diff --git a/pandora_doc/en/pandora.xml b/pandora_doc/en/pandora.xml
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index 0000000000..e592ecbfbc
--- /dev/null
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+ &pandora; &pandora_version;
+ 2006
+ Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L, Sancho Lerena, Esteban Sánchez y otros.
+ 11/09/2006
+ &pandora_version;
+ First Edition(&pandora_version;)
+ September 11th, 2006
+ pandora user manual
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+ document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
+ License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
+ Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license is included
+ in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation
+ License
+ 1.0
+ 11 Sept 2006
+ Submitted.
+ 0.1
+ 11 Sept 2006
+ First draft for review.
+ &include_pandora_install;
+ &include_fdl;
+ &include_gpl;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_doc/en/pandora_install.xml b/pandora_doc/en/pandora_install.xml
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+++ b/pandora_doc/en/pandora_install.xml
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+ &pandora; installation
+ Prerequisites
+ &pandora; is not only a single app, its composed by
+ several shellscript files (Unix Agents), a WEB application in
+ PHP (Console), some code in C++ (Windows Agent), some code in
+ PERL5 (Server) and some structure and data in SQL (Database),
+ so, to get all this running you need to have some pieces of
+ software installed in your system. This is a list of packages,
+ libraries and software you need before install &pandora;.
+ Pandora Server install and setup
+ Pandora Data Server
+ To build Pandora Data Server you need to
+ have the following perl modules and software installed in your
+ machine. This packages could be installed using your
+ distribution packaging system or using CPAN.
+ XML::Simple, useful XML functions
+ Digest::MD5, MD5 generation
+ Time::Local, Date and Time basic manipulation
+ DBI, DB interface with MySQL
+ Date::Manip, needed to manipulate Date and Time formats
+ of input, output and compare
+ You can find them at http://www.cpan.org or install using your
+ default package instalation system. These packages are in the
+ default distribution of Suse 9.1 and Debian 3.0 GNU/Linux. Also
+ available for Solaris in CPAN repository. If you use Windows go
+ to http://ppm.activestate.com. Or you can use the ppm tool to
+ download the modules:
+ ppm install DBI
+ ppm install DBD-mysql
+ ppm install Datemanip
+ Next, you need to set the TZ (Time Zone) environment
+ variable. In Windows: set TZ=WET (for example)
+ Pandora Network Server
+ Requires SSH Server and Perl v5.8 or higher and the next Perl Modules:
+ IO::Socket, manage and manipulation of TCP/UDP sockets
+ Time::HiRes, needed for ICMP times
+ Time::Local, Date and Time basic manipulation
+ SNMP, for SNMP management
+ Date::Manip, needed to manipulate Date and Time formats
+ of input, output and compare
+ Net::Ping, to calculate latency times (it's required
+ that the server runs as root user).
+ To use SNMP fuctions it's needed also to have installed the
+ net-snmp package. It's worth to say that to run modules of
+ GENERIC_ICMP_DATA type (calculate ICMP latency time) Pandora
+ Network Server must run with root privileges.
+ Pandora SNMP Server
+ You need to install the NET-SNMP package which is included in
+ all GNU/Linux distributions. You have to use the snmptrapd
+ binary and copy or link it to $HOME_PANDORA/util, where
+ $HOME_PANDORA is the instalation directory of Pandora.
+ This binary gets the SNMP traps, generating a log that is
+ parsed by the Pandora Server.
+ Installing Pandora Server
+ Create the /opt/pandora directory and
+ "gunzip" and "untar" here the
+ pandora_server_1.2.tar.gz file.
+ Create an user pandora in OS. Usually you do that (in GNU/Linux)
+ with commands:
+ useraddd pandora -d /home/pandora
+ mkdir /home/pandora
+ chown pandora /home/pandora
+ This user will be used by the SSH transfers to the server, so
+ this user will need a strong password.
+ In the file
+ /home/pandora/.ssh/authorized_keys we will
+ add the public key of each agent which send data to Pandora
+ Server. These keys must be SSH v2, OpenSSH DiffieHellman (DF) or
+ RSA. To convert between keys you can use the ssh-keygen tool.
+ Pandora Server will check and parse XML files sent by Pandora
+ Agents and will insert the data into the Database.
+ Check launch scripts (pandora_network, pandora_server,
+ pandora_snmp) and check for pathnames in the first two variables
+ in script. roa Server. This usually is
+ /opt/pandora_server
+ Configuring your new Pandora Server setup
+ After install Pandora Server in, you will need to edit the file
+ pandora_server.conf, where are defined the
+ variables of the server configuration. File
+ pandora_server.conf is a text file, you could
+ edit with your prefer text editor, like emacs. This configuration
+ file is common to all kinds of Pandora Server (Data server, SNMP
+ Server, Network server), you also could have different copies of
+ configuration file for each Pandora Server you have.
+ Edit configuration file of Pandora Server, usually
+ /opt/pandora/conf/pandora_server.conf and
+ take a look at the lines:
+ dbuser pandora
+ dbpass pandora
+ dbhost localhost
+ Please change them to your own data. For security reasons isn't
+ recommended use the default values. If you run Pandora Server in
+ Windows, you need to use the backslash twice in $dirname, that is:
+ "\\", for example: my
+ $dirname="C:\\pandora\\pandora_server\\data_in";, not needed in
+ $log_file.
+ These are default values, and all must be existing directory and
+ filename and valid username, password and hostname.
+ Remember: you need to create the directory /opt/pandora/data_in
+ where Pandora Server will read and write data, sent by remote
+ agents using ssh/scp. This directory must be owned or with
+ permissions to write for user "pandora". If you dont have a
+ "pandora" user yet, create it.
+ You can run Pandora Server with an user without privilegues, you
+ can use the user "pandora", it only needs to run /usr/bin/perl and
+ access to /opt/pandora and
+ /opt/pandora/data_in directories.
+ This is true with all the components but with Pandora SNMP Console
+ needs root user to open UDP port 161 (this can be solved setting
+ SUID0 to the snmptrapd binary) and running the rest of the Server
+ using an user without privileges.
+ Also Pandora Network Server can be run using an user without
+ privileges, but the GENERIC_ICMP_DATA type won't work, as root
+ privileges are required to get ICMP latency times.
+ Check the MySQL connection with the user and password before running the server
+ Pandora Server distribution tarball includes a Posix/System V
+ start/stop script for "daemonize" Pandora Server. It is possible
+ that you need to customize, but its runs smoothly on GNU/Linux
+ (debian, Suse) and Solaris 8 systems. It has start|stop|restart
+ parameters to include it in your default init level directory and
+ it creates a logfile defined in $log_file variable (by default is
+ /opt/pandora/pandora.log):
+ /etc/init.d/pandora_server start
+ Setting up SSH configuration
+ Pandora, uses SSH protocol to copy XML data packets,
+ generated by the agents, to the server. You need to generate a
+ SSH2 key in every agent, and copy the public key in
+ /home/pandora/.ssh/authorized_keys, so you
+ need to create a user called "pandora" withour privileges. This
+ user will be used by agents to copy data into Pandora Data Server
+ /opt/pandora/data_in directory.
+ Please BE SURE that user "pandora" exists (if not, create with
+ useradd), and
+ /home/pandora/.ssh/authorized_keys exists and
+ ownership of this file and directory is for pandora user, and
+ permissions set to 600.
+ Please be sure that directory
+ /opt/pandora/data_in exists and pandora
+ user is able to write in.
+ Installing Pandora Console and database
+ Pandora database
+ Please look at MySQL install and management guide
+ (http://dev.mysql.com/doc) to obtain information about how to
+ create a MySQL database, how to manage mysql users and give
+ him/her privileges to read/write in Pandora database. Remember
+ that you must write the password of the root user in MySQL
+ database to enter mysql command line. This user is not the same
+ of the Operating System. The root password in MySQL is in blank
+ by default (within almost all distributions), you must changed
+ this password with the MySQL command
+ mysqladmin. Please be careful with this.
+ You need a database with name "pandora", you could rename it, but
+ you need to reconfigure in server too.
+ To create the structure of Pandora database in MySQL Server you have the SQL script "pandoradb.sql".
+ It creates tables and indexes needed to insert information into
+ Pandora database.
+ You MUST populate database with SQL script "pandoradb_data.sql",
+ it inserts data needed to run Web Console and default user
+ (login: admin, pass: pandora) to access Pandora Web Console.
+ First create a database called "pandora", and set an user to be
+ able to access this database:
+ mysql> create database pandora;
+ Later, execute the next commands using a user with enough
+ privileges to create tables and indexes for pandora Database into
+ your MySQL Server:
+ cat pandoradb.sql | mysql -D pandora -u root -p
+ cat pandoradb_data.sql | mysql -D pandora -u root -p
+ Note: if your system is Windows, use the command type instead of
+ cat.
+ You can also use the source command, if you are connected to
+ MySQL, from the MySQL prompt:
+ mysql> use babel
+ mysql> source path_to_babel_dbstruct.sql
+ mysql> source path_to_babel_dbdata.sql
+ This example is valid using root user in
+ MySQLRemember if you're in Windows use the
+ double slash ("//") with the path to the files, not the
+ backslash ("\").
+ Now we will create an user "pandora" and will be given to it
+ privileges from the localhost:
+ mysql> grant all on pandora.* to 'pandora'@'localhost' identified by 'pandora';
+ Keep in mind that users need access from Pandora WEB Console and
+ from Pandora Server, if your deployment has many subcomponents in
+ different physical machines, you need to setup a MySQL user with
+ privileges to access from different locations.
+ If you get the error "Warning: mysql_connect()
+ [function.mysql-connect]: client does not support authentication
+ protocol requested by server; consider upgrading" when
+ authenticating Web Console, you have to change the way the
+ password is stored into the database:
+ mysql> set password for 'babel'@'localhost' = old_password('babel');
+ Please note this user will be used by several babel
+ subcomponents(babel Server, babel Web Console) to access
+ database.
+ Pandora Console.
+ Prior to install Pandora console, you need the following dependencies and software needed:
+ Web server. Apache2 is recommended.
+ PHP 4.3.x, or PHP 5.x. Both has been tested for Pandora 1.2
+ PHP Modules for MySQL, GD, session management and SNMP.
+ JpGraph, it is necesary to generate graphics. It has an
+ open source license, you can download it in
+ http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/
+ To install Pandora Console, simply untar in your HTTP server
+ publishing directory and set perms to www-data or http user.
+ To setup Pandora Console, you only need to modify a file,
+ include/config.php, where the following
+ variables are included in .php code:
+ $dbname="pandora"; // name of database for pandora (default: pandora)
+ $dbuser="pandora"; // mysql user to access db
+ $dbpassword="pandora"; // Password for mysql user to access db
+ $dbhost="pandora"; // Hostname or IP where mySQL server runs
+ If database is defined and was correctly installed, you can
+ now access:
+ http://hostname:port/installation_directory/index.php
+ The first time you log there is a default admin user "admin"
+ and password "pandora". It's worth to say that YOU
+ change it or create another account, give it administrator
+ privileges, and disable this one.
+ If you cannot see a screen like this, it's possible that you
+ have problems with PHP instalation. When you installed the
+ Web, please check that PHP engine its running. Fist try to
+ access to the server IP with a browser. You must see the
+ Welcome Apache page.
+ Remember that alter installing the PHP and the PHP module for
+ Apache you must stop and start the Server Apache. As an
+ example, Ubuntu with Apache2:
+ /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
+ /etc/init.d/apache2 start
+ To verify the PHP and Apache integration you can create the
+ file test.php with the following lines:
+ <?PHP
+ echo "<h1>TEST</h1>";
+ phpinfo();
+ ?>
+ Now, copy this file in the Apache HTTPDOC directory. This
+ directory depend of the Operating System or Linux
+ Distribution, for example in Ubuntu this directory is
+ /var/www and in SUSE is
+ /srv/www/htdocs).
+ To check this integration, please use your browser to open the
+ following URL:
+ http://IP/test.php
+ Where IP is IP Address of your Apache server. If the
+ integration is correct you will see in the browser a text
+ string with big font: TEST
and a big table with
+ a lot of info about your PHP installation.
+ Graphic reporting instalation
+ For correct graphic generation, you need to enter the full
+ path to a TrueType font installed in your system. By default a
+ free truetype font is distributed with Pandora Console
+ package, and placed in
+ ./reporting/FreeSans.ttf file. Please
+ check that setup directive
+ $config_fontpath is well configured.
+ Pandora 1.2 uses JpGraph for viewing graphics. JpGraph is a
+ different project and has no relationship with Pandora, so you
+ need to install it. You can find at
+ http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/. Download
+ last version (2.x), and place all .php
+ files from src directory into
+ reporting/jpgraph Pandora Console
+ directory.