@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ Exported Functions:
=item * C<pandora_thread_monitoring>
=item * C<pandora_installation_monitoring>
=item * C<snmp_traps_monitoring>
=head1 METHODS
@ -130,7 +134,7 @@ use Math::Trig; # Math functions
use constant ALERTSERVER => 21;
# Debugging
#use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Dumper;
# Force XML::Simple to use XML::Parser instead SAX to manage XML
# due a bug processing some XML with blank spaces.
@ -262,6 +266,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -6158,6 +6163,13 @@ sub pandora_self_monitoring ($$) {
my $free_disk_spool = disk_free ($pa_config->{"incomingdir"});
$free_disk_spool = '' unless defined ($free_disk_spool);
my $my_data_server = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id_server FROM tserver WHERE server_type = ? AND name = '".$pa_config->{"servername"}."'", DATASERVER);
my $total_mem = total_mem();
my $free_mem_percentage;
if(defined($total_mem) && $free_mem ne '') {
$free_mem_percentage = ($free_mem / $total_mem ) * 100;
} else {
$free_mem_percentage = '';
# Number of unknown agents
my $agents_unknown = 0;
@ -6199,9 +6211,38 @@ sub pandora_self_monitoring ($$) {
$pandoradb = 1;
my $elasticsearch_perfomance = enterprise_hook("elasticsearch_performance", [$pa_config, $dbh]);
my $num_threads = 0;
$num_threads = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT SUM(threads) FROM tserver WHERE name = '".$pa_config->{"servername"}."'");
my $cpu_load = 0;
$cpu_load = cpu_load();
## Modules Networks average.
my $totalNetworkModules = get_db_value(
'SELECT count(*)
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_tipo_modulo
my $totalModuleIntervalTime = get_db_value(
'SELECT SUM(module_interval)
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_tipo_modulo
my $data_in_files = count_files_ext($pa_config->{"incomingdir"}, 'data');
my $data_in_files_badxml = count_files_ext($pa_config->{"incomingdir"}, 'data_BADXML');
my $averageTime = 0;
if (defined($totalModuleIntervalTime) && defined($totalNetworkModules)) {
$averageTime = $totalNetworkModules / $totalModuleIntervalTime;
$xml_output .= $elasticsearch_perfomance if defined($elasticsearch_perfomance);
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>Database Maintenance</name>";
@ -6248,7 +6289,14 @@ sub pandora_self_monitoring ($$) {
$xml_output .=" <data>$free_mem</data>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>Free_RAM_perccentage</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <data>$free_mem_percentage</data>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>%</unit>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
if (defined($free_disk_spool)) {
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>FreeDisk_SpoolDir</name>";
@ -6257,6 +6305,43 @@ sub pandora_self_monitoring ($$) {
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>Total Threads</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <data>$num_threads</data>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>CPU Load</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <data>$cpu_load</data>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>%</unit>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>Network Modules Int AVG</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <data>$averageTime</data>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>seconds</unit>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
if(defined($data_in_files)) {
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>Data_in_files</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <data>$data_in_files</data>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
if(defined($data_in_files_badxml)) {
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>Data_in_BADXML_files</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <data>$data_in_files_badxml</data>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .= "</agent_data>";
my $filename = $pa_config->{"incomingdir"}."/".$pa_config->{'servername'}.".self.".$utimestamp.".data";
@ -6280,15 +6365,21 @@ sub pandora_thread_monitoring ($$$) {
my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime());
my $xml_output = "";
my $module_parent = "";
# All trhead modules are "Status" module sons.
$module_parent = 'Status';
$xml_output = "<agent_data os_name='$OS' os_version='$OS_VERSION' version='" . $pa_config->{'version'} . "' description='" . $pa_config->{'rb_product_name'} . " Server version " . $pa_config->{'version'} . "' agent_name='".$pa_config->{'servername'} . "' agent_alias='".$pa_config->{'servername'} . "' interval='".$pa_config->{"self_monitoring_interval"}."' timestamp='".$timestamp."' >";
foreach my $server (@{$servers}) {
while (my ($tid, $stats) = each(%{$server->getProducerStats()})) {
my $producer_stats = $server->getProducerStats();
while (my ($tid, $stats) = each(%{$producer_stats})) {
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>" . uc($ServerTypes[$server->{'_server_type'}]) . " Producer Status</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_proc</type>";
$xml_output .=" <module_group>System</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . (time() - $stats->{'tstamp'} < 2 * $pa_config->{"self_monitoring_interval"} ? 1 : 0) . "</data>";
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" . $module_parent . "</module_parent>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
@ -6297,6 +6388,16 @@ sub pandora_thread_monitoring ($$$) {
$xml_output .=" <module_group>Performance</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . $stats->{'rate'} . "</data>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>tasks/second</unit>";
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" . $module_parent . "</module_parent>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>" . uc($ServerTypes[$server->{'_server_type'}]) . " Producer Queued Elements</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <module_group>Performance</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . ($#{$stats->{'task_queue'}} + 1) . "</data>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>tasks</unit>";
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" . $module_parent . "</module_parent>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
@ -6311,6 +6412,7 @@ sub pandora_thread_monitoring ($$$) {
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_proc</type>";
$xml_output .=" <module_group>System</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . (time() - $stats->{'tstamp'} < 2 * $pa_config->{"self_monitoring_interval"} ? 1 : 0) . "</data>";
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" . $module_parent . "</module_parent>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
@ -6318,8 +6420,18 @@ sub pandora_thread_monitoring ($$$) {
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <module_group>Performance</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . $stats->{'rate'} . "</data>";
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" . $module_parent . "</module_parent>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>tasks/second</unit>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>" . uc($ServerTypes[$server->{'_server_type'}]) . " Producer Queued Elements</name>";
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
$xml_output .=" <module_group>Performance</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . ($#{$stats->{'task_queue'}} + 1) . "</data>";
$xml_output .=" <unit>tasks</unit>";
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" . $module_parent . "</module_parent>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
$xml_output .= "</agent_data>";
@ -6330,6 +6442,358 @@ sub pandora_thread_monitoring ($$$) {
close (XMLFILE);
=head2 C<< pandora_installation_monitoring (I<$pa_config>, I<$dbh>, I<$servers>) >>
Generate stats for Pandora FMS threads.
sub pandora_installation_monitoring($$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh) = @_;
my $utimestamp = time ();
my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime());
my @modules;
my $xml_output = "";
$xml_output = "<agent_data os_name='$OS' os_version='$OS_VERSION' version='" . $pa_config->{'version'} . "' description='" . $pa_config->{'rb_product_name'} . " Server version " . $pa_config->{'version'} . "' agent_name='pandora.internals' agent_alias='pandora.internals' interval='".$pa_config->{"self_monitoring_interval"}."' timestamp='".$timestamp."' >";
# Total amount of agents
my $module;
$module->{'name'} = "total_agents";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total amount of agents';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente)) FROM tagente');
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total amount of modules
$module->{'name'} = "total_modules";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total modules';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente_modulo)) FROM tagente_modulo');
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total groups
$module->{'name'} = "total_groups";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total groups';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_grupo)) FROM tgrupo');
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total module data records
$module->{'name'} = "total_data";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total module data records';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo) FROM tagente_datos');
$module->{'module_interval'} = '288';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total module strimg data records
$module->{'name'} = "total_string_data";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total module string data records';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo) FROM tagente_datos_string');
$module->{'module_interval'} = '288';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total agent access record
$module->{'name'} = "total_access_data";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total agent access records';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(id_agent) FROM tagent_access');
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total users
$module->{'name'} = "total_users";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total users';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(id_user) FROM tusuario');
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total sessions
$module->{'name'} = "total_sessions";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total sessions';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(id_session) FROM tsessions_php');
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total unknown agents
$module->{'name'} = "total_unknown";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total unknown agents';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value (
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tagente_estado.id_agente)
FROM tagente_estado, tagente, tagente_modulo
WHERE tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente.id_agente = tagente_estado.id_agente
AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo
AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0
AND estado = 3"
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total notinit modules
$module->{'name'} = "total_notinit";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total not init modules';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente_modulo)) FROM tagente_estado WHERE estado = 4");
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Tables fragmentation
$module->{'name'} = "table_fragmentation";
$module->{'description'} = 'Tables fragmentation';
$module->{'data'} = get_db_value(
MAX( (data_free / data_length) / 100) AS frag_percent_max
table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'mysql')
AND table_name NOT IN ('tagent_access, tevento')"
$module->{'unit'} = '%';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# License Usage
$module->{'name'} = "license_usage";
$module->{'description'} = 'License Usage';
$module->{'unit'} = '%';
my $license_usage = enterprise_hook('get_license_usage',[$dbh]);
if(! defined($license_usage)) {
$module->{'data'} = 0;
} else {
$module->{'data'} = $license_usage;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# General info about queries
my $select = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ STATUS WHERE Variable_name= ?', 'Com_select');
my $insert = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ STATUS WHERE Variable_name= ?', 'Com_insert');
my $update = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ STATUS WHERE Variable_name= ?', 'Com_update');
my $replace = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ STATUS WHERE Variable_name= ?', 'Com_replace');
my $delete = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ STATUS WHERE Variable_name= ?', 'Com_delete');
my $data_size = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT SUM(data_length)/(1024*1024) FROM information_schema.TABLES');
my $index_size = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT SUM(index_length)/(1024*1024) FROM information_schema.TABLES');
my $writes = $insert->{'Value'} + $update->{'Value'} + $replace->{'Value'} + $delete->{'Value'} ;
# Mysql Questions - Reads
$module->{'name'} = "mysql_questions_reads";
$module->{'description'} = 'MySQL: Questions - Reads (#): Number of read questions';
$module->{'data'} = $select->{'Value'};
$module->{'unit'} = 'qu';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Mysql Questions - Writes
my $question_writes = 0;
if(($writes + $select) > 0) {
$question_writes = (($writes * 10000) / ($select + $writes)) / 100;
$module->{'name'} = "mysql_questions_writes";
$module->{'description'} = 'MySQL: Questions - Writes (#): Number of writed questions';
$module->{'data'} = $question_writes;
$module->{'unit'} = 'qu';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Mysql Size of data
$module->{'name'} = "mysql_size_of_data";
$module->{'description'} = 'MySQL: Size of data (MB): Size of stored data in megabytes';
$module->{'data'} = $data_size;
$module->{'unit'} = 'MB';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Mysql Size of indexed
$module->{'name'} = "mysql_size_of_indexes";
$module->{'description'} = 'Size of indexes (MB): Size of stored indexes in megabytes';
$module->{'data'} = $index_size;
$module->{'unit'} = 'MB';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Mysql process list
my $command = 'mysql -u '.$pa_config->{'dbuser'}.' -p"'.$pa_config->{'dbpass'}.'" -e "show processlist"';
my $process_list = `$command 2>$DEVNULL`;
$module->{'name'} = 'mysql_transactions_list';
$module->{'description'} = 'MySQL: Transactions list';
$module->{'data'} = '<![CDATA['.$process_list.']]>';
$module->{'type'} = 'generic_data_string';
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Log monitoring
my $log_files = {
'server_log' => $pa_config->{'log_file'},
'server_error' => $pa_config->{'errorlog_file'},
if(pandora_get_tconfig_token($dbh,'console_log_enabled', 0) == 1) {
$log_files->{'console_log'} = '/var/www/html/pandora_consle/log/console.log';
if(pandora_get_tconfig_token($dbh,'audit_log_enabled', 0) == 1) {
$log_files->{'audit_log'} = '/var/www/html/pandora_consle/log/audit.log';
foreach my $log_source (keys %{$log_files}) {
my $log_name = $log_source ;
my $size = -s $log_files->{$log_source};
my $size_in_mb;
if(defined($size) && $size != 0) {
$size_in_mb = $size / (1024 * 1024);
} else {
$size_in_mb = 0;
$module->{'name'} = $log_name.'_size';
$module->{'description'} = 'Size of '.$log_name.' (MB): Size of '.$log_name.' in megabytes';
$module->{'data'} = $size_in_mb;
$module->{'unit'} = 'MB';
$module->{'min_critical'} = 1024;
$module->{'max_critical'} = 0;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Alert monitoring
# Defined alerts
my $total_alerts = get_db_value(
'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE disabled = 0 AND standby = 0 AND disabled_by_downtime = 0'
$module->{'name'} = "defined_alerts";
$module->{'description'} = 'Number of defined (and active) alerts';
$module->{'data'} = $total_alerts;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Defined correlative alerts
my $total_correlative_alerts = get_db_value(
'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tevent_alert WHERE disabled = 0 AND standby = 0'
$module->{'name'} = "defined_correlative_alerts";
$module->{'description'} = 'Number of defined correlative alerts';
$module->{'data'} = $total_alerts;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Alertas disparadas actualmente.
my $triggered_alerts = get_db_value(
'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE times_fired != 0 AND disabled = 0 AND standby = 0 AND disabled_by_downtime = 0'
$module->{'name'} = "triggered_alerts";
$module->{'description'} = 'Number of active alerts';
$module->{'data'} = $triggered_alerts;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Alertas correladivas activas
my $triggered_correlative_alerts = get_db_value(
'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tevent_alert WHERE times_fired != 0 AND disabled = 0 AND standby = 0'
$module->{'name'} = "triggered_correlative_alerts";
$module->{'description'} = 'Number of active correlative alerts';
$module->{'data'} = $triggered_correlative_alerts;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Last 24 hours triggered alerts.
my $triggered_alerts_24h = get_db_value(
FROM talert_template_modules
$module->{'name'} = "triggered_alerts_24h";
$module->{'description'} = 'Last 24h triggered alerts';
$module->{'data'} = $triggered_alerts_24h;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
my $triggered_correlative_alerts_24h = get_db_value(
FROM tevent_alert
$module->{'name'} = "triggered_correlative_alerts_24h";
$module->{'description'} = 'Last 24h triggered correlative alerts';
$module->{'data'} = $triggered_correlative_alerts_24h;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
foreach my $module_data (@modules) {
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>" .$module_data->{'name'}. "</name>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . $module_data->{'data'} . "</data>";
if(defined($module_data->{'description'})) {
$xml_output .=" <description>" .$module_data->{'description'}. "</description>";
if(defined($module_data->{'type'})) {
$xml_output .=" <type>" .$module_data->{'type'}. "</type>";
} else {
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
if(defined($module_data->{'unit'})) {
$xml_output .=" <unit>" .$module_data->{'unit'}. "</unit>";
if(defined($module_data->{'module_parent'})) {
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" .$module_data->{'module_parent'}. "</module_parent>";
if(defined($module_data->{'module_interval'})) {
$xml_output .=" <module_interval>" .$module_data->{'module_interval'}. "</module_interval>";
if(defined($module_data->{'max_critical'})) {
$xml_output .=" <max_critical>" .$module_data->{'max_critical'}. "</max_critical>";
if(defined($module_data->{'min_critical'})) {
$xml_output .=" <min_critical>" .$module_data->{'min_critical'}. "</min_critical>";
if(defined($module_data->{'max_warning'})) {
$xml_output .=" <max_warning>" .$module_data->{'max_warning'}. "</max_warning>";
if(defined($module_data->{'min_warning'})) {
$xml_output .=" <min_warning>" .$module_data->{'min_warning'}. "</min_warning>";
if(defined($module_data->{'module_group'})) {
$xml_output .=" <module_group>" .$module_data->{'module_group'}. "</module_group>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
# Opensearch monitoring
my $elasticsearch_perfomance = enterprise_hook("elasticsearch_performance", [$pa_config, $dbh]);
$xml_output .= $elasticsearch_perfomance if defined($elasticsearch_perfomance);
# SNMPTrapd monitoting
my $snmp_traps_monitoring = snmp_traps_monitoring($pa_config, $dbh);
$xml_output .= $snmp_traps_monitoring if defined($snmp_traps_monitoring);
# Wux nobitoring
my $wux_performance = enterprise_hook("wux_performance", [$pa_config, $dbh]);
$xml_output .= $wux_performance if defined($wux_performance);
$xml_output .= "</agent_data>";
my $filename = $pa_config->{"incomingdir"}."/pandora.internals.".$utimestamp.".data";
open (XMLFILE, ">", $filename) or die "[FATAL] Could not write to the thread monitoring XML file '$filename'";
print XMLFILE $xml_output;
close (XMLFILE);
=head2 C<< set_master (I<$pa_config>, I<$dbh>) >>
@ -7911,6 +8375,91 @@ sub exec_cluster_ap_module ($$$$) {
pandora_update_agent ($pa_config, $timestamp, $module->{'id_agente'}, undef, undef, -1, $dbh);
# SNMP Log Monitoring
sub snmp_traps_monitoring ($$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh) = @_;
return undef unless $pa_config->{'snmpconsole'} == 1;
my $xml_output = '';
my $filename = $pa_config->{'snmp_logfile'};
my $size = -s $filename;
my $size_in_mb;
if(defined($size) && $size != 0) {
$size_in_mb = $size / (1024 * 1024);
} else {
$size_in_mb = 0;
my @modules;
my $module;
# SNMP Trap log size
$module->{'name'} = "snmp_trap_queue";
$module->{'description'} = 'Size of snmp_logfile (MB): Size of snmp trap log in megabytes';
$module->{'data'} = $size_in_mb;
$module->{'unit'} = 'MB';
$module->{'min_critical'} = 1024;
$module->{'max_critical'} = 0;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
# Total traps
my $count = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(id_trap) FROM ttrap');
$count = 0 unless defined($count);
$module->{'name'} = "total_traps";
$module->{'description'} = 'Total number of traps';
$module->{'data'} = $count;
$module->{'module_interval'} = 288;
push(@modules, $module);
undef $module;
foreach my $module_data (@modules) {
$xml_output .=" <module>";
$xml_output .=" <name>" .$module_data->{'name'}. "</name>";
$xml_output .=" <data>" . $module_data->{'data'} . "</data>";
if(defined($module_data->{'description'})) {
$xml_output .=" <description>" .$module_data->{'description'}. "</description>";
if(defined($module_data->{'type'})) {
$xml_output .=" <type>" .$module_data->{'type'}. "</type>";
} else {
$xml_output .=" <type>generic_data</type>";
if(defined($module_data->{'unit'})) {
$xml_output .=" <unit>" .$module_data->{'unit'}. "</unit>";
if(defined($module_data->{'module_parent'})) {
$xml_output .=" <module_parent>" .$module_data->{'module_parent'}. "</module_parent>";
if(defined($module_data->{'module_interval'})) {
$xml_output .=" <module_interval>" .$module_data->{'module_interval'}. "</module_interval>";
if(defined($module_data->{'max_critical'})) {
$xml_output .=" <max_critical>" .$module_data->{'max_critical'}. "</max_critical>";
if(defined($module_data->{'min_critical'})) {
$xml_output .=" <min_critical>" .$module_data->{'min_critical'}. "</min_critical>";
if(defined($module_data->{'max_warning'})) {
$xml_output .=" <max_warning>" .$module_data->{'max_warning'}. "</max_warning>";
if(defined($module_data->{'min_warning'})) {
$xml_output .=" <min_warning>" .$module_data->{'min_warning'}. "</min_warning>";
$xml_output .=" </module>";
return $xml_output;
# End of function declaration
# End of defined Code