Revert "Merge branch 'ent-5314-autodiscovery' into 'develop'"
This reverts merge request !3144
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,9 +254,6 @@ module_plugin pandora_mem_used
module_plugin pandora_netusage
# Service autodiscovery plugin
module_plugin autodiscover --default
# Plugin for inventory on the agent (Only Enterprise)
#module_plugin inventory 1 cpu ram video nic hd cdrom software init_services filesystem users route
Binary file not shown.
@ -245,10 +245,6 @@ module_plugin cscript.exe //B "%ProgramFiles%\Pandora_Agent\util\network.vbs"
#module_crontab * 12-15 * * 1
# Service autodiscovery plugin
module_plugin "%PROGRAMFILES%\Pandora_Agent\util\autodiscover.exe" --default
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Pandora FMS Autodiscovery plugin.
# Checks the status of the services in list and monitors CPU and Memory for each of them.
# (c) A. Kevin Rojas <>
# - Enable child services detection (Windows)
# - Make CPU/Memory usage available for child services (Windows)
from sys import argv, path, stderr, exit
import psutil
from subprocess import *
global module_list
module_list = []
# Powershell class
class PSCheck:
def check_service(servicename, option=False, memcpu=False):
"""Check services with powershell by parsing their DisplayName. Returns a dict\
list with the name of the service and a boolean with its status.\n
Requires service name (case insensitive)."""
pscall = Popen(["powershell", "Get-Service", "-Name", "'*"+ str(servicename) + "*'",
"|", "Select-Object", "-ExpandProperty", "Name"],
stdout=PIPE, stdin=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True)
result = pscall.communicate()
result = str(result[0]).strip().split("\n")
procname = ''
if result != '':
output = []
for element in result:
if element != '':
# Get process name
procname = PSCheck.get_serviceprocess(element)
# Get process status
parstatus = PSCheck.getstatus(element)
if memcpu == True and parstatus == 1:
usage = get_memcpu(str(procname), str(element))
output += usage
# Generate module with name and status
parent = service_module(str(element), parstatus)
output += parent
if option == True:
children = PSCheck.getchildren(element, memcpu)
if type(children) == list and len(children) > 1:
for child in children:
output += child
output += children
#if output != '':
if output and element and procname:
return ({"name" : element, "process" : procname, "modules": output})
return (None)
def getchildren(servicename, memcpu=False):
"""Gets Dependent services of a given Windows service"""
pschild = Popen(["powershell", "Get-Service", "-Name '" + str(servicename) +
"' -DS", "|", "Select-Object", "-ExpandProperty", "Name"],
stdout=PIPE, stdin=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True)
children = pschild.communicate()[0].strip()
kids = []
for child in (children.split("\n") if children != "" else []):
status = PSCheck.getstatus(child)
kids += service_module(str(child), status, "Service " + str(servicename) + " - Status")
if status:
if memcpu == True:
kidsusage = get_memcpu(str(child))
for usage in kidsusage:
kids += usage
return (kids)
def getstatus(servicename):
"""Gets the status of a given Windows service"""
running = Popen(["powershell", "Get-Service", "-Name '" + str(servicename) +
"' |", "Select-Object", "-ExpandProperty", "Status"],
stdout=PIPE, stdin=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True)
status = running.communicate()[0].strip()
return (int(status == "Running"))
def get_serviceprocess(servicename):
"""Gets name of the process of the service"""
service = psutil.win_service_get(servicename)
srv_pid =
process = psutil.Process(srv_pid)
proc_name =
return (proc_name)
# Services creation
def service_module(name, value, parent=None):
#print ("service_module BEGIN "+str(now(0,1)))
module = [{
"name" : "Service "+ name + " - Status",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value" : value,
"module_parent" : parent,
#print ("service_module END "+str(now(0,1)))
return (module)
def get_memcpu (process, servicename):
"""Creates a module for Memory and CPU for a given process. Returns a list of dictionaries."""
modules = []
if process:
if servicename != None:
parentname = servicename
parentname = process
modules += [{
"name" : "Service "+ process + " - Memory usage",
"type" : "generic_data",
"value" : proc_percentbyname(process)[0],
"unit" : "%",
"module_parent" : "Service "+ parentname + " - Status",
{"name" : "Service "+ process + " - CPU usage",
"type" : "generic_data",
"value" : proc_percentbyname(process)[1],
"unit" : "%",
"module_parent" : "Service "+ parentname + " - Status",
return (modules)
def proc_percentbyname(procname): ############# 03/03/2020
"""Gets Memory and CPU usage for a given process. Returns a list."""
#print ("proc_percentbyname BEGIN "+str(now(0,1)))
procs = [p for p in psutil.process_iter() if procname in]
memory = []
cpu = []
for proc in procs:
if == procname:
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
#print ("proc_percentbyname END "+str(now(0,1)))
return ([sum(memory),sum(cpu)])
def win_service(servicelist, option=False, memcpu=False):
"""Creates modules for Windows servers."""
modules = []
for srvc in servicelist:
if srvc and len(srvc) > 2:
output = PSCheck.check_service(srvc, option, memcpu)
if output != None and output["modules"]:
modules += PSCheck.check_service(srvc.strip(), option, memcpu)["modules"]
winprocess = output["name"]
#if memcpu == True:
# modules += get_memcpu(winprocess) ## Only available for parent service ATM.
for module in modules:
print_module(module, 1)
def lnx_service(services_list, memcpu=False):
"""Creates modules for Linux servers"""
modules = []
sysctl = getstatusoutput("command -v systemctl")[0]
servic = getstatusoutput("command -v service")[0]
for srvc in services_list:
status = None
if sysctl == 0:
### Systemd available
syscall = Popen(["systemctl", "is-active", srvc], stdout=PIPE,
stdin=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True)
result = syscall.communicate()
result = result[0].strip().lower()
if result == "active":
modules += service_module(srvc, 1)
status = 1
elif result == "inactive":
modules += service_module(srvc, 0)
status = 0
elif result == "unknown":
elif sysctl != 0 and servic == 0:
### Systemd not available, switch to service command
syscall = Popen(["service", srvc, "status"], stdout=PIPE,
stdin=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True)
result = syscall.communicate()[0].lower()
if "is running" in result:
modules += service_module(srvc, 1)
status = 1
elif "is stopped" in result:
modules += service_module(srvc, 0)
status = 0
print ("No systemd or service commands available. Exiting...", file=stderr)
if status:
if memcpu == True:
modules += get_memcpu(srvc, None)
for m in modules:
print_module (m, 1)
# print_module function
def print_module(module, str_flag=False):
"""Returns module in XML format. Accepts only {dict}.\n
+ Only works with one module at a time: otherwise iteration is needed.
+ Module "value" field accepts str type or [list] for datalists.
+ Use not_print_flag to avoid printing the XML (only populates variables).
data = dict(module)
module_xml = ("<module>\n"
"\t<name><![CDATA[" + str(data["name"]) + "]]></name>\n"
"\t<type>" + str(data["type"]) + "</type>\n"
#### Strip spaces if module not generic_data_string
if type(data["type"]) is not str and "string" not in data["type"]:
data["value"] = data["value"].strip()
if isinstance(data["value"], list): # Checks if value is a list
module_xml += "\t<datalist>\n"
for value in data["value"]:
if type(value) is dict and "value" in value:
module_xml += "\t<data>\n"
module_xml += "\t\t<value><![CDATA[" + str(value["value"]) + "]]></value>\n"
if "timestamp" in value:
module_xml += "\t\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" + str(value["timestamp"]) + "]]></timestamp>\n"
module_xml += "\t</data>\n"
module_xml += "\t<data><![CDATA[" + str(data["value"]) + "]]></data>\n"
if "desc" in data:
module_xml += "\t<description><![CDATA[" + str(data["desc"]) + "]]></description>\n"
if "unit" in data:
module_xml += "\t<unit><![CDATA[" + str(data["unit"]) + "]]></unit>\n"
if "interval" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_interval><![CDATA[" + str(data["interval"]) + "]]></module_interval>\n"
if "tags" in data:
module_xml += "\t<tags>" + str(data["tags"]) + "</tags>\n"
if "module_group" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_group>" + str(data["module_group"]) + "</module_group>\n"
if "module_parent" in data and data["module_parent"] != None:
module_xml += "\t<module_parent>" + str(data["module_parent"]) + "</module_parent>\n"
if "min_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_warning"]) + "]]></min_warning>\n"
if "max_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_warning"]) + "]]></max_warning>\n"
if "min_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_critical"]) + "]]></min_critical>\n"
if "max_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_critical"]) + "]]></max_critical>\n"
if "str_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_warning"]) + "]]></str_warning>\n"
if "str_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_critical"]) + "]]></str_critical>\n"
if "critical_inverse" in data:
module_xml += "\t<critical_inverse><![CDATA[" + str(data["critical_inverse"]) + "]]></critical_inverse>\n"
if "warning_inverse" in data:
module_xml += "\t<warning_inverse><![CDATA[" + str(data["warning_inverse"]) + "]]></warning_inverse>\n"
if "max" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max><![CDATA[" + str(data["max"]) + "]]></max>\n"
if "min" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min><![CDATA[" + str(data["min"]) + "]]></min>\n"
if "post_process" in data:
module_xml += "\t<post_process><![CDATA[" + str(data["post_process"]) + "]]></post_process>\n"
if "disabled" in data:
module_xml += "\t<disabled><![CDATA[" + str(data["disabled"]) + "]]></disabled>\n"
if "min_ff_event" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event"]) + "]]></min_ff_event>\n"
if "status" in data:
module_xml += "\t<status><![CDATA[" + str(data["status"]) + "]]></status>\n"
if "timestamp" in data:
module_xml += "\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" + str(data["timestamp"]) + "]]></timestamp>\n"
if "custom_id" in data:
module_xml += "\t<custom_id><![CDATA[" + str(data["custom_id"]) + "]]></custom_id>\n"
if "critical_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<critical_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["critical_instructions"]) + "]]></critical_instructions>\n"
if "warning_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<warning_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["warning_instructions"]) + "]]></warning_instructions>\n"
if "unknown_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<unknown_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["unknown_instructions"]) + "]]></unknown_instructions>\n"
if "quiet" in data:
module_xml += "\t<quiet><![CDATA[" + str(data["quiet"]) + "]]></quiet>\n"
if "module_ff_interval" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_ff_interval><![CDATA[" + str(data["module_ff_interval"]) + "]]></module_ff_interval>\n"
if "crontab" in data:
module_xml += "\t<crontab><![CDATA[" + str(data["crontab"]) + "]]></crontab>\n"
if "min_ff_event_normal" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_normal><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_normal"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_normal>\n"
if "min_ff_event_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_warning"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_warning>\n"
if "min_ff_event_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_critical"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_critical>\n"
if "ff_type" in data:
module_xml += "\t<ff_type><![CDATA[" + str(data["ff_type"]) + "]]></ff_type>\n"
if "ff_timeout" in data:
module_xml += "\t<ff_timeout><![CDATA[" + str(data["ff_timeout"]) + "]]></ff_timeout>\n"
if "each_ff" in data:
module_xml += "\t<each_ff><![CDATA[" + str(data["each_ff"]) + "]]></each_ff>\n"
if "module_parent_unlink" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_parent_unlink><![CDATA[" + str(data["parent_unlink"]) + "]]></module_parent_unlink>\n"
if "global_alerts" in data:
for alert in data["alert"]:
module_xml += "\t<alert_template><![CDATA[" + alert + "]]></alert_template>\n"
module_xml += "</module>\n"
#### Print flag
if str_flag is not False:
print (module_xml)
return (module_xml)
def main():
"""Checks OS and calls the discover function."""
if psutil.WINDOWS:
OS = "Windows"
service_list = ["MySQL", "postgresql", "pgsql", "oracle", "MSSQL", "IISADMIN",
"apache", "nginx", "W3svc", "NTDS", "Netlogon", "DNS", "MSExchangeADTopology",
"MSExchangeServiceHost", "MSExchangeSA", "MSExchangeTransport"]
discover(OS, service_list)
elif psutil.LINUX:
OS = "Linux"
service_list = ["httpd", "apache2", "nginx", "ldap", "docker",
"postfix", "mysqld", "postgres", "oracle", "mongod"]
discover(OS, service_list)
print ("OS not recognized. Exiting...", file=stderr)
def discover(osyst, servicelist):
"""Shows help and triggers the creation of service modules"""
if "--usage" in argv:
memcpu = True
memcpu = False
if len(argv) > 2 and argv[1] == "--list":
servicelist = argv[2].split(",")
if osyst == "Windows":
win_service(servicelist, False, memcpu) ## False won't get children
elif osyst == "Linux":
lnx_service(servicelist, memcpu)
elif len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "--default":
if osyst == "Windows":
win_service(servicelist, False, memcpu) ## False won't get children
elif osyst == "Linux":
lnx_service(servicelist, memcpu)
print ("\nPandora FMS Autodiscovery plugin.")
print ("Checks the status of the services in list and monitors CPU and Memory for each of them.\n")
print ("Usage:")
print ("{} [options] [--usage]".format(argv[0]))
print ("--help")
print ("\tPrints this help screen")
print ("--default")
print ("\tRuns this tool with default monitoring.".format(argv[0]))
print ("\tServices monitored by default for {}:".format(osyst))
print ("\t",", ".join(servicelist))
print ("--list \"<srvc1,srvc2,srvc3>\"")
print ("\tReplaces default services for a given list (comma-separated)")
if osyst == "Windows":
print ("\tEach element of the list will be treated as a regexp, but they must be over 2 characters.")
print ("\tElements under 2 characters will be discarded.")
print ("--usage")
print ("\tAdds modules for CPU and Memory usage per service/process (optional, can take some time).\n")
##### RUN ####
Reference in New Issue