Merge branch '2004-Query_muy_pesada_en_paradas_programadas' into 'develop'
fixed errors select all agent where module common See merge request artica/pandorafms!1340
This commit is contained in:
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
echo json_encode($result);
if ($get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents) {
$idAgents = get_parameter('id_agent');
$tags = get_parameter('tags', null);
@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$metaconsole_server_name = db_get_value('server_name',
'tmetaconsole_setup', 'id', $id_server);
$filter = '1 = 1';
$all = (string)get_parameter('all', 'all');
switch ($all) {
@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$filter .= ' AND t1.disabled = 0';
if (!empty($module_types_excluded) && is_array($module_types_excluded))
$filter .= ' AND t1.id_tipo_modulo NOT IN (' . implode($module_types_excluded) . ')';
if (!empty($module_name)) {
switch ($config['dbtype']) {
case "mysql":
@ -342,11 +342,11 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
// Status selector
if ($status_modulo == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL) { //Normal
$sql_conditions .= ' estado = 0 AND utimestamp > 0 )
OR (t1.id_tipo_modulo IN(21,22,23,100)) ';
OR (t1.id_tipo_modulo IN(21,22,23,100)) ';
elseif ($status_modulo == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD) { //Critical
$sql_conditions .= ' estado = 1 AND utimestamp > 0 )';
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
elseif ($status_modulo == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL) { //Not normal
$sql_conditions .= ' estado <> 0)';
elseif ($status_modulo == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN) { //Unknown
$sql_conditions .= ' estado = 3 AND utimestamp <> 0 )';
@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$sql_conditions .= ' utimestamp = 0 )
AND t1.id_tipo_modulo NOT IN (21,22,23,100)';
if ($status_modulo != -1) {
$filter .= ' AND t1.id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_estado where ' . $sql_conditions;
if (is_metaconsole()) {
$result = array();
$nameModules = array();
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$temp_element = array();
$counter = 0;
$first_elements = array();
$array_mapped = array_map(function($item) use ($metaconsole_server_name) {
if (empty($metaconsole_server_name)) {
if (strstr($item, "|@_@|")) {
@ -393,27 +393,27 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$server_name = $metaconsole_server_name;
$id_agent = $item;
return array(
'server_name' => $server_name,
'id_agent' => $id_agent
}, $idAgents);
$array_reduced = array_reduce($array_mapped, function($carry, $item) {
if (!isset($carry[$item['server_name']]))
$carry[$item['server_name']] = array();
$carry[$item['server_name']][] = $item['id_agent'];
return $carry;
}, array());
$last_modules_set = array();
foreach ($array_reduced as $server_name => $id_agents) {
//Metaconsole db connection
// $server_name can be the server id (ugly hack, I know)
@ -423,11 +423,11 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
else {
$connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name);
if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) {
//Get agent's modules
$sql = sprintf('SELECT t1.id_agente, t1.id_agente_modulo, t1.nombre
FROM tagente_modulo t1
@ -442,11 +442,11 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
AND t2.id_agente IN (%s)) = (%d)',
$filter, implode(',', $id_agents),
implode(',', $id_agents), count($id_agents));
$modules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
if (empty($modules))
$modules = array();
$modules_aux = array();
foreach ($modules as $key => $module) {
// Don't change this order, is used in the serialization
@ -460,51 +460,64 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$modules_aux[$module['nombre']][] = $module_data;
$modules = $modules_aux;
// Build the next array using the common values
if (!empty($last_modules_set)) {
$modules = array_intersect_key($modules, $last_modules_set);
array_walk($modules, function(&$module_data, $module_name) use ($last_modules_set) {
$module_data = array_merge($module_data, $last_modules_set[$module_name]);
$last_modules_set = $modules;
//Restore db connection
$result = array();
foreach ($last_modules_set as $module_name => $module_data) {
$value = ui_print_truncate_text(io_safe_output($module_name), 'module_medium', false, true);
$module_data_processed = array_map(function($item) {
// data: -> id_module | id_agent | server_name;
return implode('|', $item);
}, $module_data);
$key = implode(';', $module_data_processed);
$result[$key] = $value;
else {
if(implode(',', $idAgents) < 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT nombre, id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE nombre IN (
SELECT nombre
FROM tagente_modulo
GROUP BY nombre
HAVING count(nombre) = (SELECT count(nombre) FROM tagente_modulo))';
else {
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT nombre, id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo t1
WHERE ' . $filter . '
AND t1.delete_pending = 0
AND t1.id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ')';
if($idAgents[0] < 0){
if($selection_mode == 'common'){
$sql_agent_total = 'SELECT count(*) FROM tagente WHERE disabled=0';
$agent_total = db_get_value_sql($sql_agent_total);
$sql = "SELECT tam.nombre, tam.id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo tam
SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_names, nombre
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE disabled=0
AND delete_pending=0
GROUP BY nombre
) AS tj
ON tj.num_names = $agent_total
AND tj.nombre = tam.nombre ";
$sql = 'SELECT nombre, id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo';
else {
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT nombre, id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo t1
WHERE ' . $filter . '
AND t1.delete_pending = 0
AND t1.id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ')';
if ($selection_mode == 'common') {
$sql .= ' AND (
SELECT count(nombre)
@ -517,10 +530,9 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$sql .= 'AND t1.id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_estado where estado = 3 OR estado = 4)';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY nombre';
$nameModules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
if ($tags != null) {
if ((count($tags) >= 1) && ($tags[0] != "") && ($tags[0] != -1)) {
$implode_tags = implode(",", $tags);
@ -545,11 +557,11 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
if ($nameModules == false) {
$nameModules = array();
$result = array();
foreach ($nameModules as $nameModule) {
if (empty($serialized))
@ -560,11 +572,11 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$result[io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre']).'$*$'.implode('|', $idAgents)] = ui_print_truncate_text(io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre']), 'module_medium', false, true);
echo json_encode($result);
if ($get_agent_modules_json) {
$id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent');
Reference in New Issue