Removed some graphs on the sla reports
This commit is contained in:
@ -716,11 +716,12 @@ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $mi
$previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit);
if ($previous_data !== false ) {
$previous_value = $previous_data['datos'];
if ((($previous_value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($min_value + $percent))) ||
(($previous_value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($max_value + $percent)))) {//2 when value is within the edges
$previous_known_status = 2;
elseif (($previous_value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($previous_value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK
// if ((($previous_value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($min_value + $percent))) ||
// (($previous_value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($max_value + $percent)))) {//2 when value is within the edges
// $previous_known_status = 2;
// }
// else
if (($previous_value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($previous_value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK
$previous_known_status = 1;
elseif (($previous_value <= ($min_value - $percent)) || ($previous_value >= ($max_value + $percent))) { //3 when value is Wrong
@ -818,10 +819,10 @@ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $mi
// 4 for the Unknown value and 5 for planned downtime
$previous_status = $first_data['status'];
elseif ((($previous_value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($min_value + $percent))) ||
(($previous_value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($max_value + $percent)))) {//2 when value is within the edges
$previous_status = 2;
// elseif ((($previous_value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($min_value + $percent))) ||
// (($previous_value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($max_value + $percent)))) {//2 when value is within the edges
// $previous_status = 2;
// }
elseif (($previous_value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($previous_value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK
$previous_status = 1;
@ -845,10 +846,10 @@ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $mi
$status = $data['status'];
elseif ((($value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($value < ($min_value + $percent))) ||
(($value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($value < ($max_value + $percent)))) { //2 when value is within the edges
$status = 2;
// elseif ((($value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($value < ($min_value + $percent))) ||
// (($value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($value < ($max_value + $percent)))) { //2 when value is within the edges
// $status = 2;
// }
elseif (($value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK
$status = 1;
@ -3772,14 +3773,14 @@ function reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = f
$table1->head[3] = __('SLA Limit');
$table1->head[4] = __('SLA Compliance');
$table1->head[5] = __('Status');
$table1->head[6] = __('Criticity');
// $table1->head[6] = __('Criticity');
$table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left';
$table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left';
$table1->style[2] = 'text-align: right';
$table1->style[3] = 'text-align: right';
$table1->style[4] = 'text-align: right';
$table1->style[5] = 'text-align: right';
$table1->style[6] = 'text-align: center';
// $table1->style[6] = 'text-align: center';
// Table Planned Downtimes
@ -4043,15 +4044,15 @@ function reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = f
$data_graph = array ();
$data_horin_graph = array();
// $data_horin_graph = array();
$data_graph[__('Inside limits')] = 0;
$data_graph[__('Out of limits')] = 0;
$data_graph[__('On the edge')] = 0;
$data_graph[__('Unknown')] = 0;
$data_horin_graph[__('Inside limits')] = 0;
$data_horin_graph[__('Out of limits')] = 0;
$data_horin_graph[__('On the edge')] = 0;
$data_horin_graph[__('Unknown')] = 0;
// $data_horin_graph[__('Inside limits')] = 0;
// $data_horin_graph[__('Out of limits')] = 0;
// $data_horin_graph[__('On the edge')] = 0;
// $data_horin_graph[__('Unknown')] = 0;
$data_graph[__('Plannified downtime')] = 0;
@ -4122,35 +4123,35 @@ function reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = f
//Fill the array data_graph for the pie graph
if ($sla_value === false) {
# Fix : 100% accurance is 'inside limits' although 10% was not overrun
else if (($sla_value == 100 && $sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit']) ) {
$data_graph[__('Inside limits')]++;
$data_horin_graph[__('Inside limits')]['g']++;
else if ($sla_value <= ($sla['sla_limit']+10) && $sla_value >= ($sla['sla_limit']-10)) {
$data_graph[__('On the edge')]++;
$data_horin_graph[__('On the edge')]['g']++;
else if ($sla_value > ($sla['sla_limit']+10)) {
$data_graph[__('Inside limits')]++;
$data_horin_graph[__('Inside limits')]['g']++;
else if ($sla_value < ($sla['sla_limit']-10)) {
$data_graph[__('Out of limits')]++;
$data_horin_graph[__('Out of limits')]['g']++;
// if ($sla_value === false) {
// $data_graph[__('Unknown')]++;
// // $data_horin_graph[__('Unknown')]['g']++;
// }
// # Fix : 100% accurance is 'inside limits' although 10% was not overrun
// else if (($sla_value == 100 && $sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit']) ) {
// $data_graph[__('Inside limits')]++;
// $data_horin_graph[__('Inside limits')]['g']++;
// }
// else if ($sla_value <= ($sla['sla_limit']+10) && $sla_value >= ($sla['sla_limit']-10)) {
// $data_graph[__('On the edge')]++;
// $data_horin_graph[__('On the edge')]['g']++;
// }
// else if ($sla_value > ($sla['sla_limit']+10)) {
// $data_graph[__('Inside limits')]++;
// $data_horin_graph[__('Inside limits')]['g']++;
// }
// else if ($sla_value < ($sla['sla_limit']-10)) {
// $data_graph[__('Out of limits')]++;
// $data_horin_graph[__('Out of limits')]['g']++;
// }
if ($sla_value === false) {
if ($total_result_SLA != 'fail')
$total_result_SLA = 'unknown';
else if ($sla_value < $sla['sla_limit']) {
$total_result_SLA = 'fail';
// if ($sla_value === false) {
// if ($total_result_SLA != 'fail')
// $total_result_SLA = 'unknown';
// }
// else if ($sla_value < $sla['sla_limit']) {
// $total_result_SLA = 'fail';
// }
$total_SLA += $sla_value;
@ -4163,37 +4164,37 @@ function reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = f
$data[3] = $sla['sla_limit'].'%';
if ($sla_value === false) {
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #0000FF;">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #736F6E;">'.__('Unknown').'</span>';
$data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_maintenance.png',true,array('title'=>__('Unknown')));
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: '.COL_UNKNOWN.';">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: '.COL_UNKNOWN.';">'.__('Unknown').'</span>';
// $data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_maintenance.png',true,array('title'=>__('Unknown')));
else {
$data[4] = '';
$data[5] = '';
$data[6] = '';
// $data[6] = '';
if ($sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit']) {
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #000000;">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #000000;">'.__('OK').'</span>';
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: '.COL_NORMAL.';">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: '.COL_NORMAL.';">'.__('OK').'</span>';
else {
$sla_failed = true;
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">'.__('Fail').'</span>';
$data[4] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: '.COL_CRITICAL.';">';
$data[5] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: '.COL_CRITICAL.';">'.__('Fail').'</span>';
// Print icon with status including edge
# Fix : 100% accurance is 'inside limits' although 10% was not overrun
if (($sla_value == 100 && $sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit']) || ($sla_value > ($sla['sla_limit'] + $edge_interval))) {
$data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png',true,array('title'=>__('Inside limits')));
elseif (($sla_value <= $sla['sla_limit'] + $edge_interval)
&& ($sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit'] - $edge_interval)) {
$data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_warning.png',true,array('title'=>__('On the edge')));
else {
$data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png',true,array('title'=>__('Out of limits')));
// if (($sla_value == 100 && $sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit']) || ($sla_value > ($sla['sla_limit'] + $edge_interval))) {
// $data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png',true,array('title'=>__('Inside limits')));
// }
// elseif (($sla_value <= $sla['sla_limit'] + $edge_interval)
// && ($sla_value >= $sla['sla_limit'] - $edge_interval)) {
// $data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_warning.png',true,array('title'=>__('On the edge')));
// }
// else {
// $data[6] = html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png',true,array('title'=>__('Out of limits')));
// }
$data[4] .= format_numeric ($sla_value, 2). "%";
@ -4230,42 +4231,42 @@ function reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = f
array_push ($table->data, $data);
$data = array();
$data_pie_graph = json_encode ($data_graph);
// $data = array();
// $data_pie_graph = json_encode ($data_graph);
if ($show_graphs && !empty($slas)) {
$data[0] = pie3d_graph(false, $data_graph,
500, 150, __("other"),
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false),
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
// $data[0] = pie3d_graph(false, $data_graph,
// 500, 150, __("other"),
// ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false),
// $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
// $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
//Print resume
$table_resume = null;
$table_resume->head[0] = __('Average Value');
// //Print resume
// $table_resume = null;
// $table_resume->head[0] = __('Average Value');
$table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #000000;">';
$table_resume->data[0][0] .= format_numeric($total_SLA / count($sla_showed), 2);
$table_resume->data[0][0] .= "%</span>";
// $table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #000000;">';
// $table_resume->data[0][0] .= format_numeric($total_SLA / count($sla_showed), 2);
// $table_resume->data[0][0] .= "%</span>";
$data[1] = html_print_table($table_resume, true);
// $data[1] = html_print_table($table_resume, true);
$table_resume = null;
$table_resume->head[0] = __('SLA Compliance');
// $table_resume = null;
// $table_resume->head[0] = __('SLA Compliance');
if ($total_result_SLA == 'ok') {
$table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #000000;">'.__('OK').'</span>';
if ($total_result_SLA == 'fail') {
$table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">'.__('Fail').'</span>';
if ($total_result_SLA == 'unknown') {
$table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #736F6E;">'.__('Unknown').'</span>';
// if ($total_result_SLA == 'ok') {
// $table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #000000;">'.__('OK').'</span>';
// }
// if ($total_result_SLA == 'fail') {
// $table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">'.__('Fail').'</span>';
// }
// if ($total_result_SLA == 'unknown') {
// $table_resume->data[0][0] = '<span style="font: bold '.$sizem.'em Arial, Sans-serif; color: #736F6E;">'.__('Unknown').'</span>';
// }
$data[2] = html_print_table($table_resume, true);
array_push ($table->data, $data);
// $data[2] = html_print_table($table_resume, true);
// $next_row++;
// array_push ($table->data, $data);
$table->colspan[$next_row][0] = 3;
Reference in New Issue