Fixed some errors, improved the code and prepared for compatibility w/ the metaconsole

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Gallardo Escobar 2015-08-13 10:58:23 +02:00
parent 6f093b8097
commit 57d66bf073
1 changed files with 212 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Warning: This file may be required into the metaconsole's setup
// Load global vars
global $config;
@ -33,107 +35,199 @@ $table = new StdClass();
$table->data = array ();
$table->width = '100%';
$table->class = 'databox filters';
$table->size[0] = '30%';
$table->style[0] = "font-weight: bold";
$table->size['name'] = '30%';
$table->style['name'] = "font-weight: bold";
$table->data[0][0] = __('Authentication method');
// Auth methods added to the table (doesn't take in account mysql)
$auth_methods_added = array();
// Remote options row names
// Fill this array for every matched row
$remote_rows = array();
// Autocreate options row names
// Fill this array for every matched row
$autocreate_rows = array();
// LDAP data row names
// Fill this array for every matched row
$ldap_rows = array();
// Method
$auth_methods = array ('mysql' => __('Local Pandora FMS'), 'ldap' => __('ldap'));
if (enterprise_installed()) {
$table->data[0][1] = html_print_select ($auth_methods, 'auth', $config['auth'], 'show_selected_rows ();', '', 0, true);
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Authentication method');
$row['control'] = html_print_select($auth_methods, 'auth', $config['auth'], '', '', 0, true);
$table->data['auth'] = $row;
$table->data[1][0] = __('Fallback to local authentication') . ui_print_help_tip(__("Enable this option if you want to fallback to local authentication when remote (ldap etc...) authentication failed."), true);
$table->data[1][1] = __('Yes').' '.html_print_radio_button ('fallback_local_auth', 1, '', $config['fallback_local_auth'], true).'  ';
$table->data[1][1] .= __('No').' '.html_print_radio_button ('fallback_local_auth', 0, '', $config['fallback_local_auth'], true);
// Fallback to local authentication
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Fallback to local authentication')
. ui_print_help_tip(__("Enable this option if you want to fallback to local authentication when remote (ldap etc...) authentication failed."), true);
$row['control'] = __('Yes').' '.html_print_radio_button('fallback_local_auth', 1, '', $config['fallback_local_auth'], true).'  ';
$row['control'] .= __('No').' '.html_print_radio_button('fallback_local_auth', 0, '', $config['fallback_local_auth'], true);
$table->data['fallback_local_auth'] = $row;
$remote_rows[] = 'fallback_local_auth';
$table->data[2][0] = __('Autocreate remote users');
$table->data[2][1] = __('Yes').' '.html_print_radio_button_extended ('autocreate_remote_users', 1, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'], false, 'enable_profile_options ();', '', true).'  ';
$table->data[2][1] .= __('No').' '.html_print_radio_button_extended ('autocreate_remote_users', 0, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'], false, 'enable_profile_options ();', '', true);
$table->rowstyle[1] = $config['auth'] != 'mysql' ? '' : 'display: none;';
$table->data[3][0] = __('Autocreate profile');
// Autocreate remote users
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Autocreate remote users');
$row['control'] = __('Yes').' '.html_print_radio_button_extended('autocreate_remote_users', 1, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'], false, '', '', true).'  ';
$row['control'] .= __('No').' '.html_print_radio_button_extended('autocreate_remote_users', 0, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'], false, '', '', true);
$table->data['autocreate_remote_users'] = $row;
$remote_rows[] = 'autocreate_remote_users';
// Autocreate profile
$profile_list = profile_get_profiles ();
if ($profile_list === false) {
$profile_list = array ();
$table->data[3][1] = html_print_select ($profile_list, 'default_remote_profile', $config['default_remote_profile'], '', '', '', true, false, true, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'] == 0);
$table->data[4][0] = __('Autocreate profile group');
$table->data[4][1] = html_print_select_groups ($config['id_user'], "AR",
true, 'default_remote_group', $config['default_remote_group'],
'', '', '', true, false, true, '',
$config['autocreate_remote_users'] == 0);
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Autocreate profile');
$row['control'] = html_print_select($profile_list, 'default_remote_profile', $config['default_remote_profile'], '', '', '', true, false, true, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'] == 0);
$table->data['default_remote_profile'] = $row;
$remote_rows[] = 'default_remote_profile';
$autocreate_rows[] = 'default_remote_profile';
// Autocreate profile group
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Autocreate profile group');
$row['control'] = html_print_select_groups($config['id_user'], "AR", true, 'default_remote_group', $config['default_remote_group'], '', '', '', true, false, true, '', $config['autocreate_remote_users'] == 0);
$table->data['default_remote_group'] = $row;
$remote_rows[] = 'default_remote_group';
$autocreate_rows[] = 'default_remote_group';
// Autocreate profile tags
$tags = tags_get_all_tags();
$table->data[5][0] = __('Autocreate profile tags');
$table->data[5][1] = html_print_select($tags, 'default_assign_tags[]', explode(",",$config['default_assign_tags']), '', __('Any'), '', true, true);
$table->data[6][0] = __('Autocreate blacklist') . ui_print_help_icon ('autocreate_blacklist', true);
$table->data[6][1] = html_print_input_text ('autocreate_blacklist', $config['autocreate_blacklist'], '', 60, 100, true);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
$table->rowstyle[$i] = $config['auth'] != 'mysql' ? '' : 'display: none;';
$table->rowclass[$i] = 'remote';
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Autocreate profile tags');
$row['control'] = html_print_select($tags, 'default_assign_tags[]', explode(',', $config['default_assign_tags']), '', __('Any'), '', true, true);
$table->data['default_assign_tags'] = $row;
$remote_rows[] = 'default_assign_tags';
$autocreate_rows[] = 'default_assign_tags';
// Autocreate blacklist
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Autocreate blacklist') . ui_print_help_icon ('autocreate_blacklist', true);
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('autocreate_blacklist', $config['autocreate_blacklist'], '', 60, 100, true);
$table->data['autocreate_blacklist'] = $row;
$remote_rows[] = 'autocreate_blacklist';
$autocreate_rows[] = 'autocreate_blacklist';
// Add the remote class to the remote rows
foreach ($remote_rows as $name) {
if (!isset($table->rowclass[$name]))
$table->rowclass[$name] = '';
$table->rowclass[$name] .= ' ' . 'remote';
$table->data[7][0] = __('LDAP server');
$table->data[7][1] = html_print_input_text ('ldap_server', $config['ldap_server'], '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data[8][0] = __('LDAP port');
$table->data[8][1] = html_print_input_text ('ldap_port', $config['ldap_port'], '', 10, 100, true);
$table->data[9][0] = __('LDAP version');
// Add the autocreate class to the autocreate rows
foreach ($autocreate_rows as $name) {
if (!isset($table->rowclass[$name]))
$table->rowclass[$name] = '';
$table->rowclass[$name] .= ' ' . 'autocreate';
/* ------ LDAP ------ */
// LDAP server
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('LDAP server');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ldap_server', $config['ldap_server'], '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data['ldap_server'] = $row;
$ldap_rows[] = 'ldap_server';
// LDAP port
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('LDAP port');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ldap_port', $config['ldap_port'], '', 10, 100, true);
$table->data['ldap_port'] = $row;
$ldap_rows[] = 'ldap_port';
// LDAP version
$ldap_versions = array (1 => 'LDAPv1', 2 => 'LDAPv2', 3 => 'LDAPv3');
$table->data[9][1] = html_print_select ($ldap_versions, 'ldap_version', $config['ldap_version'], '', '', 0, true);
$table->data[10][0] = __('Start TLS');
$table->data[10][1] = __('Yes').'&nbsp;'.html_print_radio_button ('ldap_start_tls', 1, '', $config['ldap_start_tls'], true).'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$table->data[10][1] .= __('No').'&nbsp;'.html_print_radio_button ('ldap_start_tls', 0, '', $config['ldap_start_tls'], true);
$table->data[11][0] = __('Base DN');
$table->data[11][1] = html_print_input_text ('ldap_base_dn', $config['ldap_base_dn'], '', 60, 100, true);
$table->data[12][0] = __('Login attribute');
$table->data[12][1] = html_print_input_text ('ldap_login_attr', $config['ldap_login_attr'], '', 60, 100, true);
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('LDAP version');
$row['control'] = html_print_select($ldap_versions, 'ldap_version', $config['ldap_version'], '', '', 0, true);
$table->data['ldap_version'] = $row;
$ldap_rows[] = 'ldap_version';
// Hide LDAP configuration options
for ($i = 2; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$table->rowstyle[$i] = $config['auth'] == 'ldap' ? '' : 'display: none;';
$table->rowclass[$i] = 'ldap';
// Start TLS
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Start TLS');
$row['control'] = __('Yes').'&nbsp;'.html_print_radio_button ('ldap_start_tls', 1, '', $config['ldap_start_tls'], true).'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$row['control'] .= __('No').'&nbsp;'.html_print_radio_button ('ldap_start_tls', 0, '', $config['ldap_start_tls'], true);
$table->data['ldap_start_tls'] = $row;
$ldap_rows[] = 'ldap_start_tls';
// Base DN
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Base DN');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text ('ldap_base_dn', $config['ldap_base_dn'], '', 60, 100, true);
$table->data['ldap_base_dn'] = $row;
$ldap_rows[] = 'ldap_base_dn';
// Login attribute
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Login attribute');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text ('ldap_login_attr', $config['ldap_login_attr'], '', 60, 100, true);
$table->data['ldap_login_attr'] = $row;
$ldap_rows[] = 'ldap_login_attr';
// Add the ldap class to the LDAP rows
foreach ($ldap_rows as $name) {
if (!isset($table->rowclass[$name]))
$table->rowclass[$name] = '';
$table->rowclass[$name] = ' ' . 'ldap';
// Set the rows autocreation for Active Directory
for ($i = 2; $i <= 6; $i++) {
$table->rowclass[$i] .= ' ' . 'ad';
// Hide fallback option when local authentication is selected.
$table->rowstyle[1] = $config['auth'] == 'mysql' ? 'display: none;' : '';
$table->rowclass[1] = 'remote';
$auth_methods_added[] = 'ldap';
// Add enterprise authentication options
if (enterprise_installed()) {
add_enterprise_auth_options($table, 12);
$config_double_auth_enabled = false;
if (isset($config['double_auth_enabled'])) {
$config_double_auth_enabled = $config['double_auth_enabled'];
$enterprise_auth_options_added = add_enterprise_auth_options($table);
array_merge($auth_methods_added, $enterprise_auth_options_added);
// Enable double authentication
// Set default value
set_unless_defined($config['double_auth_enabled'], false);
$row = array();
$row[] = __('Double authentication')
$row['name'] = __('Double authentication')
. ui_print_help_tip(__("If this option is enabled, the users can use double authentication with their accounts"), true);
$row[] = __('Yes') . '&nbsp;' .
html_print_radio_button('double_auth_enabled', 1, '',
$config_double_auth_enabled, true)
. __('No') .'&nbsp;' .
html_print_radio_button('double_auth_enabled', 0, '',
$config_double_auth_enabled, true);
$table->data[] = $row;
$row['control'] = __('Yes') . '&nbsp;';
$row['control'] .= html_print_radio_button('double_auth_enabled', 1, '', $config['double_auth_enabled'], true);
$row['control'] .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$row['control'] .= __('No') .'&nbsp;';
$row['control'] .= html_print_radio_button('double_auth_enabled', 0, '', $config['double_auth_enabled'], true);
$table->data['double_auth_enabled'] = $row;
$row_timeout = array();
$row_timeout[] = __('Session timeout (mins)')
// Session timeout
// Default session timeout
set_when_empty ($config["session_timeout"], 90);
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Session timeout (mins)')
. ui_print_help_tip(__("This is defined in minutes"), true);
if (empty($config["session_timeout"])) $config["session_timeout"] = 90;
$row_timeout[] = html_print_input_text ('session_timeout', $config["session_timeout"], '', 10, 10, true);
$table->data[] = $row_timeout;
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text ('session_timeout', $config["session_timeout"], '', 10, 10, true);
$table->data['session_timeout'] = $row;
// Form
echo '<form id="form_setup" method="post">';
html_print_input_hidden ('update_config', 1);
if (!is_metaconsole()) {
html_print_input_hidden ('update_config', 1);
else {
// To use it in the metasetup
html_print_input_hidden ('action', 'save');
html_print_input_hidden ('hash_save_config', md5('save' . $config['dbpass']));
html_print_table ($table);
echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width: '.$table->width.'">';
html_print_submit_button (__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"');
@ -142,36 +236,57 @@ echo '</form>';
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_selected_rows () {
var auth_method = $("#auth").val ();
$(".remote").css("display", "none");
$(".ldap").css("display", "none");
$(".ad").css("display", "none");
$(".pandora").css("display", "none");
$(".babel").css("display", "none");
$(".integria").css("display", "none");
if (auth_method != "mysql") {
$(".remote").css("display", "");
$("." + auth_method).css('display', '');
// Get
var auth_methods = $.map($('select#auth option'), function(option) {
return option.value;
function enable_profile_options () {
var remote_auto = $("input:radio[name=autocreate_remote_users]:checked").val();
// Add the auth select change event and perform it once
// for process the action on the section load
// Add the click event and perform it once
// for process the action on the section load
// Event callback for the auth select
function show_selected_rows (event) {
var auth_method = $(this).val();
if (remote_auto == 0) {
$("#default_remote_profile").attr("disabled", true);
$("#default_remote_group").attr("disabled", true);
$("#text-autocreate_blacklist").attr("disabled", true);
if (auth_method !== 'mysql') {
else {
// Hide all the auth methods (except mysql)
_.each(auth_methods, function(value, key) {
if (value !== 'mysql')
$('tr.' + value).hide();
// Show the selected auth method
$('tr.' + auth_method).show();
// Event callback for the autocreate remote users radio buttons
function show_autocreate_options (event) {
var remote_auto = $('input:radio[name=autocreate_remote_users]:checked').val();
var disabled = false;
if (remote_auto == 0)
disabled = true;
$('select#default_remote_profile').prop('disabled', disabled);
$('select#default_remote_group').prop('disabled', disabled);
$('select#default_assign_tags').prop('disabled', disabled);
$('input#text-autocreate_blacklist').prop('disabled', disabled);
// Show when disabled = false and hide when disabled = true
if (disabled)