Add warning and critical thresholds
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,15 +47,17 @@ my $pass = get_param("p");
my $sensor = get_param("s");
my $extraopts = get_param("-");
my $res = `ipmi-sensors -h $host -u $user -p $pass -s $sensor $extraopts | tail -1`;
my $res = `ipmi-sensors -h $host -u $user -p $pass -s $sensor $extraopts --ignore-not-available-sensors --no-header-output --comma-separated-output --output-event-bitmask`;
my @aux = split(/\|/, $res);
my $value = $aux[3];
$value =~ s/\n//;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($sensor_id, $name, $type, $value, $units, $eventmask) = split(/,/, $res);
#Output the value
print $value;
if ($value eq 'N/A') {
if ($eventmask =~ /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)h/) {
print hex substr($eventmask, 0, -1);
} else {
print $eventmask;
} else {
print $value;
@ -46,6 +46,58 @@ my $username = $ARGV[4]; # Field2 defined by user
my $password = $ARGV[5]; # Field3 defined by user
my $extraopts = $ARGV[6]; # Field4 defined by user
# Map Sensor type to module type and thresholds
# 0 = numeric, record has thresholds
# 1 = simple flag, 0 normal, > 0 critical
# 2 = complex flags, for now ignore alert settings
# 3 = string or unknown
my %sensor_types = (
'Temperature' => 0,
'Voltage' => 0,
'Current' => 0,
'Fan' => 0,
'Physical Security' => 1,
'Platform Security Violation Attempt' => 1,
'Processor' => 2,
'Power Supply' => 2,
'Power Unit' => 2,
'Cooling Device' => 0,
'Other Units Based Sensor' => 0,
'Memory' => 2,
'Drive Slot' => 3,
'POST Memory Resize' => 3,
'System Firmware Progress' => 1,
'Event Logging Disabled' => 2,
'Watchdog 1' => 2,
'System Event' => 2,
'Critical Interrupt' => 1,
'Button Switch' => 2,
'Module Board' => 3,
'Microcontroller Coprocessor' => 3,
'Add In Card' => 3,
'Chassis' => 3,
'Chip Set' => 3,
'Other Fru' => 3,
'Cable Interconnect' => 3,
'Terminator' => 3,
'System Boot Initiated' => 2,
'Boot Error' => 1,
'OS Boot' => 2,
'OS Critical Stop' => 1,
'Slot Connector' => 2,
'System ACPI Power State' => 2,
'Watchdog 2' => 2,
'Platform Alert' => 2,
'Entity Presence' => 2,
'Monitor ASIC IC' => 3,
'LAN' => 2,
'Management Subsystem Health' => 1,
'Battery' => 2,
'Session Audit' => 3,
'Version Change' => 3,
'FRU State' => 3,
'OEM Reserved' => 3
# Update recon task status.
@ -95,39 +147,57 @@ sub ipmi_ping ($$$) {
sub create_ipmi_modules($$$$$$$) {
my ($conf, $dbh, $addr, $user, $pass, $extraopts, $id_agent) = @_;
my $cmd = "ipmi-sensors -h $addr -u $user -p $pass $extraopts";
my $cmd = "ipmi-sensors -h $addr -u $user -p $pass $extraopts --ignore-not-available-sensors --no-header-output --comma-separated-output --non-abbreviated-units --output-sensor-thresholds --output-event-bitmask";
my $res = `$cmd`;
my $res = `$cmd`;
my @lines = split(/\n/, $res);
my $ipmi_plugin_id = get_db_value($dbh, "SELECT id FROM tplugin WHERE name = '".safe_input("IPMI Plugin")."'");
for(my $i=1; $i < $#lines; $i++) {
for (my $i=1; $i < $#lines; $i++) {
my $line = $lines[$i];
my @aux = split(/\|/, $line);
my ($sensor, $name, $type, $value, $units, $lowerNR, $lowerC, $lowerNC, $upperNC, $upperC, $upperNR, $eventmask) = split(/,/, $line);
my $name = $aux[1];
my $module_name = $name.' - '.$type;
#Trim name
$name =~ s/^\s+//;
$name =~ s/\s+$//;
my $module_type = "generic_data_string";
my $value_read = $aux[3];
#Trim name
$value_read =~ s/^\s+//;
$value_read =~ s/\s+$//;
#Check if value read is integer or boolean
if ($value_read =~ m/^\d+.\d+$/ || $value_read =~ m/^\d+$/) {
if ($units ne 'N/A') {
$module_name .= " ($units)";
my $module_type;
my $module_warn_min;
my $module_warn_max;
my $module_warn_invert;
my $module_critical_min;
my $module_critical_max;
my $module_critical_invert;
if ($sensor_types{$type} == 0) {
$module_type = "generic_data";
if ($lowerC ne 'N/A' and $upperC ne 'N/A') {
$module_critical_min = $lowerC;
$module_critical_max = $upperC;
$module_critical_invert = 1;
if ($lowerNC ne 'N/A' and $upperNC ne 'N/A') {
$module_warn_min = $lowerNC;
$module_warn_max = $upperNC;
$module_warn_invert = 1;
} elsif ($sensor_types{$type} == 1) {
$module_type = "generic_data";
$module_critical_min = "1";
$module_critical_max = "0";
} elsif ($sensor_types{$type} == 2) {
$module_type = "generic_data";
} elsif ($sensor_types{$type} == 3) {
$module_type = "generic_data_string";
} else {
$module_type = "generic_data_string";
my $id_module_type = get_module_id($dbh, $module_type);
@ -135,17 +205,23 @@ sub create_ipmi_modules($$$$$$$) {
'"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"'.safe_input("Target IP").'","help":"","value":"'.$addr.'","hide":""},'.
'"5":{"macro":"_field5_","desc":"'.safe_input("Additional Options").'","help":"","value":"'.$extraopts.'","hide":""}'.
my %parameters;
$parameters{"nombre"} = safe_input($name);
$parameters{"nombre"} = safe_input($module_name);
$parameters{"id_tipo_modulo"} = $id_module_type;
$parameters{"id_agente"} = $id_agent;
$parameters{"id_plugin"} = $ipmi_plugin_id;
$parameters{"id_modulo"} = 4;
$parameters{"min_warning"} = $module_warn_min if defined $module_warn_min;
$parameters{"max_warning"} = $module_warn_max if defined $module_warn_max;
$parameters{"warning_inverse"} = $module_warn_invert if defined $module_warn_invert;
$parameters{"min_critical"} = $module_critical_min if defined $module_critical_min;
$parameters{"max_critical"} = $module_critical_max if defined $module_critical_max;
$parameters{"critical_inverse"} = $module_critical_invert if defined $module_critical_invert;
$parameters{"macros"} = $macros;
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($conf, \%parameters, $dbh);
Reference in New Issue