiskBay 2 } 
+sysDiskBayEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysDiskBayEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysDiskBay Table"
+		sysDiskBayId
+	}
+	::= { sysDiskBayTable 1 } 
+SysDiskBayEntry ::= 
+        	sysDiskBayId                                           INTEGER,
+        	sysDiskBayDiskSerialNumber                             LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysDiskBayId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The disk bay ID."
+	::= { sysDiskBayEntry 1 } 
+sysDiskBayDiskSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The serial number of physical disk"
+	::= { sysDiskBayEntry 2 } 
+-- Logical_disk_members
+sysLogicalDiskMembersNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysLogicalDiskMembers entries in the table."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskMembers 1 } 
+sysLogicalDiskMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysLogicalDiskMembersEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Logical disk members status"
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskMembers 2 } 
+sysLogicalDiskMembersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysLogicalDiskMembersEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysLogicalDiskMembers Table"
+		sysLogicalDiskMembersDevname,
+		sysLogicalDiskMembersSerialNumber
+	}
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskMembersTable 1 } 
+SysLogicalDiskMembersEntry ::= 
+        	sysLogicalDiskMembersDevname                           LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLogicalDiskMembersSerialNumber                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLogicalDiskMembersSlotId                            INTEGER
+	}
+sysLogicalDiskMembersDevname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"device name of logical disk members"
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskMembersEntry 1 } 
+sysLogicalDiskMembersSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The serial number of logical disk members"
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskMembersEntry 2 } 
+sysLogicalDiskMembersSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot ID of logical disk members."
+	::= { sysLogicalDiskMembersEntry 3 } 
+-- Proc_pid_stat
+sysProcPidStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysProcPidStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysProcPidStat 1 } 
+sysProcPidStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"individual process stat and statm"
+	::= { sysProcPidStat 2 } 
+sysProcPidStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysProcPidStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysProcPidStat Table"
+		sysProcPidStatBladeNum,
+		sysProcPidStatPid
+	}
+	::= { sysProcPidStatTable 1 } 
+SysProcPidStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysProcPidStatPid                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysProcPidStatProcName                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysProcPidStatCommandLine                              LongDisplayString,
+        	sysProcPidStatModules                                  LongDisplayString,
+        	sysProcPidStatBladeNum                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysProcPidStatProcessor                                Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatUpdateTime                               Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatCpuUsageRecent                           Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatCpuUsage1min                             Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatCpuUsage5mins                            Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatSystemUsageRecent                        Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatSystemUsage1min                          Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatSystemUsage5mins                         Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatPpid                                     Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatPgrp                                     Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatState                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysProcPidStatSession                                  Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatTtyNr                                    Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatTpgid                                    Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatFlags                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatMinFlt                                   Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatCminFlt                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatMajFlt                                   Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatCmajFlt                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatUtime                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatStime                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatCutime                                   Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatCstime                                   Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatPriority                                 Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatNice                                     Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatNumThreads                               Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatItrealvalue                              Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatStartTime                                Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatVsize                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatRss                                      Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatRssRlim                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatStartCode                                Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatEndCode                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatStartStack                               Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatKstkEsp                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatKstkEip                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatSignal                                   Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatBlocked                                  Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatSigignore                                Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatSigcatch                                 Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatWchan                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatNswap                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatCnswap                                   Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatExitSignal                               Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatRtPriority                               Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatPolicy                                   Integer32,
+        	sysProcPidStatProgSize                                 Gauge,
+        	sysProcPidStatResident                                 Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatShare                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatTSize                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatLSize                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatDSize                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatDirty                                    Counter64,
+        	sysProcPidStatVsizeKb                                  Gauge
+	}
+sysProcPidStatPid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"process pid"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 1 } 
+sysProcPidStatProcName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"process name"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 2 } 
+sysProcPidStatCommandLine OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"command line used to start process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 3 } 
+sysProcPidStatModules OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"module name of this process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 4 } 
+sysProcPidStatBladeNum OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"blade number"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 5 } 
+sysProcPidStatProcessor OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last CPU process run on"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 6 } 
+sysProcPidStatUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last time proc_pid_stat updated"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 7 } 
+sysProcPidStatCpuUsageRecent OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last poll interval cpu usage (percentage)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 8 } 
+sysProcPidStatCpuUsage1min OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last 1 min average cpu usage (percentage)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 9 } 
+sysProcPidStatCpuUsage5mins OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last 5 mins average cpu usage (percentage)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 10 } 
+sysProcPidStatSystemUsageRecent OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last poll interval system usage (percentage)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 11 } 
+sysProcPidStatSystemUsage1min OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last 1 min average system usage (percentage)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 12 } 
+sysProcPidStatSystemUsage5mins OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"last 5 mins average system usage (percentage)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 13 } 
+sysProcPidStatPpid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"pid of process parent"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 14 } 
+sysProcPidStatPgrp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"process group id"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 15 } 
+sysProcPidStatState OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"single-char code for process state (S=sleep)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 16 } 
+sysProcPidStatSession OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"session id"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 17 } 
+sysProcPidStatTtyNr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"full device number of controlling terminal"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 18 } 
+sysProcPidStatTpgid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"terminal process group id"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 19 } 
+sysProcPidStatFlags OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"kernel flags for the process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 20 } 
+sysProcPidStatMinFlt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"num minor pg faults since process start"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 21 } 
+sysProcPidStatCminFlt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"num minor pg faults of child processes"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 22 } 
+sysProcPidStatMajFlt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"num major pg faults since process start"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 23 } 
+sysProcPidStatCmajFlt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"num major pg faults of child processes"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 24 } 
+sysProcPidStatUtime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"user-mode CPU time accumulated by process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 25 } 
+sysProcPidStatStime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"kernel-mode CPU time accumulated by process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 26 } 
+sysProcPidStatCutime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"cumul utime of process + reaped children"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 27 } 
+sysProcPidStatCstime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"cumul stime of process + reaped children"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 28 } 
+sysProcPidStatPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"kernel scheduling priority"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 29 } 
+sysProcPidStatNice OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"standard unix nice level of process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 30 } 
+sysProcPidStatNumThreads OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of threads in this process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 31 } 
+sysProcPidStatItrealvalue OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Time in jiffies before next SIGALRM sent"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 32 } 
+sysProcPidStatStartTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"start time of process - sec since 1-1-70"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 33 } 
+sysProcPidStatVsize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Virtual memory size in bytes.
+	        Use sysProcPidStatVsizeKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 34 } 
+sysProcPidStatRss OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"resident set size (pg)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 35 } 
+sysProcPidStatRssRlim OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"resident set size limit"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 36 } 
+sysProcPidStatStartCode OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"address of beginning of code segment"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 37 } 
+sysProcPidStatEndCode OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"address of end of code segment"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 38 } 
+sysProcPidStatStartStack OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"addr of the bottom of stack for process"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 39 } 
+sysProcPidStatKstkEsp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"kernel stack pointer"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 40 } 
+sysProcPidStatKstkEip OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"kernel instruction pointer"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 41 } 
+sysProcPidStatSignal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"bit map of pending signals"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 42 } 
+sysProcPidStatBlocked OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"mask of blocked signals"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 43 } 
+sysProcPidStatSigignore OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"mask of ignored signals"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 44 } 
+sysProcPidStatSigcatch OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"mask of caught  signals"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 45 } 
+sysProcPidStatWchan OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"address of kernel wait channel proc is"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 46 } 
+sysProcPidStatNswap OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"number of page swapped"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 47 } 
+sysProcPidStatCnswap OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"cumulative number of page swapped"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 48 } 
+sysProcPidStatExitSignal OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"might not be SIGCHLD"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 49 } 
+sysProcPidStatRtPriority OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"real-time priority"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 50 } 
+sysProcPidStatPolicy OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"schedule policy"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 51 } 
+sysProcPidStatProgSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total program size, measured in pages."
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 52 } 
+sysProcPidStatResident OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"resident size"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 53 } 
+sysProcPidStatShare OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"shared pages"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 54 } 
+sysProcPidStatTSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"text (code)"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 55 } 
+sysProcPidStatLSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"library, not used in Linux 2.6"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 56 } 
+sysProcPidStatDSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"data + stack, not used in Linux 2.6"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 57 } 
+sysProcPidStatDirty OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"dirty pages, not used in Linux 2.6"
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 58 } 
+sysProcPidStatVsizeKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Virtual memory size in Kilobytes."
+	::= { sysProcPidStatEntry 59 } 
+-- Global_httpcompression_stat
+sysHttpCompressionStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 1 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of response bytes before compression has taken place."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 2 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of response bytes after compression has taken place."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 3 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatNullCompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes subjected to NULL compression (for license enforcement)."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 4 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatHtmlPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: HTML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 5 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatHtmlPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: HTML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 6 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatCssPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: CSS."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 7 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatCssPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: CSS."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 8 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatJsPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Javascript."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 9 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatJsPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Javascript."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 10 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatXmlPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: XML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 11 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatXmlPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: XML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 12 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatSgmlPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: SGML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 13 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatSgmlPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: SGML."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 14 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatPlainPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Plain."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 15 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatPlainPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Plain."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 16 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatOctetPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Octet stream."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 17 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatOctetPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Octet stream."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 18 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatImagePrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Images."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 19 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatImagePostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Images."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 20 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatVideoPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Video files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 21 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatVideoPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Video files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 22 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatAudioPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 23 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatAudioPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 24 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatOtherPrecompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of pre-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: other than 
+		HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, SGML, Plain, Images, Video files, 
+		Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 25 } 
+sysHttpCompressionStatOtherPostcompressBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of post-compressed bytes for the MIME-Types: other than 
+		HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, SGML, Plain, Images, Video files, 
+		Audio files."
+	::= { sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat 26 } 
+-- Global_webacceleration_stat
+sysWebAccelerationStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 1 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cache hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 2 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMisses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cache misses, excluding un-cacheable data."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 3 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMissesAll OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of cache misses."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 4 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cache hits in bytes."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 5 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMissBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cache misses in bytes, excluding un-cacheable data."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 6 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMissBytesAll OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of cache misses in bytes."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 7 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current cache size (in bytes)."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 8 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of items stored in cache."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 9 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatCacheEvictions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cache evictions."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 10 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of inter-stripe cache hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 11 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeMisses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of inter-stripe cache misses."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 12 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of inter-stripe cache hits in bytes."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 13 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The current inter-stripe cache size (in bytes)."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 14 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of items stored in inter-stripe cache."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 15 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeEvictions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of inter-stripe cache evictions."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 16 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatRemoteHits OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote cache hits."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 17 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatRemoteMisses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote cache misses."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 18 } 
+sysWebAccelerationStatRemoteHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote cache hits in bytes."
+	::= { sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat 19 } 
+-- Vlan_stat
+sysVlanStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVlanStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVlanStat 1 } 
+sysVlanStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Vlan statistics, sum of its interfaces interface_stat."
+	::= { sysVlanStat 2 } 
+sysVlanStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVlanStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVlanStat Table"
+		sysVlanStatVlanName
+	}
+	::= { sysVlanStatTable 1 } 
+SysVlanStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysVlanStatVlanName                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanStatPktsIn                                      Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatBytesIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatPktsOut                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatBytesOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatMcastIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatMcastOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatErrorsIn                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatErrorsOut                                   Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatDropsIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatDropsOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVlanStatCollisions                                  Counter64
+	}
+sysVlanStatVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 1 } 
+sysVlanStatPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets received on this vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 2 } 
+sysVlanStatBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes received on the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 3 } 
+sysVlanStatPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets transmitted out of the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 4 } 
+sysVlanStatBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of bytes transmitted out of the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 5 } 
+sysVlanStatMcastIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of multicast packets received on the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 6 } 
+sysVlanStatMcastOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of multicast packets transmitted out of the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 7 } 
+sysVlanStatErrorsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of received packets that are either undersized, 
+		oversized, or have FCS errors by the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 8 } 
+sysVlanStatErrorsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of excessive collisions, incremented for each 
+		frame that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and 
+		was aborted on the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 9 } 
+sysVlanStatDropsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets dropped on ingress for various reasons on the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 10 } 
+sysVlanStatDropsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets aged out or with excessive transmission 
+		delays due to multiple deferrals on the specified vlan."
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 11 } 
+sysVlanStatCollisions OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of collisions on the specified vlan, incremented by the 
+		number of collisions experienced during transmissions of a frame"
+	::= { sysVlanStatEntry 12 } 
+-- Vlanx_stat
+sysVlanxStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVlanxStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVlanxStat 1 } 
+sysVlanxStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Vlan statistics, sum of its interfaces ifx_stat."
+	::= { sysVlanxStat 2 } 
+sysVlanxStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVlanxStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVlanxStat Table"
+		sysVlanxStatVlanName
+	}
+	::= { sysVlanxStatTable 1 } 
+SysVlanxStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysVlanxStatVlanName                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVlanxStatInMulticastPkts                            Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatInBroadcastPkts                            Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatOutMulticastPkts                           Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatOutBroadcastPkts                           Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcInOctets                                 Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcInUcastPkts                              Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcInMulticastPkts                          Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcInBroadcastPkts                          Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcOutOctets                                Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcOutUcastPkts                             Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcOutMulticastPkts                         Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHcOutBroadcastPkts                         Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatHighSpeed                                  Counter64,
+        	sysVlanxStatConnectorPresent                           Integer32,
+        	sysVlanxStatCounterDiscontinuityTime                   Counter64
+	}
+sysVlanxStatVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VLAN."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 1 } 
+sysVlanxStatInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+		address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 2 } 
+sysVlanxStatInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+		address at this sub-layer."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 3 } 
+sysVlanxStatOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 4 } 
+sysVlanxStatOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 5 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcInOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of octets received on the interface,
+		including framing characters."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 6 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+		or broadcast address at this sub-layer."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 7 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+		address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 8 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+		higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+		address at this sub-layer."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 9 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+		interface, including framing characters."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 10 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+		multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+		those that were discarded or not sent."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 11 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+		includes both Group and Functional addresses."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 12 } 
+sysVlanxStatHcOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+		requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+		broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+		were discarded or not sent."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 13 } 
+sysVlanxStatHighSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units
+		of 1,000,000 bits per second.  If this object reports a
+		value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in
+		the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'.  For interfaces
+		which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no
+		accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain
+		the nominal bandwidth.  For a sub-layer which has no concept
+		of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 14 } 
+sysVlanxStatConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface
+		sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'
+		otherwise."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 15 } 
+sysVlanxStatCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+		any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a
+		discontinuity.  The relevant counters are the specific
+		instances associated with this interface of any Counter32 or
+		Counter64 object contained in the sysInterfaceTable or sysInterfaceXTable. 
+		If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+		initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+		object contains a zero value."
+	::= { sysVlanxStatEntry 16 } 
+-- Vcmp
+sysVcmpNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVcmp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVcmp 1 } 
+sysVcmpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A list VCMP guest configurations."
+	::= { sysVcmp 2 } 
+sysVcmpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVcmpEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVcmp Table"
+		sysVcmpVcmpName
+	}
+	::= { sysVcmpTable 1 } 
+SysVcmpEntry ::= 
+        	sysVcmpVcmpName                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpHostname                                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpSlots                                           INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpState                                           INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtNetwork                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtAddrType                                    InetAddressType,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtAddr                                        InetAddress,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtNetmaskType                                 InetAddressType,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtNetmask                                     InetAddress,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtGwType                                      InetAddressType,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtGw                                          InetAddress,
+        	sysVcmpVcmpId                                          INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpMgmtBaseMac                                     MacAddress,
+        	sysVcmpBaseMac                                         MacAddress,
+        	sysVcmpMacPoolSize                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpInitialImage                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpVirtualDisk                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpInitialHotfix                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpMinSlots                                        INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpCoresPerSlot                                    INTEGER
+	}
+sysVcmpVcmpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 1 } 
+sysVcmpHostname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The host name of the VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 2 } 
+sysVcmpSlots OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of slots to which the VCMP guest may be
+	         allocated."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 3 } 
+sysVcmpState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		configured(0),
+		provisioned(1),
+		deployed(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"VCMP guests can be in one of three user-chosen states: Configured,
+		 Provisioned, or Deployed. 
+		 A guest in the Configured state has no hardware resources allocated 
+		  to it and has no virtual machines running. 
+		 A guest in the Provisioned state has hardware resources allocated 
+		  but no virtual machines running. 
+		 A guest in the Deployed has hardware resources and should have 
+		  virtual machines running. 
+		 The vcmpd daemon tries to launch and maintain any virtual machines 
+		  that belong to VCMP guests in the Deployed state."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 4 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtNetwork OBJECT-TYPE 
+		bridged(0),
+		isolated(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A VCMP guest is set to one of two management network modes: bridged or
+		 isolated. In bridged mode, the management interface of the guest's 
+		 virtual machines are attached to the management network of the hypervisor. 
+		 This allows remote access over the virtual machines' management interfaces.
+		 In isolated mode, the virtual machines' management interfaces are NOT 
+		 connected to the hypervisor's management network. Console access or SSH 
+		 access over the guest's VLANs is required to administer the guest's 
+		 virtual machines."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 5 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysMgmtAddr."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 6 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address of the management port of a VCMP guest. It is interpreted 
+		 within the context of a sysMgmtAddrType value."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 7 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtNetmaskType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysMgmtNetmask."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 8 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtNetmask OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The netmask of the management port of a VCMP guest. It is interpreted 
+		 within the context of a sysMgmtNetmaskType value."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 9 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtGwType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The IP address type of sysMgmtGw."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 10 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtGw OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The gateway of the management port of VCMP guest. It is interpreted 
+		 within the context of a sysMgmtGwType value."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 11 } 
+sysVcmpVcmpId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"VCMP guest ID (valid range is 1-65535)."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 12 } 
+sysVcmpMgmtBaseMac OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The base MAC address of the management port of this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 13 } 
+sysVcmpBaseMac OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX MacAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The base MAC address assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 14 } 
+sysVcmpMacPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of MAC addresses assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 15 } 
+sysVcmpInitialImage OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The initial software image file name that the hypervisor should use when 
+		 installing TMOS to a guest's virtual disks. This does not reflect 
+		 changes made in the Guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 16 } 
+sysVcmpVirtualDisk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The virtual disk that the VCMP guest is using."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 17 } 
+sysVcmpInitialHotfix OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The initial software hotfix image file name that the hypervisor should
+	         use when installing TMOS to a guest's virtual disks. This does not
+	         reflect changes made in the Guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 18 } 
+sysVcmpMinSlots OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The minimum number of slots to which the VCMP guest may be
+	         allocated."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 19 } 
+sysVcmpCoresPerSlot OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cores per slot that should be allocated to the
+	         VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpEntry 20 } 
+-- Vcmp_cpu_core
+sysVcmpCpuCoreNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVcmpCpuCore entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVcmpCpuCore 1 } 
+sysVcmpCpuCoreTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A list of CPU cores assigned to VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpCpuCore 2 } 
+sysVcmpCpuCoreEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVcmpCpuCoreEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVcmpCpuCore Table"
+		sysVcmpCpuCoreVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpCpuCoreCpuCoreId
+	}
+	::= { sysVcmpCpuCoreTable 1 } 
+SysVcmpCpuCoreEntry ::= 
+        	sysVcmpCpuCoreVcmpName                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpCpuCoreCpuCoreId                                LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysVcmpCpuCoreVcmpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VCMP guest name."
+	::= { sysVcmpCpuCoreEntry 1 } 
+sysVcmpCpuCoreCpuCoreId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CPU cores assigned to VCMP guest.
+		NOTE: cpu_core_id does not need to refer to existing objects in
+		the cpu_core table. This can happen if a pulled blade causes 
+		cores that were assigned to a VCMP object to no longer exist."
+	::= { sysVcmpCpuCoreEntry 2 } 
+-- Vcmp_vlan
+sysVcmpVlanNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVcmpVlan entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVcmpVlan 1 } 
+sysVcmpVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A list of VLANs associated with the VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpVlan 2 } 
+sysVcmpVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVcmpVlanEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVcmpVlan Table"
+		sysVcmpVlanVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpVlanVlanName
+	}
+	::= { sysVcmpVlanTable 1 } 
+SysVcmpVlanEntry ::= 
+        	sysVcmpVlanVcmpName                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpVlanVlanName                                    LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysVcmpVlanVcmpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"VCMP guest name"
+	::= { sysVcmpVlanEntry 1 } 
+sysVcmpVlanVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the VLAN assigned to a VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpVlanEntry 2 } 
+-- Vcmp_stat
+sysVcmpStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVcmpStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVcmpStat 1 } 
+sysVcmpStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"The statistics and state of this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStat 2 } 
+sysVcmpStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVcmpStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVcmpStat Table"
+		sysVcmpStatVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpStatSlotId
+	}
+	::= { sysVcmpStatTable 1 } 
+SysVcmpStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysVcmpStatVcmpName                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatVcmpId                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatSlotId                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatVmStatus                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatDiskUse                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatMemoryUse                                   Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatBaseMac                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatMacPoolSize                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatCores                                       INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatVdisk                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatStarts                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatRetries                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpStatUptime                                      Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatComment                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatInterfaceNames                              LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatCoreNames                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatPrompt                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpStatCpuUsageRecent                              Gauge,
+        	sysVcmpStatCpuUsage1min                                Gauge,
+        	sysVcmpStatCpuUsage5mins                               Gauge,
+        	sysVcmpStatPktsIn                                      Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatBytesIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatMcastIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatDropsIn                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatPktsOut                                     Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatBytesOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatMcastOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatDropsOut                                    Counter64,
+        	sysVcmpStatDiskUseKb                                   Gauge,
+        	sysVcmpStatMemoryUseKb                                 Gauge
+	}
+sysVcmpStatVcmpName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 1 } 
+sysVcmpStatVcmpId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VCMP guest ID (valid range is 1 to 65535)."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 2 } 
+sysVcmpStatSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ID of the slot on which the VCMP guest resides."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 3 } 
+sysVcmpStatVmStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		created(1),
+		stopped(2),
+		starting(3),
+		running(4),
+		stopping(5),
+		installing-vdisk(6),
+		deleted(7),
+		failed(8),
+		inactive(9),
+		acquiring-vdisk(10),
+		waiting-install(11),
+		waiting-migrate(12),
+		migrating-vdisk(13),
+		waiting-start(14),
+		waiting-create(15)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The status of this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 4 } 
+sysVcmpStatDiskUse OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The disk space used by this VCMP guest (in bytes).
+	        Use sysVcmpStatDiskUseKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 5 } 
+sysVcmpStatMemoryUse OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory space allocated by this VCMP guest (in bytes).
+	        Use sysVcmpStatMemoryUseKb for gauge type."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 6 } 
+sysVcmpStatBaseMac OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The base MAC address assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 7 } 
+sysVcmpStatMacPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of MAC addresses assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 8 } 
+sysVcmpStatCores OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of cores assigned to this VCMP guest on this slot."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 9 } 
+sysVcmpStatVdisk OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The virtual disk assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 10 } 
+sysVcmpStatStarts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of starts of this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 11 } 
+sysVcmpStatRetries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of retries of this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 12 } 
+sysVcmpStatUptime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The time at which this VCMP guest became up and running."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 13 } 
+sysVcmpStatComment OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The error or state messages for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 14 } 
+sysVcmpStatInterfaceNames OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The interfaces assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 15 } 
+sysVcmpStatCoreNames OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The cores assigned to this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 16 } 
+sysVcmpStatPrompt OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The prompt status of this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 17 } 
+sysVcmpStatCpuUsageRecent OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Recent CPU usage for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 18 } 
+sysVcmpStatCpuUsage1min OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CPU usage in the past minute for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 19 } 
+sysVcmpStatCpuUsage5mins OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"CPU usage in the past 5 minutes for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 20 } 
+sysVcmpStatPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Incoming packet count for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 21 } 
+sysVcmpStatBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Incoming byte count for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 22 } 
+sysVcmpStatMcastIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Incoming multicasts for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 23 } 
+sysVcmpStatDropsIn OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Drops on incoming traffic for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 24 } 
+sysVcmpStatPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Outgoing packet count for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 25 } 
+sysVcmpStatBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Outgoing byte count for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 26 } 
+sysVcmpStatMcastOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Outgoing multicasts for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 27 } 
+sysVcmpStatDropsOut OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Drops on outgoing traffic for this VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 28 } 
+sysVcmpStatDiskUseKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The disk space used by this VCMP guest (in Kilobytes)."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 29 } 
+sysVcmpStatMemoryUseKb OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Gauge
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The memory space allocated by this VCMP guest (in Kilobytes)."
+	::= { sysVcmpStatEntry 30 } 
+-- Chassis_slot
+sysChassisSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysChassisSlot entries in the table."
+	::= { sysChassisSlot 1 } 
+sysChassisSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysChassisSlotEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing slot information in the chassis."
+	::= { sysChassisSlot 2 } 
+sysChassisSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysChassisSlotEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysChassisSlot Table"
+		sysChassisSlotSlotId
+	}
+	::= { sysChassisSlotTable 1 } 
+SysChassisSlotEntry ::= 
+        	sysChassisSlotSlotId                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysChassisSlotSerialNumber                             LongDisplayString,
+        	sysChassisSlotDown                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysChassisSlotState                                    INTEGER
+	}
+sysChassisSlotSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot id in the specified cluster."
+	::= { sysChassisSlotEntry 1 } 
+sysChassisSlotSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The serial number of this chassis slot."
+	::= { sysChassisSlotEntry 2 } 
+sysChassisSlotDown OBJECT-TYPE 
+		false(0),
+		true(1)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The state indicating whether the chassis slot is down or not."
+	::= { sysChassisSlotEntry 3 } 
+sysChassisSlotState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		failed(0),
+		unknown(1),
+		empty(2),
+		priming(3),
+		ok(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chassis slot state"
+	::= { sysChassisSlotEntry 4 } 
+-- Sys_device
+sysSysDeviceNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSysDevice entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSysDevice 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing device information on devices connected to this machine"
+	::= { sysSysDevice 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSysDeviceEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSysDevice Table"
+		sysSysDeviceName
+	}
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTable 1 } 
+SysSysDeviceEntry ::= 
+        	sysSysDeviceName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceMgmtIp                                     InetAddress,
+        	sysSysDeviceMgmtIpType                                 InetAddressType,
+        	sysSysDeviceHostname                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceMirrorIp                                   InetAddress,
+        	sysSysDeviceMirrorIpType                               InetAddressType,
+        	sysSysDeviceMirrorSecondaryIp                          InetAddress,
+        	sysSysDeviceMirrorSecondaryIpType                      InetAddressType,
+        	sysSysDeviceMulticastInterface                         LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceMulticastAddr                              InetAddress,
+        	sysSysDeviceMulticastAddrType                          InetAddressType,
+        	sysSysDeviceMulticastPort                              InetPortNumber,
+        	sysSysDeviceVersion                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceProduct                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceEdition                                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceMarketingName                              LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDevicePlatformId                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceChassisId                                  LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSysDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The unique device name"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceMgmtIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The ip used to connect to the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceMgmtIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 3 } 
+sysSysDeviceHostname OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The hostname of the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 4 } 
+sysSysDeviceMirrorIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The mirror ip address"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 5 } 
+sysSysDeviceMirrorIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 6 } 
+sysSysDeviceMirrorSecondaryIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The secondary mirror ip"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 7 } 
+sysSysDeviceMirrorSecondaryIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 8 } 
+sysSysDeviceMulticastInterface OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Multicast Interface"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 9 } 
+sysSysDeviceMulticastAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Multicast Address"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 10 } 
+sysSysDeviceMulticastAddrType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 11 } 
+sysSysDeviceMulticastPort OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetPortNumber
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Multicast Port"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 12 } 
+sysSysDeviceVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product version"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 13 } 
+sysSysDeviceProduct OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product installed on the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 14 } 
+sysSysDeviceEdition OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The edition of the product installed on the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 15 } 
+sysSysDeviceMarketingName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The marketing name of the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 16 } 
+sysSysDevicePlatformId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The platform name of the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 17 } 
+sysSysDeviceChassisId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The unique chassis id of this device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceEntry 18 } 
+-- Unicast_addr
+sysUnicastAddrNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysUnicastAddr entries in the table."
+	::= { sysUnicastAddr 1 } 
+sysUnicastAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysUnicastAddrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table that contains the unicast address/port combinations available on this device"
+	::= { sysUnicastAddr 2 } 
+sysUnicastAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysUnicastAddrEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysUnicastAddr Table"
+		sysUnicastAddrName,
+		sysUnicastAddrIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysUnicastAddrTable 1 } 
+SysUnicastAddrEntry ::= 
+        	sysUnicastAddrName                                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysUnicastAddrIndex                                    INTEGER,
+        	sysUnicastAddrSourceIp                                 InetAddress,
+        	sysUnicastAddrSourceIpType                             InetAddressType,
+        	sysUnicastAddrSourcePort                               InetPortNumber
+	}
+sysUnicastAddrName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysUnicastAddrEntry 1 } 
+sysUnicastAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of the unicast addr within this table"
+	::= { sysUnicastAddrEntry 2 } 
+sysUnicastAddrSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddress
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Source unicast address for this device"
+	::= { sysUnicastAddrEntry 3 } 
+sysUnicastAddrSourceIpType OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetAddressType
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysUnicastAddrEntry 4 } 
+sysUnicastAddrSourcePort OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX InetPortNumber
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Source port for unicast on this device"
+	::= { sysUnicastAddrEntry 5 } 
+-- Sys_device_active_modules
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSysDeviceActiveModules entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceActiveModules 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing a list of the active modules on the device."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceActiveModules 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSysDeviceActiveModules Table"
+		sysSysDeviceActiveModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceActiveModulesIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysSysDeviceActiveModulesTable 1 } 
+SysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry ::= 
+        	sysSysDeviceActiveModulesName                          LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceActiveModulesIndex                         INTEGER,
+        	sysSysDeviceActiveModulesModule                        LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of the unicast addr within this table"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesModule OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An active module on the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceActiveModulesEntry 3 } 
+-- Sys_device_inactive_modules
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSysDeviceInactiveModules entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceInactiveModules 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing a list of the inactive modules on the device."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceInactiveModules 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSysDeviceInactiveModules Table"
+		sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesTable 1 } 
+SysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry ::= 
+        	sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesName                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesIndex                       INTEGER,
+        	sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesModule                      LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of the unicast addr within this table"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesModule OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An inactive module on the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesEntry 3 } 
+-- Sys_device_optional_modules
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSysDeviceOptionalModules entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceOptionalModules 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing a list of the optional modules on the device."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceOptionalModules 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSysDeviceOptionalModules Table"
+		sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesTable 1 } 
+SysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry ::= 
+        	sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesName                        LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesIndex                       INTEGER,
+        	sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesModule                      LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of the unicast addr within this table"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesModule OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An optional module on the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesEntry 3 } 
+-- Sys_device_timelimited_modules
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModules entries in the table."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModules 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing a list of the timelimited modules on the device."
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModules 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModules Table"
+		sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesTable 1 } 
+SysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry ::= 
+        	sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesName                     LongDisplayString,
+        	sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesIndex                    INTEGER,
+        	sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesModule                   LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		""
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry 1 } 
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of the unicast addr within this table"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry 2 } 
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesModule OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"An timelimited module on the device"
+	::= { sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesEntry 3 } 
+-- Stp_globals2
+sysStpGlobals2Number OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysStpGlobals2 entries in the table."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2 1 } 
+sysStpGlobals2Table OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysStpGlobals2Entry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"The STP domain's global information."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2 2 } 
+sysStpGlobals2Entry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysStpGlobals2Entry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysStpGlobals2 Table"
+		sysStpGlobals2Name
+	}
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Table 1 } 
+SysStpGlobals2Entry ::= 
+        	sysStpGlobals2Mode                                     INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2FwdDelay                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2HelloTime                                INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2MaxAge                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2TransmitHold                             INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2MaxHops                                  INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2Identifier                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysStpGlobals2Revision                                 INTEGER,
+        	sysStpGlobals2Name                                     LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysStpGlobals2Mode OBJECT-TYPE 
+		disable(0),
+		stp(1),
+		rstp(2),
+		mstp(3),
+		passthru(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The STP mode."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 1 } 
+sysStpGlobals2FwdDelay OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The forward delay parameter, which controls how long an 
+		interface was blocked from forwarding network traffic after 
+		a reconfiguration of the spanning tree topology. The default 
+		value is 15 seconds, and the valid range is 4-30 seconds.  
+		Note that this parameter has no effect when the STP mode 
+		is RSPT or MSTP, as long as all bridges in the spanning tree 
+		use the RSTP or MSTP protocol."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 2 } 
+sysStpGlobals2HelloTime OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The hello time, which is the time interval in seconds 
+		between the periodic transmissions that communicate spanning 
+		tree information to the adjacent bridges in the network. 
+		The default value is 2 seconds, and the valid range is 1-10 seconds."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 3 } 
+sysStpGlobals2MaxAge OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum age parameter, which controls how long spanning tree 
+		information received from other bridges is considered valid.  
+		The default value is 20 seconds, and the valid range is 6-40 seconds."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 4 } 
+sysStpGlobals2TransmitHold OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The transmit hold count parameter, which is an absolute limit on 
+		the number of spanning tree protocol packets the BIG-IP may transmit 
+		on a port in any hello time interval.  This ensures that the spanning 
+		tree packets will not unduly load the network even in unstable 
+		conditions. The default value is 6 packets, and the valid range 
+		is 1-10 packets."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 5 } 
+sysStpGlobals2MaxHops OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum hops an MSTP packet may travel before it is discarded.  
+		It's used only when the STP mode is MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 6 } 
+sysStpGlobals2Identifier OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The configuration identifier name in a spanning tree region, 
+		used to identify a group of adjacent bridges with identical 
+		configuration name, configuration revision levels, and assignments 
+		of VLANs to spanning tree instances.  This setting is used only 
+		when the STP mode is MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 7 } 
+sysStpGlobals2Revision OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		" The configuration revision level of the MSTP configuration.  
+		It's used only when the STP mode is MSTP."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 8 } 
+sysStpGlobals2Name OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name this stp global configuration."
+	::= { sysStpGlobals2Entry 9 } 
+-- Cpu_sensor_status_stat
+sysCpuSensorNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysCpuSensor entries in the table."
+	::= { sysCpuSensor 1 } 
+sysCpuSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of CPU sensor status on the system."
+	::= { sysCpuSensor 2 } 
+sysCpuSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysCpuSensorEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysCpuSensor Table"
+		sysCpuSensorSlot,
+		sysCpuSensorIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysCpuSensorTable 1 } 
+SysCpuSensorEntry ::= 
+        	sysCpuSensorIndex                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysCpuSensorTemperature                                INTEGER,
+        	sysCpuSensorFanSpeed                                   Integer32,
+        	sysCpuSensorName                                       LongDisplayString,
+        	sysCpuSensorSlot                                       INTEGER
+	}
+sysCpuSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The CPU index on the system."
+	::= { sysCpuSensorEntry 1 } 
+sysCpuSensorTemperature OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The temperature of the indexed CPU on the system.
+			This is only supported for the platform where
+			the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysCpuSensorEntry 2 } 
+sysCpuSensorFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The fan speed (in RPM) of the indexed CPU on the system.,
+			This is only supported for the platform where
+			the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysCpuSensorEntry 3 } 
+sysCpuSensorName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Identifier for the CPU."
+	::= { sysCpuSensorEntry 4 } 
+sysCpuSensorSlot OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Chassis slot number, if applicable."
+	::= { sysCpuSensorEntry 5 } 
+-- Cmi_sync_status
+sysCmSyncStatusId OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		syncing(1),
+		needManualSync(2),
+		inSync(3),
+		syncFailed(4),
+		syncDisconnected(5),
+		standalone(6),
+		awaitingInitialSync(7),
+		incompatibleVersion(8),
+		partialSync(9)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The sync status ID on the system.
+		unknown - the device is disconnected from the device group;
+		syncing - the device is joining the device group or has requested changes
+		from device group or inconsistent with the group;
+		needManualSync - changes have been made on the device not syncd to
+		the device group;
+		inSync - the device is consistent with the device group;
+		syncFailed - the device is inconsistent with the device group, requires
+		user intervention;
+		syncDisconnected - the device is not connected to any peers; 
+		standalone - the device is in a standalone configuration;
+		awaitingInitialSync - the device is waiting for initial sync;
+		incompatibleVersion - the device's version is incompatible with rest of
+		the devices in the device group;
+		partialSync - some but not all devices successfully received the last sync."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatus 1 } 
+sysCmSyncStatusStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The sync status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatus 2 } 
+sysCmSyncStatusColor OBJECT-TYPE 
+		green(0),
+		yellow(1),
+		red(2),
+		blue(3),
+		gray(4),
+		black(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The color of the sync status on the system.
+		green - the system is functioning correctly;
+		yellow - the system may be functioning suboptimally;
+		red - the system requires attention to function correctly;
+		blue - the system's status is unknown or incomplete;
+		gray - the system is intentionally not functioning (offline);
+		black - the system is not connected to any peers."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatus 3 } 
+sysCmSyncStatusSummary OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The summary of the sync status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatus 4 } 
+-- Cmi_sync_status_details
+sysCmSyncStatusDetailsNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysCmSyncStatusDetails entries in the table."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatusDetails 1 } 
+sysCmSyncStatusDetailsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysCmSyncStatusDetailsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing details of sync status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatusDetails 2 } 
+sysCmSyncStatusDetailsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysCmSyncStatusDetailsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysCmSyncStatusDetails Table"
+		sysCmSyncStatusDetailsIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatusDetailsTable 1 } 
+SysCmSyncStatusDetailsEntry ::= 
+        	sysCmSyncStatusDetailsIndex                            INTEGER,
+        	sysCmSyncStatusDetailsDetails                          LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysCmSyncStatusDetailsIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the table that contains the details of the sync status
+		on the system."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatusDetailsEntry 1 } 
+sysCmSyncStatusDetailsDetails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The details of the sync status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmSyncStatusDetailsEntry 2 } 
+-- Cmi_failover_status
+sysCmFailoverStatusId OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		offline(1),
+		forcedOffline(2),
+		standby(3),
+		active(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The failover status ID on the system.
+		unknown - the failover status of the device is unknown;
+		offline - the device is offline;
+		forcedOffline - the device is forced offline;
+		standby - the device is standby;
+		active - the device  is active."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatus 1 } 
+sysCmFailoverStatusStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The failover status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatus 2 } 
+sysCmFailoverStatusColor OBJECT-TYPE 
+		green(0),
+		yellow(1),
+		red(2),
+		blue(3),
+		gray(4),
+		black(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The color of the failover status on the system.
+		green - the system is functioning correctly;
+		yellow - the system may be functioning suboptimally;
+		red - the system requires attention to function correctly;
+		blue - the system's status is unknown or incomplete;
+		gray - the system is intentionally not functioning (offline);
+		black - the system is not connected to any peers."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatus 3 } 
+sysCmFailoverStatusSummary OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The summary of the failover status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatus 4 } 
+-- Cmi_failover_status_details
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysCmFailoverStatusDetails entries in the table."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatusDetails 1 } 
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysCmFailoverStatusDetailsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing details of failover status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatusDetails 2 } 
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysCmFailoverStatusDetailsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysCmFailoverStatusDetails Table"
+		sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsTable 1 } 
+SysCmFailoverStatusDetailsEntry ::= 
+        	sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsIndex                        INTEGER,
+        	sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsDetails                      LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the table that contains the details of the failover status
+		on the system."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsEntry 1 } 
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsDetails OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The details of the failover status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsEntry 2 } 
+-- Traffic_group_device
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysCmTrafficGroupStatus entries in the table."
+	::= { sysCmTrafficGroupStatus 1 } 
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of traffic group(s) status on the system."
+	::= { sysCmTrafficGroupStatus 2 } 
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysCmTrafficGroupStatus Table"
+		sysCmTrafficGroupStatusTrafficGroup,
+		sysCmTrafficGroupStatusDeviceName
+	}
+	::= { sysCmTrafficGroupStatusTable 1 } 
+SysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry ::= 
+        	sysCmTrafficGroupStatusTrafficGroup                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysCmTrafficGroupStatusDeviceName                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysCmTrafficGroupStatusFailoverStatus                  INTEGER
+	}
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusTrafficGroup OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the traffic group."
+	::= { sysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry 1 } 
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of the device."
+	::= { sysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry 2 } 
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusFailoverStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		offline(1),
+		forcedOffline(2),
+		standby(3),
+		active(4)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The failover status of the device within the traffic group.
+		unknown - the failover status of the device is unknown;
+		offline - the device is offline;
+		forcedOffline - the device is forced offline;
+		standby - the device is standby;
+		active - the device  is active."
+	::= { sysCmTrafficGroupStatusEntry 3 } 
+-- Global_dns_stat
+sysDnsStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalDnsStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 1 } 
+sysDnsStatQueries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of DNS queries."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 2 } 
+sysDnsStatResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of DNS responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 3 } 
+sysDnsStatResponsesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The average number of DNS responses per second."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 4 } 
+sysDnsStatToGtm OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of requests sent to GTM."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 5 } 
+sysDnsStatDnsExpressReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of DNS Express requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 6 } 
+sysDnsStatDnsExpressNotifies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of DNS Express notifies."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 7 } 
+sysDnsStatToCache OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of requests sent to the DNS cache."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 8 } 
+sysDnsStatToDns OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of requests sent to backend DNS."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 9 } 
+sysDnsStatDns64Reqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of A requests the system generated and sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 10 } 
+sysDnsStatDns64Rewrites OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of A responses translated to AAAA."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 11 } 
+sysDnsStatDns64Failures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of unsuccessful AAAA requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 12 } 
+sysDnsStatHints OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hint (Root Nameservers) responses sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 13 } 
+sysDnsStatRejects OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of reject (REFUSED) responses sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 14 } 
+sysDnsStatNoErrors OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of NOERROR responses sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 15 } 
+sysDnsStatDrops OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of packets dropped (not sent to GTM, DNS-Express, DNSSEC,
+		DNS64, or Backend DNS (e.g. BIND))."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 16 } 
+sysDnsStatMalformed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of malformed packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 17 } 
+sysDnsStatTclSuspends OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of TCL suspends."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 18 } 
+sysDnsStatRecursionDesired OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries with RD bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 19 } 
+sysDnsStatCheckingDisabled OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries with CD bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 20 } 
+sysDnsStatEdns0 OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries with EDNS0 bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 21 } 
+sysDnsStatOpcodeQuery OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries whose operation code is QUERY."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 22 } 
+sysDnsStatOpcodeNotify OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries whose operation code is NOTIFY."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 23 } 
+sysDnsStatOpcodeUpdate OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries whose operation code is UPDATE."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 24 } 
+sysDnsStatZoneIxfr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries whose question type is IXFR."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 25 } 
+sysDnsStatZoneAxfr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries whose question type is AXFR."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 26 } 
+sysDnsStatAuthoritativeAnswer OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses with AA bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 27 } 
+sysDnsStatRecursionAvailable OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses with RA bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 28 } 
+sysDnsStatAuthenticatedData OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses with AD bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 29 } 
+sysDnsStatTruncated OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses with TC bit set."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 30 } 
+sysDnsStatRcodeNoerror OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses whose return code is NOERROR."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 31 } 
+sysDnsStatRcodeNxdomain OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses whose return code is NXDOMAIN."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 32 } 
+sysDnsStatRcodeServfail OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses whose return code is SERVFAIL."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 33 } 
+sysDnsStatRcodeRefused OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses whose return code is REFUSED."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 34 } 
+sysDnsStatMalicious OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of malicious packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 35 } 
+sysDnsStatAReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of A query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 36 } 
+sysDnsStatAaaaReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of AAAA query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 37 } 
+sysDnsStatAnyReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of ANY type query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 38 } 
+sysDnsStatCnameReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of CNAME query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 39 } 
+sysDnsStatMxReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of MX query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 40 } 
+sysDnsStatNsReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of NS query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 41 } 
+sysDnsStatPtrReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of PTR query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 42 } 
+sysDnsStatSoaReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of SOA query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 43 } 
+sysDnsStatSrvReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of SRV query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 44 } 
+sysDnsStatTxtReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of TXT query packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 45 } 
+sysDnsStatOtherReqs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of uncategorized DNS packets received."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 46 } 
+sysDnsStatGtmRewrites OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses modified by GTM."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 47 } 
+sysDnsStatOpcodeOther OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of queries whose operation code is uncategorized."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 48 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of responses returned by DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 49 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsAllowed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of non-matched queries passing through DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 50 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsDrops OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of non-matching queries dropped by DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 51 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsRespTc OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of non-matching queries resulting in a truncated response by DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 52 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsRespNx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of non-matching queries resulting in a NXDOMAIN response by DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 53 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsRespNe OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of non-matching queries resulting in a No-Data response by DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 54 } 
+sysDnsStatFastDnsRespRf OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of non-matching queries resulting in a REFUSED response by DNS Rapid Response."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsStat 55 } 
+-- Global_lsn_pool_stat
+sysLsnPoolStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalLsnPoolStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 1 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActivePersistenceMappings OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active persistence mappings."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 2 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActiveInboundReservations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active inbound reservations."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 3 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTranslationRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of translation requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 4 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatHairpinConnectionRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of hairpin connection requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 5 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActiveTranslations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active translations."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 6 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActiveHairpinConnections OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of active hairpin connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 7 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTranslationRequestFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of translation request failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 8 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatPersistenceMappingFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of persistence mapping translation failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 9 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatHairpinConnectionFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of failed hairpin connection attempts.  A hairpin connection failure occurs when 
+	        a subscriber connects to an inbound reservation but a connection could not be created."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 10 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatBackupPoolTranslations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of translation requests that were served using the backup pool."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 11 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatLogAttempts OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of logging attempts."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 12 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatLogFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of logging attempts that resulted in failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 13 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalEndPoints OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The product of the number of IP addresses and the translation port
+	        range. This is computed when the pool membership or translation
+	        port range changes."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 14 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActivePortBlocks OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of port blocks actively in use."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 15 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActiveClientsReachedLimit OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total clients who have reached the max port blocks allocated to them."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 16 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatActiveZombiePortBlocks OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total blocks which have reached their lifetime and cannot be used for
+	        new allocations. They are not yet deleted because there are
+	        connections using ports in that block."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 17 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalClientsReachedLimit OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total client connections rejected because client hit
+	        client-block-limit and could not find any free ports in the
+	        existing blocks."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 18 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalPortBlockAllocations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total port block allocations."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 19 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalPortBlockAllocationFailures OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total port block allocation failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 20 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalPortBlockDeallocations OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total port blocks freed."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 21 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalZombiePortBlockConnectionsKilled OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total connections killed due to zombie block reaching zombie timeout."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 22 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalZombiePortBlocksCreated OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total blocks which have reached their lifetime and cannot be used for
+	        new allocations. They are not yet deleted because there are
+	        connections using ports in that block."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 23 } 
+sysLsnPoolStatTotalZombiePortBlocksDeleted OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total zombie blocks deleted after their zombie timeouts. When a zombie
+	        block is deleted, the connections using them are killed."
+	::= { sysGlobalLsnPoolStat 24 } 
+-- Fec_stat
+sysFecStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysFecStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysFecStat 1 } 
+sysFecStatNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysFecStat entries in the table."
+	::= { sysFecStat 2 } 
+sysFecStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing statistics information about FEC tunnels."
+	::= { sysFecStat 3 } 
+sysFecStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysFecStatEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysFecStat Table"
+		sysFecStatName,
+		sysFecStatProfile
+	}
+	::= { sysFecStatTable 1 } 
+SysFecStatEntry ::= 
+        	sysFecStatName                                         LongDisplayString,
+        	sysFecStatProfile                                      LongDisplayString,
+        	sysFecStatOutRawPackets                                Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatOutRawBytes                                  Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatOutRdndPackets                               Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatOutRdndBytes                                 Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatInRawPackets                                 Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatInRawBytes                                   Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatInRdndPackets                                Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatInRdndBytes                                  Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatInRdndLost                                   Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatInRawLost                                    Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatRmtInRdndPackets                             Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatRmtInRdndLost                                Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatRmtInRawPackets                              Counter64,
+        	sysFecStatRmtInRawLost                                 Counter64
+	}
+sysFecStatName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a FEC tunnel."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 1 } 
+sysFecStatProfile OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a FEC profile."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 2 } 
+sysFecStatOutRawPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of output raw packets."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 3 } 
+sysFecStatOutRawBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of output raw bytes."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 4 } 
+sysFecStatOutRdndPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of output redundant packets."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 5 } 
+sysFecStatOutRdndBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of output redundant bytes."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 6 } 
+sysFecStatInRawPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of input raw packets."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 7 } 
+sysFecStatInRawBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of input raw bytes."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 8 } 
+sysFecStatInRdndPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of input redundant packets."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 9 } 
+sysFecStatInRdndBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of input redundant bytes."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 10 } 
+sysFecStatInRdndLost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of input redundant packets lost."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 11 } 
+sysFecStatInRawLost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of input raw packets lost."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 12 } 
+sysFecStatRmtInRdndPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote side input redundant packets."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 13 } 
+sysFecStatRmtInRdndLost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote side input redundant packets lost."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 14 } 
+sysFecStatRmtInRawPackets OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote side input raw packets."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 15 } 
+sysFecStatRmtInRawLost OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of remote side input raw packets lost."
+	::= { sysFecStatEntry 16 } 
+-- Vcmp_assigned_slots
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVcmpAssignedSlots entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVcmpAssignedSlots 1 } 
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A list of the slots assigned to a VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAssignedSlots 2 } 
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVcmpAssignedSlots Table"
+		sysVcmpAssignedSlotsName,
+		sysVcmpAssignedSlotsIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysVcmpAssignedSlotsTable 1 } 
+SysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry ::= 
+        	sysVcmpAssignedSlotsName                               LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpAssignedSlotsIndex                              INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpAssignedSlotsSlotId                             INTEGER
+	}
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry 1 } 
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the slot number assigned to the specified VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry 2 } 
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The slot number assigned to the specified VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAssignedSlotsEntry 3 } 
+-- Vcmp_allowed_slots
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVcmpAllowedSlots entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVcmpAllowedSlots 1 } 
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A list of the slots that are allowed to be assigned to a VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAllowedSlots 2 } 
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVcmpAllowedSlots Table"
+		sysVcmpAllowedSlotsName,
+		sysVcmpAllowedSlotsIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysVcmpAllowedSlotsTable 1 } 
+SysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry ::= 
+        	sysVcmpAllowedSlotsName                                LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVcmpAllowedSlotsIndex                               INTEGER,
+        	sysVcmpAllowedSlotsSlotId                              INTEGER
+	}
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The name of a VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry 1 } 
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of a slot number allowed for the specified VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry 2 } 
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A slot number allowed for the specified VCMP guest."
+	::= { sysVcmpAllowedSlotsEntry 3 } 
+-- Virtual_disk
+sysVirtualDiskNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysVirtualDisk entries in the table."
+	::= { sysVirtualDisk 1 } 
+sysVirtualDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysVirtualDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A list of virtual disks for the VCMP guest VMs on the appliance or on each slot."
+	::= { sysVirtualDisk 2 } 
+sysVirtualDiskEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysVirtualDiskEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysVirtualDisk Table"
+		sysVirtualDiskSlotId,
+		sysVirtualDiskFilename
+	}
+	::= { sysVirtualDiskTable 1 } 
+SysVirtualDiskEntry ::= 
+        	sysVirtualDiskFilename                                 LongDisplayString,
+        	sysVirtualDiskOperatingSystem                          INTEGER,
+        	sysVirtualDiskSlotId                                   INTEGER,
+        	sysVirtualDiskState                                    INTEGER
+	}
+sysVirtualDiskFilename OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Virtual disk image filename on the host."
+	::= { sysVirtualDiskEntry 1 } 
+sysVirtualDiskOperatingSystem OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		tmos(1),
+		linux(2)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The guest operating system installed on the virtual disk."
+	::= { sysVirtualDiskEntry 2 } 
+sysVirtualDiskSlotId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chassis slot number of this virtual disk."
+	::= { sysVirtualDiskEntry 3 } 
+sysVirtualDiskState OBJECT-TYPE 
+		unknown(0),
+		created(1),
+		installing(2),
+		migrating(3),
+		ready(4),
+		in-use(5)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The status of this virtual disk."
+	::= { sysVirtualDiskEntry 4 } 
+-- Global_sipp_stat
+sysGlobalSipStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalSipStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalSipStat 1 } 
+sysGlobalSipStatRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalSipStat 2 } 
+sysGlobalSipStatResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of responses sent."
+	::= { sysGlobalSipStat 3 } 
+sysGlobalSipStatBadmsgs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of bad messages due to malform requests."
+	::= { sysGlobalSipStat 4 } 
+sysGlobalSipStatDrops OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of dropped packets."
+	::= { sysGlobalSipStat 5 } 
+-- Global_ftp_stat
+sysGlobalFtpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalFtpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalFtpStat 1 } 
+sysGlobalFtpStatLoginRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of login requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalFtpStat 2 } 
+sysGlobalFtpStatDownloadRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of download requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalFtpStat 3 } 
+sysGlobalFtpStatUploadRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of upload requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalFtpStat 4 } 
+-- Blade_temperature_status_stat
+sysBladeTempNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysBladeTemp entries in the table."
+	::= { sysBladeTemp 1 } 
+sysBladeTempTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of blade temperature of the system."
+	::= { sysBladeTemp 2 } 
+sysBladeTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysBladeTempEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysBladeTemp Table"
+		sysBladeTempIndex,
+		sysBladeTempSlot
+	}
+	::= { sysBladeTempTable 1 } 
+SysBladeTempEntry ::= 
+        	sysBladeTempIndex                                      INTEGER,
+        	sysBladeTempTemperature                                Integer32,
+        	sysBladeTempLocation                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysBladeTempSlot                                       INTEGER
+	}
+sysBladeTempIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of a chassis temperature sensor on the system. 
+		It identifies a particular chassis temperature sensor, fan, etc."
+	::= { sysBladeTempEntry 1 } 
+sysBladeTempTemperature OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The blade temperature (in Celsius) of the indexed sensor on the system.,
+		This is only supported for the platform where 
+		the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysBladeTempEntry 2 } 
+sysBladeTempLocation OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The location for the temperature sensor."
+	::= { sysBladeTempEntry 3 } 
+sysBladeTempSlot OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX INTEGER(0..32767)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chassis slot number, if applicable."
+	::= { sysBladeTempEntry 4 } 
+-- Blade_voltage_stat
+sysBladeVoltageNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysBladeVoltage entries in the table."
+	::= { sysBladeVoltage 1 } 
+sysBladeVoltageTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysBladeVoltageEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of blade voltage of the system."
+	::= { sysBladeVoltage 2 } 
+sysBladeVoltageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysBladeVoltageEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysBladeVoltage Table"
+		sysBladeVoltageIndex
+	}
+	::= { sysBladeVoltageTable 1 } 
+SysBladeVoltageEntry ::= 
+        	sysBladeVoltageIndex                                   LongDisplayString,
+        	sysBladeVoltageVoltage                                 Integer32,
+        	sysBladeVoltageSlot                                    INTEGER
+	}
+sysBladeVoltageIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The index of the voltage sensor. 
+		It identifies a particular blade voltage sensor, fan, etc."
+	::= { sysBladeVoltageEntry 1 } 
+sysBladeVoltageVoltage OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The blade voltage (in mV) of the indexed sensor on the system.,
+		This is only supported for the platform where 
+		the sensor data is available."
+	::= { sysBladeVoltageEntry 2 } 
+sysBladeVoltageSlot OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chassis slot number, if applicable."
+	::= { sysBladeVoltageEntry 3 } 
+-- Global_pptp_stat
+sysProfilePptpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalPptpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 1 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatStartRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages used to establish the control
+	     connection between a server and a client."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 2 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatStartReplies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent in reply to a received
+	     Start-Control-Connection-Request message."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 3 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatStopRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by one peer of a client-server
+	     control connection to inform the other peer that the control
+	     connection should be closed."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 4 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatStopReplies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by one peer of a client-server
+	     control connection upon receipt of a
+	     Stop-Control-Connection-Request from the other peer."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 5 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatEchoRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by either peer of a client-server
+	     control connection."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 6 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatEchoReplies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by either peer of a client-server
+	     control connection in response to the receipt of an Echo-Request."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 7 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatOutgoingCallRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by the server to the client to
+	     indicate that an outbound call from the client is to be
+	     established."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 8 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatOutgoingCallReplies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by the client to the server in
+	     response to a received Outgoing-Call-Request message."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 9 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatCallClearRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by the server to the client
+	     indicating that a particular call is to be disconnected."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 10 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatCallDisconnectNotifies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP Call-Disconnect-Notify control messages sent by the client 
+	    to the server.  Its purpose is to inform the server of both the
+	    disconnection and the reason for it."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 11 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatWanErrorNotifies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of WAN-Error-Notify messages sent by the client to the server to 
+	    indicate WAN error conditions (conditions that occur on the interface 
+	    supporting PPP)."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 12 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatSetLinkInfo OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of PPTP control messages sent by the server to the client to
+	     set PPP-negotiated options."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 13 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatActiveCalls OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Number of active PPTP calls."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 14 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatTotalCalls OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total number of PPTP calls served."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 15 } 
+sysProfilePptpStatFailedCalls OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Total number of PPTP calls that failed."
+	::= { sysGlobalPptpStat 16 } 
+-- Global_pcp_stat
+sysPcpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalPcpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 1 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpAnnounceRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Announce requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 2 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpAnnounceResponsesUcast OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of unicast Announce responses transmitted."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 3 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpAnnounceResponsesMulticast OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of multicast Announce responses transmitted."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 4 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpMapRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Map requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 5 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpMapResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Map responses transmitted."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 6 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpPeerRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Peer requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 7 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpPeerResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of Peer responses transmitted."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 8 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpErrorsInvalidRequests OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of invalid or malformed PCP requests received."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 9 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpErrorsUnavailableResource OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of PCP requests received where the server has insufficient 
+	     resources to complete the requested operation."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 10 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpErrorsNotAuthorized OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of PCP requests that generated (or caused) an
+	    unauthorized error when attempting to create a mapping."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 11 } 
+sysPcpStatPcpErrorsOther OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of PCP requests received that resulted in other errors."
+	::= { sysGlobalPcpStat 12 } 
+-- Global_tmm_dns_server_stat
+sysDnsServerStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalDnsServerStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsServerStat 1 } 
+sysDnsServerStatXfrQueries OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of zone transfer queries."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsServerStat 2 } 
+sysDnsServerStatXfrResponses OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of zone transfer responses."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsServerStat 3 } 
+sysDnsServerStatXfrNotifies OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of zone transfer notifies."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsServerStat 4 } 
+sysDnsServerStatXfrNotifyFailed OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of zone transfer notify failures."
+	::= { sysGlobalDnsServerStat 5 } 
+-- Mptcp_stat
+sysMptcpStatResetStats OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS current
+		"The action to reset resetable statistics data in  sysGlobalMptcpStat. 
+		 Setting this value to 1 will reset statistics data. 
+		 Note, some statistics data may not be reset including data that are incremental counters."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 1 } 
+sysMptcpStatAccept OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of primary MPTCP connections accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 2 } 
+sysMptcpStatAcceptFail OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of primary MPTCP connections rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 3 } 
+sysMptcpStatJoinFlow OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of secondary MPTCP connections accepted."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 4 } 
+sysMptcpStatJoinFlowFail OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of secondary MPTCP connections rejected."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 5 } 
+sysMptcpStatClose OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of MPTCP connections closed."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 6 } 
+sysMptcpStatRxtimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of retransmission timeouts for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 7 } 
+sysMptcpStatRxfailover OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of retransmission failovers for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 8 } 
+sysMptcpStatAddAddrTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of add_addr sent for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 9 } 
+sysMptcpStatAddAddrRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of add_addr received for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 10 } 
+sysMptcpStatRemAddrTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of remove_addr sent for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 11 } 
+sysMptcpStatRemAddrRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of remove_addr received for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 12 } 
+sysMptcpStatPrioTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of priority events sent for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 13 } 
+sysMptcpStatPrioRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of priority events received for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 14 } 
+sysMptcpStatFailTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of fallback events sent for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 15 } 
+sysMptcpStatFailRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of fallback events received for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 16 } 
+sysMptcpStatFastcloseTx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of fastclose events sent for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 17 } 
+sysMptcpStatFastcloseRx OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Counter64
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The total number of fastclose events received for MPTCP connections."
+	::= { sysGlobalMptcpStat 18 } 
+-- Lldp_neighbors
+sysLldpNeighborsTableNumber OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The number of sysLldpNeighbors entries in the table."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighbors 1 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysLldpNeighborsTableEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"A table containing information of lldp neighbors."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighbors 2 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX  SysLldpNeighborsTableEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Columns in the sysLldpNeighborsTable Table"
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableChassisId,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTablePortId
+	}
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableTable 1 } 
+SysLldpNeighborsTableEntry ::= 
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableChassisId                         LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTablePortId                            LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableLocalInterface                    LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTablePortDesc                          LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableSysName                           LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableSysDesc                           LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableSysCap                            Integer32,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableMgmtAddr                          LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTablePvid                              INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTablePpvid                             INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableVlanName                          LongDisplayString,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableVlanTag                           INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableProtocolIdentity                  INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableAutoNego                          INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTablePmd                               INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableMau                               INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableAggStatus                         INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableAggPortid                         Integer32,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableMfs                               INTEGER,
+        	sysLldpNeighborsTableF5ProductModel                    LongDisplayString
+	}
+sysLldpNeighborsTableChassisId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The chassis ID of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 1 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTablePortId OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The port ID of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 2 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableLocalInterface OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The local port ID to which the LLDP neighbor is connected."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 3 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTablePortDesc OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A description of the port on the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 4 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableSysName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The system name of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 5 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableSysDesc OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"A description of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 6 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableSysCap OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"System capabilities of the LLDP neighbor (switching, routing, etc.)"
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 7 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Management IP address of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 8 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTablePvid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN ID associated with the port on the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 9 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTablePpvid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Indicates whether a PPVID TLV has been received by the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 10 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableVlanName OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN name associated with the port on the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 11 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The VLAN tag associated with the port on the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 12 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableProtocolIdentity OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Indicates whether a Protocol Identity TLV has been received by the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 13 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableAutoNego OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC/PHY Auto-Negotiation status of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 14 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTablePmd OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC/PHY Physical Medium Dependant (PMD) capability of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 15 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableMau OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The MAC/PHY Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) type of the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 16 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableAggStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Link aggregation status/capability of LLDP neighbor port."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 17 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableAggPortid OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"If the remote port is aggregated, indicates the aggregated port ID on the LLDP neighbor."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 18 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableMfs OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Maximum frame size of the LLDP neighbor's MAC and PHY implementation."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 19 } 
+sysLldpNeighborsTableF5ProductModel OBJECT-TYPE 
+	SYNTAX LongDisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Displays the F5 product model name if the LLDP neighbor is an F5 product."
+	::= { sysLldpNeighborsTableEntry 20 } 
+ -- Compliance and Group
+bigipSystemCompliance	MODULE-COMPLIANCE 
+	STATUS current
+		"This specifies the objects that are required to claim 
+                 compliance to F5 Traffic Management System."
+	  MANDATORY-GROUPS { bigipSystemGroups } 
+	::= { bigipCompliances 1 } 
+bigipSystemGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {  bigipGroups 1 }
+sysAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysAttrArpMaxEntries,
+		sysAttrArpAddReciprocal,
+		sysAttrArpTimeout,
+		sysAttrArpRetries,
+		sysAttrBootQuiet,
+		sysAttrConfigsyncState,
+		sysAttrConnAdaptiveReaperHiwat,
+		sysAttrConnAdaptiveReaperLowat,
+		sysAttrConnAutoLasthop,
+		sysAttrFailoverActiveMode,
+		sysAttrFailoverForceActive,
+		sysAttrFailoverForceStandby,
+		sysAttrFailoverIsRedundant,
+		sysAttrFailoverMemoryRestartPercent,
+		sysAttrFailoverNetwork,
+		sysAttrFailoverStandbyLinkDownTime,
+		sysAttrFailoverSslhardware,
+		sysAttrFailoverSslhardwareAction,
+		sysAttrFailoverUnitMask,
+		sysAttrFailoverUnitId,
+		sysAttrModeMaint,
+		sysAttrPacketFilter,
+		sysAttrPacketFilterAllowImportantIcmp,
+		sysAttrPacketFilterEstablished,
+		sysAttrPacketFilterDefaultAction,
+		sysAttrPacketFilterSendIcmpErrors,
+		sysAttrPvaAcceleration,
+		sysAttrVlanFDBTimeout,
+		sysAttrWatchdogState
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalAttr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 1 }
+sysStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStatResetStats,
+		sysStatClientPktsIn,
+		sysStatClientBytesIn,
+		sysStatClientPktsOut,
+		sysStatClientBytesOut,
+		sysStatClientMaxConns,
+		sysStatClientTotConns,
+		sysStatClientCurConns,
+		sysStatServerPktsIn,
+		sysStatServerBytesIn,
+		sysStatServerPktsOut,
+		sysStatServerBytesOut,
+		sysStatServerMaxConns,
+		sysStatServerTotConns,
+		sysStatServerCurConns,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsIn,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesIn,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsOut,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesOut,
+		sysStatPvaClientMaxConns,
+		sysStatPvaClientTotConns,
+		sysStatPvaClientCurConns,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsIn,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesIn,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsOut,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesOut,
+		sysStatPvaServerMaxConns,
+		sysStatPvaServerTotConns,
+		sysStatPvaServerCurConns,
+		sysStatTotPvaAssistConn,
+		sysStatCurrPvaAssistConn,
+		sysStatMaintenanceModeDeny,
+		sysStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny,
+		sysStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny,
+		sysStatNoHandlerDeny,
+		sysStatLicenseDeny,
+		sysStatConnectionMemoryErrors,
+		sysStatCpuCount,
+		sysStatActiveCpuCount,
+		sysStatMultiProcessorMode,
+		sysStatTmTotalCycles,
+		sysStatTmIdleCycles,
+		sysStatTmSleepCycles,
+		sysStatMemoryTotal,
+		sysStatMemoryUsed,
+		sysStatDroppedPackets,
+		sysStatIncomingPacketErrors,
+		sysStatOutgoingPacketErrors,
+		sysStatAuthTotSessions,
+		sysStatAuthCurSessions,
+		sysStatAuthMaxSessions,
+		sysStatAuthSuccessResults,
+		sysStatAuthFailureResults,
+		sysStatAuthWantcredentialResults,
+		sysStatAuthErrorResults,
+		sysStatHttpRequests,
+		sysStatHardSyncookieGen,
+		sysStatHardSyncookieDet,
+		sysStatClientPktsIn5s,
+		sysStatClientBytesIn5s,
+		sysStatClientPktsOut5s,
+		sysStatClientBytesOut5s,
+		sysStatClientMaxConns5s,
+		sysStatClientTotConns5s,
+		sysStatClientCurConns5s,
+		sysStatServerPktsIn5s,
+		sysStatServerBytesIn5s,
+		sysStatServerPktsOut5s,
+		sysStatServerBytesOut5s,
+		sysStatServerMaxConns5s,
+		sysStatServerTotConns5s,
+		sysStatServerCurConns5s,
+		sysStatClientPktsIn1m,
+		sysStatClientBytesIn1m,
+		sysStatClientPktsOut1m,
+		sysStatClientBytesOut1m,
+		sysStatClientMaxConns1m,
+		sysStatClientTotConns1m,
+		sysStatClientCurConns1m,
+		sysStatServerPktsIn1m,
+		sysStatServerBytesIn1m,
+		sysStatServerPktsOut1m,
+		sysStatServerBytesOut1m,
+		sysStatServerMaxConns1m,
+		sysStatServerTotConns1m,
+		sysStatServerCurConns1m,
+		sysStatClientPktsIn5m,
+		sysStatClientBytesIn5m,
+		sysStatClientPktsOut5m,
+		sysStatClientBytesOut5m,
+		sysStatClientMaxConns5m,
+		sysStatClientTotConns5m,
+		sysStatClientCurConns5m,
+		sysStatServerPktsIn5m,
+		sysStatServerBytesIn5m,
+		sysStatServerPktsOut5m,
+		sysStatServerBytesOut5m,
+		sysStatServerMaxConns5m,
+		sysStatServerTotConns5m,
+		sysStatServerCurConns5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsIn5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesIn5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsOut5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesOut5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientMaxConns5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientTotConns5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientCurConns5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsIn5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesIn5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsOut5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesOut5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerMaxConns5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerTotConns5s,
+		sysStatPvaServerCurConns5s,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsIn1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesIn1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsOut1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesOut1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientMaxConns1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientTotConns1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientCurConns1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsIn1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesIn1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsOut1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesOut1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerMaxConns1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerTotConns1m,
+		sysStatPvaServerCurConns1m,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsIn5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesIn5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientPktsOut5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientBytesOut5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientMaxConns5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientTotConns5m,
+		sysStatPvaClientCurConns5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsIn5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesIn5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerPktsOut5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerBytesOut5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerMaxConns5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerTotConns5m,
+		sysStatPvaServerCurConns5m,
+		sysStatMemoryTotalKb,
+		sysStatMemoryUsedKb
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 2 }
+sysAuthStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysAuthStatResetStats,
+		sysAuthStatTotSessions,
+		sysAuthStatCurSessions,
+		sysAuthStatMaxSessions,
+		sysAuthStatSuccessResults,
+		sysAuthStatFailureResults,
+		sysAuthStatWantcredentialResults,
+		sysAuthStatErrorResults
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalAuthStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 3 }
+sysConnPoolStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysConnPoolStatResetStats,
+		sysConnPoolStatCurSize,
+		sysConnPoolStatMaxSize,
+		sysConnPoolStatReuses,
+		sysConnPoolStatConnects
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalConnPoolStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 4 }
+sysHttpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysHttpStatResetStats,
+		sysHttpStatCookiePersistInserts,
+		sysHttpStatResp2xxCnt,
+		sysHttpStatResp3xxCnt,
+		sysHttpStatResp4xxCnt,
+		sysHttpStatResp5xxCnt,
+		sysHttpStatNumberReqs,
+		sysHttpStatGetReqs,
+		sysHttpStatPostReqs,
+		sysHttpStatV9Reqs,
+		sysHttpStatV10Reqs,
+		sysHttpStatV11Reqs,
+		sysHttpStatV9Resp,
+		sysHttpStatV10Resp,
+		sysHttpStatV11Resp,
+		sysHttpStatMaxKeepaliveReq,
+		sysHttpStatRespBucket1k,
+		sysHttpStatRespBucket4k,
+		sysHttpStatRespBucket16k,
+		sysHttpStatRespBucket32k,
+		sysHttpStatPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatNullCompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatHtmlPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatHtmlPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatCssPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatCssPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatJsPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatJsPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatXmlPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatXmlPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatSgmlPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatSgmlPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatPlainPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatPlainPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatOctetPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatOctetPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatImagePrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatImagePostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatVideoPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatVideoPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatAudioPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatAudioPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatOtherPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatOtherPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheHits,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheMisses,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheMissesAll,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheHitBytes,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheMissBytes,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheMissBytesAll,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheSize,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheCount,
+		sysHttpStatRamcacheEvictions,
+		sysHttpStatRespBucket64k
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalHttpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 5 }
+sysIcmpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIcmpStatResetStats,
+		sysIcmpStatTx,
+		sysIcmpStatRx,
+		sysIcmpStatForward,
+		sysIcmpStatDrop,
+		sysIcmpStatErrCksum,
+		sysIcmpStatErrLen,
+		sysIcmpStatErrMem,
+		sysIcmpStatErrRtx,
+		sysIcmpStatErrProto,
+		sysIcmpStatErrOpt,
+		sysIcmpStatErr
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalIcmpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 6 }
+sysIcmp6StatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIcmp6StatResetStats,
+		sysIcmp6StatTx,
+		sysIcmp6StatRx,
+		sysIcmp6StatForward,
+		sysIcmp6StatDrop,
+		sysIcmp6StatErrCksum,
+		sysIcmp6StatErrLen,
+		sysIcmp6StatErrMem,
+		sysIcmp6StatErrRtx,
+		sysIcmp6StatErrProto,
+		sysIcmp6StatErrOpt,
+		sysIcmp6StatErr
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalIcmp6Stat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 7 }
+sysIpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIpStatResetStats,
+		sysIpStatTx,
+		sysIpStatRx,
+		sysIpStatDropped,
+		sysIpStatRxFrag,
+		sysIpStatRxFragDropped,
+		sysIpStatTxFrag,
+		sysIpStatTxFragDropped,
+		sysIpStatReassembled,
+		sysIpStatErrCksum,
+		sysIpStatErrLen,
+		sysIpStatErrMem,
+		sysIpStatErrRtx,
+		sysIpStatErrProto,
+		sysIpStatErrOpt,
+		sysIpStatErrReassembledTooLong
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalIpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 8 }
+sysIp6StatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIp6StatResetStats,
+		sysIp6StatTx,
+		sysIp6StatRx,
+		sysIp6StatDropped,
+		sysIp6StatRxFrag,
+		sysIp6StatRxFragDropped,
+		sysIp6StatTxFrag,
+		sysIp6StatTxFragDropped,
+		sysIp6StatReassembled,
+		sysIp6StatErrCksum,
+		sysIp6StatErrLen,
+		sysIp6StatErrMem,
+		sysIp6StatErrRtx,
+		sysIp6StatErrProto,
+		sysIp6StatErrOpt,
+		sysIp6StatErrReassembledTooLong
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalIp6Stat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 9 }
+sysClientsslStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysClientsslStatResetStats,
+		sysClientsslStatCurConns,
+		sysClientsslStatMaxConns,
+		sysClientsslStatCurNativeConns,
+		sysClientsslStatMaxNativeConns,
+		sysClientsslStatTotNativeConns,
+		sysClientsslStatCurCompatConns,
+		sysClientsslStatMaxCompatConns,
+		sysClientsslStatTotCompatConns,
+		sysClientsslStatEncryptedBytesIn,
+		sysClientsslStatEncryptedBytesOut,
+		sysClientsslStatDecryptedBytesIn,
+		sysClientsslStatDecryptedBytesOut,
+		sysClientsslStatRecordsIn,
+		sysClientsslStatRecordsOut,
+		sysClientsslStatFullyHwAcceleratedConns,
+		sysClientsslStatPartiallyHwAcceleratedConns,
+		sysClientsslStatNonHwAcceleratedConns,
+		sysClientsslStatPrematureDisconnects,
+		sysClientsslStatMidstreamRenegotiations,
+		sysClientsslStatSessCacheCurEntries,
+		sysClientsslStatSessCacheHits,
+		sysClientsslStatSessCacheLookups,
+		sysClientsslStatSessCacheOverflows,
+		sysClientsslStatSessCacheInvalidations,
+		sysClientsslStatPeercertValid,
+		sysClientsslStatPeercertInvalid,
+		sysClientsslStatPeercertNone,
+		sysClientsslStatHandshakeFailures,
+		sysClientsslStatBadRecords,
+		sysClientsslStatFatalAlerts,
+		sysClientsslStatSslv2,
+		sysClientsslStatSslv3,
+		sysClientsslStatTlsv1,
+		sysClientsslStatAdhKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatDhDssKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatDhRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatDssKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatEdhDssKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatNullBulk,
+		sysClientsslStatAesBulk,
+		sysClientsslStatDesBulk,
+		sysClientsslStatIdeaBulk,
+		sysClientsslStatRc2Bulk,
+		sysClientsslStatRc4Bulk,
+		sysClientsslStatNullDigest,
+		sysClientsslStatMd5Digest,
+		sysClientsslStatShaDigest,
+		sysClientsslStatNotssl,
+		sysClientsslStatEdhRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatTotConns5s,
+		sysClientsslStatTotConns1m,
+		sysClientsslStatTotConns5m,
+		sysClientsslStatSecureHandshakes,
+		sysClientsslStatInsecureHandshakeAccepts,
+		sysClientsslStatInsecureHandshakeRejects,
+		sysClientsslStatInsecureRenegotiationRejects,
+		sysClientsslStatSniRejects,
+		sysClientsslStatTlsv11,
+		sysClientsslStatTlsv12,
+		sysClientsslStatDtlsv1,
+		sysClientsslStatEcdheRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatConns,
+		sysClientsslStatCachedCerts,
+		sysClientsslStatEcdhRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatEcdheEcdsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatEcdhEcdsaKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatDheDssKeyxchg,
+		sysClientsslStatAesGcmBulk,
+		sysClientsslStatDestinationIpBypasses,
+		sysClientsslStatSourceIpBypasses,
+		sysClientsslStatHostnameBypasses,
+		sysClientsslStatRenegotiationsRejected,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingConns,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingResponseStatusErrors,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingResponseValidationErrors,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingCertStatusErrors,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingOcspConnHttpErrors,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingOcspConnTimeouts,
+		sysClientsslStatOcspStaplingOcspConnFailures
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalClientSslStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 10 }
+sysServersslStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysServersslStatResetStats,
+		sysServersslStatCurConns,
+		sysServersslStatMaxConns,
+		sysServersslStatCurNativeConns,
+		sysServersslStatMaxNativeConns,
+		sysServersslStatTotNativeConns,
+		sysServersslStatCurCompatConns,
+		sysServersslStatMaxCompatConns,
+		sysServersslStatTotCompatConns,
+		sysServersslStatEncryptedBytesIn,
+		sysServersslStatEncryptedBytesOut,
+		sysServersslStatDecryptedBytesIn,
+		sysServersslStatDecryptedBytesOut,
+		sysServersslStatRecordsIn,
+		sysServersslStatRecordsOut,
+		sysServersslStatFullyHwAcceleratedConns,
+		sysServersslStatPartiallyHwAcceleratedConns,
+		sysServersslStatNonHwAcceleratedConns,
+		sysServersslStatPrematureDisconnects,
+		sysServersslStatMidstreamRenegotiations,
+		sysServersslStatSessCacheCurEntries,
+		sysServersslStatSessCacheHits,
+		sysServersslStatSessCacheLookups,
+		sysServersslStatSessCacheOverflows,
+		sysServersslStatSessCacheInvalidations,
+		sysServersslStatPeercertValid,
+		sysServersslStatPeercertInvalid,
+		sysServersslStatPeercertNone,
+		sysServersslStatHandshakeFailures,
+		sysServersslStatBadRecords,
+		sysServersslStatFatalAlerts,
+		sysServersslStatSslv2,
+		sysServersslStatSslv3,
+		sysServersslStatTlsv1,
+		sysServersslStatAdhKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatDhDssKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatDhRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatDssKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatEdhDssKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatNullBulk,
+		sysServersslStatAesBulk,
+		sysServersslStatDesBulk,
+		sysServersslStatIdeaBulk,
+		sysServersslStatRc2Bulk,
+		sysServersslStatRc4Bulk,
+		sysServersslStatNullDigest,
+		sysServersslStatMd5Digest,
+		sysServersslStatShaDigest,
+		sysServersslStatNotssl,
+		sysServersslStatEdhRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatSecureHandshakes,
+		sysServersslStatInsecureHandshakeAccepts,
+		sysServersslStatInsecureHandshakeRejects,
+		sysServersslStatInsecureRenegotiationRejects,
+		sysServersslStatSniRejects,
+		sysServersslStatTlsv11,
+		sysServersslStatTlsv12,
+		sysServersslStatDtlsv1,
+		sysServersslStatEcdheRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatConns,
+		sysServersslStatEcdhRsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatEcdheEcdsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatEcdhEcdsaKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatDheDssKeyxchg,
+		sysServersslStatAesGcmBulk,
+		sysServersslStatDestinationIpBypasses,
+		sysServersslStatSourceIpBypasses,
+		sysServersslStatHostnameBypasses,
+		sysServersslStatRenegotiationsRejected
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalServerSslStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 11 }
+sysStreamStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStreamStatResetStats,
+		sysStreamStatReplaces
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalStreamStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 12 }
+sysTcpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysTcpStatResetStats,
+		sysTcpStatOpen,
+		sysTcpStatCloseWait,
+		sysTcpStatFinWait,
+		sysTcpStatTimeWait,
+		sysTcpStatAccepts,
+		sysTcpStatAcceptfails,
+		sysTcpStatConnects,
+		sysTcpStatConnfails,
+		sysTcpStatExpires,
+		sysTcpStatAbandons,
+		sysTcpStatRxrst,
+		sysTcpStatRxbadsum,
+		sysTcpStatRxbadseg,
+		sysTcpStatRxooseg,
+		sysTcpStatRxcookie,
+		sysTcpStatRxbadcookie,
+		sysTcpStatSyncacheover,
+		sysTcpStatTxrexmits
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalTcpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 13 }
+sysUdpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysUdpStatResetStats,
+		sysUdpStatOpen,
+		sysUdpStatAccepts,
+		sysUdpStatAcceptfails,
+		sysUdpStatConnects,
+		sysUdpStatConnfails,
+		sysUdpStatExpires,
+		sysUdpStatRxdgram,
+		sysUdpStatRxbaddgram,
+		sysUdpStatRxunreach,
+		sysUdpStatRxbadsum,
+		sysUdpStatRxnosum,
+		sysUdpStatTxdgram
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalUdpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 14 }
+sysAdminIpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysAdminIpNumber,
+		sysAdminIpAddrType,
+		sysAdminIpAddr,
+		sysAdminIpNetmaskType,
+		sysAdminIpNetmask,
+		sysAdminIpName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysAdminIp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 15 }
+sysArpStaticEntryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysArpStaticEntryNumber,
+		sysArpStaticEntryIpAddrType,
+		sysArpStaticEntryIpAddr,
+		sysArpStaticEntryMacAddr,
+		sysArpStaticEntryName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysArpStaticEntry MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 16 }
+sysDot1dbaseStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysDot1dbaseStatResetStats,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatMacAddr,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatNumPorts,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatType
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysDot1dbaseStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 17 }
+sysDot1dbaseStatPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortNumber,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortIndex,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortPort,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortName,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortDelayExceededDiscards,
+		sysDot1dbaseStatPortMtuExceededDiscards
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysDot1dbaseStatPort MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 18 }
+sysInterfaceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysInterfaceNumber,
+		sysInterfaceName,
+		sysInterfaceMediaMaxSpeed,
+		sysInterfaceMediaMaxDuplex,
+		sysInterfaceMediaActiveSpeed,
+		sysInterfaceMediaActiveDuplex,
+		sysInterfaceMacAddr,
+		sysInterfaceMtu,
+		sysInterfaceEnabled,
+		sysInterfaceLearnMode,
+		sysInterfaceFlowCtrlReq,
+		sysInterfaceStpLink,
+		sysInterfaceStpEdge,
+		sysInterfaceStpEdgeActive,
+		sysInterfaceStpAuto,
+		sysInterfaceStpEnable,
+		sysInterfaceStpReset,
+		sysInterfaceStatus,
+		sysInterfaceComboPort,
+		sysInterfacePreferSfp,
+		sysInterfaceSfpMedia,
+		sysInterfacePhyMaster
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysInterface MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 19 }
+sysIntfMediaGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIntfMediaNumber,
+		sysIntfMediaName,
+		sysIntfMediaIndex,
+		sysIntfMediaMediaOption
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysInterfaceMediaOptions MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 20 }
+		sysIfNumber,
+		sysIfIndex,
+		sysIfName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysInterfaceId MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 21 }
+sysInterfaceStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysInterfaceStatResetStats,
+		sysInterfaceStatNumber,
+		sysInterfaceStatName,
+		sysInterfaceStatPktsIn,
+		sysInterfaceStatBytesIn,
+		sysInterfaceStatPktsOut,
+		sysInterfaceStatBytesOut,
+		sysInterfaceStatMcastIn,
+		sysInterfaceStatMcastOut,
+		sysInterfaceStatErrorsIn,
+		sysInterfaceStatErrorsOut,
+		sysInterfaceStatDropsIn,
+		sysInterfaceStatDropsOut,
+		sysInterfaceStatCollisions,
+		sysInterfaceStatQqIn,
+		sysInterfaceStatQqOut,
+		sysInterfaceStatPauseActive
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysInterfaceStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 22 }
+sysIfxStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIfxStatResetStats,
+		sysIfxStatNumber,
+		sysIfxStatName,
+		sysIfxStatInMulticastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatInBroadcastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatOutMulticastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatOutBroadcastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHcInOctets,
+		sysIfxStatHcInUcastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHcInMulticastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHcInBroadcastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHcOutOctets,
+		sysIfxStatHcOutUcastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHcOutMulticastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHcOutBroadcastPkts,
+		sysIfxStatHighSpeed,
+		sysIfxStatConnectorPresent,
+		sysIfxStatCounterDiscontinuityTime,
+		sysIfxStatAlias
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysIfxStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 23 }
+sysL2ForwardGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysL2ForwardNumber,
+		sysL2ForwardVlanName,
+		sysL2ForwardMacAddr,
+		sysL2ForwardIfname,
+		sysL2ForwardIftype,
+		sysL2ForwardDynamic
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysL2Forward MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 24 }
+sysPacketFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPacketFilterNumber,
+		sysPacketFilterRname,
+		sysPacketFilterOrder,
+		sysPacketFilterAction,
+		sysPacketFilterVname,
+		sysPacketFilterLog,
+		sysPacketFilterRclass,
+		sysPacketFilterExpression
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPacketFilter MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 25 }
+sysPacketFilterAddrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPacketFilterAddrNumber,
+		sysPacketFilterAddrIndex,
+		sysPacketFilterAddrIpType,
+		sysPacketFilterAddrIp,
+		sysPacketFilterAddrRname
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPacketFilterAddress MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 26 }
+sysPacketFilterVlanGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPacketFilterVlanNumber,
+		sysPacketFilterVlanIndex,
+		sysPacketFilterVlanName,
+		sysPacketFilterVlanRname
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPacketFilterVlan MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 27 }
+sysPacketFilterMacGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPacketFilterMacNumber,
+		sysPacketFilterMacIndex,
+		sysPacketFilterMacAddr,
+		sysPacketFilterMacRname
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPacketFilterMac MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 28 }
+sysPacketFilterStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPacketFilterStatResetStats,
+		sysPacketFilterStatNumber,
+		sysPacketFilterStatRname,
+		sysPacketFilterStatHits
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPacketFilterStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 29 }
+sysRouteMgmtEntryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryNumber,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryDestType,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryDest,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmaskType,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryNetmask,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryType,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryGatewayType,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryGateway,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryMtu,
+		sysRouteMgmtEntryName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysRouteMgmtEntry MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 30 }
+sysRouteStaticEntryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysRouteStaticEntryNumber,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryDestType,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryDest,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryNetmaskType,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryNetmask,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryType,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryVlanName,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryGatewayType,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryGateway,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryPoolName,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryMtu,
+		sysRouteStaticEntryName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysRouteStaticEntry MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 31 }
+sysSelfIpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSelfIpNumber,
+		sysSelfIpAddrType,
+		sysSelfIpAddr,
+		sysSelfIpNetmaskType,
+		sysSelfIpNetmask,
+		sysSelfIpUnitId,
+		sysSelfIpIsFloating,
+		sysSelfIpVlanName,
+		sysSelfIpName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSelfIp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 32 }
+sysSelfPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSelfPortNumber,
+		sysSelfPortAddrType,
+		sysSelfPortAddr,
+		sysSelfPortProtocol,
+		sysSelfPortPort,
+		sysSelfPortSelfName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSelfPort MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 33 }
+		sysStpNumber,
+		sysStpInstanceId,
+		sysStpPriority,
+		sysStpRootAddr,
+		sysStpRegionalRootAddr,
+		sysStpName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 34 }
+sysStpGlobalsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpGlobalsMode,
+		sysStpGlobalsFwdDelay,
+		sysStpGlobalsHelloTime,
+		sysStpGlobalsMaxAge,
+		sysStpGlobalsTransmitHold,
+		sysStpGlobalsMaxHops,
+		sysStpGlobalsIdentifier,
+		sysStpGlobalsRevision
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpGlobals MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 35 }
+sysStpInterfaceMbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrNumber,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceId,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrName,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrType,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrStateActive,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrRole,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrPriority,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrPathCost,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrStateRequested,
+		sysStpInterfaceMbrInstanceName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpInterfaceMbr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 36 }
+sysStpVlanMbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpVlanMbrNumber,
+		sysStpVlanMbrInstanceId,
+		sysStpVlanMbrVlanVname,
+		sysStpVlanMbrStpName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpVlanMbr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 37 }
+sysStpBridgeStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpBridgeStatResetStats,
+		sysStpBridgeStatMode,
+		sysStpBridgeStatFwdDelay,
+		sysStpBridgeStatHelloTime,
+		sysStpBridgeStatMaxAge,
+		sysStpBridgeStatBridgeFwdDelay,
+		sysStpBridgeStatBridgeHelloTime,
+		sysStpBridgeStatBridgeMaxAge,
+		sysStpBridgeStatTransmitHold,
+		sysStpBridgeStatPathCost,
+		sysStpBridgeStatRootPrio,
+		sysStpBridgeStatRootAddr
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpBridgeStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 38 }
+sysStpBridgeTreeStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatNumber,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatIndex,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatInstanceId,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatPriority,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatLastTc,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatTcCount,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatDesigRootPrio,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatDesigRootAddr,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatInternalPathCost,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatRootPort,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatRootPortNum,
+		sysStpBridgeTreeStatInstanceName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpBridgeTreeStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 39 }
+sysStpInterfaceStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpInterfaceStatResetStats,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatNumber,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatName,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatPortNum,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatStpEnable,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatPathCost,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatRootCost,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatRootPrio,
+		sysStpInterfaceStatRootAddr
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpInterfaceStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 40 }
+sysStpInterfaceTreeStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatNumber,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatName,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatIndex,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatInstanceId,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatPriority,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatState,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatStatRole,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigRootPrio,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigRootAddr,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigCost,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigBridgePrio,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigBridgeAddr,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigPortNum,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatDesigPortPriority,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatInternalPathCost,
+		sysStpInterfaceTreeStatFwdTransitions
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpInterfaceTreeStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 41 }
+sysDot3StatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysDot3StatResetStats,
+		sysDot3StatNumber,
+		sysDot3StatName,
+		sysDot3StatAlignmentErrors,
+		sysDot3StatFcsErrors,
+		sysDot3StatSingleCollisionFrames,
+		sysDot3StatMultiCollisionFrames,
+		sysDot3StatSqetestErrors,
+		sysDot3StatDeferredTx,
+		sysDot3StatLateCollisions,
+		sysDot3StatExcessiveCollisions,
+		sysDot3StatIntmacTxErrors,
+		sysDot3StatCarrierSenseErrors,
+		sysDot3StatFrameTooLongs,
+		sysDot3StatIntmacRxErrors,
+		sysDot3StatSymbolErrors,
+		sysDot3StatDuplexStatus,
+		sysDot3StatCollisionCount,
+		sysDot3StatCollisionFreq
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysDot3Stat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 42 }
+sysTrunkGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysTrunkNumber,
+		sysTrunkName,
+		sysTrunkStatus,
+		sysTrunkAggAddr,
+		sysTrunkCfgMbrCount,
+		sysTrunkOperBw,
+		sysTrunkStpEnable,
+		sysTrunkStpReset,
+		sysTrunkLacpEnabled,
+		sysTrunkActiveLacp,
+		sysTrunkShortTimeout
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysTrunk MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 43 }
+sysTrunkStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysTrunkStatResetStats,
+		sysTrunkStatNumber,
+		sysTrunkStatName,
+		sysTrunkStatPktsIn,
+		sysTrunkStatBytesIn,
+		sysTrunkStatPktsOut,
+		sysTrunkStatBytesOut,
+		sysTrunkStatMcastIn,
+		sysTrunkStatMcastOut,
+		sysTrunkStatErrorsIn,
+		sysTrunkStatErrorsOut,
+		sysTrunkStatDropsIn,
+		sysTrunkStatDropsOut,
+		sysTrunkStatCollisions
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysTrunkStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 44 }
+sysTrunkCfgMemberGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysTrunkCfgMemberNumber,
+		sysTrunkCfgMemberTrunkName,
+		sysTrunkCfgMemberName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysTrunkCfgMember MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 45 }
+sysVlanDataGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVlanNumber,
+		sysVlanVname,
+		sysVlanId,
+		sysVlanSpanningTree,
+		sysVlanMacMasquerade,
+		sysVlanMacTrue,
+		sysVlanSourceCheck,
+		sysVlanFailsafeEnabled,
+		sysVlanMtu,
+		sysVlanFailsafeTimeout,
+		sysVlanFailsafeAction,
+		sysVlanMirrorHashPortEnable,
+		sysVlanLearnMode
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVlan MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 46 }
+sysVlanMemberGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVlanMemberNumber,
+		sysVlanMemberVmname,
+		sysVlanMemberParentVname,
+		sysVlanMemberTagged,
+		sysVlanMemberType
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVlanMember MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 47 }
+sysVlanGroupGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVlanGroupNumber,
+		sysVlanGroupName,
+		sysVlanGroupVlanId,
+		sysVlanGroupMode,
+		sysVlanGroupBridgeAllTraffic,
+		sysVlanGroupBridgeInStandby,
+		sysVlanGroupBridgeMulticast,
+		sysVlanGroupMacMasquerade,
+		sysVlanGroupMacTrue
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVlanGroup MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 48 }
+sysVlanGroupMbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVlanGroupMbrNumber,
+		sysVlanGroupMbrGroupName,
+		sysVlanGroupMbrVlanName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVlanGroupMbr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 49 }
+sysProxyExclusionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysProxyExclusionNumber,
+		sysProxyExclusionVlangroupName,
+		sysProxyExclusionIpType,
+		sysProxyExclusionIp
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysProxyExclusion MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 50 }
+		sysCpuNumber,
+		sysCpuIndex,
+		sysCpuTemperature,
+		sysCpuFanSpeed,
+		sysCpuName,
+		sysCpuSlot
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCpu MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 51 }
+sysChassisFanGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysChassisFanNumber,
+		sysChassisFanIndex,
+		sysChassisFanStatus,
+		sysChassisFanSpeed
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysChassisFan MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 52 }
+sysChassisPowerSupplyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysChassisPowerSupplyNumber,
+		sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex,
+		sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysChassisPowerSupply MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 53 }
+sysChassisTempGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysChassisTempNumber,
+		sysChassisTempIndex,
+		sysChassisTempTemperature
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysChassisTemp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 54 }
+sysProductGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysProductName,
+		sysProductVersion,
+		sysProductBuild,
+		sysProductEdition,
+		sysProductDate,
+		sysProductHotfix
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysProduct MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 55 }
+sysSubMemoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSubMemoryResetStats,
+		sysSubMemoryNumber,
+		sysSubMemoryName,
+		sysSubMemoryAllocated,
+		sysSubMemoryMaxAllocated,
+		sysSubMemorySize
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSubMemory MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 56 }
+sysSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSystemName,
+		sysSystemNodeName,
+		sysSystemRelease,
+		sysSystemVersion,
+		sysSystemMachine,
+		sysSystemUptime,
+		sysSystemUptimeInSec
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSystem MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 57 }
+sysFastHttpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysFastHttpStatResetStats,
+		sysFastHttpStatClientSyns,
+		sysFastHttpStatClientAccepts,
+		sysFastHttpStatServerConnects,
+		sysFastHttpStatConnpoolCurSize,
+		sysFastHttpStatConnpoolMaxSize,
+		sysFastHttpStatConnpoolReuses,
+		sysFastHttpStatConnpoolExhausted,
+		sysFastHttpStatNumberReqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatUnbufferedReqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatGetReqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatPostReqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatV9Reqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatV10Reqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatV11Reqs,
+		sysFastHttpStatResp2xxCnt,
+		sysFastHttpStatResp3xxCnt,
+		sysFastHttpStatResp4xxCnt,
+		sysFastHttpStatResp5xxCnt,
+		sysFastHttpStatReqParseErrors,
+		sysFastHttpStatRespParseErrors,
+		sysFastHttpStatClientRxBad,
+		sysFastHttpStatServerRxBad,
+		sysFastHttpStatPipelinedReqs
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalFastHttpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 58 }
+sysXmlStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysXmlStatResetStats,
+		sysXmlStatNumErrors
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalXmlStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 59 }
+sysGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysGeneralHwName,
+		sysGeneralHwNumber,
+		sysGeneralChassisSerialNum
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGeneral MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 60 }
+sysIiopStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIiopStatResetStats,
+		sysIiopStatNumRequests,
+		sysIiopStatNumResponses,
+		sysIiopStatNumCancels,
+		sysIiopStatNumErrors,
+		sysIiopStatNumFragments
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalIiopStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 61 }
+sysRtspStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysRtspStatResetStats,
+		sysRtspStatNumRequests,
+		sysRtspStatNumResponses,
+		sysRtspStatNumErrors,
+		sysRtspStatNumInterleavedData
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalRtspStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 62 }
+sysSctpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSctpStatResetStats,
+		sysSctpStatAccepts,
+		sysSctpStatAcceptfails,
+		sysSctpStatConnects,
+		sysSctpStatConnfails,
+		sysSctpStatExpires,
+		sysSctpStatAbandons,
+		sysSctpStatRxrst,
+		sysSctpStatRxbadsum,
+		sysSctpStatRxcookie,
+		sysSctpStatRxbadcookie
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalSctpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 63 }
+sysL2ForwardStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysL2ForwardStatNumber,
+		sysL2ForwardStatVlanName,
+		sysL2ForwardStatMacAddr,
+		sysL2ForwardStatIfname,
+		sysL2ForwardStatIftype,
+		sysL2ForwardStatDynamic
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysL2ForwardStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 64 }
+sysL2ForwardAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysL2ForwardAttrVlan
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysL2ForwardAttr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 65 }
+sysHostMemoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysHostMemoryTotal,
+		sysHostMemoryUsed,
+		sysHostMemoryTotalKb,
+		sysHostMemoryUsedKb
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysHostMemory MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 66 }
+sysHostCpuGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysHostCpuNumber,
+		sysHostCpuIndex,
+		sysHostCpuId,
+		sysHostCpuUser,
+		sysHostCpuNice,
+		sysHostCpuSystem,
+		sysHostCpuIdle,
+		sysHostCpuIrq,
+		sysHostCpuSoftirq,
+		sysHostCpuIowait
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysHostCpu MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 67 }
+sysHostDiskGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysHostDiskNumber,
+		sysHostDiskPartition,
+		sysHostDiskBlockSize,
+		sysHostDiskTotalBlocks,
+		sysHostDiskFreeBlocks,
+		sysHostDiskTotalNodes,
+		sysHostDiskFreeNodes
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysHostDisk MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 68 }
+sysSelfPortDefGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSelfPortDefNumber,
+		sysSelfPortDefProtocol,
+		sysSelfPortDefPort,
+		sysSelfPortDefAllowName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSelfPortDefault MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 69 }
+sysIntfMediaSfpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysIntfMediaSfpNumber,
+		sysIntfMediaSfpName,
+		sysIntfMediaSfpIndex,
+		sysIntfMediaSfpType
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysInterfaceMediaSfp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 70 }
+sysPvaStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPvaStatResetStats,
+		sysPvaStatNumber,
+		sysPvaStatPvaId,
+		sysPvaStatClientPktsIn,
+		sysPvaStatClientBytesIn,
+		sysPvaStatClientPktsOut,
+		sysPvaStatClientBytesOut,
+		sysPvaStatClientMaxConns,
+		sysPvaStatClientTotConns,
+		sysPvaStatClientCurConns,
+		sysPvaStatServerPktsIn,
+		sysPvaStatServerBytesIn,
+		sysPvaStatServerPktsOut,
+		sysPvaStatServerBytesOut,
+		sysPvaStatServerMaxConns,
+		sysPvaStatServerTotConns,
+		sysPvaStatServerCurConns,
+		sysPvaStatTotAssistConns,
+		sysPvaStatCurAssistConns,
+		sysPvaStatHardSyncookieGen,
+		sysPvaStatHardSyncookieDet
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPvaStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 71 }
+sysTmmStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysTmmStatResetStats,
+		sysTmmStatNumber,
+		sysTmmStatTmmId,
+		sysTmmStatTmmPid,
+		sysTmmStatCpu,
+		sysTmmStatTmid,
+		sysTmmStatNpus,
+		sysTmmStatClientPktsIn,
+		sysTmmStatClientBytesIn,
+		sysTmmStatClientPktsOut,
+		sysTmmStatClientBytesOut,
+		sysTmmStatClientMaxConns,
+		sysTmmStatClientTotConns,
+		sysTmmStatClientCurConns,
+		sysTmmStatServerPktsIn,
+		sysTmmStatServerBytesIn,
+		sysTmmStatServerPktsOut,
+		sysTmmStatServerBytesOut,
+		sysTmmStatServerMaxConns,
+		sysTmmStatServerTotConns,
+		sysTmmStatServerCurConns,
+		sysTmmStatMaintenanceModeDeny,
+		sysTmmStatMaxConnVirtualAddrDeny,
+		sysTmmStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny,
+		sysTmmStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny,
+		sysTmmStatNoHandlerDeny,
+		sysTmmStatLicenseDeny,
+		sysTmmStatCmpConnRedirected,
+		sysTmmStatConnectionMemoryErrors,
+		sysTmmStatTmTotalCycles,
+		sysTmmStatTmIdleCycles,
+		sysTmmStatTmSleepCycles,
+		sysTmmStatMemoryTotal,
+		sysTmmStatMemoryUsed,
+		sysTmmStatDroppedPackets,
+		sysTmmStatIncomingPacketErrors,
+		sysTmmStatOutgoingPacketErrors,
+		sysTmmStatHttpRequests,
+		sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5s,
+		sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m,
+		sysTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m,
+		sysTmmStatSlotId,
+		sysTmmStatMemoryTotalKb,
+		sysTmmStatMemoryUsedKb,
+		sysTmmStatClientEvictedConns,
+		sysTmmStatClientSlowKilled,
+		sysTmmStatServerEvictedConns,
+		sysTmmStatServerSlowKilled,
+		sysTmmStatSwSyncookies,
+		sysTmmStatSwSyncookieAccepts,
+		sysTmmStatSyncookieRejects,
+		sysTmmStatHwSyncookies,
+		sysTmmStatHwSyncookieAccepts,
+		sysTmmStatWlSyncookieHits,
+		sysTmmStatWlSyncookieAccepts,
+		sysTmmStatWlSyncookieRejects,
+		sysTmmStatConnectionFlowMiss
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysTmmStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 72 }
+sysMultiHostGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysMultiHostNumber,
+		sysMultiHostHostId,
+		sysMultiHostTotal,
+		sysMultiHostUsed,
+		sysMultiHostMode,
+		sysMultiHostCpuCount,
+		sysMultiHostActiveCpuCount,
+		sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotal,
+		sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsed,
+		sysMultiHostSwapTotal,
+		sysMultiHostSwapUsed,
+		sysMultiHostTotalKb,
+		sysMultiHostUsedKb,
+		sysMultiHostOtherMemoryTotalKb,
+		sysMultiHostOtherMemoryUsedKb,
+		sysMultiHostSwapTotalKb,
+		sysMultiHostSwapUsedKb
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysMultiHost MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 73 }
+sysMultiHostCpuGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysMultiHostCpuNumber,
+		sysMultiHostCpuHostId,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIndex,
+		sysMultiHostCpuId,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUser,
+		sysMultiHostCpuNice,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSystem,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIdle,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIrq,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIowait,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUser5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuNice5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSystem5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIdle5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIrq5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIowait5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUser1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuNice1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSystem1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIdle1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIrq1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIowait1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUser5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuNice5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSystem5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIdle5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIrq5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuIowait5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuStolen,
+		sysMultiHostCpuStolen5s,
+		sysMultiHostCpuStolen1m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuStolen5m,
+		sysMultiHostCpuSlotId
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysMultiHostCpu MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 74 }
+sysFastL4StatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysFastL4StatResetStats,
+		sysFastL4StatOpen,
+		sysFastL4StatAccepts,
+		sysFastL4StatAcceptfails,
+		sysFastL4StatExpires,
+		sysFastL4StatRxbadpkt,
+		sysFastL4StatRxunreach,
+		sysFastL4StatRxbadunreach,
+		sysFastL4StatRxbadsum,
+		sysFastL4StatTxerrors,
+		sysFastL4StatSyncookIssue,
+		sysFastL4StatSyncookAccept,
+		sysFastL4StatSyncookReject,
+		sysFastL4StatServersynrtx,
+		sysFastL4StatLbcSuccessful,
+		sysFastL4StatLbcTimedout
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalFastL4Stat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 75 }
+sysClusterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysClusterNumber,
+		sysClusterName,
+		sysClusterEnabled,
+		sysClusterFloatMgmtIpType,
+		sysClusterFloatMgmtIp,
+		sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmaskType,
+		sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmask,
+		sysClusterMinUpMbrs,
+		sysClusterMinUpMbrsEnable,
+		sysClusterMinUpMbrsAction,
+		sysClusterAvailabilityState,
+		sysClusterEnabledStat,
+		sysClusterDisabledParentType,
+		sysClusterStatusReason,
+		sysClusterHaState,
+		sysClusterPriSlotId,
+		sysClusterLastPriSlotId,
+		sysClusterPriSelTime
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCluster MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 76 }
+sysClusterMbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysClusterMbrNumber,
+		sysClusterMbrCluster,
+		sysClusterMbrSlotId,
+		sysClusterMbrAvailabilityState,
+		sysClusterMbrEnabledStat,
+		sysClusterMbrDisabledParentType,
+		sysClusterMbrStatusReason,
+		sysClusterMbrLicensed,
+		sysClusterMbrState,
+		sysClusterMbrEnabled,
+		sysClusterMbrPriming,
+		sysClusterMbrMgmtAddrType,
+		sysClusterMbrMgmtAddr,
+		sysClusterMbrHaState
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysClusterMbr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 77 }
+sysSwVolumeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSwVolumeNumber,
+		sysSwVolumeSlotId,
+		sysSwVolumeName,
+		sysSwVolumeSize,
+		sysSwVolumeActive
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSoftwareVolume MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 78 }
+sysSwImageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSwImageNumber,
+		sysSwImageSlotId,
+		sysSwImageFilename,
+		sysSwImageProduct,
+		sysSwImageVersion,
+		sysSwImageBuild,
+		sysSwImageChksum,
+		sysSwImageVerified,
+		sysSwImageBuildDate,
+		sysSwImageLastModified,
+		sysSwImageFileSize
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSoftwareImage MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 79 }
+sysSwHotfixGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSwHotfixNumber,
+		sysSwHotfixSlotId,
+		sysSwHotfixFilename,
+		sysSwHotfixProduct,
+		sysSwHotfixVersion,
+		sysSwHotfixBuild,
+		sysSwHotfixChksum,
+		sysSwHotfixVerified,
+		sysSwHotfixHotfixId,
+		sysSwHotfixHotfixTitle
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSoftwareHotfix MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 80 }
+sysSwStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSwStatusNumber,
+		sysSwStatusSlotId,
+		sysSwStatusVolume,
+		sysSwStatusProduct,
+		sysSwStatusVersion,
+		sysSwStatusBuild,
+		sysSwStatusActive
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSoftwareStatus MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 81 }
+sysGlobalHostGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysGlobalHostResetStats,
+		sysGlobalHostMemTotal,
+		sysGlobalHostMemUsed,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuCount,
+		sysGlobalHostActiveCpuCount,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUser,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuNice,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSystem,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIdle,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIrq,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIowait,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUser5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuNice5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSystem5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIdle5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIrq5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIowait5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUser1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuNice1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSystem1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIdle1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIrq1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIowait1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUser5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuNice5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSystem5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIdle5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIrq5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuSoftirq5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuIowait5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuUsageRatio5m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuStolen,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuStolen5s,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuStolen1m,
+		sysGlobalHostCpuStolen5m,
+		sysGlobalHostMemTotalKb,
+		sysGlobalHostMemUsedKb,
+		sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryTotal,
+		sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryUsed,
+		sysGlobalHostSwapTotal,
+		sysGlobalHostSwapUsed,
+		sysGlobalHostOtherMemTotalKb,
+		sysGlobalHostOtherMemUsedKb,
+		sysGlobalHostSwapTotalKb,
+		sysGlobalHostSwapUsedKb
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalHost MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 82 }
+sysModuleAllocationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysModuleAllocationNumber,
+		sysModuleAllocationName,
+		sysModuleAllocationProvisionLevel,
+		sysModuleAllocationMemoryRatio,
+		sysModuleAllocationCpuRatio,
+		sysModuleAllocationDiskRatio
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysModuleAllocation MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 83 }
+sysGlobalTmmStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysGlobalTmmStatResetStats,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatNpus,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientPktsIn,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientBytesIn,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientPktsOut,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientBytesOut,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientMaxConns,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientTotConns,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatClientCurConns,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerPktsIn,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerBytesIn,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerPktsOut,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerBytesOut,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerMaxConns,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerTotConns,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatServerCurConns,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMaintenanceModeDeny,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMaxConnVirtualAddrDeny,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMaxConnVirtualPathDeny,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatVirtualServerNonSynDeny,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatNoHandlerDeny,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatLicenseDeny,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatCmpConnRedirected,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatConnectionMemoryErrors,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatTmTotalCycles,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatTmIdleCycles,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatTmSleepCycles,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotal,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsed,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatDroppedPackets,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatIncomingPacketErrors,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatOutgoingPacketErrors,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatHttpRequests,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatTmUsageRatio5s,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatTmUsageRatio1m,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatTmUsageRatio5m,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotalKb,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsedKb,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatSwSyncookies,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatSwSyncookieAccepts,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatSyncookieRejects,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatHwSyncookies,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatHwSyncookieAccepts,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatWlSyncookieHits,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatWlSyncookieAccepts,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatWlSyncookieRejects,
+		sysGlobalTmmStatConnectionFlowMiss
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalTmmStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 84 }
+sysPlatformInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPlatformInfoName,
+		sysPlatformInfoMarketingName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPlatformInfo MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 85 }
+sysLogicalDiskGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysLogicalDiskNumber,
+		sysLogicalDiskSlotId,
+		sysLogicalDiskName,
+		sysLogicalDiskDevname,
+		sysLogicalDiskMedia,
+		sysLogicalDiskSize,
+		sysLogicalDiskFormat
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysLogicalDisk MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 86 }
+sysPhysicalDiskGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPhysicalDiskNumber,
+		sysPhysicalDiskSerialNumber,
+		sysPhysicalDiskSlotId,
+		sysPhysicalDiskName,
+		sysPhysicalDiskIsArrayMember,
+		sysPhysicalDiskArrayStatus
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysPhysicalDisk MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 87 }
+sysDiskBayGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysDiskBayNumber,
+		sysDiskBayId,
+		sysDiskBayDiskSerialNumber
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysDiskBay MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 88 }
+sysLogicalDiskMembersGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysLogicalDiskMembersNumber,
+		sysLogicalDiskMembersDevname,
+		sysLogicalDiskMembersSerialNumber,
+		sysLogicalDiskMembersSlotId
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysLogicalDiskMembers MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 89 }
+sysProcPidStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysProcPidStatNumber,
+		sysProcPidStatPid,
+		sysProcPidStatProcName,
+		sysProcPidStatCommandLine,
+		sysProcPidStatModules,
+		sysProcPidStatBladeNum,
+		sysProcPidStatProcessor,
+		sysProcPidStatUpdateTime,
+		sysProcPidStatCpuUsageRecent,
+		sysProcPidStatCpuUsage1min,
+		sysProcPidStatCpuUsage5mins,
+		sysProcPidStatSystemUsageRecent,
+		sysProcPidStatSystemUsage1min,
+		sysProcPidStatSystemUsage5mins,
+		sysProcPidStatPpid,
+		sysProcPidStatPgrp,
+		sysProcPidStatState,
+		sysProcPidStatSession,
+		sysProcPidStatTtyNr,
+		sysProcPidStatTpgid,
+		sysProcPidStatFlags,
+		sysProcPidStatMinFlt,
+		sysProcPidStatCminFlt,
+		sysProcPidStatMajFlt,
+		sysProcPidStatCmajFlt,
+		sysProcPidStatUtime,
+		sysProcPidStatStime,
+		sysProcPidStatCutime,
+		sysProcPidStatCstime,
+		sysProcPidStatPriority,
+		sysProcPidStatNice,
+		sysProcPidStatNumThreads,
+		sysProcPidStatItrealvalue,
+		sysProcPidStatStartTime,
+		sysProcPidStatVsize,
+		sysProcPidStatRss,
+		sysProcPidStatRssRlim,
+		sysProcPidStatStartCode,
+		sysProcPidStatEndCode,
+		sysProcPidStatStartStack,
+		sysProcPidStatKstkEsp,
+		sysProcPidStatKstkEip,
+		sysProcPidStatSignal,
+		sysProcPidStatBlocked,
+		sysProcPidStatSigignore,
+		sysProcPidStatSigcatch,
+		sysProcPidStatWchan,
+		sysProcPidStatNswap,
+		sysProcPidStatCnswap,
+		sysProcPidStatExitSignal,
+		sysProcPidStatRtPriority,
+		sysProcPidStatPolicy,
+		sysProcPidStatProgSize,
+		sysProcPidStatResident,
+		sysProcPidStatShare,
+		sysProcPidStatTSize,
+		sysProcPidStatLSize,
+		sysProcPidStatDSize,
+		sysProcPidStatDirty,
+		sysProcPidStatVsizeKb
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysProcPidStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 90 }
+sysHttpCompressionStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysHttpCompressionStatResetStats,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatNullCompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatHtmlPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatHtmlPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatCssPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatCssPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatJsPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatJsPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatXmlPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatXmlPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatSgmlPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatSgmlPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatPlainPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatPlainPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatOctetPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatOctetPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatImagePrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatImagePostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatVideoPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatVideoPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatAudioPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatAudioPostcompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatOtherPrecompressBytes,
+		sysHttpCompressionStatOtherPostcompressBytes
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalHttpCompressionStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 91 }
+sysWebAccelerationStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysWebAccelerationStatResetStats,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheHits,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMisses,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMissesAll,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheHitBytes,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMissBytes,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheMissBytesAll,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheSize,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheCount,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatCacheEvictions,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeHits,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeMisses,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeHitBytes,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeSize,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeCount,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatInterStripeEvictions,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatRemoteHits,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatRemoteMisses,
+		sysWebAccelerationStatRemoteHitBytes
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalWebAccelerationStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 92 }
+sysVlanStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVlanStatNumber,
+		sysVlanStatVlanName,
+		sysVlanStatPktsIn,
+		sysVlanStatBytesIn,
+		sysVlanStatPktsOut,
+		sysVlanStatBytesOut,
+		sysVlanStatMcastIn,
+		sysVlanStatMcastOut,
+		sysVlanStatErrorsIn,
+		sysVlanStatErrorsOut,
+		sysVlanStatDropsIn,
+		sysVlanStatDropsOut,
+		sysVlanStatCollisions
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVlanStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 93 }
+sysVlanxStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVlanxStatNumber,
+		sysVlanxStatVlanName,
+		sysVlanxStatInMulticastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatInBroadcastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatOutMulticastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatOutBroadcastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHcInOctets,
+		sysVlanxStatHcInUcastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHcInMulticastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHcInBroadcastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHcOutOctets,
+		sysVlanxStatHcOutUcastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHcOutMulticastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHcOutBroadcastPkts,
+		sysVlanxStatHighSpeed,
+		sysVlanxStatConnectorPresent,
+		sysVlanxStatCounterDiscontinuityTime
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVlanxStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 94 }
+sysVcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVcmpNumber,
+		sysVcmpVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpHostname,
+		sysVcmpSlots,
+		sysVcmpState,
+		sysVcmpMgmtNetwork,
+		sysVcmpMgmtAddrType,
+		sysVcmpMgmtAddr,
+		sysVcmpMgmtNetmaskType,
+		sysVcmpMgmtNetmask,
+		sysVcmpMgmtGwType,
+		sysVcmpMgmtGw,
+		sysVcmpVcmpId,
+		sysVcmpMgmtBaseMac,
+		sysVcmpBaseMac,
+		sysVcmpMacPoolSize,
+		sysVcmpInitialImage,
+		sysVcmpVirtualDisk,
+		sysVcmpInitialHotfix,
+		sysVcmpMinSlots,
+		sysVcmpCoresPerSlot
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVcmp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 95 }
+sysVcmpCpuCoreGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVcmpCpuCoreNumber,
+		sysVcmpCpuCoreVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpCpuCoreCpuCoreId
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVcmpCpuCore MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 96 }
+sysVcmpVlanGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVcmpVlanNumber,
+		sysVcmpVlanVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpVlanVlanName
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVcmpVlan MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 97 }
+sysVcmpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVcmpStatNumber,
+		sysVcmpStatVcmpName,
+		sysVcmpStatVcmpId,
+		sysVcmpStatSlotId,
+		sysVcmpStatVmStatus,
+		sysVcmpStatDiskUse,
+		sysVcmpStatMemoryUse,
+		sysVcmpStatBaseMac,
+		sysVcmpStatMacPoolSize,
+		sysVcmpStatCores,
+		sysVcmpStatVdisk,
+		sysVcmpStatStarts,
+		sysVcmpStatRetries,
+		sysVcmpStatUptime,
+		sysVcmpStatComment,
+		sysVcmpStatInterfaceNames,
+		sysVcmpStatCoreNames,
+		sysVcmpStatPrompt,
+		sysVcmpStatCpuUsageRecent,
+		sysVcmpStatCpuUsage1min,
+		sysVcmpStatCpuUsage5mins,
+		sysVcmpStatPktsIn,
+		sysVcmpStatBytesIn,
+		sysVcmpStatMcastIn,
+		sysVcmpStatDropsIn,
+		sysVcmpStatPktsOut,
+		sysVcmpStatBytesOut,
+		sysVcmpStatMcastOut,
+		sysVcmpStatDropsOut,
+		sysVcmpStatDiskUseKb,
+		sysVcmpStatMemoryUseKb
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVcmpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 98 }
+sysChassisSlotGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysChassisSlotNumber,
+		sysChassisSlotSlotId,
+		sysChassisSlotSerialNumber,
+		sysChassisSlotDown,
+		sysChassisSlotState
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysChassisSlot MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 99 }
+sysSysDeviceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSysDeviceNumber,
+		sysSysDeviceName,
+		sysSysDeviceMgmtIp,
+		sysSysDeviceMgmtIpType,
+		sysSysDeviceHostname,
+		sysSysDeviceMirrorIp,
+		sysSysDeviceMirrorIpType,
+		sysSysDeviceMirrorSecondaryIp,
+		sysSysDeviceMirrorSecondaryIpType,
+		sysSysDeviceMulticastInterface,
+		sysSysDeviceMulticastAddr,
+		sysSysDeviceMulticastAddrType,
+		sysSysDeviceMulticastPort,
+		sysSysDeviceVersion,
+		sysSysDeviceProduct,
+		sysSysDeviceEdition,
+		sysSysDeviceMarketingName,
+		sysSysDevicePlatformId,
+		sysSysDeviceChassisId
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSysDevice MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 100 }
+sysUnicastAddrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysUnicastAddrNumber,
+		sysUnicastAddrName,
+		sysUnicastAddrIndex,
+		sysUnicastAddrSourceIp,
+		sysUnicastAddrSourceIpType,
+		sysUnicastAddrSourcePort
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysUnicastAddr MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 101 }
+sysSysDeviceActiveModulesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSysDeviceActiveModulesNumber,
+		sysSysDeviceActiveModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceActiveModulesIndex,
+		sysSysDeviceActiveModulesModule
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSysDeviceActiveModules MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 102 }
+sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesNumber,
+		sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesIndex,
+		sysSysDeviceInactiveModulesModule
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSysDeviceInactiveModules MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 103 }
+sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesNumber,
+		sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesIndex,
+		sysSysDeviceOptionalModulesModule
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSysDeviceOptionalModules MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 104 }
+sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesNumber,
+		sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesName,
+		sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesIndex,
+		sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModulesModule
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysSysDeviceTimelimitedModules MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 105 }
+sysStpGlobals2Group OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysStpGlobals2Number,
+		sysStpGlobals2Mode,
+		sysStpGlobals2FwdDelay,
+		sysStpGlobals2HelloTime,
+		sysStpGlobals2MaxAge,
+		sysStpGlobals2TransmitHold,
+		sysStpGlobals2MaxHops,
+		sysStpGlobals2Identifier,
+		sysStpGlobals2Revision,
+		sysStpGlobals2Name
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysStpGlobals2 MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 106 }
+sysCpuSensorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysCpuSensorNumber,
+		sysCpuSensorIndex,
+		sysCpuSensorTemperature,
+		sysCpuSensorFanSpeed,
+		sysCpuSensorName,
+		sysCpuSensorSlot
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCpuSensor MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 107 }
+sysCmSyncStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysCmSyncStatusId,
+		sysCmSyncStatusStatus,
+		sysCmSyncStatusColor,
+		sysCmSyncStatusSummary
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCmSyncStatus MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 108 }
+sysCmSyncStatusDetailsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysCmSyncStatusDetailsNumber,
+		sysCmSyncStatusDetailsIndex,
+		sysCmSyncStatusDetailsDetails
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCmSyncStatusDetails MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 109 }
+sysCmFailoverStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysCmFailoverStatusId,
+		sysCmFailoverStatusStatus,
+		sysCmFailoverStatusColor,
+		sysCmFailoverStatusSummary
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCmFailoverStatus MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 110 }
+sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsNumber,
+		sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsIndex,
+		sysCmFailoverStatusDetailsDetails
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCmFailoverStatusDetails MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 111 }
+sysCmTrafficGroupStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysCmTrafficGroupStatusNumber,
+		sysCmTrafficGroupStatusTrafficGroup,
+		sysCmTrafficGroupStatusDeviceName,
+		sysCmTrafficGroupStatusFailoverStatus
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysCmTrafficGroupStatus MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 112 }
+sysDnsStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysDnsStatResetStats,
+		sysDnsStatQueries,
+		sysDnsStatResponses,
+		sysDnsStatResponsesPerSec,
+		sysDnsStatToGtm,
+		sysDnsStatDnsExpressReqs,
+		sysDnsStatDnsExpressNotifies,
+		sysDnsStatToCache,
+		sysDnsStatToDns,
+		sysDnsStatDns64Reqs,
+		sysDnsStatDns64Rewrites,
+		sysDnsStatDns64Failures,
+		sysDnsStatHints,
+		sysDnsStatRejects,
+		sysDnsStatNoErrors,
+		sysDnsStatDrops,
+		sysDnsStatMalformed,
+		sysDnsStatTclSuspends,
+		sysDnsStatRecursionDesired,
+		sysDnsStatCheckingDisabled,
+		sysDnsStatEdns0,
+		sysDnsStatOpcodeQuery,
+		sysDnsStatOpcodeNotify,
+		sysDnsStatOpcodeUpdate,
+		sysDnsStatZoneIxfr,
+		sysDnsStatZoneAxfr,
+		sysDnsStatAuthoritativeAnswer,
+		sysDnsStatRecursionAvailable,
+		sysDnsStatAuthenticatedData,
+		sysDnsStatTruncated,
+		sysDnsStatRcodeNoerror,
+		sysDnsStatRcodeNxdomain,
+		sysDnsStatRcodeServfail,
+		sysDnsStatRcodeRefused,
+		sysDnsStatMalicious,
+		sysDnsStatAReqs,
+		sysDnsStatAaaaReqs,
+		sysDnsStatAnyReqs,
+		sysDnsStatCnameReqs,
+		sysDnsStatMxReqs,
+		sysDnsStatNsReqs,
+		sysDnsStatPtrReqs,
+		sysDnsStatSoaReqs,
+		sysDnsStatSrvReqs,
+		sysDnsStatTxtReqs,
+		sysDnsStatOtherReqs,
+		sysDnsStatGtmRewrites,
+		sysDnsStatOpcodeOther,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsResponses,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsAllowed,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsDrops,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsRespTc,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsRespNx,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsRespNe,
+		sysDnsStatFastDnsRespRf
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalDnsStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 113 }
+sysLsnPoolStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysLsnPoolStatResetStats,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActivePersistenceMappings,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActiveInboundReservations,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTranslationRequests,
+		sysLsnPoolStatHairpinConnectionRequests,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActiveTranslations,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActiveHairpinConnections,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTranslationRequestFailures,
+		sysLsnPoolStatPersistenceMappingFailures,
+		sysLsnPoolStatHairpinConnectionFailures,
+		sysLsnPoolStatBackupPoolTranslations,
+		sysLsnPoolStatLogAttempts,
+		sysLsnPoolStatLogFailures,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalEndPoints,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActivePortBlocks,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActiveClientsReachedLimit,
+		sysLsnPoolStatActiveZombiePortBlocks,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalClientsReachedLimit,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalPortBlockAllocations,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalPortBlockAllocationFailures,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalPortBlockDeallocations,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalZombiePortBlockConnectionsKilled,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalZombiePortBlocksCreated,
+		sysLsnPoolStatTotalZombiePortBlocksDeleted
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalLsnPoolStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 114 }
+sysFecStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysFecStatResetStats,
+		sysFecStatNumber,
+		sysFecStatName,
+		sysFecStatProfile,
+		sysFecStatOutRawPackets,
+		sysFecStatOutRawBytes,
+		sysFecStatOutRdndPackets,
+		sysFecStatOutRdndBytes,
+		sysFecStatInRawPackets,
+		sysFecStatInRawBytes,
+		sysFecStatInRdndPackets,
+		sysFecStatInRdndBytes,
+		sysFecStatInRdndLost,
+		sysFecStatInRawLost,
+		sysFecStatRmtInRdndPackets,
+		sysFecStatRmtInRdndLost,
+		sysFecStatRmtInRawPackets,
+		sysFecStatRmtInRawLost
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysFecStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 115 }
+sysVcmpAssignedSlotsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVcmpAssignedSlotsNumber,
+		sysVcmpAssignedSlotsName,
+		sysVcmpAssignedSlotsIndex,
+		sysVcmpAssignedSlotsSlotId
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVcmpAssignedSlots MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 116 }
+sysVcmpAllowedSlotsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVcmpAllowedSlotsNumber,
+		sysVcmpAllowedSlotsName,
+		sysVcmpAllowedSlotsIndex,
+		sysVcmpAllowedSlotsSlotId
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVcmpAllowedSlots MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 117 }
+sysVirtualDiskGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysVirtualDiskNumber,
+		sysVirtualDiskFilename,
+		sysVirtualDiskOperatingSystem,
+		sysVirtualDiskSlotId,
+		sysVirtualDiskState
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysVirtualDisk MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 118 }
+sysGlobalSipStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysGlobalSipStatResetStats,
+		sysGlobalSipStatRequests,
+		sysGlobalSipStatResponses,
+		sysGlobalSipStatBadmsgs,
+		sysGlobalSipStatDrops
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalSipStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 119 }
+sysGlobalFtpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysGlobalFtpStatResetStats,
+		sysGlobalFtpStatLoginRequests,
+		sysGlobalFtpStatDownloadRequests,
+		sysGlobalFtpStatUploadRequests
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalFtpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 120 }
+sysBladeTempGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysBladeTempNumber,
+		sysBladeTempIndex,
+		sysBladeTempTemperature,
+		sysBladeTempLocation,
+		sysBladeTempSlot
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysBladeTemp MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 121 }
+sysBladeVoltageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysBladeVoltageNumber,
+		sysBladeVoltageIndex,
+		sysBladeVoltageVoltage,
+		sysBladeVoltageSlot
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysBladeVoltage MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 122 }
+sysProfilePptpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysProfilePptpStatResetStats,
+		sysProfilePptpStatStartRequests,
+		sysProfilePptpStatStartReplies,
+		sysProfilePptpStatStopRequests,
+		sysProfilePptpStatStopReplies,
+		sysProfilePptpStatEchoRequests,
+		sysProfilePptpStatEchoReplies,
+		sysProfilePptpStatOutgoingCallRequests,
+		sysProfilePptpStatOutgoingCallReplies,
+		sysProfilePptpStatCallClearRequests,
+		sysProfilePptpStatCallDisconnectNotifies,
+		sysProfilePptpStatWanErrorNotifies,
+		sysProfilePptpStatSetLinkInfo,
+		sysProfilePptpStatActiveCalls,
+		sysProfilePptpStatTotalCalls,
+		sysProfilePptpStatFailedCalls
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalPptpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 123 }
+sysPcpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysPcpStatResetStats,
+		sysPcpStatPcpAnnounceRequests,
+		sysPcpStatPcpAnnounceResponsesUcast,
+		sysPcpStatPcpAnnounceResponsesMulticast,
+		sysPcpStatPcpMapRequests,
+		sysPcpStatPcpMapResponses,
+		sysPcpStatPcpPeerRequests,
+		sysPcpStatPcpPeerResponses,
+		sysPcpStatPcpErrorsInvalidRequests,
+		sysPcpStatPcpErrorsUnavailableResource,
+		sysPcpStatPcpErrorsNotAuthorized,
+		sysPcpStatPcpErrorsOther
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalPcpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 124 }
+sysDnsServerStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysDnsServerStatResetStats,
+		sysDnsServerStatXfrQueries,
+		sysDnsServerStatXfrResponses,
+		sysDnsServerStatXfrNotifies,
+		sysDnsServerStatXfrNotifyFailed
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalDnsServerStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 125 }
+sysMptcpStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysMptcpStatResetStats,
+		sysMptcpStatAccept,
+		sysMptcpStatAcceptFail,
+		sysMptcpStatJoinFlow,
+		sysMptcpStatJoinFlowFail,
+		sysMptcpStatClose,
+		sysMptcpStatRxtimeout,
+		sysMptcpStatRxfailover,
+		sysMptcpStatAddAddrTx,
+		sysMptcpStatAddAddrRx,
+		sysMptcpStatRemAddrTx,
+		sysMptcpStatRemAddrRx,
+		sysMptcpStatPrioTx,
+		sysMptcpStatPrioRx,
+		sysMptcpStatFailTx,
+		sysMptcpStatFailRx,
+		sysMptcpStatFastcloseTx,
+		sysMptcpStatFastcloseRx
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysGlobalMptcpStat MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 126 }
+sysLldpNeighborsTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableNumber,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableChassisId,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTablePortId,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableLocalInterface,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTablePortDesc,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableSysName,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableSysDesc,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableSysCap,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableMgmtAddr,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTablePvid,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTablePpvid,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableVlanName,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableVlanTag,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableProtocolIdentity,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableAutoNego,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTablePmd,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableMau,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableAggStatus,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableAggPortid,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableMfs,
+		sysLldpNeighborsTableF5ProductModel
+	}
+	STATUS	 current
+		"A collection of objects of sysLldpNeighbors MIB."
+	::= { bigipSystemGroups 127 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FAN-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FAN-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6051612013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FAN-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32 
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    hpSwitch
+        FROM HP-ICF-OID;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200808271030Z"   --August  27, 2008 10:30 GMT
+    ORGANIZATION "HP Networking"
+    CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
+                  8000 Foothills Blvd.
+                  Roseville, CA 95747"
+    DESCRIPTION  "The MIB module is for representing switch fan entity."
+    REVISION     "200808271030Z"   --August  27, 2008 10:30 GMT
+    DESCRIPTION  "Revision 01."
+    ::= { hpSwitch 54 }
+-- ********************************************************************
+--  FAN Textual Conventions
+-- ********************************************************************
+    DISPLAY-HINT "d"   
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION  "A unique value that serves as an index to identify the fan." 
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION  "An enumerated value that indications the fan types."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+       unknown(0),
+       mm(1),
+       fm(2),
+       im(3),
+       ps(4),    
+       rollup(5),
+       maxtype(6)
+    }
+HpicfDcFanAirflowDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION   "An enumerated value which provides an indication of the
+                  fan airflow direction. The Physical fan airflow direction
+                  could be either from the port towards the power supply
+                  module i.e. portToPower(1), or from the power supply module
+                  towards the port i.e. powerToPort(2)"
+    SYNTAX        INTEGER {
+       portToPower(1),
+       powerToPort(2)
+    }
+    STATUS         current
+    DESCRIPTION   "An enumerated value which provides an indication of the
+                  fan state."
+    SYNTAX        INTEGER  {
+       failed(0),
+       removed(1),
+       off(2),
+       underspeed(3),
+       overspeed(4),    
+       ok(5),
+       maxstate(6)
+    }
+-- ********************************************************************
+-- Fan Scalars
+-- ********************************************************************
+hpicfFanScalars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfFanMIB 1 }
+      hpicfFanUserPrefAirflowDir OBJECT-TYPE
+      SYNTAX                     INTEGER {
+               portToPower(1),
+               powerToPort(2)
+      }
+      MAX-ACCESS                 read-write
+      STATUS                     current
+      DESCRIPTION  "The user preferred fan airflow direction. The direction could be
+                    powerToPort or portToPower. The actual fan direction has to be 
+                    changed manually, this will be used to indicate to the user when
+                    when the actual fan airflow direction is different from the user
+                    preferred airflow direction."
+      DEFVAL { powerToPort }
+      ::= { hpicfFanScalars 1 }
+-- ********************************************************************
+-- FAN entry 
+-- ********************************************************************
+hpicfEntityFan  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfFanMIB 2 }
+hpicfFanTable   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfFanEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "This table contains one row for every fan in the switch entity."
+    ::= { hpicfEntityFan 1 }
+hpicfFanEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      HpicfFanEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Information about fan entity table."
+    INDEX       { hpicfFanIndex }
+    ::= { hpicfFanTable 1 }
+HpicfFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      hpicfFanIndex             HpicfDcFanIndex,
+      hpicfFanTray              Integer32,
+      hpicfFanType              HpicfDcFanType,
+      hpicfFanState             HpicfDcFanState,
+      hpicfFanRecovering        Integer32,
+      hpicfFanNumFailures       Counter32, 
+      hpicfFanAirflowDirection  HpicfDcFanAirflowDirection 
+hpicfFanIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       HpicfDcFanIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The index that is used to access the switch fan entry table."
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 1 }
+hpicfFanTray OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The tray number in which the fan is docked."
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 2 }
+hpicfFanType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      HpicfDcFanType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "An indication of the vendor-specific fan."
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 3 }
+hpicfFanState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      HpicfDcFanState 
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "The current state of the fan."
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 4 }
+hpicfFanRecovering OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION  "An indication that the switch fan entity is faulty.
+                 Before declaring a fan to be good after a failure is 
+                 detected, the same good indication must happen five (5)
+                 times in a row. A failure indication is always TRUE, while
+                 a good indication could be FALSE, hence this parameter is 
+                 used to count the repeated good indications before 
+                 declaring the fan to be good "
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 5 }
+hpicfFanNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The number of times the fan has failed."
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 6 }
+hpicfFanAirflowDirection OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX        HpicfDcFanAirflowDirection 
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION   "Indication of the fan air flow direction, either
+                  from Power supply towards the port or from the port
+                  towards the power supply."
+    ::= { hpicfFanEntry 7 }
+-- ********************************************************************
+-- FAN Conformance
+   hpicfFanConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfFanMIB 3 }
+   hpicfFanCompliance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfFanConformance 1 }
+   hpicfFanGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfFanConformance 2 }
+-- ********************************************************************
+-- FAN Complicance
+-- ********************************************************************
+   hpicfDcFanCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+      STATUS       current
+      DESCRIPTION  "The compliance statement for entries which implement 
+                    the FAN MIB."
+      MODULE        -- This module
+      {
+          hpicfFanScalarsGroup,
+          hpicfFanGroup
+      }
+      GROUP        hpicfFanGroup
+      DESCRIPTION  "Objects associated with switch entity FAN."
+      ::= { hpicfFanCompliance 1 } 
+-- FAN Groups
+   hpicfFanScalarsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+      OBJECTS
+      {
+           hpicfFanUserPrefAirflowDir
+      }
+      STATUS      current
+      DESCRIPTION "Basic Scalars required in FAN MIB implementation."
+      ::= { hpicfFanGroups 1 }
+   hpicfFanGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+      OBJECTS
+      {
+          hpicfFanTray,              
+          hpicfFanType,              
+          hpicfFanState,            
+          hpicfFanRecovering,      
+          hpicfFanNumFailures,       
+          hpicfFanAirflowDirection
+      }
+      STATUS      current
+      DESCRIPTION "FAN MIB parameters "
+      ::= { hpicfFanGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FORTINET-CORE-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FORTINET-CORE-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d94ae6d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FORTINET-CORE-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+-- FORTINET-CORE-MIB.mib: Main MIB for Fortinet enterprise OID tree
+--  OrgName
+--     Fortinet Technologies, Inc.
+--  ContactInfo
+--     Technical Support
+--     e-mail: support@fortinet.com
+--     http://www.fortinet.com
+    ifIndex
+        FROM IF-MIB
+    InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    sysName
+        FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+    enterprises
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "201501140000Z"
+        "Fortinet Technologies, Inc."
+        "Technical Support
+         email: support@fortinet.com
+         http://www.fortinet.com
+        "
+        "Registered FortiWANMib OIDs"
+    REVISION    "201501140000Z"
+        "Registered and updated FortiAuthenticatorMib/FortiRecorderMib/FortiVoiceMib/FortiBridgeMib/FortiDirectorMib OIDs"
+    REVISION    "201412100000Z"
+        "Registered FortiVoiceMib OID"
+    REVISION    "201404100000Z"
+        "Registered FortiADCMib OID"
+    REVISION    "201403220000Z"
+        "Added fan failure and AMC bypass traps"
+    REVISION    "201205090000Z"
+        "Registered FortiDDoSMib OID"
+    REVISION    "201204230000Z"
+        "Registered FortiDNSMib OID"
+    REVISION    "201112230000Z"
+        "Registered FortiCacheMib OID"
+    REVISION    "201104250000Z"
+        "Supporting portuguese language"
+    REVISION    "201005140000Z"
+        "Registered FortiScanMib OID"
+    REVISION    "200905200000Z"
+        "MIB module for Fortinet network devices."
+    REVISION    "200811190000Z"
+        "Registered FortiWebMib OID"
+    REVISION    "200810210000Z"
+        "Added SMI comments"
+    REVISION    "200806250000Z"
+        "Adjusted fnAdmin tree to start at .1"
+    REVISION    "200806160000Z"
+        "Spelling corrections."
+    REVISION    "200804170000Z"
+        "Initial version of fortinet core MIB."
+    ::= { enterprises 12356 }  -- assigned by IANA
+-- Fortinet MIB Textual Conventions (TC)
+    STATUS      current
+        "Boolean data type representing enabled/disabled"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+        disabled (1),
+        enabled (2)
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Enumerated type for user interface languages"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+        english (1),
+        simplifiedChinese (2),
+        japanese (3),
+        korean (4),
+        spanish (5),
+        traditionalChinese (6),
+        french (7),
+        portuguese (8),
+        undefined (255)
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Data type for table index values"
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS      current
+        "Data type for session protocols"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+        ip (0),
+        icmp (1),
+        igmp (2),
+        ipip (4),
+        tcp (6),
+        egp (8),
+        pup (12),
+        udp (17),
+        idp (22),
+        ipv6 (41),
+        rsvp (46),
+        gre (47),
+        esp (50),
+        ah (51),
+        ospf (89),
+        pim (103),
+        comp (108),
+        raw (255)
+    }
+-- Fortinet Enterprise Structure of Management Information (SMI)
+fnCoreMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 100 }
+-- Fortinet Product Family MIB Object Identifier Assignments
+-- fnFortiGateMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 101 }
+-- fnFortiAnalyzerMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 102 }
+-- fnFortiManagerMib  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 103 }
+-- fnFortiDefenderMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 104 }
+-- fnFortiMailMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 105 }
+-- fnFortiSwitchMib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 106 }
+-- fnFortiWebMib      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 107 }
+-- fnFortiScanMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 108 }
+-- fnFortiCacheMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 109 }
+-- fnFortiDNSMib      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 110 }
+-- fnFortiDDoSMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 111 }
+-- fnFortiADCMib      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 112 }
+-- fnFortiAuthenticatorMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 113 }
+-- fnFortiRecorderMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 114 }
+-- fnFortiVoiceMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 115 }
+-- fnFortiBridgeMib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 116 }
+-- fnFortiDirectorMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 117 }
+-- fnFortiWANMib      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 118 }
+-- fnCoreMib.fnCommon
+fnCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCoreMib 1 }
+-- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnSystem
+fnSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCommon 1 }
+fnSysSerial OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Device serial number. This is the same serial number as given
+        in the ENTITY-MIB tables for the base entity."
+    ::= { fnSystem 1 }
+-- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnMgmt
+fnMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCommon 2 }
+fnMgmtLanguage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnLanguage
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Language used for administration interfaces"
+    ::= { fnMgmt 1 }
+fnAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnMgmt 100 }
+fnAdminNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of admin accounts in fnAdminTable"
+    ::= { fnAdmin 1 }
+fnAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FnAdminEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of administrator accounts on the device. This table is
+        intended to be extended with platform specific information."
+    ::= { fnAdmin 2 }
+fnAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnAdminEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information applicable to a particular admin account"
+    INDEX       { fnAdminIndex }
+    ::= { fnAdminTable 1 }
+FnAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fnAdminIndex        Integer32,
+    fnAdminName         DisplayString,
+    fnAdminAddrType     InetAddressType,
+    fnAdminAddr         InetAddress,
+    fnAdminMask         InetAddressPrefixLength
+fnAdminIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index uniquely defining an administrator account within the fnAdminTable"
+    ::= { fnAdminEntry 1 }
+fnAdminName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The user-name of the specified administrator account"
+    ::= { fnAdminEntry 2 }
+fnAdminAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of address stored in fnAdminAddr, in compliance with INET-ADDRESS-MIB"
+    ::= { fnAdminEntry 3 }
+fnAdminAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The address prefix identifying where the administrator account can
+        be used from, typically an IPv4 address. The address type/format is
+        determined by fnAdminAddrType."
+    ::= { fnAdminEntry 4 }
+fnAdminMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The address prefix length (or network mask) applied to the fgAdminAddr
+        to determine the subnet or host the administrator can access the device from"
+    ::= { fnAdminEntry 5 }
+-- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnTraps
+fnTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCommon 3 }
+fnTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnTraps 0 }
+fnTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnTraps 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Generic message associated with an event. The content will
+        depend on the nature of the trap."
+    ::= { fnTrapObjects 1 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the CPU usage has exceeded the configured threshold."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 101 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates memory usage has exceeded the configured threshold."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 102 }
+fnTrapLogDiskThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Log disk usage has exceeded the configured threshold. Only available
+        on devices with log disks."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 103 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A temperature sensor on the device has exceeded its threshold.
+        Not all devices have thermal sensors. See manual for specifications."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 104 }
+fnTrapVoltageOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Power levels have fluctuated outside of normal levels. Not all devices
+        have voltage monitoring instrumentation. See manual for specifications."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 105 }
+fnTrapPowerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Power supply failure detected. Not available on all models. Available
+        on some devices which support redundant power supplies. See manual
+        for specifications."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 106 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An AMC interface entered bypass mode. Available on models with an AMC
+        expansion slot. Used with the ASM-CX4 and ASM-FX2 cards."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 107 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A fan failure has been detected. Not all devices have fan sensors.
+        See manual for specifications."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 108 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, ifIndex }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the IP address of the specified interface has been changed."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 201 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Trap sent for diagnostic purposes by an administrator."
+    ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 999 }
+-- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnMIBConformance
+fnMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCoreMib 10 }
+fnSystemComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects relating to the physical device."
+    ::= { fnMIBConformance 1 }
+fnMgmtComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fnMgmtLanguage }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects relating the management of a device."
+    ::= { fnMIBConformance 2 }
+fnAdminComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fnAdminNumber, fnAdminName, fnAdminAddrType, 
+                  fnAdminAddr, fnAdminMask }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Administration access control objects."
+    ::= { fnMIBConformance 3 }
+fnTrapsComplianceGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { fnTrapCpuThreshold, fnTrapMemThreshold, 
+                  fnTrapLogDiskThreshold, fnTrapTempHigh, 
+                  fnTrapVoltageOutOfRange, fnTrapPowerSupplyFailure, 
+                  fnTrapAmcIfBypassMode, fnTrapFanFailure,
+                  fnTrapIpChange, fnTrapTest }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Event notifications"
+    ::= { fnMIBConformance 4 }
+fnNotifObjectsComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fnGenTrapMsg }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Object identifiers used in notifications"
+    ::= { fnMIBConformance 5 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for the application MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+        GROUP   fnSystemComplianceGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "This group is mandatory for all Fortinet network appliances
+              supporting this MIB."
+        GROUP   fnMgmtComplianceGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "This group is optional for devices that do not support common
+              management interface options such as multiple languages."
+        GROUP   fnAdminComplianceGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "This group should be accessible on any device supporting
+              administrator authentication."
+        GROUP   fnTrapsComplianceGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Traps are optional. Not all models support all traps. Consult
+              product literature to see which traps are supported."
+        GROUP   fnNotifObjectsComplianceGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Object identifiers used in notifications. Objects are required
+              if their containing trap is implemented."
+    ::= { fnMIBConformance 100 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3edb7539e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,7883 @@
+--  OrgName
+--     Fortinet Technologies, Inc.
+--  ContactInfo
+--     Technical Support
+--     e-mail: support@fortinet.com
+--     http://www.fortinet.com
+    FnBoolState, FnIndex, fnAdminEntry, fnSysSerial, fortinet
+    ifEntry, ifName, ifIndex
+        FROM IF-MIB
+    InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType, InetPortNumber
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    sysName
+        FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+    Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Unsigned32, Integer32, IpAddress,
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    Ipv6Address
+        FROM IPV6-TC
+    CounterBasedGauge64
+        FROM HCNUM-TC
+    DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, AutonomousType, DateAndTime, PhysAddress
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "201606170000Z"
+        "Fortinet Technologies, Inc."
+        "
+         Technical Support
+         email: support@fortinet.com
+         http://www.fortinet.com"
+        "Various non-monotonically increase Counter32 values have been changed to Gauge32."
+    REVISION    "201606170000Z"
+        "Added fgProcessorFnNP6 in fgProcessorTypes."
+    REVISION    "201504230000Z"
+	 "Added fgDevice OIDs"
+    REVISION    "201503160000Z"
+	 "Added fgIntfVlanHbs OIDs for vlan interface heartbeat feature"
+    REVISION    "201501100000Z"
+	 "Added fgLinkMonitor OIDs for link-monitor feature"
+    REVISION    "201412040000Z"
+	 "Added fgUsbModemInfoObjects OIDs for LTE Modem"
+    REVISION    "201406040000Z"
+	 "Added fgUsbports OIDs for external USB ports"
+    REVISION    "201402130000Z"
+	 "Added fgIntfVrrps OIDs for VRRP"
+    REVISION    "201308120000Z"
+	 "Added fgServerLoadBalance OIDs."
+    REVISION    "201307260000Z"
+	 "Added fgTrapIpsFailOpen OID in fgTraps"
+    REVISION    "201304120000Z"
+        "Added fgWc wireless controller OIDs"
+    REVISION    "201304060000Z"
+        "Added fgVpnTrapPhase1Name OID in VPN traps"
+    REVISION    "201211290000Z"
+        "Added OID for 64-bit sysUpTime"
+    REVISION    "201207100000Z"
+        "Added OID for a virtual domain's HA cluster member state."
+    REVISION    "201205160000Z"
+        "Added OIDs for advanced system info and NP4/NP2 processors."
+    REVISION    "201202060000Z"
+        "Added OIDs for IPv6 statistics."
+    REVISION    "201109120000Z"
+        "MIB module for Fortinet FortiGate devices."
+    REVISION    "201101100000Z"
+        "Added OIDs for session setup rates and VPN tunnel stats"
+    REVISION    "200911030000Z"
+        "Added OIDs for Proxy information, CPU and low-memory usage"
+    REVISION    "200910010000Z"
+        "Added new FortiGate models."
+    REVISION    "200907070000Z"
+        "Added fgTrapFazDisconnect."
+    REVISION    "200811030000Z"
+        "Added fgVdTpTable. Re-ordered MIB tree to improve readability.
+         Replaced indexes for tables that had a dependent relationship
+         with another table."
+    REVISION    "200809020000Z"
+        "Added OIDs for compatibility with FORTIOS-300-MIB."
+    REVISION    "200808190000Z"
+        "Conformance statements."
+    REVISION    "200806160000Z"
+        "Spelling corrections."
+    REVISION    "200804140000Z"
+        "Initial version of FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB."
+    ::= { fortinet 101 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "data type for virtual-domain indexes"
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for device operation modes"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { nat(1), transparent(2) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for HA cluster modes"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { standalone(1), activeActive(2), 
+                    activePassive(3) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for HA cluster member state"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { master(1), backup(2), standalone(3) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for HA load-balancing schedules"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { none(1), hub(2), leastConnections(3), 
+                    roundRobin(4), weightedRoundRobin(5), random(6), 
+                    ipBased(7), ipPortBased(8) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for administrative permissions"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { readAdmin(0), writeAdmin(1), domainAdmin(15), 
+                    superAdmin(255) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for user authentication types"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { local(1), radiusSingle(2), radiusMultiple(3), 
+                    ldap(4) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "data type for session protocols"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { ip(0), icmp(1), igmp(2), ipip(4), tcp(6), 
+                    egp(8), pup(12), udp(17), idp(22), ipv6(41), 
+                    rsvp(46), gre(47), esp(50), ah(51), ospf(89), 
+                    pim(103), comp(108), raw(255) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "data type for session protocols"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { bitTorrent(0), eDonkey(1), gnutella(2), 
+                    kaZaa(3), skype(4), winNY(5) }
+FgScanAvDisposition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "Scan AV Disposition for detected anomalies"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { detected(1), blocked(2) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "WAN optimization protocol types"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { http(1), mapi(2), cifs(3), 
+                    ftp(4), tcp(5) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "WAN optimization history statistics time period types"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { last10Min(1), lastHour(2), lastDay(3), 
+                    lastMonth(4) }
+FgHaStatsSyncStatusType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current HA Sync status types"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { unsynchronized(0), synchronized(1) }
+FgWcWlanSecurityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for WLAN security methods"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  open(1),
+                  captivePortal(2),
+                  wep64(3),
+                  wep128(4),
+                  wpaOnlyPersonal(5),
+                  wpaOnlyEnterprise(6),
+                  wpa2OnlyPersonal(7),
+                  wpa2OnlyEnterprise(8),
+                  wpaPersonal(9),
+                  wpaEnterprise(10),
+                  wpaOnlyPersonalCaptivePortal(11),
+                  wpa2OnlyPersonalCaptivePortal(12),
+                  wpaPersonalCaptivePortal(13) }
+FgWcWlanAuthenticationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for WLAN authentication methods"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  psk(1),
+                  radiusServer(2),
+                  userGroup(3) }
+FgWcWlanEncryptionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for WLAN encryption methods"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  none(1),
+                  tkip(2),
+                  aes(3),
+                  tkipAes(4) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "unique identifier of a radio on a WTP"
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..31)
+    STATUS      current
+        "Enumerated types for WTP radio.
+         The following enumerated values are supported:
+           other(0)             - radio type is unknown
+           dot11a(1)            - 802.11a radio
+           dot11b(2)            - 802.11b radio
+           dot11g(3)            - 802.11g/b radio
+           dot11n5g(4)          - 802.11n/a radio at 5GHz band
+           dot11n2g(5)          - 802.11n/g/b radio at 2.4GHz band
+           dot11ac(6)           - 802.11ac/n/a radio
+           dot11ngOnly(7)       - 802.11n/g radio at 2.4GHz band
+           dot11gOnly(8)        - 802.11g radio
+           dot11n2GHzOnly(9)    - 802.11n radio at 2.4GHz band
+           dot11n5GHzOnly(10)   - 802.11n radio at 5GHz band
+           dot11acnOnly(11)     - 802.11ac/n radio
+           dot11acOnly(12)      - 802.11ac radio"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  dot11a(1),
+                  dot11b(2),
+                  dot11g(3),
+                  dot11n5g(4),
+                  dot11n2g(5),
+                  dot11ac(6),
+                  dot11ngOnly(7),
+                  dot11gOnly(8),
+                  dot11n2GHzOnly(9),
+                  dot11n5GHzOnly(10),
+                  dot11acnOnly(11),
+                  dot11acOnly(12) }
+FgWcWtpChannelWidthType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for WTP radio channel width"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  width20MHz(1),
+                  width40MHz(2),
+                  width80MHz(3) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "enumerated type for WTP radio band"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  band2GHz(1),
+                  band5GHz(2) }
+FgWcWtpRadioChannelNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "channel number of a WTP radio"
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..200)
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the operating mode of the WTP radio.
+         The following enumerated values are supported:
+           other(0)        - The radio mode is unknown.
+           notExist(1)     - The radio does not physically exist.
+           disabled(2)     - The radio is administratively disabled.
+           ap(3)           - The radio is configured as an access point.
+           monitor(4)      - The radio is configured as a dedicated rogue AP scanner.
+           sniffer(5)      - The radio is configured as a wireless sniffer."
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  notExist(1),
+                  disabled(2),
+                  ap(3),
+                  monitor(4),
+                  sniffer(5) }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "3a"
+    STATUS      current
+        "This attribute identifies the country or non-country
+         entity in which the station is operating. If it is a
+         country, the first two octets of this
+         string is the two character country code as described
+         in document ISO/IEC 3166-1. The third octet shall
+         be one of the following:
+         1. an ASCII space character, if the regulations under
+         which the station is operating encompass all
+         environments in the country,
+         2. an ASCII 'O' character, if the regulations under
+         which the station is operating are for an Outdoor
+         environment only, or
+         3. an ASCII 'I' character, if the regulations under
+         which the station is operating are for an Indoor
+         environment only.
+         4. an ASCII 'X' character, if the station is operating
+         under a non-country entity. The first two octets of the
+         non-country entity shall be two ASCII 'XX' characters."
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgModel
+fgModel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnFortiGateMib 1 }
+-- fgModel start
+fg900D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 900 }
+fgr60D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 643 }
+fgr90D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 638 }
+fgt1000C         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 10004 }
+fgt1000D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 10005 }
+fgt100D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 1004 }
+fgt1200D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 12000 }
+fgt140D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 1401 }
+fgt140P          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 1402 }
+fgt1500D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 15000 }
+fgt1500DT        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 15001 }
+fgt200D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 2005 }
+fgt200DP         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 2007 }
+fgt240D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 2006 }
+fgt240DP         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 2008 }
+fgt280D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 2013 }
+fgt3000D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 30000 }
+fgt30D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 304 }
+fgt30DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 305 }
+fgt30E           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 306 }
+fgt3100D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 31000 }
+fgt3200D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 32000 }
+fgt3240C         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 32401 }
+fgt3600C         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 36004 }
+fgt3700D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 37000 }
+fgt3700DX        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 37001 }
+fgt3810D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 38101 }
+fgt3815D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 38150 }
+fgt3HD           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 3006 }
+fgt400D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 4004 }
+fgt5001C         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 50014 }
+fgt5001D         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 50015 }
+fgt500D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 5004 }
+fgt50E           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 505 }
+fgt51E           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 515 }
+fgt600C          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 6003 }
+fgt600D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 6004 }
+fgt60D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 624 }
+fgt60DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 625 }
+fgt70D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 700 }
+fgt70DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 701 }
+fgt800C          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 8003 }
+fgt800D          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 8004 }
+fgt80C           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 800 }
+fgt80CM          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 801 }
+fgt80D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 803 }
+fgt90D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 630 }
+fgt90DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 631 }
+fgt92D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 636 }
+fgt94DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 634 }
+fgt98DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 635 }
+fgtVM64          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 30 }
+fgtVM64AWS       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 45 }
+fgtVM64HV        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 70 }
+fgtVM64KVm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 60 }
+fgtVM64SVM       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 32 }
+fgtVM64VMX       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 31 }
+fgtVM64XEN       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 40 }
+fgtsoc3          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 628 }
+fosVM64          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 90000 }
+fosVM64KVM       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 90060 }
+fw60DP           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 627 }
+fwf30D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 314 }
+fwf30DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 315 }
+fwf30E           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 316 }
+fwf50E           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 506 }
+fwf51E           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 516 }
+fwf60D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 626 }
+fwf80CM          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 810 }
+fwf81CM          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 811 }
+fwf90D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 632 }
+fwf90DPOE        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 633 }
+fwf92D           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fgModel 637 }
+-- fgModel end
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgTraps
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 2 }
+    ::= { fgTraps 0 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVirtualDomain
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVirtualDomain.fgVdInfo
+    ::= { fgVirtualDomain 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of virtual domains in vdTable"
+    ::= { fgVdInfo 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of virtual domains allowed on the device as allowed by hardware and/or licensing"
+    ::= { fgVdInfo 2 }
+fgVdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether virtual domains are enabled on this device"
+    ::= { fgVdInfo 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVirtualDomain.fgVdTables
+    ::= { fgVirtualDomain 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVirtualDomain.fgVdTables.fgVdTable
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgVdEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of virtual domains configured on the device"
+    ::= { fgVdTables 1 }
+    SYNTAX      FgVdEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information applicable
+         to a particular virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgVdTable 1 }
+FgVdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgVdEntIndex    FgVdIndex,
+    fgVdEntName     DisplayString,
+    fgVdEntOpMode   FgOpMode,
+    fgVdEntHaState  FgHaState,
+    fgVdEntCpuUsage Gauge32,
+    fgVdEntMemUsage Gauge32,
+    fgVdEntSesCount Gauge32,
+    fgVdEntSesRate  Gauge32
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Internal virtual domain index used to uniquely identify rows in this table. This index is also used by other tables referencing a virtual domain."
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      FgOpMode
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Operation mode of the virtual domain (NAT or Transparent)"
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgHaState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "HA cluster member state of the virtual domain on this device
+         (master, backup or standalone)"
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 4 }
+fgVdEntCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "CPU usage of the virtual domain (percentage)."
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 5 }
+fgVdEntMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Memory usage of the virtual domain (percentage)."
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 6 }
+fgVdEntSesCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of active sessions on the virtual domain."
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 7 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The session setup rate on the virtual domain."
+    ::= { fgVdEntry 8 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVirtualDomain.fgVdTables.fgVdTpTable
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "A table of virtual domains in transparent operation mode.  This table has a
+         sparse dependent relationship with fgVdTable."    
+    ::= { fgVdTables 2 }
+    SYNTAX FgVdTpEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "An entry containing information applicable
+         to a particular virtual domain in transparent mode"
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgVdTpTable 1 }
+FgVdTpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgVdTpMgmtAddrType InetAddressType,
+    fgVdTpMgmtAddr InetAddress,
+    fgVdTpMgmtMask InetAddressPrefixLength
+fgVdTpMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The type of address stored in fgVdTpMgmtAddr, in compliance with INET-ADDRESS-MIB"
+    ::= { fgVdTpEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The management IP address of the virtual domain in transparent mode,
+         typically an IPv4 address. The address type/format is determined by fgVdTpMgmtAddrType."
+    ::= { fgVdTpEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "The address prefix length (or network mask) applied to the fgVdTpMgmtAddr"
+    ::= { fgVdTpEntry 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgSystemInfo
+    ::= { fgSystem 1 }
+fgSysVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firmware version of the device"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 1 }
+fgSysMgmtVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Index that identifies the management virtual domain. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 2 }
+fgSysCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current CPU usage (percentage)"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 3 }
+fgSysMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current memory utilization (percentage)"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 4 }
+fgSysMemCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Total physical memory (RAM) installed (KB)"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 5 }
+fgSysDiskUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current hard disk usage (MB), if disk is present"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 6 }
+fgSysDiskCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Total hard disk capacity (MB), if disk is present"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 7 }
+fgSysSesCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of active sessions on the device"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 8 }
+fgSysLowMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current lowmem utilization (percentage). Lowmem is memory available
+         for the kernel's own data structures and kernel specific tables. The
+         system can get into a bad state if it runs out of lowmem."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 9 }
+fgSysLowMemCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Total lowmem capacity (KB). See fgSysLowMemUsage for the description
+         of lowmem." 
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 10 }
+fgSysSesRate1 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average session setup rate over the past minute."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 11 }
+fgSysSesRate10 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average session setup rate over the past 10 minutes."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 12 }
+fgSysSesRate30 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average session setup rate over the past 30 minutes."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 13 }
+fgSysSesRate60 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average session setup rate over the past 60 minutes."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 14 }
+fgSysSes6Count OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of active ipv6 sessions on the device"
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 15 }
+fgSysSes6Rate1 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average ipv6 session setup rate over the past minute."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 16 }
+fgSysSes6Rate10 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average ipv6 session setup rate over the past 10 minutes."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 17 }
+fgSysSes6Rate30 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average ipv6 session setup rate over the past 30 minutes."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 18 }
+fgSysSes6Rate60 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "Sessions Per Second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average ipv6 session setup rate over the past 60 minutes."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 19 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    UNITS       "hundredths of a second"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 64bit time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized."
+    ::= { fgSystemInfo 20 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgSoftware
+    ::= { fgSystem 2 }
+fgSysVersionAv OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virus signature database version installed on the device"
+    ::= { fgSoftware 1 }
+fgSysVersionIps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "IPS signature database version installed on the device"
+    ::= { fgSoftware 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgHwSensors
+    ::= { fgSystem 3 }
+fgHwSensorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of entries in fgHwSensorTable"
+    ::= { fgHwSensors 1 }
+fgHwSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgHwSensorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A list of device specific hardware sensors and values. Because different devices have different hardware sensor capabilities, this table may or may not contain any values."
+    ::= { fgHwSensors 2 }
+fgHwSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgHwSensorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing the name, value, and alarm status of a given hardware sensor"
+    INDEX       { fgHwSensorEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgHwSensorTable 1 }
+FgHwSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgHwSensorEntIndex          FnIndex,
+    fgHwSensorEntName           DisplayString,
+    fgHwSensorEntValue          DisplayString,
+    fgHwSensorEntAlarmStatus    INTEGER
+fgHwSensorEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A unique identifier within the fgHwSensorTable"
+    ::= { fgHwSensorEntry 1 }
+fgHwSensorEntName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "A string identifying the sensor by name"
+    ::= { fgHwSensorEntry 2 }
+fgHwSensorEntValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "A string representation of the value of the sensor. Because sensors can present data in different formats, string representation is most general format. Interpretation of the value (units of measure, for example) is dependent on the individual sensor."
+    ::= { fgHwSensorEntry 3 }
+fgHwSensorEntAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { false(0), true(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "If the sensor has an alarm threshold and has exceeded it, this will indicate its status. Not all sensors have alarms."
+    ::= { fgHwSensorEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgProcessors
+    ::= { fgSystem 4 }
+fgProcessorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of entries in fgProcessorTable"
+    ::= { fgProcessors 1 }
+fgProcessorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgProcessorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table that lists information for each processor"
+    ::= { fgProcessors 2 }
+fgProcessorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgProcessorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information for a particular processor"
+    INDEX       { fgProcessorEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgProcessorTable 1 }
+FgProcessorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgProcessorEntIndex    FnIndex,
+    fgProcessorUsage       Gauge32,
+    fgProcessorUsage5sec   Gauge32,
+    fgProcessorType        AutonomousType,
+    fgProcessorContainedIn FnIndex,
+    fgProcessorPktRxCount  Counter64,
+    fgProcessorPktTxCount  Counter64,
+    fgProcessorPktDroppedCount Counter64,
+    fgProcessorUserUsage   Gauge32,
+    fgProcessorSysUsage    Gauge32
+fgProcessorEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A unique identifier within the fgProcessorTable"
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 1 }
+fgProcessorUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS       "%"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The processor's CPU usage (percentage), which is an average
+        calculated over the last minute.
+        (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 2 }
+fgProcessorUsage5sec OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS       "%"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The processor's CPU usage (percentage), which is an average
+        calculated over the last 5 sec.
+        (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 3 }
+fgProcessorType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "An indication of the type of the processor.
+        Types are defined in fgProcessorTypes."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 4 }
+fgProcessorContainedIn OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The index to the processor module entry in the fgProcessorModuleTable
+        that contains this processor."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 5 }
+fgProcessorPktRxCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The total number of packets received by this processor
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 6 }
+fgProcessorPktTxCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The total number of packets transmitted by this processor
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 7 }
+fgProcessorPktDroppedCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The total number of packets dropped by this processor
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 8 }
+fgProcessorUserUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS       "%"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The processor's CPU user space usage, which is an average 
+         calculated over the last minute.
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 9 }
+fgProcessorSysUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    UNITS       "%"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The processor's CPU system space usage, which is an average 
+         calculated over the last minute.
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorEntry 10 }
+-- Registrations for processor types, for use with fgProcessorType
+    ::= { fgProcessors 3 }
+fgProcessorOther OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used when no other defined
+        type is appropriate."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 1 }
+fgProcessorIntel OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for Intel CPU."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 2 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for AMD CPU."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 3 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for RMI XLR processor."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 4 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for Fortinet FortiSoc processor."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 5 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for Fortinet NP2 security processor."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 6 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for Fortinet NP4 security processor."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 7 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor type identifier used for Fortinet NP6 security processor."
+    ::= { fgProcessorTypes 8 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgProcessorModules
+fgProcessorModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgSystem 5 }
+-- Registrations for processor module types, for use with fgProcModType
+fgProcessorModuleTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgProcessorModules 1 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used when no other defined
+        type is appropriate."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 1 }
+fgProcModIntegrated OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for the main CPUs
+        built in the device."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 2 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ADM-XE2."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 3 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ASM-CE4."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 4 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ADM-FE8."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 5 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet FMC module FMC-XG2."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 6 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for the NPU(s)
+        built in the device."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 7 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet FMC module FMC-XD2."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 8 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet FMC module FMC-F20."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 9 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet FMC module FMC-C20."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 10 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ADM-XD4."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 11 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ASM-FB4."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 12 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ADM-FB8."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 13 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The processor module type identifier used for
+        Fortinet AMC module ADM-XB2."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTypes 14 }
+fgProcessorModuleCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of entries in fgProcessorModuleTable"
+    ::= { fgProcessorModules 2 }
+fgProcessorModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgProcessorModuleEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table that lists information for each processor module"
+    ::= { fgProcessorModules 3 }
+fgProcessorModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgProcessorModuleEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information for a particular processor module"
+    INDEX       { fgProcModIndex }
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleTable 1 }
+FgProcessorModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgProcModIndex          FnIndex,
+    fgProcModType           AutonomousType,
+    fgProcModName           DisplayString,
+    fgProcModDescr          DisplayString,
+    fgProcModProcessorCount Integer32,
+    fgProcModMemCapacity    Gauge32,
+    fgProcModMemUsage       Gauge32,
+    fgProcModSessionCount   Gauge32,
+    fgProcModSACount        Gauge32
+fgProcModIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A unique identifier within the fgProcessorModuleTable"
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 1 }
+fgProcModType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication of the type of the processor module.
+        Types are defined in fgProcessorModuleTypes."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 2 }
+fgProcModName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual name of this processor module."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 3 }
+fgProcModDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this processor module."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 4 }
+fgProcModProcessorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Total number of processors contained by this module."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 5}
+fgProcModMemCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Total physical memory (RAM) installed (KB) on this processor module."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 6 }
+fgProcModMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current memory utilization (percentage) on this processor module."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 7 }
+fgProcModSessionCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of active sessions on this processor module
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 8}
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of IPsec Security Associations on this processor module
+         (only valid for processors types that support this statistic)."
+    ::= { fgProcessorModuleEntry 9}
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgSystemInfoAdvanced
+fgSystemInfoAdvanced OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgSystem 6 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgSystemInfoAdvanced.fgSysInfoAdvMem
+    ::= { fgSystemInfoAdvanced 1 }
+fgSIAdvMemPageCache OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The amount of physical RAM used as cache memory for files read from
+         the disk (the page cache)."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 1 }
+fgSIAdvMemCacheActive OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The toal amount of buffer or page cache memory that are active.
+         This part of the memory is used recently and usually not reclaimed
+         unless absolutely necessary."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 2 }
+fgSIAdvMemCacheInactive OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The total amount of buffer or page cache memory that are free and
+         available. This is memory that has not been recently used and can be 
+         reclaimed for other purposes by the paging algorithm."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The amount of physical RAM used for filesystem buffers."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 4 }
+fgSIAdvMemEnterKerConsThrsh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current memory threshold level to enter kernel conserve mode."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 5 }
+fgSIAdvMemLeaveKerConsThrsh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current memory threshold level to leave kernel conserve mode."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 6 }
+fgSIAdvMemEnterProxyConsThrsh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current memory threshold level to enter proxy conserve mode."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 7 }
+fgSIAdvMemLeaveProxyConsThrsh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "KB"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current memory threshold level to leave proxy conserve mode."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvMem 8 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgSystemInfoAdvanced.fgSysInfoAdvSessions
+    ::= { fgSystemInfoAdvanced 2 }
+fgSIAdvSesEphemeralCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of ephemeral sessions on the device."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 1 }
+fgSIAdvSesEphemeralLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The limit number of allowed ephemeral sessions on the device."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 2 }
+fgSIAdvSesClashCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of new sessions which have collision with existing sessions.
+         This generally highlights a shortage of ports or IP in ip-pool during
+         source natting (PNAT)."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of current expectation sessions."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The sync queue full counter, reflecting bursts on the sync queue."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 5 }
+fgSIAdvSesAcceptQFCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The accept queue full counter, reflecting bursts on the accept queue."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 6 }
+fgSIAdvSesNoListenerCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of direct requests to Fortigate local stack from external,
+         reflecting DOS attack towards the Fortigate."
+    ::= { fgSysInfoAdvSessions 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgUsbports
+    ::= { fgSystem 7 }
+fgUsbportCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of entries in fgUsbportTable."
+    ::= { fgUsbports 1 }
+fgUsbportTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgUsbportEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table that lists information for each external USB port."
+    ::= { fgUsbports 2 }
+fgUsbportEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgUsbportEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information for a particular USB port."
+    INDEX       { fgUsbportEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgUsbportTable 1 }
+FgUsbportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgUsbportEntIndex      FnIndex,
+    fgUsbportPlugged       INTEGER,
+    fgUsbportVersion       DisplayString,
+    fgUsbportClass         INTEGER,
+    fgUsbportVendId        OCTET STRING,
+    fgUsbportProdId        OCTET STRING,
+    fgUsbportRevision      DisplayString,
+    fgUsbportManufacturer  DisplayString,
+    fgUsbportProduct       DisplayString,
+    fgUsbportSerial        DisplayString
+fgUsbportEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A unique identifier within the fgUsbportTable."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 1 }
+fgUsbportPlugged OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { unplugged(0), plugged(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The USB port's plugged status."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 2 }
+fgUsbportVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The USB port's version."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 3 }
+fgUsbportClass OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { ifc(0), audio(1), comm(2), hid(3), physical(5),
+                  image(6), printer(7), storage(8), hub(9), cdcData(10),
+                  chipSmartCard(11), contentSecurity(13), appSpec(254), vendorSpec(255)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The device class."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 4 }
+fgUsbportVendId OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Vendor ID of the device."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 5 }
+fgUsbportProdId OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Product ID of the device."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 6 }
+fgUsbportRevision OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The release number of the device."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 7 }
+fgUsbportManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The manufacturer of the device."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 8 }
+fgUsbportProduct OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The product of the device."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 9 }
+fgUsbportSerial OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The serial number of the device."
+    ::= { fgUsbportEntry 10 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgSystem.fgLinkMonitor
+    ::= { fgSystem 8 }
+fgLinkMonitorNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of link monitor in fgLinkMonitorTable"
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitor 1 }
+fgLinkMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgLinkMonitorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Link Monitor statistics table.  This table has a dependent expansion relationship with fgVdTable.
+         Only virtual domains with enabled link monitor are present in this table."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitor 2 }
+fgLinkMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgLinkMonitorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Link Monitor statistics on a virtual domain"
+    INDEX       {fgLinkMonitorID}
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorTable 1 }
+FgLinkMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgLinkMonitorID         FnIndex,
+    fgLinkMonitorName       DisplayString,
+    fgLinkMonitorState      INTEGER,
+    fgLinkMonitorLatency    DisplayString,
+    fgLinkMonitorJitter     DisplayString,
+    fgLinkMonitorPacketSend Counter64,
+    fgLinkMonitorPacketRecv Counter64,
+    fgLinkMonitorPacketLoss DisplayString,
+    fgLinkMonitorVdom       DisplayString
+fgLinkMonitorID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Link Monitor ID. Only enabled link monitor entries are present in this table. Link Monitor IDs are only unique within a virtual domain."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 1 }
+fgLinkMonitorName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Link Monitor name."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 2 }
+fgLinkMonitorState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { alive(0), dead(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Link Monitor state."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 3 }
+fgLinkMonitorLatency OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average latency of link monitor in float number within last 30 probes."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 4 }
+fgLinkMonitorJitter OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average jitter of link monitor in float number within last 30 probes."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 5 }
+fgLinkMonitorPacketSend OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The total number of packets sent by link monitor."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 6 }
+fgLinkMonitorPacketRecv OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The total number of packets received by link monitor."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 7 }
+fgLinkMonitorPacketLoss OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The average packet loss percentage in float number within last 30 probes."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 8 }
+fgLinkMonitorVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain the link monitor entry exists in. This name corresponds to the fgVdEntName used in fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgLinkMonitorEntry 9 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFirewall
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 5 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFirewall.fgFwPolicies
+    ::= { fgFirewall 1 }
+    ::= { fgFwPolicies 1 }
+    ::= { fgFwPolicies 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFirewall.fgFwPolicies.fgFwPolTables.fgFwPolStatsTable
+fgFwPolStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgFwPolStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firewall policy statistics table.  This table has a dependent expansion relationship with fgVdTable.
+         Only virtual domains with enabled policies are present in this table."
+    ::= { fgFwPolTables 1 }
+fgFwPolStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgFwPolStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firewall policy statistics on a virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, fgFwPolID }
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsTable 1 }
+FgFwPolStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgFwPolID               FnIndex,
+    fgFwPolPktCount         Counter32,
+    fgFwPolByteCount        Counter32,
+    fgFwPolLastUsed         DisplayString,
+    fgFwPolPktCountHc       Counter64,
+    fgFwPolByteCountHc      Counter64
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firewall policy ID. Only enabled policies are present in this table. Policy IDs are only unique within a virtual domain."
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsEntry 1 }
+fgFwPolPktCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of packets matched to policy (passed or blocked, depending on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active."
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsEntry 2 }
+fgFwPolByteCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes in packets matching the policy. See fgFwPolPktCount."
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsEntry 3 }
+fgFwPolLastUsed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "How many minutes since last used."
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsEntry 4 }
+fgFwPolPktCountHc OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "64-bit Number of packets matched to policy (passed or blocked, depending on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active."
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsEntry 5 }
+fgFwPolByteCountHc OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "64-bit Number of bytes in packets matching the policy. See fgFwPolPktCountHc."
+    ::= { fgFwPolStatsEntry 6 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFirewall.fgFwPolicies.fgFwPolTables.fgFwPol6StatsTable
+fgFwPol6StatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgFwPol6StatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firewall policy6 statistics table.  This table has a dependent
+         expansion relationship with fgVdTable.
+         Only virtual domains with enabled policies are present in this table."
+    ::= { fgFwPolTables 2 }
+fgFwPol6StatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgFwPol6StatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firewall policy6 statistics on a virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, fgFwPol6ID }
+    ::= { fgFwPol6StatsTable 1 }
+FgFwPol6StatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgFwPol6ID         FnIndex,
+    fgFwPol6PktCount   Counter64,
+    fgFwPol6ByteCount  Counter64,
+    fgFwPol6LastUsed   DisplayString
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Firewall policy6 ID. Only enabled policies are present in this table.
+         Policy IDs are only unique within a virtual domain."
+    ::= { fgFwPol6StatsEntry 1 }
+fgFwPol6PktCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of packets matched to policy (passed or blocked, depending
+         on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active."
+    ::= { fgFwPol6StatsEntry 2 }
+fgFwPol6ByteCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes in packets matching the policy. See fgFwPol6PktCount."
+    ::= { fgFwPol6StatsEntry 3 }
+fgFwPol6LastUsed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "How many minutes since last used."
+    ::= { fgFwPol6StatsEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFirewall.fgFwUsers
+    ::= { fgFirewall 2 }
+    ::= { fgFwUsers 1 }
+fgFwUserNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of user accounts in fgFwUserTable"
+    ::= { fgFwUserInfo 1 }
+fgFwUserAuthTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Idle period after which a firewall-authentication user's session
+         is automatically expired"
+    ::= { fgFwUserInfo 2 }
+    ::= { fgFwUsers 2 }
+fgFwUserTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgFwUserEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A list of local and proxy (Radius server)
+         user accounts for use with firewall user authentication"
+    ::= { fgFwUserTables 1 }
+fgFwUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgFwUserEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information applicable
+         to a particular user account"
+    INDEX       { fgFwUserIndex }
+    ::= { fgFwUserTable 1 }
+FgFwUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgFwUserIndex   FnIndex,
+    fgFwUserName    DisplayString,
+    fgFwUserAuth    FgFwUserAuthType,
+    fgFwUserState   FnBoolState,
+    fgFwUserVdom    FgVdIndex
+fgFwUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index for uniquely identifying the users in fgFwUserTable"
+    ::= { fgFwUserEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "User-name of the specified account"
+    ::= { fgFwUserEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      FgFwUserAuthType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Type of authentication the account uses (local, RADIUS, LDAP, etc.)"
+    ::= { fgFwUserEntry 3 }
+fgFwUserState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Status of the user account (enable/disable)"
+    ::= { fgFwUserEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain the user account exists in. This index corresponds to the index used in fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgFwUserEntry 5 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgMgmt
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 6 }
+    ::= { fgMgmt 0 }
+    ::= { fgMgmt 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgMgmt.fgAdmin.fgAdminOptions
+    ::= { fgAdmin 1 }
+fgAdminIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Idle period after which an administrator
+         is automatically logged out of the system"
+    ::= { fgAdminOptions 1 }
+fgAdminLcdProtection OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Status of the LCD protection (enabled/disabled)"
+    ::= { fgAdminOptions 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgMgmt.fgAdmin.fgAdminTables
+    ::= { fgAdmin 2 }
+fgAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAdminEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of administrator accounts on the device"
+    ::= { fgAdminTables 1 }
+fgAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAdminEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing information applicable
+         to a particular admin account"
+    AUGMENTS    { fnAdminEntry }
+    ::= { fgAdminTable 1 }
+FgAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAdminVdom     FgVdIndex
+fgAdminVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The virtual domain the administrator belongs to"
+    ::= { fgAdminEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgMgmt.fgAdmin.fgMgmtTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgMgmt 2 }
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP address of the interface listed in the trap"
+    ::= { fgMgmtTrapObjects 1 }
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Mask of subnet the interface belongs to"
+    ::= { fgMgmtTrapObjects 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Ipv6Address
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "IPv6 address of the interface listed in the trap"
+    ::= { fgMgmtTrapObjects 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgIntf
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 7 }
+    ::= { fgIntf 1 }
+    ::= { fgIntf 2 }
+fgIntfTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIntfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Fortinet specific extensions to MIB-2 ifTable"
+    ::= { fgIntfTables 1 }
+fgIntfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIntfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Fortinet specific information about an ifEntry. This table augments the standard ifTable, so the same indexing is used."
+    AUGMENTS    { ifEntry }
+    ::= { fgIntfTable 1 }
+FgIntfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIntfEntVdom   FgVdIndex
+fgIntfEntVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The virtual domain the interface belongs to. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgIntfEntry 1 }
+    ::= { fgIntf 3 }
+fgIntfVrrpCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of entries in fgIntfVrrpTable"
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrps 1 }
+fgIntfVrrpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIntfVrrpEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A list of VRRPs and values."
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrps 2 }
+fgIntfVrrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIntfVrrpEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing the ID, group ID, interface name, state and IP address of a given virtual router."
+    INDEX       { fgIntfVrrpEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpTable 1 }
+FgIntfVrrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIntfVrrpEntIndex   FnIndex,
+    fgIntfVrrpEntVrId    FnIndex,
+    fgIntfVrrpEntGrpId   FnIndex,
+    fgIntfVrrpEntIfName  DisplayString,
+    fgIntfVrrpEntState   INTEGER,
+    fgIntfVrrpEntVrIp    IpAddress
+fgIntfVrrpEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A unique identifier within the fgIntfVrrpTable"
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpEntry 1 }
+fgIntfVrrpEntVrId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "ID of a virtual router."
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpEntry 2 }
+fgIntfVrrpEntGrpId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The group ID of a virtual router."
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpEntry 3 }
+fgIntfVrrpEntIfName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The interface name of a virtual router."
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpEntry 4 }
+fgIntfVrrpEntState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { backup(1), master(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "State of a virtual router."
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpEntry 5 }
+fgIntfVrrpEntVrIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP address of a virtual router."
+    ::= { fgIntfVrrpEntry 6 }
+    ::= { fgIntf 4 }
+fgIntfVlanHbCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of entries in fgIntfVlanHbTable"
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbs 1 }
+fgIntfVlanHbTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIntfVlanHbEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A list of VlanHbs and values."
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbs 2 }
+fgIntfVlanHbEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIntfVlanHbEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing the vlan interface name, peer's serial number and state of a given vlan interface heartbeat."
+    INDEX       { fgIntfVlanHbEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbTable 1 }
+FgIntfVlanHbEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIntfVlanHbEntIndex   FnIndex,
+    fgIntfVlanHbEntIfName  DisplayString,
+    fgIntfVlanHbEntSerial  DisplayString,
+    fgIntfVlanHbEntState   INTEGER
+fgIntfVlanHbEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A unique identifier within the fgIntfVlanHbTable"
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbEntry 1 }
+fgIntfVlanHbEntIfName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The vlan interface name."
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbEntry 2 }
+fgIntfVlanHbEntSerial OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Serial number of a vlan HA peer."
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbEntry 3 }
+fgIntfVlanHbEntState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "State of a vlan interface heartbeat."
+    ::= { fgIntfVlanHbEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgAntivirus
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 8 }
+    ::= { fgAntivirus 1 }
+    ::= { fgAntivirus 2 }
+fgAvStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAvStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of Anti-virus statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAvTables 1 }
+fgAvStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAvStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Anti-virus statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgAvStatsTable 1 }
+FgAvStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAvVirusDetected       Counter32,
+    fgAvVirusBlocked        Counter32,
+    fgAvHTTPVirusDetected   Counter32,
+    fgAvHTTPVirusBlocked    Counter32,
+    fgAvSMTPVirusDetected   Counter32,
+    fgAvSMTPVirusBlocked    Counter32,
+    fgAvPOP3VirusDetected   Counter32,
+    fgAvPOP3VirusBlocked    Counter32,
+    fgAvIMAPVirusDetected   Counter32,
+    fgAvIMAPVirusBlocked    Counter32,
+    fgAvFTPVirusDetected    Counter32,
+    fgAvFTPVirusBlocked     Counter32,
+    fgAvIMVirusDetected     Counter32,
+    fgAvIMVirusBlocked      Counter32,
+    fgAvNNTPVirusDetected   Counter32,
+    fgAvNNTPVirusBlocked    Counter32,
+    fgAvOversizedDetected   Counter32,
+    fgAvOversizedBlocked    Counter32
+fgAvVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 1 }
+fgAvVirusBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 2 }
+fgAvHTTPVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over HTTP detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over HTTP blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 4 }
+fgAvSMTPVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over SMTP detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over SMTP blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 6 }
+fgAvPOP3VirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over POP3 detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 7 }
+fgAvPOP3VirusBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over POP3 blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 8 }
+fgAvIMAPVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over IMAP detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over IMAP blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 10 }
+fgAvFTPVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over FTP detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 11 }
+fgAvFTPVirusBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over FTP blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 12 }
+fgAvIMVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over IM protocols detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 13 }
+fgAvIMVirusBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over IM protocols blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 14 }
+fgAvNNTPVirusDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over NNTP detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 15 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of virus transmissions over NNTP blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 16 }
+fgAvOversizedDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of over-sized file transmissions detected in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 17 }
+fgAvOversizedBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of over-sized file transmissions blocked in the virtual domain since start-up"
+    ::= { fgAvStatsEntry 18 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgAntivirus.fgAvTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgAntivirus 3 }
+fgAvTrapVirName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virus name that triggered event"
+    ::= { fgAvTrapObjects 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgIps
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 9 }
+    ::= { fgIps 1 }
+    ::= { fgIps 2 }
+fgIpsStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIpsStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of IPS/IDS statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsTables 1 }
+fgIpsStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIpsStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IPS/IDS statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsTable 1 }
+FgIpsStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIpsIntrusionsDetected     Counter32,
+    fgIpsIntrusionsBlocked      Counter32,
+    fgIpsCritSevDetections      Counter32,
+    fgIpsHighSevDetections      Counter32,
+    fgIpsMedSevDetections       Counter32,
+    fgIpsLowSevDetections       Counter32,
+    fgIpsInfoSevDetections      Counter32,
+    fgIpsSignatureDetections    Counter32,
+    fgIpsAnomalyDetections      Counter32
+fgIpsIntrusionsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of intrusions detected since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 1 }
+fgIpsIntrusionsBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of intrusions blocked since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 2 }
+fgIpsCritSevDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of critical severity intrusions
+         detected since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 3 }
+fgIpsHighSevDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of high severity intrusions 
+         detected since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 4 }
+fgIpsMedSevDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of medium severity intrusions
+         detected since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 5 }
+fgIpsLowSevDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of low severity intrusions 
+         detected since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 6 }
+fgIpsInfoSevDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of informational severity intrusions
+         detected since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 7 }
+fgIpsSignatureDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of intrusions detected by signature
+         since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 8 }
+fgIpsAnomalyDetections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of intrusions DECed as anomalies 
+         since start-up in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpsStatsEntry 9 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgIps.fgIpsTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgIps 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "ID of IPS signature identified in trap"
+    ::= { fgIpsTrapObjects 1 }
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Source IP Address of the IPS signature trigger"
+    ::= { fgIpsTrapObjects 2 }
+fgIpsTrapSigMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Message associated with IPS event"
+    ::= { fgIpsTrapObjects 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 10 }
+    ::= { fgApplications 1 }
+    ::= { fgWebfilter 1 }
+fgWebfilterTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgWebfilter 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgWebfilter.fgWebfilterTables.fgWebfilterStatsTable
+fgWebfilterStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWebfilterStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of Web-filter statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterTables 1 }
+fgWebfilterStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWebfilterStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Web-filter statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsTable 1 }
+FgWebfilterStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgWfHTTPBlocked         Counter32,
+    fgWfHTTPSBlocked        Counter32,
+    fgWfHTTPURLBlocked      Counter32,
+    fgWfHTTPSURLBlocked     Counter32,
+    fgWfActiveXBlocked      Counter32,
+    fgWfCookieBlocked       Counter32,
+    fgWfAppletBlocked       Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP sessions blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS sessions blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP URLs blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS URLs blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 4 }
+fgWfActiveXBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of ActiveX downloads blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 5 }
+fgWfCookieBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP Cookies blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 6 }
+fgWfAppletBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of Applets blocked by Web-filter since start-up"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterStatsEntry 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgWebfilter.fgWebfilterTables.fgFortiGuardStatsTable
+fgFortiGuardStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgFortiGuardStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of FortiGuard statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgWebfilterTables 2 }
+fgFortiGuardStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgFortiGuardStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "FortiGuard statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsTable 1 }
+FgFortiGuardStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgFgWfHTTPExamined      Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPSExamined     Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPAllowed       Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPSAllowed      Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPBlocked       Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPSBlocked      Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPLogged        Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPSLogged       Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPOverridden    Counter32,
+    fgFgWfHTTPSOverridden   Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP requests examined using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS requests examined using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP requests allowed to proceed using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS requests allowed to proceed using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP requests blocked using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS requests blocked using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP requests logged using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 7 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS requests logged using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 8 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP requests overridden using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTPS requests overridden using FortiGuard since start-up"
+    ::= { fgFortiGuardStatsEntry 10 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxyHTTP
+    ::= { fgApplications 100 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "HTTP proxy up-time (in seconds)"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyHTTP 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "HTTP proxy memory usage (percentage of system total)"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyHTTP 2 }
+fgApHTTPConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "HTTP proxy current connections"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyHTTP 4 }
+fgApHTTPMaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of connections supported by HTTP proxy"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyHTTP 5 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of HTTP Proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyHTTP 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApHTTPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "HTTP Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApHTTPStatsTable 1 }
+FgApHTTPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApHTTPReqProcessed    Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of HTTP requests in this virtual domain processed by the HTTP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApHTTPStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxySMTP
+    ::= { fgApplications 101 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "SMTP Proxy up-time, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySMTP 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "SMTP Proxy memory utilization (percentage of system total)"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySMTP 2 }
+fgApSMTPConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "SMTP proxy current connections"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySMTP 4 }
+fgApSMTPMaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of connections supported by SMTP proxy"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySMTP 5 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of SMTP proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySMTP 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApSMTPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "SMTP Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApSMTPStatsTable 1 }
+FgApSMTPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApSMTPReqProcessed    Counter32,
+    fgApSMTPSpamDetected    Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of requests in this virtual domain processed by the SMTP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApSMTPStatsEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of spam detected in this virtual domain by the SMTP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApSMTPStatsEntry 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxyPOP3
+    ::= { fgApplications 102 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Up-time of the POP3 proxy, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyPOP3 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Memory usage of the POP3 Proxy (percentage of system total)"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyPOP3 2 }
+fgApPOP3Connections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "POP3 proxy current connections"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyPOP3 4 }
+fgApPOP3MaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of connections supported by POP3 proxy"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyPOP3 5 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgApPOP3StatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of POP3 proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyPOP3 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApPOP3StatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Proxy pop3 statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApPOP3StatsTable 1 }
+FgApPOP3StatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApPOP3ReqProcessed    Counter32,
+    fgApPOP3SpamDetected    Counter32
+fgApPOP3ReqProcessed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of requests in this virtual domain processed by the POP3 proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApPOP3StatsEntry 1 }
+fgApPOP3SpamDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of spam detected in this virtual domain by the POP3 Proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApPOP3StatsEntry 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxyIMAP
+    ::= { fgApplications 103 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Up-time of the IMAP proxy, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIMAP 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Memory utilization of the IMAP Proxy (as a percentage of the system total)"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIMAP 2 }
+fgApIMAPConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "IMAP proxy current connections"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIMAP 4 }
+fgApIMAPMaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of connections supported by IMAP proxy"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIMAP 5 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of IMAP proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIMAP 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApIMAPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IMAP Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApIMAPStatsTable 1 }
+FgApIMAPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApIMAPReqProcessed    Counter32,
+    fgApIMAPSpamDetected    Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of requests in this virtual domain processed by the IMAP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApIMAPStatsEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of spam detected in this virtual domain by the IMAP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApIMAPStatsEntry 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxyNNTP
+    ::= { fgApplications 104 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Up-time of the NNTP proxy, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyNNTP 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Memory utilization of the NNTP proxy, as a percentage of the system total"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyNNTP 2 }
+fgApNNTPConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "NNTP proxy current connections"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyNNTP 4 }
+fgApNNTPMaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of connections supported by NNTP proxy"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyNNTP 5 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of NNTP proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyNNTP 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApNNTPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "NNTP Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApNNTPStatsTable 1 }
+FgApNNTPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApNNTPReqProcessed    Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of requests in the virtual domain processed by the NNTP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApNNTPStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxyIM
+    ::= { fgApplications 105 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Up-time of the IM proxy, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIM 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "IM Proxy memory usage, as a percentage of the system total"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIM 2 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgApIMStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of IM proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyIM 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApIMStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IM Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApIMStatsTable 1 }
+FgApIMStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApIMReqProcessed  Counter32
+fgApIMReqProcessed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of requests in this virtual domain processed by the IM proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApIMStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxySIP
+    ::= { fgApplications 106 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Up-time of the SIP Proxy, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySIP 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "SIP Proxy memory utilization, as a percentage of the system total"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySIP 2 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgApSIPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of SIP proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxySIP 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApSIPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "SIP Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApSIPStatsTable 1 }
+FgApSIPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApSIPClientReg        Counter32,
+    fgApSIPCallHandling     Counter32,
+    fgApSIPServices         Counter32,
+    fgApSIPOtherReq         Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of client registration requests (Register and Options) in this virtual domain
+         processed by the SIP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApSIPStatsEntry 1 }
+fgApSIPCallHandling OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of call handling requests (Invite, Ack, Bye, Cancel and Refer) in this virtual domain
+         processed by the SIP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApSIPStatsEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of service requests (Subscribe, notify and Message) in this virtual domain
+         processed by the SIP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApSIPStatsEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of other sip requests in this virtual domain processed by the SIP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApSIPStatsEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppScanUnit
+    ::= { fgApplications 107 }
+fgAppSuNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of scan units in the fgAppSuStatsTable"
+    ::= { fgAppScanUnit 1 }
+fgAppSuStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAppSuStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of scan unit statistics"
+    ::= { fgAppScanUnit 2 }
+fgAppSuStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAppSuStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Statistics entry for a particular scan unit"
+    INDEX       { fgAppSuIndex }
+    ::= { fgAppSuStatsTable 1 }
+FgAppSuStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAppSuIndex        FnIndex,
+    fgAppSuFileScanned  Counter32
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Index that uniquely identifies a scan unit in the fgAppSuStatsTable"
+    ::= { fgAppSuStatsEntry 1 }
+fgAppSuFileScanned OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of files scanned by this scan unit"
+    ::= { fgAppSuStatsEntry 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppVoIP
+    ::= { fgApplications 108 }
+fgAppVoIPStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAppVoIPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of VoIP related statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppVoIP 1 }
+fgAppVoIPStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAppVoIPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "VoIP statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgAppVoIPStatsTable 1 }
+FgAppVoIPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAppVoIPConn           Gauge32,
+    fgAppVoIPCallBlocked    Counter32
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of VoIP connections on the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppVoIPStatsEntry 1 }
+fgAppVoIPCallBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of VoIP calls blocked (SIP Invites blocked and
+         SCCP calls blocked) in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppVoIPStatsEntry 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppP2P
+    ::= { fgApplications 109 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppP2P.fgAppP2PStatsTable
+fgAppP2PStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAppP2PStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of P2P protocol related statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppP2P 1 }
+fgAppP2PStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAppP2PStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "P2P statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgAppP2PStatsTable 1 }
+FgAppP2PStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAppP2PConnBlocked     Counter32
+fgAppP2PConnBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of P2P connections blocked in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppP2PStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppP2P.fgAppP2PProtoTable
+fgAppP2PProtoTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAppP2PProtoEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of peer to peer statistics per virtual domain per protocol.
+         This table has a dependent expansion relationship with fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgAppP2P 2 }
+fgAppP2PProtoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAppP2PProtoEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "P2P statistics for a particular virtual domain and protocol"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, fgAppP2PProtEntProto }
+    ::= { fgAppP2PProtoTable 1 }
+FgAppP2PProtoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAppP2PProtEntProto        FgP2PProto,
+    fgAppP2PProtEntBytes        Counter64,
+    fgAppP2PProtoEntLastReset   TimeTicks
+fgAppP2PProtEntProto OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgP2PProto
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "P2P protocol this row of statistics is for, within the specified virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppP2PProtoEntry 1 }
+fgAppP2PProtEntBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes transferred through this virtual domain on this P2P protocol since last reset"
+    ::= { fgAppP2PProtoEntry 2 }
+fgAppP2PProtoEntLastReset OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Time elapsed since the corresponding fgAppP2PProtEntBytes was
+         last reset to 0."
+    ::= { fgAppP2PProtoEntry 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppIM
+    ::= { fgApplications 110 }
+fgAppIMStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgAppIMStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of instant messaging statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppIM 1 }
+fgAppIMStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgAppIMStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IM statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgAppIMStatsTable 1 }
+FgAppIMStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgAppIMMessages         Counter32,
+    fgAppIMFileTransfered   Counter32,
+    fgAppIMFileTxBlocked    Counter32,
+    fgAppIMConnBlocked      Counter32
+fgAppIMMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Total number of IM messages processed in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppIMStatsEntry 1 }
+fgAppIMFileTransfered OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of files transferred through this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppIMStatsEntry 2 }
+fgAppIMFileTxBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocked file transfers in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppIMStatsEntry 3 }
+fgAppIMConnBlocked OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of connections blocked in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppIMStatsEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppProxyFTP
+    ::= { fgApplications 111 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Up-time of the FTP proxy, in seconds"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyFTP 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "FTP Proxy memory utilization, as a percentage of the system total"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyFTP 2 }
+fgApFTPConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "FTP proxy current connections"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyFTP 4 }
+fgApFTPMaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of connections supported by FTP proxy"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyFTP 5 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgApFTPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of FTP proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppProxyFTP 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgApFTPStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "FTP Proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgApFTPStatsTable 1 }
+FgApFTPStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgApFTPReqProcessed     Counter32
+fgApFTPReqProcessed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of requests in this virtual domain processed by the FTP proxy since start-up"
+    ::= { fgApFTPStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppExplicitProxy
+    ::= { fgApplications 112 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppExplicitProxy.fgExplicitProxyInfo
+fgExplicitProxyInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgAppExplicitProxy 1 }
+fgExplicitProxyUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy up-time (in seconds)"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyInfo 1 }
+fgExplicitProxyMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy memory usage (percentage of system total)"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyInfo 2 }
+fgExplicitProxyRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy total number of requests"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyInfo 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppExplicitProxy.fgExplicitProxyStatsTable
+fgExplicitProxyStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgExplicitProxyStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of explicit proxy statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppExplicitProxy 2 }
+fgExplicitProxyStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgExplicitProxyStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyStatsTable 1 }
+FgExplicitProxyStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgExplicitProxyUsers     Integer32,
+    fgExplicitProxySessions  Integer32
+fgExplicitProxyUsers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of current users in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyStatsEntry 1 }
+fgExplicitProxySessions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of current sessions in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyStatsEntry 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppExplicitProxy.fgExplicitProxyScanStatsTable
+fgExplicitProxyScanStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of explicit proxy scan statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppExplicitProxy 3 }
+fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy scan statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, fgExplicitProxyScanStatsDisp }
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsTable 1 }
+FgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgExplicitProxyScanStatsDisp     FgScanAvDisposition,
+    fgExplicitProxyVirus             Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyBannedWords       Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyPolicy            Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyOversized         Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchNest          Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchSize          Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchEncrypted     Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchMultiPart     Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchUnsupported   Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchBomb          Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyArchCorrupt       Counter32
+fgExplicitProxyScanStatsDisp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgScanAvDisposition
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Disposition of an Scan result"
+   ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 1 }
+fgExplicitProxyVirus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of viruses in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 2 }
+fgExplicitProxyBannedWords OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of elements containing banned words in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 3 }
+fgExplicitProxyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of elements violating policy (e.g. filename or file type rules) in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 4 }
+fgExplicitProxyOversized OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of oversized elements in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 5 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchNest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of too deeply nested archives in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 6 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of archives that decompress beyond size limit in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 7 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchEncrypted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of encrypted archives in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 8 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchMultiPart OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of multipart archives in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 9 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of archives with unsupported (but known) formats in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 10 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchBomb OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of archive bombs in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 11 }
+fgExplicitProxyArchCorrupt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of corrupt archives in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScanStatsEntry 12 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppExplicitProxy.fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsTable
+fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of explicit proxy script filtering statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppExplicitProxy 4 }
+fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy scan statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsTable 1 }
+FgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgExplicitProxyFilteredApplets   Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyFilteredActiveX   Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyFilteredJScript   Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyFilteredJS        Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyFilteredVBS       Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyFilteredOthScript Counter32
+fgExplicitProxyFilteredApplets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of applets filtered from files in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry 1 }
+fgExplicitProxyFilteredActiveX OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of ActiveX scripts filtered from files in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry 2 }
+fgExplicitProxyFilteredJScript OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of JScript scripts filtered from files in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry 3 }
+fgExplicitProxyFilteredJS OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of JavaScript scripts filtered from files in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry 4 }
+fgExplicitProxyFilteredVBS OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of Visual Basic scripts filtered from files in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry 5 }
+fgExplicitProxyFilteredOthScript OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of other types of scripts filtered from files in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyScriptStatsEntry 6 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppExplicitProxy.fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsTable
+fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of explicit proxy policy enforcement statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppExplicitProxy 5 }
+fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Explicit proxy scan statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsTable 1 }
+FgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgExplicitProxyBlockedDLP        Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyBlockedConType    Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyExaminedURLs      Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyAllowedURLs       Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyBlockedURLs       Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyLoggedURLs        Counter32,
+    fgExplicitProxyOverriddenURLs    Counter32
+fgExplicitProxyBlockedDLP OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of elements blocked due to Data Leak Prevention in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 1 }
+fgExplicitProxyBlockedConType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of elements blocked due to Content-Type filtering rules in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 2 }
+fgExplicitProxyExaminedURLs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of URLs inspected against filtering rules in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 3 }
+fgExplicitProxyAllowedURLs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of URLs explicitly allowed due to filtering rules in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 4 }
+fgExplicitProxyBlockedURLs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of URLs explicitly blocked due to filtering rules in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 5 }
+fgExplicitProxyLoggedURLs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of URLs logged due to filtering rules in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 6 }
+fgExplicitProxyOverriddenURLs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of URLs access due to overriding filtering rules in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgExplicitProxyFilterStatsEntry 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWebCache
+    ::= { fgApplications 113 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWebCache.fgWebCacheInfo
+    ::= { fgAppWebCache 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "RAM available for web cache in bytes"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "RAM used by web cache in bytes"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of cache hits in RAM since last reset"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 3 }
+fgWebCacheRAMMisses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of cache misses in RAM since last reset"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 4 }
+fgWebCacheRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of cache requests since last reset"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 5 }
+fgWebCacheBypass OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of cache bypasses since last reset"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 6 }
+fgWebCacheUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Web Cache up-time (in seconds)"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheInfo 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWebCache.fgWebCacheDiskStatsTable
+fgWebCacheDiskStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of the Web Cache disk statistics per disk"
+    ::= { fgAppWebCache 2 }
+fgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Web Cache disk statistics for a particular disk"
+    INDEX       { fgWebCacheDisk }
+    ::= { fgWebCacheDiskStatsTable 1 }
+FgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgWebCacheDisk              Unsigned32,
+    fgWebCacheDiskLimit         CounterBasedGauge64,
+    fgWebCacheDiskUsage         CounterBasedGauge64,
+    fgWebCacheDiskHits          Counter32,
+    fgWebCacheDiskMisses        Counter32
+fgWebCacheDisk OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The Web Cache Disk index"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry 1 }
+fgWebCacheDiskLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The about of storage (in bytes) available for the Web Cache on a particular disk"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry 2 }
+fgWebCacheDiskUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The about of storage (in bytes) in use by the Web Cache on a paricular disk"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry 3 }
+fgWebCacheDiskHits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of cache hits on a paricular disk"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry 4 }
+fgWebCacheDiskMisses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of cache misses on a paricular disk"
+    ::= { fgWebCacheDiskStatsEntry 5 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWanOpt
+    ::= { fgApplications 114 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWanOpt.fgWanOptInfo
+    ::= { fgAppWanOpt 1 }
+fgMemCacheLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "RAM available for mem cache in bytes"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 1 }
+fgMemCacheUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "RAM used by mem cache in bytes"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 2 }
+fgMemCacheHits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of hits in mem cache since last reset"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 3 }
+fgMemCacheMisses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of misses in mem cache since last reset"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 4 }
+fgByteCacheRAMLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "RAM available for byte cache in bytes"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 5 }
+fgByteCacheRAMUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "RAM used by byte cache in bytes"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Wan Optimization up-time (in seconds)"
+    ::= { fgWanOptInfo 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWanOpt.fgWanOptStatsTable
+fgWanOptStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWanOptStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of WAN optimization statistics per virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgAppWanOpt 2 }
+fgWanOptStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWanOptStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "WAN optimization statistics for a particular virtual domain"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgWanOptStatsTable 1 }
+FgWanOptStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgWanOptTunnels     Gauge32,
+    fgWanOptLANBytesIn  Gauge32,
+    fgWanOptLANBytesOut Gauge32,
+    fgWanOptWANBytesIn  Gauge32,
+    fgWanOptWANBytesOut Gauge32
+fgWanOptTunnels OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of current tunnels in this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgWanOptStatsEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes received on LAN in last 5 seconds"
+    ::= { fgWanOptStatsEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes sent on LAN in last 5 seconds"
+    ::= { fgWanOptStatsEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes received on WAN in last 5 seconds"
+    ::= { fgWanOptStatsEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes sent on WAN in last 5 seconds"
+    ::= { fgWanOptStatsEntry 5 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWanOpt.fgWanOptHistoryStatsTable
+fgWanOptHistoryStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of the WAN optimization history per protocol"
+    ::= { fgAppWanOpt 3 }
+fgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The WAN optimization history for a particular virtual domain, period, and protocol"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, fgWanOptHistPeriod, fgWanOptProtocol }
+    ::= { fgWanOptHistoryStatsTable 1 }
+FgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgWanOptHistPeriod          FgWanOptHistPeriods,
+    fgWanOptProtocol            FgWanOptProtocols,
+    fgWanOptReductionRate       Gauge32,
+    fgWanOptLanTraffic          CounterBasedGauge64,
+    fgWanOptWanTraffic          CounterBasedGauge64
+fgWanOptHistPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWanOptHistPeriods
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "WAN optimization table entry period"
+    ::= { fgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry 1 }
+fgWanOptProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWanOptProtocols
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Internal WAN optimization table entry protocol"
+    ::= { fgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry 2 }
+fgWanOptReductionRate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reduction rate achieved by WAN optimization"
+    ::= { fgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry 3 }
+fgWanOptLanTraffic OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes transferred via LAN"
+    ::= { fgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry 4 }
+fgWanOptWanTraffic OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes transferred via WAN"
+    ::= { fgWanOptHistoryStatsEntry 5 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWanOpt.fgWanOptTrafficStatsTable
+fgWanOptTrafficStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of the WAN optimization traffic for a particular virtual domain and protocol"
+    ::= { fgAppWanOpt 4 }
+fgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The WAN optimization history for a particular protocol"
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, fgWanOptProtocol }
+    ::= { fgWanOptTrafficStatsTable 1 }
+FgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgWanOptLanInTraffic        Counter64,
+    fgWanOptLanOutTraffic       Counter64,
+    fgWanOptWanInTraffic        Counter64,
+    fgWanOptWanOutTraffic       Counter64
+fgWanOptLanInTraffic OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Amount of traffic received from the LAN by WAN optimization"
+    ::= { fgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry 1 }
+fgWanOptLanOutTraffic OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Amount of traffic sent to the LAN by WAN optimization"
+    ::= { fgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry 2 }
+fgWanOptWanInTraffic OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Amount of traffic received from the WAN by WAN optimization"
+    ::= { fgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry 3 }
+fgWanOptWanOutTraffic OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Amount of traffic sent to the WAN by WAN optimization"
+    ::= { fgWanOptTrafficStatsEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgApplications.fgAppWanOpt.fgWanOptDiskStatsTable
+fgWanOptDiskStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWanOptDiskStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of the Web Cache disk statistics per disk"
+    ::= { fgAppWanOpt 5 }
+fgWanOptDiskStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWanOptDiskStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Web Cache disk statistics for a particular disk"
+    INDEX       { fgWanOptDisk }
+    ::= { fgWanOptDiskStatsTable 1 }
+FgWanOptDiskStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgWanOptDisk              Unsigned32,
+    fgWanOptDiskLimit         CounterBasedGauge64,
+    fgWanOptDiskUsage         CounterBasedGauge64,
+    fgWanOptDiskHits          Counter32,
+    fgWanOptDiskMisses        Counter32
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The Web Cache Disk index"
+    ::= { fgWanOptDiskStatsEntry 1 }
+fgWanOptDiskLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The about of storage (in bytes) available for the Web Cache on a particular disk"
+    ::= { fgWanOptDiskStatsEntry 2 }
+fgWanOptDiskUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The about of storage (in bytes) in use by the Web Cache on a paricular disk"
+    ::= { fgWanOptDiskStatsEntry 3 }
+fgWanOptDiskHits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of cache hits on a paricular disk"
+    ::= { fgWanOptDiskStatsEntry 4 }
+fgWanOptDiskMisses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of cache misses on a paricular disk"
+    ::= { fgWanOptDiskStatsEntry 5 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgInetProto
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 11 }
+    ::= { fgInetProto 1 }
+    ::= { fgInetProto 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgInetProto.fgInetProtoTables.fgIpSessTable
+fgIpSessTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIpSessEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information on the IP sessions active on the device"
+    ::= { fgInetProtoTables 1 }
+fgIpSessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIpSessEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information on a specific session, including source and destination"
+    INDEX       { fgIpSessIndex }
+    ::= { fgIpSessTable 1 }
+FgIpSessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIpSessIndex       FnIndex,
+    fgIpSessProto       FgSessProto,
+    fgIpSessFromAddr    IpAddress,
+    fgIpSessFromPort    InetPortNumber,
+    fgIpSessToAddr      IpAddress,
+    fgIpSessToPort      InetPortNumber,
+    fgIpSessExp         Gauge32,
+    fgIpSessVdom        FgVdIndex
+fgIpSessIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index value that uniquely identifies
+         an IP session within the fgIpSessTable"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 1 }
+fgIpSessProto OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgSessProto
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The protocol the session is using (IP, TCP, UDP, etc.)"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 2 }
+fgIpSessFromAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Source IP address (IPv4 only) of the session"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 3 }
+fgIpSessFromPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Source port number (UDP and TCP only) of the session"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Destination IP address (IPv4 only) of the session"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Destination Port number (UDP and TCP only) of the session"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of seconds remaining before the session expires (if idle)"
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 7 }
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain the session is part of. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgIpSessEntry 8 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgInetProto.fgInetProtoTables.fgIpSessStatsTable
+fgIpSessStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIpSessStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP session statistics table"
+    ::= { fgInetProtoTables 2 }
+fgIpSessStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIpSessStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP session statistics on a virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgIpSessStatsTable 1 }
+FgIpSessStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIpSessNumber  Gauge32
+fgIpSessNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current number of sessions on the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIpSessStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgInetProto.fgInetProtoTables.fgIp6SessStatsTable
+fgIp6SessStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgIp6SessStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP session statistics table"
+    ::= { fgInetProtoTables 3 }
+fgIp6SessStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgIp6SessStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP session statistics on a virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgIp6SessStatsTable 1 }
+FgIp6SessStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgIp6SessNumber  Gauge32
+fgIp6SessNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current number of sessions on the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgIp6SessStatsEntry 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 12 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnInfo
+    ::= { fgVpn 1 }
+fgVpnTunnelUpCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of IPsec VPN tunnels with at least one SA"
+    ::= { fgVpnInfo 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnTables
+    ::= { fgVpn 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnTables.fgVpnDialupTable
+fgVpnDialupTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgVpnDialupEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Dial-up VPN peers information"
+    ::= { fgVpnTables 1 }
+fgVpnDialupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVpnDialupEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Dial-up VPN peer info"
+    INDEX       { fgVpnDialupIndex }
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupTable 1 }
+FgVpnDialupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgVpnDialupIndex        FnIndex,
+    fgVpnDialupGateway      IpAddress,
+    fgVpnDialupLifetime     Integer32,
+    fgVpnDialupTimeout      Integer32,
+    fgVpnDialupSrcBegin     IpAddress,
+    fgVpnDialupSrcEnd       IpAddress,
+    fgVpnDialupDstAddr      IpAddress,
+    fgVpnDialupVdom         FgVdIndex,
+    fgVpnDialupInOctets     Counter64,
+    fgVpnDialupOutOctets    Counter64
+fgVpnDialupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index value that uniquely identifies
+         an VPN dial-up peer within the fgVpnDialupTable"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 1 }
+fgVpnDialupGateway OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Remote gateway IP address of the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 2 }
+fgVpnDialupLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Tunnel life time (seconds) of the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 3 }
+fgVpnDialupTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Time before the next key exchange (seconds) of the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 4 }
+fgVpnDialupSrcBegin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Remote subnet address of the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 5 }
+fgVpnDialupSrcEnd OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Remote subnet mask of the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 6 }
+fgVpnDialupDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Local subnet address of the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 7 }
+fgVpnDialupVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain tunnel is part of. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 8 }
+fgVpnDialupInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes received on tunnel since instantiation."
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 9 }
+fgVpnDialupOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes sent on tunnel since instantiation."
+    ::= { fgVpnDialupEntry 10 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnTables.fgVpnTunTable
+fgVpnTunTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgVpnTunEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of non-dial-up IPsec VPN tunnels"
+    ::= { fgVpnTables 2 }
+fgVpnTunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVpnTunEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Tunnel VPN peer info"
+    INDEX       { fgVpnTunEntIndex }
+    ::= { fgVpnTunTable 1 }
+FgVpnTunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgVpnTunEntIndex                FnIndex,
+    fgVpnTunEntPhase1Name           DisplayString,
+    fgVpnTunEntPhase2Name           DisplayString,
+    fgVpnTunEntRemGwyIp             IpAddress,
+    fgVpnTunEntRemGwyPort           InetPortNumber,
+    fgVpnTunEntLocGwyIp             IpAddress,
+    fgVpnTunEntLocGwyPort           InetPortNumber,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcBeginIp   IpAddress,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcEndIp     IpAddress,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcPort      InetPortNumber,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstBeginIp   IpAddress,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstEndIp     IpAddress,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstPort      InetPortNumber,
+    fgVpnTunEntSelectorProto        Integer32,
+    fgVpnTunEntLifeSecs             Gauge32,
+    fgVpnTunEntLifeBytes            Gauge32,
+    fgVpnTunEntTimeout              Gauge32,
+    fgVpnTunEntInOctets             Counter64,
+    fgVpnTunEntOutOctets            Counter64,
+    fgVpnTunEntStatus               INTEGER,
+    fgVpnTunEntVdom                 FgVdIndex
+fgVpnTunEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index value that uniquely identifies
+         a VPN tunnel within the fgVpnTunTable"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 1 }
+fgVpnTunEntPhase1Name OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Descriptive name of phase1 configuration for the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 2 }
+fgVpnTunEntPhase2Name OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Descriptive name of phase2 configuration for the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 3 }
+fgVpnTunEntRemGwyIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP of remote gateway used by the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 4 }
+fgVpnTunEntRemGwyPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "port of remote gateway used by tunnel, if UDP"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 5 }
+fgVpnTunEntLocGwyIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP of local gateway used by the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 6 }
+fgVpnTunEntLocGwyPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "port of local gateway used by tunnel, if UDP"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 7 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcBeginIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Beginning of address range of source selector"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 8 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcEndIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "End of address range of source selector"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 9 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Source selector port"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 10 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstBeginIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Beginning of address range of destination
+         selector"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 11 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstEndIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "End of address range of destination selector"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 12 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Destination selector port"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 13 }
+fgVpnTunEntSelectorProto OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Protocol number for selector"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 14 }
+fgVpnTunEntLifeSecs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Lifetime of tunnel in seconds, if time based lifetime used"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 15 }
+fgVpnTunEntLifeBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Lifetime of tunnel in bytes, if byte transfer based lifetime used"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 16 }
+fgVpnTunEntTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Timeout of tunnel in seconds"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 17 }
+fgVpnTunEntInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes received on tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 18 }
+fgVpnTunEntOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes sent out on tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 19 }
+fgVpnTunEntStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { down(1), up(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current status of tunnel (up or down)"
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 20 }
+fgVpnTunEntVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain the tunnel is part of. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgVpnTunEntry 21 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnTables.fgVpnSslStatsTable
+fgVpnSslStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgVpnSslStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "SSL VPN statistics table"
+    ::= { fgVpnTables 3 }
+fgVpnSslStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVpnSslStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "SSL VPN statistics for a given virtual domain"
+    AUGMENTS    { fgVdEntry }
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsTable 1 }
+FgVpnSslStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgVpnSslState                   FnBoolState,
+    fgVpnSslStatsLoginUsers         Gauge32,
+    fgVpnSslStatsMaxUsers           Counter32,
+    fgVpnSslStatsActiveWebSessions  Gauge32,
+    fgVpnSslStatsMaxWebSessions     Counter32,
+    fgVpnSslStatsActiveTunnels      Gauge32,
+    fgVpnSslStatsMaxTunnels         Counter32
+fgVpnSslState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether SSL-VPN is enabled on this virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 1 }
+fgVpnSslStatsLoginUsers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of users logged in through SSL-VPN tunnels in the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 2 }
+fgVpnSslStatsMaxUsers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of total users that can be logged in
+         at any one time on the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 3 }
+fgVpnSslStatsActiveWebSessions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of active SSL web sessions in the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 4 }
+fgVpnSslStatsMaxWebSessions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of active SSL web sessions
+         at any one time within the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 5 }
+fgVpnSslStatsActiveTunnels OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of active SSL tunnels in the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 6 }
+fgVpnSslStatsMaxTunnels OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of active SSL tunnels
+         at any one time in the virtual domain"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslStatsEntry 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnTables.fgVpnSslTunnelTable
+fgVpnSslTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgVpnSslTunnelEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A list of active SSL VPN tunnel entries"
+    ::= { fgVpnTables 4 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVpnSslTunnelEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An SSL VPN tunnel entry containing connection information
+         and traffic statistics"
+    INDEX       { fgVpnSslTunnelIndex }
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelTable 1 }
+FgVpnSslTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgVpnSslTunnelIndex     FnIndex,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelVdom      FgVdIndex,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelUserName  DisplayString,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelSrcIp     IpAddress,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelIp        IpAddress,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelUpTime    Counter32,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelBytesIn   Counter64,
+    fgVpnSslTunnelBytesOut  Counter64
+fgVpnSslTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index value that uniquely identifies
+         an active SSL VPN tunnel within the fgVpnSslTunnelTable"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 1 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelVdom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The index of the virtual domain this tunnel belongs to. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable."
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 2 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelUserName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The user name used to authenticate the tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 3 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The source IP address of this tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 4 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelIp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The connection IP address of this tunnel"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 5 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The up-time of this tunnel in seconds"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 6 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of incoming bytes of L2 traffic through this tunnel since it was established"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 7 }
+fgVpnSslTunnelBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of outgoing bytes of L2 traffic through this tunnel since it was established"
+    ::= { fgVpnSslTunnelEntry 8 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgVpn.fgVpnTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgVpn 3 }
+fgVpnTrapLocalGateway OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Local gateway IP address. Used in VPN related traps."
+    ::= { fgVpnTrapObjects 2 }
+fgVpnTrapRemoteGateway OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Remote gateway IP address. Used in VPN related traps."
+    ::= { fgVpnTrapObjects 3 }
+fgVpnTrapPhase1Name OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Name of the phase 1. Used in VPN related traps."
+    ::= { fgVpnTrapObjects 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgHighAvailability
+fgHighAvailability OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 13 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgHighAvailability.fgHaInfo
+    ::= { fgHighAvailability 1 }
+fgHaSystemMode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgHaMode
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "High-availability mode (Standalone, A-A or A-P)"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 1 }
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "HA cluster group ID device is configured for"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 2 }
+fgHaPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "HA clustering priority of the device (default = 127)"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 3 }
+fgHaOverride OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Status of a master override flag"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 4 }
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Configuration of an automatic configuration
+         synchronization (enabled or disabled)"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 5 }
+fgHaSchedule OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgHaLBSchedule
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Load-balancing schedule of cluster (in A-A mode)"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 6 }
+fgHaGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "HA cluster group name"
+    ::= { fgHaInfo 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgHighAvailability.fgHaTables
+    ::= { fgHighAvailability 2 }
+fgHaStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgHaStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Some useful statistics for all members of a cluster. This table is also available in standalone mode."
+    ::= { fgHaTables 1 }
+fgHaStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgHaStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Statistics for a particular HA cluster's unit"
+    INDEX       { fgHaStatsIndex }
+    ::= { fgHaStatsTable 1 }
+FgHaStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fgHaStatsIndex      FnIndex,
+    fgHaStatsSerial     DisplayString,
+    fgHaStatsCpuUsage   Gauge32,
+    fgHaStatsMemUsage   Gauge32,
+    fgHaStatsNetUsage   Gauge32,
+    fgHaStatsSesCount   Gauge32,
+    fgHaStatsPktCount   Counter32,
+    fgHaStatsByteCount  Counter32,
+    fgHaStatsIdsCount   Counter32,
+    fgHaStatsAvCount    Counter32,
+    fgHaStatsHostname   DisplayString,
+    fgHaStatsSyncStatus         FgHaStatsSyncStatusType,
+    fgHaStatsSyncDatimeSucc     DateAndTime,
+    fgHaStatsSyncDatimeUnsucc   DateAndTime,
+    fgHaStatsGlobalChecksum     DisplayString,
+    fgHaStatsMasterSerial       DisplayString
+fgHaStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An index value that uniquely identifies an
+         unit in the HA Cluster"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 1 }
+fgHaStatsSerial OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Serial number of the HA cluster member for this row"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 2 }
+fgHaStatsCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "CPU usage of the specified cluster member (percentage)"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 3 }
+fgHaStatsMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Memory usage of the specified cluster member (percentage)"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 4 }
+fgHaStatsNetUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Network bandwidth usage of specified cluster member (kbps)"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 5 }
+fgHaStatsSesCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current session count of specified cluster member"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 6 }
+fgHaStatsPktCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of packets processed by the specified cluster member since start-up"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 7 }
+fgHaStatsByteCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of bytes processed by the specified cluster member since start-up"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 8 }
+fgHaStatsIdsCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of IDS/IPS events triggered on the specified cluster member since start-up"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 9 }
+fgHaStatsAvCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of anti-virus events triggered on the specified cluster member since start-up"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 10 }
+fgHaStatsHostname OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Host name of the specified cluster member"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 11 }
+fgHaStatsSyncStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgHaStatsSyncStatusType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current HA Sync status"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 12 }
+fgHaStatsSyncDatimeSucc OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Date and time of last successful sync"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 13 }
+fgHaStatsSyncDatimeUnsucc OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Date and time of last unsuccessful sync"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 14 }
+fgHaStatsGlobalChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Current HA global checksum value"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 15 }
+fgHaStatsMasterSerial OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Serial number of master during the last synch attempt (successful of not)"
+    ::= { fgHaStatsEntry 16 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgHighAvailability.fgHaTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgHighAvailability 3 }
+fgHaTrapMemberSerial OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Serial number of an HA cluster member. Used to identify the origin of a trap when a cluster is configured."
+    ::= { fgHaTrapObjects 1 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 14 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgWc 1 }
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain the wtp is part of"
+    ::= { fgWcTrapObjects 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Serial number of the wtp"
+    ::= { fgWcTrapObjects 2 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Name of the wtp"
+    ::= { fgWcTrapObjects 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcInfo
+    ::= { fgWc 2 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the name of an AC"
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 1 }
+fgWcInfoLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the location of an AC"
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 2 }
+fgWcInfoWtpCapacity  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the maximum number of WTPs that can be managed on the AC."
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 3 }
+fgWcInfoWtpManaged  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of WTPs being managed on the AC."
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 4 }
+fgWcInfoWtpSessions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of WTPs that are connecting to the AC."
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 5 }
+fgWcInfoStationCapacity  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the maximum number of stations that can be supported on the AC."
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 6 }
+fgWcInfoStationCount  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of stations that are accessing the wireless service
+         provided by the AC."
+    ::= { fgWcInfo 7 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWlanTable
+fgWcWlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWlanEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table that allows the operator to display WLAN profiles."
+    ::= { fgWc 3 }
+fgWcWlanEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWlanEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that stores the settings of a WLAN profile."
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, ifIndex }
+    ::= { fgWcWlanTable 1 }
+FgWcWlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWlanSsid                   OCTET STRING,
+      fgWcWlanBroadcastSsid          FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWlanSecurity               FgWcWlanSecurityType,
+      fgWcWlanEncryption             FgWcWlanEncryptionType,
+      fgWcWlanAuthentication         FgWcWlanAuthenticationType,
+      fgWcWlanRadiusServer           DisplayString,
+      fgWcWlanUserGroup              DisplayString,
+      fgWcWlanLocalBridging          FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWlanVlanId                 Integer32,
+      fgWcWlanMeshBackhaul           FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWlanStationCapacity        Unsigned32,
+      fgWcWlanStationCount           Gauge32
+    }
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Service set ID of this WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 1 }
+fgWcWlanBroadcastSsid OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether SSID broadcast is enabled on this WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 2 }
+fgWcWlanSecurity  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWlanSecurityType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the security type of the WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 3 }
+fgWcWlanEncryption OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWlanEncryptionType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the encryption method of the WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 4 }
+fgWcWlanAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWlanAuthenticationType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the authentication method of the WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 5 }
+fgWcWlanRadiusServer OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the specified RADIUS server of the WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 6 }
+fgWcWlanUserGroup OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the specified user group of the WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 7 }
+fgWcWlanLocalBridging OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether local bridging is enabled on this WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 8 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 1..4094 | 4095)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the VLAN ID of the WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 9 }
+fgWcWlanMeshBackhaul OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether mesh backhaul is enabled on this WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 10 }
+fgWcWlanStationCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the maximum number of clients allowed on this WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 11 }
+fgWcWlanStationCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of clients currently connected to this WLAN profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWlanEntry 12 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables
+    ::= { fgWc 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables.fgWcWtpProfileTable
+fgWcWtpProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWtpProfileEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that display WTP profiles for WTPs to be managed before they connect
+         to the AC. A WTP could get the new configuration through the CAPWAP control channel."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpTables 1 }
+fgWcWtpProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpProfileEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that display a WTP profile."
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex, fgWcWtpProfileName }
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileTable 1 }
+FgWcWtpProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWtpProfileName                    DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpProfilePlatform                DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpProfileDataChannelDtlsPolicy   BITS,
+      fgWcWtpProfileCountryString           FgWcCountryString
+    }
+fgWcWtpProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..36))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the name of a WTP profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileEntry 1 }
+fgWcWtpProfilePlatform OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the hardware platform of a WTP profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileEntry 2 }
+fgWcWtpProfileDataChannelDtlsPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS { other(0), clear(1), dtls(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The AC communicates its policy on the use of DTLS for the CAPWAP data channel.
+         The AC MAY support more than one option, represented by the bit field below:
+           other(0) - Other method, for example, vendor specific
+           clear(1) - Clear text
+           dtls(2)  - DTLS"
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileEntry 3 }
+fgWcWtpProfileCountryString OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcCountryString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the country setting of a WTP profile, in ISO string format."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileEntry 4 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables.fgWcWtpProfileRadioTable
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that display WTP radio profiles for WTP radios to be managed
+         before the WTPs connect to the AC. A WTP radio could get the new configuration
+         through the CAPWAP control channel."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpTables 2 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that display a WTP radio profile."
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex, fgWcWtpProfileRadioProfileName, fgWcWtpProfileRadioRadioId }
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioTable 1 }
+FgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioProfileName        DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioRadioId            FgWcWtpRadioId,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioMode               FgWcWtpRadioMode,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioApScan             FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioWidsProfile        DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioDarrp              FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioFrequencyHandoff   FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioApHandoff          FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioBeaconInterval     Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioDtimPeriod         Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioBand               FgWcWtpRadioType,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannelBonding     FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannel            DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerControl FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerLow     Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerHigh    Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioTxPowerLevel       Gauge32,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioVaps               DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioStationCapacity    Unsigned32,
+      fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannelWidth       FgWcWtpChannelWidthType
+    }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..36))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the name of a WTP profile."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 1 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioRadioId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioId
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio Id of a WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 2 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioMode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioMode
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the operating mode of a WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 3 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioApScan OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether background scan is enabled on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 4 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioWidsProfile OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the WIDS profile configured for this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 5 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioDarrp OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether DARRP is enabled on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 6 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioFrequencyHandoff OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether frequency handoff is enabled on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 7 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioApHandoff OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether AP handoff is enabled on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 8 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioBeaconInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This attribute shall specify the number of TUs that a station shall use for scheduling
+         Beacon transmissions. This value is transmitted in Beacon and Probe Response frames."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 9 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioDtimPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This attribute shall specify the number of beacon intervals that shall elapse between
+         transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM Count field is 0.
+         This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of Beacon frames."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 10 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioBand OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS current
+        "Represents the radio band setting configured for this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 11 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannelBonding OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether channel bonding is enabled on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 12 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a list of channels configured for this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 13 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerControl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether automatic TX power control is enabled on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 14 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerLow OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the low limit of the power level configured for this WTP radio, in dBm.
+         Applicable only when auto power leveling is enabled."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 15 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the high limit of the power level configured for this WTP radio, in dBm.
+         Applicable only when auto power leveling is enabled."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 16 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioTxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio TX power setting configured for this WTP radio, in percentage.
+         Application only when auto power leveling is disabled."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 17 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioVaps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a list of WLANs configured for this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 18 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioStationCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the maximum number of clients allowed on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 19 }
+fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannelWidth OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpChannelWidthType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the channel width on this WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpProfileRadioEntry 20 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables.fgWcWtpConfigTable
+fgWcWtpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWtpConfigEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that display the configuration of WTPs."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpTables 3 }
+fgWcWtpConfigEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpConfigEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that display the configuration of a WTP."
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex, fgWcWtpConfigWtpId }
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigTable 1 }
+FgWcWtpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWtpConfigWtpId                    DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpConfigWtpAdmin                 INTEGER,
+      fgWcWtpConfigWtpName                  DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpConfigWtpLocation              DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpConfigWtpProfile               DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioEnable              FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerControl  FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerLow      Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerHigh     Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioTxPowerLevel        Gauge32,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioBand                FgWcWtpRadioBandType,
+      fgWcWtpConfigRadioApScan              FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpConfigVapAll                   FnBoolState,
+      fgWcWtpConfigVaps                     DisplayString
+    }
+fgWcWtpConfigWtpId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..36))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the unique identifier of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 1 }
+fgWcWtpConfigWtpAdmin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  discovered(1),
+                  disable(2),
+                  enable(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the administrative status of this WTP.
+         The following enumerated values are supported:
+           discovered(1)   - This WTP was discovered though discovery or join request messages.
+           disable(2)      - Controller is configured to not provide service to this WTP.
+           enable(3),      - Controller is configured to provide service to this WTP.
+           other(0)        - The administration state of the WTP is unknown."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 2 }
+fgWcWtpConfigWtpName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the name configured for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 3 }
+fgWcWtpConfigWtpLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the location of this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 4 }
+fgWcWtpConfigWtpProfile OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the WTP profile configured for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 5 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioEnable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether radio is enabled for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 6 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerControl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether radio automatic TX power control is enabled on this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 7 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerLow OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the low limit of radio automatic TX power control configured for this WTP, in dBm."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 8 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the high limit of radio automatic TX power control configured for this WTP, in dBm."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 9 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioTxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio TX power setting configured for this WTP, in percentage."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 10 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioBand OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioBandType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio band configured for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 11 }
+fgWcWtpConfigRadioApScan OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether background scan is enabled on this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 12 }
+fgWcWtpConfigVapAll OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FnBoolState
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Whether all VAPs are selected for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 13 }
+fgWcWtpConfigVaps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a list of VAPs configured for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpConfigEntry 14 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables.fgWcWtpSessionTable
+fgWcWtpSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWtpSessionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that indicate the AC's CAPWAP FSM state for each WTP,
+         and helps the operator to query a WTP's current status."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpTables 4 }
+fgWcWtpSessionEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpSessionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that displays the AC's CAPWAP FSM state for each WTP.
+         Also, the operator could query the current status of a WTP by using
+         the identifier of the corresponding WTP."
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex, fgWcWtpSessionWtpId }
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionTable 1 }
+FgWcWtpSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpId                   DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpIpAddressType        InetAddressType,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpIpAddress            InetAddress,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddressType   InetAddressType,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddress       InetAddress,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpBaseMacAddress       PhysAddress,
+      fgWcWtpSessionConnectionState         INTEGER,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpUpTime               TimeTicks,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpDaemonUpTime         TimeTicks,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpSessionUpTime        TimeTicks,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpProfileName          DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpModelNumber          DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpHwVersion            DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpSwVersion            DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpBootVersion          DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpRegionCode           DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpStationCount         Gauge32,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpByteRxCount          Counter64,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpByteTxCount          Counter64,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpCpuUsage             Gauge32,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpMemoryUsage          Gauge32,
+      fgWcWtpSessionWtpMemoryCapacity       Unsigned32
+    }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..36))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the unique identifier of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 1 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the IP address type of a WTP.
+         Only ipv4(1) and ipv6(2) are supported by the object."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 2 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the IP address of a WTP that corresponds to the IP address in
+         the IP packet header.
+         The format of this IP address is determined by the corresponding instance of
+         object fgWcWtpWtpIpAddressType."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 3 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the local IP address type of a WTP.
+         Only ipv4(1) and ipv6(2) are supported by the object."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 4 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the local IP address of a WTP and models the CAPWAP Local IPv4 Address
+         or CAPWAP Local IPv6 Address fields [RFC5415].
+         If a Network Address Translation (NAT) device is present between WTP and AC, the value of
+         fgWcWtpWtpLocalIpAddress will be different from the value of fgWcWtpWtpIpAddress.
+         The format of this IP address is determined by the corresponding instance of object
+         fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddressType."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 5 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpBaseMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress (SIZE(6|8))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the WTP's Base MAC Address, which MAY be assigned to the primary
+         Ethernet interface.
+         The instance of the object corresponds to the Base MAC Address sub-element
+         in the CAPWAP protocol [RFC5415]."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 6 }
+fgWcWtpSessionConnectionState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  other(0),
+                  offLine(1),
+                  onLine(2),
+                  downloadingImage(3),
+                  connectedImage(4)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the connection state of a WTP to AC.
+         The following enumerated values are supported:
+           offLine(1)           - The WTP is not connected.
+           onLine(2)            - The WTP is connected.
+           downloadingImage(3)  - The WTP is downloading software image from the AC on joining.
+           connectedImage(4)    - The AC is pushing software image to the connected WTP.
+           other(0)             - The WTP connection state is unknown."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 7 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the time (in hundredths of a second) since the WTP boots."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 8 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpDaemonUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the time (in hundredths of a second) since the WTP daemon has been started."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 9 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpSessionUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the time (in hundredths of a second) since the WTP connects to the AC."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 10 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the profile configured for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 11 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the model number of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 12 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpHwVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the hardware version of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 13 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the software version of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 14 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpBootVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the boot loader version of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 15 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpRegionCode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the region code programmed for this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 16 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpStationCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of clients currently connected to this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 17 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpByteRxCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of bytes received by this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 18 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpByteTxCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of bytes transmitted by this WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 19 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the current CPU usage of a WTP (percentage)."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 20 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpMemoryUsage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the current memory usage of a WTP (percentage)."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 21 }
+fgWcWtpSessionWtpMemoryCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the total physical memory (RAM) installed (KB)."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionEntry 22 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables.fgWcWtpSessionRadioTable
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that display the status of radios in WTP sessions."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpTables 5 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that display the status of a radio in a WTP session."
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex, fgWcWtpSessionRadioWtpId, fgWcWtpSessionRadioRadioId}
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioTable 1 }
+FgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioWtpId              DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioRadioId            FgWcWtpRadioId,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioMode               FgWcWtpRadioMode,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioBaseBssid          PhysAddress,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioCountryString      FgWcCountryString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioCountryCode        Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioOperatingChannel   FgWcWtpRadioChannelNumber,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioOperatingPower     Integer32,
+      fgWcWtpSessionRadioStationCount       Gauge32
+    }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioWtpId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..36))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the unique identifier of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 1 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioRadioId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioId
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio Id of a radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 2 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioMode  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioMode
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the operating mode of this radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 3 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioBaseBssid  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress (SIZE(6|8))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents base bssid of this radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 4 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioCountryString OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcCountryString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the current operating country string, in ISO string format."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 5 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioCountryCode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the current operating country code."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 6 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioOperatingChannel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioChannelNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the current operating channel of this radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 7 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioOperatingPower OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the current operating power of this radio, in dBm."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 8 }
+fgWcWtpSessionRadioStationCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of clients currently connected to this radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionRadioEntry 9 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcWtpTables.fgWcWtpSessionVapTable
+fgWcWtpSessionVapTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcWtpSessionVapEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that display the status of VAPs in WTP sessions.
+         A VAP represents an SSID that is assigned on a WTP radio."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpTables 6 }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpSessionVapEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that display the status of a VAP in a WTP session."
+    INDEX { fgVdEntIndex, fgWcWtpSessionVapWtpId, fgWcWtpSessionVapRadioId, ifIndex }
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapTable 1 }
+FgWcWtpSessionVapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcWtpSessionVapWtpId                DisplayString,
+      fgWcWtpSessionVapRadioId              FgWcWtpRadioId,
+      fgWcWtpSessionVapSsid                 OCTET STRING,
+      fgWcWtpSessionVapStationCount         Gauge32,
+      fgWcWtpSessionVapByteRxCount          Counter64,
+      fgWcWtpSessionVapByteTxCount          Counter64
+    }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapWtpId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..36))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the unique identifier of a WTP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry 1 }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapRadioId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioId
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio Id of a VAP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry 2 }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapSsid OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Service set ID of this VAP interface."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry 3 }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapStationCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of clients currently connected to this VAP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry 4 }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapByteRxCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of bytes received by this VAP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry 5 }
+fgWcWtpSessionVapByteTxCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the number of bytes transmitted by this VAP."
+    ::= { fgWcWtpSessionVapEntry 6 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgWc.fgWcStaTable
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FgWcStaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table that provides information of all the wireless stations that are accessing
+         the wireless service provided by the AC."
+    ::= { fgWc 5 }
+    SYNTAX      FgWcStaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of objects that display information of a wireless station."
+    INDEX       { fgVdEntIndex, ifIndex, fgWcStaMacAddress }
+    ::= { fgWcStaTable 1 }
+FgWcStaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      fgWcStaMacAddress             PhysAddress,
+      fgWcStaWlan                   DisplayString,
+      fgWcStaWtpId                  DisplayString,
+      fgWcStaRadioId                FgWcWtpRadioId,
+      fgWcStaVlanId                 Integer32,
+      fgWcStaIpAddressType          InetAddressType,
+      fgWcStaIpAddress              InetAddress,
+      fgWcStaVci                    DisplayString,
+      fgWcStaHost                   DisplayString,
+      fgWcStaUser                   DisplayString,
+      fgWcStaGroup                  DisplayString,
+      fgWcStaSignal                 Integer32,
+      fgWcStaNoise                  Integer32,
+      fgWcStaIdle                   Gauge32,
+      fgWcStaBandwidthTx            Gauge32,
+      fgWcStaBandwidthRx            Gauge32,
+      fgWcStaChannel                FgWcWtpRadioChannelNumber,
+      fgWcStaRadioType              FgWcWtpRadioType,
+      fgWcStaSecurity               FgWcWlanSecurityType,
+      fgWcStaEncrypt                FgWcWlanEncryptionType,
+      fgWcStaOnline                 INTEGER
+    }
+fgWcStaMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress (SIZE(6|8))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the MAC address of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "WLAN interface that a wireless station is connected to."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Unique identifier of the WTP that a wireless station is connected to."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioId
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio of the WTP that a wireless station is connected to."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 1..4094 | 4095)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the VLAN ID that is assigned to a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 5 }
+fgWcStaIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the IP address type of a wireless station.
+         Only ipv4(1) and ipv6(2) are supported by the object."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 6 }
+fgWcStaIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the IP address of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 7 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the vendor class identifier of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 8 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the host name of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the user name of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the user group of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 11 }
+fgWcStaSignal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the signal strengh of a wireless station, in dBm."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 12 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the noise level of a wireless station, in dBm."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 13 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates how long a wireless station in inactive, in seconds."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 14 }
+fgWcStaBandwidthTx OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the TX bandwidth of a wireless station, in kbps."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 15 }
+fgWcStaBandwidthRx OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the RX bandwidth of a wireless station, in kbps."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 16 }
+fgWcStaChannel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioChannelNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the frequency channel that a wireless station is using."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 17 }
+fgWcStaRadioType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWtpRadioType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the radio physical type of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 18 }
+fgWcStaSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWlanSecurityType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the security type of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 19 }
+fgWcStaEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FgWcWlanEncryptionType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents the encryption method of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 20 }
+fgWcStaOnline OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represent online status of a wireless station."
+    ::= { fgWcStaEntry 21 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFc
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 15 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgFc.fgFcTrapObjects
+    ::= { fgFc 1 }
+    SYNTAX      FgVdIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Virtual domain the switch is part of"
+    ::= { fgFcTrapObjects 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Serial number of the switch"
+    ::= { fgFcTrapObjects 2 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Name of the switch"
+    ::= { fgFcTrapObjects 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgServerLoadBalance
+fgServerLoadBalance OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 16 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgServerLoadBalance.fgServerLoadBalanceTrapObjects
+fgServerLoadBalanceTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgServerLoadBalance 1 }
+fgServerLoadBalanceRealServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "IP of the real server."
+    ::= { fgServerLoadBalanceTrapObjects 1 }
+fgServerLoadBalanceVirtualServerName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "Name of the virual server."
+    ::= { fgServerLoadBalanceTrapObjects 2 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgUsbModemInfo
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 17 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgUsbModemInfo.fgUsbModemInfoObjects
+fgUsbModemInfoObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfo 1 }
+fgUsbModemSignalStrength OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { level0(0), level1(1), level2(2), level3(3), level4(4) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem signal Strength."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 1 }
+fgUsbModemStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { disconnected(0), connected(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        " 3G/4G USB Modem status."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 2 }
+fgUsbModemSimState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { invalid(0), valid(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem sim card status."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 3 }
+fgUsbModemVendor OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem vendor name."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 4 }
+fgUsbModemProduct OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem product name."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 5 }
+fgUsbModemNetwork OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { network3G(0), networkLTE(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem network type."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 6 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem identifier."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 7 }
+fgUsbModemSimId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "3G/4G USB Modem sim card identifier."
+    ::= { fgUsbModemInfoObjects 8 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgDevice
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 18 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgDevice.fgDeviceTrapObjects
+fgDeviceTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+    ::= { fgDevice 1 }
+fgDeviceMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The MAC address pertaining the Device."
+    ::= { fgDeviceTrapObjects 1 }
+fgDeviceCreated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The created time pertaining the Device."
+    ::= { fgDeviceTrapObjects 2 }
+fgDeviceLastSeen OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The last seen time pertaining the Device."
+    ::= { fgDeviceTrapObjects 3 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgMibConformance
+    ::= { fnFortiGateMib 100 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgTraps
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgVpnTrapLocalGateway, 
+                  fgVpnTrapRemoteGateway, fgVpnTrapPhase1Name }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the specified VPN tunnel has been brought up."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 301 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgVpnTrapLocalGateway, 
+                  fgVpnTrapRemoteGateway, fgVpnTrapPhase1Name }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The specified VPN tunnel has been brought down."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 302 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The specified cluster member has transitioned from a slave role to a master role."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 401 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Trap being sent when the HA cluster
+         member changes its state"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 402 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The heartbeat device failure count has exceeded the configured threshold."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 403 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The specified device (by serial number) is moving to a down state."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 404 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A new cluster member has joined the cluster."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 405 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgIpsTrapSigId, fgIpsTrapSrcIp, fgIpsTrapSigMsg }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An IPS signature has been triggered"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 503 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgIpsTrapSigId, fgIpsTrapSrcIp, fgIpsTrapSigMsg }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An IPS anomaly has been detected"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 504 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The IPS signature database has been updated"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 505 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The IPS network buffer is full"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 506 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgAvTrapVirName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A virus has been detected by the anti-virus engine"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 601 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An over-sized file has been detected by the anti-virus engine"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 602 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The anti-virus engine has blocked a file because it matched a configured pattern"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 603 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The anti-virus engine has detected a fragmented file"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 604 }
+fgTrapAvEnterConserve NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The anti-virus engine has entered conservation mode due to low memory conditions"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 605 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The anti-virus engine has been bypassed due to conservation mode"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 606 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An over-sized file has been detected,
+         but has been passed due to configuration"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 607 }
+fgTrapAvOversizeBlock NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An over-sized file has been detected
+         and has been blocked"
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 608 }
+fgTrapFazDisconnect NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The device has been disconnected from the FortiAnalyzer."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 701 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgWcApVdom, fgWcApSerial, fgWcApName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the specified AP is up."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 801 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgWcApVdom, fgWcApSerial, fgWcApName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the specified AP is down."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 802 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgFcSwVdom, fgFcSwSerial, fgFcSwName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the specified switch controller session is up."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 901 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgFcSwVdom, fgFcSwSerial, fgFcSwName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that the specified switch controller session is down."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 902 }
+fgFmTrapDeployComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates when deployment of a new configuration has been completed. Used for verification by FortiManager."
+    ::= { fgFmTrapPrefix 1000 }
+fgFmTrapDeployInProgress NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that a configuration change was not immediate and that the change is currently in progress. Used for verification by FortiManager."
+    ::= { fgFmTrapPrefix 1002 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The device configuration has been changed by something other than the managing FortiManager device."
+    ::= { fgFmTrapPrefix 1003 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, ifName, fgManIfIp, fgManIfMask, fgManIfIp6 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Trap is sent to the managing FortiManager if an interface IP is changed"
+    ::= { fgFmTrapPrefix 1004 }
+fgTrapServerLoadBalanceRealServerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, fgServerLoadBalanceRealServerAddress, fgServerLoadBalanceVirtualServerName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "One of servers in a Server Load Balance group goes down."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 1101 }
+    OBJECTS     { fnSysSerial, sysName, ifIndex, fgVdEntIndex, fgDeviceCreated, fgDeviceLastSeen, fgDeviceMacAddress }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A new device is found."
+    ::= { fgTrapPrefix 1201 }
+-- fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgMibConformance
+    NOTIFICATIONS { fgFmTrapDeployComplete, fgFmTrapDeployInProgress, 
+                  fgFmTrapConfChange, fgFmTrapIfChange }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Traps are intended for use in conjunction with a FortiManager."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 1 }
+fgFmTrapObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgManIfIp, fgManIfMask,fgManIfIp6 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "These objects support the traps in the fgFmTrapGroup."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 2 }
+fgAdminObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgAdminIdleTimeout, fgAdminLcdProtection }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to administration of the device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 3 }
+fgSystemObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgSysVersion, fgSysCpuUsage,
+                  fgSysMemUsage, fgSysMemCapacity,
+                  fgSysDiskUsage, fgSysDiskCapacity,
+                  fgSysSesCount, fgSysLowMemUsage,
+                  fgSysLowMemCapacity, fgSysSesRate1,
+                  fgSysSesRate10, fgSysSesRate30,
+                  fgSysSesRate60,
+                  fgSysSes6Count, fgSysSes6Rate1,
+                  fgSysSes6Rate10, fgSysSes6Rate30,
+                  fgSysSes6Rate60, fgSysUpTime }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to the system status of the device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 4 }
+fgSoftwareObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgSysVersionAv, fgSysVersionIps }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to software running on the device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 5 }
+fgHwSensorsObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgHwSensorCount, fgHwSensorEntName,
+                  fgHwSensorEntValue, fgHwSensorEntAlarmStatus }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Object pertaining to hardware sensors on the device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 6 }
+fgHighAvailabilityObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgHaSystemMode, fgHaGroupId, fgHaPriority, fgHaOverride,
+                  fgHaAutoSync, fgHaSchedule, fgHaGroupName, fgHaStatsSerial, 
+                  fgHaStatsCpuUsage, fgHaStatsMemUsage, 
+                  fgHaStatsNetUsage, fgHaStatsSesCount, 
+                  fgHaStatsPktCount, fgHaStatsByteCount, 
+                  fgHaStatsIdsCount, fgHaStatsAvCount, fgHaStatsHostname, 
+                  fgHaStatsSyncStatus, fgHaStatsSyncDatimeSucc, fgHaStatsSyncDatimeUnsucc, 
+                  fgHaStatsGlobalChecksum, fgHaStatsMasterSerial, 
+                  fgHaTrapMemberSerial }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to High Availability clustering of FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 7 }
+fgVpnObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgVpnDialupGateway, fgVpnDialupLifetime, 
+                  fgVpnDialupTimeout, fgVpnDialupSrcBegin, 
+                  fgVpnDialupSrcEnd, fgVpnDialupDstAddr, fgVpnDialupVdom, 
+                  fgVpnDialupInOctets, fgVpnDialupOutOctets, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntPhase1Name, fgVpnTunEntPhase2Name, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntRemGwyIp, fgVpnTunEntRemGwyPort, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntLocGwyIp, fgVpnTunEntLocGwyPort, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcBeginIp, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcEndIp, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcPort, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstBeginIp, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstEndIp, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstPort, fgVpnTunEntSelectorProto, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntLifeSecs, fgVpnTunEntLifeBytes, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntTimeout, fgVpnTunEntInOctets, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntOutOctets, fgVpnTunEntStatus, 
+                  fgVpnTunEntVdom, fgVpnSslState, 
+                  fgVpnSslStatsLoginUsers, fgVpnSslStatsMaxUsers, 
+                  fgVpnSslStatsActiveWebSessions, 
+                  fgVpnSslStatsMaxWebSessions, 
+                  fgVpnSslStatsActiveTunnels, fgVpnSslStatsMaxTunnels, 
+                  fgVpnSslTunnelVdom, fgVpnSslTunnelUserName, 
+                  fgVpnSslTunnelSrcIp, fgVpnSslTunnelIp, 
+                  fgVpnSslTunnelUpTime, fgVpnSslTunnelBytesIn, 
+                  fgVpnSslTunnelBytesOut, fgVpnTrapLocalGateway, 
+                  fgVpnTrapRemoteGateway, fgVpnTrapPhase1Name, fgVpnTunnelUpCount }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Virtual Priavet Networking on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 8 }
+fgFirewallObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgFwPolPktCount, fgFwPolByteCount, fgFwUserNumber, 
+                  fgFwPolPktCountHc, fgFwPolByteCountHc, 
+                  fgFwUserAuthTimeout, fgFwUserName, fgFwUserAuth, 
+                  fgFwUserState, fgFwUserVdom, fgIpSessProto, 
+                  fgIpSessFromAddr, fgIpSessFromPort, fgIpSessToAddr, 
+                  fgIpSessToPort, fgIpSessExp, fgIpSessVdom, 
+                  fgIpSessNumber, fgIp6SessNumber, fgFwPol6PktCount,
+                  fgFwPol6ByteCount, fgFwPolLastUsed, fgFwPol6LastUsed }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Firewall functionality on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 9 }
+fgAppServicesObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgApHTTPReqProcessed,
+                  fgApSMTPReqProcessed, fgApSMTPSpamDetected,
+                  fgApPOP3ReqProcessed, fgApPOP3SpamDetected,
+                  fgApIMAPReqProcessed, fgApIMAPSpamDetected,
+                  fgApNNTPReqProcessed, fgApIMUpTime, fgApIMMemUsage, 
+                  fgApIMReqProcessed, fgApSIPUpTime, fgApSIPMemUsage, 
+                  fgApSIPClientReg, fgApSIPCallHandling, fgApSIPServices, 
+                  fgApSIPOtherReq, fgAppSuNumber, fgAppSuFileScanned, 
+                  fgAppVoIPConn, fgAppVoIPCallBlocked, 
+                  fgAppP2PConnBlocked, fgAppP2PProtEntBytes, 
+                  fgAppP2PProtoEntLastReset, fgAppIMMessages, 
+                  fgAppIMFileTransfered, fgAppIMFileTxBlocked, 
+                  fgAppIMConnBlocked, 
+                  fgApFTPReqProcessed, fgApHTTPConnections, fgApFTPConnections,
+                  fgApSMTPConnections, fgApPOP3Connections, fgApIMAPConnections,
+                  fgApNNTPConnections, fgApHTTPMaxConnections,
+                  fgApFTPMaxConnections, fgApSMTPMaxConnections,
+                  fgApPOP3MaxConnections, fgApIMAPMaxConnections,
+                  fgApNNTPMaxConnections }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to application proxy and filtering services on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 10 }
+fgAntivirusObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgAvVirusDetected, fgAvVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvHTTPVirusDetected, fgAvHTTPVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvSMTPVirusDetected, fgAvSMTPVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvPOP3VirusDetected, fgAvPOP3VirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvIMAPVirusDetected, fgAvIMAPVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvFTPVirusDetected, fgAvFTPVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvIMVirusDetected, fgAvIMVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvNNTPVirusDetected, fgAvNNTPVirusBlocked, 
+                  fgAvOversizedDetected, fgAvOversizedBlocked, 
+                  fgAvTrapVirName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Antivirus services on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 11 }
+fgIntrusionPrevtObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgIpsTrapSigId, fgIpsTrapSrcIp, fgIpsTrapSigMsg, 
+                  fgIpsIntrusionsDetected, fgIpsIntrusionsBlocked, 
+                  fgIpsCritSevDetections, fgIpsHighSevDetections, 
+                  fgIpsMedSevDetections, fgIpsLowSevDetections, 
+                  fgIpsInfoSevDetections, fgIpsSignatureDetections, 
+                  fgIpsAnomalyDetections }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Intrusion Detection and Prevention services on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 12 }
+fgWebFilterObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgWfHTTPBlocked, fgWfHTTPSBlocked, fgWfHTTPURLBlocked, 
+                  fgWfHTTPSURLBlocked, fgWfActiveXBlocked, 
+                  fgWfCookieBlocked, fgWfAppletBlocked, 
+                  fgFgWfHTTPExamined, fgFgWfHTTPSExamined, 
+                  fgFgWfHTTPAllowed, fgFgWfHTTPSAllowed, 
+                  fgFgWfHTTPBlocked, fgFgWfHTTPSBlocked, 
+                  fgFgWfHTTPLogged, fgFgWfHTTPSLogged, 
+                  fgFgWfHTTPOverridden, fgFgWfHTTPSOverridden }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to FortiGate and FortiGuard based Web Filtering services on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 13 }
+fgVirtualDomainObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgVdNumber, fgVdMaxVdoms, fgVdEnabled, fgVdEntName, fgVdEntIndex, 
+                  fgVdEntOpMode, fgVdTpMgmtAddrType, fgVdTpMgmtAddr,
+                  fgVdEntCpuUsage, fgVdEntMemUsage, fgVdEntSesCount, fgVdEntSesRate,
+                  fgVdTpMgmtMask, fgVdEntHaState }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Virtual Firewall Domain services on FortiGate devices."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 14 }
+fgAdministrationObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgAdminVdom }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to the administration of FortiGate device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 15 }
+fgIntfObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgIntfEntVdom, fgIntfVrrpCount, fgIntfVrrpEntVrId, fgIntfVrrpEntGrpId, fgIntfVrrpEntIfName, fgIntfVrrpEntState, fgIntfVrrpEntVrIp,
+                  fgIntfVlanHbCount, fgIntfVlanHbEntIfName, fgIntfVlanHbEntSerial, fgIntfVlanHbEntState }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to the interface table of FortiGate device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 16 }
+fgProcessorsObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgProcessorCount, fgProcessorUsage, fgProcessorUsage5sec,
+                fgProcessorType, fgProcessorContainedIn, fgProcessorPktRxCount,
+                fgProcessorPktTxCount, fgProcessorPktDroppedCount,
+                fgProcessorUserUsage, fgProcessorSysUsage,
+                fgProcessorModuleCount, fgProcModType,
+                fgProcModName, fgProcModDescr, fgProcModProcessorCount,
+                fgProcModMemCapacity, fgProcModMemUsage,
+                fgProcModSessionCount, fgProcModSACount }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to the processors table of FortiGate device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 17 }
+fgNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { fgTrapVpnTunUp, fgTrapVpnTunDown, fgTrapHaSwitch, 
+                  fgTrapHaHBFail, fgTrapHaMemberDown, fgTrapHaMemberUp, 
+                  fgTrapIpsSignature, fgTrapIpsAnomaly, 
+                  fgTrapIpsPkgUpdate, fgTrapIpsFailOpen,
+                  fgTrapAvVirus, fgTrapAvOversize,
+                  fgTrapAvPattern, fgTrapAvFragmented, 
+                  fgTrapAvEnterConserve, fgTrapAvBypass, 
+                  fgTrapAvOversizePass, fgTrapAvOversizeBlock, 
+                  fgTrapFazDisconnect, fgTrapWcApUp, fgTrapWcApDown, fgTrapDeviceNew, 
+                  fgTrapFcSwUp, fgTrapFcSwDown, fgTrapServerLoadBalanceRealServerDown }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Notifications that can be generated from a FortiGate device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 18 }
+fgObsoleteNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { fgTrapHaStateChange }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Notifications that have been deprecated, but may still be generated by older models."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 19 }
+fgExplicitProxyObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgExplicitProxyUpTime, fgExplicitProxyMemUsage, fgExplicitProxyRequests,
+                fgExplicitProxyUsers, fgExplicitProxySessions,
+                fgExplicitProxyVirus, fgExplicitProxyBannedWords, fgExplicitProxyPolicy,
+                fgExplicitProxyOversized, fgExplicitProxyArchNest, fgExplicitProxyArchSize,
+                fgExplicitProxyArchEncrypted, fgExplicitProxyArchMultiPart,
+                fgExplicitProxyArchUnsupported, fgExplicitProxyArchBomb, fgExplicitProxyArchCorrupt,
+                fgExplicitProxyFilteredApplets, fgExplicitProxyFilteredActiveX,
+                fgExplicitProxyFilteredJScript, fgExplicitProxyFilteredJS,
+                fgExplicitProxyFilteredVBS, fgExplicitProxyFilteredOthScript,
+                fgExplicitProxyBlockedDLP, fgExplicitProxyBlockedConType,
+                fgExplicitProxyExaminedURLs, fgExplicitProxyAllowedURLs, fgExplicitProxyBlockedURLs,
+                fgExplicitProxyLoggedURLs, fgExplicitProxyOverriddenURLs }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to explicit proxy"
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 20 }
+fgWebCacheObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgWebCacheUpTime, 
+                fgWebCacheRAMLimit, fgWebCacheRAMUsage, fgWebCacheRAMHits,
+                fgWebCacheRAMMisses, fgWebCacheRequests, fgWebCacheBypass,
+                fgWebCacheDiskLimit, fgWebCacheDiskUsage, fgWebCacheDiskHits,
+                fgWebCacheDiskMisses }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to explicit proxy, web cache and wan optimization."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 21 }
+fgWanOptObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgMemCacheLimit, fgMemCacheUsage, fgMemCacheHits, fgMemCacheMisses,
+                fgByteCacheRAMLimit, fgByteCacheRAMUsage,
+                fgWanOptUpTime, fgWanOptReductionRate, fgWanOptLanTraffic, fgWanOptWanTraffic,
+                fgWanOptLanInTraffic, fgWanOptLanOutTraffic, fgWanOptWanInTraffic, fgWanOptWanOutTraffic,
+                fgWanOptTunnels, fgWanOptLANBytesIn, fgWanOptLANBytesOut,
+                fgWanOptWANBytesIn, fgWanOptWANBytesOut, fgWanOptDiskLimit, fgWanOptDiskUsage,
+                fgWanOptDiskHits, fgWanOptDiskMisses }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to explicit proxy, web cache and wan optimization."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 22 }
+fgObsoleteAppServicesObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgApHTTPUpTime, fgApHTTPMemUsage,
+                  fgApSMTPUpTime, fgApSMTPMemUsage,
+                  fgApPOP3UpTime, fgApPOP3MemUsage, 
+                  fgApIMAPUpTime, fgApIMAPMemUsage,
+                  fgApNNTPUpTime, fgApNNTPMemUsage,
+                  fgApFTPUpTime, fgApFTPMemUsage }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "Objects that have been deprecated, but may still be generated by older models."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 23 }
+fgSystemAdvancedObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgSIAdvMemPageCache, fgSIAdvMemCacheActive,
+                  fgSIAdvMemCacheInactive, fgSIAdvMemBuffer,
+                  fgSIAdvMemEnterKerConsThrsh, 
+                  fgSIAdvMemLeaveKerConsThrsh,
+                  fgSIAdvMemEnterProxyConsThrsh,
+                  fgSIAdvMemLeaveProxyConsThrsh,
+                  fgSIAdvSesEphemeralCount, fgSIAdvSesEphemeralLimit,
+                  fgSIAdvSesClashCount, fgSIAdvSesExpCount,
+                  fgSIAdvSesSyncQFCount, fgSIAdvSesAcceptQFCount,
+                  fgSIAdvSesNoListenerCount }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to the system advanced status of the device."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 24 }
+fgWcObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgWcApVdom, fgWcApSerial, fgWcApName,
+                  fgWcInfoName, fgWcInfoLocation, fgWcInfoWtpCapacity, fgWcInfoWtpManaged,
+                  fgWcInfoWtpSessions, fgWcInfoStationCapacity, fgWcInfoStationCount,
+                  fgWcWlanSsid, fgWcWlanBroadcastSsid, fgWcWlanSecurity, fgWcWlanEncryption,
+                  fgWcWlanAuthentication, fgWcWlanRadiusServer, fgWcWlanUserGroup,
+                  fgWcWlanLocalBridging, fgWcWlanVlanId, fgWcWlanMeshBackhaul,
+                  fgWcWlanStationCapacity, fgWcWlanStationCount,
+                  fgWcWtpProfilePlatform, fgWcWtpProfileDataChannelDtlsPolicy,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileCountryString,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioMode, fgWcWtpProfileRadioApScan, fgWcWtpProfileRadioWidsProfile,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioDarrp, fgWcWtpProfileRadioFrequencyHandoff,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioApHandoff, fgWcWtpProfileRadioBeaconInterval,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioDtimPeriod, fgWcWtpProfileRadioBand,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannelBonding, fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannel,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerControl, fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerLow,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioAutoTxPowerHigh, fgWcWtpProfileRadioTxPowerLevel,
+                  fgWcWtpProfileRadioVaps, fgWcWtpProfileRadioStationCapacity, fgWcWtpProfileRadioChannelWidth,
+                  fgWcWtpConfigWtpAdmin, fgWcWtpConfigWtpName, fgWcWtpConfigWtpLocation,
+                  fgWcWtpConfigWtpProfile, fgWcWtpConfigRadioEnable, fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerControl,
+                  fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerLow, fgWcWtpConfigRadioAutoTxPowerHigh,
+                  fgWcWtpConfigRadioTxPowerLevel, fgWcWtpConfigRadioBand, fgWcWtpConfigRadioApScan,
+                  fgWcWtpConfigVapAll, fgWcWtpConfigVaps,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpIpAddressType, fgWcWtpSessionWtpIpAddress, fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddressType,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpLocalIpAddress, fgWcWtpSessionWtpBaseMacAddress,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionConnectionState, fgWcWtpSessionWtpUpTime,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpDaemonUpTime, fgWcWtpSessionWtpSessionUpTime,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpProfileName, fgWcWtpSessionWtpModelNumber,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpHwVersion, fgWcWtpSessionWtpSwVersion,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpBootVersion, fgWcWtpSessionWtpRegionCode,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpStationCount, fgWcWtpSessionWtpByteRxCount,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpByteTxCount, fgWcWtpSessionWtpCpuUsage,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionWtpMemoryUsage, fgWcWtpSessionWtpMemoryCapacity,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionRadioMode, fgWcWtpSessionRadioBaseBssid,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionRadioCountryString, fgWcWtpSessionRadioCountryCode,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionRadioOperatingChannel, fgWcWtpSessionRadioOperatingPower,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionRadioStationCount,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionVapSsid, fgWcWtpSessionVapStationCount,
+                  fgWcWtpSessionVapByteRxCount, fgWcWtpSessionVapByteTxCount,
+                  fgWcStaWlan, fgWcStaWtpId, fgWcStaRadioId, fgWcStaVlanId, fgWcStaIpAddressType, fgWcStaIpAddress,
+                  fgWcStaVci, fgWcStaHost, fgWcStaUser, fgWcStaGroup, fgWcStaSignal, fgWcStaNoise,
+                  fgWcStaIdle, fgWcStaBandwidthTx, fgWcStaBandwidthRx, fgWcStaChannel,
+                  fgWcStaRadioType, fgWcStaSecurity, fgWcStaEncrypt, fgWcStaOnline
+                }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to wireless controller."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 25 }
+fgFcObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgFcSwVdom, fgFcSwSerial, fgFcSwName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to switch controller."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 26 }
+fgServerLoadBalanceObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgServerLoadBalanceRealServerAddress, fgServerLoadBalanceVirtualServerName }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Server Load Balance group."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 27 }
+fgUsbportsObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgUsbportCount, fgUsbportPlugged, fgUsbportVersion,
+                  fgUsbportClass, fgUsbportVendId, fgUsbportProdId, fgUsbportRevision,
+                  fgUsbportManufacturer, fgUsbportProduct, fgUsbportSerial
+                }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to USB device group."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 28 }
+fgUsbModemInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgUsbModemSignalStrength, fgUsbModemStatus, fgUsbModemSimState,
+               fgUsbModemVendor, fgUsbModemProduct, fgUsbModemNetwork, fgUsbModemId, fgUsbModemSimId }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to USB Modem Info group."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 29 }
+fgDeviceObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgDeviceMacAddress, fgDeviceCreated, fgDeviceLastSeen }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Device group."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 30 }
+fgLinkMonitorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     { fgLinkMonitorNumber, fgLinkMonitorName, fgLinkMonitorState,
+                  fgLinkMonitorLatency, fgLinkMonitorJitter, fgLinkMonitorPacketSend, fgLinkMonitorPacketRecv,
+                  fgLinkMonitorPacketLoss, fgLinkMonitorVdom
+                }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Objects pertaining to Link Monitor group."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 31 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for the application MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+        GROUP   fgFmTrapGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "This group is mandatory for any FortiGate device being managed by a FortiManager."
+        GROUP   fgNotificationGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Notifications are feature dependant. See manual for feature 
+               information."
+        GROUP   fgFmTrapObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgAdminObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgSystemObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgSoftwareObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgHwSensorsObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgHighAvailabilityObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgVpnObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgFirewallObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgAppServicesObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgAntivirusObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgIntrusionPrevtObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgWebFilterObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgVirtualDomainObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgAdministrationObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgIntfObjectGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgProcessorsObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgExplicitProxyObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgWebCacheObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgWanOptObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgSystemAdvancedObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgWcObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgFcObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgServerLoadBalanceObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgUsbportsObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgUsbModemInfoGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgDeviceObjectGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+        GROUP   fgLinkMonitorGroup
+              "Model and feature specific."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 100 }
+fg300MibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "The backwards compatibility compliance statement for the application MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+        GROUP   fgObsoleteNotificationsGroup
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Model and feature specific. May be implemented by some firmwares, but should not be relied on."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 101 }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for the application MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+        GROUP   fgObsoleteAppServicesObjectGroup 
+        DESCRIPTION   
+              "Deprecated AppService objects."
+    ::= { fgMibConformance 102 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HCNUM-TC.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HCNUM-TC.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38b77bb3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HCNUM-TC.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- HCNUM-TC.my: Textual conventions for High Capacity Data Types
+-- December 2000
+-- Copyright (c) 2000-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+     MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, Counter64
+         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+         FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+     LAST-UPDATED "200006080000Z"
+           "        E-mail: mibs@ops.ietf.org
+                    Subscribe: majordomo@psg.com
+                      with msg body: subscribe mibs
+                    Andy Bierman
+                    Cisco Systems Inc.
+                    170 West Tasman Drive
+                    San Jose, CA 95134 USA
+                    +1 408-527-3711
+                    abierman@cisco.com
+                    Keith McCloghrie
+                    Cisco Systems Inc.
+                    170 West Tasman Drive
+                    San Jose, CA 95134 USA
+                    +1 408-526-5260
+                    kzm@cisco.com
+                    Randy Presuhn
+                    BMC Software, Inc.
+                    Office 1-3141
+                    2141 North First Street
+                    San Jose,  California 95131 USA
+                    +1 408 546-1006
+                    rpresuhn@bmc.com"
+           "A MIB module containing textual conventions
+            for high capacity data types. This module
+            addresses an immediate need for data types not directly
+            supported in the SMIv2. This short-term solution
+            is meant to be deprecated as a long-term solution
+            is deployed."
+     REVISION        "200006080000Z"
+           "Initial Version of the High Capacity Numbers
+            MIB module, published as RFC 2856."
+     ::= { mib-2 78 }
+   CounterBasedGauge64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+     STATUS       current
+           "The CounterBasedGauge64 type represents a non-negative
+           integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never
+           exceed a maximum value, nor fall below a minimum value. The
+           maximum value can not be greater than 2^64-1
+           (18446744073709551615 decimal), and the minimum value can
+           not be smaller than 0.  The value of a CounterBasedGauge64
+           has its maximum value whenever the information being modeled
+           is greater than or equal to its maximum value, and has its
+           minimum value whenever the information being modeled is
+           smaller than or equal to its minimum value.  If the
+           information being modeled subsequently decreases below
+           (increases above) the maximum (minimum) value, the
+           CounterBasedGauge64 also decreases (increases).
+           Note that this TC is not strictly supported in SMIv2,
+           because the 'always increasing' and 'counter wrap' semantics
+           associated with the Counter64 base type are not preserved.
+           It is possible that management applications which rely
+           solely upon the (Counter64) ASN.1 tag to determine object
+           semantics will mistakenly operate upon objects of this type
+           as they would for Counter64 objects.
+           This textual convention represents a limited and short-term
+           solution, and may be deprecated as a long term solution is
+           defined and deployed to replace it."
+     SYNTAX Counter64
+   ZeroBasedCounter64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+     STATUS current
+           "This TC describes an object which counts events with the
+           following semantics: objects of this type will be set to
+           zero(0) on creation and will thereafter count appropriate
+           events, wrapping back to zero(0) when the value 2^64 is
+           reached.
+           Provided that an application discovers the new object within
+           the minimum time to wrap it can use the initial value as a
+           delta since it last polled the table of which this object is
+           part.  It is important for a management station to be aware
+           of this minimum time and the actual time between polls, and
+           to discard data if the actual time is too long or there is
+           no defined minimum time.
+           Typically this TC is used in tables where the INDEX space is
+           constantly changing and/or the TimeFilter mechanism is in
+           use.
+           Note that this textual convention does not retain all the
+           semantics of the Counter64 base type. Specifically, a
+           Counter64 has an arbitrary initial value, but objects
+           defined with this TC are required to start at the value
+           zero.  This behavior is not likely to have any adverse
+           effects on management applications which are expecting
+           Counter64 semantics.
+           This textual convention represents a limited and short-term
+           solution, and may be deprecated as a long term solution is
+           defined and deployed to replace it."
+     SYNTAX Counter64
+   END
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0d6fc26eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1540 @@
+Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+TruthValue, DateAndTime, AutonomousType   FROM SNMPv2-TC
+InterfaceIndexOrZero                      FROM IF-MIB;
+hostResourcesMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY
+   LAST-UPDATED "200003060000Z"    -- 6 March 2000
+   ORGANIZATION "IETF Host Resources MIB Working Group"
+       "Steve Waldbusser
+       Postal: Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+               1213 Innsbruck Dr.
+               Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+               USA
+       Phone:  650-318-1251
+       Fax:    650-318-1633
+       Email:  waldbusser@lucent.com
+       In addition, the Host Resources MIB mailing list is
+       dedicated to discussion of this MIB. To join the
+       mailing list, send a request message to
+       hostmib-request@andrew.cmu.edu. The mailing list
+       address is hostmib@andrew.cmu.edu."
+       "This MIB is for use in managing host systems. The term
+       `host' is construed to mean any computer that communicates
+       with other similar computers attached to the internet and
+       that is directly used by one or more human beings. Although
+       this MIB does not necessarily apply to devices whose primary
+       function is communications services (e.g., terminal servers,
+       routers, bridges, monitoring equipment), such relevance is
+       not explicitly precluded.  This MIB instruments attributes
+       common to all internet hosts including, for example, both
+       personal computers and systems that run variants of Unix."
+   REVISION "200003060000Z"        -- 6 March 2000
+       "Clarifications and bug fixes based on implementation
+       experience.  This revision was also reformatted in the SMIv2
+       format. The revisions made were:
+       New RFC document standards:
+          Added Copyright notice, updated introduction to SNMP
+          Framework, updated references section, added reference to
+          RFC 2119, and added a meaningful Security Considerations
+          section.
+       New IANA considerations section for registration of new types
+       Conversion to new SMIv2 syntax for the following types and
+       macros:
+           Counter32, Integer32, Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY,
+       Used new Textual Conventions:
+           TruthValue, DateAndTime, AutonomousType,
+           InterfaceIndexOrZero
+       Fixed typo in hrPrinterStatus.
+       Added missing error bits to hrPrinterDetectedErrorState and
+       clarified confusion resulting from suggested mappings to
+       hrPrinterStatus.
+       Clarified that size of objects of type
+       InternationalDisplayString is number of octets, not number
+       of encoded symbols.
+       Clarified the use of the following objects based on
+       implementation experience:
+           hrSystemInitialLoadDevice, hrSystemInitialLoadParameters,
+           hrMemorySize, hrStorageSize, hrStorageAllocationFailures,
+           hrDeviceErrors, hrProcessorLoad, hrNetworkIfIndex,
+           hrDiskStorageCapacity, hrSWRunStatus, hrSWRunPerfCPU,
+           and hrSWInstalledDate.
+       Clarified implementation technique for hrSWInstalledTable.
+       Used new AUGMENTS clause for hrSWRunPerfTable.
+       Added Internationalization Considerations section.
+This revision published as RFC2790."
+   REVISION "9910202200Z"    -- 20 October, 1999
+       "The original version of this MIB, published as
+       RFC1514."
+   ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 1 }
+host     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 25 }
+hrSystem        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 1 }
+hrStorage       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 2 }
+hrDevice        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 3 }
+hrSWRun         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 4 }
+hrSWRunPerf     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 5 }
+hrSWInstalled   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 6 }
+hrMIBAdminInfo  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 7 }
+-- textual conventions
+    STATUS current
+        "Storage size, expressed in units of 1024 bytes."
+    SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS current
+        "This textual convention is intended to identify the
+        manufacturer, model, and version of a specific
+        hardware or software product.  It is suggested that
+        these OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are allocated such that all
+        products from a particular manufacturer are registered
+        under a subtree distinct to that manufacturer.  In
+        addition, all versions of a product should be
+        registered under a subtree distinct to that product.
+        With this strategy, a management station may uniquely
+        determine the manufacturer and/or model of a product
+        whose productID is unknown to the management station.
+        Objects of this type may be useful for inventory
+        purposes or for automatically detecting
+        incompatibilities or version mismatches between
+        various hardware and software components on a system.
+        For example, the product ID for the ACME 4860 66MHz
+        clock doubled processor might be:
+        enterprises.acme.acmeProcessors.a4860DX2.MHz66
+        A software product might be registered as:
+        enterprises.acme.acmeOperatingSystems.acmeDOS.six(6).one(1)
+        "
+-- unknownProduct will be used for any unknown ProductID
+-- unknownProduct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+InternationalDisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "This data type is used to model textual information
+        in some character set.  A network management station
+        should use a local algorithm to determine which
+        character set is in use and how it should be
+        displayed.  Note that this character set may be
+        encoded with more than one octet per symbol, but will
+        most often be NVT ASCII. When a size clause is
+        specified for an object of this type, the size refers
+        to the length in octets, not the number of symbols."
+-- The Host Resources System Group
+hrSystemUptime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of time since this host was last
+        initialized.  Note that this is different from
+        sysUpTime in the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because
+        sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management
+        portion of the system."
+    ::= { hrSystem 1 }
+hrSystemDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The host's notion of the local date and time of day."
+    ::= { hrSystem 2 }
+hrSystemInitialLoadDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the hrDeviceEntry for the device from
+        which this host is configured to load its initial
+        operating system configuration (i.e., which operating
+        system code and/or boot parameters).
+        Note that writing to this object just changes the
+        configuration that will be used the next time the
+        operating system is loaded and does not actually cause
+        the reload to occur."
+    ::= { hrSystem 3 }
+hrSystemInitialLoadParameters OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object contains the parameters (e.g. a pathname
+        and parameter) supplied to the load device when
+        requesting the initial operating system configuration
+        from that device.
+     Note that writing to this object just changes the
+     configuration that will be used the next time the
+     operating system is loaded and does not actually cause
+     the reload to occur."
+    ::= { hrSystem 4 }
+hrSystemNumUsers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of user sessions for which this host is
+        storing state information.  A session is a collection
+        of processes requiring a single act of user
+        authentication and possibly subject to collective job
+        control."
+    ::= { hrSystem 5 }
+hrSystemProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of process contexts currently loaded or
+        running on this system."
+    ::= { hrSystem 6 }
+hrSystemMaxProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of process contexts this system
+        can support.  If there is no fixed maximum, the value
+        should be zero.  On systems that have a fixed maximum,
+        this object can help diagnose failures that occur when
+        this maximum is reached."
+    ::= { hrSystem 7 }
+-- The Host Resources Storage Group
+-- Registration point for storage types, for use with hrStorageType.
+-- These are defined in the HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES module.
+hrStorageTypes          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrStorage 1 }
+hrMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of physical read-write main memory,
+        typically RAM, contained by the host."
+    ::= { hrStorage 2 }
+hrStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of logical storage areas on
+        the host.
+        An entry shall be placed in the storage table for each
+        logical area of storage that is allocated and has
+        fixed resource limits.  The amount of storage
+        represented in an entity is the amount actually usable
+        by the requesting entity, and excludes loss due to
+        formatting or file system reference information.
+        These entries are associated with logical storage
+        areas, as might be seen by an application, rather than
+        physical storage entities which are typically seen by
+        an operating system.  Storage such as tapes and
+        floppies without file systems on them are typically
+        not allocated in chunks by the operating system to
+        requesting applications, and therefore shouldn't
+        appear in this table.  Examples of valid storage for
+        this table include disk partitions, file systems, ram
+        (for some architectures this is further segmented into
+        regular memory, extended memory, and so on), backing
+        store for virtual memory (`swap space').
+        This table is intended to be a useful diagnostic for
+        `out of memory' and `out of buffers' types of
+        failures.  In addition, it can be a useful performance
+        monitoring tool for tracking memory, disk, or buffer
+        usage."
+    ::= { hrStorage 3 }
+hrStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one logical storage area on
+        the host.  As an example, an instance of the
+        hrStorageType object might be named hrStorageType.3"
+    INDEX { hrStorageIndex }
+    ::= { hrStorageTable 1 }
+HrStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrStorageIndex               Integer32,
+        hrStorageType                AutonomousType,
+        hrStorageDescr               DisplayString,
+        hrStorageAllocationUnits     Integer32,
+        hrStorageSize                Integer32,
+        hrStorageUsed                Integer32,
+        hrStorageAllocationFailures  Counter32
+    }
+hrStorageIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each logical storage area
+        contained by the host."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 1 }
+hrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of storage represented by this entry."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 2 }
+hrStorageDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the type and instance of the storage
+        described by this entry."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 3 }
+hrStorageAllocationUnits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    UNITS      "Bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated
+        from this pool.  If this entry is monitoring sectors,
+        blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number
+        will commonly be greater than one.  Otherwise this
+        number will typically be one."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 4 }
+hrStorageSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The size of the storage represented by this entry, in
+        units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. This object is
+        writable to allow remote configuration of the size of
+        the storage area in those cases where such an
+        operation makes sense and is possible on the
+        underlying system. For example, the amount of main
+        memory allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or
+        the amount of disk space allocated to virtual memory
+        might be modified."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 5 }
+hrStorageUsed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of the storage represented by this entry
+        that is allocated, in units of
+        hrStorageAllocationUnits."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 6 }
+hrStorageAllocationFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of requests for storage represented by
+        this entry that could not be honored due to not enough
+        storage.  It should be noted that as this object has a
+        SYNTAX of Counter32, that it does not have a defined
+        initial value.  However, it is recommended that this
+        object be initialized to zero, even though management
+        stations must not depend on such an initialization."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 7 }
+-- The Host Resources Device Group
+-- The device group is useful for identifying and diagnosing the
+-- devices on a system.  The hrDeviceTable contains common
+-- information for any type of device.  In addition, some devices
+-- have device-specific tables for more detailed information.  More
+-- such tables may be defined in the future for other device types.
+-- Registration point for device types, for use with hrDeviceType.
+-- These are defined in the HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES module.
+hrDeviceTypes             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 1 }
+hrDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrDeviceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of devices contained by the
+        host."
+    ::= { hrDevice 2 }
+hrDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrDeviceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one device contained by the
+        host.  As an example, an instance of the hrDeviceType
+        object might be named hrDeviceType.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrDeviceTable 1 }
+HrDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrDeviceIndex           Integer32,
+        hrDeviceType            AutonomousType,
+        hrDeviceDescr           DisplayString,
+        hrDeviceID              ProductID,
+        hrDeviceStatus          INTEGER,
+        hrDeviceErrors          Counter32
+    }
+hrDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each device contained by the host.
+        The value for each device must remain constant at
+        least from one re-initialization of the agent to the
+        next re-initialization."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 1 }
+hrDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication of the type of device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDeviceProcessor { hrDeviceTypes 3 }' then an entry
+        exists in the hrProcessorTable which corresponds to
+        this device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDeviceNetwork { hrDeviceTypes 4 }', then an entry
+        exists in the hrNetworkTable which corresponds to this
+        device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDevicePrinter { hrDeviceTypes 5 }', then an entry
+        exists in the hrPrinterTable which corresponds to this
+        device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDeviceDiskStorage { hrDeviceTypes 6 }', then an
+        entry exists in the hrDiskStorageTable which
+        corresponds to this device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 2 }
+hrDeviceDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this device, including the
+        device's manufacturer and revision, and optionally,
+        its serial number."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID for this device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 4 }
+hrDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                   unknown(1),
+                   running(2),
+                   warning(3),
+                   testing(4),
+                   down(5)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The current operational state of the device described
+        by this row of the table.  A value unknown(1)
+        indicates that the current state of the device is
+        unknown.  running(2) indicates that the device is up
+        and running and that no unusual error conditions are
+        known.  The warning(3) state indicates that agent has
+        been informed of an unusual error condition by the
+        operational software (e.g., a disk device driver) but
+        that the device is still 'operational'.  An example
+        would be a high number of soft errors on a disk.  A
+        value of testing(4), indicates that the device is not
+        available for use because it is in the testing state.
+        The state of down(5) is used only when the agent has
+        been informed that the device is not available for any
+        use."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 5 }
+hrDeviceErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of errors detected on this device.  It
+        should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of
+        Counter32, that it does not have a defined initial
+        value.  However, it is recommended that this object be
+        initialized to zero, even though management stations
+        must not depend on such an initialization."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 6 }
+hrProcessorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrProcessorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of processors contained by the
+        host.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDeviceProcessor'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 3 }
+hrProcessorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrProcessorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one processor contained by
+        the host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents
+        the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the
+        hrProcessorEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrProcessorFrwID object might be
+        named hrProcessorFrwID.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrProcessorTable 1 }
+HrProcessorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrProcessorFrwID            ProductID,
+        hrProcessorLoad             Integer32
+    }
+hrProcessorFrwID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID of the firmware associated with the
+        processor."
+    ::= { hrProcessorEntry 1 }
+hrProcessorLoad OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The average, over the last minute, of the percentage
+        of time that this processor was not idle.
+        Implementations may approximate this one minute
+        smoothing period if necessary."
+    ::= { hrProcessorEntry 2 }
+hrNetworkTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrNetworkEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of network devices contained
+        by the host.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDeviceNetwork'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 4 }
+hrNetworkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrNetworkEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one network device contained
+        by the host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index
+        represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that
+        corresponds to the hrNetworkEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrNetworkIfIndex object might be
+        named hrNetworkIfIndex.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrNetworkTable 1 }
+HrNetworkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrNetworkIfIndex    InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    }
+hrNetworkIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of ifIndex which corresponds to this
+        network device. If this device is not represented in
+        the ifTable, then this value shall be zero."
+    ::= { hrNetworkEntry 1 }
+hrPrinterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrPrinterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of printers local to the host.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDevicePrinter'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 5 }
+hrPrinterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrPrinterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one printer local to the
+        host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the
+        entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the
+        hrPrinterEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrPrinterStatus object might be
+        named hrPrinterStatus.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrPrinterTable 1 }
+HrPrinterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrPrinterStatus             INTEGER,
+        hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OCTET STRING
+    }
+hrPrinterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                   other(1),
+                   unknown(2),
+                   idle(3),
+                   printing(4),
+                   warmup(5)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The current status of this printer device."
+    ::= { hrPrinterEntry 1 }
+hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object represents any error conditions detected
+        by the printer.  The error conditions are encoded as
+        bits in an octet string, with the following
+        definitions:
+             Condition         Bit #
+             lowPaper              0
+             noPaper               1
+             lowToner              2
+             noToner               3
+             doorOpen              4
+             jammed                5
+             offline               6
+             serviceRequested      7
+             inputTrayMissing      8
+             outputTrayMissing     9
+             markerSupplyMissing  10
+             outputNearFull       11
+             outputFull           12
+             inputTrayEmpty       13
+             overduePreventMaint  14
+        Bits are numbered starting with the most significant
+        bit of the first byte being bit 0, the least
+        significant bit of the first byte being bit 7, the
+        most significant bit of the second byte being bit 8,
+        and so on.  A one bit encodes that the condition was
+        detected, while a zero bit encodes that the condition
+        was not detected.
+        This object is useful for alerting an operator to
+        specific warning or error conditions that may occur,
+        especially those requiring human intervention."
+    ::= { hrPrinterEntry 2 }
+hrDiskStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrDiskStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of long-term storage devices
+        contained by the host.  In particular, disk devices
+        accessed remotely over a network are not included
+        here.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDeviceDiskStorage'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 6 }
+hrDiskStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrDiskStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one long-term storage device
+        contained by the host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index
+        represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that
+        corresponds to the hrDiskStorageEntry. As an example,
+        an instance of the hrDiskStorageCapacity object might
+        be named hrDiskStorageCapacity.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageTable 1 }
+HrDiskStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrDiskStorageAccess         INTEGER,
+        hrDiskStorageMedia          INTEGER,
+        hrDiskStorageRemoveble      TruthValue,
+        hrDiskStorageCapacity       KBytes
+    }
+hrDiskStorageAccess OBJECT-TYPE
+                   readWrite(1),
+                   readOnly(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication if this long-term storage device is
+        readable and writable or only readable.  This should
+        reflect the media type, any write-protect mechanism,
+        and any device configuration that affects the entire
+        device."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 1 }
+hrDiskStorageMedia OBJECT-TYPE
+                   other(1),
+                   unknown(2),
+                   hardDisk(3),
+                   floppyDisk(4),
+                   opticalDiskROM(5),
+                   opticalDiskWORM(6),     -- Write Once Read Many
+                   opticalDiskRW(7),
+                   ramDisk(8)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication of the type of media used in this long-
+        term storage device."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 2 }
+hrDiskStorageRemoveble OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Denotes whether or not the disk media may be removed
+        from the drive."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 3 }
+hrDiskStorageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total size for this long-term storage device. If
+        the media is removable and is currently removed, this
+        value should be zero."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 4 }
+hrPartitionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrPartitionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of partitions for long-term
+        storage devices contained by the host.  In particular,
+        partitions accessed remotely over a network are not
+        included here."
+    ::= { hrDevice 7 }
+hrPartitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrPartitionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one partition.  The
+        hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the
+        hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the
+        hrPartitionEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrPartitionSize object might be
+        named hrPartitionSize.3.1"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex, hrPartitionIndex }
+    ::= { hrPartitionTable 1 }
+HrPartitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrPartitionIndex                Integer32,
+        hrPartitionLabel                InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrPartitionID                   OCTET STRING,
+        hrPartitionSize                 KBytes,
+        hrPartitionFSIndex              Integer32
+    }
+hrPartitionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each partition on this long-term
+        storage device.  The value for each long-term storage
+        device must remain constant at least from one re-
+        initialization of the agent to the next re-
+        initialization."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 1 }
+hrPartitionLabel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this partition."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 2 }
+hrPartitionID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A descriptor which uniquely represents this partition
+        to the responsible operating system.  On some systems,
+        this might take on a binary representation."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 3 }
+hrPartitionSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The size of this partition."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 4 }
+hrPartitionFSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the file system mounted on this
+        partition.  If no file system is mounted on this
+        partition, then this value shall be zero.  Note that
+        multiple partitions may point to one file system,
+        denoting that that file system resides on those
+        partitions.  Multiple file systems may not reside on
+        one partition."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 5 }
+-- The File System Table
+-- Registration point for popular File System types,
+-- for use with hrFSType. These are defined in the
+hrFSTypes               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 9 }
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of file systems local to this
+        host or remotely mounted from a file server.  File
+        systems that are in only one user's environment on a
+        multi-user system will not be included in this table."
+    ::= { hrDevice 8 }
+    SYNTAX     HrFSEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one file system local to
+        this host or remotely mounted from a file server.
+        File systems that are in only one user's environment
+        on a multi-user system will not be included in this
+        table.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrFSMountPoint object might be
+        named hrFSMountPoint.3"
+    INDEX { hrFSIndex }
+    ::= { hrFSTable 1 }
+HrFSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrFSIndex                   Integer32,
+        hrFSMountPoint              InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrFSRemoteMountPoint        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrFSType                    AutonomousType,
+        hrFSAccess                  INTEGER,
+        hrFSBootable                TruthValue,
+        hrFSStorageIndex            Integer32,
+        hrFSLastFullBackupDate      DateAndTime,
+        hrFSLastPartialBackupDate   DateAndTime
+    }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each file system local to this
+        host.  The value for each file system must remain
+        constant at least from one re-initialization of the
+        agent to the next re-initialization."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The path name of the root of this file system."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 2 }
+hrFSRemoteMountPoint OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the name and/or address of the
+        server that this file system is mounted from.  This
+        may also include parameters such as the mount point on
+        the remote file system.  If this is not a remote file
+        system, this string should have a length of zero."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object identifies the type of this
+        file system."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 4 }
+                   readWrite(1),
+                   readOnly(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication if this file system is logically
+        configured by the operating system to be readable and
+        writable or only readable.  This does not represent
+        any local access-control policy, except one that is
+        applied to the file system as a whole."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A flag indicating whether this file system is
+        bootable."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 6 }
+hrFSStorageIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the hrStorageEntry that represents
+        information about this file system.  If there is no
+        such information available, then this value shall be
+        zero.  The relevant storage entry will be useful in
+        tracking the percent usage of this file system and
+        diagnosing errors that may occur when it runs out of
+        space."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 7 }
+hrFSLastFullBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The last date at which this complete file system was
+        copied to another storage device for backup.  This
+        information is useful for ensuring that backups are
+        being performed regularly.
+        If this information is not known, then this variable
+        shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year
+        0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as
+        (hex)'00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00'."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 8 }
+hrFSLastPartialBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The last date at which a portion of this file system
+        was copied to another storage device for backup.  This
+        information is useful for ensuring that backups are
+        being performed regularly.
+        If this information is not known, then this variable
+        shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year
+        0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as
+        (hex)'00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00'."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 9 }
+-- The Host Resources Running Software Group
+-- The hrSWRunTable contains an entry for each distinct piece of
+-- software that is running or loaded into physical or virtual
+-- memory in preparation for running.  This includes the host's
+-- operating system, device drivers, and applications.
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of the hrSWRunIndex for the hrSWRunEntry
+        that represents the primary operating system running
+        on this host.  This object is useful for quickly and
+        uniquely identifying that primary operating system."
+    ::= { hrSWRun 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of software running on the
+        host."
+    ::= { hrSWRun 2 }
+    SYNTAX     HrSWRunEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one piece of software
+        running on the host Note that because the installed
+        software table only contains information for software
+        stored locally on this host, not every piece of
+        running software will be found in the installed
+        software table.  This is true of software that was
+        loaded and run from a non-local source, such as a
+        network-mounted file system.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrSWRunName object might be named
+        hrSWRunName.1287"
+    INDEX { hrSWRunIndex }
+    ::= { hrSWRunTable 1 }
+HrSWRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrSWRunIndex       Integer32,
+        hrSWRunName        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWRunID          ProductID,
+        hrSWRunPath        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWRunParameters  InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWRunType        INTEGER,
+        hrSWRunStatus      INTEGER
+    }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each piece of software running on
+        the host.  Wherever possible, this should be the
+        system's native, unique identification number."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this running piece of
+        software, including the manufacturer, revision,  and
+        the name by which it is commonly known.  If this
+        software was installed locally, this should be the
+        same string as used in the corresponding
+        hrSWInstalledName."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID of this running piece of software."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the location on long-term storage
+        (e.g. a disk drive) from which this software was
+        loaded."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 4 }
+hrSWRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the parameters supplied to this
+        software when it was initially loaded."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 5 }
+                   unknown(1),
+                   operatingSystem(2),
+                   deviceDriver(3),
+                   application(4)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of this software."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 6 }
+                   running(1),
+                   runnable(2),    -- waiting for resource
+                                   -- (i.e., CPU, memory, IO)
+                   notRunnable(3), -- loaded but waiting for event
+                   invalid(4)      -- not loaded
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this running piece of software.
+        Setting this value to invalid(4) shall cause this
+        software to stop running and to be unloaded. Sets to
+        other values are not valid."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 7 }
+-- The Host Resources Running Software Performance Group
+-- The hrSWRunPerfTable contains an entry corresponding to
+-- each entry in the hrSWRunTable.
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrSWRunPerfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of running software
+        performance metrics."
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerf 1 }
+    SYNTAX     HrSWRunPerfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry containing software performance
+        metrics.  As an example, an instance of the
+        hrSWRunPerfCPU object might be named
+        hrSWRunPerfCPU.1287"
+    AUGMENTS { hrSWRunEntry }  -- This table augments information in
+                               -- the hrSWRunTable.
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerfTable 1 }
+HrSWRunPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrSWRunPerfCPU          Integer32,
+        hrSWRunPerfMem          KBytes
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU
+        resources consumed by this process.  Note that on a
+        multi-processor system, this value may increment by
+        more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real
+        (wall clock) time."
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerfEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total amount of real system memory allocated to
+        this process."
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerfEntry 2 }
+-- The Host Resources Installed Software Group
+-- The hrSWInstalledTable contains an entry for each piece
+-- of software installed in long-term storage (e.g. a disk
+-- drive) locally on this host.  Note that this does not
+-- include software loadable remotely from a network
+-- server.
+-- Different implementations may track software in varying
+-- ways. For example, while some implementations may track
+-- executable files as distinct pieces of software, other
+-- implementations may use other strategies such as keeping
+-- track of software "packages" (e.g., related groups of files)
+-- or keeping track of system or application "patches".
+-- This table is useful for identifying and inventorying
+-- software on a host and for diagnosing incompatibility
+-- and version mismatch problems between various pieces
+-- of hardware and software.
+hrSWInstalledLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when an entry in the
+        hrSWInstalledTable was last added, renamed, or
+        deleted.  Because this table is likely to contain many
+        entries, polling of this object allows a management
+        station to determine when re-downloading of the table
+        might be useful."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalled 1 }
+hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when the hrSWInstalledTable
+        was last completely updated.  Because caching of this
+        data will be a popular implementation strategy,
+        retrieval of this object allows a management station
+        to obtain a guarantee that no data in this table is
+        older than the indicated time."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalled 2 }
+hrSWInstalledTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrSWInstalledEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of software installed on this
+        host."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalled 3 }
+hrSWInstalledEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrSWInstalledEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for a piece of software
+        installed on this host.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrSWInstalledName object might be
+        named hrSWInstalledName.96"
+    INDEX { hrSWInstalledIndex }
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledTable 1 }
+HrSWInstalledEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrSWInstalledIndex       Integer32,
+        hrSWInstalledName        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWInstalledID          ProductID,
+        hrSWInstalledType        INTEGER,
+        hrSWInstalledDate        DateAndTime
+hrSWInstalledIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each piece of software installed
+        on the host.  This value shall be in the range from 1
+        to the number of pieces of software installed on the
+        host."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 1 }
+hrSWInstalledName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this installed piece of
+        software, including the manufacturer, revision, the
+        name by which it is commonly known, and optionally,
+        its serial number."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID of this installed piece of software."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 3 }
+hrSWInstalledType OBJECT-TYPE
+                   unknown(1),
+                   operatingSystem(2),
+                   deviceDriver(3),
+                   application(4)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of this software."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 4 }
+hrSWInstalledDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The last-modification date of this application as it
+        would appear in a directory listing.
+        If this information is not known, then this variable
+        shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year
+        0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as
+        (hex)'00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00'."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 5 }
+-- Conformance information
+hrMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 2 }
+hrMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 3 }
+-- Compliance Statements
+    STATUS current
+        "The requirements for conformance to the Host Resources MIB."
+    MODULE -- this module
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup,
+                         hrDeviceGroup }
+      OBJECT hrSystemDate
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadDevice
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrStorageSize
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrFSLastFullBackupDate
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      GROUP hrSWRunGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The Running Software Group. Implementation
+              of this group is mandatory only when the
+              hrSWRunPerfGroup is implemented."
+      OBJECT hrSWRunStatus
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      GROUP hrSWRunPerfGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The Running Software Performance Group.
+              Implementation of this group is at the discretion
+              of the implementor."
+      GROUP hrSWInstalledGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The Installed Software Group.
+              Implementation of this group is at the discretion
+              of the implementor."
+    ::= { hrMIBCompliances 1 }
+    hrSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrSystemUptime, hrSystemDate,
+            hrSystemInitialLoadDevice,
+            hrSystemInitialLoadParameters,
+            hrSystemNumUsers, hrSystemProcesses,
+            hrSystemMaxProcesses
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources System Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 1 }
+    hrStorageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrMemorySize, hrStorageIndex, hrStorageType,
+            hrStorageDescr, hrStorageAllocationUnits,
+            hrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed,
+            hrStorageAllocationFailures
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Storage Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 2 }
+    hrDeviceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrDeviceIndex, hrDeviceType, hrDeviceDescr,
+            hrDeviceID, hrDeviceStatus, hrDeviceErrors,
+            hrProcessorFrwID, hrProcessorLoad,
+            hrNetworkIfIndex, hrPrinterStatus,
+            hrPrinterDetectedErrorState,
+            hrDiskStorageAccess, hrDiskStorageMedia,
+            hrDiskStorageRemoveble, hrDiskStorageCapacity,
+            hrPartitionIndex, hrPartitionLabel,
+            hrPartitionID, hrPartitionSize,
+            hrPartitionFSIndex, hrFSIndex, hrFSMountPoint,
+            hrFSRemoteMountPoint, hrFSType, hrFSAccess,
+            hrFSBootable, hrFSStorageIndex,
+            hrFSLastFullBackupDate,
+            hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Device Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 3 }
+    hrSWRunGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrSWOSIndex, hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunName,
+            hrSWRunID, hrSWRunPath, hrSWRunParameters,
+            hrSWRunType, hrSWRunStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Running Software Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 4 }
+    hrSWRunPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS { hrSWRunPerfCPU, hrSWRunPerfMem }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Running Software
+            Performance Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 5 }
+    hrSWInstalledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrSWInstalledLastChange,
+            hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime,
+            hrSWInstalledIndex, hrSWInstalledName,
+            hrSWInstalledID, hrSWInstalledType,
+            hrSWInstalledDate
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Installed Software Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-CHASSIS.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-CHASSIS.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcc3efc715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-CHASSIS.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
+       IMPORTS
+           Integer32, Counter32,
+               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+           DisplayString, TimeStamp,TruthValue
+               FROM SNMPv2-TC
+               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+           PhysicalIndex
+               FROM ENTITY-MIB
+           hpicfObjectModules, hpicfCommon, hpicfCommonTrapsPrefix
+               FROM HP-ICF-OID;
+       hpicfChassisMib MODULE-IDENTITY
+            LAST-UPDATED "201108250847Z"  -- August 25, 2011    
+            ORGANIZATION "HP Networking"
+            CONTACT-INFO
+                    "Hewlett Packard Company
+                     8000 Foothills Blvd.
+                     Roseville, CA 95747"
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "This MIB module describes chassis devices in the
+                    HP Integrated Communication Facility product 
+                    line.  Note that most of this module will be
+                    superseded by the standard Entity MIB.  However,
+                    the hpicfSensorTable will still be valid."
+            REVISION     "201108250847Z"  -- August 25, 2011
+            DESCRIPTION  "Added new scalars hpicfFanTrayType and 
+                          hpicfOpacityShieldInstalled."
+            REVISION     "201008250000Z"  -- August 23, 2010
+            DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSystemAirEntPhysicalIndex to the air 
+                          temperature table."     
+            REVISION     "200904220000Z"  -- April 22, 2009
+            DESCRIPTION  "Added new SNMP object and SNMP table for chassis 
+                         temperature details"
+            REVISION     "200011032216Z"  -- November 3, 2000
+            DESCRIPTION  "Updated division name."
+            REVISION     "9703060334Z"  -- March 6, 1997
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "Added NOTIFICATION-GROUP information."
+            REVISION     "9609100245Z"  -- September 10, 1996
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "Split this MIB module from the former monolithic
+                    hp-icf MIB.  Added compliance statement for use by
+                    non-chassis devices or devices that are
+                    implementing another chassis MIB (like Entity MIB)
+                    but still want to use the hpicfSensorTable.
+                    Changed STATUS clause to deprecated for those
+                    objects that are superseded by the Entity MIB."
+            REVISION     "9507130000Z"  -- July 13, 1995
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "Added the hpicfSensorTrap."
+            REVISION     "9411200000Z"  -- November 20, 1994
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "Added the hpicfChassisAddrTable."
+            REVISION     "9307090000Z"  -- July 9, 1993
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "Initial version."
+            ::= { hpicfObjectModules 3 }
+       hpicfChassis          
+           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 2 }
+       -- The Chassis group contains detailed information about what
+       -- is inside a particular chassis.  The intent is that an 
+       -- agent can provide information about the box that it is in. 
+       hpicfChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   An identifier that uniquely identifies this 
+                   particular chassis.  This will be the same value 
+                   as the instance of hpicfChainId for this chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 1 }
+       hpicfChassisNumSlots OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..16)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The number of slots in this chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 2 }
+       -- The slot table contains one entry for each slot in this
+       -- chassis.
+       hpicfSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfSlotEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A table that contains information on all the 
+                   slots in this chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 3 }
+       hpicfSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     HpicfSlotEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   Information about a slot in a chassis"
+           INDEX      { hpicfSlotIndex }
+           ::= { hpicfSlotTable 1 }
+       HpicfSlotEntry ::=
+           SEQUENCE {
+               hpicfSlotIndex                  Integer32,
+               hpicfSlotObjectId               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+               hpicfSlotLastChange             TimeStamp,
+               hpicfSlotDescr                  DisplayString
+           }
+       hpicfSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The slot number within the box for which this 
+                   entry contains information."
+           ::= { hpicfSlotEntry 1 }
+       hpicfSlotObjectId OBJECT-TYPE
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The authoritative identification of the card 
+                   plugged into this slot in this chassis.  A value 
+                   of { 0 0 } indicates an empty slot."
+           ::= { hpicfSlotEntry 2 }
+       hpicfSlotLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The value of the agent's sysUpTime at which a 
+                   card in this slot was last inserted or removed.  
+                   If no module has been inserted or removed since 
+                   the last reinitialization of the agent, this 
+                   object has a zero value."
+           ::= { hpicfSlotEntry 3 }
+       hpicfSlotDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A textual description of the card plugged into 
+                   this slot in this chassis, including the product 
+                   number and version information."
+           ::= { hpicfSlotEntry 4 }
+       -- The entity table contains a list of logical network devices
+       -- contained in this chassis, whether or not that agent can 
+       -- actually manage the device.  The intent is that any agent 
+       -- for a box will have a complete picture of the entities in 
+       -- that box.
+       hpicfEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfEntityEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A table that contains information about the 
+                   (logical) networking devices contained in this
+                   chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 4 }
+       hpicfEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     HpicfEntityEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   Information about a single logical networking 
+                   device contained in this chassis."
+           INDEX      { hpicfEntityIndex }
+           ::= { hpicfEntityTable 1 }
+       HpicfEntityEntry ::=
+           SEQUENCE {
+               hpicfEntityIndex                Integer32,
+               hpicfEntityFunction             Integer32,
+               hpicfEntityObjectId             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+               hpicfEntityDescr                DisplayString,
+               hpicfEntityTimestamp            TimeStamp
+           }
+       hpicfEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   An index that uniquely identifies the logical 
+                   network device for which this entry contains 
+                   information."
+           ::= { hpicfEntityEntry 1 }
+       hpicfEntityFunction OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..63)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The generic function provided by the logical 
+                   network device.  The value is a sum.  Starting 
+                   from zero, for each type of generic function that 
+                   the entity performs, 2 raised to a power is added 
+                   to the sum.  The powers are according to the 
+                   following table:
+                       Function        Power
+                       other           1
+                       repeater        0
+                       bridge          2
+                       router          3
+                       agent           5
+                   For example, an entity performing both bridging 
+                   and routing functions would have a value of 12 
+                   (2^2 + 2^3)."
+           ::= { hpicfEntityEntry 2 }
+       hpicfEntityObjectId OBJECT-TYPE
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The authoritative identification of the logical 
+                   network device which provides an unambiguous means
+                   of determining the type of device.  The value of 
+                   this object is analogous to MIB-II's sysObjectId."
+           ::= { hpicfEntityEntry 3 }
+       hpicfEntityDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A textual description of this device, including 
+                   the product number and version information.  The 
+                   value of this object is analogous to MIB-II's 
+                   sysDescr."
+           ::= { hpicfEntityEntry 4 }
+       hpicfEntityTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The value of the agent's sysUpTime at which this 
+                   logical network device was last reinitialized.  If
+                   the entity has not been reinitialized since the 
+                   last reinitialization of the agent, then this 
+                   object has a zero value."
+           ::= { hpicfEntityEntry 5 }
+       -- The hpicfSlotMapTable is used to convey which logical
+       -- network devices occupy which slots in the chassis.  For
+       -- example, if a chassis contains a repeater entity, with an
+       -- hpicfEntityIndex of 2, which is made up of three cards
+       -- located in slots 2, 4, and 5 of the chassis, this table
+       -- will contain entries indexed by { 2 2 }, { 4 2 } and
+       -- { 5 2 }.
+       hpicfSlotMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfSlotMapEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A table that contains information about which 
+                   entities are in which slots in this chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 5 }
+       hpicfSlotMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     HpicfSlotMapEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A relationship between a slot and an entity in
+                   this chassis.  Such a relationship exists if the 
+                   particular slot is occupied by a physical module 
+                   performing part of the function of the particular 
+                   entity."
+           INDEX      { hpicfSlotMapSlot, hpicfSlotMapEntity }
+           ::= { hpicfSlotMapTable 1 }
+       HpicfSlotMapEntry ::=
+           SEQUENCE {
+               hpicfSlotMapSlot                Integer32,
+               hpicfSlotMapEntity              Integer32
+           }
+       hpicfSlotMapSlot OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A slot number within the chassis which contains 
+                   (part of) this entity."
+           ::= { hpicfSlotMapEntry 1 }
+       hpicfSlotMapEntity OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The entity described in this mapping."
+           ::= { hpicfSlotMapEntry 2 }
+       -- The sensor table contains one entry for each sensor in this
+       -- chassis.
+       hpicfSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfSensorEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A table that contains information on all the
+                   sensors in this chassis"
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 6 }
+       hpicfSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     HpicfSensorEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "Information about a sensor in a chassis"
+           INDEX      { hpicfSensorIndex }
+           ::= { hpicfSensorTable 1 }
+       HpicfSensorEntry ::=
+           SEQUENCE {
+               hpicfSensorIndex                Integer32,
+               hpicfSensorObjectId             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+               hpicfSensorNumber               Integer32,
+               hpicfSensorStatus               INTEGER,
+               hpicfSensorWarnings             Counter32,
+               hpicfSensorFailures             Counter32,
+               hpicfSensorDescr                DisplayString
+           }
+       hpicfSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "An index that uniquely identifies the sensor for
+                   which this entry contains information."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 1 }
+       hpicfSensorObjectId OBJECT-TYPE
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "The authoritative identification of the kind of
+                   sensor this is."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 2 }
+       hpicfSensorNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A number which identifies a particular sensor
+                   from other sensors of the same kind.  For
+                   instance, if there are many temperature sensors in
+                   this chassis, this number would identify a
+                   particular temperature sensor in this chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 3 }
+       hpicfSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+                          unknown(1),
+                          bad(2),
+                          warning(3),
+                          good(4),
+                          notPresent(5)
+                      }
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "Actual status indicated by the sensor."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 4 }
+       hpicfSensorWarnings OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Counter32
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "The number of times hpicfSensorStatus has entered
+                   the 'warning'(3) state."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 5 }
+       hpicfSensorFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Counter32
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "The number of times hpicfSensorStatus has entered
+                   the 'bad'(2) state."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 6 }
+       hpicfSensorDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     DisplayString
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A textual description of the sensor."
+           ::= { hpicfSensorEntry 7 }
+       hpicfChassisAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfChassisAddrEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A table of network addresses for entities in this
+                   chassis.  The primary use of this table is to map
+                   a specific entity address to a specific chassis.
+                   Note that this table may not be a complete list of
+                   network addresses for this entity."
+           ::= { hpicfChassis 7 }
+       hpicfChassisAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     HpicfChassisAddrEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   An entry containing a single network address being
+                   used by a logical network device in this chassis."
+           INDEX      { hpicfChasAddrType, hpicfChasAddrAddress }
+           ::= { hpicfChassisAddrTable 1 }
+       HpicfChassisAddrEntry ::=
+           SEQUENCE {
+               hpicfChasAddrType               INTEGER,
+               hpicfChasAddrAddress            OCTET STRING,
+               hpicfChasAddrEntity             Integer32
+           }
+       hpicfChasAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+                          ipAddr(1),
+                          ipxAddr(2),
+                          macAddr(3)
+                      }
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The kind of network address represented in this
+                   entry."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisAddrEntry 1 }
+       hpicfChasAddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(4..10))
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   The network address being used by the logical
+                   network device associated with this entry, formatted
+                   according to the value of the associated instance of
+                   hpicfChasAddrType.
+                   For hpicfChasAddrType of ipAddr, this value is four
+                   octets long, with each octet representing one byte of
+                   the IP address, in network byte order.
+                   For hpicfChasAddrType of ipxAddr, this value is ten
+                   octets long, with the first four octets representing
+                   the IPX network number in network byte order,
+                   followed by the six byte host number in network byte
+                   order.
+                   For hpicfChasAddrType of macAddr, this value is six
+                   octets long, representing the MAC address in
+                   canonical order."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisAddrEntry 2 }
+       hpicfChasAddrEntity OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
+           MAX-ACCESS read-only
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   An index that uniquely identifies the logical 
+                   network device in this chassis that is using this
+                   network address.."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisAddrEntry 3 }
+       hpChassisTemperature  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+                    ::= { hpicfChassis 8 }
+       hpSystemAirTempTable OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF HpSystemAirTempEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This table gives the temperature details of 
+                        chassis. These temperature details are 
+                        obtained by monitoring chassis temperature 
+                        sensors attached to the box by excluding
+                        ManagementModule, FabricModule, IMand 
+                        PowerSupply sensors. This will give current,
+                        maximum,minimum,threshold and average
+                        temperatures of chassis."
+           ::= { hpChassisTemperature 1 }
+       hpSystemAirTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     HpSystemAirTempEntry
+           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION   "This is the table for chassis temperature 
+                         details."
+           INDEX      { hpSystemAirSensor }
+           ::= { hpSystemAirTempTable 1 }
+       HpSystemAirTempEntry ::=
+           SEQUENCE {
+              hpSystemAirSensor               Integer32,
+              hpSystemAirName                 OCTET STRING,
+              hpSystemAirCurrentTemp          OCTET STRING,
+              hpSystemAirMaxTemp              OCTET STRING,
+              hpSystemAirMinTemp              OCTET STRING,
+              hpSystemAirOverTemp             INTEGER,
+              hpSystemAirThresholdTemp        OCTET STRING,
+              hpSystemAirAvgTemp              OCTET STRING,
+              hpSystemAirEntPhysicalIndex     PhysicalIndex
+           }
+       hpSystemAirSensor OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+           STATUS   	current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This is the index for this table.This object 
+                        describes chassis attached temperature sensor.
+                        Based on the value of this index, temperature
+                        details are obtained from the sensor and are
+                        given." 
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 1}
+       hpSystemAirName OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20))
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object describes name of the system
+                        which is chassis attached temperature sensor
+                        number. For example if the index 
+                        (hpSystemAirSensor) is '0' then the system 
+                        name is sys-1. Index starts from '0' but
+                        sensor number is '1'."
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 2}
+       hpSystemAirCurrentTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..6))
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object gives current temperature of the
+                        system. This is the current temperature given
+                        by the indexed chassis attached temperature
+                        sensor on box."
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 3}
+       hpSystemAirMaxTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       OCTET STRING( SIZE(1..6))
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object gives Maximum temperature of the 
+                        chassis."
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 4}
+       hpSystemAirMinTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX 	OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..6))
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object gives Minimum temperature of the
+                        chassis."
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 5}
+       hpSystemAirOverTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       INTEGER{
+                               yes(1),
+                               no(2)
+                               }
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object gives Over temperature of the
+                        system. If the current temperature of the
+                        board is above threshold temperature and if 
+                        board stays at this temperature for 10 full
+                        seconds then its called over temperature." 
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 6}
+       hpSystemAirThresholdTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..6))
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object gives Threshold temperature of 
+                        the system. This is the utmost temperature 
+                        that the chassis can sustain. If chassis 
+                        temperature is above threshold then alarm will
+                        ring to inform over temperature condition."
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 7}
+       hpSystemAirAvgTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..5)) 
+ 	   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This object gives Average temperature of the
+                        system. There will be some roll up function
+                        which will check current temperature at 
+                        particular intervals. Based on these current 
+                        temperatures over certain time, average 
+                        temperature is calculated." 
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 8}
+       hpSystemAirEntPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX       PhysicalIndex
+           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+           STATUS       current
+           DESCRIPTION  "This gives the entPhysicalIndex of the temperature
+                         sensor as in the entPhysicalTable (rfc2737)."          
+           ::= {hpSystemAirTempEntry 9}
+       hpicfFanTrayType  OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                            standard(1),
+                            highPerformance(2)
+                            }
+            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+            STATUS      current
+            DESCRIPTION  "If opacity shield is installed  hpicsFanTrayType 
+                          should be HighPerformance. This is applicable 
+                          only for 5406 5412 8212 and 8206 Switches."
+            DEFVAL { standard }
+            ::= { hpicfChassis 9 }
+       hpicfOpacityShieldInstalled  OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX      TruthValue
+            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+            STATUS      current
+            DESCRIPTION  "It indicates that Opacity shield is Installed on 
+                         the switch. This is applicable only for 5406,5412,
+                         8212 and 8206 Switches."
+            DEFVAL { false }
+            ::= { hpicfChassis 10 }
+       -- Common Traps
+       hpicfSensorTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+           OBJECTS    { hpicfSensorStatus, hpicfSensorDescr }
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "An hpicfSensorTrap indicates that there has been a
+                   change of state on one of the sensors in this
+                   chassis.  The hpicfSensorStatus indicates the new
+                   status value for the changed sensor."
+           ::=  { hpicfCommonTrapsPrefix 3 }
+       -- conformance information
+       hpicfChassisConformance
+           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfChassisMib 1 }
+       hpicfChassisCompliances
+           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfChassisConformance 1 }
+       hpicfChassisGroups
+           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfChassisConformance 2 }
+       -- compliance statements
+       hpicfChasAdvStkCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A compliance statement for AdvanceStack chassis
+                   devices."
+           MODULE
+               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfChassisBasicGroup }
+               GROUP    hpicfSensorGroup
+               DESCRIPTION
+                       "This group should be implemented on any
+                       AdvanceStack device with redundant power
+                       supplies or other appropriate sensors."
+               GROUP    hpicfSensorNotifyGroup
+               DESCRIPTION
+                       "This group should be implemented on any
+                       AdvanceStack device with redundant power
+                       supplies or other appropriate sensors."
+               ::= { hpicfChassisCompliances 1 }
+       hpicfChasAdvStk2Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   An updated compliance statement for AdvanceStack
+                   chassis devices that includes the
+                   hpicfChassisAddrGroup."
+           MODULE
+               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfChassisBasicGroup,
+                                  hpicfChassisAddrGroup }
+               GROUP    hpicfSensorGroup
+               DESCRIPTION
+                       "This group should be implemented on any
+                       AdvanceStack device with redundant power
+                       supplies or other appropriate sensors."
+               GROUP    hpicfSensorNotifyGroup
+               DESCRIPTION
+                       "This group should be implemented on any
+                       AdvanceStack device with redundant power
+                       supplies or other appropriate sensors."
+               ::= { hpicfChassisCompliances 2 }
+       hpicfChasSensorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A compliance statement for non-chassis devices,
+                   or chassis devices implementing a standards-based
+                   MIB for obtaining chassis information, which
+                   contain redundant power supplies or other
+                   appropriate sensors."
+           MODULE
+               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfSensorGroup,
+                                  hpicfSensorNotifyGroup }
+           ::= { hpicfChassisCompliances 3 }
+       hpicfChasTempCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION 
+                   " A compliance statement for chassis's system air temperature
+                     details."            
+           MODULE
+               MANDATORY-GROUPS {hpicfChasTempGroup}
+           ::= { hpicfChassisCompliances 4 } 
+       hpicfOpacityShieldsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION 
+                   "A compliance statement for chassis's opacity Shield"            
+           MODULE
+               MANDATORY-GROUPS {hpicfOpacityShieldsGroup}
+           ::= { hpicfChassisCompliances 5 } 
+       -- units of conformance
+       hpicfChassisBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+           OBJECTS    { hpicfChassisId,
+                        hpicfChassisNumSlots,
+                        hpicfSlotIndex,
+                        hpicfSlotObjectId,
+                        hpicfSlotLastChange,
+                        hpicfSlotDescr,
+                        hpicfEntityIndex,
+                        hpicfEntityFunction,
+                        hpicfEntityObjectId,
+                        hpicfEntityDescr,
+                        hpicfEntityTimestamp,
+                        hpicfSlotMapSlot,
+                        hpicfSlotMapEntity
+                      }
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A collection of objects for determining the
+                   contents of an ICF chassis device."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisGroups 1 }
+       hpicfSensorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+           OBJECTS    { hpicfSensorIndex,
+                        hpicfSensorObjectId,
+                        hpicfSensorNumber,
+                        hpicfSensorStatus,
+                        hpicfSensorWarnings,
+                        hpicfSensorFailures,
+                        hpicfSensorDescr
+                      }
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A collection of objects for monitoring the status
+                   of sensors in an ICF chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisGroups 2 }
+       hpicfChassisAddrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+           OBJECTS    { hpicfChasAddrEntity }
+           STATUS     deprecated
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********
+                   A collection of objects to allow a management
+                   station to determine which devices are in the same
+                   chassis."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisGroups 3 }
+       hpicfSensorNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+           NOTIFICATIONS { hpicfSensorTrap }
+           STATUS     current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A collection of notifications used to indicate
+                   changes in the status of sensors."
+           ::= { hpicfChassisGroups 4 }
+       hpicfChasTempGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+           OBJECTS    { hpSystemAirName,
+                        hpSystemAirCurrentTemp,
+                        hpSystemAirMaxTemp,
+                        hpSystemAirMinTemp,
+                        hpSystemAirThresholdTemp,
+                        hpSystemAirOverTemp,
+                        hpSystemAirAvgTemp,
+                        hpSystemAirEntPhysicalIndex
+                      }
+           STATUS   current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A collection objects to give temperature details 
+                    of chassis"
+           ::= { hpicfChassisGroups 5 }
+      hpicfOpacityShieldsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+           OBJECTS    { hpicfFanTrayType ,
+                        hpicfOpacityShieldInstalled }
+           STATUS   current
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "A collection of objects for Opacity Shields 
+                    of chassis"
+           ::= { hpicfChassisGroups 6 }
+       END
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-OID.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-OID.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b003dacb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-OID.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,4408 @@
+            FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+	 LAST-UPDATED "201212060000Z" -- Dec 6, 2012
+         ORGANIZATION "HP Networking"
+         CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company
+                       8000 Foothills Blvd.
+                       Roseville, CA 95747"
+         DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module describes devices in the HP 
+                      Integrated Communication Facility product 
+                      line."
+    	 REVISION      "201405151300Z" -- May 5, 2014, NON-OFFICIAL VERSION
+         DESCRIPTION   "Customized/patched version, not an official release by HP.
+                        Modified for netdisco-mibs by Jeroen van Ingen"
+    	 REVISION      "201212060000Z" -- Dec 6, 2012
+         DESCRIPTION   "Mib Description Issue fixes."
+         REVISION      "201208210000Z" -- August 21, 2012
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added unique stacking definitions for 
+                        2920 stackable switch series."
+         REVISION     "201204020000Z" -- April 2, 2012
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added the following to support E2530 switches:
+                       J9772A HP 2530-48G-PoE+ Switch,
+                       J9773A HP 2530-24G-PoE+ Switch,
+                       J9774A HP 2530-8G-PoE+ Switch,
+                       J9775A HP 2530-48G Switch,
+                       J9776A HP 2530-24G Switch,
+                       J9777A HP 2530-8G Switch,
+                       J9778A HP 2530-48-PoE+ Switch,
+                       J9779A HP 2530-24-PoE+ Switch,
+                       J9780A HP 2530-8-PoE+ Switch,
+                       J9781A HP 2530-48 Switch,
+                       J9782A HP 2530-24 Switch,
+                       J9783A HP 2530-8 Switch"
+         REVISION      "201203220000Z" -- March 22, 2012
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added the Jnumbers J9737A, J9738A, J9739A
+                       for 2920 stackable switch series."
+         REVISION      "201107030000Z" -- July 3, 2011
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added hpicfIpv6RAGuard MIB for
+                       raGuard."
+         REVISION      "201103030000Z" -- March 3, 2011
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added hpicfTransceiverMIB for
+                       transceivers."
+         REVISION      "201009061632Z" -- Sep 06, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added hpicfTcp MIB."
+         REVISION     "201008040000Z" -- Aug 04, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSwitchModuleJ9637A."
+         REVISION      "201007220000Z"  -- July 22, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added hpTunnelMIB for Tunnels." 
+         REVISION      "201006250000Z"  -- June 25, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION   "Added hpSwitchModuleJ9485A and hpSBMMIB for
+                        HP Survivable Branch Module."
+         REVISION     "201006220000Z" -- June 22, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfLoadBalanceMod for Load Balancing."
+         REVISION     "201005180000Z" -- May 18, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added the following fixed modules for stacking:
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9573, hpSwitchModuleJ9574x, 
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9574y, hpSwitchModuleJ9575,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9576x, hpSwitchModuleJ9576y,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9584, hpSwitchModuleJ9585,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9586x, hpSwitchModuleJ9586y,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9587, hpSwitchModuleJ9588x,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9588y."
+         REVISION     "201005170000Z" -- May 17, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added the following to support 2620 switches:
+                       J9626A HP 2620-48 ES3652BT-FLF-18 Switch,
+                       J9623A HP 2620-24 ES3628BT-FLF-18 Switch,
+                       J9627A HP 2620-48-PoE+ ES3652BT-HPoE-FLF-18 Switch,
+                       J9625A HP 2620-24-PoE+ ES3628BT-HPoE-FLF-18 Switch,
+                       J9624A HP 2620-24-PPoE+ ES3628BT-HPPoE-FLF-18 Switch"
+         REVISION     "201004220000Z" -- Apr 22, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added the following to support stacking:
+                       hpSwitchJ9573, hpSwitchJ9574, hpSwitchJ9575, 
+                       hpSwitchJ9576, hpSwitchJ9584, hpSwitchJ9585, 
+                       hpSwitchJ9586, hpSwitchJ9587, hpSwitchJ9588.
+                       Also added hpStack, hpSwitchJ9580PowerSupply,
+                       hpSwitchJ9581PowerSupply, hpSwitchJ9582FanTray."
+         REVISION     "201004110000Z" -- Apr 11, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpEntityPowerMIB"
+         REVISION     "201003220000Z" -- Mar 22, 2010
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpStackMIB"
+         REVISION     "200910160000Z" -- Oct 16, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added 8-port PoE 10/100/1000 and 10/100
+                       switches:  2915-8G-PoE (J9562A) and 2615-8-PoE (J9565A)."
+         REVISION     "200909250000Z" -- Sep 25, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added the following:
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9534A, hpSwitchModuleJ9535A, 
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9536A, hpSwitchModuleJ9537A,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9538A, hpSwitchModuleJ9546A,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9547A, hpSwitchModuleJ9548A,
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9549A, hpSwitchModuleJ9550A,
+                       hpSwitchAdvServicesModule, 
+                       hpSwitchExtServicesModule, 
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9485A."
+         REVISION     "200909240000Z" -- Sep 24, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfDebugLog"
+         REVISION     "200909090000Z" -- Sep 09, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added 2640-8-POE (J93xxA) and 2640G-8-POE (J93yyA)
+                       8-port PoE 10/100 and 10/100/1000 switches"
+         REVISION     "200907080000Z" -- Jul 08, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSwitchModuleJ9312A"
+         REVISION     "200906230000Z" -- Jun 23, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSwitchJ9091B"
+         REVISION     "200904080000Z" -- Apr 08, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSwitchModuleJ9477A, hpSwitchJ9310A
+                       and hpSwitchJ9311A"
+         REVISION     "200902170000Z" -- Feb 17, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for 3500 10/100 family"
+         REVISION     "200902040000Z" -- Feb 4, 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSwitchModuleJ9307A, hpSwitchModuleJ9308A
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ9478A and hpSwitchModuleJ9309A"
+         REVISION     "200902020000Z" -- Feb 02. 2009
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for 1810-8(J9449A) and 1810-24(J9450A)"
+         REVISION     "200812150001Z" -- Dec 15, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpSwitchImage"
+         REVISION     "200812150000Z" -- Dec 15, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfOobmMIB"
+         REVISION     "200810300000Z" -- Oct 30, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfSysMgmt and hpicfSecurityDevice"
+         REVISION     "200810240000Z" -- Oct 24, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfDhcpClient"
+         REVISION     "200810210000Z" -- Oct 21, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Updated official name for 2910al family"
+         REVISION     "200810020000Z" -- Oct 2, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added 2520G-24-PoE(J9299A) and 2520G-8-PoE(J9298A)"
+         REVISION     "200808060000Z" -- Aug 6, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added 2520-24-PoE(J9138A) and 2520-8-PoE(J9137A)"
+         REVISION     "200805120000Z" -- May 12, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added 1800-24G-B(J9028B) and changed 2510-24-B(J9019B)"
+         REVISION     "200803100000Z"  -- Mar 10, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfSyslog "
+         REVISION     "200803060000Z"  -- Mar 6, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added 2510G-24 (J9279A) and 2510G-48 (J9280A)"
+         REVISION     "200802150000Z"  -- Feb 15, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for 2910"
+         REVISION     "200802041525Z"  -- February 04, 2008
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for transceivers."
+         REVISION     "200710230001Z"  -- Oct 23, 2007
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for 2510B"
+         REVISION     "200710230000Z"  -- Oct 23, 2007
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for 2626C and 2650C"
+         REVISION     "200705210000Z"  -- May 21, 2007 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Revised definitions for J8766A and 
+                       J8988A devices."
+         REVISION     "200704300000Z"  -- April 30, 2007 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for all 2610 products."
+         REVISION     "200704170000Z"  -- April 17, 2006 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfProviderBridge node and branch."
+         REVISION     "200610310000Z"  -- October 31, 2006 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfCommonSecurity node and branch."
+         REVISION     "200609251200Z"  -- Sept 25, 2006 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Cleaned up definition of J8715 Chassis."
+         REVISION     "200609081200Z"  -- Sept 8, 2006 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for ESP blades."
+         REVISION     "200608221200Z"  -- Aug 22, 2006 
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for hpicfL3MacConfigMIB."
+         REVISION     "200608040000Z"  -- August 04, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for hpicfInstMonMIB."
+         REVISION     "200607271200Z"  -- July 27, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for J9032A, J9031A, 
+                      J8768A, J8765B, J9033A, J9036A, J9037A, 
+                      J8766A and J8988A devices."
+         REVISION     "200607260000Z"  -- July 26, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for J9049A and J9050A switch."
+         REVISION     "200606300000Z"  -- June 30, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for J9038A device."
+         REVISION     "200606051233Z"  -- June 05, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for hpicfDhcpSnoopMIB."
+         REVISION     "200605171233Z"  -- May 17, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for hpSwitchAuthorizationMIB."
+         REVISION     "200603201627Z" -- Mar. 20, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for J9028A and J9029A switch"
+         REVISION     "200601101853Z"  -- Jan.  10, 2006
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition J8726A device."
+         REVISION     "200508041619Z"  -- August 4, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for hpSwitchAuthenticationMIB,
+                      hpSwitchAccountingMIB, hpicfXrrpMIB, hpicfUsrAuthMIB,
+                      hpicfPimMIB, hpicfUdpFwd,
+                      hpicfConnectionRateFilter, hpicfDot1xMIB,
+                      hpicfVrrpMIB."
+         REVISION     "200506081244Z"  -- June 8, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for hpicFrabric."
+         REVISION     "200505202123Z"  -- May  20, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions J9001 and J9003 devices."
+         REVISION     "200503221926Z"  -- March  22, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions J8771A and J8772A devices."
+         REVISION     "200503081530Z"  -- March  08, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for hpSwitchModuleJ8762A,
+                      hpSwitch2600n8PPortSlot, updated definition 
+                      for J8474A, updated hpSwitchJ8433A,
+                      updated hpSwitchJ8474A, and updated 
+                      hpSwitchModuleJ8433A."
+         REVISION     "200502250041Z"  -- February 24, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for hpicfRateLimitMIB and
+                       J8680A router."
+         REVISION     "200501111745Z"  -- January 11, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for J8770A, J8773A, J8765A,
+                       J8764A, J8776A, and J8763A products."
+         REVISION     "200501102043Z"  -- January 10, 2005
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for J8697A, J8698A products."
+         REVISION     "200409102043Z"  -- September 10, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for more WAN products."
+         REVISION     "200409021030Z"  -- September 02, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for hpSwitchModuleJ4905A, 
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ4906A, hpSwitchModuleJ8433A, 
+                       hpSwitchModuleJ8474A, and hpicfJumboMIB."
+         REVISION     "200408091030Z"  -- August 09, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added HP 6400cl-6XG and 6410cl-6XG."
+         REVISION     "200407282043Z"  -- July 28, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for J8718A and J8719A."
+         REVISION     "200403310051Z"  -- March 31, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for 10Gig SR, LR, and ER."
+         REVISION     "200403310050Z"  -- March 31, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added HP 2650-CR and 2626-CR Switch 
+                       definitions."
+         REVISION     "200402122115Z"  -- February 12, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for 10Gig CX4, 
+                       ESP port and WAN Products"
+         REVISION     "200401201855Z"  -- January 20, 2004
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for J8161A, J4907A, J8162A,
+                       J4820B, J4821B, and J4878B."
+         REVISION     "200312291705Z"  -- December 29, 2003
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for J4905A and J4906A Switch 
+                       definitions."
+         REVISION     "200306091617Z"  -- June 9, 2003
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for wireless products."
+         REVISION     "200304101118Z"  -- April 10, 2003
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added HP 2650-PWR and 2626-PWR Switch 
+                       definitions."
+         REVISION     "200302041716Z"  -- February 04, 2003
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added  Transceiver cards for HP Switch 2824."
+         REVISION     "200301281510Z"  -- January 28, 2003
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added HP 2626 Switch definitions."
+         REVISION     "200301211633Z"  -- January 21, 2003
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added Proliant Switch Object to hpEtherSwitch."
+         REVISION     "200204060100Z"  -- April 5, 2002
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added new HP Switch definitions"
+         REVISION     "200011032225Z"  -- November 3, 2000
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added new HP Switch definitions"
+         REVISION     "9909030004Z"  -- September 3, 1999
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definition for HP Routing 
+                      Switch products."
+         REVISION     "9809240004Z"  -- September 24, 1998
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for 100Mbit and 10/100
+                      hub products, and definitions for the
+                      HP switch products."
+         REVISION     "9710210242Z"  -- October 21, 1997
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for new hub products
+                      (10Base-T Hub-12M, 10Base-T Hub-24M, and
+                      10Base-T Hub-16M) and Switch 2000 ATM module.
+                      Added branch for the Fault Finder MIB."
+         REVISION     "9703060342Z"  -- March 6, 1997
+         DESCRIPTION  "Added definitions for new switch products
+                      (208/224), 100T hub (J3233A).  Added missing
+                      include of OBJECT-IDENTITY."
+         REVISION     "9609132303Z"  -- September 13, 1996
+         DESCRIPTION  "Initial revision.  Split from the former
+                      monolithic hpicf MIB."
+         ::= { nm 14 }
+    hp                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 11 }
+    nm                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hp 2 }
+    -- Branches under the icf node.  Most of these
+    -- branches are defined in other modules.
+    icfCommon         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 1 }
+    icfHub            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 2 }
+    icfBridge         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 3 }
+    icfSecurity       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 4 }
+    icfConfig         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 5 }
+    icfEsSwitch       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 6 }
+    hpEs              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfEsSwitch 1 }
+    hpEs2             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfEsSwitch 2 }
+    hpNetSwitch       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfEsSwitch 3 }
+    icfRouter         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 7 }
+    icfDot12Draft     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 8 }
+    icfVgRepeater     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfDot12Draft 1 }
+    icfVgInterface    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfDot12Draft 2 }
+    hpEntityMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 9 }
+    hpicfAdmin        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 10 }
+    hpicfObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 11 }
+    hpicfNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 12 }
+    hpicfOEMs         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 13 }
+    hpicfFEHub        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfOEMs 1 }
+    hpicfSyslog       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icf 14 }
+    -- HP defined transport domains
+    hpicfDomains      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAdmin 1 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The SNMP over 802.2 transport domain."
+        ::= { hpicfDomains 1 }
+    -- Placeholder for registering object modules.  Note that the
+    -- definitions for each module are declared beneath these
+    -- branches.
+    hpicfObjectModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAdmin 2 }
+    icfSecurityMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 1 }
+    hpicfChainMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 2 }
+    hpicfChassisMib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 3 }
+    hpicfDownloadMib  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 4 }
+    hpicfBasicMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 5 }
+    hpicfStackMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 6 }
+    hpicfLinkTestMib  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 7 }
+    hpicfGenRptrMib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 8 }
+    hpicf8023RptrMib  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 9 }
+    icfVgRepeaterMib  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 10 }
+    hpicfVgRptrMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 11 }
+    hpicfFaultFinderMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 12 }
+    hpicfJumboMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 13 }
+    hpicfRateLimitMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 14 }
+    -- Placeholder for registering agent capabilities modules
+    hpicfAgentModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAdmin 3 }
+       -- Placeholders for branches allocated to agent capabilities
+       -- modules
+   hpicfETwistHubAgentsMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAgentModules 1 }
+   hpicfETwistBridgeAgentsMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAgentModules 2 }
+   hpicfAdvStk8023AgentsMib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAgentModules 3 }
+   hpicfAdvStkVGAgentsMib     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAgentModules 4 }
+   -- Placeholder for the HP ICF Textual Conventions module
+   hpicfTextualConventions    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfAdmin 4 }
+    -- Placeholders for branches allocated to other MIB modules
+    -- under the hpicfObjects node
+    hpicfCommon       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 1 }
+    hpicfRepeater     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 2 }
+    hpicfVg           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 3 }
+    hpicfGenericRepeater OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 4 }
+    hpicfSwitch       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 5 }
+    hpicfAccess       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 6 }
+    hpicfWAN          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 7 }
+    hpicfFabric       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 8 }
+    hpicfSecurityDevice  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 9 }
+    hpicfSysMgmt      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjects 10 }
+    -- Branches under the hpicfSwitch node
+    hpSwitch          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSwitch 1 }
+    -- Branches under the hpSwitch node
+    hpOpSystem                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 1 }
+    hpHwSystem                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 2 }
+    hpVLAN                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 3 }
+    hpConfig                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 7 }
+    hpSwitchStatistics        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 9 }
+    hpSwitchVirtualStackMib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 10 }
+    hpicfDhcpRelay            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 11 }
+    hpicfBridge               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 12 }
+    hpicfRip                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 13 }
+    hpicfOspf                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 14 }
+    hpicfIpRouting            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 15 }
+    hpSwitchAuthenticationMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 16 }
+    hpSwitchAccountingMIB     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 17 }
+    hpicfXrrpMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 18 }
+    hpicfUsrAuthMIB           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 19 }
+    hpicfPimMIB               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 20 }
+    hpicfMstpMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 21 }    
+    hpicfUdpFwd               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 23 }
+    hpicfConnectionRateFilter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 24 }
+    hpicfDot1xMIB             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 25 }
+    hpicfLldpMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 30 }
+    hpicfVrrpMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 31 }
+    hpSwitchAuthorizationMIB  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 32 }
+    hpicfUdldMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 33 }
+    hpicfIpDhcpSnoop          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 34 }
+    hpicfInstMonMIB           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 35 }
+    hpicfL3MacConfigMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 36 }
+    hpicfArpProtect           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 37 }
+    hpicfSnmpMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 38 }
+    hpicfIpLockdown           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 39 }    
+    hpicfProviderBridge       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 40 }
+    hpicfGppcMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 41 }
+    hpicfAutorun              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 42 }
+    hpicfBgpv4                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 43 }
+    hpicfOspfv3MIB            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 44 }
+    hpicfInstMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 45 }
+    hpicfFtrCo                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 46 }
+    hpicfIpPolicyMIB          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 47 }
+    hpicfMldMIB               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 48 }
+    hpicfDhcpv6Relay          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 50 }
+    hpicfScriptMIB            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 51 }
+    hpicfUSBPortMIB           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 53 }  
+    hpicfFanMIB               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 54 }
+    hpicfPsMIB                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 55 }
+    hpicfSavepowerMIB         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 56 }
+    hpicfDhcpClient           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 57 }
+    hpicfOobmMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 58 }
+    hpSwitchImage             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 59 }
+    hpicfDosFilterMib         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 60 }
+    hpicfGppcv2MIB            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 61 }
+    hpicfZoneMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 62 }
+    hpicfIgmpMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 63 }
+    hpicfDebugLog             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 64 }
+    hpicfMacNotifyMIB         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 66 }
+    hpicfGenericVlanMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 67 }
+    hpSwitchErrorMsgMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 68 }
+    hpStackMIB                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 69 }
+    hpicfLayer3VlanConfigMIB  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 70 }
+    hpEntityPowerMIB          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 71 }
+    hpicfTrafficTemplateMIB   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 72 }
+    hpicfDcbxMIB              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 73 }
+    hpicfUfdMIB               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 74 }
+    hpSBMMIB                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 75 }
+    hpicfLoadBalanceMod       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 76 }
+    hpTunnelMIB               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 77 }    
+    hpSwitchFipSnoopingMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 78 }
+    hpicfTcpMib		      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 79 }
+    hpicfTransceiverMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 82 }
+    hpicfSvcsAppMIB           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 86 }
+    hpicfIpv6RAGuard          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 87 }
+    hpicfRpvstMIB             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 88 }
+    hpicfOpenFlowMIB          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 89 }
+    hpicfVrrpv3MIB            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 90 }
+    hpicfSflowMIB             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 92 }
+    hpicfMstpExtnMIB          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 94 }
+    hpicfMadMIB               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 95 }
+    hpicfSmartLinkMIB         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 96 }
+    hpicfServiceTunnel        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 100 }
+    hpSwitchTrapMib           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 104 }
+    hpicfJobSchedulerMIB      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 105 }
+    -- Branches under the hpicfCommon node
+    hpicfChain        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 1 }
+    hpicfChassis      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 2 }
+    hpicfDownload     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 3 }
+    hpicfBasic        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 4 }
+    hpicfStack        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 5 }
+    hpicfLinktest     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 6 }
+    hpicfFaultFinder  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 7 }
+    hpicfPOE          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 9 }
+    hpicfCommonSecurity    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 12 }
+    hpicfSrcIpMIB     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 13 }
+    hpicfCoreDumpMIB     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 14 }
+    -- Branches for registering HP ICF notifications
+    hpicfCommonTraps  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfNotifications 1 }
+    hpicfCommonTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommonTraps 0 }
+    hpicf8023RptrTraps
+                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfNotifications 2 }
+    hpicf8023RptrTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrTraps 0 }
+    hpicfVgRptrTraps  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfNotifications 3 }
+    hpicfVgRptrTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfVgRptrTraps 0 }
+    hpicfGenRptrTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfNotifications 4 }
+    hpicfGenRptrTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenRptrTraps 0 }
+    hpicfRateLimitTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfNotifications 5 }
+    hpicfRateLimitTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRateLimitTraps 0 }
+    hpicfSecLoggingTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfNotifications 6 }
+    hpicfSecLoggingTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSecLoggingTraps 0 }
+    -- HP ICF Device Identifiers
+    hpSystem          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nm 3 }
+    netElement        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSystem 7 }
+    -- Bridges
+    bridge            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netElement 1 }
+    bridge1010 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the 
+                    HP 28673A 10:10 LAN Bridge."
+        ::= { bridge 1 }
+    bridgeRemote OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 28674A/B Remote Bridge."
+        ::= { bridge 2 }
+    eswitch OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2418A EtherTwist LAN Switch."
+        ::= { bridge 3 }
+    eswitch2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2980A AdvanceStack LAN Switch-16."
+        ::= { bridge 8 }
+    netSwitch100 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3126A AdvanceStack Switch 100."
+        ::= { bridge 9 }
+    netSwitch200 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3125A AdvanceStack Switch 200."
+        ::= { bridge 10 }
+    -- Routers
+    router            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netElement 2 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27285A Router ER."
+        ::= { router 1 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27286A Router TR."
+        ::= { router 2 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27288A Router SR."
+        ::= { router 3 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27289A Router FR."
+        ::= { router 4 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP Router LR."
+        ::= { router 5 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27290A Router BR."
+        ::= { router 6 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2540A Router PR."
+        ::= { router 7 }
+    icfRouter650 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2430A AdvanceStack Router 650."
+        ::= { router 8 }
+    icfRouter230 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2540B Router 230."
+        ::= { router 9 }
+    icfRouter250 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27289B Router 250."
+        ::= { router 10 }
+    icfRouter255 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2543A Router 255."
+        ::= { router 11 }
+    icfRouter210 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2628A AdvanceStack Router 210."
+        ::= { router 12 }
+    -- Cards for the Router 650
+    icfRouter650Engine OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the routing
+                    engine card for the HP J2430A AdvanceStack
+                    Router 650."
+        ::= { icfRouter650 2 }
+    icfRouter650Port4E OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2435A AdvanceStack Router 4E Port Module."
+        ::= { icfRouter650 3 }
+    icfRouter650Port4S OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2434A AdvanceStack Router 4S Port Module."
+        ::= { icfRouter650 4 }
+    icfRouter650Port4T OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2437A AdvanceStack Router 4T Port Module."
+        ::= { icfRouter650 5 }
+    icfRouter650PortFDDI OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2436A AdvanceStack Router FDDI Port Module."
+        ::= { icfRouter650 6 }
+    icfRouter650Port100VG OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2438A AdvanceStack Router 100VG Port
+                    Module."
+        ::= { icfRouter650 7 }
+    -- Hubs
+    hub               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netElement 5 }
+    etherTwist12 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 27288A/B EtherTwist Hub PLUS."
+        ::= { hub 1 }
+    fiberOptic OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 28682A Fiber-Optic Hub PLUS."
+        ::= { hub 3 }
+    etherTwist48 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 28699A EtherTwist Hub PLUS/48."
+        ::= { hub 4 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP 28692A ThinLAN Hub PLUS."
+        ::= { hub 5 }
+    etherTwist24S OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2355A EtherTwist Secure Hub PLUS/24S"
+        ::= { hub 6 }
+    advStack12 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2600A AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-12"
+        ::= { hub 7 }
+    advStack24 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2601A/B AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-24."
+        ::= { hub 8 }
+    advStack48 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2602A/B AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-48."
+        ::= { hub 9 }
+    advStackVg15 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2410A AdvanceStack 100VG Hub-15."
+        ::= { hub 10 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2610A AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-8U."
+        ::= { hub 11 }
+    advStackU16 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2611A AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-16U."
+        ::= { hub 12 }
+    advStackVg6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2413A AdvanceStack 100VG Hub-7M."
+        ::= { hub 13 }
+    advStackVg12 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2415A AdvanceStack 100VG Hub-14."
+        ::= { hub 14 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3200A AdvanceStack 10BT Switching Hub-12R."
+        ::= { hub 15 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3202A AdvanceStack 10BT Switching Hub-24R."
+        ::= { hub 16 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3204A AdvanceStack 10BT Switching Hub-24T."
+        ::= { hub 17 }
+    hpAdvStk100Tx12TM OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3233A AdvanceStack 100B-TX Hub-12TM w/MGMT."
+        ::= { hub 18 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3188A 10Base-T Hub-16M."
+        ::= { hub 19}
+    hp10BaseTHub12M OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3301A 10Base-T Hub-12M"
+        ::= { hub 20 }
+    hp10BaseTHub24M OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3303A 10Base-T Hub-24M"
+        ::= { hub 21 }
+    hpProCurve10T100THub12M OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3288A 100Base-T Hub 12M"
+        ::= { hub 22 }
+    hpProCurve10T100THub24M OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3289A 100Base-T Hub 24M"
+        ::= { hub 23 }
+    -- Entity MIB OIDs
+    chassis           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netElement 8 }
+    repeaterAgent OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2603A/B AdvanceStack Ethernet SNMP module."
+        ::= { chassis 1 }
+    chassisAgents     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 2 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2414A AdvanceStack 100VG/ET SNMP/Bridge
+                    Module."
+        ::= { chassisAgents 1 }
+    icfVgAgent2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J2414B AdvanceStack 100VG/ET SNMP/Bridge
+                    Module."
+        ::= { chassisAgents 3 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HPJ3133A AdvanceStack 8U/16U SNMP Module."
+        ::= { chassisAgents 4 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHAgent OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HPJ3210A AdvanceStack 10BT Switching Hub
+                    Management Module."
+        ::= { chassisAgents 5 }
+    hpAdvStkSwStackTopMgmt OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HPJ3179A AdvanceStack Switch StackTop Management
+                    Module."
+        ::= { chassisAgents 6 }
+    hpSwitch8000CpuCard OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4110A Switch 8000M and HP J4121A Switch
+                    4000M CPU card."
+        ::= { chassisAgents 7 }
+    icfSensors        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 3 }
+    icfPowerSupplySensor OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Identifier for a power supply sensor type."
+        ::= { icfSensors 1 }
+    icfFanSensor OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Identifier for a fan sensor type."
+        ::= { icfSensors 2 }
+    icfTemperatureSensor OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Identifier for a temperature sensor type."
+        ::= { icfSensors 3 }
+    icfFutureSlotSensor OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Identifier for a FutureSlot sensor type."
+        ::= { icfSensors 4 }
+    icfCards          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 4 }
+    icfUnidentifiedCard OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate that a module is installed in
+                    a slot in a chassis, but the agent is unable to
+                    identify it."
+        ::= { icfCards 1 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHSwitch OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3212A AdvanceStack 10BT Switching Hub Switch
+                    Module."
+        ::= { icfCards 2 }
+    hpAdvStkSwStackExpander OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HPJ3180A AdvanceStack Switch Stack Expander
+                    Module."
+        ::= { icfCards 3 }
+    hpicfStacks       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 5 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHStack OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a stack of
+                    HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Switching Hubs."
+        ::= { hpicfStacks 1 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the HP
+                     stack. The stack can have the devices like
+                     hpSwitchJ9573, hpSwitchJ9574, hpSwitchJ9575,
+                     hpSwitchJ9576, hpSwitchJ9584, hpSwitchJ9585,
+                     hpSwitchJ9586, hpSwitchJ9587, hpSwitchJ9588."
+        ::= { hpicfStacks 2 }
+    hpStack2920 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the HP
+                     stack of 2920 series switches. The stack can
+                     include devices like
+                     hpSwitchJ9726, hpSwitchJ9727, hpSwitchJ9728,
+                     hpSwitchJ9729."
+        ::= { hpicfStacks 3 }
+    hpicfBackplanes   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 6 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an inter-box
+                    repeater segment in a stack of HP AdvanceStack
+                    10Base-T Switching Hubs."
+        ::= { hpicfBackplanes 1 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a repeater
+                    segment that is internal to a single box in
+                    a stack of HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Switching
+                    Hubs."
+        ::= { hpicfBackplanes 2 }
+    hp10BaseTHubSeg OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a repeater
+                    segment in an HP 10Base-T Hub-12M or HP
+                    10Base-T Hub-24M."
+        ::= { hpicfBackplanes 3 }
+    hpSwitchBackplane OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an HP Switch
+                    backplane."
+        ::= { hpicfBackplanes 4 }
+    hp100BaseTHubSeg OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a repeater
+                    segment in an HP 100Base-T Hub 12M
+                    or HP 100Base-T Hub 24M."
+        ::= { hpicfBackplanes 5 }
+    hpicfSlots        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 7 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHAgentSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the Management
+                    Slot in an HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Switching
+                    Hub."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 1 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the Expansion
+                    Slot in an HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Switching
+                    Hub."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 2 }
+    hpAdvStkSwStackMgmtSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    Management/Stacking Slot in an HP AdvanceStack
+                    Switch 208 or Switch 224."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 3 }
+    hpAdvStkSwStackExpSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    Expansion Slot in an HP AdvanceStack Switch 208
+                    or Switch 224."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 4 }
+    hpSwitch8000PowerSupplyBay OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    power supply bay in an HP Switch 8000 or
+                    HP Switch 4000."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 5 }
+    hpSwitch8000CpuSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the CPU
+                    slot in an HP Switch 8000 or HP Switch 4000."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 6 }
+    hpSwitch8000PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP Switch 8000, HP Switch
+                    4000, HP Switch 1600, or HP Switch 2400/2424."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 7 }
+    hpSwitch2524PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP Switch 2524, HP Switch
+                    2512, or HP Network Blade."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 8 }
+    hpSwitch5308PowerSupplyBay OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    power supply bay in an HP 5308XL Switch or
+                    HP 5304XL Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 9 }
+    hpSwitch5308PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 5308XL Switch, HP 
+                    5304XL Switch, HP 3324XL Switch, or HP 3124XL Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 10 }
+    hpSwitch4865PowerSupplyBay OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    power supply bay in an HP 4108GL Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 11 }
+    hpSwitch4865PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 4108GL Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 12 }
+    hpSwitch2650PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2650 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 13 }
+    hpSwitch6108PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 6108 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 14 }
+    hpSwitch2824PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2824 Switch or HP 2848 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 15 }
+    hpSwitch2626PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2626 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 16 }
+    hpSwitch2650PPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2650-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 17 }
+    hpSwitch2626PPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2626-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 18 }
+    hpSwitch3324PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+	STATUS      current
+	DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+		    module slot in an HP 3324 Switch or 
+                    HP 3348 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 19 }
+    hpSwitch2650CRPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2650-CR Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 20 }
+    hpSwitch2626CRPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2626-CR Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 21 }
+    hpSwitch2600n8PPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2600-8-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 22 }
+    hpSwitch869xPowerSupplyBay OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    power supply bay in an HP 5406 zl Switch Chassis
+                    or HP 5412 zl Switch Chassis."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 23 }
+    hpSwitch869xPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 5406 zl Switch Chassis, 
+                    HP 5412 zl Switch Chassis,HP E3800 Switch,
+                    HP 3500yl-24G-PWR Switch, HP 3500yl-48G-PWR Switch,
+                    and HP 6200yl-24G-mGBIC Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 24 }
+    hpSwitch2510PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2510-24 Switch  or
+                    HP 2510-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 25 }
+    hpSwitch2810PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2810-24G Switch  or
+                    HP 2810-48G Switch ."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 26 }
+    hpSwitch5400CpuCardBay OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    Management Module bay in a HP 54XXZL Switch or
+                    HP 8212ZL Switch ."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 27 }
+    hpSwitch8212FabricBay OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    Fabric bay in a HP 8212ZL Switch ."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 28 }
+    hpSwitch2610PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2610-24 Switch  or
+                    HP 2610-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 29 }
+    hpSwitch2610PPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2610-24-PWR Switch,
+                    HP 2610-48-PWR Switch  or HP 2610-24/12PWR
+                    Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 30 }
+    hpSwitch2510BPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2510B-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 31 }
+    hpSwitch2626CPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2626C Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 32 }
+    hpSwitch2650CPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2650C Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 33 }
+    hpSwitch2910PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2910al-24G Switch or
+		    HP 2910al-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 34 }
+    hpSwitch2510GPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2510G-24 Switch or
+                    HP 2510G-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 35 }
+    hpSwitch2520PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2520-24 Switch or
+                    HP 2520-8 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 36 }
+    hpSwitch2520GPortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2520G-24 Switch or
+                    HP 2520G-8 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 37 }
+    hpSwitch2615PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2615-8-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 38 }
+    hpSwitch2915PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2915-8G-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 39 }
+    hpSwitchJ9580PowerSupply  OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the 
+	             HP X312 1000W 100-240VAC to 54VDC PS."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 40 }
+    hpSwitchJ9581PowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the 
+	             HP X311 400W 100-240VAC to 12VDC PS."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 41 }
+    hpSwitchJ9582FanTray OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the 
+	             HP E3800 Switch Fan Tray."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 42 }
+    hpSwitch2620PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2620-24 Switch or
+		    HP 2620-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 43 }
+    hpSwitch2530PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+                    module slot in an HP 2530-8 Switch or
+                   HP 2530-48 Switch or HP 2530-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 45 }
+    hpSwitch2920StackingSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a stacking
+        module slot in an HP E2920-24 Switch or
+        HP E2920-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 46 }
+    hpSwitchJ9737APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	HP J9737A X332 1050W 100-240VAC to 54VDC Power Supply."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 47 }
+     hpSwitchJ9738APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	HP J9738A X332 575W 100-240VAC to 54VDC Power Supply."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 48 }
+    hpSwitchJ9739APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	HP J9739A X331 165W 100-240VAC to 12VDC Power Supply."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 49 }
+    hpSwitch2920PortSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a port
+        module slot in an HP E2920-24 Switch or
+        HP E2920-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 50 }
+    hpSwitch3800StackingSlot OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a stacking
+        module slot in an HP E3800 Switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 51 }
+    hpSwitchJ9828APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP 5400R 700W PoE+ zl2 Power Supply"
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 52 }
+    hpSwitchJ9829APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP 5400R 1100W PoE+ zl2 Power Supply"
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 53 }
+     hpSwitchJ9830APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP 5400R 2750W PoE+ zl2 Power Supply"
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 54 }
+      hpSwitchJ9831AFanTray OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP 5406R zl2 Switch Fan Tray."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 55 }
+      hpSwitchJ9832AFanTray OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP 5412R zl2 Switch Fan Tray."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 56 }
+    hpSwitchJ9805APowerSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP 640 External/Redundant Power Supply ."
+        ::= { hpicfSlots 57 }
+    hpSwitchJ9806APowerCable OBJECT-IDENTITY
+       STATUS      current
+       DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+       HP 640 EPS/RPS 1m Cable."
+       ::= { hpicfSlots 58 }
+    hpicfHubPorts     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 8 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHExtPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a repeater
+                     port which has an external connector on an HP
+                    AdvanceStack 10Base-T Switching Hub."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 1 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHIntPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a repeater
+                    port which does not have an external connector
+                    on an HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Switching Hub.
+                    This port may be used to connect to an interface
+                    on an expansion module."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 2 }
+    hpAdvStkEnetSHAgentPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an internal
+                    repeater port used to connect to an interface on
+                    a management module in an HP AdvanceStack
+                    10Base-T Switching Hub."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 3 }
+    hp10BaseTHubPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a repeater
+                    port which has an external connector on an HP
+                    10Base-T Hub-12M or an HP 10Base-T Hub-24M."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 4 }
+    hp10BaseTHubAgentPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an internal
+                    repeater port used to connect to an agent
+                    interface in an HP 10Base-T Hub-12M or an HP
+                    10Base-T Hub-24M."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 5 }
+    hp10T100THubPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a 10/100
+                    repeater port that has an external connector
+                    on an HP 100Base-T Hub."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 6 }
+    hp100BaseTHubAgentPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an internal
+                    100Mbit repeater port used to connect to an
+                    agent interface in an HP 100Base-T
+                    Hub."
+        ::= { hpicfHubPorts 7 }
+    hpicfEnetChipSets OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 9 }
+    hpicfEnetChipSetHydra OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP Hydra 4-interface Ethernet LAN controller."
+        ::= { hpicfEnetChipSets 1 }
+    hpicfEnetChipSetGT48001 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    GT48001 8-interface switch chip."
+        ::= { hpicfEnetChipSets 2 }
+    hpicfEnetChipSetPentagon OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP Pentagon ASIC."
+        ::= { hpicfEnetChipSets 3 }
+    hpicfSwitchPorts  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 10 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10T100TX OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX autonegotiating port
+                    on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 1 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort100FX  OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 100BASE-FX port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 2 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10FL OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10BASE-FL port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 3 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000SX OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-SX port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 4 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10T OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10BASE-T port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 5 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000LX OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-LX port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 6 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000T OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-T port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 7 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000Stk OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-Stk port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 8 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000LH OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-LH port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 9 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseCX4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CX4 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 10 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000ESP OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an internal
+                     ESP Blade port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 11 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseSR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-SR port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 12 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseER OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-ER port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 13 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseLR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-LR port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 14 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort100GEN OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                     generic 100BASE port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 15 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000GEN OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                     generic 1000BASE port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 16 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseGEN OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+                    generic 10Gig port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 17 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort100BXD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                     802.3 100BASE-BX downstream port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 18 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort100BXU OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                     802.3 100BASE-BX upstream port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 19 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000BXD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                     802.3 1000BASE-BX downstream port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 20 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000BXU OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                     802.3 1000BASE-BX upstream port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 21 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseLRM OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-LRM port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 22 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusSR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-SR SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 23 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusLR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-LR SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 24 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusLRM OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-LRM SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 25 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDAC OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 26 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA1 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            1 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 27 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            2 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 28 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA3 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            3 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 29 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA5 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            5 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 30 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA7 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            7 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 31 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA10 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            10 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 32 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA15 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            15 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 33 }
+    hpicfSwitchPortSFPplusDA20 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            20 meter 10 GIG DAC SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 34 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseT OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            10 GIG T port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 35 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseTSH OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            10 GIG TSH port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 36 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseTLH OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            10 GIG TLH port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 37 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigBaseSTK OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for a
+	            10 GIG stacking port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 38 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1470 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1470 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 39 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1490 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1490 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 40 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1510 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1510 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 41 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1530 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1530 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 42 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1550 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1550 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 43 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1570 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1570 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 44 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1590 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1590 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 45 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort1000CWDM1610 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 1000BASE-CWDM1610 port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 46 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1470 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1470 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 47 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1490 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1490 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 48 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1510 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1510 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 49 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1530 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1530 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 50 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1550 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1550 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 51 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1570 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1570 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 52 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1590 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1590 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 53 }
+    hpicfSwitchPort10GigCWDM1611 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for an IEEE
+                    802.3 10GIGBASE-CWDM1611 SFP+ port on an HP switch."
+        ::= { hpicfSwitchPorts 54 }
+    -- Temporary assignments for IEEE 802.3 MAU types.  These are only used
+    -- for MAUs that are not yet defined in the standard MAU MIB at the
+    -- time products are released.  They are deprecated when the standard
+    -- MAU MIB is updated to include a standard identifier for the MAU.
+    -- These are also used for proprietary connectors, like stacking
+    -- connectors.
+    hpicfMAUTypes     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chassis 11 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseSXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 X fiber over short-wavelength
+                    laser PMD (clause 38), half-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 1 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseSXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 X fiber over short-wavelength
+                    laser PMD (clause 38), full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 2 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseLXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 X fiber over long-wavelength
+                    laser PMD (clause 38), half-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 3 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseLXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 X fiber over long-wavelength
+                    laser PMD (clause 38), full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 4 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseTHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 four-pair Category 5 UTP
+                    PHY (clause 40), half-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 5 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseTFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 four-pair Category 5 UTP
+                    PHY (clause 40), full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 6 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseStkHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 X copper, half-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 7 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseStkFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.3 X copper, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 8 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseLHFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary Long Haul, Fiber full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 9 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseEspPCS OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary internal, PCS port."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 10 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseEspG OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary internal, GMII port."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 11 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseCX4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CX4, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 12 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseSR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig SR, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 13 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseER OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig ER, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 14 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseLR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig LR, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 15 }
+    hpicfMauType100BaseGEN OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 100Base Generic, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 16 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseGEN OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000Base Generic, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 17 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseGEN OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig Generic, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 18 }
+    hpicfMauType100BaseBXD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 100Base BX downstream, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 19 }
+    hpicfMauType100BaseBXU OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 100Base BX upstream, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 20 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseBXD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000Base BX downstream, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 21 }
+    hpicfMauType1000BaseBXU OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000Base BX upstream, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 22 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseLRM OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig LRM, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 23 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusSR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig SR SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 24 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusLR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig LR SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 25 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig LRM SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 26 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 27 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA1 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 28 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 2 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 29 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA3 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 3 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 30 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA5 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 5 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 31 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA7 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 7 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 32 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA10 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 33 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA15 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 15 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 34 }
+    hpicfMauTypeSFPplusDA20 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 20 meter 10Gig DAC SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 35 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseT OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig T, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 36 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseTSH OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig TSH, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 37 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseTLH OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig TLH, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 38 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseSTK OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig STK, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 39 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1470 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1470 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 40 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1490 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1490 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 41 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1510 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1510 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 42 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1530 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1530 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 43 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1550 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1550 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 44 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1570 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1570 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 45 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1590 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1590 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 46 }
+    hpicfMauType1000CWDM1610 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 1000CWDM1610 SFP, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 47 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1470 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1470 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 48 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1490 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1490 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 49 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1510 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1510 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 50 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1530 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1530 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 51 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1550 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1550 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 52 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1570 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1570 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 53 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1590 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1590 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 54 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigCWDM1610 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary 10Gig CWDM1610 SFP+, full-duplex."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 55 }
+    hpicfMauType10GigBaseESP OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Proprietary internal, 10Gig port."
+        ::= { hpicfMAUTypes 56 }
+    -- Ethernet switches
+    hpEtherSwitch     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netElement 11 }
+    -- Entity MIB support for older switches
+    hpEtherSwitchPortType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpEtherSwitch 99 }
+    hpEtherSwitchPort10T   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpEtherSwitchPortType 1 }
+    hpEtherSwitchPort100T  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpEtherSwitchPortType 2 }
+    hpEtherSwitchPort100VG OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpEtherSwitchPortType 3 }
+    hpEtherSwitchPort100F  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpEtherSwitchPortType 4 }
+    hpAdvSwitch2000 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3100A AdvanceStack Switch 2000."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 1 }
+    hpAdvSwitch2000B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3100B AdvanceStack Switch 2000B."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 2 }
+    hpAdvSwitch800T OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3245A AdvanceStack Switch 800T."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 3 }
+    hpAdvSwitch200   OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3175A AdvanceStack Switch 208T and
+                    HP J3177A AdvanceStack Switch 224T."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch  4 }
+    -- Different types of Switch 200s (desktop switches)
+    hpAdvSwitch208T       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpAdvSwitch200 1 }
+    hpAdvSwitch208VG      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpAdvSwitch200 2 }
+    hpAdvSwitch224T       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpAdvSwitch200 3 }
+    hpAdvSwitch224VG      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpAdvSwitch200 4 }
+    hpSwitch212M OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J3298A HP 212M  Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 5 }
+    hpSwitch224M OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J3299A HP 224M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 6 }
+    hpSwitch8000 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4110A HP 8000M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 7 }
+    hpSwitch1600 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4120A HP 1600M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 8 }
+    hpSwitch4000 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4121A HP 4000M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 9 }
+    hpSwitch2400 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4122A HP 2400M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 10 }
+    hpSwitch2424 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4122B HP 2424M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 11 }
+    hpSwitch9308 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4138A HP 9308M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 13 }
+    hpSwitch9304 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4139A HP 9304M Routing Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 14 }
+    hpSwitch6308 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4840A HP 6308M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 15 }
+    hpSwitch6208 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4841A HP 6208M Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 16 }
+    hpSwitchJ4819A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4819A HP 5308XL Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 17 }
+    hpSwitchJ4812A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4812A HP 2512 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 18 }
+    hpSwitchJ4813A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4813A HP 2524 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 19 }
+    hpSwitchJ4850A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4850A HP 5304XL Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 20 }
+    hpSwitchJ4815A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4815A HP 3324XL Switch."        
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 21 }
+    hpSwitchJ4851A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4851A HP 3124 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 22 }
+    hpSwitchJ4865A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4865A HP 4108GL Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 23 }
+    hpSwitchA6713A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP A6713A Network Blade."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 24 }
+    hpSwitchA6716A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP A6716A Network Blade."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 25 }
+    hpSwitchA6717A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP A6717A Network Blade."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 26 }
+    hpSwitchJ4887A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4887A HP 4104GL Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 27 }
+    hpSwitchJ4874A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4874A HP 9315 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 28 }
+    hpSwitchJ4899A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4899A HP 2650 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 29 }
+    hpSwitchJ4902A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4902A HP 6108 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 30 }
+    hpSwitchJ4903A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4903A HP 2824 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 31 }
+    hpSwitchJ4904A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4904A HP 2848 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 32 }
+    hpSwitchProliant OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP Proliant Series Switches."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 33 }
+    hpSwitchJ4900A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4900A HP 2626 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 34 }
+    hpSwitchJ8165A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J8165A HP 2650-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 35 }
+    hpSwitchJ8164A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8164A HP 2626-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 36 }
+    hpSwitchJ8130A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8130A Wireless Access Point AP420WL."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 37 }
+    hpSwitchJ8133A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8133A Wireless Access Point AP520WL."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 38 }
+    hpSwitchJ8153A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8153A Access Controller 720WL."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 39 }
+    hpSwitchJ8154A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8154A Access Controller Server 740WL."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 40 }
+    hpSwitchJ8155A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8155A Integrated Access Manager 760WL."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 41 }
+    hpSwitchJ4905A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J4905A HP 3400cl-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 42 }
+    hpSwitchJ4906A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J4906A HP 3400cl-48G  Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 43 }
+    hpSwitchJ4899B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4899B HP 2650B Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 44 }
+    hpSwitchJ4900B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J4900B HP 2626B Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 45 }
+    hpSwitchJ8718A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J8718A HP 5404yl Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 46 }
+    hpSwitchJ8719A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J8719A HP 5408yl Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 47 }
+    hpSwitchJ8433A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8433A HP 6400cl-6XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 48 }
+    hpSwitchJ8474A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8474A HP 6410cl-6XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 49 }
+    hpSwitchJ8697A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8697A HP 5406zl Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 50 }
+    hpSwitchJ8698A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8698A HP 5412zl Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 51 }
+    hpSwitchJ8770A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8770A HP 4204vl Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 52 }
+    hpSwitchJ8773A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8773A HP 4208vl Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 53 }
+    hpSwitchJ8680A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8680A HP E9408sl Router."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 54 }
+    hpSwitchJ8762A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8762A HP 2600-8-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 55 }
+    hpSwitchJ8771A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8771A HP 4202vl-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 56 }
+    hpSwitchJ8772A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8772A HP 4202vl-72 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 57 }
+    hpSwitchJ8692A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8692A HP 3500yl-24G-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 58 }
+    hpSwitchJ8693A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8693A HP 3500yl-48G-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 59 }
+    hpSwitchJ8992A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8992A HP 6200yl-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 60 }
+    hpSwitchJ9019A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9019A HP E2510A-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 61 }
+    hpSwitchJ9020A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9020A HP E2510A-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 62 }
+    hpSwitchJ9021A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9021A HP 2810-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 63 }
+    hpSwitchJ9022A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9022A HP 2810-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 64 }
+    hpSwitchJ9028A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9028A HP 1800-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 65 }
+    hpSwitchJ9029A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9029A HP 1800-8G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 66 }
+    hpSwitchJ9038A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9038A Access Control Server 745wl."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 67 }
+    hpSwitchJ9050A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9050A HP 2900-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 68 }
+    hpSwitchJ9049A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9049A HP 2900-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 69 }
+    hpSwitchJ9032A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9032A HP 4202vl-68G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 70 }
+    hpSwitchJ9091A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9091A HP 8212zl Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 72 }
+    hpSwitchJ9065A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J9065A Network Access Controller 800. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 73 }
+    hpSwitchJ9079A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9079A HP 1700-8 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 74 }
+    hpSwitchJ9080A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9080A HP E1700-24 Switch. " 
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 75 }
+    hpSwitchJ9085A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9085A HP E2610-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 76 }
+    hpSwitchJ9088A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9088A HP 2610-48 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 77 }
+    hpSwitchJ9087A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9087A HP 2610-24-PWR Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 78 }
+    hpSwitchJ9089A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9089A HP 2610-48-PWR Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 79 }
+    hpSwitchJ9086A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9086A HP E2610-24-PPoE Switch ."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 80 }
+    hpSwitchJ9028B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9028B HP 1800-24G-B Switch ."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 81 }
+    hpSwitchJ4900C OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J4900C HP 2626C Switch ."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 82 }
+    hpSwitchJ4899C OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J4899C HP 2650C Switch ."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 83 }
+    hpSwitchJ9146A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9146A HP 2910al-24G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 84 }
+    hpSwitchJ9148A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9148A HP 2910al-48G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 85 }
+    hpSwitchJ9145A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9145A HP 2910al-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 86 }
+    hpSwitchJ9147A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9147A HP 2910al-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 87 }
+    hpSwitchJ9279A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		   J9279A HP 2510G-24 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 88 }
+    hpSwitchJ9280A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9280A HP 2510G-48 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 89 }
+    hpSwitchJ9019B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	J9019B HP 2510B-24 Switch ."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 90 }
+    hpSwitchJ9137A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9137A HP 2520-8 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 94 }
+    hpSwitchJ9138A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9138A HP 2520-24 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 95 }
+    hpSwitchJ9298A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9298A HP 2520G-8 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 96 }
+    hpSwitchJ9299A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9299A HP 2520G-24 Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 97 }
+    hpSwitchJ9265A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9265A HP E6600-24XG Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 98 }
+    hpSwitchJ9263A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9263A HP E6600-24G Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 100 }
+    hpSwitchJ9264A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9264A HP E6600-24G-4XG Switch. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 101 }
+    hpSwitchJ9445A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J9445A DCM Controller. "
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 102 }
+    hpSwitchJ9449A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9449A HP 1810-8G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 103 }
+    hpSwitchJ9450A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9450A HP 1810-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 104 }
+    hpSwitchJ9452A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9452A HP 6600-48G-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 105 }
+    hpSwitchJ9451A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                   J9451A HP 6600-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 106 }
+     hpSwitch516733-B21 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+          STATUS      current
+          DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     516733-B21 HP E6120-XG Switch."
+         ::= { hpEtherSwitch 107 }
+    hpSwitch498358-B21 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     498358-B21 HP E6120-GXG Switch."
+         ::= { hpEtherSwitch 108 }
+    hpSwitchJ9471A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9471A HP 3500-24-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 109 }
+    hpSwitchJ9473A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9473A HP 3500-48-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 110 }
+    hpSwitchJ9470A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9470A HP 3500-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 111 }
+    hpSwitchJ9472A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9472A HP 3500-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 112 }
+    hpSwitchJ9477A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9477A HP 8206zl Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 113 }
+    hpSwitchJ9310A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9310A HP 3500yl-24G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 114 }
+    hpSwitchJ9311A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9311A HP 3500yl-48G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 115 }
+    hpSwitchJ9565A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9565A HP 2615-8-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 117 }
+    hpSwitchJ9562A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9562A HP 2915-8G-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 118 }
+    hpSwitchJ9573A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-24G-PoE+-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 119 }
+    hpSwitchJ9574A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 120 }
+    hpSwitchJ9575A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-24G-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 121 }
+    hpSwitchJ9576A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-48G-4SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 122 }
+    hpSwitchJ9584A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-24SFP-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 123 }
+    hpSwitchJ9585A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-24G-2XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 124 }
+    hpSwitchJ9586A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-48G-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 125 }
+    hpSwitchJ9587A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-24G-PoE+-2XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 126 }
+    hpSwitchJ9588A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 127 }
+    hpSwitchJ9577A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800 4-port Stacking Module."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 128 }
+    hpSwitchJ9623A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9623A HP 2620-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 129 }
+    hpSwitchJ9624A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9624A HP 2620-24-PPoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 130 }
+    hpSwitchJ9625A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9625A HP 2620-24-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 131 }
+    hpSwitchJ9626A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9626A HP 2620-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 132 }
+    hpSwitchJ9627A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9627A HP 2620-48-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 133 }
+    hpSwitchJ9660A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9660A HP 1810-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 134 }
+    -- different cards for Switch 2000
+    hpSwitchJ9772A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9772A HP 2530-48G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 136 }
+    hpSwitchJ9773A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9773A HP 2530-24G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 137 }
+    hpSwitchJ9774A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9774A HP 2530-8G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 138 }
+    hpSwitchJ9775A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9775A HP 2530-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 139 }
+    hpSwitchJ9776A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9776A HP 2530-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 140 }
+    hpSwitchJ9777A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9777A HP 2530-8G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 141 }
+    hpSwitchJ9778A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9778A HP 2530-48-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 142 }
+    hpSwitchJ9779A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9779A HP 2530-24-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 143 }
+    hpSwitchJ9780A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9780A HP 2530-8-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 144 }
+    hpSwitchJ9781A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9781A HP 2530-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 145 }
+    hpSwitchJ9782A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9782A HP 2530-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 146 }
+    hpSwitchJ9783A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9783A HP 2530-8 Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 147 }
+    hpSwitchJ9802A  OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9802A HP 1810-8G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 150 }
+    hpSwitchJ9803A  OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9803A HP 1810-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 151 }
+    hpSwitchJ9726A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9726A HP 2920-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 152 }
+    hpSwitchJ9727A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9727A HP 2920-24G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 153 }
+    hpSwitchJ9728A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9728A HP 2920-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 154 }
+    hpSwitchJ9729A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9729A HP 2920-48G-PoE+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 155 }
+    hpSwitch3800One6SFPP OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP 3800-4G-6SFP+-ONE Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 156 }
+    hpSwitch3800One8SFPP OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP 3800-4G-8SFP+-ONE Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 157 }
+    hpSwitchJ9833A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9833A HP PS1810-8G Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 158 }
+    hpSwitchJ9834A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9834A HP PS1810-24G Switch ."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 159 }
+    hpSwitchJ9850A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9850A HP 5406R zl2 Switch Chassis."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 160 }
+    hpSwitchJ9851A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9851A HP 5412R zl2 Switch Chassis."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 161 }
+    hpSwitchJ9853A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9853A HP 2530-48G-PoE+-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 163 }
+    hpSwitchJ9854A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9854A HP 2530-24G-PoE+-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 164 }
+    hpSwitchJ9855A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9855A HP 2530-48G-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 165 }
+    hpSwitchJ9856A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J9856A HP 2530-24G-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpEtherSwitch 166 }
+    -- different cards for Switch 2000
+    hpSwitchPortModuleET4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3102A AdvanceStack Switch Ethernet Port
+                    Module."
+        ::= { hpAdvSwitch2000 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleVG2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J3103A AdvanceStack Switch 100VG Port
+                    Module."
+        ::= { hpAdvSwitch2000 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortModule10FL OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP AdvanceStack Switch 10BaseFL Port Module."
+        ::= { hpAdvSwitch2000 3 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleFDDI OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP AdvanceStack Switch FDDI Port Module."
+        ::= { hpAdvSwitch2000 4 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleTX2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP AdvanceStack Switch 100BaseT Port Module."
+        ::= { hpAdvSwitch2000 5 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleATM OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP AdvanceStack Switch ATM Port Module."
+        ::= { hpAdvSwitch2000 6 }
+    -- different cards for Switch 8000/4000/1600/2400/2424 family
+    hpSwitchPortModule100TX8 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4111A 8-port 10/100Base-TX module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortModule100FX4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4112A 4-port 100Base-FX module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortModule10FL4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4118A 4-port 10Base-FL module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 3 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleGigSX OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4113A 1-port Gigabit SX module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 4 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleGigLX OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4114A 1-port Gigabit LX module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 5 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleTwoGig OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4130A 2-port Gigabit module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 6 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleGigStk OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4130A 1-port Gigabit Stacking module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 7 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleGigT OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4115A 1-port Gigabit T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitch8000 8 }
+    -- different cards for Switch 5308 family
+    hpSwitchPortModuleJ4820A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4820A 24 Port 10/100Base-TX Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleJ4821A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4821A 4 Port 100/1000Base-TX Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleJ4878A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4878A 4x MiniGBIC Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 3 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4852A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4852A 12-port 100-FX MTRJ" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 4 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8161A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8161A 24-port 10/100Base-TX PoE Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 5 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4907A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4907A Gig-T/GBIC xl Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 6 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8162A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8162A XL Access Controller Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 7 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleJ4820B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4820B 24 Port 10/100Base-TX Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 8 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleJ4821B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4821B 4 Port 100/1000Base-TX Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 9 }
+    hpSwitchPortModuleJ4878B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4878B 4x MiniGBIC Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 10 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9001A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9001A Wireless Services xl Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 11 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9003A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9003A Redundant Wireless Services xl Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 12 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8988A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8988A 10-GbE X2 xl module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4819A 13 }  
+    -- different pseudo cards for Switch 2524/2512 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4812A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4812A 12-port 10/100Base-TX + 2 Gig
+                    module"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4812A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4813A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4813A 24-port 10/100Base-TX + 2 Gig 
+                    module"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4813A 1 }
+    -- different pseudo cards for Switch 4865 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4862A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4862A 24-port 10/100Base-TX" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4863A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4863A 6-port 100/1000Base-TX" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 2 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4864A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4864A 3-port tranceiver module"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 3 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4862B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4862B 24-port 10/100Base-TX" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 4 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4893A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4893A 6-port Mini-GBIC module" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 5 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4892A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4892A 12-port 100-FX MTRJ" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 6 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4908A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J489XA 20-port 10/100/1000Base-TX + 2 Mini-GBIC" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4865A 7 }
+    -- different pseudo cards for Switch 2600 and 2800 families
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4899B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4899B Switch 2650-CR" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4899B 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4900B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4900B Switch 2626-CR" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4900B 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4903A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4903A 24-port 10/100/1000Base-TX" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4903A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8434A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8434A 2-port 10G CX4"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4903A 2}
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8435A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8435A 2-port 10G MF"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4903A 3}
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4904A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J4904A 48-port 10/100/1000Base-TX" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4904A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8762A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8762A Switch 2600-8-PWR" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8762A 1 }
+    -- psuedo cards for the 3400/6400 family        
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4905A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J4905A HP E3400cl-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4905A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ4906A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J4906A HP E3400cl-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ4906A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8433A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8433A HP E6400cl-6XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8433A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8474A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J8474A HP E6410cl-6XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8474A 1 }
+    -- 5400/8200 blade family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8701A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8701A 24 port Gig-T."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8702A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8702A 24 port Gig-T zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 2 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8705A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8705A Gig-T/SFP zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 3 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8706A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8706A 24 port SFP zl Module. "
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 4 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ8707A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8707A 4 port 10-GbE zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 5 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ8708A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8708A 4 port 10G CX4 zl Module. "
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 6 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ87xxA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J87xxA yl Fixed Gig-T/SFP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 7 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ87yyA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J87yyA yl Fixed 24p Gig-T."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 8 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ8694A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8694A yl X2/CX4 10-GbE Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 9 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ8726A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8726A HP 5400 zl Switch Management Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 10 }
+ hpSwitchModuleJ90xxA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9050A yl Fixed Gig-T/SFP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9050A 11 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ90yyA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9050A yl Fixed 24p Gig-T."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9050A 12 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ90zzA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9050A yl X2/CX4 10-GbE Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9050A 13 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9051A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9051A Wireless services zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 14 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9052A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9052A Redundant Wireless Services zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 15 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9154A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9154A Services zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 16 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9155A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9155A zl Threat Management Services Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 17 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9446A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9446A zl Data Center Connection Manager ONE Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 18 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9307A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9307A 24-Port 10/100/1000 PoE+ zl Module."                    
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 19 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9308A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9308A 20-Port 10/100/1000 PoE+ with
+                    4-Port SFP zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 20 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9478A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9478A 24-Port 10/100 PoE+ zl Module."                    
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 21 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9309A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9309A 4-Port 10-GbE SFP+ zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 22 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9312A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9312A yl SFP+/CX4 10G Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 23 }
+         -- 5400/8200 blade family
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9534A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9534A 24 port Gig-T PoE+ v2 zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 24 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9535A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9535A 20-Port Gig-T PoE+ / 4-Port SFP v2 zl 
+                    Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 25 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9536A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J9536A 20-Port Gig-T PoE+ / 2-Port SFP+ zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 26 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9537A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9537A 24-Port SFP v2 zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 27 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9538A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9538A 8-Port 10GbE SFP+ v2 zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 28 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9546A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J9546A 8-Port 10Gig-T LH zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 29 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9547A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J9547A 24-Port 10/100 PoE+ zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 30 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9548A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9548A 20-Port Gig-T / 2-Port 10GbE SFP+ v2 zl
+                    Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 31 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9549A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9549A 20-Port Gig-T / 4-Port SFP v2 zl Module."       
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 32 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9550A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9550A 24-Port Gig-T v2 zl Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 33 }
+   hpSwitchAdvServicesModule OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP Advanced Services zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 34 }
+   hpSwitchExtServicesModule OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP Extended Services zl Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 35 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9485A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP AllianceONE zl module (J9485A) with PCIe telephony
+                    interfaces, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and
+                    Communications Server software installed."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 36 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9637A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9637A 12-Port Gig-T PoE+ / 12-Port SFP v2 zl 
+                    Module." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8697A 37 }
+    -- different cards for the 4200 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8765A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8765A 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 1 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8764A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8764A 10/100/1000 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 2 }        
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8776A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8776A miniGBIC module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 3 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8763A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8763A 100FX module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 4 } 
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8768A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8768A Gig-T vl module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 5 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9033A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J9033A Gig-T/SFP vl module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 6 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8765B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8765B 10/100-TX vl module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 8 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ8766A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    HP J8766A 10-GbE X2 vl module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ8770A 10 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9021A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9021A HP 2810-24G Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9021A 1 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9022A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9022A HP 2810-48G Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9022A 1 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9019A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9019A HP 2510-24A Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9019A 1 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9020A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9020A HP 2510-48A Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9020A 1 }  
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9085A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9085A HP 2610-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9085A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9088A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9088A HP 2610-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9088A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9087A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9087A HP 2610-24-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9087A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9089A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9089A HP 2610-48-PWR Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9089A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9086A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9086A HP 2610-24-PWR Switch on which 
+		    POE is supported on 12 ports."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9086A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9279A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9279A HP 2510G-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9279A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9280A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9280A HP 2510G-48 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9280A 1 }
+    -- psuedo cards for the 2910 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9726A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9726A HP 2920-24G Switch" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9726A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9727A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9727A HP 2920-24G-PoE+ Switch" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9727A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9728A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9728A HP 2920-48G Switch"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9728A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9729A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        J9729A HP 2920-48G-PoE+ Switch"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9729A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9147A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9147A HP 2910al-48G Switch" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9147A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9145A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9145A HP 2910al-24G Switch" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9145A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9148A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9148A HP 2910al-48G-PoE+ Switch" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9148A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9146A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9146A HP 2910al-24G-PoE+ Switch" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9146A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9149A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9149A 10-GbE 2-port CX4" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9146A 2 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9008A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9008A 10-GbE 2-port SFP+"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9146A 3 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9165A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J9165A 10-GbE 1-port passive CX4" 
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9146A 4 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9137A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9137A HP 2520-8 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9137A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9138A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9138A HP 2520-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9138A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9298A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9298A HP 2520G-8 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9298A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9299A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+		    J9299A HP 2520G-24 Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9299A 1 }
+   -- pseudo cards for the E3800 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9577A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800 4-port Stacking Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9577A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9573 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-24G-PoE+-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9573A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9574x OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9574A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9574y OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9574A 2 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9575 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-24G-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9575A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9576x OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-48G-4SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9576A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9576y OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-48G-4SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9576A 2 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9584 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-24SFP-2SFP+ Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9584A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9585 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-24G-2XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9585A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9586x OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-48G-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9586A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9586y OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-48G-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9586A 2 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9587 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-24G-PoE+-2XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9587A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9588x OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9588A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9588y OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+	             HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4XG Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9588A 2 }
+   -- psuedo cards for the 3500 10/100 products
+   hpSwitchModuleJ94xxA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J94xxA Fixed 10/100Base-TX/SFP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9472A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ94xyA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J94xyA Fixed 24p 10/100Base-TX."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9472A 2 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ94yxA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J94yxA Fixed 10/100Base-TX/SFP PoE."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9473A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ94yyA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J94yyA Fixed 24p 10/100Base-TX PoE."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9473A 2 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ93aaA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J93aaA Fixed Gig-T/SFP PoE+."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9311A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ93bbA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J93bbA Fixed 24p Gig-T PoE+."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9311A 2 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9565A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9565A HP 2615-8-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9565A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ9562A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9562A HP 2915-8G-PoE Switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9562A 1 }
+    -- psuedo cards for the 2620 10/100 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9623A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9623A Fixed 24p 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9623A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9624A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9624A Fixed 24p PPoEP 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9624A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9625A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9625A Fixed 24p PoEP 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9625A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9626A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9626A Fixed 48p 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9626A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9627A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9627A Fixed 48p PoEP 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9627A 1 }
+    -- psuedo cards for the 2530 family
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9772A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9772A Fixed 48p PoEP 10/100/1000-T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9772A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9773A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9773A Fixed 24p PoEP 10/100/1000-T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9773A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9774A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9774A Fixed 8p PoEP 10/100/1000-T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9774A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9775A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9775A Fixed 48p 10/100/1000-T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9775A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9776A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9776A Fixed 24p 10/100/1000-T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9776A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9777A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9777A Fixed 8p 10/100/1000-T module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9777A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9778A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9778A Fixed 48p PoEP 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9778A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9779A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9779A Fixed 24p PoEP 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9779A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9780A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9779A Fixed 8p PoEP 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9780A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9781A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9781A Fixed 48p 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9781A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9782A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9782A Fixed 24p 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9782A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9783A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9783A Fixed 8p 10/100 module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9783A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9853A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9853A Fixed 48p PoEP 10/100/1000-T 2SFP+ module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9853A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9854A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9854A Fixed 24p PoEP 10/100/1000-T 2SFP+ module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9854A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9855A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9855A Fixed 48p 10/100/1000-T 2SFP+ module."
+      ::= { hpSwitchJ9855A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9856A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+            J9856A Fixed 24p 10/100/1000-T 2SFP+ module."
+      ::= { hpSwitchJ9856A 1 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9730A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP J9730A 10-GbE 2-port CX4"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9729A 2 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9731A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP J9731A 10-GbE 2-port SFP+"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9729A 3 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9732A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP J9732A 10GBASE-T"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9729A 4 }
+    hpSwitchModuleJ9733A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+        HP J9733A 2 Port Stacking"
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9729A 5 }
+    -- WAN Products
+    -- Branches under the hpicfWan node
+    hpWANRouters          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfWAN 1 }
+    hpWANModules          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfWAN 2 }
+    -- WAN Routers 
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8751A Secure Router 7001dl." 
+        ::= { hpWANRouters 1 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8752A Secure Router 7102dl." 
+        ::= { hpWANRouters 2 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8753A Secure Router 7203dl." 
+        ::= { hpWANRouters 3 }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8754A Secure Router 7306dl." 
+        ::= { hpWANRouters 4 }    
+   -- WAN Modules
+   hpSRmoduleJ8451A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x T1 module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 1 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8452A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x T1 + DSX-1 module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 2 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8453A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 2 x T1 module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 3 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8454A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x E1 module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 4 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8455A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x E1 + G.703 module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 5 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8456A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 2 x E1 module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 6 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8457A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 2 x ISDN BRI S/T module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 7 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8458A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x Serial module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 8 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8459A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x ADSL2+ Annex A module." 
+        ::= { hpWANModules 9 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8759A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 1 x ADSL2+ Annex B module."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 10 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8460A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl ISDN BRI U backup."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 11 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8461A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl ISDN BRI S/T backup."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 12 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8462A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl Analog Modem backup."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 13 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8463A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl 8 x T1/E1 wide module."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 14 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8464A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl DS-3 wide module."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 15 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8465A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR dl HSSI wide  module."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 16 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8471A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR 7100/7200 IPSec module."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 17 }
+   hpSRmoduleJ8472A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP SR 7300 series IPSec module."
+        ::= { hpWANModules 18 }
+    -- Accessories for 7300 series WAN Secure Router
+    hpSRPowerSupply8756A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS            current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J8754A Secure Router 7306dl powersupply."
+        ::= { hpSRJ8754A 1 }
+    hpManagementModuleJ9092A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS            current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9092A HP 8200zl Switch Management Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9091A 1 }
+    hpFabricModuleJ9093A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS            current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J9093A HP 8200zl Switch Fabric Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9091A 2 }
+        STATUS            current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    J8784A HP 8212zl Switch System Support Module."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9091A 3 }
+   -- different cards for the 6600 family
+   hpSwitchModuleJ92yyA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J92yyA ml Fixed 4p SFP+."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9265A 1 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ92xxA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J92xxA ml Fixed Gig-T/SFP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9265A 2 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ92wwA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J92wwA ml Fixed 24 Gig."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9265A 3 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ92vvA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J92vvA ml Fixed 24 Gig DP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9265A 4 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ92uuA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J92uuA ml Fixed 24 Gig Non DP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9265A 5 }
+   hpSwitchModuleJ92ttA OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                    HP J92ttA ml Fixed 2 10Gig."
+        ::= { hpSwitchJ9265A 6 }
+  -- different pseudo cards for Switch 26xx/6108 family
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4899A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4899A HP 2650 48-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4899A 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4902A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4902A HP 6108 6-port 10/100/1000-TX + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4902A 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4900A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4900A HP 2626 24-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4900A 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ8165A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J8165A HP 2650-PWR 48-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ8165A 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ8164A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J8164A HP 2626-PWR 24-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ8164A 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4899B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4899B HP 2650 48-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4899B 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4900B OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4900B HP 2626 24-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4900B 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ8762A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J8762A HP 2600-8-PWR 8-port 10/100-T + 1-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ8762A 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4899C OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4899C HP 2650 48-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4899C 1 }
+  hpSwitchModuleJ4900C OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     J4900C HP 2626 24-port 10/100-T + 2-port Gig
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchJ4900C 1 }
+     -- different pseudo cards for Switch 6700 family
+   hpSwitchModuleA6713A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP A6713A 16+8-port 10/100T + Gig TX
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchA6713A 11 }
+   hpSwitchModuleA6716A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP A6716A 16+8-port 10/100T + Gig SX
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchA6716A 12 }
+   hpSwitchModuleA6717A OBJECT-IDENTITY
+         STATUS      current
+         DESCRIPTION "The authoritative identifier for the
+                     HP A6717A 16+8-port 10/100T + Gig LX
+                     module."
+         ::= { hpSwitchA6717A 13 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-TC.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-TC.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ef3c5148e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/HP-ICF-TC.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+            FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        hpicfAdmin
+            FROM HP-ICF-OID;
+    hpicfTextualConventions MODULE-IDENTITY
+        LAST-UPDATED "201010120800Z"  -- October 12, 2010
+        ORGANIZATION "HP Networking"
+        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
+                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
+                      Roseville, CA 95747"
+        DESCRIPTION  "This module contains common textual convention
+                     definitions used by various HP ICF MIB modules."
+        REVISION     "201010120800Z"  -- October 12, 2010
+        DESCRIPTION  "Added VidList type"
+        REVISION     "200902101800Z"  -- February 10, 2009
+        DESCRIPTION  "Added 10GbE-K for 802.3ap (clauses 69-74)"
+        REVISION     "200808190905Z"  -- August 19, 2008
+        DESCRIPTION  "Added XFP-SFP+ DAC types for HpSwitchPortType."
+        REVISION     "200802041536Z"  -- February 04, 2008
+        DESCRIPTION  "Added multiple transceiver types."
+        REVISION     "200402182305Z"  -- February 18, 2004
+        DESCRIPTION  "Added gigabitEthernetESP and tenGigabitEthernetCX 
+                      type for HpSwitchPortType."
+        REVISION     "200011030717Z"  -- November 3, 2000
+        DESCRIPTION  "Initial revision."
+        ::= { hpicfAdmin 4 }
+    ConfigStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the configuration status for
+                    a group of objects.  'active' means that the
+                    values of the related objects are currently in
+                    use by the device.  'notInService' indicates that
+                    the objects have been reconfigured in such a way
+                    that the values cannot take effect until after the
+                    next reboot of the device.  'notReady' indicates
+                    that the objects are not consistent with each other."
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        active(1),
+                        notInService(2),
+                        notReady(3)
+                    }
+    HpSwitchPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the type of port."
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        other(1),
+                        none(2),
+                        unknown(3),
+                        ethernetCsmacd(6),
+                        iso88023Csmacd(7),
+                        fddi(15),
+                        atm(37),
+                        propMultiplexor(54),
+                        ieee80212(55),
+                        fastEther(62),
+                        fastEtherFX(69),
+                        fastEtherFX-sfp(70),
+                        tenGSFP-SR (112),
+                        tenGSFP-LR (113),
+                        tenGSFP-ER (114),
+                        tenGSFP-LRM (115),
+                        tenGSFP-LX4 (116),
+                        gigabitEthernetSX (117),
+                        gigabitEthernetLX (118),
+                        gigabitEthernetT (119),
+                        gigabitEthernetStk (120),
+                        gigabitEthernetLH (121),
+                        tenGbE-CX4 (122),
+                        gigabitEthernetESP (123),
+                        tenGbE-SR (124),
+                        tenGbE-ER (125),
+                        tenGbE-LR (126),
+                        gigabitEthernetT-sfp (127),
+                        fastEtherGEN (128),
+                        gigabitEthernetGEN (129),
+                        tenGbE-GEN (130),
+                        fastEtherBX-D (131),
+                        fastEtherBX-U (132),
+                        gigabitEthernetBX-D (133),
+                        gigabitEthernetBX-U (134),
+                        tenGbE-LRM (135),
+                        sFP-PLUS-SR (136),
+                        sFP-PLUS-LR (137),
+                        sFP-PLUS-LRM (138),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DAC (139),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA1 (140),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA2 (141),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA3 (142),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA5 (143),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA7 (144),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA10 (145),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA15 (146),
+                        sFP-PLUS-DA20 (147),
+                        tenGbE-T (148),
+                        tenGbE-TSH (149),
+                        tenGbE-TLH (150),
+                        tenGbE-STK (151),
+                        xFP-SFP-PLUS-DAC  (152),
+                        xFP-SFP-PLUS-DA1  (153),
+                        xFP-SFP-PLUS-DA3  (154),
+                        xFP-SFP-PLUS-DA5  (155),
+                        xFP-SFP-PLUS-DA7  (156),
+                        xFP-SFP-PLUS-DA10 (157),
+                        tenGbE-K (158), 
+                        sFP-PLUS-ER (160),
+                        sFP-CWDM1470 (161),
+                        sFP-CWDM1490 (162),
+                        sFP-CWDM1510 (163),
+                        sFP-CWDM1530 (164),
+                        sFP-CWDM1550 (165),
+                        sFP-CWDM1570 (166),
+                        sFP-CWDM1590 (167),
+                        sFP-CWDM1610 (168)
+                    }
+        DISPLAY-HINT "512x"
+        STATUS      current
+           "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight
+           VlanIndex (VID), with the first octet specifying VIDs 1
+           through 8, the second octet specifying VIDs 9 through 16,
+           etc.  Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
+           the lowest numbered VID, and the least significant bit
+           represents the highest numbered VID.  Thus, each VID
+           is represented by a single bit within the value of this
+           object.  If that bit has a value of 1 then that VID is
+           included in the set of VIDs; the VID is not included if its
+           bit has a value of 0.  This list represents the entire
+           range of VlanIndex values defined in the scope of IEEE
+           802.1Q."
+        SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (512))
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..526605623f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- IANAifType-MIB.my:  IANA Interface Type MIB
+-- May 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
+-- Copyright (c) 1994-1997, 1998, 1999, 2000-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+       MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+   ianaifType MODULE-IDENTITY
+       LAST-UPDATED "200603310000Z"  -- March 31, 2006
+       CONTACT-INFO "        Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+                     Postal: ICANN
+                             4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
+                             Marina del Rey, CA 90292
+                     Tel:    +1 310 823 9358
+                     E-Mail: iana@iana.org"
+       DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module defines the IANAifType Textual
+                     Convention, and thus the enumerated values of
+                     the ifType object defined in MIB-II's ifTable."
+       REVISION     "200603310000Z"  -- March 31, 2006
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 234."
+       REVISION     "200603300000Z"  -- March 30, 2006
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 233."
+       REVISION     "200512220000Z"  -- December 22, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifTypes 231 and 232."
+       REVISION     "200510100000Z"  -- October 10, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 230."
+       REVISION     "200509090000Z"  -- September 09, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 229."
+       REVISION     "200505270000Z"  -- May 27, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 228."
+       REVISION     "200503030000Z"  -- March 3, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Added the IANAtunnelType TC and deprecated
+	             IANAifType sixToFour (215) per RFC4087."
+       REVISION     "200411220000Z"  -- November 22, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 227 per RFC4327."
+       REVISION     "200406170000Z"  -- June 17, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 226."
+       REVISION     "200405120000Z"  -- May 12, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Added description for IANAifType 6, and 
+	             changed the descriptions for IANAifTypes
+                     180, 181, and 182."
+       REVISION     "200405070000Z"  -- May 7, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType 225."
+       REVISION     "200308250000Z"  -- Aug 25, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated IANAifTypes 7 and 11. Obsoleted
+                    IANAifTypes 62, 69, and 117.  ethernetCsmacd (6)
+                    should be used instead of these values"
+       REVISION     "200308180000Z"  -- Aug 18, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    224."
+       REVISION     "200308070000Z"  -- Aug 7, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    222 and 223."
+       REVISION     "200303180000Z"  -- Mar 18, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    221."
+       REVISION     "200301130000Z"  -- Jan 13, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    220."
+       REVISION     "200210170000Z"  -- Oct 17, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    219."
+       REVISION     "200207160000Z"  -- Jul 16, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    217 and 218."
+       REVISION     "200207100000Z"  -- Jul 10, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    215 and 216."
+       REVISION     "200206190000Z"  -- Jun 19, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    214."
+       REVISION     "200201040000Z"  -- Jan 4, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    211, 212 and 213."
+       REVISION     "200112200000Z"  -- Dec 20, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    209 and 210."
+       REVISION     "200111150000Z"  -- Nov 15, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    207 and 208."
+       REVISION     "200111060000Z"  -- Nov 6, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    206."
+       REVISION     "200111020000Z"  -- Nov 2, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    205."
+       REVISION     "200110160000Z"  -- Oct 16, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    199, 200, 201, 202, 203, and 204."
+       REVISION     "200109190000Z"  -- Sept 19, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    198."
+       REVISION     "200105110000Z"  -- May 11, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    197."
+       REVISION     "200101120000Z"  -- Jan 12, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    195 and 196."
+       REVISION     "200012190000Z"  -- Dec 19, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    193 and 194."
+       REVISION     "200012070000Z"  -- Dec 07, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    191 and 192."
+       REVISION     "200012040000Z"  -- Dec 04, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    190."
+       REVISION     "200010170000Z"  -- Oct 17, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    188 and 189."  
+       REVISION     "200010020000Z"  -- Oct 02, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType 187." 
+       REVISION     "200009010000Z"  -- Sept 01, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                     184, 185, and 186."			
+       REVISION     "200008240000Z"  -- Aug 24, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType 183." 
+       REVISION     "200008230000Z"  -- Aug 23, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                     174-182."
+       REVISION     "200008220000Z"  -- Aug 22, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes 170,
+                     171, 172 and 173."
+       REVISION     "200004250000Z"  -- Apr 25, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes 168 and 169."       
+       REVISION     "200003060000Z"  -- Mar 6, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Fixed a missing semi-colon in the IMPORT.
+                     Also cleaned up the REVISION log a bit.
+                     It is not complete, but from now on it will
+                     be maintained and kept up to date with each
+                     change to this MIB module."
+       REVISION     "199910081430Z"  -- Oct 08, 1999
+       DESCRIPTION  "Include new name assignments up to cnr(85).
+                     This is the first version available via the WWW
+                     at: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/mib/ianaiftype.mib"
+       REVISION     "199401310000Z"  -- Jan 31, 1994
+       DESCRIPTION  "Initial version of this MIB as published in
+                     RFC 1573."
+       ::= { mib-2 30 }
+       STATUS       current
+               "This data type is used as the syntax of the ifType
+               object in the (updated) definition of MIB-II's
+               ifTable.
+               The definition of this textual convention with the
+               addition of newly assigned values is published
+               periodically by the IANA, in either the Assigned
+               Numbers RFC, or some derivative of it specific to
+               Internet Network Management number assignments.  (The
+               latest arrangements can be obtained by contacting the
+               IANA.)
+               Requests for new values should be made to IANA via
+               email (iana@iana.org).
+               The relationship between the assignment of ifType
+               values and of OIDs to particular media-specific MIBs
+               is solely the purview of IANA and is subject to change
+               without notice.  Quite often, a media-specific MIB's
+               OID-subtree assignment within MIB-II's 'transmission'
+               subtree will be the same as its ifType value.
+               However, in some circumstances this will not be the
+               case, and implementors must not pre-assume any
+               specific relationship between ifType values and
+               transmission subtree OIDs."
+                   other(1),          -- none of the following
+                   regular1822(2),
+                   hdh1822(3),
+                   ddnX25(4),
+                   rfc877x25(5),
+                   ethernetCsmacd(6), -- for all ethernet-like interfaces,
+                                      -- regardless of speed, as per RFC3635
+                   iso88023Csmacd(7), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   iso88024TokenBus(8),
+                   iso88025TokenRing(9),
+                   iso88026Man(10),
+                   starLan(11), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   proteon10Mbit(12),
+                   proteon80Mbit(13),
+                   hyperchannel(14),
+                   fddi(15),
+                   lapb(16),
+                   sdlc(17),
+                   ds1(18),            -- DS1-MIB
+                   e1(19),             -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
+                   basicISDN(20),
+                   primaryISDN(21),
+                   propPointToPointSerial(22), -- proprietary serial
+                   ppp(23),
+                   softwareLoopback(24),
+                   eon(25),            -- CLNP over IP 
+                   ethernet3Mbit(26),
+                   nsip(27),           -- XNS over IP
+                   slip(28),           -- generic SLIP
+                   ultra(29),          -- ULTRA technologies
+                   ds3(30),            -- DS3-MIB
+                   sip(31),            -- SMDS, coffee
+                   frameRelay(32),     -- DTE only. 
+                   rs232(33),
+                   para(34),           -- parallel-port
+                   arcnet(35),         -- arcnet
+                   arcnetPlus(36),     -- arcnet plus
+                   atm(37),            -- ATM cells
+                   miox25(38),
+                   sonet(39),          -- SONET or SDH 
+                   x25ple(40),
+                   iso88022llc(41),
+                   localTalk(42),
+                   smdsDxi(43),
+                   frameRelayService(44),  -- FRNETSERV-MIB
+                   v35(45),
+                   hssi(46),
+                   hippi(47),
+                   modem(48),          -- Generic modem
+                   aal5(49),           -- AAL5 over ATM
+                   sonetPath(50),
+                   sonetVT(51),
+                   smdsIcip(52),       -- SMDS InterCarrier Interface
+                   propVirtual(53),    -- proprietary virtual/internal
+                   propMultiplexor(54),-- proprietary multiplexing
+                   ieee80212(55),      -- 100BaseVG
+                   fibreChannel(56),   -- Fibre Channel
+                   hippiInterface(57), -- HIPPI interfaces     
+                   frameRelayInterconnect(58), -- Obsolete use either
+                                       -- frameRelay(32) or 
+                                       -- frameRelayService(44).
+                   aflane8023(59),     -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3
+                   aflane8025(60),     -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5
+                   cctEmul(61),        -- ATM Emulated circuit          
+                   fastEther(62),      -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   isdn(63),           -- ISDN and X.25           
+                   v11(64),            -- CCITT V.11/X.21             
+                   v36(65),            -- CCITT V.36                  
+                   g703at64k(66),      -- CCITT G703 at 64Kbps
+                   g703at2mb(67),      -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
+                   qllc(68),           -- SNA QLLC                    
+                   fastEtherFX(69),    -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   channel(70),        -- channel                     
+                   ieee80211(71),      -- radio spread spectrum       
+	           ibm370parChan(72),  -- IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel
+                   escon(73),          -- IBM Enterprise Systems Connection
+                   dlsw(74),           -- Data Link Switching
+                   isdns(75),          -- ISDN S/T interface
+                   isdnu(76),          -- ISDN U interface
+                   lapd(77),           -- Link Access Protocol D
+                   ipSwitch(78),       -- IP Switching Objects
+                   rsrb(79),           -- Remote Source Route Bridging
+                   atmLogical(80),     -- ATM Logical Port
+                   ds0(81),            -- Digital Signal Level 0
+                   ds0Bundle(82),      -- group of ds0s on the same ds1
+                   bsc(83),            -- Bisynchronous Protocol
+                   async(84),          -- Asynchronous Protocol
+                   cnr(85),            -- Combat Net Radio
+                   iso88025Dtr(86),    -- ISO 802.5r DTR
+                   eplrs(87),          -- Ext Pos Loc Report Sys
+                   arap(88),           -- Appletalk Remote Access Protocol
+                   propCnls(89),       -- Proprietary Connectionless Protocol
+                   hostPad(90),        -- CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol
+                   termPad(91),        -- CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility
+                   frameRelayMPI(92),  -- Multiproto Interconnect over FR
+                   x213(93),           -- CCITT-ITU X213
+                   adsl(94),           -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
+                   radsl(95),          -- Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop
+                   sdsl(96),           -- Symmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
+                   vdsl(97),           -- Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop
+                   iso88025CRFPInt(98), -- ISO 802.5 CRFP
+                   myrinet(99),        -- Myricom Myrinet
+                   voiceEM(100),       -- voice recEive and transMit
+                   voiceFXO(101),      -- voice Foreign Exchange Office
+                   voiceFXS(102),      -- voice Foreign Exchange Station
+                   voiceEncap(103),    -- voice encapsulation
+                   voiceOverIp(104),   -- voice over IP encapsulation
+                   atmDxi(105),        -- ATM DXI
+                   atmFuni(106),       -- ATM FUNI
+		   atmIma (107),       -- ATM IMA		   
+                   pppMultilinkBundle(108), -- PPP Multilink Bundle
+                   ipOverCdlc (109),   -- IBM ipOverCdlc
+		   ipOverClaw (110),   -- IBM Common Link Access to Workstn
+                   stackToStack (111), -- IBM stackToStack
+                   virtualIpAddress (112), -- IBM VIPA
+		   mpc (113),          -- IBM multi-protocol channel support
+		   ipOverAtm (114),    -- IBM ipOverAtm
+		   iso88025Fiber (115), -- ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring
+		   tdlc (116),	       -- IBM twinaxial data link control
+		   gigabitEthernet (117), -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+		   hdlc (118),         -- HDLC
+		   lapf (119),	       -- LAP F
+		   v37 (120),	       -- V.37
+		   x25mlp (121),       -- Multi-Link Protocol
+		   x25huntGroup (122), -- X25 Hunt Group
+		   trasnpHdlc (123),   -- Transp HDLC
+		   interleave (124),   -- Interleave channel
+		   fast (125),         -- Fast channel
+		   ip (126),	       -- IP (for APPN HPR in IP networks)
+		   docsCableMaclayer (127),  -- CATV Mac Layer
+		   docsCableDownstream (128), -- CATV Downstream interface
+		   docsCableUpstream (129),  -- CATV Upstream interface
+		   a12MppSwitch (130), -- Avalon Parallel Processor
+		   tunnel (131),       -- Encapsulation interface
+		   coffee (132),       -- coffee pot
+		   ces (133),          -- Circuit Emulation Service
+		   atmSubInterface (134), -- ATM Sub Interface
+		   l2vlan (135),       -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q
+		   l3ipvlan (136),     -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IP
+		   l3ipxvlan (137),    -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IPX
+		   digitalPowerline (138), -- IP over Power Lines	
+		   mediaMailOverIp (139), -- Multimedia Mail over IP
+		   dtm (140),        -- Dynamic syncronous Transfer Mode
+		   dcn (141),    -- Data Communications Network
+		   ipForward (142),    -- IP Forwarding Interface
+		   msdsl (143),       -- Multi-rate Symmetric DSL
+		   ieee1394 (144), -- IEEE1394 High Performance Serial Bus
+		   if-gsn (145),       --   HIPPI-6400 
+		   dvbRccMacLayer (146), -- DVB-RCC MAC Layer
+		   dvbRccDownstream (147),  -- DVB-RCC Downstream Channel
+		   dvbRccUpstream (148),  -- DVB-RCC Upstream Channel
+		   atmVirtual (149),   -- ATM Virtual Interface
+		   mplsTunnel (150),   -- MPLS Tunnel Virtual Interface
+		   srp (151),	-- Spatial Reuse Protocol	
+		   voiceOverAtm (152),  -- Voice Over ATM
+		   voiceOverFrameRelay (153),   -- Voice Over Frame Relay 
+		   idsl (154),		-- Digital Subscriber Loop over ISDN
+		   compositeLink (155),  -- Avici Composite Link Interface
+		   ss7SigLink (156),     -- SS7 Signaling Link 
+		   propWirelessP2P (157),  --  Prop. P2P wireless interface
+		   frForward (158),    -- Frame Forward Interface
+		   rfc1483 (159),	-- Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5
+		   usb (160),		-- USB Interface
+		   ieee8023adLag (161),  -- IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate
+                   bgppolicyaccounting (162), -- BGP Policy Accounting
+                   frf16MfrBundle (163), -- FRF .16 Multilink Frame Relay 
+                   h323Gatekeeper (164), -- H323 Gatekeeper
+                   h323Proxy (165), -- H323 Voice and Video Proxy
+                   mpls (166), -- MPLS                   
+                   mfSigLink (167), -- Multi-frequency signaling link
+                   hdsl2 (168), -- High Bit-Rate DSL - 2nd generation
+                   shdsl (169), -- Multirate HDSL2
+                   ds1FDL (170), -- Facility Data Link 4Kbps on a DS1
+                   pos (171), -- Packet over SONET/SDH Interface
+                   dvbAsiIn (172), -- DVB-ASI Input
+                   dvbAsiOut (173), -- DVB-ASI Output 
+                   plc (174), -- Power Line Communtications
+                   nfas (175), -- Non Facility Associated Signaling
+                   tr008 (176), -- TR008
+                   gr303RDT (177), -- Remote Digital Terminal
+                   gr303IDT (178), -- Integrated Digital Terminal
+                   isup (179), -- ISUP
+                   propDocsWirelessMaclayer (180), -- Cisco proprietary Maclayer
+                   propDocsWirelessDownstream (181), -- Cisco proprietary Downstream
+                   propDocsWirelessUpstream (182), -- Cisco proprietary Upstream
+                   hiperlan2 (183), -- HIPERLAN Type 2 Radio Interface
+                   propBWAp2Mp (184), -- PropBroadbandWirelessAccesspt2multipt
+                   sonetOverheadChannel (185), -- SONET Overhead Channel
+                   digitalWrapperOverheadChannel (186), -- Digital Wrapper
+                   aal2 (187), -- ATM adaptation layer 2
+                   radioMAC (188), -- MAC layer over radio links
+                   atmRadio (189), -- ATM over radio links   
+                   imt (190), -- Inter Machine Trunks
+                   mvl (191), -- Multiple Virtual Lines DSL
+                   reachDSL (192), -- Long Reach DSL
+                   frDlciEndPt (193), -- Frame Relay DLCI End Point
+                   atmVciEndPt (194), -- ATM VCI End Point
+                   opticalChannel (195), -- Optical Channel
+                   opticalTransport (196), -- Optical Transport
+                   propAtm (197), --  Proprietary ATM       
+                   voiceOverCable (198), -- Voice Over Cable Interface
+                   infiniband (199), -- Infiniband
+                   teLink (200), -- TE Link
+                   q2931 (201), -- Q.2931
+                   virtualTg (202), -- Virtual Trunk Group
+                   sipTg (203), -- SIP Trunk Group
+                   sipSig (204), -- SIP Signaling   
+                   docsCableUpstreamChannel (205), -- CATV Upstream Channel
+                   econet (206), -- Acorn Econet
+                   pon155 (207), -- FSAN 155Mb Symetrical PON interface
+                   pon622 (208), -- FSAN622Mb Symetrical PON interface
+                   bridge (209), -- Transparent bridge interface
+                   linegroup (210), -- Interface common to multiple lines		   
+                   voiceEMFGD (211), -- voice E&M Feature Group D
+                   voiceFGDEANA (212), -- voice FGD Exchange Access North American
+                   voiceDID (213), -- voice Direct Inward Dialing
+                   mpegTransport (214), -- MPEG transport interface
+                   sixToFour (215), -- 6to4 interface (DEPRECATED)
+                   gtp (216), -- GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol)
+                   pdnEtherLoop1 (217), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 1
+                   pdnEtherLoop2 (218), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 2
+                   opticalChannelGroup (219), -- Optical Channel Group
+                   homepna (220), -- HomePNA ITU-T G.989				   
+                   gfp (221), -- Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
+                   ciscoISLvlan (222), -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using Cisco ISL
+                   actelisMetaLOOP (223), -- Acteleis proprietary MetaLOOP High Speed Link 
+                   fcipLink (224), -- FCIP Link 
+                   rpr (225), -- Resilient Packet Ring Interface Type
+                   qam (226), -- RF Qam Interface
+                   lmp (227), -- Link Management Protocol
+                   cblVectaStar (228), -- Cambridge Broadband Limited VectaStar
+                   docsCableMCmtsDownstream (229), -- CATV Modular CMTS Downstream Interface
+                   adsl2 (230), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop Version 2
+                   macSecControlledIF (231), -- MACSecControlled 
+                   macSecUncontrolledIF (232), -- MACSecUncontrolled
+                   aviciOpticalEther (233), -- Avici Optical Ethernet Aggregate
+                   atmbond (234) -- atmbond
+                   }
+    STATUS     current
+            "The encapsulation method used by a tunnel. The value
+            direct indicates that a packet is encapsulated
+            directly within a normal IP header, with no
+            intermediate header, and unicast to the remote tunnel
+            endpoint (e.g., an RFC 2003 IP-in-IP tunnel, or an RFC
+            1933 IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel). The value minimal indicates
+            that a Minimal Forwarding Header (RFC 2004) is
+            inserted between the outer header and the payload
+            packet. The value UDP indicates that the payload
+            packet is encapsulated within a normal UDP packet
+            (e.g., RFC 1234).
+            The values sixToFour, sixOverFour, and isatap
+            indicates that an IPv6 packet is encapsulated directly
+            within an IPv4 header, with no intermediate header,
+            and unicast to the destination determined by the 6to4,
+            6over4, or ISATAP protocol.
+            The remaining protocol-specific values indicate that a
+            header of the protocol of that name is inserted
+            between the outer header and the payload header.
+            The assignment policy for IANAtunnelType values is
+            identical to the policy for assigning IANAifType
+            values."
+                   other(1),        -- none of the following
+                   direct(2),       -- no intermediate header
+                   gre(3),          -- GRE encapsulation
+                   minimal(4),      -- Minimal encapsulation
+                   l2tp(5),         -- L2TP encapsulation
+                   pptp(6),         -- PPTP encapsulation
+                   l2f(7),          -- L2F encapsulation
+                   udp(8),          -- UDP encapsulation
+                   atmp(9),         -- ATMP encapsulation
+                   msdp(10),        -- MSDP encapsulation
+                   sixToFour(11),   -- 6to4 encapsulation
+                   sixOverFour(12), -- 6over4 encapsulation
+                   isatap(13),      -- ISATAP encapsulation
+                   teredo(14)       -- Teredo encapsulation
+               }
+   END
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IF-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IF-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cbc2dd1e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IF-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1828 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, Counter64,
+    Integer32, TimeTicks, mib-2,
+    NOTIFICATION-TYPE                        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString,
+    PhysAddress, TruthValue, RowStatus,
+    TimeStamp, AutonomousType, TestAndIncr   FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    NOTIFICATION-GROUP                       FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    snmpTraps                                FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+    IANAifType                               FROM IANAifType-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200006140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Interfaces MIB Working Group"
+            "   Keith McCloghrie
+                Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                170 West Tasman Drive
+                San Jose, CA  95134-1706
+                US
+                408-526-5260
+                kzm@cisco.com"
+            "The MIB module to describe generic objects for network
+            interface sub-layers.  This MIB is an updated version of
+            MIB-II's ifTable, and incorporates the extensions defined in
+            RFC 1229."
+    REVISION      "200006140000Z"
+            "Clarifications agreed upon by the Interfaces MIB WG, and
+            published as RFC 2863."
+    REVISION      "199602282155Z"
+            "Revisions made by the Interfaces MIB WG, and published in
+            RFC 2233."
+    REVISION      "199311082155Z"
+            "Initial revision, published as part of RFC 1573."
+    ::= { mib-2 31 }
+ifMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 1 }
+interfaces   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+-- OwnerString has the same semantics as used in RFC 1271
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This data type is used to model an administratively
+            assigned name of the owner of a resource.  This information
+            is taken from the NVT ASCII character set.  It is suggested
+            that this name contain one or more of the following: ASCII
+            form of the manager station's transport address, management
+            station name (e.g., domain name), network management
+            personnel's name, location, or phone number.  In some cases
+            the agent itself will be the owner of an entry.  In these
+            cases, this string shall be set to a string starting with
+            'agent'."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
+-- InterfaceIndex contains the semantics of ifIndex and should be used
+-- for any objects defined in other MIB modules that need these semantics.
+InterfaceIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or
+            interface sub-layer in the managed system.  It is
+            recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting
+            from 1.  The value for each interface sub-layer must remain
+            constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+            network management system to the next re-initialization."
+    SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+InterfaceIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "This textual convention is an extension of the
+            InterfaceIndex convention.  The latter defines a greater
+            than zero value used to identify an interface or interface
+            sub-layer in the managed system.  This extension permits the
+            additional value of zero.  the value zero is object-specific
+            and must therefore be defined as part of the description of
+            any object which uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of
+            zero might include situations where interface was unknown,
+            or when none or all interfaces need to be referenced."
+    SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+ifNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of network interfaces (regardless of their
+            current state) present on this system."
+    ::= { interfaces 1 }
+ifTableLastChange  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last creation or
+            deletion of an entry in the ifTable.  If the number of
+            entries has been unchanged since the last re-initialization
+            of the local network management subsystem, then this object
+            contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 5 }
+-- the Interfaces table
+-- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's
+-- interfaces.  Each sub-layer below the internetwork-layer
+-- of a network interface is considered to be an interface.
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A list of interface entries.  The number of entries is
+            given by the value of ifNumber."
+    ::= { interfaces 2 }
+    SYNTAX      IfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "An entry containing management information applicable to a
+            particular interface."
+    INDEX   { ifIndex }
+    ::= { ifTable 1 }
+IfEntry ::=
+        ifIndex                 InterfaceIndex,
+        ifDescr                 DisplayString,
+        ifType                  IANAifType,
+        ifMtu                   Integer32,
+        ifSpeed                 Gauge32,
+        ifPhysAddress           PhysAddress,
+        ifAdminStatus           INTEGER,
+        ifOperStatus            INTEGER,
+        ifLastChange            TimeTicks,
+        ifInOctets              Counter32,
+        ifInUcastPkts           Counter32,
+        ifInNUcastPkts          Counter32,  -- deprecated
+        ifInDiscards            Counter32,
+        ifInErrors              Counter32,
+        ifInUnknownProtos       Counter32,
+        ifOutOctets             Counter32,
+        ifOutUcastPkts          Counter32,
+        ifOutNUcastPkts         Counter32,  -- deprecated
+        ifOutDiscards           Counter32,
+        ifOutErrors             Counter32,
+        ifOutQLen               Gauge32,    -- deprecated
+        ifSpecific              OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- deprecated
+    }
+    SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface.  It
+            is recommended that values are assigned contiguously
+            starting from 1.  The value for each interface sub-layer
+            must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of
+            the entity's network management system to the next re-
+            initialization."
+    ::= { ifEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A textual string containing information about the
+            interface.  This string should include the name of the
+            manufacturer, the product name and the version of the
+            interface hardware/software."
+    ::= { ifEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      IANAifType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The type of interface.  Additional values for ifType are
+            assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA),
+            through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual
+            convention."
+    ::= { ifEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received
+            on the interface, specified in octets.  For interfaces that
+            are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the
+            size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the
+            interface."
+    ::= { ifEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits
+            per second.  For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth
+            or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this
+            object should contain the nominal bandwidth.  If the
+            bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value
+            reportable by this object then this object should report its
+            maximum value (4,294,967,295) and ifHighSpeed must be used
+            to report the interace's speed.  For a sub-layer which has
+            no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+    ::= { ifEntry 5 }
+ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The interface's address at its protocol sub-layer.  For
+            example, for an 802.x interface, this object normally
+            contains a MAC address.  The interface's media-specific MIB
+            must define the bit and byte ordering and the format of the
+            value of this object.  For interfaces which do not have such
+            an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain
+            an octet string of zero length."
+    ::= { ifEntry 6 }
+ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
+                down(2),
+                testing(3)   -- in some test mode
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "The desired state of the interface.  The testing(3) state
+            indicates that no operational packets can be passed.  When a
+            managed system initializes, all interfaces start with
+            ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state.  As a result of either
+            explicit management action or per configuration information
+            retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then
+            changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains
+            in the down(2) state)."
+    ::= { ifEntry 7 }
+ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                up(1),        -- ready to pass packets
+                down(2),
+                testing(3),   -- in some test mode
+                unknown(4),   -- status can not be determined
+                              -- for some reason.
+                dormant(5),
+                notPresent(6),    -- some component is missing
+                lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of
+                                  -- lower-layer interface(s)
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The current operational state of the interface.  The
+            testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can
+            be passed.  If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus
+            should be down(2).  If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1)
+            then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is
+            ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should
+            change to dormant(5) if the interface is waiting for
+            external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an
+            incoming connection); it should remain in the down(2) state
+            if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going
+            to the up(1) state; it should remain in the notPresent(6)
+            state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware)
+            components."
+    ::= { ifEntry 8 }
+ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered
+            its current operational state.  If the current state was
+            entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local
+            network management subsystem, then this object contains a
+            zero value."
+    ::= { ifEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets received on the interface,
+            including framing characters.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 10 }
+ifInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+            or broadcast address at this sub-layer.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast or
+            broadcast address at this sub-layer.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
+            This object is deprecated in favour of ifInMulticastPkts and
+            ifInBroadcastPkts."
+    ::= { ifEntry 12 }
+ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be
+            discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
+            their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.  One
+            possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to
+            free up buffer space.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 13 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound
+            packets that contained errors preventing them from being
+            deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.  For character-
+            oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound
+            transmission units that contained errors preventing them
+            from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 14 }
+ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets
+            received via the interface which were discarded because of
+            an unknown or unsupported protocol.  For character-oriented
+            or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol
+            multiplexing the number of transmission units received via
+            the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or
+            unsupported protocol.  For any interface that does not
+            support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be
+            0.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 15 }
+ifOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+            interface, including framing characters.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 16 }
+ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+            multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+            those that were discarded or not sent.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 17 }
+ifOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+            those that were discarded or not sent.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
+            This object is deprecated in favour of ifOutMulticastPkts
+            and ifOutBroadcastPkts."
+    ::= { ifEntry 18 }
+ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be
+            discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
+            their being transmitted.  One possible reason for discarding
+            such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 19 }
+ifOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound
+            packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
+            For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the
+            number of outbound transmission units that could not be
+            transmitted because of errors.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 20 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "The length of the output packet queue (in packets)."
+    ::= { ifEntry 21 }
+ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular
+            media being used to realize the interface.  It is
+            recommended that this value point to an instance of a MIB
+            object in the media-specific MIB, i.e., that this object
+            have the semantics associated with the InstancePointer
+            textual convention defined in RFC 2579.  In fact, it is
+            recommended that the media-specific MIB specify what value
+            ifSpecific should/can take for values of ifType.  If no MIB
+            definitions specific to the particular media are available,
+            the value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }."
+    ::= { ifEntry 22 }
+--   Extension to the interface table
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsTable table.
+ifXTable        OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A list of interface entries.  The number of entries is
+            given by the value of ifNumber.  This table contains
+            additional objects for the interface table."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 1 }
+ifXEntry        OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IfXEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "An entry containing additional management information
+            applicable to a particular interface."
+    AUGMENTS    { ifEntry }
+    ::= { ifXTable 1 }
+IfXEntry ::=
+        ifName                  DisplayString,
+        ifInMulticastPkts       Counter32,
+        ifInBroadcastPkts       Counter32,
+        ifOutMulticastPkts      Counter32,
+        ifOutBroadcastPkts      Counter32,
+        ifHCInOctets            Counter64,
+        ifHCInUcastPkts         Counter64,
+        ifHCInMulticastPkts     Counter64,
+        ifHCInBroadcastPkts     Counter64,
+        ifHCOutOctets           Counter64,
+        ifHCOutUcastPkts        Counter64,
+        ifHCOutMulticastPkts    Counter64,
+        ifHCOutBroadcastPkts    Counter64,
+        ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable  INTEGER,
+        ifHighSpeed             Gauge32,
+        ifPromiscuousMode       TruthValue,
+        ifConnectorPresent      TruthValue,
+        ifAlias                 DisplayString,
+        ifCounterDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp
+    }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The textual name of the interface.  The value of this
+            object should be the name of the interface as assigned by
+            the local device and should be suitable for use in commands
+            entered at the device's `console'.  This might be a text
+            name, such as `le0' or a simple port number, such as `1',
+            depending on the interface naming syntax of the device.  If
+            several entries in the ifTable together represent a single
+            interface as named by the device, then each will have the
+            same value of ifName.  Note that for an agent which responds
+            to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other
+            (proxied) device, then the value of ifName for such an
+            interface is the proxied device's local name for it.
+            If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not
+            applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 1 }
+ifInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+            address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 2 }
+ifInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+            address at this sub-layer.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 3 }
+ifOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 4 }
+ifOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 5 }
+-- High Capacity Counter objects.  These objects are all
+-- 64 bit versions of the "basic" ifTable counters.  These
+-- objects all have the same basic semantics as their 32-bit
+-- counterparts, however, their syntax has been extended
+-- to 64 bits.
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets received on the interface,
+            including framing characters.  This object is a 64-bit
+            version of ifInOctets.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+            or broadcast address at this sub-layer.  This object is a
+            64-bit version of ifInUcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 7 }
+ifHCInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+            address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.  This object
+            is a 64-bit version of ifInMulticastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 8 }
+ifHCInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+            address at this sub-layer.  This object is a 64-bit version
+            of ifInBroadcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+            interface, including framing characters.  This object is a
+            64-bit version of ifOutOctets.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+            multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+            those that were discarded or not sent.  This object is a
+            64-bit version of ifOutUcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 11 }
+ifHCOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.  This object
+            is a 64-bit version of ifOutMulticastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 12 }
+ifHCOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.  This object is a 64-bit version
+            of ifOutBroadcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 13 }
+ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "Indicates whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated
+            for this interface.
+            By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for
+            interfaces which do not operate on 'top' of any other
+            interface (as defined in the ifStackTable), and disabled(2)
+            otherwise."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 14 }
+ifHighSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units
+            of 1,000,000 bits per second.  If this object reports a
+            value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in
+            the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'.  For interfaces
+            which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no
+            accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain
+            the nominal bandwidth.  For a sub-layer which has no concept
+            of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 15 }
+ifPromiscuousMode  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object has a value of false(2) if this interface only
+            accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this station.
+            This object has a value of true(1) when the station accepts
+            all packets/frames transmitted on the media.  The value
+            true(1) is only legal on certain types of media.  If legal,
+            setting this object to a value of true(1) may require the
+            interface to be reset before becoming effective.
+            The value of ifPromiscuousMode does not affect the reception
+            of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 16 }
+ifConnectorPresent   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface
+            sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'
+            otherwise."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 17 }
+ifAlias   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object is an 'alias' name for the interface as
+            specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile
+            'handle' for the interface.
+            On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of
+            ifAlias associated with that interface is the zero-length
+            string.  As and when a value is written into an instance of
+            ifAlias through a network management set operation, then the
+            agent must retain the supplied value in the ifAlias instance
+            associated with the same interface for as long as that
+            interface remains instantiated, including across all re-
+            initializations/reboots of the network management system,
+            including those which result in a change of the interface's
+            ifIndex value.
+            An example of the value which a network manager might store
+            in this object for a WAN interface is the (Telco's) circuit
+            number/identifier of the interface.
+            Some agents may support write-access only for interfaces
+            having particular values of ifType.  An agent which supports
+            write access to this object is required to keep the value in
+            non-volatile storage, but it may limit the length of new
+            values depending on how much storage is already occupied by
+            the current values for other interfaces."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 18 }
+ifCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a
+            discontinuity.  The relevant counters are the specific
+            instances associated with this interface of any Counter32 or
+            Counter64 object contained in the ifTable or ifXTable.  If
+            no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+            initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+            object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 19 }
+--           The Interface Stack Group
+-- Implementation of this group is optional, but strongly recommended
+-- for all systems
+ifStackTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IfStackEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "The table containing information on the relationships
+            between the multiple sub-layers of network interfaces.  In
+            particular, it contains information on which sub-layers run
+            'on top of' which other sub-layers, where each sub-layer
+            corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable.  For
+            example, when the sub-layer with ifIndex value x runs over
+            the sub-layer with ifIndex value y, then this table
+            contains:
+              ifStackStatus.x.y=active
+            For each ifIndex value, I, which identifies an active
+            interface, there are always at least two instantiated rows
+            in this table associated with I.  For one of these rows, I
+            is the value of ifStackHigherLayer; for the other, I is the
+            value of ifStackLowerLayer.  (If I is not involved in
+            multiplexing, then these are the only two rows associated
+            with I.)
+            For example, two rows exist even for an interface which has
+            no others stacked on top or below it:
+              ifStackStatus.0.x=active
+              ifStackStatus.x.0=active "
+     ::= { ifMIBObjects 2 }
+ifStackEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        IfStackEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "Information on a particular relationship between two sub-
+            layers, specifying that one sub-layer runs on 'top' of the
+            other sub-layer.  Each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual
+            row in the ifTable."
+     INDEX { ifStackHigherLayer, ifStackLowerLayer }
+     ::= { ifStackTable 1 }
+IfStackEntry ::=
+        ifStackHigherLayer  InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+        ifStackLowerLayer   InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+        ifStackStatus       RowStatus
+     }
+ifStackHigherLayer  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "The value of ifIndex corresponding to the higher sub-layer
+            of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs on 'top'
+            of the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of
+            ifStackLowerLayer.  If there is no higher sub-layer (below
+            the internetwork layer), then this object has the value 0."
+     ::= { ifStackEntry 1 }
+ifStackLowerLayer  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "The value of ifIndex corresponding to the lower sub-layer
+            of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs 'below'
+            the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of
+            ifStackHigherLayer.  If there is no lower sub-layer, then
+            this object has the value 0."
+     ::= { ifStackEntry 2 }
+ifStackStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
+    STATUS         current
+            "The status of the relationship between two sub-layers.
+            Changing the value of this object from 'active' to
+            'notInService' or 'destroy' will likely have consequences up
+            and down the interface stack.  Thus, write access to this
+            object is likely to be inappropriate for some types of
+            interfaces, and many implementations will choose not to
+            support write-access for any type of interface."
+    ::= { ifStackEntry 3 }
+ifStackLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change of
+            the (whole) interface stack.  A change of the interface
+            stack is defined to be any creation, deletion, or change in
+            value of any instance of ifStackStatus.  If the interface
+            stack has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of
+            the local network management subsystem, then this object
+            contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 6 }
+--   Generic Receive Address Table
+-- This group of objects is mandatory for all types of
+-- interfaces which can receive packets/frames addressed to
+-- more than one address.
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsRcvAddr table.  The main
+-- difference is that this table makes use of the RowStatus
+-- textual convention, while ifExtnsRcvAddr did not.
+ifRcvAddressTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfRcvAddressEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "This table contains an entry for each address (broadcast,
+            multicast, or uni-cast) for which the system will receive
+            packets/frames on a particular interface, except as follows:
+            - for an interface operating in promiscuous mode, entries
+            are only required for those addresses for which the system
+            would receive frames were it not operating in promiscuous
+            mode.
+            - for 802.5 functional addresses, only one entry is
+            required, for the address which has the functional address
+            bit ANDed with the bit mask of all functional addresses for
+            which the interface will accept frames.
+            A system is normally able to use any unicast address which
+            corresponds to an entry in this table as a source address."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 4 }
+ifRcvAddressEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IfRcvAddressEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A list of objects identifying an address for which the
+            system will accept packets/frames on the particular
+            interface identified by the index value ifIndex."
+    INDEX  { ifIndex, ifRcvAddressAddress }
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressTable 1 }
+IfRcvAddressEntry ::=
+        ifRcvAddressAddress   PhysAddress,
+        ifRcvAddressStatus    RowStatus,
+        ifRcvAddressType      INTEGER
+    }
+ifRcvAddressAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "An address for which the system will accept packets/frames
+            on this entry's interface."
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 1 }
+ifRcvAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object is used to create and delete rows in the
+            ifRcvAddressTable."
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 2 }
+ifRcvAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    other(1),
+                    volatile(2),
+                    nonVolatile(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object has the value nonVolatile(3) for those entries
+            in the table which are valid and will not be deleted by the
+            next restart of the managed system.  Entries having the
+            value volatile(2) are valid and exist, but have not been
+            saved, so that will not exist after the next restart of the
+            managed system.  Entries having the value other(1) are valid
+            and exist but are not classified as to whether they will
+            continue to exist after the next restart."
+    DEFVAL  { volatile }
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 3 }
+-- definition of interface-related traps.
+    OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in
+            an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
+            one of its communication links is about to enter the down
+            state from some other state (but not from the notPresent
+            state).  This other state is indicated by the included value
+            of ifOperStatus."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 3 }
+    OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an
+            agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
+            one of its communication links left the down state and
+            transitioned into some other state (but not into the
+            notPresent state).  This other state is indicated by the
+            included value of ifOperStatus."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 4 }
+-- conformance information
+ifConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 2 }
+ifGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifConformance 1 }
+ifCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which have
+            network interfaces."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup,
+                           linkUpDownNotificationsGroup }
+-- The groups:
+--        ifFixedLengthGroup
+--        ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+--        ifPacketGroup
+--        ifHCPacketGroup
+--        ifVHCPacketGroup
+-- are mutually exclusive; at most one of these groups is implemented
+-- for a particular interface.  When any of these groups is implemented
+-- for a particular interface, then ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup must
+-- also be implemented for that interface.
+        GROUP       ifFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to
+            20,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+            are packet-oriented, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to
+            20,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second but less than or equal to 650,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifVHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+            650,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces that
+            are required to maintain counters (i.e., those for which one
+            of the ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup,
+            ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, or ifVHCPacketGroup is
+            mandatory)."
+        GROUP       ifRcvAddressGroup
+            "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+            media-specific MIBs.  Media-specific MIBs must define the
+            exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+            group."
+        OBJECT      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifPromiscuousMode
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT       ifAdminStatus
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            testing(3)."
+        OBJECT       ifAlias
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { ifCompliances 3 }
+-- units of conformance
+ifGeneralInformationGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress,
+              ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
+              ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent,
+              ifHighSpeed, ifName, ifNumber, ifAlias,
+              ifTableLastChange }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information applicable to
+            all network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 10 }
+-- the following five groups are mutually exclusive; at most
+-- one of these groups is implemented for any interface
+ifFixedLengthGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and
+            receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000
+            bits/second) character-oriented or fixed-length-transmission
+            network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 2 }
+ifHCFixedLengthGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+              ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second) character-
+            oriented or fixed-length-transmission network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 3 }
+ifPacketGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+              ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+              ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+              ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+              ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+              ifPromiscuousMode }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and
+            receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000
+            bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 4 }
+ifHCPacketGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+              ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+              ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+              ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+              ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+              ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+              ifPromiscuousMode }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second but less
+            than or equal to 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented
+            network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 5 }
+ifVHCPacketGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifHCInUcastPkts, ifHCInMulticastPkts,
+              ifHCInBroadcastPkts, ifHCOutUcastPkts,
+              ifHCOutMulticastPkts, ifHCOutBroadcastPkts,
+              ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+              ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+              ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+              ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+              ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+              ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+              ifPromiscuousMode }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            higher speed (greater than 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-
+            oriented network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 6 }
+ifRcvAddressGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifRcvAddressStatus, ifRcvAddressType }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information on the
+            multiple addresses which an interface receives."
+    ::= { ifGroups 7 }
+ifStackGroup2    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifStackStatus, ifStackLastChange }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information on the
+            layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 11 }
+ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifCounterDiscontinuityTime }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            interface counter discontinuities."
+    ::= { ifGroups 13 }
+linkUpDownNotificationsGroup  NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { linkUp, linkDown }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The notifications which indicate specific changes in the
+            value of ifOperStatus."
+    ::= { ifGroups 14 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Objects
+--    The Interface Test Table
+-- This group of objects is optional.  However, a media-specific
+-- MIB may make implementation of this group mandatory.
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsTestTable
+ifTestTable   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfTestEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "This table contains one entry per interface.  It defines
+            objects which allow a network manager to instruct an agent
+            to test an interface for various faults.  Tests for an
+            interface are defined in the media-specific MIB for that
+            interface.  After invoking a test, the object ifTestResult
+            can be read to determine the outcome.  If an agent can not
+            perform the test, ifTestResult is set to so indicate.  The
+            object ifTestCode can be used to provide further test-
+            specific or interface-specific (or even enterprise-specific)
+            information concerning the outcome of the test.  Only one
+            test can be in progress on each interface at any one time.
+            If one test is in progress when another test is invoked, the
+            second test is rejected.  Some agents may reject a test when
+            a prior test is active on another interface.
+            Before starting a test, a manager-station must first obtain
+            'ownership' of the entry in the ifTestTable for the
+            interface to be tested.  This is accomplished with the
+            ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects as follows:
+          try_again:
+              get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
+              while (ifTestStatus != notInUse)
+                  /*
+                   * Loop while a test is running or some other
+                   * manager is configuring a test.
+                   */
+                  short delay
+                  get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
+              }
+              /*
+               * Is not being used right now -- let's compete
+               * to see who gets it.
+               */
+              lock_value = ifTestId
+              if ( set(ifTestId = lock_value, ifTestStatus = inUse,
+                       ifTestOwner = 'my-IP-address') == FAILURE)
+                  /*
+                   * Another manager got the ifTestEntry -- go
+                   * try again
+                   */
+                  goto try_again;
+              /*
+               * I have the lock
+               */
+              set up any test parameters.
+              /*
+               * This starts the test
+               */
+              set(ifTestType = test_to_run);
+              wait for test completion by polling ifTestResult
+              when test completes, agent sets ifTestResult
+                   agent also sets ifTestStatus = 'notInUse'
+              retrieve any additional test results, and ifTestId
+              if (ifTestId == lock_value+1) results are valid
+            A manager station first retrieves the value of the
+            appropriate ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects, periodically
+            repeating the retrieval if necessary, until the value of
+            ifTestStatus is 'notInUse'.  The manager station then tries
+            to set the same ifTestId object to the value it just
+            retrieved, the same ifTestStatus object to 'inUse', and the
+            corresponding ifTestOwner object to a value indicating
+            itself.  If the set operation succeeds then the manager has
+            obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry, and the value of the
+            ifTestId object is incremented by the agent (per the
+            semantics of TestAndIncr).  Failure of the set operation
+            indicates that some other manager has obtained ownership of
+            the ifTestEntry.
+            Once ownership is obtained, any test parameters can be
+            setup, and then the test is initiated by setting ifTestType.
+            On completion of the test, the agent sets ifTestStatus to
+            'notInUse'.  Once this occurs, the manager can retrieve the
+            results.  In the (rare) event that the invocation of tests
+            by two network managers were to overlap, then there would be
+            a possibility that the first test's results might be
+            overwritten by the second test's results prior to the first
+            results being read.  This unlikely circumstance can be
+            detected by a network manager retrieving ifTestId at the
+            same time as retrieving the test results, and ensuring that
+            the results are for the desired request.
+            If ifTestType is not set within an abnormally long period of
+            time after ownership is obtained, the agent should time-out
+            the manager, and reset the value of the ifTestStatus object
+            back to 'notInUse'.  It is suggested that this time-out
+            period be 5 minutes.
+            In general, a management station must not retransmit a
+            request to invoke a test for which it does not receive a
+            response; instead, it properly inspects an agent's MIB to
+            determine if the invocation was successful.  Only if the
+            invocation was unsuccessful, is the invocation request
+            retransmitted.
+            Some tests may require the interface to be taken off-line in
+            order to execute them, or may even require the agent to
+            reboot after completion of the test.  In these
+            circumstances, communication with the management station
+            invoking the test may be lost until after completion of the
+            test.  An agent is not required to support such tests.
+            However, if such tests are supported, then the agent should
+            make every effort to transmit a response to the request
+            which invoked the test prior to losing communication.  When
+            the agent is restored to normal service, the results of the
+            test are properly made available in the appropriate objects.
+            Note that this requires that the ifIndex value assigned to
+            an interface must be unchanged even if the test causes a
+            reboot.  An agent must reject any test for which it cannot,
+            perhaps due to resource constraints, make available at least
+            the minimum amount of information after that test
+            completes."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 3 }
+ifTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       IfTestEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "An entry containing objects for invoking tests on an
+            interface."
+    AUGMENTS  { ifEntry }
+    ::= { ifTestTable 1 }
+IfTestEntry ::=
+        ifTestId           TestAndIncr,
+        ifTestStatus       INTEGER,
+        ifTestType         AutonomousType,
+        ifTestResult       INTEGER,
+        ifTestCode         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        ifTestOwner        OwnerString
+    }
+ifTestId         OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object identifies the current invocation of the
+            interface's test."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 1 }
+ifTestStatus     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER { notInUse(1), inUse(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object indicates whether or not some manager currently
+            has the necessary 'ownership' required to invoke a test on
+            this interface.  A write to this object is only successful
+            when it changes its value from 'notInUse(1)' to 'inUse(2)'.
+            After completion of a test, the agent resets the value back
+            to 'notInUse(1)'."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 2 }
+ifTestType       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "A control variable used to start and stop operator-
+            initiated interface tests.  Most OBJECT IDENTIFIER values
+            assigned to tests are defined elsewhere, in association with
+            specific types of interface.  However, this document assigns
+            a value for a full-duplex loopback test, and defines the
+            special meanings of the subject identifier:
+                noTest  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+            When the value noTest is written to this object, no action
+            is taken unless a test is in progress, in which case the
+            test is aborted.  Writing any other value to this object is
+            only valid when no test is currently in progress, in which
+            case the indicated test is initiated.
+            When read, this object always returns the most recent value
+            that ifTestType was set to.  If it has not been set since
+            the last initialization of the network management subsystem
+            on the agent, a value of noTest is returned."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 3 }
+ifTestResult  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     none(1),          -- no test yet requested
+                     success(2),
+                     inProgress(3),
+                     notSupported(4),
+                     unAbleToRun(5),   -- due to state of system
+                     aborted(6),
+                     failed(7)
+                 }
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object contains the result of the most recently
+            requested test, or the value none(1) if no tests have been
+            requested since the last reset.  Note that this facility
+            provides no provision for saving the results of one test
+            when starting another, as could be required if used by
+            multiple managers concurrently."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 4 }
+ifTestCode  OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object contains a code which contains more specific
+            information on the test result, for example an error-code
+            after a failed test.  Error codes and other values this
+            object may take are specific to the type of interface and/or
+            test.  The value may have the semantics of either the
+            AutonomousType or InstancePointer textual conventions as
+            defined in RFC 2579.  The identifier:
+                testCodeUnknown  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+            is defined for use if no additional result code is
+            available."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 5 }
+ifTestOwner      OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "The entity which currently has the 'ownership' required to
+            invoke a test on this interface."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 6 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Groups
+ifGeneralGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress,
+              ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
+              ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent,
+              ifHighSpeed, ifName }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "A collection of objects deprecated in favour of
+            ifGeneralInformationGroup."
+    ::= { ifGroups 1 }
+ifTestGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifTestId, ifTestStatus, ifTestType,
+              ifTestResult, ifTestCode, ifTestOwner }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke
+            tests on an interface."
+    ::= { ifGroups 8 }
+ifStackGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifStackStatus }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The previous collection of objects providing information on
+            the layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 9 }
+ifOldObjectsGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifInNUcastPkts, ifOutNUcastPkts,
+              ifOutQLen, ifSpecific }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The collection of objects deprecated from the original MIB-
+            II interfaces group."
+    ::= { ifGroups 12 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Compliance
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "A compliance statement defined in a previous version of
+            this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network
+            interfaces."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralGroup, ifStackGroup }
+        GROUP       ifFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units."
+        GROUP       ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-
+            length transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are packet-oriented."
+        GROUP       ifHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+            650,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifTestGroup
+            "This group is optional.  Media-specific MIBs which require
+            interface tests are strongly encouraged to use this group
+            for invoking tests and reporting results.  A medium specific
+            MIB which has mandatory tests may make implementation of
+            this group mandatory."
+        GROUP       ifRcvAddressGroup
+            "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+            media-specific MIBs.  Media-specific MIBs must define the
+            exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+            group."
+        OBJECT      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifPromiscuousMode
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifStackStatus
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required, and only one of the six
+            enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need
+            be supported, specifically: active(1)."
+        OBJECT       ifAdminStatus
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            testing(3)."
+    ::= { ifCompliances 1 }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "A compliance statement defined in a previous version of
+            this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network
+            interfaces."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2,
+                           ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup }
+        GROUP       ifFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units."
+        GROUP       ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-
+            length transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are packet-oriented."
+        GROUP       ifHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+            650,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifRcvAddressGroup
+            "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+            media-specific MIBs.  Media-specific MIBs must define the
+            exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+            group."
+        OBJECT      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifPromiscuousMode
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifStackStatus
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required, and only one of the six
+            enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need
+            be supported, specifically: active(1)."
+        OBJECT       ifAdminStatus
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            testing(3)."
+        OBJECT       ifAlias
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { ifCompliances 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af1e02303a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- INET-ADDRESS-MIB.my:  Textual Conventions for Internet Network 
+--                       Address.
+-- July 2005, Subra Hegde
+-- Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- This MIB is extracted from RFC 4001
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                 FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200502040000Z"
+        "IETF Operations and Management Area"
+        "Juergen Schoenwaelder (Editor)
+         International University Bremen
+         P.O. Box 750 561
+         28725 Bremen, Germany
+         Phone: +49 421 200-3587
+         EMail: j.schoenwaelder@iu-bremen.de
+         Send comments to <ietfmibs@ops.ietf.org>."
+        "This MIB module defines textual conventions for
+         representing Internet addresses.  An Internet
+         address can be an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address,
+         or a DNS domain name.  This module also defines
+         textual conventions for Internet port numbers,
+         autonomous system numbers, and the length of an
+         Internet address prefix.
+         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This version
+         of this MIB module is part of RFC 4001, see the RFC
+         itself for full legal notices."
+    REVISION     "200502040000Z"
+        "Third version, published as RFC 4001.  This revision
+         introduces the InetZoneIndex, InetScopeType, and
+         InetVersion textual conventions."
+    REVISION     "200205090000Z"
+        "Second version, published as RFC 3291.  This
+         revision contains several clarifications and
+         introduces several new textual conventions:
+         InetAddressPrefixLength, InetPortNumber,
+         InetAutonomousSystemNumber, InetAddressIPv4z,
+         and InetAddressIPv6z."
+    REVISION     "200006080000Z"
+        "Initial version, published as RFC 2851."
+    ::= { mib-2 76 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A value that represents a type of Internet address.
+         unknown(0)  An unknown address type.  This value MUST
+                     be used if the value of the corresponding
+                     InetAddress object is a zero-length string.
+                     It may also be used to indicate an IP address
+                     that is not in one of the formats defined
+                     below.
+         ipv4(1)     An IPv4 address as defined by the
+                     InetAddressIPv4 textual convention.
+         ipv6(2)     An IPv6 address as defined by the
+                     InetAddressIPv6 textual convention.
+         ipv4z(3)    A non-global IPv4 address including a zone
+                     index as defined by the InetAddressIPv4z
+                     textual convention.
+         ipv6z(4)    A non-global IPv6 address including a zone
+                     index as defined by the InetAddressIPv6z
+                     textual convention.
+         dns(16)     A DNS domain name as defined by the
+                     InetAddressDNS textual convention.
+         Each definition of a concrete InetAddressType value must be
+         accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use
+         with that InetAddressType.
+         To support future extensions, the InetAddressType textual
+         convention SHOULD NOT be sub-typed in object type definitions.
+         It MAY be sub-typed in compliance statements in order to
+         require only a subset of these address types for a compliant
+         implementation.
+         Implementations must ensure that InetAddressType objects
+         and any dependent objects (e.g., InetAddress objects) are
+         consistent.  An inconsistentValue error must be generated
+         if an attempt to change an InetAddressType object would,
+         for example, lead to an undefined InetAddress value.  In
+         particular, InetAddressType/InetAddress pairs must be
+         changed together if the address type changes (e.g., from
+         ipv6(2) to ipv4(1))."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     unknown(0),
+                     ipv4(1),
+                     ipv6(2),
+                     ipv4z(3),
+                     ipv6z(4),
+                     dns(16)
+                 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Denotes a generic Internet address.
+         An InetAddress value is always interpreted within the context
+         of an InetAddressType value.  Every usage of the InetAddress
+         textual convention is required to specify the InetAddressType
+         object that provides the context.  It is suggested that the
+         InetAddressType object be logically registered before the
+         object(s) that use the InetAddress textual convention, if
+         they appear in the same logical row.
+         The value of an InetAddress object must always be
+         consistent with the value of the associated InetAddressType
+         object.  Attempts to set an InetAddress object to a value
+         inconsistent with the associated InetAddressType
+         must fail with an inconsistentValue error.
+         When this textual convention is used as the syntax of an
+         index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
+         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58.  In this case,
+         the object definition MUST include a 'SIZE' clause to
+         limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers;
+         otherwise the applicable constraints MUST be stated in
+         the appropriate conceptual row DESCRIPTION clauses, or
+         in the surrounding documentation if there is no single
+         DESCRIPTION clause that is appropriate."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents an IPv4 network address:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-4     IPv4 address     network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv4(1).
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents an IPv6 network address:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-16    IPv6 address     network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv6(2).
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d%4d"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a non-global IPv4 network address, together
+         with its zone index:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-4     IPv4 address     network-byte order
+            5-8     zone index       network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv4z(3).
+         The zone index (bytes 5-8) is used to disambiguate identical
+         address values on nodes that have interfaces attached to
+         different zones of the same scope.  The zone index may contain
+         the special value 0, which refers to the default zone for each
+         scope.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x%4d"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a non-global IPv6 network address, together
+         with its zone index:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-16    IPv6 address     network-byte order
+           17-20    zone index       network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv6z(4).
+         The zone index (bytes 17-20) is used to disambiguate
+         identical address values on nodes that have interfaces
+         attached to different zones of the same scope.  The zone index
+         may contain the special value 0, which refers to the default
+         zone for each scope.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (20))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a DNS domain name.  The name SHOULD be fully
+         qualified whenever possible.
+         The corresponding InetAddressType is dns(16).
+         The DESCRIPTION clause of InetAddress objects that may have
+         InetAddressDNS values MUST fully describe how (and when)
+         these names are to be resolved to IP addresses.
+         The resolution of an InetAddressDNS value may require to
+         query multiple DNS records (e.g., A for IPv4 and AAAA for
+         IPv6).  The order of the resolution process and which DNS
+         record takes precedence depends on the configuration of the
+         resolver.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
+InetAddressPrefixLength ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+        "Denotes the length of a generic Internet network address
+         prefix.  A value of n corresponds to an IP address mask
+         that has n contiguous 1-bits from the most significant
+         bit (MSB), with all other bits set to 0.
+         An InetAddressPrefixLength value is always interpreted within
+         the context of an InetAddressType value.  Every usage of the
+         InetAddressPrefixLength textual convention is required to
+         specify the InetAddressType object that provides the
+         context.  It is suggested that the InetAddressType object be
+         logically registered before the object(s) that use the
+         InetAddressPrefixLength textual convention, if they appear
+         in the same logical row.
+         InetAddressPrefixLength values larger than
+         the maximum length of an IP address for a specific
+         InetAddressType are treated as the maximum significant
+         value applicable for the InetAddressType.  The maximum
+         significant value is 32 for the InetAddressType
+         'ipv4(1)' and 'ipv4z(3)' and 128 for the InetAddressType
+         'ipv6(2)' and 'ipv6z(4)'.  The maximum significant value
+         for the InetAddressType 'dns(16)' is 0.
+         The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as
+         part of the description of any object that uses this
+         syntax.  Examples of the usage of zero might include
+         situations where the Internet network address prefix
+         is unknown or does not apply.
+         The upper bound of the prefix length has been chosen to
+         be consistent with the maximum size of an InetAddress."
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..2040)
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a 16 bit port number of an Internet transport
+         layer protocol.  Port numbers are assigned by IANA.  A
+         current list of all assignments is available from
+         <http://www.iana.org/>.
+         The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as
+         part of the description of any object that uses this
+         syntax.  Examples of the usage of zero might include
+         situations where a port number is unknown, or when the
+         value zero is used as a wildcard in a filter."
+    REFERENCE   "STD 6 (RFC 768), STD 7 (RFC 793) and RFC 2960"
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..65535)
+InetAutonomousSystemNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents an autonomous system number that identifies an
+         Autonomous System (AS).  An AS is a set of routers under a
+         single technical administration, using an interior gateway
+         protocol and common metrics to route packets within the AS,
+         and using an exterior gateway protocol to route packets to
+         other ASes'.  IANA maintains the AS number space and has
+         delegated large parts to the regional registries.
+         Autonomous system numbers are currently limited to 16 bits
+         (0..65535).  There is, however, work in progress to enlarge the
+         autonomous system number space to 32 bits.  Therefore, this
+         textual convention uses an Unsigned32 value without a
+         range restriction in order to support a larger autonomous
+         system number space."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC 1771, RFC 1930"
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a scope type.  This textual convention can be used
+         in cases where a MIB has to represent different scope types
+         and there is no context information, such as an InetAddress
+         object, that implicitly defines the scope type.
+         Note that not all possible values have been assigned yet, but
+         they may be assigned in future revisions of this specification.
+         Applications should therefore be able to deal with values
+         not yet assigned."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC 3513"
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     -- reserved(0),
+                     interfaceLocal(1),
+                     linkLocal(2),
+                     subnetLocal(3),
+                     adminLocal(4),
+                     siteLocal(5), -- site-local unicast addresses
+                                   -- have been deprecated by RFC 3879
+                     -- unassigned(6),
+                     -- unassigned(7),
+                     organizationLocal(8),
+                     -- unassigned(9),
+                     -- unassigned(10),
+                     -- unassigned(11),
+                     -- unassigned(12),
+                     -- unassigned(13),
+                     global(14)
+                     -- reserved(15)
+                 }
+    STATUS       current
+        "A zone index identifies an instance of a zone of a
+         specific scope.
+         The zone index MUST disambiguate identical address
+         values.  For link-local addresses, the zone index will
+         typically be the interface index (ifIndex as defined in the
+         IF-MIB) of the interface on which the address is configured.
+         The zone index may contain the special value 0, which refers
+         to the default zone.  The default zone may be used in cases
+         where the valid zone index is not known (e.g., when a
+         management application has to write a link-local IPv6
+         address without knowing the interface index value).  The
+         default zone SHOULD NOT be used as an easy way out in
+         cases where the zone index for a non-global IPv6 address
+         is known."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC4007"
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32
+    STATUS  current
+        "A value representing a version of the IP protocol.
+         unknown(0)  An unknown or unspecified version of the IP
+                     protocol.
+         ipv4(1)     The IPv4 protocol as defined in RFC 791 (STD 5).
+         ipv6(2)     The IPv6 protocol as defined in RFC 2460.
+         Note that this textual convention SHOULD NOT be used to
+         distinguish different address types associated with IP
+         protocols.  The InetAddressType has been designed for this
+         purpose."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC 791, RFC 2460"
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     unknown(0),
+                     ipv4(1),
+                     ipv6(2)
+                 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IPV6-TC.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IPV6-TC.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a19d8303df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/IPV6-TC.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- IPV6-TC.my:  IPV6 Textual Conventions
+-- Copyright (c) 2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+        IMPORTS
+             Integer32                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+             TEXTUAL-CONVENTION       FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+        -- definition of textual conventions
+        Ipv6Address ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+             DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+             STATUS       current
+             DESCRIPTION
+               "This data type is used to model IPv6 addresses.
+                This is a binary string of 16 octets in network
+                byte-order."
+             SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
+        Ipv6AddressPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+             DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+             STATUS       current
+             DESCRIPTION
+               "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
+               prefixes. This is a binary string of up to 16
+               octets in network byte-order."
+             SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
+        Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+             DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+             STATUS       current
+             DESCRIPTION
+               "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
+               interface identifiers. This is a binary string
+                of up to 8 octets in network byte-order."
+             SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8))
+        Ipv6IfIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
+             STATUS       current
+             DESCRIPTION
+               "A unique value, greater than zero for each
+               internetwork-layer interface in the managed
+               system. It is recommended that values are assigned
+               contiguously starting from 1. The value for each
+               internetwork-layer interface must remain constant
+               at least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+               network management system to the next
+               re-initialization."
+             SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+        Ipv6IfIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
+             STATUS       current
+             DESCRIPTION
+                 "This textual convention is an extension of the
+                 Ipv6IfIndex convention.  The latter defines
+                 a greater than zero value used to identify an IPv6
+                 interface in the managed system.  This extension
+                 permits the additional value of zero.  The value
+                 zero is object-specific and must therefore be
+                 defined as part of the description of any object
+                 which uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of
+                 zero might include situations where interface was
+                 unknown, or when none or all interfaces need to be
+                 referenced."
+             SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+        END
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba56682427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,2239 @@
+-- Juniper Enterprise Specific MIB: Chassis MIB
+-- Copyright (c) 1998-2013, Juniper Networks, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
+    Integer32, Gauge32, Counter32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString, TimeStamp, TimeInterval, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DateAndTime
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    jnxMibs, jnxChassisTraps, jnxChassisOKTraps
+    LAST-UPDATED "201305220000Z" -- Wed May 22 00:00:00 2013 UTC
+    ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc."
+            "        Juniper Technical Assistance Center
+		     Juniper Networks, Inc.
+		     1194 N. Mathilda Avenue
+		     Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+		     E-mail: support@juniper.net"
+            "The MIB modules representing Juniper Networks'
+	    implementation of enterprise specific MIBs 
+	    supported by a single SNMP agent."
+    REVISION      "200403230000Z"
+               "Added chassis identification objects."
+    REVISION     "200406300000Z"    -- July 30, 2004
+               "Added following new traps for chassis
+                alarm conditions: jnxFruFailed, jnxFruOffline
+                and jnxFruOnline."
+    REVISION     "200409170000Z"    -- Sep 17, 2004
+               "Added new traps for chassis
+                alarm condition jnxFruCheck."
+    REVISION     "200507180000Z"    -- Jul 18, 2005
+               "Added new fru type FEB in jnxFruType enumeration."
+    REVISION     "200507190000Z"    -- Jul 19, 2005
+               "Added new offline reason pfeVersionMismatch
+                to jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "200611200000Z"    -- Nov 20, 2006
+               "Added new offline reason fruFebOffline
+                to jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "200807310000Z"    -- Jul 31, 2008
+               "Added jnxBoxSystemDomainType object."
+    REVISION     "200808010000Z"    -- Aug 01, 2008
+               "Added new fru type PSD to jnxFruType enumeration and
+                added jcsX chassis IDs to JnxChassisId enumeration."
+    REVISION     "200812310000Z"    -- Dec 31, 2008
+               "Added nodeX chassis IDs to JnxChassisId enumeration."
+    REVISION     "200901090000Z"    -- Jan 09, 2009
+               "Added sfcX and lcc4-lcc15 chassis IDs to JnxChassisId
+                enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201010220000Z"    -- Oct 22, 2010
+               "Added load average variables"
+    REVISION     "201109090000Z"    -- Sep 09, 2011
+               "Added jnxBoxPersonality for MidRangius Boxes
+                namely MX40/MX10/MX5"
+    REVISION     "201202150000Z"    -- Feb 02, 2012
+               "Added new offline reason builtinPicBounce to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201202210000Z"    -- Feb 21, 2012
+               "Added new jnxFruType: PDU and PSM,
+                and new traps: jnxFmLinkErr and jnxFmCellDropErr."
+    REVISION     "201208240000Z"    -- Aug 24, 2012
+               "Added new offline reason fruTypeConfigMismatch to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201208240000Z"    -- Aug 24, 2012
+               "Added new offline reason fruTypeConfigMismatch to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201210120000Z"    -- Oct 12, 2012
+               "Added new offline reason fruPICOfflineOnEccErrors to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201211070000Z"    -- Nov 07, 2012
+               "Added new offline reasons fruFpcIncompatible and
+                fruFpcFanTrayPEMIncompatible to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201301070000Z"    -- Jan 07, 2013
+               "Added new offline reason openflowConfigChange to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201302280000Z"    -- Feb 28, 2013
+               "Added new offline reasons fruFpcScbIncompatible to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201303220000Z"    -- Mar 22, 2013
+               "Added new offline reason hwError
+                to jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201305220000Z"    -- May 22, 2013
+               "Added new offline reasons fruReUnresponsive to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201307170000Z"    -- Jul 17, 2013
+               "Added new Fabric plane offline/online/check traps
+                to trap fabric plane offline/online/fault events."
+    REVISION     "201309240000Z"    -- Sep 24, 2013
+               "Added new offline reason hwError
+                to jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201310150000Z"    -- Oct 15, 2013
+               "Added new offline reason fruIncompatibleWithPEM,
+                fruIncompatibleWithSIB, and sibIncompatibleWithOtherSIB
+                to jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    REVISION     "201311190000Z"    -- Nov 19, 2013
+               "Added new offline reason fruPfeErrors to
+                jnxFruOfflineReason enumeration."
+    ::= { jnxMibs 1 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION  "Identifies a specific router chassis."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     unknown       (1),
+                     singleChassis (2),
+                     scc           (3),
+                     lcc0          (4),
+                     lcc1          (5),
+                     lcc2          (6),
+                     lcc3          (7),
+                     jcs1          (8),
+                     jcs2          (9),
+                     jcs3          (10),
+                     jcs4          (11),
+                     node0         (12),
+                     node1         (13),
+                     sfc0          (14),
+                     sfc1          (15),
+                     sfc2          (16),
+                     sfc3          (17),
+                     sfc4          (18),
+                     lcc4          (19),
+                     lcc5          (20),
+                     lcc6          (21),
+                     lcc7          (22),
+                     lcc8          (23),
+                     lcc9          (24),
+                     lcc10         (25),
+                     lcc11         (26),
+                     lcc12         (27),
+                     lcc13         (28),
+                     lcc14         (29),
+                     lcc15         (30),
+                     member0       (31),
+                     member1       (32),
+                     member2       (33),
+                     member3       (34),
+                     member4       (35),
+                     member5       (36),
+                     member6       (37),
+                     member7       (38),
+                     nodeDevice    (39),
+                     interconnectDevice (40),
+                     controlPlaneDevice (41),
+                     directorDevice (42)
+                 }
+-- Juniper Box Anatomy MIB
+-- Top level objects
+    jnxBoxClass OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+	        "The class of the box, indicating which product line
+		the box is about, for example, 'Internet Router'."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 1 }
+    jnxBoxDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name, model, or detailed description of the box,
+		indicating which product the box is about, for example
+		'M40'."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 2 }
+    jnxBoxSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The serial number of this subject, blank if unknown 
+		or unavailable."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 3 }
+    jnxBoxRevision OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The revision of this subject, blank if unknown or
+		unavailable."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 4 }
+    jnxBoxInstalled OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when the subject was last
+		installed, up-and-running.  Zero if unknown or 
+		already up-and-running when the agent was up."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 5 }
+-- Box Containers Table
+    jnxContainersTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		SEQUENCE OF JnxContainersEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"A list of containers entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 6 }
+    jnxContainersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		JnxContainersEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"An entry of containers table."
+	INDEX 	{ jnxContainersIndex }
+	::= { jnxContainersTable 1 }
+    JnxContainersEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxContainersIndex		Integer32,
+	    jnxContainersView		Integer32,
+	    jnxContainersLevel		Integer32,
+	    jnxContainersWithin		Integer32,
+	    jnxContainersType		OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+	    jnxContainersDescr          DisplayString,
+	    jnxContainersCount		Integer32
+    }
+    jnxContainersIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The index for this entry."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 1 }
+    jnxContainersView OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..63)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The view(s) from which the specific container
+		appears.
+		This variable indicates that the specific container
+		is embedded and accessible from the corresponding
+		view(s).
+		The value is a bit map represented as a sum.
+		If multiple bits are set, the specified
+		container(s) are located and accessible from 
+		that set of views.
+		The various values representing the bit positions
+		and its corresponding views are:
+		    1   front
+		    2   rear
+		    4   top
+		    8   bottom
+		   16   leftHandSide
+		   32   rightHandSide
+		Note 1: 
+		LefHandSide and rightHandSide are referred
+		to based on the view from the front.
+		Note 2: 
+		If the specified containers are scattered 
+		around various views, the numbering is according
+		to the following sequence:
+		    front -> rear -> top -> bottom
+			  -> leftHandSide -> rightHandSide
+		For each view plane, the numbering sequence is
+		first from left to right, and then from up to down.
+		Note 3: 
+		Even though the value in chassis hardware (e.g. 
+		slot number) may be labelled from 0, 1, 2, and up,
+		all the indices in MIB start with 1 (not 0) 
+		according to network management convention."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 2 }
+    jnxContainersLevel OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The abstraction level of the box or chassis.
+		It is enumerated from the outside to the inside, 
+		from the outer layer to the inner layer.
+		For example, top level (i.e. level 0) refers to 
+		chassis frame, level 1 FPC slot within chassis 
+		frame, level 2 PIC space within FPC slot."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 3 }
+    jnxContainersWithin OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The index of its next higher level container 
+		housing	this entry.  The associated 
+		jnxContainersIndex in the jnxContainersTable 
+		represents its next higher level container."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 4 }
+    jnxContainersType OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The type of this container."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 5 }
+    jnxContainersDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name or detailed description of this
+		subject."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 6 }
+    jnxContainersCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The maximum number of containers of this level
+		per container of the next higher level.  
+		e.g. if there are six level 2 containers in 
+		level 1 container, then jnxContainersCount for
+		level 2 is six."
+	::= { jnxContainersEntry 7 }
+-- Box Contents Table
+    jnxContentsLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when the box contents 
+		table last changed.  Zero if unknown or already 
+		existing when the agent was up."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 7 }
+    jnxContentsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		SEQUENCE OF JnxContentsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"A list of contents entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 8 }
+    jnxContentsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		JnxContentsEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"An entry of contents table."
+	INDEX	{ jnxContentsContainerIndex, 
+		  jnxContentsL1Index,
+		  jnxContentsL2Index,
+		  jnxContentsL3Index }
+	::= { jnxContentsTable 1 }
+    JnxContentsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxContentsContainerIndex	Integer32,
+	    jnxContentsL1Index          Integer32,
+	    jnxContentsL2Index          Integer32,
+	    jnxContentsL3Index          Integer32,
+	    jnxContentsType		OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+	    jnxContentsDescr		DisplayString,
+	    jnxContentsSerialNo		DisplayString,
+	    jnxContentsRevision		DisplayString,
+	    jnxContentsInstalled	TimeStamp,
+            jnxContentsPartNo           DisplayString,
+            jnxContentsChassisId        JnxChassisId,
+            jnxContentsChassisDescr     DisplayString,
+            jnxContentsChassisCleiCode  DisplayString
+    }
+    jnxContentsContainerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The associated jnxContainersIndex in the 
+		jnxContainersTable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 1 }
+    jnxContentsL1Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level one index of the container
+		housing this subject.  Zero if unavailable
+		or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 2 }
+    jnxContentsL2Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level two index of the container
+		housing this subject.  Zero if unavailable
+		or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 3 }
+    jnxContentsL3Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level three index of the container
+		housing this subject.  Zero if unavailable
+		or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 4 }
+    jnxContentsType OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The type of this subject.  zeroDotZero
+		if unknown."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 5 }
+    jnxContentsDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name or detailed description of this
+		subject."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 6 }
+    jnxContentsSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The serial number of this subject, blank if 
+		unknown or unavailable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 7 }
+    jnxContentsRevision OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The revision of this subject, blank if unknown 
+		or unavailable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 8 }
+    jnxContentsInstalled OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when the subject was last 
+		installed, up-and-running.  Zero if unknown
+		or already up-and-running when the agent was up."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 9 }
+    jnxContentsPartNo OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The part number of this subject, blank if unknown 
+		or unavailable."
+	::= { jnxContentsEntry 10 }
+    jnxContentsChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX          JnxChassisId
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS          current
+                "Identifies the chassis on which the contents of this
+                row exists."
+        ::= { jnxContentsEntry 11 }
+    jnxContentsChassisDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS          current
+                "A textual description of the chassis on which the
+                contents of this row exists."
+        ::= { jnxContentsEntry 12 }
+    jnxContentsChassisCleiCode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS          current
+                "The clei code of this subject, blank if unknown
+                 or unavailable.
+                 A CLEI code is an intelligent code that consists of 10
+                 alphanumeric characters with 4 data elements.  The first data
+                 element is considered the basic code with the first 2 characters
+                 indicating the technology or equipment type, and the third and
+                 fourth characters denoting the functional sub-category.  The
+                 second data element represents the features, and its three
+                 characters denote functional capabilities or changes.  The third
+                 data element has one character and denotes a reference to a
+                 manufacturer, system ID, specification, or drawing.  The fourth
+                 data element consists of two characters and contains complementary
+                 data.  These two characters provide a means of differentiating or
+                 providing uniqueness between the eight character CLEI codes by
+                 identifying the manufacturing vintage of the product.  Names are
+                 assigned via procedures defined in [GR485].
+                 The assigned maintenance agent for the CLEI code, Telcordia
+                 Technologies, is responsible for assigning certain equipment and
+                 other identifiers (e.g., location, manufacturer/supplier) for the
+                 telecommunications industry."
+        ::= { jnxContentsEntry 13 }
+-- Box LED Indicators Table
+    jnxLEDLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The value of sysUpTime when the box LED table 
+		last changed.  Zero if unknown or already at 
+		that state when the agent was up."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 9 }
+    jnxLEDTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"A list of status entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 10 }
+    jnxLEDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"An entry of status table."
+	INDEX 	{ jnxLEDAssociateTable,
+		  jnxLEDAssociateIndex,
+		  jnxLEDL1Index,
+		  jnxLEDL2Index,
+		  jnxLEDL3Index }
+	::= { jnxLEDTable 1 }
+    JnxLEDEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxLEDAssociateTable	INTEGER,
+	    jnxLEDAssociateIndex	Integer32,
+	    jnxLEDL1Index		Integer32,
+	    jnxLEDL2Index		Integer32,
+	    jnxLEDL3Index		Integer32,
+	    jnxLEDOriginator		OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+	    jnxLEDDescr			DisplayString,
+	    jnxLEDState			INTEGER,
+	    jnxLEDStateOrdered		INTEGER
+    }
+    jnxLEDAssociateTable OBJECT-TYPE
+		other(1),
+		jnxContainersTable(2),
+		jnxContentsTable(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The associated table that this entry is 
+		related."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 1 }
+    jnxLEDAssociateIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The index of the associated table that this
+		entry is related."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 2 }
+    jnxLEDL1Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The level one index of the associated
+		table that this entry is related.  Zero 
+		if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 3 }
+    jnxLEDL2Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The level two index of the associated
+		table that this entry is related.  Zero 
+		if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 4 }
+    jnxLEDL3Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The level three index of the associated
+		table that this entry is related.  Zero
+		if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 5 }
+    jnxLEDOriginator OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The originator of the this entry."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 6 }
+    jnxLEDDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The name or detailed description of this subject."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 7 }
+    jnxLEDState OBJECT-TYPE
+		other(1),     -- unknown or unavailable
+		green(2),     -- ok, good, normally working,
+			      -- or on-line as a standby backup if
+			      -- there is an active primary
+		yellow(3),    -- alarm, warning, marginally working
+		red(4),	      -- alert, failed, not working
+		blue(5),      -- ok, on-line as an active primary
+		amber(6)      -- alarm, off-line, not running
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The state of the LED indicator."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 8 }
+    jnxLEDStateOrdered OBJECT-TYPE
+		blue(1),      -- ok, on-line as an active primary
+		green(2),     -- ok, good, normally working,
+			      -- or on-line as a standby backup if
+			      -- there is an active primary
+		amber(3),     -- alarm, off-line, not running
+		yellow(4),    -- alarm, warning, marginally working
+		red(5),	      -- alert, failed, not working
+		other(6)      -- unknown or unavailable
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The state of the LED indicator.  Identical to jnxLEDState, but
+                with enums ordered from 'most operational' to 'least
+                operational' states."
+	::= { jnxLEDEntry 9 }
+-- Box Filled Status Table
+-- This table show the empty/filled status of the container in the 
+-- box containers table.
+    jnxFilledLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when the box filled 
+		status table last changed.  Zero if unknown or
+		already at that state when the agent was up."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 11 }
+    jnxFilledTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"A list of filled status entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 12 }
+    jnxFilledEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		JnxFilledEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"An entry of filled status table."
+	INDEX	{ jnxFilledContainerIndex,
+		  jnxFilledL1Index,
+		  jnxFilledL2Index,
+		  jnxFilledL3Index }
+	::= { jnxFilledTable 1 }
+    JnxFilledEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxFilledContainerIndex   	Integer32,
+	    jnxFilledL1Index          	Integer32,
+	    jnxFilledL2Index          	Integer32,
+	    jnxFilledL3Index          	Integer32,
+	    jnxFilledDescr              DisplayString,
+            jnxFilledState              INTEGER,
+            jnxFilledChassisId          JnxChassisId,
+            jnxFilledChassisDescr       DisplayString
+    }
+    jnxFilledContainerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The associated jnxContainersIndex in the 
+		jnxContainersTable."
+	::= { jnxFilledEntry 1 }
+    jnxFilledL1Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level one index of the container
+		housing this subject.  Zero if unavailable
+		or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFilledEntry 2 }
+    jnxFilledL2Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level two index of the container
+		housing this subject.  Zero if unavailable
+		or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFilledEntry 3 }
+    jnxFilledL3Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level three index of the container
+		housing this subject.  Zero if unavailable
+		or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFilledEntry 4 }
+    jnxFilledDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name or detailed description of this
+		subject."
+	::= { jnxFilledEntry 5 }
+    jnxFilledState OBJECT-TYPE
+		unknown(1),
+		empty(2),
+		filled(3)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The filled state of this subject."
+	::= { jnxFilledEntry 6 }
+    jnxFilledChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         JnxChassisId
+        MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "Identifies the chassis on which the contents of this
+                row exists."
+        ::= { jnxFilledEntry 7 }
+    jnxFilledChassisDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "A textual description of the chassis on which the
+                contents of this row exists."
+        ::= { jnxFilledEntry 8 }
+-- Box Operating Status Table
+-- This table reveals the operating status of some subjects 
+-- of interest in the box contents table.
+    jnxOperatingTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		SEQUENCE OF JnxOperatingEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"A list of operating status entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 13 }
+    jnxOperatingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		JnxOperatingEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"An entry of operating status table."
+	INDEX	{ jnxOperatingContentsIndex,
+		  jnxOperatingL1Index,
+		  jnxOperatingL2Index,
+		  jnxOperatingL3Index }
+	::= { jnxOperatingTable 1 }
+    JnxOperatingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxOperatingContentsIndex   Integer32,
+	    jnxOperatingL1Index         Integer32,
+	    jnxOperatingL2Index         Integer32,
+	    jnxOperatingL3Index         Integer32,
+	    jnxOperatingDescr           DisplayString,
+	    jnxOperatingState	    	INTEGER,
+	    jnxOperatingTemp            Gauge32,
+	    jnxOperatingCPU		Gauge32,
+	    jnxOperatingISR             Gauge32,
+	    jnxOperatingDRAMSize        Integer32,
+	    jnxOperatingBuffer          Gauge32,
+	    jnxOperatingHeap            Gauge32,
+	    jnxOperatingUpTime          TimeInterval,
+	    jnxOperatingLastRestart     TimeStamp,
+	    jnxOperatingMemory          Integer32,
+            jnxOperatingStateOrdered    INTEGER,
+            jnxOperatingChassisId       JnxChassisId,
+            jnxOperatingChassisDescr    DisplayString,
+            jnxOperatingRestartTime     DateAndTime,
+            jnxOperating1MinLoadAvg     Gauge32,
+            jnxOperating5MinLoadAvg     Gauge32,
+            jnxOperating15MinLoadAvg     Gauge32
+    }
+    jnxOperatingContentsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The associated jnxContentsContainerIndex in the 
+		jnxContentsTable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 1 }
+    jnxOperatingL1Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level one index associated with this
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 2 }
+    jnxOperatingL2Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level two index associated with this 
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 3 }
+    jnxOperatingL3Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level three index associated with this
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 4 }
+    jnxOperatingDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name or detailed description of this subject."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 5 }
+    jnxOperatingState OBJECT-TYPE
+		unknown(1),
+		running(2),   -- up and running,
+			      -- as a active primary
+		ready(3),     -- ready to run, not running yet
+		reset(4),     -- held in reset, not ready yet
+	        runningAtFullSpeed(5),  
+			      -- valid for fans only
+	        down(6),      -- down or off, for power supply
+		standby(7)    -- running as a standby backup
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The operating state of this subject."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 6 }
+    jnxOperatingTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Gauge32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The temperature in Celsius (degrees C) of this 
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 7 }
+    jnxOperatingCPU OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Gauge32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The CPU utilization in percentage of this 
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 8 }
+    jnxOperatingISR OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Gauge32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The CPU utilization in percentage of this subject
+		spending in interrupt service routine (ISR).
+		Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 9 }
+    jnxOperatingDRAMSize OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		deprecated
+		"The DRAM size in bytes of this subject.
+		Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 10 }
+    jnxOperatingBuffer OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Gauge32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The buffer pool utilization in percentage
+		of this subject.  Zero if unavailable or 
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 11 }
+    jnxOperatingHeap OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Gauge32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The heap utilization in percentage of 
+		this subject.  Zero if unavailable or 
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 12 }
+    jnxOperatingUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeInterval
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+        STATUS          deprecated
+		"The time interval in 10-millisecond period
+		that this subject has been up and running.  
+		Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 13 }
+    jnxOperatingLastRestart OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when this subject 
+		last restarted.  Zero if unavailable or 
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 14 }
+    jnxOperatingMemory OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The installed memory size in Megabytes 
+		of this subject.  Zero if unavailable or
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 15 }
+    jnxOperatingStateOrdered OBJECT-TYPE
+		running(1),   -- up and running,
+			      -- as a active primary
+		standby(2),   -- running as a standby backup
+		ready(3),     -- ready to run, not running yet
+	        runningAtFullSpeed(4),  
+			      -- valid for fans only
+		reset(5),     -- held in reset, not ready yet
+	        down(6),      -- down or off, for power supply
+		unknown(7)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The operating state of this subject.  Identical to
+                 jnxOperatingState, but with enums ordered from 'most
+                 operational' to 'least operational' states."
+	::= { jnxOperatingEntry 16 }
+    jnxOperatingChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         JnxChassisId
+        MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "Identifies the chassis on which the contents of this
+                row exists."
+        ::= { jnxOperatingEntry 17 }
+    jnxOperatingChassisDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "A textual description of the chassis on which the
+                contents of this row exists."
+        ::= { jnxOperatingEntry 18 }
+    jnxOperatingRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX          DateAndTime
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS          current
+                "The time at which this entity
+                last restarted."
+        ::= { jnxOperatingEntry 19 }
+        jnxOperating1MinLoadAvg OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX          Gauge32
+            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+            STATUS          current
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "The CPU Load Average over the last 1 minutes
+                     Here it will be shown as percentage value
+                     Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+            ::= { jnxOperatingEntry 20 }
+        jnxOperating5MinLoadAvg OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX          Gauge32
+            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+            STATUS          current
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "The CPU Load Average over the last 5 minutes
+                     Here it will be shown as percentage value
+                     Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+            ::= { jnxOperatingEntry 21 }
+        jnxOperating15MinLoadAvg OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX          Gauge32
+            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+            STATUS          current
+            DESCRIPTION
+                    "The CPU Load Average over the last 15 minutes
+                     Here it will be shown as percentage value
+                     Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+            ::= { jnxOperatingEntry 22 }
+-- Box Redundancy Information Table
+-- This table shows the internal configuration setting for the 
+-- available redundant subsystems or components in the box.
+    jnxRedundancyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		SEQUENCE OF JnxRedundancyEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"A list of redundancy information entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 14 }
+    jnxRedundancyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		JnxRedundancyEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"An entry in the redundancy information table."
+	INDEX	{ jnxRedundancyContentsIndex,
+		  jnxRedundancyL1Index,
+		  jnxRedundancyL2Index,
+		  jnxRedundancyL3Index }
+	::= { jnxRedundancyTable 1 }
+    JnxRedundancyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxRedundancyContentsIndex       Integer32,
+	    jnxRedundancyL1Index             Integer32,
+	    jnxRedundancyL2Index             Integer32,
+	    jnxRedundancyL3Index             Integer32,
+	    jnxRedundancyDescr               DisplayString,
+	    jnxRedundancyConfig	     	     INTEGER,
+	    jnxRedundancyState	     	     INTEGER,
+	    jnxRedundancySwitchoverCount     Counter32,
+	    jnxRedundancySwitchoverTime      TimeStamp,
+	    jnxRedundancySwitchoverReason    INTEGER,
+	    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveHeartbeat  Integer32,
+	    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveTimeout    Integer32,
+	    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveElapsed    Integer32,
+            jnxRedundancyKeepaliveLoss       Counter32,
+            jnxRedundancyChassisId           JnxChassisId,
+            jnxRedundancyChassisDescr        DisplayString
+    }
+    jnxRedundancyContentsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The associated jnxContentsContainerIndex in the 
+		jnxContentsTable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 1 }
+    jnxRedundancyL1Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level one index associated with this
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 2 }
+    jnxRedundancyL2Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level two index associated with this 
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 3 }
+    jnxRedundancyL3Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level three index associated with this
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 4 }
+    jnxRedundancyDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name or detailed description of this subject."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 5 }
+    jnxRedundancyConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+		unknown(1),
+		master(2),    -- election priority set as a master
+		backup(3),    -- election priority set as a backup
+		disabled(4),  -- election disabled
+		notApplicable(5) -- any among the available can be master
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The election priority of redundancy configuration for
+		this subject.  The value 'notApplicable' means no
+		specific instance is configured to be master or
+		backup; whichever component boots up first becomes a
+		master."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 6 }
+    jnxRedundancyState OBJECT-TYPE
+		unknown(1),
+		master(2),    -- master
+		backup(3),    -- backup
+		disabled(4)   -- disabled
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The current running state for this subject."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 7 }
+    jnxRedundancySwitchoverCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The total number of switchover as perceived by
+		this subject since routing engine is up and running.
+		The switchover is defined as a change in state of
+		jnxRedundancyState from master to backup or vice
+		versa.	Its value is reset when the routing engine
+		is reset or rebooted."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 8 }
+    jnxRedundancySwitchoverTime OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when the jnxRedundancyState
+		of this subject was last switched over from master
+		to backup or vice versa.  Zero if unknown or never
+		switched over since the routing engine is up and
+		running."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 9 }
+    jnxRedundancySwitchoverReason OBJECT-TYPE
+		other(1),		-- others
+		neverSwitched(2),	-- never switched
+		userSwitched(3),	-- user-initiated switchover
+		autoSwitched(4)		-- automatic switchover
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The reason of the last switchover for this subject."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 10 }
+    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveHeartbeat OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The period of sending keepalive messages between
+		the master and backup subsystems.  It is a system-wide
+		preset value in seconds used by internal mastership
+		resolution.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 11 }
+    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The timeout period in seconds, by the keepalive 
+		watchdog timer, before initiating a switch over to 
+		the backup subsystem.  Zero if unavailable or 
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 12 }
+    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The elapsed time in seconds by this subject since 
+		receiving the last keepalive message from the other
+		subsystems.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 13 }
+    jnxRedundancyKeepaliveLoss OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The total number of losses on keepalive messages 
+		between the master and backup subsystems as perceived
+		by this subject since the system is up and running.  
+		Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 14 }
+    jnxRedundancyChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         JnxChassisId
+        MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "Identifies the chassis on which the contents of this
+                row exists."
+        ::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 15 }
+    jnxRedundancyChassisDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "A textual description of the chassis on which the
+                contents of this row exists."
+        ::= { jnxRedundancyEntry 16 }
+-- FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) Status Table
+-- This table shows the status of the FRUs in the chassis.
+    jnxFruTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"A list of FRU status entries."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 15 }
+    jnxFruEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		JnxFruEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+	STATUS		current
+		"An entry in the FRU status table."
+	INDEX	{ jnxFruContentsIndex,
+		  jnxFruL1Index,
+		  jnxFruL2Index,
+		  jnxFruL3Index }
+	::= { jnxFruTable 1 }
+    JnxFruEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+	    jnxFruContentsIndex       Integer32,
+	    jnxFruL1Index             Integer32,
+	    jnxFruL2Index             Integer32,
+	    jnxFruL3Index             Integer32,
+	    jnxFruName                DisplayString,
+	    jnxFruType        	      INTEGER,
+	    jnxFruSlot                Integer32,
+	    jnxFruState	     	      INTEGER,
+	    jnxFruTemp                Gauge32,
+	    jnxFruOfflineReason       INTEGER,
+	    jnxFruLastPowerOff        TimeStamp,
+	    jnxFruLastPowerOn         TimeStamp,
+            jnxFruPowerUpTime         TimeInterval,
+            jnxFruChassisId           JnxChassisId,
+            jnxFruChassisDescr        DisplayString,
+            jnxFruPsdAssignment       Integer32
+    }
+    jnxFruContentsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (1..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The associated jnxContentsContainerIndex in the 
+		jnxContentsTable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 1 }
+    jnxFruL1Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level one index associated with this
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 2 }
+    jnxFruL2Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level two index associated with this 
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 3 }
+    jnxFruL3Index OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The level three index associated with this
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 4 }
+    jnxFruName OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The name or detailed description of this subject."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 5 }
+    jnxFruType OBJECT-TYPE
+		other(1),                               -- unknown or others
+		clockGenerator(2),                      -- CG
+		flexiblePicConcentrator(3),             -- FPC
+		switchingAndForwardingModule(4),        -- SFM
+		controlBoard(5),                        -- CBD, SCB
+		routingEngine(6),                       -- RE
+		powerEntryModule(7),                    -- PEM
+		frontPanelModule(8),                    -- FPM
+		switchInterfaceBoard(9),                -- SIB
+		processorMezzanineBoardForSIB(10),      -- SPMB
+		portInterfaceCard(11),                  -- PIC
+		craftInterfacePanel(12),                -- CIP
+		fan(13),                                -- fan
+		lineCardChassis(14),                    -- LCC
+                forwardingEngineBoard(15),              -- FEB
+                protectedSystemDomain(16),              -- PSD
+		powerDistributionUnit(17),              -- PDU
+		powerSupplyModule(18),                  -- PSM
+		switchFabricBoard(19),                  -- SFB
+		adapterCard(20)                         -- ADC
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The FRU type for this subject."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 6 }
+    jnxFruSlot OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32 (0..'7fffffff'h)
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The slot number of this subject.  This is equivalent
+		to jnxFruL1Index in meaning.  Zero if unavailable or 
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 7 }
+    jnxFruState OBJECT-TYPE
+		unknown(1),
+		empty(2),
+		present(3),
+		ready(4),
+		announceOnline(5),
+		online(6),
+		anounceOffline(7),
+		offline(8),
+		diagnostic(9),
+		standby(10)
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The current state for this subject."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 8 }
+    jnxFruTemp OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Gauge32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The temperature in Celsius (degrees C) of this 
+		subject.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 9 }
+    jnxFruOfflineReason OBJECT-TYPE
+		unknown(1),	                -- unknown or other
+		none(2),	                -- none	
+		error(3),      	                -- error 
+		noPower(4),	                -- no power  
+		configPowerOff(5),              -- configured to power off
+		configHoldInReset(6),           -- configured to hold in reset
+		cliCommand(7),                  -- offlined by cli command
+		buttonPress(8),                 -- offlined by button press
+		cliRestart(9),                  -- restarted by cli command
+		overtempShutdown(10),           -- overtemperature shutdown
+		masterClockDown(11),            -- master clock down
+		singleSfmModeChange(12),        -- single SFM mode change
+		packetSchedulingModeChange(13), -- packet scheduling mode change
+		physicalRemoval(14),            -- physical removal
+		unresponsiveRestart(15),        -- restarting unresponsive board
+		sonetClockAbsent(16),           -- sonet out clock absent
+                rddPowerOff(17),                -- RDD power off
+                majorErrors(18),                -- major errors
+                minorErrors(19),                -- minor errors
+                lccHardRestart(20),             -- LCC hard restart
+                lccVersionMismatch(21),         -- LCC version mismatch
+                powerCycle(22),                 -- power cycle
+                reconnect(23),                  -- reconnect
+                overvoltage(24),                -- overvoltage
+                pfeVersionMismatch(25),         -- PFE version mismatch
+                febRddCfgChange(26),            -- FEB redundancy cfg changed
+                fpcMisconfig(27),               -- FPC is misconfigured
+                fruReconnectFail(28),           -- FRU did not reconnect
+                fruFwddReset(29),               -- FWDD reset the fru
+                fruFebSwitch(30),               -- FEB got switched
+                fruFebOffline(31),              -- FEB was offlined
+                fruInServSoftUpgradeError(32),  -- In Service Software Upgrade Error
+                fruChasdPowerRatingExceed(33),  -- Chassis power rating exceeded
+                fruConfigOffline(34),           -- Configured offline
+                fruServiceRestartRequest(35),   -- restarting request from a service
+                spuResetRequest(36),            -- SPU reset request
+                spuFlowdDown(37),               -- SPU flowd down
+                spuSpi4Down(38),                -- SPU SPI4 down
+                spuWatchdogTimeout(39),         -- SPU Watchdog timeout
+                spuCoreDump(40),                -- SPU kernel core dump
+                fpgaSpi4LinkDown(41),           -- FPGA SPI4 link down
+                i3Spi4LinkDown(42),             -- I3 SPI4 link down
+                cppDisconnect(43),              -- CPP disconnect
+                cpuNotBoot(44),                 -- CPU not boot
+                spuCoreDumpComplete(45),        -- SPU kernel core dump complete
+                rstOnSpcSpuFailure(46),         -- Rst on SPC SPU failure
+                softRstOnSpcSpuFailure(47),     -- Soft Reset on SPC SPU failure
+                hwAuthenticationFailure(48),    -- HW authentication failure
+                reconnectFpcFail(49),           -- Reconnect FPC fail
+                fpcAppFailed(50),               -- FPC app failed
+                fpcKernelCrash(51),             -- FPC kernel crash
+                spuFlowdDownNoCore(52),         -- SPU flowd down, no core dump
+                spuFlowdCoreDumpIncomplete(53), -- SPU flowd crash with incomplete core dump
+                spuFlowdCoreDumpComplete(54),   -- SPU flowd crash with complete core dump
+                spuIdpdDownNoCore(55),          -- SPU idpd down, no core dump
+                spuIdpdCoreDumpIncomplete(56),  -- SPU idpd crash with incomplete core dump
+                spuIdpdCoreDumpComplete(57),    -- SPU idpd crash with complete core dump
+                spuCoreDumpIncomplete(58),      -- SPU kernel crash with incomplete core dump
+                spuIdpdDown(59),                -- SPU idpd down
+                fruPfeReset(60),                -- PFE reset
+                fruReconnectNotReady(61),       -- FPC not ready to reconnect
+                fruSfLinkDown(62),              -- FE - Fabric links down
+                fruFabricDown(63),              -- Fabric transitioned from up to down
+                fruAntiCounterfeitRetry(64),    -- FPC offlined due to Anti Counterfeit Retry
+                fruFPCChassisClusterDisable(65), -- FPC offlined due to Chassis Cluster Disable
+                spuFipsError(66),                -- SPU fips error
+                fruFPCFabricDownOffline(67),     -- FPC offlined due to Fabric down
+                febCfgChange(68),                -- FEB config change
+                routeLocalizationRoleChange(69), -- Route localization role change
+                fruFpcUnsupported(70),           -- FPC unsupported
+                psdVersionMismatch(71),          -- PSD version mismatch
+                fruResetThresholdExceeded(72),   -- FRU Reset Threshold Exceeded
+                picBounce(73),                   -- PIC Bounce
+                badVoltage(74),                  -- bad voltage
+                fruFPCReducedFabricBW(75),       -- FPC offlined due to Reduced Fabric Bandwidth
+                fruAutoheal(76),                 -- FRU offlined due to software autoheal action
+                builtinPicBounce(77),            -- Builtin PIC Bounce
+                fruFabricDegraded(78),           -- Fabric running in degraded state
+                fruFPCFabricDegradedOffline(79), -- FPC offlined due to degraded fabric action 
+                fruUnsupportedSlot(80),          -- FRU unsupported in the current slot
+                fruRouteLocalizationMisCfg(81),  -- Route Localization - FPC Misconfiguration
+                fruTypeConfigMismatch(82),       -- FRU Type configuration mismatch
+                lccModeChanged(83),              -- LCC mode changed on the SFC
+                hwFault(84),                     -- Hardware fault
+                fruPICOfflineOnEccErrors(85),    -- PIC offlined on ecc errors cross ceratins limit.
+                fruFpcIncompatible(86),          -- FPC imcompatible with other FPCs
+                fruFpcFanTrayPEMIncompatible(87),-- FPC incompatible with FAN-TRAYs ,PEMs
+                fruUnsupportedFirmware(88),      -- Firmware on this FRU not supported
+                openflowConfigChange(89),        -- Openflow config change offlines FPC
+                fruFpcScbIncompatible(90),       -- FPC incompatible with SCB
+                fruReUnresponsive(91),           -- Corresponding slot RE unresponsive
+                hwError(92),                     -- Hardware error
+                fruErrorManagerReqFPCReset(93),  -- Error manager requested FPC reset.
+                fruIncompatibleWithPEM(94),      -- FRU incompatible with power supply
+                fruIncompatibleWithSIB(95),      -- FRU incompatible with SIB
+                sibIncompatibleWithOtherSIB(96), -- FRU incompatible with other SIB
+                fruPfeErrors(97)                 -- PIC offlined on PFE Errors cross limit.
+	}
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The offline reason of this subject."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 10 }
+    jnxFruLastPowerOff OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when this subject was last 
+		powered off.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 11 }
+    jnxFruLastPowerOn OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeStamp
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The value of sysUpTime when this subject was last 
+		powered on.  Zero if unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 12 }
+    jnxFruPowerUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		TimeInterval
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The time interval in 10-millisecond period
+		that this subject has been up and running
+		since the last power on time.  Zero if 
+		unavailable or inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxFruEntry 13 }
+    jnxFruChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         JnxChassisId
+        MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "Identifies the chassis on which the contents of this
+                row exists."
+        ::= { jnxFruEntry 14 }
+    jnxFruChassisDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "A textual description of the chassis on which the
+                contents of this row exists."
+        ::= { jnxFruEntry 15 }
+    jnxFruPsdAssignment OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX         Integer32 (0..31)
+        MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+        STATUS         current
+                "The PSD assignment of this subject. Zero if unavailable or
+                not applicable."
+        ::= { jnxFruEntry 16 }
+-- definition of Kernel Memory Used related stuff
+    jnxBoxKernelMemoryUsedPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX		Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The percentage of kernel memory used
+		of this subject.  0 if unavailable or
+		inapplicable."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 16 }
+-- definition of system domain information
+    jnxBoxSystemDomainType OBJECT-TYPE
+                     notApplicable(1),
+                     rootSystemDomain(2),
+                     protectedSystemDomain(3)
+        }
+	MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+	STATUS		current
+		"The system domain type of this subject, notApplicable will
+		be returned if this feature is not supported."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 17 }
+-- Applicable only for MidRangius Systems (MX5/10/40)
+    jnxBoxPersonality OBJECT-TYPE 
+	MAX-ACCESS      read-only
+	STATUS          current
+	        "The personality of the box, indicating which product line it is currently acting as
+		 for example, 'MX40'."
+	::= { jnxBoxAnatomy 18 }
+-- definition of chassis related traps
+    -- Traps for chassis alarm conditions   
+    jnxPowerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+			  jnxContentsL1Index,
+			  jnxContentsL2Index,
+			  jnxContentsL3Index,
+			  jnxContentsDescr,
+			  jnxOperatingState }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxPowerSupplyFailure trap signifies that
+		the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has
+		detected that the specified power supply in the
+		chassis has been in the failure (bad DC output) 
+		condition."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 1 }
+    jnxFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+			  jnxContentsL1Index,
+			  jnxContentsL2Index,
+			  jnxContentsL3Index,
+			  jnxContentsDescr,
+			  jnxOperatingState }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxFanFailure trap signifies that the SNMP
+		entity, acting in an agent role, has detected
+		that the specified cooling fan or impeller in 
+		the chassis has been in the failure (not spinning) 
+		condition."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 2 }
+    jnxOverTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+			  jnxContentsL1Index,
+			  jnxContentsL2Index,
+			  jnxContentsL3Index,
+			  jnxContentsDescr,
+			  jnxOperatingTemp }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxOverTemperature trap signifies that the 
+		SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has 
+		detected that the specified hardware component
+		in the chassis has experienced over temperature
+		condition."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 3 }
+    jnxRedundancySwitchover NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxRedundancyContentsIndex,
+			  jnxRedundancyL1Index,
+			  jnxRedundancyL2Index,
+			  jnxRedundancyL3Index,
+			  jnxRedundancyDescr,
+			  jnxRedundancyConfig,
+			  jnxRedundancyState,
+			  jnxRedundancySwitchoverCount,
+			  jnxRedundancySwitchoverTime,
+			  jnxRedundancySwitchoverReason }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxRedundancySwitchover trap signifies that 
+		the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has 
+		detected that the specified hardware component
+		in the chassis has experienced a redundancy 
+		switchover event defined as a change in state
+		of jnxRedundancyState from master to backup or
+		vice versa."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 4 }
+    jnxFruRemoval NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxFruContentsIndex,
+			  jnxFruL1Index,
+			  jnxFruL2Index,
+			  jnxFruL3Index,
+			  jnxFruName,
+			  jnxFruType,
+			  jnxFruSlot }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxFruRemoval trap signifies that the SNMP 
+		entity, acting in an agent role, has detected 
+		that the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)
+		has been removed from the chassis."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 5 }
+    jnxFruInsertion NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxFruContentsIndex,
+			  jnxFruL1Index,
+			  jnxFruL2Index,
+			  jnxFruL3Index,
+			  jnxFruName,
+			  jnxFruType,
+			  jnxFruSlot }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxFruInsertion trap signifies that the SNMP 
+		entity,	acting in an agent role, has detected that
+		the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) has been 
+		inserted into the chassis."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 6 }
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxFruContentsIndex,
+			  jnxFruL1Index,
+			  jnxFruL2Index,
+			  jnxFruL3Index,
+			  jnxFruName,
+			  jnxFruType,
+			  jnxFruSlot,
+			  jnxFruOfflineReason,
+			  jnxFruLastPowerOff,
+			  jnxFruLastPowerOn }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxFruPowerOff trap signifies that the SNMP 
+		entity, acting in an agent role, has detected 
+		that the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)
+		has been powered off in the chassis."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 7 }
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxFruContentsIndex,
+			  jnxFruL1Index,
+			  jnxFruL2Index,
+			  jnxFruL3Index,
+			  jnxFruName,
+			  jnxFruType,
+			  jnxFruSlot,
+			  jnxFruOfflineReason,
+			  jnxFruLastPowerOff,
+			  jnxFruLastPowerOn }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxFruPowerOn trap signifies that the SNMP 
+		entity,	acting in an agent role, has detected that
+		the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) has been 
+		powered on in the chassis."
+	::= { jnxChassisTraps 8 }
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "This indicates the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)
+                 has failed in the chassis. Most probably this is due toi
+                 some hard error such as fru is not powering up or not
+                 able to load ukernel. In these cases, fru is replaced."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 9 }
+    jnxFruOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot,
+                          jnxFruOfflineReason,
+                          jnxFruLastPowerOff,
+                          jnxFruLastPowerOn }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxFruOffline trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected
+                that the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)
+                has gone offline in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 10 }
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxFruOnline trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) has
+                gone online in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 11 }
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxFruCheck trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) has
+                encountered some operational errors and gone into
+                check state in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 12 }   
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxFEBSwitchover trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified FEB (Forwarding Engine Board) has
+                switched over."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 13 }
+    jnxHardDiskFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxHardDiskFailed trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the Disk in the specified Routing Engine has
+                encountered some operational errors and gone into
+                failed state in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 14 }
+    jnxHardDiskMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A DiskMissing trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                hard disk in the specified outing Engine is missing
+                from boot device list."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 15 }
+    jnxBootFromBackup NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+         STATUS         current
+                 "A jnxBootFromBackup trap signifies that the SNMP
+                 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                 the specified  routing-engine/member has booted from
+                 the back up root partition"
+         ::= { jnxChassisTraps 16 }     
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A LinkErr trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected
+                link errors."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 17 }
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A CellDropErr trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected 
+                cell drop errors."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 18 }
+    jnxExtSrcLockLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A ExtSrcLockLost trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                a lock for an external clock source has been lost."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 19 }
+    jnxPlaneOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot,
+                          jnxFruOfflineReason,
+                          jnxFruLastPowerOff,
+                          jnxFruLastPowerOn }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxPlaneOffline trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected
+                that the specified Fabric plane
+                has gone offline in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 20 }
+    jnxPlaneOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxPlaneOnline trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified Fabric Plane has
+                gone online in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 21 }
+    jnxPlaneCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxPlaneCheck trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified Fabric plane has
+                encountered some operational errors and gone into
+                check state in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 22 }   
+    jnxPlaneFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxPlaneCheck trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified Fabric plane has
+                encountered some operational errors and gone into
+                fault state in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 23 }   
+    jnxPowerSupplyInputFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+                          jnxContentsL1Index,
+                          jnxContentsL2Index,
+                          jnxContentsL3Index,
+                          jnxContentsDescr,
+                          jnxOperatingState }
+        STATUS          current
+            "A jnxPowerSupplyInputFailure trap signifies that
+            the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has
+            detected that the specified power supply's input feed 
+            in the chassis has been in the failure condition."
+        ::= { jnxChassisTraps 24 }
+    -- Traps for chassis alarm cleared conditions
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+			  jnxContentsL1Index,
+			  jnxContentsL2Index,
+			  jnxContentsL3Index,
+			  jnxContentsDescr,
+			  jnxOperatingState }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxPowerSupplyOK trap signifies that the 
+		SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has
+		detected that the specified power supply in the
+		chassis has recovered from the failure (bad DC output) 
+		condition."
+	::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 1 }
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+			  jnxContentsL1Index,
+			  jnxContentsL2Index,
+			  jnxContentsL3Index,
+			  jnxContentsDescr,
+			  jnxOperatingState }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxFanOK trap signifies that the SNMP
+		entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+		the specified cooling fan or impeller in the chassis
+		has recovered from the failure (not spinning) condition."
+	::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 2 }
+    jnxTemperatureOK NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+	OBJECTS		{ jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+			  jnxContentsL1Index,
+			  jnxContentsL2Index,
+			  jnxContentsL3Index,
+			  jnxContentsDescr,
+			  jnxOperatingTemp }
+	STATUS		current
+		"A jnxTemperatureOK trap signifies that the 
+		SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has 
+		detected that the specified hardware component
+		in the chassis has recovered from over temperature
+		condition." 
+	::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 3 }
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxFruOK trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the specified FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) has
+                recovered from previous operational errors and it
+                is in ok state in the chassis."
+        ::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 4 }
+    jnxExtSrcLockAcquired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A ExtSrcLockAcquired trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                a lock for an external clock source has been acquired."
+        ::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 5 }
+        OBJECTS         { jnxFruContentsIndex,
+                          jnxFruL1Index,
+                          jnxFruL2Index,
+                          jnxFruL3Index,
+                          jnxFruName,
+                          jnxFruType,
+                          jnxFruSlot }
+        STATUS          current
+                "A jnxHardDiskOK trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that
+                the Disk in the specified Routing Engine has
+                recovered from the failure condition."
+        ::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 6 }
+    jnxPowerSupplyInputOK NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+        OBJECTS     { jnxContentsContainerIndex,
+                      jnxContentsL1Index,
+                      jnxContentsL2Index,
+                      jnxContentsL3Index,
+                      jnxContentsDescr,
+                      jnxOperatingState }
+        STATUS      current
+            "A jnxPowerSupplyInputOK trap signifies that the 
+            SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected 
+            that the specified power supply's input feed in the
+            chassis has recovered from the failure condition."
+        ::= { jnxChassisOKTraps 7 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-SMI.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-SMI.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7570716d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-SMI.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+-- Juniper Enterprise Specific MIB: Structure of Management Information
+-- Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Juniper Networks, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED "201703010000Z"    -- Wed Mar 01 00:00:00 2017 UTC
+    ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc."
+            "        Juniper Technical Assistance Center
+		     Juniper Networks, Inc.
+		     1194 N. Mathilda Avenue
+		     Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+		     E-mail: support@juniper.net"
+            "The Structure of Management Information for Juniper Networks."
+    REVISION     "201007090000Z"    -- Jul 09, 2010
+             "Added jnxLicenseMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION     "200910290000Z"    -- Oct 29, 2009
+             "Added jnxCosNotifications branch."
+    REVISION     "201006180000Z"    -- Jun 18, 2010
+             "Added jnxLicenseMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "200304170100Z" -- 17-Apr-03
+            "Added jnxExperiment branch."
+    REVISION    "200508170100Z" -- 17-Aug-05
+            "Added jnxNsm branch."
+    REVISION    "200612140100Z" -- 14-Dec-06
+            "Added jnxCA branch."
+    REVISION    "200701010000Z" -- 1-Jan-07
+            "Added jnxUtilMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "200710090000Z" -- 9-Oct-07
+            "Added jnxAdvancedInsightMgr branch."
+    REVISION    "200912310000Z" -- 31-Dec-09
+            "Added jnxBxMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "201007140000Z" -- 14-Jul-10
+            "Added jnxSubscriberMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "201101260000Z" -- 26-Jan-11
+            "Added jnxDcfMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "201202100000Z" -- 10-Feb-12
+            "Added jnxMediaFlow branch."
+    REVISION    "201208010000Z" -- 01-Aug-12
+            "Added jnxSDKApplicationsRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "201211010000Z" -- 01-Nov12
+            "Added jnxJVAEMibRoot branch."
+    REVISION    "201212070000Z" -- 7-Dec-12
+            "Added jnxStrm branch."
+    REVISION    "201301250000Z" -- 25-Jan-13
+            "Added jnxIfOtnMibRoot branch.
+             Added jnxOpticsMibRoot branch.
+             Added jnxAlarmExtMibRoot branch.
+             Added jnxoptIfMibRoot branch.
+             Added jnxIfOtnNotifications branch.
+             Added jnxOpticsNotifications branch."
+    REVISION    "201311260000Z" -- 26-Nov-13
+            " Added jnxSnmpSetMibRoot branch"
+    REVISION    "201410090000Z" -- 09-Oct-14
+            " Added jnxFabricMibRoot branch"
+    REVISION    "201410290000Z" -- 29-Oct-14
+            " Added jnxAgentCapability  branch"
+    REVISION    "201511190000Z" -- 19-Nov-15
+            " Added jnxIplcNotifications branch"
+    REVISION    "201605310000Z" -- 31-May-16
+            "Removed duplicate entries"
+    REVISION    "201703010000Z" --01-Mar-17
+            "Add jnxOamMibRoot"
+    ::= { enterprises 2636 }
+-- Juniper MIB tree structure
+    STATUS  current
+            "The root of Juniper's Product OIDs."
+    ::= { juniperMIB 1 }
+    --
+    -- Note, jnxProducts.1 is reserved for Junos-based products
+    --
+    -- The following OIDs are used as the basis for identifying other
+    -- Juniper products.
+    --
+    -- jnxMediaFlow refers to the root MIB object for Juniper's 
+    -- Media Flow Controller, a non-JUNOS based product. 
+    jnxMediaFlow                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 2 }
+    --
+    -- Top-level object identifier registry used by the JunosSpace Products.
+    jnxJunosSpace                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 3 }
+    jnxReservedProducts3            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 4 }
+    jnxReservedProducts4            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 5 }
+    jnxReservedProducts5            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 6 }
+    jnxSDKApplicationsRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 7 }
+    jnxJAB                          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 8 }
+   -- jnxStrm refers to the root MIB object for STRM products.
+   -- STRM is a non-JUNOS based product.
+    jnxStrm                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxProducts 9 }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The root of Juniper's Services OIDs."
+    ::= { juniperMIB 2 }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The root of Juniper's MIB objects."
+    ::= { juniperMIB 3 }
+    --
+    -- Note, jnxMibs.1-38 is already in use.
+    --
+    jnxJsMibRoot               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 39 }
+    jnxExMibRoot               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 40 }
+    jnxWxMibRoot               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 41 }
+    jnxDcfMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 42 }
+    jnxReservedMibs5           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 43 }
+    -- PFE data
+    jnxPfeMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 44 }
+    -- juniper Bfd Mib
+    jnxBfdMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 45 }
+    -- XSTP mibs
+    jnxXstpMibs                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 46 }
+    -- juniper Utility Mib
+    jnxUtilMibRoot             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 47 }
+    -- juniper l2ald Mib
+    jnxl2aldMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 48 } 
+    -- juniper L2tp Mib
+    jnxL2tpMibRoot             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 49 } 
+    -- juniper RPM Mib
+    jnxRpmMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 50 }
+    -- juniper User AAA Mib
+    jnxUserAAAMibRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 51 }
+    -- juniper Generic IPSEC MIB
+    jnxIpSecMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 52 }
+    -- juniper L2 control protocols MIB
+    jnxL2cpMibRoot             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 53 }
+        -- juniper pwTDM MIB
+    jnxPwTdmMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 54 }
+    -- juniper pwTC MIB
+    jnxPwTCMibRoot             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 55 }
+    -- juniper OTN MIB
+    jnxOtnMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 56 }
+    -- juniper power supply management MIB
+    jnxPsuMIBRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 58 }
+    -- juniper NAT MIB
+    jnxSvcsMibRoot             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 59 }
+    -- juniper DOM MIB
+    jnxDomMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 60 }
+    -- juniper JDHCPD MIB Release 10.4
+    jnxJdhcpMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 61 }
+    -- juniper JDHCPDv6 MIB Release 10.4
+    jnxJdhcpv6MibRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 62 }
+    -- juniper License management MIB
+    jnxLicenseMibRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 63 }
+    -- juniper Subscriber MIB
+    jnxSubscriberMibRoot       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 64 }
+    -- juniper MAG MIB 
+    jnxMagMibRoot              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 65 }
+    -- Root of juniper MobileGateway MIBs
+    jnxMobileGatewayMibRoot    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 66 }
+    -- juniper PPPOE MIB 
+    jnxPppoeMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 67 }
+    -- juniper PPP MIB 
+    jnxPppMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 68 }
+    -- junosV App Engine MIB
+    jnxJVAEMibRoot           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 69 }
+    -- juniper if otn mib
+    jnxIfOtnMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 70 }
+    -- juniper if optics mib
+    jnxOpticsMibRoot           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 71 }
+    jnxAlarmExtMibRoot         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 72 }
+    -- jnx-optif -  rfc3591 mapped as jnx mib
+    jnxoptIfMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 73 }
+    -- juniper FRU config mib
+    jnxFruMibRoot            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 74 }
+    -- juniper timing(PTP/SyncE) events notification mib
+    jnxTimingNotfnsMIBRoot   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 75 }
+    jnxSnmpSetMibRoot        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 76 }
+    -- TWAMP Client mib
+    jnxTwampMibRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 77 } 
+--    jnxSoamPmMib         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 78 }
+    -- juniper Video Monitoring MIB
+    jnxVmonMibRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 79 }
+    -- juniper SCG TDF config mib
+    jnxSGMibRoot           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 80 }
+    jnxFabricMibRoot         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 81 }
+    -- juniper Service Redundancy Daemon mib
+    jnxSRDMibRoot        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 82 }
+    -- juniper OAMD mib
+    jnxOamMibRoot          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 83 }
+    -- juniper Tunnel statistics mib
+    jnxTunnelStatsMibRoot        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 84 }
+    -- juniper URL Filtering Daemon mib
+    jnxURLFMibRoot        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMibs 85 }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The root of Juniper's Trap OIDs."
+    ::= { juniperMIB 4 }
+    jnxChassisTraps            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 1 }
+    jnxChassisOKTraps          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 2 }
+    jnxRmonTraps               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 3 }
+    jnxLdpTraps                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 4 }
+    jnxCmNotifications         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 5 }
+    jnxSonetNotifications      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 6 }
+    jnxPMonNotifications       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 7 }
+    jnxCollectorNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 8 }
+    jnxPingNotifications       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 9 }
+    jnxSpNotifications         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 10 }
+    jnxDfcNotifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 11 }
+    jnxSyslogNotifications     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 12 }
+    jnxEventNotifications      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 13 }
+    jnxVccpNotifications       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 14 }
+    jnxOtnNotifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 15 }
+    -- jnxSAIDPNotifications is for Stand alone IDP devices
+    jnxSAIDPNotifications      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 16 }
+    jnxCosNotifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 17 }
+    jnxDomNotifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 18 }
+    jnxFabricChassisTraps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 19 }
+    jnxFabricChassisOKTraps    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 20 }
+    -- juniper if otn traps
+    jnxIfOtnNotifications      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 21 }
+    -- juniper if optics traps
+    jnxOpticsNotifications     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 22 }
+    -- juniper FRU config traps
+    jnxFruTraps                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 23 }
+    jnxSnmpSetTraps              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 24 }
+    jnxDomLaneNotifications    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 25 }
+    -- TWAMP Client traps
+    jnxTwampNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jnxTraps 27 }
+    jnxIplcNotifications       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 28 }
+    jnxIlaNotifications       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxTraps 29 }
+--  This is the top-level object identifier registry used by Juniper
+--  products for SNMP modules containing experimental MIB definitions.
+--  In this context, experimental MIBs are defined as:
+--    1) IETF work-in-process MIBs which have not been assigned a permanent
+--       object identifier by the IANA.
+--    2) Juniper work-in-process MIBs that have not achieved final
+--       production quality or field experience.
+--   NOTE: Support for MIBs under the this OID subtree is temporary and
+--         changes to objects may occur without notice."
+jnxExperiment  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 5 }
+--  This is the top-level object identifier registry used by Juniper
+--  NSM products.
+jnxNsm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 6 }
+--  This is the top-level object identifier registry used by the
+--  JuniperRoot Certificate Authority.
+jnxCA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 7 }
+-- This is the top-level object identifier registry used by the 
+-- Carrier AAA software product (Parksteet). 
+jnxAAA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 8 }
+-- This is the top-level object identifier registry used by the 
+-- Advanced Insight Manager. 
+jnxAdvancedInsightMgr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 9 }
+-- This is the top-level object identifier registry used by the
+-- BX series Products.
+jnxBxMibRoot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 10 }
+-- This is the top-level object identifier registry used by Agent
+-- Capabilities mibs.
+jnxAgentCapability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniperMIB 11 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-VPN-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-VPN-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..923850952d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/JUNIPER-VPN-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
+-- read-write/read-create objects have been changed to read-only
+-- since this implmentation does not support write/create access.
+    Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32,
+    TimeTicks, Unsigned32
+                                      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType
+                                      FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
+    InterfaceIndexOrZero
+                                      FROM IF-MIB
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, StorageType
+                                      FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString
+                                      FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
+    jnxMibs
+                                      FROM JUNIPER-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED "201010150000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Provider Provisioned VPNs WG"
+        "        Kireeti Kompella
+         Postal: Juniper Networks, Inc.
+                 1194 Mathilda Ave
+                 Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+            Tel: +1 408 745 2000
+         E-mail: kireeti@juniper.net"
+        "Extended VPN MIB module to support VPN Identifier for locally switched
+         L2 circuits."
+    -- revision history
+    REVISION "201010150000Z"
+	"Corrected DISPLAY-HINT for TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs associated with a
+	 JnxVpnIdentifier."
+    REVISION "201008270000Z"
+        "Corrected related TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs associated with a JnxVpnIdentifier."
+    REVISION "200204212128Z"
+        "A VPN MIB module that allows one to configure and monitor
+         several types of Provider Provisioned VPNs. Initial revision."
+    ::= { jnxMibs 26 }
+jnxVpnMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxVpnMIB 0 }
+jnxVpnMibObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxVpnMIB 1 }
+jnxVpnMIBConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxVpnMIB 2 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+    STATUS     current
+        "Name of the VPN." 
+    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128))
+    STATUS     current
+        "Type of the VPN.  The following types have been defined:
+         bgpIpVpn:   RFC 4364 VPNs;
+         bgpL2Vpn:   BGP-based Layer 2 VPNs (see
+                     draft-kompella-ppvpn-l2vpn);
+         bgpVpls:    BGP-based VPLS (see draft-kompella-ppvnp-vpls);
+         l2Circuit:  LDP-based point-to-point Layer 2 circuits (see
+                     RFC 4906);
+         ldpVpls:    LDP-based VPLS (see
+                     draft-lasserre-vkompella-ppvpn-vpls);
+         opticalVpn: BGP-based Optical (port based) VPNs (see
+                     draft-ouldbrahim-bgpgmpls-ovpn);
+         vpOxc:      Virtual Private Optical Cross-Connect (see
+                     draft-ouldbrahim-ppvpn-vpoxc);
+         ccc:        proprietary Layer 2 circuit;
+         bgpAtmVpn:  ATM over MPLS (draft to be published)."
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+        other(1),
+        bgpIpVpn(2),
+        bgpL2Vpn(3),
+        bgpVpls(4),
+        l2Circuit(5),
+        ldpVpls(6),
+        opticalVpn(7),
+        vpOxc(8),
+        ccc(9),
+        bgpAtmVpn(10)
+    }
+JnxVpnIdentifierType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "Type of the VPN Identifier.  This includes Route
+         Distinguishers, Route Targets, and VC IDs.
+         none(0)                 This value MUST be used if the value of the
+                                 corresponding JnxVpnIdentifier object is a
+                                 zero-length string.
+         other(1)                A VPN identifier that does not match one of
+                                 the types defined in this MIB.
+         routeDistinguisher(2)   A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher textual convention.
+         routeDistinguisher0(3)   A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher0 textual convention.
+         routeDistinguisher1(4)  A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher1 textual convention.
+         routeDistinguisher2(5)  A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher2 textual convention.
+         routeTarget(6)          A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteTarget textual convention.
+         routeTarget0(7)         A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteTarget0 textual convention.
+         routeTarget1(8)         A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteTarget1 textual convention.
+         routeTarget2(9)         A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnRouteTarget2 textual convention.
+         vcId(10)                A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnVCIdentifier textual convention.
+         localSwitch(11)         A VPN identifier as defined by the
+                                 JnxVpnLocalSwitchIdentifier textual convention."
+        none(0),
+        other(1),
+        routeDistinguisher(2),
+        routeDistinguisher0(3),
+        routeDistinguisher1(4),
+        routeDistinguisher2(5),
+        routeTarget(6),
+        routeTarget0(7),
+        routeTarget1(8),
+        routeTarget2(9),
+        vcId(10),
+        localSwitch(11)
+    }
+JnxVpnIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "Syntax for a VPN identifier.  A VPN Identifier is always
+         interpreted within the context of an jnxVpnIdentifierType
+         value.  The jnxVpnIdentifierType object which defines the
+         context must be registered immediately before the object
+         which uses the VpnIdentifier textual convention.  In other
+         words, the object identifiers for the jnxVpnIdentifierType
+         object and the jnxVpnIdentifier object MUST have the same
+         length and the last sub-identifier of the jnxVpnIdentifierType  
+         object MUST be 1 less than the last sub-identifier of the
+         jnxVpnIdentifier object."
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..256))
+JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Generic Route Distinguisher."
+        "BGP/MPLS VPNs, RFC 4364."
+JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher0 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x-2d:4d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Type 0 Route Distinguisher."
+        "BGP/MPLS VPNs, RFC 4364."
+JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher1 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x-1d.1d.1d.1d:2d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Type 1 Route Distinguisher."
+        "BGP/MPLS VPNs, RFC 4364."
+JnxVpnRouteDistinguisher2 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x-4d:2d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Type 2 Route Distinguisher."
+        "BGP/MPLS VPNs, RFC 4364."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Generic Route Target."
+        "BGP Extended Communities Attribute, RFC 4360."
+JnxVpnRouteTarget0 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x-4d:2d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Type 00 Route Target."
+        "BGP Extended Communities Attribute, RFC 4360."
+JnxVpnRouteTarget1 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x-1d.1d.1d.1d:2d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Type 01 Route Target."
+        "BGP Extended Communities Attribute, RFC 4360."
+     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING(SIZE (8))        
+JnxVpnRouteTarget2 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x-2d:4d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a Type 02 Route Target."
+        "BGP Extended Communities Attribute, RFC 4360."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d:4d"
+    STATUS      current 
+        "Represents a PE ID, VC ID pair.  The PE ID is the Router ID
+         of the remote PE.  The VC ID follows the description given
+         in draft-martini-l2circuit-trans."
+JnxVpnMultiplexor ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current  
+        "Syntax for a VPN multiplexor/demultiplexor within a
+         Pseudo-Wire Tunnel."
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+JnxVpnLocalSwitchIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current 
+        "The string representing the name of two interfaces that are being 
+         locally switched separated by a colon."
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..256))
+-- vpnInfo
+jnxVpnInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxVpnMibObjects 1 }
+jnxVpnConfiguredVpns OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Number of configured VPNs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnInfo 1 }
+jnxVpnActiveVpns OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Number of active VPNs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnInfo 2 }
+jnxVpnNextIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Next free VPN interface index."
+    ::= { jnxVpnInfo 3 }
+jnxVpnNextPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Next free Pseudo-Wire index."
+    ::= { jnxVpnInfo 4 }
+jnxVpnNextRTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Next free Route Target index."
+    ::= { jnxVpnInfo 5 }
+-- vpnTable
+jnxVpnTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JnxVpnEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Table of Configured VPNs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnMibObjects 2 }
+jnxVpnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Entry containing information about a particular VPN."
+    INDEX { jnxVpnType, jnxVpnName }
+    ::= { jnxVpnTable 1 }
+JnxVpnEntry ::=
+        -- Indices
+        jnxVpnType                   JnxVpnType,
+        jnxVpnName                   JnxVpnName,
+        -- Conceptual row information
+        jnxVpnRowStatus              RowStatus,
+        jnxVpnStorageType            StorageType,
+        -- Configured information
+        jnxVpnDescription            SnmpAdminString,
+        jnxVpnIdentifierType         JnxVpnIdentifierType,
+        jnxVpnIdentifier             JnxVpnIdentifier,
+        -- Dynamic information
+        jnxVpnConfiguredSites        Gauge32,
+        jnxVpnActiveSites            Gauge32,
+        jnxVpnLocalAddresses         Gauge32,
+        jnxVpnTotalAddresses         Gauge32,
+        jnxVpnAge                    TimeTicks
+    }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Type of the VPN."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnName
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Name of the VPN.  This should ideally be unique in the
+         Service Provider's domain; at a minimum, it MUST be
+         unique per Provider Edge router."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 2 }
+jnxVpnRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a
+         row in this table."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 3 }
+jnxVpnStorageType OBJECT-TYPE 
+    SYNTAX     StorageType
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable indicates the storage type for this object."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 4 }
+jnxVpnDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "String describing the VPN."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 5 }
+jnxVpnIdentifierType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnIdentifierType
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Type of the following JnxVpnIdentifier."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 6 }
+jnxVpnIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnIdentifier
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "In the case of BGP VPNs, this is the Route Distinguisher
+         for the VPN.  In the case of LDP VPNs, this is the VC ID
+         for the circuit.  A value of all zeros indicates that the
+         neither a Route Distinguisher nor a VC ID is configured
+         for the VPN."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 7 }
+jnxVpnConfiguredSites OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of sites configured in the VPN.  Must be set
+         to zero if not applicable."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 8 }
+jnxVpnActiveSites OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of active sites (i.e., sites whose state is
+         active) in the VPN."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 9 }
+jnxVpnLocalAddresses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of addresses learned from the CE device."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 10 }
+jnxVpnTotalAddresses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of addresses in the VPN RIB."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The age (i.e., time from creation till now) of this
+         VPN in hundredths of a second."
+    ::= { jnxVpnEntry 12 }
+-- vpn interface table
+jnxVpnIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JnxVpnIfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Table of VPN Interfaces."
+    ::= { jnxVpnMibObjects 3 }
+jnxVpnIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnIfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Entry containing information about a particular VPN
+         interface."
+    INDEX { jnxVpnIfVpnType, jnxVpnIfVpnName, jnxVpnIfIndex }
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfTable 1 }
+JnxVpnIfEntry ::=
+        -- Indices
+        jnxVpnIfVpnType              JnxVpnType,
+        jnxVpnIfVpnName              JnxVpnName,
+        jnxVpnIfIndex                Unsigned32,
+        -- Conceptual row information
+        jnxVpnIfRowStatus            RowStatus,
+        jnxVpnIfStorageType          StorageType,
+        -- Configured information
+        jnxVpnIfAssociatedPw         Unsigned32,
+        jnxVpnIfProtocol             INTEGER,
+        jnxVpnIfInBandwidth          Unsigned32,
+        jnxVpnIfOutBandwidth         Unsigned32,
+        -- Dynamic information
+        jnxVpnIfStatus               INTEGER
+    }
+jnxVpnIfVpnType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnType
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+        "Type of the VPN to which this interface belongs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 1 }
+jnxVpnIfVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnName
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+        "Name of the VPN to which this interface belongs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 2 }
+jnxVpnIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of this interface in the VPN.  Each interface
+         in the VPN is given a unique index.  The RowStatus says
+         whether a given interface (i.e., a row in this table)
+         is valid or not. Note: this index MUST NOT be zero."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 3 }
+jnxVpnIfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a
+         row in this table."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 4 }
+jnxVpnIfStorageType OBJECT-TYPE 
+    SYNTAX     StorageType
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable indicates the storage type for this object."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 5 }
+jnxVpnIfAssociatedPw OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Index of associated Pseudo-wire, if any, in which case
+         the index MUST be non-zero.  If none, then this index
+         MUST be zero."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 6 }
+jnxVpnIfProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+        other(0),
+        frameRelay(1),
+        atmAal5(2),
+        atmCell(3),
+        ethernetVlan(4),
+        ethernet(5),
+        ciscoHdlc(6),
+        ppp(7),
+        cem(8),
+        atmVcc(9),
+        atmVpc(10),
+        vpls(11),
+        ipInterworking(12),
+        snapInterworking(13),
+        frameRelayPort(15),
+        satope1(17),
+        satopt1(18),
+        static(20),
+        rip(21),
+        ospf(22),
+        bgp(23),
+        satope3(24),
+        satopt3(25),
+        cesop(26),
+        atmTrunkNNI(129),
+        atmTrunkUNI(130)
+    }
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Protocol running over this VPN interface.  The values up to
+         10 are taken from draft-martini-l2circuit-trans-mpls-08.txt;
+         the value for vpls is taken from
+         draft-lasserre-vkompella-ppvpn-vpls-01.txt.  The values
+         from 20-23 are used when the VPN is a Layer 3 VPN."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 7 }
+jnxVpnIfInBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Maximum bandwidth that the CE connected over this VPN i/f
+         can send to the PE, in Kilo (i.e., 1000) Bytes per second.
+         A value of zero means there is no configured maximum."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 8 }
+jnxVpnIfOutBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Maximum bandwidth that the PE can send to the CE over this
+         VPN interface, in Kilo (i.e., 1000) Bytes per second.  A
+         value of zero means there is no configured maximum."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 9 }
+jnxVpnIfStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        unknown(0),
+        noLocalInterface(1),
+        disabled(2),
+        encapsulationMismatch(3),
+        down(4),
+        up(5)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "Status of this interface."
+    ::= { jnxVpnIfEntry 10 }
+-- vpnPwTable
+jnxVpnPwTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JnxVpnPwEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Table of Pseudo-Wire Connections."
+    ::= { jnxVpnMibObjects 4 }
+jnxVpnPwEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnPwEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Entry containing information about a particular VPN."
+    INDEX { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwTable 1 }
+JnxVpnPwEntry ::=    
+        -- Indices
+        jnxVpnPwVpnType              JnxVpnType,
+        jnxVpnPwVpnName              JnxVpnName,
+        jnxVpnPwIndex                Unsigned32,
+        -- Conceptual row information
+        jnxVpnPwRowStatus            RowStatus,
+        jnxVpnPwStorageType          StorageType,
+        -- Information about the Pseudo-Wire
+        jnxVpnPwAssociatedInterface  Unsigned32,
+        jnxVpnPwLocalSiteId          Unsigned32,
+        jnxVpnPwRemoteSiteId         Unsigned32,
+        jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddrType     InetAddressType,
+        jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddress      InetAddress,
+        jnxVpnPwTunnelType           INTEGER,
+        jnxVpnPwTunnelName           SnmpAdminString,
+        jnxVpnPwReceiveDemux         JnxVpnMultiplexor,
+        jnxVpnPwTransmitDemux        JnxVpnMultiplexor,
+        -- Status information
+        jnxVpnPwStatus               INTEGER,
+        jnxVpnPwTunnelStatus         INTEGER,
+        jnxVpnPwRemoteSiteStatus     INTEGER,
+        jnxVpnPwTimeUp               TimeTicks,
+        jnxVpnPwTransitions          Gauge32,
+        jnxVpnPwLastTransition       TimeTicks,
+        -- Performance data
+        jnxVpnPwPacketsSent          Counter64,
+        jnxVpnPwOctetsSent           Counter64,
+        jnxVpnPwPacketsReceived      Counter64,
+        jnxVpnPwOctetsReceived       Counter64,
+        jnxVpnPwLRPacketsSent        Counter32,
+        jnxVpnPwLROctetsSent         Counter32,
+        jnxVpnPwLRPacketsReceived    Counter32,
+        jnxVpnPwLROctetsReceived     Counter32
+    }
+jnxVpnPwVpnType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnType
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of the VPN to which this Pseudo-Wire belongs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 1 }
+jnxVpnPwVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnName
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+        "The name of the VPN to which this Pseudo-Wire belongs."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 2 }
+jnxVpnPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of this Pseudo-Wire in the VPN.  Each Pseudo
+         Wire in the VPN is given a unique index.  The RowStatus
+         says whether a given Pseudo Wire (i.e., a row in this
+         table) is valid or not. Note: this index MUST NOT be zero."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 3 }
+jnxVpnPwRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a
+         row in this table."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 4 }
+jnxVpnPwStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     StorageType
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable indicates the storage type for this object."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 5 }
+jnxVpnPwAssociatedInterface OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The VPN index of the interface associated with this Pseudo
+         Wire, if any.  If there is no interface associated with
+         this Pseudo Wire, a value of zero is to be returned."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 6 }
+jnxVpnPwLocalSiteId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The local site identifier for this Pseudo-Wire.  If there
+         is no local site identifier, a value of zero is to be
+         returned."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 7 }
+jnxVpnPwRemoteSiteId OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The remote site (i.e., the site at the other end of this
+         Pseudo-Wire) identifier.  If there is no remote site
+         identifier, a value of zero is to be returned."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 8 }
+jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX        InetAddressType
+--    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "The type of address assigned to the remote PE."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 9 }
+jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX        InetAddress
+--    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "The address of the remote PE, i.e., the router at the
+         other end of the Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 10 }
+jnxVpnPwTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX        INTEGER {
+        static(1),
+        gre(2),
+        l2tpv3(3),
+        ipSec(4),
+        ldp(5),
+        rsvpTe(6),
+        crLdp(7)
+    }
+--    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "The type of the tunnel over which the Pseudo-Wire is
+         carried.  If several Pseudo-Wires can be carried in one
+         tunnel, each Pseudo-Wire is identified by the multiplexor/
+         demultiplexor within this tunnel."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 11 }
+jnxVpnPwTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The name of the Tunnel over which this Pseudo-Wire is
+         carried, if any."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 12 }
+jnxVpnPwReceiveDemux OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnMultiplexor
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of the demultiplexor that identifies received
+         packets as belonging to this Pseudo-Wire, if any."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 13 }
+jnxVpnPwTransmitDemux OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnMultiplexor
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of the demultiplexor that identifies transmitted
+         packets as belonging to this Pseudo-Wire, if any."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 14 }
+jnxVpnPwStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        unknown(0),
+        down(1),
+        up(2)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "Status of the Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 15 }
+jnxVpnPwTunnelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        unknown(0),
+        down(1),
+        testing(2),
+        up(3)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "Status of the PE-to-PE tunnel over which the Pseudo-
+         Wire is carried."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 16 }
+jnxVpnPwRemoteSiteStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        unknown(0),
+        outOfRange(1),
+        down(2),
+        up(3)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
+    STATUS        current
+        "Status of the interface at the remote end of the
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 17 }
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total time in hundredths of a second that this
+         Pseudo-Wire has been operational."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 18 }
+jnxVpnPwTransitions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of state transitions (up -> down and
+         down -> up) this Tunnel has undergone."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 19 }
+jnxVpnPwLastTransition OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The time in hundredths of a second since the last
+         transition occurred on this Tunnel."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 20 }
+jnxVpnPwPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets that have been sent over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 21 }
+jnxVpnPwOctetsSent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets that have been sent over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 22 }
+jnxVpnPwPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets that have been received over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 23 }
+jnxVpnPwOctetsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets that have been received over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 24 }
+jnxVpnPwLRPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets that have been sent over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 25 }
+jnxVpnPwLROctetsSent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets that have been sent over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 26 }
+jnxVpnPwLRPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets that have been received over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 27 }
+jnxVpnPwLROctetsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets that have been received over this
+         Pseudo-Wire."
+    ::= { jnxVpnPwEntry 28 }
+-- Route Target table
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Table of Route Targets for a VPN."
+    ::= { jnxVpnMibObjects 5 }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnRTEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Entry containing information about a particular VPN."
+    INDEX { jnxVpnRTVpnType, jnxVpnRTVpnName, jnxVpnRTIndex }
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTTable 1 }
+JnxVpnRTEntry ::=
+        -- Indices
+        jnxVpnRTVpnType     JnxVpnType,
+        jnxVpnRTVpnName     JnxVpnName,
+        jnxVpnRTIndex       Unsigned32,
+        -- Conceptual row information
+        jnxVpnRTRowStatus   RowStatus,
+        jnxVpnRTStorageType StorageType,
+        -- Route Target information
+        jnxVpnRTType        JnxVpnIdentifierType,
+        jnxVpnRT            JnxVpnIdentifier,
+        jnxVpnRTFunction    INTEGER 
+    }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of the VPN for which this list of Route Targets
+         are defined."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnName
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The name of the VPN for which this list of Route Targets
+         are defined."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index within the list of Route Targets that specifies
+         individual Route Targets that define the VPN.  Note: this
+         index MUST NOT be zero."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 3 }
+jnxVpnRTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a
+         row in this table."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 4 }
+jnxVpnRTStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     StorageType
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This variable indicates the storage type for this object."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnIdentifierType
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Type of the following Route Target.  This can one of
+         'routeTarget[012]' or 'none'."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX     JnxVpnIdentifier
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Route Target for the VPN.  If the jnxVpnRTType is
+         'none', this value should be all zeros."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 7 }
+jnxVpnRTFunction OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX        INTEGER { import(1), export(2), both(3) }
+--    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS        current
+       "The route target export distribution type."
+    ::= { jnxVpnRTEntry 8 }
+-- definition of VPN notifications
+    OBJECTS         { jnxVpnIfVpnType, jnxVpnIfVpnName, jnxVpnIfIndex }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A jnxVpnIfUp notification is generated when the interface
+         with index jnxVpnIfIndex belonging to the VPN named jnxVpnIfVpnName 
+         of type jnxVpnIfVpnType transitions out of the 'down' state."
+   ::= { jnxVpnMIBNotifications 1 }
+    OBJECTS         { jnxVpnIfVpnType, jnxVpnIfVpnName, jnxVpnIfIndex }
+    STATUS          current
+       "A jnxVpnIfDown notification is generated when the interface
+        with index jnxVpnIfIndex belonging to the VPN named jnxVpnIfVpnName 
+        of type jnxVpnIfVpnType transitions to the 'down' state."
+    ::= { jnxVpnMIBNotifications 2 }
+    OBJECTS         { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A jnxVpnPwUp notification is generated when the Pseudo-Wire
+         with index jnxVpnPwIndex belonging to the VPN named jnxVpnPwVpnName 
+         of type jnxVpnPwVpnType transitions out of the 'down' state."
+    ::= { jnxVpnMIBNotifications 3 }
+    OBJECTS         { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
+    STATUS          current
+        "A jnxVpnPwDown notification is generated when the Pseudo-Wire
+         with index jnxVpnPwIndex belonging to the VPN named jnxVpnPwVpnName 
+         of type jnxVpnPwVpnType transitions to the 'down' state."
+     ::= { jnxVpnMIBNotifications 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfd8140090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+-- Derived from the original VEST-INTERNETT-MIB. Open issues:
+-- (a) where to register this MIB?
+-- (b) use not-accessible for diskIOIndex?
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Gauge32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ucdExperimental
+    LAST-UPDATED "200011050000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "AdamsNames Ltd"
+        "Primary Contact: M J Oldfield
+         email:     m@mail.tc"
+        "This MIB module defines objects for lm_sensor derived data."
+    REVISION     "200011050000Z"
+        "Derived from DISKIO-MIB ex UCD."
+    ::= { lmSensors 1 }
+lmSensors      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 16 }
+lmTempSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMTempSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of temperature sensors and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 2 }
+lmTempSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMTempSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmTempSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsTable 1 }
+LMTempSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmTempSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmTempSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmTempSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmTempSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmTempSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the temperature sensor we are reading."
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmTempSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The temperature of this sensor in mC."
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsEntry 3 }
+lmFanSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMFanSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of fan sensors and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 3 }
+lmFanSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMFanSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmFanSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsTable 1 }
+LMFanSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmFanSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmFanSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmFanSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmFanSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmFanSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the fan sensor we are reading."
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmFanSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The rotation speed of the fan in RPM."
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsEntry 3 }
+lmVoltSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMVoltSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of voltage sensors and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 4 }
+lmVoltSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMVoltSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmVoltSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsTable 1 }
+LMVoltSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmVoltSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmVoltSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmVoltSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmVoltSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmVoltSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the device we are reading."
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmVoltSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The voltage in mV."
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsEntry 3 }
+lmMiscSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMMiscSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of miscellaneous sensor devices and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 5 }
+lmMiscSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMMiscSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmMiscSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsTable 1 }
+LMMiscSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmMiscSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmMiscSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmMiscSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmMiscSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmMiscSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the device we are reading."
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmMiscSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this sensor."
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsEntry 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/NETSWITCH-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/NETSWITCH-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e7969b5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/NETSWITCH-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+-- HP Enterprise Switch MIB 
+        Counter
+            FROM RFC1155-SMI
+        OBJECT-TYPE
+            FROM RFC-1212
+        DisplayString
+            FROM RFC1213-MIB
+        hpSwitch
+            FROM HP-ICF-OID;
+    -- Icf Switch Specific
+    hpOpSystem    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 1 }
+    MacAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))    -- a 6 octet address
+                                              -- in the
+                                              -- "canonical"
+                                              -- order
+    -- HP Buffer group
+    -- The buffers group contains variables that describe the switch's use
+    -- of two types of global memory buffers: message buffers, which
+    -- facilitate internal process-to-process communication, and packet 
+    -- buffers, which facilitate external communications by temporarily
+    -- storing incoming or outgoing data packets.
+    hpBuf       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpOpSystem 1 }
+    hpMsgBuf    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpBuf 1 }
+    hpPktBuf    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpBuf 2 }
+    hpMsgBufTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF HpMsgBufEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "A table that contains information on all the 
+                Message buffers for each slot."
+        ::= { hpMsgBuf 1 }
+    hpMsgBufEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    HpMsgBufEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Information about a slot in a chassis"
+        INDEX      { hpMsgBufSlotIndex }
+        ::= { hpMsgBufTable 1 }
+    HpMsgBufEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpMsgBufSlotIndex                  INTEGER,
+            hpMsgBufInit                       INTEGER,
+            hpMsgBufFree                       INTEGER,
+            hpMsgBufMin                        INTEGER,
+            hpMsgBufMiss                       Counter,
+            hpMsgBufSize                       INTEGER,
+            hpMsgBufCorrupted                  Counter
+        }
+    hpMsgBufSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER (1..16)
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The slot number within the box for which this 
+                entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 1 }
+    hpMsgBufCorrupted OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of times a corrupted buffer was deleted."
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 2 }
+    hpMsgBufFree OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of message buffers available for
+                internal VME transfers or external transfers,
+                respectively. Because switch operations and application
+                software modules impose some overhead on global memory
+                buffers, the number of buffers available for data
+                transfers is less than the total number of buffers
+                allocated when the switch boots."
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 3 }
+    hpMsgBufInit OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of message buffers allocated when
+                the switch booted." 
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 4 }
+    hpMsgBufMin OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The smallest number of message buffers
+                available since the switch booted."
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 5 }
+    hpMsgBufMiss OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of times that the switch was unable to obtain
+                a message buffer. Failure to obtain a buffer indicates
+                that buffers were busy. This parameter is directly
+                related to hpMsgBufMin. If hpMsgBufMiss is greater than 0,
+                hpMsgBufMin must equal 0. Conversely, if hpMsgBufMiss
+                equals 0, then hpMsgBufMin must be greater than 0."
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 6 }
+    hpMsgBufSize OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The size of the message buffer in bytes."
+        ::= { hpMsgBufEntry 7 }
+    hpPktBufTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF HpPktBufEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "A table that contains information on all the 
+                Packet buffers for each slot."
+        ::= { hpPktBuf 1 }
+    hpPktBufEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    HpPktBufEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Information about a slot in a chassis"
+        INDEX      { hpPktBufSlotIndex }
+        ::= { hpPktBufTable 1 }
+    HpPktBufEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpPktBufSlotIndex                  INTEGER,
+            hpPktBufInit                       INTEGER,
+            hpPktBufFree                       INTEGER,
+            hpPktBufMin                        INTEGER,
+            hpPktBufMiss                       Counter,
+            hpPktBufSize                       INTEGER,
+            hpPktBufCorrupted                  Counter
+        }
+    hpPktBufSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER (1..16)
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The slot number within the box for which this 
+                entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 1 }
+    hpPktBufCorrupted OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of times a corrupted buffer was deleted."
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 2 }
+    hpPktBufFree OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of packet buffers available for
+                internal VME transfers or external transfers,
+                respectively. Because switch operations and application
+                software modules impose some overhead on global memory
+                buffers, the number of buffers available for data
+                transfers is less than the total number of buffers
+                allocated when the switch boots."
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 3 }
+    hpPktBufInit OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of packet buffers allocated when
+                the switch booted." 
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 4 }
+    hpPktBufMin OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The smallest number of packet buffers
+                available since the switch booted."
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 5 }
+    hpPktBufMiss OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of times that the switch was unable to obtain
+                a packet buffer. Failure to obtain a buffer indicates
+                that buffers were busy. This parameter is directly
+                related to hpPktBufMin. If hpPktBufMiss is greater than 0,
+                hpPktBufMin must equal 0. Conversely, if hpPktBufMiss
+                equals 0, then hpPktBufMin must be greater than 0."
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 6 }
+    hpPktBufSize OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The size of the packet buffer in bytes."
+        ::= { hpPktBufEntry 7 }
+    -- HP Memory group
+    -- The memory group contains variables that describe the switch's use
+    -- of two types of memory : local memory and global memory.  Depending
+    -- on the hardware platform these can have different meanings.
+    -- Typically local memory can be accessed by the network interface
+    -- chips and the main processor, while global memory can be accessed
+    -- by one or more main processors.
+    hpMem       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpOpSystem 2 }
+    hpLocalMem  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpMem 1 }
+    hpGlobalMem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpMem 2 }
+    hpLocalMemTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF HpLocalMemEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "A table that contains information on all the 
+                local memory for each slot."
+        ::= { hpLocalMem 1 }
+    hpLocalMemEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    HpLocalMemEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Information about a slot in a chassis"
+        INDEX      { hpLocalMemSlotIndex }
+        ::= { hpLocalMemTable 1 }
+    HpLocalMemEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpLocalMemSlotIndex                INTEGER,
+            hpLocalMemSlabCnt                  Counter,
+            hpLocalMemFreeSegCnt               Counter,
+            hpLocalMemAllocSegCnt              Counter,
+            hpLocalMemTotalBytes               INTEGER,
+            hpLocalMemFreeBytes                INTEGER,
+            hpLocalMemAllocBytes               INTEGER
+        }
+    hpLocalMemSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER (1..16)
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The slot number within the box for which this 
+                entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 1 }
+    hpLocalMemSlabCnt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The current number of discretely managed memory areas.
+                Each slab is further broken down into smaller contiguous
+                areas called segments."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 2 }
+    hpLocalMemFreeSegCnt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The current number of free memory segments. A free memory
+                segment is an unused contiguous memory block of greater
+                than 16 bytes.  Generally, an increase in the number of
+                free memory segments indicates an increase in memory
+                fragmentation."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 3 }
+    hpLocalMemAllocSegCnt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of currently allocated memory segments."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 4 }
+    hpLocalMemTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of currently installed bytes."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 5 }
+    hpLocalMemFreeBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of available (unallocated) bytes."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 6 }
+    hpLocalMemAllocBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of currently allocated bytes."
+        ::= { hpLocalMemEntry 7 }
+    hpGlobalMemTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF HpGlobalMemEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "A table that contains information on all the 
+                local memory for each slot."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMem 1 }
+    hpGlobalMemEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    HpGlobalMemEntry
+        ACCESS    not-accessible
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Information about a slot in a chassis"
+        INDEX      { hpGlobalMemSlotIndex }
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemTable 1 }
+    HpGlobalMemEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpGlobalMemSlotIndex                INTEGER,
+            hpGlobalMemSlabCnt                  Counter,
+            hpGlobalMemFreeSegCnt               Counter,
+            hpGlobalMemAllocSegCnt              Counter,
+            hpGlobalMemTotalBytes               INTEGER,
+            hpGlobalMemFreeBytes                INTEGER,
+            hpGlobalMemAllocBytes               INTEGER
+        }
+    hpGlobalMemSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER (1..16)
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The slot number within the box for which this 
+                entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 1 }
+    hpGlobalMemSlabCnt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The current number of discretely managed memory areas.
+                Each slab is further broken down into smaller contiguous
+                areas called segments."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 2 }
+    hpGlobalMemFreeSegCnt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The current number of free memory segments. A free memory
+                segment is an unused contiguous memory block of greater
+                than 16 bytes.  Generally, an increase in the number of
+                free memory segments indicates an increase in memory
+                fragmentation."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 3 }
+    hpGlobalMemAllocSegCnt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    Counter
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of currently allocated memory segments."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 4 }
+    hpGlobalMemTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of currently installed bytes."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 5 }
+    hpGlobalMemFreeBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of available (unallocated) bytes."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 6 }
+    hpGlobalMemAllocBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "The number of currently allocated bytes."
+        ::= { hpGlobalMemEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchOsVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    DisplayString
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Contains the operating code version number (also
+                known as software or firmware). For example, a
+                software version such as A.08.01 is described as
+                follows:
+                    A    the function set available in your router
+                    08   the common release number
+                    01   updates to the current common release"
+        ::= { hpOpSystem 3 }
+    hpSwitchRomVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    DisplayString
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Contains the ROM version number (such as A.08.01
+                is described as follows:
+                    A    the function set available in your router
+                    08   the common release number
+                    01   updates to the current common release"
+        ::= { hpOpSystem 4 }
+    hpSwitchSmartCardType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    INTEGER {
+                      none(1),
+                      fddi(2),
+                      atm(3),
+                      fddiAndATM(4),
+                      other(5)
+                  }
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Return the type of Smart Cards in the system. 
+                Some system may contains more than one types
+                of smart cards, such as FDDI and ATM"  
+        ::= { hpOpSystem 5 }
+    hpSwitchBaseMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX    MacAddress
+        ACCESS    read-only
+        STATUS    mandatory
+                "Return the base MAC address of the switch.  This is
+                also the MAC address of the default vlan. "
+        ::= { hpOpSystem 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4349bae98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+    snmpModules                           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                    FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "WG-EMail:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Subscribe:  snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                              Network Associates Laboratories
+                  postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                              Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                  phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+                  Co-Chair &
+                  Co-editor:  David Harrington
+                              Enterasys Networks
+                  postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                              P. O. Box 5005
+                              Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+                  phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+                  Co-editor:  Randy Presuhn
+                              BMC Software, Inc.
+                  postal:     2141 North First Street
+                              San Jose, California 95131
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+                  phone:      +1 408-546-1006
+                  Co-editor:  Bert Wijnen
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  postal:     Schagen 33
+                              3461 GL Linschoten
+                              Netherlands
+                  EMail:      bwijnen@lucent.com
+                  phone:      +31 348-680-485
+                    "
+       DESCRIPTION  "The SNMP Management Architecture MIB
+                     Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+                     version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3411;
+                     see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+                    "
+       REVISION     "200210140000Z"         -- 14 October 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Changes in this revision:
+                     - Updated various administrative information.
+                     - Corrected some typos.
+                     - Corrected typo in description of SnmpEngineID
+                       that led to range overlap for 127.
+                     - Changed '255a' to '255t' in definition of
+                       SnmpAdminString to align with current SMI.
+                     - Reworded 'reserved' for value zero in
+                       DESCRIPTION of SnmpSecurityModel.
+                     - The algorithm for allocating security models
+                       should give 256 per enterprise block, rather
+                       than 255.
+                     - The example engine ID of 'abcd' is not
+                       legal. Replaced with '800002b804616263'H based
+                       on example enterprise 696, string 'abc'.
+                     - Added clarification that engineID should
+                       persist across re-initializations.
+                     This revision published as RFC 3411.
+                    "
+       REVISION     "199901190000Z"         -- 19 January 1999
+       DESCRIPTION  "Updated editors' addresses, fixed typos.
+                     Published as RFC 2571.
+                    "
+       REVISION     "199711200000Z"         -- 20 November 1997
+       DESCRIPTION  "The initial version, published in RFC 2271.
+                    "
+       ::= { snmpModules 10 }
+   -- Textual Conventions used in the SNMP Management Architecture ***
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
+                 Objects of this type are for identification, not for
+                 addressing, even though it is possible that an
+                 address may have been used in the generation of
+                 a specific value.
+                 The value for this object may not be all zeros or
+                 all 'ff'H or the empty (zero length) string.
+                 The initial value for this object may be configured
+                 via an operator console entry or via an algorithmic
+                 function.  In the latter case, the following
+                 example algorithm is recommended.
+                 In cases where there are multiple engines on the
+                 same system, the use of this algorithm is NOT
+                 appropriate, as it would result in all of those
+                 engines ending up with the same ID value.
+                 1) The very first bit is used to indicate how the
+                    rest of the data is composed.
+                    0 - as defined by enterprise using former methods
+                        that existed before SNMPv3. See item 2 below.
+                    1 - as defined by this architecture, see item 3
+                        below.
+                    Note that this allows existing uses of the
+                    engineID (also known as AgentID [RFC1910]) to
+                    co-exist with any new uses.
+                 2) The snmpEngineID has a length of 12 octets.
+                    The first four octets are set to the binary
+                    equivalent of the agent's SNMP management
+                    private enterprise number as assigned by the
+                    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
+                    For example, if Acme Networks has been assigned
+                    { enterprises 696 }, the first four octets would
+                    be assigned '000002b8'H.
+                    The remaining eight octets are determined via
+                    one or more enterprise-specific methods. Such
+                    methods must be designed so as to maximize the
+                    possibility that the value of this object will
+                    be unique in the agent's administrative domain.
+                    For example, it may be the IP address of the SNMP
+                    entity, or the MAC address of one of the
+                    interfaces, with each address suitably padded
+                    with random octets.  If multiple methods are
+                    defined, then it is recommended that the first
+                    octet indicate the method being used and the
+                    remaining octets be a function of the method.
+                 3) The length of the octet string varies.
+                    The first four octets are set to the binary
+                    equivalent of the agent's SNMP management
+                    private enterprise number as assigned by the
+                    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
+                    For example, if Acme Networks has been assigned
+                    { enterprises 696 }, the first four octets would
+                    be assigned '000002b8'H.
+                    The very first bit is set to 1. For example, the
+                    above value for Acme Networks now changes to be
+                    '800002b8'H.
+                    The fifth octet indicates how the rest (6th and
+                    following octets) are formatted. The values for
+                    the fifth octet are:
+                      0     - reserved, unused.
+                      1     - IPv4 address (4 octets)
+                              lowest non-special IP address
+                      2     - IPv6 address (16 octets)
+                              lowest non-special IP address
+                      3     - MAC address (6 octets)
+                              lowest IEEE MAC address, canonical
+                              order
+                      4     - Text, administratively assigned
+                              Maximum remaining length 27
+                      5     - Octets, administratively assigned
+                              Maximum remaining length 27
+                      6-127 - reserved, unused
+                    128-255 - as defined by the enterprise
+                              Maximum remaining length 27
+                "
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(5..32))
+SnmpSecurityModel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An identifier that uniquely identifies a
+                 Security Model of the Security Subsystem within
+                 this SNMP Management Architecture.
+                 The values for securityModel are allocated as
+                 follows:
+                 - The zero value does not identify any particular
+                   security model.
+                 - Values between 1 and 255, inclusive, are reserved
+                   for standards-track Security Models and are
+                   managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+                   (IANA).
+                 - Values greater than 255 are allocated to
+                   enterprise-specific Security Models.  An
+                   enterprise-specific securityModel value is defined
+                   to be:
+                   enterpriseID * 256 + security model within
+                   enterprise
+                   For example, the fourth Security Model defined by
+                   the enterprise whose enterpriseID is 1 would be
+                   259.
+                 This scheme for allocation of securityModel
+                 values allows for a maximum of 255 standards-
+                 based Security Models, and for a maximum of
+                 256 Security Models per enterprise.
+                 It is believed that the assignment of new
+                 securityModel values will be rare in practice
+                 because the larger the number of simultaneously
+                 utilized Security Models, the larger the
+                 chance that interoperability will suffer.
+                 Consequently, it is believed that such a range
+                 will be sufficient.  In the unlikely event that
+                 the standards committee finds this number to be
+                 insufficient over time, an enterprise number
+                 can be allocated to obtain an additional 256
+                 possible values.
+                 Note that the most significant bit must be zero;
+                 hence, there are 23 bits allocated for various
+                 organizations to design and define non-standard
+                 securityModels.  This limits the ability to
+                 define new proprietary implementations of Security
+                 Models to the first 8,388,608 enterprises.
+                 It is worthwhile to note that, in its encoded
+                 form, the securityModel value will normally
+                 require only a single byte since, in practice,
+                 the leftmost bits will be zero for most messages
+                 and sign extension is suppressed by the encoding
+                 rules.
+                 As of this writing, there are several values
+                 of securityModel defined for use with SNMP or
+                 reserved for use with supporting MIB objects.
+                 They are as follows:
+                     0  reserved for 'any'
+                     1  reserved for SNMPv1
+                     2  reserved for SNMPv2c
+                     3  User-Based Security Model (USM)
+                "
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER(0 .. 2147483647)
+SnmpMessageProcessingModel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An identifier that uniquely identifies a Message
+                 Processing Model of the Message Processing
+                 Subsystem within this SNMP Management Architecture.
+                 The values for messageProcessingModel are
+                 allocated as follows:
+                 - Values between 0 and 255, inclusive, are
+                   reserved for standards-track Message Processing
+                   Models and are managed by the Internet Assigned
+                   Numbers Authority (IANA).
+                 - Values greater than 255 are allocated to
+                   enterprise-specific Message Processing Models.
+                   An enterprise messageProcessingModel value is
+                   defined to be:
+                   enterpriseID * 256 +
+                        messageProcessingModel within enterprise
+                   For example, the fourth Message Processing Model
+                   defined by the enterprise whose enterpriseID
+                   is 1 would be 259.
+                 This scheme for allocating messageProcessingModel
+                 values allows for a maximum of 255 standards-
+                 based Message Processing Models, and for a
+                 maximum of 256 Message Processing Models per
+                 enterprise.
+                 It is believed that the assignment of new
+                 messageProcessingModel values will be rare
+                 in practice because the larger the number of
+                 simultaneously utilized Message Processing Models,
+                 the larger the chance that interoperability
+                 will suffer. It is believed that such a range
+                 will be sufficient.  In the unlikely event that
+                 the standards committee finds this number to be
+                 insufficient over time, an enterprise number
+                 can be allocated to obtain an additional 256
+                 possible values.
+                 Note that the most significant bit must be zero;
+                 hence, there are 23 bits allocated for various
+                 organizations to design and define non-standard
+                 messageProcessingModels.  This limits the ability
+                 to define new proprietary implementations of
+                 Message Processing Models to the first 8,388,608
+                 enterprises.
+                 It is worthwhile to note that, in its encoded
+                 form, the messageProcessingModel value will
+                 normally require only a single byte since, in
+                 practice, the leftmost bits will be zero for
+                 most messages and sign extension is suppressed
+                 by the encoding rules.
+                 As of this writing, there are several values of
+                 messageProcessingModel defined for use with SNMP.
+                 They are as follows:
+                     0  reserved for SNMPv1
+                     1  reserved for SNMPv2c
+                     2  reserved for SNMPv2u and SNMPv2*
+                     3  reserved for SNMPv3
+                "
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER(0 .. 2147483647)
+SnmpSecurityLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A Level of Security at which SNMP messages can be
+                 sent or with which operations are being processed;
+                 in particular, one of:
+                   noAuthNoPriv - without authentication and
+                                  without privacy,
+                   authNoPriv   - with authentication but
+                                  without privacy,
+                   authPriv     - with authentication and
+                                  with privacy.
+                 These three values are ordered such that
+                 noAuthNoPriv is less than authNoPriv and
+                 authNoPriv is less than authPriv.
+                "
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER { noAuthNoPriv(1),
+                           authNoPriv(2),
+                           authPriv(3)
+                         }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255t"
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An octet string containing administrative
+                 information, preferably in human-readable form.
+                 To facilitate internationalization, this
+                 information is represented using the ISO/IEC
+                 IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an octet
+                 string using the UTF-8 transformation format
+                 described in [RFC2279].
+                 Since additional code points are added by
+                 amendments to the 10646 standard from time
+                 to time, implementations must be prepared to
+                 encounter any code point from 0x00000000 to
+                 0x7fffffff.  Byte sequences that do not
+                 correspond to the valid UTF-8 encoding of a
+                 code point or are outside this range are
+                 prohibited.
+                 The use of control codes should be avoided.
+                 When it is necessary to represent a newline,
+                 the control code sequence CR LF should be used.
+                 The use of leading or trailing white space should
+                 be avoided.
+                 For code points not directly supported by user
+                 interface hardware or software, an alternative
+                 means of entry and display, such as hexadecimal,
+                 may be provided.
+                 For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII,
+                 the UTF-8 encoding is identical to the
+                 US-ASCII encoding.
+                 UTF-8 may require multiple bytes to represent a
+                 single character / code point; thus the length
+                 of this object in octets may be different from
+                 the number of characters encoded.  Similarly,
+                 size constraints refer to the number of encoded
+                 octets, not the number of characters represented
+                 by an encoding.
+                 Note that when this TC is used for an object that
+                 is used or envisioned to be used as an index, then
+                 a SIZE restriction MUST be specified so that the
+                 number of sub-identifiers for any object instance
+                 does not exceed the limit of 128, as defined by
+                 [RFC3416].
+                 Note that the size of an SnmpAdminString object is
+                 measured in octets, not characters.
+                "
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+-- Administrative assignments ***************************************
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 1 }
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 2 }
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 3 }
+-- the snmpEngine Group ********************************************
+snmpEngine OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBObjects 1 }
+snmpEngineID     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
+                 This information SHOULD be stored in non-volatile
+                 storage so that it remains constant across
+                 re-initializations of the SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 1 }
+snmpEngineBoots  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the SNMP engine has
+                 (re-)initialized itself since snmpEngineID
+                 was last configured.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 2 }
+snmpEngineTime   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+    UNITS        "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since the value of
+                 the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.
+                 When incrementing this object's value would
+                 cause it to exceed its maximum,
+                 snmpEngineBoots is incremented as if a
+                 re-initialization had occurred, and this
+                 object's value consequently reverts to zero.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 3 }
+snmpEngineMaxMessageSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (484..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The maximum length in octets of an SNMP message
+                 which this SNMP engine can send or receive and
+                 process, determined as the minimum of the maximum
+                 message size values supported among all of the
+                 transports available to and supported by the engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 4 }
+-- Registration Points for Authentication and Privacy Protocols **
+snmpAuthProtocols OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "Registration point for standards-track
+                  authentication protocols used in SNMP Management
+                  Frameworks.
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkAdmin 1 }
+snmpPrivProtocols OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "Registration point for standards-track privacy
+                  protocols used in SNMP Management Frameworks.
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkAdmin 2 }
+-- Conformance information ******************************************
+               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpFrameworkMIBConformance 1}
+               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpFrameworkMIBConformance 2}
+-- compliance statements
+snmpFrameworkMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
+                 implement the SNMP Management Framework MIB.
+                "
+    MODULE    -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpEngineGroup }
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+snmpEngineGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              snmpEngineID,
+              snmpEngineBoots,
+              snmpEngineTime,
+              snmpEngineMaxMessageSize
+            }
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for identifying and
+                 determining the configuration and current timeliness
+                 values of an SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..023f54663d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- SNMPv2-MIB.my:  Management Information Base (MIB) for the
+--                 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
+-- March 2006,  Wen Xu
+-- Copyright (c) 2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- This mib was extracted from RFC 3418
+       TimeTicks, Counter32, snmpModules, mib-2
+           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+       DisplayString, TestAndIncr, TimeStamp
+           FROM SNMPv2-TC
+           FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+       LAST-UPDATED "200210160000Z"
+       ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv3 Working Group"
+               "WG-EMail:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                Subscribe:  snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
+                Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                            Network Associates Laboratories
+                postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                            Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                            USA
+                EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                phone:      +1 301 947-7107
+                Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                            Enterasys Networks
+                postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                            P. O. Box 5005
+                            Rochester, NH 03866-5005
+                            USA
+                EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+                phone:      +1 603 337-2614
+                Editor:     Randy Presuhn
+                            BMC Software, Inc.
+                postal:     2141 North First Street
+                            San Jose, CA 95131
+                            USA
+                EMail:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+                phone:      +1 408 546-1006"
+               "The MIB module for SNMP entities.
+                Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+                version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3418;
+                see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+               "
+       REVISION      "200210160000Z"
+               "This revision of this MIB module was published as
+                RFC 3418."
+       REVISION      "199511090000Z"
+               "This revision of this MIB module was published as
+                RFC 1907."
+       REVISION      "199304010000Z"
+               "The initial revision of this MIB module was published
+               as RFC 1450."
+       ::= { snmpModules 1 }
+   snmpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIB 1 }
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBObjects 1 }        this OID is obsolete
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBObjects 2 }        this OID is obsolete
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBObjects 3 }        this OID is obsolete
+   -- the System group
+   --
+   -- a collection of objects common to all managed systems.
+   system   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
+   sysDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      current
+               "A textual description of the entity.  This value should
+               include the full name and version identification of
+               the system's hardware type, software operating-system,
+               and networking software."
+       ::= { system 1 }
+   sysObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      current
+               "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
+               network management subsystem contained in the entity.
+               This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises
+               subtree ( and provides an easy and
+               unambiguous means for determining `what kind of box' is
+               being managed.  For example, if vendor `Flintstones,
+               Inc.' was assigned the subtree,
+               it could assign the identifier
+               to its `Fred Router'."
+       ::= { system 2 }
+   sysUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      current
+               "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
+               network management portion of the system was last
+               re-initialized."
+       ::= { system 3 }
+   sysContact OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+       STATUS      current
+               "The textual identification of the contact person for
+               this managed node, together with information on how
+               to contact this person.  If no contact information is
+               known, the value is the zero-length string."
+       ::= { system 4 }
+   sysName OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+       STATUS      current
+               "An administratively-assigned name for this managed
+               node.  By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified
+               domain name.  If the name is unknown, the value is
+               the zero-length string."
+       ::= { system 5 }
+   sysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+       STATUS      current
+               "The physical location of this node (e.g., 'telephone
+               closet, 3rd floor').  If the location is unknown, the
+               value is the zero-length string."
+       ::= { system 6 }
+   sysServices OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..127)
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      current
+               "A value which indicates the set of services that this
+               entity may potentially offer.  The value is a sum.
+               This sum initially takes the value zero. Then, for
+               each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node
+               performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added
+               to the sum.  For example, a node which performs only
+               routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).
+               In contrast, a node which is a host offering application
+               services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).
+               Note that in the context of the Internet suite of
+               protocols, values should be calculated accordingly:
+                    layer      functionality
+                      1        physical (e.g., repeaters)
+                      2        datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
+                      3        internet (e.g., supports the IP)
+                      4        end-to-end  (e.g., supports the TCP)
+                      7        applications (e.g., supports the SMTP)
+               For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6
+               may also be counted."
+       ::= { system 7 }
+   -- object resource information
+   --
+   -- a collection of objects which describe the SNMP entity's
+   -- (statically and dynamically configurable) support of
+   -- various MIB modules.
+   sysORLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent
+               change in state or value of any instance of sysORID."
+       ::= { system 8 }
+   sysORTable OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SysOREntry
+       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+       STATUS     current
+               "The (conceptual) table listing the capabilities of
+               the local SNMP application acting as a command
+               responder with respect to various MIB modules.
+               SNMP entities having dynamically-configurable support
+               of MIB modules will have a dynamically-varying number
+               of conceptual rows."
+       ::= { system 9 }
+   sysOREntry OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     SysOREntry
+       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+       STATUS     current
+               "An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable."
+       INDEX      { sysORIndex }
+       ::= { sysORTable 1 }
+   SysOREntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+       sysORIndex     INTEGER,
+       sysORID        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+       sysORDescr     DisplayString,
+       sysORUpTime    TimeStamp
+   }
+   sysORIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+       STATUS     current
+               "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances
+               of the columnar objects in the sysORTable."
+       ::= { sysOREntry 1 }
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "An authoritative identification of a capabilities
+               statement with respect to various MIB modules supported
+               by the local SNMP application acting as a command
+               responder."
+       ::= { sysOREntry 2 }
+   sysORDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     DisplayString
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "A textual description of the capabilities identified
+               by the corresponding instance of sysORID."
+       ::= { sysOREntry 3 }
+       SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "The value of sysUpTime at the time this conceptual
+               row was last instantiated."
+       ::= { sysOREntry 4 }
+   -- the SNMP group
+   --
+   -- a collection of objects providing basic instrumentation and
+   -- control of an SNMP entity.
+   snmp     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 11 }
+   snmpInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "The total number of messages delivered to the SNMP
+               entity from the transport service."
+       ::= { snmp 1 }
+   snmpInBadVersions OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "The total number of SNMP messages which were delivered
+               to the SNMP entity and were for an unsupported SNMP
+               version."
+       ::= { snmp 3 }
+   snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+              "The total number of community-based SNMP messages (for
+              example,  SNMPv1) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+              used an SNMP community name not known to said entity.
+              Also, implementations which authenticate community-based
+              SNMP messages using check(s) in addition to matching
+              the community name (for example, by also checking
+              whether the message originated from a transport address
+              allowed to use a specified community name) MAY include
+              in this value the number of messages which failed the
+              additional check(s).  It is strongly RECOMMENDED that
+              the documentation for any security model which is used
+              to authenticate community-based SNMP messages specify
+              the precise conditions that contribute to this value."
+       ::= { snmp 4 }
+   snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+              "The total number of community-based SNMP messages (for
+              example, SNMPv1) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+              represented an SNMP operation that was not allowed for
+              the SNMP community named in the message.  The precise
+              conditions under which this counter is incremented
+              (if at all) depend on how the SNMP entity implements
+              its access control mechanism and how its applications
+              interact with that access control mechanism.  It is
+              strongly RECOMMENDED that the documentation for any
+              access control mechanism which is used to control access
+              to and visibility of MIB instrumentation specify the
+              precise conditions that contribute to this value."
+       ::= { snmp 5 }
+   snmpInASNParseErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by
+               the SNMP entity when decoding received SNMP messages."
+       ::= { snmp 6 }
+   snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+       STATUS      current
+               "Indicates whether the SNMP entity is permitted to
+               generate authenticationFailure traps.  The value of this
+               object overrides any configuration information; as such,
+               it provides a means whereby all authenticationFailure
+               traps may be disabled.
+               Note that it is strongly recommended that this object
+               be stored in non-volatile memory so that it remains
+               constant across re-initializations of the network
+               management system."
+       ::= { snmp 30 }
+   snmpSilentDrops OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+              "The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs (such as
+              GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
+              GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
+              InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+              were silently dropped because the size of a reply
+              containing an alternate Response Class PDU (such as a
+              Response-PDU) with an empty variable-bindings field
+              was greater than either a local constraint or the
+              maximum message size associated with the originator of
+              the request."
+       ::= { snmp 31 }
+   snmpProxyDrops OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS read-only
+       STATUS     current
+               "The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs
+               (such as GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
+               GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
+               InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+               were silently dropped because the transmission of
+               the (possibly translated) message to a proxy target
+               failed in a manner (other than a time-out) such that
+               no Response Class PDU (such as a Response-PDU) could
+               be returned."
+       ::= { snmp 32 }
+   -- information for notifications
+   --
+   -- a collection of objects which allow the SNMP entity, when
+   -- supporting a notification originator application,
+   -- to be configured to generate SNMPv2-Trap-PDUs.
+   snmpTrap       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBObjects 4 }
+       MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+       STATUS     current
+               "The authoritative identification of the notification
+               currently being sent.  This variable occurs as
+               the second varbind in every SNMPv2-Trap-PDU and
+               InformRequest-PDU."
+       ::= { snmpTrap 1 }
+   --  ::= { snmpTrap 2 }   this OID is obsolete
+   snmpTrapEnterprise OBJECT-TYPE
+       MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+       STATUS     current
+               "The authoritative identification of the enterprise
+               associated with the trap currently being sent.  When an
+               SNMP proxy agent is mapping an RFC1157 Trap-PDU
+               into a SNMPv2-Trap-PDU, this variable occurs as the
+               last varbind."
+       ::= { snmpTrap 3 }
+   --  ::= { snmpTrap 4 }   this OID is obsolete
+   -- well-known traps
+   snmpTraps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBObjects 5 }
+       STATUS  current
+               "A coldStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity,
+               supporting a notification originator application, is
+               reinitializing itself and that its configuration may
+               have been altered."
+       ::= { snmpTraps 1 }
+       STATUS  current
+               "A warmStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity,
+               supporting a notification originator application,
+               is reinitializing itself such that its configuration
+               is unaltered."
+       ::= { snmpTraps 2 }
+   -- Note the linkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE ::= { snmpTraps 3 }
+   -- and the linkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE ::= { snmpTraps 4 }
+   -- are defined in RFC 2863 [RFC2863]
+   authenticationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+       STATUS  current
+               "An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMP
+                entity has received a protocol message that is not
+                properly authenticated.  While all implementations
+                of SNMP entities MAY be capable of generating this
+                trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object indicates
+                whether this trap will be generated."
+       ::= { snmpTraps 5 }
+   -- Note the egpNeighborLoss notification is defined
+   -- as { snmpTraps 6 } in RFC 1213
+   -- the set group
+   --
+   -- a collection of objects which allow several cooperating
+   -- command generator applications to coordinate their use of the
+   -- set operation.
+   snmpSet        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBObjects 6 }
+   snmpSetSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX     TestAndIncr
+       MAX-ACCESS read-write
+       STATUS     current
+               "An advisory lock used to allow several cooperating
+               command generator applications to coordinate their
+               use of the SNMP set operation.
+               This object is used for coarse-grain coordination.
+               To achieve fine-grain coordination, one or more similar
+               objects might be defined within each MIB group, as
+               appropriate."
+       ::= { snmpSet 1 }
+   -- conformance information
+   snmpMIBConformance
+                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIB 2 }
+   snmpMIBCompliances
+                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBConformance 1 }
+   snmpMIBGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBConformance 2 }
+   -- compliance statements
+   --    ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 1 }      this OID is obsolete
+   snmpBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+       STATUS  deprecated
+               "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
+               implement the SNMPv2 MIB.
+               This compliance statement is replaced by
+               snmpBasicComplianceRev2."
+       MODULE  -- this module
+           MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup,
+                              snmpBasicNotificationsGroup }
+           GROUP   snmpCommunityGroup1
+           DESCRIPTION
+               "This group is mandatory for SNMPv2 entities which
+               support community-based authentication."
+       ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 2 }
+   snmpBasicComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+       STATUS  current
+               "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which
+               implement this MIB module."
+       MODULE  -- this module
+           MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup,
+                              snmpBasicNotificationsGroup }
+           GROUP   snmpCommunityGroup1
+           DESCRIPTION
+               "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which
+               support community-based authentication."
+           GROUP   snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup
+           DESCRIPTION
+               "This group is mandatory for an SNMP entity which
+               supports command responder applications, and is
+               able to reinitialize itself such that its
+               configuration is unaltered."
+       ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 3 }
+   -- units of conformance
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 1 }           this OID is obsolete
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 2 }           this OID is obsolete
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 3 }           this OID is obsolete
+   --  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 4 }           this OID is obsolete
+   snmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+       OBJECTS { snmpInPkts,
+                 snmpInBadVersions,
+                 snmpInASNParseErrs,
+                 snmpSilentDrops,
+                 snmpProxyDrops,
+                 snmpEnableAuthenTraps }
+       STATUS  current
+               "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
+               and control of an SNMP entity."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 8 }
+   snmpCommunityGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP
+       OBJECTS { snmpInBadCommunityNames,
+                 snmpInBadCommunityUses }
+       STATUS  current
+               "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
+               of a SNMP entity which supports community-based
+               authentication."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 9 }
+   snmpSetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+       OBJECTS { snmpSetSerialNo }
+       STATUS  current
+               "A collection of objects which allow several cooperating
+               command generator applications to coordinate their
+               use of the set operation."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 5 }
+   systemGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+       OBJECTS { sysDescr, sysObjectID, sysUpTime,
+                 sysContact, sysName, sysLocation,
+                 sysServices,
+                 sysORLastChange, sysORID,
+                 sysORUpTime, sysORDescr }
+       STATUS  current
+               "The system group defines objects which are common to all
+               managed systems."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 6 }
+   snmpBasicNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+       NOTIFICATIONS { coldStart, authenticationFailure }
+       STATUS        current
+          "The basic notifications implemented by an SNMP entity
+           supporting command responder applications."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 7 }
+   snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+      NOTIFICATIONS { warmStart }
+      STATUS        current
+        "An additional notification for an SNMP entity supporting
+        command responder applications, if it is able to reinitialize
+        itself such that its configuration is unaltered."
+     ::= { snmpMIBGroups 11 }
+   snmpNotificationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+       OBJECTS { snmpTrapOID, snmpTrapEnterprise }
+       STATUS  current
+               "These objects are required for entities
+               which support notification originator applications."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 12 }
+   -- definitions in RFC 1213 made obsolete by the inclusion of a
+   -- subset of the snmp group in this MIB
+   snmpOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
+               passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the
+               transport service."
+       ::= { snmp 2 }
+   -- { snmp 7 } is not used
+   snmpInTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+               delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+               which the value of the error-status field was
+               `tooBig'."
+       ::= { snmp 8 }
+   snmpInNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+               delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+               which the value of the error-status field was
+               `noSuchName'."
+       ::= { snmp 9 }
+   snmpInBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+               delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+               which the value of the error-status field was
+               `badValue'."
+       ::= { snmp 10 }
+   snmpInReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were delivered
+               to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+               of the error-status field was `readOnly'.  It should
+               be noted that it is a protocol error to generate an
+               SNMP PDU which contains the value `readOnly' in the
+               error-status field, as such this object is provided
+               as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of
+               the SNMP."
+       ::= { snmp 11 }
+   snmpInGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered
+               to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+               of the error-status field was `genErr'."
+       ::= { snmp 12 }
+   snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+               retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
+               as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request
+               and Get-Next PDUs."
+       ::= { snmp 13 }
+   snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+               altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as
+               the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs."
+       ::= { snmp 14 }
+   snmpInGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+               have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+               protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 15 }
+   snmpInGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been
+               accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 16 }
+   snmpInSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+               have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+               entity."
+       ::= { snmp 17 }
+   snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+               have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+               entity."
+       ::= { snmp 18 }
+   snmpInTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been
+               accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 19 }
+   snmpOutTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+               by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+               of the error-status field was `tooBig.'"
+       ::= { snmp 20 }
+   snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+               by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+               of the error-status was `noSuchName'."
+       ::= { snmp 21 }
+   snmpOutBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+               by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+               of the error-status field was `badValue'."
+       ::= { snmp 22 }
+   -- { snmp 23 } is not used
+   snmpOutGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+               by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+               of the error-status field was `genErr'."
+       ::= { snmp 24 }
+   snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+               have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 25 }
+   snmpOutGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
+               been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 26 }
+   snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+               have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 27 }
+   snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+               have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 28 }
+   snmpOutTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+       SYNTAX      Counter32
+       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+       STATUS      obsolete
+               "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
+               been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+       ::= { snmp 29 }
+   snmpObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+       OBJECTS { snmpOutPkts, snmpInTooBigs, snmpInNoSuchNames,
+                 snmpInBadValues, snmpInReadOnlys, snmpInGenErrs,
+                 snmpInTotalReqVars, snmpInTotalSetVars,
+                 snmpInGetRequests, snmpInGetNexts, snmpInSetRequests,
+                 snmpInGetResponses, snmpInTraps, snmpOutTooBigs,
+                 snmpOutNoSuchNames, snmpOutBadValues,
+                 snmpOutGenErrs, snmpOutGetRequests, snmpOutGetNexts,
+                 snmpOutSetRequests, snmpOutGetResponses, snmpOutTraps
+                 }
+       STATUS  obsolete
+               "A collection of objects from RFC 1213 made obsolete
+               by this MIB module."
+       ::= { snmpMIBGroups 10 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9fa25cf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+-- the path to the root
+org            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 }  --  "iso" = 1
+dod            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { org 6 }
+internet       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dod 1 }
+directory      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }
+mgmt           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }
+mib-2          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
+transmission   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }
+experimental   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }
+private        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
+enterprises    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
+security       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 5 }
+snmpV2         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 6 }
+-- transport domains
+snmpDomains    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 1 }
+-- transport proxies
+snmpProxys     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 2 }
+-- module identities
+snmpModules    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 3 }
+-- Extended UTCTime, to allow dates with four-digit years
+-- (Note that this definition of ExtUTCTime is not to be IMPORTed
+--  by MIB modules.)
+ExtUTCTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(11 | 13))
+    --   where: YY   - last two digits of year (only years
+    --                 between 1900-1999)
+    --          YYYY - last four digits of the year (any year)
+    --          MM   - month (01 through 12)
+    --          DD   - day of month (01 through 31)
+    --          HH   - hours (00 through 23)
+    --          MM   - minutes (00 through 59)
+    --          Z    - denotes GMT (the ASCII character Z)
+    --
+    -- For example, "9502192015Z" and "199502192015Z" represent
+    -- 8:15pm GMT on 19 February 1995. Years after 1999 must use
+    -- the four digit year format. Years 1900-1999 may use the
+    -- two or four digit format.
+-- definitions for information modules
+                  "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update ExtUTCTime)
+                  "ORGANIZATION" Text
+                  "CONTACT-INFO" Text
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  RevisionPart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    RevisionPart ::=
+                  Revisions
+                | empty
+    Revisions ::=
+                  Revision
+                | Revisions Revision
+    Revision ::=
+                  "REVISION" value(Update ExtUTCTime)
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- names of objects
+-- (Note that these definitions of ObjectName and NotificationName
+--  are not to be IMPORTed by MIB modules.)
+ObjectName ::=
+NotificationName ::=
+-- syntax of objects
+-- the "base types" defined here are:
+--   8 application-defined types: Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32,
+--              Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, and Counter64
+ObjectSyntax ::=
+    CHOICE {
+        simple
+            SimpleSyntax,
+          -- note that SEQUENCEs for conceptual tables and
+          -- rows are not mentioned here...
+        application-wide
+            ApplicationSyntax
+    }
+-- built-in ASN.1 types
+SimpleSyntax ::=
+    CHOICE {
+        -- INTEGERs with a more restrictive range
+        -- may also be used
+        integer-value               -- includes Integer32
+            INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647),
+        -- OCTET STRINGs with a more restrictive size
+        -- may also be used
+        string-value
+            OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..65535)),
+        objectID-value
+    }
+-- indistinguishable from INTEGER, but never needs more than
+-- 32-bits for a two's complement representation
+Integer32 ::=
+        INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+-- application-wide types
+ApplicationSyntax ::=
+    CHOICE {
+        ipAddress-value
+            IpAddress,
+        counter-value
+            Counter32,
+        timeticks-value
+            TimeTicks,
+        arbitrary-value
+            Opaque,
+        big-counter-value
+            Counter64,
+        unsigned-integer-value  -- includes Gauge32
+            Unsigned32
+    }
+-- in network-byte order
+-- (this is a tagged type for historical reasons)
+IpAddress ::=
+-- this wraps
+Counter32 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- this doesn't wrap
+Gauge32 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- an unsigned 32-bit quantity
+-- indistinguishable from Gauge32
+Unsigned32 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- hundredths of seconds since an epoch
+TimeTicks ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- for backward-compatibility only
+Opaque ::=
+-- for counters that wrap in less than one hour with only 32 bits
+Counter64 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615)
+-- definition for objects
+                  "SYNTAX" Syntax
+                  UnitsPart
+                  "MAX-ACCESS" Access
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  IndexPart
+                  DefValPart
+                  value(VALUE ObjectName)
+    Syntax ::=   -- Must be one of the following:
+                       -- a base type (or its refinement),
+                       -- a textual convention (or its refinement), or
+                       -- a BITS pseudo-type
+                   type
+                | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
+    NamedBits ::= NamedBit
+                | NamedBits "," NamedBit
+    NamedBit ::=  identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative
+    UnitsPart ::=
+                  "UNITS" Text
+                | empty
+    Access ::=
+                  "not-accessible"
+                | "accessible-for-notify"
+                | "read-only"
+                | "read-write"
+                | "read-create"
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    IndexPart ::=
+                  "INDEX"    "{" IndexTypes "}"
+                | "AUGMENTS" "{" Entry      "}"
+                | empty
+    IndexTypes ::=
+                  IndexType
+                | IndexTypes "," IndexType
+    IndexType ::=
+                  "IMPLIED" Index
+                | Index
+    Index ::=
+                    -- use the SYNTAX value of the
+                    -- correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    Entry ::=
+                    -- use the INDEX value of the
+                    -- correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    DefValPart ::= "DEFVAL" "{" Defvalue "}"
+                | empty
+    Defvalue ::=  -- must be valid for the type specified in
+                  -- SYNTAX clause of same OBJECT-TYPE macro
+                  value(ObjectSyntax)
+                | "{" BitsValue "}"
+    BitsValue ::= BitNames
+                | empty
+    BitNames ::=  BitName
+                | BitNames "," BitName
+    BitName ::= identifier
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- definitions for notifications
+                  ObjectsPart
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  value(VALUE NotificationName)
+    ObjectsPart ::=
+                  "OBJECTS" "{" Objects "}"
+                | empty
+    Objects ::=
+                  Object
+                | Objects "," Object
+    Object ::=
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- definitions of administrative identifiers
+    STATUS     current
+            "A value used for null identifiers."
+    ::= { 0 0 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-TC.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-TC.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..201e536331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/SNMPv2-TC.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+-- *****************************************************************
+-- SNMPv2-TC.my:  SNMPv2 Textual Conventions
+-- May 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
+-- Copyright (c) 1994,1996 by cisco Systems, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- *****************************************************************
+--  This file was extracted from RFC 1903
+--  All macro definitions have been removed because they are
+--  predefined in the mib compiler
+    ObjectSyntax, TimeTicks
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+-- definition of textual conventions
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII
+            character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854.
+            To summarize RFC 854, the NVT ASCII repertoire specifies:
+              - the use of character codes 0-127 (decimal)
+              - the graphics characters (32-126) are interpreted as
+                US ASCII
+              - NUL, LF, CR, BEL, BS, HT, VT and FF have the special
+                meanings specified in RFC 854
+              - the other 25 codes have no standard interpretation
+              - the sequence 'CR LF' means newline
+              - the sequence 'CR NUL' means carriage-return
+              - an 'LF' not preceded by a 'CR' means moving to the
+                same column on the next line.
+              - the sequence 'CR x' for any x other than LF or NUL is
+                illegal.  (Note that this also means that a string may
+                end with either 'CR LF' or 'CR NUL', but not with CR.)
+            Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 255
+            characters in length."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents media- or physical-level addresses."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an 802 MAC address represented in the
+            `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it
+            were transmitted least significant bit first, even though
+            802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC
+            addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first."
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents a boolean value."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents integer-valued information used for atomic
+            operations.  When the management protocol is used to specify
+            that an object instance having this syntax is to be
+            modified, the new value supplied via the management protocol
+            must precisely match the value presently held by the
+            instance.  If not, the management protocol set operation
+            fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise, if
+            the current value is the maximum value of 2^31-1 (2147483647
+            decimal), then the value held by the instance is wrapped to
+            zero; otherwise, the value held by the instance is
+            incremented by one.  (Note that regardless of whether the
+            management protocol set operation succeeds, the variable-
+            binding in the request and response PDUs are identical.)
+            The value of the ACCESS clause for objects having this
+            syntax is either `read-write' or `read-create'.  When an
+            instance of a columnar object having this syntax is created,
+            any value may be supplied via the management protocol.
+            When the network management portion of the system is re-
+            initialized, the value of every object instance having this
+            syntax must either be incremented from its value prior to
+            the re-initialization, or (if the value prior to the re-
+            initialization is unknown) be set to a pseudo-randomly
+            generated value."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+AutonomousType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an independently extensible type identification
+            value.  It may, for example, indicate a particular sub-tree
+            with further MIB definitions, or define a particular type of
+            protocol or hardware."
+InstancePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       obsolete
+            "A pointer to either a specific instance of a MIB object or
+            a conceptual row of a MIB table in the managed device.  In
+            the latter case, by convention, it is the name of the
+            particular instance of the first accessible columnar object
+            in the conceptual row.
+            The two uses of this textual convention are replaced by
+            VariablePointer and RowPointer, respectively."
+VariablePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "A pointer to a specific object instance.  For example,
+            sysContact.0 or ifInOctets.3."
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents a pointer to a conceptual row.  The value is the
+            name of the instance of the first accessible columnar object
+            in the conceptual row.
+            For example, ifIndex.3 would point to the 3rd row in the
+            ifTable (note that if ifIndex were not-accessible, then
+            ifDescr.3 would be used instead)."
+    STATUS       current
+            "The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the
+            creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the
+            value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a
+            conceptual row (as described in Section 7.7.1 of [2].)
+            The status column has six defined values:
+                 - `active', which indicates that the conceptual row is
+                 available for use by the managed device;
+                 - `notInService', which indicates that the conceptual
+                 row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by
+                 the managed device (see NOTE below);
+                 - `notReady', which indicates that the conceptual row
+                 exists in the agent, but is missing information
+                 necessary in order to be available for use by the
+                 managed device;
+                 - `createAndGo', which is supplied by a management
+                 station wishing to create a new instance of a
+                 conceptual row and to have its status automatically set
+                 to active, making it available for use by the managed
+                 device;
+                 - `createAndWait', which is supplied by a management
+                 station wishing to create a new instance of a
+                 conceptual row (but not make it available for use by
+                 the managed device); and,
+                 - `destroy', which is supplied by a management station
+                 wishing to delete all of the instances associated with
+                 an existing conceptual row.
+            Whereas five of the six values (all except `notReady') may
+            be specified in a management protocol set operation, only
+            three values will be returned in response to a management
+            protocol retrieval operation:  `notReady', `notInService' or
+            `active'.  That is, when queried, an existing conceptual row
+            has only three states:  it is either available for use by
+            the managed device (the status column has value `active');
+            it is not available for use by the managed device, though
+            the agent has sufficient information to make it so (the
+            status column has value `notInService'); or, it is not
+            available for use by the managed device, and an attempt to
+            make it so would fail because the agent has insufficient
+            information (the state column has value `notReady').
+                                     NOTE WELL
+                 This textual convention may be used for a MIB table,
+                 irrespective of whether the values of that table's
+                 conceptual rows are able to be modified while it is
+                 active, or whether its conceptual rows must be taken
+                 out of service in order to be modified.  That is, it is
+                 the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the
+                 status column to specify whether the status column must
+                 not be `active' in order for the value of some other
+                 column of the same conceptual row to be modified.  If
+                 such a specification is made, affected columns may be
+                 changed by an SNMP set PDU if the RowStatus would not
+                 be equal to `active' either immediately before or after
+                 processing the PDU.  In other words, if the PDU also
+                 contained a varbind that would change the RowStatus
+                 value, the column in question may be changed if the
+                 RowStatus was not equal to `active' as the PDU was
+                 received, or if the varbind sets the status to a value
+                 other than 'active'.
+            Also note that whenever any elements of a row exist, the
+            RowStatus column must also exist.
+            To summarize the effect of having a conceptual row with a
+            status column having a SYNTAX clause value of RowStatus,
+            consider the following state diagram:
+                                         STATE
+              +--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
+              |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
+              |              |status col.|status column|
+              |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
+    ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
+set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
+column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
+createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
+              |         Value|           |             |
+set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
+column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
+createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
+set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
+column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
+active        |              |           |             |
+              |              |     or    |             |
+              |              |           |             |
+              |              |see 2   ->D|          ->D|          ->D
+set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
+column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
+notInService  |              |           |             |
+              |              |     or    |             |      or
+              |              |           |             |
+              |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|wrongValue
+set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError
+column to     |              |           |             |
+destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|          ->A
+set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
+column to some|              |           |             |
+value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D
+            (1) goto B or C, depending on information available to the
+            agent.
+            (2) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
+            provide values for all columns which are missing but
+            required, then return noError and goto D.
+            (3) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
+            provide values for all columns which are missing but
+            required, then return noError and goto C.
+            (4) at the discretion of the agent, the return value may be
+            either:
+                 inconsistentName:  because the agent does not choose to
+                 create such an instance when the corresponding
+                 RowStatus instance does not exist, or
+                 inconsistentValue:  if the supplied value is
+                 inconsistent with the state of some other MIB object's
+                 value, or
+                 noError: because the agent chooses to create the
+                 instance.
+            If noError is returned, then the instance of the status
+            column must also be created, and the new state is B or C,
+            depending on the information available to the agent.  If
+            inconsistentName or inconsistentValue is returned, the row
+            remains in state A.
+            (5) depending on the MIB definition for the column/table,
+            either noError or inconsistentValue may be returned.
+            NOTE: Other processing of the set request may result in a
+            response other than noError being returned, e.g.,
+            wrongValue, noCreation, etc.
+                              Conceptual Row Creation
+            There are four potential interactions when creating a
+            conceptual row:  selecting an instance-identifier which is
+            not in use; creating the conceptual row; initializing any
+            objects for which the agent does not supply a default; and,
+            making the conceptual row available for use by the managed
+            device.
+            Interaction 1: Selecting an Instance-Identifier
+            The algorithm used to select an instance-identifier varies
+            for each conceptual row.  In some cases, the instance-
+            identifier is semantically significant, e.g., the
+            destination address of a route, and a management station
+            selects the instance-identifier according to the semantics.
+            In other cases, the instance-identifier is used solely to
+            distinguish conceptual rows, and a management station
+            without specific knowledge of the conceptual row might
+            examine the instances present in order to determine an
+            unused instance-identifier.  (This approach may be used, but
+            it is often highly sub-optimal; however, it is also a
+            questionable practice for a naive management station to
+            attempt conceptual row creation.)
+            Alternately, the MIB module which defines the conceptual row
+            might provide one or more objects which provide assistance
+            in determining an unused instance-identifier.  For example,
+            if the conceptual row is indexed by an integer-value, then
+            an object having an integer-valued SYNTAX clause might be
+            defined for such a purpose, allowing a management station to
+            issue a management protocol retrieval operation.  In order
+            to avoid unnecessary collisions between competing management
+            stations, `adjacent' retrievals of this object should be
+            different.
+            Finally, the management station could select a pseudo-random
+            number to use as the index.  In the event that this index
+            was already in use and an inconsistentValue was returned in
+            response to the management protocol set operation, the
+            management station should simply select a new pseudo-random
+            number and retry the operation.
+            A MIB designer should choose between the two latter
+            algorithms based on the size of the table (and therefore the
+            efficiency of each algorithm).  For tables in which a large
+            number of entries are expected, it is recommended that a MIB
+            object be defined that returns an acceptable index for
+            creation.  For tables with small numbers of entries, it is
+            recommended that the latter pseudo-random index mechanism be
+            used.
+            Interaction 2: Creating the Conceptual Row
+            Once an unused instance-identifier has been selected, the
+            management station determines if it wishes to create and
+            activate the conceptual row in one transaction or in a
+            negotiated set of interactions.
+            Interaction 2a: Creating and Activating the Conceptual Row
+            The management station must first determine the column
+            requirements, i.e., it must determine those columns for
+            which it must or must not provide values.  Depending on the
+            complexity of the table and the management station's
+            knowledge of the agent's capabilities, this determination
+            can be made locally by the management station.  Alternately,
+            the management station issues a management protocol get
+            operation to examine all columns in the conceptual row that
+            it wishes to create.  In response, for each column, there
+            are three possible outcomes:
+                 - a value is returned, indicating that some other
+                 management station has already created this conceptual
+                 row.  We return to interaction 1.
+                 - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
+                 indicating that the agent implements the object-type
+                 associated with this column, and that this column in at
+                 least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
+                 view used by the retrieval were it to exist. For those
+                 columns to which the agent provides read-create access,
+                 the `noSuchInstance' exception tells the management
+                 station that it should supply a value for this column
+                 when the conceptual row is to be created.
+                 - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
+                 that the agent does not implement the object-type
+                 associated with this column or that there is no
+                 conceptual row for which this column would be
+                 accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
+                 such, the management station can not issue any
+                 management protocol set operations to create an
+                 instance of this column.
+            Once the column requirements have been determined, a
+            management protocol set operation is accordingly issued.
+            This operation also sets the new instance of the status
+            column to `createAndGo'.
+            When the agent processes the set operation, it verifies that
+            it has sufficient information to make the conceptual row
+            available for use by the managed device.  The information
+            available to the agent is provided by two sources:  the
+            management protocol set operation which creates the
+            conceptual row, and, implementation-specific defaults
+            supplied by the agent (note that an agent must provide
+            implementation-specific defaults for at least those objects
+            which it implements as read-only).  If there is sufficient
+            information available, then the conceptual row is created, a
+            `noError' response is returned, the status column is set to
+            `active', and no further interactions are necessary (i.e.,
+            interactions 3 and 4 are skipped).  If there is insufficient
+            information, then the conceptual row is not created, and the
+            set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.
+            On this error, the management station can issue a management
+            protocol retrieval operation to determine if this was
+            because it failed to specify a value for a required column,
+            or, because the selected instance of the status column
+            already existed.  In the latter case, we return to
+            interaction 1.  In the former case, the management station
+            can re-issue the set operation with the additional
+            information, or begin interaction 2 again using
+            `createAndWait' in order to negotiate creation of the
+            conceptual row.
+                                     NOTE WELL
+                 Regardless of the method used to determine the column
+                 requirements, it is possible that the management
+                 station might deem a column necessary when, in fact,
+                 the agent will not allow that particular columnar
+                 instance to be created or written.  In this case, the
+                 management protocol set operation will fail with an
+                 error such as `noCreation' or `notWritable'.  In this
+                 case, the management station decides whether it needs
+                 to be able to set a value for that particular columnar
+                 instance.  If not, the management station re-issues the
+                 management protocol set operation, but without setting
+                 a value for that particular columnar instance;
+                 otherwise, the management station aborts the row
+                 creation algorithm.
+            Interaction 2b: Negotiating the Creation of the Conceptual
+            Row
+            The management station issues a management protocol set
+            operation which sets the desired instance of the status
+            column to `createAndWait'.  If the agent is unwilling to
+            process a request of this sort, the set operation fails with
+            an error of `wrongValue'.  (As a consequence, such an agent
+            must be prepared to accept a single management protocol set
+            operation, i.e., interaction 2a above, containing all of the
+            columns indicated by its column requirements.)  Otherwise,
+            the conceptual row is created, a `noError' response is
+            returned, and the status column is immediately set to either
+            `notInService' or `notReady', depending on whether it has
+            sufficient information to make the conceptual row available
+            for use by the managed device.  If there is sufficient
+            information available, then the status column is set to
+            `notInService'; otherwise, if there is insufficient
+            information, then the status column is set to `notReady'.
+            Regardless, we proceed to interaction 3.
+            Interaction 3: Initializing non-defaulted Objects
+            The management station must now determine the column
+            requirements.  It issues a management protocol get operation
+            to examine all columns in the created conceptual row.  In
+            the response, for each column, there are three possible
+            outcomes:
+                 - a value is returned, indicating that the agent
+                 implements the object-type associated with this column
+                 and had sufficient information to provide a value.  For
+                 those columns to which the agent provides read-create
+                 access (and for which the agent allows their values to
+                 be changed after their creation), a value return tells
+                 the management station that it may issue additional
+                 management protocol set operations, if it desires, in
+                 order to change the value associated with this column.
+                 - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
+                 indicating that the agent implements the object-type
+                 associated with this column, and that this column in at
+                 least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
+                 view used by the retrieval were it to exist. However,
+                 the agent does not have sufficient information to
+                 provide a value, and until a value is provided, the
+                 conceptual row may not be made available for use by the
+                 managed device.  For those columns to which the agent
+                 provides read-create access, the `noSuchInstance'
+                 exception tells the management station that it must
+                 issue additional management protocol set operations, in
+                 order to provide a value associated with this column.
+                 - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
+                 that the agent does not implement the object-type
+                 associated with this column or that there is no
+                 conceptual row for which this column would be
+                 accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
+                 such, the management station can not issue any
+                 management protocol set operations to create an
+                 instance of this column.
+            If the value associated with the status column is
+            `notReady', then the management station must first deal with
+            all `noSuchInstance' columns, if any.  Having done so, the
+            value of the status column becomes `notInService', and we
+            proceed to interaction 4.
+            Interaction 4: Making the Conceptual Row Available
+            Once the management station is satisfied with the values
+            associated with the columns of the conceptual row, it issues
+            a management protocol set operation to set the status column
+            to `active'.  If the agent has sufficient information to
+            make the conceptual row available for use by the managed
+            device, the management protocol set operation succeeds (a
+            `noError' response is returned).  Otherwise, the management
+            protocol set operation fails with an error of
+            `inconsistentValue'.
+                                     NOTE WELL
+                 A conceptual row having a status column with value
+                 `notInService' or `notReady' is unavailable to the
+                 managed device.  As such, it is possible for the
+                 managed device to create its own instances during the
+                 time between the management protocol set operation
+                 which sets the status column to `createAndWait' and the
+                 management protocol set operation which sets the status
+                 column to `active'.  In this case, when the management
+                 protocol set operation is issued to set the status
+                 column to `active', the values held in the agent
+                 supersede those used by the managed device.
+            If the management station is prevented from setting the
+            status column to `active' (e.g., due to management station
+            or network failure) the conceptual row will be left in the
+            `notInService' or `notReady' state, consuming resources
+            indefinitely.  The agent must detect conceptual rows that
+            have been in either state for an abnormally long period of
+            time and remove them.  It is the responsibility of the
+            DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate what an
+            abnormally long period of time would be.  This period of
+            time should be long enough to allow for human response time
+            (including `think time') between the creation of the
+            conceptual row and the setting of the status to `active'.
+            In the absense of such information in the DESCRIPTION
+            clause, it is suggested that this period be approximately 5
+            minutes in length.  This removal action applies not only to
+            newly-created rows, but also to previously active rows which
+            are set to, and left in, the notInService state for a
+            prolonged period exceeding that which is considered normal
+            for such a conceptual row.
+                             Conceptual Row Suspension
+            When a conceptual row is `active', the management station
+            may issue a management protocol set operation which sets the
+            instance of the status column to `notInService'.  If the
+            agent is unwilling to do so, the set operation fails with an
+            error of `wrongValue'.  Otherwise, the conceptual row is
+            taken out of service, and a `noError' response is returned.
+            It is the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the
+            status column to indicate under what circumstances the
+            status column should be taken out of service (e.g., in order
+            for the value of some other column of the same conceptual
+            row to be modified).
+                              Conceptual Row Deletion
+            For deletion of conceptual rows, a management protocol set
+            operation is issued which sets the instance of the status
+            column to `destroy'.  This request may be made regardless of
+            the current value of the status column (e.g., it is possible
+            to delete conceptual rows which are either `notReady',
+            `notInService' or `active'.)  If the operation succeeds,
+            then all instances associated with the conceptual row are
+            immediately removed."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     -- the following two values are states:
+                     -- these values may be read or written
+                     active(1),
+                     notInService(2),
+                     -- the following value is a state:
+                     -- this value may be read, but not written
+                     notReady(3),
+                     -- the following three values are
+                     -- actions: these values may be written,
+                     --   but are never read
+                     createAndGo(4),
+                     createAndWait(5),
+                     destroy(6)
+                 }
+    STATUS       current
+            "The value of the sysUpTime object at which a specific
+            occurrence happened.  The specific occurrence must be
+            defined in the description of any object defined using this
+            type."
+    SYNTAX       TimeTicks
+    STATUS       current
+            "A period of time, measured in units of 0.01 seconds."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2d-1d-1d,1d:1d:1d.1d,1a1d:1d"
+    STATUS       current
+            "A date-time specification.
+            field  octets  contents                  range
+            -----  ------  --------                  -----
+              1      1-2   year                      0..65536
+              2       3    month                     1..12
+              3       4    day                       1..31
+              4       5    hour                      0..23
+              5       6    minutes                   0..59
+              6       7    seconds                   0..60
+                           (use 60 for leap-second)
+              7       8    deci-seconds              0..9
+              8       9    direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
+              9      10    hours from UTC            0..11
+             10      11    minutes from UTC          0..59
+            For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT would be
+            displayed as:
+                             1992-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0
+            Note that if only local time is known, then timezone
+            information (fields 8-10) is not present."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (8 | 11))
+    STATUS       current
+            "Describes the memory realization of a conceptual row.  A
+            row which is volatile(2) is lost upon reboot.  A row which
+            is either nonVolatile(3), permanent(4) or readOnly(5), is
+            backed up by stable storage.  A row which is permanent(4)
+            can be changed but not deleted.  A row which is readOnly(5)
+            cannot be changed nor deleted.
+            If the value of an object with this syntax is either
+            permanent(4) or readOnly(5), it cannot be modified.
+            Conversely, if the value is either other(1), volatile(2) or
+            nonVolatile(3), it cannot be modified to be permanent(4) or
+            readOnly(5).
+            Every usage of this textual convention is required to
+            specify the columnar objects which a permanent(4) row must
+            at a minimum allow to be writable."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     other(1),       -- eh?
+                     volatile(2),    -- e.g., in RAM
+                     nonVolatile(3), -- e.g., in NVRAM
+                     permanent(4),   -- e.g., partially in ROM
+                     readOnly(5)     -- e.g., completely in ROM
+                 }
+    STATUS       current
+          "Denotes a kind of transport service.
+          Some possible values, such as snmpUDPDomain, are defined in
+          'Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network
+          Management Protocol (SNMPv2)'."
+    STATUS       current
+          "Denotes a transport service address.
+          For snmpUDPDomain, a TAddress is 6 octets long, the initial 4
+          octets containing the IP-address in network-byte order and the
+          last 2 containing the UDP port in network-byte order.  Consult
+          'Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network
+          Management Protocol (SNMPv2)' for further information on
+          snmpUDPDomain."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/STATISTICS-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/STATISTICS-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c109cede96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/STATISTICS-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1523 @@
+-- HP Enterprise Switch Statistics MIB 
+        Counter, IpAddress
+            FROM RFC1155-SMI
+        OBJECT-TYPE
+            FROM RFC-1212
+        DisplayString
+            FROM RFC1213-MIB
+        HpSwitchPortType, VidList
+            FROM HP-ICF-TC
+        InetAddress, InetAddressType,
+        InetPortNumber
+        hpSwitch
+            FROM HP-ICF-OID;
+    -- Icf Switch Specific 
+    hpSwitchStatistics      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 9 }
+    MacAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))    -- a 6 octet address
+                                                    -- in the
+                                                    -- "canonical"
+                                                    -- order
+    VlanID ::= INTEGER (1..65535)
+    -- ###########################################################
+    -- the hpSwitchStatistics Group
+    -- This group contains switch statistics related variables.
+    -- These variables keep the operational value of the variable
+    -- while the similar variable in the hpConfig group keep the
+    -- config. value which will take effect after reboot the
+    -- switch.
+    -- ###########################################################
+    -- The IPX Operational Table
+    hpSwitchIpxStat   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 1 }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIpxStatEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                    operational IPX status of the virtual LAN in this
+                    device."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStat 1 }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIpxStatEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about the operational IPX status of a
+                    virtual LAN in this device."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchIpxStatIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchIpxStatEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchIpxStatIndex              VlanID,
+            hpSwitchIpxStatNodeAddr           MacAddress,
+            hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayAddr        MacAddress,
+            hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayEncap       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIpxStatAdminStatus        INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the operational
+                    IPX status of a virtual LAN for which this entry
+                    contains information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The current IPX node address of this virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The current IPX node address of the gateway for
+                    this virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayEncap OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ethernetII(1),
+                        ieee8022(2),
+                        snap(3),
+                        ieee8023Raw(4),
+                        noGateway(5)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The current type of encapsulation of the gateway."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchIpxStatAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IPX protocol entity."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 5 }
+    -- The IP Operational Table
+    hpSwitchIpStat   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 2 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatTimepAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the Time protocol." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 1 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatTimepServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The current IP address of the Time server." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 2 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatTimepPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The current client poll interval of the Time server
+                    in minute." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 3 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIpStatEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the current
+                    IP status of the virtual LAN in this device."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 4 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIpStatEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about the IP status of a specific virtual
+                    LAN in this device."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchIpStatIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchIpStatEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchIpStatIndex               VlanID,
+            hpSwitchIpStatAddr                IpAddress,
+            hpSwitchIpStatMask                IpAddress,
+            hpSwitchIpStatGatewayAddr         IpAddress,
+            hpSwitchIpStatAdminStatus         INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchIpStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the IP status of
+                    a virtual LAN for which this entry contains
+                    information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The current IP address of this Virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatMask OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The current IP subnet mask of this virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatGatewayAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The current IP address of the gateway for this
+                    virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchIpStatAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2),
+                        bootp(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IP protocol for this
+                    virtual LAN. If the value of this variable is 3, the
+                    IP protocol entity will utilize BOOTP during
+                    initialization."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 5 }
+    --  The Forwarding Database for VLAN
+    hpSwitchFdbInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 4 }
+    hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about unicast
+                    entries for which the VLAN has forwarding and/or
+                    filtering information.  This information is used
+                    by the VLAN bridging function in determining how
+                    to propagate a received frame."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFdbInfo 1 }
+    hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific unicast MAC address
+                    for which the VLAN has some forwarding and/or
+                    filtering information."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchVlanFdbId, hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress }
+        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchVlanFdbId      VlanID,
+            hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress MacAddress,
+            hpSwitchVlanFdbPort    INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchVlanFdbId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies a virtual LAN
+                    for which this entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A unicast MAC address for which the VLAN has
+                    forwarding and/or filtering information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchVlanFdbPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port on which a frame
+                    having a source address equal to the value of
+                    the corresponding instance of hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress
+                    has been seen."
+        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchPortFdbAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about unicast
+                    entries for which the port has forwarding and/or
+                    filtering information.  This information is used
+                    by the bridging function in determining how to
+                    propagate a received frame."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFdbInfo 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific unicast MAC address
+                    for which the port has some forwarding and/or
+                    filtering information."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchPortFdbId, hpSwitchPortFdbAddress }
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchPortFdbId       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortFdbAddress  MacAddress,
+	    hpSwitchPortFdbVlanId   VlanID,
+            hpSwitchPortFdbVidList  VidList
+        }
+    hpSwitchPortFdbId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table.  The corresponding row in the
+                    Interfaces Table must exist prior to the index being
+                    used in this table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A unicast MAC address for which the port has
+                    forwarding and/or filtering information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortFdbVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID to which this entry belongs.
+                     Deprecated - hpSwitchPortFdbVidList
+                     should be used instead."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchPortFdbVidList OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VidList
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A VidList of VLAN IDs to which this entry belongs."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchStpStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 5 }
+    hpSwitchStpStatAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the spanning tree protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpStat 1 }
+    hpSwitchMiscStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 6 }
+    hpSwitchCpuStat OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The CPU utilization in percent(%)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchMiscStat 1 }
+    -- The FDDI IP Fragmentation Statistic Group
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 7 }
+    -- The FDDI IP Fragmentation Statistic Table
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatTable OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 
+        ACCESS      not-accessible 
+        STATUS      mandatory 
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of IP fragmentation statistics 
+                    for the FDDI cards in the switch." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStat 1 } 
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An Fddi IP fragmentation entry which is
+                     containing statistics for the FDDI
+                     cards in the switch."
+        INDEX       {  hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatIndex         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesFragmented  Counter,
+            hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesCreated     Counter,
+            hpSwitchFddiIpFragFrameErrors       Counter
+        }
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each FDDI Card.  
+                    The value for each FDDI card must remain constant 
+                    at least from one re-initialization of the entity's 
+                    network management system to the next 
+                    re-initialization." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesFragmented OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Number of FDDI Frames which get fragmented when they 
+                    are larger than Ethernet Frame size, 1518 bytes."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesCreated OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Number of inbound FDDI frames which get created when
+                    they larger than Ethernet Frame size, 1518 bytes."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragFrameErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Number of large inbound FDDI frames that contains
+                    error which preventing them from being fragmented
+                    when they are larger than Ethernet Frame size, 1518
+                    bytes.  Or number of large frames which are dropped
+                    because the FDDI IP fragmentation is disabled "
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 4 }
+    -- The FDDI System Information and Statistic Group  
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 8 }
+    -- The FDDI System Information and Statistic Table
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemStatTable OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 
+        ACCESS      not-accessible 
+        STATUS      mandatory 
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of system infomations and statistics 
+                    for the FDDI cards in the switch." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStat 1 } 
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An Fddi system entry which is 
+                     containing statistics for the FDDI
+                     cards in the switch."
+        INDEX       {  hpSwitchFddiSystemStatIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemStatIndex        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemOsVersion        DisplayString,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemRomVersion       DisplayString,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryTotal      INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryFree       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemCpuUtil          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDirectory   OCTET STRING,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDate        OCTET STRING,
+            hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildNumber      OCTET STRING
+        }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each FDDI Card.  
+                    The value for each FDDI card must remain constant 
+                    at least from one re-initialization of the entity's 
+                    network management system to the next 
+                    re-initialization." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemOsVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Contains the operating code version number (also
+                    known as software or firmware). For example, a
+                    software version such as A.08.01 is described as
+                    follows:
+                        A    the function set available in your switch
+                        08   the common release number
+                        01   updates to the current common release"
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemRomVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..10) )
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Contains the ROM version number (such as A.08.01
+                    is described as follows:
+                        A    the function set available in your router
+                        08   the common release number
+                        01   updates to the current common release"
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of currently installed bytes."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryFree OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of available (unallocated) bytes."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemCpuUtil OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The CPU utilization in percent(%)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDirectory OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (80)) 
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The Build directory the FDDI firmware image "
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDate OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (40))
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The Build date and time of the FDDI firmware image"
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 8 }
+    hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (20))
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The Build number of the FDDI firmware image"
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 9 }
+    -- The Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC) Statistic Group  
+    hpABCStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 9 }
+    hpABCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpABCStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
+                     Automatic Broadcast Control on any given VLAN on
+                     the switch."
+        ::= { hpABCStats 1 }
+    hpABCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpABCStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
+                    ABC Statistics Table."
+        INDEX       { hpABCStatsVlanIndex,hpABCStatsPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpABCStatsTable 1 }
+    HpABCStatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpABCStatsVlanIndex         VlanID,
+            hpABCStatsPortIndex         INTEGER,
+            hpABCStatsPortType          HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpABCStatsArpReplies        Counter,
+            hpABCStatsIpxReplies        Counter,
+            hpABCStatsIpRipControl      INTEGER,
+            hpABCStatsIpxRipSapControl  INTEGER
+        }
+    hpABCStatsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies configuration of
+                    a virtual LAN for which entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 1 }
+    hpABCStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 2 }
+    hpABCStatsPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 3 }
+    hpABCStatsArpReplies OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This counter reports the number of ARP responses sent
+                    out by the switch (running ABC) to proxy respond for
+                    hosts learned in the switch ARP cashe."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 4 }
+    hpABCStatsIpxReplies OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This counter reports the number of RIP and SAP
+                    responses sent out by the switch (running ABC) to
+                    proxy respond for routes and services learned by
+                    switch."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 5 }
+    hpABCStatsIpRipControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        forwarding(1),
+                        notforwarding(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This status field shows if IP RIP packets are being
+                    forwarded or not forwarded on the ports shown."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 6 }
+    hpABCStatsIpxRipSapControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        forwarding(1),
+                        notforwarding(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This status field shows if IPX RIP and/or IPX SAP
+                    packets are being forwarded or not forwarded on the
+                    ports shown."
+        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 7 }
+    -- The IGMP Statistic Group  
+    hpIgmpStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 10 }
+    hpIgmpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIgmpStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
+                    Multicast Groups on any  given VLAN on the switch."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStats 1 }
+    hpIgmpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpIgmpStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each member in
+                    particular multicast group."
+        INDEX       { hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex, hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr }
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsTable 1 }
+    HpIgmpStatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex         VlanID,
+            hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr   IpAddress,
+            hpIgmpStatsReports           Counter,
+            hpIgmpStatsQueries           Counter,
+            hpIgmpStatsQuerierAccessPort INTEGER
+        }
+    hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies configuration of
+                    a virtual LAN for which entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 1 }
+    hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An IP Multicast Group Membership address that has been
+                    sent, via IGMP Membership Reports, through the switch
+                    to querier."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 2 }
+    hpIgmpStatsReports OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of IGMP report packets that the switch has
+                    seen for this group address."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 3 }
+    hpIgmpStatsQueries OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of IGMP query packets the switch has seen
+                    for this group address.  Note: This object is based
+                    on a group, thus if a query is heard before this
+                    object's group joins, the value will be zero. It will
+                    be non-zero when an all host query, or group specific
+                    query for the associated group, is heard after the
+                    associated group has joined."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 4 }
+    hpIgmpStatsQuerierAccessPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The port on which the switch detects IGMP query
+                    packets from the querier (device sending out query
+                    packets). If no queries are heard, the value of the
+                    object is zero and we are querier or electing to be
+                    querier. Anytime a querier besides our switch is
+                    heard the value of the object becomes the port number
+                    on which the other querier was heard and the query
+                    election process will be halted if currently running."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 5 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIgmpStatsPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about status
+                    of the IGMP port configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStats 2 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpIgmpStatsPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with status of each IGMP
+                    port configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr, hpIgmpStatsPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortTable 1 }
+    HpIgmpStatsPortEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpIgmpStatsPortIndex              INTEGER,
+            hpIgmpStatsPortType               HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpIgmpStatsPortAccess             INTEGER
+        }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry 1 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry 2 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortAccess OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        host(1),
+                        router(2),
+                        host-router(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "If this value is host then this port has seen IGMP
+                    report packets for this active group address. If this
+                    value is router then this port has detected IGMP query
+                    packets from the querier (device sending out query
+                    packets). If this value is host-router then this port
+                    has seen report packets, and IGMP query packets from
+                    the querier."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry 3 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortTable2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIgmpStatsPortEntry2
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about status
+                    of the IGMP port configurations on this switch.
+                    This table2 is supersedes hpIgmpStatsPortTable for
+                    switches which support multiple vlans per port."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStats 3 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpIgmpStatsPortEntry2
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with status of each IGMP
+                    port configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex,
+                      hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr,
+                      hpIgmpStatsPortIndex2 }
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortTable2 1 }
+    HpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpIgmpStatsPortIndex2              INTEGER,
+            hpIgmpStatsPortType2               HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpIgmpStatsPortAccess2             INTEGER,
+            hpIgmpStatsPortAgeTimer2           INTEGER,
+            hpIgmpStatsPortLeaveTimer2         INTEGER
+        }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 1 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortType2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 2 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortAccess2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        host(1),
+                        router(2),
+                        host-router(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "If this value is host then this port has seen IGMP
+                    report packets for this active group address. If this
+                    value is router then this port has detected IGMP query
+                    packets from the querier (device sending out query
+                    packets). If this value is host-router then this port
+                    has seen report packets, and IGMP query packets from
+                    the querier."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 3 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortAgeTimer2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The timer is set when the switch hears a report
+                    and is waiting for the group queries. If the timer
+                    expires the group is considered non-active on the
+                    specific port. The value returned shows how many
+                    seconds left before the timer expires or 0 if the
+                    timer has expired."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 4 }
+    hpIgmpStatsPortLeaveTimer2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The timer is set when the switch is waiting for a
+                    report response for queries. If the timer expires the
+                    group is considered non-active on the specific port.
+                    The value returned shows how many seconds left before
+                    the timer expires or 0 if the timer has expired."
+        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 5 }
+    -- IGMP Statistic end
+    -- The Load Balance Protocol Statistics Group  
+    hpLdbalStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 11 }
+    hpLdbalStatsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpLdbalStatsPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                    operational status of the load balancing ports on
+                    this switch."
+          ::= { hpLdbalStats 1 }
+    hpLdbalStatsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpLdbalStatsPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with ports configured
+                    for load balancing."
+        INDEX       { hpLdbalStatsPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortTable 1 }
+    HpLdbalStatsPortEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpLdbalStatsPortIndex             INTEGER,
+            hpLdbalStatsPortState             INTEGER,
+            hpLdbalStatsAdjacentSwitch        MacAddress,
+            hpLdbalStatsPeerPort              MacAddress,
+            hpLdbalStatsAdjacentHost          DisplayString,
+            hpLdbalStatsMeshWarningStatus     INTEGER
+        }
+    hpLdbalStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 1 }
+    hpLdbalStatsPortState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        disabled(1),
+                        error (2),
+                        initial(3),
+                        notEstablished(4),
+                        established(5),
+                        topologyError(6)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable describes the load balancing port state. 
+                    A disabled state indicates the port does not have a
+                    link beat. An initial state indicates the port has
+                    recently established a link beat and is detecting
+                    whether or not it is in the load balancing domain. An
+                    established state indicates that the port is inside
+                    the load balancing domain, directly connected to
+                    another load balancing port, and learning addresses
+                    via the reception of MAC address learn information
+                    packets.  A notEstablished state indicates that the
+                    port is outside the load balancing domain, not
+                    directly connected to a load balancing port, and
+                    learning MAC address by receiving unknown source 
+                    address packets. An error state indicates the port
+                    has detected a direct connection to more than one
+                    load balancing port and is blocked, only accepting
+                    load balancing protocol packets.  When the error
+                    condition clears, the port transitions either into
+                    the established or not established state."
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 2 }
+    hpLdbalStatsAdjacentSwitch OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The switch identifier of the adjacent switch connected
+                    to the corresponding load balancing established port.
+                    If load balancing has not been established on this
+                    port then this value is void."
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 3 }
+    hpLdbalStatsPeerPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The port identifier of the peer port connected to 
+                    the corresponding load balancing established port. If
+                    load balancing has not been established on this port
+                    then this value is void."
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 4 }
+    hpLdbalStatsAdjacentHost OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The name of the adjacent Host"
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 5 }
+    hpLdbalStatsMeshWarningStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        enabled(1),
+                        disabled(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable provides a high level summary of any
+                     mismatch in the mesh configuration and remind users
+                     to check the log for any mesh warning messages.
+                     If it is Yes then there is at least one warning
+                     message and will be No if there are no warning
+                     messages"
+        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 6 } 
+    -- Load Balance Protocol Statistics end
+    hpSwitchMacStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 12 }
+    hpSwitchFdbAddressCount OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..16384)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Keep a counter for the total number of MAC
+                    Addresses currently learnt on the box."
+        ::= { hpSwitchMacStats 1 }
+    -- Flow Control Status Table
+    hpSwitchFlowControlStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 13 }
+    hpSwitchFlowControlStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                    operational status of flow control on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatus 1 }
+    hpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The flow control status per port basis." 
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchFlowControlStatusPortIndex        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFlowControlState                  INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchFlowControlStatusPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchFlowControlState OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        off(1),
+                        on(2),
+                        on-rx(3),
+                        on-tx(4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Gets the current Flow Control State from hardware."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry 2 }
+    -- Fast EtherChannel Trunk Statistics Group
+    hpFECStatsTrunk OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 14 }
+    hpFECStatsTrunkTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpFECStatsTrunkEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                    operational status of flow control on this switch."
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunk 1 }
+    hpFECStatsTrunkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpFECStatsTrunkEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The flow control status per port basis." 
+        INDEX       { hpFECStatsTrunkIndex }
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkTable 1 }
+    HpFECStatsTrunkEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpFECStatsTrunkIndex                      INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsTrunkName                       DisplayString,
+            hpFECStatsTrunkNegotiationStatus          INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsTrunkForwardingMode             INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsTrunkFlushPktsEchoed            Counter
+        }
+    hpFECStatsTrunkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The trunk Index value which uniquely identifies a
+                    row in the Trunk Table."
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 1 }
+    hpFECStatsTrunkName OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The name of the trunk group"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 2}
+    hpFECStatsTrunkNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        successful(1),
+                        failed(2),
+                        initialized(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Whether the trunk has been successfully negotiated"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 3 }
+    hpFECStatsTrunkForwardingMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+                        sa-only(1),
+                        sa-da(2),
+                        none(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Whether the trunk has been successfully negotiated"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 4 }
+    hpFECStatsTrunkFlushPktsEchoed OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC flush packets echoed"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 5 }
+    -- Fast EtherChannel Port Statistics Group
+    hpFECStatsPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 15 }
+    hpFECStatsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpFECStatsPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                    operational status of flow control on this switch."
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPort 1 }
+    hpFECStatsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpFECStatsPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The flow control status per port basis." 
+        INDEX       { hpFECStatsPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortTable 1 }
+    HpFECStatsPortEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpFECStatsPortIndex                        INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsPortTrunkNumber                  INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsPortTrunkName                    DisplayString,
+            hpFECStatsPortMode                         INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsPortNegotiationStatus            INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsPortHellosSent                   Counter,
+            hpFECStatsPortHellosReceived               Counter,
+            hpFECStatsPortMySlowHello                  INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsPortMyAutoMode                   INTEGER,
+            hpFECStatsPortPartner                      MacAddress,
+            hpFECStatsPortFlushPktsEchoed              Counter
+        }
+    hpFECStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 1 }
+    hpFECStatsPortTrunkNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The internal trunk ID"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 2 }
+    hpFECStatsPortTrunkName OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The name of the trunk group"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 3 }
+    hpFECStatsPortMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        down(1),
+                        forwarding(2),
+                        blocking(3),
+                        up(4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "FEC port mode"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 4 }
+    hpFECStatsPortNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        successful(1),
+                        failed(2),
+                        initialized(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "FEC port negotiation state"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 5 }
+    hpFECStatsPortHellosSent OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC hello packets sent"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 6 }
+    hpFECStatsPortHellosReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC hello packets received"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 7 }
+    hpFECStatsPortMySlowHello OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        fast(1),
+                        slow(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Currently running fast or slow FEC hello state"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 8 }
+    hpFECStatsPortMyAutoMode OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        desirable(1),
+                        auto(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Silent partner mode"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 9 }
+    hpFECStatsPortPartner OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The address of the adjacent device(switch, router,
+                    server, etc.)"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 10 }
+    hpFECStatsPortFlushPktsEchoed OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC flush packets echoed"
+        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 11 }
+    hpGvrpStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 16 }
+    hpGvrpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpGvrpStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
+                     GVRP on any given VLAN on the switch."
+        ::= { hpGvrpStats 1 }
+    hpGvrpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpGvrpStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
+                    GVRP Statistics Table."
+        INDEX       { hpGvrpStatsVlanIndex,hpGvrpStatsPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpGvrpStatsTable 1 }
+    HpGvrpStatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpGvrpStatsVlanIndex         VlanID,
+            hpGvrpStatsPortIndex         INTEGER,
+            hpGvrpStatsPortVlanMember    INTEGER,
+            hpGvrpPortIfOperStatus       INTEGER,
+            hpPortGvrpCtrlStatus         INTEGER
+        }
+    hpGvrpStatsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies configuration
+                    of a virtual LAN for which entry contains
+                    information."
+        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 1 }
+    hpGvrpStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 2 }
+    hpGvrpStatsPortVlanMember OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        pending(1),
+                        yes(2),
+                        no(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This value reflects the state of the port with
+                    respect to its membership in a VLAN"
+        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 3 }
+    hpGvrpPortIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        up(1),
+                        down(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the interface."
+        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 4 }
+    hpPortGvrpCtrlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        learn(1),
+                        block(2),
+                        disable(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of Gvrp Control on this port."
+        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 5}
+    hpSshStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 17 }
+    hpSshStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSshStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
+                    SSH connections on the switch."
+        ::= { hpSshStats 1 }
+    hpSshStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSshStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
+                    SSH Statistics Table."
+        INDEX       { hpSshStatsSesIndex }
+        ::= { hpSshStatsTable 1 }
+    HpSshStatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSshStatsSesIndex           INTEGER,
+            hpSshStatsSesType            INTEGER,
+            hpSshStatsSourceIpPort       DisplayString,
+            hpSshStatsSesVersion         INTEGER,
+            hpSshStatsSourceIpType       InetAddressType, 
+            hpSshStatsSourceIpAddress    InetAddress,
+            hpSshStatsSourceIpPortNum    InetPortNumber
+        }
+    hpSshStatsSesIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the SSH Statistics Table."
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 1 }
+    hpSshStatsSesType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        console(1),
+                        telnet(2),
+                        ssh(3),
+                        inactive(4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of session on the switch."
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 2 }
+    hpSshStatsSourceIpPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..21))
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "Contains the information about source ip address and 
+                     port number of active SSH session (e.g.
+                     This object has been deprecated as its not big enough to store
+                     IPv6 addresses. It is loosely replaced by hpSshStatsSourceIpAddress
+                     and hpSshStatsSourceIpPortNum"
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 3 }
+    hpSshStatsSesVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        version1(1),
+                        version2(2),
+                        noConnect(255)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the SSH protocol version in use for a
+                    given session."
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 4 }
+    hpSshStatsSourceIpType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Address type of source ip 
+                     address of active SSH session."
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 5 }
+    hpSshStatsSourceIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the source ip address of
+                     active SSH session."
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 6 }
+    hpSshStatsSourceIpPortNum OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the source port number of 
+                     active SSH session."
+        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 7 }
+  hpSwitchPhysicalPort   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 18 }
+     hpSwitchPhysicalPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                     physical ports of this device."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPort 1 }
+    hpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about the physical ports of this device."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchPhysicalPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPortTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchPhysicalPortIndex                INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPhysicalPortType                 HpSwitchPortType
+        }
+    hpSwitchPhysicalPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies a row in the physical
+                    port table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchPhysicalPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type for this port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosStats   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 19 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
+                    Egress Queue drops on the switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosStats 1 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
+                    Queue Watch Statistics Table."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsPortIndex,hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsPortIndex         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueIndex        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueDrops        Counter
+        }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The specific value which uniquely identifies a specific port queue."
+        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueDrops OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of packets dropped for a particular egress port queue."
+        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81aa7d8d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+-- Derived from the original VEST-INTERNETT-MIB. Open issues:
+-- (a) where to register this MIB?
+-- (b) use not-accessible for diskIOIndex?
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ucdExperimental
+    LAST-UPDATED "200504200000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+        "This MIB module defines objects for disk IO statistics."
+    REVISION     "200504200000Z"
+        "Add 64 bit counters. Patch from Dan Nelson."
+    REVISION     "200202130000Z"
+        "Add 1, 5 and 15-minute load average objects"
+    REVISION     "200001260000Z"
+        "SMIv2 version derived from older definitions contained
+         in the VEST-INTERNETT-MIB module."
+    ::= { ucdExperimental 15 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DiskIOEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of IO devices and how much data they have read/written."
+    ::= { ucdDiskIOMIB 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DiskIOEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { diskIOIndex }
+    ::= { diskIOTable 1 }
+DiskIOEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    diskIOIndex         Integer32,
+    diskIODevice        DisplayString,
+    diskIONRead         Counter32,
+    diskIONWritten      Counter32,
+    diskIOReads         Counter32,
+    diskIOWrites        Counter32,
+    diskIOLA1           Integer32,
+    diskIOLA5           Integer32,
+    diskIOLA15          Integer32,
+    diskIONReadX        Counter64,
+    diskIONWrittenX     Counter64
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the device we are counting/checking."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes read from this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes written to this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of read accesses from this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of write accesses to this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 1 minute average load of disk (%)"
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 5 minute average load of disk (%)"
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 15 minute average load of disk (%)"
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes read from this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 12 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes written to this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 13 }
diff --git a/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.mib b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4abbf5951e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/attachment/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1788 @@
+-- Design notes:
+-- The design of this mib may seem unusual in parts, as it was
+-- designed for ease of numerical management routines.
+-- In that light, most sub-sections of this mib have four common
+-- numerical oid consistencies:
+-- 2021.ID.1   : an integer index value.  In scalers, this is always
+--               of value 1.  In tables it is a row index.
+-- 2021.ID.2   : a name of the script, process, etc. that this row represents.
+-- 2021.ID.100 : An error flag indicating if an error is present on
+--               that row (a threshold value was crossed, etc).
+-- 2021.ID.101 : An error string describing why the error flag is non-0.
+-- These conventions enable managers to easy examine portions of the
+-- mib by setting the ID to the sub-section they are interested in
+-- monitoring, and then scanning the .100 value to check for an
+-- error(s), and get a more specific error message from .101 for the
+-- named check found in .2.
+-- Row numbers between 2 and 100 are sub-section specific.
+-- Mib sections utilizing the above conventions:
+--   Tables:  	procTable, execTable, diskTable, loadTable
+--   Scalers: 	memory, snmperrs
+    Integer32, Opaque, enterprises, Counter32, Unsigned32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue
+    LAST-UPDATED "201407310000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+	"This file defines the private UCD SNMP MIB extensions."
+    REVISION     "201407310000Z"
+	"New object for number of CPUs as counted by the agent"
+    REVISION	 "201105140000Z"
+	"New objects for monitoring CPU Steal, Guest and Nice values"
+    REVISION	 "200901190000Z"
+	"New 64-bit objects for monitoring large disk usage"
+    REVISION	 "200611220000Z"
+	"Clarify behaviour of objects in the memory & systemStats groups
+         (including updated versions of malnamed mem*Text objects).
+         Define suitable TCs to describe error reporting/fix behaviour."
+    REVISION	 "200404070000Z"
+	"Added ssCpuRawSoftIRQ for Linux (2.6) and forgotten raw swap counters."
+    REVISION	 "200209050000Z"
+	"Deprecate the non-raw objects."
+    REVISION	 "200109200000Z"
+	"Group to monitor log files"
+    REVISION	 "200101170000Z"
+	"Added raw CPU and IO counters."
+    REVISION	 "9912090000Z"
+	"SMIv2 version converted from older MIB definitions."
+    ::= { enterprises 2021 }
+-- Current UCD core mib table entries:
+--   prTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   2 }
+--   memory           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   4 }
+--   extTable         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   8 }
+--   diskTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   9 }
+--   loadTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  10 }
+--   systemStats      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  11 }
+--   ucdDemoMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  14 } - UCD-DEMO-MIB
+--   fileTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  15 }
+--   logMatch         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  16 }
+--   version          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 100 }
+--   snmperrs         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 101 }
+--   mibRegistryTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 102 }
+-- Older mib table entries that were changed to new locations above:
+--   processes        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   1 }
+--   exec             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   3 }
+--   disk             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   6 }
+--   load             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   7 }
+-- Never implemented and removed from the mib:
+--   lockd            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   5 }
+-- Branches for registering other UCD MIB modules:
+ucdInternal           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 12 }
+ucdExperimental       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 13 }
+-- OID values assigned in the ucdExperimental branch:
+--   ucdIpFwAccMIB    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental  1 } - UCD-IPFWACC-MIB
+--   ucdIpFilter      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental  2 } - UCD-IPFILTER-MIB
+--   wavelan          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental  3 } - WL-MIB
+--   ucdDlmodMIB      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 14 } - UCD-DLMOD-MIB
+--   ucdDiskIOMIB     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 15 } - UCD-DISKIO-MIB
+--   lmSensors        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 16 } - LM-SENSORS-MIB
+-- These are the old returned values of the agent type.
+-- originally returned to:  .iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysObjectID.0 
+-- Current versions of the agent return an equivalent OID from the netSnmpAgentOIDs
+-- tree (defined in NET-SNMP-TC), which includes values for some additional O/Ss
+ucdSnmpAgent      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 250 }
+hpux9             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 1 }
+sunos4            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 2 }
+solaris           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 3 }
+osf               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 4 }
+ultrix            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 5 }
+hpux10            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 6 }
+netbsd1           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 7 }
+freebsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 8 }
+irix              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 9 }
+linux             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 10 }
+bsdi              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 11 }
+openbsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 12 }
+win32		  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 13 } -- unlucky
+hpux11            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 14 }
+aix               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 15 }
+macosx            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 16 }
+dragonfly         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 17 }
+unknown           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 255 }
+-- Define the Float Textual Convention
+--   This definition was written by David Perkins.
+    STATUS      current
+        "A single precision floating-point number.  The semantics
+         and encoding are identical for type 'single' defined in
+         IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point,
+         ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985.
+         The value is restricted to the BER serialization of
+         the following ASN.1 type:
+             FLOATTYPE ::= [120] IMPLICIT FloatType
+         (note: the value 120 is the sum of '30'h and '48'h)
+         The BER serialization of the length for values of
+         this type must use the definite length, short
+         encoding form.
+         For example, the BER serialization of value 123
+         of type FLOATTYPE is '9f780442f60000'h.  (The tag
+         is '9f78'h; the length is '04'h; and the value is
+         '42f60000'h.) The BER serialization of value
+         '9f780442f60000'h of data type Opaque is
+         '44079f780442f60000'h. (The tag is '44'h; the length
+         is '07'h; and the value is '9f780442f60000'h."
+    SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (7))
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a possible error condition"
+    SYNTAX INTEGER  { noError(0),  error(1) }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a 'push-button' object, to invoke a suitable
+         configured action.  Will always return 0 when read."
+    SYNTAX INTEGER  { noError(0),  runFix(1) }
+-- Process table checks
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table containing information on running
+	 programs/daemons configured for monitoring in the
+	 snmpd.conf file of the agent.  Processes violating the
+	 number of running processes required by the agent's
+	 configuration file are flagged with numerical and
+	 textual errors."
+    ::= { ucdavis 2 }
+    SYNTAX	PrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+        "An entry containing a process and its statistics."
+    INDEX	{ prIndex }
+    ::= { prTable  1 }
+PrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    prIndex		Integer32,
+    prNames		DisplayString,
+    prMin		Integer32,
+    prMax		Integer32,
+    prCount		Integer32,
+    prErrorFlag		UCDErrorFlag,
+    prErrMessage	DisplayString,
+    prErrFix		UCDErrorFix,
+    prErrFixCmd		DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference Index for each observed process."
+    ::= { prEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The process name we're counting/checking on."
+    ::= { prEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The minimum number of processes that should be
+	 running.  An error flag is generated if the number of
+	 running processes is < the minimum."
+    ::= { prEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The maximum number of processes that should be
+	 running.  An error flag is generated if the number of
+	 running processes is > the maximum."
+    ::= { prEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The number of current processes running with the name
+	 in question."
+    ::= { prEntry 5 }
+prErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFlag
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Error flag to indicate trouble with a process.  It
+	 goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+    ::= { prEntry 100 }
+prErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+    ::= { prEntry 101 }
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFix
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Setting this to one will try to fix the problem if
+	 the agent has been configured with a script to call
+	 to attempt to fix problems automatically using remote
+	 snmp operations."
+    ::= { prEntry 102 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The command that gets run when the prErrFix column is 
+	 set to 1."
+    ::= { prEntry 103 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table of extensible commands returning output and
+	 result codes.  These commands are configured via the
+	 agent's snmpd.conf file."
+    ::= { ucdavis 8 }
+    SYNTAX     ExtEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "An entry containing an extensible script/program and its output."
+    INDEX      { extIndex }
+    ::= { extTable  1 }
+ExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    extIndex		Integer32,
+    extNames		DisplayString,
+    extCommand		DisplayString,
+    extResult		Integer32,
+    extOutput		DisplayString,
+    extErrFix		UCDErrorFix,
+    extErrFixCmd	DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference Index for extensible scripts.  Simply an
+	 integer row number."
+    ::= { extEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Short, one name description of the extensible command."
+    ::= { extEntry 2 }
+extCommand OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The command line to be executed."
+    ::= { extEntry 3 }
+extResult OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The result code (exit status) from the executed command."
+    ::= { extEntry 100 }
+extOutput OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The first line of output of the executed command."
+    ::= { extEntry 101 }
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFix
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Setting this to one will try to fix the problem if
+	 the agent has been configured with a script to call
+	 to attempt to fix problems automatically using remote
+	 snmp operations."
+    ::= { extEntry 102 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The command that gets run when the extErrFix column is 
+	 set to 1."
+    ::= { extEntry 103 }
+-- Memory usage/watch reporting.
+-- Not supported on all systems!
+-- See agent/mibgroup/ucd_snmp.h to see if its loaded for your architecture.
+memory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Index.  This should always return the integer 0."
+    ::= { memory 1 } 
+memErrorName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Name. This should always return the string 'swap'."
+    ::= { memory 2 } 
+memTotalSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The total amount of swap space configured for this host."
+    ::= { memory 3 }
+memAvailSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The amount of swap space currently unused or available."
+    ::= { memory 4 }
+memTotalReal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The total amount of real/physical memory installed
+         on this host."
+    ::= { memory 5 }
+memAvailReal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The amount of real/physical memory currently unused
+         or available."
+    ::= { memory 6 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The total amount of swap space or virtual memory allocated
+         for text pages on this host.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not distinguish text
+         pages from other uses of swap space or virtual memory."
+    ::= { memory 7 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The amount of swap space or virtual memory currently
+         being used by text pages on this host.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not distinguish text
+         pages from other uses of swap space or virtual memory.
+         Note that (despite the name), this value reports the
+         amount used, rather than the amount free or available
+         for use.  For clarity, this object is being deprecated
+         in favour of 'memUsedSwapTXT(16)."
+    ::= { memory 8 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The total amount of real/physical memory allocated
+         for text pages on this host.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not distinguish text
+         pages from other uses of physical memory."
+    ::= { memory 9 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The amount of real/physical memory currently being
+         used by text pages on this host.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not distinguish text
+         pages from other uses of physical memory.
+         Note that (despite the name), this value reports the
+         amount used, rather than the amount free or available
+         for use.  For clarity, this object is being deprecated
+         in favour of 'memUsedRealTXT(17)."
+    ::= { memory 10 }
+memTotalFree OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+        "The total amount of memory free or available for use on
+         this host.  This value typically covers both real memory
+         and swap space or virtual memory."
+    ::= { memory 11 }
+memMinimumSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The minimum amount of swap space expected to be kept
+         free or available during normal operation of this host.
+         If this value (as reported by 'memAvailSwap(4)') falls
+         below the specified level, then 'memSwapError(100)' will
+         be set to 1 and an error message made available via
+         'memSwapErrorMsg(101)'."
+    ::= { memory 12 }
+memShared OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+        "The total amount of real or virtual memory currently
+         allocated for use as shared memory.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not explicitly identify
+         memory as specifically reserved for this purpose."
+    ::= { memory 13 }
+memBuffer OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+        "The total amount of real or virtual memory currently
+         allocated for use as memory buffers.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not explicitly identify
+         memory as specifically reserved for this purpose."
+    ::= { memory 14 }
+memCached OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+        "The total amount of real or virtual memory currently
+         allocated for use as cached memory.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not explicitly identify
+         memory as specifically reserved for this purpose."
+    ::= { memory 15 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The amount of swap space or virtual memory currently
+         being used by text pages on this host.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not distinguish text
+         pages from other uses of swap space or virtual memory."
+    ::= { memory 16 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The amount of real/physical memory currently being
+         used by text pages on this host.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where the
+         underlying operating system does not distinguish text
+         pages from other uses of physical memory."
+    ::= { memory 17 }
+memSwapError OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFlag
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Indicates whether the amount of available swap space
+         (as reported by 'memAvailSwap(4)'), is less than the
+         desired minimum (specified by 'memMinimumSwap(12)')."
+    ::= { memory 100 }
+memSwapErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Describes whether the amount of available swap space
+         (as reported by 'memAvailSwap(4)'), is less than the
+         desired minimum (specified by 'memMinimumSwap(12)')."
+    ::= { memory 101 } 
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Disk watching information.  Partions to be watched
+	 are configured by the snmpd.conf file of the agent."
+    ::= { ucdavis 9 }
+    SYNTAX     DskEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "An entry containing a disk and its statistics."
+    INDEX      { dskIndex }
+    ::= { dskTable  1 }
+DskEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    dskIndex		Integer32,
+    dskPath		DisplayString,
+    dskDevice		DisplayString,
+    dskMinimum		Integer32,
+    dskMinPercent	Integer32,
+    dskTotal		Integer32,
+    dskAvail		Integer32,
+    dskUsed		Integer32,
+    dskPercent		Integer32,
+    dskPercentNode	Integer32,
+    dskErrorFlag	UCDErrorFlag,
+    dskErrorMsg		DisplayString,
+    dskTotalLow		Unsigned32,
+    dskTotalHigh	Unsigned32,
+    dskAvailLow		Unsigned32,
+    dskAvailHigh	Unsigned32,
+    dskUsedLow		Unsigned32,
+    dskUsedHigh		Unsigned32
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Integer reference number (row number) for the disk mib."
+    ::= { dskEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Path where the disk is mounted."
+    ::= { dskEntry 2 } 
+dskDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Path of the device for the partition"
+    ::= { dskEntry 3 } 
+dskMinimum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Minimum space required on the disk (in kBytes) before the
+         errors are triggered.  Either this or dskMinPercent is
+         configured via the agent's snmpd.conf file."
+    ::= { dskEntry 4 } 
+dskMinPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Percentage of minimum space required on the disk before the
+         errors are triggered.  Either this or dskMinimum is
+         configured via the agent's snmpd.conf file."
+    ::= { dskEntry 5 } 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes).
+	 For large disks (>2Tb), this value will
+	 latch at INT32_MAX (2147483647)."
+    ::= { dskEntry 6 } 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Available space on the disk.
+	 For large lightly-used disks (>2Tb), this
+	 value will latch at INT32_MAX (2147483647)."
+    ::= { dskEntry 7 } 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Used space on the disk.
+	 For large heavily-used disks (>2Tb), this
+	 value will latch at INT32_MAX (2147483647)."
+    ::= { dskEntry 8 } 
+dskPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Percentage of space used on disk"
+    ::= { dskEntry 9 } 
+dskPercentNode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Percentage of inodes used on disk"
+    ::= { dskEntry 10 } 
+dskTotalLow OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes).
+	Together with dskTotalHigh composes 64-bit number."
+    ::= { dskEntry 11 }
+dskTotalHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes).
+	Together with dskTotalLow composes 64-bit number."
+    ::= { dskEntry 12 }
+dskAvailLow OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Available space on the disk (kBytes).
+	Together with dskAvailHigh composes 64-bit number."
+    ::= { dskEntry 13 }
+dskAvailHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Available space on the disk (kBytes).
+	Together with dskAvailLow composes 64-bit number."
+    ::= { dskEntry 14 }
+    SYNTAX	Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Used space on the disk (kBytes).
+	Together with dskUsedHigh composes 64-bit number."
+    ::= { dskEntry 15 }
+dskUsedHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Used space on the disk (kBytes).
+	Together with dskUsedLow composes 64-bit number."
+    ::= { dskEntry 16 }
+dskErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFlag
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Error flag signaling that the disk or partition is under
+	 the minimum required space configured for it."
+    ::= { dskEntry 100 } 
+dskErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A text description providing a warning and the space left
+	 on the disk."
+    ::= { dskEntry 101 } 
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Load average information."
+    ::= { ucdavis 10 }
+    SYNTAX	LaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"An entry containing a load average and its values."
+    INDEX	{ laIndex }
+    ::= { laTable  1 }
+LaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    laIndex		Integer32,
+    laNames		DisplayString,
+    laLoad		DisplayString,
+    laConfig		DisplayString,
+    laLoadInt		Integer32,
+    laLoadFloat		Float,
+    laErrorFlag		UCDErrorFlag,
+    laErrMessage	DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..3)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"reference index/row number for each observed loadave."
+    ::= { laEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The list of loadave names we're watching."
+    ::= { laEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The 1,5 and 15 minute load averages (one per row)."
+    ::= { laEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"The watch point for load-averages to signal an
+	 error.  If the load averages rises above this value,
+	 the laErrorFlag below is set."
+    ::= { laEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The 1,5 and 15 minute load averages as an integer.
+	 This is computed by taking the floating point
+	 loadaverage value and multiplying by 100, then
+	 converting the value to an integer."
+    ::= { laEntry 5 }
+laLoadFloat OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Float
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The 1,5 and 15 minute load averages as an opaquely
+	 wrapped floating point number."
+    ::= { laEntry 6 }
+laErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFlag
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Error flag to indicate the load-average has crossed
+	 its threshold value defined in the snmpd.conf file.
+	 It is set to 1 if the threshold is crossed, 0 otherwise."
+    ::= { laEntry 100 }
+laErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"An error message describing the load-average and its
+	 surpased watch-point value."
+    ::= { laEntry 101 }
+version	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 100 }
+versionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Index to mib (always 0)"
+    ::= { version 1 } 
+versionTag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"CVS tag keyword"
+    ::= { version 2 } 
+versionDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Date string from RCS keyword"
+    ::= { version 3 } 
+versionCDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Date string from ctime() "
+    ::= { version 4 } 
+versionIdent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Id string from RCS keyword"
+    ::= { version 5 } 
+versionConfigureOptions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Options passed to the configure script when this agent was built."
+    ::= { version 6 } 
+versionClearCache OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to clear the exec cache, if enabled"
+    ::= { version 10 } 
+versionUpdateConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to read-read the config file(s)."
+    ::= { version 11 } 
+versionRestartAgent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to restart the agent."
+    ::= { version 12 } 
+versionSavePersistentData OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to force the agent to save it's persistent data immediately."
+    ::= { version 13 } 
+versionDoDebugging OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to turn debugging statements on in the agent or 0
+	 to turn it off."
+    ::= { version 20 } 
+snmperrs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 101 }
+snmperrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Index for snmperrs (always 0)."
+    ::= { snmperrs 1 }
+snmperrNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"snmp"
+    ::= { snmperrs 2 }
+snmperrErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFlag
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Error flag to indicate trouble with the agent.  It
+	 goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+    ::= { snmperrs 100 }
+snmperrErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+    ::= { snmperrs 101 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table displaying all the oid's registered by mib modules in
+	 the agent.  Since the agent is modular in nature, this lists
+	 each module's OID it is responsible for and the name of the module"
+    ::= { ucdavis 102 }
+    SYNTAX	MrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"An entry containing a registered mib oid."
+    INDEX	{ IMPLIED mrIndex }
+    ::= { mrTable 1 }
+MrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mrModuleName	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The registry slot of a mibmodule."
+    ::= { mrEntry  1 }
+mrModuleName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The module name that registered this OID."
+    ::= { mrEntry  2 }
+systemStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 11 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Index.  This should always return the integer 1."
+    ::= { systemStats 1 }
+ssErrorName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Name. This should always return the string 'systemStats'."
+    ::= { systemStats 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The average amount of memory swapped in from disk,
+         calculated over the last minute."
+    ::= { systemStats 3 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The average amount of memory swapped out to disk,
+         calculated over the last minute."
+    ::= { systemStats 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "blocks/s"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The average amount of data written to disk or other
+         block device, calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssIORawSent(57)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 5 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "blocks/s"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The average amount of data read from disk or other
+         block device, calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssIORawReceived(58)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 6 }
+ssSysInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "interrupts/s"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The average rate of interrupts processed (including
+         the clock) calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssRawInterrupts(59)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 7 }
+ssSysContext OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "switches/s"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The average rate of context switches,
+         calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssRawContext(60)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 8 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The percentage of CPU time spent processing
+         user-level code, calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssCpuRawUser(50)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 9 }
+ssCpuSystem OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The percentage of CPU time spent processing
+         system-level code, calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssCpuRawSystem(52)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 10 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The percentage of processor time spent idle,
+         calculated over the last minute.
+	 This object has been deprecated in favour of
+         'ssCpuRawIdle(53)', which can be used to calculate
+         the same metric, but over any desired time period."
+    ::= { systemStats 11 }
+-- The agent only implements those of the following counters that the
+-- kernel supports! Don't expect all to be present.
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         processing user-level code.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 50 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         processing reduced-priority code.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 51 }
+ssCpuRawSystem OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         processing system-level code.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors).
+         This object may sometimes be implemented as the
+         combination of the 'ssCpuRawWait(54)' and
+         'ssCpuRawKernel(55)' counters, so care must be
+         taken when summing the overall raw counters."
+    ::= { systemStats 52 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         idle.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 53 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         waiting for IO.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.  This time may also be
+         included within the 'ssCpuRawSystem(52)' counter.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 54 }
+ssCpuRawKernel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         processing kernel-level code.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.  This time may also be
+         included within the 'ssCpuRawSystem(52)' counter.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 55 }
+ssCpuRawInterrupt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         processing hardware interrupts.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 56 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks sent to a block device"
+    ::= { systemStats 57 }
+ssIORawReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks received from a block device"
+    ::= { systemStats 58 }
+ssRawInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of interrupts processed"
+    ::= { systemStats 59 }
+ssRawContexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of context switches"
+    ::= { systemStats 60 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         processing software interrupts.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 61 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks swapped in"
+    ::= { systemStats 62 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks swapped out"
+    ::= { systemStats 63 }
+ssCpuRawSteal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         by the hypervisor code to run other VMs even
+         though the CPU in the current VM had something runnable.
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 64 }
+ssCpuRawGuest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         by the CPU to run a virtual CPU (guest).
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 65 }
+ssCpuRawGuestNice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent
+         by the CPU to run a niced virtual CPU (guest).
+         This object will not be implemented on hosts where
+         the underlying operating system does not measure
+         this particular CPU metric.
+         On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*'
+         counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their
+         sum will typically be N*100 (for N processors)."
+    ::= { systemStats 66 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of processors, as counted by the agent.
+         This object's value may be useful in the management
+         of certain operating systems where notions such as
+         load average do not take into account the number of
+         processors in the system.
+         For other objects in the systemStats group whose
+         descriptions refer to 'N processors', this object's
+         value is N."
+    ::= { systemStats 67 }
+-- possibly used in the future:
+-- ssErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+--     SYNTAX	   UCDErrorFlag
+--     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+--     STATUS      current
+--         "Error flag."
+--     ::= { systemStats 100 }
+-- ssErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+--     SYNTAX      DisplayString
+--     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+--     STATUS      current
+--         "Error message describing the errorflag condition."
+--     ::= { systemStats 101 } 
+ucdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 251 }
+    STATUS	current
+	"This trap could in principle be sent when the agent start"
+    ::= { ucdTraps 1 }
+    STATUS current
+	"This trap is sent when the agent terminates"
+    ::= { ucdTraps 2 }
+-- File Table:  monitor a list of files to check for a maximum size.
+fileTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Table of monitored files."
+    ::= { ucdavis 15 }
+fileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	FileEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Entry of file"
+    INDEX	{ fileIndex }
+    ::= { fileTable 1 }
+FileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fileIndex		Integer32,
+    fileName		DisplayString,
+    fileSize		Integer32,
+    fileMax		Integer32,
+    fileErrorFlag	UCDErrorFlag,
+    fileErrorMsg	DisplayString
+fileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Index of file"
+    ::= { fileEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Filename"
+    ::= { fileEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Size of file (kB)"
+    ::= { fileEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Limit of filesize (kB)"
+    ::= { fileEntry 4 }
+fileErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	UCDErrorFlag
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Limit exceeded flag"
+    ::= { fileEntry 100 }
+fileErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Filesize error message"
+    ::= { fileEntry 101 }
+logMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 16 }
+logMatchMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of logmatch entries
+		this snmpd daemon can support."
+	::= { logMatch 1 }
+logMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Table of monitored files."
+	::= { logMatch 2 }
+logMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX LogMatchEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Entry of file"
+	INDEX { logMatchIndex }
+	::= { logMatchTable 1 }
+LogMatchEntry ::=
+		logMatchIndex
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchName
+			DisplayString,
+		logMatchFilename
+			DisplayString,
+		logMatchRegEx
+			DisplayString,
+		logMatchGlobalCounter
+			Counter32,
+		logMatchGlobalCount
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchCurrentCounter
+			Counter32,
+		logMatchCurrentCount
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchCounter
+			Counter32,
+		logMatchCount
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchCycle
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchErrorFlag
+			UCDErrorFlag,
+		logMatchRegExCompilation
+			DisplayString
+	 }
+logMatchIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of logmatch"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 1 }
+logMatchName OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"logmatch instance name"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 2 }
+logMatchFilename OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"filename to be logmatched"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 3 }
+logMatchRegEx OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"regular expression"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 4 }
+logMatchGlobalCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"global count of matches"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 5 }
+logMatchGlobalCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Description."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 6 }
+logMatchCurrentCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Regex match counter. This counter will
+		be reset with each logfile rotation."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 7 }
+logMatchCurrentCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Description."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 8 }
+logMatchCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Regex match counter. This counter will
+		be reset with each read"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 9 }
+logMatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Description."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 10 }
+logMatchCycle OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"time between updates (if not queried) in seconds"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 11 }
+logMatchErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"errorflag: is this line configured correctly?"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 100 }
+logMatchRegExCompilation OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"message of regex precompilation"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 101 }