Added a connection test with the eHorus API and custom fields management

(cherry picked from commit 142d544ef1)
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Gallardo Escobar 2016-05-05 18:26:06 +02:00
parent d990d11970
commit 5ba9cba911
2 changed files with 216 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -20,89 +20,265 @@ global $config;
check_login ();
if (! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, "PM") && ! is_user_admin($config['id_user'])) {
db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Trying to access Setup Management");
require ("general/noaccess.php");
if (! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM') && ! is_user_admin($config['id_user'])) {
db_pandora_audit('ACL Violation', 'Trying to access Setup Management');
require ('general/noaccess.php');
$table = new StdClass();
$table->data = array();
$table->width = '100%';
$table->id = 'ehorus-setup';
$table->class = 'databox filters';
$table->size['name'] = '30%';
$table->style['name'] = "font-weight: bold";
if (!$config['ehorus_enabled']) {
$table->rowstyle = array();
$table->rowstyle['ehorus_user'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['ehorus_pass'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['ehorus_hostname'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['ehorus_port'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['ehorus_req_timeout'] = 'display: none';
// Check custom field
$custom_field_exists = false;
if (!empty($config['ehorus_custom_field'])) {
$custom_field = db_get_value('name', 'tagent_custom_fields', 'name', $config['ehorus_custom_field']);
$custom_field_exists = !empty($custom_field);
$create_custom_field = (bool) get_parameter('create_custom_field');
if ($create_custom_field) {
$result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tagent_custom_fields', array('name' => $config['ehorus_custom_field']));
ui_print_result_message($result, __('Custom field for eHorus ID created'), __('Error creating custom field'));
$custom_field_exists = $result;
/* Enable table */
$table_enable = new StdClass();
$table_enable->data = array();
$table_enable->width = '100%';
$table_enable->id = 'ehorus-enable-setup';
$table_enable->class = 'databox filters';
$table_enable->size['name'] = '30%';
$table_enable->style['name'] = 'font-weight: bold';
// Enable eHorus
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Enable eHorus');
$row['control'] = __('Yes').' '.html_print_radio_button ('ehorus_enabled', 1, '', $config['ehorus_enabled'], true).'  ';
$row['control'] .= __('No').' '.html_print_radio_button ('ehorus_enabled', 0, '', $config['ehorus_enabled'], true);
$table->data['ehorus_enabled'] = $row;
$row['button'] = html_print_submit_button(__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"', true);
$table_enable->data['ehorus_enabled'] = $row;
/* Agents config table */
$table_agents = new StdClass();
$table_agents->data = array();
$table_agents->width = '100%';
$table_agents->styleTable = 'margin-bottom: 10px;';
$table_agents->id = 'ehorus-agents-setup';
$table_agents->class = 'databox filters';
$table_agents->size['name'] = '30%';
$table_agents->style['name'] = 'font-weight: bold';
// Custom Fields
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Custom field name');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ehorus_custom_field', $config['ehorus_custom_field'], '', 30, 100, true);
$row['button'] = html_print_submit_button(__('Use'), 'use_custom_field', false, 'class="sub upd"', true);
$row['button'] .= ' ' . html_print_submit_button(__('Create and use'), 'create_custom_field', false, 'class="sub upd"', true);
$row['button'] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('The previous item will not be deleted or modified by performing this operations'), true);
$table_agents->data['ehorus_custom_field'] = $row;
/* Remote config table */
$table_remote = new StdClass();
$table_remote->data = array();
$table_remote->width = '100%';
$table_remote->styleTable = 'margin-bottom: 10px;';
$table_remote->id = 'ehorus-remote-setup';
$table_remote->class = 'databox filters';
$table_remote->size['name'] = '30%';
$table_remote->style['name'] = 'font-weight: bold';
// User
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('User');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ehorus_user', $config['ehorus_user'], '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data['ehorus_user'] = $row;
$table_remote->data['ehorus_user'] = $row;
// Pass
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Password');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_password('ehorus_pass', io_output_password($config['ehorus_pass']), '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data['ehorus_pass'] = $row;
$table_remote->data['ehorus_pass'] = $row;
// Directory hostname
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('API Hostname');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ehorus_hostname', $config['ehorus_hostname'], '', 30, 100, true);
$row['control'] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('Hostname of the eHorus API') . '. ' . __('Without protocol and port') . '. ' . __('e.g.,'), true);
$table->data['ehorus_hostname'] = $row;
$table_remote->data['ehorus_hostname'] = $row;
// Directory port
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('API Port');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ehorus_port', $config['ehorus_port'], '', 6, 100, true);
$row['control'] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('e.g., 18080'), true);
$table->data['ehorus_port'] = $row;
$table_remote->data['ehorus_port'] = $row;
// Request timeout
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Request timeout');
$row['control'] = html_print_input_text('ehorus_req_timeout', $config['ehorus_req_timeout'], '', 3, 10, true);
$row['control'] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('Time in seconds to set the maximum time of the requests to the eHorus API') . '. ' . __('0 to disable'), true);
$table->data['ehorus_req_timeout'] = $row;
$table_remote->data['ehorus_req_timeout'] = $row;
// Form
echo '<form id="form_setup" method="post">';
// Test
$row = array();
$row['name'] = __('Test');
$row['control'] = html_print_button(__('Start'), 'test-ehorus', false, '', 'class="sub next"', true);
$row['control'] .= '<span id="test-ehorus-spinner" style="display:none;">&nbsp;' . html_print_image('images/spinner.gif', true) . '</span>';
$row['control'] .= '<span id="test-ehorus-success" style="display:none;">&nbsp;' . html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png', true) . '</span>';
$row['control'] .= '<span id="test-ehorus-failure" style="display:none;">&nbsp;' . html_print_image('images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png', true) . '</span>';
$row['control'] .= '&nbsp;<span id="test-ehorus-message" style="display:none;"></span>';
$table_remote->data['ehorus_test'] = $row;
/* Print */
// Form enable
echo '<form id="form_enable" method="post">';
if (!$config['ehorus_enabled']) {
$info_page = "";
$link = '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $info_page . '">this</a>';
$info_messsage = __('eHorus is a web based remote management system which allows you to easily connect to machines that have internet connection');
$info_messsage .= '. ' . __('Forget about firewalls and proxies');
$info_messsage .= '. ' . sprintf(__('Check %s for more info'), $link) . '.';
html_print_input_hidden('update_config', 1);
echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width: '.$table->width.'">';
html_print_submit_button(__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"');
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
// Form agents
if ($config['ehorus_enabled']) {
echo '<form id="form_agents" method="post">';
$info_messsage = __('eHorus has his own agent identifiers');
$info_messsage .= '. ' . __('To store them, it will be necessary to use an agent custom field');
$info_messsage .= '.<br />' . __('Possibly the eHorus id will have to be filled by hand for every agent') . '.';
if (!$custom_field_exists) {
$error_message = __('The custom field does not exists already');
echo "<fieldset>";
echo "<legend>" . __('Pandora agents') . "</legend>";
html_print_input_hidden('update_config', 1);
echo "</fieldset>";
echo '</form>';
// Form remote
if ($config['ehorus_enabled']) {
echo '<form id="form_remote" method="post">';
echo "<fieldset>";
echo "<legend>" . __('eHorus API') . "</legend>";
html_print_input_hidden ('update_config', 1);
echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width: '.$table_remote->width.'">';
html_print_submit_button(__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"');
echo '</div>';
echo "</fieldset>";
echo '</form>';
<script type="text/javascript">
var showFields = function () {
$('table#ehorus-setup tr:not(:first-child)').show();
var hideFields = function () {
$('table#ehorus-setup tr:not(:first-child)').hide();
var handleEnable = function (event) {
if ( == '1') showFields();
else hideFields();
var handleTest = function (event) {
var user = $('input#text-ehorus_user').val();
var pass = $('input#password-ehorus_pass').val();
var host = $('input#text-ehorus_hostname').val();
var port = $('input#text-ehorus_port').val();
var timeout = Number.parseInt($('input#text-ehorus_req_timeout').val(), 10);
var timeoutMessage = '<?php echo __('Connection timeout'); ?>';
var badRequestMessage = '<?php echo __('Empty user or password'); ?>';
var notFoundMessage = '<?php echo __('User not found'); ?>';
var invalidPassMessage = '<?php echo __('Invalid password'); ?>';
var hideLoadingImage = function () {
var showLoadingImage = function () {
var hideSuccessImage = function () {
var showSuccessImage = function () {
var hideFailureImage = function () {
var showFailureImage = function () {
var hideMessage = function () {
var showMessage = function () {
var changeTestMessage = function (message) {
url: 'https://' + host + ':' + port + '/login',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
timeout: timeout ? timeout * 1000 : 0,
data: {
user: user,
pass: pass
.done(function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
.fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (xhr.status === 400) {
else if (xhr.status === 401 || xhr.status === 403) {
else if (xhr.status === 404) {
else if (errorThrown === 'timeout') {
else {
.always(function(xhr, textStatus) {

View File

@ -642,18 +642,20 @@ function config_update_config () {
$error_update[] = __('Delay');
case 'ehorus':
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_enabled', (int) get_parameter('ehorus_enabled')))
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_enabled', (int) get_parameter('ehorus_enabled', $config['ehorus_enabled'])))
$error_update[] = __('Enable eHorus');
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_user', get_parameter('ehorus_user')))
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_user', (string) get_parameter('ehorus_user', $config['ehorus_user'])))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus user');
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_pass', io_input_password(get_parameter('ehorus_pass'))))
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_pass', io_input_password((string) get_parameter('ehorus_pass', $config['ehorus_pass']))))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus password');
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_hostname', get_parameter('ehorus_hostname')))
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_hostname', (string) get_parameter('ehorus_hostname', $config['ehorus_hostname'])))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus API hostname');
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_port', (int) get_parameter('ehorus_port')))
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_port', (int) get_parameter('ehorus_port', $config['ehorus_port'])))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus API port');
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_req_timeout', (int) get_parameter('ehorus_req_timeout')))
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_req_timeout', (int) get_parameter('ehorus_req_timeout', $config['ehorus_req_timeout'])))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus request timeout');
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_custom_field', (string) get_parameter('ehorus_custom_field', $config['ehorus_custom_field'])))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus id custom field');