Merge branch 'ent-2153-vistas-en-las-que-no-se-ha-tenido-en-cuenta-los-grupos-secundarios' into 'develop'
Ent 2153 vistas en las que no se ha tenido en cuenta los grupos secundarios See merge request artica/pandorafms!1708
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,43 +128,20 @@ function mainModuleGroups() {
require_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_users.php");
//The big query
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count, case utimestamp when 0 then 5 else estado end as estado
FROM tagente_estado
WHERE id_agente IN
(SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d AND disabled IS FALSE)
AND id_agente_modulo IN
(SELECT id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_module_group = %d AND disabled IS FALSE AND delete_pending IS FALSE)
GROUP BY estado";
case "postgresql":
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count,
case utimestamp when 0 then 5 else estado end as estado
FROM tagente_estado
WHERE id_agente IN
(SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d AND disabled = 0)
AND id_agente_modulo IN
(SELECT id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_module_group = %d AND disabled = 0 AND delete_pending = 0)
GROUP BY estado, utimestamp";
case "oracle":
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count, (case when utimestamp = 0 then 5 else estado end) AS estado
FROM tagente_estado
WHERE id_agente IN
(SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d AND (disabled IS NOT NULL AND disabled <> 0))
AND id_agente_modulo IN
(SELECT id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_module_group = %d AND (disabled IS NOT NULL AND disabled <> 0) AND (delete_pending IS NOT NULL AND delete_pending <> 0))
GROUP BY (case when utimestamp = 0 then 5 else estado end)";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count, case utimestamp when 0 then 5 else estado end as estado
FROM tagente_estado
WHERE id_agente IN
(SELECT id_agente
FROM tagente ta LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg
ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent
WHERE (ta.id_grupo = %d OR tasg.id_group = %d) AND disabled IS FALSE
AND id_agente_modulo IN
(SELECT id_agente_modulo
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_module_group = %d AND disabled IS FALSE AND delete_pending IS FALSE)
GROUP BY estado";
ui_print_page_header (__("Combined table of agent group and module group"), "images/module_group.png", false, "", false, '');
ui_print_info_message ( array('no_close'=>true, 'message'=>
@ -207,7 +184,7 @@ function mainModuleGroups() {
foreach ($modelGroups as $idModelGroup => $modelGroup) {
$fired = false;
$query = sprintf($sql, $idAgentGroup, $idModelGroup);
$query = sprintf($sql, $idAgentGroup, $idAgentGroup, $idModelGroup);
$rowsDB = db_get_all_rows_sql ($query);
@ -258,10 +258,7 @@ if(!$new_agent){
$groups = users_get_groups ($config["id_user"], "AR",false);
$agents = agents_get_group_agents (array_keys ($groups));
$modules = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT id_agente_modulo as id_module, nombre as name FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE id_agente = " . $id_parent);
@ -343,6 +343,7 @@ if($os != 0){
$search_sql .= " AND id_os = " . $os;
$user_groups_to_sql = "";
// Show only selected groups
if ($ag_group > 0) {
$ag_groups = array();
@ -350,100 +351,39 @@ if ($ag_group > 0) {
if ($recursion) {
$ag_groups = groups_get_id_recursive($ag_group, true);
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s
LIMIT %d, %d',
implode (",", $ag_groups), $search_sql, $order['field'],$order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order'], $offset, $config["block_size"]);
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s
implode (",", $ag_groups), $search_sql, $order['field'],$order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order'], $config["block_size"], $offset);
case "oracle":
$set = array ();
$set['limit'] = $config["block_size"];
$set['offset'] = $offset;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s',
implode (",", $ag_groups), $search_sql, $order['field'],$order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order']);
$sql = oracle_recode_query ($sql, $set);
$sql_total = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
implode (",", $ag_groups), $search_sql);
$total_agents = db_get_sql ($sql_total);
else {
$user_groups_to_sql = implode (",", $ag_groups);
} else {
// Concatenate AW and AD permisions to get all the possible groups where the user can manage
$user_groupsAW = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], 'AW');
$user_groupsAD = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], 'AD');
$user_groups = $user_groupsAW + $user_groupsAD;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
implode (',', array_keys ($user_groups)),
$total_agents = db_get_sql ($sql);
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s
LIMIT %d, %d',
implode (',', array_keys ($user_groups)),
$search_sql, $order['field'],$order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order'], $offset, $config["block_size"]);
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s
implode (',', array_keys ($user_groups)),
$search_sql, $order['field'],$order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order'], $config["block_size"], $offset);
case "oracle":
$set = array ();
$set['limit'] = $config["block_size"];
$set['offset'] = $offset;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente
WHERE id_grupo IN (%s)
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s',
implode (',', array_keys ($user_groups)),
$search_sql, $order['field'],$order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order']);
$sql = oracle_recode_query ($sql, $set);
$user_groups_to_sql = implode (',', array_keys ($user_groups));
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(tagente.id_agente))
FROM tagente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg
ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent
WHERE (tagente.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group IN (%s))
$user_groups_to_sql, $user_groups_to_sql,
$total_agents = db_get_sql ($sql);
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM tagente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg
ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent
WHERE (tagente.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group IN (%s))
GROUP BY tagente.id_agente
ORDER BY %s %s, %s %s
LIMIT %d, %d',
$user_groups_to_sql, $user_groups_to_sql,
$order['field'], $order['order'], $order['field2'], $order['order'],
$offset, $config["block_size"]);
$agents = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
// Delete rnum row generated by oracle_recode_query() function
@ -494,13 +434,15 @@ if ($agents !== false) {
/* End Update tagente.remote 0/1 with remote agent function return */
$id_grupo = $agent["id_grupo"];
$all_groups = agents_get_all_groups_agent($agent["id_agente"], $agent["id_grupo"]);
$check_aw = check_acl_one_of_groups ($config["id_user"], $all_groups, "AW");
$check_ad = check_acl_one_of_groups ($config["id_user"], $all_groups, "AD");
$cluster = db_get_row_sql('select id from tcluster where id_agent = '.$agent['id_agente']);
if (! check_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_grupo, "AW", $agent['id_agente']) && ! check_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_grupo, "AD", $agent['id_agente']))
// Do not show the agent if there is not enough permissions
if (!$check_aw && !$check_ad) continue;
if ($color == 1) {
$tdcolor = "datos";
@ -526,7 +468,7 @@ if ($agents !== false) {
echo '<span class="left">';
echo "<strong>";
if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $agent["id_grupo"], "AW")) {
if ($check_aw) {
$main_tab = 'main';
else {
@ -574,7 +516,7 @@ if ($agents !== false) {
echo '</span><div class="left actions" style="visibility: hidden; clear: left">';
if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $agent["id_grupo"], "AW")) {
if ($check_aw) {
if($agent["id_os"] == 100){
$cluster = db_get_row_sql('select id from tcluster where id_agent = '.$agent['id_agente']);
echo '<a href="index.php?sec=reporting&sec2=enterprise/godmode/reporting/cluster_builder&id_cluster='.$cluster['id'].'&step=1&update=1">'.__('Edit').'</a>';
@ -640,7 +582,7 @@ if ($agents !== false) {
// Group icon and name
echo "<td class='$tdcolor' align='left' valign='middle'>" . ui_print_group_icon ($id_grupo, true)."</td>";
echo "<td class='$tdcolor' align='left' valign='middle'>" . ui_print_group_icon ($agent["id_grupo"], true)."</td>";
// Description
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9'>" .
ui_print_truncate_text($agent["comentarios"], 'description', true, true, true, '[…]', 'font-size: 6.5pt;')."</td>";
@ -679,7 +621,7 @@ if ($agents !== false) {
echo html_print_image('images/lightbulb.png', true, array('alt' => __('Disable agent'), 'title' => __('Disable agent'))) ."</a>";
if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $agent["id_grupo"], "AW")) {
if ($check_aw) {
echo " <a href='index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente&
@ -842,11 +842,18 @@ function agents_get_group_agents (
users_get_groups(false, "AR", true, false, (array)$id_group));
// Search for primary and secondary groups
if (!empty($id_group)) {
$filter['id_grupo'] = $id_group;
$filter[] = '(' . db_format_array_where_clause_sql(
'id_group' => $id_group,
'id_grupo' => $id_group
) . ')';
if ($search === true) {
//No added search. Show both disabled and non-disabled
@ -959,8 +966,8 @@ function agents_get_group_agents (
$filter['order'] = 'alias';
if (is_metaconsole()) {
$table_name = 'tmetaconsole_agent';
$table_name = 'tmetaconsole_agent LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent';
$fields = array(
'id_tagente AS id_agente',
@ -968,16 +975,16 @@ function agents_get_group_agents (
else {
$table_name = 'tagente';
$table_name = 'tagente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group ON id_agente=id_agent';
$fields = array(
$result = db_get_all_rows_filter($table_name, $filter, $fields);
if ($result === false)
return array (); //Return an empty array
@ -985,7 +992,6 @@ function agents_get_group_agents (
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!isset($row["id_agente"]) || !isset($row["alias"]))
if ($serialized && isset($row["id_server"])) {
$key = $row["id_server"] . $separator . $row["id_agente"];
} elseif ($force_serialized) {
@ -1206,19 +1206,7 @@ function groups_get_agents_counter ($group, $agent_filter = array(), $module_fil
$groups_clause = "AND ta.id_grupo IN ($group_str)";
$tags_clause = "";
if ($strict_user && !empty($groups_and_tags)) {
foreach ($groups as $group_id) {
if (isset($groups_and_tags[$group_id]) && !empty($groups_and_tags[$group_id])) {
$tags_str = $groups_and_tags[$group_id];
$tags_clause .= " AND (ta.grupo <> $group_id
OR (ta.grupo = $group_id
AND tam.id_agente_modulo NOT IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo
FROM ttag_module
WHERE id_tag NOT IN ($tags_str) )))";
$agent_name_filter = "";
$agent_status = AGENT_STATUS_ALL;
if (!empty($agent_filter)) {
@ -1662,22 +1650,10 @@ function groups_get_monitors_counter ($group, $agent_filter = array(), $module_f
$group_str = implode (",", $groups);
$groups_clause = "AND ta.id_grupo IN ($group_str)";
$groups_clause = "AND (ta.id_grupo IN ($group_str) OR tasg.id_group IN ($group_str))";
$tags_clause = "";
if ($strict_user && !empty($groups_and_tags)) {
foreach ($groups as $group_id) {
if (isset($groups_and_tags[$group_id]) && !empty($groups_and_tags[$group_id])) {
$tags_str = $groups_and_tags[$group_id];
$tags_clause .= " AND (ta.grupo <> $group_id
OR (ta.grupo = $group_id
AND tam.id_agente_modulo NOT IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo
FROM ttag_module
WHERE id_tag NOT IN ($tags_str) )))";
$agent_name_filter = "";
$agents_clause = "";
if (!empty($agent_filter)) {
@ -1775,36 +1751,38 @@ function groups_get_monitors_counter ($group, $agent_filter = array(), $module_f
INNER JOIN tagente ta
ON tam.id_agente = ta.id_agente
LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg
ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent
AND ta.disabled = 0
WHERE tam.disabled = 0
else {
$status_columns_array = array();
foreach ($module_status_array as $status) {
foreach ($status_array as $status) {
switch ($status) {
$status_columns_array[] = 'ta.critical_count';
$status_columns_array['critical'] = 'critical_count';
$status_columns_array[] = 'ta.warning_count';
$status_columns_array['warn'] = 'warning_count';
$status_columns_array[] = 'ta.unknown_count';
$status_columns_array['unk'] = 'unknown_count';
$status_columns_array[] = 'ta.notinit_count';
$status_columns_array['notinit'] = 'notinit_count';
$status_columns_array[] = 'ta.normal_count';
$status_columns_array['normal'] = 'normal_count';
// The type doesn't exist
@ -1816,13 +1794,16 @@ function groups_get_monitors_counter ($group, $agent_filter = array(), $module_f
$status_columns_str = implode(",", $status_columns_array);
$sql = "SELECT SUM($status_columns_str)
FROM tagente ta
$sql = "SELECT SUM($status_columns_str) FROM
(SELECT DISTINCT(ta.id_agente), $status_columns_str
FROM tagente ta LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg
ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent
WHERE ta.disabled = 0
) AS t1";
$count = (int) db_get_sql ($sql);
@ -6993,89 +6993,57 @@ function reporting_get_group_stats ($id_group = 0, $access = 'AR') {
if (!empty($group_array)) {
// FOR THE FUTURE: Split the groups into groups with tags restrictions and groups without it
// To calculate in the light way the non tag restricted and in the heavy way the others
$group_restricted_data = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], $group_array, $access, 'data');
$tags_restricted_groups = array_keys($group_restricted_data);
// Get monitor NOT INIT, except disabled AND async modules
$data["monitor_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
$no_tags_restricted_groups = $group_array;
foreach ($no_tags_restricted_groups as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($v, $tags_restricted_groups)) {
// Get monitor OK, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
if (!empty($group_array)) {
// Get monitor NOT INIT, except disabled AND async modules
$data["monitor_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get monitor OK, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get monitor CRITICAL, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get monitor WARNING, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get monitor UNKNOWN, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get alerts configured, except disabled
$data["monitor_alerts"] += groups_monitor_alerts ($group_array) ;
// Get alert configured currently FIRED, except disabled
$data["monitor_alerts_fired"] += groups_monitor_fired_alerts ($group_array);
// Calculate totals using partial counts from above
// Get TOTAL non-init modules, except disabled ones and async modules
$data["total_not_init"] += $data["monitor_not_init"];
// Get monitor CRITICAL, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get TOTAL agents in a group
$data["total_agents"] += (int) groups_get_total_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents OK
$data["agent_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Warning
$data["agent_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Critical
$data["agent_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Unknown
$data["agent_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Not init
$data["agent_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get monitor WARNING, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get monitor UNKNOWN, except disabled and non-init
$data["monitor_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get alerts configured, except disabled
$data["monitor_alerts"] += groups_monitor_alerts ($group_array) ;
// Get alert configured currently FIRED, except disabled
$data["monitor_alerts_fired"] += groups_monitor_fired_alerts ($group_array);
// Calculate totals using partial counts from above
// Get TOTAL non-init modules, except disabled ones and async modules
$data["total_not_init"] += $data["monitor_not_init"];
// Get TOTAL agents in a group
$data["total_agents"] += (int) groups_get_total_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents OK
$data["agent_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Warning
$data["agent_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Critical
$data["agent_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Unknown
$data["agent_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get Agents Not init
$data["agent_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true);
// Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled.
$data["monitor_checks"] = $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"];
// Calculate not_normal monitors
$data["monitor_not_normal"] += $data["monitor_checks"] - $data["monitor_ok"];
$data["monitor_checks"] += $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"];
// Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled.
$data["monitor_checks"] = $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"];
Monitor health (percentage)
Data health (percentage)
Global health (percentage)
Module sanity (percentage)
Alert level (percentage)
Server Sanity 0% Uninitialized modules
// Calculate not_normal monitors
$data["monitor_not_normal"] += $data["monitor_checks"] - $data["monitor_ok"];
if ($data["monitor_unknown"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) {
$data["monitor_health"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_not_normal"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1);
@ -4653,6 +4653,9 @@ sub pandora_group_statistics ($$) {
# Get all groups
my @groups = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo');
my $table = is_metaconsole($pa_config) ? 'tmetaconsole_agent' : 'tagente';
my $sec_table = is_metaconsole($pa_config)
? 'tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group'
: 'tagent_secondary_group';
# For each valid group get the stats: Simple uh?
foreach my $group_row (@groups) {
@ -4661,30 +4664,49 @@ sub pandora_group_statistics ($$) {
# NOTICE - Calculations done here MUST BE the same than used in PHP code to have
# the same criteria. PLEASE, double check any changes here and in functions_groups.php
$agents_unknown = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count=0 AND unknown_count>0 AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$agents_unknown = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count=0 AND unknown_count>0 AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)", $group, $group);
$agents_unknown = 0 unless defined ($agents_unknown);
$agents = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE id_grupo = $group AND disabled=0");
$agents = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE(id_grupo=$group OR id_group=$group) AND disabled=0");
$agents = 0 unless defined ($agents);
$modules = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT SUM(total_count) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$modules = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT SUM(total_count) FROM
SELECT DISTINCT(id_agente), total_count
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)
) AS t1", $group, $group);
$modules = 0 unless defined ($modules);
$normal = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count=0 AND unknown_count=0 AND normal_count>0 AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$normal = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count=0 AND unknown_count=0 AND normal_count>0 AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)", $group, $group);
$normal = 0 unless defined ($normal);
$critical = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count>0 AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$critical = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count>0 AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)", $group, $group);
$critical = 0 unless defined ($critical);
$warning = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count>0 AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$warning = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count>0 AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)", $group, $group);
$warning = 0 unless defined ($warning);
$unknown = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count=0 AND unknown_count>0 AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$unknown = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND critical_count=0 AND warning_count=0 AND unknown_count>0 AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)", $group, $group);
$unknown = 0 unless defined ($unknown);
$non_init = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE disabled=0 AND total_count=notinit_count AND id_grupo=?", $group);
$non_init = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_agente))
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $sec_table ON id_agente=id_agent
WHERE disabled=0 AND total_count=notinit_count AND (id_grupo=? OR id_group=?)", $group, $group);
$non_init = 0 unless defined ($non_init);
# Total alert count not available on the meta console.
if ($table eq 'tagente') {
$alerts = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(
Reference in New Issue