diff --git a/pandora_agents/ChangeLog b/pandora_agents/ChangeLog
index bd964f2dd1..fbd27589f0 100644
--- a/pandora_agents/ChangeLog
+++ b/pandora_agents/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2010-10-29  Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
+    * win32/bin/util/mibs: Added default mibs for the small snmpagent tool.
+    * win32/bin/util/getsnmp.bat,
+    win32/bin/util/snmpget.exe: Added tool to get snmp info from the agent 
+    using tool from a module_exec.
+    * win32/installer/pandora.mpi: Updated installer to have snmpget and mibs
+    in the install process.
+    * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Fixed bug 3098165.
+    * win32/pandora.cc: Updated version
 2010-10-19  Junichi Satoh  <junichi@rworks.jp>
 	* unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/prototype: Added nagios_plugin_wrapper.
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/getsnmp.bat b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/getsnmp.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8b20218ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/getsnmp.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+@echo off
+if "%1" == "" GOTO HELP
+"%ProgramFiles%\pandora_agent\util\snmpget" -M "%ProgramFiles%\pandora_agent\util\mibs" -Oveqtu -v 1 -c %1 %2 %3
+goto EXIT0
+echo I need parameters.
+echo getsnmp.bat community ip_address OID
+goto EXIT0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/.index b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/.index
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b1bc33ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/.index
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+EtherLike-MIB EtherLike-MIB.txt
+IANAifType-MIB IANAifType-MIB.txt
+IPV6-TC IPV6-TC.txt
+RFC-1215 RFC-1215.txt
+RFC1155-SMI RFC1155-SMI.txt
+RFC1213-MIB RFC1213-MIB.txt
+SNMPv2-TC SNMPv2-TC.txt
+SNMPv2-TM SNMPv2-TM.txt
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/AGENTX-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/AGENTX-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae991e4e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/AGENTX-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ SnmpAdminString
+ TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue, TDomain
+    FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+ LAST-UPDATED "200001100000Z" -- Midnight 10 January 2000
+ ORGANIZATION "AgentX Working Group"
+ CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   agentx@dorothy.bmc.com
+               Subscribe:  agentx-request@dorothy.bmc.com
+               WG-email Archive:  ftp://ftp.peer.com/pub/agentx/archives
+               FTP repository:  ftp://ftp.peer.com/pub/agentx
+               http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/agentx-charter.html
+               Chair:      Bob Natale
+                           ACE*COMM Corporation
+               Email:      bnatale@acecomm.com
+               WG editor:  Mark Ellison
+                           Ellison Software Consulting, Inc.
+               Email:      ellison@world.std.com
+               Co-author:  Lauren Heintz
+                           Cisco Systems,
+               EMail:      lheintz@cisco.com
+               Co-author:  Smitha Gudur
+                           Independent Consultant
+               Email:      sgudur@hotmail.com
+              "
+ DESCRIPTION    "This is the MIB module for the SNMP Agent Extensibility
+     Protocol (AgentX).  This MIB module will be implemented by
+     the master agent.
+    "
+  REVISION     "200001100000Z" -- Midnight 10 January 2000
+    "Initial version published as RFC 2742."
+  ::= { mib-2  74 }
+ -- Textual Conventions
+   STATUS       current
+     "Denotes a transport service address.  This is identical to
+      the TAddress textual convention (SNMPv2-SMI) except that
+      zero-length values are permitted.
+     "
+   SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+ -- Administrative assignments
+ agentxObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER      ::= { agentxMIB 1 }
+ agentxGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER      ::= { agentxObjects 1 }
+ agentxConnection OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { agentxObjects 2 }
+ agentxSession OBJECT IDENTIFIER      ::= { agentxObjects 3 }
+ agentxRegistration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { agentxObjects 4 }
+ agentxDefaultTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+  UNITS       "seconds"
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The default length of time, in seconds, that the master
+      agent should allow to elapse after dispatching a message
+      to a session before it regards the subagent as not
+      responding.  This is a system-wide value that may
+      override the timeout value associated with a particular
+      session (agentxSessionTimeout) or a particular registered
+      MIB region (agentxRegTimeout).  If the associated value of
+      agentxSessionTimeout and agentxRegTimeout are zero, or
+      impractical in accordance with implementation-specific
+      procedure of the master agent, the value represented by
+      this object will be the effective timeout value for the
+      master agent to await a response to a dispatch from a
+      given subagent.
+     "
+  DEFVAL      { 5 }
+  ::= { agentxGeneral 1 }
+ agentxMasterAgentXVer OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The AgentX protocol version supported by this master agent.
+      The current protocol version is 1.  Note that the master agent
+      must also allow interaction with earlier version subagents.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxGeneral 2 }
+ --      The AgentX Subagent Connection Group
+ agentxConnTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The value of sysUpTime when the last row creation or deletion
+      occurred in the agentxConnectionTable.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxConnection 1 }
+ agentxConnectionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AgentxConnectionEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+     "The agentxConnectionTable tracks all current AgentX transport
+      connections.  There may be zero, one, or more AgentX sessions
+      carried on a given AgentX connection.
+     "
+   ::= { agentxConnection 2 }
+ agentxConnectionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      AgentxConnectionEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+     "An agentxConnectionEntry contains information describing a
+      single AgentX transport connection.  A connection may be
+      used to support zero or more AgentX sessions.  An entry is
+      created when a new transport connection is established,
+      and is destroyed when the transport connection is terminated.
+     "
+   INDEX { agentxConnIndex }
+   ::= { agentxConnectionTable 1 }
+ AgentxConnectionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+          agentxConnIndex            Unsigned32,
+          agentxConnOpenTime         TimeStamp,
+          agentxConnTransportDomain  TDomain,
+          agentxConnTransportAddress AgentxTAddress }
+ agentxConnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+   MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+   STATUS       current
+     "agentxConnIndex contains the value that uniquely identifies
+      an open transport connection used by this master agent
+      to provide AgentX service.  Values of this index should
+      not be re-used.  The value assigned to a given transport
+      connection is constant for the lifetime of that connection.
+     "
+   ::= { agentxConnectionEntry 1 }
+ agentxConnOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX       TimeStamp
+   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+   STATUS       current
+     "The value of sysUpTime when this connection was established
+      and, therefore, its value when this entry was added to the table.
+     "
+   ::= { agentxConnectionEntry 2 }
+ agentxConnTransportDomain OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX       TDomain
+   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+   STATUS       current
+     "The transport protocol in use for this connection to the
+      subagent.
+     "
+   ::= { agentxConnectionEntry 3 }
+ agentxConnTransportAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX       AgentxTAddress
+   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+   STATUS       current
+     "The transport address of the remote (subagent) end of this
+      connection to the master agent.  This object may be zero-length
+      for unix-domain sockets (and possibly other types of transport
+      addresses) since the subagent need not bind a filename to its
+      local socket.
+     "
+   ::= { agentxConnectionEntry 4 }
+ -- The AgentX Subagent Session Group
+ agentxSessionTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The value of sysUpTime when the last row creation or deletion
+      occurred in the agentxSessionTable.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSession 1 }
+ agentxSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AgentxSessionEntry
+  MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+  STATUS      current
+     "A table of AgentX subagent sessions currently in effect.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSession 2 }
+ agentxSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      AgentxSessionEntry
+  MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+  STATUS      current
+     "Information about a single open session between the AgentX
+      master agent and a subagent is contained in this entry.  An
+      entry is created when a new session is successfully established
+      and is destroyed either when the subagent transport connection
+      has terminated or when the subagent session is closed.
+     "
+  INDEX       { agentxConnIndex, agentxSessionIndex }
+  ::= { agentxSessionTable 1 }
+ AgentxSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+  agentxSessionIndex         Unsigned32,
+  agentxSessionObjectID      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+  agentxSessionDescr         SnmpAdminString,
+  agentxSessionAdminStatus   INTEGER,
+  agentxSessionOpenTime      TimeStamp,
+  agentxSessionAgentXVer     INTEGER,
+  agentxSessionTimeout       INTEGER
+ }
+ agentxSessionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
+  MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+  STATUS      current
+     "A unique index for the subagent session.  It is the same as
+      h.sessionID defined in the agentx header.  Note that if
+      a subagent's session with the master agent is closed for
+      any reason its index should not be re-used.
+      A value of zero(0) is specifically allowed in order
+      to be compatible with the definition of h.sessionId.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 1 }
+ agentxSessionObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "This is taken from the o.id field of the agentx-Open-PDU.
+      This attribute will report a value of '0.0' for subagents
+      not supporting the notion of an AgentX session object
+      identifier.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 2 }
+ agentxSessionDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "A textual description of the session.  This is analogous to
+      sysDescr defined in the SNMPv2-MIB in RFC 1907 [19] and is
+      taken from the o.descr field of the agentx-Open-PDU.
+      This attribute will report a zero-length string value for
+      subagents not supporting the notion of a session description.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 3 }
+ agentxSessionAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                 up(1),
+                 down(2)
+              }
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+  STATUS      current
+     "The administrative (desired) status of the session.  Setting
+      the value to 'down(2)' closes the subagent session (with c.reason
+      set to 'reasonByManager').
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 4 }
+ agentxSessionOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The value of sysUpTime when this session was opened and,
+      therefore, its value when this entry was added to the table.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 5 }
+ agentxSessionAgentXVer OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The version of the AgentX protocol supported by the
+      session.  This must be less than or equal to the value of
+      agentxMasterAgentXVer.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 6 }
+ agentxSessionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..255)
+  UNITS      "seconds"
+  MAX-ACCESS read-only
+  STATUS     current
+     "The length of time, in seconds, that a master agent should
+      allow to elapse after dispatching a message to this session
+      before it regards the subagent as not responding.  This value
+      is taken from the o.timeout field of the agentx-Open-PDU.
+      This is a session-specific value that may be overridden by
+      values associated with the specific registered MIB regions
+      (see agentxRegTimeout). A value of zero(0) indicates that
+      the master agent's default timeout value should be used
+      (see agentxDefaultTimeout).
+     "
+  ::= { agentxSessionEntry 7 }
+ -- The AgentX Registration Group
+ agentxRegistrationTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The value of sysUpTime when the last row creation or deletion
+      occurred in the agentxRegistrationTable.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistration 1 }
+ agentxRegistrationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AgentxRegistrationEntry
+  MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+  STATUS      current
+     "A table of registered regions.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistration 2 }
+ agentxRegistrationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      AgentxRegistrationEntry
+  MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+  STATUS      current
+     "Contains information for a single registered region.  An
+      entry is created when a session  successfully registers a
+      region and is destroyed for any of three reasons: this region
+      is unregistered by the session, the session is closed,
+      or the subagent connection is closed.
+     "
+  INDEX       { agentxConnIndex, agentxSessionIndex, agentxRegIndex }
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationTable 1 }
+ AgentxRegistrationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+  agentxRegIndex           Unsigned32,
+  agentxRegContext         OCTET STRING,
+  agentxRegStart           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+  agentxRegRangeSubId      Unsigned32,
+  agentxRegUpperBound      Unsigned32,
+  agentxRegPriority        Unsigned32,
+  agentxRegTimeout         INTEGER,
+  agentxRegInstance        TruthValue }
+ agentxRegIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+  MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+  STATUS      current
+     "agentxRegIndex uniquely identifies a registration entry.
+      This value is constant for the lifetime of an entry.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 1 }
+ agentxRegContext OBJECT-TYPE
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The context in which the session supports the objects in this
+      region.  A zero-length context indicates the default context.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 2 }
+ agentxRegStart OBJECT-TYPE
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The starting OBJECT IDENTIFIER of this registration entry.  The
+      session identified by agentxSessionIndex implements objects
+      starting at this value (inclusive).  Note that this value could
+      identify an object type, an object instance, or a partial object
+      instance.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 3 }
+ agentxRegRangeSubId OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "agentxRegRangeSubId is used to specify the range.  This is
+      taken from r.region_subid in the registration PDU.  If the value
+      of this object is zero, no range is specified.  If it is non-zero,
+      it identifies the `nth' sub-identifier in r.region for which
+      this entry's agentxRegUpperBound value is substituted in the
+      OID for purposes of defining the region's upper bound.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 4 }
+ agentxRegUpperBound OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+    "agentxRegUpperBound represents the upper-bound sub-identifier in
+     a registration.  This is taken from the r.upper_bound in the
+     registration PDU.  If agentxRegRangeSubid (r.region_subid) is
+     zero, this value is also zero and is not used to define an upper
+     bound for this registration.
+    "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 5 }
+ agentxRegPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The registration priority.  Lower values have higher priority.
+      This value is taken from r.priority in the register PDU.
+      Sessions should use the value of 127 for r.priority if a
+      default value is desired.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 6 }
+ agentxRegTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+  UNITS       "seconds"
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The timeout value, in seconds, for responses to
+      requests associated with this registered MIB region.
+      A value of zero(0) indicates the default value (indicated
+      by by agentxSessionTimeout or agentxDefaultTimeout) is to
+      be used.  This value is taken from the r.timeout field of
+      the agentx-Register-PDU.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 7 }
+ agentxRegInstance OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX      TruthValue
+  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+  STATUS      current
+     "The value of agentxRegInstance is `true' for
+      registrations for which the INSTANCE_REGISTRATION
+      was set, and is `false' for all other registrations.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxRegistrationEntry 8 }
+ -- Conformance Statements for AgentX
+ agentxConformance     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { agentxMIB 2 }
+ agentxMIBGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { agentxConformance 1 }
+ agentxMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { agentxConformance 2 }
+ -- Compliance Statements for AgentX
+  STATUS      current
+     "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement the
+      AgentX protocol.  Note that a compliant agent can implement all
+      objects in this MIB module as read-only.
+     "
+  MODULE -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS  { agentxMIBGroup }
+     OBJECT agentxSessionAdminStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "Write access is not required.
+           "
+  ::= { agentxMIBCompliances 1 }
+     agentxDefaultTimeout,
+     agentxMasterAgentXVer,
+     agentxConnTableLastChange,
+     agentxConnOpenTime,
+     agentxConnTransportDomain,
+     agentxConnTransportAddress,
+     agentxSessionTableLastChange,
+     agentxSessionTimeout,
+     agentxSessionObjectID,
+     agentxSessionDescr,
+     agentxSessionAdminStatus,
+     agentxSessionOpenTime,
+     agentxSessionAgentXVer,
+     agentxRegistrationTableLastChange,
+     agentxRegContext,
+     agentxRegStart,
+     agentxRegRangeSubId,
+     agentxRegUpperBound,
+     agentxRegPriority,
+     agentxRegTimeout,
+     agentxRegInstance
+    }
+  STATUS      current
+     "All accessible objects in the AgentX MIB.
+     "
+  ::= { agentxMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-EVENT-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-EVENT-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3903df47f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-EVENT-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1955 @@
+    Integer32, Unsigned32,
+    NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter32,
+    Gauge32, mib-2, zeroDotZero         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TruthValue                FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    sysUpTime                 FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+    SnmpTagValue              FROM SNMP-TARGET-MIB
+    SnmpAdminString           FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200010160000Z"            -- 16 October 2000
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "Ramanathan Kavasseri
+                  Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                  170 West Tasman Drive,
+                  San Jose CA 95134-1706.
+                  Phone: +1 408 526 4527
+                  Email: ramk@cisco.com"
+     "The MIB module for defining event triggers and actions
+     for network management purposes."
+-- Revision History
+       REVISION     "200010160000Z"            -- 16 October 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "This is the initial version of this MIB.
+                    Published as RFC 2981"
+    ::= { mib-2 88 }
+dismanEventMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanEventMIB 1 }
+-- Management Triggered Event (MTE) objects
+mteResource           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanEventMIBObjects 1 }
+mteTrigger            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanEventMIBObjects 2 }
+mteObjects            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanEventMIBObjects 3 }
+mteEvent              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanEventMIBObjects 4 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reasons for failures in an attempt to perform a management
+        request.
+        The first group of errors, numbered less than 0, are related
+        to problems in sending the request.  The existence of a
+        particular error code here does not imply that all
+        implementations are capable of sensing that error and
+        returning that code.
+        The second group, numbered greater than 0, are copied
+        directly from SNMP protocol operations and are intended to
+        carry exactly the meanings defined for the protocol as returned
+        in an SNMP response.
+        localResourceLack       some local resource such as memory
+                                lacking or
+                                mteResourceSampleInstanceMaximum
+                                exceeded
+        badDestination          unrecognized domain name or otherwise
+                                invalid destination address
+        destinationUnreachable  can't get to destination address
+        noResponse              no response to SNMP request
+        badType                 the data syntax of a retrieved object
+                                as not as expected
+        sampleOverrun           another sample attempt occurred before
+                                the previous one completed"
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { localResourceLack(-1),
+                          badDestination(-2),
+                          destinationUnreachable(-3),
+                          noResponse(-4),
+                          badType(-5),
+                          sampleOverrun(-6),
+                          noError(0),
+                          tooBig(1),
+                          noSuchName(2),
+                          badValue(3),
+                          readOnly(4),
+                          genErr(5),
+                          noAccess(6),
+                          wrongType(7),
+                          wrongLength(8),
+                          wrongEncoding(9),
+                          wrongValue(10),
+                          noCreation(11),
+                          inconsistentValue(12),
+                          resourceUnavailable(13),
+                          commitFailed(14),
+                          undoFailed(15),
+                          authorizationError(16),
+                          notWritable(17),
+                          inconsistentName(18) }
+-- Resource Control Section
+mteResourceSampleMinimum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The minimum mteTriggerFrequency this system will
+        accept.  A system may use the larger values of this minimum to
+        lessen the impact of constant sampling.  For larger
+        sampling intervals the system samples less often and
+        suffers less overhead.  This object provides a way to enforce
+        such lower overhead for all triggers created after it is
+        set.
+        Unless explicitly resource limited, a system's value for
+        this object SHOULD be 1, allowing as small as a 1 second
+        interval for ongoing trigger sampling.
+        Changing this value will not invalidate an existing setting
+        of mteTriggerFrequency."
+    ::= { mteResource 1 }
+mteResourceSampleInstanceMaximum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of instance entries this system will
+        support for sampling.
+        These are the entries that maintain state, one for each
+        instance of each sampled object as selected by
+        mteTriggerValueID.  Note that wildcarded objects result
+        in multiple instances of this state.
+        A value of 0 indicates no preset limit, that is, the limit
+        is dynamic based on system operation and resources.
+        Unless explicitly resource limited, a system's value for
+        this object SHOULD be 0.
+        Changing this value will not eliminate or inhibit existing
+        sample state but could prevent allocation of additional state
+        information."
+    ::= { mteResource 2 }
+mteResourceSampleInstances OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of currently active instance entries as
+        defined for mteResourceSampleInstanceMaximum."
+    ::= { mteResource 3 }
+mteResourceSampleInstancesHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The highest value of mteResourceSampleInstances that has
+        occurred since initialization of the management system."
+    ::= { mteResource 4 }
+mteResourceSampleInstanceLacks OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of times this system could not take a new sample
+        because that allocation would have exceeded the limit set by
+        mteResourceSampleInstanceMaximum."
+    ::= { mteResource 5 }
+-- Trigger Section
+-- Counters
+mteTriggerFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "failures"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of times an attempt to check for a trigger
+        condition has failed.  This counts individually for each
+        attempt in a group of targets or each attempt for a
+        wildcarded object."
+    ::= { mteTrigger 1 }
+-- Trigger Table
+mteTriggerTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteTriggerEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event trigger information."
+    ::= { mteTrigger 2 }
+mteTriggerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteTriggerEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single trigger.  Applications create and
+        delete entries using mteTriggerEntryStatus."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteTriggerName }
+    ::= { mteTriggerTable 1 }
+MteTriggerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteOwner                            SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerName                      SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerComment                   SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerTest                      BITS,
+    mteTriggerSampleType                INTEGER,
+    mteTriggerValueID                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    mteTriggerValueIDWildcard           TruthValue,
+    mteTriggerTargetTag                 SnmpTagValue,
+    mteTriggerContextName               SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerContextNameWildcard       TruthValue,
+    mteTriggerFrequency                 Unsigned32,
+    mteTriggerObjectsOwner              SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerObjects                   SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerEnabled                   TruthValue,
+    mteTriggerEntryStatus               RowStatus
+   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+        "The owner of this entry. The exact semantics of this
+        string are subject to the security policy defined by the
+        security administrator."
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 1 }
+mteTriggerName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A locally-unique, administratively assigned name for the
+        trigger within the scope of mteOwner."
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 2 }
+mteTriggerComment OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A description of the trigger's function and use."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 3 }
+mteTriggerTest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS { existence(0), boolean(1), threshold(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of trigger test to perform.  For 'boolean' and
+        'threshold'  tests, the object at mteTriggerValueID MUST
+        evaluate to an integer, that is, anything that ends up encoded
+        for transmission (that is, in BER, not ASN.1) as an integer.
+        For 'existence', the specific test is as selected by
+        mteTriggerExistenceTest.  When an object appears, vanishes
+        or changes value, the trigger fires. If the object's
+        appearance caused the trigger firing, the object MUST
+        vanish before the trigger can be fired again for it, and
+        vice versa. If the trigger fired due to a change in the
+        object's value, it will be fired again on every successive
+        value change for that object.
+        For 'boolean', the specific test is as selected by
+        mteTriggerBooleanTest.  If the test result is true the trigger
+        fires.  The trigger will not fire again until the value has
+        become false and come back to true.
+        For 'threshold' the test works as described below for
+        mteTriggerThresholdStartup, mteTriggerThresholdRising, and
+        mteTriggerThresholdFalling.
+        Note that combining 'boolean' and 'threshold' tests on the
+        same object may be somewhat redundant."
+    DEFVAL { { boolean } }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 4 }
+mteTriggerSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { absoluteValue(1), deltaValue(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of sampling to perform.
+        An 'absoluteValue' sample requires only a single sample to be
+        meaningful, and is exactly the value of the object at
+        mteTriggerValueID at the sample time.
+        A 'deltaValue' requires two samples to be meaningful and is
+        thus not available for testing until the second and subsequent
+        samples after the object at mteTriggerValueID is first found
+        to exist.  It is the difference between the two samples.  For
+        unsigned values it is always positive, based on unsigned
+        arithmetic.  For signed values it can be positive or negative.
+        For SNMP counters to be meaningful they should be sampled as a
+        'deltaValue'.
+        For 'deltaValue' mteTriggerDeltaTable contains further
+        parameters.
+        If only 'existence' is set in mteTriggerTest this object has
+        no meaning."
+    DEFVAL { absoluteValue }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 5 }
+mteTriggerValueID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The object identifier of the MIB object to sample to see
+        if the trigger should fire.
+        This may be wildcarded by truncating all or part of the
+        instance portion, in which case the value is obtained
+        as if with a GetNext function, checking multiple values
+        if they exist.  If such wildcarding is applied,
+        mteTriggerValueIDWildcard must be 'true' and if not it must
+        be 'false'.
+        Bad object identifiers or a mismatch between truncating the
+        identifier and the value of mteTriggerValueIDWildcard result
+        in operation as one would expect when providing the wrong
+        identifier to a Get or GetNext operation.  The Get will fail
+        or get the wrong object.  The GetNext will indeed get whatever
+        is next, proceeding until it runs past the initial part of the
+        identifier and perhaps many unintended objects for confusing
+        results.  If the value syntax of those objects is not usable,
+        that results in a 'badType' error that terminates the scan.
+        Each instance that fills the wildcard is independent of any
+        additional instances, that is, wildcarded objects operate
+        as if there were a separate table entry for each instance
+        that fills the wildcard without having to actually predict
+        all possible instances ahead of time."
+    DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 6 }
+mteTriggerValueIDWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether mteTriggerValueID is to be treated as
+        fully-specified or wildcarded, with 'true' indicating wildcard."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 7 }
+mteTriggerTargetTag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTagValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The tag for the target(s) from which to obtain the condition
+        for a trigger check.
+        A length of 0 indicates the local system.  In this case,
+        access to the objects indicated by mteTriggerValueID is under
+        the security credentials of the requester that set
+        mteTriggerEntryStatus to 'active'.  Those credentials are the
+        input parameters for isAccessAllowed from the Architecture for
+        Describing SNMP Management Frameworks.
+        Otherwise access rights are checked according to the security
+        parameters resulting from the tag."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 8 }
+mteTriggerContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The management context from which to obtain mteTriggerValueID.
+        This may be wildcarded by leaving characters off the end.  For
+        example use 'Repeater' to wildcard to 'Repeater1',
+        'Repeater2', 'Repeater-999.87b', and so on.  To indicate such
+        wildcarding is intended, mteTriggerContextNameWildcard must
+        be 'true'.
+        Each instance that fills the wildcard is independent of any
+        additional instances, that is, wildcarded objects operate
+        as if there were a separate table entry for each instance
+        that fills the wildcard without having to actually predict
+        all possible instances ahead of time.
+        Operation of this feature assumes that the local system has a
+        list of available contexts against which to apply the
+        wildcard.  If the objects are being read from the local
+        system, this is clearly the system's own list of contexts.
+        For a remote system a local version of such a list is not
+        defined by any current standard and may not be available, so
+        this function MAY not be supported."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 9 }
+mteTriggerContextNameWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether mteTriggerContextName is to be treated as
+        fully-specified or wildcarded, with 'true' indicating wildcard."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 10 }
+mteTriggerFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of seconds to wait between trigger samples.  To
+        encourage consistency in sampling, the interval is measured
+        from the beginning of one check to the beginning of the next
+        and the timer is restarted immediately when it expires, not
+        when the check completes.
+        If the next sample begins before the previous one completed the
+        system may either attempt to make the check or treat this as an
+        error condition with the error 'sampleOverrun'.
+        A frequency of 0 indicates instantaneous recognition of the
+        condition.  This is not possible in many cases, but may
+        be supported in cases where it makes sense and the system is
+        able to do so.  This feature allows the MIB to be used in
+        implementations where such interrupt-driven behavior is
+        possible and is not likely to be supported for all MIB objects
+        even then since such sampling generally has to be tightly
+        integrated into low-level code.
+        Systems that can support this SHOULD document those cases
+        where it can be used.  In cases where it can not, setting this
+        object to 0 should be disallowed."
+    DEFVAL { 600 }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 11 }
+mteTriggerObjectsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerObjects, the mteOwner of a group of
+        objects from mteObjectsTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 12 }
+mteTriggerObjects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteObjectsName of a group of objects from
+        mteObjectsTable.  These objects are to be added to any
+        Notification resulting from the firing of this trigger.
+        A list of objects may also be added based on the event or on
+        the value of mteTriggerTest.
+        A length of 0 indicates no additional objects."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 13 }
+mteTriggerEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A control to allow a trigger to be configured but not used.
+        When the value is 'false' the trigger is not sampled."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 14 }
+mteTriggerEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The control that allows creation and deletion of entries.
+        Once made active an entry may not be modified except to
+        delete it."
+    ::= { mteTriggerEntry 15 }
+-- Trigger Delta Table
+mteTriggerDeltaTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteTriggerDeltaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event trigger information for delta
+        sampling."
+    ::= { mteTrigger 3 }
+mteTriggerDeltaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteTriggerDeltaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single trigger's delta sampling.  Entries
+        automatically exist in this this table for each mteTriggerEntry
+        that has mteTriggerSampleType set to 'deltaValue'."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteTriggerName }
+    ::= { mteTriggerDeltaTable 1 }
+MteTriggerDeltaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityID                OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard        TruthValue,
+    mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDType            INTEGER
+sysUpTimeInstance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysUpTime 0 }
+mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of a TimeTicks, TimeStamp, or
+        DateAndTime object that indicates a discontinuity in the value
+        at mteTriggerValueID.
+        The OID may be for a leaf object (e.g. sysUpTime.0) or may
+        be wildcarded to match mteTriggerValueID.
+        This object supports normal checking for a discontinuity in a
+        counter.  Note that if this object does not point to sysUpTime
+        discontinuity checking MUST still check sysUpTime for an overall
+        discontinuity.
+        If the object identified is not accessible the sample attempt
+        is in error, with the error code as from an SNMP request.
+        Bad object identifiers or a mismatch between truncating the
+        identifier and the value of mteDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard
+        result in operation as one would expect when providing the
+        wrong identifier to a Get operation.  The Get will fail or get
+        the wrong object.  If the value syntax of those objects is not
+        usable, that results in an error that terminates the sample
+        with a 'badType' error code."
+    DEFVAL { sysUpTimeInstance }
+    ::= { mteTriggerDeltaEntry 1 }
+mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+     STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityID is to be
+        treated as fully-specified or wildcarded, with 'true'
+        indicating wildcard. Note that the value of this object will
+        be the same as that of the corresponding instance of
+        mteTriggerValueIDWildcard when the corresponding
+        mteTriggerSampleType is 'deltaValue'."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteTriggerDeltaEntry 2 }
+mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { timeTicks(1), timeStamp(2), dateAndTime(3) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value 'timeTicks' indicates the
+        mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityID of this row is of syntax
+        TimeTicks.  The value 'timeStamp' indicates syntax TimeStamp.
+        The value 'dateAndTime' indicates syntax DateAndTime."
+    DEFVAL { timeTicks }
+    ::= { mteTriggerDeltaEntry 3 }
+-- Trigger Existence Table
+mteTriggerExistenceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteTriggerExistenceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event trigger information for existence
+        triggers."
+    ::= { mteTrigger 4 }
+mteTriggerExistenceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteTriggerExistenceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single existence trigger.  Entries
+        automatically exist in this this table for each mteTriggerEntry
+        that has 'existence' set in mteTriggerTest."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteTriggerName }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceTable 1 }
+MteTriggerExistenceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteTriggerExistenceTest              BITS,
+    mteTriggerExistenceStartup           BITS,
+    mteTriggerExistenceObjectsOwner      SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerExistenceObjects           SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerExistenceEventOwner        SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerExistenceEvent             SnmpAdminString
+mteTriggerExistenceTest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS { present(0), absent(1), changed(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of existence test to perform.  The trigger fires
+        when the object at mteTriggerValueID is seen to go from
+        present to absent, from absent to present, or to have it's
+        value changed, depending on which tests are selected:
+        present(0) - when this test is selected, the trigger fires
+        when the mteTriggerValueID object goes from absent to present.
+        absent(1)  - when this test is selected, the trigger fires
+        when the mteTriggerValueID object goes from present to absent.
+        changed(2) - when this test is selected, the trigger fires
+        the mteTriggerValueID object value changes.
+        Once the trigger has fired for either presence or absence it
+        will not fire again for that state until the object has been
+        to the other state. "
+    DEFVAL { { present, absent } }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceEntry 1 }
+mteTriggerExistenceStartup OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS { present(0), absent(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether an event may be triggered when this entry
+        is first set to 'active' and the test specified by
+        mteTriggerExistenceTest is true.  Setting an option causes
+        that trigger to fire when its test is true."
+    DEFVAL { { present, absent } }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceEntry 2 }
+mteTriggerExistenceObjectsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerExistenceObjects, the mteOwner of a
+        group of objects from mteObjectsTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceEntry 3 }
+mteTriggerExistenceObjects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteObjectsName of a group of objects from
+        mteObjectsTable.  These objects are to be added to any
+        Notification resulting from the firing of this trigger for
+        this test.
+        A list of objects may also be added based on the overall
+        trigger, the event or other settings in mteTriggerTest.
+        A length of 0 indicates no additional objects."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceEntry 4 }
+mteTriggerExistenceEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerExistenceEvent, the mteOwner of an event
+        entry from the mteEventTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceEntry 5 }
+mteTriggerExistenceEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteEventName of the event to invoke when mteTriggerType is
+        'existence' and this trigger fires.  A length of 0 indicates no
+        event."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerExistenceEntry 6 }
+-- Trigger Boolean Table
+mteTriggerBooleanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteTriggerBooleanEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event trigger information for boolean
+        triggers."
+    ::= { mteTrigger 5 }
+mteTriggerBooleanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteTriggerBooleanEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single boolean trigger.  Entries
+        automatically exist in this this table for each mteTriggerEntry
+        that has 'boolean' set in mteTriggerTest."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteTriggerName }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanTable 1 }
+MteTriggerBooleanEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteTriggerBooleanComparison          INTEGER,
+    mteTriggerBooleanValue               Integer32,
+    mteTriggerBooleanStartup             TruthValue,
+    mteTriggerBooleanObjectsOwner        SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerBooleanObjects             SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerBooleanEventOwner          SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerBooleanEvent               SnmpAdminString
+mteTriggerBooleanComparison OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { unequal(1), equal(2),
+                 less(3), lessOrEqual(4),
+                 greater(5), greaterOrEqual(6) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of boolean comparison to perform.
+        The value at mteTriggerValueID is compared to
+        mteTriggerBooleanValue, so for example if
+        mteTriggerBooleanComparison is 'less' the result would be true
+        if the value at mteTriggerValueID is less than the value of
+        mteTriggerBooleanValue."
+    DEFVAL { unequal }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 1 }
+mteTriggerBooleanValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value to use for the test specified by
+        mteTriggerBooleanTest."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 2 }
+mteTriggerBooleanStartup OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether an event may be triggered when this entry
+        is first set to 'active' or a new instance of the object at
+        mteTriggerValueID is found and the test specified by
+        mteTriggerBooleanComparison is true.  In that case an event is
+        triggered if mteTriggerBooleanStartup is 'true'."
+    DEFVAL { true }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 3 }
+mteTriggerBooleanObjectsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerBooleanObjects, the mteOwner of a group
+        of objects from mteObjectsTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 4 }
+mteTriggerBooleanObjects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteObjectsName of a group of objects from
+        mteObjectsTable.  These objects are to be added to any
+        Notification resulting from the firing of this trigger for
+        this test.
+        A list of objects may also be added based on the overall
+        trigger, the event or other settings in mteTriggerTest.
+        A length of 0 indicates no additional objects."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 5 }
+mteTriggerBooleanEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerBooleanEvent, the mteOwner of an event
+        entry from mteEventTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 6 }
+mteTriggerBooleanEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteEventName of the event to invoke when mteTriggerType is
+        'boolean' and this trigger fires.  A length of 0 indicates no
+        event."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerBooleanEntry 7 }
+-- Trigger Threshold Table
+mteTriggerThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteTriggerThresholdEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event trigger information for threshold
+        triggers."
+    ::= { mteTrigger 6 }
+mteTriggerThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteTriggerThresholdEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single threshold trigger.  Entries
+        automatically exist in this table for each mteTriggerEntry
+        that has 'threshold' set in mteTriggerTest."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteTriggerName }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdTable 1 }
+MteTriggerThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteTriggerThresholdStartup                  INTEGER,
+    mteTriggerThresholdRising                   Integer32,
+    mteTriggerThresholdFalling                  Integer32,
+    mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising              Integer32,
+    mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling             Integer32,
+    mteTriggerThresholdObjectsOwner             SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdObjects                  SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdRisingEventOwner         SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent              SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdFallingEventOwner        SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdFallingEvent             SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEventOwner    SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEvent         SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEventOwner   SnmpAdminString,
+    mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEvent        SnmpAdminString
+mteTriggerThresholdStartup OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { rising(1), falling(2), risingOrFalling(3) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The event that may be triggered when this entry is first
+        set to 'active' and a new instance of the object at
+        mteTriggerValueID is found.  If the first sample after this
+        instance becomes active is greater than or equal to
+        mteTriggerThresholdRising and mteTriggerThresholdStartup is
+        equal to 'rising' or 'risingOrFalling', then one
+        mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent is triggered for that instance.
+        If the first sample after this entry becomes active is less
+        than or equal to mteTriggerThresholdFalling and
+        mteTriggerThresholdStartup is equal to 'falling' or
+        'risingOrFalling', then one mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent is
+        triggered for that instance."
+    DEFVAL { risingOrFalling }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 1 }
+mteTriggerThresholdRising OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "A threshold value to check against if mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold'.
+        When the current sampled value is greater than or equal to
+        this threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval
+        was less than this threshold, one
+        mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent is triggered.  That event is
+        also triggered if the first sample after this entry becomes
+        active is greater than or equal to this threshold and
+        mteTriggerThresholdStartup is equal to 'rising' or
+        'risingOrFalling'.
+        After a rising event is generated, another such event is not
+        triggered until the sampled value falls below this threshold
+        and reaches mteTriggerThresholdFalling."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 2 }
+mteTriggerThresholdFalling OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "A threshold value to check against if mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold'.
+        When the current sampled value is less than or equal to this
+        threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval was
+        greater than this threshold, one
+        mteTriggerThresholdFallingEvent is triggered.  That event is
+        also triggered if the first sample after this entry becomes
+        active is less than or equal to this threshold and
+        mteTriggerThresholdStartup is equal to 'falling' or
+        'risingOrFalling'.
+        After a falling event is generated, another such event is not
+        triggered until the sampled value rises above this threshold
+        and reaches mteTriggerThresholdRising."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 3 }
+mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "A threshold value to check against if mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold'.
+        When the delta value (difference) between the current sampled
+        value (value(n)) and the previous sampled value (value(n-1))
+        is greater than or equal to this threshold,
+        and the delta value calculated at the last sampling interval
+        (i.e. value(n-1) - value(n-2)) was less than this threshold,
+        one mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEvent is triggered. That event
+        is also triggered if the first delta value calculated after this
+        entry becomes active, i.e. value(2) - value(1), where value(1)
+        is the first sample taken of that instance, is greater than or
+        equal to this threshold.
+        After a rising event is generated, another such event is not
+        triggered until the delta value falls below this threshold and
+        reaches mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 4 }
+mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "A threshold value to check against if mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold'.
+        When the delta value (difference) between the current sampled
+        value (value(n)) and the previous sampled value (value(n-1))
+        is less than or equal to this threshold,
+        and the delta value calculated at the last sampling interval
+        (i.e. value(n-1) - value(n-2)) was greater than this threshold,
+        one mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEvent is triggered. That event
+        is also triggered if the first delta value calculated after this
+        entry becomes active, i.e. value(2) - value(1), where value(1)
+        is the first sample taken of that instance, is less than or
+        equal to this threshold.
+        After a falling event is generated, another such event is not
+        triggered until the delta value falls below this threshold and
+        reaches mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 5 }
+mteTriggerThresholdObjectsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerThresholdObjects, the mteOwner of a group
+        of objects from mteObjectsTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 6 }
+mteTriggerThresholdObjects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteObjectsName of a group of objects from
+        mteObjectsTable.  These objects are to be added to any
+        Notification resulting from the firing of this trigger for
+        this test.
+        A list of objects may also be added based on the overall
+        trigger, the event or other settings in mteTriggerTest.
+        A length of 0 indicates no additional objects."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 7 }
+mteTriggerThresholdRisingEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent, the mteOwner of an
+        event entry from mteEventTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 8 }
+mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteEventName of the event to invoke when mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold' and this trigger fires based on
+        mteTriggerThresholdRising.  A length of 0 indicates no event."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 9 }
+mteTriggerThresholdFallingEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerThresholdFallingEvent, the mteOwner of an
+        event entry from mteEventTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 10 }
+mteTriggerThresholdFallingEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteEventName of the event to invoke when mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold' and this trigger fires based on
+        mteTriggerThresholdFalling.  A length of 0 indicates no event."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 11 }
+mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEvent, the mteOwner
+        of an event entry from mteEventTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 12 }
+mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteEventName of the event to invoke when mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold' and this trigger fires based on
+        mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising. A length of 0 indicates
+        no event."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 13 }
+mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEvent, the mteOwner
+        of an event entry from mteEventTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 14 }
+mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteEventName of the event to invoke when mteTriggerType is
+        'threshold' and this trigger fires based on
+        mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling.  A length of 0 indicates
+        no event."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteTriggerThresholdEntry 15 }
+-- Objects Table
+mteObjectsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteObjectsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of objects that can be added to notifications based
+        on the trigger, trigger test, or event, as pointed to by
+        entries in those tables."
+    ::= { mteObjects 1 }
+mteObjectsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteObjectsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A group of objects.  Applications create and delete entries
+        using mteObjectsEntryStatus.
+        When adding objects to a notification they are added in the
+        lexical order of their index in this table.  Those associated
+        with a trigger come first, then trigger test, then event."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, mteObjectsName, mteObjectsIndex }
+    ::= { mteObjectsTable 1 }
+MteObjectsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteObjectsName                      SnmpAdminString,
+    mteObjectsIndex                     Unsigned32,
+    mteObjectsID                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    mteObjectsIDWildcard                TruthValue,
+    mteObjectsEntryStatus               RowStatus
+    }
+mteObjectsName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A locally-unique, administratively assigned name for a group
+        of objects."
+    ::= { mteObjectsEntry 1 }
+mteObjectsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An arbitrary integer for the purpose of identifying
+        individual objects within a mteObjectsName group.
+        Objects within a group are placed in the notification in the
+        numerical order of this index.
+        Groups are placed in the notification in the order of the
+        selections for overall trigger, trigger test, and event.
+        Within trigger test they are in the same order as the
+        numerical values of the bits defined for mteTriggerTest.
+        Bad object identifiers or a mismatch between truncating the
+        identifier and the value of mteDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard
+        result in operation as one would expect when providing the
+        wrong identifier to a Get operation.  The Get will fail or get
+        the wrong object.  If the object is not available it is omitted
+        from the notification."
+    ::= { mteObjectsEntry 2 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The object identifier of a MIB object to add to a
+        Notification that results from the firing of a trigger.
+        This may be wildcarded by truncating all or part of the
+        instance portion, in which case the instance portion of the
+        OID for obtaining this object will be the same as that used
+        in obtaining the mteTriggerValueID that fired.  If such
+        wildcarding is applied, mteObjectsIDWildcard must be
+        'true' and if not it must be 'false'.
+        Each instance that fills the wildcard is independent of any
+        additional instances, that is, wildcarded objects operate
+        as if there were a separate table entry for each instance
+        that fills the wildcard without having to actually predict
+        all possible instances ahead of time."
+    DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { mteObjectsEntry 3 }
+mteObjectsIDWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether mteObjectsID is to be treated as
+        fully-specified or wildcarded, with 'true' indicating wildcard."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteObjectsEntry 4 }
+mteObjectsEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The control that allows creation and deletion of entries.
+        Once made active an entry MAY not be modified except to
+        delete it."
+    ::= { mteObjectsEntry 5 }
+-- Event Section
+-- Counters
+mteEventFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of times an attempt to invoke an event
+        has failed.  This counts individually for each
+        attempt in a group of targets or each attempt for a
+        wildcarded trigger object."
+    ::= { mteEvent 1 }
+-- Event Table
+mteEventTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteEventEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event action information."
+    ::= { mteEvent 2 }
+mteEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteEventEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single event.  Applications create and
+        delete entries using mteEventEntryStatus."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteEventName }
+    ::= { mteEventTable 1 }
+MteEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteEventName                        SnmpAdminString,
+    mteEventComment                     SnmpAdminString,
+    mteEventActions                     BITS,
+    mteEventEnabled                     TruthValue,
+    mteEventEntryStatus                 RowStatus
+    }
+mteEventName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A locally-unique, administratively assigned name for the
+        event."
+    ::= { mteEventEntry 1 }
+mteEventComment OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A description of the event's function and use."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteEventEntry 2 }
+mteEventActions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS { notification(0), set(1) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The actions to perform when this event occurs.
+        For 'notification', Traps and/or Informs are sent according
+        to the configuration in the SNMP Notification MIB.
+        For 'set', an SNMP Set operation is performed according to
+        control values in this entry."
+    DEFVAL { {} }  -- No bits set.
+    ::= { mteEventEntry 3 }
+mteEventEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A control to allow an event to be configured but not used.
+        When the value is 'false' the event does not execute even if
+        triggered."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteEventEntry 4 }
+mteEventEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The control that allows creation and deletion of entries.
+        Once made active an entry MAY not be modified except to
+        delete it."
+    ::= { mteEventEntry 5 }
+-- Event Notification Table
+mteEventNotificationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteEventNotificationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of information about notifications to be sent as a
+        consequence of management events."
+    ::= { mteEvent 3 }
+mteEventNotificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteEventNotificationEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single event's notification.  Entries
+        automatically exist in this this table for each mteEventEntry
+        that has 'notification' set in mteEventActions."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteEventName }
+    ::= { mteEventNotificationTable 1 }
+MteEventNotificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteEventNotification                OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    mteEventNotificationObjectsOwner    SnmpAdminString,
+    mteEventNotificationObjects         SnmpAdminString
+    }
+mteEventNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The object identifier from the NOTIFICATION-TYPE for the
+        notification to use if metEventActions has 'notification' set."
+    DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { mteEventNotificationEntry 1 }
+mteEventNotificationObjectsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "To go with mteEventNotificationObjects, the mteOwner of a
+        group of objects from mteObjectsTable."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteEventNotificationEntry 2 }
+mteEventNotificationObjects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mteObjectsName of a group of objects from
+        mteObjectsTable if mteEventActions has 'notification' set.
+        These objects are to be added to any Notification generated by
+        this event.
+        Objects may also be added based on the trigger that stimulated
+        the event.
+        A length of 0 indicates no additional objects."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteEventNotificationEntry 3 }
+-- Event Set Table
+mteEventSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MteEventSetEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of management event action information."
+    ::= { mteEvent 4 }
+mteEventSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      MteEventSetEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Information about a single event's set option.  Entries
+        automatically exist in this this table for each mteEventEntry
+        that has 'set' set in mteEventActions."
+    INDEX       { mteOwner, IMPLIED mteEventName }
+    ::= { mteEventSetTable 1 }
+MteEventSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mteEventSetObject                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    mteEventSetObjectWildcard           TruthValue,
+    mteEventSetValue                    Integer32,
+    mteEventSetTargetTag                SnmpTagValue,
+    mteEventSetContextName              SnmpAdminString,
+    mteEventSetContextNameWildcard      TruthValue
+    }
+mteEventSetObject OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The object identifier from the MIB object to set if
+        mteEventActions has 'set' set.
+        This object identifier may be wildcarded by leaving
+        sub-identifiers off the end, in which case
+        nteEventSetObjectWildCard must be 'true'.
+        If mteEventSetObject is wildcarded the instance used to set the
+        object to which it points is the same as the instance from the
+        value of mteTriggerValueID that triggered the event.
+        Each instance that fills the wildcard is independent of any
+        additional instances, that is, wildcarded objects operate
+        as if there were a separate table entry for each instance
+        that fills the wildcard without having to actually predict
+        all possible instances ahead of time.
+        Bad object identifiers or a mismatch between truncating the
+        identifier and the value of mteSetObjectWildcard
+        result in operation as one would expect when providing the
+        wrong identifier to a Set operation.  The Set will fail or set
+        the wrong object.  If the value syntax of the destination
+        object is not correct, the Set fails with the normal SNMP
+        error code."
+    DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { mteEventSetEntry 1 }
+mteEventSetObjectWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control over whether mteEventSetObject is to be treated as
+        fully-specified or wildcarded, with 'true' indicating wildcard
+        if mteEventActions has 'set' set."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteEventSetEntry 2 }
+mteEventSetValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value to which to set the object at mteEventSetObject
+        if mteEventActions has 'set' set."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { mteEventSetEntry 3 }
+mteEventSetTargetTag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTagValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The tag for the target(s) at which to set the object at
+        mteEventSetObject to mteEventSetValue if mteEventActions
+        has 'set' set.
+        Systems limited to self management MAY reject a non-zero
+        length for the value of this object.
+        A length of 0 indicates the local system.  In this case,
+        access to the objects indicated by mteEventSetObject is under
+        the security credentials of the requester that set
+        mteTriggerEntryStatus to 'active'.  Those credentials are the
+        input parameters for isAccessAllowed from the Architecture for
+        Describing SNMP Management Frameworks.
+        Otherwise access rights are checked according to the security
+        parameters resulting from the tag."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteEventSetEntry 4 }
+mteEventSetContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The management context in which to set mteEventObjectID.
+        if mteEventActions has 'set' set.
+        This may be wildcarded by leaving characters off the end.  To
+        indicate such wildcarding mteEventSetContextNameWildcard must
+        be 'true'.
+        If this context name is wildcarded the value used to complete
+        the wildcarding of mteTriggerContextName will be appended."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { mteEventSetEntry 5 }
+mteEventSetContextNameWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "Control for whether mteEventSetContextName is to be treated as
+        fully-specified or wildcarded, with 'true' indicating wildcard
+        if mteEventActions has 'set' set."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { mteEventSetEntry 6 }
+-- Notifications
+dismanEventMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanEventMIB 2 }
+dismanEventMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanEventMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
+dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+   ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationPrefix 1 }
+-- Notification Objects
+mteHotTrigger OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the trigger causing the notification."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects 1 }
+mteHotTargetName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The SNMP Target MIB's snmpTargetAddrName related to the
+        notification."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects 2 }
+mteHotContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The context name related to the notification.  This MUST be as
+        fully-qualified as possible, including filling in wildcard
+        information determined in processing."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects 3 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The object identifier of the destination object related to the
+        notification.  This MUST be as fully-qualified as possible,
+        including filling in wildcard information determined in
+        processing.
+        For a trigger-related notification this is from
+        mteTriggerValueID.
+        For a set failure this is from mteEventSetObject."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects 4 }
+mteHotValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of the object at mteTriggerValueID when a
+        trigger fired."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects 5 }
+mteFailedReason OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      FailureReason
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The reason for the failure of an attempt to check for a
+        trigger condition or set an object in response to an event."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotificationObjects 6 }
+-- Notifications
+    OBJECTS { mteHotTrigger,
+              mteHotTargetName,
+              mteHotContextName,
+              mteHotOID,
+              mteHotValue }
+    STATUS  current
+        "Notification that the trigger indicated by the object
+        instances has fired, for triggers with mteTriggerType
+        'boolean' or 'existence'."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotifications 1 }
+    OBJECTS { mteHotTrigger,
+              mteHotTargetName,
+              mteHotContextName,
+              mteHotOID,
+              mteHotValue }
+    STATUS  current
+        "Notification that the rising threshold was met for triggers
+        with mteTriggerType 'threshold'."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotifications 2 }
+mteTriggerFalling NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS { mteHotTrigger,
+              mteHotTargetName,
+              mteHotContextName,
+              mteHotOID,
+              mteHotValue }
+    STATUS  current
+        "Notification that the falling threshold was met for triggers
+        with mteTriggerType 'threshold'."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotifications 3 }
+mteTriggerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS { mteHotTrigger,
+              mteHotTargetName,
+              mteHotContextName,
+              mteHotOID,
+              mteFailedReason }
+    STATUS  current
+        "Notification that an attempt to check a trigger has failed.
+        The network manager must enable this notification only with
+        a certain fear and trembling, as it can easily crowd out more
+        important information.  It should be used only to help diagnose
+        a problem that has appeared in the error counters and can not
+        be found otherwise."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotifications 4 }
+    OBJECTS { mteHotTrigger,
+              mteHotTargetName,
+              mteHotContextName,
+              mteHotOID,
+              mteFailedReason }
+    STATUS  current
+        "Notification that an attempt to do a set in response to an
+        event has failed.
+        The network manager must enable this notification only with
+        a certain fear and trembling, as it can easily crowd out more
+        important information.  It should be used only to help diagnose
+        a problem that has appeared in the error counters and can not
+        be found otherwise."
+    ::= { dismanEventMIBNotifications 5 }
+-- Conformance
+dismanEventMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanEventMIB 3 }
+dismanEventMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanEventMIBConformance 1 }
+dismanEventMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanEventMIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance
+dismanEventMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+        STATUS current
+                "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+                the Event MIB."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+                MANDATORY-GROUPS {
+                        dismanEventResourceGroup,
+                        dismanEventTriggerGroup,
+                        dismanEventObjectsGroup,
+                        dismanEventEventGroup,
+                        dismanEventNotificationObjectGroup,
+                        dismanEventNotificationGroup
+                }
+                OBJECT mteTriggerTargetTag
+                MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+                DESCRIPTION
+                        "Write access is not required, thus limiting
+                        monitoring to the local system or pre-configured
+                        remote systems."
+                OBJECT mteEventSetTargetTag
+                MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+                DESCRIPTION
+                        "Write access is not required, thus limiting
+                        setting to the local system or pre-configured
+                        remote systems."
+                OBJECT mteTriggerValueIDWildcard
+                MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+                DESCRIPTION
+                        "Write access is not required, thus allowing
+                        the system not to implement wildcarding."
+                OBJECT mteTriggerContextNameWildcard
+                MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+                DESCRIPTION
+                        "Write access is not required, thus allowing
+                        the system not to implement wildcarding."
+                OBJECT mteObjectsIDWildcard
+                MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+                DESCRIPTION
+                        "Write access is not required, thus allowing
+                        the system not to implement wildcarding."
+                OBJECT mteEventSetContextNameWildcard
+                MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+                DESCRIPTION
+                        "Write access is not required, thus allowing
+                        the system not to implement wildcarding."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- Units of Conformance
+dismanEventResourceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                mteResourceSampleMinimum,
+                mteResourceSampleInstanceMaximum,
+                mteResourceSampleInstances,
+                mteResourceSampleInstancesHigh,
+                mteResourceSampleInstanceLacks
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "Event resource status and control objects."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBGroups 1 }
+dismanEventTriggerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                mteTriggerFailures,
+                mteTriggerComment,
+                mteTriggerTest,
+                mteTriggerSampleType,
+                mteTriggerValueID,
+                mteTriggerValueIDWildcard,
+                mteTriggerTargetTag,
+                mteTriggerContextName,
+                mteTriggerContextNameWildcard,
+                mteTriggerFrequency,
+                mteTriggerObjectsOwner,
+                mteTriggerObjects,
+                mteTriggerEnabled,
+                mteTriggerEntryStatus,
+                mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityID,
+                mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard,
+                mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDType,
+                mteTriggerExistenceTest,
+                mteTriggerExistenceStartup,
+                mteTriggerExistenceObjectsOwner,
+                mteTriggerExistenceObjects,
+                mteTriggerExistenceEventOwner,
+                mteTriggerExistenceEvent,
+                mteTriggerBooleanComparison,
+                mteTriggerBooleanValue,
+                mteTriggerBooleanStartup,
+                mteTriggerBooleanObjectsOwner,
+                mteTriggerBooleanObjects,
+                mteTriggerBooleanEventOwner,
+                mteTriggerBooleanEvent,
+                mteTriggerThresholdStartup,
+                mteTriggerThresholdObjectsOwner,
+                mteTriggerThresholdObjects,
+                mteTriggerThresholdRising,
+                mteTriggerThresholdFalling,
+                mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising,
+                mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling,
+                mteTriggerThresholdRisingEventOwner,
+                mteTriggerThresholdRisingEvent,
+                mteTriggerThresholdFallingEventOwner,
+                mteTriggerThresholdFallingEvent,
+                mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEventOwner,
+                mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRisingEvent,
+                mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEventOwner,
+                mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFallingEvent
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "Event triggers."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBGroups 2 }
+dismanEventObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                mteObjectsID,
+                mteObjectsIDWildcard,
+                mteObjectsEntryStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "Supplemental objects."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBGroups 3 }
+dismanEventEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                mteEventFailures,
+                mteEventComment,
+                mteEventActions,
+                mteEventEnabled,
+                mteEventEntryStatus,
+                mteEventNotification,
+                mteEventNotificationObjectsOwner,
+                mteEventNotificationObjects,
+                mteEventSetObject,
+                mteEventSetObjectWildcard,
+                mteEventSetValue,
+                mteEventSetTargetTag,
+                mteEventSetContextName,
+                mteEventSetContextNameWildcard
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "Events."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBGroups 4 }
+dismanEventNotificationObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+                mteHotTrigger,
+                mteHotTargetName,
+                mteHotContextName,
+                mteHotOID,
+                mteHotValue,
+                mteFailedReason
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "Notification objects."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBGroups 5 }
+dismanEventNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+                mteTriggerFired,
+                mteTriggerRising,
+                mteTriggerFalling,
+                mteTriggerFailure,
+                mteEventSetFailure
+        }
+        STATUS current
+                "Notifications."
+        ::= { dismanEventMIBGroups 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dc9167583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1205 @@
+    Integer32, Gauge32, Unsigned32,
+    Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress,
+    TimeTicks, mib-2, zeroDotZero  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus, TruthValue, TimeStamp    FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    sysUpTime                 FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+    SnmpAdminString           FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
+dismanExpressionMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED "200010160000Z" -- 16 October 2000
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "Ramanathan Kavasseri
+                  Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                  170 West Tasman Drive,
+                  San Jose CA 95134-1706.
+                  Phone: +1 408 527 2446
+                  Email: ramk@cisco.com"
+     "The MIB module for defining expressions of MIB objects for
+     management purposes."
+-- Revision History
+       REVISION     "200010160000Z" -- 16 October 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "This is the initial version of this MIB.
+                    Published as RFC 2982"
+    ::= { mib-2 90 }
+dismanExpressionMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                            { dismanExpressionMIB 1 }
+expResource    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanExpressionMIBObjects 1 }
+expDefine OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanExpressionMIBObjects 2 }
+expValue  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dismanExpressionMIBObjects 3 }
+-- Resource Control
+expResourceDeltaMinimum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1 | 1..600)
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+     "The minimum expExpressionDeltaInterval this system will
+     accept.  A system may use the larger values of this minimum to
+     lessen the impact of constantly computing deltas.  For larger
+     delta sampling intervals the system samples less often and
+     suffers less overhead.  This object provides a way to enforce
+     such lower overhead for all expressions created after it is
+     set.
+     The value -1 indicates that expResourceDeltaMinimum is
+     irrelevant as the system will not accept 'deltaValue' as a
+     value for expObjectSampleType.
+     Unless explicitly resource limited, a system's value for
+     this object should be 1, allowing as small as a 1 second
+     interval for ongoing delta sampling.
+     Changing this value will not invalidate an existing setting
+     of expObjectSampleType."
+    ::= { expResource 1 }
+expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+     "For every instance of a deltaValue object, one dynamic instance
+     entry is needed for holding the instance value from the previous
+     sample, i.e. to maintain state.
+     This object limits maximum number of dynamic instance entries
+     this system will support for wildcarded delta objects in
+     expressions. For a given delta expression, the number of
+     dynamic instances is the number of values that meet all criteria
+     to exist times the number of delta values in the expression.
+     A value of 0 indicates no preset limit, that is, the limit
+     is dynamic based on system operation and resources.
+     Unless explicitly resource limited, a system's value for
+     this object should be 0.
+     Changing this value will not eliminate or inhibit existing delta
+     wildcard instance objects but will prevent the creation of more
+     such objects.
+     An attempt to allocate beyond the limit results in expErrorCode
+     being tooManyWildcardValues for that evaluation attempt."
+    ::= { expResource 2 }
+expResourceDeltaWildcardInstances OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of currently active instance entries as
+     defined for expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum."
+    ::= { expResource 3 }
+expResourceDeltaWildcardInstancesHigh OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The highest value of expResourceDeltaWildcardInstances
+     that has occurred since initialization of the managed
+     system."
+    ::= { expResource 4 }
+expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceResourceLacks OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "instances"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of times this system could not evaluate an
+     expression because that would have created a value instance in
+     excess of expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum."
+    ::= { expResource 5 }
+-- Definition
+-- Expression Definition Table
+expExpressionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF ExpExpressionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of expression definitions."
+    ::= { expDefine 1 }
+expExpressionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      ExpExpressionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "Information about a single expression.  New expressions
+     can be created using expExpressionRowStatus.
+     To create an expression first create the named entry in this
+     table.  Then use expExpressionName to populate expObjectTable.
+     For expression evaluation to succeed all related entries in
+     expExpressionTable and expObjectTable must be 'active'.  If
+     these conditions are not met the corresponding values in
+     expValue simply are not instantiated.
+     Deleting an entry deletes all related entries in expObjectTable
+     and expErrorTable.
+     Because of the relationships among the multiple tables for an
+     expression (expExpressionTable, expObjectTable, and
+     expValueTable) and the SNMP rules for independence in setting
+     object values, it is necessary to do final error checking when
+     an expression is evaluated, that is, when one of its instances
+     in expValueTable is read or a delta interval expires.  Earlier
+     checking need not be done and an implementation may not impose
+     any ordering on the creation of objects related to an
+     expression.
+     To maintain security of MIB information, when creating a new row in
+     this table, the managed system must record the security credentials
+     of the requester.  These security credentials are the parameters
+     necessary as inputs to isAccessAllowed from the Architecture for
+     Describing SNMP Management Frameworks.  When obtaining the objects
+     that make up the expression, the system must (conceptually) use
+     isAccessAllowed to ensure that it does not violate security.
+     The evaluation of the expression takes place under the
+     security credentials of the creator of its expExpressionEntry.
+     Values of read-write objects in this table may be changed
+     at any time."
+    INDEX       { expExpressionOwner, expExpressionName }
+    ::= { expExpressionTable 1 }
+ExpExpressionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    expExpressionOwner           SnmpAdminString,
+    expExpressionName             SnmpAdminString,
+    expExpression                OCTET STRING,
+    expExpressionValueType       INTEGER,
+    expExpressionComment         SnmpAdminString,
+    expExpressionDeltaInterval   Integer32,
+    expExpressionPrefix           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    expExpressionErrors          Counter32,
+    expExpressionEntryStatus     RowStatus
+expExpressionOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+     "The owner of this entry. The exact semantics of this
+     string are subject to the security policy defined by the
+     security administrator."
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 1 }
+expExpressionName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "The name of the expression.  This is locally unique, within
+     the scope of an expExpressionOwner."
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 2 }
+expExpression OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..1024))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The expression to be evaluated.  This object is the same
+     as a DisplayString (RFC 1903) except for its maximum length.
+     Except for the variable names the expression is in ANSI C
+     syntax.  Only the subset of ANSI C operators and functions
+     listed here is allowed.
+     Variables are expressed as a dollar sign ('$') and an
+     integer that corresponds to an expObjectIndex.  An
+     example of a valid expression is:
+          ($1-$5)*100
+     Expressions must not be recursive, that is although an expression
+     may use the results of another expression, it must not contain
+     any variable that is directly or indirectly a result of its own
+     evaluation. The managed system must check for recursive
+     expressions.
+     The only allowed operators are:
+          ( )
+          - (unary)
+          + - * / %
+          & | ^ << >> ~
+          ! && || == != > >= < <=
+     Note the parentheses are included for parenthesizing the
+     expression, not for casting data types.
+     The only constant types defined are:
+          int (32-bit signed)
+          long (64-bit signed)
+          unsigned int
+          unsigned long
+          hexadecimal
+          character
+          string
+          oid
+     The default type for a positive integer is int unless it is too
+     large in which case it is long.
+     All but oid are as defined for ANSI C.  Note that a
+     hexadecimal constant may end up as a scalar or an array of
+     8-bit integers.  A string constant is enclosed in double
+     quotes and may contain back-slashed individual characters
+     as in ANSI C.
+     An oid constant comprises 32-bit, unsigned integers and at
+     least one period, for example:
+          0.
+          .0
+     No additional leading or trailing subidentifiers are automatically
+     added to an OID constant.  The constant is taken as expressed.
+     Integer-typed objects are treated as 32- or 64-bit, signed
+     or unsigned integers, as appropriate.  The results of
+     mixing them are as for ANSI C, including the type of the
+     result.  Note that a 32-bit value is thus promoted to 64 bits
+     only in an operation with a 64-bit value.  There is no
+     provision for larger values to handle overflow.
+     Relative to SNMP data types, a resulting value becomes
+     unsigned when calculating it uses any unsigned value,
+     including a counter.  To force the final value to be of
+     data type counter the expression must explicitly use the
+     counter32() or counter64() function (defined below).
+     OCTET STRINGS and OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are treated as
+     one-dimensioned arrays of unsigned 8-bit integers and
+     unsigned 32-bit integers, respectively.
+     IpAddresses are treated as 32-bit, unsigned integers in
+     network byte order, that is, the hex version of is
+     0xff000000.
+     Conditional expressions result in a 32-bit, unsigned integer
+     of value 0 for false or 1 for true. When an arbitrary value
+     is used as a boolean 0 is false and non-zero is true.
+     Rules for the resulting data type from an operation, based on
+     the operator:
+     For << and >> the result is the same as the left hand operand.
+     For &&, ||, ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= the result is always
+     Unsigned32.
+     For unary - the result is always Integer32.
+     For +, -, *, /, %, &, |, and ^ the result is promoted according
+     to the following rules, in order from most to least preferred:
+          If left hand and right hand operands are the same type,
+          use that.
+          If either side is Counter64, use that.
+          If either side is IpAddress, use that.
+          If either side is TimeTicks, use that.
+          If either side is Counter32, use that.
+          Otherwise use Unsigned32.
+     The following rules say what operators apply with what data
+     types.  Any combination not explicitly defined does not work.
+     For all operators any of the following can be the left hand or
+     right hand operand: Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32, Counter64.
+     The operators +, -, *, /, %, <, <=, >, and >= work with
+     TimeTicks.
+     The operators &, |, and ^ work with IpAddress.
+     The operators << and >> work with IpAddress but only as the
+     left hand operand.
+     The + operator performs a concatenation of two OCTET STRINGs or
+     The operators &, | perform bitwise operations on OCTET STRINGs.
+     If the OCTET STRING happens to be a DisplayString the results
+     may be meaningless, but the agent system does not check this as
+     some such systems do not have this information.
+     The operators << and >> perform bitwise operations on OCTET
+     STRINGs appearing as the left hand operand.
+     The only functions defined are:
+          counter32
+          counter64
+          arraySection
+          stringBegins
+          stringEnds
+          stringContains
+          oidBegins
+          oidEnds
+          oidContains
+          average
+          maximum
+          minimum
+          sum
+          exists
+     The following function definitions indicate their parameters by
+     naming the data type of the parameter in the parameter's position
+     in the parameter list.  The parameter must be of the type indicated
+     and generally may be a constant, a MIB object, a function, or an
+     expression.
+     counter32(integer) - wrapped around an integer value counter32
+     forces Counter32 as a data type.
+     counter64(integer) - similar to counter32 except that the
+     resulting data type is 'counter64'.
+     arraySection(array, integer, integer) - selects a piece of an
+     array (i.e. part of an OCTET STRING or OBJECT IDENTIFIER).  The
+     integer arguments are in the range 0 to 4,294,967,295.  The
+     first is an initial array index (one-dimensioned) and the second
+     is an ending array index.  A value of 0 indicates first or last
+     element, respectively.  If the first element is larger than the
+     array length the result is 0 length.  If the second integer is
+     less than or equal to the first, the result is 0 length.  If the
+     second is larger than the array length it indicates last
+     element.
+     stringBegins/Ends/Contains(octetString, octetString) - looks for
+     the second string (which can be a string constant) in the first
+     and returns the one-dimensioned arrayindex where the match began.
+     A return value of 0 indicates no match (i.e. boolean false).
+     oidBegins/Ends/Contains(oid, oid) - looks for the second OID
+     (which can be an OID constant) in the first and returns the
+     the one-dimensioned index where the match began. A return value
+     of 0 indicates no match (i.e. boolean false).
+     average/maximum/minimum(integer) - calculates the average,
+     minimum, or maximum value of the integer valued object over
+     multiple sample times.  If the object disappears for any
+     sample period, the accumulation and the resulting value object
+     cease to exist until the object reappears at which point the
+     calculation starts over.
+     sum(integerObject*) - sums all available values of the
+     wildcarded integer object, resulting in an integer scalar.  Must
+     be used with caution as it wraps on overflow with no
+     notification.
+     exists(anyTypeObject) - verifies the object instance exists. A
+     return value of 0 indicates NoSuchInstance (i.e. boolean
+     false)."
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 3 }
+expExpressionValueType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { counter32(1), unsigned32(2), timeTicks(3),
+                 integer32(4), ipAddress(5), octetString(6),
+                 objectId(7), counter64(8) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The type of the expression value.  One and only one of the
+     value objects in expValueTable will be instantiated to match
+     this type.
+     If the result of the expression can not be made into this type,
+     an invalidOperandType error will occur."
+    DEFVAL      { counter32 }
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 4 }
+expExpressionComment OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "A comment to explain the use or meaning of the expression."
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 5 }
+expExpressionDeltaInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..86400)
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "Sampling interval for objects in this expression with
+     expObjectSampleType 'deltaValue'.
+     This object has no effect if the the expression has no
+     deltaValue objects.
+     A value of 0 indicates no automated sampling.  In this case
+     the delta is the difference from the last time the expression
+     was evaluated.  Note that this is subject to unpredictable
+     delta times in the face of retries or multiple managers.
+     A value greater than zero is the number of seconds between
+     automated samples.
+     Until the delta interval has expired once the delta for the
+     object is effectively not instantiated and evaluating
+     the expression has results as if the object itself were not
+     instantiated.
+     Note that delta values potentially consume large amounts of
+     system CPU and memory.  Delta state and processing must
+     continue constantly even if the expression is not being used.
+     That is, the expression is being evaluated every delta interval,
+     even if no application is reading those values.  For wildcarded
+     objects this can be substantial overhead.
+     Note that delta intervals, external expression value sampling
+     intervals and delta intervals for expressions within other
+     expressions can have unusual interactions as they are impossible
+     to synchronize accurately.  In general one interval embedded
+     below another must be enough shorter that the higher sample
+     sees relatively smooth, predictable behavior.  So, for example,
+     to avoid the higher level getting the same sample twice, the
+     lower level should sample at least twice as fast as the higher
+     level does."
+    DEFVAL      { 0 }
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 6 }
+expExpressionPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "An object prefix to assist an application in determining
+     the instance indexing to use in expValueTable, relieving the
+     application of the need to scan the expObjectTable to
+     determine such a prefix.
+     See expObjectTable for information on wildcarded objects.
+     If the expValueInstance portion of the value OID may
+     be treated as a scalar (that is, normally, 0) the value of
+     expExpressionPrefix is zero length, that is, no OID at all.
+     Note that zero length implies a null OID, not the OID 0.0.
+     Otherwise, the value of expExpressionPrefix is the expObjectID
+     value of any one of the wildcarded objects for the expression.
+     This is sufficient, as the remainder, that is, the instance
+     fragment relevant to instancing the values, must be the same for
+     all wildcarded objects in the expression."
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 7 }
+expExpressionErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of errors encountered while evaluating this
+     expression.
+     Note that an object in the expression not being accessible,
+     is not considered an error. An example of an inaccessible
+     object is when the object is excluded from the view of the
+     user whose security credentials are used in the expression
+     evaluation. In such cases, it is a legitimate condition
+     that causes the corresponding expression value not to be
+     instantiated."
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 8 }
+expExpressionEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The control that allows creation and deletion of entries."
+    ::= { expExpressionEntry 9 }
+-- Expression Error Table
+expErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF ExpErrorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of expression errors."
+    ::= { expDefine 2 }
+expErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      ExpErrorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "Information about errors in processing an expression.
+     Entries appear in this table only when there is a matching
+     expExpressionEntry and then only when there has been an
+     error for that expression as reflected by the error codes
+     defined for expErrorCode."
+    INDEX       { expExpressionOwner, expExpressionName }
+    ::= { expErrorTable 1 }
+ExpErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    expErrorTime       TimeStamp,
+    expErrorIndex      Integer32,
+    expErrorCode       INTEGER,
+    expErrorInstance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+expErrorTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value of sysUpTime the last time an error caused a
+     failure to evaluate this expression."
+    ::= { expErrorEntry 1 }
+expErrorIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The one-dimensioned character array index into
+     expExpression for where the error occurred.  The value
+     zero indicates irrelevance."
+    ::= { expErrorEntry 2 }
+expErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+          invalidSyntax(1),
+          undefinedObjectIndex(2),
+          unrecognizedOperator(3),
+          unrecognizedFunction(4),
+          invalidOperandType(5),
+          unmatchedParenthesis(6),
+          tooManyWildcardValues(7),
+          recursion(8),
+          deltaTooShort(9),
+          resourceUnavailable(10),
+          divideByZero(11)
+          }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The error that occurred.  In the following explanations the
+     expected timing of the error is in parentheses.  'S' means
+     the error occurs on a Set request.  'E' means the error
+     occurs on the attempt to evaluate the expression either due to
+     Get from expValueTable or in ongoing delta processing.
+     invalidSyntax       the value sent for expExpression is not
+                    valid Expression MIB expression syntax
+                    (S)
+     undefinedObjectIndex     an object reference ($n) in
+                    expExpression does not have a matching
+                    instance in expObjectTable (E)
+     unrecognizedOperator     the value sent for expExpression held an
+                    unrecognized operator (S)
+     unrecognizedFunction     the value sent for expExpression held an
+                    unrecognized function name (S)
+     invalidOperandType  an operand in expExpression is not the
+                    right type for the associated operator
+                    or result (SE)
+     unmatchedParenthesis     the value sent for expExpression is not
+                    correctly parenthesized (S)
+     tooManyWildcardValues    evaluating the expression exceeded the
+                    limit set by
+                    expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum
+                    (E)
+     recursion      through some chain of embedded
+                    expressions the expression invokes itself
+                    (E)
+     deltaTooShort       the delta for the next evaluation passed
+                    before the system could evaluate the
+                    present sample (E)
+     resourceUnavailable some resource, typically dynamic memory,
+                    was unavailable (SE)
+     divideByZero        an attempt to divide by zero occurred
+                    (E)
+     For the errors that occur when the attempt is made to set
+     expExpression Set request fails with the SNMP error code
+     'wrongValue'.  Such failures refer to the most recent failure to
+     Set expExpression, not to the present value of expExpression
+     which must be either unset or syntactically correct.
+     Errors that occur during evaluation for a Get* operation return
+     the SNMP error code 'genErr' except for 'tooManyWildcardValues'
+     and 'resourceUnavailable' which return the SNMP error code
+     'resourceUnavailable'."
+    ::= { expErrorEntry 3 }
+expErrorInstance OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The expValueInstance being evaluated when the error
+     occurred.  A zero-length indicates irrelevance."
+    ::= { expErrorEntry 4 }
+-- Object Table
+expObjectTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF ExpObjectEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of object definitions for each expExpression.
+     Wildcarding instance IDs:
+     It is legal to omit all or part of the instance portion for
+     some or all of the objects in an expression. (See the
+     DESCRIPTION of expObjectID for details.  However, note that
+     if more than one object in the same expression is wildcarded
+     in this way, they all must be objects where that portion of
+     the instance is the same.  In other words, all objects may be
+     in the same SEQUENCE or in different SEQUENCEs but with the
+     same semantic index value (e.g., a value of ifIndex)
+     for the wildcarded portion."
+    ::= { expDefine 3 }
+expObjectEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      ExpObjectEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "Information about an object.  An application uses
+     expObjectEntryStatus to create entries in this table while
+     in the process of defining an expression.
+     Values of read-create objects in this table may be
+     changed at any time."
+    INDEX       { expExpressionOwner, expExpressionName, expObjectIndex }
+    ::= { expObjectTable 1 }
+ExpObjectEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    expObjectIndex                     Unsigned32,
+    expObjectID                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    expObjectIDWildcard                TruthValue,
+    expObjectSampleType                INTEGER,
+    expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    expObjectDiscontinuityIDWildcard   TruthValue,
+    expObjectDiscontinuityIDType       INTEGER,
+    expObjectConditional               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    expObjectConditionalWildcard       TruthValue,
+    expObjectEntryStatus               RowStatus
+expObjectIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "Within an expression, a unique, numeric identification for an
+     object.  Prefixed with a dollar sign ('$') this is used to
+     reference the object in the corresponding expExpression."
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of this object.  The OID may be
+     fully qualified, meaning it includes a complete instance
+     identifier part (e.g., ifInOctets.1 or sysUpTime.0), or it
+     may not be fully qualified, meaning it may lack all or part
+     of the instance identifier.  If the expObjectID is not fully
+     qualified, then expObjectWildcard must be set to true(1).
+     The value of the expression will be multiple
+     values, as if done for a GetNext sweep of the object.
+     An object here may itself be the result of an expression but
+     recursion is not allowed.
+     NOTE:  The simplest implementations of this MIB may not allow
+     wildcards."
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 2 }
+expObjectIDWildcard  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A true value indicates the expObjecID of this row is a wildcard
+        object. False indicates that expObjectID is fully instanced.
+        If all expObjectWildcard values for a given expression are FALSE,
+        expExpressionPrefix will reflect a scalar object (i.e. will
+        be 0.0).
+        NOTE:  The simplest implementations of this MIB may not allow
+        wildcards."
+    DEFVAL      { false }
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 3 }
+expObjectSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { absoluteValue(1), deltaValue(2),
+                          changedValue(3) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The method of sampling the selected variable.
+     An 'absoluteValue' is simply the present value of the object.
+     A 'deltaValue' is the present value minus the previous value,
+     which was sampled expExpressionDeltaInterval seconds ago.
+     This is intended primarily for use with SNMP counters, which are
+     meaningless as an 'absoluteValue', but may be used with any
+     integer-based value.
+     A 'changedValue' is a boolean for whether the present value is
+     different from the previous value.  It is applicable to any data
+     type and results in an Unsigned32 with value 1 if the object's
+     value is changed and 0 if not.  In all other respects it is as a
+     'deltaValue' and all statements and operation regarding delta
+     values apply to changed values.
+     When an expression contains both delta and absolute values
+     the absolute values are obtained at the end of the delta
+     period."
+    DEFVAL      { absoluteValue }
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 4 }
+sysUpTimeInstance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysUpTime 0 }
+expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of a TimeTicks, TimeStamp, or
+     DateAndTime object that indicates a discontinuity in the value
+     at expObjectID.
+     This object is instantiated only if expObjectSampleType is
+     'deltaValue' or 'changedValue'.
+     The OID may be for a leaf object (e.g. sysUpTime.0) or may
+     be wildcarded to match expObjectID.
+     This object supports normal checking for a discontinuity in a
+     counter.  Note that if this object does not point to sysUpTime
+     discontinuity checking must still check sysUpTime for an overall
+     discontinuity.
+     If the object identified is not accessible no discontinuity
+     check will be made."
+    DEFVAL      { sysUpTimeInstance }
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 5 }
+expObjectDiscontinuityIDWildcard OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+     STATUS      current
+     "A true value indicates the expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID of
+     this row is a wildcard object.  False indicates that
+     expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID is fully instanced.
+     This object is instantiated only if expObjectSampleType is
+     'deltaValue' or 'changedValue'.
+     NOTE:  The simplest implementations of this MIB may not allow
+     wildcards."
+    DEFVAL      { false }
+     ::= { expObjectEntry 6 }
+expObjectDiscontinuityIDType OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      INTEGER { timeTicks(1), timeStamp(2), dateAndTime(3) }
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+     STATUS      current
+     "The value 'timeTicks' indicates the expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID
+     of this row is of syntax TimeTicks.  The value 'timeStamp' indicates
+     syntax TimeStamp.  The value 'dateAndTime indicates syntax
+     DateAndTime.
+     This object is instantiated only if expObjectSampleType is
+     'deltaValue' or 'changedValue'."
+    DEFVAL      { timeTicks }
+     ::= { expObjectEntry 7 }
+expObjectConditional OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of an object that overrides
+     whether the instance of expObjectID is to be considered
+     usable.  If the value of the object at expObjectConditional
+     is 0 or not instantiated, the object at expObjectID is
+     treated as if it is not instantiated.  In other words,
+     expObjectConditional is a filter that controls whether or
+     not to use the value at expObjectID.
+     The OID may be for a leaf object (e.g. sysObjectID.0) or may be
+     wildcarded to match expObjectID.  If expObject is wildcarded and
+     expObjectID in the same row is not, the wild portion of
+     expObjectConditional must match the wildcarding of the rest of
+     the expression.  If no object in the expression is wildcarded
+     but expObjectConditional is, use the lexically first instance
+     (if any) of expObjectConditional.
+     If the value of expObjectConditional is 0.0 operation is
+     as if the value pointed to by expObjectConditional is a
+     non-zero (true) value.
+     Note that expObjectConditional can not trivially use an object
+     of syntax TruthValue, since the underlying value is not 0 or 1."
+    DEFVAL      { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 8 }
+ expObjectConditionalWildcard  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+     STATUS      current
+     "A true value indicates the expObjectConditional of this row is
+     a wildcard object. False indicates that expObjectConditional is
+     fully instanced.
+     NOTE: The simplest implementations of this MIB may not allow
+     wildcards."
+    DEFVAL      { false }
+     ::= { expObjectEntry 9 }
+expObjectEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+     "The control that allows creation/deletion of entries.
+     Objects in this table may be changed while
+     expObjectEntryStatus is in any state."
+    ::= { expObjectEntry 10 }
+-- Expression Value Table
+expValueTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF ExpValueEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of values from evaluated expressions."
+    ::= { expValue 1 }
+expValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      ExpValueEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A single value from an evaluated expression.  For a given
+     instance, only one 'Val' object in the conceptual row will be
+     instantiated, that is, the one with the appropriate type for
+     the value.  For values that contain no objects of
+     expObjectSampleType 'deltaValue' or 'changedValue', reading a
+     value from the table causes the evaluation of the expression
+     for that value.  For those that contain a 'deltaValue' or
+     'changedValue' the value read is as of the last sampling
+     interval.
+     If in the attempt to evaluate the expression one or more
+     of the necessary objects is not available, the corresponding
+     entry in this table is effectively not instantiated.
+     To maintain security of MIB information, when creating a new
+     row in this table, the managed system must record the security
+     credentials of the requester.  These security credentials are
+     the parameters necessary as inputs to isAccessAllowed from
+     [RFC2571]. When obtaining the objects that make up the
+     expression, the system must (conceptually) use isAccessAllowed to
+     ensure that it does not violate security.
+     The evaluation of that expression takes place under the
+     security credentials of the creator of its expExpressionEntry.
+     To maintain security of MIB information, expression evaluation must
+     take place using security credentials for the implied Gets of the
+     objects in the expression as inputs (conceptually) to
+     isAccessAllowed from the Architecture for Describing SNMP
+     Management Frameworks.  These are the security credentials of the
+     creator of the corresponding expExpressionEntry."
+    INDEX       { expExpressionOwner, expExpressionName,
+                  IMPLIED expValueInstance }
+    ::= { expValueTable 1 }
+ExpValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    expValueInstance          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    expValueCounter32Val      Counter32,
+    expValueUnsigned32Val     Unsigned32,
+    expValueTimeTicksVal      TimeTicks,
+    expValueInteger32Val      Integer32,
+    expValueIpAddressVal      IpAddress,
+    expValueOctetStringVal    OCTET STRING,
+    expValueOidVal            OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    expValueCounter64Val      Counter64
+expValueInstance OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "The final instance portion of a value's OID according to
+     the wildcarding in instances of expObjectID for the
+     expression.  The prefix of this OID fragment is 0.0,
+     leading to the following behavior.
+     If there is no wildcarding, the value is 0.0.0.  In other
+     words, there is one value which standing alone would have
+     been a scalar with a 0 at the end of its OID.
+     If there is wildcarding, the value is 0.0 followed by
+     a value that the wildcard can take, thus defining one value
+     instance for each real, possible value of the wildcard.
+     So, for example, if the wildcard worked out to be an ifIndex,
+     there is an expValueInstance for each applicable ifIndex."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 1 }
+expValueCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'counter32'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 2 }
+expValueUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'unsigned32'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 3 }
+expValueTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'timeTicks'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 4 }
+expValueInteger32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'integer32'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 5 }
+expValueIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'ipAddress'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 6 }
+expValueOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (0..65536))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'octetString'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 7 }
+expValueOidVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'objectId'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 8 }
+expValueCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when expExpressionValueType is 'counter64'."
+    ::= { expValueEntry 9 }
+-- Conformance
+dismanExpressionMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanExpressionMIB 3 }
+dismanExpressionMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanExpressionMIBConformance 1 }
+dismanExpressionMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { dismanExpressionMIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance
+dismanExpressionMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+     STATUS current
+          "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+          the Expression MIB."
+     MODULE    -- this module
+               dismanExpressionResourceGroup,
+               dismanExpressionDefinitionGroup,
+               dismanExpressionValueGroup
+          }
+     OBJECT         expResourceDeltaMinimum
+     SYNTAX         Integer32 (-1 | 60..600)
+          "Implementation need not allow deltas or it may
+          implement them and restrict them to higher values."
+     OBJECT         expObjectSampleType
+     WRITE-SYNTAX   INTEGER { absoluteValue(1) }
+          "Implementation may disallow deltas calculation or
+          change detection."
+     OBJECT         expObjectIDWildcard
+     WRITE-SYNTAX   INTEGER { false(2) }
+          "Implementation may allow wildcards."
+     OBJECT         expObjectDiscontinuityIDWildcard
+     WRITE-SYNTAX   INTEGER { false(2) }
+          "Implementation need not allow wildcards."
+     OBJECT          expObjectConditionalWildcard
+     WRITE-SYNTAX   INTEGER { false(2) }
+          "Implementation need not allow deltas wildcards."
+     ::= { dismanExpressionMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- Units of Conformance
+dismanExpressionResourceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          expResourceDeltaMinimum,
+          expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum,
+          expResourceDeltaWildcardInstances,
+          expResourceDeltaWildcardInstancesHigh,
+          expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceResourceLacks
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Expression definition resource management."
+     ::= { dismanExpressionMIBGroups 1 }
+dismanExpressionDefinitionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          expExpression,
+          expExpressionValueType,
+          expExpressionComment,
+          expExpressionDeltaInterval,
+          expExpressionPrefix,
+          expExpressionErrors,
+          expExpressionEntryStatus,
+          expErrorTime,
+          expErrorIndex,
+          expErrorCode,
+          expErrorInstance,
+          expObjectID,
+          expObjectIDWildcard,
+          expObjectSampleType,
+          expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID,
+          expObjectDiscontinuityIDWildcard,
+          expObjectDiscontinuityIDType,
+          expObjectConditional,
+          expObjectConditionalWildcard,
+          expObjectEntryStatus
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Expression definition."
+     ::= { dismanExpressionMIBGroups 2 }
+dismanExpressionValueGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          expValueCounter32Val,
+          expValueUnsigned32Val,
+          expValueTimeTicksVal,
+          expValueInteger32Val,
+          expValueIpAddressVal,
+          expValueOctetStringVal,
+          expValueOidVal,
+          expValueCounter64Val
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Expression value."
+     ::= { dismanExpressionMIBGroups 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2462204f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+    Unsigned32, mib-2, Integer32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI                  -- RFC2578
+    RowStatus
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC                   -- RFC2579
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF                 -- RFC2580
+    SnmpAdminString
+        FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB          -- RFC3411
+    InetAddressType, InetAddress
+        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;           -- RFC4001
+    LAST-UPDATED "200606130000Z"         -- 13 June 2006
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+        "Juergen Quittek
+        NEC Europe Ltd.
+        Network Laboratories
+        Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
+        69115 Heidelberg
+        Germany
+        Phone: +49 6221 4342-115
+        Email: quittek@netlab.nec.de"
+        "The Lookup MIB (DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB) enables determination
+        of either the name(s) corresponding to a host address or of
+        the address(es) associated with a host name at a remote
+        host.
+        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).  This version of
+        this MIB module is part of RFC 4560; see the RFC itself for
+        full legal notices."
+     --  Revision history
+     REVISION     "200606130000Z"         -- 13 June 2006
+         "Updated version, published as RFC 4560.
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2575 by RFC 3415
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2571 by RFC 3411
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2851 by RFC 4001
+             - Added value enabled(1) to SYNTAX clause of
+               lookupCtlOperStatus
+             - Added lookupMinimumCompliance
+             - Defined semantics of value 0 for object
+               lookupPurgeTime
+             - Added DEFVAL { unknown } to object
+               lookupCtlTargetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE"
+     REVISION     "200009210000Z"         -- 21 September 2000
+         "Initial version, published as RFC 2925."
+    ::= { mib-2 82 }
+ -- Top level structure of the MIB
+ lookupObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lookupMIB 1 }
+ lookupConformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lookupMIB 2 }
+ -- Simple Object Definitions
+ lookupMaxConcurrentRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "requests"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+       "The maximum number of concurrent active lookup requests
+       that are allowed within an agent implementation.  A value
+       of 0 for this object implies that there is no limit for
+       the number of concurrent active requests in effect.
+       The limit applies only to new requests being activated.
+       When a new value is set, the agent will continue processing
+       all the requests already active, even if their number
+       exceed the limit just imposed."
+    DEFVAL { 10 }
+    ::= { lookupObjects 1 }
+ lookupPurgeTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..86400)
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+       "The amount of time to wait before automatically
+       deleting an entry in the lookupCtlTable and any
+       dependent lookupResultsTable entries
+       after the lookup operation represented by a
+       lookupCtlEntry has been completed.
+       A lookupCtEntry is considered complete
+       when its lookupCtlOperStatus object has a
+       value of completed(3).
+       A value of 0 indicates that automatic deletion
+       of entries is disabled."
+    DEFVAL { 900 }  -- 15 minutes as default
+    ::= { lookupObjects 2 }
+ -- Lookup Control Table
+ lookupCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LookupCtlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Lookup Control Table for providing
+        the capability of performing a lookup operation
+        for a symbolic host name or for a host address
+        from a remote host."
+   ::= { lookupObjects 3 }
+ lookupCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LookupCtlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the lookupCtlTable.  A
+        lookupCtlEntry is initially indexed by
+        lookupCtlOwnerIndex, which is a type of SnmpAdminString,
+        a textual convention that allows for the use of the SNMPv3
+        View-Based Access Control Model (RFC 3415, VACM)
+        and that also allows a management application to identify
+        its entries.  The second index element,
+        lookupCtlOperationName, enables the same
+        lookupCtlOwnerIndex entity to have multiple outstanding
+        requests.  The value of lookupCtlTargetAddressType
+        determines which lookup function to perform."
+    INDEX {
+             lookupCtlOwnerIndex,
+             lookupCtlOperationName
+          }
+    ::= { lookupCtlTable 1 }
+ LookupCtlEntry ::=
+        lookupCtlOwnerIndex         SnmpAdminString,
+        lookupCtlOperationName      SnmpAdminString,
+        lookupCtlTargetAddressType  InetAddressType,
+        lookupCtlTargetAddress      InetAddress,
+        lookupCtlOperStatus         INTEGER,
+        lookupCtlTime               Unsigned32,
+        lookupCtlRc                 Integer32,
+        lookupCtlRowStatus          RowStatus
+    }
+ lookupCtlOwnerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+       "To facilitate the provisioning of access control by a
+       security administrator using the View-Based Access
+       Control Model (RFC 2575, VACM) for tables in which
+       multiple users may need to create or
+       modify entries independently, the initial index is used as
+       an 'owner index'.  Such an initial index has a syntax of
+       SnmpAdminString and can thus be trivially mapped to a
+       securityName or groupName defined in VACM, in
+       accordance with a security policy.
+       When used in conjunction with such a security policy all
+       entries in the table belonging to a particular user (or
+       group) will have the same value for this initial index.
+       For a given user's entries in a particular table, the
+       object identifiers for the information in these entries
+       will have the same subidentifiers (except for the
+       'column' subidentifier) up to the end of the encoded
+       owner index.  To configure VACM to permit access to this
+       portion of the table, one would create
+       vacmViewTreeFamilyTable entries with the value of
+       vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree including the owner index
+       portion, and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask 'wildcarding' the
+       column subidentifier.  More elaborate configurations
+       are possible."
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 1 }
+ lookupCtlOperationName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of a lookup operation.  This is locally unique,
+        within the scope of an lookupCtlOwnerIndex."
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 2 }
+ lookupCtlTargetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the type of address for performing a
+        lookup operation for a symbolic host name or for a host
+        address from a remote host.
+        Specification of dns(16) as the value for this object
+        means that a function such as, for example, getaddrinfo()
+        or gethostbyname() should be performed to return one or
+        more numeric addresses.  Use of a value of either ipv4(1)
+        or ipv6(2) means that a functions such as, for example,
+        getnameinfo() or gethostbyaddr() should be used to return
+        the symbolic names associated with a host."
+    DEFVAL { unknown }
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 3 }
+ lookupCtlTargetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the address used for a resolver lookup at a
+        remote host.  The corresponding lookupCtlTargetAddressType
+        objects determines its type, as well as the function
+        that can be requested.
+        A value for this object MUST be set prior to
+        transitioning its corresponding lookupCtlEntry to
+        active(1) via lookupCtlRowStatus."
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 4 }
+ lookupCtlOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                   enabled(1),    -- operation is active
+                   notStarted(2), -- operation has not started
+                   completed(3)   -- operation is done
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the operational state of an lookupCtlEntry:
+           enabled(1)    - Operation is active.
+           notStarted(2) - Operation has not been enabled.
+           completed(3)  - Operation has been completed.
+         An operation is automatically enabled(1) when its
+         lookupCtlRowStatus object is transitioned to active(1)
+         status.  Until this occurs, lookupCtlOperStatus MUST
+         report a value of notStarted(2).  After the lookup
+         operation is completed (success or failure), the value
+         for lookupCtlOperStatus MUST be transitioned to
+         completed(3)."
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 5 }
+ lookupCtlTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reports the number of milliseconds that a lookup
+        operation required to be completed at a remote host.
+        Completed means operation failure as well as
+        success."
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 6 }
+ lookupCtlRc OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The system-specific return code from a lookup
+        operation.  All implementations MUST return a value
+        of 0 for this object when the remote lookup
+        operation succeeds.  A non-zero value for this
+        objects indicates failure.  It is recommended that
+        implementations return the error codes that are
+        generated by the lookup function used."
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 7 }
+ lookupCtlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object allows entries to be created and deleted
+        in the lookupCtlTable.
+        A remote lookup operation is started when an
+        entry in this table is created via an SNMP set
+        request and the entry is activated.  This
+        occurs by setting the value of this object
+        to CreateAndGo(4) during row creation or
+        by setting this object to active(1) after
+        the row is created.
+        A value MUST be specified for lookupCtlTargetAddress
+        prior to the acceptance of a transition to active(1) state.
+        A remote lookup operation starts when its entry
+        first becomes active(1).  Transitions in and
+        out of active(1) state have no effect on the
+        operational behavior of a remote lookup
+        operation, with the exception that deletion of
+        an entry in this table by setting its RowStatus
+        object to destroy(6) will stop an active
+        remote lookup operation.
+        The operational state of a remote lookup operation
+        can be determined by examination of its
+        lookupCtlOperStatus object."
+        "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579,
+        'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'"
+    ::= { lookupCtlEntry 8 }
+-- Lookup Results Table
+ lookupResultsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LookupResultsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Lookup Results Table for providing
+        the capability of determining the results of a
+        operation at a remote host.
+        One or more entries are added to the
+        lookupResultsTable when a lookup operation,
+        as reflected by an lookupCtlEntry, is completed
+        successfully.  All entries related to a
+        successful lookup operation MUST be added
+        to the lookupResultsTable at the same time
+        that the associating lookupCtlOperStatus
+        object is transitioned to completed(2).
+        The number of entries added depends on the
+        results determined for a particular lookup
+        operation.  All entries associated with an
+        lookupCtlEntry are removed when the
+        lookupCtlEntry is deleted.
+        A remote host can be multi-homed and have more than one IP
+        address associated with it (returned by lookup function),
+        or it can have more than one symbolic name (returned
+        by lookup function).
+        A function such as, for example, getnameinfo() or
+        gethostbyaddr() is called with a host address as its
+        parameter and is used primarily to determine a symbolic
+        name to associate with the host address.  Entries in the
+        lookupResultsTable MUST be made for each host name
+        returned.  If the function identifies an 'official host
+        name,' then this symbolic name MUST be assigned a
+        lookupResultsIndex of 1.
+        A function such as, for example, getaddrinfo() or
+        gethostbyname() is called with a symbolic host name and is
+        used primarily to retrieve a host address.  The entries
+        MUST be stored in the order that they are retrieved from
+        the lookup function.  lookupResultsIndex 1 MUST be
+        assigned to the first entry."
+   ::= { lookupObjects 4 }
+ lookupResultsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LookupResultsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the lookupResultsTable.  The
+        first two index elements identify the
+        lookupCtlEntry that a lookupResultsEntry belongs
+        to.  The third index element selects a single
+        lookup operation result."
+    INDEX {
+             lookupCtlOwnerIndex,
+             lookupCtlOperationName,
+             lookupResultsIndex
+          }
+    ::= { lookupResultsTable 1 }
+ LookupResultsEntry ::=
+        lookupResultsIndex        Unsigned32,
+        lookupResultsAddressType  InetAddressType,
+        lookupResultsAddress      InetAddress
+     }
+ lookupResultsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Entries in the lookupResultsTable are created when
+        the result of a lookup operation is determined.
+        Entries MUST be stored in the lookupResultsTable in
+        the order that they are retrieved.  Values assigned
+        to lookupResultsIndex MUST start at 1 and increase
+        consecutively."
+    ::= { lookupResultsEntry 1 }
+ lookupResultsAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates the type of result of a remote lookup
+        operation.  A value of unknown(0) implies either that
+        the operation hasn't been started or that
+        it has failed."
+    ::= { lookupResultsEntry 2 }
+ lookupResultsAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects a result for a remote lookup operation
+        as per the value of lookupResultsAddressType.
+        The address type (InetAddressType) that relates to
+        this object is specified by the corresponding value
+        of lookupResultsAddress."
+    ::= { lookupResultsEntry 3 }
+ -- Conformance information
+ -- Compliance statements
+ lookupCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lookupConformance 1 }
+ lookupGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lookupConformance 2 }
+ -- Compliance statements
+ lookupCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that
+            fully implement the DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { lookupGroup }
+        OBJECT lookupMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT lookupPurgeTime
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support a set
+            operation to this object."
+    ::= { lookupCompliances 1 }
+ lookupMinimumCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The minimum compliance statement for SNMP entities
+            that implement the minimal subset of the
+            DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB.  Implementors might choose this
+            subset for small devices with limited resources."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { lookupGroup }
+        OBJECT lookupMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT lookupPurgeTime
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support a set
+            operation to this object."
+        OBJECT lookupCtlRowStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, then at least one entry in the
+            lookupCtlTable MUST be established already when the SNMP
+            agent starts offering access to the NSLOOKUP-MIB module.
+            If, in such a case, only a single entry is offered, then
+            it is RECOMMENDED that this entry use strings with a
+            length of 0 for both of its two index objects."
+    ::= { lookupCompliances 2 }
+ -- MIB groupings
+ lookupGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             lookupMaxConcurrentRequests,
+             lookupPurgeTime,
+             lookupCtlOperStatus,
+             lookupCtlTargetAddressType,
+             lookupCtlTargetAddress,
+             lookupCtlTime,
+             lookupCtlRc,
+             lookupCtlRowStatus,
+             lookupResultsAddressType,
+             lookupResultsAddress
+           }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The group of objects that constitute the remote
+       Lookup operation."
+    ::= { lookupGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-PING-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-PING-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8f9724c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-PING-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1561 @@
+    Unsigned32, Gauge32, mib-2,
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI                  -- RFC2578
+    StorageType, DateAndTime, TruthValue
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC                   -- RFC2579
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF                 -- RFC2580
+    InterfaceIndexOrZero                 -- RFC2863
+        FROM IF-MIB
+    SnmpAdminString
+        FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB          -- RFC3411
+    InetAddressType, InetAddress
+        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;           -- RFC4001
+    LAST-UPDATED "200606130000Z"         -- 13 June 2006
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+        "Juergen Quittek
+        NEC Europe Ltd.
+        Network Laboratories
+        Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
+        69115 Heidelberg
+        Germany
+        Phone: +49 6221 4342-115
+        Email: quittek@netlab.nec.de"
+        "The Ping MIB (DISMAN-PING-MIB) provides the capability of
+        controlling the use of the ping function at a remote
+        host.
+        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).  This version of
+        this MIB module is part of RFC 4560; see the RFC itself for
+        full legal notices."
+     --  Revision history
+     REVISION     "200606130000Z"         -- 13 June 2006
+         "Updated version, published as RFC 4560.
+             - Correctly considered IPv6 in DESCRIPTION
+               clause of pingCtlDataSize
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2575 by RFC 3415
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2571 by RFC 3411
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2851 by RFC 4001
+             - Added DEFVAL { {} } to definition of
+               pingCtlTrapGeneration
+             - Changed DEFVAL of object pingCtlDescr from
+               DEFVAL { '00'H } to DEFVAL { ''H }
+             - Changed DEFVAL of object pingCtlSourceAddressType
+               from DEFVAL { ipv4 } to DEFVAL { unknown }
+             - Extended DESCRIPTION clause of pingResultsTable
+               describing re-initialization of entries
+             - Changed SYNTAX of pingResultsProbeResponses and
+               pingResultsSentProbes from Unsigned32 to Gauge32
+             - Changed status of pingCompliance to deprecated
+             - Added pingFullCompliance and pingMinimumCompliance
+             - Changed status of pingGroup and pingTimeStampGroup
+               to deprecated
+             - Added pingMinimumGroup, pingCtlRowStatusGroup,
+               and pingHistoryGroup"
+     REVISION     "200009210000Z"         -- 21 September 2000
+         "Initial version, published as RFC 2925."
+    ::= { mib-2 80 }
+ -- Textual Conventions
+  OperationResponseStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS  current
+        "Used to report the result of an operation:
+         responseReceived(1) - Operation is completed successfully.
+         unknown(2) - Operation failed due to unknown error.
+         internalError(3) - An implementation detected an error
+              in its own processing that caused an operation
+              to fail.
+         requestTimedOut(4) - Operation failed to receive a
+              valid reply within the time limit imposed on it.
+         unknownDestinationAddress(5) - Invalid destination
+              address.
+         noRouteToTarget(6) - Could not find a route to target.
+         interfaceInactiveToTarget(7) - The interface to be
+              used in sending a probe is inactive, and an
+              alternate route does not exist.
+         arpFailure(8) - Unable to resolve a target address to a
+              media-specific address.
+         maxConcurrentLimitReached(9) - The maximum number of
+              concurrent active operations would have been exceeded
+              if the corresponding operation was allowed.
+         unableToResolveDnsName(10) - The DNS name specified was
+              unable to be mapped to an IP address.
+         invalidHostAddress(11) - The IP address for a host
+              has been determined to be invalid.  Examples of this
+              are broadcast or multicast addresses."
+                 responseReceived(1),
+                 unknown(2),
+                 internalError(3),
+                 requestTimedOut(4),
+                 unknownDestinationAddress(5),
+                 noRouteToTarget(6),
+                 interfaceInactiveToTarget(7),
+                 arpFailure(8),
+                 maxConcurrentLimitReached(9),
+                 unableToResolveDnsName(10),
+                 invalidHostAddress(11)
+              }
+ -- Top level structure of the MIB
+ pingNotifications              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pingMIB 0 }
+ pingObjects                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pingMIB 1 }
+ pingConformance                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pingMIB 2 }
+ -- The registration node (point) for ping implementation types
+ pingImplementationTypeDomains  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pingMIB 3 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that an implementation is using the Internet
+        Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 'ECHO' facility."
+    ::= { pingImplementationTypeDomains 1 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that an implementation is using the UDP echo
+        port (7)."
+        "RFC 862, 'Echo Protocol'."
+    ::= { pingImplementationTypeDomains 2 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that an implementation is using an SNMP query
+         to calculate a round trip time."
+    ::= { pingImplementationTypeDomains 3 }
+ pingTcpConnectionAttempt OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that an implementation is attempting to
+        connect to a TCP port in order to calculate a round
+        trip time."
+    ::= { pingImplementationTypeDomains 4 }
+ -- Simple Object Definitions
+ pingMaxConcurrentRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "requests"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+       "The maximum number of concurrent active ping requests
+       that are allowed within an agent implementation.  A value
+       of 0 for this object implies that there is no limit for
+       the number of concurrent active requests in effect.
+       The limit applies only to new requests being activated.
+       When a new value is set, the agent will continue processing
+       all the requests already active, even if their number
+       exceeds the limit just imposed."
+    DEFVAL { 10 }
+    ::= { pingObjects 1 }
+ -- Ping Control Table
+ pingCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF PingCtlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the ping Control Table for providing, via SNMP,
+        the capability of performing ping operations at
+        a remote host.  The results of these operations are
+        stored in the pingResultsTable and the
+        pingProbeHistoryTable."
+   ::= { pingObjects 2 }
+ pingCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PingCtlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the pingCtlTable.  The first index
+        element, pingCtlOwnerIndex, is of type SnmpAdminString,
+        a textual convention that allows for use of the SNMPv3
+        View-Based Access Control Model (RFC 3415, VACM)
+        and that allows a management application to identify its
+        entries.  The second index, pingCtlTestName (also an
+        SnmpAdminString), enables the same management
+        application to have multiple outstanding requests."
+    INDEX {
+             pingCtlOwnerIndex,
+             pingCtlTestName
+          }
+    ::= { pingCtlTable 1 }
+ PingCtlEntry ::=
+        pingCtlOwnerIndex             SnmpAdminString,
+        pingCtlTestName               SnmpAdminString,
+        pingCtlTargetAddressType      InetAddressType,
+        pingCtlTargetAddress          InetAddress,
+        pingCtlDataSize               Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlTimeOut                Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlProbeCount             Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlAdminStatus            INTEGER,
+        pingCtlDataFill               OCTET STRING,
+        pingCtlFrequency              Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlMaxRows                Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlStorageType            StorageType,
+        pingCtlTrapGeneration         BITS,
+        pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter  Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlType                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        pingCtlDescr                  SnmpAdminString,
+        pingCtlSourceAddressType      InetAddressType,
+        pingCtlSourceAddress          InetAddress,
+        pingCtlIfIndex                InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+        pingCtlByPassRouteTable       TruthValue,
+        pingCtlDSField                Unsigned32,
+        pingCtlRowStatus              RowStatus
+    }
+ pingCtlOwnerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+       "To facilitate the provisioning of access control by a
+       security administrator using the View-Based Access
+       Control Model (RFC 2575, VACM) for tables in which
+       multiple users may need to create or
+       modify entries independently, the initial index is used
+       as an 'owner index'.  Such an initial index has a syntax
+       of SnmpAdminString and can thus be trivially mapped to a
+       securityName or groupName defined in VACM, in
+       accordance with a security policy.
+       When used in conjunction with such a security policy, all
+       entries in the table belonging to a particular user (or
+       group) will have the same value for this initial index.
+       For a given user's entries in a particular table, the
+       object identifiers for the information in these entries
+       will have the same subidentifiers (except for the 'column'
+       subidentifier) up to the end of the encoded owner index.
+       To configure VACM to permit access to this portion of the
+       table, one would create vacmViewTreeFamilyTable entries
+       with the value of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree including
+       the owner index portion, and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask
+       'wildcarding' the column subidentifier.  More elaborate
+       configurations are possible."
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 1 }
+ pingCtlTestName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the ping test.  This is locally unique, within
+        the scope of a pingCtlOwnerIndex."
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 2 }
+ pingCtlTargetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the type of host address to be used at a remote
+        host for performing a ping operation."
+    DEFVAL { unknown }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 3 }
+ pingCtlTargetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the host address to be used at a remote host for
+        performing a ping operation.  The host address type is
+        determined by the value of the corresponding
+        pingCtlTargetAddressType.
+        A value for this object MUST be set prior to transitioning
+        its corresponding pingCtlEntry to active(1) via
+        pingCtlRowStatus."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 4 }
+ pingCtlDataSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65507)
+    UNITS       "octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the size of the data portion to be
+        transmitted in a ping operation, in octets.  Whether this
+        value can be applied depends on the selected
+        implementation method for performing a ping operation,
+        indicated by pingCtlType in the same conceptual row.
+        If the method used allows applying the value contained
+        in this object, then it MUST be applied.  If the specified
+        size is not appropriate for the chosen ping method, the
+        implementation SHOULD use whatever size (appropriate to
+        the method) is closest to the specified size.
+        The maximum value for this object was computed by
+        subtracting the smallest possible IP header size of
+        20 octets (IPv4 header with no options) and the UDP
+        header size of 8 octets from the maximum IP packet size.
+        An IP packet has a maximum size of 65535 octets
+        (excluding IPv6 Jumbograms)."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 5 }
+ pingCtlTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..60)
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the time-out value, in seconds, for a
+        remote ping operation."
+    DEFVAL { 3 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 6 }
+ pingCtlProbeCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..15)
+    UNITS       "probes"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the number of times to perform a ping
+        operation at a remote host as part of a single ping test."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 7 }
+ pingCtlAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                          enabled(1), -- test should be started
+                          disabled(2) -- test should be stopped
+                        }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the desired state that a pingCtlEntry should be
+        in:
+           enabled(1)  - Attempt to activate the test as defined by
+                         this pingCtlEntry.
+           disabled(2) - Deactivate the test as defined by this
+                         pingCtlEntry.
+        Refer to the corresponding pingResultsOperStatus to
+        determine the operational state of the test defined by
+        this entry."
+     DEFVAL { disabled }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 8 }
+ pingCtlDataFill  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The content of this object is used together with the
+        corresponding pingCtlDataSize value to determine how to
+        fill the data portion of a probe packet.  The option of
+        selecting a data fill pattern can be useful when links
+        are compressed or have data pattern sensitivities.  The
+        contents of pingCtlDataFill should be repeated in a ping
+        packet when the size of the data portion of the ping
+        packet is greater than the size of pingCtlDataFill."
+    DEFVAL { '00'H }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 9 }
+ pingCtlFrequency  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of seconds to wait before repeating a ping test
+        as defined by the value of the various objects in the
+        corresponding row.
+        A single ping test consists of a series of ping probes.
+        The number of probes is determined by the value of the
+        corresponding pingCtlProbeCount object.  After a single
+        test is completed the number of seconds as defined by the
+        value of pingCtlFrequency MUST elapse before the
+        next ping test is started.
+        A value of 0 for this object implies that the test
+        as defined by the corresponding entry will not be
+        repeated."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 10 }
+ pingCtlMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "rows"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of corresponding entries allowed
+        in the pingProbeHistoryTable.  An implementation of this
+        MIB will remove the oldest corresponding entry in the
+        pingProbeHistoryTable to allow the addition of an
+        new entry once the number of corresponding rows in the
+        pingProbeHistoryTable reaches this value.
+        Old entries are not removed when a new test is
+        started.  Entries are added to the pingProbeHistoryTable
+        until pingCtlMaxRows is reached before entries begin to
+        be removed.
+        A value of 0 for this object disables creation of
+        pingProbeHistoryTable entries."
+    DEFVAL      { 50 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 11 }
+ pingCtlStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+        Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+        allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 12 }
+ pingCtlTrapGeneration OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                   probeFailure(0),
+                   testFailure(1),
+                   testCompletion(2)
+                  }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object determines when and whether
+        to generate a notification for this entry:
+        probeFailure(0)   - Generate a pingProbeFailed
+            notification subject to the value of
+            pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter.  The object
+            pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter can be used
+            to specify the number of consecutive probe
+            failures that are required before a
+            pingProbeFailed notification can be generated.
+        testFailure(1)    - Generate a pingTestFailed
+            notification.  In this instance the object
+            pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter can be used to
+            determine the number of probe failures that
+            signal when a test fails.
+        testCompletion(2) - Generate a pingTestCompleted
+            notification.
+        By default, no bits are set, indicating that
+        none of the above options is selected."
+    DEFVAL { {} }  -- no bits set.
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 13 }
+ pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..15)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object is used to determine when
+        to generate a pingProbeFailed NOTIFICATION.
+        Setting BIT probeFailure(0) of object
+        pingCtlTrapGeneration to '1' implies that a
+        pingProbeFailed NOTIFICATION is generated only when
+        a number of consecutive ping probes equal to the
+        value of pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter fail within
+        a given ping test.  After triggering the notification,
+        the probe failure counter is reset to zero."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 14 }
+ pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..15)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object is used to determine when
+        to generate a pingTestFailed NOTIFICATION.
+        Setting BIT testFailure(1) of object
+        pingCtlTrapGeneration to '1' implies that a
+        pingTestFailed NOTIFICATION is generated only when
+        a number of consecutive ping tests equal to the
+        value of pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter fail.
+        After triggering the notification, the test failure
+        counter is reset to zero."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 15 }
+ pingCtlType OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object is used either to report or
+        to select the implementation method to be used for
+        calculating a ping response time.  The value of this
+        object MAY be selected from pingImplementationTypeDomains.
+        Additional implementation types SHOULD be allocated as
+        required by implementers of the DISMAN-PING-MIB under
+        their enterprise-specific registration point and not
+        beneath pingImplementationTypeDomains."
+    DEFVAL { pingIcmpEcho }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 16 }
+ pingCtlDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The purpose of this object is to provide a
+        descriptive name of the remote ping test."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 17 }
+ pingCtlSourceAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the type of the source address,
+        pingCtlSourceAddress, to be used at a remote host
+        when a ping operation is performed."
+    DEFVAL { unknown }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 18 }
+  pingCtlSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Use the specified IP address (which must be given in
+        numeric form, not as a hostname) as the source address
+        in outgoing probe packets.  On hosts with more than one
+        IP address, this option can be used to select the address
+        to be used.  If the IP address is not one of this
+        machine's interface addresses, an error is returned and
+        nothing is sent.  A zero-length octet string value for
+        this object disables source address specification.
+        The address type (InetAddressType) that relates to
+        this object is specified by the corresponding value
+        of pingCtlSourceAddressType."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 19 }
+ pingCtlIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Setting this object to an interface's ifIndex prior
+        to starting a remote ping operation directs
+        the ping probes to be transmitted over the
+        specified interface.  A value of zero for this object
+        means that this option is not enabled."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 20 }
+ pingCtlByPassRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+       "The purpose of this object is to enable optional
+       bypassing the route table.  If enabled, the remote
+       host will bypass the normal routing tables and send
+       directly to a host on an attached network.  If the
+       host is not on a directly attached network, an
+       error is returned.  This option can be used to perform
+       the ping operation to a local host through an
+       interface that has no route defined (e.g., after the
+       interface was dropped by the routing daemon at the host)."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 21 }
+ pingCtlDSField OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the value to store in the Type of Service
+        (TOS) octet in the IPv4 header or in the Traffic
+        Class octet in the IPv6 header, respectively, of the
+        IP packet used to encapsulate the ping probe.
+        The octet to be set in the IP header contains the
+        Differentiated Services (DS) Field in the six most
+        significant bits.
+        This option can be used to determine what effect an
+        explicit DS Field setting has on a ping response.
+        Not all values are legal or meaningful.  A value of 0
+        means that the function represented by this option is
+        not supported.  DS Field usage is often not supported
+        by IP implementations, and not all values are supported.
+        Refer to RFC 2474 and RFC 3260 for guidance on usage of
+        this field."
+        "Refer to RFC 1812 for the definition of the IPv4 TOS
+        octet and to RFC 2460 for the definition of the IPv6
+        Traffic Class octet.  Refer to RFC 2474 and RFC 3260
+        for the definition of the Differentiated Services Field."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 22 }
+ pingCtlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object allows entries to be created and deleted
+        in the pingCtlTable.  Deletion of an entry in this
+        table results in the deletion of all corresponding (same
+        pingCtlOwnerIndex and pingCtlTestName index values)
+        pingResultsTable and pingProbeHistoryTable entries.
+        A value MUST be specified for pingCtlTargetAddress
+        prior to acceptance of a transition to active(1) state.
+        When a value for pingCtlTargetAddress is set,
+        the value of object pingCtlRowStatus changes
+        from notReady(3) to notInService(2).
+        Activation of a remote ping operation is controlled
+        via pingCtlAdminStatus, not by changing
+        this object's value to active(1).
+        Transitions in and out of active(1) state are not
+        allowed while an entry's pingResultsOperStatus is
+        active(1), with the exception that deletion of
+        an entry in this table by setting its RowStatus
+        object to destroy(6) will stop an active
+        ping operation.
+        The operational state of a ping operation
+        can be determined by examination of its
+        pingResultsOperStatus object."
+        "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual
+        Conventions for SMIv2.'"
+    ::= { pingCtlEntry 23 }
+-- Ping Results Table
+ pingResultsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF PingResultsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Ping Results Table for providing
+        the capability of performing ping operations at
+        a remote host.  The results of these operations are
+        stored in the pingResultsTable and the pingProbeHistoryTable.
+        An entry is added to the pingResultsTable when an
+        pingCtlEntry is started by successful transition
+        of its pingCtlAdminStatus object to enabled(1).
+        If the object pingCtlAdminStatus already has the value
+        enabled(1), and if the corresponding pingResultsOperStatus
+        object has the value completed(3), then successfully writing
+        enabled(1) to object pingCtlAdminStatus re-initializes the
+        already existing entry in the pingResultsTable.  The values
+        of objects in the re-initialized entry are the same as the
+        values of objects in a new entry would be.
+        An entry is removed from the pingResultsTable when
+        its corresponding pingCtlEntry is deleted."
+   ::= { pingObjects 3 }
+ pingResultsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PingResultsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the pingResultsTable.  The
+        pingResultsTable has the same indexing as the
+        pingCtlTable so that a pingResultsEntry
+        corresponds to the pingCtlEntry that caused it to
+        be created."
+    INDEX {
+             pingCtlOwnerIndex,
+             pingCtlTestName
+          }
+    ::= { pingResultsTable 1 }
+ PingResultsEntry ::=
+        pingResultsOperStatus          INTEGER,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddressType InetAddressType,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddress     InetAddress,
+        pingResultsMinRtt              Unsigned32,
+        pingResultsMaxRtt              Unsigned32,
+        pingResultsAverageRtt          Unsigned32,
+        pingResultsProbeResponses      Gauge32,
+        pingResultsSentProbes          Gauge32,
+        pingResultsRttSumOfSquares     Unsigned32,
+        pingResultsLastGoodProbe       DateAndTime
+     }
+ pingResultsOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                          enabled(1),   -- test is in progress
+                          disabled(2),  -- test has stopped
+                          completed(3)  -- test is completed
+                        }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the operational state of a pingCtlEntry:
+           enabled(1)    - Test is active.
+           disabled(2)   - Test has stopped.
+           completed(3)  - Test is completed."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 1 }
+ pingResultsIpTargetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object indicates the type of address stored
+        in the corresponding pingResultsIpTargetAddress
+        object."
+    DEFVAL { unknown }
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 2 }
+ pingResultsIpTargetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object reports the IP address associated
+        with a pingCtlTargetAddress value when the destination
+        address is specified as a DNS name.  The value of
+        this object should be a zero-length octet string
+        when a DNS name is not specified or when a
+        specified DNS name fails to resolve.
+        The address type (InetAddressType) that relates to
+        this object is specified by the corresponding value
+        of pingResultsIpTargetAddressType."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 3 }
+ pingResultsMinRtt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The minimum ping round-trip-time (RTT) received.  A value
+        of 0 for this object implies that no RTT has been received."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 4 }
+ pingResultsMaxRtt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum ping round-trip-time (RTT) received.  A value
+        of 0 for this object implies that no RTT has been received."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 5 }
+  pingResultsAverageRtt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current average ping round-trip-time (RTT)."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 6 }
+  pingResultsProbeResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "responses"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of responses received for the corresponding
+        pingCtlEntry and pingResultsEntry.  The value of this object
+        MUST be reported as 0 when no probe responses have been
+        received."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 7 }
+  pingResultsSentProbes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "probes"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object reflects the number of probes sent
+        for the corresponding pingCtlEntry and pingResultsEntry.
+        The value of this object MUST be reported as 0 when no probes
+        have been sent."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 8 }
+  pingResultsRttSumOfSquares OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains the sum of the squares for all ping
+        responses received.  Its purpose is to enable standard
+        deviation calculation.  The value of this object MUST
+        be reported as 0 when no ping responses have been
+        received."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 9 }
+ pingResultsLastGoodProbe OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Date and time when the last response was received for
+        a probe."
+    ::= { pingResultsEntry 10 }
+ -- Ping Probe History Table
+ pingProbeHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF PingProbeHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines a table for storing the results of ping
+        operations.  The number of entries in this table is
+        limited per entry in the pingCtlTable by the value
+        of the corresponding pingCtlMaxRows object.
+        An entry in this table is created when the result of
+        a ping probe is determined.  The initial 2 instance
+        identifier index values identify the pingCtlEntry
+        that a probe result (pingProbeHistoryEntry) belongs
+        to.  An entry is removed from this table when
+        its corresponding pingCtlEntry is deleted.
+        An implementation of this MIB will remove the oldest
+        entry in the pingProbeHistoryTable of the
+        corresponding entry in the pingCtlTable to allow
+        the addition of an new entry once the number of rows
+        in the pingProbeHistoryTable reaches the value
+        specified by pingCtlMaxRows for the corresponding
+        entry in the pingCtlTable."
+   ::= { pingObjects 4 }
+ pingProbeHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PingProbeHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the pingProbeHistoryTable.
+        The first two index elements identify the
+        pingCtlEntry that a pingProbeHistoryEntry belongs
+        to.  The third index element selects a single
+        probe result."
+    INDEX {
+             pingCtlOwnerIndex,
+             pingCtlTestName,
+             pingProbeHistoryIndex
+           }
+    ::= { pingProbeHistoryTable 1 }
+ PingProbeHistoryEntry ::=
+        pingProbeHistoryIndex         Unsigned32,
+        pingProbeHistoryResponse      Unsigned32,
+        pingProbeHistoryStatus        OperationResponseStatus,
+        pingProbeHistoryLastRC        Integer32,
+        pingProbeHistoryTime          DateAndTime
+    }
+ pingProbeHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry in this table is created when the result of
+        a ping probe is determined.  The initial 2 instance
+        identifier index values identify the pingCtlEntry
+        that a probe result (pingProbeHistoryEntry) belongs
+        to.
+        An implementation MUST start assigning
+        pingProbeHistoryIndex values at 1 and wrap after
+        exceeding the maximum possible value as defined by
+        the limit of this object ('ffffffff'h)."
+    ::= { pingProbeHistoryEntry 1 }
+ pingProbeHistoryResponse OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The amount of time measured in milliseconds from when
+        a probe was sent to when its response was received or
+        when it timed out.  The value of this object is reported
+        as 0 when it is not possible to transmit a probe."
+    ::= { pingProbeHistoryEntry 2 }
+ pingProbeHistoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OperationResponseStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The result of a particular probe done by a remote host."
+    ::= { pingProbeHistoryEntry 3 }
+ pingProbeHistoryLastRC        OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The last implementation-method-specific reply code received.
+        If the ICMP Echo capability is being used, then a successful
+        probe ends when an ICMP response is received that contains
+        the code ICMP_ECHOREPLY(0).  The ICMP codes are maintained
+        by IANA.  Standardized ICMP codes are listed at
+        http://www.iana.org/assignments/icmp-parameters.
+        The ICMPv6 codes are listed at
+        http://www.iana.org/assignments/icmpv6-parameters."
+    ::= { pingProbeHistoryEntry 4 }
+ pingProbeHistoryTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Timestamp for when this probe result was determined."
+    ::= { pingProbeHistoryEntry 5 }
+ -- Notification Definition section
+      OBJECTS {
+        pingCtlTargetAddressType,
+        pingCtlTargetAddress,
+        pingResultsOperStatus,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddressType,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddress,
+        pingResultsMinRtt,
+        pingResultsMaxRtt,
+        pingResultsAverageRtt,
+        pingResultsProbeResponses,
+        pingResultsSentProbes,
+        pingResultsRttSumOfSquares,
+        pingResultsLastGoodProbe
+      }
+      STATUS  current
+          "Generated when a probe failure is detected, when the
+          corresponding pingCtlTrapGeneration object is set to
+          probeFailure(0), subject to the value of
+          pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter.  The object
+          pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter can be used to specify the
+          number of consecutive probe failures that are required
+          before this notification can be generated."
+      ::= { pingNotifications 1 }
+      OBJECTS {
+        pingCtlTargetAddressType,
+        pingCtlTargetAddress,
+        pingResultsOperStatus,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddressType,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddress,
+        pingResultsMinRtt,
+        pingResultsMaxRtt,
+        pingResultsAverageRtt,
+        pingResultsProbeResponses,
+        pingResultsSentProbes,
+        pingResultsRttSumOfSquares,
+        pingResultsLastGoodProbe
+      }
+      STATUS  current
+          "Generated when a ping test is determined to have failed,
+          when the corresponding pingCtlTrapGeneration object is
+          set to testFailure(1).  In this instance,
+          pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter should specify the number of
+          probes in a test required to have failed in order to
+          consider the test failed."
+      ::= { pingNotifications 2 }
+ pingTestCompleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+      OBJECTS {
+        pingCtlTargetAddressType,
+        pingCtlTargetAddress,
+        pingResultsOperStatus,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddressType,
+        pingResultsIpTargetAddress,
+        pingResultsMinRtt,
+        pingResultsMaxRtt,
+        pingResultsAverageRtt,
+        pingResultsProbeResponses,
+        pingResultsSentProbes,
+        pingResultsRttSumOfSquares,
+        pingResultsLastGoodProbe
+      }
+      STATUS  current
+          "Generated at the completion of a ping test when the
+          corresponding pingCtlTrapGeneration object has the
+          testCompletion(2) bit set."
+      ::= { pingNotifications 3 }
+ -- Conformance information
+ -- Compliance statements
+ pingCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pingConformance 1 }
+ pingGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pingConformance 2 }
+ -- Compliance statements
+ pingFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that
+            fully implement the DISMAN-PING-MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                            pingMinimumGroup,
+                            pingCtlRowStatusGroup,
+                            pingHistoryGroup,
+                            pingNotificationsGroup
+                          }
+        OBJECT pingMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT pingCtlType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  In addition, the only
+            value that MUST be supported by an implementation is
+            pingIcmpEcho."
+        OBJECT pingCtlSourceAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingCtlSourceAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingCtlIfIndex
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlByPassRouteTable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of its
+            implementation.  The function represented by this
+            object is implementable if the setsockopt
+            SOL_SOCKET SO_DONTROUTE option is supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlDSField
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingResultsIpTargetAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingResultsIpTargetAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingResultsLastGoodProbe
+            "This object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT pingProbeHistoryTime
+            "This object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+    ::= { pingCompliances 2 }
+ pingMinimumCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The minimum compliance statement for SNMP entities
+            that implement the minimal subset of the
+            DISMAN-PING-MIB.  Implementors might choose this
+            subset for small devices with limited resources."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { pingMinimumGroup }
+        GROUP pingCtlRowStatusGroup
+            "A compliant implementation does not have to implement
+            the pingCtlRowStatusGroup."
+        GROUP pingHistoryGroup
+            "A compliant implementation does not have to implement
+            the pingHistoryGroup."
+        GROUP pingNotificationsGroup
+            "A compliant implementation does not have to implement
+            the pingNotificationsGroup."
+        OBJECT pingMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlDataFill
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlFrequency
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlMaxRows
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If the
+            pingHistoryGroup is not implemented, then write
+            access to this object MUST be disabled, and the object
+            MUST return a value of 0 when retrieved."
+        OBJECT pingCtlStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT pingCtlTrapGeneration
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If the
+            pingNotificationsGroup is not implemented, then write
+            access to this object MUST be disabled, and the object
+            MUST return a value with no bit set when retrieved.
+            No bit set indicates that not notification is
+            generated."
+        OBJECT pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "If write access to pingCtlTrapGeneration is not
+            supported, then write access to this object must also
+            not be supported.  In this case, return 0 as the value
+            of this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "If write access to pingCtlTrapGeneration is not
+            supported, then write access to this object must also
+            not be supported.  In this case, return 0 as the value
+            of this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  In addition, the only
+            value that MUST be supported by an implementation is
+            pingIcmpEcho."
+        OBJECT pingCtlDescr
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlSourceAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingCtlSourceAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingCtlIfIndex
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlByPassRouteTable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return false(2) as the value of this
+            object.  A value of false(2) means that the function
+            represented by this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlDSField
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingResultsIpTargetAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingResultsIpTargetAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingResultsLastGoodProbe
+            "This object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT pingProbeHistoryTime
+            "If the pingHistoryGroup is implemented, then this
+            object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+    ::= { pingCompliances 3 }
+ pingCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The compliance statement for the DISMAN-PING-MIB.  This
+            compliance statement has been deprecated because the
+            group pingGroup and the pingTimeStampGroup have been
+            split and deprecated.  The pingFullCompliance statement
+            is semantically identical to the deprecated
+            pingCompliance statement."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                            pingGroup,
+                            pingNotificationsGroup
+                          }
+        GROUP pingTimeStampGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this group is not supported the values
+            for the objects in this group be reported as
+            '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT pingMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT pingCtlStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  It is also allowed
+            that implementations support only the volatile
+            StorageType enumeration."
+        OBJECT pingCtlType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  In addition, the only
+            value that MUST be supported by an implementation is
+            pingIcmpEcho."
+        OBJECT pingCtlByPassRouteTable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "This object is not required by implementations that
+            are not capable of its implementation.  The function
+            represented by this object is implementable if the
+            setsockopt SOL_SOCKET SO_DONTROUTE option is
+            supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlSourceAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "This object is not required by implementations that
+            are not capable of binding the send socket with a
+            source address.  An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingCtlSourceAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "This object is not required by implementations that
+            are not capable of binding the send socket with a
+            source address.  An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingCtlIfIndex
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  When write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingCtlDSField
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  When write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 means that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT pingResultsIpTargetAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT pingResultsIpTargetAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
+    ::= { pingCompliances 1 }
+ -- MIB groupings
+ pingMinimumGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             pingMaxConcurrentRequests,
+             pingCtlTargetAddressType,
+             pingCtlTargetAddress,
+             pingCtlDataSize,
+             pingCtlTimeOut,
+             pingCtlProbeCount,
+             pingCtlAdminStatus,
+             pingCtlDataFill,
+             pingCtlFrequency,
+             pingCtlMaxRows,
+             pingCtlStorageType,
+             pingCtlTrapGeneration,
+             pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter,
+             pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter,
+             pingCtlType,
+             pingCtlDescr,
+             pingCtlByPassRouteTable,
+             pingCtlSourceAddressType,
+             pingCtlSourceAddress,
+             pingCtlIfIndex,
+             pingCtlDSField,
+             pingResultsOperStatus,
+             pingResultsIpTargetAddressType,
+             pingResultsIpTargetAddress,
+             pingResultsMinRtt,
+             pingResultsMaxRtt,
+             pingResultsAverageRtt,
+             pingResultsProbeResponses,
+             pingResultsSentProbes,
+             pingResultsRttSumOfSquares,
+             pingResultsLastGoodProbe
+           }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The group of objects that constitute the remote ping
+       capability."
+    ::= { pingGroups 4 }
+ pingCtlRowStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             pingCtlRowStatus
+           }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The RowStatus object of the pingCtlTable."
+    ::= { pingGroups 5 }
+ pingHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             pingProbeHistoryResponse,
+             pingProbeHistoryStatus,
+             pingProbeHistoryLastRC,
+             pingProbeHistoryTime
+           }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The group of objects that constitute the history
+       capability."
+    ::= { pingGroups 6 }
+ pingNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+             pingProbeFailed,
+             pingTestFailed,
+             pingTestCompleted
+          }
+   STATUS        current
+       "The notification that are required to be supported by
+       implementations of this MIB."
+   ::= { pingGroups 3 }
+ pingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             pingMaxConcurrentRequests,
+             pingCtlTargetAddressType,
+             pingCtlTargetAddress,
+             pingCtlDataSize,
+             pingCtlTimeOut,
+             pingCtlProbeCount,
+             pingCtlAdminStatus,
+             pingCtlDataFill,
+             pingCtlFrequency,
+             pingCtlMaxRows,
+             pingCtlStorageType,
+             pingCtlTrapGeneration,
+             pingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter,
+             pingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter,
+             pingCtlType,
+             pingCtlDescr,
+             pingCtlByPassRouteTable,
+             pingCtlSourceAddressType,
+             pingCtlSourceAddress,
+             pingCtlIfIndex,
+             pingCtlDSField,
+             pingCtlRowStatus,
+             pingResultsOperStatus,
+             pingResultsIpTargetAddressType,
+             pingResultsIpTargetAddress,
+             pingResultsMinRtt,
+             pingResultsMaxRtt,
+             pingResultsAverageRtt,
+             pingResultsProbeResponses,
+             pingResultsSentProbes,
+             pingResultsRttSumOfSquares,
+             pingProbeHistoryResponse,
+             pingProbeHistoryStatus,
+             pingProbeHistoryLastRC
+           }
+   STATUS  deprecated
+       "The group of objects that constitute the remote ping
+       capability."
+    ::= { pingGroups 1 }
+ pingTimeStampGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             pingResultsLastGoodProbe,
+             pingProbeHistoryTime
+           }
+   STATUS  deprecated
+       "The group of DateAndTime objects."
+    ::= { pingGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa2b098d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+    Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, mib-2, zeroDotZero
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DateAndTime, RowStatus, StorageType, VariablePointer
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    SnmpAdminString
+    LAST-UPDATED "200201070000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+        "WG EMail:  disman@dorothy.bmc.com
+         Subscribe: disman-request@dorothy.bmc.com
+         Chair:     Randy Presuhn
+                    BMC Software, Inc.
+         Postal:    Office 1-3141
+                    2141 North First Street
+                    San Jose,  California 95131
+                    USA
+         EMail:     rpresuhn@bmc.com
+         Phone:     +1 408 546-1006
+         Editor:    David B. Levi
+                    Nortel Networks
+         Postal:    4401 Great America Parkway
+                    Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185
+                    USA
+         EMail:     dlevi@nortelnetworks.com
+         Phone:     +1 865 686 0432
+         Editor:    Juergen Schoenwaelder
+                    TU Braunschweig
+         Postal:    Bueltenweg 74/75
+                    38106 Braunschweig
+                    Germany
+         EMail:     schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
+         Phone:     +49 531 391-3283"
+        "This MIB module defines a MIB which provides mechanisms to
+         schedule SNMP set operations periodically or at specific
+         points in time."
+    REVISION    "200201070000Z"
+        "Revised version, published as RFC 3231.
+         This revision introduces a new object type called
+         schedTriggers.  Created new conformance and compliance
+         statements that take care of the new schedTriggers object.
+         Several clarifications have been added to remove ambiguities
+         that were discovered and reported by implementors."
+    REVISION    "199811171800Z"
+        "Initial version, published as RFC 2591."
+    ::= { mib-2 63 }
+-- The various groups defined within this MIB definition:
+schedObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedMIB 1 }
+schedNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedMIB 2 }
+schedConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedMIB 3 }
+-- Textual Conventions:
+SnmpPduErrorStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+        "This TC enumerates the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 PDU error status
+         codes as defined in RFC 1157 and RFC 1905.  It also adds a
+         pseudo error status code `noResponse' which indicates a
+         timeout condition."
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    noResponse(-1),
+                    noError(0),
+                    tooBig(1),
+                    noSuchName(2),
+                    badValue(3),
+                    readOnly(4),
+                    genErr(5),
+                    noAccess(6),
+                    wrongType(7),
+                    wrongLength(8),
+                    wrongEncoding(9),
+                    wrongValue(10),
+                    noCreation(11),
+                    inconsistentValue(12),
+                    resourceUnavailable(13),
+                    commitFailed(14),
+                    undoFailed(15),
+                    authorizationError(16),
+                    notWritable(17),
+                    inconsistentName(18)
+                }
+-- Some scalars which provide information about the local time zone.
+schedLocalTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime (SIZE (11))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The local time used by the scheduler.  Schedules which
+         refer to calendar time will use the local time indicated
+         by this object.  An implementation MUST return all 11 bytes
+         of the DateAndTime textual-convention so that a manager
+         may retrieve the offset from GMT time."
+    ::= { schedObjects 1 }
+-- The schedule table which controls the scheduler.
+schedTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SchedEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table defines scheduled actions triggered by
+         SNMP set operations."
+    ::= { schedObjects 2 }
+schedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SchedEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular scheduled action.
+         Unless noted otherwise, writable objects of this row
+         can be modified independent of the current value of
+         schedRowStatus, schedAdminStatus and schedOperStatus.
+         In particular, it is legal to modify schedInterval
+         and the objects in the schedCalendarGroup when
+         schedRowStatus is active and schedAdminStatus and
+         schedOperStatus are both enabled."
+    INDEX { schedOwner, schedName }
+    ::= { schedTable 1 }
+SchedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    schedOwner          SnmpAdminString,
+    schedName           SnmpAdminString,
+    schedDescr          SnmpAdminString,
+    schedInterval       Unsigned32,
+    schedWeekDay        BITS,
+    schedMonth          BITS,
+    schedDay            BITS,
+    schedHour           BITS,
+    schedMinute         BITS,
+    schedContextName    SnmpAdminString,
+    schedVariable       VariablePointer,
+    schedValue          Integer32,
+    schedType           INTEGER,
+    schedAdminStatus    INTEGER,
+    schedOperStatus     INTEGER,
+    schedFailures       Counter32,
+    schedLastFailure    SnmpPduErrorStatus,
+    schedLastFailed     DateAndTime,
+    schedStorageType    StorageType,
+    schedRowStatus      RowStatus,
+    schedTriggers       Counter32
+schedOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The owner of this scheduling entry.  The exact semantics of
+         this string are subject to the security policy defined by
+         the security administrator."
+    ::= { schedEntry 1 }
+schedName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this
+         scheduling entry.  This object allows a schedOwner to have
+         multiple entries in the schedTable."
+    ::= { schedEntry 2 }
+schedDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The human readable description of the purpose of this
+         scheduling entry."
+    DEFVAL      { "" }
+    ::= { schedEntry 3 }
+schedInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of seconds between two action invocations of
+         a periodic scheduler.  Implementations must guarantee
+         that action invocations will not occur before at least
+         schedInterval seconds have passed.
+         The scheduler must ignore all periodic schedules that
+         have a schedInterval value of 0.  A periodic schedule
+         with a scheduling interval of 0 seconds will therefore
+         never invoke an action.
+         Implementations may be forced to delay invocations in the
+         face of local constraints.  A scheduled management function
+         should therefore not rely on the accuracy provided by the
+         scheduler implementation.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { 0 }
+    ::= { schedEntry 4 }
+schedWeekDay OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                    sunday(0),
+                    monday(1),
+                    tuesday(2),
+                    wednesday(3),
+                    thursday(4),
+                    friday(5),
+                    saturday(6)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The set of weekdays on which the scheduled action should
+         take place.  Setting multiple bits will include several
+         weekdays in the set of possible weekdays for this schedule.
+         Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the
+         weekday.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { {} }
+    ::= { schedEntry 5 }
+schedMonth OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                    january(0),
+                    february(1),
+                    march(2),
+                    april(3),
+                    may(4),
+                    june(5),
+                    july(6),
+                    august(7),
+                    september(8),
+                    october(9),
+                    november(10),
+                    december(11)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The set of months during which the scheduled action should
+         take place.  Setting multiple bits will include several
+         months in the set of possible months for this schedule.
+         Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the
+         month.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { {} }
+    ::= { schedEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                    d1(0),   d2(1),   d3(2),   d4(3),   d5(4),
+                    d6(5),   d7(6),   d8(7),   d9(8),   d10(9),
+                    d11(10), d12(11), d13(12), d14(13), d15(14),
+                    d16(15), d17(16), d18(17), d19(18), d20(19),
+                    d21(20), d22(21), d23(22), d24(23), d25(24),
+                    d26(25), d27(26), d28(27), d29(28), d30(29),
+                    d31(30),
+                    r1(31),  r2(32),  r3(33),  r4(34),  r5(35),
+                    r6(36),  r7(37),  r8(38),  r9(39),  r10(40),
+                    r11(41), r12(42), r13(43), r14(44), r15(45),
+                    r16(46), r17(47), r18(48), r19(49), r20(50),
+                    r21(51), r22(52), r23(53), r24(54), r25(55),
+                    r26(56), r27(57), r28(58), r29(59), r30(60),
+                    r31(61)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The set of days in a month on which a scheduled action
+         should take place.  There are two sets of bits one can
+         use to define the day within a month:
+         Enumerations starting with the letter 'd' indicate a
+         day in a month relative to the first day of a month.
+         The first day of the month can therefore be specified
+         by setting the bit d1(0) and d31(30) means the last
+         day of a month with 31 days.
+         Enumerations starting with the letter 'r' indicate a
+         day in a month in reverse order, relative to the last
+         day of a month.  The last day in the month can therefore
+         be specified by setting the bit r1(31) and r31(61) means
+         the first day of a month with 31 days.
+         Setting multiple bits will include several days in the set
+         of possible days for this schedule.  Setting all bits will
+         cause the scheduler to ignore the day within a month.
+         Setting all bits starting with the letter 'd' or the
+         letter 'r' will also cause the scheduler to ignore the
+         day within a month.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { {} }
+    ::= { schedEntry 7 }
+schedHour OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                    h0(0),   h1(1),   h2(2),   h3(3),   h4(4),
+                    h5(5),   h6(6),   h7(7),   h8(8),   h9(9),
+                    h10(10), h11(11), h12(12), h13(13), h14(14),
+                    h15(15), h16(16), h17(17), h18(18), h19(19),
+                    h20(20), h21(21), h22(22), h23(23)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The set of hours within a day during which the scheduled
+         action should take place.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { {} }
+    ::= { schedEntry 8 }
+schedMinute OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                    m0(0),   m1(1),   m2(2),   m3(3),   m4(4),
+                    m5(5),   m6(6),   m7(7),   m8(8),   m9(9),
+                    m10(10), m11(11), m12(12), m13(13), m14(14),
+                    m15(15), m16(16), m17(17), m18(18), m19(19),
+                    m20(20), m21(21), m22(22), m23(23), m24(24),
+                    m25(25), m26(26), m27(27), m28(28), m29(29),
+                    m30(30), m31(31), m32(32), m33(33), m34(34),
+                    m35(35), m36(36), m37(37), m38(38), m39(39),
+                    m40(40), m41(41), m42(42), m43(43), m44(44),
+                    m45(45), m46(46), m47(47), m48(48), m49(49),
+                    m50(50), m51(51), m52(52), m53(53), m54(54),
+                    m55(55), m56(56), m57(57), m58(58), m59(59)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The set of minutes within an hour when the scheduled action
+         should take place.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { {} }
+    ::= { schedEntry 9 }
+schedContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The context which contains the local MIB variable pointed
+         to by schedVariable."
+    DEFVAL      { "" }
+    ::= { schedEntry 10 }
+schedVariable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      VariablePointer
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "An object identifier pointing to a local MIB variable
+         which resolves to an ASN.1 primitive type of INTEGER."
+    DEFVAL      { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { schedEntry 11 }
+schedValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value which is written to the MIB object pointed to by
+         schedVariable when the scheduler invokes an action.  The
+         implementation shall enforce the use of access control
+         rules when performing the set operation on schedVariable.
+         This is accomplished by calling the isAccessAllowed abstract
+         service interface as defined in RFC 2571.
+         Note that an implementation may choose to issue an SNMP Set
+         message to the SNMP engine and leave the access control
+         decision to the normal message processing procedure."
+    DEFVAL      { 0 }
+    ::= { schedEntry 12 }
+schedType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    periodic(1),
+                    calendar(2),
+                    oneshot(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of this schedule.  The value periodic(1) indicates
+         that this entry specifies a periodic schedule.  A periodic
+         schedule is defined by the value of schedInterval.  The
+         values of schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour
+         and schedMinute are ignored.
+         The value calendar(2) indicates that this entry describes a
+         calendar schedule.  A calendar schedule is defined by the
+         values of schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour and
+         schedMinute.  The value of schedInterval is ignored.  A
+         calendar schedule will trigger on all local times that
+         satisfy the bits set in schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay,
+         schedHour and schedMinute.
+         The value oneshot(3) indicates that this entry describes a
+         one-shot schedule.  A one-shot schedule is similar to a
+         calendar schedule with the additional feature that it
+         disables itself by changing in the `finished'
+         schedOperStatus once the schedule triggers an action.
+         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
+         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
+         changed."
+    DEFVAL      { periodic }
+    ::= { schedEntry 13 }
+schedAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    enabled(1),
+                    disabled(2)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The desired state of the schedule."
+    DEFVAL      { disabled }
+    ::= { schedEntry 14 }
+schedOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    enabled(1),
+                    disabled(2),
+                    finished(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current operational state of this schedule.  The state
+         enabled(1) indicates this entry is active and that the
+         scheduler will invoke actions at appropriate times.  The
+         disabled(2) state indicates that this entry is currently
+         inactive and ignored by the scheduler.  The finished(3)
+         state indicates that the schedule has ended.  Schedules
+         in the finished(3) state are ignored by the scheduler.
+         A one-shot schedule enters the finished(3) state when it
+         deactivates itself.
+         Note that the operational state must not be enabled(1)
+         when the schedRowStatus is not active."
+    ::= { schedEntry 15 }
+schedFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This variable counts the number of failures while invoking
+         the scheduled action.  This counter at most increments once
+         for a triggered action."
+    ::= { schedEntry 16 }
+schedLastFailure OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpPduErrorStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The most recent error that occurred during the invocation of
+         a scheduled action.  The value noError(0) is returned
+         if no errors have occurred yet."
+    DEFVAL      { noError }
+    ::= { schedEntry 17 }
+schedLastFailed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when the most recent failure occurred.
+         The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if no failure
+         occurred since the last re-initialization of the scheduler."
+    DEFVAL      { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { schedEntry 18 }
+schedStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object defines whether this scheduled action is kept
+         in volatile storage and lost upon reboot or if this row is
+         backed up by non-volatile or permanent storage.
+         Conceptual rows having the value `permanent' must allow
+         write access to the columnar objects schedDescr,
+         schedInterval, schedContextName, schedVariable, schedValue,
+         and schedAdminStatus.  If an implementation supports the
+         schedCalendarGroup, write access must be also allowed to
+         the columnar objects schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay,
+         schedHour, schedMinute."
+    DEFVAL      { volatile }
+    ::= { schedEntry 19 }
+schedRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this scheduled action.  A control that allows
+         entries to be added and removed from this table.
+         Note that the operational state must change to enabled
+         when the administrative state is enabled and the row
+         status changes to active(1).
+         Attempts to destroy(6) a row or to set a row
+         notInService(2) while the operational state is enabled
+         result in inconsistentValue errors.
+         The value of this object has no effect on whether other
+         objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
+    ::= { schedEntry 20 }
+schedTriggers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This variable counts the number of attempts (either
+         successful or failed) to invoke the scheduled action."
+    ::= { schedEntry 21 }
+-- Notifications that are emitted to indicate failures.  The
+-- definition of schedTraps makes notification registrations
+-- reversible (see STD 58, RFC 2578).
+schedTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedNotifications 0 }
+schedActionFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { schedLastFailure, schedLastFailed }
+    STATUS      current
+        "This notification is generated whenever the invocation of a
+         scheduled action fails."
+    ::= { schedTraps 1 }
+-- conformance information
+schedCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedConformance 1 }
+schedGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+schedCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
+         the scheduling MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+           schedGroup2, schedNotificationsGroup
+    }
+    GROUP  schedCalendarGroup
+        "The schedCalendarGroup is mandatory only for those
+         implementations that support calendar based schedules."
+    OBJECT schedType
+        "The values calendar(2) or oneshot(3) are not valid for
+         implementations that do not implement the
+         schedCalendarGroup.  Such an implementation must return
+         inconsistentValue error responses for attempts to set
+         schedAdminStatus to calendar(2) or oneshot(3)."
+    ::= { schedCompliances 2 }
+schedGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        schedDescr, schedInterval, schedContextName,
+        schedVariable, schedValue, schedType,
+        schedAdminStatus, schedOperStatus, schedFailures,
+        schedLastFailure, schedLastFailed, schedStorageType,
+        schedRowStatus, schedTriggers
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing scheduling capabilities."
+    ::= { schedGroups 4 }
+schedCalendarGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        schedLocalTime, schedWeekDay, schedMonth,
+        schedDay, schedHour, schedMinute
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing calendar based schedules."
+    ::= { schedGroups 2 }
+schedNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+        schedActionFailure
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The notifications emitted by the scheduler."
+    ::= { schedGroups 3 }
+-- Deprecated compliance and conformance group definitions
+-- from RFC 2591.
+schedCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
+         the scheduling MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+           schedGroup, schedNotificationsGroup
+    }
+    GROUP  schedCalendarGroup
+        "The schedCalendarGroup is mandatory only for those
+         implementations that support calendar based schedules."
+    OBJECT schedType
+        "The values calendar(2) or oneshot(3) are not valid for
+         implementations that do not implement the
+         schedCalendarGroup.  Such an implementation must return
+         inconsistentValue error responses for attempts to set
+         schedAdminStatus to calendar(2) or oneshot(3)."
+    ::= { schedCompliances 1 }
+schedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        schedDescr, schedInterval, schedContextName,
+        schedVariable, schedValue, schedType,
+        schedAdminStatus, schedOperStatus, schedFailures,
+        schedLastFailure, schedLastFailed, schedStorageType,
+        schedRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing scheduling capabilities."
+    ::= { schedGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66b763a3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1764 @@
+    Integer32, Unsigned32, mib-2
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus, TimeInterval, DateAndTime, StorageType, DisplayString
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    SnmpAdminString
+    LAST-UPDATED "200108210000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+        "WG EMail:  disman@dorothy.bmc.com
+         Subscribe: disman-request@dorothy.bmc.com
+         Chair:     Randy Presuhn
+                    BMC Software, Inc.
+         Postal:    Office 1-3141
+                    2141 North First Street
+                    San Jose,  California 95131
+                    USA
+         EMail:     rpresuhn@bmc.com
+         Phone:     +1 408 546-1006
+         Editor:    David B. Levi
+                    Nortel Networks
+         Postal:    4401 Great America Parkway
+                    Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185
+                    USA
+         EMail:     dlevi@nortelnetworks.com
+         Phone:     +1 423 686 0432
+         Editor:    Juergen Schoenwaelder
+                    TU Braunschweig
+         Postal:    Bueltenweg 74/75
+                    38106 Braunschweig
+                    Germany
+         EMail:     schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
+         Phone:     +49 531 391-3283"
+        "This MIB module defines a set of objects that allow to
+         delegate management scripts to distributed managers."
+    REVISION    "200108210000Z"
+        "Revised version, published as RFC 3165.
+         This revision introduces several new objects: smScriptError,
+         smScriptLastChange, smLaunchError, smLaunchLastChange,
+         smLaunchRowExpireTime, smRunResultTime, and smRunErrorTime.
+         The following existing objects were updated: the maximum
+         value of smRunLifeTime now disables the timer, an
+         autostart value was added to the smLaunchAdminStatus
+         object, and a new expired state was added to the
+         smLaunchOperStatus object.
+         A new smScriptException notification has been added to
+         support runtime error notifications.
+         Created new conformance and compliance statements that
+         take care of the new objects and notifications.
+         Clarifications have been added in several places to remove
+         ambiguities or contradictions that were discovered and
+         reported by implementors."
+    REVISION    "199902221800Z"
+        "Initial version, published as RFC 2592."
+    ::= { mib-2 64 }
+-- The groups defined within this MIB module:
+smObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scriptMIB 1 }
+smNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scriptMIB 2 }
+smConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scriptMIB 3 }
+-- Script language and language extensions.
+-- This group defines tables which list the languages and the
+-- language extensions supported by a Script MIB implementation.
+-- Languages are uniquely identified by object identifier values.
+smLangTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SmLangEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table lists supported script languages."
+    ::= { smObjects 1 }
+smLangEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SmLangEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular language."
+    INDEX { smLangIndex }
+    ::= { smLangTable 1 }
+SmLangEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    smLangIndex         Integer32,
+    smLangLanguage      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    smLangVersion       SnmpAdminString,
+    smLangVendor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    smLangRevision      SnmpAdminString,
+    smLangDescr         SnmpAdminString
+smLangIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this language entry.
+         The value is expected to remain constant at least from one
+         re-initialization of the entity's network management system
+         to the next re-initialization.
+         Note that the data type and the range of this object must
+         be consistent with the definition of smScriptLanguage."
+    ::= { smLangEntry 1 }
+smLangLanguage OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The globally unique identification of the language."
+    ::= { smLangEntry 2 }
+smLangVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The version number of the language. The zero-length string
+         shall be used if the language does not have a version
+         number.
+         It is suggested that the version number consist of one or
+         more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
+         number is called the major version number."
+    ::= { smLangEntry 3 }
+smLangVendor OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "An object identifier which identifies the vendor who
+         provides the implementation of the language. This object
+         identifier SHALL point to the object identifier directly
+         below the enterprise object identifier {1 3 6 1 4 1}
+         allocated for the vendor. The value must be the object
+         identifier {0 0} if the vendor is not known."
+    ::= { smLangEntry 4 }
+smLangRevision OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The version number of the language implementation.
+         The value of this object must be an empty string if
+         version number of the implementation is unknown.
+         It is suggested that the value consist of one or more
+         decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
+         number is called the major version number."
+    ::= { smLangEntry 5 }
+smLangDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "A textual description of the language."
+    ::= { smLangEntry 6 }
+smExtsnTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SmExtsnEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table lists supported language extensions."
+    ::= { smObjects 2 }
+smExtsnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SmExtsnEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular language extension."
+    INDEX { smLangIndex, smExtsnIndex }
+    ::= { smExtsnTable 1 }
+SmExtsnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    smExtsnIndex        Integer32,
+    smExtsnExtension    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    smExtsnVersion      SnmpAdminString,
+    smExtsnVendor       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    smExtsnRevision     SnmpAdminString,
+    smExtsnDescr        SnmpAdminString
+smExtsnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this language extension entry.
+         The value is expected to remain constant at least from one
+         re-initialization of the entity's network management system
+         to the next re-initialization."
+    ::= { smExtsnEntry 1}
+smExtsnExtension OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The globally unique identification of the language
+         extension."
+    ::= { smExtsnEntry 2 }
+smExtsnVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The version number of the language extension.
+         It is suggested that the version number consist of one or
+         more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
+         number is called the major version number."
+    ::= { smExtsnEntry 3 }
+smExtsnVendor OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "An object identifier which identifies the vendor who
+         provides the implementation of the extension. The
+         object identifier value should point to the OID node
+         directly below the enterprise OID {1 3 6 1 4 1}
+         allocated for the vendor. The value must by the object
+         identifier {0 0} if the vendor is not known."
+    ::= { smExtsnEntry 4 }
+smExtsnRevision OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The version number of the extension implementation.
+         The value of this object must be an empty string if
+         version number of the implementation is unknown.
+         It is suggested that the value consist of one or more
+         decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
+         number is called the major version number."
+    ::= { smExtsnEntry 5 }
+smExtsnDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "A textual description of the language extension."
+    ::= { smExtsnEntry 6 }
+-- Scripts known by the Script MIB implementation.
+-- This group defines a table which lists all known scripts.
+-- Scripts can be added and removed through manipulation of the
+-- smScriptTable.
+smScriptObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smObjects 3 }
+smScriptTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SmScriptEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table lists and describes locally known scripts."
+    ::= { smScriptObjects 1 }
+smScriptEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SmScriptEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular script. Every script that
+         is stored in non-volatile memory is required to appear in
+         this script table."
+    INDEX { smScriptOwner, smScriptName }
+    ::= { smScriptTable 1 }
+SmScriptEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    smScriptOwner       SnmpAdminString,
+    smScriptName        SnmpAdminString,
+    smScriptDescr       SnmpAdminString,
+    smScriptLanguage    Integer32,
+    smScriptSource      DisplayString,
+    smScriptAdminStatus INTEGER,
+    smScriptOperStatus  INTEGER,
+    smScriptStorageType StorageType,
+    smScriptRowStatus   RowStatus,
+    smScriptError       SnmpAdminString,
+    smScriptLastChange  DateAndTime
+smScriptOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The manager who owns this row in the smScriptTable."
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 1 }
+smScriptName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this
+         script. This object allows an smScriptOwner to have multiple
+         entries in the smScriptTable.
+         This value of this object may be used to derive the name
+         (e.g. a file name) which is used by the Script MIB
+         implementation to access the script in non-volatile
+         storage. The details of this mapping are implementation
+         specific. However, the mapping needs to ensure that scripts
+         created by different owners with the same script name do not
+         map to the same name in non-volatile storage."
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 2 }
+smScriptDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A description of the purpose of the script."
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 3 }
+smScriptLanguage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object type identifies an entry in the
+         smLangTable which is used to execute this script.
+         The special value 0 may be used by hard-wired scripts
+         that can not be modified and that are executed by
+         internal functions.
+         Set requests to change this object are invalid if the
+         value of smScriptOperStatus is `enabled' or `compiling'
+         and will result in an inconsistentValue error.
+         Note that the data type and the range of this object must
+         be consistent with the definition of smLangIndex."
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 4 }
+smScriptSource OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object either contains a reference to the script
+         source or an empty string. A reference must be given
+         in the form of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) as
+         defined in RFC 2396. The allowed character sets and the
+         encoding rules defined in RFC 2396 section 2 apply.
+         When the smScriptAdminStatus object is set to `enabled',
+         the Script MIB implementation will `pull' the script
+         source from the URL contained in this object if the URL
+         is not empty.
+         An empty URL indicates that the script source is loaded
+         from local storage. The script is read from the smCodeTable
+         if the value of smScriptStorageType is volatile. Otherwise,
+         the script is read from non-volatile storage.
+         Note: This document does not mandate implementation of any
+         specific URL scheme. An attempt to load a script from a
+         nonsupported URL scheme will cause the smScriptOperStatus
+         to report an `unknownProtocol' error.
+         Set requests to change this object are invalid if the
+         value of smScriptOperStatus is `enabled', `editing',
+         `retrieving' or `compiling' and will result in an
+         inconsistentValue error."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 5 }
+smScriptAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    enabled(1),
+                    disabled(2),
+                    editing(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the desired status of
+         the script. See the definition of smScriptOperStatus for
+         a description of the values.
+         When the smScriptAdminStatus object is set to `enabled' and
+         the smScriptOperStatus is `disabled' or one of the error
+         states, the Script MIB implementation will `pull' the script
+         source from the URL contained in the smScriptSource object
+         if the URL is not empty."
+    DEFVAL { disabled }
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 6 }
+smScriptOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    enabled(1),
+                    disabled(2),
+                    editing(3),
+                    retrieving(4),
+                    compiling(5),
+                    noSuchScript(6),
+                    accessDenied(7),
+                    wrongLanguage(8),
+                    wrongVersion(9),
+                    compilationFailed(10),
+                    noResourcesLeft(11),
+                    unknownProtocol(12),
+                    protocolFailure(13),
+                    genericError(14)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The actual status of the script in the runtime system. The
+         value of this object is only meaningful when the value of
+         the smScriptRowStatus object is `active'.
+         The smScriptOperStatus object may have the following values:
+         - `enabled' indicates that the script is available and can
+            be started by a launch table entry.
+         - `disabled' indicates that the script can not be used.
+         - `editing' indicates that the script can be modified in the
+           smCodeTable.
+         - `retrieving' indicates that the script is currently being
+           loaded from non-volatile storage or a remote system.
+         - `compiling' indicates that the script is currently being
+           compiled by the runtime system.
+         - `noSuchScript' indicates that the script does not exist
+           at the smScriptSource.
+         - `accessDenied' indicates that the script can not be loaded
+           from the smScriptSource due to a lack of permissions.
+         - `wrongLanguage' indicates that the script can not be
+            loaded from the smScriptSource because of a language
+            mismatch.
+         - `wrongVersion' indicates that the script can not be loaded
+           from the smScriptSource because of a language version
+           mismatch.
+         - `compilationFailed' indicates that the compilation failed.
+         - `noResourcesLeft' indicates that the runtime system does
+           not have enough resources to load the script.
+         - `unknownProtocol' indicates that the script could not be
+           loaded from the smScriptSource because the requested
+           protocol is not supported.
+         - `protocolFailure' indicates that the script could not be
+           loaded from the smScriptSource because of a protocol
+           failure.
+         - `genericError' indicates that the script could not be
+           loaded due to an error condition not listed above.
+         The `retrieving' and `compiling' states are transient states
+         which will either lead to one of the error states or the
+         `enabled' state. The `disabled' and `editing' states are
+         administrative states which are only reached by explicit
+         management operations.
+         All launch table entries that refer to this script table
+         entry shall have an smLaunchOperStatus value of `disabled'
+         when the value of this object is not `enabled'."
+    DEFVAL { disabled }
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 7 }
+smScriptStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object defines whether this row and the script
+         controlled by this row are kept in volatile storage and
+         lost upon reboot or if this row is backed up by
+         non-volatile or permanent storage.
+         The storage type of this row always complies with the value
+         of this entry if the value of the corresponding RowStatus
+         object is `active'.
+         However, the storage type of the script controlled by this
+         row may be different, if the value of this entry is
+         `non-volatile'. The script controlled by this row is written
+         into local non-volatile storage if the following condition
+         becomes true:
+         (a) the URL contained in the smScriptSource object is empty
+             and
+         (b) the smScriptStorageType is `nonVolatile'
+             and
+         (c) the smScriptOperStatus is `enabled'
+         Setting this object to `volatile' removes a script from
+         non-volatile storage if the script controlled by this row
+         has been in non-volatile storage before. Attempts to set
+         this object to permanent will always fail with an
+         inconsistentValue error.
+         The value of smScriptStorageType is only meaningful if the
+         value of the corresponding RowStatus object is `active'.
+         If smScriptStorageType has the value permanent(4), then all
+         objects whose MAX-ACCESS value is read-create must be
+         writable, with the exception of the smScriptStorageType and
+         smScriptRowStatus objects, which shall be read-only."
+    DEFVAL { volatile }
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 8 }
+smScriptRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A control that allows entries to be added and removed from
+         this table.
+         Changing the smScriptRowStatus from `active' to
+         `notInService' will remove the associated script from the
+         runtime system.
+         Deleting conceptual rows from this table may affect the
+         deletion of other resources associated with this row. For
+         example, a script stored in non-volatile storage may be
+         removed from non-volatile storage.
+         An entry may not exist in the `active' state unless all
+         required objects in the entry have appropriate values. Rows
+         that are not complete or not in service are not known by the
+         script runtime system.
+         Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
+         while the smScriptOperStatus is `enabled' will result in an
+         inconsistentValue error.
+         Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
+         where the value of the smScriptStorageType object is
+         `permanent' or `readOnly' will result in an
+         inconsistentValue error.
+         The value of this object has no effect on whether other
+         objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 9 }
+smScriptError OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains a descriptive error message if the
+         transition into the operational status `enabled' failed.
+         Implementations must reset the error message to a
+         zero-length string when a new attempt to change the
+         script status to `enabled' is started."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 10 }
+smScriptLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when this script table entry was last
+         modified. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if
+         the script table entry has not yet been modified.
+         Note that the resetting of smScriptError is not considered
+         a change of the script table entry."
+    DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { smScriptEntry 11 }
+-- Access to script code via SNMP
+-- The smCodeTable allows script code to be read and modified
+-- via SNMP.
+smCodeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SmCodeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table contains the script code for scripts that are
+         written via SNMP write operations."
+    ::= { smScriptObjects 2 }
+smCodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SmCodeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular fragment of a script."
+    INDEX { smScriptOwner, smScriptName, smCodeIndex }
+    ::= { smCodeTable 1 }
+SmCodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    smCodeIndex         Unsigned32,
+    smCodeText          OCTET STRING,
+    smCodeRowStatus     RowStatus
+smCodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The index value identifying this code fragment."
+    ::= { smCodeEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..1024))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The code that makes up a fragment of a script. The format
+         of this code fragment depends on the script language which
+         is identified by the associated smScriptLanguage object."
+    ::= { smCodeEntry 2 }
+smCodeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A control that allows entries to be added and removed from
+         this table.
+         The value of this object has no effect on whether other
+         objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
+    ::= { smCodeEntry 3 }
+-- Script execution.
+-- This group defines tables which allow script execution to be
+-- initiated, suspended, resumed, and terminated.  It also provides
+-- a mechanism for keeping a history of recent script executions
+-- and their results.
+smRunObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smObjects 4 }
+smLaunchTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SmLaunchEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table lists and describes scripts that are ready
+         to be executed together with their parameters."
+    ::= { smRunObjects 1 }
+smLaunchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SmLaunchEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular executable script."
+    INDEX { smLaunchOwner, smLaunchName }
+    ::= { smLaunchTable 1 }
+SmLaunchEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    smLaunchOwner               SnmpAdminString,
+    smLaunchName                SnmpAdminString,
+    smLaunchScriptOwner         SnmpAdminString,
+    smLaunchScriptName          SnmpAdminString,
+    smLaunchArgument            OCTET STRING,
+    smLaunchMaxRunning          Unsigned32,
+    smLaunchMaxCompleted        Unsigned32,
+    smLaunchLifeTime            TimeInterval,
+    smLaunchExpireTime          TimeInterval,
+    smLaunchStart               Integer32,
+    smLaunchControl             INTEGER,
+    smLaunchAdminStatus         INTEGER,
+    smLaunchOperStatus          INTEGER,
+    smLaunchRunIndexNext        Integer32,
+    smLaunchStorageType         StorageType,
+    smLaunchRowStatus           RowStatus,
+    smLaunchError               SnmpAdminString,
+    smLaunchLastChange          DateAndTime,
+    smLaunchRowExpireTime       TimeInterval
+smLaunchOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The manager who owns this row in the smLaunchTable. Every
+         instance of a running script started from a particular entry
+         in the smLaunchTable (i.e. entries in the smRunTable) will
+         be owned by the same smLaunchOwner used to index the entry
+         in the smLaunchTable. This owner is not necessarily the same
+         as the owner of the script itself (smLaunchScriptOwner)."
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 1 }
+smLaunchName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this
+         launch table entry. This object allows an smLaunchOwner to
+         have multiple entries in the smLaunchTable. The smLaunchName
+         is an arbitrary name that must be different from any other
+         smLaunchTable entries with the same smLaunchOwner but can be
+         the same as other entries in the smLaunchTable with
+         different smLaunchOwner values. Note that the value of
+         smLaunchName is not related in any way to the name of the
+         script being launched."
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 2 }
+smLaunchScriptOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object in combination with the value of
+         smLaunchScriptName identifies the script that can be
+         launched from this smLaunchTable entry. Attempts to write
+         this object will fail with an inconsistentValue error if
+         the value of smLaunchOperStatus is `enabled'."
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 3 }
+smLaunchScriptName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object in combination with the value of
+         the smLaunchScriptOwner identifies the script that can be
+         launched from this smLaunchTable entry. The zero-length
+         string may be used to point to a non-existing script.
+         Attempts to write this object will fail with an
+         inconsistentValue error if the value of smLaunchOperStatus
+         is `enabled'."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 4 }
+smLaunchArgument OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The argument supplied to the script. When a script is
+         invoked, the value of this object is used to initialize
+         the smRunArgument object."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 5 }
+smLaunchMaxRunning OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of concurrently running scripts that may
+         be invoked from this entry in the smLaunchTable. Lowering
+         the current value of this object does not affect any scripts
+         that are already executing."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 6 }
+smLaunchMaxCompleted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of finished scripts invoked from this
+         entry in the smLaunchTable allowed to be retained in the
+         smRunTable. Whenever the value of this object is changed
+         and whenever a script terminates, entries in the smRunTable
+         are deleted if necessary until the number of completed
+         scripts is smaller than the value of this object. Scripts
+         whose smRunEndTime value indicates the oldest completion
+         time are deleted first."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 7 }
+smLaunchLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeInterval
+    UNITS       "centi-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The default maximum amount of time a script launched
+         from this entry may run. The value of this object is used
+         to initialize the smRunLifeTime object when a script is
+         launched. Changing the value of an smLaunchLifeTime
+         instance does not affect scripts previously launched from
+         this entry."
+    DEFVAL { 360000 }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 8 }
+smLaunchExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeInterval
+    UNITS       "centi-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The default maximum amount of time information about a
+         script launched from this entry is kept in the smRunTable
+         after the script has completed execution.  The value of
+         this object is used to initialize the smRunExpireTime
+         object when a script is launched. Changing the value of an
+         smLaunchExpireTime instance does not affect scripts
+         previously launched from this entry."
+    DEFVAL { 360000 }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 9 }
+smLaunchStart OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object is used to start the execution of scripts.
+         When retrieved, the value will be the value of smRunIndex
+         for the last script that started execution by manipulating
+         this object. The value will be zero if no script started
+         execution yet.
+         A script is started by setting this object to an unused
+         smRunIndex value. A new row in the smRunTable will be
+         created which is indexed by the value supplied by the
+         set-request in addition to the value of smLaunchOwner and
+         smLaunchName. An unused value can be obtained by reading
+         the smLaunchRunIndexNext object.
+         Setting this object to the special value 0 will start
+         the script with a self-generated smRunIndex value. The
+         consequence is that the script invoker has no reliable
+         way to determine the smRunIndex value for this script
+         invocation and that the invoker has therefore no way
+         to obtain the results from this script invocation. The
+         special value 0 is however useful for scheduled script
+         invocations.
+         If this object is set, the following checks must be
+         performed:
+         1) The value of the smLaunchOperStatus object in this
+            entry of the smLaunchTable must be `enabled'.
+         2) The values of smLaunchScriptOwner and
+            smLaunchScriptName of this row must identify an
+            existing entry in the smScriptTable.
+         3) The value of smScriptOperStatus of this entry must
+            be `enabled'.
+         4) The principal performing the set operation must have
+            read access to the script. This must be checked by
+            calling the isAccessAllowed abstract service interface
+            defined in RFC 2271 on the row in the smScriptTable
+            identified by smLaunchScriptOwner and smLaunchScriptName.
+            The isAccessAllowed abstract service interface must be
+            called on all columnar objects in the smScriptTable with
+            a MAX-ACCESS value different than `not-accessible'. The
+            test fails as soon as a call indicates that access is
+            not allowed.
+         5) If the value provided by the set operation is not 0,
+            a check must be made that the value is currently not
+            in use. Otherwise, if the value provided by the set
+            operation is 0, a suitable unused value must be
+            generated.
+         6) The number of currently executing scripts invoked
+            from this smLaunchTable entry must be less than
+            smLaunchMaxRunning.
+         Attempts to start a script will fail with an
+         inconsistentValue error if one of the checks described
+         above fails.
+         Otherwise, if all checks have been passed, a new entry
+         in the smRunTable will be created indexed by smLaunchOwner,
+         smLaunchName and the new value for smRunIndex. The value
+         of smLaunchArgument will be copied into smRunArgument,
+         the value of smLaunchLifeTime will be copied to
+         smRunLifeTime, and the value of smLaunchExpireTime
+         will be copied to smRunExpireTime.
+         The smRunStartTime will be set to the current time and
+         the smRunState will be set to `initializing' before the
+         script execution is initiated in the appropriate runtime
+         system.
+         Note that the data type and the range of this object must
+         be consistent with the smRunIndex object. Since this
+         object might be written from the scheduling MIB, the
+         data type Integer32 rather than Unsigned32 is used."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 10 }
+smLaunchControl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    abort(1),
+                    suspend(2),
+                    resume(3),
+                    nop(4)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object is used to request a state change for all
+         running scripts in the smRunTable that were started from
+         this row in the smLaunchTable.
+         Setting this object to abort(1), suspend(2) or resume(3)
+         will set the smRunControl object of all applicable rows
+         in the smRunTable to abort(1), suspend(2) or resume(3)
+         respectively. The phrase `applicable rows' means the set of
+         rows which were created from this entry in the smLaunchTable
+         and whose value of smRunState allows the corresponding
+         state change as described in the definition of the
+         smRunControl object. Setting this object to nop(4) has no
+         effect.
+         Attempts to set this object lead to an inconsistentValue
+         error only if all implicated sets on all the applicable
+         rows lead to inconsistentValue errors. It is not allowed
+         to return an inconsistentValue error if at least one state
+         change on one of the applicable rows was successful."
+    DEFVAL { nop }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 11 }
+smLaunchAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    enabled(1),
+                    disabled(2),
+                    autostart(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the desired status of
+         this launch table entry. The values enabled(1) and
+         autostart(3) both indicate that the launch table entry
+         should transition into the operational enabled(1) state as
+         soon as the associated script table entry is enabled(1).
+         The value autostart(3) further indicates that the script
+         is started automatically by conceptually writing the
+         value 0 into the associated smLaunchStart object during
+         the transition from the `disabled' into the `enabled'
+         operational state. This is useful for scripts that are
+         to be launched on system start-up."
+    DEFVAL { disabled }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 12 }
+smLaunchOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    enabled(1),
+                    disabled(2),
+                    expired(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the actual status of
+         this launch table entry.  The smLaunchOperStatus object
+         may have the following values:
+         - `enabled' indicates that the launch table entry is
+           available and can be used to start scripts.
+         - `disabled' indicates that the launch table entry can
+           not be used to start scripts.
+         - `expired' indicates that the launch table entry can
+           not be used to start scripts and will disappear as
+           soon as all smRunTable entries associated with this
+           launch table entry have disappeared.
+         The value `enabled' requires that the smLaunchRowStatus
+         object is active. The value `disabled' requires that there
+         are no entries in the smRunTable associated with this
+         smLaunchTable entry."
+    DEFVAL { disabled }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 13 }
+smLaunchRunIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This variable is used for creating rows in the smRunTable.
+         The value of this variable is a currently unused value
+         for smRunIndex, which can be written into the smLaunchStart
+         object associated with this row to launch a script.
+         The value returned when reading this variable must be unique
+         for the smLaunchOwner and smLaunchName associated with this
+         row. Subsequent attempts to read this variable must return
+         different values.
+         This variable will return the special value 0 if no new rows
+         can be created.
+         Note that the data type and the range of this object must be
+         consistent with the definition of smRunIndex."
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 14 }
+smLaunchStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object defines if this row is kept in volatile storage
+         and lost upon reboot or if this row is backed up by stable
+         storage.
+         The value of smLaunchStorageType is only meaningful if the
+         value of the corresponding RowStatus object is active.
+         If smLaunchStorageType has the value permanent(4), then all
+         objects whose MAX-ACCESS value is read-create must be
+         writable, with the exception of the smLaunchStorageType and
+         smLaunchRowStatus objects, which shall be read-only."
+    DEFVAL { volatile }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 15 }
+smLaunchRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "A control that allows entries to be added and removed from
+         this table.
+         Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
+         while the smLaunchOperStatus is `enabled' will result in
+         an inconsistentValue error.
+         Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
+         where the value of the smLaunchStorageType object is
+         `permanent' or `readOnly' will result in an
+         inconsistentValue error.
+         The value of this object has no effect on whether other
+         objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 16 }
+smLaunchError OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains a descriptive error message if an
+         attempt to launch a script fails. Implementations must reset
+         the error message to a zero-length string when a new attempt
+         to launch a script is started."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 17 }
+smLaunchLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when this launch table entry was last
+         modified. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if
+         the launch table entry has not yet been modified.
+         Note that a change of smLaunchStart, smLaunchControl,
+         smLaunchRunIndexNext, smLaunchRowExpireTime, or the
+         resetting of smLaunchError is not considered a change
+         of this launch table entry."
+    DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 18 }
+smLaunchRowExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeInterval
+    UNITS       "centi-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object specifies how long this row remains
+         in the `enabled' or `disabled' operational state. The value
+         reported by this object ticks backwards. When the value
+         reaches 0, it stops ticking backward and the row is
+         deleted if there are no smRunTable entries associated with
+         this smLaunchTable entry. Otherwise, the smLaunchOperStatus
+         changes to `expired' and the row deletion is deferred
+         until there are no smRunTable entries associated with this
+         smLaunchTable entry.
+         The smLaunchRowExpireTime will not tick backwards if it is
+         set to its maximum value (2147483647). In other words,
+         setting this object to its maximum value turns the timer
+         off.
+         The value of this object may be set in order to increase
+         or reduce the remaining time that the launch table entry
+         may be used. Setting the value to 0 will cause an immediate
+         row deletion or transition into the `expired' operational
+         state.
+         It is not possible to set this object while the operational
+         status is `expired'. Attempts to modify this object while
+         the operational status is `expired' leads to an
+         inconsistentValue error.
+         Note that the timer ticks backwards independent of the
+         operational state of the launch table entry."
+    DEFVAL { 2147483647 }
+    ::= { smLaunchEntry 19 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SmRunEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table lists and describes scripts that are currently
+         running or have been running in the past."
+    ::= { smRunObjects 2 }
+    SYNTAX      SmRunEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry describing a particular running or finished
+         script."
+    INDEX { smLaunchOwner, smLaunchName, smRunIndex }
+    ::= { smRunTable 1 }
+SmRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    smRunIndex          Integer32,
+    smRunArgument       OCTET STRING,
+    smRunStartTime      DateAndTime,
+    smRunEndTime        DateAndTime,
+    smRunLifeTime       TimeInterval,
+    smRunExpireTime     TimeInterval,
+    smRunExitCode       INTEGER,
+    smRunResult         OCTET STRING,
+    smRunControl        INTEGER,
+    smRunState          INTEGER,
+    smRunError          SnmpAdminString,
+    smRunResultTime     DateAndTime,
+    smRunErrorTime      DateAndTime
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this running or finished script. This value must be
+         unique for all rows in the smRunTable with the same
+         smLaunchOwner and smLaunchName.
+         Note that the data type and the range of this object must
+         be consistent with the definition of smLaunchRunIndexNext
+         and smLaunchStart."
+    ::= { smRunEntry 1 }
+smRunArgument OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The argument supplied to the script when it started."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 2 }
+smRunStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when the execution started. The value
+         '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not
+         started yet."
+    DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when the execution terminated. The value
+         '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not
+         terminated yet."
+    DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 4 }
+smRunLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeInterval
+    UNITS       "centi-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object specifies how long the script can execute.
+         This object returns the remaining time that the script
+         may run. The object is initialized with the value of the
+         associated smLaunchLifeTime object and ticks backwards.
+         The script is aborted immediately when the value reaches 0.
+         The value of this object may be set in order to increase or
+         reduce the remaining time that the script may run. Setting
+         this value to 0 will abort script execution immediately,
+         and, if the value of smRunExpireTime is also 0, will remove
+         this entry from the smRunTable once it has terminated.
+         If smRunLifeTime is set to its maximum value (2147483647),
+         either by a set operation or by its initialization from the
+         smLaunchLifeTime object, then it will not tick backwards.
+         A running script with a maximum smRunLifeTime value will
+         thus never be terminated with a `lifeTimeExceeded' exit
+         code.
+         The value of smRunLifeTime reflects the real-time execution
+         time as seen by the outside world. The value of this object
+         will always be 0 for a script that finished execution, that
+         is smRunState has the value `terminated'.
+         The value of smRunLifeTime does not change while a script
+         is suspended, that is smRunState has the value `suspended'.
+         Note that this does not affect set operations. It is legal
+         to modify smRunLifeTime via set operations while a script
+         is suspended."
+    ::= { smRunEntry 5 }
+smRunExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeInterval
+    UNITS       "centi-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object specifies how long this row can
+         exist in the smRunTable after the script has terminated.
+         This object returns the remaining time that the row may
+         exist before it is aged out. The object is initialized with
+         the value of the associated smLaunchExpireTime object and
+         ticks backwards. The entry in the smRunTable is destroyed
+         when the value reaches 0 and the smRunState has the value
+         `terminated'.
+         The value of this object may be set in order to increase or
+         reduce the remaining time that the row may exist.  Setting
+         the value to 0 will destroy this entry as soon as the
+         smRunState has the value `terminated'."
+    ::= { smRunEntry 6 }
+smRunExitCode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    noError(1),
+                    halted(2),
+                    lifeTimeExceeded(3),
+                    noResourcesLeft(4),
+                    languageError(5),
+                    runtimeError(6),
+                    invalidArgument(7),
+                    securityViolation(8),
+                    genericError(9)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the reason why a
+         script finished execution. The smRunExitCode code may have
+         one of the following values:
+         - `noError', which indicates that the script completed
+            successfully without errors;
+         - `halted', which indicates that the script was halted
+            by a request from an authorized manager;
+         - `lifeTimeExceeded', which indicates that the script
+            exited because a time limit was exceeded;
+         - `noResourcesLeft', which indicates that the script
+            exited because it ran out of resources (e.g. memory);
+         - `languageError', which indicates that the script exited
+            because of a language error (e.g. a syntax error in an
+            interpreted language);
+         - `runtimeError', which indicates that the script exited
+            due to a runtime error (e.g. a division by zero);
+         - `invalidArgument', which indicates that the script could
+            not be run because of invalid script arguments;
+         - `securityViolation', which indicates that the script
+            exited due to a security violation;
+         - `genericError', which indicates that the script exited
+            for an unspecified reason.
+         If the script has not yet begun running, or is currently
+         running, the value will be `noError'."
+    DEFVAL { noError }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 7 }
+smRunResult OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The result value produced by the running script. Note that
+         the result may change while the script is executing."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 8 }
+smRunControl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    abort(1),
+                    suspend(2),
+                    resume(3),
+                    nop(4)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the desired status of the
+         script execution defined by this row.
+         Setting this object to `abort' will abort execution if the
+         value of smRunState is `initializing', `executing',
+         `suspending', `suspended' or `resuming'. Setting this object
+         to `abort' when the value of smRunState is `aborting' or
+         `terminated', or if the implementation can determine that
+         the attempt to abort the execution would fail, will result
+         in an inconsistentValue error.
+         Setting this object to `suspend' will suspend execution
+         if the value of smRunState is `executing'. Setting this
+         object to `suspend' will cause an inconsistentValue error
+         if the value of smRunState is not `executing' or if the
+         implementation can determine that the attempt to suspend
+         the execution would fail.
+         Setting this object to `resume' will resume execution
+         if the value of smRunState is `suspending' or
+         `suspended'. Setting this object to `resume' will cause an
+         inconsistentValue error if the value of smRunState is
+         not `suspended' or if the implementation can determine
+         that the attempt to resume the execution would fail.
+         Setting this object to nop(4) has no effect."
+    DEFVAL { nop }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    initializing(1),
+                    executing(2),
+                    suspending(3),
+                    suspended(4),
+                    resuming(5),
+                    aborting(6),
+                    terminated(7)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the script's execution
+         state. If the script has been invoked but has not yet
+         begun execution, the value will be `initializing'. If the
+         script is running, the value will be `executing'.
+         A running script which received a request to suspend
+         execution first transitions into a temporary `suspending'
+         state.  The temporary `suspending' state changes to
+         `suspended' when the script has actually been suspended. The
+         temporary `suspending' state changes back to `executing' if
+         the attempt to suspend the running script fails.
+         A suspended script which received a request to resume
+         execution first transitions into a temporary `resuming'
+         state. The temporary `resuming' state changes to `running'
+         when the script has actually been resumed. The temporary
+         `resuming' state changes back to `suspended' if the attempt
+         to resume the suspended script fails.
+         A script which received a request to abort execution but
+         which is still running first transitions into a temporary
+         `aborting' state.
+         A script which has finished its execution is `terminated'."
+    ::= { smRunEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains a descriptive error message if the
+         script startup or execution raised an abnormal condition.
+         An implementation must store a descriptive error message
+         in this object if the script exits with the smRunExitCode
+         `genericError'."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 11 }
+smRunResultTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when the smRunResult was last updated.
+         The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunResult
+         has not yet been updated after the creation of this
+         smRunTable entry."
+    DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 12 }
+smRunErrorTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when the smRunError was last updated.
+         The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunError
+         has not yet been updated after the creation of this
+         smRunTable entry."
+    DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
+    ::= { smRunEntry 13 }
+-- Notifications. The definition of smTraps makes notification
+-- registrations reversible (see STD 58, RFC 2578).
+smTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smNotifications 0 }
+    OBJECTS     { smRunExitCode, smRunEndTime, smRunError }
+    STATUS      current
+        "This notification is generated whenever a running script
+         terminates with an smRunExitCode unequal to `noError'."
+    ::= { smTraps 1 }
+    OBJECTS     { smRunResult }
+    STATUS      current
+        "This notification can be used by scripts to notify other
+         management applications about results produced by the
+         script.
+         This notification is not automatically generated by the
+         Script MIB implementation. It is the responsibility of
+         the executing script to emit this notification where it
+         is appropriate to do so."
+    ::= { smTraps 2 }
+smScriptException NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { smRunError }
+    STATUS      current
+        "This notification can be used by scripts to notify other
+         management applications about script errors.
+         This notification is not automatically generated by the
+         Script MIB implementation. It is the responsibility of
+         the executing script or the runtime system to emit this
+         notification where it is appropriate to do so."
+    ::= { smTraps 3 }
+-- conformance information
+smCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smConformance 1 }
+smGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
+         the Script MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+            smLanguageGroup, smScriptGroup2, smLaunchGroup2,
+            smRunGroup2, smNotificationsGroup2
+    }
+    GROUP   smCodeGroup
+        "The smCodeGroup is mandatory only for those implementations
+         that support the downloading of scripts via SNMP."
+    OBJECT  smScriptSource
+    MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+        "The smScriptSource object is read-only for implementations
+         that are not able to download script code from a URL."
+    OBJECT smCodeText
+        "A compliant implementation need only support write access to
+         the smCodeText object only during row creation."
+    OBJECT smLaunchArgument
+        "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
+         for smLaunchArgument of 255 octets."
+    OBJECT smRunArgument
+        "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
+         for smRunArgument of 255 octets."
+    OBJECT smRunResult
+        "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
+         for smRunResult of 255 octets."
+    OBJECT smRunState
+        "A compliant implementation does not have to support script
+         suspension and the smRunState `suspended'. Such an
+         implementation will change into the `suspending' state
+         when the smRunControl is set to `suspend' and remain in this
+         state until smRunControl is set to `resume' or the script
+         terminates."
+    ::= { smCompliances 2 }
+smLanguageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        smLangLanguage, smLangVersion,
+        smLangVendor, smLangRevision,
+        smLangDescr, smExtsnExtension,
+        smExtsnVersion, smExtsnVendor,
+        smExtsnRevision, smExtsnDescr
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing information about the
+         capabilities of the scripting engine."
+    ::= { smGroups 1 }
+smScriptGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        smScriptDescr, smScriptLanguage,
+        smScriptSource, smScriptAdminStatus,
+        smScriptOperStatus, smScriptStorageType,
+        smScriptRowStatus, smScriptError,
+        smScriptLastChange
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing information about
+         installed scripts."
+    ::= { smGroups 7 }
+    OBJECTS {
+        smCodeText, smCodeRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects used to download or modify scripts
+         by using SNMP set requests."
+    ::= { smGroups 3 }
+smLaunchGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        smLaunchScriptOwner, smLaunchScriptName,
+        smLaunchArgument, smLaunchMaxRunning,
+        smLaunchMaxCompleted, smLaunchLifeTime,
+        smLaunchExpireTime, smLaunchStart,
+        smLaunchControl, smLaunchAdminStatus,
+        smLaunchOperStatus, smLaunchRunIndexNext,
+        smLaunchStorageType, smLaunchRowStatus,
+        smLaunchError, smLaunchLastChange,
+        smLaunchRowExpireTime
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing information about scripts
+         that can be launched."
+    ::= { smGroups 8 }
+    OBJECTS {
+        smRunArgument, smRunStartTime,
+        smRunEndTime, smRunLifeTime,
+        smRunExpireTime, smRunExitCode,
+        smRunResult, smRunState,
+        smRunControl, smRunError,
+        smRunResultTime, smRunErrorTime
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing information about running
+         scripts."
+    ::= { smGroups 9 }
+smNotificationsGroup2 NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+        smScriptAbort,
+        smScriptResult,
+        smScriptException
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The notifications emitted by the Script MIB."
+    ::= { smGroups 10 }
+-- Deprecated compliance and conformance group definitions
+-- from RFC 2592.
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
+         the Script MIB."
+    MODULE      -- this module
+            smLanguageGroup, smScriptGroup, smLaunchGroup, smRunGroup
+    }
+    GROUP   smCodeGroup
+        "The smCodeGroup is mandatory only for those implementations
+         that support the downloading of scripts via SNMP."
+    OBJECT  smScriptSource
+    MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+        "The smScriptSource object is read-only for implementations
+         that are not able to download script code from a URL."
+    OBJECT smCodeText
+        "A compliant implementation need only support write access
+         to the smCodeText object during row creation."
+    OBJECT smLaunchArgument
+        "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
+         for smLaunchArgument of 255 octets."
+    OBJECT smRunArgument
+        "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
+         for smRunArgument of 255 octets."
+    OBJECT smRunResult
+        "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
+         for smRunResult of 255 octets."
+    OBJECT smRunState
+        "A compliant implementation does not have to support script
+         suspension and the smRunState `suspended'. Such an
+         implementation will change into the `suspending' state
+         when the smRunControl is set to `suspend' and remain in this
+         state until smRunControl is set to `resume' or the script
+         terminates."
+    ::= { smCompliances 1 }
+smScriptGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        smScriptDescr, smScriptLanguage,
+        smScriptSource, smScriptAdminStatus,
+        smScriptOperStatus, smScriptStorageType,
+        smScriptRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing information about
+         installed scripts."
+    ::= { smGroups 2 }
+smLaunchGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        smLaunchScriptOwner, smLaunchScriptName,
+        smLaunchArgument, smLaunchMaxRunning,
+        smLaunchMaxCompleted, smLaunchLifeTime,
+        smLaunchExpireTime, smLaunchStart,
+        smLaunchControl, smLaunchAdminStatus,
+        smLaunchOperStatus, smLaunchRunIndexNext,
+        smLaunchStorageType, smLaunchRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing information about scripts
+         that can be launched."
+    ::= { smGroups 4 }
+    OBJECTS {
+        smRunArgument, smRunStartTime,
+        smRunEndTime, smRunLifeTime,
+        smRunExpireTime, smRunExitCode,
+        smRunResult, smRunState,
+        smRunControl, smRunError
+    }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "A collection of objects providing information about running
+         scripts."
+    ::= { smGroups 5 }
+smNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+        smScriptAbort,
+        smScriptResult
+    }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+        "The notifications emitted by the Script MIB."
+    ::= { smGroups 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17c743af2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1850 @@
+    Gauge32, Unsigned32, mib-2,
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI                  -- RFC2578
+    RowStatus, StorageType,
+    TruthValue, DateAndTime
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC                   -- RFC2579
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF                 -- RFC2580
+    SnmpAdminString
+        FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB          -- RFC3411
+    InterfaceIndexOrZero                 -- RFC2863
+        FROM IF-MIB
+    InetAddressType, InetAddress
+        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB            -- RFC4001
+    OperationResponseStatus
+        FROM DISMAN-PING-MIB;            -- RFC4560
+    LAST-UPDATED "200606130000Z"         -- 13 June 2006
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+        "Juergen Quittek
+        NEC Europe Ltd.
+        Network Laboratories
+        Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
+        69115 Heidelberg
+        Germany
+        Phone: +49 6221 4342-115
+        Email: quittek@netlab.nec.de"
+        "The Traceroute MIB (DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB) provides
+        access to the traceroute capability at a remote host.
+        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). This version of
+        this MIB module is part of RFC 4560; see the RFC itself for
+        full legal notices."
+     --  Revision history
+     REVISION     "200606130000Z"         -- 13 June 2006
+         "Updated version, published as RFC 4560.
+             - Correctly considered IPv6 in DESCRIPTION clause of
+               object traceRouteCtlDataSize
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2575 by RFC 3415
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2571 by RFC 3411
+             - Replaced references to RFC 2851 by RFC 4001
+             - Clarified DESCRIPTION clause of object
+               traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath
+             - Changed range of object traceRouteCtlInitialTtl
+               from (0..255) to (1..255)
+             - Extended DESCRIPTION clause of traceRouteResultsTable
+               describing re-initialization of entries
+             - Changed SYNTAX of traceRouteResultsTestAttempts and
+               traceRouteResultsTestSuccesses from Unsigned32 to
+               Gauge32
+             - Changed status of traceRouteCompliance to deprecated
+             - Added traceRouteFullCompliance and
+               traceRouteMinimumCompliance
+             - Changed status of traceRouteGroup and
+               traceRouteTimeStampGroup to deprecated
+             - Added traceRouteMinimumGroup,
+               traceRouteCtlRowStatusGroup, and
+               traceRouteHistoryGroup
+             - Changed DEFVAL of object
+               traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType from { ipv4 }
+               to { unknown }
+             - Changed DEFVAL of object traceRouteCtlDescr
+               from { '00'H } to { ''H }
+             - Added DEFVAL for object traceRouteCtlTrapGeneration
+               of DEFVAL { { } }"
+     REVISION     "200009210000Z"         -- 21 September 2000
+         "Initial version, published as RFC 2925."
+    ::= { mib-2 81 }
+ -- Top level structure of the MIB
+ traceRouteNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { traceRouteMIB 0 }
+ traceRouteObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { traceRouteMIB 1 }
+ traceRouteConformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { traceRouteMIB 2 }
+ -- The registration node (point) for traceroute implementation types
+ traceRouteImplementationTypeDomains OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { traceRouteMIB 3 }
+ traceRouteUsingUdpProbes OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "Indicates that an implementation is using UDP probes to
+        perform the traceroute operation."
+    ::= { traceRouteImplementationTypeDomains 1 }
+ -- Simple Object Definitions
+ traceRouteMaxConcurrentRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "requests"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+       "The maximum number of concurrent active traceroute requests
+       that are allowed within an agent implementation.  A value
+       of 0 for this object implies that there is no limit for
+       the number of concurrent active requests in effect.
+       The limit applies only to new requests being activated.
+       When a new value is set, the agent will continue processing
+       all the requests already active, even if their number
+       exceeds the limit just imposed."
+    DEFVAL { 10 }
+    ::= { traceRouteObjects 1 }
+  -- Traceroute Control Table
+ traceRouteCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TraceRouteCtlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Remote Operations Traceroute Control Table for
+        providing the capability of invoking traceroute from a remote
+        host.  The results of traceroute operations can be stored in
+        the traceRouteResultsTable, traceRouteProbeHistoryTable, and
+        the traceRouteHopsTable."
+   ::= { traceRouteObjects 2 }
+ traceRouteCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TraceRouteCtlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the traceRouteCtlTable.  The first
+        index element, traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex, is of type
+        SnmpAdminString, a textual convention that allows for
+        use of the SNMPv3 View-Based Access Control Model
+        (RFC 3415, VACM) and that allows a management
+        application to identify its entries.  The second index,
+        traceRouteCtlTestName (also an SnmpAdminString),
+        enables the same management application to have
+        multiple requests outstanding."
+    INDEX {
+            traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex,
+            traceRouteCtlTestName
+          }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlTable 1 }
+ TraceRouteCtlEntry ::=
+      traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex         SnmpAdminString,
+      traceRouteCtlTestName           SnmpAdminString,
+      traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType  InetAddressType,
+      traceRouteCtlTargetAddress      InetAddress,
+      traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable   TruthValue,
+      traceRouteCtlDataSize           Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlTimeOut            Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlProbesPerHop       Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlPort               Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlMaxTtl             Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlDSField            Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType  InetAddressType,
+      traceRouteCtlSourceAddress      InetAddress,
+      traceRouteCtlIfIndex            InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+      traceRouteCtlMiscOptions        SnmpAdminString,
+      traceRouteCtlMaxFailures        Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlDontFragment       TruthValue,
+      traceRouteCtlInitialTtl         Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlFrequency          Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlStorageType        StorageType,
+      traceRouteCtlAdminStatus        INTEGER,
+      traceRouteCtlDescr              SnmpAdminString,
+      traceRouteCtlMaxRows            Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteCtlTrapGeneration     BITS,
+      traceRouteCtlCreateHopsEntries  TruthValue,
+      traceRouteCtlType               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+      traceRouteCtlRowStatus          RowStatus
+    }
+ traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+       "To facilitate the provisioning of access control by a
+       security administrator using the View-Based Access
+       Control Model (RFC 3415, VACM) for tables in which
+       multiple users may need to create or
+       modify entries independently, the initial index is used as
+       an 'owner index'.  Such an initial index has a syntax of
+       SnmpAdminString and can thus be trivially mapped to a
+       securityName or groupName defined in VACM, in
+       accordance with a security policy.
+       When used in conjunction with such a security policy,
+       all entries in the table belonging to a particular user
+       (or group) will have the same value for this initial
+       index.  For a given user's entries in a particular
+       table, the object identifiers for the information in
+       these entries will have the same subidentifiers (except
+       for the 'column' subidentifier) up to the end of the
+       encoded owner index. To configure VACM to permit access
+       to this portion of the table, one would create
+       vacmViewTreeFamilyTable entries with the value of
+       vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree including the owner index
+       portion, and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask 'wildcarding' the
+       column subidentifier.  More elaborate configurations
+       are possible."
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 1 }
+  traceRouteCtlTestName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of a traceroute test.  This is locally unique,
+        within the scope of a traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex."
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 2 }
+ traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the type of host address to be used on the
+        traceroute request at the remote host."
+    DEFVAL { unknown }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 3 }
+ traceRouteCtlTargetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the host address used on the
+        traceroute request at the remote host.  The
+        host address type can be determined by
+        examining the value of the corresponding
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType.
+        A value for this object MUST be set prior to
+        transitioning its corresponding traceRouteCtlEntry to
+        active(1) via traceRouteCtlRowStatus."
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 4 }
+ traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+       "The purpose of this object is to enable optional
+       bypassing the route table.  If enabled, the remote
+       host will bypass the normal routing tables and send
+       directly to a host on an attached network.  If the
+       host is not on a directly attached network, an
+       error is returned.  This option can be used to perform
+       the traceroute operation to a local host through an
+       interface that has no route defined (e.g., after the
+       interface was dropped by the routing daemon at the host)."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 5 }
+ traceRouteCtlDataSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65507)
+    UNITS       "octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the size of the data portion of a traceroute
+        request, in octets.  If the RECOMMENDED traceroute method
+        (UDP datagrams as probes) is used, then the value
+        contained in this object MUST be applied.  If another
+        traceroute method is used for which the specified size
+        is not appropriate, then the implementation SHOULD use
+        whatever size (appropriate to the method) is closest to
+        the specified size.
+        The maximum value for this object was computed by
+        subtracting the smallest possible IP header size of
+        20 octets (IPv4 header with no options) and the UDP
+        header size of 8 octets from the maximum IP packet size.
+        An IP packet has a maximum size of 65535 octets
+        (excluding IPv6 Jumbograms)."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 6 }
+ traceRouteCtlTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..60)
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the time-out value, in seconds, for
+        a traceroute request."
+    DEFVAL { 3 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 7 }
+ traceRouteCtlProbesPerHop OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..10)
+    UNITS       "probes"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the number of times to reissue a traceroute
+        request with the same time-to-live (TTL) value."
+    DEFVAL { 3 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 8 }
+ traceRouteCtlPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
+    UNITS       "UDP Port"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the (initial) UDP port to send the traceroute
+        request to.  A port needs to be specified that is not in
+        use at the destination (target) host.  The default
+        value for this object is the IANA assigned port,
+        33434, for the traceroute function."
+    DEFVAL { 33434 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 9 }
+ traceRouteCtlMaxTtl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..255)
+    UNITS       "time-to-live value"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the maximum time-to-live value."
+    DEFVAL { 30 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 10 }
+ traceRouteCtlDSField OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the value to store in the Type of Service
+        (TOS) octet in the IPv4 header or in the Traffic
+        Class octet in the IPv6 header, respectively, of the
+        IP packet used to encapsulate the traceroute probe.
+        The octet to be set in the IP header contains the
+        Differentiated Services (DS) Field in the six most
+        significant bits.
+        This option can be used to determine what effect an
+        explicit DS Field setting has on a traceroute response.
+        Not all values are legal or meaningful.  A value of 0
+        means that the function represented by this option is
+        not supported.  DS Field usage is often not supported
+        by IP implementations, and not all values are supported.
+        Refer to RFC 2474 and RFC 3260 for guidance on usage of
+        this field."
+        "Refer to RFC 1812 for the definition of the IPv4 TOS
+        octet and to RFC 2460 for the definition of the IPv6
+        Traffic Class octet.  Refer to RFC 2474 and RFC 3260
+        for the definition of the Differentiated Services Field."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 11 }
+ traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the type of the source address,
+        traceRouteCtlSourceAddress, to be used at a remote host
+        when a traceroute operation is performed."
+    DEFVAL { unknown }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 12 }
+ traceRouteCtlSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Use the specified IP address (which must be given as an
+        IP number, not a hostname) as the source address in
+        outgoing probe packets.  On hosts with more than one IP
+        address, this option can be used to select the address
+        to be used.  If the IP address is not one of this
+        machine's interface addresses, an error is returned, and
+        nothing is sent.  A zero-length octet string value for
+        this object disables source address specification.
+        The address type (InetAddressType) that relates to
+        this object is specified by the corresponding value
+        of traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 13 }
+ traceRouteCtlIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Setting this object to an interface's ifIndex prior
+        to starting a remote traceroute operation directs
+        the traceroute probes to be transmitted over the
+        specified interface.  A value of zero for this object
+        implies that this option is not enabled."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 14 }
+ traceRouteCtlMiscOptions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Enables an application to specify implementation-dependent
+        options."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 15 }
+ traceRouteCtlMaxFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
+    UNITS       "timeouts"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object indicates the maximum number
+        of consecutive timeouts allowed before a remote traceroute
+        request is terminated.  A value of either 255 (maximum
+        hop count/possible TTL value) or 0 indicates that the
+        function of terminating a remote traceroute request when a
+        specific number of consecutive timeouts are detected is
+        disabled."
+    DEFVAL { 5 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 16 }
+ traceRouteCtlDontFragment OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
+    STATUS         current
+        "This object enables setting of the don't fragment flag (DF)
+        in the IP header for a probe.  Use of this object enables
+        a manual PATH MTU test is performed."
+    DEFVAL  { false }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 17 }
+ traceRouteCtlInitialTtl OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (1..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
+    STATUS         current
+        "The value of this object specifies the initial TTL value to
+        use.  This enables bypassing the initial (often well known)
+        portion of a path."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 18 }
+ traceRouteCtlFrequency  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of seconds to wait before repeating a
+        traceroute test, as defined by the value of the
+        various objects in the corresponding row.
+        After a single test is completed the number of seconds
+        as defined by the value of traceRouteCtlFrequency MUST
+        elapse before the next traceroute test is started.
+        A value of 0 for this object implies that the test
+        as defined by the corresponding entry will not be
+        repeated."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 19 }
+ traceRouteCtlStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+        Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+        allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 20 }
+ traceRouteCtlAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                          enabled(1), -- operation should be started
+                          disabled(2) -- operation should be stopped
+                        }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the desired state that an traceRouteCtlEntry
+        should be in:
+           enabled(1)  - Attempt to activate the test as defined by
+                         this traceRouteCtlEntry.
+           disabled(2) - Deactivate the test as defined by this
+                         traceRouteCtlEntry.
+        Refer to the corresponding traceRouteResultsOperStatus to
+        determine the operational state of the test defined by
+        this entry."
+     DEFVAL { disabled }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 21 }
+ traceRouteCtlDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The purpose of this object is to provide a
+        descriptive name of the remote traceroute
+        test."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 22 }
+ traceRouteCtlMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "rows"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum number of corresponding entries allowed
+        in the traceRouteProbeHistoryTable.  An implementation
+        of this MIB will remove the oldest corresponding entry
+        in the traceRouteProbeHistoryTable to allow the
+        addition of an new entry once the number of
+        corresponding rows in the traceRouteProbeHistoryTable
+        reaches this value.
+        Old entries are not removed when a new test is
+        started.  Entries are added to the
+        traceRouteProbeHistoryTable until traceRouteCtlMaxRows
+        is reached before entries begin to be removed.
+        A value of 0 for this object disables creation of
+        traceRouteProbeHistoryTable entries."
+    DEFVAL      { 50 }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 23 }
+ traceRouteCtlTrapGeneration OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      BITS {
+                  pathChange(0),
+                  testFailure(1),
+                  testCompletion(2)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object determines when and whether to
+        generate a notification for this entry:
+        pathChange(0)     - Generate a traceRoutePathChange
+            notification when the current path varies from a
+            previously determined path.
+        testFailure(1)    - Generate a traceRouteTestFailed
+            notification when the full path to a target
+            can't be determined.
+        testCompletion(2) - Generate a traceRouteTestCompleted
+            notification when the path to a target has been
+            determined.
+        The value of this object defaults to an empty set,
+        indicating that none of the above options has been
+        selected."
+    DEFVAL { { } }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 24 }
+ traceRouteCtlCreateHopsEntries OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current path for a traceroute test is kept in the
+        traceRouteHopsTable on a per-hop basis when the value of
+        this object is true(1)."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 25 }
+ traceRouteCtlType OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object is used either to report or to
+        select the implementation method to be used for
+        performing a traceroute operation.  The value of this
+        object may be selected from
+        traceRouteImplementationTypeDomains.
+        Additional implementation types should be allocated as
+        required by implementers of the DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB
+        under their enterprise specific registration point,
+        not beneath traceRouteImplementationTypeDomains."
+    DEFVAL { traceRouteUsingUdpProbes }
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 26 }
+ traceRouteCtlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object allows entries to be created and deleted
+        in the traceRouteCtlTable.  Deletion of an entry in
+        this table results in a deletion of all corresponding (same
+        traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex and traceRouteCtlTestName
+        index values) traceRouteResultsTable,
+        traceRouteProbeHistoryTable, and traceRouteHopsTable
+        entries.
+        A value MUST be specified for traceRouteCtlTargetAddress
+        prior to acceptance of a transition to active(1) state.
+        When a value for pingCtlTargetAddress is set,
+        the value of object pingCtlRowStatus changes
+        from notReady(3) to notInService(2).
+        Activation of a remote traceroute operation is
+        controlled via traceRouteCtlAdminStatus, and not
+        by transitioning of this object's value to active(1).
+        Transitions in and out of active(1) state are not
+        allowed while an entry's traceRouteResultsOperStatus
+        is active(1), with the exception that deletion of
+        an entry in this table by setting its RowStatus
+        object to destroy(6) will stop an active
+        traceroute operation.
+        The operational state of an traceroute operation
+        can be determined by examination of the corresponding
+        traceRouteResultsOperStatus object."
+        "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual
+        Conventions for SMIv2.'"
+    ::= { traceRouteCtlEntry 27 }
+ -- Traceroute Results Table
+ traceRouteResultsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TraceRouteResultsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Remote Operations Traceroute Results Table for
+        keeping track of the status of a traceRouteCtlEntry.
+        An entry is added to the traceRouteResultsTable when an
+        traceRouteCtlEntry is started by successful transition
+        of its traceRouteCtlAdminStatus object to enabled(1).
+        If the object traceRouteCtlAdminStatus already has the value
+        enabled(1), and if the corresponding
+        traceRouteResultsOperStatus object has the value
+        completed(3), then successfully writing enabled(1) to the
+        object traceRouteCtlAdminStatus re-initializes the already
+        existing entry in the traceRouteResultsTable.  The values of
+        objects in the re-initialized entry are the same as
+        the values of objects in a new entry would be.
+        An entry is removed from the traceRouteResultsTable when
+        its corresponding traceRouteCtlEntry is deleted."
+   ::= { traceRouteObjects 3 }
+ traceRouteResultsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TraceRouteResultsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the traceRouteResultsTable.  The
+        traceRouteResultsTable has the same indexing as the
+        traceRouteCtlTable so that a traceRouteResultsEntry
+        corresponds to the traceRouteCtlEntry that caused it to
+        be created."
+    INDEX {
+            traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex,
+            traceRouteCtlTestName
+          }
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsTable 1 }
+ TraceRouteResultsEntry ::=
+      traceRouteResultsOperStatus       INTEGER,
+      traceRouteResultsCurHopCount      Gauge32,
+      traceRouteResultsCurProbeCount    Gauge32,
+      traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType    InetAddressType,
+      traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr        InetAddress,
+      traceRouteResultsTestAttempts     Gauge32,
+      traceRouteResultsTestSuccesses    Gauge32,
+      traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath     DateAndTime
+    }
+ traceRouteResultsOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                          enabled(1),  -- test is in progress
+                          disabled(2), -- test has stopped
+                          completed(3) -- test is completed
+                        }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the operational state of an traceRouteCtlEntry:
+           enabled(1)   - Test is active.
+           disabled(2)  - Test has stopped.
+           completed(3) - Test is completed."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 1 }
+ traceRouteResultsCurHopCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "hops"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the current TTL value (from 1 to
+        255) for a remote traceroute operation.
+        Maximum TTL value is determined by
+        traceRouteCtlMaxTtl."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 2 }
+ traceRouteResultsCurProbeCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "probes"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reflects the current probe count (1..10) for
+        a remote traceroute operation.  The maximum
+        probe count is determined by
+        traceRouteCtlProbesPerHop."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 3 }
+ traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object indicates the type of address stored
+        in the corresponding traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+        object."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 4 }
+ traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object reports the IP address associated
+        with a traceRouteCtlTargetAddress value when the
+        destination address is specified as a DNS name.
+        The value of this object should be a zero-length
+        octet string when a DNS name is not specified or
+        when a specified DNS name fails to resolve."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 5 }
+ traceRouteResultsTestAttempts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "tests"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of attempts to determine a path
+        to a target.  The value of this object MUST be started
+        at 0."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 6 }
+ traceRouteResultsTestSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    UNITS       "tests"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current number of attempts to determine a path
+        to a target that have succeeded.  The value of this
+        object MUST be reported as 0 when no attempts have
+        succeeded."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 7 }
+ traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The date and time when the last complete path
+        was determined.  A path is complete if responses
+        were received or timeout occurred for each hop on
+        the path; i.e., for each TTL value from the value
+        of the corresponding traceRouteCtlInitialTtl object
+        up to the end of the path or (if no reply from the
+        target IP address was received) up to the value of
+        the corresponding traceRouteCtlMaxTtl object."
+    ::= { traceRouteResultsEntry 8 }
+ -- Trace Route Probe History Table
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TraceRouteProbeHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Remote Operations Traceroute Results Table
+        for storing the results of a traceroute operation.
+        An implementation of this MIB will remove the oldest
+        entry in the traceRouteProbeHistoryTable of the
+        corresponding entry in the traceRouteCtlTable to allow
+        the addition of a new entry once the number of rows in
+        the traceRouteProbeHistoryTable reaches the value specified
+        by traceRouteCtlMaxRows for the corresponding entry in the
+        traceRouteCtlTable."
+   ::= { traceRouteObjects 4 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TraceRouteProbeHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines a table for storing the results of a traceroute
+        operation.  Entries in this table are limited by
+        the value of the corresponding traceRouteCtlMaxRows
+        object.
+        The first two index elements identify the
+        traceRouteCtlEntry that a traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry
+        belongs to.  The third index element selects a single
+        traceroute operation result.  The fourth and fifth indexes
+        select the hop and the probe for a particular
+        traceroute operation."
+    INDEX {
+             traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex,
+             traceRouteCtlTestName,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryIndex,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryHopIndex,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryProbeIndex
+          }
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryTable 1 }
+ TraceRouteProbeHistoryEntry ::=
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryIndex         Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryHopIndex      Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryProbeIndex    Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType     InetAddressType,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr         InetAddress,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryResponse      Unsigned32,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryStatus        OperationResponseStatus,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryLastRC        Integer32,
+      traceRouteProbeHistoryTime          DateAndTime
+    }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry in this table is created when the result of
+        a traceroute probe is determined.  The initial 2 instance
+        identifier index values identify the traceRouteCtlEntry
+        that a probe result (traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry) belongs
+        to.  An entry is removed from this table when
+        its corresponding traceRouteCtlEntry is deleted.
+        An implementation MUST start assigning
+        traceRouteProbeHistoryIndex values at 1 and wrap after
+        exceeding the maximum possible value, as defined by the
+        limit of this object ('ffffffff'h)."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 1 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+       "Indicates which hop in a traceroute path the probe's
+       results are for.  The value of this object is initially
+       determined by the value of traceRouteCtlInitialTtl."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 2 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryProbeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..10)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+       "Indicates the index of a probe for a particular
+       hop in a traceroute path.  The number of probes per
+       hop is determined by the value of the corresponding
+       traceRouteCtlProbesPerHop object."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 3 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This objects indicates the type of address stored
+        in the corresponding traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr
+        object."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 4 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+       "The address of a hop in a traceroute path.  This object
+       is not allowed to be a DNS name.  The value of the
+       corresponding object, traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType,
+       indicates this object's IP address type."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 5 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryResponse OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The amount of time measured in milliseconds from when
+        a probe was sent to when its response was received or
+        when it timed out.  The value of this object is reported
+        as 0 when it is not possible to transmit a probe."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 6 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OperationResponseStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The result of a traceroute operation made by a remote
+        host for a particular probe."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 7 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryLastRC OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The last implementation-method-specific reply code received.
+        Traceroute is usually implemented by transmitting a series of
+        probe packets with increasing time-to-live values.  A probe
+        packet is a UDP datagram encapsulated into an IP packet.
+        Each hop in a path to the target (destination) host rejects
+        the probe packets (probe's TTL too small, ICMP reply) until
+        either the maximum TTL is exceeded or the target host is
+        received."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 8 }
+ traceRouteProbeHistoryTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Timestamp for when this probe's results were determined."
+    ::= { traceRouteProbeHistoryEntry 9 }
+ -- Traceroute Hop Results Table
+ traceRouteHopsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TraceRouteHopsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines the Remote Operations Traceroute Hop Table for
+        keeping track of the results of traceroute tests on a
+        per-hop basis."
+    ::= { traceRouteObjects 5 }
+ traceRouteHopsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TraceRouteHopsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Defines an entry in the traceRouteHopsTable.
+        The first two index elements identify the
+        traceRouteCtlEntry that a traceRouteHopsEntry
+        belongs to.  The third index element,
+        traceRouteHopsHopIndex, selects a
+        hop in a traceroute path."
+    INDEX {
+            traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex,
+            traceRouteCtlTestName,
+            traceRouteHopsHopIndex
+          }
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsTable 1 }
+ TraceRouteHopsEntry ::=
+        traceRouteHopsHopIndex         Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddressType InetAddressType,
+        traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress     InetAddress,
+        traceRouteHopsMinRtt           Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsMaxRtt           Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsAverageRtt       Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsRttSumOfSquares  Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsSentProbes       Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsProbeResponses   Unsigned32,
+        traceRouteHopsLastGoodProbe    DateAndTime
+      }
+ traceRouteHopsHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Specifies the hop index for a traceroute hop.  Values
+        for this object with respect to the same
+        traceRouteCtlOwnerIndex and traceRouteCtlTestName
+        MUST start at 1 and be given increasing values for
+        subsequent hops.  The value of traceRouteHopsHopIndex is not
+        necessarily the number of the hop on the traced path.
+        The traceRouteHopsTable keeps the current traceroute
+        path per traceRouteCtlEntry if enabled by
+        setting the corresponding traceRouteCtlCreateHopsEntries
+        to true(1).
+        All hops (traceRouteHopsTable entries) in a traceroute
+        path MUST be updated at the same time when a traceroute
+        operation is completed.  Care needs to be applied when a path
+        either changes or can't be determined.  The initial portion
+        of the path, up to the first hop change, MUST retain the
+        same traceRouteHopsHopIndex values.  The remaining portion
+        of the path SHOULD be assigned new traceRouteHopsHopIndex
+        values."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 1 }
+ traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object indicates the type of address stored
+        in the corresponding traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress
+        object."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 2 }
+ traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object reports the IP address associated with
+        the hop.  A value for this object should be reported
+        as a numeric IP address, not as a DNS name.
+        The address type (InetAddressType) that relates to
+        this object is specified by the corresponding value
+        of pingCtlSourceAddressType."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 3 }
+ traceRouteHopsMinRtt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The minimum traceroute round-trip-time (RTT) received for
+        this hop.  A value of 0 for this object implies that no
+        RTT has been received."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 4 }
+ traceRouteHopsMaxRtt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum traceroute round-trip-time (RTT) received for
+        this hop.  A value of 0 for this object implies that no
+        RTT has been received."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 5 }
+ traceRouteHopsAverageRtt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The current average traceroute round-trip-time (RTT) for
+        this hop."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 6 }
+ traceRouteHopsRttSumOfSquares OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains the sum of the squares of all
+        round-trip-times received for this hop.  Its purpose is
+        to enable standard deviation calculation."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 7 }
+ traceRouteHopsSentProbes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object reflects the number of probes sent
+        for this hop during this traceroute test.  The value of this
+        object should start at 0."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 8 }
+ traceRouteHopsProbeResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of responses received for this hop during this
+        traceroute test.  This value of this object should start
+        at 0."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 9 }
+ traceRouteHopsLastGoodProbe OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Date and time at which the last response was received for a
+         probe for this hop during this traceroute test."
+    ::= { traceRouteHopsEntry 10 }
+ -- Notification Definition section
+ traceRoutePathChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+      OBJECTS {
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType,
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddress,
+        traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType,
+        traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+      }
+      STATUS  current
+          "The path to a target has changed."
+      ::= { traceRouteNotifications 1 }
+ traceRouteTestFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+      OBJECTS {
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType,
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddress,
+        traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType,
+        traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+      }
+      STATUS  current
+          "Could not determine the path to a target."
+      ::= { traceRouteNotifications 2 }
+ traceRouteTestCompleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+      OBJECTS {
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType,
+        traceRouteCtlTargetAddress,
+        traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType,
+        traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+      }
+      STATUS  current
+          "The path to a target has just been determined."
+      ::= { traceRouteNotifications 3 }
+ -- Conformance information
+ -- Compliance statements
+ traceRouteCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+      ::= { traceRouteConformance 1 }
+ traceRouteGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+      ::= { traceRouteConformance 2 }
+ -- Compliance statements
+ traceRouteFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that
+            fully implement the DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                            traceRouteMinimumGroup,
+                            traceRouteCtlRowStatusGroup,
+                            traceRouteHistoryGroup
+                         }
+        GROUP traceRouteHopsTableGroup
+            "This group lists the objects that make up a
+            traceRouteHopsEntry.  Support of the traceRouteHopsTable
+            is optional."
+        GROUP traceRouteNotificationsGroup
+            "This group defines a collection of optional
+            notifications."
+        OBJECT traceRouteMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support SET
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of its
+            implementation.  The function represented by this
+            object is implementable if the setsockopt
+            SOL_SOCKET SO_DONTROUTE option is supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlDSField
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlSourceAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlIfIndex
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlMiscOptions
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Support of this object is optional.  If not
+            supporting, do not allow write access and return a
+            zero-length octet string as the value of the object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  It is also allowed
+            that implementations support only the volatile(2)
+            StorageType enumeration."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  In addition, the only
+            value that is RECOMMENDED to be supported by an
+            implementation is traceRouteUsingUdpProbes."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath
+            "If the traceRouteHopsTableGroup is implemented, then
+            this object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryTime
+            "This object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsLastGoodProbe
+            "This object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+    ::= { traceRouteCompliances 2 }
+ traceRouteMinimumCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The minimum compliance statement for SNMP entities
+            which implement the minimal subset of the
+            DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB.  Implementors might choose this
+            subset for small devices with limited resources."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { traceRouteMinimumGroup }
+        GROUP traceRouteCtlRowStatusGroup
+            "A compliant implementation does not have to implement
+            the traceRouteCtlRowStatusGroup."
+        GROUP traceRouteHistoryGroup
+            "A compliant implementation does not have to implement
+            the traceRouteHistoryGroup."
+        GROUP traceRouteHopsTableGroup
+            "This group lists the objects that make up a
+            traceRouteHopsEntry.  Support of the traceRouteHopsTable
+            is optional."
+        GROUP traceRouteNotificationsGroup
+            "This group defines a collection of optional
+            notifications."
+        OBJECT traceRouteMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support SET
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a false(2) as the value of this
+            object.  A value of false(2) means that the function
+            represented by this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlDSField
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlSourceAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access to this object is not required by
+            implementations that are not capable of binding the
+            send socket with a source address.  An implementation
+            is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlIfIndex
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlMiscOptions
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Support of this object is optional.  If not
+            supporting, do not allow write access, and return a
+            zero-length octet string as the value of the object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlDontFragment
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a false(2) as the value of this
+            object.  A value of false(2) means that the function
+            represented by this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlInitialTtl
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 1 as the value of this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlFrequency
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  It is also allowed
+            that implementations support only the volatile(2)
+            StorageType enumeration."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlDescr
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support set
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlMaxRows
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If the
+            traceRouteHistoryGroup is not implemented, then write
+            access to this object MUST be disabled, and the object
+            MUST return a value of 0 when retrieved."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlTrapGeneration
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If the
+            traceRouteNotificationsGroup is not implemented, then
+            write access to this object MUST be disabled, and the
+            object MUST return a value with no bit set when
+            retrieved.  No bit set indicates that no notification
+            is generated."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlCreateHopsEntries
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  If the
+            traceRouteHopsTableGroup is not implemented, then
+            write access to this object MUST be disabled, and the
+            object MUST return a value of false(2) when retrieved."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  In addition, the only
+            value that is RECOMMENDED to be supported by an
+            implementation is traceRouteUsingUdpProbes."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath
+            "This object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryTime
+            "If the traceRouteHistoryGroup is implemented, then
+            this object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsLastGoodProbe
+            "If the traceRouteHopsTableGroup is implemented, then
+            this object is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects.  It is RECOMMENDED
+            that when this object is not supported its values
+            be reported as '0000000000000000'H."
+    ::= { traceRouteCompliances 3 }
+ traceRouteCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The compliance statement for the DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB.
+            This compliance statement has been deprecated because
+            the traceRouteGroup and the traceRouteTimeStampGroup
+            have been split and deprecated. The
+            traceRouteFullCompliance is semantically identical to the
+            deprecated traceRouteCompliance statement."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+                            traceRouteGroup
+                          }
+        GROUP traceRouteTimeStampGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for implementations that have
+            access to a system clock and that are capable of setting
+            the values for DateAndTime objects."
+        GROUP traceRouteNotificationsGroup
+            "This group defines a collection of optional
+            notifications."
+        GROUP traceRouteHopsTableGroup
+            "This group lists the objects that make up a
+            traceRouteHopsEntry.  Support of the traceRouteHopsTable
+            is optional."
+        OBJECT traceRouteMaxConcurrentRequests
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "The agent is not required to support SET
+            operations to this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "This object is not required by implementations that
+            are not capable of its implementation.  The function
+            represented by this object is implementable if the
+            setsockopt SOL_SOCKET SO_DONTROUTE option is
+            supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "This object is not required by implementations that
+            are not capable of binding the send socket with a
+            source address.  An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlSourceAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "This object is not required by implementations that
+            are not capable of binding the send socket with a
+            source address.  An implementation is only required to
+            support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlIfIndex
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  When write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlMiscOptions
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Support of this object is optional.  When not
+            supporting, do not allow write access, and return a
+            zero-length octet string as the value of the object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  It is also allowed
+           that implementations support only the volatile
+            StorageType enumeration."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlDSField
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  When write access is
+            not supported, return a 0 as the value of this object.
+            A value of 0 implies that the function represented by
+            this option is not supported."
+        OBJECT traceRouteCtlType
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required.  In addition, the only
+            value that is RECOMMENDED to be supported by an
+            implementation is traceRouteUsingUdpProbes."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddressType
+        SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+        OBJECT traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress
+        SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
+            "An implementation should only support IPv4 and
+            globally unique IPv6 address values for this object."
+    ::= { traceRouteCompliances 1 }
+ -- MIB groupings
+ traceRouteMinimumGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             traceRouteMaxConcurrentRequests,
+             traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType,
+             traceRouteCtlTargetAddress,
+             traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable,
+             traceRouteCtlDataSize,
+             traceRouteCtlTimeOut,
+             traceRouteCtlProbesPerHop,
+             traceRouteCtlPort,
+             traceRouteCtlMaxTtl,
+             traceRouteCtlDSField,
+             traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType,
+             traceRouteCtlSourceAddress,
+             traceRouteCtlIfIndex,
+             traceRouteCtlMiscOptions,
+             traceRouteCtlMaxFailures,
+             traceRouteCtlDontFragment,
+             traceRouteCtlInitialTtl,
+             traceRouteCtlFrequency,
+             traceRouteCtlStorageType,
+             traceRouteCtlAdminStatus,
+             traceRouteCtlMaxRows,
+             traceRouteCtlTrapGeneration,
+             traceRouteCtlDescr,
+             traceRouteCtlCreateHopsEntries,
+             traceRouteCtlType,
+             traceRouteResultsOperStatus,
+             traceRouteResultsCurHopCount,
+             traceRouteResultsCurProbeCount,
+             traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType,
+             traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr,
+             traceRouteResultsTestAttempts,
+             traceRouteResultsTestSuccesses,
+             traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath
+          }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The group of objects that constitute the remote traceroute
+       operation."
+   ::= { traceRouteGroups 5 }
+ traceRouteCtlRowStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             traceRouteCtlRowStatus
+          }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The RowStatus object of the traceRouteCtlTable."
+   ::= { traceRouteGroups 6 }
+ traceRouteHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryResponse,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryStatus,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryLastRC,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryTime
+           }
+   STATUS  current
+       "The group of objects that constitute the history
+       capability."
+    ::= { traceRouteGroups 7 }
+ traceRouteNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+             traceRoutePathChange,
+             traceRouteTestFailed,
+             traceRouteTestCompleted
+          }
+   STATUS   current
+       "The notifications that are required to be supported by
+       implementations of this MIB."
+   ::= { traceRouteGroups 3 }
+ traceRouteHopsTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddressType,
+             traceRouteHopsIpTgtAddress,
+             traceRouteHopsMinRtt,
+             traceRouteHopsMaxRtt,
+             traceRouteHopsAverageRtt,
+             traceRouteHopsRttSumOfSquares,
+             traceRouteHopsSentProbes,
+             traceRouteHopsProbeResponses,
+             traceRouteHopsLastGoodProbe
+           }
+    STATUS   current
+        "The group of objects that constitute the
+        traceRouteHopsTable."
+  ::= { traceRouteGroups 4 }
+ traceRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             traceRouteMaxConcurrentRequests,
+             traceRouteCtlTargetAddressType,
+             traceRouteCtlTargetAddress,
+             traceRouteCtlByPassRouteTable,
+             traceRouteCtlDataSize,
+             traceRouteCtlTimeOut,
+             traceRouteCtlProbesPerHop,
+             traceRouteCtlPort,
+             traceRouteCtlMaxTtl,
+             traceRouteCtlDSField,
+             traceRouteCtlSourceAddressType,
+             traceRouteCtlSourceAddress,
+             traceRouteCtlIfIndex,
+             traceRouteCtlMiscOptions,
+             traceRouteCtlMaxFailures,
+             traceRouteCtlDontFragment,
+             traceRouteCtlInitialTtl,
+             traceRouteCtlFrequency,
+             traceRouteCtlStorageType,
+             traceRouteCtlAdminStatus,
+             traceRouteCtlMaxRows,
+             traceRouteCtlTrapGeneration,
+             traceRouteCtlDescr,
+             traceRouteCtlCreateHopsEntries,
+             traceRouteCtlType,
+             traceRouteCtlRowStatus,
+             traceRouteResultsOperStatus,
+             traceRouteResultsCurHopCount,
+             traceRouteResultsCurProbeCount,
+             traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddrType,
+             traceRouteResultsIpTgtAddr,
+             traceRouteResultsTestAttempts,
+             traceRouteResultsTestSuccesses,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddrType,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryHAddr,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryResponse,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryStatus,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryLastRC
+          }
+   STATUS  deprecated
+       "The group of objects that constitute the remote traceroute
+       operation."
+   ::= { traceRouteGroups 1 }
+ traceRouteTimeStampGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+             traceRouteResultsLastGoodPath,
+             traceRouteProbeHistoryTime
+           }
+   STATUS  deprecated
+       "The group of DateAndTime objects."
+    ::= { traceRouteGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/EtherLike-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/EtherLike-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e3fc1f7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/EtherLike-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1862 @@
+        Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, mib-2, transmission
+            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+        TruthValue
+            FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        ifIndex, InterfaceIndex
+            FROM IF-MIB;
+        LAST-UPDATED "200309190000Z"  -- September 19, 2003
+        ORGANIZATION "IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB
+                     Working Group"
+            "WG E-mail: hubmib@ietf.org
+          To subscribe: hubmib-request@ietf.org
+                 Chair: Dan Romascanu
+                Postal: Avaya Inc.
+                        Atidum Technology Park, Bldg. 3
+                        Tel Aviv 61131
+                        Israel
+                   Tel: +972 3 645 8414
+                E-mail: dromasca@avaya.com
+               Editor: John Flick
+               Postal: Hewlett-Packard Company
+                       8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
+                       Roseville, CA 95747-5557
+                       USA
+                  Tel: +1 916 785 4018
+                  Fax: +1 916 785 1199
+               E-mail: johnf@rose.hp.com"
+        DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to describe generic objects for
+                    ethernet-like network interfaces.
+                    The following reference is used throughout this
+                    MIB module:
+                    [IEEE 802.3 Std] refers to:
+                       IEEE Std 802.3, 2002 Edition: 'IEEE Standard
+                       for Information technology -
+                       Telecommunications and information exchange
+                       between systems - Local and metropolitan
+                       area networks - Specific requirements -
+                       Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with
+                       collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method
+                       and physical layer specifications', as
+                       amended by IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002:
+                       'Amendment: Media Access Control (MAC)
+                       Parameters, Physical Layer, and Management
+                       Parameters for 10 Gb/s Operation', August,
+                       2002.
+                    Of particular interest is Clause 30, '10 Mb/s,
+                    100 Mb/s, 1000 Mb/s, and 10 Gb/s Management'.
+                    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  This
+                    version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3635;
+                    see the RFC itself for full legal notices."
+        REVISION    "200309190000Z"  -- September 19, 2003
+        DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 10 Gb/sec
+                     interfaces.  This resulted in the following
+                     revisions:
+                     - Updated dot3StatsAlignmentErrors and
+                       dot3StatsSymbolErrors DESCRIPTIONs to
+                       reflect behaviour at 10 Gb/s
+                     - Added dot3StatsRateControlAbility and
+                       dot3RateControlStatus for management
+                       of the Rate Control function in 10 Gb/s
+                       WAN applications
+                     - Added 64-bit versions of all counters
+                       that are used on high-speed ethernet
+                       interfaces
+                     - Added object groups to contain the new
+                       objects
+                     - Deprecated etherStatsBaseGroup and
+                       split into etherStatsBaseGroup2 and
+                       etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup, so that
+                       interfaces which can only operate at
+                       full-duplex do not need to implement
+                       half-duplex-only statistics
+                     - Deprecated dot3Compliance and replaced
+                       it with dot3Compliance2, which includes
+                       the compliance information for the new
+                       object groups
+                     In addition, the dot3Tests and dot3Errors
+                     object identities have been deprecated,
+                     since there is no longer a standard method
+                     for using them.
+                     This version published as RFC 3635."
+        REVISION    "199908240400Z"  -- August 24, 1999
+        DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 1000 Mb/sec
+                     interfaces and full-duplex interfaces.
+                     This version published as RFC 2665."
+        REVISION    "199806032150Z"  -- June 3, 1998
+        DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 100 Mb/sec
+                     interfaces.
+                     This version published as RFC 2358."
+        REVISION    "199402030400Z"  -- February 3, 1994
+        DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 1650."
+        ::= { mib-2 35 }
+    etherMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherMIB 1 }
+    dot3    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 7 }
+    -- the Ethernet-like Statistics group
+    dot3StatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Dot3StatsEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+        DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a collection of ethernet-like
+                    interfaces attached to a particular system.
+                    There will be one row in this table for each
+                    ethernet-like interface in the system."
+        ::= { dot3 2 }
+    dot3StatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX     Dot3StatsEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+        STATUS     current
+        DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a particular interface to an
+                    ethernet-like medium."
+        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
+        ::= { dot3StatsTable 1 }
+    Dot3StatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            dot3StatsIndex                      InterfaceIndex,
+            dot3StatsAlignmentErrors            Counter32,
+            dot3StatsFCSErrors                  Counter32,
+            dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames      Counter32,
+            dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames    Counter32,
+            dot3StatsSQETestErrors              Counter32,
+            dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions      Counter32,
+            dot3StatsLateCollisions             Counter32,
+            dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions        Counter32,
+            dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors  Counter32,
+            dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors         Counter32,
+            dot3StatsFrameTooLongs              Counter32,
+            dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors   Counter32,
+            dot3StatsEtherChipSet               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+            dot3StatsSymbolErrors               Counter32,
+            dot3StatsDuplexStatus               INTEGER,
+            dot3StatsRateControlAbility         TruthValue,
+            dot3StatsRateControlStatus          INTEGER
+        }
+    dot3StatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
+                               -- SMIv1 index
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "An index value that uniquely identifies an
+                    interface to an ethernet-like medium.  The
+                    interface identified by a particular value of
+                    this index is the same interface as identified
+                    by the same value of ifIndex."
+        REFERENCE   "RFC 2863, ifIndex"
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 1 }
+    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+                    interface that are not an integral number of
+                    octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented when the alignmentError
+                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
+                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
+                    This counter does not increment for group
+                    encoding schemes greater than 4 bits per group.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors object for 10 Gb/s
+                    or faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aAlignmentErrors"
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 2 }
+    dot3StatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+                    interface that are an integral number of octets
+                    in length but do not pass the FCS check.  This
+                    count does not include frames received with
+                    frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented when the frameCheckError
+                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
+                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
+                    Note:  Coding errors detected by the physical
+                    layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
+                    frame to fail the FCS check.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCStatsFCSErrors object for 10 Gb/s or
+                    faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFrameCheckSequenceErrors."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 3 }
+    dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames that are involved in a single
+                    collision, and are subsequently transmitted
+                    successfully.
+                    A frame that is counted by an instance of this
+                    object is also counted by the corresponding
+                    instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts,
+                    ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts,
+                    and is not counted by the corresponding
+                    instance of the dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames
+                    object.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aSingleCollisionFrames."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 4 }
+    dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames that are involved in more
+                    than one collision and are subsequently
+                    transmitted successfully.
+                    A frame that is counted by an instance of this
+                    object is also counted by the corresponding
+                    instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts,
+                    ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts,
+                    and is not counted by the corresponding
+                    instance of the dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames
+                    object.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aMultipleCollisionFrames."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 5 }
+    dot3StatsSQETestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR
+                    is received on a particular interface. The
+                    SQE TEST ERROR is set in accordance with the
+                    rules for verification of the SQE detection
+                    mechanism in the PLS Carrier Sense Function as
+                    described in IEEE Std. 802.3, 2000 Edition,
+                    section
+                    This counter does not increment on interfaces
+                    operating at speeds greater than 10 Mb/s, or on
+                    interfaces operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],, also,
+                    aSQETestErrors."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 6 }
+    dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which the first
+                    transmission attempt on a particular interface
+                    is delayed because the medium is busy.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object does not include frames involved in
+                    collisions.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFramesWithDeferredXmissions."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 7 }
+    dot3StatsLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of times that a collision is
+                    detected on a particular interface later than
+                    one slotTime into the transmission of a packet.
+                    A (late) collision included in a count
+                    represented by an instance of this object is
+                    also considered as a (generic) collision for
+                    purposes of other collision-related
+                    statistics.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aLateCollisions."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 8 }
+    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
+                    particular interface fails due to excessive
+                    collisions.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFramesAbortedDueToXSColls."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 9 }
+    dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
+                    particular interface fails due to an internal
+                    MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
+                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
+                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
+                    either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
+                    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the
+                    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
+                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
+                    an instance of this object is implementation-
+                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
+                    object may represent a count of transmission
+                    errors on a particular interface that are not
+                    otherwise counted.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors object for
+                    10 Gb/s or faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 10 }
+    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the carrier sense
+                    condition was lost or never asserted when
+                    attempting to transmit a frame on a particular
+                    interface.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented at most once per
+                    transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense
+                    condition fluctuates during a transmission
+                    attempt.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aCarrierSenseErrors."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 11 }
+    -- { dot3StatsEntry 12 } is not assigned
+    dot3StatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+                    interface that exceed the maximum permitted
+                    frame size.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented when the frameTooLong
+                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
+                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 80 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs object for 10 Gb/s
+                    or faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFrameTooLongErrors."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 13 }
+    -- { dot3StatsEntry 14 } is not assigned
+    -- { dot3StatsEntry 15 } is not assigned
+    dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
+                    particular interface fails due to an internal
+                    MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
+                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
+                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
+                    either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
+                    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
+                    dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
+                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
+                    an instance of this object is implementation-
+                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
+                    object may represent a count of receive errors
+                    on a particular interface that are not
+                    otherwise counted.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors object for
+                    10 Gb/s or faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 16 }
+    dot3StatsEtherChipSet OBJECT-TYPE
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    This object contains an OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+                    which identifies the chipset used to
+                    realize the interface. Ethernet-like
+                    interfaces are typically built out of
+                    several different chips. The MIB implementor
+                    is presented with a decision of which chip
+                    to identify via this object. The implementor
+                    should identify the chip which is usually
+                    called the Medium Access Control chip.
+                    If no such chip is easily identifiable,
+                    the implementor should identify the chip
+                    which actually gathers the transmit
+                    and receive statistics and error
+                    indications. This would allow a
+                    manager station to correlate the
+                    statistics and the chip generating
+                    them, giving it the ability to take
+                    into account any known anomalies
+                    in the chip.
+                    This object has been deprecated.  Implementation
+                    feedback indicates that it is of limited use for
+                    debugging network problems in the field, and
+                    the administrative overhead involved in
+                    maintaining a registry of chipset OIDs is not
+                    justified."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 17 }
+    dot3StatsSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the
+                    number of times there was an invalid data symbol
+                    when a valid carrier was present.
+                    For an interface operating in half-duplex mode
+                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+                    of time equal to or greater than slotTime, and
+                    during which there was at least one occurrence
+                    of an event that causes the PHY to indicate
+                    'Data reception error' or 'carrier extend error'
+                    on the GMII.
+                    For an interface operating in full-duplex mode
+                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+                    of time equal to or greater than minFrameSize,
+                    and during which there was at least one
+                    occurrence of an event that causes the PHY to
+                    indicate 'Data reception error' on the GMII.
+                    For an interface operating at 10 Gb/s, the
+                    number of times the receiving media is non-idle
+                    (a carrier event) for a period of time equal to
+                    or greater than minFrameSize, and during which
+                    there was at least one occurrence of an event
+                    that causes the PHY to indicate 'Receive Error'
+                    on the XGMII.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented at most once per carrier
+                    event, even if multiple symbol errors occur
+                    during the carrier event.  This count does
+                    not increment if a collision is present.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating at 10 Mb/s.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors object for 10 Gb/s
+                    or faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 18 }
+    dot3StatsDuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        unknown(1),
+                        halfDuplex(2),
+                        fullDuplex(3)
+                    }
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The current mode of operation of the MAC
+                    entity.  'unknown' indicates that the current
+                    duplex mode could not be determined.
+                    Management control of the duplex mode is
+                    accomplished through the MAU MIB.  When
+                    an interface does not support autonegotiation,
+                    or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the
+                    duplex mode is controlled using
+                    ifMauDefaultType.  When autonegotiation is
+                    supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled
+                    using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits.  In either
+                    case, the currently operating duplex mode is
+                    reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.
+                    Note that this object provides redundant
+                    information with ifMauType.  Normally, redundant
+                    objects are discouraged.  However, in this
+                    instance, it allows a management application to
+                    determine the duplex status of an interface
+                    without having to know every possible value of
+                    ifMauType.  This was felt to be sufficiently
+                    valuable to justify the redundancy."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aDuplexStatus."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 19 }
+    dot3StatsRateControlAbility OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "'true' for interfaces operating at speeds above
+                    1000 Mb/s that support Rate Control through
+                    lowering the average data rate of the MAC
+                    sublayer, with frame granularity, and 'false'
+                    otherwise."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aRateControlAbility."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 20 }
+    dot3StatsRateControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        rateControlOff(1),
+                        rateControlOn(2),
+                        unknown(3)
+                    }
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The current Rate Control mode of operation of
+                    the MAC sublayer of this interface."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aRateControlStatus."
+        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 21 }
+    -- the Ethernet-like Collision Statistics group
+    -- Implementation of this group is optional; it is appropriate
+    -- for all systems which have the necessary metering
+    dot3CollTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3CollEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of collision histograms for a
+                    particular set of interfaces."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aCollisionFrames."
+        ::= { dot3 5 }
+    dot3CollEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Dot3CollEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A cell in the histogram of per-frame
+                    collisions for a particular interface.  An
+                    instance of this object represents the
+                    frequency of individual MAC frames for which
+                    the transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
+                    particular interface is accompanied by a
+                    particular number of media collisions."
+        INDEX       { ifIndex, dot3CollCount }
+        ::= { dot3CollTable 1 }
+    Dot3CollEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            dot3CollCount        Integer32,
+            dot3CollFrequencies  Counter32
+        }
+    -- { dot3CollEntry 1 } is no longer in use
+    dot3CollCount OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..16)
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of per-frame media collisions for
+                    which a particular collision histogram cell
+                    represents the frequency on a particular
+                    interface."
+        ::= { dot3CollEntry 2 }
+    dot3CollFrequencies OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of individual MAC frames for which the
+                    transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
+                    particular interface occurs after the
+                    frame has experienced exactly the number
+                    of collisions in the associated
+                    dot3CollCount object.
+                    For example, a frame which is transmitted
+                    on interface 77 after experiencing
+                    exactly 4 collisions would be indicated
+                    by incrementing only dot3CollFrequencies.77.4.
+                    No other instance of dot3CollFrequencies would
+                    be incremented in this example.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        ::= { dot3CollEntry 3 }
+    dot3ControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3ControlEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A table of descriptive and status information
+                    about the MAC Control sublayer on the
+                    ethernet-like interfaces attached to a
+                    particular system.  There will be one row in
+                    this table for each ethernet-like interface in
+                    the system which implements the MAC Control
+                    sublayer.  If some, but not all, of the
+                    ethernet-like interfaces in the system implement
+                    the MAC Control sublayer, there will be fewer
+                    rows in this table than in the dot3StatsTable."
+        ::= { dot3 9 }
+    dot3ControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Dot3ControlEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
+                    about the MAC Control sublayer on a single
+                    ethernet-like interface."
+        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
+        ::= { dot3ControlTable 1 }
+    Dot3ControlEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            dot3ControlFunctionsSupported       BITS,
+            dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes         Counter32,
+            dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes       Counter64
+        }
+    dot3ControlFunctionsSupported OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      BITS {
+                        pause(0)   -- 802.3 flow control
+                    }
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of the possible MAC Control functions
+                    implemented for this interface."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aMACControlFunctionsSupported."
+        ::= { dot3ControlEntry 1 }
+    dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+                    interface that contain an opcode that is not
+                    supported by this device.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes object for 10 Gb/s
+                    or faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived"
+        ::= { dot3ControlEntry 2 }
+    dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+                    interface that contain an opcode that is not
+                    supported by this device.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes.  It should be used
+                    on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived"
+        ::= { dot3ControlEntry 3 }
+    dot3PauseTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3PauseEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A table of descriptive and status information
+                    about the MAC Control PAUSE function on the
+                    ethernet-like interfaces attached to a
+                    particular system. There will be one row in
+                    this table for each ethernet-like interface in
+                    the system which supports the MAC Control PAUSE
+                    function (i.e., the 'pause' bit in the
+                    corresponding instance of
+                    dot3ControlFunctionsSupported is set).  If some,
+                    but not all, of the ethernet-like interfaces in
+                    the system implement the MAC Control PAUSE
+                    function (for example, if some interfaces only
+                    support half-duplex), there will be fewer rows
+                    in this table than in the dot3StatsTable."
+        ::= { dot3 10 }
+    dot3PauseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Dot3PauseEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
+                    about the MAC Control PAUSE function on a single
+                    ethernet-like interface."
+        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
+        ::= { dot3PauseTable 1 }
+    Dot3PauseEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            dot3PauseAdminMode                  INTEGER,
+            dot3PauseOperMode                   INTEGER,
+            dot3InPauseFrames                   Counter32,
+            dot3OutPauseFrames                  Counter32,
+            dot3HCInPauseFrames                 Counter64,
+            dot3HCOutPauseFrames                Counter64
+        }
+    dot3PauseAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disabled(1),
+                        enabledXmit(2),
+                        enabledRcv(3),
+                        enabledXmitAndRcv(4)
+                    }
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the default
+                    administrative PAUSE mode for this interface.
+                    This object represents the
+                    administratively-configured PAUSE mode for this
+                    interface.  If auto-negotiation is not enabled
+                    or is not implemented for the active MAU
+                    attached to this interface, the value of this
+                    object determines the operational PAUSE mode
+                    of the interface whenever it is operating in
+                    full-duplex mode.  In this case, a set to this
+                    object will force the interface into the
+                    specified mode.
+                    If auto-negotiation is implemented and enabled
+                    for the MAU attached to this interface, the
+                    PAUSE mode for this interface is determined by
+                    auto-negotiation, and the value of this object
+                    denotes the mode to which the interface will
+                    automatically revert if/when auto-negotiation is
+                    later disabled.  Note that when auto-negotiation
+                    is running, administrative control of the PAUSE
+                    mode may be accomplished using the
+                    ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits object in the
+                    MAU-MIB.
+                    Note that the value of this object is ignored
+                    when the interface is not operating in
+                    full-duplex mode.
+                    An attempt to set this object to
+                    'enabledXmit(2)' or 'enabledRcv(3)' will fail
+                    on interfaces that do not support operation
+                    at greater than 100 Mb/s."
+        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 1 }
+    dot3PauseOperMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disabled(1),
+                        enabledXmit(2),
+                        enabledRcv(3),
+                        enabledXmitAndRcv(4)
+                    }
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the PAUSE mode currently
+                    in use on this interface, as determined by
+                    either (1) the result of the auto-negotiation
+                    function or (2) if auto-negotiation is not
+                    enabled or is not implemented for the active MAU
+                    attached to this interface, by the value of
+                    dot3PauseAdminMode.  Interfaces operating at
+                    100 Mb/s or less will never return
+                    'enabledXmit(2)' or 'enabledRcv(3)'.  Interfaces
+                    operating in half-duplex mode will always return
+                    'disabled(1)'.  Interfaces on which
+                    auto-negotiation is enabled but not yet
+                    completed should return the value
+                    'disabled(1)'."
+        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 2 }
+    dot3InPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+                    interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE
+                    operation.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCInPauseFrames object for 10 Gb/s or
+                    faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived."
+        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 3 }
+    dot3OutPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames transmitted on
+                    this interface with an opcode indicating the
+                    PAUSE operation.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
+                    that amount of time could be less than a
+                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
+                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
+                    station is advised to poll the
+                    dot3HCOutPauseFrames object for 10 Gb/s or
+                    faster interfaces.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted."
+        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 4 }
+    dot3HCInPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+                    interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE
+                    operation.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3InPauseFrames.  It should be used on
+                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived."
+        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 5 }
+    dot3HCOutPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames transmitted on
+                    this interface with an opcode indicating the
+                    PAUSE operation.
+                    This counter does not increment when the
+                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3OutPauseFrames.  It should be used on
+                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted."
+        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 6 }
+    dot3HCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3HCStatsEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A table containing 64-bit versions of error
+                    counters from the dot3StatsTable.  The 32-bit
+                    versions of these counters may roll over quite
+                    quickly on higher speed ethernet interfaces.
+                    The counters that have 64-bit versions in this
+                    table are the counters that apply to full-duplex
+                    interfaces, since 10 Gb/s and faster
+                    ethernet-like interfaces do not support
+                    half-duplex, and very few 1000 Mb/s
+                    ethernet-like interfaces support half-duplex.
+                    Entries in this table are recommended for
+                    interfaces capable of operating at 1000 Mb/s or
+                    faster, and are required for interfaces capable
+                    of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.  Lower speed
+                    ethernet-like interfaces do not need entries in
+                    this table, in which case there may be fewer
+                    entries in this table than in the
+                    dot3StatsTable. However, implementations
+                    containing interfaces with a mix of speeds may
+                    choose to implement entries in this table for
+                    all ethernet-like interfaces."
+        ::= { dot3 11 }
+    dot3HCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Dot3HCStatsEntry
+        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "An entry containing 64-bit statistics for a
+                    single ethernet-like interface."
+        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsTable 1 }
+    Dot3HCStatsEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors           Counter64,
+            dot3HCStatsFCSErrors                 Counter64,
+            dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors Counter64,
+            dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs             Counter64,
+            dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors  Counter64,
+            dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors              Counter64
+        }
+    dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+                    interface that are not an integral number of
+                    octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented when the alignmentError
+                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
+                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
+                    This counter does not increment for group
+                    encoding schemes greater than 4 bits per group.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors.  It should be used
+                    on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aAlignmentErrors"
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 1 }
+    dot3HCStatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+                    interface that are an integral number of octets
+                    in length but do not pass the FCS check.  This
+                    count does not include frames received with
+                    frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented when the frameCheckError
+                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
+                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
+                    Note:  Coding errors detected by the physical
+                    layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
+                    frame to fail the FCS check.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3StatsFCSErrors.  It should be used on
+                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFrameCheckSequenceErrors."
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 2 }
+    dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
+                    particular interface fails due to an internal
+                    MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
+                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
+                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
+                    either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
+                    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the
+                    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
+                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
+                    an instance of this object is implementation-
+                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
+                    object may represent a count of transmission
+                    errors on a particular interface that are not
+                    otherwise counted.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors.  It should
+                    be used on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or
+                    faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError."
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 3 }
+    dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+                    interface that exceed the maximum permitted
+                    frame size.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented when the frameTooLong
+                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
+                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3StatsFrameTooLongs.  It should be used on
+                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFrameTooLongErrors."
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 4 }
+    dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
+                    particular interface fails due to an internal
+                    MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
+                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
+                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
+                    either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
+                    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
+                    dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
+                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
+                    an instance of this object is implementation-
+                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
+                    object may represent a count of receive errors
+                    on a particular interface that are not
+                    otherwise counted.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors.  It should be
+                    used on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or
+                    faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError."
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 5 }
+    dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter64
+        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the
+                    number of times there was an invalid data symbol
+                    when a valid carrier was present.
+                    For an interface operating in half-duplex mode
+                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+                    of time equal to or greater than slotTime, and
+                    during which there was at least one occurrence
+                    of an event that causes the PHY to indicate
+                    'Data reception error' or 'carrier extend error'
+                    on the GMII.
+                    For an interface operating in full-duplex mode
+                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+                    of time equal to or greater than minFrameSize,
+                    and during which there was at least one
+                    occurrence of an event that causes the PHY to
+                    indicate 'Data reception error' on the GMII.
+                    For an interface operating at 10 Gb/s, the
+                    number of times the receiving media is non-idle
+                    (a carrier event) for a period of time equal to
+                    or greater than minFrameSize, and during which
+                    there was at least one occurrence of an event
+                    that causes the PHY to indicate 'Receive Error'
+                    on the XGMII.
+                    The count represented by an instance of this
+                    object is incremented at most once per carrier
+                    event, even if multiple symbol errors occur
+                    during the carrier event.  This count does
+                    not increment if a collision is present.
+                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
+                    dot3StatsSymbolErrors.  It should be used on
+                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+                    occur at re-initialization of the management
+                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
+                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+                    aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier."
+        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 6 }
+    --  802.3 Tests
+    dot3Tests   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 6 }
+    dot3Errors  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 7 }
+    --  TDR Test
+    dot3TestTdr OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    The Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) test is
+                    specific to ethernet-like interfaces of type
+                    10Base5 and 10Base2.  The TDR value may be
+                    useful in determining the approximate distance
+                    to a cable fault.  It is advisable to repeat
+                    this test to check for a consistent resulting
+                    TDR value, to verify that there is a fault.
+                    A TDR test returns as its result the time
+                    interval, measured in 10 MHz ticks or 100 nsec
+                    units, between the start of TDR test
+                    transmission and the subsequent detection of a
+                    collision or deassertion of carrier.  On
+                    successful completion of a TDR test, the result
+                    is stored as the value of an appropriate
+                    instance of an appropriate vendor specific MIB
+                    object, and the OBJECT IDENTIFIER of that
+                    instance is stored in the appropriate instance
+                    of the appropriate test result code object
+                    (thereby indicating where the result has been
+                    stored).
+                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
+                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
+                    standard way of using this object identity."
+        ::= { dot3Tests 1 }
+    -- Loopback Test
+    dot3TestLoopBack OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    This test configures the MAC chip and executes
+                    an internal loopback test of memory, data paths,
+                    and the MAC chip logic.  This loopback test can
+                    only be executed if the interface is offline.
+                    Once the test has completed, the MAC chip should
+                    be reinitialized for network operation, but it
+                    should remain offline.
+                    If an error occurs during a test, the
+                    appropriate test result object will be set
+                    to indicate a failure.  The two OBJECT
+                    IDENTIFIER values dot3ErrorInitError and
+                    dot3ErrorLoopbackError may be used to provided
+                    more information as values for an appropriate
+                    test result code object.
+                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
+                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
+                    standard way of using this object identity."
+        ::= { dot3Tests 2 }
+    dot3ErrorInitError OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    Couldn't initialize MAC chip for test.
+                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
+                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
+                    standard way of using this object identity."
+        ::= { dot3Errors 1 }
+    dot3ErrorLoopbackError OBJECT-IDENTITY
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    Expected data not received (or not received
+                    correctly) in loopback test.
+                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
+                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
+                    standard way of using this object identity."
+        ::= { dot3Errors 2 }
+    -- { dot3 8 }, the dot3ChipSets tree, is defined in [RFC2666]
+    -- conformance information
+    etherConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherMIB 2 }
+    etherGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherConformance 1 }
+    etherCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherConformance 2 }
+    -- compliance statements
+    etherCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    The compliance statement for managed network
+                    entities which have ethernet-like network
+                    interfaces.
+                    This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
+                    dot3Compliance."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsGroup }
+            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+                        for all systems which have the necessary
+                        metering. Implementation in such systems is
+                        highly recommended."
+        ::= { etherCompliances 1 }
+    ether100MbsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    The compliance statement for managed network
+                    entities which have 100 Mb/sec ethernet-like
+                    network interfaces.
+                    This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
+                    dot3Compliance."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStats100MbsGroup }
+            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+                        for all systems which have the necessary
+                        metering. Implementation in such systems is
+                        highly recommended."
+        ::= { etherCompliances 2 }
+    dot3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+        STATUS      deprecated
+                    The compliance statement for managed network
+                    entities which have ethernet-like network
+                    interfaces.
+                    This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
+                    dot3Compliance2."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsBaseGroup }
+            GROUP       etherDuplexGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating in full-duplex mode.
+                        It is highly recommended for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces."
+            GROUP       etherStatsLowSpeedGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
+                        half-duplex mode."
+            GROUP       etherStatsHighSpeedGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
+            GROUP       etherControlGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
+                        support the MAC Control sublayer."
+            GROUP       etherControlPauseGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
+                        support the MAC Control PAUSE function."
+            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+                        for all ethernet-like network interfaces
+                        which are capable of operating in
+                        half-duplex mode and have the necessary
+                        metering. Implementation in systems with
+                        such interfaces is highly recommended."
+        ::= { etherCompliances 3 }
+        dot3Compliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+            STATUS      current
+            DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for managed network
+                        entities which have ethernet-like network
+                        interfaces.
+                        Note that compliance with this MIB module
+                        requires compliance with the ifCompliance3
+                        MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement of the IF-MIB
+                        (RFC2863).  In addition, compliance with this
+                        MIB module requires compliance  with the
+                        mauModIfCompl3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement of
+                        the MAU-MIB (RFC3636)."
+        MODULE  -- this module
+            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsBaseGroup2 }
+            GROUP       etherDuplexGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating in full-duplex mode.
+                        It is highly recommended for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces."
+            GROUP       etherRateControlGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating at speeds faster than
+                        1000 Mb/s. It is highly recommended for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces."
+            GROUP       etherStatsLowSpeedGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
+                        half-duplex mode."
+            GROUP       etherStatsHighSpeedGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
+            GROUP       etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating in half-duplex mode."
+            GROUP       etherHCStatsGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+                        capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+                        It is recommended for all ethernet-like
+                        network interfaces which are capable of
+                        operating at 1000 Mb/s or faster."
+            GROUP       etherControlGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
+                        support the MAC Control sublayer."
+            GROUP       etherHCControlGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
+                        support the MAC Control sublayer and are
+                        capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster."
+            GROUP       etherControlPauseGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
+                        support the MAC Control PAUSE function."
+            GROUP       etherHCControlPauseGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
+                        support the MAC Control PAUSE function and
+                        are capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or
+                        faster."
+            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
+            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+                        for all ethernet-like network interfaces
+                        which are capable of operating in
+                        half-duplex mode and have the necessary
+                        metering. Implementation in systems with
+                        such interfaces is highly recommended."
+        ::= { etherCompliances 4 }
+    -- units of conformance
+    etherStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
+                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+                      dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsSQETestErrors,
+                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
+                      dot3StatsEtherChipSet
+                    }
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********
+                    A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable to all ethernet-like network
+                    interfaces.
+                    This object group has been deprecated and
+                    replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup and
+                    etherStatsLowSpeedGroup."
+        ::= { etherGroups 1 }
+    etherCollisionTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3CollFrequencies
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing a histogram
+                    of packets successfully transmitted after
+                    experiencing exactly N collisions."
+        ::= { etherGroups 2 }
+    etherStats100MbsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
+                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+                      dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
+                      dot3StatsEtherChipSet,
+                      dot3StatsSymbolErrors
+                    }
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********
+                    A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable to 100 Mb/sec ethernet-like network
+                    interfaces.
+                    This object group has been deprecated and
+                    replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup and
+                    etherStatsHighSpeedGroup."
+        ::= { etherGroups 3 }
+    etherStatsBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
+                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+                      dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
+                    }
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********
+                    A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable to all ethernet-like network
+                    interfaces.
+                    This object group has been deprecated and
+                    replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup2 and
+                    etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup, to separate
+                    objects which must be implemented by all
+                    ethernet-like network interfaces from
+                    objects that need only be implemented on
+                    ethernet-like network interfaces that are
+                    capable of half-duplex operation."
+        ::= { etherGroups 4 }
+    etherStatsLowSpeedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsSQETestErrors }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable to ethernet-like network interfaces
+                    capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
+                    half-duplex mode."
+        ::= { etherGroups 5 }
+    etherStatsHighSpeedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsSymbolErrors }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable to ethernet-like network interfaces
+                    capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
+        ::= { etherGroups 6 }
+    etherDuplexGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsDuplexStatus }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    about the duplex mode of an ethernet-like
+                    network interface."
+        ::= { etherGroups 7 }
+    etherControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3ControlFunctionsSupported,
+                      dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    about the MAC Control sublayer on ethernet-like
+                    network interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 8 }
+    etherControlPauseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3PauseAdminMode,
+                      dot3PauseOperMode,
+                      dot3InPauseFrames,
+                      dot3OutPauseFrames
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    about and control of the MAC Control PAUSE
+                    function on ethernet-like network interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 9 }
+    etherStatsBaseGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
+                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable to all ethernet-like network
+                    interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 10 }
+    etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    applicable only to half-duplex ethernet-like
+                    network interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 11 }
+    etherHCStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors,
+                      dot3HCStatsFCSErrors,
+                      dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+                      dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs,
+                      dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
+                      dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
+                    statistics applicable to higher-speed
+                    ethernet-like network interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 12 }
+    etherHCControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
+                    statistics for the MAC Control sublayer on
+                    higher-speed ethernet-like network interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 13 }
+    etherHCControlPauseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3HCInPauseFrames,
+                      dot3HCOutPauseFrames
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
+                    statistics for the MAC Control PAUSE function on
+                    higher-speed ethernet-like network interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 14 }
+    etherRateControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsRateControlAbility,
+                      dot3StatsRateControlStatus
+                    }
+        STATUS      current
+        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+                    about the Rate Control function on ethernet-like
+                    interfaces."
+        ::= { etherGroups 15 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HCNUM-TC.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HCNUM-TC.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05b8847157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HCNUM-TC.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+  MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, Counter64
+      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+      FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+  LAST-UPDATED "200006080000Z"
+        "        E-mail: mibs@ops.ietf.org
+                 Subscribe: majordomo@psg.com
+                   with msg body: subscribe mibs
+                 Andy Bierman
+                 Cisco Systems Inc.
+                 170 West Tasman Drive
+                 San Jose, CA 95134 USA
+                 +1 408-527-3711
+                 abierman@cisco.com
+                 Keith McCloghrie
+                 Cisco Systems Inc.
+                 170 West Tasman Drive
+                 San Jose, CA 95134 USA
+                 +1 408-526-5260
+                 kzm@cisco.com
+                 Randy Presuhn
+                 BMC Software, Inc.
+                 Office 1-3141
+                 2141 North First Street
+                 San Jose,  California 95131 USA
+                 +1 408 546-1006
+                 rpresuhn@bmc.com"
+        "A MIB module containing textual conventions
+         for high capacity data types. This module
+         addresses an immediate need for data types not directly
+         supported in the SMIv2. This short-term solution
+         is meant to be deprecated as a long-term solution
+         is deployed."
+  REVISION        "200006080000Z"
+        "Initial Version of the High Capacity Numbers
+         MIB module, published as RFC 2856."
+  ::= { mib-2 78 }
+CounterBasedGauge64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+  STATUS       current
+        "The CounterBasedGauge64 type represents a non-negative
+        integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never
+        exceed a maximum value, nor fall below a minimum value. The
+        maximum value can not be greater than 2^64-1
+        (18446744073709551615 decimal), and the minimum value can
+        not be smaller than 0.  The value of a CounterBasedGauge64
+        has its maximum value whenever the information being modeled
+        is greater than or equal to its maximum value, and has its
+        minimum value whenever the information being modeled is
+        smaller than or equal to its minimum value.  If the
+        information being modeled subsequently decreases below
+        (increases above) the maximum (minimum) value, the
+        CounterBasedGauge64 also decreases (increases).
+        Note that this TC is not strictly supported in SMIv2,
+        because the 'always increasing' and 'counter wrap' semantics
+        associated with the Counter64 base type are not preserved.
+        It is possible that management applications which rely
+        solely upon the (Counter64) ASN.1 tag to determine object
+        semantics will mistakenly operate upon objects of this type
+        as they would for Counter64 objects.
+        This textual convention represents a limited and short-term
+        solution, and may be deprecated as a long term solution is
+        defined and deployed to replace it."
+  SYNTAX Counter64
+ZeroBasedCounter64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+  STATUS current
+        "This TC describes an object which counts events with the
+        following semantics: objects of this type will be set to
+        zero(0) on creation and will thereafter count appropriate
+        events, wrapping back to zero(0) when the value 2^64 is
+        reached.
+        Provided that an application discovers the new object within
+        the minimum time to wrap it can use the initial value as a
+        delta since it last polled the table of which this object is
+        part.  It is important for a management station to be aware
+        of this minimum time and the actual time between polls, and
+        to discard data if the actual time is too long or there is
+        no defined minimum time.
+        Typically this TC is used in tables where the INDEX space is
+        constantly changing and/or the TimeFilter mechanism is in
+        use.
+        Note that this textual convention does not retain all the
+        semantics of the Counter64 base type. Specifically, a
+        Counter64 has an arbitrary initial value, but objects
+        defined with this TC are required to start at the value
+        zero.  This behavior is not likely to have any adverse
+        effects on management applications which are expecting
+        Counter64 semantics.
+        This textual convention represents a limited and short-term
+        solution, and may be deprecated as a long term solution is
+        defined and deployed to replace it."
+  SYNTAX Counter64
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0d6fc26eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1540 @@
+Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+TruthValue, DateAndTime, AutonomousType   FROM SNMPv2-TC
+InterfaceIndexOrZero                      FROM IF-MIB;
+hostResourcesMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY
+   LAST-UPDATED "200003060000Z"    -- 6 March 2000
+   ORGANIZATION "IETF Host Resources MIB Working Group"
+       "Steve Waldbusser
+       Postal: Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+               1213 Innsbruck Dr.
+               Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+               USA
+       Phone:  650-318-1251
+       Fax:    650-318-1633
+       Email:  waldbusser@lucent.com
+       In addition, the Host Resources MIB mailing list is
+       dedicated to discussion of this MIB. To join the
+       mailing list, send a request message to
+       hostmib-request@andrew.cmu.edu. The mailing list
+       address is hostmib@andrew.cmu.edu."
+       "This MIB is for use in managing host systems. The term
+       `host' is construed to mean any computer that communicates
+       with other similar computers attached to the internet and
+       that is directly used by one or more human beings. Although
+       this MIB does not necessarily apply to devices whose primary
+       function is communications services (e.g., terminal servers,
+       routers, bridges, monitoring equipment), such relevance is
+       not explicitly precluded.  This MIB instruments attributes
+       common to all internet hosts including, for example, both
+       personal computers and systems that run variants of Unix."
+   REVISION "200003060000Z"        -- 6 March 2000
+       "Clarifications and bug fixes based on implementation
+       experience.  This revision was also reformatted in the SMIv2
+       format. The revisions made were:
+       New RFC document standards:
+          Added Copyright notice, updated introduction to SNMP
+          Framework, updated references section, added reference to
+          RFC 2119, and added a meaningful Security Considerations
+          section.
+       New IANA considerations section for registration of new types
+       Conversion to new SMIv2 syntax for the following types and
+       macros:
+           Counter32, Integer32, Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY,
+       Used new Textual Conventions:
+           TruthValue, DateAndTime, AutonomousType,
+           InterfaceIndexOrZero
+       Fixed typo in hrPrinterStatus.
+       Added missing error bits to hrPrinterDetectedErrorState and
+       clarified confusion resulting from suggested mappings to
+       hrPrinterStatus.
+       Clarified that size of objects of type
+       InternationalDisplayString is number of octets, not number
+       of encoded symbols.
+       Clarified the use of the following objects based on
+       implementation experience:
+           hrSystemInitialLoadDevice, hrSystemInitialLoadParameters,
+           hrMemorySize, hrStorageSize, hrStorageAllocationFailures,
+           hrDeviceErrors, hrProcessorLoad, hrNetworkIfIndex,
+           hrDiskStorageCapacity, hrSWRunStatus, hrSWRunPerfCPU,
+           and hrSWInstalledDate.
+       Clarified implementation technique for hrSWInstalledTable.
+       Used new AUGMENTS clause for hrSWRunPerfTable.
+       Added Internationalization Considerations section.
+This revision published as RFC2790."
+   REVISION "9910202200Z"    -- 20 October, 1999
+       "The original version of this MIB, published as
+       RFC1514."
+   ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 1 }
+host     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 25 }
+hrSystem        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 1 }
+hrStorage       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 2 }
+hrDevice        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 3 }
+hrSWRun         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 4 }
+hrSWRunPerf     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 5 }
+hrSWInstalled   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 6 }
+hrMIBAdminInfo  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 7 }
+-- textual conventions
+    STATUS current
+        "Storage size, expressed in units of 1024 bytes."
+    SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    STATUS current
+        "This textual convention is intended to identify the
+        manufacturer, model, and version of a specific
+        hardware or software product.  It is suggested that
+        these OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are allocated such that all
+        products from a particular manufacturer are registered
+        under a subtree distinct to that manufacturer.  In
+        addition, all versions of a product should be
+        registered under a subtree distinct to that product.
+        With this strategy, a management station may uniquely
+        determine the manufacturer and/or model of a product
+        whose productID is unknown to the management station.
+        Objects of this type may be useful for inventory
+        purposes or for automatically detecting
+        incompatibilities or version mismatches between
+        various hardware and software components on a system.
+        For example, the product ID for the ACME 4860 66MHz
+        clock doubled processor might be:
+        enterprises.acme.acmeProcessors.a4860DX2.MHz66
+        A software product might be registered as:
+        enterprises.acme.acmeOperatingSystems.acmeDOS.six(6).one(1)
+        "
+-- unknownProduct will be used for any unknown ProductID
+-- unknownProduct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+InternationalDisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS current
+        "This data type is used to model textual information
+        in some character set.  A network management station
+        should use a local algorithm to determine which
+        character set is in use and how it should be
+        displayed.  Note that this character set may be
+        encoded with more than one octet per symbol, but will
+        most often be NVT ASCII. When a size clause is
+        specified for an object of this type, the size refers
+        to the length in octets, not the number of symbols."
+-- The Host Resources System Group
+hrSystemUptime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of time since this host was last
+        initialized.  Note that this is different from
+        sysUpTime in the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because
+        sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management
+        portion of the system."
+    ::= { hrSystem 1 }
+hrSystemDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The host's notion of the local date and time of day."
+    ::= { hrSystem 2 }
+hrSystemInitialLoadDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the hrDeviceEntry for the device from
+        which this host is configured to load its initial
+        operating system configuration (i.e., which operating
+        system code and/or boot parameters).
+        Note that writing to this object just changes the
+        configuration that will be used the next time the
+        operating system is loaded and does not actually cause
+        the reload to occur."
+    ::= { hrSystem 3 }
+hrSystemInitialLoadParameters OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object contains the parameters (e.g. a pathname
+        and parameter) supplied to the load device when
+        requesting the initial operating system configuration
+        from that device.
+     Note that writing to this object just changes the
+     configuration that will be used the next time the
+     operating system is loaded and does not actually cause
+     the reload to occur."
+    ::= { hrSystem 4 }
+hrSystemNumUsers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of user sessions for which this host is
+        storing state information.  A session is a collection
+        of processes requiring a single act of user
+        authentication and possibly subject to collective job
+        control."
+    ::= { hrSystem 5 }
+hrSystemProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of process contexts currently loaded or
+        running on this system."
+    ::= { hrSystem 6 }
+hrSystemMaxProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of process contexts this system
+        can support.  If there is no fixed maximum, the value
+        should be zero.  On systems that have a fixed maximum,
+        this object can help diagnose failures that occur when
+        this maximum is reached."
+    ::= { hrSystem 7 }
+-- The Host Resources Storage Group
+-- Registration point for storage types, for use with hrStorageType.
+-- These are defined in the HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES module.
+hrStorageTypes          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrStorage 1 }
+hrMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of physical read-write main memory,
+        typically RAM, contained by the host."
+    ::= { hrStorage 2 }
+hrStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of logical storage areas on
+        the host.
+        An entry shall be placed in the storage table for each
+        logical area of storage that is allocated and has
+        fixed resource limits.  The amount of storage
+        represented in an entity is the amount actually usable
+        by the requesting entity, and excludes loss due to
+        formatting or file system reference information.
+        These entries are associated with logical storage
+        areas, as might be seen by an application, rather than
+        physical storage entities which are typically seen by
+        an operating system.  Storage such as tapes and
+        floppies without file systems on them are typically
+        not allocated in chunks by the operating system to
+        requesting applications, and therefore shouldn't
+        appear in this table.  Examples of valid storage for
+        this table include disk partitions, file systems, ram
+        (for some architectures this is further segmented into
+        regular memory, extended memory, and so on), backing
+        store for virtual memory (`swap space').
+        This table is intended to be a useful diagnostic for
+        `out of memory' and `out of buffers' types of
+        failures.  In addition, it can be a useful performance
+        monitoring tool for tracking memory, disk, or buffer
+        usage."
+    ::= { hrStorage 3 }
+hrStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one logical storage area on
+        the host.  As an example, an instance of the
+        hrStorageType object might be named hrStorageType.3"
+    INDEX { hrStorageIndex }
+    ::= { hrStorageTable 1 }
+HrStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrStorageIndex               Integer32,
+        hrStorageType                AutonomousType,
+        hrStorageDescr               DisplayString,
+        hrStorageAllocationUnits     Integer32,
+        hrStorageSize                Integer32,
+        hrStorageUsed                Integer32,
+        hrStorageAllocationFailures  Counter32
+    }
+hrStorageIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each logical storage area
+        contained by the host."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 1 }
+hrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of storage represented by this entry."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 2 }
+hrStorageDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the type and instance of the storage
+        described by this entry."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 3 }
+hrStorageAllocationUnits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    UNITS      "Bytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated
+        from this pool.  If this entry is monitoring sectors,
+        blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number
+        will commonly be greater than one.  Otherwise this
+        number will typically be one."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 4 }
+hrStorageSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The size of the storage represented by this entry, in
+        units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. This object is
+        writable to allow remote configuration of the size of
+        the storage area in those cases where such an
+        operation makes sense and is possible on the
+        underlying system. For example, the amount of main
+        memory allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or
+        the amount of disk space allocated to virtual memory
+        might be modified."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 5 }
+hrStorageUsed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of the storage represented by this entry
+        that is allocated, in units of
+        hrStorageAllocationUnits."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 6 }
+hrStorageAllocationFailures OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of requests for storage represented by
+        this entry that could not be honored due to not enough
+        storage.  It should be noted that as this object has a
+        SYNTAX of Counter32, that it does not have a defined
+        initial value.  However, it is recommended that this
+        object be initialized to zero, even though management
+        stations must not depend on such an initialization."
+    ::= { hrStorageEntry 7 }
+-- The Host Resources Device Group
+-- The device group is useful for identifying and diagnosing the
+-- devices on a system.  The hrDeviceTable contains common
+-- information for any type of device.  In addition, some devices
+-- have device-specific tables for more detailed information.  More
+-- such tables may be defined in the future for other device types.
+-- Registration point for device types, for use with hrDeviceType.
+-- These are defined in the HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES module.
+hrDeviceTypes             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 1 }
+hrDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrDeviceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of devices contained by the
+        host."
+    ::= { hrDevice 2 }
+hrDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrDeviceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one device contained by the
+        host.  As an example, an instance of the hrDeviceType
+        object might be named hrDeviceType.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrDeviceTable 1 }
+HrDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrDeviceIndex           Integer32,
+        hrDeviceType            AutonomousType,
+        hrDeviceDescr           DisplayString,
+        hrDeviceID              ProductID,
+        hrDeviceStatus          INTEGER,
+        hrDeviceErrors          Counter32
+    }
+hrDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each device contained by the host.
+        The value for each device must remain constant at
+        least from one re-initialization of the agent to the
+        next re-initialization."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 1 }
+hrDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication of the type of device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDeviceProcessor { hrDeviceTypes 3 }' then an entry
+        exists in the hrProcessorTable which corresponds to
+        this device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDeviceNetwork { hrDeviceTypes 4 }', then an entry
+        exists in the hrNetworkTable which corresponds to this
+        device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDevicePrinter { hrDeviceTypes 5 }', then an entry
+        exists in the hrPrinterTable which corresponds to this
+        device.
+        If this value is
+        `hrDeviceDiskStorage { hrDeviceTypes 6 }', then an
+        entry exists in the hrDiskStorageTable which
+        corresponds to this device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 2 }
+hrDeviceDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this device, including the
+        device's manufacturer and revision, and optionally,
+        its serial number."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID for this device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 4 }
+hrDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                   unknown(1),
+                   running(2),
+                   warning(3),
+                   testing(4),
+                   down(5)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The current operational state of the device described
+        by this row of the table.  A value unknown(1)
+        indicates that the current state of the device is
+        unknown.  running(2) indicates that the device is up
+        and running and that no unusual error conditions are
+        known.  The warning(3) state indicates that agent has
+        been informed of an unusual error condition by the
+        operational software (e.g., a disk device driver) but
+        that the device is still 'operational'.  An example
+        would be a high number of soft errors on a disk.  A
+        value of testing(4), indicates that the device is not
+        available for use because it is in the testing state.
+        The state of down(5) is used only when the agent has
+        been informed that the device is not available for any
+        use."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 5 }
+hrDeviceErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of errors detected on this device.  It
+        should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of
+        Counter32, that it does not have a defined initial
+        value.  However, it is recommended that this object be
+        initialized to zero, even though management stations
+        must not depend on such an initialization."
+    ::= { hrDeviceEntry 6 }
+hrProcessorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrProcessorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of processors contained by the
+        host.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDeviceProcessor'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 3 }
+hrProcessorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrProcessorEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one processor contained by
+        the host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents
+        the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the
+        hrProcessorEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrProcessorFrwID object might be
+        named hrProcessorFrwID.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrProcessorTable 1 }
+HrProcessorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrProcessorFrwID            ProductID,
+        hrProcessorLoad             Integer32
+    }
+hrProcessorFrwID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID of the firmware associated with the
+        processor."
+    ::= { hrProcessorEntry 1 }
+hrProcessorLoad OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The average, over the last minute, of the percentage
+        of time that this processor was not idle.
+        Implementations may approximate this one minute
+        smoothing period if necessary."
+    ::= { hrProcessorEntry 2 }
+hrNetworkTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrNetworkEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of network devices contained
+        by the host.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDeviceNetwork'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 4 }
+hrNetworkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrNetworkEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one network device contained
+        by the host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index
+        represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that
+        corresponds to the hrNetworkEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrNetworkIfIndex object might be
+        named hrNetworkIfIndex.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrNetworkTable 1 }
+HrNetworkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrNetworkIfIndex    InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    }
+hrNetworkIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of ifIndex which corresponds to this
+        network device. If this device is not represented in
+        the ifTable, then this value shall be zero."
+    ::= { hrNetworkEntry 1 }
+hrPrinterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrPrinterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of printers local to the host.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDevicePrinter'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 5 }
+hrPrinterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrPrinterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one printer local to the
+        host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the
+        entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the
+        hrPrinterEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrPrinterStatus object might be
+        named hrPrinterStatus.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrPrinterTable 1 }
+HrPrinterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrPrinterStatus             INTEGER,
+        hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OCTET STRING
+    }
+hrPrinterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                   other(1),
+                   unknown(2),
+                   idle(3),
+                   printing(4),
+                   warmup(5)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The current status of this printer device."
+    ::= { hrPrinterEntry 1 }
+hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object represents any error conditions detected
+        by the printer.  The error conditions are encoded as
+        bits in an octet string, with the following
+        definitions:
+             Condition         Bit #
+             lowPaper              0
+             noPaper               1
+             lowToner              2
+             noToner               3
+             doorOpen              4
+             jammed                5
+             offline               6
+             serviceRequested      7
+             inputTrayMissing      8
+             outputTrayMissing     9
+             markerSupplyMissing  10
+             outputNearFull       11
+             outputFull           12
+             inputTrayEmpty       13
+             overduePreventMaint  14
+        Bits are numbered starting with the most significant
+        bit of the first byte being bit 0, the least
+        significant bit of the first byte being bit 7, the
+        most significant bit of the second byte being bit 8,
+        and so on.  A one bit encodes that the condition was
+        detected, while a zero bit encodes that the condition
+        was not detected.
+        This object is useful for alerting an operator to
+        specific warning or error conditions that may occur,
+        especially those requiring human intervention."
+    ::= { hrPrinterEntry 2 }
+hrDiskStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrDiskStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of long-term storage devices
+        contained by the host.  In particular, disk devices
+        accessed remotely over a network are not included
+        here.
+        Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
+        (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent
+        value of the hrDeviceType object is
+        `hrDeviceDiskStorage'."
+    ::= { hrDevice 6 }
+hrDiskStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrDiskStorageEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one long-term storage device
+        contained by the host.  The hrDeviceIndex in the index
+        represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that
+        corresponds to the hrDiskStorageEntry. As an example,
+        an instance of the hrDiskStorageCapacity object might
+        be named hrDiskStorageCapacity.3"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageTable 1 }
+HrDiskStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrDiskStorageAccess         INTEGER,
+        hrDiskStorageMedia          INTEGER,
+        hrDiskStorageRemoveble      TruthValue,
+        hrDiskStorageCapacity       KBytes
+    }
+hrDiskStorageAccess OBJECT-TYPE
+                   readWrite(1),
+                   readOnly(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication if this long-term storage device is
+        readable and writable or only readable.  This should
+        reflect the media type, any write-protect mechanism,
+        and any device configuration that affects the entire
+        device."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 1 }
+hrDiskStorageMedia OBJECT-TYPE
+                   other(1),
+                   unknown(2),
+                   hardDisk(3),
+                   floppyDisk(4),
+                   opticalDiskROM(5),
+                   opticalDiskWORM(6),     -- Write Once Read Many
+                   opticalDiskRW(7),
+                   ramDisk(8)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication of the type of media used in this long-
+        term storage device."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 2 }
+hrDiskStorageRemoveble OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "Denotes whether or not the disk media may be removed
+        from the drive."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 3 }
+hrDiskStorageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total size for this long-term storage device. If
+        the media is removable and is currently removed, this
+        value should be zero."
+    ::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 4 }
+hrPartitionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrPartitionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of partitions for long-term
+        storage devices contained by the host.  In particular,
+        partitions accessed remotely over a network are not
+        included here."
+    ::= { hrDevice 7 }
+hrPartitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrPartitionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one partition.  The
+        hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the
+        hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the
+        hrPartitionEntry.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrPartitionSize object might be
+        named hrPartitionSize.3.1"
+    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex, hrPartitionIndex }
+    ::= { hrPartitionTable 1 }
+HrPartitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrPartitionIndex                Integer32,
+        hrPartitionLabel                InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrPartitionID                   OCTET STRING,
+        hrPartitionSize                 KBytes,
+        hrPartitionFSIndex              Integer32
+    }
+hrPartitionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each partition on this long-term
+        storage device.  The value for each long-term storage
+        device must remain constant at least from one re-
+        initialization of the agent to the next re-
+        initialization."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 1 }
+hrPartitionLabel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this partition."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 2 }
+hrPartitionID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A descriptor which uniquely represents this partition
+        to the responsible operating system.  On some systems,
+        this might take on a binary representation."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 3 }
+hrPartitionSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The size of this partition."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 4 }
+hrPartitionFSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the file system mounted on this
+        partition.  If no file system is mounted on this
+        partition, then this value shall be zero.  Note that
+        multiple partitions may point to one file system,
+        denoting that that file system resides on those
+        partitions.  Multiple file systems may not reside on
+        one partition."
+    ::= { hrPartitionEntry 5 }
+-- The File System Table
+-- Registration point for popular File System types,
+-- for use with hrFSType. These are defined in the
+hrFSTypes               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 9 }
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of file systems local to this
+        host or remotely mounted from a file server.  File
+        systems that are in only one user's environment on a
+        multi-user system will not be included in this table."
+    ::= { hrDevice 8 }
+    SYNTAX     HrFSEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one file system local to
+        this host or remotely mounted from a file server.
+        File systems that are in only one user's environment
+        on a multi-user system will not be included in this
+        table.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrFSMountPoint object might be
+        named hrFSMountPoint.3"
+    INDEX { hrFSIndex }
+    ::= { hrFSTable 1 }
+HrFSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrFSIndex                   Integer32,
+        hrFSMountPoint              InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrFSRemoteMountPoint        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrFSType                    AutonomousType,
+        hrFSAccess                  INTEGER,
+        hrFSBootable                TruthValue,
+        hrFSStorageIndex            Integer32,
+        hrFSLastFullBackupDate      DateAndTime,
+        hrFSLastPartialBackupDate   DateAndTime
+    }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each file system local to this
+        host.  The value for each file system must remain
+        constant at least from one re-initialization of the
+        agent to the next re-initialization."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The path name of the root of this file system."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 2 }
+hrFSRemoteMountPoint OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the name and/or address of the
+        server that this file system is mounted from.  This
+        may also include parameters such as the mount point on
+        the remote file system.  If this is not a remote file
+        system, this string should have a length of zero."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object identifies the type of this
+        file system."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 4 }
+                   readWrite(1),
+                   readOnly(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An indication if this file system is logically
+        configured by the operating system to be readable and
+        writable or only readable.  This does not represent
+        any local access-control policy, except one that is
+        applied to the file system as a whole."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A flag indicating whether this file system is
+        bootable."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 6 }
+hrFSStorageIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the hrStorageEntry that represents
+        information about this file system.  If there is no
+        such information available, then this value shall be
+        zero.  The relevant storage entry will be useful in
+        tracking the percent usage of this file system and
+        diagnosing errors that may occur when it runs out of
+        space."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 7 }
+hrFSLastFullBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The last date at which this complete file system was
+        copied to another storage device for backup.  This
+        information is useful for ensuring that backups are
+        being performed regularly.
+        If this information is not known, then this variable
+        shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year
+        0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as
+        (hex)'00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00'."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 8 }
+hrFSLastPartialBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The last date at which a portion of this file system
+        was copied to another storage device for backup.  This
+        information is useful for ensuring that backups are
+        being performed regularly.
+        If this information is not known, then this variable
+        shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year
+        0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as
+        (hex)'00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00'."
+    ::= { hrFSEntry 9 }
+-- The Host Resources Running Software Group
+-- The hrSWRunTable contains an entry for each distinct piece of
+-- software that is running or loaded into physical or virtual
+-- memory in preparation for running.  This includes the host's
+-- operating system, device drivers, and applications.
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of the hrSWRunIndex for the hrSWRunEntry
+        that represents the primary operating system running
+        on this host.  This object is useful for quickly and
+        uniquely identifying that primary operating system."
+    ::= { hrSWRun 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of software running on the
+        host."
+    ::= { hrSWRun 2 }
+    SYNTAX     HrSWRunEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for one piece of software
+        running on the host Note that because the installed
+        software table only contains information for software
+        stored locally on this host, not every piece of
+        running software will be found in the installed
+        software table.  This is true of software that was
+        loaded and run from a non-local source, such as a
+        network-mounted file system.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrSWRunName object might be named
+        hrSWRunName.1287"
+    INDEX { hrSWRunIndex }
+    ::= { hrSWRunTable 1 }
+HrSWRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrSWRunIndex       Integer32,
+        hrSWRunName        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWRunID          ProductID,
+        hrSWRunPath        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWRunParameters  InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWRunType        INTEGER,
+        hrSWRunStatus      INTEGER
+    }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each piece of software running on
+        the host.  Wherever possible, this should be the
+        system's native, unique identification number."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this running piece of
+        software, including the manufacturer, revision,  and
+        the name by which it is commonly known.  If this
+        software was installed locally, this should be the
+        same string as used in the corresponding
+        hrSWInstalledName."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID of this running piece of software."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the location on long-term storage
+        (e.g. a disk drive) from which this software was
+        loaded."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 4 }
+hrSWRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A description of the parameters supplied to this
+        software when it was initially loaded."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 5 }
+                   unknown(1),
+                   operatingSystem(2),
+                   deviceDriver(3),
+                   application(4)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of this software."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 6 }
+                   running(1),
+                   runnable(2),    -- waiting for resource
+                                   -- (i.e., CPU, memory, IO)
+                   notRunnable(3), -- loaded but waiting for event
+                   invalid(4)      -- not loaded
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this running piece of software.
+        Setting this value to invalid(4) shall cause this
+        software to stop running and to be unloaded. Sets to
+        other values are not valid."
+    ::= { hrSWRunEntry 7 }
+-- The Host Resources Running Software Performance Group
+-- The hrSWRunPerfTable contains an entry corresponding to
+-- each entry in the hrSWRunTable.
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrSWRunPerfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of running software
+        performance metrics."
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerf 1 }
+    SYNTAX     HrSWRunPerfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry containing software performance
+        metrics.  As an example, an instance of the
+        hrSWRunPerfCPU object might be named
+        hrSWRunPerfCPU.1287"
+    AUGMENTS { hrSWRunEntry }  -- This table augments information in
+                               -- the hrSWRunTable.
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerfTable 1 }
+HrSWRunPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrSWRunPerfCPU          Integer32,
+        hrSWRunPerfMem          KBytes
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU
+        resources consumed by this process.  Note that on a
+        multi-processor system, this value may increment by
+        more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real
+        (wall clock) time."
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerfEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     KBytes
+    UNITS      "KBytes"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total amount of real system memory allocated to
+        this process."
+    ::= { hrSWRunPerfEntry 2 }
+-- The Host Resources Installed Software Group
+-- The hrSWInstalledTable contains an entry for each piece
+-- of software installed in long-term storage (e.g. a disk
+-- drive) locally on this host.  Note that this does not
+-- include software loadable remotely from a network
+-- server.
+-- Different implementations may track software in varying
+-- ways. For example, while some implementations may track
+-- executable files as distinct pieces of software, other
+-- implementations may use other strategies such as keeping
+-- track of software "packages" (e.g., related groups of files)
+-- or keeping track of system or application "patches".
+-- This table is useful for identifying and inventorying
+-- software on a host and for diagnosing incompatibility
+-- and version mismatch problems between various pieces
+-- of hardware and software.
+hrSWInstalledLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when an entry in the
+        hrSWInstalledTable was last added, renamed, or
+        deleted.  Because this table is likely to contain many
+        entries, polling of this object allows a management
+        station to determine when re-downloading of the table
+        might be useful."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalled 1 }
+hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when the hrSWInstalledTable
+        was last completely updated.  Because caching of this
+        data will be a popular implementation strategy,
+        retrieval of this object allows a management station
+        to obtain a guarantee that no data in this table is
+        older than the indicated time."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalled 2 }
+hrSWInstalledTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HrSWInstalledEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The (conceptual) table of software installed on this
+        host."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalled 3 }
+hrSWInstalledEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HrSWInstalledEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A (conceptual) entry for a piece of software
+        installed on this host.
+        As an example of how objects in this table are named,
+        an instance of the hrSWInstalledName object might be
+        named hrSWInstalledName.96"
+    INDEX { hrSWInstalledIndex }
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledTable 1 }
+HrSWInstalledEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        hrSWInstalledIndex       Integer32,
+        hrSWInstalledName        InternationalDisplayString,
+        hrSWInstalledID          ProductID,
+        hrSWInstalledType        INTEGER,
+        hrSWInstalledDate        DateAndTime
+hrSWInstalledIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A unique value for each piece of software installed
+        on the host.  This value shall be in the range from 1
+        to the number of pieces of software installed on the
+        host."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 1 }
+hrSWInstalledName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A textual description of this installed piece of
+        software, including the manufacturer, revision, the
+        name by which it is commonly known, and optionally,
+        its serial number."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     ProductID
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The product ID of this installed piece of software."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 3 }
+hrSWInstalledType OBJECT-TYPE
+                   unknown(1),
+                   operatingSystem(2),
+                   deviceDriver(3),
+                   application(4)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of this software."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 4 }
+hrSWInstalledDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The last-modification date of this application as it
+        would appear in a directory listing.
+        If this information is not known, then this variable
+        shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year
+        0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as
+        (hex)'00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00'."
+    ::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 5 }
+-- Conformance information
+hrMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 2 }
+hrMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 3 }
+-- Compliance Statements
+    STATUS current
+        "The requirements for conformance to the Host Resources MIB."
+    MODULE -- this module
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup,
+                         hrDeviceGroup }
+      OBJECT hrSystemDate
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadDevice
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrStorageSize
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrFSLastFullBackupDate
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      OBJECT hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      GROUP hrSWRunGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The Running Software Group. Implementation
+              of this group is mandatory only when the
+              hrSWRunPerfGroup is implemented."
+      OBJECT hrSWRunStatus
+          MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "Write access is not required."
+      GROUP hrSWRunPerfGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The Running Software Performance Group.
+              Implementation of this group is at the discretion
+              of the implementor."
+      GROUP hrSWInstalledGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The Installed Software Group.
+              Implementation of this group is at the discretion
+              of the implementor."
+    ::= { hrMIBCompliances 1 }
+    hrSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrSystemUptime, hrSystemDate,
+            hrSystemInitialLoadDevice,
+            hrSystemInitialLoadParameters,
+            hrSystemNumUsers, hrSystemProcesses,
+            hrSystemMaxProcesses
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources System Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 1 }
+    hrStorageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrMemorySize, hrStorageIndex, hrStorageType,
+            hrStorageDescr, hrStorageAllocationUnits,
+            hrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed,
+            hrStorageAllocationFailures
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Storage Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 2 }
+    hrDeviceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrDeviceIndex, hrDeviceType, hrDeviceDescr,
+            hrDeviceID, hrDeviceStatus, hrDeviceErrors,
+            hrProcessorFrwID, hrProcessorLoad,
+            hrNetworkIfIndex, hrPrinterStatus,
+            hrPrinterDetectedErrorState,
+            hrDiskStorageAccess, hrDiskStorageMedia,
+            hrDiskStorageRemoveble, hrDiskStorageCapacity,
+            hrPartitionIndex, hrPartitionLabel,
+            hrPartitionID, hrPartitionSize,
+            hrPartitionFSIndex, hrFSIndex, hrFSMountPoint,
+            hrFSRemoteMountPoint, hrFSType, hrFSAccess,
+            hrFSBootable, hrFSStorageIndex,
+            hrFSLastFullBackupDate,
+            hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Device Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 3 }
+    hrSWRunGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrSWOSIndex, hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunName,
+            hrSWRunID, hrSWRunPath, hrSWRunParameters,
+            hrSWRunType, hrSWRunStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Running Software Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 4 }
+    hrSWRunPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS { hrSWRunPerfCPU, hrSWRunPerfMem }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Running Software
+            Performance Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 5 }
+    hrSWInstalledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hrSWInstalledLastChange,
+            hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime,
+            hrSWInstalledIndex, hrSWInstalledName,
+            hrSWInstalledID, hrSWInstalledType,
+            hrSWInstalledDate
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The Host Resources Installed Software Group."
+        ::= { hrMIBGroups 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..548776fa4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+  hrMIBAdminInfo, hrStorage, hrDevice     FROM HOST-RESOURCES-MIB;
+hostResourcesTypesModule MODULE-IDENTITY
+  LAST-UPDATED "200003060000Z"    -- 6 March, 2000
+  ORGANIZATION "IETF Host Resources MIB Working Group"
+      "Steve Waldbusser
+      Postal: Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+              1213 Innsbruck Dr.
+              Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+              USA
+      Phone: 650-318-1251
+      Fax:   650-318-1633
+      Email: waldbusser@ins.com
+      In addition, the Host Resources MIB mailing list is dedicated
+      to discussion of this MIB. To join the mailing list, send a
+      request message to hostmib-request@andrew.cmu.edu. The mailing
+      list address is hostmib@andrew.cmu.edu."
+      "This MIB module registers type definitions for
+      storage types, device types, and file system types.
+      After the initial revision, this module will be
+      maintained by IANA."
+  REVISION "200003060000Z"    -- 6 March 2000
+      "The original version of this module, published as RFC
+      2790."
+  ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 4 }
+-- Registrations for some storage types, for use with hrStorageType
+hrStorageTypes          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrStorage 1 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used when no other defined
+        type is appropriate."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 1 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for RAM."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 2 }
+hrStorageVirtualMemory OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for virtual memory,
+        temporary storage of swapped or paged memory."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 3 }
+hrStorageFixedDisk OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for non-removable
+        rigid rotating magnetic storage devices."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 4 }
+hrStorageRemovableDisk OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for removable rigid
+        rotating magnetic storage devices."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 5 }
+hrStorageFloppyDisk OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for non-rigid rotating
+        magnetic storage devices."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 6 }
+hrStorageCompactDisc OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for read-only rotating
+        optical storage devices."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 7 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for a file system that
+        is stored in RAM."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 8 }
+hrStorageFlashMemory OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for flash memory."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 9 }
+hrStorageNetworkDisk OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The storage type identifier used for a
+        networked file system."
+    ::= { hrStorageTypes 10 }
+-- Registrations for some device types, for use with hrDeviceType
+hrDeviceTypes             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 1 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used when no other defined
+        type is appropriate."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 1 }
+hrDeviceUnknown OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used when the device type is
+        unknown."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 2 }
+hrDeviceProcessor OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a CPU."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 3 }
+hrDeviceNetwork OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a network interface."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 4 }
+hrDevicePrinter OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a printer."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 5 }
+hrDeviceDiskStorage OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a disk drive."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 6 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a video device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 10 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for an audio device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 11 }
+hrDeviceCoprocessor OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a co-processor."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 12 }
+hrDeviceKeyboard OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a keyboard device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 13 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a modem."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 14 }
+hrDeviceParallelPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a parallel port."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 15 }
+hrDevicePointing OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a pointing device
+        (e.g., a mouse)."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 16 }
+hrDeviceSerialPort OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a serial port."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 17 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a tape storage device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 18 }
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a clock device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 19 }
+hrDeviceVolatileMemory OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a volatile memory
+        storage device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 20 }
+hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS current
+        "The device type identifier used for a non-volatile memory
+        storage device."
+    ::= { hrDeviceTypes 21 }
+-- Registrations for some popular File System types,
+-- for use with hrFSType.
+hrFSTypes               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 9 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used when no other
+        defined type is appropriate."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 1 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used when the type of
+        file system is unknown."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 2 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Berkeley Fast File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 3 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        System V File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 4 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for
+        DOS's FAT file system."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 5 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for OS/2's
+        High Performance File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 6 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Macintosh Hierarchical File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 7 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Macintosh File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 8 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Windows NT File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 9 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        VNode File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 10 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Journaled File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 11 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        ISO 9660 File System for CD's."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 12 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        RockRidge File System for CD's."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 13 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        NFS File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 14 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Netware File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 15 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Andrew File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 16 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        OSF DCE Distributed File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 17 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        AppleShare File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 18 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        RFS File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 19 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Data General DGCFS."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 20 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        SVR4 Boot File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 21 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Windows FAT32 File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 22 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The file system type identifier used for the
+        Linux EXT2 File System."
+    ::= { hrFSTypes 23 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cfbc93f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+      mib-2                               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+      TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                  FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+  ianaAddressFamilyNumbers MODULE-IDENTITY
+      LAST-UPDATED "200203140000Z"  -- March 14, 2002
+          "Postal:    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+                      Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
+		      and Numbers
+                      4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
+                      Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601
+                      USA
+          Tel:    +1  310-823-9358
+          E-Mail: iana@iana.org"
+          "The MIB module defines the AddressFamilyNumbers
+          textual convention."
+      -- revision history
+      REVISION     "200203140000Z"  -- March 14, 2002
+      DESCRIPTION  "AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 22 to 
+                   fibreChannelWWPN. AddressFamilyNumbers 
+                   assignment 23 to fibreChannelWWNN.
+                   AddressFamilyNumers assignment 24 to gwid."
+      REVISION     "200009080000Z"  -- September 8, 2000
+      DESCRIPTION  "AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 19 to xtpOverIpv4.  
+                   AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 20 to xtpOverIpv6.  
+                   AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 21 to xtpNativeModeXTP."
+      REVISION     "200003010000Z"  -- March 1, 2000
+      DESCRIPTION  "AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 17 to distinguishedName. 
+                   AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 18 to asNumber."
+      REVISION     "200002040000Z"  -- February 4, 2000
+      DESCRIPTION  "AddressFamilyNumbers assignment 16 to dns."
+      REVISION     "9908260000Z"  -- August 26, 1999
+      DESCRIPTION  "Initial version, published as RFC 2677."
+      ::= { mib-2 72 }
+  AddressFamilyNumbers ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+      STATUS       current
+          "The definition of this textual convention with the
+          addition of newly assigned values is published
+          periodically by the IANA, in either the Assigned
+          Numbers RFC, or some derivative of it specific to
+          Internet Network Management number assignments.
+          (The latest arrangements can be obtained by
+          contacting the IANA.)
+          The enumerations are described as:
+          other(0),    -- none of the following
+          ipV4(1),     -- IP Version 4
+          ipV6(2),     -- IP Version 6
+          nsap(3),     -- NSAP
+          hdlc(4),     -- (8-bit multidrop)
+          bbn1822(5),
+          all802(6),   -- (includes all 802 media
+                       --   plus Ethernet 'canonical format')
+          e163(7),
+          e164(8),     -- (SMDS, Frame Relay, ATM)
+          f69(9),      -- (Telex)
+          x121(10),    -- (X.25, Frame Relay)
+          ipx(11),     -- IPX (Internet Protocol Exchange)
+          appleTalk(12),  -- Apple Talk
+          decnetIV(13),   -- DEC Net Phase IV
+          banyanVines(14),  -- Banyan Vines
+          e164withNsap(15),
+                       -- (E.164 with NSAP format subaddress)
+          dns(16),     -- (Domain Name System)
+          distinguishedName(17), -- (Distinguished Name, per X.500)
+          asNumber(18), -- (16-bit quantity, per the AS number space)
+          xtpOverIpv4(19),  -- XTP over IP version 4
+          xtpOverIpv6(20),  -- XTP over IP version 6
+          xtpNativeModeXTP(21),  -- XTP native mode XTP
+          fibreChannelWWPN(22),  -- Fibre Channel World-Wide Port Name 
+          fibreChannelWWNN(23),  -- Fibre Channel World-Wide Node Name
+          gwid(24),    -- Gateway Identifier 
+          reserved(65535)
+          Requests for new values should be made to IANA via
+          email (iana@iana.org)."
+                  other(0),
+                  ipV4(1),
+                  ipV6(2),
+                  nsap(3),
+                  hdlc(4),
+                  bbn1822(5),
+                  all802(6),
+                  e163(7),
+                  e164(8),
+                  f69(9),
+                  x121(10),
+                  ipx(11),
+                  appleTalk(12),
+                  decnetIV(13),
+                  banyanVines(14),
+                  e164withNsap(15),
+                  dns(16),
+                  distinguishedName(17), -- (Distinguished Name, per X.500)
+                  asNumber(18), -- (16-bit quantity, per the AS number space)
+                  xtpOverIpv4(19),
+                  xtpOverIpv6(20),
+                  xtpNativeModeXTP(21),
+                  fibreChannelWWPN(22),
+                  fibreChannelWWNN(23),
+                  gwid(24),
+                  reserved(65535)
+              }
+      END
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-LANGUAGE-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-LANGUAGE-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..318f8d6582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-LANGUAGE-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+ianaLanguages MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED "200005100000Z"  -- May 10, 2000
+        "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
+         Postal: ICANN
+                 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
+                 Marina del Rey, CA 90292
+         Tel:    +1 310 823 9358 x20
+         E-Mail: iana@iana.org"
+        "The MIB module registers object identifier values for
+         well-known programming and scripting languages. Every
+         language registration MUST describe the format used
+         when transferring scripts written in this language.
+         Any additions or changes to the contents of this MIB
+         module require Designated Expert Review as defined in
+         the Guidelines for Writing IANA Considerations Section
+         document. The Designated Expert will be selected by
+         the IESG Area Director of the OPS Area.
+         Note, this module does not have to register all possible
+         languages since languages are identified by object
+         identifier values. It is therefore possible to registered 
+         languages in private OID trees. The references given below are not
+         normative with regard to the language version. Other
+         references might be better suited to describe some newer 
+         versions of this language. The references are only
+         provided as `a pointer into the right direction'."
+ -- Revision log, in reverse chronological order
+    REVISION    "200005100000Z" -- May 10, 2000
+    DESCRIPTION "Import mib-2 instead of experimental, so that
+                 this module compiles"
+    REVISION    "199909090900Z" -- September 9, 1999
+    DESCRIPTION "Initial version as published at time of
+                 publication of RFC 2591."
+    ::= { mib-2 73 }
+ianaLangJavaByteCode OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS  current
+        "Java byte code to be processed by a Java virtual machine.
+         A script written in Java byte code is transferred by using
+         the Java archive file format (JAR)."
+        "The Java Virtual Machine Specification.
+         ISBN 0-201-63452-X"
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 1 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The Tool Command Language (Tcl). A script written in the
+         Tcl language is transferred in Tcl source code format."
+        "Tcl and the Tk Toolkit.
+         ISBN 0-201-63337-X"
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 2 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The Perl language. A script written in the Perl language
+         is transferred in Perl source code format."
+        "Programming Perl.
+         ISBN 1-56592-149-6"
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 3 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The Scheme language. A script written in the Scheme
+         language is transferred in Scheme source code format."
+        "The Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
+         MIT Press"
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 4 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The SNMP Script Language defined by SNMP Research. A
+         script written in the SNMP Script Language is transferred
+         in the SNMP Script Language source code format."
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 5 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The Patrol Script Language defined by BMC Software. A script
+         written in the Patrol Script Language is transferred in the
+         Patrol Script Language source code format."
+        "PATROL Script Language Reference Manual, Version 3.0,
+         November 30, 1995. BMC Software, Inc. 2101 City West Blvd.,
+         Houston, Texas 77042."
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 6 }
+    STATUS  current
+        "The Systems Management Scripting Language. A script written
+         in the SMSL language is transferred in the SMSL source code
+         format."
+        "ISO/ITU Command Sequencer.
+         ISO 10164-21 or ITU X.753"
+    ::= { ianaLanguages 7 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-RTPROTO-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-RTPROTO-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f5a283d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANA-RTPROTO-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    LAST-UPDATED "200009260000Z" -- September 26, 2000
+            " Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+              Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
+              4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
+              Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601
+              Phone: +1 310 823 9358
+              EMail: iana@iana.org"
+            "This MIB module defines the IANAipRouteProtocol and
+            IANAipMRouteProtocol textual conventions for use in MIBs
+            which need to identify unicast or multicast routing
+            mechanisms.
+            Any additions or changes to the contents of this MIB module
+            require either publication of an RFC, or Designated Expert
+            Review as defined in RFC 2434, Guidelines for Writing an
+            IANA Considerations Section in RFCs.  The Designated Expert 
+            will be selected by the IESG Area Director(s) of the Routing
+            Area."
+    REVISION     "200009260000Z"  -- September 26, 2000 
+    DESCRIPTION  "Original version, published in coordination
+                 with RFC 2932."
+    ::= { mib-2 84 }
+   STATUS      current
+            "A mechanism for learning routes.  Inclusion of values for
+            routing protocols is not intended to imply that those
+            protocols need be supported."
+                other     (1),  -- not specified
+                local     (2),  -- local interface
+                netmgmt   (3),  -- static route
+                icmp      (4),  -- result of ICMP Redirect
+                        -- the following are all dynamic
+                        -- routing protocols
+                egp        (5),  -- Exterior Gateway Protocol
+                ggp        (6),  -- Gateway-Gateway Protocol
+                hello      (7),  -- FuzzBall HelloSpeak
+                rip        (8),  -- Berkeley RIP or RIP-II
+                isIs       (9),  -- Dual IS-IS
+                esIs       (10), -- ISO 9542
+                ciscoIgrp  (11), -- Cisco IGRP
+                bbnSpfIgp  (12), -- BBN SPF IGP
+                ospf       (13), -- Open Shortest Path First
+                bgp        (14), -- Border Gateway Protocol
+                idpr       (15), -- InterDomain Policy Routing
+                ciscoEigrp (16), -- Cisco EIGRP
+                dvmrp      (17)  -- DVMRP
+               }
+   STATUS      current
+            "The multicast routing protocol.  Inclusion of values for
+            multicast routing protocols is not intended to imply that
+            those protocols need be supported."
+                   other(1),          -- none of the following
+                   local(2),          -- e.g., manually configured
+                   netmgmt(3),        -- set via net.mgmt protocol
+                   dvmrp(4),
+                   mospf(5),
+                   pimSparseDense(6), -- PIMv1, both DM and SM
+                   cbt(7),
+                   pimSparseMode(8),  -- PIM-SM
+                   pimDenseMode(9),   -- PIM-DM
+                   igmpOnly(10),
+                   bgmp(11),
+                   msdp(12)
+               }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d043cd5eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+       MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+   ianaifType MODULE-IDENTITY
+       LAST-UPDATED "200510100000Z"  -- October 10, 2005
+       CONTACT-INFO "        Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+                     Postal: ICANN
+                             4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
+                             Marina del Rey, CA 90292
+                     Tel:    +1 310 823 9358
+                     E-Mail: iana@iana.org"
+       DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module defines the IANAifType Textual
+                     Convention, and thus the enumerated values of
+                     the ifType object defined in MIB-II's ifTable."
+       REVISION     "200510100000Z"  -- October 10, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 230."
+       REVISION     "200509090000Z"  -- September 09, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 229."
+       REVISION     "200505270000Z"  -- May 27, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 228."
+       REVISION     "200503030000Z"  -- March 3, 2005
+       DESCRIPTION  "Added the IANAtunnelType TC and deprecated
+	                 IANAifType sixToFour (215) per 
+	                 RFC4087."
+       REVISION     "200411220000Z"  -- November 22, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 227."
+       REVISION     "200406170000Z"  -- June 17, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANA ifType 226."
+       REVISION     "200405120000Z"  -- May 12, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Added description for IANAifType 6, and 
+	                 changed the descriptions for IANAifTypes
+                     180, 181, and 182."
+       REVISION     "200405070000Z"  -- May 7, 2004
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType 225."
+       REVISION     "200308250000Z"  -- Aug 25, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated IANAifTypes 7 and 11. Obsoleted
+                    IANAifTypes 62, 69, and 117.  ethernetCsmacd (6)
+                    should be used instead of these values"
+       REVISION     "200308180000Z"  -- Aug 18, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    224."
+       REVISION     "200308070000Z"  -- Aug 7, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    222 and 223."
+       REVISION     "200303180000Z"  -- Mar 18, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    221."
+       REVISION     "200301130000Z"  -- Jan 13, 2003
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    220."
+       REVISION     "200210170000Z"  -- Oct 17, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    219."
+	   REVISION     "200207160000Z"  -- Jul 16, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    217 and 218."
+       REVISION     "200207100000Z"  -- Jul 10, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    215 and 216."
+       REVISION     "200206190000Z"  -- Jun 19, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    214."
+       REVISION     "200201040000Z"  -- Jan 4, 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    211, 212 and 213."
+       REVISION     "200112200000Z"  -- Dec 20, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    209 and 210."
+       REVISION     "200111150000Z"  -- Nov 15, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    207 and 208."
+       REVISION     "200111060000Z"  -- Nov 6, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    206."
+       REVISION     "200111020000Z"  -- Nov 2, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    205."
+       REVISION     "200110160000Z"  -- Oct 16, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    199, 200, 201, 202, 203, and 204."
+       REVISION     "200109190000Z"  -- Sept 19, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    198."
+       REVISION     "200105110000Z"  -- May 11, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    197."
+       REVISION     "200101120000Z"  -- Jan 12, 2001
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    195 and 196."
+       REVISION     "200012190000Z"  -- Dec 19, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    193 and 194."
+       REVISION     "200012070000Z"  -- Dec 07, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    191 and 192."
+       REVISION     "200012040000Z"  -- Dec 04, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType
+                    190."
+       REVISION     "200010170000Z"  -- Oct 17, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                    188 and 189."  
+       REVISION     "200010020000Z"  -- Oct 02, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType 187." 
+       REVISION     "200009010000Z"  -- Sept 01, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                     184, 185, and 186."			
+       REVISION     "200008240000Z"  -- Aug 24, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifType 183." 
+       REVISION     "200008230000Z"  -- Aug 23, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes
+                     174-182."
+       REVISION     "200008220000Z"  -- Aug 22, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes 170,
+                     171, 172 and 173."
+       REVISION     "200004250000Z"  -- Apr 25, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Registration of new IANAifTypes 168 and 169."       
+       REVISION     "200003060000Z"  -- Mar 6, 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "Fixed a missing semi-colon in the IMPORT.
+                     Also cleaned up the REVISION log a bit.
+                     It is not complete, but from now on it will
+                     be maintained and kept up to date with each
+                     change to this MIB module."
+       REVISION     "199910081430Z"  -- Oct 08, 1999
+       DESCRIPTION  "Include new name assignments up to cnr(85).
+                     This is the first version available via the WWW
+                     at: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/mib/ianaiftype.mib"
+       REVISION     "199401310000Z"  -- Jan 31, 1994
+       DESCRIPTION  "Initial version of this MIB as published in
+                     RFC 1573."
+       ::= { mib-2 30 }
+       STATUS       current
+               "This data type is used as the syntax of the ifType
+               object in the (updated) definition of MIB-II's
+               ifTable.
+               The definition of this textual convention with the
+               addition of newly assigned values is published
+               periodically by the IANA, in either the Assigned
+               Numbers RFC, or some derivative of it specific to
+               Internet Network Management number assignments.  (The
+               latest arrangements can be obtained by contacting the
+               IANA.)
+               Requests for new values should be made to IANA via
+               email (iana@iana.org).
+               The relationship between the assignment of ifType
+               values and of OIDs to particular media-specific MIBs
+               is solely the purview of IANA and is subject to change
+               without notice.  Quite often, a media-specific MIB's
+               OID-subtree assignment within MIB-II's 'transmission'
+               subtree will be the same as its ifType value.
+               However, in some circumstances this will not be the
+               case, and implementors must not pre-assume any
+               specific relationship between ifType values and
+               transmission subtree OIDs."
+                   other(1),          -- none of the following
+                   regular1822(2),
+                   hdh1822(3),
+                   ddnX25(4),
+                   rfc877x25(5),
+                   ethernetCsmacd(6), -- for all ethernet-like interfaces,
+                                      -- regardless of speed, as per RFC3635
+                   iso88023Csmacd(7), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   iso88024TokenBus(8),
+                   iso88025TokenRing(9),
+                   iso88026Man(10),
+                   starLan(11), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   proteon10Mbit(12),
+                   proteon80Mbit(13),
+                   hyperchannel(14),
+                   fddi(15),
+                   lapb(16),
+                   sdlc(17),
+                   ds1(18),            -- DS1-MIB
+                   e1(19),             -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
+                   basicISDN(20),
+                   primaryISDN(21),
+                   propPointToPointSerial(22), -- proprietary serial
+                   ppp(23),
+                   softwareLoopback(24),
+                   eon(25),            -- CLNP over IP 
+                   ethernet3Mbit(26),
+                   nsip(27),           -- XNS over IP
+                   slip(28),           -- generic SLIP
+                   ultra(29),          -- ULTRA technologies
+                   ds3(30),            -- DS3-MIB
+                   sip(31),            -- SMDS, coffee
+                   frameRelay(32),     -- DTE only. 
+                   rs232(33),
+                   para(34),           -- parallel-port
+                   arcnet(35),         -- arcnet
+                   arcnetPlus(36),     -- arcnet plus
+                   atm(37),            -- ATM cells
+                   miox25(38),
+                   sonet(39),          -- SONET or SDH 
+                   x25ple(40),
+                   iso88022llc(41),
+                   localTalk(42),
+                   smdsDxi(43),
+                   frameRelayService(44),  -- FRNETSERV-MIB
+                   v35(45),
+                   hssi(46),
+                   hippi(47),
+                   modem(48),          -- Generic modem
+                   aal5(49),           -- AAL5 over ATM
+                   sonetPath(50),
+                   sonetVT(51),
+                   smdsIcip(52),       -- SMDS InterCarrier Interface
+                   propVirtual(53),    -- proprietary virtual/internal
+                   propMultiplexor(54),-- proprietary multiplexing
+                   ieee80212(55),      -- 100BaseVG
+                   fibreChannel(56),   -- Fibre Channel
+                   hippiInterface(57), -- HIPPI interfaces     
+                   frameRelayInterconnect(58), -- Obsolete use either
+                                       -- frameRelay(32) or 
+                                       -- frameRelayService(44).
+                   aflane8023(59),     -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3
+                   aflane8025(60),     -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5
+                   cctEmul(61),        -- ATM Emulated circuit          
+                   fastEther(62),      -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   isdn(63),           -- ISDN and X.25           
+                   v11(64),            -- CCITT V.11/X.21             
+                   v36(65),            -- CCITT V.36                  
+                   g703at64k(66),      -- CCITT G703 at 64Kbps
+                   g703at2mb(67),      -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
+                   qllc(68),           -- SNA QLLC                    
+                   fastEtherFX(69),    -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+                   channel(70),        -- channel                     
+                   ieee80211(71),      -- radio spread spectrum       
+	           ibm370parChan(72),  -- IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel
+                   escon(73),          -- IBM Enterprise Systems Connection
+                   dlsw(74),           -- Data Link Switching
+                   isdns(75),          -- ISDN S/T interface
+                   isdnu(76),          -- ISDN U interface
+                   lapd(77),           -- Link Access Protocol D
+                   ipSwitch(78),       -- IP Switching Objects
+                   rsrb(79),           -- Remote Source Route Bridging
+                   atmLogical(80),     -- ATM Logical Port
+                   ds0(81),            -- Digital Signal Level 0
+                   ds0Bundle(82),      -- group of ds0s on the same ds1
+                   bsc(83),            -- Bisynchronous Protocol
+                   async(84),          -- Asynchronous Protocol
+                   cnr(85),            -- Combat Net Radio
+                   iso88025Dtr(86),    -- ISO 802.5r DTR
+                   eplrs(87),          -- Ext Pos Loc Report Sys
+                   arap(88),           -- Appletalk Remote Access Protocol
+                   propCnls(89),       -- Proprietary Connectionless Protocol
+                   hostPad(90),        -- CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol
+                   termPad(91),        -- CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility
+                   frameRelayMPI(92),  -- Multiproto Interconnect over FR
+                   x213(93),           -- CCITT-ITU X213
+                   adsl(94),           -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
+                   radsl(95),          -- Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop
+                   sdsl(96),           -- Symmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
+                   vdsl(97),           -- Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop
+                   iso88025CRFPInt(98), -- ISO 802.5 CRFP
+                   myrinet(99),        -- Myricom Myrinet
+                   voiceEM(100),       -- voice recEive and transMit
+                   voiceFXO(101),      -- voice Foreign Exchange Office
+                   voiceFXS(102),      -- voice Foreign Exchange Station
+                   voiceEncap(103),    -- voice encapsulation
+                   voiceOverIp(104),   -- voice over IP encapsulation
+                   atmDxi(105),        -- ATM DXI
+                   atmFuni(106),       -- ATM FUNI
+		   atmIma (107),       -- ATM IMA		   
+                   pppMultilinkBundle(108), -- PPP Multilink Bundle
+                   ipOverCdlc (109),   -- IBM ipOverCdlc
+		   ipOverClaw (110),   -- IBM Common Link Access to Workstn
+                   stackToStack (111), -- IBM stackToStack
+                   virtualIpAddress (112), -- IBM VIPA
+		   mpc (113),          -- IBM multi-protocol channel support
+		   ipOverAtm (114),    -- IBM ipOverAtm
+		   iso88025Fiber (115), -- ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring
+		   tdlc (116),	       -- IBM twinaxial data link control
+		   gigabitEthernet (117), -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
+		   hdlc (118),         -- HDLC
+		   lapf (119),	       -- LAP F
+		   v37 (120),	       -- V.37
+		   x25mlp (121),       -- Multi-Link Protocol
+		   x25huntGroup (122), -- X25 Hunt Group
+		   trasnpHdlc (123),   -- Transp HDLC
+		   interleave (124),   -- Interleave channel
+		   fast (125),         -- Fast channel
+		   ip (126),	       -- IP (for APPN HPR in IP networks)
+		   docsCableMaclayer (127),  -- CATV Mac Layer
+		   docsCableDownstream (128), -- CATV Downstream interface
+		   docsCableUpstream (129),  -- CATV Upstream interface
+		   a12MppSwitch (130), -- Avalon Parallel Processor
+		   tunnel (131),       -- Encapsulation interface
+		   coffee (132),       -- coffee pot
+		   ces (133),          -- Circuit Emulation Service
+		   atmSubInterface (134), -- ATM Sub Interface
+		   l2vlan (135),       -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q
+		   l3ipvlan (136),     -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IP
+		   l3ipxvlan (137),    -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IPX
+		   digitalPowerline (138), -- IP over Power Lines	
+		   mediaMailOverIp (139), -- Multimedia Mail over IP
+		   dtm (140),        -- Dynamic syncronous Transfer Mode
+		   dcn (141),    -- Data Communications Network
+		   ipForward (142),    -- IP Forwarding Interface
+		   msdsl (143),       -- Multi-rate Symmetric DSL
+		   ieee1394 (144), -- IEEE1394 High Performance Serial Bus
+		   if-gsn (145),       --   HIPPI-6400 
+		   dvbRccMacLayer (146), -- DVB-RCC MAC Layer
+		   dvbRccDownstream (147),  -- DVB-RCC Downstream Channel
+		   dvbRccUpstream (148),  -- DVB-RCC Upstream Channel
+		   atmVirtual (149),   -- ATM Virtual Interface
+		   mplsTunnel (150),   -- MPLS Tunnel Virtual Interface
+		   srp (151),	-- Spatial Reuse Protocol	
+		   voiceOverAtm (152),  -- Voice Over ATM
+		   voiceOverFrameRelay (153),   -- Voice Over Frame Relay 
+		   idsl (154),		-- Digital Subscriber Loop over ISDN
+		   compositeLink (155),  -- Avici Composite Link Interface
+		   ss7SigLink (156),     -- SS7 Signaling Link 
+		   propWirelessP2P (157),  --  Prop. P2P wireless interface
+		   frForward (158),    -- Frame Forward Interface
+		   rfc1483 (159),	-- Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5
+		   usb (160),		-- USB Interface
+		   ieee8023adLag (161),  -- IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate
+                   bgppolicyaccounting (162), -- BGP Policy Accounting
+                   frf16MfrBundle (163), -- FRF .16 Multilink Frame Relay 
+                   h323Gatekeeper (164), -- H323 Gatekeeper
+                   h323Proxy (165), -- H323 Voice and Video Proxy
+                   mpls (166), -- MPLS                   
+                   mfSigLink (167), -- Multi-frequency signaling link
+                   hdsl2 (168), -- High Bit-Rate DSL - 2nd generation
+                   shdsl (169), -- Multirate HDSL2
+                   ds1FDL (170), -- Facility Data Link 4Kbps on a DS1
+                   pos (171), -- Packet over SONET/SDH Interface
+                   dvbAsiIn (172), -- DVB-ASI Input
+                   dvbAsiOut (173), -- DVB-ASI Output 
+                   plc (174), -- Power Line Communtications
+                   nfas (175), -- Non Facility Associated Signaling
+                   tr008 (176), -- TR008
+                   gr303RDT (177), -- Remote Digital Terminal
+                   gr303IDT (178), -- Integrated Digital Terminal
+                   isup (179), -- ISUP
+                   propDocsWirelessMaclayer (180), -- Cisco proprietary Maclayer
+                   propDocsWirelessDownstream (181), -- Cisco proprietary Downstream
+                   propDocsWirelessUpstream (182), -- Cisco proprietary Upstream
+                   hiperlan2 (183), -- HIPERLAN Type 2 Radio Interface
+                   propBWAp2Mp (184), -- PropBroadbandWirelessAccesspt2multipt
+                   sonetOverheadChannel (185), -- SONET Overhead Channel
+                   digitalWrapperOverheadChannel (186), -- Digital Wrapper
+                   aal2 (187), -- ATM adaptation layer 2
+                   radioMAC (188), -- MAC layer over radio links
+                   atmRadio (189), -- ATM over radio links   
+                   imt (190), -- Inter Machine Trunks
+                   mvl (191), -- Multiple Virtual Lines DSL
+                   reachDSL (192), -- Long Reach DSL
+                   frDlciEndPt (193), -- Frame Relay DLCI End Point
+                   atmVciEndPt (194), -- ATM VCI End Point
+                   opticalChannel (195), -- Optical Channel
+                   opticalTransport (196), -- Optical Transport
+                   propAtm (197), --  Proprietary ATM       
+                   voiceOverCable (198), -- Voice Over Cable Interface
+                   infiniband (199), -- Infiniband
+                   teLink (200), -- TE Link
+                   q2931 (201), -- Q.2931
+                   virtualTg (202), -- Virtual Trunk Group
+                   sipTg (203), -- SIP Trunk Group
+                   sipSig (204), -- SIP Signaling   
+                   docsCableUpstreamChannel (205), -- CATV Upstream Channel
+                   econet (206), -- Acorn Econet
+                   pon155 (207), -- FSAN 155Mb Symetrical PON interface
+                   pon622 (208), -- FSAN622Mb Symetrical PON interface
+                   bridge (209), -- Transparent bridge interface
+                   linegroup (210), -- Interface common to multiple lines		   
+                   voiceEMFGD (211), -- voice E&M Feature Group D
+                   voiceFGDEANA (212), -- voice FGD Exchange Access North American
+                   voiceDID (213), -- voice Direct Inward Dialing
+                   mpegTransport (214), -- MPEG transport interface
+                   sixToFour (215), -- 6to4 interface (DEPRECATED)
+                   gtp (216), -- GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol)
+                   pdnEtherLoop1 (217), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 1
+                   pdnEtherLoop2 (218), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 2
+                   opticalChannelGroup (219), -- Optical Channel Group
+                   homepna (220), -- HomePNA ITU-T G.989				   
+                   gfp (221), -- Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
+                   ciscoISLvlan (222), -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using Cisco ISL
+                   actelisMetaLOOP (223), -- Acteleis proprietary MetaLOOP High Speed Link 
+                   fcipLink (224), -- FCIP Link 
+                   rpr (225), -- Resilient Packet Ring Interface Type
+                   qam (226), -- RF Qam Interface
+                   lmp (227), -- Link Management Protocol
+                   cblVectaStar (228), -- Cambridge Broadband Limited VectaStar
+                   docsCableMCmtsDownstream (229), -- CATV Modular CMTS Downstream Interface
+                   adsl2 (230) -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop Version 2
+    			   }
+    STATUS     current
+            "The encapsulation method used by a tunnel. The value
+            direct indicates that a packet is encapsulated
+            directly within a normal IP header, with no
+            intermediate header, and unicast to the remote tunnel
+            endpoint (e.g., an RFC 2003 IP-in-IP tunnel, or an RFC
+            1933 IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel). The value minimal indicates
+            that a Minimal Forwarding Header (RFC 2004) is
+            inserted between the outer header and the payload
+            packet. The value UDP indicates that the payload
+            packet is encapsulated within a normal UDP packet
+            (e.g., RFC 1234).
+            The values sixToFour, sixOverFour, and isatap
+            indicates that an IPv6 packet is encapsulated directly
+            within an IPv4 header, with no intermediate header,
+            and unicast to the destination determined by the 6to4,
+            6over4, or ISATAP protocol.
+            The remaining protocol-specific values indicate that a
+            header of the protocol of that name is inserted
+            between the outer header and the payload header.
+            The assignment policy for IANAtunnelType values is
+            identical to the policy for assigning IANAifType
+            values."
+                   other(1),        -- none of the following
+                   direct(2),       -- no intermediate header
+                   gre(3),          -- GRE encapsulation
+                   minimal(4),      -- Minimal encapsulation
+                   l2tp(5),         -- L2TP encapsulation
+                   pptp(6),         -- PPTP encapsulation
+                   l2f(7),          -- L2F encapsulation
+                   udp(8),          -- UDP encapsulation
+                   atmp(9),         -- ATMP encapsulation
+                   msdp(10),        -- MSDP encapsulation
+                   sixToFour(11),   -- 6to4 encapsulation
+                   sixOverFour(12), -- 6over4 encapsulation
+                   isatap(13),      -- ISATAP encapsulation
+                   teredo(14)       -- Teredo encapsulation
+               }
+   END
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3646c6efad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  RowStatus                                FROM SNMPv2-TC
+  ifStackGroup2,
+  ifStackHigherLayer, ifStackLowerLayer    FROM IF-MIB;
+  LAST-UPDATED "200006140000Z"
+  ORGANIZATION "IETF Interfaces MIB Working Group"
+          "   Keith McCloghrie
+              Cisco Systems, Inc.
+              170 West Tasman Drive
+              San Jose, CA  95134-1706
+              US
+              408-526-5260
+              kzm@cisco.com"
+          "The MIB module which provides the Inverted Stack Table for
+          interface sub-layers."
+  REVISION      "200006140000Z"
+          "Initial revision, published as RFC 2864"
+  ::= { mib-2 77 }
+ifInvMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifInvertedStackMIB 1 }
+--           The Inverted Interface Stack Group
+ifInvStackTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IfInvStackEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+   STATUS        current
+          "A table containing information on the relationships between
+          the multiple sub-layers of network interfaces.  In
+          particular, it contains information on which sub-layers run
+          'underneath' which other sub-layers, where each sub-layer
+          corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable.  For
+          example, when the sub-layer with ifIndex value x runs
+          underneath the sub-layer with ifIndex value y, then this
+          table contains:
+            ifInvStackStatus.x.y=active
+          For each ifIndex value, z, which identifies an active
+          interface, there are always at least two instantiated rows
+          in this table associated with z.  For one of these rows, z
+          is the value of ifStackHigherLayer; for the other, z is the
+          value of ifStackLowerLayer.  (If z is not involved in
+          multiplexing, then these are the only two rows associated
+          with z.)
+          For example, two rows exist even for an interface which has
+          no others stacked on top or below it:
+            ifInvStackStatus.z.0=active
+            ifInvStackStatus.0.z=active
+          This table contains exactly the same number of rows as the
+          ifStackTable, but the rows appear in a different order."
+          "ifStackTable of RFC 2863"
+   ::= { ifInvMIBObjects 1 }
+ifInvStackEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX        IfInvStackEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+   STATUS        current
+          "Information on a particular relationship between two sub-
+          layers, specifying that one sub-layer runs underneath the
+          other sub-layer.  Each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual
+          row in the ifTable."
+   INDEX { ifStackLowerLayer, ifStackHigherLayer }
+   ::= { ifInvStackTable 1 }
+IfInvStackEntry ::=
+      ifInvStackStatus       RowStatus
+   }
+ifInvStackStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
+  SYNTAX         RowStatus
+  MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+  STATUS         current
+          "The status of the relationship between two sub-layers.
+          An instance of this object exists for each instance of the
+          ifStackStatus object, and vice versa.  For example, if the
+          variable ifStackStatus.H.L exists, then the variable
+          ifInvStackStatus.L.H must also exist, and vice versa.  In
+          addition, the two variables always have the same value.
+          However, unlike ifStackStatus, the ifInvStackStatus object
+          is NOT write-able.  A network management application wishing
+          to change a relationship between sub-layers H and L cannot
+          do so by modifying the value of ifInvStackStatus.L.H, but
+          must instead modify the value of ifStackStatus.H.L.  After
+          the ifStackTable is modified, the change will be reflected
+          in this table."
+  ::= { ifInvStackEntry 1 }
+-- conformance information
+ifInvConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifInvMIBObjects 2 }
+ifInvGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifInvConformance 1 }
+ifInvCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifInvConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+  STATUS  current
+          "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which provide
+          inverted information on the layering of network interfaces."
+  MODULE  -- this module
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifInvStackGroup }
+      OBJECT       ifInvStackStatus
+      SYNTAX       INTEGER { active(1) }
+          "Support is only required for 'active'."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifStackGroup2 }
+  ::= { ifInvCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+ifInvStackGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+  OBJECTS { ifInvStackStatus }
+  STATUS  current
+          "A collection of objects providing inverted information on
+          the layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+  ::= { ifInvGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IF-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IF-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b38352470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IF-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1814 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, Counter64,
+    Integer32, TimeTicks, mib-2,
+    NOTIFICATION-TYPE                        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString,
+    PhysAddress, TruthValue, RowStatus,
+    TimeStamp, AutonomousType, TestAndIncr   FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    NOTIFICATION-GROUP                       FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    snmpTraps                                FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+    IANAifType                               FROM IANAifType-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200006140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Interfaces MIB Working Group"
+            "   Keith McCloghrie
+                Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                170 West Tasman Drive
+                San Jose, CA  95134-1706
+                US
+                408-526-5260
+                kzm@cisco.com"
+            "The MIB module to describe generic objects for network
+            interface sub-layers.  This MIB is an updated version of
+            MIB-II's ifTable, and incorporates the extensions defined in
+            RFC 1229."
+    REVISION      "200006140000Z"
+            "Clarifications agreed upon by the Interfaces MIB WG, and
+            published as RFC 2863."
+    REVISION      "199602282155Z"
+            "Revisions made by the Interfaces MIB WG, and published in
+            RFC 2233."
+    REVISION      "199311082155Z"
+            "Initial revision, published as part of RFC 1573."
+    ::= { mib-2 31 }
+ifMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 1 }
+interfaces   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+-- OwnerString has the same semantics as used in RFC 1271
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This data type is used to model an administratively
+            assigned name of the owner of a resource.  This information
+            is taken from the NVT ASCII character set.  It is suggested
+            that this name contain one or more of the following: ASCII
+            form of the manager station's transport address, management
+            station name (e.g., domain name), network management
+            personnel's name, location, or phone number.  In some cases
+            the agent itself will be the owner of an entry.  In these
+            cases, this string shall be set to a string starting with
+            'agent'."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
+-- InterfaceIndex contains the semantics of ifIndex and should be used
+-- for any objects defined in other MIB modules that need these semantics.
+InterfaceIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or
+            interface sub-layer in the managed system.  It is
+            recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting
+            from 1.  The value for each interface sub-layer must remain
+            constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+            network management system to the next re-initialization."
+    SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+InterfaceIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "This textual convention is an extension of the
+            InterfaceIndex convention.  The latter defines a greater
+            than zero value used to identify an interface or interface
+            sub-layer in the managed system.  This extension permits the
+            additional value of zero.  the value zero is object-specific
+            and must therefore be defined as part of the description of
+            any object which uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of
+            zero might include situations where interface was unknown,
+            or when none or all interfaces need to be referenced."
+    SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+ifNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of network interfaces (regardless of their
+            current state) present on this system."
+    ::= { interfaces 1 }
+ifTableLastChange  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last creation or
+            deletion of an entry in the ifTable.  If the number of
+            entries has been unchanged since the last re-initialization
+            of the local network management subsystem, then this object
+            contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 5 }
+-- the Interfaces table
+-- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's
+-- interfaces.  Each sub-layer below the internetwork-layer
+-- of a network interface is considered to be an interface.
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A list of interface entries.  The number of entries is
+            given by the value of ifNumber."
+    ::= { interfaces 2 }
+    SYNTAX      IfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "An entry containing management information applicable to a
+            particular interface."
+    INDEX   { ifIndex }
+    ::= { ifTable 1 }
+IfEntry ::=
+        ifIndex                 InterfaceIndex,
+        ifDescr                 DisplayString,
+        ifType                  IANAifType,
+        ifMtu                   Integer32,
+        ifSpeed                 Gauge32,
+        ifPhysAddress           PhysAddress,
+        ifAdminStatus           INTEGER,
+        ifOperStatus            INTEGER,
+        ifLastChange            TimeTicks,
+        ifInOctets              Counter32,
+        ifInUcastPkts           Counter32,
+        ifInNUcastPkts          Counter32,  -- deprecated
+        ifInDiscards            Counter32,
+        ifInErrors              Counter32,
+        ifInUnknownProtos       Counter32,
+        ifOutOctets             Counter32,
+        ifOutUcastPkts          Counter32,
+        ifOutNUcastPkts         Counter32,  -- deprecated
+        ifOutDiscards           Counter32,
+        ifOutErrors             Counter32,
+        ifOutQLen               Gauge32,    -- deprecated
+        ifSpecific              OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- deprecated
+    }
+    SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface.  It
+            is recommended that values are assigned contiguously
+            starting from 1.  The value for each interface sub-layer
+            must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of
+            the entity's network management system to the next re-
+            initialization."
+    ::= { ifEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A textual string containing information about the
+            interface.  This string should include the name of the
+            manufacturer, the product name and the version of the
+            interface hardware/software."
+    ::= { ifEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      IANAifType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The type of interface.  Additional values for ifType are
+            assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA),
+            through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual
+            convention."
+    ::= { ifEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received
+            on the interface, specified in octets.  For interfaces that
+            are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the
+            size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the
+            interface."
+    ::= { ifEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits
+            per second.  For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth
+            or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this
+            object should contain the nominal bandwidth.  If the
+            bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value
+            reportable by this object then this object should report its
+            maximum value (4,294,967,295) and ifHighSpeed must be used
+            to report the interace's speed.  For a sub-layer which has
+            no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+    ::= { ifEntry 5 }
+ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The interface's address at its protocol sub-layer.  For
+            example, for an 802.x interface, this object normally
+            contains a MAC address.  The interface's media-specific MIB
+            must define the bit and byte ordering and the format of the
+            value of this object.  For interfaces which do not have such
+            an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain
+            an octet string of zero length."
+    ::= { ifEntry 6 }
+ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
+                down(2),
+                testing(3)   -- in some test mode
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "The desired state of the interface.  The testing(3) state
+            indicates that no operational packets can be passed.  When a
+            managed system initializes, all interfaces start with
+            ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state.  As a result of either
+            explicit management action or per configuration information
+            retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then
+            changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains
+            in the down(2) state)."
+    ::= { ifEntry 7 }
+ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                up(1),        -- ready to pass packets
+                down(2),
+                testing(3),   -- in some test mode
+                unknown(4),   -- status can not be determined
+                              -- for some reason.
+                dormant(5),
+                notPresent(6),    -- some component is missing
+                lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of
+                                  -- lower-layer interface(s)
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The current operational state of the interface.  The
+            testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can
+            be passed.  If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus
+            should be down(2).  If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1)
+            then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is
+            ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should
+            change to dormant(5) if the interface is waiting for
+            external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an
+            incoming connection); it should remain in the down(2) state
+            if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going
+            to the up(1) state; it should remain in the notPresent(6)
+            state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware)
+            components."
+    ::= { ifEntry 8 }
+ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered
+            its current operational state.  If the current state was
+            entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local
+            network management subsystem, then this object contains a
+            zero value."
+    ::= { ifEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets received on the interface,
+            including framing characters.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 10 }
+ifInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+            or broadcast address at this sub-layer.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast or
+            broadcast address at this sub-layer.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
+            This object is deprecated in favour of ifInMulticastPkts and
+            ifInBroadcastPkts."
+    ::= { ifEntry 12 }
+ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be
+            discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
+            their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.  One
+            possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to
+            free up buffer space.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 13 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound
+            packets that contained errors preventing them from being
+            deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.  For character-
+            oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound
+            transmission units that contained errors preventing them
+            from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 14 }
+ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets
+            received via the interface which were discarded because of
+            an unknown or unsupported protocol.  For character-oriented
+            or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol
+            multiplexing the number of transmission units received via
+            the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or
+            unsupported protocol.  For any interface that does not
+            support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be
+            0.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 15 }
+ifOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+            interface, including framing characters.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 16 }
+ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+            multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+            those that were discarded or not sent.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 17 }
+ifOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+            those that were discarded or not sent.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
+            This object is deprecated in favour of ifOutMulticastPkts
+            and ifOutBroadcastPkts."
+    ::= { ifEntry 18 }
+ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be
+            discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
+            their being transmitted.  One possible reason for discarding
+            such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 19 }
+ifOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound
+            packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
+            For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the
+            number of outbound transmission units that could not be
+            transmitted because of errors.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifEntry 20 }
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "The length of the output packet queue (in packets)."
+    ::= { ifEntry 21 }
+ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular
+            media being used to realize the interface.  It is
+            recommended that this value point to an instance of a MIB
+            object in the media-specific MIB, i.e., that this object
+            have the semantics associated with the InstancePointer
+            textual convention defined in RFC 2579.  In fact, it is
+            recommended that the media-specific MIB specify what value
+            ifSpecific should/can take for values of ifType.  If no MIB
+            definitions specific to the particular media are available,
+            the value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }."
+    ::= { ifEntry 22 }
+--   Extension to the interface table
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsTable table.
+ifXTable        OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A list of interface entries.  The number of entries is
+            given by the value of ifNumber.  This table contains
+            additional objects for the interface table."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 1 }
+ifXEntry        OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IfXEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "An entry containing additional management information
+            applicable to a particular interface."
+    AUGMENTS    { ifEntry }
+    ::= { ifXTable 1 }
+IfXEntry ::=
+        ifName                  DisplayString,
+        ifInMulticastPkts       Counter32,
+        ifInBroadcastPkts       Counter32,
+        ifOutMulticastPkts      Counter32,
+        ifOutBroadcastPkts      Counter32,
+        ifHCInOctets            Counter64,
+        ifHCInUcastPkts         Counter64,
+        ifHCInMulticastPkts     Counter64,
+        ifHCInBroadcastPkts     Counter64,
+        ifHCOutOctets           Counter64,
+        ifHCOutUcastPkts        Counter64,
+        ifHCOutMulticastPkts    Counter64,
+        ifHCOutBroadcastPkts    Counter64,
+        ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable  INTEGER,
+        ifHighSpeed             Gauge32,
+        ifPromiscuousMode       TruthValue,
+        ifConnectorPresent      TruthValue,
+        ifAlias                 DisplayString,
+        ifCounterDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp
+    }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The textual name of the interface.  The value of this
+            object should be the name of the interface as assigned by
+            the local device and should be suitable for use in commands
+            entered at the device's `console'.  This might be a text
+            name, such as `le0' or a simple port number, such as `1',
+            depending on the interface naming syntax of the device.  If
+            several entries in the ifTable together represent a single
+            interface as named by the device, then each will have the
+            same value of ifName.  Note that for an agent which responds
+            to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other
+            (proxied) device, then the value of ifName for such an
+            interface is the proxied device's local name for it.
+            If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not
+            applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 1 }
+ifInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+            address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 2 }
+ifInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+            address at this sub-layer.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 3 }
+ifOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 4 }
+ifOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 5 }
+-- High Capacity Counter objects.  These objects are all
+-- 64 bit versions of the "basic" ifTable counters.  These
+-- objects all have the same basic semantics as their 32-bit
+-- counterparts, however, their syntax has been extended
+-- to 64 bits.
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets received on the interface,
+            including framing characters.  This object is a 64-bit
+            version of ifInOctets.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+            or broadcast address at this sub-layer.  This object is a
+            64-bit version of ifInUcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 7 }
+ifHCInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+            address at this sub-layer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.  This object
+            is a 64-bit version of ifInMulticastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 8 }
+ifHCInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+            higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+            address at this sub-layer.  This object is a 64-bit version
+            of ifInBroadcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+            interface, including framing characters.  This object is a
+            64-bit version of ifOutOctets.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+            multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+            those that were discarded or not sent.  This object is a
+            64-bit version of ifOutUcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 11 }
+ifHCOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
+            includes both Group and Functional addresses.  This object
+            is a 64-bit version of ifOutMulticastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 12 }
+ifHCOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+            requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+            broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent.  This object is a 64-bit version
+            of ifOutBroadcastPkts.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 13 }
+ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "Indicates whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated
+            for this interface.
+            By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for
+            interfaces which do not operate on 'top' of any other
+            interface (as defined in the ifStackTable), and disabled(2)
+            otherwise."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 14 }
+ifHighSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units
+            of 1,000,000 bits per second.  If this object reports a
+            value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in
+            the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'.  For interfaces
+            which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no
+            accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain
+            the nominal bandwidth.  For a sub-layer which has no concept
+            of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 15 }
+ifPromiscuousMode  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object has a value of false(2) if this interface only
+            accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this station.
+            This object has a value of true(1) when the station accepts
+            all packets/frames transmitted on the media.  The value
+            true(1) is only legal on certain types of media.  If legal,
+            setting this object to a value of true(1) may require the
+            interface to be reset before becoming effective.
+            The value of ifPromiscuousMode does not affect the reception
+            of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 16 }
+ifConnectorPresent   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface
+            sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'
+            otherwise."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 17 }
+ifAlias   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object is an 'alias' name for the interface as
+            specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile
+            'handle' for the interface.
+            On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of
+            ifAlias associated with that interface is the zero-length
+            string.  As and when a value is written into an instance of
+            ifAlias through a network management set operation, then the
+            agent must retain the supplied value in the ifAlias instance
+            associated with the same interface for as long as that
+            interface remains instantiated, including across all re-
+            initializations/reboots of the network management system,
+            including those which result in a change of the interface's
+            ifIndex value.
+            An example of the value which a network manager might store
+            in this object for a WAN interface is the (Telco's) circuit
+            number/identifier of the interface.
+            Some agents may support write-access only for interfaces
+            having particular values of ifType.  An agent which supports
+            write access to this object is required to keep the value in
+            non-volatile storage, but it may limit the length of new
+            values depending on how much storage is already occupied by
+            the current values for other interfaces."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 18 }
+ifCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a
+            discontinuity.  The relevant counters are the specific
+            instances associated with this interface of any Counter32 or
+            Counter64 object contained in the ifTable or ifXTable.  If
+            no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+            initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+            object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ifXEntry 19 }
+--           The Interface Stack Group
+-- Implementation of this group is optional, but strongly recommended
+-- for all systems
+ifStackTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IfStackEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "The table containing information on the relationships
+            between the multiple sub-layers of network interfaces.  In
+            particular, it contains information on which sub-layers run
+            'on top of' which other sub-layers, where each sub-layer
+            corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable.  For
+            example, when the sub-layer with ifIndex value x runs over
+            the sub-layer with ifIndex value y, then this table
+            contains:
+              ifStackStatus.x.y=active
+            For each ifIndex value, I, which identifies an active
+            interface, there are always at least two instantiated rows
+            in this table associated with I.  For one of these rows, I
+            is the value of ifStackHigherLayer; for the other, I is the
+            value of ifStackLowerLayer.  (If I is not involved in
+            multiplexing, then these are the only two rows associated
+            with I.)
+            For example, two rows exist even for an interface which has
+            no others stacked on top or below it:
+              ifStackStatus.0.x=active
+              ifStackStatus.x.0=active "
+     ::= { ifMIBObjects 2 }
+ifStackEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        IfStackEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "Information on a particular relationship between two sub-
+            layers, specifying that one sub-layer runs on 'top' of the
+            other sub-layer.  Each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual
+            row in the ifTable."
+     INDEX { ifStackHigherLayer, ifStackLowerLayer }
+     ::= { ifStackTable 1 }
+IfStackEntry ::=
+        ifStackHigherLayer  InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+        ifStackLowerLayer   InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+        ifStackStatus       RowStatus
+     }
+ifStackHigherLayer  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "The value of ifIndex corresponding to the higher sub-layer
+            of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs on 'top'
+            of the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of
+            ifStackLowerLayer.  If there is no higher sub-layer (below
+            the internetwork layer), then this object has the value 0."
+     ::= { ifStackEntry 1 }
+ifStackLowerLayer  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
+     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
+     STATUS        current
+            "The value of ifIndex corresponding to the lower sub-layer
+            of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs 'below'
+            the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of
+            ifStackHigherLayer.  If there is no lower sub-layer, then
+            this object has the value 0."
+     ::= { ifStackEntry 2 }
+ifStackStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
+    STATUS         current
+            "The status of the relationship between two sub-layers.
+            Changing the value of this object from 'active' to
+            'notInService' or 'destroy' will likely have consequences up
+            and down the interface stack.  Thus, write access to this
+            object is likely to be inappropriate for some types of
+            interfaces, and many implementations will choose not to
+            support write-access for any type of interface."
+    ::= { ifStackEntry 3 }
+ifStackLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change of
+            the (whole) interface stack.  A change of the interface
+            stack is defined to be any creation, deletion, or change in
+            value of any instance of ifStackStatus.  If the interface
+            stack has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of
+            the local network management subsystem, then this object
+            contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 6 }
+--   Generic Receive Address Table
+-- This group of objects is mandatory for all types of
+-- interfaces which can receive packets/frames addressed to
+-- more than one address.
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsRcvAddr table.  The main
+-- difference is that this table makes use of the RowStatus
+-- textual convention, while ifExtnsRcvAddr did not.
+ifRcvAddressTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfRcvAddressEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "This table contains an entry for each address (broadcast,
+            multicast, or uni-cast) for which the system will receive
+            packets/frames on a particular interface, except as follows:
+            - for an interface operating in promiscuous mode, entries
+            are only required for those addresses for which the system
+            would receive frames were it not operating in promiscuous
+            mode.
+            - for 802.5 functional addresses, only one entry is
+            required, for the address which has the functional address
+            bit ANDed with the bit mask of all functional addresses for
+            which the interface will accept frames.
+            A system is normally able to use any unicast address which
+            corresponds to an entry in this table as a source address."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 4 }
+ifRcvAddressEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IfRcvAddressEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "A list of objects identifying an address for which the
+            system will accept packets/frames on the particular
+            interface identified by the index value ifIndex."
+    INDEX  { ifIndex, ifRcvAddressAddress }
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressTable 1 }
+IfRcvAddressEntry ::=
+        ifRcvAddressAddress   PhysAddress,
+        ifRcvAddressStatus    RowStatus,
+        ifRcvAddressType      INTEGER
+    }
+ifRcvAddressAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      PhysAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+            "An address for which the system will accept packets/frames
+            on this entry's interface."
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 1 }
+ifRcvAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object is used to create and delete rows in the
+            ifRcvAddressTable."
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 2 }
+ifRcvAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    other(1),
+                    volatile(2),
+                    nonVolatile(3)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+            "This object has the value nonVolatile(3) for those entries
+            in the table which are valid and will not be deleted by the
+            next restart of the managed system.  Entries having the
+            value volatile(2) are valid and exist, but have not been
+            saved, so that will not exist after the next restart of the
+            managed system.  Entries having the value other(1) are valid
+            and exist but are not classified as to whether they will
+            continue to exist after the next restart."
+    DEFVAL  { volatile }
+    ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 3 }
+-- definition of interface-related traps.
+    OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in
+            an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
+            one of its communication links is about to enter the down
+            state from some other state (but not from the notPresent
+            state).  This other state is indicated by the included value
+            of ifOperStatus."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 3 }
+    OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an
+            agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
+            one of its communication links left the down state and
+            transitioned into some other state (but not into the
+            notPresent state).  This other state is indicated by the
+            included value of ifOperStatus."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 4 }
+-- conformance information
+ifConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 2 }
+ifGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifConformance 1 }
+ifCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which have
+            network interfaces."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup,
+                           linkUpDownNotificationsGroup }
+-- The groups:
+--        ifFixedLengthGroup
+--        ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+--        ifPacketGroup
+--        ifHCPacketGroup
+--        ifVHCPacketGroup
+-- are mutually exclusive; at most one of these groups is implemented
+-- for a particular interface.  When any of these groups is implemented
+-- for a particular interface, then ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup must
+-- also be implemented for that interface.
+        GROUP       ifFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to
+            20,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+            are packet-oriented, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to
+            20,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second but less than or equal to 650,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifVHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+            650,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces that
+            are required to maintain counters (i.e., those for which one
+            of the ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup,
+            ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, or ifVHCPacketGroup is
+            mandatory)."
+        GROUP       ifRcvAddressGroup
+            "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+            media-specific MIBs.  Media-specific MIBs must define the
+            exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+            group."
+        OBJECT      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifPromiscuousMode
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT       ifAdminStatus
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            testing(3)."
+        OBJECT       ifAlias
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { ifCompliances 3 }
+-- units of conformance
+ifGeneralInformationGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress,
+              ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
+              ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent,
+              ifHighSpeed, ifName, ifNumber, ifAlias,
+              ifTableLastChange }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information applicable to
+            all network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 10 }
+-- the following five groups are mutually exclusive; at most
+-- one of these groups is implemented for any interface
+ifFixedLengthGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and
+            receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000
+            bits/second) character-oriented or fixed-length-transmission
+            network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 2 }
+ifHCFixedLengthGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+              ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second) character-
+            oriented or fixed-length-transmission network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 3 }
+ifPacketGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+              ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+              ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+              ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+              ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+              ifPromiscuousMode }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and
+            receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000
+            bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 4 }
+ifHCPacketGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+              ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+              ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+              ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+              ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+              ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+              ifPromiscuousMode }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second but less
+            than or equal to 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented
+            network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 5 }
+ifVHCPacketGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifHCInUcastPkts, ifHCInMulticastPkts,
+              ifHCInBroadcastPkts, ifHCOutUcastPkts,
+              ifHCOutMulticastPkts, ifHCOutBroadcastPkts,
+              ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+              ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+              ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+              ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+              ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+              ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+              ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+              ifPromiscuousMode }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            higher speed (greater than 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-
+            oriented network interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 6 }
+ifRcvAddressGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifRcvAddressStatus, ifRcvAddressType }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information on the
+            multiple addresses which an interface receives."
+    ::= { ifGroups 7 }
+ifStackGroup2    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifStackStatus, ifStackLastChange }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information on the
+            layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 11 }
+ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifCounterDiscontinuityTime }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+            interface counter discontinuities."
+    ::= { ifGroups 13 }
+linkUpDownNotificationsGroup  NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { linkUp, linkDown }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The notifications which indicate specific changes in the
+            value of ifOperStatus."
+    ::= { ifGroups 14 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Objects
+--    The Interface Test Table
+-- This group of objects is optional.  However, a media-specific
+-- MIB may make implementation of this group mandatory.
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsTestTable
+ifTestTable   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfTestEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "This table contains one entry per interface.  It defines
+            objects which allow a network manager to instruct an agent
+            to test an interface for various faults.  Tests for an
+            interface are defined in the media-specific MIB for that
+            interface.  After invoking a test, the object ifTestResult
+            can be read to determine the outcome.  If an agent can not
+            perform the test, ifTestResult is set to so indicate.  The
+            object ifTestCode can be used to provide further test-
+            specific or interface-specific (or even enterprise-specific)
+            information concerning the outcome of the test.  Only one
+            test can be in progress on each interface at any one time.
+            If one test is in progress when another test is invoked, the
+            second test is rejected.  Some agents may reject a test when
+            a prior test is active on another interface.
+            Before starting a test, a manager-station must first obtain
+            'ownership' of the entry in the ifTestTable for the
+            interface to be tested.  This is accomplished with the
+            ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects as follows:
+          try_again:
+              get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
+              while (ifTestStatus != notInUse)
+                  /*
+                   * Loop while a test is running or some other
+                   * manager is configuring a test.
+                   */
+                  short delay
+                  get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
+              }
+              /*
+               * Is not being used right now -- let's compete
+               * to see who gets it.
+               */
+              lock_value = ifTestId
+              if ( set(ifTestId = lock_value, ifTestStatus = inUse,
+                       ifTestOwner = 'my-IP-address') == FAILURE)
+                  /*
+                   * Another manager got the ifTestEntry -- go
+                   * try again
+                   */
+                  goto try_again;
+              /*
+               * I have the lock
+               */
+              set up any test parameters.
+              /*
+               * This starts the test
+               */
+              set(ifTestType = test_to_run);
+              wait for test completion by polling ifTestResult
+              when test completes, agent sets ifTestResult
+                   agent also sets ifTestStatus = 'notInUse'
+              retrieve any additional test results, and ifTestId
+              if (ifTestId == lock_value+1) results are valid
+            A manager station first retrieves the value of the
+            appropriate ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects, periodically
+            repeating the retrieval if necessary, until the value of
+            ifTestStatus is 'notInUse'.  The manager station then tries
+            to set the same ifTestId object to the value it just
+            retrieved, the same ifTestStatus object to 'inUse', and the
+            corresponding ifTestOwner object to a value indicating
+            itself.  If the set operation succeeds then the manager has
+            obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry, and the value of the
+            ifTestId object is incremented by the agent (per the
+            semantics of TestAndIncr).  Failure of the set operation
+            indicates that some other manager has obtained ownership of
+            the ifTestEntry.
+            Once ownership is obtained, any test parameters can be
+            setup, and then the test is initiated by setting ifTestType.
+            On completion of the test, the agent sets ifTestStatus to
+            'notInUse'.  Once this occurs, the manager can retrieve the
+            results.  In the (rare) event that the invocation of tests
+            by two network managers were to overlap, then there would be
+            a possibility that the first test's results might be
+            overwritten by the second test's results prior to the first
+            results being read.  This unlikely circumstance can be
+            detected by a network manager retrieving ifTestId at the
+            same time as retrieving the test results, and ensuring that
+            the results are for the desired request.
+            If ifTestType is not set within an abnormally long period of
+            time after ownership is obtained, the agent should time-out
+            the manager, and reset the value of the ifTestStatus object
+            back to 'notInUse'.  It is suggested that this time-out
+            period be 5 minutes.
+            In general, a management station must not retransmit a
+            request to invoke a test for which it does not receive a
+            response; instead, it properly inspects an agent's MIB to
+            determine if the invocation was successful.  Only if the
+            invocation was unsuccessful, is the invocation request
+            retransmitted.
+            Some tests may require the interface to be taken off-line in
+            order to execute them, or may even require the agent to
+            reboot after completion of the test.  In these
+            circumstances, communication with the management station
+            invoking the test may be lost until after completion of the
+            test.  An agent is not required to support such tests.
+            However, if such tests are supported, then the agent should
+            make every effort to transmit a response to the request
+            which invoked the test prior to losing communication.  When
+            the agent is restored to normal service, the results of the
+            test are properly made available in the appropriate objects.
+            Note that this requires that the ifIndex value assigned to
+            an interface must be unchanged even if the test causes a
+            reboot.  An agent must reject any test for which it cannot,
+            perhaps due to resource constraints, make available at least
+            the minimum amount of information after that test
+            completes."
+    ::= { ifMIBObjects 3 }
+ifTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       IfTestEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "An entry containing objects for invoking tests on an
+            interface."
+    AUGMENTS  { ifEntry }
+    ::= { ifTestTable 1 }
+IfTestEntry ::=
+        ifTestId           TestAndIncr,
+        ifTestStatus       INTEGER,
+        ifTestType         AutonomousType,
+        ifTestResult       INTEGER,
+        ifTestCode         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        ifTestOwner        OwnerString
+    }
+ifTestId         OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object identifies the current invocation of the
+            interface's test."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 1 }
+ifTestStatus     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER { notInUse(1), inUse(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object indicates whether or not some manager currently
+            has the necessary 'ownership' required to invoke a test on
+            this interface.  A write to this object is only successful
+            when it changes its value from 'notInUse(1)' to 'inUse(2)'.
+            After completion of a test, the agent resets the value back
+            to 'notInUse(1)'."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 2 }
+ifTestType       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "A control variable used to start and stop operator-
+            initiated interface tests.  Most OBJECT IDENTIFIER values
+            assigned to tests are defined elsewhere, in association with
+            specific types of interface.  However, this document assigns
+            a value for a full-duplex loopback test, and defines the
+            special meanings of the subject identifier:
+                noTest  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+            When the value noTest is written to this object, no action
+            is taken unless a test is in progress, in which case the
+            test is aborted.  Writing any other value to this object is
+            only valid when no test is currently in progress, in which
+            case the indicated test is initiated.
+            When read, this object always returns the most recent value
+            that ifTestType was set to.  If it has not been set since
+            the last initialization of the network management subsystem
+            on the agent, a value of noTest is returned."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 3 }
+ifTestResult  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     none(1),          -- no test yet requested
+                     success(2),
+                     inProgress(3),
+                     notSupported(4),
+                     unAbleToRun(5),   -- due to state of system
+                     aborted(6),
+                     failed(7)
+                 }
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object contains the result of the most recently
+            requested test, or the value none(1) if no tests have been
+            requested since the last reset.  Note that this facility
+            provides no provision for saving the results of one test
+            when starting another, as could be required if used by
+            multiple managers concurrently."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 4 }
+ifTestCode  OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "This object contains a code which contains more specific
+            information on the test result, for example an error-code
+            after a failed test.  Error codes and other values this
+            object may take are specific to the type of interface and/or
+            test.  The value may have the semantics of either the
+            AutonomousType or InstancePointer textual conventions as
+            defined in RFC 2579.  The identifier:
+                testCodeUnknown  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+            is defined for use if no additional result code is
+            available."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 5 }
+ifTestOwner      OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       deprecated
+            "The entity which currently has the 'ownership' required to
+            invoke a test on this interface."
+    ::= { ifTestEntry 6 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Groups
+ifGeneralGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress,
+              ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
+              ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent,
+              ifHighSpeed, ifName }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "A collection of objects deprecated in favour of
+            ifGeneralInformationGroup."
+    ::= { ifGroups 1 }
+ifTestGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifTestId, ifTestStatus, ifTestType,
+              ifTestResult, ifTestCode, ifTestOwner }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke
+            tests on an interface."
+    ::= { ifGroups 8 }
+ifStackGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifStackStatus }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The previous collection of objects providing information on
+            the layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+    ::= { ifGroups 9 }
+ifOldObjectsGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ifInNUcastPkts, ifOutNUcastPkts,
+              ifOutQLen, ifSpecific }
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The collection of objects deprecated from the original MIB-
+            II interfaces group."
+    ::= { ifGroups 12 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Compliance
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "A compliance statement defined in a previous version of
+            this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network
+            interfaces."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralGroup, ifStackGroup }
+        GROUP       ifFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units."
+        GROUP       ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-
+            length transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are packet-oriented."
+        GROUP       ifHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+            650,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifTestGroup
+            "This group is optional.  Media-specific MIBs which require
+            interface tests are strongly encouraged to use this group
+            for invoking tests and reporting results.  A medium specific
+            MIB which has mandatory tests may make implementation of
+            this group mandatory."
+        GROUP       ifRcvAddressGroup
+            "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+            media-specific MIBs.  Media-specific MIBs must define the
+            exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+            group."
+        OBJECT      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifPromiscuousMode
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifStackStatus
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required, and only one of the six
+            enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need
+            be supported, specifically: active(1)."
+        OBJECT       ifAdminStatus
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            testing(3)."
+    ::= { ifCompliances 1 }
+    STATUS      deprecated
+            "A compliance statement defined in a previous version of
+            this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network
+            interfaces."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2,
+                           ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup }
+        GROUP       ifFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+            transmission units."
+        GROUP       ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-
+            length transmission units, and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+            bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+            are packet-oriented."
+        GROUP       ifHCPacketGroup
+            "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+            which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+            corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+            650,000,000 bits/second."
+        GROUP       ifRcvAddressGroup
+            "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+            media-specific MIBs.  Media-specific MIBs must define the
+            exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+            group."
+        OBJECT      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifPromiscuousMode
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      ifStackStatus
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required, and only one of the six
+            enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need
+            be supported, specifically: active(1)."
+        OBJECT       ifAdminStatus
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            testing(3)."
+        OBJECT       ifAlias
+        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { ifCompliances 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d56f2c672b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                 FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200502040000Z"
+        "IETF Operations and Management Area"
+        "Juergen Schoenwaelder (Editor)
+         International University Bremen
+         P.O. Box 750 561
+         28725 Bremen, Germany
+         Phone: +49 421 200-3587
+         EMail: j.schoenwaelder@iu-bremen.de
+         Send comments to <ietfmibs@ops.ietf.org>."
+        "This MIB module defines textual conventions for
+         representing Internet addresses.  An Internet
+         address can be an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address,
+         or a DNS domain name.  This module also defines
+         textual conventions for Internet port numbers,
+         autonomous system numbers, and the length of an
+         Internet address prefix.
+         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This version
+         of this MIB module is part of RFC 4001, see the RFC
+         itself for full legal notices."
+    REVISION     "200502040000Z"
+        "Third version, published as RFC 4001.  This revision
+         introduces the InetZoneIndex, InetScopeType, and
+         InetVersion textual conventions."
+    REVISION     "200205090000Z"
+        "Second version, published as RFC 3291.  This
+         revision contains several clarifications and
+         introduces several new textual conventions:
+         InetAddressPrefixLength, InetPortNumber,
+         InetAutonomousSystemNumber, InetAddressIPv4z,
+         and InetAddressIPv6z."
+    REVISION     "200006080000Z"
+        "Initial version, published as RFC 2851."
+    ::= { mib-2 76 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A value that represents a type of Internet address.
+         unknown(0)  An unknown address type.  This value MUST
+                     be used if the value of the corresponding
+                     InetAddress object is a zero-length string.
+                     It may also be used to indicate an IP address
+                     that is not in one of the formats defined
+                     below.
+         ipv4(1)     An IPv4 address as defined by the
+                     InetAddressIPv4 textual convention.
+         ipv6(2)     An IPv6 address as defined by the
+                     InetAddressIPv6 textual convention.
+         ipv4z(3)    A non-global IPv4 address including a zone
+                     index as defined by the InetAddressIPv4z
+                     textual convention.
+         ipv6z(4)    A non-global IPv6 address including a zone
+                     index as defined by the InetAddressIPv6z
+                     textual convention.
+         dns(16)     A DNS domain name as defined by the
+                     InetAddressDNS textual convention.
+         Each definition of a concrete InetAddressType value must be
+         accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use
+         with that InetAddressType.
+         To support future extensions, the InetAddressType textual
+         convention SHOULD NOT be sub-typed in object type definitions.
+         It MAY be sub-typed in compliance statements in order to
+         require only a subset of these address types for a compliant
+         implementation.
+         Implementations must ensure that InetAddressType objects
+         and any dependent objects (e.g., InetAddress objects) are
+         consistent.  An inconsistentValue error must be generated
+         if an attempt to change an InetAddressType object would,
+         for example, lead to an undefined InetAddress value.  In
+         particular, InetAddressType/InetAddress pairs must be
+         changed together if the address type changes (e.g., from
+         ipv6(2) to ipv4(1))."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     unknown(0),
+                     ipv4(1),
+                     ipv6(2),
+                     ipv4z(3),
+                     ipv6z(4),
+                     dns(16)
+                 }
+    STATUS      current
+        "Denotes a generic Internet address.
+         An InetAddress value is always interpreted within the context
+         of an InetAddressType value.  Every usage of the InetAddress
+         textual convention is required to specify the InetAddressType
+         object that provides the context.  It is suggested that the
+         InetAddressType object be logically registered before the
+         object(s) that use the InetAddress textual convention, if
+         they appear in the same logical row.
+         The value of an InetAddress object must always be
+         consistent with the value of the associated InetAddressType
+         object.  Attempts to set an InetAddress object to a value
+         inconsistent with the associated InetAddressType
+         must fail with an inconsistentValue error.
+         When this textual convention is used as the syntax of an
+         index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
+         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58.  In this case,
+         the object definition MUST include a 'SIZE' clause to
+         limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers;
+         otherwise the applicable constraints MUST be stated in
+         the appropriate conceptual row DESCRIPTION clauses, or
+         in the surrounding documentation if there is no single
+         DESCRIPTION clause that is appropriate."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents an IPv4 network address:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-4     IPv4 address     network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv4(1).
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents an IPv6 network address:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-16    IPv6 address     network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv6(2).
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d%4d"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a non-global IPv4 network address, together
+         with its zone index:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-4     IPv4 address     network-byte order
+            5-8     zone index       network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv4z(3).
+         The zone index (bytes 5-8) is used to disambiguate identical
+         address values on nodes that have interfaces attached to
+         different zones of the same scope.  The zone index may contain
+         the special value 0, which refers to the default zone for each
+         scope.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x%4d"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a non-global IPv6 network address, together
+         with its zone index:
+           Octets   Contents         Encoding
+            1-16    IPv6 address     network-byte order
+           17-20    zone index       network-byte order
+         The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv6z(4).
+         The zone index (bytes 17-20) is used to disambiguate
+         identical address values on nodes that have interfaces
+         attached to different zones of the same scope.  The zone index
+         may contain the special value 0, which refers to the default
+         zone for each scope.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (20))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a DNS domain name.  The name SHOULD be fully
+         qualified whenever possible.
+         The corresponding InetAddressType is dns(16).
+         The DESCRIPTION clause of InetAddress objects that may have
+         InetAddressDNS values MUST fully describe how (and when)
+         these names are to be resolved to IP addresses.
+         The resolution of an InetAddressDNS value may require to
+         query multiple DNS records (e.g., A for IPv4 and AAAA for
+         IPv6).  The order of the resolution process and which DNS
+         record takes precedence depends on the configuration of the
+         resolver.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions, as it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or in
+         conjunction with InetAddressType, as a pair."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
+InetAddressPrefixLength ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+        "Denotes the length of a generic Internet network address
+         prefix.  A value of n corresponds to an IP address mask
+         that has n contiguous 1-bits from the most significant
+         bit (MSB), with all other bits set to 0.
+         An InetAddressPrefixLength value is always interpreted within
+         the context of an InetAddressType value.  Every usage of the
+         InetAddressPrefixLength textual convention is required to
+         specify the InetAddressType object that provides the
+         context.  It is suggested that the InetAddressType object be
+         logically registered before the object(s) that use the
+         InetAddressPrefixLength textual convention, if they appear
+         in the same logical row.
+         InetAddressPrefixLength values larger than
+         the maximum length of an IP address for a specific
+         InetAddressType are treated as the maximum significant
+         value applicable for the InetAddressType.  The maximum
+         significant value is 32 for the InetAddressType
+         'ipv4(1)' and 'ipv4z(3)' and 128 for the InetAddressType
+         'ipv6(2)' and 'ipv6z(4)'.  The maximum significant value
+         for the InetAddressType 'dns(16)' is 0.
+         The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as
+         part of the description of any object that uses this
+         syntax.  Examples of the usage of zero might include
+         situations where the Internet network address prefix
+         is unknown or does not apply.
+         The upper bound of the prefix length has been chosen to
+         be consistent with the maximum size of an InetAddress."
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..2040)
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a 16 bit port number of an Internet transport
+         layer protocol.  Port numbers are assigned by IANA.  A
+         current list of all assignments is available from
+         <http://www.iana.org/>.
+         The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as
+         part of the description of any object that uses this
+         syntax.  Examples of the usage of zero might include
+         situations where a port number is unknown, or when the
+         value zero is used as a wildcard in a filter."
+    REFERENCE   "STD 6 (RFC 768), STD 7 (RFC 793) and RFC 2960"
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..65535)
+InetAutonomousSystemNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents an autonomous system number that identifies an
+         Autonomous System (AS).  An AS is a set of routers under a
+         single technical administration, using an interior gateway
+         protocol and common metrics to route packets within the AS,
+         and using an exterior gateway protocol to route packets to
+         other ASes'.  IANA maintains the AS number space and has
+         delegated large parts to the regional registries.
+         Autonomous system numbers are currently limited to 16 bits
+         (0..65535).  There is, however, work in progress to enlarge the
+         autonomous system number space to 32 bits.  Therefore, this
+         textual convention uses an Unsigned32 value without a
+         range restriction in order to support a larger autonomous
+         system number space."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC 1771, RFC 1930"
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32
+    STATUS       current
+        "Represents a scope type.  This textual convention can be used
+         in cases where a MIB has to represent different scope types
+         and there is no context information, such as an InetAddress
+         object, that implicitly defines the scope type.
+         Note that not all possible values have been assigned yet, but
+         they may be assigned in future revisions of this specification.
+         Applications should therefore be able to deal with values
+         not yet assigned."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC 3513"
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     -- reserved(0),
+                     interfaceLocal(1),
+                     linkLocal(2),
+                     subnetLocal(3),
+                     adminLocal(4),
+                     siteLocal(5), -- site-local unicast addresses
+                                   -- have been deprecated by RFC 3879
+                     -- unassigned(6),
+                     -- unassigned(7),
+                     organizationLocal(8),
+                     -- unassigned(9),
+                     -- unassigned(10),
+                     -- unassigned(11),
+                     -- unassigned(12),
+                     -- unassigned(13),
+                     global(14)
+                     -- reserved(15)
+                 }
+    STATUS       current
+        "A zone index identifies an instance of a zone of a
+         specific scope.
+         The zone index MUST disambiguate identical address
+         values.  For link-local addresses, the zone index will
+         typically be the interface index (ifIndex as defined in the
+         IF-MIB) of the interface on which the address is configured.
+         The zone index may contain the special value 0, which refers
+         to the default zone.  The default zone may be used in cases
+         where the valid zone index is not known (e.g., when a
+         management application has to write a link-local IPv6
+         address without knowing the interface index value).  The
+         default zone SHOULD NOT be used as an easy way out in
+         cases where the zone index for a non-global IPv6 address
+         is known."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC4007"
+    SYNTAX       Unsigned32
+    STATUS  current
+        "A value representing a version of the IP protocol.
+         unknown(0)  An unknown or unspecified version of the IP
+                     protocol.
+         ipv4(1)     The IPv4 protocol as defined in RFC 791 (STD 5).
+         ipv6(2)     The IPv6 protocol as defined in RFC 2460.
+         Note that this textual convention SHOULD NOT be used to
+         distinguish different address types associated with IP
+         protocols.  The InetAddressType has been designed for this
+         purpose."
+    REFERENCE   "RFC 791, RFC 2460"
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     unknown(0),
+                     ipv4(1),
+                     ipv6(2)
+                 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IP-FORWARD-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IP-FORWARD-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..220d5eefa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IP-FORWARD-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1357 @@
+    IpAddress, Integer32, Gauge32,
+    Counter32                          FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus                          FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    InterfaceIndexOrZero               FROM IF-MIB
+    ip                                 FROM IP-MIB
+    IANAipRouteProtocol                FROM IANA-RTPROTO-MIB
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType,
+    InetAddressPrefixLength,
+    InetAutonomousSystemNumber         FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200602010000Z"
+           "IETF IPv6 Working Group
+            http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ipv6-charter.html"
+           "Editor:
+            Brian Haberman
+            Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory
+            Mailstop 17-S442
+            11100 Johns Hopkins Road
+            Laurel MD,  20723-6099  USA
+            Phone: +1-443-778-1319
+            Email: brian@innovationslab.net
+            Send comments to <ipv6@ietf.org>"
+           "The MIB module for the management of CIDR multipath IP
+            Routes.
+            Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).  This version
+            of this MIB module is a part of RFC 4292; see the RFC
+            itself for full legal notices."
+    REVISION      "200602010000Z"
+           "IPv4/v6 version-independent revision.  Minimal changes
+            were made to the original RFC 2096 MIB to allow easy
+            upgrade of existing IPv4 implementations to the
+            version-independent MIB.  These changes include:
+            Adding inetCidrRouteDiscards as a replacement for the
+            deprecated ipRoutingDiscards and ipv6DiscardedRoutes
+            objects.
+            Adding a new conformance statement to support the
+            implementation of the IP Forwarding MIB in a
+            read-only mode.
+            The inetCidrRouteTable replaces the IPv4-specific
+            ipCidrRouteTable, its related objects, and related
+            conformance statements.
+            Published as RFC 4292."
+    REVISION      "199609190000Z"
+           "Revised to support CIDR routes.
+            Published as RFC 2096."
+    REVISION      "199207022156Z"
+           "Initial version, published as RFC 1354."
+    ::= { ip 24 }
+inetCidrRouteNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of current inetCidrRouteTable entries that
+            are not invalid."
+::= { ipForward 6 }
+inetCidrRouteDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of valid route entries discarded from the
+            inetCidrRouteTable.  Discarded route entries do not
+            appear in the inetCidrRouteTable.  One possible reason
+            for discarding an entry would be to free-up buffer space
+            for other route table entries."
+    ::= { ipForward 8 }
+--  Inet CIDR Route Table
+--  The Inet CIDR Route Table deprecates and replaces the
+--  ipCidrRoute Table currently in the IP Forwarding Table MIB.
+--  It adds IP protocol independence.
+inetCidrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF InetCidrRouteEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "This entity's IP Routing table."
+           "RFC 1213 Section 6.6, The IP Group"
+    ::= { ipForward 7 }
+inetCidrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetCidrRouteEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A particular route to a particular destination, under a
+            particular policy (as reflected in the
+            inetCidrRoutePolicy object).
+            Dynamically created rows will survive an agent reboot.
+            Implementers need to be aware that if the total number
+            of elements (octets or sub-identifiers) in
+            inetCidrRouteDest, inetCidrRoutePolicy, and
+            inetCidrRouteNextHop exceeds 111, then OIDs of column
+            instances in this table will have more than 128 sub-
+            identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1,
+            SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    INDEX {
+        inetCidrRouteDestType,
+        inetCidrRouteDest,
+        inetCidrRoutePfxLen,
+        inetCidrRoutePolicy,
+        inetCidrRouteNextHopType,
+        inetCidrRouteNextHop
+        }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteTable 1 }
+InetCidrRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        inetCidrRouteDestType     InetAddressType,
+        inetCidrRouteDest         InetAddress,
+        inetCidrRoutePfxLen       InetAddressPrefixLength,
+        inetCidrRoutePolicy       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        inetCidrRouteNextHopType  InetAddressType,
+        inetCidrRouteNextHop      InetAddress,
+        inetCidrRouteIfIndex      InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+        inetCidrRouteType         INTEGER,
+        inetCidrRouteProto        IANAipRouteProtocol,
+        inetCidrRouteAge          Gauge32,
+        inetCidrRouteNextHopAS    InetAutonomousSystemNumber,
+        inetCidrRouteMetric1      Integer32,
+        inetCidrRouteMetric2      Integer32,
+        inetCidrRouteMetric3      Integer32,
+        inetCidrRouteMetric4      Integer32,
+        inetCidrRouteMetric5      Integer32,
+        inetCidrRouteStatus       RowStatus
+    }
+inetCidrRouteDestType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The type of the inetCidrRouteDest address, as defined
+            in the InetAddress MIB.
+            Only those address types that may appear in an actual
+            routing table are allowed as values of this object."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 4001"
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 1 }
+inetCidrRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The destination IP address of this route.
+            The type of this address is determined by the value of
+            the inetCidrRouteDestType object.
+            The values for the index objects inetCidrRouteDest and
+            inetCidrRoutePfxLen must be consistent.  When the value
+            of inetCidrRouteDest (excluding the zone index, if one
+            is present) is x, then the bitwise logical-AND
+            of x with the value of the mask formed from the
+            corresponding index object inetCidrRoutePfxLen MUST be
+            equal to x.  If not, then the index pair is not
+            consistent and an inconsistentName error must be
+            returned on SET or CREATE requests."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 2 }
+inetCidrRoutePfxLen OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressPrefixLength
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "Indicates the number of leading one bits that form the
+            mask to be logical-ANDed with the destination address
+            before being compared to the value in the
+            inetCidrRouteDest field.
+            The values for the index objects inetCidrRouteDest and
+            inetCidrRoutePfxLen must be consistent.  When the value
+            of inetCidrRouteDest (excluding the zone index, if one
+            is present) is x, then the bitwise logical-AND
+            of x with the value of the mask formed from the
+            corresponding index object inetCidrRoutePfxLen MUST be
+            equal to x.  If not, then the index pair is not
+            consistent and an inconsistentName error must be
+            returned on SET or CREATE requests."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 3 }
+inetCidrRoutePolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "This object is an opaque object without any defined
+            semantics.  Its purpose is to serve as an additional
+            index that may delineate between multiple entries to
+            the same destination.  The value { 0 0 } shall be used
+            as the default value for this object."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 4 }
+inetCidrRouteNextHopType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The type of the inetCidrRouteNextHop address, as
+            defined in the InetAddress MIB.
+            Value should be set to unknown(0) for non-remote
+            routes.
+            Only those address types that may appear in an actual
+            routing table are allowed as values of this object."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 4001"
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 5 }
+inetCidrRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "On remote routes, the address of the next system en
+            route.  For non-remote routes, a zero length string.
+            The type of this address is determined by the value of
+            the inetCidrRouteNextHopType object."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 6 }
+inetCidrRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The ifIndex value that identifies the local interface
+            through which the next hop of this route should be
+            reached.  A value of 0 is valid and represents the
+            scenario where no interface is specified."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 7 }
+inetCidrRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other    (1), -- not specified by this MIB
+                reject   (2), -- route that discards traffic and
+                              --   returns ICMP notification
+                local    (3), -- local interface
+                remote   (4), -- remote destination
+                blackhole(5)  -- route that discards traffic
+                              --   silently
+             }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The type of route.  Note that local(3) refers to a
+            route for which the next hop is the final destination;
+            remote(4) refers to a route for which the next hop is
+            not the final destination.
+            Routes that do not result in traffic forwarding or
+            rejection should not be displayed, even if the
+            implementation keeps them stored internally.
+            reject(2) refers to a route that, if matched, discards
+            the message as unreachable and returns a notification
+            (e.g., ICMP error) to the message sender.  This is used
+            in some protocols as a means of correctly aggregating
+            routes.
+            blackhole(5) refers to a route that, if matched,
+            discards the message silently."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 8 }
+inetCidrRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IANAipRouteProtocol
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The routing mechanism via which this route was learned.
+            Inclusion of values for gateway routing protocols is
+            not intended to imply that hosts should support those
+            protocols."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 9 }
+inetCidrRouteAge OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of seconds since this route was last updated
+            or otherwise determined to be correct.  Note that no
+            semantics of 'too old' can be implied, except through
+            knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route
+            was learned."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 10 }
+inetCidrRouteNextHopAS OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAutonomousSystemNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The Autonomous System Number of the Next Hop.  The
+            semantics of this object are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto
+            value.  When this object is unknown or not relevant, its
+            value should be set to zero."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 11 }
+inetCidrRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The primary routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 12 }
+inetCidrRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 13 }
+inetCidrRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 14 }
+inetCidrRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 15 }
+inetCidrRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 16 }
+inetCidrRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The row status variable, used according to row
+            installation and removal conventions.
+            A row entry cannot be modified when the status is
+            marked as active(1)."
+    ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 17 }
+--  Conformance information
+     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipForward 5 }
+     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipForwardConformance 1 }
+     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipForwardConformance 2 }
+--  Compliance statements
+ipForwardFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS     current
+           "When this MIB is implemented for read-create, the
+            implementation can claim full compliance.
+            There are a number of INDEX objects that cannot be
+            represented in the form of OBJECT clauses in SMIv2,
+            but for which there are compliance requirements,
+            expressed in OBJECT clause form in this description:
+            -- OBJECT      inetCidrRouteDestType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType (ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
+            --                              ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for global and
+            --     non-global ipv4 and ipv6 addresses.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT      inetCidrRouteDest
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE (4 | 8 | 16 | 20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT      inetCidrRouteNextHopType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType (unknown(0), ipv4(1),
+            --                              ipv6(2), ipv4z(3)
+            --                              ipv6z(4))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for global and
+            --     non-global ipv4 and ipv6 addresses.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT      inetCidrRouteNextHop
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE (0 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+            "
+   MODULE -- this module
+   MANDATORY-GROUPS { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup }
+   OBJECT        inetCidrRouteStatus
+   SYNTAX        RowStatus { active(1), notInService (2) }
+   WRITE-SYNTAX  RowStatus { active(1), notInService (2),
+                             createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
+   DESCRIPTION  "Support for createAndWait is not required."
+   ::= { ipForwardCompliances 3 }
+ipForwardReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS     current
+           "When this MIB is implemented without support for read-
+            create (i.e., in read-only mode), the implementation can
+            claim read-only compliance."
+   MODULE -- this module
+   MANDATORY-GROUPS { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup }
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteIfIndex
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteType
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteNextHopAS
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteMetric1
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteMetric2
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteMetric3
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteMetric4
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteMetric5
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   OBJECT      inetCidrRouteStatus
+   SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
+   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+      "Write access is not required."
+   ::= { ipForwardCompliances 4 }
+-- units of conformance
+inetForwardCidrRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { inetCidrRouteDiscards,
+              inetCidrRouteIfIndex, inetCidrRouteType,
+              inetCidrRouteProto, inetCidrRouteAge,
+              inetCidrRouteNextHopAS, inetCidrRouteMetric1,
+              inetCidrRouteMetric2, inetCidrRouteMetric3,
+              inetCidrRouteMetric4, inetCidrRouteMetric5,
+              inetCidrRouteStatus, inetCidrRouteNumber
+        }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP version-independent CIDR Route Table."
+    ::= { ipForwardGroups 4 }
+--  Deprecated Objects
+ipCidrRouteNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of current ipCidrRouteTable entries that are
+            not invalid.  This object is deprecated in favor of
+            inetCidrRouteNumber and the inetCidrRouteTable."
+    ::= { ipForward 3 }
+--  IP CIDR Route Table
+--  The IP CIDR Route Table obsoletes and replaces the ipRoute
+--  Table current in MIB-I and MIB-II and the IP Forwarding Table.
+--  It adds knowledge of the autonomous system of the next hop,
+--  multiple next hops, policy routing, and Classless
+--  Inter-Domain Routing.
+ipCidrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpCidrRouteEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "This entity's IP Routing table.  This table has been
+            deprecated in favor of the IP version neutral
+            inetCidrRouteTable."
+           "RFC 1213 Section 6.6, The IP Group"
+    ::= { ipForward 4 }
+ipCidrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpCidrRouteEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "A particular route to a particular destination, under a
+            particular policy."
+    INDEX {
+        ipCidrRouteDest,
+        ipCidrRouteMask,
+        ipCidrRouteTos,
+        ipCidrRouteNextHop
+        }
+       ::= { ipCidrRouteTable 1 }
+IpCidrRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipCidrRouteDest       IpAddress,
+        ipCidrRouteMask       IpAddress,
+        ipCidrRouteTos        Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteNextHop    IpAddress,
+        ipCidrRouteIfIndex    Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteType       INTEGER,
+        ipCidrRouteProto      INTEGER,
+        ipCidrRouteAge        Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteInfo       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        ipCidrRouteNextHopAS  Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteMetric1    Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteMetric2    Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteMetric3    Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteMetric4    Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteMetric5    Integer32,
+        ipCidrRouteStatus     RowStatus
+    }
+ipCidrRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The destination IP address of this route.
+            This object may not take a Multicast (Class D) address
+            value.
+            Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance
+            of this object to a value x must be rejected if the
+            bitwise logical-AND of x with the value of the
+            corresponding instance of the ipCidrRouteMask object is
+            not equal to x."
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 1 }
+ipCidrRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the
+            destination address before being compared to the value
+            in the ipCidrRouteDest field.  For those systems that
+            do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent
+            constructs the value of the ipCidrRouteMask by
+            reference to the IP Address Class.
+            Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance
+            of this object to a value x must be rejected if the
+            bitwise logical-AND of x with the value of the
+            corresponding instance of the ipCidrRouteDest object is
+            not equal to ipCidrRouteDest."
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 2 }
+-- The following convention is included for specification
+-- of TOS Field contents.  At this time, the Host Requirements
+-- and the Router Requirements documents disagree on the width
+-- of the TOS field.  This mapping describes the Router
+-- Requirements mapping, and leaves room to widen the TOS field
+-- without impact to fielded systems.
+ipCidrRouteTos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The policy specifier is the IP TOS Field.  The encoding
+            of IP TOS is as specified by the following convention.
+            Zero indicates the default path if no more specific
+            policy applies.
+            +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+            |                 |                       |     |
+            |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
+            |                 |                       |     |
+            +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+                         IP TOS                IP TOS
+               Field     Policy      Field     Policy
+               Contents    Code      Contents    Code
+               0 0 0 0  ==>   0      0 0 0 1  ==>   2
+               0 0 1 0  ==>   4      0 0 1 1  ==>   6
+               0 1 0 0  ==>   8      0 1 0 1  ==>  10
+               0 1 1 0  ==>  12      0 1 1 1  ==>  14
+               1 0 0 0  ==>  16      1 0 0 1  ==>  18
+               1 0 1 0  ==>  20      1 0 1 1  ==>  22
+               1 1 0 0  ==>  24      1 1 0 1  ==>  26
+               1 1 1 0  ==>  28      1 1 1 1  ==>  30"
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 3 }
+ipCidrRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "On remote routes, the address of the next system en
+            route; Otherwise,"
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 4 }
+ipCidrRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The ifIndex value that identifies the local interface
+            through which the next hop of this route should be
+            reached."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 5 }
+ipCidrRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other    (1), -- not specified by this MIB
+                reject   (2), -- route that discards traffic
+                local    (3), -- local interface
+                remote   (4)  -- remote destination
+             }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The type of route.  Note that local(3) refers to a
+            route for which the next hop is the final destination;
+            remote(4) refers to a route for which the next hop is
+            not the final destination.
+            Routes that do not result in traffic forwarding or
+            rejection should not be displayed, even if the
+            implementation keeps them stored internally.
+            reject (2) refers to a route that, if matched,
+            discards the message as unreachable.  This is used in
+            some protocols as a means of correctly aggregating
+            routes."
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 6 }
+ipCidrRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE
+                other     (1),  -- not specified
+                local     (2),  -- local interface
+                netmgmt   (3),  -- static route
+                icmp      (4),  -- result of ICMP Redirect
+                        -- the following are all dynamic
+                        -- routing protocols
+                egp        (5),  -- Exterior Gateway Protocol
+                ggp        (6),  -- Gateway-Gateway Protocol
+                hello      (7),  -- FuzzBall HelloSpeak
+                rip        (8),  -- Berkeley RIP or RIP-II
+                isIs       (9),  -- Dual IS-IS
+                esIs       (10), -- ISO 9542
+                ciscoIgrp  (11), -- Cisco IGRP
+                bbnSpfIgp  (12), -- BBN SPF IGP
+                ospf       (13), -- Open Shortest Path First
+                bgp        (14), -- Border Gateway Protocol
+                idpr       (15), -- InterDomain Policy Routing
+                ciscoEigrp (16)  -- Cisco EIGRP
+             }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The routing mechanism via which this route was learned.
+            Inclusion of values for gateway routing protocols is
+            not intended to imply that hosts should support those
+            protocols."
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 7 }
+ipCidrRouteAge OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of seconds since this route was last updated
+            or otherwise determined to be correct.  Note that no
+            semantics of `too old' can be implied, except through
+            knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route
+            was learned."
+    DEFVAL  { 0 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 8 }
+ipCidrRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+            particular routing protocol that is responsible for
+            this route, as determined by the value specified in the
+            route's ipCidrRouteProto value.  If this information is
+            not present, its value should be set to the OBJECT
+            IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid
+            object identifier, and any implementation conforming to
+            ASN.1 and the Basic Encoding Rules must be able to
+            generate and recognize this value."
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 9 }
+ipCidrRouteNextHopAS OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The Autonomous System Number of the Next Hop.  The
+            semantics of this object are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipCidrRouteProto
+            value.  When this object is unknown or not relevant, its
+            value should be set to zero."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 10 }
+ipCidrRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The primary routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 11 }
+ipCidrRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 12 }
+ipCidrRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 13 }
+ipCidrRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 14 }
+ipCidrRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipCidrRouteProto
+            value.  If this metric is not used, its value should be
+            set to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 15 }
+ipCidrRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The row status variable, used according to row
+            installation and removal conventions."
+    ::= { ipCidrRouteEntry 16 }
+-- compliance statements
+ipForwardCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities that
+            implement the ipForward MIB.
+            This compliance statement has been deprecated and
+            replaced with ipForwardFullCompliance and
+            ipForwardReadOnlyCompliance."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+   MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup }
+   ::= { ipForwardCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+ipForwardCidrRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ipCidrRouteNumber,
+              ipCidrRouteDest, ipCidrRouteMask, ipCidrRouteTos,
+              ipCidrRouteNextHop, ipCidrRouteIfIndex,
+              ipCidrRouteType, ipCidrRouteProto, ipCidrRouteAge,
+              ipCidrRouteInfo,ipCidrRouteNextHopAS,
+              ipCidrRouteMetric1, ipCidrRouteMetric2,
+              ipCidrRouteMetric3, ipCidrRouteMetric4,
+              ipCidrRouteMetric5, ipCidrRouteStatus
+        }
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The CIDR Route Table.
+            This group has been deprecated and replaced with
+            inetForwardCidrRouteGroup."
+    ::= { ipForwardGroups 3 }
+-- Obsoleted Definitions - Objects
+ipForwardNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The number of current ipForwardTable entries that are
+            not invalid."
+    ::= { ipForward 1 }
+--  IP Forwarding Table
+--  The IP Forwarding Table obsoletes and replaces the ipRoute
+--  Table current in MIB-I and MIB-II.  It adds knowledge of
+--  the autonomous system of the next hop, multiple next hop
+--  support, and policy routing support.
+ipForwardTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpForwardEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "This entity's IP Routing table."
+           "RFC 1213 Section 6.6, The IP Group"
+    ::= { ipForward 2 }
+ipForwardEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpForwardEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "A particular route to a particular destination, under a
+            particular policy."
+    INDEX {
+        ipForwardDest,
+        ipForwardProto,
+        ipForwardPolicy,
+        ipForwardNextHop
+        }
+    ::= { ipForwardTable 1 }
+IpForwardEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipForwardDest       IpAddress,
+        ipForwardMask       IpAddress,
+        ipForwardPolicy     Integer32,
+        ipForwardNextHop    IpAddress,
+        ipForwardIfIndex    Integer32,
+        ipForwardType       INTEGER,
+        ipForwardProto      INTEGER,
+        ipForwardAge        Integer32,
+        ipForwardInfo       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        ipForwardNextHopAS  Integer32,
+        ipForwardMetric1    Integer32,
+        ipForwardMetric2    Integer32,
+        ipForwardMetric3    Integer32,
+        ipForwardMetric4    Integer32,
+        ipForwardMetric5    Integer32
+    }
+ipForwardDest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The destination IP address of this route.  An entry
+            with a value of is considered a default route.
+            This object may not take a Multicast (Class D) address
+            value.
+            Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance
+            of this object to a value x must be rejected if the
+            bitwise logical-AND of x with the value of the
+            corresponding instance of the ipForwardMask object is
+            not equal to x."
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 1 }
+ipForwardMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the
+            destination address before being compared to the value
+            in the ipForwardDest field.  For those systems that do
+            not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs
+            the value of the ipForwardMask by reference to the IP
+            Address Class.
+            Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance
+            of this object to a value x must be rejected if the
+            bitwise logical-AND of x with the value of the
+            corresponding instance of the ipForwardDest object is
+            not equal to ipForwardDest."
+    DEFVAL { '00000000'H }      --
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 2 }
+-- The following convention is included for specification
+-- of TOS Field contents.  At this time, the Host Requirements
+-- and the Router Requirements documents disagree on the width
+-- of the TOS field.  This mapping describes the Router
+-- Requirements mapping, and leaves room to widen the TOS field
+-- without impact to fielded systems.
+ipForwardPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The general set of conditions that would cause
+            the selection of one multipath route (set of
+            next hops for a given destination) is referred
+            to as 'policy'.
+            Unless the mechanism indicated by ipForwardProto
+            specifies otherwise, the policy specifier is
+            the IP TOS Field.  The encoding of IP TOS is as
+            specified by the following convention.  Zero
+            indicates the default path if no more specific
+            policy applies.
+            +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+            |                 |                       |     |
+            |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
+            |                 |                       |     |
+            +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+                         IP TOS                IP TOS
+               Field     Policy      Field     Policy
+               Contents    Code      Contents    Code
+               0 0 0 0  ==>   0      0 0 0 1  ==>   2
+               0 0 1 0  ==>   4      0 0 1 1  ==>   6
+               0 1 0 0  ==>   8      0 1 0 1  ==>  10
+               0 1 1 0  ==>  12      0 1 1 1  ==>  14
+               1 0 0 0  ==>  16      1 0 0 1  ==>  18
+               1 0 1 0  ==>  20      1 0 1 1  ==>  22
+               1 1 0 0  ==>  24      1 1 0 1  ==>  26
+               1 1 1 0  ==>  28      1 1 1 1  ==>  30
+            Protocols defining 'policy' otherwise must either
+            define a set of values that are valid for
+            this object or must implement an integer-instanced
+            policy table for which this object's
+            value acts as an index."
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 3 }
+ipForwardNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "On remote routes, the address of the next system en
+            route; otherwise,"
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 4 }
+ipForwardIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The ifIndex value that identifies the local interface
+            through which the next hop of this route should be
+            reached."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 5 }
+ipForwardType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other    (1), -- not specified by this MIB
+                invalid  (2), -- logically deleted
+                local    (3), -- local interface
+                remote   (4)  -- remote destination
+             }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The type of route.  Note that local(3) refers to a
+            route for which the next hop is the final destination;
+            remote(4) refers to a route for which the next hop is
+            not the final destination.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the
+            effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the
+            ipForwardTable object.  That is, it effectively
+            disassociates the destination identified with said
+            entry from the route identified with said entry.  It is
+            an implementation-specific matter as to whether the
+            agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+            Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to
+            receive tabular information from agents that
+            corresponds to entries not currently in use.  Proper
+            interpretation of such entries requires examination of
+            the relevant ipForwardType object."
+    DEFVAL { invalid }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 6 }
+ipForwardProto OBJECT-TYPE
+                other     (1),  -- not specified
+                local     (2),  -- local interface
+                netmgmt   (3),  -- static route
+                icmp      (4),  -- result of ICMP Redirect
+                        -- the following are all dynamic
+                        -- routing protocols
+                egp       (5),  -- Exterior Gateway Protocol
+                ggp       (6),  -- Gateway-Gateway Protocol
+                hello     (7),  -- FuzzBall HelloSpeak
+                rip       (8),  -- Berkeley RIP or RIP-II
+                is-is     (9),  -- Dual IS-IS
+                es-is     (10), -- ISO 9542
+                ciscoIgrp (11), -- Cisco IGRP
+                bbnSpfIgp (12), -- BBN SPF IGP
+                ospf      (13), -- Open Shortest Path First
+                bgp       (14), -- Border Gateway Protocol
+                idpr      (15)  -- InterDomain Policy Routing
+             }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The routing mechanism via which this route was learned.
+            Inclusion of values for gateway routing protocols is
+            not intended to imply that hosts should support those
+            protocols."
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 7 }
+ipForwardAge OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The number of seconds since this route was last updated
+            or otherwise determined to be correct.  Note that no
+            semantics of `too old' can be implied except through
+            knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route
+            was learned."
+    DEFVAL  { 0 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 8 }
+ipForwardInfo OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+            particular routing protocol that is responsible for
+            this route, as determined by the value specified in the
+            route's ipForwardProto value.  If this information is
+            not present, its value should be set to the OBJECT
+            IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid
+            object identifier, and any implementation conforming to
+            ASN.1 and the Basic Encoding Rules must be able to
+            generate and recognize this value."
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 9 }
+ipForwardNextHopAS OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The Autonomous System Number of the Next Hop.  When
+            this is unknown or not relevant to the protocol
+            indicated by ipForwardProto, zero."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 10 }
+ipForwardMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The primary routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipForwardProto value.
+            If this metric is not used, its value should be set to
+            -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 11 }
+ipForwardMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipForwardProto value.
+            If this metric is not used, its value should be set to
+            -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 12 }
+ipForwardMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipForwardProto value.
+            If this metric is not used, its value should be set to
+            -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 13 }
+ipForwardMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipForwardProto value.
+            If this metric is not used, its value should be set to
+            -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 14 }
+ipForwardMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-
+            protocol specified in the route's ipForwardProto value.
+            If this metric is not used, its value should be set to
+            -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { ipForwardEntry 15 }
+-- Obsoleted Definitions - Groups
+-- compliance statements
+ipForwardOldCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that
+            implement the ipForward MIB."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+   MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipForwardMultiPathGroup }
+   ::= { ipForwardCompliances 2 }
+ipForwardMultiPathGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ipForwardNumber,
+              ipForwardDest, ipForwardMask, ipForwardPolicy,
+              ipForwardNextHop, ipForwardIfIndex, ipForwardType,
+              ipForwardProto, ipForwardAge, ipForwardInfo,
+              ipForwardNextHopAS,
+              ipForwardMetric1, ipForwardMetric2, ipForwardMetric3,
+              ipForwardMetric4, ipForwardMetric5
+        }
+    STATUS     obsolete
+           "IP Multipath Route Table."
+    ::= { ipForwardGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bee0c0764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5254 @@
+    Integer32, Counter32, IpAddress,
+    mib-2, Unsigned32, Counter64,
+    zeroDotZero                        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    PhysAddress, TruthValue,
+    TimeStamp, RowPointer,
+    RowStatus, StorageType             FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType,
+    InetAddressPrefixLength,
+    InetVersion, InetZoneIndex         FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
+    InterfaceIndex                     FROM IF-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200602020000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF IPv6 MIB Revision Team"
+           "Editor:
+            Shawn A. Routhier
+            Interworking Labs
+            108 Whispering Pines Dr. Suite 235
+            Scotts Valley, CA 95066
+            USA
+            EMail: <sar@iwl.com>"
+           "The MIB module for managing IP and ICMP implementations, but
+            excluding their management of IP routes.
+            Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).  This version of
+            this MIB module is part of RFC 4293; see the RFC itself for
+            full legal notices."
+    REVISION      "200602020000Z"
+           "The IP version neutral revision with added IPv6 objects for
+            ND, default routers, and router advertisements.  As well as
+            being the successor to RFC 2011, this MIB is also the
+            successor to RFCs 2465 and 2466.  Published as RFC 4293."
+    REVISION      "199411010000Z"
+           "A separate MIB module (IP-MIB) for IP and ICMP management
+            objects.  Published as RFC 2011."
+    REVISION      "199103310000Z"
+           "The initial revision of this MIB module was part of MIB-II,
+            which was published as RFC 1213."
+    ::= { mib-2 48}
+-- The textual conventions we define and use in this MIB.
+    STATUS     current
+           "The origin of the address.
+            manual(2) indicates that the address was manually configured
+            to a specified address, e.g., by user configuration.
+            dhcp(4) indicates an address that was assigned to this
+            system by a DHCP server.
+            linklayer(5) indicates an address created by IPv6 stateless
+            auto-configuration.
+            random(6) indicates an address chosen by the system at
+            random, e.g., an IPv4 address within 169.254/16, or an RFC
+            3041 privacy address."
+        other(1),
+        manual(2),
+        dhcp(4),
+        linklayer(5),
+        random(6)
+    }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The status of an address.  Most of the states correspond to
+            states from the IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
+            protocol.
+            The preferred(1) state indicates that this is a valid
+            address that can appear as the destination or source address
+            of a packet.
+            The deprecated(2) state indicates that this is a valid but
+            deprecated address that should no longer be used as a source
+            address in new communications, but packets addressed to such
+            an address are processed as expected.
+            The invalid(3) state indicates that this isn't a valid
+            address and it shouldn't appear as the destination or source
+            address of a packet.
+            The inaccessible(4) state indicates that the address is not
+            accessible because the interface to which this address is
+            assigned is not operational.
+            The unknown(5) state indicates that the status cannot be
+            determined for some reason.
+            The tentative(6) state indicates that the uniqueness of the
+            address on the link is being verified.  Addresses in this
+            state should not be used for general communication and
+            should only be used to determine the uniqueness of the
+            address.
+            The duplicate(7) state indicates the address has been
+            determined to be non-unique on the link and so must not be
+            used.
+            The optimistic(8) state indicates the address is available
+            for use, subject to restrictions, while its uniqueness on
+            a link is being verified.
+            In the absence of other information, an IPv4 address is
+            always preferred(1)."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2462"
+        preferred(1),
+        deprecated(2),
+        invalid(3),
+        inaccessible(4),
+        unknown(5),
+        tentative(6),
+        duplicate(7),
+        optimistic(8)
+    }
+IpAddressPrefixOriginTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS     current
+           "The origin of this prefix.
+            manual(2) indicates a prefix that was manually configured.
+            wellknown(3) indicates a well-known prefix, e.g., 169.254/16
+            for IPv4 auto-configuration or fe80::/10 for IPv6 link-local
+            addresses.  Well known prefixes may be assigned by IANA,
+            the address registries, or by specification in a standards
+            track RFC.
+            dhcp(4) indicates a prefix that was assigned by a DHCP
+            server.
+            routeradv(5) indicates a prefix learned from a router
+            advertisement.
+            Note: while IpAddressOriginTC and IpAddressPrefixOriginTC
+            are similar, they are not identical.  The first defines how
+            an address was created, while the second defines how a
+            prefix was found."
+        other(1),
+        manual(2),
+        wellknown(3),
+        dhcp(4),
+        routeradv(5)
+    }
+Ipv6AddressIfIdentifierTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+     DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+     STATUS       current
+       "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
+       interface identifiers.  This is a binary string
+       of up to 8 octets in network byte-order."
+     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8))
+-- the IP general group
+-- some objects that affect all of IPv4
+ip       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 4 }
+ipForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
+                    forwarding(1),    -- acting as a router
+                    notForwarding(2)  -- NOT acting as a router
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv4
+            router in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received
+            by, but not addressed to, this entity.  IPv4 routers forward
+            datagrams.  IPv4 hosts do not (except those source-routed
+            via the host).
+            When this object is written, the entity should save the
+            change to non-volatile storage and restore the object from
+            non-volatile storage upon re-initialization of the system.
+            Note: a stronger requirement is not used because this object
+            was previously defined."
+    ::= { ip 1 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of
+            the IPv4 header of datagrams originated at this entity,
+            whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer
+            protocol.
+            When this object is written, the entity should save the
+            change to non-volatile storage and restore the object from
+            non-volatile storage upon re-initialization of the system.
+            Note: a stronger requirement is not used because this object
+            was previously defined."
+    ::= { ip 2 }
+ipReasmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The maximum number of seconds that received fragments are
+            held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity."
+    ::= { ip 13 }
+-- the IPv6 general group
+-- Some objects that affect all of IPv6
+ipv6IpForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
+                    forwarding(1),    -- acting as a router
+                    notForwarding(2)  -- NOT acting as a router
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv6
+            router on any interface in respect to the forwarding of
+            datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity.
+            IPv6 routers forward datagrams.  IPv6 hosts do not (except
+            those source-routed via the host).
+            When this object is written, the entity SHOULD save the
+            change to non-volatile storage and restore the object from
+            non-volatile storage upon re-initialization of the system."
+    ::= { ip 25 }
+ipv6IpDefaultHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The default value inserted into the Hop Limit field of the
+            IPv6 header of datagrams originated at this entity whenever
+            a Hop Limit value is not supplied by the transport layer
+            protocol.
+            When this object is written, the entity SHOULD save the
+            change to non-volatile storage and restore the object from
+            non-volatile storage upon re-initialization of the system."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.3.2"
+    ::= { ip 26 }
+-- IPv4 Interface Table
+ipv4InterfaceTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            a row in the ipv4InterfaceTable was added or deleted, or
+            when an ipv4InterfaceReasmMaxSize or an
+            ipv4InterfaceEnableStatus object was modified.
+            If new objects are added to the ipv4InterfaceTable that
+            require the ipv4InterfaceTableLastChange to be updated when
+            they are modified, they must specify that requirement in
+            their description clause."
+    ::= { ip 27 }
+ipv4InterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv4InterfaceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table containing per-interface IPv4-specific
+            information."
+    ::= { ip 28 }
+ipv4InterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Ipv4InterfaceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "An entry containing IPv4-specific information for a specific
+            interface."
+    INDEX { ipv4InterfaceIfIndex }
+    ::= { ipv4InterfaceTable 1 }
+Ipv4InterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipv4InterfaceIfIndex         InterfaceIndex,
+        ipv4InterfaceReasmMaxSize    Integer32,
+        ipv4InterfaceEnableStatus    INTEGER,
+        ipv4InterfaceRetransmitTime  Unsigned32
+    }
+ipv4InterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which this entry is applicable.  The interface identified by
+            a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipv4InterfaceEntry 1 }
+ipv4InterfaceReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The size of the largest IPv4 datagram that this entity can
+            re-assemble from incoming IPv4 fragmented datagrams received
+            on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv4InterfaceEntry 2 }
+ipv4InterfaceEnableStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                 up(1),
+                 down(2)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The indication of whether IPv4 is enabled (up) or disabled
+            (down) on this interface.  This object does not affect the
+            state of the interface itself, only its connection to an
+            IPv4 stack.  The IF-MIB should be used to control the state
+            of the interface."
+    ::= { ipv4InterfaceEntry 3 }
+ipv4InterfaceRetransmitTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The time between retransmissions of ARP requests to a
+            neighbor when resolving the address or when probing the
+            reachability of a neighbor."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 1122"
+    DEFVAL { 1000 }
+    ::= { ipv4InterfaceEntry 4 }
+-- v6 interface table
+ipv6InterfaceTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            a row in the ipv6InterfaceTable was added or deleted or when
+            an ipv6InterfaceReasmMaxSize, ipv6InterfaceIdentifier,
+            ipv6InterfaceEnableStatus, ipv6InterfaceReachableTime,
+            ipv6InterfaceRetransmitTime, or ipv6InterfaceForwarding
+            object was modified.
+            If new objects are added to the ipv6InterfaceTable that
+            require the ipv6InterfaceTableLastChange to be updated when
+            they are modified, they must specify that requirement in
+            their description clause."
+    ::= { ip 29 }
+ipv6InterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6InterfaceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table containing per-interface IPv6-specific
+            information."
+    ::= { ip 30 }
+ipv6InterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Ipv6InterfaceEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "An entry containing IPv6-specific information for a given
+            interface."
+    INDEX { ipv6InterfaceIfIndex }
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceTable 1 }
+Ipv6InterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipv6InterfaceIfIndex         InterfaceIndex,
+        ipv6InterfaceReasmMaxSize    Unsigned32,
+        ipv6InterfaceIdentifier      Ipv6AddressIfIdentifierTC,
+        ipv6InterfaceEnableStatus    INTEGER,
+        ipv6InterfaceReachableTime   Unsigned32,
+        ipv6InterfaceRetransmitTime  Unsigned32,
+        ipv6InterfaceForwarding      INTEGER
+    }
+ipv6InterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which this entry is applicable.  The interface identified by
+            a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 1 }
+ipv6InterfaceReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1500..65535)
+    UNITS      "octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The size of the largest IPv6 datagram that this entity can
+            re-assemble from incoming IPv6 fragmented datagrams received
+            on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 2 }
+ipv6InterfaceIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Ipv6AddressIfIdentifierTC
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The Interface Identifier for this interface.  The Interface
+            Identifier is combined with an address prefix to form an
+            interface address.
+            By default, the Interface Identifier is auto-configured
+            according to the rules of the link type to which this
+            interface is attached.
+            A zero length identifier may be used where appropriate.  One
+            possible example is a loopback interface."
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 3 }
+-- This object ID is reserved as it was used in earlier versions of
+-- the MIB module.  In theory, OIDs are not assigned until the
+-- specification is released as an RFC; however, as some companies
+-- may have shipped code based on earlier versions of the MIB, it
+-- seems best to reserve this OID.  This OID had been
+-- ipv6InterfacePhysicalAddress.
+-- ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 4}
+ipv6InterfaceEnableStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                 up(1),
+                 down(2)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The indication of whether IPv6 is enabled (up) or disabled
+            (down) on this interface.  This object does not affect the
+            state of the interface itself, only its connection to an
+            IPv6 stack.  The IF-MIB should be used to control the state
+            of the interface.
+            When this object is written, the entity SHOULD save the
+            change to non-volatile storage and restore the object from
+            non-volatile storage upon re-initialization of the system."
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 5 }
+ipv6InterfaceReachableTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The time a neighbor is considered reachable after receiving
+            a reachability confirmation."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461, Section 6.3.2"
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 6 }
+ipv6InterfaceRetransmitTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The time between retransmissions of Neighbor Solicitation
+            messages to a neighbor when resolving the address or when
+            probing the reachability of a neighbor."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461, Section 6.3.2"
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 7 }
+ipv6InterfaceForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
+                    forwarding(1),    -- acting as a router
+                    notForwarding(2)  -- NOT acting as a router
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv6
+            router on this interface with respect to the forwarding of
+            datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity.
+            IPv6 routers forward datagrams.  IPv6 hosts do not (except
+            those source-routed via the host).
+            This object is constrained by ipv6IpForwarding and is
+            ignored if ipv6IpForwarding is set to notForwarding.  Those
+            systems that do not provide per-interface control of the
+            forwarding function should set this object to forwarding for
+            all interfaces and allow the ipv6IpForwarding object to
+            control the forwarding capability.
+            When this object is written, the entity SHOULD save the
+            change to non-volatile storage and restore the object from
+            non-volatile storage upon re-initialization of the system."
+    ::= { ipv6InterfaceEntry 8 }
+-- Per-Interface or System-Wide IP statistics.
+-- The following two tables, ipSystemStatsTable and ipIfStatsTable,
+-- are intended to provide the same counters at different granularities.
+-- The ipSystemStatsTable provides system wide counters aggregating
+-- the traffic counters for all interfaces for a given address type.
+-- The ipIfStatsTable provides the same counters but for specific
+-- interfaces rather than as an aggregate.
+-- Note well: If a system provides both system-wide and interface-
+-- specific values, the system-wide value may not be equal to the sum
+-- of the interface-specific values across all interfaces due to e.g.,
+-- dynamic interface creation/deletion.
+-- Note well: Both of these tables contain some items that are
+-- represented by two objects, representing the value in either 32
+-- or 64 bits.  For those objects, the 32-bit value MUST be the low
+-- order 32 bits of the 64-bit value.  Also note that the 32-bit
+-- counters must be included when the 64-bit counters are included.
+ipTrafficStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ip 31 }
+ipSystemStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpSystemStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table containing system wide, IP version specific
+            traffic statistics.  This table and the ipIfStatsTable
+            contain similar objects whose difference is in their
+            granularity.  Where this table contains system wide traffic
+            statistics, the ipIfStatsTable contains the same statistics
+            but counted on a per-interface basis."
+    ::= { ipTrafficStats 1 }
+ipSystemStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpSystemStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A statistics entry containing system-wide objects for a
+            particular IP version."
+    INDEX { ipSystemStatsIPVersion }
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsTable 1 }
+IpSystemStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipSystemStatsIPVersion           InetVersion,
+        ipSystemStatsInReceives          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInReceives        Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsInOctets            Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInOctets          Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors         Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors        Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos     Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts     Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams     Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams   Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsReasmReqds          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsReasmOKs            Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsReasmFails          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInDiscards          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsInDelivers          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers        Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutRequests         Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests       Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes         Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams    Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams  Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutDiscards         Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds        Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs          Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsOutFragFails        Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates      Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsOutTransmits        Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits      Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutOctets           Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets         Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts         Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts       Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets       Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets     Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts        Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts      Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets      Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets    Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts         Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts       Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts        Counter32,
+        ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts      Counter64,
+        ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime   TimeStamp,
+        ipSystemStatsRefreshRate         Unsigned32
+    }
+ipSystemStatsIPVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetVersion
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP version of this row."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 1 }
+-- This object ID is reserved to allow the IDs for this table's objects
+-- to align with the objects in the ipIfStatsTable.
+-- ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 2 }
+ipSystemStatsInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of input IP datagrams received, including
+            those received in error.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 3 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of input IP datagrams received, including
+            those received in error.  This object counts the same
+            datagrams as ipSystemStatsInReceives, but allows for larger
+            values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 4 }
+ipSystemStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams,
+            including those received in error.  Octets from datagrams
+            counted in ipSystemStatsInReceives MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 5 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams,
+            including those received in error.  This object counts the
+            same octets as ipSystemStatsInOctets, but allows for larger
+            values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 6 }
+ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded due to errors in
+            their IP headers, including version number mismatch, other
+            format errors, hop count exceeded, errors discovered in
+            processing their IP options, etc.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 7 }
+ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route
+            could be found to transmit them to their destination.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 8 }
+ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP
+            address in their IP header's destination field was not a
+            valid address to be received at this entity.  This count
+            includes invalid addresses (e.g., ::0).  For entities
+            that are not IP routers and therefore do not forward
+            datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded
+            because the destination address was not a local address.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 9 }
+ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of locally-addressed IP datagrams received
+            successfully but discarded because of an unknown or
+            unsupported protocol.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these datagrams were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the datagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 10 }
+ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the
+            datagram frame didn't carry enough data.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 11 }
+ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not
+            their final IP destination and for which this entity
+            attempted to find a route to forward them to that final
+            destination.  In entities that do not act as IP routers,
+            this counter will include only those datagrams that were
+            Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-Route
+            processing was successful.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            incoming interface is incremented for each datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 12 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not
+            their final IP destination and for which this entity
+            attempted to find a route to forward them to that final
+            destination.  This object counts the same packets as
+            ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 13 }
+ipSystemStatsReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP fragments received that needed to be
+            reassembled at this interface.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these fragments were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the fragments.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 14 }
+ipSystemStatsReasmOKs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these datagrams were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the datagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 15 }
+ipSystemStatsReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly
+            algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc.).
+            Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP
+            fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
+            RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by
+            combining them as they are received.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these fragments were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the fragments.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 16 }
+ipSystemStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were
+            encountered to prevent their continued processing, but
+            were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note that
+            this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while
+            awaiting re-assembly.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 17 }
+ipSystemStatsInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP
+            user-protocols (including ICMP).
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these datagrams were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the datagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 18 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP
+            user-protocols (including ICMP).  This object counts the
+            same packets as ipSystemStatsInDelivers, but allows for
+            larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 19 }
+ipSystemStatsOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-
+            protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for
+            transmission.  Note that this counter does not include any
+            datagrams counted in ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 20 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-
+            protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for
+            transmission.  This object counts the same packets as
+            ipSystemStatsOutRequests, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 21 }
+ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of locally generated IP datagrams discarded
+            because no route could be found to transmit them to their
+            destination.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 22 }
+ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their
+            final IP destination and for which it was successful in
+            finding a path to their final destination.  In entities
+            that do not act as IP routers, this counter will include
+            only those datagrams that were Source-Routed via this
+            entity, and the Source-Route processing was successful.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            forwarded datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 23 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their
+            final IP destination and for which it was successful in
+            finding a path to their final destination.  This object
+            counts the same packets as ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams,
+            but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 24 }
+ipSystemStatsOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was
+            encountered to prevent their transmission to their
+            destination, but were discarded (e.g., for lack of
+            buffer space).  Note that this counter would include
+            datagrams counted in ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams if any
+            such datagrams met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 25 }
+ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams that would require fragmentation
+            in order to be transmitted.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 26 }
+ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully
+            fragmented.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 27 }
+ipSystemStatsOutFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because
+            they needed to be fragmented but could not be.  This
+            includes IPv4 packets that have the DF bit set and IPv6
+            packets that are being forwarded and exceed the outgoing
+            link MTU.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for an unsuccessfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 28 }
+ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of output datagram fragments that have been
+            generated as a result of IP fragmentation.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 29 }
+ipSystemStatsOutTransmits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied
+            to the lower layers for transmission.  This includes
+            datagrams generated locally and those forwarded by this
+            entity.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 30 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied
+            to the lower layers for transmission.  This object counts
+            the same datagrams as ipSystemStatsOutTransmits, but allows
+            for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 31 }
+ipSystemStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the
+            lower layers for transmission.  Octets from datagrams
+            counted in ipSystemStatsOutTransmits MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 32 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the
+            lower layers for transmission.  This objects counts the same
+            octets as ipSystemStatsOutOctets, but allows for larger
+            values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 33 }
+ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams received.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 34 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams received.  This object
+            counts the same datagrams as ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts but
+            allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 35 }
+ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  Octets from datagrams counted in
+            ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 36 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  This object counts the same octets as
+            ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 37 }
+ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 38 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted.  This
+            object counts the same datagrams as
+            ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 39 }
+ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  Octets from datagrams counted in
+            ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 40 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  This object counts the same octets as
+            ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 41 }
+ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams received.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 42 }
+ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams received.  This object
+            counts the same datagrams as ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts but
+            allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 43 }
+ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 44 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted.  This
+            object counts the same datagrams as
+            ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 45 }
+ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a
+            discontinuity.
+            If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+            initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+            object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 46 }
+ipSystemStatsRefreshRate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS      "milli-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The minimum reasonable polling interval for this entry.
+            This object provides an indication of the minimum amount of
+            time required to update the counters in this entry."
+    ::= { ipSystemStatsEntry 47 }
+ipIfStatsTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            a row in the ipIfStatsTable was added or deleted.
+            If new objects are added to the ipIfStatsTable that require
+            the ipIfStatsTableLastChange to be updated when they are
+            modified, they must specify that requirement in their
+            description clause."
+    ::= { ipTrafficStats 2 }
+ipIfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpIfStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table containing per-interface traffic statistics.  This
+            table and the ipSystemStatsTable contain similar objects
+            whose difference is in their granularity.  Where this table
+            contains per-interface statistics, the ipSystemStatsTable
+            contains the same statistics, but counted on a system wide
+            basis."
+    ::= { ipTrafficStats 3 }
+ipIfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpIfStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "An interface statistics entry containing objects for a
+            particular interface and version of IP."
+    INDEX { ipIfStatsIPVersion, ipIfStatsIfIndex }
+    ::= { ipIfStatsTable 1 }
+IpIfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipIfStatsIPVersion           InetVersion,
+        ipIfStatsIfIndex             InterfaceIndex,
+        ipIfStatsInReceives          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInReceives        Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsInOctets            Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInOctets          Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsInHdrErrors         Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInNoRoutes          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInAddrErrors        Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos     Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts     Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInForwDatagrams     Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInForwDatagrams   Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsReasmReqds          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsReasmOKs            Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsReasmFails          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInDiscards          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsInDelivers          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInDelivers        Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutRequests         Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutRequests       Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutForwDatagrams    Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutForwDatagrams  Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutDiscards         Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsOutFragReqds        Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsOutFragOKs          Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsOutFragFails        Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsOutFragCreates      Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsOutTransmits        Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutTransmits      Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutOctets           Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutOctets         Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsInMcastPkts         Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInMcastPkts       Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsInMcastOctets       Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInMcastOctets     Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutMcastPkts        Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutMcastPkts      Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutMcastOctets      Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutMcastOctets    Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsInBcastPkts         Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCInBcastPkts       Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsOutBcastPkts        Counter32,
+        ipIfStatsHCOutBcastPkts      Counter64,
+        ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime   TimeStamp,
+        ipIfStatsRefreshRate         Unsigned32
+    }
+ipIfStatsIPVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetVersion
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP version of this row."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 1 }
+ipIfStatsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which this entry is applicable.  The interface identified by
+            a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 2 }
+ipIfStatsInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of input IP datagrams received, including
+            those received in error.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 3 }
+ipIfStatsHCInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of input IP datagrams received, including
+            those received in error.  This object counts the same
+            datagrams as ipIfStatsInReceives, but allows for larger
+            values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 4 }
+ipIfStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams,
+            including those received in error.  Octets from datagrams
+            counted in ipIfStatsInReceives MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 5 }
+ipIfStatsHCInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams,
+            including those received in error.  This object counts the
+            same octets as ipIfStatsInOctets, but allows for larger
+            values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 6 }
+ipIfStatsInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded due to errors in
+            their IP headers, including version number mismatch, other
+            format errors, hop count exceeded, errors discovered in
+            processing their IP options, etc.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 7 }
+ipIfStatsInNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route
+            could be found to transmit them to their destination.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 8 }
+ipIfStatsInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP
+            address in their IP header's destination field was not a
+            valid address to be received at this entity.  This count
+            includes invalid addresses (e.g., ::0).  For entities that
+            are not IP routers and therefore do not forward datagrams,
+            this counter includes datagrams discarded because the
+            destination address was not a local address.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 9 }
+ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of locally-addressed IP datagrams received
+            successfully but discarded because of an unknown or
+            unsupported protocol.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these datagrams were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the datagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 10 }
+ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the
+            datagram frame didn't carry enough data.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 11 }
+ipIfStatsInForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not
+            their final IP destination and for which this entity
+            attempted to find a route to forward them to that final
+            destination.  In entities that do not act as IP routers,
+            this counter will include only those datagrams that were
+            Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-Route
+            processing was successful.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            incoming interface is incremented for each datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 12 }
+ipIfStatsHCInForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not
+            their final IP destination and for which this entity
+            attempted to find a route to forward them to that final
+            destination.  This object counts the same packets as
+            ipIfStatsInForwDatagrams, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 13 }
+ipIfStatsReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP fragments received that needed to be
+            reassembled at this interface.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these fragments were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the fragments.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 14 }
+ipIfStatsReasmOKs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these datagrams were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the datagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 15 }
+ipIfStatsReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly
+            algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc.).
+            Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP
+            fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
+            RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by
+            combining them as they are received.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these fragments were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the fragments.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 16 }
+ipIfStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were
+            encountered to prevent their continued processing, but
+            were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note that
+            this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while
+            awaiting re-assembly.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 17 }
+ipIfStatsInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP
+            user-protocols (including ICMP).
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            interface to which these datagrams were addressed is
+            incremented.  This interface might not be the same as the
+            input interface for some of the datagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 18 }
+ipIfStatsHCInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP
+            user-protocols (including ICMP).  This object counts the
+            same packets as ipIfStatsInDelivers, but allows for larger
+            values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 19 }
+ipIfStatsOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-
+            protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for
+            transmission.  Note that this counter does not include any
+            datagrams counted in ipIfStatsOutForwDatagrams.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 20 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-
+            protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for
+            transmission.  This object counts the same packets as
+            ipIfStatsOutRequests, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 21 }
+-- This object ID is reserved to allow the IDs for this table's objects
+-- to align with the objects in the ipSystemStatsTable.
+-- ::= {ipIfStatsEntry 22}
+ipIfStatsOutForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their
+            final IP destination and for which it was successful in
+            finding a path to their final destination.  In entities
+            that do not act as IP routers, this counter will include
+            only those datagrams that were Source-Routed via this
+            entity, and the Source-Route processing was successful.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            forwarded datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 23 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their
+            final IP destination and for which it was successful in
+            finding a path to their final destination.  This object
+            counts the same packets as ipIfStatsOutForwDatagrams, but
+            allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 24 }
+ipIfStatsOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was
+            encountered to prevent their transmission to their
+            destination, but were discarded (e.g., for lack of
+            buffer space).  Note that this counter would include
+            datagrams counted in ipIfStatsOutForwDatagrams if any such
+            datagrams met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 25 }
+ipIfStatsOutFragReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams that would require fragmentation
+            in order to be transmitted.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 26 }
+ipIfStatsOutFragOKs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully
+            fragmented.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 27 }
+ipIfStatsOutFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because
+            they needed to be fragmented but could not be.  This
+            includes IPv4 packets that have the DF bit set and IPv6
+            packets that are being forwarded and exceed the outgoing
+            link MTU.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for an unsuccessfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 28 }
+ipIfStatsOutFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of output datagram fragments that have been
+            generated as a result of IP fragmentation.
+            When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the
+            outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully
+            fragmented datagram.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 29 }
+ipIfStatsOutTransmits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied
+            to the lower layers for transmission.  This includes
+            datagrams generated locally and those forwarded by this
+            entity.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 30 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutTransmits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied
+            to the lower layers for transmission.  This object counts
+            the same datagrams as ipIfStatsOutTransmits, but allows for
+            larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 31 }
+ipIfStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the
+            lower layers for transmission.  Octets from datagrams
+            counted in ipIfStatsOutTransmits MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 32 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the
+            lower layers for transmission.  This objects counts the same
+            octets as ipIfStatsOutOctets, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 33 }
+ipIfStatsInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams received.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 34 }
+ipIfStatsHCInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams received.  This object
+            counts the same datagrams as ipIfStatsInMcastPkts, but
+            allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 35 }
+ipIfStatsInMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  Octets from datagrams counted in
+            ipIfStatsInMcastPkts MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 36 }
+ipIfStatsHCInMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets received in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  This object counts the same octets as
+            ipIfStatsInMcastOctets, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 37 }
+ipIfStatsOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 38 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted.  This
+            object counts the same datagrams as ipIfStatsOutMcastPkts,
+            but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 39 }
+ipIfStatsOutMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  Octets from datagrams counted in
+            ipIfStatsOutMcastPkts MUST be counted here.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 40 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast
+            datagrams.  This object counts the same octets as
+            ipIfStatsOutMcastOctets, but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 41 }
+ipIfStatsInBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams received.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 42 }
+ipIfStatsHCInBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams received.  This object
+            counts the same datagrams as ipIfStatsInBcastPkts, but
+            allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 43 }
+ipIfStatsOutBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 44 }
+ipIfStatsHCOutBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted.  This
+            object counts the same datagrams as ipIfStatsOutBcastPkts,
+            but allows for larger values.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+            times as indicated by the value of
+            ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 45 }
+ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+            any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a
+            discontinuity.
+            If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+            initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+            object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 46 }
+ipIfStatsRefreshRate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS "milli-seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The minimum reasonable polling interval for this entry.
+            This object provides an indication of the minimum amount of
+            time required to update the counters in this entry."
+    ::= { ipIfStatsEntry 47 }
+-- Internet Address Prefix table
+ipAddressPrefixTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpAddressPrefixEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "This table allows the user to determine the source of an IP
+            address or set of IP addresses, and allows other tables to
+            share the information via pointer rather than by copying.
+            For example, when the node configures both a unicast and
+            anycast address for a prefix, the ipAddressPrefix objects
+            for those addresses will point to a single row in this
+            table.
+            This table primarily provides support for IPv6 prefixes, and
+            several of the objects are less meaningful for IPv4.  The
+            table continues to allow IPv4 addresses to allow future
+            flexibility.  In order to promote a common configuration,
+            this document includes suggestions for default values for
+            IPv4 prefixes.  Each of these values may be overridden if an
+            object is meaningful to the node.
+            All prefixes used by this entity should be included in this
+            table independent of how the entity learned the prefix.
+            (This table isn't limited to prefixes learned from router
+            advertisements.)"
+    ::= { ip 32 }
+ipAddressPrefixEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddressPrefixEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "An entry in the ipAddressPrefixTable."
+    INDEX    { ipAddressPrefixIfIndex, ipAddressPrefixType,
+               ipAddressPrefixPrefix, ipAddressPrefixLength }
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixTable 1 }
+IpAddressPrefixEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipAddressPrefixIfIndex               InterfaceIndex,
+        ipAddressPrefixType                  InetAddressType,
+        ipAddressPrefixPrefix                InetAddress,
+        ipAddressPrefixLength                InetAddressPrefixLength,
+        ipAddressPrefixOrigin                IpAddressPrefixOriginTC,
+        ipAddressPrefixOnLinkFlag            TruthValue,
+        ipAddressPrefixAutonomousFlag        TruthValue,
+        ipAddressPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime  Unsigned32,
+        ipAddressPrefixAdvValidLifetime      Unsigned32
+    }
+ipAddressPrefixIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface on
+            which this prefix is configured.  The interface identified
+            by a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 1 }
+ipAddressPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of ipAddressPrefix."
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 2 }
+ipAddressPrefixPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address prefix.  The address type of this object is
+            specified in ipAddressPrefixType.  The length of this object
+            is the standard length for objects of that type (4 or 16
+            bytes).  Any bits after ipAddressPrefixLength must be zero.
+            Implementors need to be aware that, if the size of
+            ipAddressPrefixPrefix exceeds 114 octets, then OIDS of
+            instances of columns in this row will have more than 128
+            sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1,
+            SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 3 }
+ipAddressPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressPrefixLength
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The prefix length associated with this prefix.
+            The value 0 has no special meaning for this object.  It
+            simply refers to address '::/0'."
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 4 }
+ipAddressPrefixOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddressPrefixOriginTC
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The origin of this prefix."
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 5 }
+ipAddressPrefixOnLinkFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "This object has the value 'true(1)', if this prefix can be
+            used for on-link determination; otherwise, the value is
+            'false(2)'.
+            The default for IPv4 prefixes is 'true(1)'."
+    REFERENCE "For IPv6 RFC 2461, especially sections 2 and 4.6.2 and
+               RFC 2462"
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 6 }
+ipAddressPrefixAutonomousFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "Autonomous address configuration flag.  When true(1),
+            indicates that this prefix can be used for autonomous
+            address configuration (i.e., can be used to form a local
+            interface address).  If false(2), it is not used to auto-
+            configure a local interface address.
+            The default for IPv4 prefixes is 'false(2)'."
+    REFERENCE "For IPv6 RFC 2461, especially sections 2 and 4.6.2 and
+               RFC 2462"
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 7 }
+ipAddressPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS      "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remaining length of time, in seconds, that this prefix
+            will continue to be preferred, i.e., time until deprecation.
+            A value of 4,294,967,295 represents infinity.
+            The address generated from a deprecated prefix should no
+            longer be used as a source address in new communications,
+            but packets received on such an interface are processed as
+            expected.
+            The default for IPv4 prefixes is 4,294,967,295 (infinity)."
+    REFERENCE "For IPv6 RFC 2461, especially sections 2 and 4.6.2 and
+               RFC 2462"
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 8 }
+ipAddressPrefixAdvValidLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remaining length of time, in seconds, that this prefix
+            will continue to be valid, i.e., time until invalidation.  A
+            value of 4,294,967,295 represents infinity.
+            The address generated from an invalidated prefix should not
+            appear as the destination or source address of a packet.
+            The default for IPv4 prefixes is 4,294,967,295 (infinity)."
+    REFERENCE "For IPv6 RFC 2461, especially sections 2 and 4.6.2 and
+               RFC 2462"
+    ::= { ipAddressPrefixEntry 9 }
+-- Internet Address Table
+ipAddressSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "An advisory lock used to allow cooperating SNMP managers to
+            coordinate their use of the set operation in creating or
+            modifying rows within this table.
+            In order to use this lock to coordinate the use of set
+            operations, managers should first retrieve
+            ipAddressTableSpinLock.  They should then determine the
+            appropriate row to create or modify.  Finally, they should
+            issue the appropriate set command, including the retrieved
+            value of ipAddressSpinLock.  If another manager has altered
+            the table in the meantime, then the value of
+            ipAddressSpinLock will have changed, and the creation will
+            fail as it will be specifying an incorrect value for
+            ipAddressSpinLock.  It is suggested, but not required, that
+            the ipAddressSpinLock be the first var bind for each set of
+            objects representing a 'row' in a PDU."
+    ::= { ip 33 }
+ipAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpAddressEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "This table contains addressing information relevant to the
+            entity's interfaces.
+            This table does not contain multicast address information.
+            Tables for such information should be contained in multicast
+            specific MIBs, such as RFC 3019.
+            While this table is writable, the user will note that
+            several objects, such as ipAddressOrigin, are not.  The
+            intention in allowing a user to write to this table is to
+            allow them to add or remove any entry that isn't
+            permanent.  The user should be allowed to modify objects
+            and entries when that would not cause inconsistencies
+            within the table.  Allowing write access to objects, such
+            as ipAddressOrigin, could allow a user to insert an entry
+            and then label it incorrectly.
+            Note well: When including IPv6 link-local addresses in this
+            table, the entry must use an InetAddressType of 'ipv6z' in
+            order to differentiate between the possible interfaces."
+    ::= { ip 34 }
+ipAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddressEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "An address mapping for a particular interface."
+    INDEX { ipAddressAddrType, ipAddressAddr }
+    ::= { ipAddressTable 1 }
+IpAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipAddressAddrType     InetAddressType,
+        ipAddressAddr         InetAddress,
+        ipAddressIfIndex      InterfaceIndex,
+        ipAddressType         INTEGER,
+        ipAddressPrefix       RowPointer,
+        ipAddressOrigin       IpAddressOriginTC,
+        ipAddressStatus       IpAddressStatusTC,
+        ipAddressCreated      TimeStamp,
+        ipAddressLastChanged  TimeStamp,
+        ipAddressRowStatus    RowStatus,
+        ipAddressStorageType  StorageType
+    }
+ipAddressAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of ipAddressAddr."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 1 }
+ipAddressAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP address to which this entry's addressing information
+            pertains.  The address type of this object is specified in
+            ipAddressAddrType.
+            Implementors need to be aware that if the size of
+            ipAddressAddr exceeds 116 octets, then OIDS of instances of
+            columns in this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers
+            and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 2 }
+ipAddressIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which this entry is applicable.  The interface identified by
+            a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 3 }
+ipAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+                 unicast(1),
+                 anycast(2),
+                 broadcast(3)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The type of address.  broadcast(3) is not a valid value for
+            IPv6 addresses (RFC 3513)."
+    DEFVAL { unicast }
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 4 }
+ipAddressPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowPointer
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "A pointer to the row in the prefix table to which this
+            address belongs.  May be { 0 0 } if there is no such row."
+    DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 5 }
+ipAddressOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddressOriginTC
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The origin of the address."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 6 }
+ipAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddressStatusTC
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The status of the address, describing if the address can be
+            used for communication.
+            In the absence of other information, an IPv4 address is
+            always preferred(1)."
+    DEFVAL { preferred }
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 7 }
+ipAddressCreated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry was created.
+            If this entry was created prior to the last re-
+            initialization of the local network management subsystem,
+            then this object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 8 }
+ipAddressLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry was last
+            updated.  If this entry was updated prior to the last re-
+            initialization of the local network management subsystem,
+            then this object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 9 }
+ipAddressRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The status of this conceptual row.
+            The RowStatus TC requires that this DESCRIPTION clause
+            states under which circumstances other objects in this row
+            can be modified.  The value of this object has no effect on
+            whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
+            modified.
+            A conceptual row can not be made active until the
+            ipAddressIfIndex has been set to a valid index."
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 10 }
+ipAddressStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The storage type for this conceptual row.  If this object
+            has a value of 'permanent', then no other objects are
+            required to be able to be modified."
+    DEFVAL { volatile }
+    ::= { ipAddressEntry 11 }
+-- the Internet Address Translation table
+ipNetToPhysicalTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpNetToPhysicalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP Address Translation table used for mapping from IP
+            addresses to physical addresses.
+            The Address Translation tables contain the IP address to
+            'physical' address equivalences.  Some interfaces do not use
+            translation tables for determining address equivalences
+            (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method); if all
+            interfaces are of this type, then the Address Translation
+            table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
+            While many protocols may be used to populate this table, ARP
+            and Neighbor Discovery are the most likely
+            options."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 826 and RFC 2461"
+    ::= { ip 35 }
+ipNetToPhysicalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpNetToPhysicalEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "Each entry contains one IP address to `physical' address
+            equivalence."
+    INDEX       { ipNetToPhysicalIfIndex,
+                  ipNetToPhysicalNetAddressType,
+                  ipNetToPhysicalNetAddress }
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalTable 1 }
+IpNetToPhysicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipNetToPhysicalIfIndex         InterfaceIndex,
+        ipNetToPhysicalNetAddressType  InetAddressType,
+        ipNetToPhysicalNetAddress      InetAddress,
+        ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress     PhysAddress,
+        ipNetToPhysicalLastUpdated     TimeStamp,
+        ipNetToPhysicalType            INTEGER,
+        ipNetToPhysicalState           INTEGER,
+        ipNetToPhysicalRowStatus       RowStatus
+    }
+ipNetToPhysicalIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which this entry is applicable.  The interface identified by
+            a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 1 }
+ipNetToPhysicalNetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The type of ipNetToPhysicalNetAddress."
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 2 }
+ipNetToPhysicalNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP Address corresponding to the media-dependent
+            `physical' address.  The address type of this object is
+            specified in ipNetToPhysicalAddressType.
+            Implementors need to be aware that if the size of
+            ipNetToPhysicalNetAddress exceeds 115 octets, then OIDS of
+            instances of columns in this row will have more than 128
+            sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1,
+            SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 3 }
+ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     PhysAddress (SIZE(0..65535))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The media-dependent `physical' address.
+            As the entries in this table are typically not persistent
+            when this object is written the entity SHOULD NOT save the
+            change to non-volatile storage."
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 4 }
+ipNetToPhysicalLastUpdated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry was last
+            updated.  If this entry was updated prior to the last re-
+            initialization of the local network management subsystem,
+            then this object contains a zero value."
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 5 }
+ipNetToPhysicalType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other(1),        -- none of the following
+                invalid(2),      -- an invalidated mapping
+                dynamic(3),
+                static(4),
+                local(5)         -- local interface
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The type of mapping.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect
+            of invalidating the corresponding entry in the
+            ipNetToPhysicalTable.  That is, it effectively dis-
+            associates the interface identified with said entry from the
+            mapping identified with said entry.  It is an
+            implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent
+            removes an invalidated entry from the table.  Accordingly,
+            management stations must be prepared to receive tabular
+            information from agents that corresponds to entries not
+            currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
+            requires examination of the relevant ipNetToPhysicalType
+            object.
+            The 'dynamic(3)' type indicates that the IP address to
+            physical addresses mapping has been dynamically resolved
+            using e.g., IPv4 ARP or the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
+            protocol.
+            The 'static(4)' type indicates that the mapping has been
+            statically configured.  Both of these refer to entries that
+            provide mappings for other entities addresses.
+            The 'local(5)' type indicates that the mapping is provided
+            for an entity's own interface address.
+            As the entries in this table are typically not persistent
+            when this object is written the entity SHOULD NOT save the
+            change to non-volatile storage."
+    DEFVAL { static }
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 6 }
+ipNetToPhysicalState OBJECT-TYPE
+                     reachable(1), -- confirmed reachability
+                     stale(2),     -- unconfirmed reachability
+                     delay(3),     -- waiting for reachability
+                                   -- confirmation before entering
+                                   -- the probe state
+                     probe(4),     -- actively probing
+                     invalid(5),   -- an invalidated mapping
+                     unknown(6),   -- state can not be determined
+                                   -- for some reason.
+                     incomplete(7) -- address resolution is being
+                                   -- performed.
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The Neighbor Unreachability Detection state for the
+            interface when the address mapping in this entry is used.
+            If Neighbor Unreachability Detection is not in use (e.g. for
+            IPv4), this object is always unknown(6)."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461"
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 7 }
+ipNetToPhysicalRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The status of this conceptual row.
+            The RowStatus TC requires that this DESCRIPTION clause
+            states under which circumstances other objects in this row
+            can be modified.  The value of this object has no effect on
+            whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
+            modified.
+            A conceptual row can not be made active until the
+            ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress object has been set.
+            Note that if the ipNetToPhysicalType is set to 'invalid',
+            the managed node may delete the entry independent of the
+            state of this object."
+    ::= { ipNetToPhysicalEntry 8 }
+-- The IPv6 Scope Zone Index Table.
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table used to describe IPv6 unicast and multicast scope
+            zones.
+            For those objects that have names rather than numbers, the
+            names were chosen to coincide with the names used in the
+            IPv6 address architecture document. "
+    REFERENCE "Section 2.7 of RFC 4291"
+    ::= { ip 36 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "Each entry contains the list of scope identifiers on a given
+            interface."
+    INDEX { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexIfIndex }
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexTable 1 }
+Ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexIfIndex            InterfaceIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexLinkLocal          InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndex3                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexAdminLocal         InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexSiteLocal          InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndex6                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndex7                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexOrganizationLocal  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndex9                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexA                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexB                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexC                  InetZoneIndex,
+        ipv6ScopeZoneIndexD                  InetZoneIndex
+    }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which these scopes belong.  The interface identified by a
+            particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 1 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexLinkLocal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for the link-local scope on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 2 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndex3 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope 3 on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 3 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexAdminLocal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for the admin-local scope on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 4 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexSiteLocal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for the site-local scope on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 5 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndex6 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope 6 on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 6 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndex7 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope 7 on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 7 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexOrganizationLocal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for the organization-local scope on this
+            interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 8 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndex9 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope 9 on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 9 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexA OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope A on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 10 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexB OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope B on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 11 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexC OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope C on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 12 }
+ipv6ScopeZoneIndexD OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetZoneIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The zone index for scope D on this interface."
+    ::= { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexEntry 13 }
+-- The Default Router Table
+-- This table simply lists the default routers; for more information
+-- about routing tables, see the routing MIBs
+ipDefaultRouterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpDefaultRouterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table used to describe the default routers known to this
+            entity."
+    ::= { ip 37 }
+ipDefaultRouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpDefaultRouterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "Each entry contains information about a default router known
+            to this entity."
+    INDEX {ipDefaultRouterAddressType, ipDefaultRouterAddress,
+           ipDefaultRouterIfIndex}
+    ::= { ipDefaultRouterTable 1 }
+IpDefaultRouterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipDefaultRouterAddressType  InetAddressType,
+        ipDefaultRouterAddress      InetAddress,
+        ipDefaultRouterIfIndex      InterfaceIndex,
+        ipDefaultRouterLifetime     Unsigned32,
+        ipDefaultRouterPreference   INTEGER
+    }
+ipDefaultRouterAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type for this row."
+    ::= { ipDefaultRouterEntry 1 }
+ipDefaultRouterAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP address of the default router represented by this
+            row.  The address type of this object is specified in
+            ipDefaultRouterAddressType.
+            Implementers need to be aware that if the size of
+            ipDefaultRouterAddress exceeds 115 octets, then OIDS of
+            instances of columns in this row will have more than 128
+            sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1,
+            SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { ipDefaultRouterEntry 2 }
+ipDefaultRouterIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface by
+            which the router can be reached.  The interface identified
+            by a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipDefaultRouterEntry 3 }
+ipDefaultRouterLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..65535)
+    UNITS      "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remaining length of time, in seconds, that this router
+            will continue to be useful as a default router.  A value of
+            zero indicates that it is no longer useful as a default
+            router.  It is left to the implementer of the MIB as to
+            whether a router with a lifetime of zero is removed from the
+            list.
+            For IPv6, this value should be extracted from the router
+            advertisement messages."
+    REFERENCE "For IPv6 RFC 2462 sections 4.2 and 6.3.4"
+    ::= { ipDefaultRouterEntry 4 }
+ipDefaultRouterPreference OBJECT-TYPE
+                     reserved (-2),
+                     low (-1),
+                     medium (0),
+                     high (1)
+                    }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "An indication of preference given to this router as a
+            default router as described in he Default Router
+            Preferences document.  Treating the value as a
+            2 bit signed integer allows for simple arithmetic
+            comparisons.
+            For IPv4 routers or IPv6 routers that are not using the
+            updated router advertisement format, this object is set to
+            medium (0)."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 4291, section 2.1"
+    ::= { ipDefaultRouterEntry 5 }
+-- Configuration information for constructing router advertisements
+ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "An advisory lock used to allow cooperating SNMP managers to
+            coordinate their use of the set operation in creating or
+            modifying rows within this table.
+            In order to use this lock to coordinate the use of set
+            operations, managers should first retrieve
+            ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock.  They should then determine the
+            appropriate row to create or modify.  Finally, they should
+            issue the appropriate set command including the retrieved
+            value of ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock.  If another manager has
+            altered the table in the meantime, then the value of
+            ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock will have changed and the creation
+            will fail as it will be specifying an incorrect value for
+            ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock.  It is suggested, but not
+            required, that the ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock be the first var
+            bind for each set of objects representing a 'row' in a PDU."
+    ::= { ip 38 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6RouterAdvertEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table containing information used to construct router
+            advertisements."
+    ::= { ip 39 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Ipv6RouterAdvertEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "An entry containing information used to construct router
+            advertisements.
+            Information in this table is persistent, and when this
+            object is written, the entity SHOULD save the change to
+            non-volatile storage."
+    INDEX { ipv6RouterAdvertIfIndex }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertTable 1 }
+Ipv6RouterAdvertEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipv6RouterAdvertIfIndex          InterfaceIndex,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertSendAdverts      TruthValue,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval      Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertMinInterval      Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertManagedFlag      TruthValue,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertOtherConfigFlag  TruthValue,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertLinkMTU          Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime    Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertRetransmitTime   Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertCurHopLimit      Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertDefaultLifetime  Unsigned32,
+        ipv6RouterAdvertRowStatus        RowStatus
+    }
+ipv6RouterAdvertIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The index value that uniquely identifies the interface on
+            which router advertisements constructed with this
+            information will be transmitted.  The interface identified
+            by a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 1 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertSendAdverts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "A flag indicating whether the router sends periodic
+            router advertisements and responds to router solicitations
+            on this interface."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 2 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (4..1800)
+    UNITS      "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The maximum time allowed between sending unsolicited router
+            advertisements from this interface."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { 600 }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 3 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertMinInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (3..1350)
+    UNITS      "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The minimum time allowed between sending unsolicited router
+            advertisements from this interface.
+            The default is 0.33 * ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval, however,
+            in the case of a low value for ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval,
+            the minimum value for this object is restricted to 3."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 4 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertManagedFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The true/false value to be placed into the 'managed address
+            configuration' flag field in router advertisements sent from
+            this interface."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 5 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertOtherConfigFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The true/false value to be placed into the 'other stateful
+            configuration' flag field in router advertisements sent from
+            this interface."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 6 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertLinkMTU OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value to be placed in MTU options sent by the router on
+            this interface.
+            A value of zero indicates that no MTU options are sent."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 7 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..3600000)
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value to be placed in the reachable time field in router
+            advertisement messages sent from this interface.
+            A value of zero in the router advertisement indicates that
+            the advertisement isn't specifying a value for reachable
+            time."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 8 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertRetransmitTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value to be placed in the retransmit timer field in
+            router advertisements sent from this interface.
+            A value of zero in the router advertisement indicates that
+            the advertisement isn't specifying a value for retrans
+            time."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 9 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertCurHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The default value to be placed in the current hop limit
+            field in router advertisements sent from this interface.
+            The value should be set to the current diameter of the
+            Internet.
+            A value of zero in the router advertisement indicates that
+            the advertisement isn't specifying a value for curHopLimit.
+            The default should be set to the value specified in the IANA
+            web pages (www.iana.org) at the time of implementation."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 10 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertDefaultLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0|4..9000)
+    UNITS      "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The value to be placed in the router lifetime field of
+            router advertisements sent from this interface.  This value
+            MUST be either 0 or between ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval and
+            9000 seconds.
+            A value of zero indicates that the router is not to be used
+            as a default router.
+            The default is 3 * ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval."
+    REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.2.1"
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 11 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+           "The status of this conceptual row.
+            As all objects in this conceptual row have default values, a
+            row can be created and made active by setting this object
+            appropriately.
+            The RowStatus TC requires that this DESCRIPTION clause
+            states under which circumstances other objects in this row
+            can be modified.  The value of this object has no effect on
+            whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
+            modified."
+    ::= { ipv6RouterAdvertEntry 12 }
+-- ICMP section
+icmp     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 5 }
+-- ICMP non-message-specific counters
+-- These object IDs are reserved, as they were used in earlier
+-- versions of the MIB module.  In theory, OIDs are not assigned
+-- until the specification is released as an RFC; however, as some
+-- companies may have shipped code based on earlier versions of
+-- the MIB, it seems best to reserve these OIDs.
+-- ::= { icmp 27 }
+-- ::= { icmp 28 }
+icmpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcmpStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table of generic system-wide ICMP counters."
+    ::= { icmp 29 }
+icmpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IcmpStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A conceptual row in the icmpStatsTable."
+    INDEX    { icmpStatsIPVersion }
+    ::= { icmpStatsTable 1 }
+IcmpStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        icmpStatsIPVersion  InetVersion,
+        icmpStatsInMsgs     Counter32,
+        icmpStatsInErrors   Counter32,
+        icmpStatsOutMsgs    Counter32,
+        icmpStatsOutErrors  Counter32
+    }
+icmpStatsIPVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetVersion
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP version of the statistics."
+    ::= { icmpStatsEntry 1 }
+icmpStatsInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of ICMP messages that the entity received.
+            Note that this counter includes all those counted by
+            icmpStatsInErrors."
+    ::= { icmpStatsEntry 2 }
+icmpStatsInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of ICMP messages that the entity received but
+            determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP
+            checksums, bad length, etc.)."
+    ::= { icmpStatsEntry 3 }
+icmpStatsOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of ICMP messages that the entity attempted
+            to send.  Note that this counter includes all those counted
+            by icmpStatsOutErrors."
+    ::= { icmpStatsEntry 4 }
+icmpStatsOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of ICMP messages that this entity did not send
+            due to problems discovered within ICMP, such as a lack of
+            buffers.  This value should not include errors discovered
+            outside the ICMP layer, such as the inability of IP to route
+            the resultant datagram.  In some implementations, there may
+            be no types of error that contribute to this counter's
+            value."
+    ::= { icmpStatsEntry 5 }
+-- per-version, per-message type ICMP counters
+icmpMsgStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcmpMsgStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The table of system-wide per-version, per-message type ICMP
+            counters."
+    ::= { icmp 30 }
+icmpMsgStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IcmpMsgStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A conceptual row in the icmpMsgStatsTable.
+            The system should track each ICMP type value, even if that
+            ICMP type is not supported by the system.  However, a
+            given row need not be instantiated unless a message of that
+            type has been processed, i.e., the row for
+            icmpMsgStatsType=X MAY be instantiated before but MUST be
+            instantiated after the first message with Type=X is
+            received or transmitted.  After receiving or transmitting
+            any succeeding messages with Type=X, the relevant counter
+            must be incremented."
+    INDEX { icmpMsgStatsIPVersion, icmpMsgStatsType }
+    ::= { icmpMsgStatsTable 1 }
+IcmpMsgStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        icmpMsgStatsIPVersion  InetVersion,
+        icmpMsgStatsType       Integer32,
+        icmpMsgStatsInPkts     Counter32,
+        icmpMsgStatsOutPkts    Counter32
+    }
+icmpMsgStatsIPVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetVersion
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IP version of the statistics."
+    ::= { icmpMsgStatsEntry 1 }
+icmpMsgStatsType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The ICMP type field of the message type being counted by
+            this row.
+            Note that ICMP message types are scoped by the address type
+            in use."
+    REFERENCE "http://www.iana.org/assignments/icmp-parameters and
+               http://www.iana.org/assignments/icmpv6-parameters"
+    ::= { icmpMsgStatsEntry 2 }
+icmpMsgStatsInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of input packets for this AF and type."
+    ::= { icmpMsgStatsEntry 3 }
+icmpMsgStatsOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of output packets for this AF and type."
+    ::= { icmpMsgStatsEntry 4 }
+-- conformance information
+ipMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipMIB 2 }
+ipMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipMIBConformance 1 }
+ipMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipMIBConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS     current
+            "The compliance statement for systems that implement IP -
+             either IPv4 or IPv6.
+            There are a number of INDEX objects that cannot be
+            represented in the form of OBJECT clauses in SMIv2, but
+            for which we have the following compliance requirements,
+            expressed in OBJECT clause form in this description
+            clause:
+            -- OBJECT        ipSystemStatsIPVersion
+            -- SYNTAX        InetVersion {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only IPv4 and IPv6
+            --     versions.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipIfStatsIPVersion
+            -- SYNTAX        InetVersion {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only IPv4 and IPv6
+            --     versions.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        icmpStatsIPVersion
+            -- SYNTAX        InetVersion {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only IPv4 and IPv6
+            --     versions.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        icmpMsgStatsIPVersion
+            -- SYNTAX        InetVersion {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only IPv4 and IPv6
+            --     versions.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipAddressPrefixType
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddressType {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4 and
+            --     IPv6 address types.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipAddressPrefixPrefix
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddress (Size(4 | 16))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4 and
+            --     IPv6 addresses and so the size can be either 4 or
+            --     16 bytes.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipAddressAddrType
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddressType {ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
+            --                                ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 address types.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipAddressAddr
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddress (Size(4 | 8 | 16 | 20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and so the size
+            --     can be 4, 8, 16, or 20 bytes.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipNetToPhysicalNetAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddressType {ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
+            --                                ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 address types.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipNetToPhysicalNetAddress
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddress (Size(4 | 8 | 16 | 20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and so the size
+            --     can be 4, 8, 16, or 20 bytes.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipDefaultRouterAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddressType {ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
+            --                                ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4)}
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 address types.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT        ipDefaultRouterAddress
+            -- SYNTAX        InetAddress (Size(4 | 8 | 16 | 20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global and
+            --     non-global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and so the size
+            --     can be 4, 8, 16, or 20 bytes."
+    MODULE -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipSystemStatsGroup,   ipAddressGroup,
+                       ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup,
+                       icmpStatsGroup }
+    GROUP ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for systems that have an aggregate
+            bandwidth of greater than 20MB.  Including this group does
+            not allow an entity to neglect the 32 bit versions of these
+            objects."
+    GROUP ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for systems that have an aggregate
+            bandwidth of greater than 650MB.  Including this group
+            does not allow an entity to neglect the 32 bit versions of
+            these objects."
+    GROUP ipIfStatsGroup
+           "This group is optional for all systems."
+    GROUP ipIfStatsHCOctetGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for systems that include the
+            ipIfStatsGroup and include links with bandwidths of greater
+            than 20MB.  Including this group does not allow an entity to
+            neglect the 32 bit versions of these objects."
+    GROUP ipIfStatsHCPacketGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for systems that include the
+            ipIfStatsGroup and include links with bandwidths of greater
+            than 650MB.  Including this group does not allow an entity
+            to neglect the 32 bit versions of these objects."
+    GROUP ipv4GeneralGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv4."
+    GROUP ipv4IfGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv4."
+    GROUP ipv4SystemStatsGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv4."
+    GROUP ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv4 and
+            that have an aggregate bandwidth of greater than 650MB.
+            Including this group does not allow an entity to neglect the
+            32 bit versions of these objects."
+    GROUP ipv4IfStatsGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv4 and
+            including the ipIfStatsGroup."
+    GROUP ipv4IfStatsHCPacketGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv4 and
+            including the ipIfStatsHCPacketGroup.  Including this group
+            does not allow an entity to neglect the 32 bit versions of
+            these objects."
+    GROUP ipv6GeneralGroup2
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv6."
+    GROUP ipv6IfGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv6."
+    GROUP ipAddressPrefixGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv6."
+    GROUP ipv6ScopeGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all systems supporting IPv6."
+    GROUP ipv6RouterAdvertGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for all IPv6 routers."
+    GROUP ipLastChangeGroup
+           "This group is optional for all agents."
+    OBJECT     ipv6IpForwarding
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6IpDefaultHopLimit
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv4InterfaceEnableStatus
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6InterfaceEnableStatus
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6InterfaceForwarding
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipAddressSpinLock
+    MIN-ACCESS not-accessible
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object.  However, if an agent provides write access to any
+            of the other objects in the ipAddressGroup, it SHOULD
+            provide write access to this object as well."
+    OBJECT     ipAddressIfIndex
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    OBJECT     ipAddressType
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    OBJECT     ipAddressStatus
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    OBJECT     ipAddressRowStatus
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus { active(1) }
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    OBJECT     ipAddressStorageType
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object.
+            If an agent allows this object to be written or created, it
+            is not required to allow this object to be set to readOnly,
+            permanent, or nonVolatile."
+    OBJECT     ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    OBJECT     ipNetToPhysicalType
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object.  However, if an agent provides write access to
+            any of the other objects in the ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, it
+            SHOULD provide write access to this object as well."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertSendAdverts
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertMinInterval
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertManagedFlag
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertOtherConfigFlag
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertLinkMTU
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertRetransmitTime
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertCurHopLimit
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertDefaultLifetime
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write access to this
+            object."
+    OBJECT     ipv6RouterAdvertRowStatus
+    MIN-ACCESS read-only
+           "An agent is not required to provide write or create access
+            to this object."
+    ::= { ipMIBCompliances 2 }
+-- units of conformance
+ipv4GeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipForwarding, ipDefaultTTL, ipReasmTimeout }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of IPv4-specific objects for basic management of
+            IPv4 entities."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 3 }
+    OBJECTS   { ipv4InterfaceReasmMaxSize, ipv4InterfaceEnableStatus,
+                ipv4InterfaceRetransmitTime }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of IPv4-specific objects for basic management of
+            IPv4 interfaces."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 4 }
+ipv6GeneralGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ipv6IpForwarding, ipv6IpDefaultHopLimit }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The IPv6 group of objects providing for basic management of
+            IPv6 entities."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 5 }
+    OBJECTS   { ipv6InterfaceReasmMaxSize,   ipv6InterfaceIdentifier,
+                ipv6InterfaceEnableStatus,   ipv6InterfaceReachableTime,
+                ipv6InterfaceRetransmitTime, ipv6InterfaceForwarding }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of IPv6-specific objects for basic management of
+            IPv6 interfaces."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 6 }
+ipLastChangeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipv4InterfaceTableLastChange,
+                ipv6InterfaceTableLastChange,
+                ipIfStatsTableLastChange }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The last change objects associated with this MIB.  These
+            objects are optional for all agents.  They SHOULD be
+            implemented on agents where it is possible to determine the
+            proper values.  Where it is not possible to determine the
+            proper values, for example when the tables are split amongst
+            several sub-agents using AgentX, the agent MUST NOT
+            implement these objects to return an incorrect or static
+            value."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 7 }
+ipSystemStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipSystemStatsInReceives,
+                ipSystemStatsInOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors,
+                ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes,
+                ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors,
+                ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos,
+                ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts,
+                ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams,
+                ipSystemStatsReasmReqds,
+                ipSystemStatsReasmOKs,
+                ipSystemStatsReasmFails,
+                ipSystemStatsInDiscards,
+                ipSystemStatsInDelivers,
+                ipSystemStatsOutRequests,
+                ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes,
+                ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams,
+                ipSystemStatsOutDiscards,
+                ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds,
+                ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs,
+                ipSystemStatsOutFragFails,
+                ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates,
+                ipSystemStatsOutTransmits,
+                ipSystemStatsOutOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts,
+                ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts,
+                ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime,
+                ipSystemStatsRefreshRate }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IP system wide statistics."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 8 }
+ipv4SystemStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts, ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IPv4 only system wide statistics."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 9 }
+ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipSystemStatsHCInOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets
+    STATUS     current
+           "IP system wide statistics for systems that may overflow the
+            standard octet counters within 1 hour."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 10 }
+ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipSystemStatsHCInReceives,
+                ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams,
+                ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits,
+                ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts
+    STATUS     current
+           "IP system wide statistics for systems that may overflow the
+            standard packet counters within 1 hour."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 11 }
+ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts,
+                ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IPv4 only system wide statistics for systems that may
+            overflow the standard packet counters within 1 hour."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 12 }
+ipIfStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipIfStatsInReceives,        ipIfStatsInOctets,
+                ipIfStatsInHdrErrors,       ipIfStatsInNoRoutes,
+                ipIfStatsInAddrErrors,      ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos,
+                ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts,   ipIfStatsInForwDatagrams,
+                ipIfStatsReasmReqds,        ipIfStatsReasmOKs,
+                ipIfStatsReasmFails,        ipIfStatsInDiscards,
+                ipIfStatsInDelivers,        ipIfStatsOutRequests,
+                ipIfStatsOutForwDatagrams,  ipIfStatsOutDiscards,
+                ipIfStatsOutFragReqds,      ipIfStatsOutFragOKs,
+                ipIfStatsOutFragFails,      ipIfStatsOutFragCreates,
+                ipIfStatsOutTransmits,      ipIfStatsOutOctets,
+                ipIfStatsInMcastPkts,       ipIfStatsInMcastOctets,
+                ipIfStatsOutMcastPkts,      ipIfStatsOutMcastOctets,
+                ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime, ipIfStatsRefreshRate }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IP per-interface statistics."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 13 }
+ipv4IfStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipIfStatsInBcastPkts, ipIfStatsOutBcastPkts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IPv4 only per-interface statistics."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 14 }
+ipIfStatsHCOctetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipIfStatsHCInOctets,      ipIfStatsHCOutOctets,
+                ipIfStatsHCInMcastOctets, ipIfStatsHCOutMcastOctets }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IP per-interfaces statistics for systems that include
+            interfaces that may overflow the standard octet
+            counters within 1 hour."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 15 }
+ipIfStatsHCPacketGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipIfStatsHCInReceives,       ipIfStatsHCInForwDatagrams,
+                ipIfStatsHCInDelivers,       ipIfStatsHCOutRequests,
+                ipIfStatsHCOutForwDatagrams, ipIfStatsHCOutTransmits,
+                ipIfStatsHCInMcastPkts,      ipIfStatsHCOutMcastPkts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IP per-interfaces statistics for systems that include
+            interfaces that may overflow the standard packet counters
+            within 1 hour."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 16 }
+ipv4IfStatsHCPacketGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipIfStatsHCInBcastPkts, ipIfStatsHCOutBcastPkts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "IPv4 only per-interface statistics for systems that include
+            interfaces that may overflow the standard packet counters
+            within 1 hour."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 17 }
+ipAddressPrefixGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipAddressPrefixOrigin,
+                ipAddressPrefixOnLinkFlag,
+                ipAddressPrefixAutonomousFlag,
+                ipAddressPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime,
+                ipAddressPrefixAdvValidLifetime }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects for providing information about address
+            prefixes used by this node."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 18 }
+ipAddressGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipAddressSpinLock,  ipAddressIfIndex,
+                ipAddressType,      ipAddressPrefix,
+                ipAddressOrigin,    ipAddressStatus,
+                ipAddressCreated,   ipAddressLastChanged,
+                ipAddressRowStatus, ipAddressStorageType }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects for providing information about the
+            addresses relevant to this entity's interfaces."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 19 }
+ipNetToPhysicalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress, ipNetToPhysicalLastUpdated,
+                ipNetToPhysicalType,        ipNetToPhysicalState,
+                ipNetToPhysicalRowStatus }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects for providing information about the
+            mappings of network address to physical address known to
+            this node."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 20 }
+ipv6ScopeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipv6ScopeZoneIndexLinkLocal,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndex3,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexAdminLocal,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexSiteLocal,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndex6,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndex7,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexOrganizationLocal,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndex9,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexA,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexB,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexC,
+                ipv6ScopeZoneIndexD }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects for managing IPv6 scope zones."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 21 }
+ipDefaultRouterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipDefaultRouterLifetime, ipDefaultRouterPreference }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects for providing information about default
+            routers known to this node."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 22 }
+ipv6RouterAdvertGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { ipv6RouterAdvertSpinLock,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertSendAdverts,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertMaxInterval,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertMinInterval,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertManagedFlag,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertOtherConfigFlag,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertLinkMTU,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertRetransmitTime,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertCurHopLimit,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertDefaultLifetime,
+                ipv6RouterAdvertRowStatus
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects for controlling information advertised
+            by IPv6 routers."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 23 }
+icmpStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   {icmpStatsInMsgs,    icmpStatsInErrors,
+               icmpStatsOutMsgs,   icmpStatsOutErrors,
+               icmpMsgStatsInPkts, icmpMsgStatsOutPkts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects providing ICMP statistics."
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 24 }
+-- Deprecated objects
+ipInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The total number of input datagrams received from
+            interfaces, including those received in error.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsInRecieves."
+    ::= { ip 3 }
+ipInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in
+            their IPv4 headers, including bad checksums, version number
+            mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors
+            discovered in processing their IPv4 options, etc.
+            This object has been deprecated as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors."
+    ::= { ip 4 }
+ipInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of input datagrams discarded because the IPv4
+            address in their IPv4 header's destination field was not a
+            valid address to be received at this entity.  This count
+            includes invalid addresses (e.g., and addresses of
+            unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E).  For entities which are
+            not IPv4 routers, and therefore do not forward datagrams,
+            this counter includes datagrams discarded because the
+            destination address was not a local address.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors."
+    ::= { ip 5 }
+ipForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not
+            their final IPv4 destination, as a result of which an
+            attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that
+            final destination.  In entities which do not act as IPv4
+            routers, this counter will include only those packets which
+            were Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-Route
+            option processing was successful.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams."
+    ::= { ip 6 }
+ipInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of locally-addressed datagrams received
+            successfully but discarded because of an unknown or
+            unsupported protocol.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos."
+    ::= { ip 7 }
+ipInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of input IPv4 datagrams for which no problems
+            were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but
+            which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note
+            that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded
+            while awaiting re-assembly.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsInDiscards."
+    ::= { ip 8 }
+ipInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered
+            to IPv4 user-protocols (including ICMP).
+            This object has been deprecated as a new IP version neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsIndelivers."
+    ::= { ip 9 }
+ipOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The total number of IPv4 datagrams which local IPv4 user
+            protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IPv4 in requests for
+            transmission.  Note that this counter does not include any
+            datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsOutRequests."
+    ::= { ip 10 }
+ipOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of output IPv4 datagrams for which no problem was
+            encountered to prevent their transmission to their
+            destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of
+            buffer space).  Note that this counter would include
+            datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met
+            this (discretionary) discard criterion.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsOutDiscards."
+    ::= { ip 11 }
+ipOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of IPv4 datagrams discarded because no route
+            could be found to transmit them to their destination.  Note
+            that this counter includes any packets counted in
+            ipForwDatagrams which meet this `no-route' criterion.  Note
+            that this includes any datagrams which a host cannot route
+            because all of its default routers are down.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes."
+    ::= { ip 12 }
+ipReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of IPv4 fragments received which needed to be
+            reassembled at this entity.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsReasmReqds."
+    ::= { ip 14 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of IPv4 datagrams successfully re-assembled.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsReasmOKs."
+    ::= { ip 15 }
+ipReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of failures detected by the IPv4 re-assembly
+            algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc).
+            Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IPv4
+            fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
+            RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by
+            combining them as they are received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsReasmFails."
+    ::= { ip 16 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of IPv4 datagrams that have been successfully
+            fragmented at this entity.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs."
+    ::= { ip 17 }
+ipFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of IPv4 datagrams that have been discarded
+            because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but
+            could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was
+            set.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsOutFragFails."
+    ::= { ip 18 }
+ipFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of IPv4 datagram fragments that have been
+            generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
+            This object has been deprecated as a new IP version neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates."
+    ::= { ip 19 }
+ipRoutingDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of routing entries which were chosen to be
+            discarded even though they are valid.  One possible reason
+            for discarding such an entry could be to free-up buffer
+            space for other routing entries.
+            This object was defined in pre-IPv6 versions of the IP MIB.
+            It was implicitly IPv4 only, but the original specifications
+            did not indicate this protocol restriction.  In order to
+            clarify the specifications, this object has been deprecated
+            and a similar, but more thoroughly clarified, object has
+            been added to the IP-FORWARD-MIB."
+    ::= { ip 23 }
+-- the deprecated IPv4 address table
+ipAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpAddrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The table of addressing information relevant to this
+            entity's IPv4 addresses.
+            This table has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by the
+            ipAddressTable although several objects that weren't deemed
+            useful weren't carried forward while another
+            (ipAdEntReasmMaxSize) was moved to the ipv4InterfaceTable."
+    ::= { ip 20 }
+ipAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The addressing information for one of this entity's IPv4
+            addresses."
+    INDEX      { ipAdEntAddr }
+    ::= { ipAddrTable 1 }
+IpAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipAdEntAddr          IpAddress,
+        ipAdEntIfIndex       INTEGER,
+        ipAdEntNetMask       IpAddress,
+        ipAdEntBcastAddr     INTEGER,
+        ipAdEntReasmMaxSize  INTEGER
+    }
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The IPv4 address to which this entry's addressing
+            information pertains."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The index value which uniquely identifies the interface to
+            which this entry is applicable.  The interface identified by
+            a particular value of this index is the same interface as
+            identified by the same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 address of this
+            entry.  The value of the mask is an IPv4 address with all
+            the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 3 }
+ipAdEntBcastAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..1)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The value of the least-significant bit in the IPv4 broadcast
+            address used for sending datagrams on the (logical)
+            interface associated with the IPv4 address of this entry.
+            For example, when the Internet standard all-ones broadcast
+            address is used, the value will be 1.  This value applies to
+            both the subnet and network broadcast addresses used by the
+            entity on this (logical) interface."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 4 }
+ipAdEntReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The size of the largest IPv4 datagram which this entity can
+            re-assemble from incoming IPv4 fragmented datagrams received
+            on this interface."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 5 }
+-- the deprecated IPv4 Address Translation table
+-- The Address Translation tables contain the IpAddress to
+-- "physical" address equivalences.  Some interfaces do not
+-- use translation tables for determining address
+-- equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method);
+-- if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address
+-- Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
+ipNetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpNetToMediaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The IPv4 Address Translation table used for mapping from
+            IPv4 addresses to physical addresses.
+            This table has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by the
+            ipNetToPhysicalTable."
+    ::= { ip 22 }
+ipNetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpNetToMediaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "Each entry contains one IpAddress to `physical' address
+            equivalence."
+    INDEX       { ipNetToMediaIfIndex,
+                  ipNetToMediaNetAddress }
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaTable 1 }
+IpNetToMediaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        ipNetToMediaIfIndex      INTEGER,
+        ipNetToMediaPhysAddress  PhysAddress,
+        ipNetToMediaNetAddress   IpAddress,
+        ipNetToMediaType         INTEGER
+    }
+ipNetToMediaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The interface on which this entry's equivalence is
+            effective.  The interface identified by a particular value
+            of this index is the same interface as identified by the
+            same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex.
+            This object predates the rule limiting index objects to a
+            max access value of 'not-accessible' and so continues to use
+            a value of 'read-create'."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 1 }
+ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     PhysAddress (SIZE(0..65535))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The media-dependent `physical' address.  This object should
+            return 0 when this entry is in the 'incomplete' state.
+            As the entries in this table are typically not persistent
+            when this object is written the entity should not save the
+            change to non-volatile storage.  Note: a stronger
+            requirement is not used because this object was previously
+            defined."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 2 }
+ipNetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The IpAddress corresponding to the media-dependent
+            `physical' address.
+            This object predates the rule limiting index objects to a
+            max access value of 'not-accessible' and so continues to use
+            a value of 'read-create'."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 3 }
+ipNetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other(1),        -- none of the following
+                invalid(2),      -- an invalidated mapping
+                dynamic(3),
+                static(4)
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The type of mapping.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect
+            of invalidating the corresponding entry in the
+            ipNetToMediaTable.  That is, it effectively dis-associates
+            the interface identified with said entry from the mapping
+            identified with said entry.  It is an implementation-
+            specific matter as to whether the agent removes an
+            invalidated entry from the table.  Accordingly, management
+            stations must be prepared to receive tabular information
+            from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in
+            use.  Proper interpretation of such entries requires
+            examination of the relevant ipNetToMediaType object.
+            As the entries in this table are typically not persistent
+            when this object is written the entity should not save the
+            change to non-volatile storage.  Note: a stronger
+            requirement is not used because this object was previously
+            defined."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 4 }
+-- the deprecated ICMP group
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received.
+            Note that this counter includes all those counted by
+            icmpInErrors.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            icmpStatsInMsgs."
+    ::= { icmp 1 }
+icmpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but
+            determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP
+            checksums, bad length, etc.).
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            icmpStatsInErrors."
+    ::= { icmp 2 }
+icmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages
+            received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 3 }
+icmpInTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 4 }
+icmpInParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 5 }
+icmpInSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 6 }
+icmpInRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 7 }
+icmpInEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 8 }
+icmpInEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 9 }
+icmpInTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 10 }
+icmpInTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 11 }
+icmpInAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 12 }
+icmpInAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 13 }
+icmpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The total number of ICMP messages which this entity
+            attempted to send.  Note that this counter includes all
+            those counted by icmpOutErrors.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            icmpStatsOutMsgs."
+    ::= { icmp 14 }
+icmpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send
+            due to problems discovered within ICMP, such as a lack of
+            buffers.  This value should not include errors discovered
+            outside the ICMP layer, such as the inability of IP to route
+            the resultant datagram.  In some implementations, there may
+            be no types of error which contribute to this counter's
+            value.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by
+            icmpStatsOutErrors."
+    ::= { icmp 15 }
+icmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 16 }
+icmpOutTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 17 }
+icmpOutParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 18 }
+icmpOutSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 19 }
+icmpOutRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent.  For a host, this
+            object will always be zero, since hosts do not send
+            redirects.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 20 }
+icmpOutEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 21 }
+icmpOutEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 22 }
+icmpOutTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 23 }
+icmpOutTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 24 }
+icmpOutAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 25 }
+icmpOutAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
+            This object has been deprecated, as a new IP version-neutral
+            table has been added.  It is loosely replaced by a column in
+            the icmpMsgStatsTable."
+    ::= { icmp 26 }
+-- deprecated conformance information
+-- deprecated compliance statements
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The compliance statement for systems that implement only
+            IPv4.  For version-independence, this compliance statement
+            is deprecated in favor of ipMIBCompliance2."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipGroup,
+                           icmpGroup }
+    ::= { ipMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- deprecated units of conformance
+    OBJECTS   { ipForwarding,           ipDefaultTTL,
+                ipInReceives,           ipInHdrErrors,
+                ipInAddrErrors,         ipForwDatagrams,
+                ipInUnknownProtos,      ipInDiscards,
+                ipInDelivers,           ipOutRequests,
+                ipOutDiscards,          ipOutNoRoutes,
+                ipReasmTimeout,         ipReasmReqds,
+                ipReasmOKs,             ipReasmFails,
+                ipFragOKs,              ipFragFails,
+                ipFragCreates,          ipAdEntAddr,
+                ipAdEntIfIndex,         ipAdEntNetMask,
+                ipAdEntBcastAddr,       ipAdEntReasmMaxSize,
+                ipNetToMediaIfIndex,    ipNetToMediaPhysAddress,
+                ipNetToMediaNetAddress, ipNetToMediaType,
+                ipRoutingDiscards
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The ip group of objects providing for basic management of IP
+            entities, exclusive of the management of IP routes.
+            As part of the version independence, this group has been
+            deprecated.  "
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 1 }
+    OBJECTS   { icmpInMsgs,          icmpInErrors,
+                icmpInDestUnreachs,  icmpInTimeExcds,
+                icmpInParmProbs,     icmpInSrcQuenchs,
+                icmpInRedirects,     icmpInEchos,
+                icmpInEchoReps,      icmpInTimestamps,
+                icmpInTimestampReps, icmpInAddrMasks,
+                icmpInAddrMaskReps,  icmpOutMsgs,
+                icmpOutErrors,       icmpOutDestUnreachs,
+                icmpOutTimeExcds,    icmpOutParmProbs,
+                icmpOutSrcQuenchs,   icmpOutRedirects,
+                icmpOutEchos,        icmpOutEchoReps,
+                icmpOutTimestamps,   icmpOutTimestampReps,
+                icmpOutAddrMasks,    icmpOutAddrMaskReps }
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The icmp group of objects providing ICMP statistics.
+            As part of the version independence, this group has been
+            deprecated.  "
+    ::= { ipMIBGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-ICMP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-ICMP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7545493166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-ICMP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+     Counter32, mib-2                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+     ipv6IfEntry                      FROM IPV6-MIB;
+     LAST-UPDATED "9801082155Z"
+     ORGANIZATION "IETF IPv6 Working Group"
+       "           Dimitry Haskin
+           Postal: Bay Networks, Inc.
+                   660 Techology Park Drive.
+                   Billerica, MA  01821
+                   US
+              Tel: +1-978-916-8124
+           E-mail: dhaskin@baynetworks.com
+                   Steve Onishi
+           Postal: Bay Networks, Inc.
+                   3 Federal Street
+                   Billerica, MA 01821
+                   US
+              Tel: +1-978-916-3816
+           E-mail: sonishi@baynetworks.com"
+       "The MIB module for entities implementing
+        the ICMPv6."
+     ::= { mib-2 56 }
+ -- the ICMPv6 group
+ ipv6IcmpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6IcmpMIB  1 }
+ -- Per-interface ICMPv6 statistics table
+ ipv6IfIcmpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6IfIcmpEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+      "IPv6 ICMP statistics. This table contains statistics
+      of ICMPv6 messages that are received and sourced by
+      the entity."
+     ::= { ipv6IcmpMIBObjects 1 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIcmpEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+      "An ICMPv6 statistics entry containing
+      objects at a particular IPv6 interface.
+      Note that a receiving interface is
+      the interface to which a given ICMPv6 message
+      is addressed which may not be necessarily
+      the input interface for the message.
+      Similarly,  the sending interface is
+      the interface that sources a given
+      ICMP message which is usually but not
+      necessarily the output interface for the message."
+     AUGMENTS { ipv6IfEntry }
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpTable 1 }
+ Ipv6IfIcmpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+         ipv6IfIcmpInMsgs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInErrors
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInDestUnreachs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInAdminProhibs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInTimeExcds
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInParmProblems
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInPktTooBigs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInEchos
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInEchoReplies
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInRouterSolicits
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInRouterAdvertisements
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborSolicits
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborAdvertisements
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInRedirects
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembQueries
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembResponses
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembReductions
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutMsgs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutErrors
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutDestUnreachs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutAdminProhibs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutTimeExcds
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutParmProblems
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutPktTooBigs
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutEchos
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutEchoReplies
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterSolicits
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterAdvertisements
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborSolicits
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborAdvertisements
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutRedirects
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembQueries
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembResponses
+               Counter32      ,
+         ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembReductions
+               Counter32
+     }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The total number of ICMP messages received
+      by the interface which includes all those
+      counted by ipv6IfIcmpInErrors. Note that this
+      interface is the interface to which the
+      ICMP messages were addressed which may not be
+      necessarily the input interface for the messages."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 1 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP messages which the interface
+      received but determined as having ICMP-specific
+      errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.)."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 2 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
+      messages received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 3 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInAdminProhibs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP destination
+      unreachable/communication administratively
+      prohibited messages received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 4 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages
+       received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 5 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInParmProblems OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
+       received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 6 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInPktTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Packet Too Big messages
+      received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 7 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages
+       received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 8 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInEchoReplies OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received
+      by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 9 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInRouterSolicits OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Router Solicit messages
+       received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 10 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInRouterAdvertisements OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Router Advertisement messages
+      received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 11 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborSolicits OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Neighbor Solicit messages
+       received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 12 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborAdvertisements OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Neighbor Advertisement
+      messages received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 13 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of Redirect messages received
+      by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 14 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembQueries OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMPv6 Group Membership Query
+      messages received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 15}
+ ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMPv6 Group Membership Response messages
+      received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 16}
+  ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembReductions OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMPv6 Group Membership Reduction messages
+      received by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 17}
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The total number of ICMP messages which this
+      interface attempted to send.  Note that this counter
+      includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 18 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP messages which this interface did
+      not send due to problems discovered within ICMP
+      such as a lack of buffers.  This value should not
+      include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer
+      such as the inability of IPv6 to route the resultant
+      datagram.  In some implementations there may be no
+      types of error which contribute to this counter's
+      value."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 19 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
+      messages sent by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 20 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutAdminProhibs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+       "Number of ICMP dest unreachable/communication
+       administratively prohibited messages sent."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 21 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent
+      by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 22 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutParmProblems OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
+      sent by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 23 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutPktTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Packet Too Big messages sent
+      by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 24 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent
+      by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 25 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutEchoReplies OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent
+      by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 26 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterSolicits OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Router Solicitation messages
+       sent by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 27 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterAdvertisements OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Router Advertisement messages
+      sent by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 28 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborSolicits OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Neighbor Solicitation
+       messages sent by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 29 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborAdvertisements OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMP Neighbor Advertisement
+      messages sent by the interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 30 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of Redirect messages sent. For
+      a host, this object will always be zero,
+      since hosts do not send redirects."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 31 }
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembQueries OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMPv6 Group Membership Query
+      messages sent."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 32}
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMPv6 Group Membership Response
+      messages sent."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 33}
+ ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembReductions OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The number of ICMPv6 Group Membership Reduction
+      messages sent."
+     ::= { ipv6IfIcmpEntry 34}
+-- conformance information
+ipv6IcmpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6IcmpMIB 2 }
+        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6IcmpConformance 1 }
+        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6IcmpConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+ipv6IcmpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+      "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
+      implement ICMPv6."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipv6IcmpGroup }
+    ::= { ipv6IcmpCompliances 1 }
+ipv6IcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   {
+                ipv6IfIcmpInMsgs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInErrors,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInDestUnreachs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInAdminProhibs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInTimeExcds,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInParmProblems,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInPktTooBigs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInEchos,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInEchoReplies,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInRouterSolicits,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInRouterAdvertisements,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborSolicits,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborAdvertisements,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInRedirects,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembQueries,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembResponses,
+                ipv6IfIcmpInGroupMembReductions,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutMsgs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutErrors,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutDestUnreachs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutAdminProhibs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutTimeExcds,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutParmProblems,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutPktTooBigs,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutEchos,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutEchoReplies,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterSolicits,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterAdvertisements,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborSolicits,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborAdvertisements,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutRedirects,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembQueries,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembResponses,
+                ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembReductions
+              }
+    STATUS    current
+         "The ICMPv6 group of objects providing information
+          specific to ICMPv6."
+    ::= { ipv6IcmpGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83086c94e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1443 @@
+     mib-2, Counter32, Unsigned32, Integer32,
+     Gauge32                               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+     DisplayString, PhysAddress, TruthValue, TimeStamp,
+     VariablePointer, RowPointer           FROM SNMPv2-TC
+     NOTIFICATION-GROUP                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+     Ipv6IfIndex, Ipv6Address, Ipv6AddressPrefix,
+     Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier,
+     Ipv6IfIndexOrZero                     FROM IPV6-TC;
+     LAST-UPDATED "9802052155Z"
+     ORGANIZATION "IETF IPv6 Working Group"
+       "           Dimitry Haskin
+           Postal: Bay Networks, Inc.
+                   660 Techology Park Drive.
+                   Billerica, MA  01821
+                   US
+              Tel: +1-978-916-8124
+           E-mail: dhaskin@baynetworks.com
+                   Steve Onishi
+           Postal: Bay Networks, Inc.
+                   3 Federal Street
+                   Billerica, MA 01821
+                   US
+              Tel: +1-978-916-3816
+           E-mail: sonishi@baynetworks.com"
+       "The MIB module for entities implementing the IPv6
+        protocol."
+     ::= { mib-2 55 }
+ -- the IPv6 general group
+ ipv6MIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ipv6MIB 1 }
+ ipv6Forwarding OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                  forwarding(1),    -- acting as a router
+                                    -- NOT acting as
+                  notForwarding(2)  -- a router
+                 }
+      MAX-ACCESS read-write
+      STATUS     current
+        "The indication of whether this entity is acting
+        as an IPv6 router in respect to the forwarding of
+        datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this
+        entity.  IPv6 routers forward datagrams.  IPv6
+        hosts do not (except those source-routed via the
+        host).
+        Note that for some managed nodes, this object may
+        take on only a subset of the values possible.
+        Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to
+        return a `wrongValue' response if a management
+        station attempts to change this object to an
+        inappropriate value."
+      ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 1 }
+ ipv6DefaultHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..255)
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+      STATUS     current
+        "The default value inserted into the Hop Limit
+        field of the IPv6 header of datagrams originated
+        at this entity, whenever a Hop Limit value is not
+        supplied by the transport layer protocol."
+     DEFVAL  { 64 }
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 2 }
+ipv6Interfaces OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The number of IPv6 interfaces (regardless of
+        their current state) present on this system."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 3 }
+ipv6IfTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
+       insertion or removal of an entry in the
+       ipv6IfTable. If the number of entries has been
+       unchanged since the last re-initialization of
+       the local network management subsystem, then this
+       object contains a zero value."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 4 }
+-- the IPv6 Interfaces table
+ipv6IfTable OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6IfEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "The IPv6 Interfaces table contains information
+       on the entity's internetwork-layer interfaces.
+       An IPv6 interface constitutes a logical network
+       layer attachment to the layer immediately below
+       IPv6 including internet layer 'tunnels', such as
+       tunnels over IPv4 or IPv6 itself."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 5 }
+ ipv6IfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6IfEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "An interface entry containing objects
+        about a particular IPv6 interface."
+     INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex }
+     ::= { ipv6IfTable 1 }
+ Ipv6IfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+         ipv6IfIndex              Ipv6IfIndex,
+         ipv6IfDescr              DisplayString,
+         ipv6IfLowerLayer         VariablePointer,
+         ipv6IfEffectiveMtu       Unsigned32,
+         ipv6IfReasmMaxSize       Unsigned32,
+         ipv6IfIdentifier         Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier,
+         ipv6IfIdentifierLength   INTEGER,
+         ipv6IfPhysicalAddress    PhysAddress,
+         ipv6IfAdminStatus        INTEGER,
+         ipv6IfOperStatus         INTEGER,
+         ipv6IfLastChange         TimeStamp
+     }
+ ipv6IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIndex
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "A unique non-zero value identifying
+        the particular IPv6 interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfEntry 1 }
+ ipv6IfDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     DisplayString
+     MAX-ACCESS read-write
+     STATUS     current
+       "A textual string containing information about the
+       interface.  This string may be set by the network
+       management system."
+     ::= { ipv6IfEntry 2 }
+ ipv6IfLowerLayer OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      VariablePointer
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "This object identifies the protocol layer over
+       which this network interface operates.  If this
+       network interface operates over the data-link
+       layer, then the value of this object refers to an
+       instance of ifIndex [6]. If this network interface
+       operates over an IPv4 interface, the value of this
+       object refers to an instance of ipAdEntAddr [3].
+       If this network interface operates over another
+       IPv6 interface, the value of this object refers to
+       an instance of ipv6IfIndex.  If this network
+       interface is not currently operating over an active
+       protocol layer, then the value of this object
+       should be set to the OBJECT ID { 0 0 }."
+    ::= { ipv6IfEntry 3 }
+ ipv6IfEffectiveMtu OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The size of the largest IPv6 packet which can be
+      sent/received on the interface, specified in
+      octets."
+ ::= { ipv6IfEntry 4 }
+ ipv6IfReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
+    UNITS       "octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The size of the largest IPv6 datagram which this
+      entity can re-assemble from incoming IPv6 fragmented
+      datagrams received on this interface."
+ ::= { ipv6IfEntry 5 }
+ ipv6IfIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+     STATUS      current
+        "The Interface Identifier for this interface that
+        is (at least) unique on the link this interface is
+        attached to. The Interface Identifier is combined
+        with an address prefix to form an interface address.
+        By default, the Interface Identifier is autoconfigured
+        according to the rules of the link type this
+        interface is attached to."
+     ::= { ipv6IfEntry 6 }
+ ipv6IfIdentifierLength OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..64)
+     UNITS       "bits"
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+     STATUS      current
+       "The length of the Interface Identifier in bits."
+     ::= { ipv6IfEntry 7 }
+ ipv6IfPhysicalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      PhysAddress
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The interface's physical address. For example, for
+       an IPv6 interface attached to an 802.x link, this
+       object normally contains a MAC address. Note that
+       in some cases this address may differ from the
+       address of the interface's protocol sub-layer.  The
+       interface's media-specific MIB must define the bit
+       and byte ordering and the format of the value of
+       this object. For interfaces which do not have such
+       an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should
+       contain an octet string of zero length."
+     ::= { ipv6IfEntry 8 }
+ipv6IfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+             up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
+             down(2)
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "The desired state of the interface.  When a managed
+      system initializes,  all IPv6 interfaces start with
+      ipv6IfAdminStatus in the down(2) state.  As a result
+      of either explicit management action or per
+      configuration information retained by the managed
+      system,  ipv6IfAdminStatus is then changed to
+      the up(1) state (or remains in the down(2) state)."
+    ::= { ipv6IfEntry 9 }
+ipv6IfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+             up(1),             -- ready to pass packets
+             down(2),
+             noIfIdentifier(3), -- no interface identifier
+                                -- status can not be
+                                -- determined for some
+             unknown(4),        -- reason
+                                -- some component is
+             notPresent(5)      -- missing
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The current operational state of the interface.
+      The noIfIdentifier(3) state indicates that no valid
+      Interface Identifier is assigned to the interface.
+      This state usually indicates that the link-local
+      interface address failed Duplicate Address Detection.
+      If ipv6IfAdminStatus is down(2) then ipv6IfOperStatus
+      should be down(2).  If ipv6IfAdminStatus is changed
+      to up(1) then ipv6IfOperStatus should change to up(1)
+      if the interface is ready to transmit and receive
+      network traffic; it should remain in the down(2) or
+      noIfIdentifier(3) state if and only if there is a
+      fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state;
+      it should remain in the notPresent(5) state if
+      the interface has missing (typically, lower layer)
+      components."
+    ::= { ipv6IfEntry 10 }
+ipv6IfLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface
+        entered its current operational state.  If the
+        current state was entered prior to the last
+        re-initialization of the local network management
+        subsystem, then this object contains a zero
+        value."
+    ::= { ipv6IfEntry 11 }
+ --  IPv6 Interface Statistics table
+ ipv6IfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6IfStatsEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+         "IPv6 interface traffic statistics."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 6 }
+ ipv6IfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6IfStatsEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+         "An interface statistics entry containing objects
+         at a particular IPv6 interface."
+     AUGMENTS { ipv6IfEntry }
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsTable 1 }
+ Ipv6IfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+         ipv6IfStatsInReceives
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInTooBigErrors
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInUnknownProtos
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInTruncatedPkts
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInDiscards
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInDelivers
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutRequests
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutFragOKs
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutFragFails
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsReasmReqds
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsReasmFails
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts
+             Counter32,
+         ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts
+             Counter32
+     }
+ ipv6IfStatsInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The total number of input datagrams received by
+        the interface, including those received in error."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 1 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The number of input datagrams discarded due to
+        errors in their IPv6 headers, including version
+        number mismatch, other format errors, hop count
+        exceeded, errors discovered in processing their
+        IPv6 options, etc."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 2 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInTooBigErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The number of input datagrams that could not be
+       forwarded because their size exceeded the link MTU
+       of outgoing interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 3 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of input datagrams discarded because no
+         route could be found to transmit them to their
+         destination."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 4 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of input datagrams discarded because
+        the IPv6 address in their IPv6 header's destination
+        field was not a valid address to be received at
+        this entity.  This count includes invalid
+        addresses (e.g., ::0) and unsupported addresses
+        (e.g., addresses with unallocated prefixes).  For
+        entities which are not IPv6 routers and therefore
+        do not forward datagrams, this counter includes
+        datagrams discarded because the destination address
+        was not a local address."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 5 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of locally-addressed datagrams
+        received successfully but discarded because of an
+        unknown or unsupported protocol. This counter is
+        incremented at the interface to which these
+        datagrams were addressed which might not be
+        necessarily the input interface for some of
+        the datagrams."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 6 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInTruncatedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of input datagrams discarded because
+         datagram frame didn't carry enough data."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 7 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of input IPv6 datagrams for which no
+        problems were encountered to prevent their
+        continued processing, but which were discarded
+        (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note that this
+        counter does not include any datagrams discarded
+        while awaiting re-assembly."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 8 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+      "The total number of datagrams successfully
+      delivered to IPv6 user-protocols (including ICMP).
+      This counter is incremented at the interface to
+      which these datagrams were addressed which might
+      not be necessarily the input interface for some of
+      the datagrams."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 9 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of output datagrams which this
+        entity received and forwarded to their final
+        destinations.  In entities which do not act
+        as IPv6 routers, this counter will include
+        only those packets which were Source-Routed
+        via this entity, and the Source-Route
+        processing was successful.  Note that for
+        a successfully forwarded datagram the counter
+        of the outgoing interface is incremented."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 10 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+      "The total number of IPv6 datagrams which local IPv6
+      user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IPv6 in
+      requests for transmission.  Note that this counter
+      does not include any datagrams counted in
+      ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 11 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+         "The number of output IPv6 datagrams for which no
+         problem was encountered to prevent their
+         transmission to their destination, but which were
+         discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note
+         that this counter would include datagrams counted
+         in ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams if any such packets
+         met this (discretionary) discard criterion."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 12 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutFragOKs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of IPv6 datagrams that have been
+         successfully fragmented at this output interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 13 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of IPv6 datagrams that have been
+         discarded because they needed to be fragmented
+         at this output interface but could not be."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 14 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of output datagram fragments that have
+         been generated as a result of fragmentation at
+         this output interface."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 15 }
+ ipv6IfStatsReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of IPv6 fragments received which needed
+         to be reassembled at this interface.  Note that this
+         counter is incremented at the interface to which
+         these fragments were addressed which might not
+         be necessarily the input interface for some of
+         the fragments."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 16 }
+ ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The number of IPv6 datagrams successfully
+       reassembled.  Note that this counter is incremented
+       at the interface to which these datagrams were
+       addressed which might not be necessarily the input
+       interface for some of the fragments."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 17 }
+ ipv6IfStatsReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of failures detected by the IPv6 re-
+        assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed
+        out, errors, etc.).  Note that this is not
+        necessarily a count of discarded IPv6 fragments
+        since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
+        RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments
+        by combining them as they are received.
+        This counter is incremented at the interface to which
+        these fragments were addressed which might not be
+        necessarily the input interface for some of the
+        fragments."
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 18 }
+ ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The number of multicast packets received
+         by the interface"
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 19 }
+ ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "The number of multicast packets transmitted
+         by the interface"
+     ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 20 }
+ -- Address Prefix table
+ -- The IPv6 Address Prefix table contains information on
+ -- the entity's IPv6 Address Prefixes that are associated
+ -- with IPv6 interfaces.
+ ipv6AddrPrefixTable OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Ipv6AddrPrefixEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+     STATUS      current
+         "The list of IPv6 address prefixes of
+         IPv6 interfaces."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 7 }
+ ipv6AddrPrefixEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX  Ipv6AddrPrefixEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+     STATUS      current
+         "An interface entry containing objects of
+         a particular IPv6 address prefix."
+     INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex,
+               ipv6AddrPrefix,
+               ipv6AddrPrefixLength }
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixTable 1 }
+ Ipv6AddrPrefixEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+      ipv6AddrPrefix                     Ipv6AddressPrefix,
+      ipv6AddrPrefixLength               INTEGER (0..128),
+      ipv6AddrPrefixOnLinkFlag           TruthValue,
+      ipv6AddrPrefixAutonomousFlag       TruthValue,
+      ipv6AddrPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime Unsigned32,
+      ipv6AddrPrefixAdvValidLifetime     Unsigned32
+     }
+ ipv6AddrPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Ipv6AddressPrefix
+     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+     STATUS      current
+       "The prefix associated with the this interface."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 1 }
+ ipv6AddrPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..128)
+     UNITS       "bits"
+     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+     STATUS      current
+       "The length of the prefix (in bits)."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 2 }
+ ipv6AddrPrefixOnLinkFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "This object has the value 'true(1)', if this
+       prefix can be used  for on-link determination
+       and the value 'false(2)' otherwise."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 3 }
+ ipv6AddrPrefixAutonomousFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "Autonomous address configuration flag. When
+       true(1), indicates that this prefix can be used
+       for autonomous address configuration (i.e. can
+       be used to form a local interface address).
+       If false(2), it is not used to autoconfigure
+       a local interface address."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 4 }
+ ipv6AddrPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+     UNITS       "seconds"
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+        "It is the length of time in seconds that this
+        prefix will remain preferred, i.e. time until
+        deprecation.  A value of 4,294,967,295 represents
+        infinity.
+        The address generated from a deprecated prefix
+        should no longer be used as a source address in
+        new communications, but packets received on such
+        an interface are processed as expected."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 5 }
+ ipv6AddrPrefixAdvValidLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+     UNITS       "seconds"
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "It is the length of time in seconds that this
+       prefix will remain valid, i.e. time until
+       invalidation.  A value of 4,294,967,295 represents
+       infinity.
+       The address generated from an invalidated prefix
+       should not appear as the destination or source
+       address of a packet."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 6 }
+ -- the IPv6 Address table
+ -- The IPv6 address table contains this node's IPv6
+ -- addressing information.
+ ipv6AddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Ipv6AddrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "The table of addressing information relevant to
+      this node's interface addresses."
+    ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 8 }
+ ipv6AddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Ipv6AddrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The addressing information for one of this
+        node's interface addresses."
+    INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex, ipv6AddrAddress }
+    ::= { ipv6AddrTable 1 }
+ Ipv6AddrEntry ::=
+         ipv6AddrAddress        Ipv6Address,
+         ipv6AddrPfxLength      INTEGER,
+         ipv6AddrType           INTEGER,
+         ipv6AddrAnycastFlag    TruthValue,
+         ipv6AddrStatus         INTEGER
+        }
+ ipv6AddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Ipv6Address
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "The IPv6 address to which this entry's addressing
+      information pertains."
+    ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 1 }
+ ipv6AddrPfxLength OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..128)
+    UNITS       "bits"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The length of the prefix (in bits) associated with
+      the IPv6 address of this entry."
+    ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 2 }
+ ipv6AddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        -- address has been formed
+                        -- using stateless
+         stateless(1),  -- autoconfiguration
+                        -- address has been acquired
+                        -- by stateful means
+                        -- (e.g. DHCPv6, manual
+         stateful(2),   -- configuration)
+                        -- type can not be determined
+         unknown(3)     -- for some reason.
+       }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+       "The type of address. Note that 'stateless(1)'
+       refers to an address that was statelessly
+       autoconfigured; 'stateful(2)' refers to a address
+       which was acquired by via a stateful protocol
+       (e.g. DHCPv6, manual configuration)."
+    ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 3 }
+ ipv6AddrAnycastFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "This object has the value 'true(1)', if this
+       address is an anycast address and the value
+       'false(2)' otherwise."
+     ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 4 }
+ ipv6AddrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+             preferred(1),
+             deprecated(2),
+             invalid(3),
+             inaccessible(4),
+             unknown(5)   -- status can not be determined
+                          -- for some reason.
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "Address status.  The preferred(1) state indicates
+      that this is a valid address that can appear as
+      the destination or source address of a packet.
+      The deprecated(2) state indicates that this is
+      a valid but deprecated address that should no longer
+      be used as a source address in new communications,
+      but packets addressed to such an address are
+      processed as expected. The invalid(3) state indicates
+      that this is not valid address which should not
+      appear as the destination or source address of
+      a packet. The inaccessible(4) state indicates that
+      the address is not accessible because the interface
+      to which this address is assigned is not operational."
+    ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 5 }
+ -- IPv6 Routing objects
+ ipv6RouteNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Gauge32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The number of current ipv6RouteTable entries.
+       This is primarily to avoid having to read
+       the table in order to determine this number."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 9 }
+ ipv6DiscardedRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      Counter32
+     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS      current
+       "The number of routing entries which were chosen
+        to be discarded even though they are valid.  One
+        possible reason for discarding such an entry could
+        be to free-up buffer space for other routing
+        entries."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 10 }
+ -- IPv6 Routing table
+ ipv6RouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6RouteEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "IPv6 Routing table. This table contains
+       an entry for each valid IPv6 unicast route
+       that can be used for packet forwarding
+       determination."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 11 }
+ ipv6RouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6RouteEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+             "A routing entry."
+     INDEX   { ipv6RouteDest,
+               ipv6RoutePfxLength,
+               ipv6RouteIndex }
+     ::= { ipv6RouteTable 1 }
+ Ipv6RouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+         ipv6RouteDest           Ipv6Address,
+         ipv6RoutePfxLength      INTEGER,
+         ipv6RouteIndex          Unsigned32,
+         ipv6RouteIfIndex        Ipv6IfIndexOrZero,
+         ipv6RouteNextHop        Ipv6Address,
+         ipv6RouteType           INTEGER,
+         ipv6RouteProtocol       INTEGER,
+         ipv6RoutePolicy         Integer32,
+         ipv6RouteAge            Unsigned32,
+         ipv6RouteNextHopRDI     Unsigned32,
+         ipv6RouteMetric         Unsigned32,
+         ipv6RouteWeight         Unsigned32,
+         ipv6RouteInfo           RowPointer,
+         ipv6RouteValid          TruthValue
+     }
+ ipv6RouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "The destination IPv6 address of this route.
+       This object may not take a Multicast address
+       value."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 1 }
+ ipv6RoutePfxLength OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     INTEGER(0..128)
+     UNITS      "bits"
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "Indicates the prefix length of the destination
+       address."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 2 }
+ ipv6RouteIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "The value which uniquely identifies the route
+       among the routes to the same network layer
+       destination.  The way this value is chosen is
+       implementation specific but it must be unique for
+       ipv6RouteDest/ipv6RoutePfxLength pair and remain
+       constant for the life of the route."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 3 }
+ ipv6RouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIndexOrZero
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+       "The index value which uniquely identifies the local
+       interface through which the next hop of this
+       route should be reached.  The interface identified
+       by a particular value of this index is the same
+       interface as identified by the same value of
+       ipv6IfIndex.  For routes of the discard type this
+       value can be zero."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 4 }
+ ipv6RouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+       "On remote routes, the address of the next
+       system en route;  otherwise, ::0
+       ('00000000000000000000000000000000'H in ASN.1
+       string representation)."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 5 }
+ ipv6RouteType OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+        other(1),     -- none of the following
+                      -- an route indicating that
+                      -- packets to destinations
+                      -- matching this route are
+        discard(2),   -- to be discarded
+                      -- route to directly
+        local(3),     -- connected (sub-)network
+                      -- route to a remote
+        remote(4)     -- destination
+     }
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The type of route. Note that 'local(3)' refers
+        to a route for which the next hop is the final
+        destination; 'remote(4)' refers to a route for
+        which  the  next  hop is not the final
+        destination; 'discard(2)' refers to a route
+        indicating that packets to destinations matching
+        this route are to be discarded (sometimes called
+        black-hole route)."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 6 }
+ ipv6RouteProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+       other(1),   -- none of the following
+                   -- non-protocol information,
+                   -- e.g., manually configured
+       local(2),   -- entries
+       netmgmt(3), -- static route
+                   -- obtained via Neighbor
+                   -- Discovery protocol,
+       ndisc(4),   -- e.g., result of Redirect
+                   -- the following are all
+                   -- dynamic routing protocols
+       rip(5),     -- RIPng
+       ospf(6),    -- Open Shortest Path First
+       bgp(7),     -- Border Gateway Protocol
+       idrp(8),    -- InterDomain Routing Protocol
+       igrp(9)     -- InterGateway Routing Protocol
+     }
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+       "The routing mechanism via which this route was
+       learned."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 7 }
+ ipv6RoutePolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Integer32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+      "The general set of conditions that would cause the
+      selection of one multipath route (set of next hops
+      for a given destination) is referred to as 'policy'.
+      Unless the mechanism indicated by ipv6RouteProtocol
+      specified otherwise, the policy specifier is the
+      8-bit Traffic Class field of the IPv6 packet header
+      that is zero extended at the left to a 32-bit value.
+      Protocols defining 'policy' otherwise must either
+      define a set of values which are valid for
+      this object or must implement an integer-
+      instanced  policy table for which this object's
+      value acts as an index."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 8 }
+ ipv6RouteAge OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+     UNITS      "seconds"
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The number of seconds since this route was last
+        updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
+        Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied
+        except through knowledge of the routing protocol
+        by which the route was learned."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 9 }
+ ipv6RouteNextHopRDI OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The Routing Domain ID of the Next Hop.
+        The  semantics of this object are determined by
+        the routing-protocol specified in  the  route's
+        ipv6RouteProtocol value.   When  this object is
+        unknown or not relevant its value should be set
+        to zero."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 10 }
+ ipv6RouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The routing metric for this route. The
+        semantics of this metric are determined by the
+        routing protocol specified in the route's
+        ipv6RouteProtocol value.  When this is unknown
+        or not relevant to the protocol indicated by
+        ipv6RouteProtocol, the object value should be
+        set to its maximum value (4,294,967,295)."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 11 }
+ ipv6RouteWeight OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "The system internal weight value for this route.
+        The semantics of this value are determined by
+        the implementation specific rules. Generally,
+        within routes with the same ipv6RoutePolicy value,
+        the lower the weight value the more preferred is
+        the route."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 12 }
+ ipv6RouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     RowPointer
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+        "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+        particular routing protocol which is responsible
+        for this route, as determined by the  value
+        specified  in the route's ipv6RouteProto value.
+        If this information is not present,  its  value
+        should be set to the OBJECT ID { 0 0 },
+        which is a syntactically valid object  identifier,
+        and any implementation conforming to ASN.1
+        and the Basic Encoding Rules must  be  able  to
+        generate and recognize this value."
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 13 }
+ ipv6RouteValid OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS read-write
+     STATUS     current
+        "Setting this object to the value 'false(2)' has
+        the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
+        in the ipv6RouteTable object.  That is, it
+        effectively disassociates the destination
+        identified with said entry from the route
+        identified with said entry.  It is an
+        implementation-specific matter as to whether the
+        agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+        Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
+        to receive tabular information from agents that
+        corresponds to entries not currently in use.
+        Proper interpretation of such entries requires
+        examination of the relevant ipv6RouteValid
+        object."
+     DEFVAL  { true }
+     ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 14 }
+ -- IPv6 Address Translation table
+ ipv6NetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Ipv6NetToMediaEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+     STATUS      current
+       "The IPv6 Address Translation table used for
+       mapping from IPv6 addresses to physical addresses.
+       The IPv6 address translation table contain the
+       Ipv6Address to `physical' address equivalencies.
+       Some interfaces do not use translation tables
+       for determining address equivalencies; if all
+       interfaces are of this type, then the Address
+       Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero
+       entries."
+     ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 12 }
+ ipv6NetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6NetToMediaEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+       "Each entry contains one IPv6 address to `physical'
+       address equivalence."
+     INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex,
+               ipv6NetToMediaNetAddress }
+     ::= { ipv6NetToMediaTable 1 }
+ Ipv6NetToMediaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+         ipv6NetToMediaNetAddress
+             Ipv6Address,
+         ipv6NetToMediaPhysAddress
+             PhysAddress,
+         ipv6NetToMediaType
+             INTEGER,
+         ipv6IfNetToMediaState
+             INTEGER,
+         ipv6IfNetToMediaLastUpdated
+             TimeStamp,
+         ipv6NetToMediaValid
+             TruthValue
+     }
+ ipv6NetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+     STATUS     current
+        "The IPv6 Address corresponding to
+        the media-dependent `physical' address."
+     ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 1 }
+ ipv6NetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     PhysAddress
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+       "The media-dependent `physical' address."
+     ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 2 }
+ ipv6NetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+                 other(1),    -- none of the following
+                 dynamic(2),  -- dynamically resolved
+                 static(3),   -- statically configured
+                 local(4)     -- local interface
+                }
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+     STATUS     current
+             "The type of the mapping. The 'dynamic(2)' type
+             indicates that the IPv6 address to physical
+             addresses mapping has been dynamically
+             resolved using the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
+             protocol. The static(3)' types indicates that
+             the mapping has been statically configured.
+             The local(4) indicates that the mapping is
+             provided for an entity's own interface address."
+     ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 3 }
+ipv6IfNetToMediaState OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+             reachable(1), -- confirmed reachability
+             stale(2),     -- unconfirmed reachability
+             delay(3),     -- waiting for reachability
+                           -- confirmation before entering
+                           -- the probe state
+             probe(4),     -- actively probing
+             invalid(5),   -- an invalidated mapping
+             unknown(6)    -- state can not be determined
+                           -- for some reason.
+            }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Neighbor Unreachability Detection [8] state
+        for the interface when the address mapping in
+        this entry is used."
+    ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 4 }
+ipv6IfNetToMediaLastUpdated OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry
+        was last updated.  If this entry was updated prior
+        to the last re-initialization of the local network
+        management subsystem, then this object contains
+        a zero value."
+    ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 5 }
+ ipv6NetToMediaValid OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     TruthValue
+     MAX-ACCESS read-write
+     STATUS     current
+      "Setting this object to the value 'false(2)' has
+      the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
+      in the ipv6NetToMediaTable.  That is, it effectively
+      disassociates the interface identified with said
+      entry from the mapping identified with said entry.
+      It is an implementation-specific matter as to
+      whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
+      from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
+      must be prepared to receive tabular information
+      from agents that corresponds to entries not
+      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such
+      entries requires examination of the relevant
+      ipv6NetToMediaValid object."
+     DEFVAL  { true }
+     ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 6 }
+-- definition of IPv6-related notifications.
+-- Note that we need ipv6NotificationPrefix with the 0
+-- sub-identifier to make this MIB to translate to
+-- an SNMPv1 format in a reversible way. For example
+-- it is needed for proxies that convert SNMPv1 traps
+-- to SNMPv2 notifications without MIB knowledge.
+ipv6Notifications      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+     ::= { ipv6MIB 2 }
+ipv6NotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+     ::= { ipv6Notifications 0 }
+     OBJECTS {
+              ipv6IfDescr,
+              ipv6IfOperStatus -- the new state of the If.
+             }
+     STATUS             current
+        "An ipv6IfStateChange notification signifies
+        that there has been a change in the state of
+        an ipv6 interface.  This notification should
+        be generated when the interface's operational
+        status transitions to or from the up(1) state."
+     ::= { ipv6NotificationPrefix 1 }
+-- conformance information
+ipv6Conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6MIB 3 }
+ipv6Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6Conformance 1 }
+ipv6Groups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6Conformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS  current
+      "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
+      implement ipv6 MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipv6GeneralGroup,
+                           ipv6NotificationGroup }
+          OBJECT    ipv6Forwarding
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6DefaultHopLimit
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6IfDescr
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6IfIdentifier
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6IfIdentifierLength
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6IfAdminStatus
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6RouteValid
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+          OBJECT    ipv6NetToMediaValid
+            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            DESCRIPTION
+               "An agent is not required to provide write
+                access to this object"
+    ::= { ipv6Compliances 1 }
+ipv6GeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { ipv6Forwarding,
+              ipv6DefaultHopLimit,
+              ipv6Interfaces,
+              ipv6IfTableLastChange,
+              ipv6IfDescr,
+              ipv6IfLowerLayer,
+              ipv6IfEffectiveMtu,
+              ipv6IfReasmMaxSize,
+              ipv6IfIdentifier,
+              ipv6IfIdentifierLength,
+              ipv6IfPhysicalAddress,
+              ipv6IfAdminStatus,
+              ipv6IfOperStatus,
+              ipv6IfLastChange,
+              ipv6IfStatsInReceives,
+              ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors,
+              ipv6IfStatsInTooBigErrors,
+              ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes,
+              ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors,
+              ipv6IfStatsInUnknownProtos,
+              ipv6IfStatsInTruncatedPkts,
+              ipv6IfStatsInDiscards,
+              ipv6IfStatsInDelivers,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutRequests,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutFragOKs,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutFragFails,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates,
+              ipv6IfStatsReasmReqds,
+              ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs,
+              ipv6IfStatsReasmFails,
+              ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts,
+              ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts,
+              ipv6AddrPrefixOnLinkFlag,
+              ipv6AddrPrefixAutonomousFlag,
+              ipv6AddrPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime,
+              ipv6AddrPrefixAdvValidLifetime,
+              ipv6AddrPfxLength,
+              ipv6AddrType,
+              ipv6AddrAnycastFlag,
+              ipv6AddrStatus,
+              ipv6RouteNumber,
+              ipv6DiscardedRoutes,
+              ipv6RouteIfIndex,
+              ipv6RouteNextHop,
+              ipv6RouteType,
+              ipv6RouteProtocol,
+              ipv6RoutePolicy,
+              ipv6RouteAge,
+              ipv6RouteNextHopRDI,
+              ipv6RouteMetric,
+              ipv6RouteWeight,
+              ipv6RouteInfo,
+              ipv6RouteValid,
+              ipv6NetToMediaPhysAddress,
+              ipv6NetToMediaType,
+              ipv6IfNetToMediaState,
+              ipv6IfNetToMediaLastUpdated,
+              ipv6NetToMediaValid }
+    STATUS    current
+         "The IPv6 group of objects providing for basic
+          management of IPv6 entities."
+    ::= { ipv6Groups 1 }
+ipv6NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { ipv6IfStateChange }
+    STATUS    current
+         "The notification that an IPv6 entity is required
+          to implement."
+    ::= { ipv6Groups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-TC.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-TC.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08d31ebb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-TC.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+     Integer32                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+-- definition of textual conventions
+     DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+     STATUS       current
+       "This data type is used to model IPv6 addresses.
+        This is a binary string of 16 octets in network
+        byte-order."
+     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
+Ipv6AddressPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+     DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+     STATUS       current
+       "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
+       prefixes. This is a binary string of up to 16
+       octets in network byte-order."
+     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
+Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+     DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
+     STATUS       current
+       "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
+       interface identifiers. This is a binary string
+        of up to 8 octets in network byte-order."
+     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8))
+     DISPLAY-HINT "d"
+     STATUS       current
+       "A unique value, greater than zero for each
+       internetwork-layer interface in the managed
+       system. It is recommended that values are assigned
+       contiguously starting from 1. The value for each
+       internetwork-layer interface must remain constant
+       at least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+       network management system to the next
+       re-initialization."
+     SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+     DISPLAY-HINT "d"
+     STATUS       current
+         "This textual convention is an extension of the
+         Ipv6IfIndex convention.  The latter defines
+         a greater than zero value used to identify an IPv6
+         interface in the managed system.  This extension
+         permits the additional value of zero.  The value
+         zero is object-specific and must therefore be
+         defined as part of the description of any object
+         which uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of
+         zero might include situations where interface was
+         unknown, or when none or all interfaces need to be
+         referenced."
+     SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..2147483647)
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56df076a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+   mib-2, experimental                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+   Ipv6Address, Ipv6IfIndexOrZero       FROM IPV6-TC;
+   LAST-UPDATED "9801290000Z"
+   ORGANIZATION "IETF IPv6 MIB Working Group"
+        "       Mike Daniele
+                Postal: Compaq Computer Corporation
+                        110 Spitbrook Rd
+                        Nashua, NH 03062.
+                        US
+                Phone:  +1 603 884 1423
+                Email:  daniele@zk3.dec.com"
+        "The MIB module for entities implementing TCP over IPv6."
+   ::= { experimental 86 }
+-- objects specific to TCP for IPv6
+tcp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
+-- the TCP over IPv6 Connection table
+-- This connection table contains information about this
+-- entity's existing TCP connections between IPv6 endpoints.
+-- Only connections between IPv6 addresses are contained in
+-- this table.  This entity's connections between IPv4
+-- endpoints are contained in tcpConnTable.
+ipv6TcpConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Ipv6TcpConnEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+        "A table containing TCP connection-specific information,
+         for only those connections whose endpoints are IPv6 addresses."
+   ::= { tcp 16 }
+ipv6TcpConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      Ipv6TcpConnEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+        "A conceptual row of the ipv6TcpConnTable containing
+         information about a particular current TCP connection.
+         Each row of this table is transient, in that it ceases to
+         exist when (or soon after) the connection makes the transition
+         to the CLOSED state.
+         Note that conceptual rows in this table require an additional
+         index object compared to tcpConnTable, since IPv6 addresses
+         are not guaranteed to be unique on the managed node."
+   INDEX   { ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress,
+             ipv6TcpConnLocalPort,
+             ipv6TcpConnRemAddress,
+             ipv6TcpConnRemPort,
+             ipv6TcpConnIfIndex }
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnTable 1 }
+Ipv6TcpConnEntry ::=
+   SEQUENCE { ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress    Ipv6Address,
+              ipv6TcpConnLocalPort       INTEGER (0..65535),
+              ipv6TcpConnRemAddress      Ipv6Address,
+              ipv6TcpConnRemPort         INTEGER (0..65535),
+              ipv6TcpConnIfIndex         Ipv6IfIndexOrZero,
+              ipv6TcpConnState           INTEGER }
+ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS     current
+        "The local IPv6 address for this TCP connection. In
+         the case of a connection in the listen state which
+         is willing to accept connections for any IPv6
+         address associated with the managed node, the value
+         ::0 is used."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnEntry 1 }
+ipv6TcpConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS     current
+        "The local port number for this TCP connection."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnEntry 2 }
+ipv6TcpConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS     current
+        "The remote IPv6 address for this TCP connection."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnEntry 3 }
+ipv6TcpConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS     current
+        "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnEntry 4 }
+ipv6TcpConnIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIndexOrZero
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS     current
+        "An index object used to disambiguate conceptual rows in
+         the table, since the connection 4-tuple may not be unique.
+         If the connection's remote address (ipv6TcpConnRemAddress)
+         is a link-local address and the connection's local address
+         (ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress) is not a link-local address, this
+         object identifies a local interface on the same link as
+         the connection's remote link-local address.
+         Otherwise, this object identifies the local interface that
+         is associated with the ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress for this
+         TCP connection.  If such a local interface cannot be determined,
+         this object should take on the value 0.  (A possible example
+         of this would be if the value of ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress is ::0.)
+         The interface identified by a particular non-0 value of this
+         index is the same interface as identified by the same value
+         of ipv6IfIndex.
+         The value of this object must remain constant during the life
+         of the TCP connection."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnEntry 5 }
+ipv6TcpConnState OBJECT-TYPE
+        closed(1),
+        listen(2),
+        synSent(3),
+        synReceived(4),
+        established(5),
+        finWait1(6),
+        finWait2(7),
+        closeWait(8),
+        lastAck(9),
+        closing(10),
+        timeWait(11),
+        deleteTCB(12) }
+   MAX-ACCESS read-write
+   STATUS     current
+        "The state of this TCP connection.
+         The only value which may be set by a management station is
+         deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent
+         to return an error response (`badValue' for SNMPv1, 'wrongValue'
+         for SNMPv2) if a management station attempts to set this
+         object to any other value.
+         If a management station sets this object to the value
+         deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of deleting the TCB
+         (as defined in RFC 793) of the corresponding connection on
+         the managed node, resulting in immediate termination of the
+         connection.
+         As an implementation-specific option, a RST segment may be
+         sent from the managed node to the other TCP endpoint (note
+         however that RST segments are not sent reliably)."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpConnEntry 6 }
+-- conformance information
+ipv6TcpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6TcpMIB 2 }
+ipv6TcpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6TcpConformance 1 }
+ipv6TcpGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6TcpConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+ipv6TcpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS  current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
+         implement TCP over IPv6."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+   MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipv6TcpGroup }
+   ::= { ipv6TcpCompliances 1 }
+ipv6TcpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+   OBJECTS   { -- these are defined in this module
+               -- ipv6TcpConnLocalAddress (not-accessible)
+               -- ipv6TcpConnLocalPort (not-accessible)
+               -- ipv6TcpConnRemAddress (not-accessible)
+               -- ipv6TcpConnRemPort (not-accessible)
+               -- ipv6TcpConnIfIndex (not-accessible)
+               ipv6TcpConnState }
+   STATUS    current
+        "The group of objects providing management of
+         TCP over IPv6."
+   ::= { ipv6TcpGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-UDP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-UDP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88738e350a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/IPV6-UDP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+   mib-2, experimental                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+   Ipv6Address, Ipv6IfIndexOrZero       FROM IPV6-TC;
+   LAST-UPDATED "9801290000Z"
+   ORGANIZATION "IETF IPv6 MIB Working Group"
+        "               Mike Daniele
+                Postal: Compaq Computer Corporation
+                        110 Spitbrook Rd
+                        Nashua, NH 03062.
+                        US
+                Phone:  +1 603 884 1423
+                Email:  daniele@zk3.dec.com"
+        "The MIB module for entities implementing UDP over IPv6."
+   ::= { experimental 87 }
+-- objects specific to UDP for IPv6
+udp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 7 }
+-- the UDP over IPv6 Listener table
+-- This table contains information about this entity's
+-- UDP/IPv6 endpoints.  Only endpoints utilizing IPv6 addresses
+-- are contained in this table.  This entity's UDP/IPv4 endpoints
+-- are contained in udpTable.
+ipv6UdpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Ipv6UdpEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+        "A table containing UDP listener information for
+         UDP/IPv6 endpoints."
+   ::= { udp 6 }
+ipv6UdpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX      Ipv6UdpEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+   STATUS      current
+        "Information about a particular current UDP listener.
+         Note that conceptual rows in this table require an
+         additional index object compared to udpTable, since
+         IPv6 addresses are not guaranteed to be unique on the
+         managed node."
+   INDEX   { ipv6UdpLocalAddress,
+             ipv6UdpLocalPort,
+             ipv6UdpIfIndex }
+   ::= { ipv6UdpTable 1 }
+Ipv6UdpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+   ipv6UdpLocalAddress    Ipv6Address,
+   ipv6UdpLocalPort       INTEGER (0..65535),
+   ipv6UdpIfIndex         Ipv6IfIndexOrZero }
+ipv6UdpLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX       Ipv6Address
+   MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+   STATUS       current
+        "The local IPv6 address for this UDP listener.
+         In the case of a UDP listener which is willing
+         to accept datagrams for any IPv6 address
+         associated with the managed node, the value ::0
+         is used."
+   ::= { ipv6UdpEntry 1 }
+ipv6UdpLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "The local port number for this UDP listener."
+    ::= { ipv6UdpEntry 2 }
+ipv6UdpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIndexOrZero
+   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+   STATUS     current
+        "An index object used to disambiguate conceptual rows in
+         the table, since the ipv6UdpLocalAddress/ipv6UdpLocalPort
+         pair may not be unique.
+         This object identifies the local interface that is
+         associated with ipv6UdpLocalAddress for this UDP listener.
+         If such a local interface cannot be determined, this object
+         should take on the value 0.  (A possible example of this
+         would be if the value of ipv6UdpLocalAddress is ::0.)
+         The interface identified by a particular non-0 value of
+         this index is the same interface as identified by the same
+         value of ipv6IfIndex.
+         The value of this object must remain constant during
+         the life of this UDP endpoint."
+   ::= { ipv6UdpEntry 3 }
+-- conformance information
+ipv6UdpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6UdpMIB 2 }
+ipv6UdpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6UdpConformance 1 }
+ipv6UdpGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6UdpConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+ipv6UdpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS  current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
+         implement UDP over IPv6."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+   MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipv6UdpGroup }
+   ::= { ipv6UdpCompliances 1 }
+ipv6UdpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+   OBJECTS   { -- these are defined in this module
+               -- ipv6UdpLocalAddress (not-accessible)
+               -- ipv6UdpLocalPort (not-accessible)
+               ipv6UdpIfIndex }
+   STATUS    current
+        "The group of objects providing management of
+         UDP over IPv6."
+   ::= { ipv6UdpGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfd8140090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+-- Derived from the original VEST-INTERNETT-MIB. Open issues:
+-- (a) where to register this MIB?
+-- (b) use not-accessible for diskIOIndex?
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Gauge32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ucdExperimental
+    LAST-UPDATED "200011050000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "AdamsNames Ltd"
+        "Primary Contact: M J Oldfield
+         email:     m@mail.tc"
+        "This MIB module defines objects for lm_sensor derived data."
+    REVISION     "200011050000Z"
+        "Derived from DISKIO-MIB ex UCD."
+    ::= { lmSensors 1 }
+lmSensors      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 16 }
+lmTempSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMTempSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of temperature sensors and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 2 }
+lmTempSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMTempSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmTempSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsTable 1 }
+LMTempSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmTempSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmTempSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmTempSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmTempSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmTempSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the temperature sensor we are reading."
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmTempSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The temperature of this sensor in mC."
+    ::= { lmTempSensorsEntry 3 }
+lmFanSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMFanSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of fan sensors and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 3 }
+lmFanSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMFanSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmFanSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsTable 1 }
+LMFanSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmFanSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmFanSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmFanSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmFanSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmFanSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the fan sensor we are reading."
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmFanSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The rotation speed of the fan in RPM."
+    ::= { lmFanSensorsEntry 3 }
+lmVoltSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMVoltSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of voltage sensors and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 4 }
+lmVoltSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMVoltSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmVoltSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsTable 1 }
+LMVoltSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmVoltSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmVoltSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmVoltSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmVoltSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmVoltSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the device we are reading."
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmVoltSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The voltage in mV."
+    ::= { lmVoltSensorsEntry 3 }
+lmMiscSensorsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LMMiscSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of miscellaneous sensor devices and their values."
+    ::= { lmSensors 5 }
+lmMiscSensorsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      LMMiscSensorsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { lmMiscSensorsIndex }
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsTable 1 }
+LMMiscSensorsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    lmMiscSensorsIndex    Integer32,
+    lmMiscSensorsDevice   DisplayString,
+    lmMiscSensorsValue    Gauge32
+lmMiscSensorsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsEntry 1 }
+lmMiscSensorsDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the device we are reading."
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsEntry 2 }
+lmMiscSensorsValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this sensor."
+    ::= { lmMiscSensorsEntry 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d0f697e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+   OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2
+   TimeInterval
+     FROM SNMPv2-TC
+   SnmpAdminString
+   applIndex, URLString
+   LAST-UPDATED "200003030000Z"
+   ORGANIZATION "IETF Mail and Directory Management Working Group"
+     "        Ned Freed
+      Postal: Innosoft International, Inc.
+              1050 Lakes Drive
+              West Covina, CA 91790
+              US
+      Tel: +1 626 919 3600
+      Fax: +1 626 919 3614
+      E-Mail: ned.freed@innosoft.com"
+     "The MIB module describing Message Transfer Agents (MTAs)"
+   REVISION "200003030000Z"
+     "This revision, published in RFC 2789, changes a number of
+      DisplayStrings to SnmpAdminStrings. Note that this change
+      is not strictly supported by SMIv2.  However, the alternative
+      of deprecating the old objects and defining new objects
+      would have a more adverse impact on backward compatibility
+      and interoperability, given the particular semantics of
+      these objects.  The defining reference for distinguished
+      names has also been updated from RFC 1779 to RFC 2253."
+   REVISION "199905120000Z"
+     "This revision fixes a number of technical problems found in
+      previous versions: The conformance groups for different
+      versions of this MIB have been corrected, the recommendation
+      that an empty string be returned if the last operation was
+      successful has been removed from
+      mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason and
+      mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason as it conflicts
+      with the stated purpose of these variables, and the
+      required mtaStatusCode entry has been added to
+      MtaGroupErrorEntry.  It should be noted that this last
+      change in no way affects the bits on the wire."
+   REVISION "199708170000Z"
+     "This revision, published in RFC 2249, adds the
+      mtaGroupDescription and mtaGroupURL fields, conversion
+      operation counters, a group hierarchy description mechanism,
+      counters for specific errors, oldest message IDs, per-MTA
+      and per-group loop counters, and a new table for tracking
+      any errors an MTA encounters."
+   REVISION "199311280000Z"
+     "The original version of this MIB was published in RFC 1566"
+   ::= {mib-2 28}
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The table holding information specific to an MTA."
+   ::= {mta 1}
+   SYNTAX MtaEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The entry associated with each MTA."
+   INDEX {applIndex}
+   ::= {mtaTable 1}
+MtaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+   mtaReceivedMessages
+     Counter32,
+   mtaStoredMessages
+     Gauge32,
+   mtaTransmittedMessages
+     Counter32,
+   mtaReceivedVolume
+     Counter32,
+   mtaStoredVolume
+     Gauge32,
+   mtaTransmittedVolume
+     Counter32,
+   mtaReceivedRecipients
+     Counter32,
+   mtaStoredRecipients
+     Gauge32,
+   mtaTransmittedRecipients
+     Counter32,
+   mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages
+     Counter32,
+   mtaFailedConvertedMessages
+     Counter32,
+   mtaLoopsDetected
+     Counter32
+mtaReceivedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages received since MTA initialization.
+      This includes messages transmitted to this MTA from other
+      MTAs as well as messages that have been submitted to the
+      MTA directly by end-users or applications."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 1}
+mtaStoredMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of messages currently stored in the MTA.
+      This includes messages that are awaiting transmission to
+      some other MTA or are waiting for delivery to an end-user
+      or application."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 2}
+mtaTransmittedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages transmitted since MTA initialization.
+      This includes messages that were transmitted to some other
+      MTA or are waiting for delivery to an end-user or
+      application."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 3}
+mtaReceivedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   UNITS "K-octets"
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total volume of messages received since MTA
+      initialization, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should
+      include all transferred data that is logically above the mail
+      transport protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based MTA
+      should use the number of kilo-octets in the message header
+      and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use the number of
+      kilo-octets of P2 data.  This includes messages transmitted
+      to this MTA from other MTAs as well as messages that have
+      been submitted to the MTA directly by end-users or
+      applications."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 4}
+mtaStoredVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   UNITS "K-octets"
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total volume of messages currently stored in the MTA,
+      measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should include all
+      stored data that is logically above the mail transport
+      protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based MTA should
+      use the number of kilo-octets in the message header and
+      body, while an X.400-based MTA would use the number of
+      kilo-octets of P2 data.  This includes messages that are
+      awaiting transmission to some other MTA or are waiting
+      for delivery to an end-user or application."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 5}
+mtaTransmittedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   UNITS "K-octets"
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total volume of messages transmitted since MTA
+      initialization, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should
+      include all transferred data that is logically above the mail
+      transport protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based MTA
+      should use the number of kilo-octets in the message header
+      and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use the number of
+      kilo-octets of P2 data.  This includes messages that were
+      transmitted to some other MTA or are waiting for delivery
+      to an end-user or application."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 6}
+mtaReceivedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+      received since MTA initialization.  Recipients this MTA
+      has no responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope
+      recipients or ones referred to in message headers,
+      should not be counted even if information about such
+      recipients is available.  This includes messages
+      transmitted to this MTA from other MTAs as well as
+      messages that have been submitted to the MTA directly
+      by end-users or applications."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 7}
+mtaStoredRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+      currently stored in the MTA.  Recipients this MTA has no
+      responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope recipients or
+      ones referred to in message headers, should not be
+      counted.  This includes messages that are awaiting
+      transmission to some other MTA or are waiting for
+      delivery to an end-user or application."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 8}
+mtaTransmittedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+      transmitted since MTA initialization.  Recipients this
+      MTA had no responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope
+      recipients or ones referred to in message headers,
+      should not be counted.  This includes messages that were
+      transmitted to some other MTA or are waiting for
+      delivery to an end-user or application."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 9}
+mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages that have been successfully
+      converted from one form to another since MTA
+      initialization."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 10}
+mtaFailedConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages for which an unsuccessful
+      attempt was made to convert them from one form to
+      another since MTA initialization."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 11}
+mtaLoopsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "A message loop is defined as a situation where the MTA
+      decides that a given message will never be delivered to
+      one or more recipients and instead will continue to
+      loop endlessly through one or more MTAs.  This variable
+      counts the number of times the MTA has detected such a
+      situation since MTA initialization. Note that the
+      mechanism MTAs use to detect loops (e.g., trace field
+      counting, count of references to this MTA in a trace
+      field, examination of DNS or other directory information,
+      etc.), the level at which loops are detected (e.g., per
+      message, per recipient, per directory entry, etc.), and
+      the handling of a loop once it is detected (e.g., looping
+      messages are held, looping messages are bounced or sent
+      to the postmaster, messages that the MTA knows will loop
+      won't be accepted, etc.) vary widely from one MTA to the
+      next and cannot be inferred from this variable."
+   ::= {mtaEntry 12}
+-- MTAs typically group inbound reception, queue storage, and
+-- outbound transmission in some way, rather than accounting for
+-- such operations only across the MTA as a whole. In the most
+-- extreme case separate information will be maintained for each
+-- different entity that receives messages and for each entity
+-- the MTA stores messages for and delivers messages to.  Other
+-- MTAs may elect to treat all reception equally, all queue
+-- storage equally, all deliveries equally, or some combination
+-- of this. Overlapped groupings are also possible, where an MTA
+-- decomposes its traffic in different ways for different
+-- purposes.
+-- In any case, a grouping abstraction is an extremely useful for
+-- breaking down the activities of an MTA. For purposes of
+-- labelling this will be called a "group" in this MIB.
+-- Each group contains all the variables needed to monitor all
+-- aspects of an MTA's operation.  However, the fact that all
+-- groups contain all possible variables does not imply that all
+-- groups must use all possible variables. For example, a single
+-- group might be used to monitor only one kind of event (inbound
+-- processing, outbound processing, or storage). In this sort of
+-- configuration any counters that are unused as a result of a
+-- given MTA's use of the group construct must be inaccessible;
+-- e.g., returning either a noSuchName error (for an SNMPv1 get),
+-- or a noSuchInstance exception (for an SNMPv2 get).
+-- Groups can be created at any time after MTA initialization. Once
+-- a group is created it should not be deleted or its mtaGroupIndex
+-- changed unless the MTA is reinitialized.
+-- Groups are not necessarily mutually exclusive. A given event may
+-- be recorded by more than one group, a message may be seen as
+-- stored by more than one group, and so on.  Groups should be all
+-- inclusive, however: if groups are implemented all aspects of an
+-- MTA's operation should be registered in at least one group.
+-- This freedom lets implementors use different sets of groups to
+-- provide different "views" of an MTA.
+-- The possibility of overlap between groups means that summing
+-- variables across groups may not produce values equal to those in
+-- the mtaTable. mtaTable should always provide accurate information
+-- about the MTA as a whole.
+-- The term "channel" is often used in MTA implementations; channels
+-- are usually, but not always, equivalent to a group. However,
+-- this MIB does not use the term "channel" because there is no
+-- requirement that an MTA supporting this MIB has to map its
+-- "channel" abstraction one-to-one onto the MIB's group abstraction.
+-- An MTA may create a group or group of groups at any time. Once
+-- created, however, an MTA cannot delete an entry for a group from
+-- the group table.  Deletion is only allowed when the MTA is
+-- reinitialized, and is not required even then.  This restriction
+-- is imposed so that monitoring agents can rely on group
+-- assignments being consistent across multiple query operations.
+-- Groups may be laid out so as to form a hierarchical arrangement,
+-- with some groups acting as subgroups for other groups.
+-- Alternately, disjoint groups of groups may be used to provide
+-- different sorts of "snapshots" of MTA operation.  The
+-- mtaGroupHierarchy variable provides an indication of how each
+-- group fits into the overall arrangement being used.
+-- Note that SNMP also defines and uses term "group". MTA groups are
+-- NOT the same as SNMP groups.
+mtaGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+      "The table holding information specific to each MTA group."
+    ::= {mta 2}
+mtaGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX MtaGroupEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+      "The entry associated with each MTA group."
+    INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex}
+    ::= {mtaGroupTable 1}
+MtaGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+   mtaGroupIndex
+       INTEGER,
+   mtaGroupReceivedMessages
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupRejectedMessages
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupStoredMessages
+       Gauge32,
+   mtaGroupTransmittedMessages
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupReceivedVolume
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupStoredVolume
+       Gauge32,
+   mtaGroupTransmittedVolume
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupReceivedRecipients
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupStoredRecipients
+       Gauge32,
+   mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupOldestMessageStored
+       TimeInterval,
+   mtaGroupInboundAssociations
+       Gauge32,
+   mtaGroupOutboundAssociations
+       Gauge32,
+   mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupLastInboundActivity
+       TimeInterval,
+   mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity
+       TimeInterval,
+   mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt
+       TimeInterval,
+   mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason
+       SnmpAdminString,
+   mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason
+       SnmpAdminString,
+   mtaGroupScheduledRetry
+       TimeInterval,
+   mtaGroupMailProtocol
+   mtaGroupName
+       SnmpAdminString,
+   mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupDescription
+       SnmpAdminString,
+   mtaGroupURL
+       URLString,
+   mtaGroupCreationTime
+       TimeInterval,
+   mtaGroupHierarchy
+       INTEGER,
+   mtaGroupOldestMessageId
+       SnmpAdminString,
+   mtaGroupLoopsDetected
+       Counter32
+mtaGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The index associated with a group for a given MTA."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 1}
+mtaGroupReceivedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages received to this group since
+      group creation."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 2}
+mtaGroupRejectedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages rejected by this group since
+      group creation."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 3}
+mtaGroupStoredMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of messages currently stored in this
+      group's queue."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 4}
+mtaGroupTransmittedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages transmitted by this group since
+      group creation."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 5}
+mtaGroupReceivedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   UNITS "K-octets"
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total volume of messages received to this group since
+      group creation, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume
+      should include all transferred data that is logically above
+      the mail transport protocol level.  For example, an
+      SMTP-based MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the
+      message header and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use
+      the number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 6}
+mtaGroupStoredVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   UNITS "K-octets"
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total volume of messages currently stored in this
+      group's queue, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should
+      include all stored data that is logically above the mail
+      transport protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based
+      MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the message
+      header and body, while an X.400-based MTA would use the
+      number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 7}
+mtaGroupTransmittedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   UNITS "K-octets"
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total volume of messages transmitted by this group
+      since group creation, measured in kilo-octets.  This
+      volume should include all transferred data that is logically
+      above the mail transport protocol level.  For example, an
+      SMTP-based MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the
+      message header and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use
+      the number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 8}
+mtaGroupReceivedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+      received to this group since group creation.
+      Recipients this MTA has no responsibility for should not
+      be counted."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 9}
+mtaGroupStoredRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+      currently stored in this group's queue.  Recipients this
+      MTA has no responsibility for should not be counted."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 10}
+mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+      transmitted by this group since group creation.
+      Recipients this MTA had no responsibility for should not
+      be counted."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 11}
+mtaGroupOldestMessageStored OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX TimeInterval
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Time since the oldest message in this group's queue was
+      placed in the queue."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 12}
+mtaGroupInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of current associations to the group, where the
+      group is the responder."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 13}
+mtaGroupOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Gauge32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of current associations to the group, where the
+     group is the initiator."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 14}
+mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of associations to the group since
+     group creation, where the MTA was the responder."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 15}
+mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of associations from the group since
+      group creation, where the MTA was the initiator."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 16}
+mtaGroupLastInboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX TimeInterval
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Time since the last time that this group had an active
+     inbound association for purposes of message reception."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 17}
+mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX TimeInterval
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Time since the last time that this group had a
+      successful outbound association for purposes of
+      message delivery."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 18}
+mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX TimeInterval
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Time since the last time that this group attempted
+      to make an outbound association for purposes of
+      message delivery."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 34}
+mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number of inbound associations the group has
+     rejected, since group creation.  Rejected associations
+     are not counted in the accumulated association totals."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 19}
+mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The total number associations where the group was the
+     initiator and association establishment has failed,
+     since group creation.  Failed associations are
+     not counted in the accumulated association totals."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 20}
+mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The failure reason, if any, for the last association this
+     group refused to respond to. If no association attempt
+     has been made since the MTA was initialized the value
+     should be 'never'."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 21}
+mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The failure reason, if any, for the last association attempt
+     this group initiated. If no association attempt has been
+     made since the MTA was initialized the value should be
+     'never'."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 22}
+mtaGroupScheduledRetry OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX TimeInterval
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The amount of time until this group is next scheduled to
+      attempt to make an association."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 23}
+mtaGroupMailProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "An identification of the protocol being used by this group.
+      For an group employing OSI protocols, this will be the
+      Application Context.    For Internet applications, OID
+      values of the form {applTCPProtoID port} or {applUDPProtoID
+      port} are used for TCP-based and UDP-based protocols,
+      respectively. In either case 'port' corresponds to the
+      primary port number being used by the protocol. The
+      usual IANA procedures may be used to register ports for
+      new protocols. applTCPProtoID and applUDPProtoID are
+      defined in the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB, RFC 2788."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 24}
+mtaGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "A descriptive name for the group. If this group connects to
+      a single remote MTA this should be the name of that MTA. If
+      this in turn is an Internet MTA this should be the domain
+      name.  For an OSI MTA it should be the string encoded
+      distinguished name of the managed object using the format
+      defined in RFC 2253.  For X.400(1984) MTAs which do not
+      have a Distinguished Name, the RFC 2156 syntax
+      'mta in globalid' used in X400-Received: fields can be
+      used."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 25}
+mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages that have been successfully
+      converted from one form to another in this group
+      since group creation."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 26}
+mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "The number of messages for which an unsuccessful
+      attempt was made to convert them from one form to
+      another in this group since group creation."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 27}
+mtaGroupDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "A description of the group's purpose.  This information is
+      intended to identify the group in a status display."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 28}
+   SYNTAX URLString
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "A URL pointing to a description of the group.  This
+      information is intended to identify and briefly describe
+      the group in a status display."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 29}
+mtaGroupCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX TimeInterval
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Time since this group was first created."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 30}
+mtaGroupHierarchy OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Describes how this group fits into the hierarchy. A
+      positive value is interpreted as an mtaGroupIndex
+      value for some other group whose variables include
+      those of this group (and usually others). A negative
+      value is interpreted as a group collection code: Groups
+      with common negative hierarchy values comprise one
+      particular breakdown of MTA activity as a whole. A
+      zero value means that this MIB implementation doesn't
+      implement hierarchy indicators and thus the overall
+      group hierarchy cannot be determined."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 31}
+mtaGroupOldestMessageId OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Message ID of the oldest message in the group's queue.
+      Whenever possible this should be in the form of an
+      RFC 822 msg-id; X.400 may convert X.400 message
+      identifiers to this form by following the rules laid
+      out in RFC2156."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 32}
+mtaGroupLoopsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "A message loop is defined as a situation where the MTA
+      decides that a given message will never be delivered to
+      one or more recipients and instead will continue to
+      loop endlessly through one or more MTAs.  This variable
+      counts the number of times the MTA has detected such a
+      situation in conjunction with something associated with
+      this group since group creation.  Note that the
+      mechanism MTAs use to detect loops (e.g., trace field
+      counting, count of references to this MTA in a trace
+      field, examination of DNS or other directory information,
+      etc.), the level at which loops are detected (e.g., per
+      message, per recipient, per directory entry, etc.), and
+      the handling of a loop once it is detected (e.g., looping
+      messages are held, looping messages are bounced or sent
+      to the postmaster, messages that the MTA knows will loop
+      won't be accepted, etc.) vary widely from one MTA to the
+      next and cannot be inferred from this variable."
+   ::= {mtaGroupEntry 33}
+-- The mtaGroupAssociationTable provides a means of correlating
+-- entries in the network services association table with the
+-- MTA group responsible for the association.
+mtaGroupAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtaGroupAssociationEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The table holding information regarding the associations
+      for each MTA group."
+   ::= {mta 3}
+mtaGroupAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX MtaGroupAssociationEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The entry holding information regarding the associations
+      for each MTA group."
+   INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex, mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+   ::= {mtaGroupAssociationTable 1}
+MtaGroupAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+   mtaGroupAssociationIndex
+       INTEGER
+mtaGroupAssociationIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Reference into association table to allow correlation of
+      this group's active associations with the association table."
+   ::= {mtaGroupAssociationEntry 1}
+-- The mtaGroupErrorTable gives each group a way of tallying
+-- the specific errors it has encountered.  The mechanism
+-- defined here uses RFC 1893 status codes to identify
+-- various specific errors.  There are also classes for generic
+-- errors of various sorts, and the entire mechanism is also
+-- extensible, in that new error codes can be defined at any
+-- time.
+mtaGroupErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtaGroupErrorEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The table holding information regarding accumulated errors
+      for each MTA group."
+   ::= {mta 5}
+mtaGroupErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX MtaGroupErrorEntry
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "The entry holding information regarding accumulated
+      errors for each MTA group."
+   INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex, mtaStatusCode}
+   ::= {mtaGroupErrorTable 1}
+MtaGroupErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+   mtaStatusCode
+       INTEGER (4000000..5999999),
+   mtaGroupInboundErrorCount
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupInternalErrorCount
+       Counter32,
+   mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount
+       Counter32
+mtaGroupInboundErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
+      been accumulated in association with a particular group
+      while processing incoming messages. In the case of SMTP
+      these will typically be errors reporting by an SMTP
+      server to the remote client; in the case of X.400
+      these will typically be errors encountered while
+      processing an incoming message."
+   ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 1}
+mtaGroupInternalErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
+      been accumulated in association with a particular group
+      during internal MTA processing."
+   ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 2}
+mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX Counter32
+   MAX-ACCESS read-only
+   STATUS current
+     "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
+      been accumulated in association with a particular group's
+      outbound connection activities. In the case of an SMTP
+      client these will typically be errors reported while
+      attempting to contact or while communicating with the
+      remote SMTP server. In the case of X.400 these will
+      typically be errors encountered while constructing
+      or attempting to deliver an outgoing message."
+   ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 3}
+mtaStatusCode OBJECT-TYPE
+   SYNTAX INTEGER (4000000..5999999)
+   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+   STATUS current
+     "An index capable of representing an Enhanced Mail System
+      Status Code.  Enhanced Mail System Status Codes are
+      defined in RFC 1893.  These codes have the form
+          class.subject.detail
+      Here 'class' is either 2, 4, or 5 and both 'subject' and
+      'detail'  are integers in the range 0..999. Given a status
+      code the corresponding index value is defined to be
+      ((class * 1000) + subject) * 1000 + detail.  Both SMTP
+      error response codes and X.400 reason and diagnostic codes
+      can be mapped into these codes, resulting in a namespace
+      capable of describing most error conditions a mail system
+      encounters in a generic yet detailed way."
+   ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 4}
+-- Conformance information
+mtaConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mta 4}
+mtaGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mtaConformance 1}
+mtaCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mtaConformance 2}
+-- Compliance statements
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 1566 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
+      monitoring of MTAs."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC1566Group}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 1}
+mtaAssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 1566 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring
+      of MTAs and their associations."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC1566Group, mtaRFC1566AssocGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 2}
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
+      monitoring of MTAs."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 5}
+mtaRFC2249AssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+      MTAs and their associations."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249AssocGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 6}
+mtaRFC2249ErrorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+      MTAs and detailed errors."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 7}
+mtaRFC2249FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+      which support the full Mail Monitoring MIB for
+      monitoring of MTAs, associations, and detailed errors."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249AssocGroup,
+                       mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 8}
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
+      monitoring of MTAs."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 9}
+mtaRFC2789AssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+      MTAs and their associations."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789AssocGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 10}
+mtaRFC2789ErrorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+      which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+      MTAs and detailed errors."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 11}
+mtaRFC2789FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+   STATUS current
+     "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+      which support the full Mail Monitoring MIB for
+      monitoring of MTAs, associations, and detailed errors."
+   MODULE  -- this module
+     MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789AssocGroup,
+                       mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup}
+   ::= {mtaCompliances 12}
+-- Units of conformance
+     mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
+     mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
+     mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
+     mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
+     mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
+     mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
+     mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
+     mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason,
+     mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason,
+     mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
+      This is the original set of such objects defined in RFC
+      1566."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 10}
+mtaRFC1566AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
+      associations.  This is the original set of such objects
+      defined in RFC 1566."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 11}
+     mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
+     mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
+     mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
+     mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
+     mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages, mtaFailedConvertedMessages,
+     mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
+     mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
+     mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
+     mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupOutboundAssociations, mtaLoopsDetected,
+     mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
+     mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt,
+     mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason,
+     mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason,
+     mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName,
+     mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages,
+     mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages, mtaGroupDescription,
+     mtaGroupURL, mtaGroupCreationTime, mtaGroupHierarchy,
+     mtaGroupOldestMessageId, mtaGroupLoopsDetected}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
+      This group was originally defined in RFC 2249."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 4}
+mtaRFC2249AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
+      associations.  This group was originally defined in RFC
+      2249."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 5}
+mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     mtaGroupInboundErrorCount, mtaGroupInternalErrorCount,
+     mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing monitoring of
+      detailed MTA errors.  This group was originally defined
+      in RFC 2249."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 6}
+     mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
+     mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
+     mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
+     mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
+     mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages, mtaFailedConvertedMessages,
+     mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
+     mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
+     mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
+     mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
+     mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupOutboundAssociations, mtaLoopsDetected,
+     mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
+     mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt,
+     mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations,
+     mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason,
+     mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason,
+     mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName,
+     mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages,
+     mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages, mtaGroupDescription,
+     mtaGroupURL, mtaGroupCreationTime, mtaGroupHierarchy,
+     mtaGroupOldestMessageId, mtaGroupLoopsDetected}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
+      This is the appropriate group for RFC 2789."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 7}
+mtaRFC2789AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
+      associations.  This is the appropriate group for RFC
+      2789 association monitoring."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 8}
+mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     mtaGroupInboundErrorCount, mtaGroupInternalErrorCount,
+     mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount}
+   STATUS current
+     "A collection of objects providing monitoring of
+      detailed MTA errors.  This is the appropriate group
+      for RFC 2789 error monitoring."
+   ::= {mtaGroups 9}
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/Makefile.in b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feead5321b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Makefile to install mib files.
+VPATH		= @srcdir@
+# Stuff here
+V1MIBS	= RFC1155-SMI.txt RFC1213-MIB.txt RFC-1215.txt
+V2MIBS = SNMPv2-CONF.txt SNMPv2-SMI.txt SNMPv2-TC.txt SNMPv2-TM.txt \
+	SNMPv2-MIB.txt
+	EtherLike-MIB.txt \
+	TCP-MIB.txt UDP-MIB.txt \
+	RMON-MIB.txt \
+	IPV6-TC.txt IPV6-MIB.txt IPV6-ICMP-MIB.txt IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt \
+	IPV6-UDP-MIB.txt \
+DEFAULTMIBS = @default_mibs_install@
+all: standardall
+mibsinstall: installdirs
+	@for i in $(MIBS) ; do \
+		$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$i $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(mibdir) ; \
+		echo "install: installed $$i in $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(mibdir)" ; \
+	done
+mibsuninstall: installdirs
+	@for i in $(MIBS) ; do \
+		rm -f $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(mibdir)/$$i ; \
+		echo "removed $$i from $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(mibdir)" ; \
+	done
+	@$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/../mkinstalldirs $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(mibdir)
+	@if test ! -d html ; then \
+		mkdir html ; \
+	fi
+	rm -f html/index.html ; \
+        $(PERL) makehtml.pl -W -M `pwd` -D html $(MIBS) > html/index.html
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/Makefile.mib b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/Makefile.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd86b6b2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/Makefile.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# RFCHOST =	ftp://ftp.nordu.net
+RFCHOST =	ftp://ftp.ietf.org
+RFCDIR =	rfc
+IANAHOST =	http://www.iana.org
+IANADIR =	assignments
+PREFIX =	/usr/local
+ALLDIR =	$(PREFIX)/share/snmp/rfc.orig
+INSTDIR =	$(PREFIX)/share/snmp/rfc
+MIBS =	SNMPv2-TC.txt SNMPv2-TM.txt SNMPv2-SMI.txt SNMPv2-MIB.txt \
+	IANAifType-MIB.txt EtherLike-MIB.txt \
+	IPV6-TC.txt IPV6-MIB.txt IPV6-ICMP-MIB.txt \
+	IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt IPV6-UDP-MIB.txt \
+	RMON-MIB.txt \
+	RFC1155-SMI.txt RFC1213-MIB.txt
+MIBDEPS = Makefile.mib mibfetch smistrip
+all:	$(MIBS)
+allmibs:	ianamibs rfcmibs
+rfc:	allmibs
+	rm -fr $(INSTDIR)
+	mkdir $(INSTDIR)
+	cp $(ALLDIR)/* $(INSTDIR)
+	if test `uname` = SunOS ; \
+	then gpatch -d $(INSTDIR) < rfcmibs.diff; \
+	else patch -d $(INSTDIR) < rfcmibs.diff; \
+	fi
+	rm -f $(INSTDIR)/*orig
+	rm $(MIBS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3411
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3412 SNMP-MPD-MIB
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3413
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3415
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2576
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2578 SNMPv2-SMI
+SNMPv2-TC.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2579
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2580
+SNMPv2-TM.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3417
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3418
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2742
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 1227 SMUX-MIB
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3231
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3165
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2863
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2864
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2856
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 4001
+EtherLike-MIB.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 3635
+IANAifType-MIB.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch -x $(IANAHOST) $(IANADIR) ianaiftype-mib
+	./mibfetch -x $(IANAHOST) $(IANADIR) ianalanguage-mib
+	./mibfetch -x $(IANAHOST) $(IANADIR) ianaaddressfamilynumbers-mib
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2011
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2096
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 4022
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2013
+IPV6-TC.txt IPV6-MIB.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2465
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2466
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2452
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2454
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2790
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2819
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2788
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 2789
+RFC1155-SMI.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 1155
+RFC1213-MIB.txt:	$(MIBDEPS)
+	./mibfetch $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) 1213
+ianamibs:	ianalist
+	[ -d $(ALLDIR) ] || mkdir $(ALLDIR)
+	cat ianalist | while read file mibs; \
+		do \
+		  if [ "$$file" != "#" ]; \
+		  then \
+		    ./mibfetch -d $(ALLDIR) -x $(IANAHOST) $(IANADIR) $$file $$mibs; \
+		  fi; \
+		done
+rfcmibs:	rfclist
+	[ -d $(ALLDIR) ] || mkdir $(ALLDIR)
+	cat rfclist | while read rfc mibs; \
+		do \
+		  if [ "$$rfc" != "#" ]; \
+		  then \
+		    ./mibfetch -d $(ALLDIR) $(RFCHOST) $(RFCDIR) $$rfc $$mibs; \
+		  fi; \
+		done
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37227f2eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+-- Defines control and monitoring structures for the Net-SNMP agent.
+    SnmpAdminString
+    netSnmpObjects, netSnmpModuleIDs, netSnmpNotifications, netSnmpGroups
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue
+    LAST-UPDATED "200502070000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	 "Defines control and monitoring structures for the Net-SNMP agent."
+    REVISION     "200502070000Z"
+    	"Fixing syntax errors"
+    REVISION     "200202090000Z"
+	"First revision."
+    ::= { netSnmpModuleIDs 2 }
+nsVersion              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 1}
+nsMibRegistry          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 2}
+nsExtensions           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 3}
+nsDLMod                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 4}
+nsCache                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 5}
+nsErrorHistory         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 6}
+nsConfiguration        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 7}
+nsTransactions         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 8}
+--  MIB Module data caching management
+NetsnmpCacheStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "an indication of the status of data caching entries"
+		enabled(1),
+		disabled(2),
+		empty  (3),
+		cached (4),
+		expired(5)
+           }
+nsCacheDefaultTimeout         OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER		-- ???
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "Default cache timeout value (unless overridden
+       for a particular cache entry)."
+    DEFVAL { 5 --seconds-- }
+    ::= { nsCache 1 }
+nsCacheEnabled                OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "Whether data caching is active overall."
+    DEFVAL { true }
+    ::= { nsCache 2 }
+nsCacheTable     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsCacheEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A table of individual MIB module data caches."
+    ::= { nsCache 3 }
+nsCacheEntry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsCacheEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A conceptual row within the cache table."
+    INDEX       { IMPLIED nsCachedOID }
+    ::= { nsCacheTable 1 }
+NsCacheEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsCacheTimeout  INTEGER,		-- ?? TimeTicks ??
+    nsCacheStatus   NetsnmpCacheStatus	-- ?? INTEGER ??
+nsCachedOID     OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "The root OID of the data being cached."
+    ::= { nsCacheEntry 1 }
+nsCacheTimeout  OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "The length of time (?in seconds) for which the data in
+       this particular cache entry will remain valid." 
+    ::= { nsCacheEntry 2 }
+nsCacheStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NetsnmpCacheStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "The current status of this particular cache entry.
+       Acceptable values for Set requests are 'enabled(1)',
+       'disabled(2)' or 'empty(3)' (to clear all cached data).
+       Requests to read the value of such an object will
+       return 'disabled(2)' through to 'expired(5)'."
+    ::= { nsCacheEntry 3 }
+--  Agent configuration
+--    Debug and logging output
+nsConfigDebug          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nsConfiguration 1}
+nsConfigLogging        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nsConfiguration 2}
+nsDebugEnabled         OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "Whether the agent is configured to generate debugging output"
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { nsConfigDebug 1 }
+nsDebugOutputAll       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "Whether the agent is configured to display all debugging output
+       rather than filtering on individual debug tokens.  Nothing will
+       be generated unless nsDebugEnabled is also true(1)"
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { nsConfigDebug 2 }
+nsDebugDumpPdu        OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+      "Whether the agent is configured to display raw packet dumps.
+       This is unrelated to the nsDebugEnabled setting."
+    DEFVAL { false }
+    ::= { nsConfigDebug 3 }
+nsDebugTokenTable     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsDebugTokenEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A table of individual debug tokens, used to control the selection
+       of what debugging output should be produced.  This table is only
+       effective if nsDebugOutputAll is false(2), and nothing will
+       be generated unless nsDebugEnabled is also true(1)"
+    ::= { nsConfigDebug 4 }
+nsDebugTokenEntry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsDebugTokenEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A conceptual row within the debug token table."
+    INDEX       { IMPLIED nsDebugTokenPrefix }
+    ::= { nsDebugTokenTable 1 }
+NsDebugTokenEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsDebugTokenPrefix  DisplayString,
+    nsDebugTokenStatus  RowStatus
+nsDebugTokenPrefix    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A token prefix for which to generate the corresponding
+       debugging output.  Note that debug output will be generated
+       for all registered debug statements sharing this prefix
+       (rather than an exact match).  Nothing will be generated
+       unless both nsDebuggingEnabled is set true(1) and the
+       corresponding nsDebugTokenStatus value is active(1)."
+    ::= { nsDebugTokenEntry 2 }
+nsDebugTokenStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "Whether to generate debug output for the corresponding debug
+       token prefix.  Nothing will be generated unless both
+       nsDebuggingEnabled is true(1) and this instance is active(1).
+       Note that is valid for an instance to be left with the value
+       notInService(2) indefinitely - i.e. the meaning of 'abnormally
+       long' (see RFC 2579, RowStatus) for this table is infinite."
+    ::= { nsDebugTokenEntry 4 }
+-- Logging configuration
+nsLoggingTable     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsLoggingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A table of individual logging output destinations, used to control
+       where various levels of output from the agent should be directed."
+    ::= { nsConfigLogging 1 }
+nsLoggingEntry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsLoggingEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A conceptual row within the logging table."
+    INDEX       { nsLogLevel, IMPLIED nsLogToken }
+    ::= { nsLoggingTable 1 }
+NsLoggingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsLogLevel          INTEGER,
+    nsLogToken          DisplayString,
+    nsLogType           INTEGER,
+    nsLogMaxLevel       INTEGER,
+    nsLogStatus         RowStatus
+nsLogLevel    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+		     emergency(0),
+		     alert    (1),
+		     critical (2),
+		     error    (3),
+		     warning  (4),
+		     notice   (5),
+		     info     (6),
+		     debug    (7)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "The (minimum) priority level for which this logging entry
+       should be applied."
+    ::= { nsLoggingEntry 1 }
+nsLogToken    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A token for which to generate logging entries.
+       Depending on the style of logging, this may either
+       be simply an arbitrary token, or may have some
+       particular meaning (such as the filename to log to)."
+    ::= { nsLoggingEntry 2 }
+nsLogType     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+		     stdout   (1),
+		     stderr   (2),
+		     file     (3),
+		     syslog   (4),
+		     callback (5)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The type of logging for this entry."
+    ::= { nsLoggingEntry 3 }
+nsLogMaxLevel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+		     emergency(0),
+		     alert    (1),
+		     critical (2),
+		     error    (3),
+		     warning  (4),
+		     notice   (5),
+		     info     (6),
+		     debug    (7)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The maximum priority level for which this logging entry
+       should be applied."
+    DEFVAL      { emergency }
+    ::= { nsLoggingEntry 4 }
+nsLogStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "Whether to generate logging output for this entry.
+       Note that is valid for an instance to be left with the value
+       notInService(2) indefinitely - i.e. the meaning of 'abnormally
+       long' (see RFC 2579, RowStatus) for this table is infinite."
+    ::= { nsLoggingEntry 5 }
+--  Monitoring outstanding "transactions"
+--    (i.e. requests sent to AgentX subagents, or proxied agents)
+nsTransactionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsTransactionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"Lists currently outstanding transactions in the net-snmp agent.
+	 This includes requests to AgentX subagents, or proxied SNMP agents."
+    ::= { nsTransactions 1 }
+nsTransactionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsTransactionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"A row describing a given transaction."
+    INDEX   { nsTransactionID }
+    ::= {nsTransactionTable 1 }
+NsTransactionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsTransactionID   Unsigned32,
+    nsTransactionMode Integer32
+nsTransactionID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"The internal identifier for a given transaction."
+    ::= { nsTransactionEntry 1 }
+nsTransactionMode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+	"The mode number for the current operation being performed."
+    ::= { nsTransactionEntry 2 }
+--  Monitoring the MIB modules currently registered in the agent
+--    (an updated version of UCD-SNMP-MIB::mrTable)
+nsModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table displaying all the oid's registered by mib modules in
+	 the agent.  Since the agent is modular in nature, this lists
+	 each module's OID it is responsible for and the name of the module"
+    ::= { nsMibRegistry 1 }
+nsModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	NsModuleEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+        "An entry containing a registered mib oid."
+    INDEX       { nsmContextName, nsmRegistrationPoint, 
+                  nsmRegistrationPriority }
+    ::= { nsModuleTable 1 }
+NsModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsmContextName          SnmpAdminString,
+    nsmRegistrationPoint    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    nsmRegistrationPriority INTEGER,
+    nsModuleName	    DisplayString,
+    nsModuleModes           BITS,
+    nsModuleTimeout         Integer32
+nsmContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"The context name the module is registered under."
+    ::= { nsModuleEntry 1 }
+nsmRegistrationPoint OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"The registry OID of a mib module."
+    ::= { nsModuleEntry  2 }
+nsmRegistrationPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"The priority of the registered mib module."
+    ::= { nsModuleEntry  3 }
+nsModuleName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The module name that registered this OID."
+    ::= { nsModuleEntry  4 }
+nsModuleModes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	BITS { getAndGetNext(0), set(1), getBulk(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The modes that the particular lower level handler can cope
+  	 with directly."
+    ::= { nsModuleEntry  5 }
+nsModuleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The registered timeout.  This is only meaningful for handlers
+	 that expect to return results at a later date (subagents,
+	 etc)"
+    ::= { nsModuleEntry  6 }
+--  Notifications relating to the basic operation of the agent
+nsNotifyStart        NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    STATUS	current
+	"An indication that the agent has started running."
+    ::= { netSnmpNotifications 1 }
+nsNotifyShutdown     NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    STATUS current
+	"An indication that the agent is in the process of being shut down."
+    ::= { netSnmpNotifications 2 }
+nsNotifyRestart      NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    STATUS	current
+	"An indication that the agent has been restarted.
+	 This does not imply anything about whether the configuration has
+	 changed or not (unlike the standard coldStart or warmStart traps)"
+    ::= { netSnmpNotifications 3 }
+-- Conformance-related definitions
+nsModuleGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsModuleName, nsModuleModes, nsModuleTimeout
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"The objects relating to the list of MIB modules registered
+	 with the Net-SNMP agent."
+    ::= { netSnmpGroups 2 }
+nsCacheGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsCacheDefaultTimeout, nsCacheEnabled,
+        nsCacheTimeout,        nsCacheStatus
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"The objects relating to data caching in the Net-SNMP agent."
+    ::= { netSnmpGroups 4 }
+nsConfigGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpGroups 7}
+nsDebugGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsDebugEnabled, nsDebugOutputAll, nsDebugDumpPdu,
+        nsDebugTokenStatus
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"The objects relating to debug configuration in the Net-SNMP agent."
+    ::= { nsConfigGroups 1 }
+nsLoggingGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsLogType, nsLogMaxLevel, nsLogStatus
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"The objects relating to logging configuration in the Net-SNMP agent."
+    ::= { nsConfigGroups 2 }
+nsTransactionGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsTransactionMode
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"The objects relating to transaction monitoring in the Net-SNMP agent."
+    ::= { netSnmpGroups 8 }
+    NOTIFICATIONS { nsNotifyStart, nsNotifyShutdown, nsNotifyRestart }
+    STATUS	current
+	"The notifications relating to the basic operation of the Net-SNMP agent."
+    ::= { netSnmpGroups 9 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60c62ce67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+-- Example MIB objects for agent module example implementations
+    NOTIFICATION-TYPE                       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    SnmpAdminString                         FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
+    netSnmp                                 FROM NET-SNMP-MIB
+    RowStatus, StorageType                  FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    InetAddressType, InetAddress            FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
+netSnmpExamples MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED "200406150000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	"Example MIB objects for agent module example implementations"
+    REVISION     "200406150000Z"
+	"Corrected notification example definitions"
+    REVISION     "200202060000Z"
+	"First draft"
+    ::= { netSnmp 2 }
+-- top level structure
+netSnmpExampleScalars       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpExamples 1 }
+netSnmpExampleTables        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpExamples 2 }
+netSnmpExampleNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpExamples 3 }
+netSnmpExampleNotificationPrefix  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+                                  ::= { netSnmpExampleNotifications 0 }
+netSnmpExampleNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+                                  ::= { netSnmpExampleNotifications 2 }
+-- netSnmpTutorial          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpExamples 4 }
+-- Example scalars
+netSnmpExampleInteger OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+	"This is a simple object which merely houses a writable
+	 integer.  It's only purposes is to hold the value of a single
+	 integer.  Writing to it will simply change the value for
+	 subsequent GET/GETNEXT/GETBULK retrievals.
+	 This example object is implemented in the
+	 agent/mibgroup/examples/scalar_int.c file."
+    DEFVAL { 42 }
+    ::= { netSnmpExampleScalars 1 }
+netSnmpExampleSleeper OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+	"This is a simple object which is a basic integer.  It's value
+	 indicates the number of seconds that the agent will take in
+	 responding to requests of this object.  This is implemented
+	 in a way which will allow the agent to keep responding to
+	 other requests while access to this object is blocked.  It is
+	 writable, and changing it's value will change the amount of
+	 time the agent will effectively wait for before returning a
+	 response when this object is manipulated.  Note that SET
+	 requests through this object will take longer, since the
+	 delay is applied to each internal transaction phase, which
+	 could result in delays of up to 4 times the value of this
+	 object.
+	 This example object is implemented in the
+	 agent/mibgroup/examples/delayed_instance.c file."
+    DEFVAL { 1 }
+    ::= { netSnmpExampleScalars 2 }
+netSnmpExampleString OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+	"This is a simple object which merely houses a writable
+	 string.  It's only purposes is to hold the value of a single
+	 string.  Writing to it will simply change the value for
+	 subsequent GET/GETNEXT/GETBULK retrievals.
+	 This example object is implemented in the
+	 agent/mibgroup/examples/watched.c file."
+    DEFVAL { "So long, and thanks for all the fish!" }
+    ::= { netSnmpExampleScalars 3 }
+--  Example Tables
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"This table merely contains a set of data which is otherwise
+	 useless for true network management.  It is a table which
+	 describes properies about a IETF Working Group, such as the
+	 names of the two working group chairs.
+	 This example table is implemented in the
+	 agent/mibgroup/examples/data_set.c file."
+    ::= { netSnmpExampleTables 1 }
+    SYNTAX      NetSnmpIETFWGEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"A row describing a given working group"
+    INDEX   { nsIETFWGName }
+    ::= {netSnmpIETFWGTable 1 }
+NetSnmpIETFWGEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"The name of the IETF Working Group this table describes."
+    ::= { netSnmpIETFWGEntry 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+	"One of the names of the chairs for the IETF working group."
+    ::= { netSnmpIETFWGEntry 2 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+	"The other name, if one exists, of the chairs for the IETF
+	working group."
+    ::= { netSnmpIETFWGEntry 3 }
+-- A table used in a table_iterator example
+--   (agent/mibgroup/examples/netSnmpHostsTable*.[ch])
+netSnmpHostsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NetSnmpHostsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"An example table that implements a wrapper around the
+	/etc/hosts file on a machine using the iterator helper API."
+    ::= { netSnmpExampleTables 2 }
+netSnmpHostsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NetSnmpHostsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"A host name mapped to an ip address"
+    INDEX   { netSnmpHostName }
+    ::= { netSnmpHostsTable 1 }
+NetSnmpHostsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    netSnmpHostName         OCTET STRING,
+    netSnmpHostAddressType  InetAddressType,
+    netSnmpHostAddress      InetAddress,
+    netSnmpHostStorage      StorageType,
+    netSnmpHostRowStatus    RowStatus
+netSnmpHostName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+	"A host name that exists in the /etc/hosts (unix) file."
+    ::= { netSnmpHostsEntry 1 }
+netSnmpHostAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+	"The address type of then given host."
+    ::= { netSnmpHostsEntry 2 }
+netSnmpHostAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+	"The address of then given host."
+    ::= { netSnmpHostsEntry 3 }
+netSnmpHostStorage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row."
+    DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { netSnmpHostsEntry 4 }
+netSnmpHostRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row."
+    ::= { netSnmpHostsEntry 5 }
+--  Example Notifications
+netSnmpExampleHeartbeatRate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "A simple integer object, to act as a payload for the
+         netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.  The value has
+         no real meaning, but is nominally the interval (in
+         seconds) between successive heartbeat notifications."
+::= { netSnmpExampleNotificationObjects 1 }
+netSnmpExampleHeartbeatName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "A simple string object, to act as an optional payload
+         for the netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.  This varbind
+         is not part of the notification definition, so is optional
+         and need not be included in the notification payload. 
+         The value has no real meaning, but the romantically inclined
+         may take it to be the object of the sender's affection,
+         and hence the cause of the heart beating faster."
+::= { netSnmpExampleNotificationObjects 2 }
+netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    OBJECTS     { netSnmpExampleHeartbeatRate }
+    STATUS      current
+        "An example notification, used to illustrate the
+         definition and generation of trap and inform PDUs
+         (including the use of both standard and additional
+         varbinds in the notification payload).
+         This notification will typically be sent every
+	 30 seconds, using the code found in the example module
+             agent/mibgroup/examples/notification.c"
+::= { netSnmpExampleNotificationPrefix 1 }
+netSnmpExampleNotification OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      obsolete
+        "This object was improperly defined for its original purpose,
+         and should no longer be used."
+::= { netSnmpExampleNotifications 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a50cbbf40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+-- Defines a framework for scripted extensions
+    nsExtensions FROM NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString, RowStatus, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200405080000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	 "Defines a framework for scripted extensions for the Net-SNMP agent."
+    REVISION     "200405080000Z"
+	"First revision."
+    ::= { nsExtensions 1 }
+nsExtendObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nsExtensions 2}
+nsExtendGroups   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nsExtensions 3}
+nsExtendNumEntries OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The number of rows in the nsExtendConfigTable"
+    ::= { nsExtendObjects 1 }
+nsExtendConfigTable     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsExtendConfigEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A table of scripted extensions - configuration and (basic) output."
+    ::= { nsExtendObjects 2 }
+nsExtendConfigEntry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsExtendConfigEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A conceptual row within the extension table."
+    INDEX       { nsExtendToken }
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigTable 1 }
+NsExtendConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsExtendToken       DisplayString,
+    nsExtendCommand     DisplayString,
+    nsExtendArgs        DisplayString,
+    nsExtendInput       DisplayString,
+    nsExtendCacheTime   INTEGER,
+    nsExtendExecType    INTEGER,
+    nsExtendRunType     INTEGER,
+    nsExtendStorage     StorageType,
+    nsExtendStatus      RowStatus
+    --
+    --  The configuration of an extension command
+    --
+nsExtendToken   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "An arbitrary token to identify this extension entry"
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 1 }
+nsExtendCommand OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The full path of the command binary (or script) to run"
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 2 }
+nsExtendArgs    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "Any command-line arguments for the command"
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 3 }
+nsExtendInput   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The standard input for the command"
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 4 }
+nsExtendCacheTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The length of time for which the output of
+       this command will be cached.  During this time,
+       retrieving the output-related values will not
+       reinvoke the command.
+       A value of -1 indicates that the output results
+       should not be cached at all, and retrieving each
+       individual output-related value will invoke the
+       command afresh." 
+    DEFVAL      { 5 }
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 5 }
+nsExtendExecType OBJECT-TYPE
+               { exec  (1), -- 'fork-and-exec'
+                 shell (2)  -- run via a sub-shell
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The mechanism used to invoke the command."
+    DEFVAL      { exec }
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 6 }
+nsExtendRunType OBJECT-TYPE
+               { run-on-read (1),
+                 run-on-set  (2),
+                 run-command (3)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "Used to implement 'push-button' command invocation.
+       The command for a 'run-on-read' entry will be invoked
+       whenever one of the corresponding output-related
+       instances is requested (and assuming the cached value
+       is not still current).
+       The command for a 'run-on-set' entry will only be invoked
+       on receipt of a SET assignment for this object with the
+       value 'run-command'.
+       Reading an instance of this object will always return either
+       'run-on-read' or 'run-on-set'.
+      "
+    DEFVAL      { run-on-read }
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 7 }
+    --
+    --  Standard table-manipulation objects
+    --
+nsExtendStorage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "The storage type for this conceptual row."
+    DEFVAL      { volatile }
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 20 }
+nsExtendStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+      "Used to create new rows in the table, in the standard manner.
+       Note that is valid for an instance to be left with the value
+       notInService(2) indefinitely - i.e. the meaning of 'abnormally
+       long' (see RFC 2579, RowStatus) for this table is infinite."
+    ::= { nsExtendConfigEntry 21 }
+    --
+    --  The results of running the extension command
+    --
+nsExtendOutput1Table     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsExtendOutput1Entry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A table of scripted extensions - configuration and (basic) output."
+    ::= { nsExtendObjects 3 }
+nsExtendOutput1Entry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsExtendOutput1Entry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A conceptual row within the extension table."
+    AUGMENTS    { nsExtendConfigEntry }
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput1Table 1 }
+NsExtendOutput1Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsExtendOutput1Line DisplayString,
+    nsExtendOutputFull  DisplayString,
+    nsExtendOutNumLines INTEGER,
+    nsExtendResult      INTEGER
+nsExtendOutput1Line OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The first line of output from the command"
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput1Entry 1 }
+nsExtendOutputFull  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The full output from the command, as a single string"
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput1Entry 2 }
+nsExtendOutNumLines OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The number of lines of output (and hence
+       the number of rows in nsExtendOutputTable
+       relating to this particular entry)."
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput1Entry 3 }
+nsExtendResult  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "The return value of the command."
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput1Entry 4 }
+    --
+    --  The line-based output table
+    --
+nsExtendOutput2Table     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NsExtendOutput2Entry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A table of (line-based) output from scripted extensions."
+    ::= { nsExtendObjects 4 }
+nsExtendOutput2Entry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NsExtendOutput2Entry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "A conceptual row within the line-based output table."
+    INDEX       { nsExtendToken, nsExtendLineIndex }
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput2Table 1 }
+NsExtendOutput2Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nsExtendLineIndex INTEGER,
+    nsExtendOutLine   DisplayString
+nsExtendLineIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER(1..1024)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+      "The index of this line of output.
+       For a given nsExtendToken, this will run from
+       1 to the corresponding value of nsExtendNumLines."
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput2Entry 1 }
+nsExtendOutLine OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+      "A single line of output from the extension command."
+    ::= { nsExtendOutput2Entry 2 }
+-- Conformance-related definitions
+nsExtendConfigGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsExtendCommand,   nsExtendArgs,     nsExtendInput,
+        nsExtendCacheTime, nsExtendExecType, nsExtendRunType,
+        nsExtendStorage,   nsExtendStatus,   nsExtendNumEntries
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"Objects relating to the configuration of extension commands."
+    ::= { nsExtendGroups 1 }
+nsExtendOutputGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        nsExtendOutNumLines, nsExtendResult,
+        nsExtendOutLine,   nsExtendOutput1Line, nsExtendOutputFull
+    }
+    STATUS	current
+	"Objects relating to the output of extension commands."
+    ::= { nsExtendGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1df64dc72c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- Top-level infrastructure of the Net-SNMP project enterprise MIB tree
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200201300000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	"Top-level infrastructure of the Net-SNMP project enterprise MIB tree"
+    REVISION     "200201300000Z"
+	"First draft"
+    ::= { enterprises 8072}
+--  Net-SNMP enterprise-specific management objects
+netSnmpObjects              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 1}
+-- netSnmpExamples             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 2}
+netSnmpEnumerations         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 3}
+netSnmpModuleIDs            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpEnumerations 1}
+netSnmpAgentOIDs            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpEnumerations 2}
+netSnmpDomains              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpEnumerations 3}
+netSnmpExperimental         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 9999}
+-- A subtree specifically designed for private testing purposes.
+-- No "public" management objects should ever be defined within this tree.
+-- It is provided for private experimentation, prior to transferring a MIB
+-- structure to another part of the overall OID tree
+netSnmpPlaypen              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpExperimental 9999}
+--  Notifications
+netSnmpNotificationPrefix   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 4}
+netSnmpNotifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpNotificationPrefix 0}
+netSnmpNotificationObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpNotificationPrefix 1}
+--  Conformance
+--     (No laughing at the back!)
+netSnmpConformance          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 5}
+netSnmpCompliances          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpConformance 1}
+netSnmpGroups               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpConformance 2}
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-MONITOR-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-MONITOR-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..564e71346e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-MONITOR-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+-- Configured elements of the system to monitor	(XXX - ugh! - need a better description!)
+    netSnmpObjects, netSnmpModuleIDs FROM NET-SNMP-MIB
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200202090000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	"Configured elements of the system to monitor
+	 (XXX - ugh! - need a better description!)"
+    REVISION     "200202090000Z"
+	"First revision."
+    ::= { netSnmpModuleIDs 3}
+nsProcess                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 21}
+nsDisk                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 22}
+nsFile                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 23}
+nsLog                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 24}
+--  Process Monitoring
+--  Disk Monitoring
+--  File Monitoring
+--  Log Monitoring
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-SYSTEM-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-SYSTEM-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..141af47b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-SYSTEM-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- Characteristics of the current running system
+    netSnmpObjects, netSnmpModuleIDs FROM NET-SNMP-MIB
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200202090000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	"Characteristics of the current running system"
+    REVISION     "200202090000Z"
+	"First draft."
+    ::= { netSnmpModuleIDs 4}
+nsMemory                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 31}
+nsSwap                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 32}
+nsCPU                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 33}
+nsLoad                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 34}
+nsDiskIO                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpObjects 35}
+--  Memory
+--  Swap
+--  CPU Statistics
+--  Load Average
+--  Disk IO
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-TC.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-TC.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd407115c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NET-SNMP-TC.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+-- Textual conventions and enumerations for the Net-SNMP project
+    netSnmpModuleIDs, netSnmpAgentOIDs, netSnmpDomains FROM NET-SNMP-MIB
+    LAST-UPDATED "200510140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
+	 "postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                    P.O. Box 382
+                    Davis CA  95617
+          email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net"
+	"Textual conventions and enumerations for the Net-SNMP project"
+    REVISION     "200202120000Z"
+	"First draft"
+    ::= { netSnmpModuleIDs 1}
+-- =====================
+--  Textual Conventions
+-- =====================
+-- Define the Float Textual Convention
+--   This definition was written by David Perkins.
+    STATUS      current
+        "A single precision floating-point number.  The semantics
+         and encoding are identical for type 'single' defined in
+         IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point,
+         ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985.
+         The value is restricted to the BER serialization of
+         the following ASN.1 type:
+             FLOATTYPE ::= [120] IMPLICIT FloatType
+         (note: the value 120 is the sum of '30'h and '48'h)
+         The BER serialization of the length for values of
+         this type must use the definite length, short
+         encoding form.
+         For example, the BER serialization of value 123
+         of type FLOATTYPE is '9f780442f60000'h.  (The tag
+         is '9f78'h; the length is '04'h; and the value is
+         '42f60000'h.) The BER serialization of value
+         '9f780442f60000'h of data type Opaque is
+         '44079f780442f60000'h. (The tag is '44'h; the length
+         is '07'h; and the value is '9f780442f60000'h."
+    SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (7))
+-- =====================
+--  Enumerations
+-- =====================
+-- System Object ID values
+--	XXX - do we want to distinguish between O/S versions ?
+--	(as is currently done with HP-UX)
+hpux9             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 1 }
+sunos4            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 2 }
+solaris           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 3 }
+osf               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 4 }
+ultrix            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 5 }
+hpux10            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 6 }
+netbsd            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 7 }
+freebsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 8 }
+irix              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 9 }
+linux             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 10 }
+bsdi              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 11 }
+openbsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 12 }
+win32		  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 13 } -- unlucky
+hpux11            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 14 }
+aix               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 15 }
+macosx            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 16 }
+unknown           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpAgentOIDs 255 }
+--  Transport Domains
+-- Object identifiers for the non-standard transports that UCD/Net-SNMP
+-- supports.  Note that snmpTCPDomain is the subject of Internet Draft
+-- draft-irtf-nmrg-snmp-tcp-06.txt, which defines the OID
+-- .iso.org.dod.internet.experimental.nmrg.nmrgSnmpDomains.snmpTCPDomain
+-- (. for the SNMP over TCP over IPv4 transport domain.
+-- This draft (or its successor) is available from the Network Management
+-- Research Group web page at http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/nmrg/
+-- The NMRG OID for snmpTCPDomain is currently used by the code, but in case
+-- this is thought to be a Bad Idea, we define a private transport domain here
+-- that we could use instead.  The Unix domain, AAL5 PVC domain and
+-- the IPv6 domains are also defined privately here (for now).
+netSnmpTCPDomain	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpDomains 1 } -- obsolete
+netSnmpUnixDomain	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpDomains 2 } -- obsolete
+netSnmpAAL5PVCDomain	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpDomains 3 }
+netSnmpUDPIPv6Domain	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpDomains 4 } -- obsolete
+netSnmpTCPIPv6Domain	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpDomains 5 } -- obsolete
+netSnmpCallbackDomain	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpDomains 6 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8acd44e1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+    OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2
+      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+      FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString
+application MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED "200003030000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Mail and Directory Management Working Group"
+      "        Ned Freed
+       Postal: Innosoft International, Inc.
+               1050 Lakes Drive
+               West Covina, CA 91790
+               US
+          Tel: +1 626 919 3600
+          Fax: +1 626 919 3614
+       E-Mail: ned.freed@innosoft.com"
+      "The MIB module describing network service applications"
+    REVISION "200003030000Z"
+      "This revision, published in RFC 2788, changes a number of
+       DisplayStrings to SnmpAdminStrings. Note that this change
+       is not strictly supported by SMIv2.  However, the alternative
+       of deprecating the old objects and defining new objects
+       would have a more adverse impact on backward compatibility
+       and interoperability, given the particular semantics of
+       these objects. The defining reference for distinguished
+       names has also been updated from RFC 1779 to RFC 2253."
+    REVISION "199905120000Z"
+      "This revision fixes a few small technical problems found
+       in previous versions, mostly in regards to the conformance
+       groups for different versions of this MIB.  No changes have
+       been made to the objects this MIB defines since RFC 2248."
+    REVISION "199708170000Z"
+      "This revision, published in RFC 2248, adds the
+       applDescription and applURL objects, adds the quiescing
+       state to the applOperStatus object and renames the MIB
+    REVISION "199311280000Z"
+      "The original version of this MIB was published in RFC 1565"
+    ::= {mib-2 27}
+-- Textual conventions
+-- DistinguishedName is used to refer to objects in the
+-- directory.
+DistinguishedName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS current
+        "A Distinguished Name represented in accordance with
+         RFC 2253, presented in the UTF-8 charset defined in
+         RFC 2279."
+-- Uniform Resource Locators are stored in URLStrings.
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS current
+        "A Uniform Resource Locator represented in accordance
+         with RFCs 1738 and 2368, presented in the NVT ASCII
+         charset defined in RFC 854."
+-- The basic applTable contains a list of the application
+-- entities.
+applTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The table holding objects which apply to all different
+         kinds of applications providing network services.
+         Each network service application capable of being
+         monitored should have a single entry in this table."
+    ::= {application 1}
+applEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX ApplEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+      "An entry associated with a single network service
+       application."
+    INDEX {applIndex}
+    ::= {applTable 1}
+ApplEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    applIndex
+        INTEGER,
+    applName
+        SnmpAdminString,
+    applDirectoryName
+        DistinguishedName,
+    applVersion
+        SnmpAdminString,
+    applUptime
+        TimeStamp,
+    applOperStatus
+        INTEGER,
+    applLastChange
+        TimeStamp,
+    applInboundAssociations
+        Gauge32,
+    applOutboundAssociations
+        Gauge32,
+    applAccumulatedInboundAssociations
+        Counter32,
+    applAccumulatedOutboundAssociations
+        Counter32,
+    applLastInboundActivity
+        TimeStamp,
+    applLastOutboundActivity
+        TimeStamp,
+    applRejectedInboundAssociations
+        Counter32,
+    applFailedOutboundAssociations
+        Counter32,
+    applDescription
+        SnmpAdminString,
+    applURL
+        URLString
+applIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+      "An index to uniquely identify the network service
+       application. This attribute is the index used for
+       lexicographic ordering of the table."
+    ::= {applEntry 1}
+    SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The name the network service application chooses to be
+       known by."
+    ::= {applEntry 2}
+applDirectoryName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX DistinguishedName
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The Distinguished Name of the directory entry where
+       static information about this application is stored.
+       An empty string indicates that no information about
+       the application is available in the directory."
+    ::= {applEntry 3}
+applVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The version of network service application software.
+       This field is usually defined by the vendor of the
+       network service application software."
+    ::= {applEntry 4}
+applUptime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The value of sysUpTime at the time the network service
+       application was last initialized.  If the application was
+       last initialized prior to the last initialization of the
+       network management subsystem, then this object contains
+       a zero value."
+    ::= {applEntry 5}
+applOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+      up(1),
+      down(2),
+      halted(3),
+      congested(4),
+      restarting(5),
+      quiescing(6)
+    }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "Indicates the operational status of the network service
+       application. 'down' indicates that the network service is
+       not available. 'up' indicates that the network service
+       is operational and available.  'halted' indicates that the
+       service is operational but not available.  'congested'
+       indicates that the service is operational but no additional
+       inbound associations can be accommodated.  'restarting'
+       indicates that the service is currently unavailable but is
+       in the process of restarting and will be available soon.
+       'quiescing' indicates that service is currently operational
+       but is in the process of shutting down. Additional inbound
+       associations may be rejected by applications in the
+       'quiescing' state."
+    ::= {applEntry 6}
+applLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The value of sysUpTime at the time the network service
+       application entered its current operational state.  If
+       the current state was entered prior to the last
+       initialization of the local network management subsystem,
+       then this object contains a zero value."
+    ::= {applEntry 7}
+applInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The number of current associations to the network service
+       application, where it is the responder.  An inbound
+       association occurs when another application successfully
+       connects to this one."
+    ::= {applEntry 8}
+applOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The number of current associations to the network service
+       application, where it is the initiator.  An outbound
+       association occurs when this application successfully
+       connects to another one."
+    ::= {applEntry 9}
+applAccumulatedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The total number of associations to the application entity
+       since application initialization, where it was the responder."
+    ::= {applEntry 10}
+applAccumulatedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The total number of associations to the application entity
+       since application initialization, where it was the initiator."
+    ::= {applEntry 11}
+applLastInboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The value of sysUpTime at the time this application last
+       had an inbound association.  If the last association
+       occurred prior to the last initialization of the network
+       subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
+    ::= {applEntry 12}
+applLastOutboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The value of sysUpTime at the time this application last
+       had an outbound association.  If the last association
+       occurred prior to the last initialization of the network
+       subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
+    ::= {applEntry 13}
+applRejectedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The total number of inbound associations the application
+       entity has rejected, since application initialization.
+       Rejected associations are not counted in the accumulated
+       association totals.  Note that this only counts
+       associations the application entity has rejected itself;
+       it does not count rejections that occur at lower layers
+       of the network.  Thus, this counter may not reflect the
+       true number of failed inbound associations."
+    ::= {applEntry 14}
+applFailedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The total number associations where the application entity
+       is initiator and association establishment has failed,
+       since application initialization.  Failed associations are
+       not counted in the accumulated association totals."
+    ::= {applEntry 15}
+applDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "A text description of the application.  This information
+       is intended to identify and briefly describe the
+       application in a status display."
+    ::= {applEntry 16}
+    SYNTAX URLString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "A URL pointing to a description of the application.
+       This information is intended to identify and describe
+       the application in a status display."
+    ::= {applEntry 17}
+-- The assocTable augments the information in the applTable
+-- with information about associations.  Note that two levels
+-- of compliance are specified below, depending on whether
+-- association monitoring is mandated.
+assocTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+        "The table holding a set of all active application
+         associations."
+    ::= {application 2}
+assocEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX AssocEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+      "An entry associated with an association for a network
+       service application."
+    INDEX {applIndex, assocIndex}
+    ::= {assocTable 1}
+AssocEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    assocIndex
+        INTEGER,
+    assocRemoteApplication
+        SnmpAdminString,
+    assocApplicationProtocol
+    assocApplicationType
+        INTEGER,
+    assocDuration
+        TimeStamp
+assocIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS current
+      "An index to uniquely identify each association for a network
+       service application.  This attribute is the index that is
+       used for lexicographic ordering of the table.  Note that the
+       table is also indexed by the applIndex."
+    ::= {assocEntry 1}
+assocRemoteApplication OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The name of the system running remote network service
+       application.  For an IP-based application this should be
+       either a domain name or IP address.  For an OSI application
+       it should be the string encoded distinguished name of the
+       managed object.  For X.400(1984) MTAs which do not have a
+       Distinguished Name, the RFC 2156 syntax 'mta in
+       globalid' used in X400-Received: fields can be used. Note,
+       however, that not all connections an MTA makes are
+       necessarily to another MTA."
+    ::= {assocEntry 2}
+assocApplicationProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "An identification of the protocol being used for the
+       application.  For an OSI Application, this will be the
+       Application Context.  For Internet applications, OID
+       values of the form {applTCPProtoID port} or {applUDPProtoID
+       port} are used for TCP-based and UDP-based protocols,
+       respectively. In either case 'port' corresponds to the
+       primary port number being used by the protocol. The
+       usual IANA procedures may be used to register ports for
+       new protocols."
+    ::= {assocEntry 3}
+assocApplicationType OBJECT-TYPE
+        uainitiator(1),
+        uaresponder(2),
+        peerinitiator(3),
+        peerresponder(4)}
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "This indicates whether the remote application is some type of
+       client making use of this network service (e.g., a Mail User
+       Agent) or a server acting as a peer. Also indicated is whether
+       the remote end initiated an incoming connection to the network
+       service or responded to an outgoing connection made by the
+       local application.  MTAs and messaging gateways are
+       considered to be peers for the purposes of this variable."
+    ::= {assocEntry 4}
+assocDuration OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS current
+      "The value of sysUpTime at the time this association was
+       started.  If this association started prior to the last
+       initialization of the network subsystem, then this
+       object contains a zero value."
+    ::= {assocEntry 5}
+-- Conformance information
+applConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {application 3}
+applGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {applConformance 1}
+applCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {applConformance 2}
+-- Compliance statements
+    STATUS obsolete
+      "The compliance statement for RFC 1565 implementations
+       which support the Network Services Monitoring MIB
+       for basic monitoring of network service applications.
+       This is the basic compliance statement for RFC 1565."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS {applRFC1565Group}
+    ::= {applCompliances 1}
+assocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS obsolete
+      "The compliance statement for RFC 1565 implementations
+       which support the Network Services Monitoring MIB
+       for basic monitoring of network service applications
+       and their associations."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS {applRFC1565Group, assocRFC1565Group}
+    ::= {applCompliances 2}
+applRFC2248Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS deprecated
+      "The compliance statement for RFC 2248 implementations
+       which support the Network Services Monitoring MIB
+       for basic monitoring of network service applications."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS {applRFC2248Group}
+    ::= {applCompliances 3}
+assocRFC2248Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS deprecated
+      "The compliance statement for RFC 2248 implementations
+       which support the Network Services Monitoring MIB for
+       basic monitoring of network service applications and
+       their associations."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS {applRFC2248Group, assocRFC2248Group}
+    ::= {applCompliances 4}
+applRFC2788Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS current
+      "The compliance statement for RFC 2788 implementations
+       which support the Network Services Monitoring MIB
+       for basic monitoring of network service applications."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS {applRFC2788Group}
+    ::= {applCompliances 5}
+assocRFC2788Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS current
+      "The compliance statement for RFC 2788 implementations
+       which support the Network Services Monitoring MIB for
+       basic monitoring of network service applications and
+       their associations."
+      MANDATORY-GROUPS {applRFC2788Group, assocRFC2788Group}
+    ::= {applCompliances 6}
+-- Units of conformance
+applRFC1565Group OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+      applName, applVersion, applUptime, applOperStatus,
+      applLastChange, applInboundAssociations,
+      applOutboundAssociations, applAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+      applAccumulatedOutboundAssociations, applLastInboundActivity,
+      applLastOutboundActivity, applRejectedInboundAssociations,
+      applFailedOutboundAssociations}
+    STATUS obsolete
+      "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of
+       network service applications.  This is the original set
+       of such objects defined in RFC 1565."
+    ::= {applGroups 7}
+assocRFC1565Group OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+      assocRemoteApplication, assocApplicationProtocol,
+      assocApplicationType, assocDuration}
+    STATUS obsolete
+      "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of
+       network service applications' associations.  This is the
+       original set of such objects defined in RFC 1565."
+    ::= {applGroups 2}
+applRFC2248Group OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+      applName, applVersion, applUptime, applOperStatus,
+      applLastChange, applInboundAssociations,
+      applOutboundAssociations, applAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+      applAccumulatedOutboundAssociations, applLastInboundActivity,
+      applLastOutboundActivity, applRejectedInboundAssociations,
+      applFailedOutboundAssociations, applDescription, applURL}
+    STATUS deprecated
+      "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of
+       network service applications.  This group was originally
+       defined in RFC 2248; note that applDirectoryName is
+       missing."
+    ::= {applGroups 3}
+assocRFC2248Group OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+      assocRemoteApplication, assocApplicationProtocol,
+      assocApplicationType, assocDuration}
+    STATUS deprecated
+      "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of
+       network service applications' associations.  This group
+       was originally defined by RFC 2248."
+    ::= {applGroups 4}
+applRFC2788Group OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+      applName, applDirectoryName, applVersion, applUptime,
+      applOperStatus, applLastChange, applInboundAssociations,
+      applOutboundAssociations, applAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+      applAccumulatedOutboundAssociations, applLastInboundActivity,
+      applLastOutboundActivity, applRejectedInboundAssociations,
+      applFailedOutboundAssociations, applDescription, applURL}
+    STATUS current
+      "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of
+       network service applications.  This is the appropriate
+       group for RFC 2788 -- it adds the applDirectoryName object
+       missing in RFC 2248."
+    ::= {applGroups 5}
+assocRFC2788Group OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+      assocRemoteApplication, assocApplicationProtocol,
+      assocApplicationType, assocDuration}
+    STATUS current
+      "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of
+       network service applications' associations.  This is
+       the appropriate group for RFC 2788."
+    ::= {applGroups 6}
+-- OIDs of the form {applTCPProtoID port} are intended to be used
+-- for TCP-based protocols that don't have OIDs assigned by other
+-- means. {applUDPProtoID port} serves the same purpose for
+-- UDP-based protocols. In either case 'port' corresponds to
+-- the primary port number being used by the protocol. For example,
+-- assuming no other OID is assigned for SMTP, an OID of
+-- {applTCPProtoID 25} could be used, since SMTP is a TCP-based
+-- protocol that uses port 25 as its primary port.
+applTCPProtoID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {application 4}
+applUDPProtoID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {application 5}
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca532a73bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+    Integer32, Unsigned32,
+    TimeTicks, Counter32, Counter64,
+    IpAddress, Opaque, mib-2       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TimeStamp, DateAndTime,
+    StorageType, RowStatus,
+    TAddress, TDomain              FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString, SnmpEngineID  FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
+    LAST-UPDATED "200011270000Z"            -- 27 November 2000
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "Ramanathan Kavasseri
+                  Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                  170 West Tasman Drive,
+                  San Jose CA 95134-1706.
+                  Phone: +1 408 527 2446
+                  Email: ramk@cisco.com"
+     "The MIB module for logging SNMP Notifications, that is, Traps
+     and Informs."
+-- Revision History
+       REVISION     "200011270000Z"            -- 27 November 2000
+       DESCRIPTION  "This is the initial version of this MIB.
+               Published as RFC 3014"
+    ::= { mib-2 92 }
+notificationLogMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { notificationLogMIB 1 }
+nlmConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { notificationLogMIBObjects 1 }
+nlmStats  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { notificationLogMIBObjects 2 }
+nlmLog         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { notificationLogMIBObjects 3 }
+-- Configuration Section
+nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+     "The maximum number of notification entries that may be held
+     in nlmLogTable for all nlmLogNames added together.  A particular
+     setting does not guarantee that much data can be held.
+     If an application changes the limit while there are
+     Notifications in the log, the oldest Notifications MUST be
+     discarded to bring the log down to the new limit - thus the
+     value of nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit MUST take precedence over
+     the values of nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut and nlmConfigLogEntryLimit,
+     even if the Notification being discarded has been present for
+     fewer minutes than the value of nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut, or if
+     the named log has fewer entries than that specified in
+     nlmConfigLogEntryLimit.
+     A value of 0 means no limit.
+     Please be aware that contention between multiple managers
+     trying to set this object to different values MAY affect the
+     reliability and completeness of data seen by each manager."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { nlmConfig 1 }
+nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    UNITS       "minutes"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of minutes a Notification SHOULD be kept in a log
+     before it is automatically removed.
+     If an application changes the value of nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut,
+     Notifications older than the new time MAY be discarded to meet the
+     new time.
+     A value of 0 means no age out.
+     Please be aware that contention between multiple managers
+     trying to set this object to different values MAY affect the
+     reliability and completeness of data seen by each manager."
+    DEFVAL { 1440 }  -- 24 hours
+    ::= { nlmConfig 2 }
+-- Basic Log Configuration Table
+nlmConfigLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NlmConfigLogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of logging control entries."
+    ::= { nlmConfig 3 }
+nlmConfigLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NlmConfigLogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A logging control entry.  Depending on the entry's storage type
+     entries may be supplied by the system or created and deleted by
+     applications using nlmConfigLogEntryStatus."
+    INDEX      { nlmLogName }
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogTable 1 }
+NlmConfigLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nlmLogName           SnmpAdminString,
+    nlmConfigLogFilterName    SnmpAdminString,
+    nlmConfigLogEntryLimit    Unsigned32,
+    nlmConfigLogAdminStatus   INTEGER,
+    nlmConfigLogOperStatus    INTEGER,
+    nlmConfigLogStorageType   StorageType,
+    nlmConfigLogEntryStatus   RowStatus
+    }
+    SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+     "The name of the log.
+     An implementation may allow multiple named logs, up to some
+     implementation-specific limit (which may be none).  A
+     zero-length log name is reserved for creation and deletion by
+     the managed system, and MUST be used as the default log name by
+     systems that do not support named logs."
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 1 }
+nlmConfigLogFilterName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+     "A value of snmpNotifyFilterProfileName as used as an index
+     into the snmpNotifyFilterTable in the SNMP Notification MIB,
+     specifying the locally or remotely originated Notifications
+     to be filtered out and not logged in this log.
+     A zero-length value or a name that does not identify an
+     existing entry in snmpNotifyFilterTable indicate no
+     Notifications are to be logged in this log."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 2 }
+nlmConfigLogEntryLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+     "The maximum number of notification entries that can be held in
+     nlmLogTable for this named log.  A particular setting does not
+     guarantee that that much data can be held.
+     If an application changes the limit while there are
+     Notifications in the log, the oldest Notifications are discarded
+     to bring the log down to the new limit.
+     A value of 0 indicates no limit.
+     Please be aware that contention between multiple managers
+     trying to set this object to different values MAY affect the
+     reliability and completeness of data seen by each manager."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 3 }
+nlmConfigLogAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+     "Control to enable or disable the log without otherwise
+     disturbing the log's entry.
+     Please be aware that contention between multiple managers
+     trying to set this object to different values MAY affect the
+     reliability and completeness of data seen by each manager."
+    DEFVAL { enabled }
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 4 }
+nlmConfigLogOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER { disabled(1), operational(2), noFilter(3) }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+     "The operational status of this log:
+          disabled  administratively disabled
+          operational    administratively enabled and working
+          noFilter  administratively enabled but either
+                    nlmConfigLogFilterName is zero length
+                    or does not name an existing entry in
+                    snmpNotifyFilterTable"
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 5 }
+nlmConfigLogStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+     "The storage type of this conceptual row."
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 6 }
+nlmConfigLogEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+     "Control for creating and deleting entries.  Entries may be
+     modified while active.
+     For non-null-named logs, the managed system records the security
+     credentials from the request that sets nlmConfigLogStatus
+     to 'active' and uses that identity to apply access control to
+     the objects in the Notification to decide if that Notification
+     may be logged."
+    ::= { nlmConfigLogEntry 7 }
+-- Statistics Section
+nlmStatsGlobalNotificationsLogged OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "notifications"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of Notifications put into the nlmLogTable.  This
+     counts a Notification once for each log entry, so a Notification
+      put into multiple logs is counted multiple times."
+    ::= { nlmStats 1 }
+nlmStatsGlobalNotificationsBumped OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "notifications"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of log entries discarded to make room for a new entry
+     due to lack of resources or the value of nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit
+     or nlmConfigLogEntryLimit.  This does not include entries discarded
+     due to the value of nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut."
+    ::= { nlmStats 2 }
+-- Log Statistics Table
+nlmStatsLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NlmStatsLogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of Notification log statistics entries."
+    ::= { nlmStats 3 }
+nlmStatsLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NlmStatsLogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A Notification log statistics entry."
+    AUGMENTS { nlmConfigLogEntry }
+    ::= { nlmStatsLogTable 1 }
+NlmStatsLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nlmStatsLogNotificationsLogged Counter32,
+    nlmStatsLogNotificationsBumped Counter32
+nlmStatsLogNotificationsLogged OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "notifications"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of Notifications put in this named log."
+    ::= { nlmStatsLogEntry 1 }
+nlmStatsLogNotificationsBumped OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    UNITS       "notifications"
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The number of log entries discarded from this named log to make
+     room for a new entry due to lack of resources or the value of
+     nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit or nlmConfigLogEntryLimit.  This does not
+     include entries discarded due to the value of
+     nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut."
+    ::= { nlmStatsLogEntry 2 }
+-- Log Section
+-- Log Table
+nlmLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NlmLogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of Notification log entries.
+     It is an implementation-specific matter whether entries in this
+     table are preserved across initializations of the management
+     system.  In general one would expect that they are not.
+     Note that keeping entries across initializations of the
+     management system leads to some confusion with counters and
+     TimeStamps, since both of those are based on sysUpTime, which
+     resets on management initialization.  In this situation,
+     counters apply only after the reset and nlmLogTime for entries
+     made before the reset MUST be set to 0."
+    ::= { nlmLog 1 }
+nlmLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NlmLogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A Notification log entry.
+     Entries appear in this table when Notifications occur and pass
+     filtering by nlmConfigLogFilterName and access control.  They are
+     removed to make way for new entries due to lack of resources or
+     the values of nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit, nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut, or
+     nlmConfigLogEntryLimit.
+     If adding an entry would exceed nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit or system
+     resources in general, the oldest entry in any log SHOULD be removed
+     to make room for the new one.
+     If adding an entry would exceed nlmConfigLogEntryLimit the oldest
+     entry in that log SHOULD be removed to make room for the new one.
+     Before the managed system puts a locally-generated Notification
+     into a non-null-named log it assures that the creator of the log
+     has access to the information in the Notification.  If not it
+     does not log that Notification in that log."
+    INDEX       { nlmLogName, nlmLogIndex }
+    ::= { nlmLogTable 1 }
+NlmLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nlmLogIndex                Unsigned32,
+    nlmLogTime                 TimeStamp,
+    nlmLogDateAndTime          DateAndTime,
+    nlmLogEngineID             SnmpEngineID,
+    nlmLogEngineTAddress       TAddress,
+    nlmLogEngineTDomain        TDomain,
+    nlmLogContextEngineID      SnmpEngineID,
+    nlmLogContextName          SnmpAdminString,
+    nlmLogNotificationID       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+nlmLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+     "A monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of
+     indexing entries within the named log.  When it reaches the
+     maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent wraps the
+     value back to 1."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value of sysUpTime when the entry was placed in the log. If
+     the entry occurred before the most recent management system
+     initialization this object value MUST be set to zero."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 2 }
+nlmLogDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The local date and time when the entry was logged, instantiated
+     only by systems that have date and time capability."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The identification of the SNMP engine at which the Notification
+     originated.
+     If the log can contain Notifications from only one engine
+     or the Trap is in SNMPv1 format, this object is a zero-length
+     string."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 4 }
+nlmLogEngineTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The transport service address of the SNMP engine from which the
+     Notification was received, formatted according to the corresponding
+     value of nlmLogEngineTDomain. This is used to identify the source
+     of an SNMPv1 trap, since an nlmLogEngineId cannot be extracted
+     from the SNMPv1 trap pdu.
+     This object MUST always be instantiated, even if the log
+     can contain Notifications from only one engine.
+     Please be aware that the nlmLogEngineTAddress may not uniquely
+     identify the SNMP engine from which the Notification was received.
+     For example, if an SNMP engine uses DHCP or NAT to obtain
+     ip addresses, the address it uses may be shared with other
+     network devices, and hence will not uniquely identify the
+     SNMP engine."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 5 }
+nlmLogEngineTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TDomain
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "Indicates the kind of transport service by which a Notification
+     was received from an SNMP engine. nlmLogEngineTAddress contains
+     the transport service address of the SNMP engine from which
+     this Notification was received.
+     Possible values for this object are presently found in the
+     Transport Mappings for SNMPv2 document (RFC 1906 [8])."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 6 }
+nlmLogContextEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "If the Notification was received in a protocol which has a
+      contextEngineID element like SNMPv3, this object has that value.
+      Otherwise its value is a zero-length string."
+     ::= { nlmLogEntry 7 }
+nlmLogContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The name of the SNMP MIB context from which the Notification came.
+     For SNMPv1 Traps this is the community string from the Trap."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 8 }
+nlmLogNotificationID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of the Notification that
+     occurred."
+    ::= { nlmLogEntry 9 }
+-- Log Variable Table
+nlmLogVariableTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NlmLogVariableEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A table of variables to go with Notification log entries."
+    ::= { nlmLog 2 }
+nlmLogVariableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      NlmLogVariableEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+     "A Notification log entry variable.
+     Entries appear in this table when there are variables in
+     the varbind list of a Notification in nlmLogTable."
+    INDEX       { nlmLogName, nlmLogIndex, nlmLogVariableIndex }
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableTable 1 }
+NlmLogVariableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nlmLogVariableIndex              Unsigned32,
+    nlmLogVariableID                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    nlmLogVariableValueType          INTEGER,
+    nlmLogVariableCounter32Val       Counter32,
+    nlmLogVariableUnsigned32Val      Unsigned32,
+    nlmLogVariableTimeTicksVal       TimeTicks,
+    nlmLogVariableInteger32Val       Integer32,
+    nlmLogVariableOctetStringVal     OCTET STRING,
+    nlmLogVariableIpAddressVal       IpAddress,
+    nlmLogVariableOidVal             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    nlmLogVariableCounter64Val       Counter64,
+    nlmLogVariableOpaqueVal          Opaque
+nlmLogVariableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+     "A monotonically increasing integer, starting at 1 for a given
+     nlmLogIndex, for indexing variables within the logged
+     Notification."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 1 }
+nlmLogVariableID OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+     "The variable's object identifier."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 2 }
+nlmLogVariableValueType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { counter32(1), unsigned32(2), timeTicks(3),
+                 integer32(4), ipAddress(5), octetString(6),
+                 objectId(7), counter64(8), opaque(9) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The type of the value.  One and only one of the value
+     objects that follow must be instantiated, based on this type."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 3 }
+nlmLogVariableCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'counter32'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 4 }
+nlmLogVariableUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'unsigned32'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 5 }
+nlmLogVariableTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'timeTicks'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 6 }
+nlmLogVariableInteger32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'integer32'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 7 }
+nlmLogVariableOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'octetString'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 8 }
+nlmLogVariableIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'ipAddress'.
+     Although this seems to be unfriendly for IPv6, we
+     have to recognize that there are a number of older
+     MIBs that do contain an IPv4 format address, known
+     as IpAddress.
+     IPv6 addresses are represented using TAddress or
+     InetAddress, and so the underlying datatype is
+     OCTET STRING, and their value would be stored in
+     the nlmLogVariableOctetStringVal column."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 9 }
+nlmLogVariableOidVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'objectId'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 10 }
+nlmLogVariableCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'counter64'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 11 }
+nlmLogVariableOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Opaque
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+     "The value when nlmLogVariableType is 'opaque'."
+    ::= { nlmLogVariableEntry 12 }
+-- Conformance
+notificationLogMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { notificationLogMIB 3 }
+notificationLogMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { notificationLogMIBConformance 1 }
+notificationLogMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+    { notificationLogMIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance
+notificationLogMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+     STATUS current
+          "The compliance statement for entities which implement
+          the Notification Log MIB."
+     MODULE    -- this module
+               notificationLogConfigGroup,
+               notificationLogStatsGroup,
+               notificationLogLogGroup
+          }
+     OBJECT nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit
+         SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
+         MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          "Implementations may choose a limit and not allow it to be
+          changed or may enforce an upper or lower bound on the
+          limit."
+     OBJECT nlmConfigLogEntryLimit
+         SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
+         MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          "Implementations may choose a limit and not allow it to be
+          changed or may enforce an upper or lower bound on the
+          limit."
+     OBJECT nlmConfigLogEntryStatus
+         MIN-ACCESS read-only
+          "Implementations may disallow the creation of named logs."
+     GROUP notificationLogDateGroup
+          "This group is mandatory on systems that keep wall clock
+          date and time and should not be implemented on systems that
+          do not have a wall clock date."
+     ::= { notificationLogMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- Units of Conformance
+notificationLogConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit,
+          nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut,
+          nlmConfigLogFilterName,
+          nlmConfigLogEntryLimit,
+          nlmConfigLogAdminStatus,
+          nlmConfigLogOperStatus,
+          nlmConfigLogStorageType,
+          nlmConfigLogEntryStatus
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Notification log configuration management."
+     ::= { notificationLogMIBGroups 1 }
+notificationLogStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          nlmStatsGlobalNotificationsLogged,
+          nlmStatsGlobalNotificationsBumped,
+          nlmStatsLogNotificationsLogged,
+          nlmStatsLogNotificationsBumped
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Notification log statistics."
+     ::= { notificationLogMIBGroups 2 }
+notificationLogLogGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          nlmLogTime,
+          nlmLogEngineID,
+          nlmLogEngineTAddress,
+          nlmLogEngineTDomain,
+          nlmLogContextEngineID,
+          nlmLogContextName,
+          nlmLogNotificationID,
+          nlmLogVariableID,
+          nlmLogVariableValueType,
+          nlmLogVariableCounter32Val,
+          nlmLogVariableUnsigned32Val,
+          nlmLogVariableTimeTicksVal,
+          nlmLogVariableInteger32Val,
+          nlmLogVariableOctetStringVal,
+          nlmLogVariableIpAddressVal,
+          nlmLogVariableOidVal,
+          nlmLogVariableCounter64Val,
+          nlmLogVariableOpaqueVal
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Notification log data."
+     ::= { notificationLogMIBGroups 3 }
+notificationLogDateGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+     OBJECTS {
+          nlmLogDateAndTime
+     }
+     STATUS current
+          "Conditionally mandatory notification log data.
+          This group is mandatory on systems that keep wall
+          clock date and time and should not be implemented
+          on systems that do not have a wall clock date."
+     ::= { notificationLogMIBGroups 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/README.mibs b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/README.mibs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da79d11349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/README.mibs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+About the MIBS distributed with Net-SNMP.
+This directory contains a very basic set of MIB files, ready for use.
+In addition, there are some scripts and table files to help you get a
+fuller collection of MIB files.
+smistrip - a script that can extract a MIB file from an RFC (or I-D)
+mibfetch - a script that will fetch an RFC file from a mirror, and extract
+	the hosted MIB from it. It assumes that you have wget installed.
+rfclist - a list of RFC numbers and corresponding MIB name(s)
+ianalist - a list of files at the IANA server that holds IANA maintained
+	MIBs
+Makefile.mib - rules for extracting current MIB files from RFC and IANA
+	files.
+rfcmibs.diff - a set of required patches for MIB files extracted from RFCs
+The file Makefile.mib holds rules that fetch and extract MIB files from
+their hosting RFCs. Make will use wget to retrieve the RFC files, and,
+as I am located in Denmark, use the RFC mirror at NORDUnet. You may change
+that at the top of Makefile.mib.
+Makefile.mib also holds rules that will collect all the current IETF MIB
+definitions, using the lists in rfclist and ianalist. To get them all,
+	make -f Makefile.mib allmibs
+Note, that there are a few fatal syntactic errors in some of the RFC
+definitions. To make them all parse successfully with the Net-SNMP parser,
+you should apply the patches in the file rfcmibs.diff. These patches are
+typical for the problems that are commonly seen with MIB files from various
+- forgetting to import enterprises/mib-2/transmission from SNMPv2-SMI
+- thinking that a -- comment ends at end-of-line, not at the next --
+- using _ in identifiers. A - may be used in its place
+- various misspellings
+There is a short-cut rule
+	make -f Makefile.mib rfc
+that will also apply the patches. Note that Makefile.mib and smistrip has
+configurable versions of awk and patch. If you are running Solaris you
+must set these to nawk and gpatch respectively.
+DISCLAIMER: The patches provided here for the IETF standard MIB files
+are not endorsed by anyone, and I don't guarantee that they bring them
+accordance with what the authors intended. All I will promise, is that
+the MIB files can be parsed.
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC-1215.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC-1215.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05fc927e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC-1215.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- This  module is a empty module.  It has been created solely for the 
+-- purpose of allowing other modules to correctly import the TRAP-TYPE 
+-- clause from RFC-1215 where it should be imported from.  It's a
+-- built in type in the UCD-SNMP code, and in fact RFC-1215 doesn't
+-- actually define a mib at all; it only defines macros.  However,
+-- importing the TRAP-TYPE is conventionally done from an import
+-- clause pointing to RFC-1215.
+--   Wes 7/17/98
+                      (enterprise OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+                      VarPart
+                      DescrPart
+                      ReferPart
+    VarPart ::=
+               "VARIABLES" "{" VarTypes "}"
+               | empty
+    VarTypes ::=
+               VarType | VarTypes "," VarType
+    VarType ::=
+               value (vartype ObjectName)
+    DescrPart ::=
+               "DESCRIPTION" value (description DisplayString)
+               | empty
+    ReferPart ::=
+               "REFERENCE" value (reference DisplayString)
+               | empty
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC1155-SMI.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC1155-SMI.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2a97b11fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC1155-SMI.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+        internet, directory, mgmt,
+        experimental, private, enterprises,
+        OBJECT-TYPE, ObjectName, ObjectSyntax, SimpleSyntax,
+        ApplicationSyntax, NetworkAddress, IpAddress,
+        Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks, Opaque;
+ -- the path to the root
+ internet      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) 1 }
+ directory     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }
+ mgmt          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }
+ experimental  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }
+ private       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
+ enterprises   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
+ -- definition of object types
+     TYPE NOTATION ::= "SYNTAX" type (TYPE ObjectSyntax)
+                       "ACCESS" Access
+                       "STATUS" Status
+     VALUE NOTATION ::= value (VALUE ObjectName)
+     Access ::= "read-only"
+                     | "read-write"
+                     | "write-only"
+                     | "not-accessible"
+     Status ::= "mandatory"
+                     | "optional"
+                     | "obsolete"
+    -- names of objects in the MIB
+    ObjectName ::=
+    -- syntax of objects in the MIB
+    ObjectSyntax ::=
+        CHOICE {
+            simple
+                SimpleSyntax,
+    -- note that simple SEQUENCEs are not directly
+    -- mentioned here to keep things simple (i.e.,
+    -- prevent mis-use).  However, application-wide
+    -- types which are IMPLICITly encoded simple
+    -- SEQUENCEs may appear in the following CHOICE
+            application-wide
+                ApplicationSyntax
+        }
+       SimpleSyntax ::=
+           CHOICE {
+               number
+                   INTEGER,
+               string
+                   OCTET STRING,
+               object
+                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+               empty
+                   NULL
+           }
+       ApplicationSyntax ::=
+           CHOICE {
+               address
+                   NetworkAddress,
+               counter
+                   Counter,
+               gauge
+                   Gauge,
+               ticks
+                   TimeTicks,
+               arbitrary
+                   Opaque
+       -- other application-wide types, as they are
+       -- defined, will be added here
+           }
+       -- application-wide types
+       NetworkAddress ::=
+           CHOICE {
+               internet
+                   IpAddress
+           }
+       IpAddress ::=
+           [APPLICATION 0]          -- in network-byte order
+               IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
+       Counter ::=
+           [APPLICATION 1]
+               IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+       Gauge ::=
+           [APPLICATION 2]
+               IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+       TimeTicks ::=
+           [APPLICATION 3]
+               IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+       Opaque ::=
+           [APPLICATION 4]          -- arbitrary ASN.1 value,
+               IMPLICIT OCTET STRING   --   "double-wrapped"
+       END
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6214cc256a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2613 @@
+        mgmt, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge,
+                TimeTicks
+            FROM RFC1155-SMI
+        OBJECT-TYPE
+                FROM RFC-1212;
+--  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
+--  defined in [14];
+--  MIB-II (same prefix as MIB-I)
+mib-2      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
+-- textual conventions
+DisplayString ::=
+-- This data type is used to model textual information taken
+-- from the NVT ASCII character set.  By convention, objects
+-- with this syntax are declared as having
+--      SIZE (0..255)
+PhysAddress ::=
+-- This data type is used to model media addresses.  For many
+-- types of media, this will be in a binary representation.
+-- For example, an ethernet address would be represented as
+-- a string of 6 octets.
+-- groups in MIB-II
+system       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
+interfaces   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
+at           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 3 }
+ip           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 4 }
+icmp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 5 }
+tcp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
+udp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 7 }
+egp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 8 }
+-- historical (some say hysterical)
+-- cmot      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 9 }
+transmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }
+snmp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 11 }
+-- the System group
+-- Implementation of the System group is mandatory for all
+-- systems.  If an agent is not configured to have a value
+-- for any of these variables, a string of length 0 is
+-- returned.
+    SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A textual description of the entity.  This value
+            should include the full name and version
+            identification of the system's hardware type,
+            software operating-system, and networking
+            software.  It is mandatory that this only contain
+            printable ASCII characters."
+    ::= { system 1 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
+            network management subsystem contained in the
+            entity.  This value is allocated within the SMI
+            enterprises subtree ( and provides an
+            easy and unambiguous means for determining `what
+            kind of box' is being managed.  For example, if
+            vendor `Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the
+            subtree, it could assign the
+            identifier to its `Fred
+            Router'."
+    ::= { system 2 }
+    SYNTAX  TimeTicks
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
+            network management portion of the system was last
+            re-initialized."
+    ::= { system 3 }
+sysContact OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The textual identification of the contact person
+            for this managed node, together with information
+            on how to contact this person."
+    ::= { system 4 }
+    SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An administratively-assigned name for this
+            managed node.  By convention, this is the node's
+            fully-qualified domain name."
+    ::= { system 5 }
+sysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The physical location of this node (e.g.,
+            `telephone closet, 3rd floor')."
+    ::= { system 6 }
+sysServices OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..127)
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A value which indicates the set of services that
+            this entity primarily offers.
+            The value is a sum.  This sum initially takes the
+            value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range
+            1 through 7, that this node performs transactions
+            for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum.  For
+            example, a node which performs primarily routing
+            functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).  In
+            contrast, a node which is a host offering
+            application services would have a value of 72
+            (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).  Note that in the context of
+            the Internet suite of protocols, values should be
+            calculated accordingly:
+                 layer  functionality
+                     1  physical (e.g., repeaters)
+                     2  datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
+                     3  internet (e.g., IP gateways)
+                     4  end-to-end  (e.g., IP hosts)
+                     7  applications (e.g., mail relays)
+            For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and
+            6 may also be counted."
+    ::= { system 7 }
+-- the Interfaces group
+-- Implementation of the Interfaces group is mandatory for
+-- all systems.
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of network interfaces (regardless of
+            their current state) present on this system."
+    ::= { interfaces 1 }
+-- the Interfaces table
+-- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's
+-- interfaces.  Each interface is thought of as being
+-- attached to a `subnetwork'.  Note that this term should
+-- not be confused with `subnet' which refers to an
+-- addressing partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite
+-- of protocols.
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A list of interface entries.  The number of
+            entries is given by the value of ifNumber."
+    ::= { interfaces 2 }
+    SYNTAX  IfEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An interface entry containing objects at the
+            subnetwork layer and below for a particular
+            interface."
+    INDEX   { ifIndex }
+    ::= { ifTable 1 }
+IfEntry ::=
+        ifIndex
+            INTEGER,
+        ifDescr
+            DisplayString,
+        ifType
+            INTEGER,
+        ifMtu
+            INTEGER,
+        ifSpeed
+            Gauge,
+        ifPhysAddress
+            PhysAddress,
+        ifAdminStatus
+            INTEGER,
+        ifOperStatus
+            INTEGER,
+        ifLastChange
+            TimeTicks,
+        ifInOctets
+            Counter,
+        ifInUcastPkts
+            Counter,
+        ifInNUcastPkts
+            Counter,
+        ifInDiscards
+            Counter,
+        ifInErrors
+            Counter,
+        ifInUnknownProtos
+            Counter,
+        ifOutOctets
+            Counter,
+        ifOutUcastPkts
+            Counter,
+        ifOutNUcastPkts
+            Counter,
+        ifOutDiscards
+            Counter,
+        ifOutErrors
+            Counter,
+        ifOutQLen
+            Gauge,
+        ifSpecific
+    }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A unique value for each interface.  Its value
+            ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber.  The
+            value for each interface must remain constant at
+            least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+            network management system to the next re-
+            initialization."
+    ::= { ifEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A textual string containing information about the
+            interface.  This string should include the name of
+            the manufacturer, the product name and the version
+            of the hardware interface."
+    ::= { ifEntry 2 }
+                other(1),          -- none of the following
+                regular1822(2),
+                hdh1822(3),
+                ddn-x25(4),
+                rfc877-x25(5),
+                ethernet-csmacd(6),
+                iso88023-csmacd(7),
+                iso88024-tokenBus(8),
+                iso88025-tokenRing(9),
+                iso88026-man(10),
+                starLan(11),
+                proteon-10Mbit(12),
+                proteon-80Mbit(13),
+                hyperchannel(14),
+                fddi(15),
+                lapb(16),
+                sdlc(17),
+                ds1(18),           -- T-1
+                e1(19),            -- european equiv. of T-1
+                basicISDN(20),
+                primaryISDN(21),   -- proprietary serial
+                propPointToPointSerial(22),
+                ppp(23),
+                softwareLoopback(24),
+                eon(25),            -- CLNP over IP [11]
+                ethernet-3Mbit(26),
+                nsip(27),           -- XNS over IP
+                slip(28),           -- generic SLIP
+                ultra(29),          -- ULTRA technologies
+                ds3(30),            -- T-3
+                sip(31),            -- SMDS
+                frame-relay(32)
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The type of interface, distinguished according to
+            the physical/link protocol(s) immediately `below'
+            the network layer in the protocol stack."
+    ::= { ifEntry 3 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The size of the largest datagram which can be
+            sent/received on the interface, specified in
+            octets.  For interfaces that are used for
+            transmitting network datagrams, this is the size
+            of the largest network datagram that can be sent
+            on the interface."
+    ::= { ifEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX  Gauge
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth
+            in bits per second.  For interfaces which do not
+            vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate
+            estimation can be made, this object should contain
+            the nominal bandwidth."
+    ::= { ifEntry 5 }
+ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  PhysAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The interface's address at the protocol layer
+            immediately `below' the network layer in the
+            protocol stack.  For interfaces which do not have
+            such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object
+            should contain an octet string of zero length."
+    ::= { ifEntry 6 }
+ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
+                down(2),
+                testing(3)   -- in some test mode
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The desired state of the interface.  The
+            testing(3) state indicates that no operational
+            packets can be passed."
+    ::= { ifEntry 7 }
+ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
+                down(2),
+                testing(3)   -- in some test mode
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The current operational state of the interface.
+            The testing(3) state indicates that no operational
+            packets can be passed."
+    ::= { ifEntry 8 }
+ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  TimeTicks
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface
+            entered its current operational state.  If the
+            current state was entered prior to the last re-
+            initialization of the local network management
+            subsystem, then this object contains a zero
+            value."
+    ::= { ifEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of octets received on the
+            interface, including framing characters."
+    ::= { ifEntry 10 }
+ifInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of subnetwork-unicast packets
+            delivered to a higher-layer protocol."
+    ::= { ifEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-
+            broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets
+            delivered to a higher-layer protocol."
+    ::= { ifEntry 12 }
+ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of inbound packets which were chosen
+            to be discarded even though no errors had been
+            detected to prevent their being deliverable to a
+            higher-layer protocol.  One possible reason for
+            discarding such a packet could be to free up
+            buffer space."
+    ::= { ifEntry 13 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of inbound packets that contained
+            errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
+            higher-layer protocol."
+    ::= { ifEntry 14 }
+ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of packets received via the interface
+            which were discarded because of an unknown or
+            unsupported protocol."
+    ::= { ifEntry 15 }
+ifOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+            interface, including framing characters."
+    ::= { ifEntry 16 }
+ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level
+            protocols requested be transmitted to a
+            subnetwork-unicast address, including those that
+            were discarded or not sent."
+    ::= { ifEntry 17 }
+ifOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of packets that higher-level
+            protocols requested be transmitted to a non-
+            unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or
+            subnetwork-multicast) address, including those
+            that were discarded or not sent."
+    ::= { ifEntry 18 }
+ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of outbound packets which were chosen
+            to be discarded even though no errors had been
+            detected to prevent their being transmitted.  One
+            possible reason for discarding such a packet could
+            be to free up buffer space."
+    ::= { ifEntry 19 }
+ifOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of outbound packets that could not be
+            transmitted because of errors."
+    ::= { ifEntry 20 }
+    SYNTAX  Gauge
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The length of the output packet queue (in
+            packets)."
+    ::= { ifEntry 21 }
+ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+            particular media being used to realize the
+            interface.  For example, if the interface is
+            realized by an ethernet, then the value of this
+            object refers to a document defining objects
+            specific to ethernet.  If this information is not
+            present, its value should be set to the OBJECT
+            IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntatically valid
+            object identifier, and any conformant
+            implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to
+            generate and recognize this value."
+    ::= { ifEntry 22 }
+-- the Address Translation group
+-- Implementation of the Address Translation group is
+-- mandatory for all systems.  Note however that this group
+-- is deprecated by MIB-II. That is, it is being included
+-- solely for compatibility with MIB-I nodes, and will most
+-- likely be excluded from MIB-III nodes.  From MIB-II and
+-- onwards, each network protocol group contains its own
+-- address translation tables.
+-- The Address Translation group contains one table which is
+-- the union across all interfaces of the translation tables
+-- for converting a NetworkAddress (e.g., an IP address) into
+-- a subnetwork-specific address.  For lack of a better term,
+-- this document refers to such a subnetwork-specific address
+-- as a `physical' address.
+-- Examples of such translation tables are: for broadcast
+-- media where ARP is in use, the translation table is
+-- equivalent to the ARP cache; or, on an X.25 network where
+-- non-algorithmic translation to X.121 addresses is
+-- required, the translation table contains the
+-- NetworkAddress to X.121 address equivalences.
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The Address Translation tables contain the
+            NetworkAddress to `physical' address equivalences.
+            Some interfaces do not use translation tables for
+            determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25
+            has an algorithmic method); if all interfaces are
+            of this type, then the Address Translation table
+            is empty, i.e., has zero entries."
+    ::= { at 1 }
+    SYNTAX  AtEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "Each entry contains one NetworkAddress to
+            `physical' address equivalence."
+    INDEX   { atIfIndex,
+              atNetAddress }
+    ::= { atTable 1 }
+AtEntry ::=
+        atIfIndex
+            INTEGER,
+        atPhysAddress
+            PhysAddress,
+        atNetAddress
+            NetworkAddress
+    }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
+            is effective.  The interface identified by a
+            particular value of this index is the same
+            interface as identified by the same value of
+            ifIndex."
+    ::= { atEntry 1 }
+atPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  PhysAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The media-dependent `physical' address.
+            Setting this object to a null string (one of zero
+            length) has the effect of invaliding the
+            corresponding entry in the atTable object.  That
+            is, it effectively dissasociates the interface
+            identified with said entry from the mapping
+            identified with said entry.  It is an
+            implementation-specific matter as to whether the
+            agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+            Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
+            to receive tabular information from agents that
+            corresponds to entries not currently in use.
+            Proper interpretation of such entries requires
+            examination of the relevant atPhysAddress object."
+    ::= { atEntry 2 }
+atNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  NetworkAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The NetworkAddress (e.g., the IP address)
+            corresponding to the media-dependent `physical'
+            address."
+    ::= { atEntry 3 }
+-- the IP group
+-- Implementation of the IP group is mandatory for all
+-- systems.
+ipForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
+                forwarding(1),    -- acting as a gateway
+                not-forwarding(2) -- NOT acting as a gateway
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The indication of whether this entity is acting
+            as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of
+            datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this
+            entity.  IP gateways forward datagrams.  IP hosts
+            do not (except those source-routed via the host).
+            Note that for some managed nodes, this object may
+            take on only a subset of the values possible.
+            Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to
+            return a `badValue' response if a management
+            station attempts to change this object to an
+            inappropriate value."
+    ::= { ip 1 }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live
+            field of the IP header of datagrams originated at
+            this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied
+            by the transport layer protocol."
+    ::= { ip 2 }
+ipInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of input datagrams received from
+            interfaces, including those received in error."
+    ::= { ip 3 }
+ipInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of input datagrams discarded due to
+            errors in their IP headers, including bad
+            checksums, version number mismatch, other format
+            errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered
+            in processing their IP options, etc."
+    ::= { ip 4 }
+ipInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of input datagrams discarded because
+            the IP address in their IP header's destination
+            field was not a valid address to be received at
+            this entity.  This count includes invalid
+            addresses (e.g., and addresses of
+            unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E).  For entities
+            which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not
+            forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams
+            discarded because the destination address was not
+            a local address."
+    ::= { ip 5 }
+ipForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of input datagrams for which this
+            entity was not their final IP destination, as a
+            result of which an attempt was made to find a
+            route to forward them to that final destination.
+            In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this
+            counter will include only those packets which were
+            Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-
+            Route option processing was successful."
+    ::= { ip 6 }
+ipInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of locally-addressed datagrams
+            received successfully but discarded because of an
+            unknown or unsupported protocol."
+    ::= { ip 7 }
+ipInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of input IP datagrams for which no
+            problems were encountered to prevent their
+            continued processing, but which were discarded
+            (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note that this
+            counter does not include any datagrams discarded
+            while awaiting re-assembly."
+    ::= { ip 8 }
+ipInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of input datagrams successfully
+            delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP)."
+    ::= { ip 9 }
+ipOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of IP datagrams which local IP
+            user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in
+            requests for transmission.  Note that this counter
+            does not include any datagrams counted in
+            ipForwDatagrams."
+    ::= { ip 10 }
+ipOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of output IP datagrams for which no
+            problem was encountered to prevent their
+            transmission to their destination, but which were
+            discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note
+            that this counter would include datagrams counted
+            in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this
+            (discretionary) discard criterion."
+    ::= { ip 11 }
+ipOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of IP datagrams discarded because no
+            route could be found to transmit them to their
+            destination.  Note that this counter includes any
+            packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this
+            `no-route' criterion.  Note that this includes any
+            datagarms which a host cannot route because all of
+            its default gateways are down."
+    ::= { ip 12 }
+ipReasmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The maximum number of seconds which received
+            fragments are held while they are awaiting
+            reassembly at this entity."
+    ::= { ip 13 }
+ipReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of IP fragments received which needed
+            to be reassembled at this entity."
+    ::= { ip 14 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of IP datagrams successfully re-
+            assembled."
+    ::= { ip 15 }
+ipReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of failures detected by the IP re-
+            assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed
+            out, errors, etc).  Note that this is not
+            necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments
+            since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
+            RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments
+            by combining them as they are received."
+    ::= { ip 16 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of IP datagrams that have been
+            successfully fragmented at this entity."
+    ::= { ip 17 }
+ipFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of IP datagrams that have been
+            discarded because they needed to be fragmented at
+            this entity but could not be, e.g., because their
+            Don't Fragment flag was set."
+    ::= { ip 18 }
+ipFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of IP datagram fragments that have
+            been generated as a result of fragmentation at
+            this entity."
+    ::= { ip 19 }
+-- the IP address table
+-- The IP address table contains this entity's IP addressing
+-- information.
+ipAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The table of addressing information relevant to
+            this entity's IP addresses."
+    ::= { ip 20 }
+ipAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddrEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The addressing information for one of this
+            entity's IP addresses."
+    INDEX   { ipAdEntAddr }
+    ::= { ipAddrTable 1 }
+IpAddrEntry ::=
+        ipAdEntAddr
+            IpAddress,
+        ipAdEntIfIndex
+            INTEGER,
+        ipAdEntNetMask
+            IpAddress,
+        ipAdEntBcastAddr
+            INTEGER,
+        ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
+            INTEGER (0..65535)
+    }
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The IP address to which this entry's addressing
+            information pertains."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 1 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The index value which uniquely identifies the
+            interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
+            interface identified by a particular value of this
+            index is the same interface as identified by the
+            same value of ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The subnet mask associated with the IP address of
+            this entry.  The value of the mask is an IP
+            address with all the network bits set to 1 and all
+            the hosts bits set to 0."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 3 }
+ipAdEntBcastAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The value of the least-significant bit in the IP
+            broadcast address used for sending datagrams on
+            the (logical) interface associated with the IP
+            address of this entry.  For example, when the
+            Internet standard all-ones broadcast address is
+            used, the value will be 1.  This value applies to
+            both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses
+            used by the entity on this (logical) interface."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 4 }
+ipAdEntReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The size of the largest IP datagram which this
+            entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented
+            datagrams received on this interface."
+    ::= { ipAddrEntry 5 }
+-- the IP routing table
+-- The IP routing table contains an entry for each route
+-- presently known to this entity.
+ipRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "This entity's IP Routing table."
+    ::= { ip 21 }
+ipRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpRouteEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A route to a particular destination."
+    INDEX   { ipRouteDest }
+    ::= { ipRouteTable 1 }
+IpRouteEntry ::=
+        ipRouteDest
+            IpAddress,
+        ipRouteIfIndex
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteMetric1
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteMetric2
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteMetric3
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteMetric4
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteNextHop
+            IpAddress,
+        ipRouteType
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteProto
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteAge
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteMask
+            IpAddress,
+        ipRouteMetric5
+            INTEGER,
+        ipRouteInfo
+    }
+ipRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The destination IP address of this route.  An
+            entry with a value of is considered a
+            default route.  Multiple routes to a single
+            destination can appear in the table, but access to
+            such multiple entries is dependent on the table-
+            access mechanisms defined by the network
+            management protocol in use."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 1 }
+ipRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The index value which uniquely identifies the
+            local interface through which the next hop of this
+            route should be reached.  The interface identified
+            by a particular value of this index is the same
+            interface as identified by the same value of
+            ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 2 }
+ipRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The primary routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the
+            routing-protocol specified in the route's
+            ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
+            its value should be set to -1."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 3 }
+ipRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the
+            routing-protocol specified in the route's
+            ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
+            its value should be set to -1."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 4 }
+ipRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the
+            routing-protocol specified in the route's
+            ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
+            its value should be set to -1."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 5 }
+ipRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the
+            routing-protocol specified in the route's
+            ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
+            its value should be set to -1."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 6 }
+ipRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The IP address of the next hop of this route.
+            (In the case of a route bound to an interface
+            which is realized via a broadcast media, the value
+            of this field is the agent's IP address on that
+            interface.)"
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 7 }
+ipRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other(1),        -- none of the following
+                invalid(2),      -- an invalidated route
+                                 -- route to directly
+                direct(3),       -- connected (sub-)network
+                                 -- route to a non-local
+                indirect(4)      -- host/network/sub-network
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The type of route.  Note that the values
+            direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of
+            direct and indirect routing in the IP
+            architecture.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
+            the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
+            in the ipRouteTable object.  That is, it
+            effectively dissasociates the destination
+            identified with said entry from the route
+            identified with said entry.  It is an
+            implementation-specific matter as to whether the
+            agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+            Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
+            to receive tabular information from agents that
+            corresponds to entries not currently in use.
+            Proper interpretation of such entries requires
+            examination of the relevant ipRouteType object."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 8 }
+ipRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE
+                other(1),       -- none of the following
+                                -- non-protocol information,
+                                -- e.g., manually configured
+                local(2),       -- entries
+                                -- set via a network
+                netmgmt(3),     -- management protocol
+                                -- obtained via ICMP,
+                icmp(4),        -- e.g., Redirect
+                                -- the remaining values are
+                                -- all gateway routing
+                                -- protocols
+                egp(5),
+                ggp(6),
+                hello(7),
+                rip(8),
+                is-is(9),
+                es-is(10),
+                ciscoIgrp(11),
+                bbnSpfIgp(12),
+                ospf(13),
+                bgp(14)
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The routing mechanism via which this route was
+            learned.  Inclusion of values for gateway routing
+            protocols is not intended to imply that hosts
+            should support those protocols."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 9 }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of seconds since this route was last
+            updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
+            Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied
+            except through knowledge of the routing protocol
+            by which the route was learned."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 10 }
+ipRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the
+            destination address before being compared to the
+            value in the ipRouteDest field.  For those systems
+            that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an
+            agent constructs the value of the ipRouteMask by
+            determining whether the value of the correspondent
+            ipRouteDest field belong to a class-A, B, or C
+            network, and then using one of:
+                 mask           network
+             class-A
+           class-B
+         class-C
+            If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a
+            default route), then the mask value is also
+    It should be noted that all IP routing
+            subsystems implicitly use this mechanism."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 11 }
+ipRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
+            semantics of this metric are determined by the
+            routing-protocol specified in the route's
+            ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
+            its value should be set to -1."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 12 }
+ipRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+            particular routing protocol which is responsible
+            for this route, as determined by the value
+            specified in the route's ipRouteProto value.  If
+            this information is not present, its value should
+            be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is
+            a syntatically valid object identifier, and any
+            conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be
+            able to generate and recognize this value."
+    ::= { ipRouteEntry 13 }
+-- the IP Address Translation table
+-- The IP address translation table contain the IpAddress to
+-- `physical' address equivalences.  Some interfaces do not
+-- use translation tables for determining address
+-- equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method);
+-- if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address
+-- Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
+ipNetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IpNetToMediaEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The IP Address Translation table used for mapping
+            from IP addresses to physical addresses."
+    ::= { ip 22 }
+ipNetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpNetToMediaEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "Each entry contains one IpAddress to `physical'
+            address equivalence."
+    INDEX   { ipNetToMediaIfIndex,
+              ipNetToMediaNetAddress }
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaTable 1 }
+IpNetToMediaEntry ::=
+        ipNetToMediaIfIndex
+            INTEGER,
+        ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
+            PhysAddress,
+        ipNetToMediaNetAddress
+            IpAddress,
+        ipNetToMediaType
+            INTEGER
+    }
+ipNetToMediaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
+            is effective.  The interface identified by a
+            particular value of this index is the same
+            interface as identified by the same value of
+            ifIndex."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 1 }
+ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  PhysAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The media-dependent `physical' address."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 2 }
+ipNetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The IpAddress corresponding to the media-
+            dependent `physical' address."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 3 }
+ipNetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
+                other(1),        -- none of the following
+                invalid(2),      -- an invalidated mapping
+                dynamic(3),
+                static(4)
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The type of mapping.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
+            the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
+            in the ipNetToMediaTable.  That is, it effectively
+            dissasociates the interface identified with said
+            entry from the mapping identified with said entry.
+            It is an implementation-specific matter as to
+            whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
+            from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
+            must be prepared to receive tabular information
+            from agents that corresponds to entries not
+            currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such
+            entries requires examination of the relevant
+            ipNetToMediaType object."
+    ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 4 }
+-- additional IP objects
+ipRoutingDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of routing entries which were chosen
+            to be discarded even though they are valid.  One
+            possible reason for discarding such an entry could
+            be to free-up buffer space for other routing
+            entries."
+    ::= { ip 23 }
+-- the ICMP group
+-- Implementation of the ICMP group is mandatory for all
+-- systems.
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of ICMP messages which the
+            entity received.  Note that this counter includes
+            all those counted by icmpInErrors."
+    ::= { icmp 1 }
+icmpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP messages which the entity
+            received but determined as having ICMP-specific
+            errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.)."
+    ::= { icmp 2 }
+icmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
+            messages received."
+    ::= { icmp 3 }
+icmpInTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 4 }
+icmpInParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 5 }
+icmpInSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 6 }
+icmpInRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Redirect messages received."
+    ::= { icmp 7 }
+icmpInEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 8 }
+icmpInEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received."
+    ::= { icmp 9 }
+icmpInTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 10 }
+icmpInTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 11 }
+icmpInAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 12 }
+icmpInAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages
+            received."
+    ::= { icmp 13 }
+icmpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of ICMP messages which this
+            entity attempted to send.  Note that this counter
+            includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors."
+    ::= { icmp 14 }
+icmpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP messages which this entity did
+            not send due to problems discovered within ICMP
+            such as a lack of buffers.  This value should not
+            include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer
+            such as the inability of IP to route the resultant
+            datagram.  In some implementations there may be no
+            types of error which contribute to this counter's
+            value."
+    ::= { icmp 15 }
+icmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
+            messages sent."
+    ::= { icmp 16 }
+icmpOutTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent."
+    ::= { icmp 17 }
+icmpOutParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
+            sent."
+    ::= { icmp 18 }
+icmpOutSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent."
+    ::= { icmp 19 }
+icmpOutRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent.  For a
+            host, this object will always be zero, since hosts
+            do not send redirects."
+    ::= { icmp 20 }
+icmpOutEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent."
+    ::= { icmp 21 }
+icmpOutEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent."
+    ::= { icmp 22 }
+icmpOutTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages
+            sent."
+    ::= { icmp 23 }
+icmpOutTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages
+            sent."
+    ::= { icmp 24 }
+icmpOutAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages
+            sent."
+    ::= { icmp 25 }
+icmpOutAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages
+            sent."
+    ::= { icmp 26 }
+-- the TCP group
+-- Implementation of the TCP group is mandatory for all
+-- systems that implement the TCP.
+-- Note that instances of object types that represent
+-- information about a particular TCP connection are
+-- transient; they persist only as long as the connection
+-- in question.
+tcpRtoAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
+                other(1),    -- none of the following
+                constant(2), -- a constant rto
+                rsre(3),     -- MIL-STD-1778, Appendix B
+                vanj(4)      -- Van Jacobson's algorithm [10]
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The algorithm used to determine the timeout value
+            used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets."
+    ::= { tcp 1 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The minimum value permitted by a TCP
+            implementation for the retransmission timeout,
+            measured in milliseconds.  More refined semantics
+            for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm
+            used to determine the retransmission timeout.  In
+            particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3),
+            an object of this type has the semantics of the
+            LBOUND quantity described in RFC 793."
+    ::= { tcp 2 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The maximum value permitted by a TCP
+            implementation for the retransmission timeout,
+            measured in milliseconds.  More refined semantics
+            for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm
+            used to determine the retransmission timeout.  In
+            particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3),
+            an object of this type has the semantics of the
+            UBOUND quantity described in RFC 793."
+    ::= { tcp 3 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The limit on the total number of TCP connections
+            the entity can support.  In entities where the
+            maximum number of connections is dynamic, this
+            object should contain the value -1."
+    ::= { tcp 4 }
+tcpActiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+            direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the
+            CLOSED state."
+    ::= { tcp 5 }
+tcpPassiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+            direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the
+            LISTEN state."
+    ::= { tcp 6 }
+tcpAttemptFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+            direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
+            the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the
+            number of times TCP connections have made a direct
+            transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD
+            state."
+    ::= { tcp 7 }
+tcpEstabResets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+            direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
+            the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state."
+    ::= { tcp 8 }
+tcpCurrEstab OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Gauge
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of TCP connections for which the
+            current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-
+            WAIT."
+    ::= { tcp 9 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of segments received, including
+            those received in error.  This count includes
+            segments received on currently established
+            connections."
+    ::= { tcp 10 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of segments sent, including
+            those on current connections but excluding those
+            containing only retransmitted octets."
+    ::= { tcp 11 }
+tcpRetransSegs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of segments retransmitted - that
+            is, the number of TCP segments transmitted
+            containing one or more previously transmitted
+            octets."
+    ::= { tcp 12 }
+-- the TCP Connection table
+-- The TCP connection table contains information about this
+-- entity's existing TCP connections.
+tcpConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A table containing TCP connection-specific
+            information."
+    ::= { tcp 13 }
+tcpConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  TcpConnEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "Information about a particular current TCP
+            connection.  An object of this type is transient,
+            in that it ceases to exist when (or soon after)
+            the connection makes the transition to the CLOSED
+            state."
+    INDEX   { tcpConnLocalAddress,
+              tcpConnLocalPort,
+              tcpConnRemAddress,
+              tcpConnRemPort }
+    ::= { tcpConnTable 1 }
+TcpConnEntry ::=
+        tcpConnState
+            INTEGER,
+        tcpConnLocalAddress
+            IpAddress,
+        tcpConnLocalPort
+            INTEGER (0..65535),
+        tcpConnRemAddress
+            IpAddress,
+        tcpConnRemPort
+            INTEGER (0..65535)
+    }
+tcpConnState OBJECT-TYPE
+                closed(1),
+                listen(2),
+                synSent(3),
+                synReceived(4),
+                established(5),
+                finWait1(6),
+                finWait2(7),
+                closeWait(8),
+                lastAck(9),
+                closing(10),
+                timeWait(11),
+                deleteTCB(12)
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The state of this TCP connection.
+            The only value which may be set by a management
+            station is deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is
+            appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
+            response if a management station attempts to set
+            this object to any other value.
+            If a management station sets this object to the
+            value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
+            deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
+            corresponding connection on the managed node,
+            resulting in immediate termination of the
+            connection.
+            As an implementation-specific option, a RST
+            segment may be sent from the managed node to the
+            other TCP endpoint (note however that RST segments
+            are not sent reliably)."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 1 }
+tcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The local IP address for this TCP connection.  In
+            the case of a connection in the listen state which
+            is willing to accept connections for any IP
+            interface associated with the node, the value
+   is used."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 2 }
+tcpConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The local port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 3 }
+tcpConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The remote IP address for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 4 }
+tcpConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 5 }
+-- additional TCP objects
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of segments received in error
+            (e.g., bad TCP checksums)."
+    ::= { tcp 14 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of TCP segments sent containing the
+            RST flag."
+    ::= { tcp 15 }
+-- the UDP group
+-- Implementation of the UDP group is mandatory for all
+-- systems which implement the UDP.
+udpInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to
+            UDP users."
+    ::= { udp 1 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of received UDP datagrams for
+            which there was no application at the destination
+            port."
+    ::= { udp 2 }
+udpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of received UDP datagrams that could
+            not be delivered for reasons other than the lack
+            of an application at the destination port."
+    ::= { udp 3 }
+udpOutDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
+            entity."
+    ::= { udp 4 }
+-- the UDP Listener table
+-- The UDP listener table contains information about this
+-- entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is
+-- currently accepting datagrams.
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A table containing UDP listener information."
+    ::= { udp 5 }
+    SYNTAX  UdpEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "Information about a particular current UDP
+            listener."
+    INDEX   { udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
+    ::= { udpTable 1 }
+UdpEntry ::=
+        udpLocalAddress
+            IpAddress,
+        udpLocalPort
+            INTEGER (0..65535)
+    }
+udpLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The local IP address for this UDP listener.  In
+            the case of a UDP listener which is willing to
+            accept datagrams for any IP interface associated
+            with the node, the value is used."
+    ::= { udpEntry 1 }
+udpLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The local port number for this UDP listener."
+    ::= { udpEntry 2 }
+-- the EGP group
+-- Implementation of the EGP group is mandatory for all
+-- systems which implement the EGP.
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP messages received without
+            error."
+    ::= { egp 1 }
+egpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP messages received that proved
+            to be in error."
+    ::= { egp 2 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of locally generated EGP
+            messages."
+    ::= { egp 3 }
+egpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of locally generated EGP messages not
+            sent due to resource limitations within an EGP
+            entity."
+    ::= { egp 4 }
+-- the EGP Neighbor table
+-- The EGP neighbor table contains information about this
+-- entity's EGP neighbors.
+egpNeighTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EgpNeighEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The EGP neighbor table."
+    ::= { egp 5 }
+egpNeighEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  EgpNeighEntry
+    ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "Information about this entity's relationship with
+            a particular EGP neighbor."
+    INDEX   { egpNeighAddr }
+    ::= { egpNeighTable 1 }
+EgpNeighEntry ::=
+        egpNeighState
+            INTEGER,
+        egpNeighAddr
+            IpAddress,
+        egpNeighAs
+            INTEGER,
+        egpNeighInMsgs
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighInErrs
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighOutMsgs
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighOutErrs
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighInErrMsgs
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighOutErrMsgs
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighStateUps
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighStateDowns
+            Counter,
+        egpNeighIntervalHello
+            INTEGER,
+        egpNeighIntervalPoll
+            INTEGER,
+        egpNeighMode
+            INTEGER,
+        egpNeighEventTrigger
+            INTEGER
+    }
+egpNeighState OBJECT-TYPE
+                idle(1),
+                acquisition(2),
+                down(3),
+                up(4),
+                cease(5)
+            }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The EGP state of the local system with respect to
+            this entry's EGP neighbor.  Each EGP state is
+            represented by a value that is one greater than
+            the numerical value associated with said state in
+            RFC 904."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 1 }
+egpNeighAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  IpAddress
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The IP address of this entry's EGP neighbor."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 2 }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The autonomous system of this EGP peer.  Zero
+            should be specified if the autonomous system
+            number of the neighbor is not yet known."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 3 }
+egpNeighInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP messages received without error
+            from this EGP peer."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 4 }
+egpNeighInErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP messages received from this EGP
+            peer that proved to be in error (e.g., bad EGP
+            checksum)."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 5 }
+egpNeighOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of locally generated EGP messages to
+            this EGP peer."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 6 }
+egpNeighOutErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of locally generated EGP messages not
+            sent to this EGP peer due to resource limitations
+            within an EGP entity."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 7 }
+egpNeighInErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP-defined error messages received
+            from this EGP peer."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 8 }
+egpNeighOutErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP-defined error messages sent to
+            this EGP peer."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 9 }
+egpNeighStateUps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP state transitions to the UP
+            state with this EGP peer."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 10 }
+egpNeighStateDowns OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The number of EGP state transitions from the UP
+            state to any other state with this EGP peer."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 11 }
+egpNeighIntervalHello OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The interval between EGP Hello command
+            retransmissions (in hundredths of a second).  This
+            represents the t1 timer as defined in RFC 904."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 12 }
+egpNeighIntervalPoll OBJECT-TYPE
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The interval between EGP poll command
+            retransmissions (in hundredths of a second).  This
+            represents the t3 timer as defined in RFC 904."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 13 }
+egpNeighMode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) }
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The polling mode of this EGP entity, either
+            passive or active."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 14 }
+egpNeighEventTrigger OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER { start(1), stop(2) }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "A control variable used to trigger operator-
+            initiated Start and Stop events.  When read, this
+            variable always returns the most recent value that
+            egpNeighEventTrigger was set to.  If it has not
+            been set since the last initialization of the
+            network management subsystem on the node, it
+            returns a value of `stop'.
+            When set, this variable causes a Start or Stop
+            event on the specified neighbor, as specified on
+            pages 8-10 of RFC 904.  Briefly, a Start event
+            causes an Idle peer to begin neighbor acquisition
+            and a non-Idle peer to reinitiate neighbor
+            acquisition.  A stop event causes a non-Idle peer
+            to return to the Idle state until a Start event
+            occurs, either via egpNeighEventTrigger or
+            otherwise."
+    ::= { egpNeighEntry 15 }
+-- additional EGP objects
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The autonomous system number of this EGP entity."
+    ::= { egp 6 }
+-- the Transmission group
+-- Based on the transmission media underlying each interface
+-- on a system, the corresponding portion of the Transmission
+-- group is mandatory for that system.
+-- When Internet-standard definitions for managing
+-- transmission media are defined, the transmission group is
+-- used to provide a prefix for the names of those objects.
+-- Typically, such definitions reside in the experimental
+-- portion of the MIB until they are "proven", then as a
+-- part of the Internet standardization process, the
+-- definitions are accordingly elevated and a new object
+-- identifier, under the transmission group is defined. By
+-- convention, the name assigned is:
+--     type OBJECT IDENTIFIER    ::= { transmission number }
+-- where "type" is the symbolic value used for the media in
+-- the ifType column of the ifTable object, and "number" is
+-- the actual integer value corresponding to the symbol.
+-- the SNMP group
+-- Implementation of the SNMP group is mandatory for all
+-- systems which support an SNMP protocol entity.  Some of
+-- the objects defined below will be zero-valued in those
+-- SNMP implementations that are optimized to support only
+-- those functions specific to either a management agent or
+-- a management station.  In particular, it should be
+-- observed that the objects below refer to an SNMP entity,
+-- and there may be several SNMP entities residing on a
+-- managed node (e.g., if the node is hosting acting as
+-- a management station).
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of Messages delivered to the
+            SNMP entity from the transport service."
+    ::= { snmp 1 }
+snmpOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
+            passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the
+            transport service."
+    ::= { snmp 2 }
+snmpInBadVersions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for
+            an unsupported SNMP version."
+    ::= { snmp 3 }
+snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to
+            the SNMP protocol entity which used a SNMP
+            community name not known to said entity."
+    ::= { snmp 4 }
+snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to
+            the SNMP protocol entity which represented an SNMP
+            operation which was not allowed by the SNMP
+            community named in the Message."
+    ::= { snmp 5 }
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors
+            encountered by the SNMP protocol entity when
+            decoding received SNMP Messages."
+    ::= { snmp 6 }
+-- { snmp 7 } is not used
+snmpInTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `tooBig'."
+    ::= { snmp 8 }
+snmpInNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `noSuchName'."
+    ::= { snmp 9 }
+snmpInBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `badValue'."
+    ::= { snmp 10 }
+snmpInReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `readOnly'.  It should be noted that it is a
+            protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU which
+            contains the value `readOnly' in the error-status
+            field, as such this object is provided as a means
+            of detecting incorrect implementations of the
+            SNMP."
+    ::= { snmp 11 }
+snmpInGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `genErr'."
+    ::= { snmp 12 }
+snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+            retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
+            as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request
+            and Get-Next PDUs."
+    ::= { snmp 13 }
+snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+            altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
+            as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request
+            PDUs."
+    ::= { snmp 14 }
+snmpInGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+            have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+            protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 15 }
+snmpInGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
+            been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+            entity."
+    ::= { snmp 16 }
+snmpInSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+            have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+            protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 17 }
+snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+            have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+            protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 18 }
+snmpInTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
+            been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+            entity."
+    ::= { snmp 19 }
+snmpOutTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `tooBig.'"
+    ::= { snmp 20 }
+snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status is
+            `noSuchName'."
+    ::= { snmp 21 }
+snmpOutBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `badValue'."
+    ::= { snmp 22 }
+-- { snmp 23 } is not used
+snmpOutGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field is
+            `genErr'."
+    ::= { snmp 24 }
+snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+            have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 25 }
+snmpOutGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
+            been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 26 }
+snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+            have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 27 }
+snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+            have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 28 }
+snmpOutTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  Counter
+    ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
+            been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 29 }
+snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+    ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS  mandatory
+            "Indicates whether the SNMP agent process is
+            permitted to generate authentication-failure
+            traps.  The value of this object overrides any
+            configuration information; as such, it provides a
+            means whereby all authentication-failure traps may
+            be disabled.
+            Note that it is strongly recommended that this
+            object be stored in non-volatile memory so that it
+            remains constant between re-initializations of the
+            network management system."
+    ::= { snmp 30 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RMON-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RMON-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddba233747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/RMON-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3980 @@
+        NOTIFICATION-TYPE, mib-2, Counter32,
+        Integer32, TimeTicks                   FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString      FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        NOTIFICATION-GROUP                     FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+--  Remote Network Monitoring MIB
+    LAST-UPDATED "200005110000Z"  -- 11 May, 2000
+        "Steve Waldbusser
+        Phone: +1-650-948-6500
+        Fax:   +1-650-745-0671
+        Email: waldbusser@nextbeacon.com"
+        "Remote network monitoring devices, often called
+        monitors or probes, are instruments that exist for
+        the purpose of managing a network. This MIB defines
+        objects for managing remote network monitoring devices."
+    REVISION "200005110000Z"    -- 11 May, 2000
+        "Reformatted into SMIv2 format.
+        This version published as RFC 2819."
+    REVISION "199502010000Z" -- 1 Feb, 1995
+        "Bug fixes, clarifications and minor changes based on
+        implementation experience, published as RFC1757 [18].
+        Two changes were made to object definitions:
+        1) A new status bit has been defined for the
+        captureBufferPacketStatus object, indicating that the
+        packet order within the capture buffer may not be identical to
+        the packet order as received off the wire.  This bit may only
+        be used for packets transmitted by the probe.  Older NMS
+        applications can safely ignore this status bit, which might be
+        used by newer agents.
+        2) The packetMatch trap has been removed.  This trap was never
+        actually 'approved' and was not added to this document along
+        with the risingAlarm and fallingAlarm traps. The packetMatch
+        trap could not be throttled, which could cause disruption of
+        normal network traffic under some circumstances. An NMS should
+        configure a risingAlarm threshold on the appropriate
+        channelMatches instance if a trap is desired for a packetMatch
+        event. Note that logging of packetMatch events is still
+        supported--only trap generation for such events has been
+        removed.
+        In addition, several clarifications to individual object
+        definitions have been added to assist agent and NMS
+        implementors:
+        - global definition of 'good packets' and 'bad packets'
+        - more detailed text governing conceptual row creation and
+          modification
+        - instructions for probes relating to interface changes and
+          disruptions
+        - clarification of some ethernet counter definitions
+        - recommended formula for calculating network utilization
+        - clarification of channel and captureBuffer behavior for some
+          unusual conditions
+        - examples of proper instance naming for each table"
+    REVISION "199111010000Z"    -- 1 Nov, 1991
+        "The original version of this MIB, published as RFC1271."
+    ::= { rmonConformance 8 }
+    rmon    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 16 }
+    -- textual conventions
+    STATUS current
+        "This data type is used to model an administratively
+        assigned name of the owner of a resource. Implementations
+        must accept values composed of well-formed NVT ASCII
+        sequences. In addition, implementations should accept
+        values composed of well-formed UTF-8 sequences.
+        It is suggested that this name contain one or more of
+        the following: IP address, management station name,
+        network manager's name, location, or phone number.
+        In some cases the agent itself will be the owner of
+        an entry.  In these cases, this string shall be set
+        to a string starting with 'monitor'.
+        SNMP access control is articulated entirely in terms
+        of the contents of MIB views; access to a particular
+        SNMP object instance depends only upon its presence
+        or absence in a particular MIB view and never upon
+        its value or the value of related object instances.
+        Thus, objects of this type afford resolution of
+        resource contention only among cooperating
+        managers; they realize no access control function
+        with respect to uncooperative parties."
+    STATUS current
+        "The status of a table entry.
+        Setting this object to the value invalid(4) has the
+        effect of invalidating the corresponding entry.
+        That is, it effectively disassociates the mapping
+        identified with said entry.
+        It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether
+        the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+        Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to
+        receive tabular information from agents that corresponds
+        to entries currently not in use.  Proper
+        interpretation of such entries requires examination
+        of the relevant EntryStatus object.
+        An existing instance of this object cannot be set to
+        createRequest(2).  This object may only be set to
+        createRequest(2) when this instance is created.  When
+        this object is created, the agent may wish to create
+        supplemental object instances with default values
+        to complete a conceptual row in this table.  Because the
+        creation of these default objects is entirely at the option
+        of the agent, the manager must not assume that any will be
+        created, but may make use of any that are created.
+        Immediately after completing the create operation, the agent
+        must set this object to underCreation(3).
+        When in the underCreation(3) state, an entry is allowed to
+        exist in a possibly incomplete, possibly inconsistent state,
+        usually to allow it to be modified in multiple PDUs.  When in
+        this state, an entry is not fully active.
+        Entries shall exist in the underCreation(3) state until
+        the management station is finished configuring the entry
+        and sets this object to valid(1) or aborts, setting this
+        object to invalid(4).  If the agent determines that an
+        entry has been in the underCreation(3) state for an
+        abnormally long time, it may decide that the management
+        station has crashed.  If the agent makes this decision,
+        it may set this object to invalid(4) to reclaim the
+        entry.  A prudent agent will understand that the
+        management station may need to wait for human input
+        and will allow for that possibility in its
+        determination of this abnormally long period.
+        An entry in the valid(1) state is fully configured and
+        consistent and fully represents the configuration or
+        operation such a row is intended to represent.  For
+        example, it could be a statistical function that is
+        configured and active, or a filter that is available
+        in the list of filters processed by the packet capture
+        process.
+        A manager is restricted to changing the state of an entry in
+        the following ways:
+             To:       valid  createRequest  underCreation  invalid
+        From:
+        valid             OK             NO             OK       OK
+        createRequest    N/A            N/A            N/A      N/A
+        underCreation     OK             NO             OK       OK
+        invalid           NO             NO             NO       OK
+        nonExistent       NO             OK             NO       OK
+        In the table above, it is not applicable to move the state
+        from the createRequest state to any other state because the
+        manager will never find the variable in that state.  The
+        nonExistent state is not a value of the enumeration, rather
+        it means that the entryStatus variable does not exist at all.
+        An agent may allow an entryStatus variable to change state in
+        additional ways, so long as the semantics of the states are
+        followed.  This allowance is made to ease the implementation of
+        the agent and is made despite the fact that managers should
+        never exercise these additional state transitions."
+               valid(1),
+               createRequest(2),
+               underCreation(3),
+               invalid(4)
+           }
+    statistics        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 1 }
+    history           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 2 }
+    alarm             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 3 }
+    hosts             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 4 }
+    hostTopN          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 5 }
+    matrix            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 6 }
+    filter            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 7 }
+    capture           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 8 }
+    event             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 9 }
+    rmonConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmon 20 }
+-- The Ethernet Statistics Group
+-- Implementation of the Ethernet Statistics group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The ethernet statistics group contains statistics measured by the
+-- probe for each monitored interface on this device.  These
+-- statistics take the form of free running counters that start from
+-- zero when a valid entry is created.
+-- This group currently has statistics defined only for
+-- Ethernet interfaces.  Each etherStatsEntry contains statistics
+-- for one Ethernet interface.  The probe must create one
+-- etherStats entry for each monitored Ethernet interface
+-- on the device.
+etherStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF EtherStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of Ethernet statistics entries."
+    ::= { statistics 1 }
+etherStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EtherStatsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A collection of statistics kept for a particular
+        Ethernet interface.  As an example, an instance of the
+        etherStatsPkts object might be named etherStatsPkts.1"
+    INDEX { etherStatsIndex }
+    ::= { etherStatsTable 1 }
+EtherStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    etherStatsIndex                    Integer32,
+    etherStatsDataSource               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    etherStatsDropEvents               Counter32,
+    etherStatsOctets                   Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts                     Counter32,
+    etherStatsBroadcastPkts            Counter32,
+    etherStatsMulticastPkts            Counter32,
+    etherStatsCRCAlignErrors           Counter32,
+    etherStatsUndersizePkts            Counter32,
+    etherStatsOversizePkts             Counter32,
+    etherStatsFragments                Counter32,
+    etherStatsJabbers                  Counter32,
+    etherStatsCollisions               Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts64Octets             Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts65to127Octets        Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts128to255Octets       Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts256to511Octets       Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets      Counter32,
+    etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets     Counter32,
+    etherStatsOwner                    OwnerString,
+    etherStatsStatus                   EntryStatus
+etherStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object uniquely identifies this
+        etherStats entry."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 1 }
+etherStatsDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object identifies the source of the data that
+        this etherStats entry is configured to analyze.  This
+        source can be any ethernet interface on this device.
+        In order to identify a particular interface, this object
+        shall identify the instance of the ifIndex object,
+        defined in RFC 2233 [17], for the desired interface.
+        For example, if an entry were to receive data from
+        interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.
+        The statistics in this group reflect all packets
+        on the local network segment attached to the identified
+        interface.
+        An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
+        changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
+        necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
+        hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
+        by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
+        knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
+        invalidate this entry.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        etherStatsStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 2 }
+etherStatsDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of events in which packets
+        were dropped by the probe due to lack of resources.
+        Note that this number is not necessarily the number of
+        packets dropped; it is just the number of times this
+        condition has been detected."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 3 }
+etherStatsOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of octets of data (including
+        those in bad packets) received on the
+        network (excluding framing bits but including
+        FCS octets).
+        This object can be used as a reasonable estimate of
+        10-Megabit ethernet utilization.  If greater precision is
+        desired, the etherStatsPkts and etherStatsOctets objects
+        should be sampled before and after a common interval.  The
+        differences in the sampled values are Pkts and Octets,
+        respectively, and the number of seconds in the interval is
+        Interval.  These values are used to calculate the Utilization
+        as follows:
+                         Pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (Octets * .8)
+         Utilization = -------------------------------------
+                                 Interval * 10,000
+        The result of this equation is the value Utilization which
+        is the percent utilization of the ethernet segment on a
+        scale of 0 to 100 percent."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 4 }
+etherStatsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad packets,
+        broadcast packets, and multicast packets) received."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 5 }
+etherStatsBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of good packets received that were
+        directed to the broadcast address.  Note that this
+        does not include multicast packets."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 6 }
+etherStatsMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of good packets received that were
+        directed to a multicast address.  Note that this number
+        does not include packets directed to the broadcast
+        address."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 7 }
+etherStatsCRCAlignErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets received that
+        had a length (excluding framing bits, but
+        including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518
+        octets, inclusive, but had either a bad
+        Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral
+        number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with
+        a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 8 }
+etherStatsUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets received that were
+        less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
+        but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
+        formed."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 9 }
+etherStatsOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets received that were
+        longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
+        but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
+        well formed."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 10 }
+etherStatsFragments OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets received that were less than
+        64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including
+        FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence
+        (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a
+        bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment
+        Error).
+        Note that it is entirely normal for etherStatsFragments to
+        increment.  This is because it counts both runts (which are
+        normal occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 11 }
+etherStatsJabbers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets received that were
+        longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
+        but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
+        Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
+        of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
+        number of octets (Alignment Error).
+        Note that this definition of jabber is different
+        than the definition in IEEE-802.3 section
+        (10BASE5) and section (10BASE2).  These
+        documents define jabber as the condition where any
+        packet exceeds 20 ms.  The allowed range to detect
+        jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 12 }
+etherStatsCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Collisions"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The best estimate of the total number of collisions
+        on this Ethernet segment.
+        The value returned will depend on the location of the
+        RMON probe. Section (10BASE-5) and section
+ (10BASE-2) of IEEE standard 802.3 states that a
+        station must detect a collision, in the receive mode, if
+        three or more stations are transmitting simultaneously.  A
+        repeater port must detect a collision when two or more
+        stations are transmitting simultaneously.  Thus a probe
+        placed on a repeater port could record more collisions
+        than a probe connected to a station on the same segment
+        would.
+        Probe location plays a much smaller role when considering
+        10BASE-T. (10BASE-T) of IEEE standard 802.3
+        defines a collision as the simultaneous presence of signals
+        on the DO and RD circuits (transmitting and receiving
+        at the same time).  A 10BASE-T station can only detect
+        collisions when it is transmitting.  Thus probes placed on
+        a station and a repeater, should report the same number of
+        collisions.
+        Note also that an RMON probe inside a repeater should
+        ideally report collisions between the repeater and one or
+        more other hosts (transmit collisions as defined by IEEE
+        802.3k) plus receiver collisions observed on any coax
+        segments to which the repeater is connected."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 13 }
+etherStatsPkts64Octets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad
+        packets) received that were 64 octets in length
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 14 }
+etherStatsPkts65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad
+        packets) received that were between
+        65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 15 }
+etherStatsPkts128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad
+        packets) received that were between
+        128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 16 }
+etherStatsPkts256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad
+        packets) received that were between
+        256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 17 }
+etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad
+        packets) received that were between
+        512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 18 }
+etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets (including bad
+        packets) received that were between
+        1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 19 }
+etherStatsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 20 }
+etherStatsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this etherStats entry."
+    ::= { etherStatsEntry 21 }
+-- The History Control Group
+-- Implementation of the History Control group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The history control group controls the periodic statistical
+-- sampling of data from various types of networks.  The
+-- historyControlTable stores configuration entries that each
+-- define an interface, polling period, and other parameters.
+-- Once samples are taken, their data is stored in an entry
+-- in a media-specific table.  Each such entry defines one
+-- sample, and is associated with the historyControlEntry that
+-- caused the sample to be taken.  Each counter in the
+-- etherHistoryEntry counts the same event as its similarly-named
+-- counterpart in the etherStatsEntry, except that each value here
+-- is a cumulative sum during a sampling period.
+-- If the probe keeps track of the time of day, it should start
+-- the first sample of the history at a time such that
+-- when the next hour of the day begins, a sample is
+-- started at that instant.  This tends to make more
+-- user-friendly reports, and enables comparison of reports
+-- from different probes that have relatively accurate time
+-- of day.
+-- The probe is encouraged to add two history control entries
+-- per monitored interface upon initialization that describe a short
+-- term and a long term polling period.  Suggested parameters are 30
+-- seconds for the short term polling period and 30 minutes for
+-- the long term period.
+historyControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HistoryControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of history control entries."
+    ::= { history 1 }
+historyControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HistoryControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of parameters that set up a periodic sampling of
+        statistics.  As an example, an instance of the
+        historyControlInterval object might be named
+        historyControlInterval.2"
+    INDEX { historyControlIndex }
+    ::= { historyControlTable 1 }
+HistoryControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    historyControlIndex             Integer32,
+    historyControlDataSource        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    historyControlBucketsRequested  Integer32,
+    historyControlBucketsGranted    Integer32,
+    historyControlInterval          Integer32,
+    historyControlOwner             OwnerString,
+    historyControlStatus            EntryStatus
+historyControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
+        historyControl table.  Each such entry defines a
+        set of samples at a particular interval for an
+        interface on the device."
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 1 }
+historyControlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object identifies the source of the data for
+        which historical data was collected and
+        placed in a media-specific table on behalf of this
+        historyControlEntry.  This source can be any
+        interface on this device.  In order to identify
+        a particular interface, this object shall identify
+        the instance of the ifIndex object, defined
+        in  RFC 2233 [17], for the desired interface.
+        For example, if an entry were to receive data from
+        interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.
+        The statistics in this group reflect all packets
+        on the local network segment attached to the identified
+        interface.
+        An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
+        changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
+        necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
+        hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
+        by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
+        knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
+        invalidate this entry.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        historyControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 2 }
+historyControlBucketsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The requested number of discrete time intervals
+        over which data is to be saved in the part of the
+        media-specific table associated with this
+        historyControlEntry.
+        When this object is created or modified, the probe
+        should set historyControlBucketsGranted as closely to
+        this object as is possible for the particular probe
+        implementation and available resources."
+    DEFVAL { 50 }
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 3 }
+historyControlBucketsGranted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of discrete sampling intervals
+        over which data shall be saved in the part of
+        the media-specific table associated with this
+        historyControlEntry.
+        When the associated historyControlBucketsRequested
+        object is created or modified, the probe
+        should set this object as closely to the requested
+        value as is possible for the particular
+        probe implementation and available resources.  The
+        probe must not lower this value except as a result
+        of a modification to the associated
+        historyControlBucketsRequested object.
+        There will be times when the actual number of
+        buckets associated with this entry is less than
+        the value of this object.  In this case, at the
+        end of each sampling interval, a new bucket will
+        be added to the media-specific table.
+        When the number of buckets reaches the value of
+        this object and a new bucket is to be added to the
+        media-specific table, the oldest bucket associated
+        with this historyControlEntry shall be deleted by
+        the agent so that the new bucket can be added.
+        When the value of this object changes to a value less
+        than the current value, entries are deleted
+        from the media-specific table associated with this
+        historyControlEntry.  Enough of the oldest of these
+        entries shall be deleted by the agent so that their
+        number remains less than or equal to the new value of
+        this object.
+        When the value of this object changes to a value greater
+        than the current value, the number of associated media-
+        specific entries may be allowed to grow."
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 4 }
+historyControlInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..3600)
+    UNITS      "Seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The interval in seconds over which the data is
+        sampled for each bucket in the part of the
+        media-specific table associated with this
+        historyControlEntry.  This interval can
+        be set to any number of seconds between 1 and
+        3600 (1 hour).
+        Because the counters in a bucket may overflow at their
+        maximum value with no indication, a prudent manager will
+        take into account the possibility of overflow in any of
+        the associated counters.  It is important to consider the
+        minimum time in which any counter could overflow on a
+        particular media type and set the historyControlInterval
+        object to a value less than this interval.  This is
+        typically most important for the 'octets' counter in any
+        media-specific table.  For example, on an Ethernet
+        network, the etherHistoryOctets counter could overflow
+        in about one hour at the Ethernet's maximum
+        utilization.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        historyControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    DEFVAL { 1800 }
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 5 }
+historyControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 6 }
+historyControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this historyControl entry.
+        Each instance of the media-specific table associated
+        with this historyControlEntry will be deleted by the agent
+        if this historyControlEntry is not equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { historyControlEntry 7 }
+-- The Ethernet History Group
+-- Implementation of the Ethernet History group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Ethernet History group records periodic statistical samples
+-- from a network and stores them for later retrieval.
+-- Once samples are taken, their data is stored in an entry
+-- in a media-specific table.  Each such entry defines one
+-- sample, and is associated with the historyControlEntry that
+-- caused the sample to be taken.  This group defines the
+-- etherHistoryTable, for Ethernet networks.
+etherHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF EtherHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of Ethernet history entries."
+    ::= { history 2 }
+etherHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EtherHistoryEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "An historical sample of Ethernet statistics on a particular
+        Ethernet interface.  This sample is associated with the
+        historyControlEntry which set up the parameters for
+        a regular collection of these samples.  As an example, an
+        instance of the etherHistoryPkts object might be named
+        etherHistoryPkts.2.89"
+    INDEX { etherHistoryIndex , etherHistorySampleIndex }
+    ::= { etherHistoryTable 1 }
+EtherHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    etherHistoryIndex                 Integer32,
+    etherHistorySampleIndex           Integer32,
+    etherHistoryIntervalStart         TimeTicks,
+    etherHistoryDropEvents            Counter32,
+    etherHistoryOctets                Counter32,
+    etherHistoryPkts                  Counter32,
+    etherHistoryBroadcastPkts         Counter32,
+    etherHistoryMulticastPkts         Counter32,
+    etherHistoryCRCAlignErrors        Counter32,
+    etherHistoryUndersizePkts         Counter32,
+    etherHistoryOversizePkts          Counter32,
+    etherHistoryFragments             Counter32,
+    etherHistoryJabbers               Counter32,
+    etherHistoryCollisions            Counter32,
+    etherHistoryUtilization           Integer32
+etherHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The history of which this entry is a part.  The
+        history identified by a particular value of this
+        index is the same history as identified
+        by the same value of historyControlIndex."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 1 }
+etherHistorySampleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies the particular
+        sample this entry represents among all samples
+        associated with the same historyControlEntry.
+        This index starts at 1 and increases by one
+        as each new sample is taken."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 2 }
+etherHistoryIntervalStart OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime at the start of the interval
+        over which this sample was measured.  If the probe
+        keeps track of the time of day, it should start
+        the first sample of the history at a time such that
+        when the next hour of the day begins, a sample is
+        started at that instant.  Note that following this
+        rule may require the probe to delay collecting the
+        first sample of the history, as each sample must be
+        of the same interval.  Also note that the sample which
+        is currently being collected is not accessible in this
+        table until the end of its interval."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 3 }
+etherHistoryDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of events in which packets
+        were dropped by the probe due to lack of resources
+        during this sampling interval.  Note that this number
+        is not necessarily the number of packets dropped, it
+        is just the number of times this condition has been
+        detected."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 4 }
+etherHistoryOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of octets of data (including
+        those in bad packets) received on the
+        network (excluding framing bits but including
+        FCS octets)."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 5 }
+etherHistoryPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets (including bad packets)
+        received during this sampling interval."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 6 }
+etherHistoryBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets received during this
+        sampling interval that were directed to the
+        broadcast address."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 7 }
+etherHistoryMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets received during this
+        sampling interval that were directed to a
+        multicast address.  Note that this number does not
+        include packets addressed to the broadcast address."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 8 }
+etherHistoryCRCAlignErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets received during this
+        sampling interval that had a length (excluding
+        framing bits but including FCS octets) between
+        64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame
+        Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets
+        (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number
+        of octets (Alignment Error)."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 9 }
+etherHistoryUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets received during this
+        sampling interval that were less than 64 octets
+        long (excluding framing bits but including FCS
+        octets) and were otherwise well formed."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 10 }
+etherHistoryOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets received during this
+        sampling interval that were longer than 1518
+        octets (excluding framing bits but including
+        FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 11 }
+etherHistoryFragments OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The total number of packets received during this
+        sampling interval that were less than 64 octets in
+        length (excluding framing bits but including FCS
+        octets) had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
+        with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad
+        FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment
+        Error).
+        Note that it is entirely normal for etherHistoryFragments to
+        increment.  This is because it counts both runts (which are
+        normal occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 12 }
+etherHistoryJabbers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets received during this
+        sampling interval that were longer than 1518 octets
+        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets),
+        and  had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
+        with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or
+        a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets
+        (Alignment Error).
+        Note that this definition of jabber is different
+        than the definition in IEEE-802.3 section
+        (10BASE5) and section (10BASE2).  These
+        documents define jabber as the condition where any
+        packet exceeds 20 ms.  The allowed range to detect
+        jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 13 }
+etherHistoryCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Collisions"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The best estimate of the total number of collisions
+        on this Ethernet segment during this sampling
+        interval.
+        The value returned will depend on the location of the
+        RMON probe. Section (10BASE-5) and section
+ (10BASE-2) of IEEE standard 802.3 states that a
+        station must detect a collision, in the receive mode, if
+        three or more stations are transmitting simultaneously.  A
+        repeater port must detect a collision when two or more
+        stations are transmitting simultaneously.  Thus a probe
+        placed on a repeater port could record more collisions
+        than a probe connected to a station on the same segment
+        would.
+        Probe location plays a much smaller role when considering
+        10BASE-T. (10BASE-T) of IEEE standard 802.3
+        defines a collision as the simultaneous presence of signals
+        on the DO and RD circuits (transmitting and receiving
+        at the same time).  A 10BASE-T station can only detect
+        collisions when it is transmitting.  Thus probes placed on
+        a station and a repeater, should report the same number of
+        collisions.
+        Note also that an RMON probe inside a repeater should
+        ideally report collisions between the repeater and one or
+        more other hosts (transmit collisions as defined by IEEE
+        802.3k) plus receiver collisions observed on any coax
+        segments to which the repeater is connected."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 14 }
+etherHistoryUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..10000)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The best estimate of the mean physical layer
+        network utilization on this interface during this
+        sampling interval, in hundredths of a percent."
+    ::= { etherHistoryEntry 15 }
+-- The Alarm Group
+-- Implementation of the Alarm group is optional. The Alarm Group
+-- requires the implementation of the Event group.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Alarm group periodically takes statistical samples from
+-- variables in the probe and compares them to thresholds that have
+-- been configured.  The alarm table stores configuration
+-- entries that each define a variable, polling period, and
+-- threshold parameters.  If a sample is found to cross the
+-- threshold values, an event is generated.  Only variables that
+-- resolve to an ASN.1 primitive type of INTEGER (INTEGER, Integer32,
+-- Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, or TimeTicks) may be monitored in
+-- this way.
+-- This function has a hysteresis mechanism to limit the generation
+-- of events.  This mechanism generates one event as a threshold
+-- is crossed in the appropriate direction.  No more events are
+-- generated for that threshold until the opposite threshold is
+-- crossed.
+-- In the case of a sampling a deltaValue, a probe may implement
+-- this mechanism with more precision if it takes a delta sample
+-- twice per period, each time comparing the sum of the latest two
+-- samples to the threshold.  This allows the detection of threshold
+-- crossings that span the sampling boundary.  Note that this does
+-- not require any special configuration of the threshold value.
+-- It is suggested that probes implement this more precise algorithm.
+alarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AlarmEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of alarm entries."
+    ::= { alarm 1 }
+alarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     AlarmEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of parameters that set up a periodic checking
+        for alarm conditions.  For example, an instance of the
+        alarmValue object might be named alarmValue.8"
+    INDEX { alarmIndex }
+    ::= { alarmTable 1 }
+AlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    alarmIndex                    Integer32,
+    alarmInterval                 Integer32,
+    alarmVariable                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    alarmSampleType               INTEGER,
+    alarmValue                    Integer32,
+    alarmStartupAlarm             INTEGER,
+    alarmRisingThreshold          Integer32,
+    alarmFallingThreshold         Integer32,
+    alarmRisingEventIndex         Integer32,
+    alarmFallingEventIndex        Integer32,
+    alarmOwner                    OwnerString,
+    alarmStatus                   EntryStatus
+alarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
+        alarm table.  Each such entry defines a
+        diagnostic sample at a particular interval
+        for an object on the device."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 1 }
+alarmInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The interval in seconds over which the data is
+        sampled and compared with the rising and falling
+        thresholds.  When setting this variable, care
+        should be taken in the case of deltaValue
+        sampling - the interval should be set short enough
+        that the sampled variable is very unlikely to
+        increase or decrease by more than 2^31 - 1 during
+        a single sampling interval.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 2 }
+alarmVariable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The object identifier of the particular variable to be
+        sampled.  Only variables that resolve to an ASN.1 primitive
+        type of INTEGER (INTEGER, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64,
+        Gauge, or TimeTicks) may be sampled.
+        Because SNMP access control is articulated entirely
+        in terms of the contents of MIB views, no access
+        control mechanism exists that can restrict the value of
+        this object to identify only those objects that exist
+        in a particular MIB view.  Because there is thus no
+        acceptable means of restricting the read access that
+        could be obtained through the alarm mechanism, the
+        probe must only grant write access to this object in
+        those views that have read access to all objects on
+        the probe.
+        During a set operation, if the supplied variable name is
+        not available in the selected MIB view, a badValue error
+        must be returned.  If at any time the variable name of
+        an established alarmEntry is no longer available in the
+        selected MIB view, the probe must change the status of
+        this alarmEntry to invalid(4).
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 3 }
+alarmSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
+                 absoluteValue(1),
+                 deltaValue(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The method of sampling the selected variable and
+        calculating the value to be compared against the
+        thresholds.  If the value of this object is
+        absoluteValue(1), the value of the selected variable
+        will be compared directly with the thresholds at the
+        end of the sampling interval.  If the value of this
+        object is deltaValue(2), the value of the selected
+        variable at the last sample will be subtracted from
+        the current value, and the difference compared with
+        the thresholds.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 4 }
+alarmValue OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of the statistic during the last sampling
+        period.  For example, if the sample type is deltaValue,
+        this value will be the difference between the samples
+        at the beginning and end of the period.  If the sample
+        type is absoluteValue, this value will be the sampled
+        value at the end of the period.
+        This is the value that is compared with the rising and
+        falling thresholds.
+        The value during the current sampling period is not
+        made available until the period is completed and will
+        remain available until the next period completes."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 5 }
+alarmStartupAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
+                 risingAlarm(1),
+                 fallingAlarm(2),
+                 risingOrFallingAlarm(3)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The alarm that may be sent when this entry is first
+        set to valid.  If the first sample after this entry
+        becomes valid is greater than or equal to the
+        risingThreshold and alarmStartupAlarm is equal to
+        risingAlarm(1) or risingOrFallingAlarm(3), then a single
+        rising alarm will be generated.  If the first sample
+        after this entry becomes valid is less than or equal
+        to the fallingThreshold and alarmStartupAlarm is equal
+        to fallingAlarm(2) or risingOrFallingAlarm(3), then a
+        single falling alarm will be generated.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 6 }
+alarmRisingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "A threshold for the sampled statistic.  When the current
+        sampled value is greater than or equal to this threshold,
+        and the value at the last sampling interval was less than
+        this threshold, a single event will be generated.
+        A single event will also be generated if the first
+        sample after this entry becomes valid is greater than or
+        equal to this threshold and the associated
+        alarmStartupAlarm is equal to risingAlarm(1) or
+        risingOrFallingAlarm(3).
+        After a rising event is generated, another such event
+        will not be generated until the sampled value
+        falls below this threshold and reaches the
+        alarmFallingThreshold.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 7 }
+alarmFallingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "A threshold for the sampled statistic.  When the current
+        sampled value is less than or equal to this threshold,
+        and the value at the last sampling interval was greater than
+        this threshold, a single event will be generated.
+        A single event will also be generated if the first
+        sample after this entry becomes valid is less than or
+        equal to this threshold and the associated
+        alarmStartupAlarm is equal to fallingAlarm(2) or
+        risingOrFallingAlarm(3).
+        After a falling event is generated, another such event
+        will not be generated until the sampled value
+        rises above this threshold and reaches the
+        alarmRisingThreshold.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 8 }
+alarmRisingEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the eventEntry that is
+        used when a rising threshold is crossed.  The
+        eventEntry identified by a particular value of
+        this index is the same as identified by the same value
+        of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
+        corresponding entry in the eventTable, then
+        no association exists.  In particular, if this value
+        is zero, no associated event will be generated, as
+        zero is not a valid event index.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 9 }
+alarmFallingEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the eventEntry that is
+        used when a falling threshold is crossed.  The
+        eventEntry identified by a particular value of
+        this index is the same as identified by the same value
+        of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
+        corresponding entry in the eventTable, then
+        no association exists.  In particular, if this value
+        is zero, no associated event will be generated, as
+        zero is not a valid event index.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 10 }
+alarmOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 11 }
+alarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this alarm entry."
+    ::= { alarmEntry 12 }
+-- The Host Group
+-- Implementation of the Host group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The host group discovers new hosts on the network by
+-- keeping a list of source and destination MAC Addresses seen
+-- in good packets.  For each of these addresses, the host group
+-- keeps a set of statistics.  The hostControlTable controls
+-- which interfaces this function is performed on, and contains
+-- some information about the process.  On behalf of each
+-- hostControlEntry, data is collected on an interface and placed
+-- in both the hostTable and the hostTimeTable.  If the
+-- monitoring device finds itself short of resources, it may
+-- delete entries as needed.  It is suggested that the device
+-- delete the least recently used entries first.
+-- The hostTable contains entries for each address discovered on
+-- a particular interface.  Each entry contains statistical
+-- data about that host.  This table is indexed by the
+-- MAC address of the host, through which a random access
+-- may be achieved.
+-- The hostTimeTable contains data in the same format as the
+-- hostTable, and must contain the same set of hosts, but is
+-- indexed using hostTimeCreationOrder rather than hostAddress.
+-- The hostTimeCreationOrder is an integer which reflects
+-- the relative order in which a particular entry was discovered
+-- and thus inserted into the table.  As this order, and thus
+-- the index, is among those entries currently in the table,
+-- the index for a particular entry may change if an
+-- (earlier) entry is deleted.  Thus the association between
+-- hostTimeCreationOrder and hostTimeEntry may be broken at
+-- any time.
+-- The hostTimeTable has two important uses.  The first is the
+-- fast download of this potentially large table.  Because the
+-- index of this table runs from 1 to the size of the table,
+-- inclusive, its values are predictable.  This allows very
+-- efficient packing of variables into SNMP PDU's and allows
+-- a table transfer to have multiple packets outstanding.
+-- These benefits increase transfer rates tremendously.
+-- The second use of the hostTimeTable is the efficient discovery
+-- by the management station of new entries added to the table.
+-- After the management station has downloaded the entire table,
+-- it knows that new entries will be added immediately after the
+-- end of the current table.  It can thus detect new entries there
+-- and retrieve them easily.
+-- Because the association between hostTimeCreationOrder and
+-- hostTimeEntry may be broken at any time, the management
+-- station must monitor the related hostControlLastDeleteTime
+-- object.  When the management station thus detects a deletion,
+-- it must assume that any such associations have been broken,
+-- and invalidate any it has stored locally.  This includes
+-- restarting any download of the hostTimeTable that may have been
+-- in progress, as well as rediscovering the end of the
+-- hostTimeTable so that it may detect new entries.  If the
+-- management station does not detect the broken association,
+-- it may continue to refer to a particular host by its
+-- creationOrder while unwittingly retrieving the data associated
+-- with another host entirely.  If this happens while downloading
+-- the host table, the management station may fail to download
+-- all of the entries in the table.
+hostControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of host table control entries."
+    ::= { hosts 1 }
+hostControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HostControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of parameters that set up the discovery of hosts
+        on a particular interface and the collection of statistics
+        about these hosts.  For example, an instance of the
+        hostControlTableSize object might be named
+        hostControlTableSize.1"
+    INDEX { hostControlIndex }
+    ::= { hostControlTable 1 }
+HostControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    hostControlIndex            Integer32,
+    hostControlDataSource       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    hostControlTableSize        Integer32,
+    hostControlLastDeleteTime   TimeTicks,
+    hostControlOwner            OwnerString,
+    hostControlStatus           EntryStatus
+hostControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
+        hostControl table.  Each such entry defines
+        a function that discovers hosts on a particular interface
+        and places statistics about them in the hostTable and
+        the hostTimeTable on behalf of this hostControlEntry."
+    ::= { hostControlEntry 1 }
+hostControlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object identifies the source of the data for
+        this instance of the host function.  This source
+        can be any interface on this device.  In order
+        to identify a particular interface, this object shall
+        identify the instance of the ifIndex object, defined
+        in RFC 2233 [17], for the desired interface.
+        For example, if an entry were to receive data from
+        interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.
+        The statistics in this group reflect all packets
+        on the local network segment attached to the identified
+        interface.
+        An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
+        changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
+        necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
+        hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
+        by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
+        knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
+        invalidate this entry.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        hostControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { hostControlEntry 2 }
+hostControlTableSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of hostEntries in the hostTable and the
+        hostTimeTable associated with this hostControlEntry."
+    ::= { hostControlEntry 3 }
+hostControlLastDeleteTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when the last entry
+        was deleted from the portion of the hostTable
+        associated with this hostControlEntry.  If no
+        deletions have occurred, this value shall be zero."
+    ::= { hostControlEntry 4 }
+hostControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { hostControlEntry 5 }
+hostControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this hostControl entry.
+        If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
+        entries in the hostTable, hostTimeTable, and the
+        hostTopNTable shall be deleted by the agent."
+    ::= { hostControlEntry 6 }
+hostTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of host entries."
+    ::= { hosts 2 }
+hostEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HostEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A collection of statistics for a particular host that has
+        been discovered on an interface of this device.  For example,
+        an instance of the hostOutBroadcastPkts object might be
+        named hostOutBroadcastPkts."
+    INDEX { hostIndex, hostAddress }
+    ::= { hostTable 1 }
+HostEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    hostAddress             OCTET STRING,
+    hostCreationOrder       Integer32,
+    hostIndex               Integer32,
+    hostInPkts              Counter32,
+    hostOutPkts             Counter32,
+    hostInOctets            Counter32,
+    hostOutOctets           Counter32,
+    hostOutErrors           Counter32,
+    hostOutBroadcastPkts    Counter32,
+    hostOutMulticastPkts    Counter32
+hostAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The physical address of this host."
+    ::= { hostEntry 1 }
+hostCreationOrder OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that defines the relative ordering of
+        the creation time of hosts captured for a
+        particular hostControlEntry.  This index shall
+        be between 1 and N, where N is the value of
+        the associated hostControlTableSize.  The ordering
+        of the indexes is based on the order of each entry's
+        insertion into the table, in which entries added earlier
+        have a lower index value than entries added later.
+        It is important to note that the order for a
+        particular entry may change as an (earlier) entry
+        is deleted from the table.  Because this order may
+        change, management stations should make use of the
+        hostControlLastDeleteTime variable in the
+        hostControlEntry associated with the relevant
+        portion of the hostTable.  By observing
+        this variable, the management station may detect
+        the circumstances where a previous association
+        between a value of hostCreationOrder
+        and a hostEntry may no longer hold."
+    ::= { hostEntry 2 }
+hostIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The set of collected host statistics of which
+        this entry is a part.  The set of hosts
+        identified by a particular value of this
+        index is associated with the hostControlEntry
+        as identified by the same value of hostControlIndex."
+    ::= { hostEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets transmitted to this
+        address since it was added to the hostTable."
+    ::= { hostEntry 4 }
+hostOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets, including bad packets, transmitted
+        by this address since it was added to the hostTable."
+    ::= { hostEntry 5 }
+hostInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets transmitted to this address since
+        it was added to the hostTable (excluding framing
+        bits but including FCS octets), except for those
+        octets in bad packets."
+    ::= { hostEntry 6 }
+hostOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets transmitted by this address since
+        it was added to the hostTable (excluding framing
+        bits but including FCS octets), including those
+        octets in bad packets."
+    ::= { hostEntry 7 }
+hostOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of bad packets transmitted by this address
+        since this host was added to the hostTable."
+    ::= { hostEntry 8 }
+hostOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets transmitted by this
+        address that were directed to the broadcast address
+        since this host was added to the hostTable."
+    ::= { hostEntry 9 }
+hostOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets transmitted by this
+        address that were directed to a multicast address
+        since this host was added to the hostTable.
+        Note that this number does not include packets
+        directed to the broadcast address."
+    ::= { hostEntry 10 }
+-- host Time Table
+hostTimeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostTimeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of time-ordered host table entries."
+    ::= { hosts 3 }
+hostTimeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HostTimeEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A collection of statistics for a particular host that has
+        been discovered on an interface of this device.  This
+        collection includes the relative ordering of the creation
+        time of this object.  For example, an instance of the
+        hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts object might be named
+        hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts.1.687"
+    INDEX { hostTimeIndex, hostTimeCreationOrder }
+    ::= { hostTimeTable 1 }
+HostTimeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    hostTimeAddress              OCTET STRING,
+    hostTimeCreationOrder        Integer32,
+    hostTimeIndex                Integer32,
+    hostTimeInPkts               Counter32,
+    hostTimeOutPkts              Counter32,
+    hostTimeInOctets             Counter32,
+    hostTimeOutOctets            Counter32,
+    hostTimeOutErrors            Counter32,
+    hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts     Counter32,
+    hostTimeOutMulticastPkts     Counter32
+hostTimeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The physical address of this host."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 1 }
+hostTimeCreationOrder OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
+        the hostTime table among those entries associated
+        with the same hostControlEntry.  This index shall
+        be between 1 and N, where N is the value of
+        the associated hostControlTableSize.  The ordering
+        of the indexes is based on the order of each entry's
+        insertion into the table, in which entries added earlier
+        have a lower index value than entries added later.
+        Thus the management station has the ability to
+        learn of new entries added to this table without
+        downloading the entire table.
+        It is important to note that the index for a
+        particular entry may change as an (earlier) entry
+        is deleted from the table.  Because this order may
+        change, management stations should make use of the
+        hostControlLastDeleteTime variable in the
+        hostControlEntry associated with the relevant
+        portion of the hostTimeTable.  By observing
+        this variable, the management station may detect
+        the circumstances where a download of the table
+        may have missed entries, and where a previous
+        association between a value of hostTimeCreationOrder
+        and a hostTimeEntry may no longer hold."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 2 }
+hostTimeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The set of collected host statistics of which
+        this entry is a part.  The set of hosts
+        identified by a particular value of this
+        index is associated with the hostControlEntry
+        as identified by the same value of hostControlIndex."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 3 }
+hostTimeInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets transmitted to this
+        address since it was added to the hostTimeTable."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 4 }
+hostTimeOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets, including bad packets, transmitted
+        by this address since it was added to the hostTimeTable."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 5 }
+hostTimeInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets transmitted to this address since
+        it was added to the hostTimeTable (excluding framing
+        bits but including FCS octets), except for those
+        octets in bad packets."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 6 }
+hostTimeOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets transmitted by this address since
+        it was added to the hostTimeTable (excluding framing
+        bits but including FCS octets), including those
+        octets in bad packets."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 7 }
+hostTimeOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of bad packets transmitted by this address
+        since this host was added to the hostTimeTable."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 8 }
+hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets transmitted by this
+        address that were directed to the broadcast address
+        since this host was added to the hostTimeTable."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 9 }
+hostTimeOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of good packets transmitted by this
+        address that were directed to a multicast address
+        since this host was added to the hostTimeTable.
+        Note that this number does not include packets directed
+        to the broadcast address."
+    ::= { hostTimeEntry 10 }
+-- The Host Top "N" Group
+-- Implementation of the Host Top N group is optional. The Host Top N
+-- group requires the implementation of the host group.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Host Top N group is used to prepare reports that describe
+-- the hosts that top a list ordered by one of their statistics.
+-- The available statistics are samples of one of their
+-- base statistics, over an interval specified by the management
+-- station.  Thus, these statistics are rate based.  The management
+-- station also selects how many such hosts are reported.
+-- The hostTopNControlTable is used to initiate the generation of
+-- such a report.  The management station may select the parameters
+-- of such a report, such as which interface, which statistic,
+-- how many hosts, and the start and stop times of the sampling.
+-- When the report is prepared, entries are created in the
+-- hostTopNTable associated with the relevant hostTopNControlEntry.
+-- These entries are static for each report after it has been
+-- prepared.
+hostTopNControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostTopNControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of top N host control entries."
+    ::= { hostTopN 1 }
+hostTopNControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HostTopNControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of parameters that control the creation of a report
+        of the top N hosts according to several metrics.  For
+        example, an instance of the hostTopNDuration object might
+        be named hostTopNDuration.3"
+    INDEX { hostTopNControlIndex }
+    ::= { hostTopNControlTable 1 }
+HostTopNControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    hostTopNControlIndex    Integer32,
+    hostTopNHostIndex       Integer32,
+    hostTopNRateBase        INTEGER,
+    hostTopNTimeRemaining   Integer32,
+    hostTopNDuration        Integer32,
+    hostTopNRequestedSize   Integer32,
+    hostTopNGrantedSize     Integer32,
+    hostTopNStartTime       TimeTicks,
+    hostTopNOwner           OwnerString,
+    hostTopNStatus          EntryStatus
+hostTopNControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
+        in the hostTopNControl table.  Each such
+        entry defines one top N report prepared for
+        one interface."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 1 }
+hostTopNHostIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The host table for which a top N report will be prepared
+        on behalf of this entry.  The host table identified by a
+        particular value of this index is associated with the same
+        host table as identified by the same value of
+        hostIndex.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        hostTopNStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 2 }
+hostTopNRateBase OBJECT-TYPE
+                 hostTopNInPkts(1),
+                 hostTopNOutPkts(2),
+                 hostTopNInOctets(3),
+                 hostTopNOutOctets(4),
+                 hostTopNOutErrors(5),
+                 hostTopNOutBroadcastPkts(6),
+                 hostTopNOutMulticastPkts(7)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The variable for each host that the hostTopNRate
+        variable is based upon.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        hostTopNStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 3 }
+hostTopNTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of seconds left in the report currently being
+        collected.  When this object is modified by the management
+        station, a new collection is started, possibly aborting
+        a currently running report.  The new value is used
+        as the requested duration of this report, which is
+        loaded into the associated hostTopNDuration object.
+        When this object is set to a non-zero value, any
+        associated hostTopNEntries shall be made
+        inaccessible by the monitor.  While the value of this
+        object is non-zero, it decrements by one per second until
+        it reaches zero.  During this time, all associated
+        hostTopNEntries shall remain inaccessible.  At the time
+        that this object decrements to zero, the report is made
+        accessible in the hostTopNTable.  Thus, the hostTopN
+        table needs to be created only at the end of the collection
+        interval."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 4 }
+hostTopNDuration OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of seconds that this report has collected
+        during the last sampling interval, or if this
+        report is currently being collected, the number
+        of seconds that this report is being collected
+        during this sampling interval.
+        When the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object is set,
+        this object shall be set by the probe to the same value
+        and shall not be modified until the next time
+        the hostTopNTimeRemaining is set.
+        This value shall be zero if no reports have been
+        requested for this hostTopNControlEntry."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 5 }
+hostTopNRequestedSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of hosts requested for the top N
+        table.
+        When this object is created or modified, the probe
+        should set hostTopNGrantedSize as closely to this
+        object as is possible for the particular probe
+        implementation and available resources."
+    DEFVAL { 10 }
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 6 }
+hostTopNGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of hosts in the top N table.
+        When the associated hostTopNRequestedSize object is
+        created or modified, the probe should set this
+        object as closely to the requested value as is possible
+        for the particular implementation and available
+        resources. The probe must not lower this value except
+        as a result of a set to the associated
+        hostTopNRequestedSize object.
+        Hosts with the highest value of hostTopNRate shall be
+        placed in this table in decreasing order of this rate
+        until there is no more room or until there are no more
+        hosts."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 7 }
+hostTopNStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was
+        last started.  In other words, this is the time that
+        the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object was
+        modified to start the requested report."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 8 }
+hostTopNOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 9 }
+hostTopNStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this hostTopNControl entry.
+        If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
+        hostTopNEntries shall be deleted by the agent."
+    ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 10 }
+hostTopNTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostTopNEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of top N host entries."
+    ::= { hostTopN 2 }
+hostTopNEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     HostTopNEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of statistics for a host that is part of a top N
+        report.  For example, an instance of the hostTopNRate
+        object might be named hostTopNRate.3.10"
+    INDEX { hostTopNReport, hostTopNIndex }
+    ::= { hostTopNTable 1 }
+HostTopNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    hostTopNReport                Integer32,
+    hostTopNIndex                 Integer32,
+    hostTopNAddress               OCTET STRING,
+    hostTopNRate                  Integer32
+hostTopNReport OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object identifies the top N report of which
+        this entry is a part.  The set of hosts
+        identified by a particular value of this
+        object is part of the same report as identified
+        by the same value of the hostTopNControlIndex object."
+    ::= { hostTopNEntry 1 }
+hostTopNIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
+        the hostTopN table among those in the same report.
+        This index is between 1 and N, where N is the
+        number of entries in this table.  Increasing values
+        of hostTopNIndex shall be assigned to entries with
+        decreasing values of hostTopNRate until index N
+        is assigned to the entry with the lowest value of
+        hostTopNRate or there are no more hostTopNEntries."
+    ::= { hostTopNEntry 2 }
+hostTopNAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The physical address of this host."
+    ::= { hostTopNEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The amount of change in the selected variable
+        during this sampling interval.  The selected
+        variable is this host's instance of the object
+        selected by hostTopNRateBase."
+    ::= { hostTopNEntry 4 }
+-- The Matrix Group
+-- Implementation of the Matrix group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Matrix group consists of the matrixControlTable, matrixSDTable
+-- and the matrixDSTable.  These tables store statistics for a
+-- particular conversation between two addresses.  As the device
+-- detects a new conversation, including those to a non-unicast
+-- address, it creates a new entry in both of the matrix tables.
+-- It must only create new entries based on information
+-- received in good packets.  If the monitoring device finds
+-- itself short of resources, it may delete entries as needed.
+-- It is suggested that the device delete the least recently used
+-- entries first.
+matrixControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MatrixControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of information entries for the
+        traffic matrix on each interface."
+    ::= { matrix 1 }
+matrixControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     MatrixControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "Information about a traffic matrix on a particular
+        interface.  For example, an instance of the
+        matrixControlLastDeleteTime object might be named
+        matrixControlLastDeleteTime.1"
+    INDEX { matrixControlIndex }
+    ::= { matrixControlTable 1 }
+MatrixControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    matrixControlIndex           Integer32,
+    matrixControlDataSource      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    matrixControlTableSize       Integer32,
+    matrixControlLastDeleteTime  TimeTicks,
+    matrixControlOwner           OwnerString,
+    matrixControlStatus          EntryStatus
+matrixControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
+        matrixControl table.  Each such entry defines
+        a function that discovers conversations on a particular
+        interface and places statistics about them in the
+        matrixSDTable and the matrixDSTable on behalf of this
+        matrixControlEntry."
+    ::= { matrixControlEntry 1 }
+matrixControlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object identifies the source of
+        the data from which this entry creates a traffic matrix.
+        This source can be any interface on this device.  In
+        order to identify a particular interface, this object
+        shall identify the instance of the ifIndex object,
+        defined in RFC 2233 [17], for the desired
+        interface.  For example, if an entry were to receive data
+        from interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.
+        The statistics in this group reflect all packets
+        on the local network segment attached to the identified
+        interface.
+        An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
+        changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
+        necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
+        hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
+        by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
+        knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
+        invalidate this entry.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        matrixControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { matrixControlEntry 2 }
+matrixControlTableSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of matrixSDEntries in the matrixSDTable
+        for this interface.  This must also be the value of
+        the number of entries in the matrixDSTable for this
+        interface."
+    ::= { matrixControlEntry 3 }
+matrixControlLastDeleteTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when the last entry
+        was deleted from the portion of the matrixSDTable
+        or matrixDSTable associated with this matrixControlEntry.
+        If no deletions have occurred, this value shall be
+        zero."
+    ::= { matrixControlEntry 4 }
+matrixControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { matrixControlEntry 5 }
+matrixControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this matrixControl entry.
+        If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
+        entries in the matrixSDTable and the matrixDSTable
+        shall be deleted by the agent."
+    ::= { matrixControlEntry 6 }
+matrixSDTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MatrixSDEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of traffic matrix entries indexed by
+        source and destination MAC address."
+    ::= { matrix 2 }
+matrixSDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     MatrixSDEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A collection of statistics for communications between
+        two addresses on a particular interface.  For example,
+        an instance of the matrixSDPkts object might be named
+        matrixSDPkts."
+    INDEX { matrixSDIndex,
+            matrixSDSourceAddress, matrixSDDestAddress }
+    ::= { matrixSDTable 1 }
+MatrixSDEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    matrixSDSourceAddress       OCTET STRING,
+    matrixSDDestAddress         OCTET STRING,
+    matrixSDIndex               Integer32,
+    matrixSDPkts                Counter32,
+    matrixSDOctets              Counter32,
+    matrixSDErrors              Counter32
+matrixSDSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The source physical address."
+    ::= { matrixSDEntry 1 }
+matrixSDDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The destination physical address."
+    ::= { matrixSDEntry 2 }
+matrixSDIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The set of collected matrix statistics of which
+        this entry is a part.  The set of matrix statistics
+        identified by a particular value of this index
+        is associated with the same matrixControlEntry
+        as identified by the same value of matrixControlIndex."
+    ::= { matrixSDEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets transmitted from the source
+        address to the destination address (this number includes
+        bad packets)."
+    ::= { matrixSDEntry 4 }
+matrixSDOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets (excluding framing bits but
+        including FCS octets) contained in all packets
+        transmitted from the source address to the
+        destination address."
+    ::= { matrixSDEntry 5 }
+matrixSDErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of bad packets transmitted from
+        the source address to the destination address."
+    ::= { matrixSDEntry 6 }
+-- Traffic matrix tables from destination to source
+matrixDSTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MatrixDSEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of traffic matrix entries indexed by
+        destination and source MAC address."
+    ::= { matrix 3 }
+matrixDSEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     MatrixDSEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A collection of statistics for communications between
+        two addresses on a particular interface.  For example,
+        an instance of the matrixSDPkts object might be named
+        matrixSDPkts."
+    INDEX { matrixDSIndex,
+            matrixDSDestAddress, matrixDSSourceAddress }
+    ::= { matrixDSTable 1 }
+MatrixDSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    matrixDSSourceAddress       OCTET STRING,
+    matrixDSDestAddress         OCTET STRING,
+    matrixDSIndex               Integer32,
+    matrixDSPkts                Counter32,
+    matrixDSOctets              Counter32,
+    matrixDSErrors              Counter32
+matrixDSSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The source physical address."
+    ::= { matrixDSEntry 1 }
+matrixDSDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The destination physical address."
+    ::= { matrixDSEntry 2 }
+matrixDSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The set of collected matrix statistics of which
+        this entry is a part.  The set of matrix statistics
+        identified by a particular value of this index
+        is associated with the same matrixControlEntry
+        as identified by the same value of matrixControlIndex."
+    ::= { matrixDSEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets transmitted from the source
+        address to the destination address (this number includes
+        bad packets)."
+    ::= { matrixDSEntry 4 }
+matrixDSOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of octets (excluding framing bits
+        but including FCS octets) contained in all packets
+        transmitted from the source address to the
+        destination address."
+    ::= { matrixDSEntry 5 }
+matrixDSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of bad packets transmitted from
+        the source address to the destination address."
+    ::= { matrixDSEntry 6 }
+-- The Filter Group
+-- Implementation of the Filter group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Filter group allows packets to be captured with an
+-- arbitrary filter expression.  A logical data and
+-- event stream or "channel" is formed by the packets
+-- that match the filter expression.
+-- This filter mechanism allows the creation of an arbitrary
+-- logical expression with which to filter packets.  Each
+-- filter associated with a channel is OR'ed with the others.
+-- Within a filter, any bits checked in the data and status are
+-- AND'ed with respect to other bits in the same filter.  The
+-- NotMask also allows for checking for inequality.  Finally,
+-- the channelAcceptType object allows for inversion of the
+-- whole equation.
+-- If a management station wishes to receive a trap to alert it
+-- that new packets have been captured and are available for
+-- download, it is recommended that it set up an alarm entry that
+-- monitors the value of the relevant channelMatches instance.
+-- The channel can be turned on or off, and can also
+-- generate events when packets pass through it.
+filterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF FilterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of packet filter entries."
+    ::= { filter 1 }
+filterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     FilterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of parameters for a packet filter applied on a
+        particular interface.  As an example, an instance of the
+        filterPktData object might be named filterPktData.12"
+    INDEX { filterIndex }
+    ::= { filterTable 1 }
+FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    filterIndex                 Integer32,
+    filterChannelIndex          Integer32,
+    filterPktDataOffset         Integer32,
+    filterPktData               OCTET STRING,
+    filterPktDataMask           OCTET STRING,
+    filterPktDataNotMask        OCTET STRING,
+    filterPktStatus             Integer32,
+    filterPktStatusMask         Integer32,
+    filterPktStatusNotMask      Integer32,
+    filterOwner                 OwnerString,
+    filterStatus                EntryStatus
+filterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
+        in the filter table.  Each such entry defines
+        one filter that is to be applied to every packet
+        received on an interface."
+    ::= { filterEntry 1 }
+filterChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object identifies the channel of which this filter
+        is a part.  The filters identified by a particular value
+        of this object are associated with the same channel as
+        identified by the same value of the channelIndex object."
+    ::= { filterEntry 2 }
+filterPktDataOffset OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The offset from the beginning of each packet where
+        a match of packet data will be attempted.  This offset
+        is measured from the point in the physical layer
+        packet after the framing bits, if any.  For example,
+        in an Ethernet frame, this point is at the beginning of
+        the destination MAC address.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { filterEntry 3 }
+filterPktData OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The data that is to be matched with the input packet.
+        For each packet received, this filter and the accompanying
+        filterPktDataMask and filterPktDataNotMask will be
+        adjusted for the offset.  The only bits relevant to this
+        match algorithm are those that have the corresponding
+        filterPktDataMask bit equal to one.  The following three
+        rules are then applied to every packet:
+        (1) If the packet is too short and does not have data
+            corresponding to part of the filterPktData, the packet
+            will fail this data match.
+        (2) For each relevant bit from the packet with the
+            corresponding filterPktDataNotMask bit set to zero, if
+            the bit from the packet is not equal to the corresponding
+            bit from the filterPktData, then the packet will fail
+            this data match.
+        (3) If for every relevant bit from the packet with the
+            corresponding filterPktDataNotMask bit set to one, the
+            bit from the packet is equal to the corresponding bit
+            from the filterPktData, then the packet will fail this
+            data match.
+        Any packets that have not failed any of the three matches
+        above have passed this data match.  In particular, a zero
+        length filter will match any packet.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { filterEntry 4 }
+filterPktDataMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The mask that is applied to the match process.
+        After adjusting this mask for the offset, only those
+        bits in the received packet that correspond to bits set
+        in this mask are relevant for further processing by the
+        match algorithm.  The offset is applied to filterPktDataMask
+        in the same way it is applied to the filter.  For the
+        purposes of the matching algorithm, if the associated
+        filterPktData object is longer than this mask, this mask is
+        conceptually extended with '1' bits until it reaches the
+        length of the filterPktData object.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { filterEntry 5 }
+filterPktDataNotMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The inversion mask that is applied to the match
+        process.  After adjusting this mask for the offset,
+        those relevant bits in the received packet that correspond
+        to bits cleared in this mask must all be equal to their
+        corresponding bits in the filterPktData object for the packet
+        to be accepted.  In addition, at least one of those relevant
+        bits in the received packet that correspond to bits set in
+        this mask must be different to its corresponding bit in the
+        filterPktData object.
+        For the purposes of the matching algorithm, if the associated
+        filterPktData object is longer than this mask, this mask is
+        conceptually extended with '0' bits until it reaches the
+        length of the filterPktData object.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { filterEntry 6 }
+filterPktStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status that is to be matched with the input packet.
+        The only bits relevant to this match algorithm are those that
+        have the corresponding filterPktStatusMask bit equal to one.
+        The following two rules are then applied to every packet:
+        (1) For each relevant bit from the packet status with the
+            corresponding filterPktStatusNotMask bit set to zero, if
+            the bit from the packet status is not equal to the
+            corresponding bit from the filterPktStatus, then the
+            packet will fail this status match.
+        (2) If for every relevant bit from the packet status with the
+            corresponding filterPktStatusNotMask bit set to one, the
+            bit from the packet status is equal to the corresponding
+            bit from the filterPktStatus, then the packet will fail
+            this status match.
+        Any packets that have not failed either of the two matches
+        above have passed this status match.  In particular, a zero
+        length status filter will match any packet's status.
+        The value of the packet status is a sum.  This sum
+        initially takes the value zero.  Then, for each
+        error, E, that has been discovered in this packet,
+        2 raised to a value representing E is added to the sum.
+        The errors and the bits that represent them are dependent
+        on the media type of the interface that this channel
+        is receiving packets from.
+        The errors defined for a packet captured off of an
+        Ethernet interface are as follows:
+            bit #    Error
+                0    Packet is longer than 1518 octets
+                1    Packet is shorter than 64 octets
+                2    Packet experienced a CRC or Alignment error
+        For example, an Ethernet fragment would have a
+        value of 6 (2^1 + 2^2).
+        As this MIB is expanded to new media types, this object
+        will have other media-specific errors defined.
+        For the purposes of this status matching algorithm, if the
+        packet status is longer than this filterPktStatus object,
+        this object is conceptually extended with '0' bits until it
+        reaches the size of the packet status.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { filterEntry 7 }
+filterPktStatusMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The mask that is applied to the status match process.
+        Only those bits in the received packet that correspond to
+        bits set in this mask are relevant for further processing
+        by the status match algorithm.  For the purposes
+        of the matching algorithm, if the associated filterPktStatus
+        object is longer than this mask, this mask is conceptually
+        extended with '1' bits until it reaches the size of the
+        filterPktStatus.  In addition, if a packet status is longer
+        than this mask, this mask is conceptually extended with '0'
+        bits until it reaches the size of the packet status.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { filterEntry 8 }
+filterPktStatusNotMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The inversion mask that is applied to the status match
+        process.  Those relevant bits in the received packet status
+        that correspond to bits cleared in this mask must all be
+        equal to their corresponding bits in the filterPktStatus
+        object for the packet to be accepted.  In addition, at least
+        one of those relevant bits in the received packet status
+        that correspond to bits set in this mask must be different
+        to its corresponding bit in the filterPktStatus object for
+        the packet to be accepted.
+        For the purposes of the matching algorithm, if the associated
+        filterPktStatus object or a packet status is longer than this
+        mask, this mask is conceptually extended with '0' bits until
+        it reaches the longer of the lengths of the filterPktStatus
+        object and the packet status.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { filterEntry 9 }
+filterOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { filterEntry 10 }
+filterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this filter entry."
+    ::= { filterEntry 11 }
+channelTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF ChannelEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of packet channel entries."
+    ::= { filter 2 }
+channelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     ChannelEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of parameters for a packet channel applied on a
+        particular interface.  As an example, an instance of the
+        channelMatches object might be named channelMatches.3"
+    INDEX { channelIndex }
+    ::= { channelTable 1 }
+ChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    channelIndex                 Integer32,
+    channelIfIndex               Integer32,
+    channelAcceptType            INTEGER,
+    channelDataControl           INTEGER,
+    channelTurnOnEventIndex      Integer32,
+    channelTurnOffEventIndex     Integer32,
+    channelEventIndex            Integer32,
+    channelEventStatus           INTEGER,
+    channelMatches               Counter32,
+    channelDescription           DisplayString,
+    channelOwner                 OwnerString,
+    channelStatus                EntryStatus
+channelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the channel
+        table.  Each such entry defines one channel, a logical
+        data and event stream.
+        It is suggested that before creating a channel, an
+        application should scan all instances of the
+        filterChannelIndex object to make sure that there are no
+        pre-existing filters that would be inadvertently be linked
+        to the channel."
+    ::= { channelEntry 1 }
+channelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object uniquely identifies the
+        interface on this remote network monitoring device to which
+        the associated filters are applied to allow data into this
+        channel.  The interface identified by a particular value
+        of this object is the same interface as identified by the
+        same value of the ifIndex object, defined in RFC 2233 [17].
+        The filters in this group are applied to all packets on
+        the local network segment attached to the identified
+        interface.
+        An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
+        changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
+        necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
+        hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
+        by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
+        knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
+        invalidate this entry.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { channelEntry 2 }
+channelAcceptType OBJECT-TYPE
+                 acceptMatched(1),
+                 acceptFailed(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object controls the action of the filters
+        associated with this channel.  If this object is equal
+        to acceptMatched(1), packets will be accepted to this
+        channel if they are accepted by both the packet data and
+        packet status matches of an associated filter.  If
+        this object is equal to acceptFailed(2), packets will
+        be accepted to this channel only if they fail either
+        the packet data match or the packet status match of
+        each of the associated filters.
+        In particular, a channel with no associated filters will
+        match no packets if set to acceptMatched(1) case and will
+        match all packets in the acceptFailed(2) case.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { channelEntry 3 }
+channelDataControl OBJECT-TYPE
+                 on(1),
+                 off(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object controls the flow of data through this channel.
+        If this object is on(1), data, status and events flow
+        through this channel.  If this object is off(2), data,
+        status and events will not flow through this channel."
+    DEFVAL { off }
+    ::= { channelEntry 4 }
+channelTurnOnEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object identifies the event
+        that is configured to turn the associated
+        channelDataControl from off to on when the event is
+        generated.  The event identified by a particular value
+        of this object is the same event as identified by the
+        same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
+        corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
+        association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
+        for this channel, channelTurnOnEventIndex must be
+        set to zero, a non-existent event index.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { channelEntry 5 }
+channelTurnOffEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object identifies the event
+        that is configured to turn the associated
+        channelDataControl from on to off when the event is
+        generated.  The event identified by a particular value
+        of this object is the same event as identified by the
+        same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
+        corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
+        association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
+        for this channel, channelTurnOffEventIndex must be
+        set to zero, a non-existent event index.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { channelEntry 6 }
+channelEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of this object identifies the event
+        that is configured to be generated when the
+        associated channelDataControl is on and a packet
+        is matched.  The event identified by a particular value
+        of this object is the same event as identified by the
+        same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
+        corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
+        association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
+        for this channel, channelEventIndex must be
+        set to zero, a non-existent event index.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { channelEntry 7 }
+channelEventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                 eventReady(1),
+                 eventFired(2),
+                 eventAlwaysReady(3)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The event status of this channel.
+        If this channel is configured to generate events
+        when packets are matched, a means of controlling
+        the flow of those events is often needed.  When
+        this object is equal to eventReady(1), a single
+        event may be generated, after which this object
+        will be set by the probe to eventFired(2).  While
+        in the eventFired(2) state, no events will be
+        generated until the object is modified to
+        eventReady(1) (or eventAlwaysReady(3)).  The
+        management station can thus easily respond to a
+        notification of an event by re-enabling this object.
+        If the management station wishes to disable this
+        flow control and allow events to be generated
+        at will, this object may be set to
+        eventAlwaysReady(3).  Disabling the flow control
+        is discouraged as it can result in high network
+        traffic or other performance problems."
+    DEFVAL { eventReady }
+    ::= { channelEntry 8 }
+channelMatches OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of times this channel has matched a packet.
+        Note that this object is updated even when
+        channelDataControl is set to off."
+    ::= { channelEntry 9 }
+channelDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "A comment describing this channel."
+    ::= { channelEntry 10 }
+channelOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { channelEntry 11 }
+channelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this channel entry."
+    ::= { channelEntry 12 }
+-- The Packet Capture Group
+-- Implementation of the Packet Capture group is optional. The Packet
+-- Capture Group requires implementation of the Filter Group.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Packet Capture group allows packets to be captured
+-- upon a filter match.  The bufferControlTable controls
+-- the captured packets output from a channel that is
+-- associated with it.  The captured packets are placed
+-- in entries in the captureBufferTable.  These entries are
+-- associated with the bufferControlEntry on whose behalf they
+-- were stored.
+bufferControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BufferControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of buffers control entries."
+    ::= { capture 1 }
+bufferControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     BufferControlEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of parameters that control the collection of a stream
+        of packets that have matched filters.  As an example, an
+        instance of the bufferControlCaptureSliceSize object might
+        be named bufferControlCaptureSliceSize.3"
+    INDEX { bufferControlIndex }
+    ::= { bufferControlTable 1 }
+BufferControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    bufferControlIndex                Integer32,
+    bufferControlChannelIndex         Integer32,
+    bufferControlFullStatus           INTEGER,
+    bufferControlFullAction           INTEGER,
+    bufferControlCaptureSliceSize     Integer32,
+    bufferControlDownloadSliceSize    Integer32,
+    bufferControlDownloadOffset       Integer32,
+    bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested   Integer32,
+    bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted     Integer32,
+    bufferControlCapturedPackets      Integer32,
+    bufferControlTurnOnTime           TimeTicks,
+    bufferControlOwner                OwnerString,
+    bufferControlStatus               EntryStatus
+bufferControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
+        in the bufferControl table.  The value of this
+        index shall never be zero.  Each such
+        entry defines one set of packets that is
+        captured and controlled by one or more filters."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 1 }
+bufferControlChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that identifies the channel that is the
+        source of packets for this bufferControl table.
+        The channel identified by a particular value of this
+        index is the same as identified by the same value of
+        the channelIndex object.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        bufferControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 2 }
+bufferControlFullStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+                 spaceAvailable(1),
+                 full(2)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "This object shows whether the buffer has room to
+        accept new packets or if it is full.
+        If the status is spaceAvailable(1), the buffer is
+        accepting new packets normally.  If the status is
+        full(2) and the associated bufferControlFullAction
+        object is wrapWhenFull, the buffer is accepting new
+        packets by deleting enough of the oldest packets
+        to make room for new ones as they arrive.  Otherwise,
+        if the status is full(2) and the
+        bufferControlFullAction object is lockWhenFull,
+        then the buffer has stopped collecting packets.
+        When this object is set to full(2) the probe must
+        not later set it to spaceAvailable(1) except in the
+        case of a significant gain in resources such as
+        an increase of bufferControlOctetsGranted.  In
+        particular, the wrap-mode action of deleting old
+        packets to make room for newly arrived packets
+        must not affect the value of this object."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 3 }
+bufferControlFullAction OBJECT-TYPE
+                 lockWhenFull(1),
+                 wrapWhenFull(2)    -- FIFO
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "Controls the action of the buffer when it
+        reaches the full status.  When in the lockWhenFull(1)
+        state and a packet is added to the buffer that
+        fills the buffer, the bufferControlFullStatus will
+        be set to full(2) and this buffer will stop capturing
+        packets."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 4 }
+bufferControlCaptureSliceSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of octets of each packet
+        that will be saved in this capture buffer.
+        For example, if a 1500 octet packet is received by
+        the probe and this object is set to 500, then only
+        500 octets of the packet will be stored in the
+        associated capture buffer.  If this variable is set
+        to 0, the capture buffer will save as many octets
+        as is possible.
+        This object may not be modified if the associated
+        bufferControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
+    DEFVAL { 100 }
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 5 }
+bufferControlDownloadSliceSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of octets of each packet
+        in this capture buffer that will be returned in
+        an SNMP retrieval of that packet.  For example,
+        if 500 octets of a packet have been stored in the
+        associated capture buffer, the associated
+        bufferControlDownloadOffset is 0, and this
+        object is set to 100, then the captureBufferPacket
+        object that contains the packet will contain only
+        the first 100 octets of the packet.
+        A prudent manager will take into account possible
+        interoperability or fragmentation problems that may
+        occur if the download slice size is set too large.
+        In particular, conformant SNMP implementations are not
+        required to accept messages whose length exceeds 484
+        octets, although they are encouraged to support larger
+        datagrams whenever feasible."
+    DEFVAL { 100 }
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 6 }
+bufferControlDownloadOffset OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The offset of the first octet of each packet
+        in this capture buffer that will be returned in
+        an SNMP retrieval of that packet.  For example,
+        if 500 octets of a packet have been stored in the
+        associated capture buffer and this object is set to
+        100, then the captureBufferPacket object that
+        contains the packet will contain bytes starting
+        100 octets into the packet."
+    DEFVAL { 0 }
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 7 }
+bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The requested maximum number of octets to be
+        saved in this captureBuffer, including any
+        implementation-specific overhead. If this variable
+        is set to -1, the capture buffer will save as many
+        octets as is possible.
+        When this object is created or modified, the probe
+        should set bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted as closely
+        to this object as is possible for the particular probe
+        implementation and available resources.  However, if
+        the object has the special value of -1, the probe
+        must set bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted to -1."
+    DEFVAL { -1 }
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 8 }
+bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The maximum number of octets that can be
+        saved in this captureBuffer, including overhead.
+        If this variable is -1, the capture buffer will save
+        as many octets as possible.
+        When the bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested object is
+        created or modified, the probe should set this object
+        as closely to the requested value as is possible for the
+        particular probe implementation and available resources.
+        However, if the request object has the special value
+        of -1, the probe must set this object to -1.
+        The probe must not lower this value except as a result of
+        a modification to the associated
+        bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested object.
+        When this maximum number of octets is reached
+        and a new packet is to be added to this
+        capture buffer and the corresponding
+        bufferControlFullAction is set to wrapWhenFull(2),
+        enough of the oldest packets associated with this
+        capture buffer shall be deleted by the agent so
+        that the new packet can be added.  If the corresponding
+        bufferControlFullAction is set to lockWhenFull(1),
+        the new packet shall be discarded.  In either case,
+        the probe must set bufferControlFullStatus to
+        full(2).
+        When the value of this object changes to a value less
+        than the current value, entries are deleted from
+        the captureBufferTable associated with this
+        bufferControlEntry.  Enough of the
+        oldest of these captureBufferEntries shall be
+        deleted by the agent so that the number of octets
+        used remains less than or equal to the new value of
+        this object.
+        When the value of this object changes to a value greater
+        than the current value, the number of associated
+        captureBufferEntries may be allowed to grow."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 9 }
+bufferControlCapturedPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Packets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of packets currently in this captureBuffer."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 10 }
+bufferControlTurnOnTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when this capture buffer was
+        first turned on."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 11 }
+bufferControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 12 }
+bufferControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this buffer Control Entry."
+    ::= { bufferControlEntry 13 }
+captureBufferTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CaptureBufferEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of packets captured off of a channel."
+    ::= { capture 2 }
+captureBufferEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     CaptureBufferEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A packet captured off of an attached network.  As an
+        example, an instance of the captureBufferPacketData
+        object might be named captureBufferPacketData.3.1783"
+    INDEX { captureBufferControlIndex, captureBufferIndex }
+    ::= { captureBufferTable 1 }
+CaptureBufferEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    captureBufferControlIndex   Integer32,
+    captureBufferIndex          Integer32,
+    captureBufferPacketID       Integer32,
+    captureBufferPacketData     OCTET STRING,
+    captureBufferPacketLength   Integer32,
+    captureBufferPacketTime     Integer32,
+    captureBufferPacketStatus   Integer32
+captureBufferControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The index of the bufferControlEntry with which
+        this packet is associated."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 1 }
+captureBufferIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
+        in the captureBuffer table associated with a
+        particular bufferControlEntry.  This index will
+        start at 1 and increase by one for each new packet
+        added with the same captureBufferControlIndex.
+        Should this value reach 2147483647, the next packet
+        added with the same captureBufferControlIndex shall
+        cause this value to wrap around to 1."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 2 }
+captureBufferPacketID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that describes the order of packets
+        that are received on a particular interface.
+        The packetID of a packet captured on an
+        interface is defined to be greater than the
+        packetID's of all packets captured previously on
+        the same interface.  As the captureBufferPacketID
+        object has a maximum positive value of 2^31 - 1,
+        any captureBufferPacketID object shall have the
+        value of the associated packet's packetID mod 2^31."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 3 }
+captureBufferPacketData OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The data inside the packet, starting at the beginning
+        of the packet plus any offset specified in the
+        associated bufferControlDownloadOffset, including any
+        link level headers.  The length of the data in this object
+        is the minimum of the length of the captured packet minus
+        the offset, the length of the associated
+        bufferControlCaptureSliceSize minus the offset, and the
+        associated bufferControlDownloadSliceSize.  If this minimum
+        is less than zero, this object shall have a length of zero."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 4 }
+captureBufferPacketLength OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Octets"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The actual length (off the wire) of the packet stored
+        in this entry, including FCS octets."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 5 }
+captureBufferPacketTime OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    UNITS      "Milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The number of milliseconds that had passed since
+        this capture buffer was first turned on when this
+        packet was captured."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 6 }
+captureBufferPacketStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "A value which indicates the error status of this packet.
+        The value of this object is defined in the same way as
+        filterPktStatus.  The value is a sum.  This sum
+        initially takes the value zero.  Then, for each
+        error, E, that has been discovered in this packet,
+        2 raised to a value representing E is added to the sum.
+        The errors defined for a packet captured off of an
+        Ethernet interface are as follows:
+            bit #    Error
+                0    Packet is longer than 1518 octets
+                1    Packet is shorter than 64 octets
+                2    Packet experienced a CRC or Alignment error
+                3    First packet in this capture buffer after
+                     it was detected that some packets were
+                     not processed correctly.
+                4    Packet's order in buffer is only approximate
+                     (May only be set for packets sent from
+                     the probe)
+        For example, an Ethernet fragment would have a
+        value of 6 (2^1 + 2^2).
+        As this MIB is expanded to new media types, this object
+        will have other media-specific errors defined."
+    ::= { captureBufferEntry 7 }
+-- The Event Group
+-- Implementation of the Event group is optional.
+-- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
+-- conformance information for this MIB.
+-- The Event group controls the generation and notification
+-- of events from this device.  Each entry in the eventTable
+-- describes the parameters of the event that can be triggered.
+-- Each event entry is fired by an associated condition located
+-- elsewhere in the MIB.  An event entry may also be associated
+-- with a function elsewhere in the MIB that will be executed
+-- when the event is generated.  For example, a channel may
+-- be turned on or off by the firing of an event.
+-- Each eventEntry may optionally specify that a log entry
+-- be created on its behalf whenever the event occurs.
+-- Each entry may also specify that notification should
+-- occur by way of SNMP trap messages.  In this case, the
+-- community for the trap message is given in the associated
+-- eventCommunity object.  The enterprise and specific trap
+-- fields of the trap are determined by the condition that
+-- triggered the event.  Two traps are defined: risingAlarm and
+-- fallingAlarm.  If the eventTable is triggered by a condition
+-- specified elsewhere, the enterprise and specific trap fields
+-- must be specified for traps generated for that condition.
+eventTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF EventEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of events to be generated."
+    ::= { event 1 }
+eventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EventEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of parameters that describe an event to be generated
+        when certain conditions are met.  As an example, an instance
+        of the eventLastTimeSent object might be named
+        eventLastTimeSent.6"
+    INDEX { eventIndex }
+    ::= { eventTable 1 }
+EventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    eventIndex          Integer32,
+    eventDescription    DisplayString,
+    eventType           INTEGER,
+    eventCommunity      OCTET STRING,
+    eventLastTimeSent   TimeTicks,
+    eventOwner          OwnerString,
+    eventStatus         EntryStatus
+eventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
+        event table.  Each such entry defines one event that
+        is to be generated when the appropriate conditions
+        occur."
+    ::= { eventEntry 1 }
+eventDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "A comment describing this event entry."
+    ::= { eventEntry 2 }
+eventType OBJECT-TYPE
+                 none(1),
+                 log(2),
+                 snmptrap(3),    -- send an SNMP trap
+                 logandtrap(4)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The type of notification that the probe will make
+        about this event.  In the case of log, an entry is
+        made in the log table for each event.  In the case of
+        snmp-trap, an SNMP trap is sent to one or more
+        management stations."
+    ::= { eventEntry 3 }
+eventCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "If an SNMP trap is to be sent, it will be sent to
+        the SNMP community specified by this octet string."
+    ::= { eventEntry 4 }
+eventLastTimeSent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime at the time this event
+        entry last generated an event.  If this entry has
+        not generated any events, this value will be
+        zero."
+    ::= { eventEntry 5 }
+eventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     OwnerString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
+        using the resources assigned to it.
+        If this object contains a string starting with 'monitor'
+        and has associated entries in the log table, all connected
+        management stations should retrieve those log entries,
+        as they may have significance to all management stations
+        connected to this device"
+    ::= { eventEntry 6 }
+eventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     EntryStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+        "The status of this event entry.
+        If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
+        log entries shall be deleted by the agent."
+    ::= { eventEntry 7 }
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF LogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A list of events that have been logged."
+    ::= { event 2 }
+    SYNTAX     LogEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "A set of data describing an event that has been
+        logged.  For example, an instance of the logDescription
+        object might be named logDescription.6.47"
+    INDEX { logEventIndex, logIndex }
+    ::= { logTable 1 }
+LogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    logEventIndex           Integer32,
+    logIndex                Integer32,
+    logTime                 TimeTicks,
+    logDescription          DisplayString
+logEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The event entry that generated this log
+        entry.  The log identified by a particular
+        value of this index is associated with the same
+        eventEntry as identified by the same value
+        of eventIndex."
+    ::= { logEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
+        in the log table amongst those generated by the
+        same eventEntries.  These indexes are
+        assigned beginning with 1 and increase by one
+        with each new log entry.  The association
+        between values of logIndex and logEntries
+        is fixed for the lifetime of each logEntry.
+        The agent may choose to delete the oldest
+        instances of logEntry as required because of
+        lack of memory.  It is an implementation-specific
+        matter as to when this deletion may occur."
+    ::= { logEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "The value of sysUpTime when this log entry was created."
+    ::= { logEntry 3 }
+logDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+        "An implementation dependent description of the
+        event that activated this log entry."
+    ::= { logEntry 4 }
+--  Remote Network Monitoring Traps
+    STATUS      current
+    DESCRIPTION "Definition point for RMON notifications."
+    ::= { rmon 0 }
+    OBJECTS  { alarmIndex, alarmVariable, alarmSampleType,
+               alarmValue, alarmRisingThreshold }
+    STATUS   current
+        "The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm
+        entry crosses its rising threshold and generates
+        an event that is configured for sending SNMP
+        traps."
+    ::= { rmonEventsV2 1 }
+    OBJECTS { alarmIndex, alarmVariable, alarmSampleType,
+              alarmValue, alarmFallingThreshold }
+    STATUS    current
+        "The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm
+        entry crosses its falling threshold and generates
+        an event that is configured for sending SNMP
+        traps."
+    ::= { rmonEventsV2 2 }
+-- Conformance information
+rmonCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmonConformance 9 }
+rmonGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rmonConformance 10 }
+-- Compliance Statements
+    STATUS current
+        "The requirements for conformance to the RMON MIB. At least
+        one of the groups in this module must be implemented to
+        conform to the RMON MIB. Implementations of this MIB
+        must also implement the system group of MIB-II [16] and the
+        IF-MIB [17]."
+    MODULE -- this module
+      GROUP rmonEtherStatsGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Ethernet Statistics Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonHistoryControlGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON History Control Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonEthernetHistoryGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Ethernet History Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonAlarmGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Alarm Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonHostGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Host Group is mandatory when the
+              rmonHostTopNGroup is implemented."
+      GROUP rmonHostTopNGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Host Top N Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonMatrixGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Matrix Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonFilterGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Filter Group is mandatory when the
+              rmonPacketCaptureGroup is implemented."
+      GROUP rmonPacketCaptureGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Packet Capture Group is optional."
+      GROUP rmonEventGroup
+          DESCRIPTION
+              "The RMON Event Group is mandatory when the
+              rmonAlarmGroup is implemented."
+    ::= { rmonCompliances 1 }
+    rmonEtherStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            etherStatsIndex, etherStatsDataSource,
+            etherStatsDropEvents, etherStatsOctets, etherStatsPkts,
+            etherStatsBroadcastPkts, etherStatsMulticastPkts,
+            etherStatsCRCAlignErrors, etherStatsUndersizePkts,
+            etherStatsOversizePkts, etherStatsFragments,
+            etherStatsJabbers, etherStatsCollisions,
+            etherStatsPkts64Octets, etherStatsPkts65to127Octets,
+            etherStatsPkts128to255Octets,
+            etherStatsPkts256to511Octets,
+            etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets,
+            etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets,
+            etherStatsOwner, etherStatsStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Ethernet Statistics Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 1 }
+    rmonHistoryControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            historyControlIndex, historyControlDataSource,
+            historyControlBucketsRequested,
+            historyControlBucketsGranted, historyControlInterval,
+            historyControlOwner, historyControlStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON History Control Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 2 }
+    rmonEthernetHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            etherHistoryIndex, etherHistorySampleIndex,
+            etherHistoryIntervalStart, etherHistoryDropEvents,
+            etherHistoryOctets, etherHistoryPkts,
+            etherHistoryBroadcastPkts, etherHistoryMulticastPkts,
+            etherHistoryCRCAlignErrors, etherHistoryUndersizePkts,
+            etherHistoryOversizePkts, etherHistoryFragments,
+            etherHistoryJabbers, etherHistoryCollisions,
+            etherHistoryUtilization
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Ethernet History Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 3 }
+    rmonAlarmGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            alarmIndex, alarmInterval, alarmVariable,
+            alarmSampleType, alarmValue, alarmStartupAlarm,
+            alarmRisingThreshold, alarmFallingThreshold,
+            alarmRisingEventIndex, alarmFallingEventIndex,
+            alarmOwner, alarmStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Alarm Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 4 }
+    rmonHostGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hostControlIndex, hostControlDataSource,
+            hostControlTableSize, hostControlLastDeleteTime,
+            hostControlOwner, hostControlStatus,
+            hostAddress, hostCreationOrder, hostIndex,
+            hostInPkts, hostOutPkts, hostInOctets,
+            hostOutOctets, hostOutErrors, hostOutBroadcastPkts,
+            hostOutMulticastPkts, hostTimeAddress,
+            hostTimeCreationOrder, hostTimeIndex,
+            hostTimeInPkts, hostTimeOutPkts, hostTimeInOctets,
+            hostTimeOutOctets, hostTimeOutErrors,
+            hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts, hostTimeOutMulticastPkts
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Host Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 5 }
+    rmonHostTopNGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            hostTopNControlIndex, hostTopNHostIndex,
+            hostTopNRateBase, hostTopNTimeRemaining,
+            hostTopNDuration, hostTopNRequestedSize,
+            hostTopNGrantedSize, hostTopNStartTime,
+            hostTopNOwner, hostTopNStatus,
+            hostTopNReport, hostTopNIndex,
+            hostTopNAddress, hostTopNRate
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Host Top 'N' Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 6 }
+    rmonMatrixGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            matrixControlIndex, matrixControlDataSource,
+            matrixControlTableSize, matrixControlLastDeleteTime,
+            matrixControlOwner, matrixControlStatus,
+            matrixSDSourceAddress, matrixSDDestAddress,
+            matrixSDIndex, matrixSDPkts,
+            matrixSDOctets, matrixSDErrors,
+            matrixDSSourceAddress, matrixDSDestAddress,
+            matrixDSIndex, matrixDSPkts,
+            matrixDSOctets, matrixDSErrors
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Matrix Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 7 }
+    rmonFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            filterIndex, filterChannelIndex, filterPktDataOffset,
+            filterPktData, filterPktDataMask,
+            filterPktDataNotMask, filterPktStatus,
+            filterPktStatusMask, filterPktStatusNotMask,
+            filterOwner, filterStatus,
+            channelIndex, channelIfIndex, channelAcceptType,
+            channelDataControl, channelTurnOnEventIndex,
+            channelTurnOffEventIndex, channelEventIndex,
+            channelEventStatus, channelMatches,
+            channelDescription, channelOwner, channelStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Filter Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 8 }
+    rmonPacketCaptureGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            bufferControlIndex, bufferControlChannelIndex,
+            bufferControlFullStatus, bufferControlFullAction,
+            bufferControlCaptureSliceSize,
+            bufferControlDownloadSliceSize,
+            bufferControlDownloadOffset,
+            bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested,
+            bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted,
+            bufferControlCapturedPackets,
+            bufferControlTurnOnTime,
+            bufferControlOwner, bufferControlStatus,
+            captureBufferControlIndex, captureBufferIndex,
+            captureBufferPacketID, captureBufferPacketData,
+            captureBufferPacketLength, captureBufferPacketTime,
+            captureBufferPacketStatus
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Packet Capture Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 9 }
+    rmonEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+        OBJECTS {
+            eventIndex, eventDescription, eventType,
+            eventCommunity, eventLastTimeSent,
+            eventOwner, eventStatus,
+            logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime,
+            logDescription
+        }
+        STATUS current
+            "The RMON Event Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 10 }
+    rmonNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+        NOTIFICATIONS { risingAlarm, fallingAlarm }
+        STATUS        current
+            "The RMON Notification Group."
+        ::= { rmonGroups 11 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SMUX-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SMUX-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd569979c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SMUX-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+        enterprises
+                FROM RFC1155-SMI
+        OBJECT-TYPE
+                FROM RFC1212;
+unix    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 4 }
+smux    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { unix 4 }
+smuxPeerTable   OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SmuxPeerEntry
+        ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The SMUX peer table."
+        ::= { smux 1 }
+smuxPeerEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  SmuxPeerEntry
+        ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "An entry in the SMUX peer table."
+        INDEX   { smuxPindex }
+        ::= { smuxPeerTable 1}
+SmuxPeerEntry ::=
+        smuxPindex
+            INTEGER,
+        smuxPidentity
+        smuxPdescription
+            DisplayString,
+        smuxPstatus
+            INTEGER
+    }
+smuxPindex      OBJECT-TYPE
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "An index which uniquely identifies a SMUX peer."
+        ::= { smuxPeerEntry 1 }
+smuxPidentity   OBJECT-TYPE
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The authoritative designation for a SMUX peer."
+        ::= { smuxPeerEntry 2 }
+smuxPdescription OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "A human-readable description of a SMUX peer."
+        ::= { smuxPeerEntry 3 }
+smuxPstatus     OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2), connecting(3) }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The type of SMUX peer.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
+            the effect of invaliding the corresponding entry
+            in the smuxPeerTable.  It is an implementation-
+            specific matter as to whether the agent removes an
+            invalidated entry from the table.  Accordingly,
+            management stations must be prepared to receive
+            tabular information from agents that correspond to
+            entries not currently in use.  Proper
+            interpretation of such entries requires
+            examination of the relative smuxPstatus object."
+        ::= { smuxPeerEntry 4 }
+smuxTreeTable   OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SmuxTreeEntry
+        ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The SMUX tree table."
+        ::= { smux 2 }
+smuxTreeEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  SmuxTreeEntry
+        ACCESS  not-accessible
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "An entry in the SMUX tree table."
+        INDEX   { smuxTsubtree, smuxTpriority }
+        ::= { smuxTreeTable 1}
+SmuxTreeEntry ::=
+        smuxTsubtree
+        smuxTpriority
+            INTEGER,
+        smuxTindex
+            INTEGER,
+        smuxTstatus
+            INTEGER
+    }
+smuxTsubtree    OBJECT-TYPE
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The MIB subtree being exported by a SMUX peer."
+        ::= { smuxTreeEntry 1 }
+smuxTpriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..'07fffffff'h)
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The SMUX peer's priority when exporting the MIB
+            subtree."
+        ::= { smuxTreeEntry 2 }
+smuxTindex OBJECT-TYPE
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The SMUX peer's identity."
+        ::= { smuxTreeEntry 3 }
+smuxTstatus     OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX  INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS  mandatory
+            "The type of SMUX tree.
+            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
+            the effect of invaliding the corresponding entry
+            in the smuxTreeTable.  It is an implementation-
+            specific matter as to whether the agent removes an
+            invalidated entry from the table.  Accordingly,
+            management stations must be prepared to receive
+            tabular information from agents that correspond to
+            entries not currently in use.  Proper
+            interpretation of such entries requires
+            examination of the relative smuxTstatus object."
+        ::= { smuxTreeEntry 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05e9f9a375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+    IpAddress,
+    Integer32,
+    snmpModules
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus,
+    StorageType
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString,
+    SnmpEngineID
+    SnmpTagValue,
+    snmpTargetAddrEntry
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200003060000Z"          -- 6 Mar 2000, midnight
+    ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Subscribe:  majordomo@lists.tislabs.com
+                              In msg body:  subscribe snmpv3
+                  Chair:      Russ Mundy
+                              TIS Labs at Network Associates
+                  Postal:     3060 Washington Rd
+                              Glenwood MD 21738
+                              USA
+                  Email:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                  Phone:      +1-301-854-6889
+                  Co-editor:  Rob Frye
+                              CoSine Communications
+                  Postal:     1200 Bridge Parkway
+                              Redwood City, CA 94065
+                              USA
+                  E-mail:     rfrye@cosinecom.com
+                  Phone:      +1 703 725 1130
+                  Co-editor:  David B. Levi
+                              Nortel Networks
+                  Postal:     3505 Kesterwood Drive
+                              Knoxville, TN 37918
+                  E-mail:     dlevi@nortelnetworks.com
+                  Phone:      +1 423 686 0432
+                  Co-editor:  Shawn A. Routhier
+                              Integrated Systems Inc.
+                  Postal:     333 North Ave 4th Floor
+                              Wakefield, MA 01880
+                  E-mail:     sar@epilogue.com
+                  Phone:      +1 781 245 0804
+                  Co-editor:  Bert Wijnen
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  Postal:     Schagen 33
+                              3461 GL Linschoten
+                              Netherlands
+                  Email:      bwijnen@lucent.com
+                  Phone:      +31-348-407-775
+                 "
+            "This MIB module defines objects to help support coexistence
+             between SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3."
+        REVISION "200003060000Z" -- 6 Mar 2000
+        DESCRIPTION "This version published as RFC 2576."
+        REVISION "199905130000Z" -- 13 May 1999
+        DESCRIPTION "The Initial Revision"
+    ::= { snmpModules 18 }
+-- Administrative assignments ****************************************
+snmpCommunityMIBObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpCommunityMIB 1 }
+snmpCommunityMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpCommunityMIB 2 }
+-- The snmpCommunityTable contains a database of community strings.
+-- This table provides mappings between community strings, and the
+-- parameters required for View-based Access Control.
+snmpCommunityTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF SnmpCommunityEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+        "The table of community strings configured in the SNMP
+         engine's Local Configuration Datastore (LCD)."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBObjects 1 }
+snmpCommunityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpCommunityEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+        "Information about a particular community string."
+    INDEX       { IMPLIED snmpCommunityIndex }
+    ::= { snmpCommunityTable 1 }
+SnmpCommunityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpCommunityIndex               SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpCommunityName                OCTET STRING,
+    snmpCommunitySecurityName        SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpCommunityContextEngineID     SnmpEngineID,
+    snmpCommunityContextName         SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpCommunityTransportTag        SnmpTagValue,
+    snmpCommunityStorageType         StorageType,
+    snmpCommunityStatus              RowStatus
+snmpCommunityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The unique index value of a row in this table."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 1 }
+snmpCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "The community string for which a row in this table
+         represents a configuration."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 2 }
+snmpCommunitySecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "A human readable string representing the corresponding
+         value of snmpCommunityName in a Security Model
+         independent format."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 3 }
+snmpCommunityContextEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "The contextEngineID indicating the location of the
+         context in which management information is accessed
+         when using the community string specified by the
+         corresponding instance of snmpCommunityName.
+         The default value is the snmpEngineID of the entity in
+         which this object is instantiated."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 4 }
+snmpCommunityContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "The context in which management information is accessed
+         when using the community string specified by the corresponding
+         instance of snmpCommunityName."
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 5 }
+snmpCommunityTransportTag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpTagValue
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "This object specifies a set of transport endpoints
+         from which a command responder application will accept
+         management requests.  If a management request containing
+         this community is received on a transport endpoint other
+         than the transport endpoints identified by this object,
+         the request is deemed unauthentic.
+         The transports identified by this object are specified
+         in the snmpTargetAddrTable.  Entries in that table
+         whose snmpTargetAddrTagList contains this tag value
+         are identified.
+         If the value of this object has zero-length, transport
+         endpoints are not checked when authenticating messages
+         containing this community string."
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 6 }
+snmpCommunityStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row in the
+         snmpCommunityTable.  Conceptual rows having the value
+         'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
+         columnar object in the row."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 7 }
+snmpCommunityStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+        "The status of this conceptual row in the snmpCommunityTable.
+         An entry in this table is not qualified for activation
+         until instances of all corresponding columns have been
+         initialized, either through default values, or through
+         Set operations.  The snmpCommunityName and
+         snmpCommunitySecurityName objects must be explicitly set.
+         There is no restriction on setting columns in this table
+         when the value of snmpCommunityStatus is active(1)."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityEntry 8 }
+-- The snmpTargetAddrExtTable
+snmpTargetAddrExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF SnmpTargetAddrExtEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+        "The table of mask and mms values associated with the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable.
+         The snmpTargetAddrExtTable augments the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable with a transport address mask value
+         and a maximum message size value.  The transport address
+         mask allows entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable to define
+         a set of addresses instead of just a single address.
+         The maximum message size value allows the maximum
+         message size of another SNMP entity to be configured for
+         use in SNMPv1 (and SNMPv2c) transactions, where the
+         message format does not specify a maximum message size."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBObjects 2 }
+snmpTargetAddrExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpTargetAddrExtEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+        "Information about a particular mask and mms value."
+    AUGMENTS       { snmpTargetAddrEntry }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrExtTable 1 }
+SnmpTargetAddrExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpTargetAddrTMask              OCTET STRING,
+    snmpTargetAddrMMS                Integer32
+snmpTargetAddrTMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mask value associated with an entry in the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable.  The value of this object must
+         have the same length as the corresponding instance of
+         snmpTargetAddrTAddress, or must have length 0.  An
+         attempt to set it to any other value will result in
+         an inconsistentValue error.
+         The value of this object allows an entry in the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable to specify multiple addresses.
+         The mask value is used to select which bits of
+         a transport address must match bits of the corresponding
+         instance of snmpTargetAddrTAddress, in order for the
+         transport address to match a particular entry in the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable.  Bits which are 1 in the mask
+         value indicate bits in the transport address which
+         must match bits in the snmpTargetAddrTAddress value.
+         Bits which are 0 in the mask indicate bits in the
+         transport address which need not match.  If the
+         length of the mask is 0, the mask should be treated
+         as if all its bits were 1 and its length were equal
+         to the length of the corresponding value of
+         snmpTargetAddrTable.
+         This object may not be modified while the value of the
+         corresponding instance of snmpTargetAddrRowStatus is
+         active(1).  An attempt to set this object in this case
+         will result in an inconsistentValue error."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrExtEntry 1 }
+snmpTargetAddrMMS OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0|484..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The maximum message size value associated with an entry
+         in the snmpTargetAddrTable."
+    DEFVAL { 484 }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrExtEntry 2 }
+-- The snmpTrapAddress and snmpTrapCommunity objects are included
+-- in notifications that are forwarded by a proxy, which were
+-- originally received as SNMPv1 Trap messages.
+snmpTrapAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of the agent-addr field of a Trap PDU which
+         is forwarded by a proxy forwarder application using
+         an SNMP version other than SNMPv1.  The value of this
+         object SHOULD contain the value of the agent-addr field
+         from the original Trap PDU as generated by an SNMPv1
+         agent."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBObjects 3 }
+snmpTrapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of the community string field of an SNMPv1
+         message containing a Trap PDU which is forwarded by a
+         a proxy forwarder application using an SNMP version
+         other than SNMPv1.  The value of this object SHOULD
+         contain the value of the community string field from
+         the original SNMPv1 message containing a Trap PDU as
+         generated by an SNMPv1 agent."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBObjects 4 }
+-- Conformance Information *******************************************
+snmpCommunityMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+                            ::= { snmpCommunityMIBConformance 1 }
+snmpCommunityMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+                            ::= { snmpCommunityMIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements
+snmpCommunityMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS       current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
+         implement the SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB."
+    MODULE       -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpCommunityGroup }
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunityName
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunitySecurityName
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunityContextEngineID
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunityContextName
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunityTransportTag
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunityStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           snmpCommunityStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBCompliances 1 }
+snmpProxyTrapForwardCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS       current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
+         contain a proxy forwarding application which is
+         capable of forwarding SNMPv1 traps using SNMPv2c
+         or SNMPv3."
+    MODULE       -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpProxyTrapForwardGroup }
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBCompliances 2 }
+snmpCommunityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpCommunityName,
+        snmpCommunitySecurityName,
+        snmpCommunityContextEngineID,
+        snmpCommunityContextName,
+        snmpCommunityTransportTag,
+        snmpCommunityStorageType,
+        snmpCommunityStatus,
+        snmpTargetAddrTMask,
+        snmpTargetAddrMMS
+    }
+    STATUS       current
+        "A collection of objects providing for configuration
+         of community strings for SNMPv1 (and SNMPv2c) usage."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBGroups 1 }
+snmpProxyTrapForwardGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpTrapAddress,
+        snmpTrapCommunity
+    }
+    STATUS       current
+        "Objects which are used by proxy forwarding applications
+         when translating traps between SNMP versions.  These are
+         used to preserve SNMPv1-specific information when
+         translating to SNMPv2c or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { snmpCommunityMIBGroups 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6710095248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+    snmpModules                           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                    FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "WG-EMail:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Subscribe:  snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                              Network Associates Laboratories
+                  postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                              Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                  phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+                  Co-Chair &
+                  Co-editor:  David Harrington
+                              Enterasys Networks
+                  postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                              P. O. Box 5005
+                              Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+                  phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+                  Co-editor:  Randy Presuhn
+                              BMC Software, Inc.
+                  postal:     2141 North First Street
+                              San Jose, California 95131
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+                  phone:      +1 408-546-1006
+                  Co-editor:  Bert Wijnen
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  postal:     Schagen 33
+                              3461 GL Linschoten
+                              Netherlands
+                  EMail:      bwijnen@lucent.com
+                  phone:      +31 348-680-485
+                    "
+       DESCRIPTION  "The SNMP Management Architecture MIB
+                     Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+                     version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3411;
+                     see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+                    "
+       REVISION     "200210140000Z"         -- 14 October 2002
+       DESCRIPTION  "Changes in this revision:
+                     - Updated various administrative information.
+                     - Corrected some typos.
+                     - Corrected typo in description of SnmpEngineID
+                       that led to range overlap for 127.
+                     - Changed '255a' to '255t' in definition of
+                       SnmpAdminString to align with current SMI.
+                     - Reworded 'reserved' for value zero in
+                       DESCRIPTION of SnmpSecurityModel.
+                     - The algorithm for allocating security models
+                       should give 256 per enterprise block, rather
+                       than 255.
+                     - The example engine ID of 'abcd' is not
+                       legal. Replaced with '800002b804616263'H based
+                       on example enterprise 696, string 'abc'.
+                     - Added clarification that engineID should
+                       persist across re-initializations.
+                     This revision published as RFC 3411.
+                    "
+       REVISION     "199901190000Z"         -- 19 January 1999
+       DESCRIPTION  "Updated editors' addresses, fixed typos.
+                     Published as RFC 2571.
+                    "
+       REVISION     "199711200000Z"         -- 20 November 1997
+       DESCRIPTION  "The initial version, published in RFC 2271.
+                    "
+       ::= { snmpModules 10 }
+   -- Textual Conventions used in the SNMP Management Architecture ***
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
+                 Objects of this type are for identification, not for
+                 addressing, even though it is possible that an
+                 address may have been used in the generation of
+                 a specific value.
+                 The value for this object may not be all zeros or
+                 all 'ff'H or the empty (zero length) string.
+                 The initial value for this object may be configured
+                 via an operator console entry or via an algorithmic
+                 function.  In the latter case, the following
+                 example algorithm is recommended.
+                 In cases where there are multiple engines on the
+                 same system, the use of this algorithm is NOT
+                 appropriate, as it would result in all of those
+                 engines ending up with the same ID value.
+                 1) The very first bit is used to indicate how the
+                    rest of the data is composed.
+                    0 - as defined by enterprise using former methods
+                        that existed before SNMPv3. See item 2 below.
+                    1 - as defined by this architecture, see item 3
+                        below.
+                    Note that this allows existing uses of the
+                    engineID (also known as AgentID [RFC1910]) to
+                    co-exist with any new uses.
+                 2) The snmpEngineID has a length of 12 octets.
+                    The first four octets are set to the binary
+                    equivalent of the agent's SNMP management
+                    private enterprise number as assigned by the
+                    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
+                    For example, if Acme Networks has been assigned
+                    { enterprises 696 }, the first four octets would
+                    be assigned '000002b8'H.
+                    The remaining eight octets are determined via
+                    one or more enterprise-specific methods. Such
+                    methods must be designed so as to maximize the
+                    possibility that the value of this object will
+                    be unique in the agent's administrative domain.
+                    For example, it may be the IP address of the SNMP
+                    entity, or the MAC address of one of the
+                    interfaces, with each address suitably padded
+                    with random octets.  If multiple methods are
+                    defined, then it is recommended that the first
+                    octet indicate the method being used and the
+                    remaining octets be a function of the method.
+                 3) The length of the octet string varies.
+                    The first four octets are set to the binary
+                    equivalent of the agent's SNMP management
+                    private enterprise number as assigned by the
+                    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
+                    For example, if Acme Networks has been assigned
+                    { enterprises 696 }, the first four octets would
+                    be assigned '000002b8'H.
+                    The very first bit is set to 1. For example, the
+                    above value for Acme Networks now changes to be
+                    '800002b8'H.
+                    The fifth octet indicates how the rest (6th and
+                    following octets) are formatted. The values for
+                    the fifth octet are:
+                      0     - reserved, unused.
+                      1     - IPv4 address (4 octets)
+                              lowest non-special IP address
+                      2     - IPv6 address (16 octets)
+                              lowest non-special IP address
+                      3     - MAC address (6 octets)
+                              lowest IEEE MAC address, canonical
+                              order
+                      4     - Text, administratively assigned
+                              Maximum remaining length 27
+                      5     - Octets, administratively assigned
+                              Maximum remaining length 27
+                      6-127 - reserved, unused
+                    128-255 - as defined by the enterprise
+                              Maximum remaining length 27
+                "
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(5..32))
+SnmpSecurityModel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An identifier that uniquely identifies a
+                 Security Model of the Security Subsystem within
+                 this SNMP Management Architecture.
+                 The values for securityModel are allocated as
+                 follows:
+                 - The zero value does not identify any particular
+                   security model.
+                 - Values between 1 and 255, inclusive, are reserved
+                   for standards-track Security Models and are
+                   managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+                   (IANA).
+                 - Values greater than 255 are allocated to
+                   enterprise-specific Security Models.  An
+                   enterprise-specific securityModel value is defined
+                   to be:
+                   enterpriseID * 256 + security model within
+                   enterprise
+                   For example, the fourth Security Model defined by
+                   the enterprise whose enterpriseID is 1 would be
+                   259.
+                 This scheme for allocation of securityModel
+                 values allows for a maximum of 255 standards-
+                 based Security Models, and for a maximum of
+                 256 Security Models per enterprise.
+                 It is believed that the assignment of new
+                 securityModel values will be rare in practice
+                 because the larger the number of simultaneously
+                 utilized Security Models, the larger the
+                 chance that interoperability will suffer.
+                 Consequently, it is believed that such a range
+                 will be sufficient.  In the unlikely event that
+                 the standards committee finds this number to be
+                 insufficient over time, an enterprise number
+                 can be allocated to obtain an additional 256
+                 possible values.
+                 Note that the most significant bit must be zero;
+                 hence, there are 23 bits allocated for various
+                 organizations to design and define non-standard
+                 securityModels.  This limits the ability to
+                 define new proprietary implementations of Security
+                 Models to the first 8,388,608 enterprises.
+                 It is worthwhile to note that, in its encoded
+                 form, the securityModel value will normally
+                 require only a single byte since, in practice,
+                 the leftmost bits will be zero for most messages
+                 and sign extension is suppressed by the encoding
+                 rules.
+                 As of this writing, there are several values
+                 of securityModel defined for use with SNMP or
+                 reserved for use with supporting MIB objects.
+                 They are as follows:
+                     0  reserved for 'any'
+                     1  reserved for SNMPv1
+                     2  reserved for SNMPv2c
+                     3  User-Based Security Model (USM)
+                "
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER(0 .. 2147483647)
+SnmpMessageProcessingModel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An identifier that uniquely identifies a Message
+                 Processing Model of the Message Processing
+                 Subsystem within this SNMP Management Architecture.
+                 The values for messageProcessingModel are
+                 allocated as follows:
+                 - Values between 0 and 255, inclusive, are
+                   reserved for standards-track Message Processing
+                   Models and are managed by the Internet Assigned
+                   Numbers Authority (IANA).
+                 - Values greater than 255 are allocated to
+                   enterprise-specific Message Processing Models.
+                   An enterprise messageProcessingModel value is
+                   defined to be:
+                   enterpriseID * 256 +
+                        messageProcessingModel within enterprise
+                   For example, the fourth Message Processing Model
+                   defined by the enterprise whose enterpriseID
+                   is 1 would be 259.
+                 This scheme for allocating messageProcessingModel
+                 values allows for a maximum of 255 standards-
+                 based Message Processing Models, and for a
+                 maximum of 256 Message Processing Models per
+                 enterprise.
+                 It is believed that the assignment of new
+                 messageProcessingModel values will be rare
+                 in practice because the larger the number of
+                 simultaneously utilized Message Processing Models,
+                 the larger the chance that interoperability
+                 will suffer. It is believed that such a range
+                 will be sufficient.  In the unlikely event that
+                 the standards committee finds this number to be
+                 insufficient over time, an enterprise number
+                 can be allocated to obtain an additional 256
+                 possible values.
+                 Note that the most significant bit must be zero;
+                 hence, there are 23 bits allocated for various
+                 organizations to design and define non-standard
+                 messageProcessingModels.  This limits the ability
+                 to define new proprietary implementations of
+                 Message Processing Models to the first 8,388,608
+                 enterprises.
+                 It is worthwhile to note that, in its encoded
+                 form, the messageProcessingModel value will
+                 normally require only a single byte since, in
+                 practice, the leftmost bits will be zero for
+                 most messages and sign extension is suppressed
+                 by the encoding rules.
+                 As of this writing, there are several values of
+                 messageProcessingModel defined for use with SNMP.
+                 They are as follows:
+                     0  reserved for SNMPv1
+                     1  reserved for SNMPv2c
+                     2  reserved for SNMPv2u and SNMPv2*
+                     3  reserved for SNMPv3
+                "
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER(0 .. 2147483647)
+SnmpSecurityLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A Level of Security at which SNMP messages can be
+                 sent or with which operations are being processed;
+                 in particular, one of:
+                   noAuthNoPriv - without authentication and
+                                  without privacy,
+                   authNoPriv   - with authentication but
+                                  without privacy,
+                   authPriv     - with authentication and
+                                  with privacy.
+                 These three values are ordered such that
+                 noAuthNoPriv is less than authNoPriv and
+                 authNoPriv is less than authPriv.
+                "
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER { noAuthNoPriv(1),
+                           authNoPriv(2),
+                           authPriv(3)
+                         }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255t"
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An octet string containing administrative
+                 information, preferably in human-readable form.
+                 To facilitate internationalization, this
+                 information is represented using the ISO/IEC
+                 IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an octet
+                 string using the UTF-8 transformation format
+                 described in [RFC2279].
+                 Since additional code points are added by
+                 amendments to the 10646 standard from time
+                 to time, implementations must be prepared to
+                 encounter any code point from 0x00000000 to
+                 0x7fffffff.  Byte sequences that do not
+                 correspond to the valid UTF-8 encoding of a
+                 code point or are outside this range are
+                 prohibited.
+                 The use of control codes should be avoided.
+                 When it is necessary to represent a newline,
+                 the control code sequence CR LF should be used.
+                 The use of leading or trailing white space should
+                 be avoided.
+                 For code points not directly supported by user
+                 interface hardware or software, an alternative
+                 means of entry and display, such as hexadecimal,
+                 may be provided.
+                 For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII,
+                 the UTF-8 encoding is identical to the
+                 US-ASCII encoding.
+                 UTF-8 may require multiple bytes to represent a
+                 single character / code point; thus the length
+                 of this object in octets may be different from
+                 the number of characters encoded.  Similarly,
+                 size constraints refer to the number of encoded
+                 octets, not the number of characters represented
+                 by an encoding.
+                 Note that when this TC is used for an object that
+                 is used or envisioned to be used as an index, then
+                 a SIZE restriction MUST be specified so that the
+                 number of sub-identifiers for any object instance
+                 does not exceed the limit of 128, as defined by
+                 [RFC3416].
+                 Note that the size of an SnmpAdminString object is
+                 measured in octets, not characters.
+                "
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+-- Administrative assignments ***************************************
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 1 }
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 2 }
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 3 }
+-- the snmpEngine Group ********************************************
+snmpEngine OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBObjects 1 }
+snmpEngineID     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
+                 This information SHOULD be stored in non-volatile
+                 storage so that it remains constant across
+                 re-initializations of the SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 1 }
+snmpEngineBoots  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the SNMP engine has
+                 (re-)initialized itself since snmpEngineID
+                 was last configured.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 2 }
+snmpEngineTime   OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+    UNITS        "seconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since the value of
+                 the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.
+                 When incrementing this object's value would
+                 cause it to exceed its maximum,
+                 snmpEngineBoots is incremented as if a
+                 re-initialization had occurred, and this
+                 object's value consequently reverts to zero.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 3 }
+snmpEngineMaxMessageSize OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (484..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The maximum length in octets of an SNMP message
+                 which this SNMP engine can send or receive and
+                 process, determined as the minimum of the maximum
+                 message size values supported among all of the
+                 transports available to and supported by the engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpEngine 4 }
+-- Registration Points for Authentication and Privacy Protocols **
+snmpAuthProtocols OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "Registration point for standards-track
+                  authentication protocols used in SNMP Management
+                  Frameworks.
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkAdmin 1 }
+snmpPrivProtocols OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "Registration point for standards-track privacy
+                  protocols used in SNMP Management Frameworks.
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkAdmin 2 }
+-- Conformance information ******************************************
+               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpFrameworkMIBConformance 1}
+               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpFrameworkMIBConformance 2}
+-- compliance statements
+snmpFrameworkMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
+                 implement the SNMP Management Framework MIB.
+                "
+    MODULE    -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpEngineGroup }
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+snmpEngineGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              snmpEngineID,
+              snmpEngineBoots,
+              snmpEngineTime,
+              snmpEngineMaxMessageSize
+            }
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for identifying and
+                 determining the configuration and current timeliness
+                 values of an SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-MPD-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-MPD-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e34dfc6c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-MPD-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+    snmpModules, Counter32                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "WG-EMail:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Subscribe:  snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                              Network Associates Laboratories
+                  postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                              Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                  phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+                  Co-Chair &
+                  Co-editor:  David Harrington
+                              Enterasys Networks
+                  postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                              P. O. Box 5005
+                              Rochester NH 03866-5005
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+                  phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+                  Co-editor:  Jeffrey Case
+                              SNMP Research, Inc.
+                  postal:     3001 Kimberlin Heights Road
+                              Knoxville, TN 37920-9716
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      case@snmp.com
+                  phone:      +1 423-573-1434
+                  Co-editor:  Randy Presuhn
+                              BMC Software, Inc.
+                  postal:     2141 North First Street
+                              San Jose, CA 95131
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+                  phone:      +1 408-546-1006
+                  Co-editor:  Bert Wijnen
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  postal:     Schagen 33
+                              3461 GL Linschoten
+                              Netherlands
+                  EMail:      bwijnen@lucent.com
+                  phone:      +31 348-680-485
+                 "
+    DESCRIPTION  "The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching
+                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+                  version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3412;
+                  see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+                 "
+    REVISION     "200210140000Z"            -- 14 October 2002
+    DESCRIPTION  "Updated addresses, published as RFC 3412."
+    REVISION     "199905041636Z"            -- 4 May 1999
+    DESCRIPTION  "Updated addresses, published as RFC 2572."
+    REVISION     "199709300000Z"            -- 30 September 1997
+    DESCRIPTION  "Original version, published as RFC 2272."
+    ::= { snmpModules 11 }
+-- Administrative assignments ***************************************
+snmpMPDAdmin           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMPDMIB 1 }
+snmpMPDMIBObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMPDMIB 2 }
+snmpMPDMIBConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMPDMIB 3 }
+-- Statistics for SNMP Messages *************************************
+snmpMPDStats           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMPDMIBObjects 1 }
+snmpUnknownSecurityModels OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they referenced a
+                 securityModel that was not known to or supported by
+                 the SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpMPDStats 1 }
+snmpInvalidMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because there were invalid
+                 or inconsistent components in the SNMP message.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpMPDStats 2 }
+snmpUnknownPDUHandlers OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because the PDU contained
+                 in the packet could not be passed to an application
+                 responsible for handling the pduType, e.g. no SNMP
+                 application had registered for the proper
+                 combination of the contextEngineID and the pduType.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpMPDStats 3 }
+-- Conformance information ******************************************
+snmpMPDMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpMPDMIBConformance 1}
+snmpMPDMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpMPDMIBConformance 2}
+-- Compliance statements
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which
+                 implement the SNMP-MPD-MIB.
+                "
+    MODULE    -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpMPDGroup }
+    ::= { snmpMPDMIBCompliances 1 }
+    OBJECTS {
+              snmpUnknownSecurityModels,
+              snmpInvalidMsgs,
+              snmpUnknownPDUHandlers
+            }
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing for remote
+                 monitoring of the SNMP Message Processing and
+                 Dispatching process.
+                "
+    ::= { snmpMPDMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..976911b250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+    snmpModules
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus,
+    StorageType
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString
+    SnmpTagValue,
+    snmpTargetParamsName
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+snmpNotificationMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv3 Working Group"
+        "WG-email:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+         Subscribe:  majordomo@lists.tislabs.com
+                     In message body:  subscribe snmpv3
+         Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                     Network Associates Laboratories
+         Postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                     Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                     USA
+         EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+         Phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+         Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                     Enterasys Networks
+         Postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                     P. O. Box 5004
+                     Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                     USA
+         EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+         Phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+         Co-editor:  David B. Levi
+                     Nortel Networks
+         Postal:     3505 Kesterwood Drive
+                     Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
+         EMail:      dlevi@nortelnetworks.com
+         Phone:      +1 865 686 0432
+         Co-editor:  Paul Meyer
+                     Secure Computing Corporation
+         Postal:     2675 Long Lake Road
+                     Roseville, Minnesota 55113
+         EMail:      paul_meyer@securecomputing.com
+         Phone:      +1 651 628 1592
+         Co-editor:  Bob Stewart
+                     Retired"
+        "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
+         mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters
+         used by an SNMP entity for the generation of
+         notifications.
+         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+         version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3413;
+         see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+        "
+    REVISION    "200210140000Z"             -- 14 October 2002
+    DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
+                 RFC 3413."
+    REVISION    "199808040000Z"             -- 4 August 1998
+    DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
+                 RFC 2573."
+    REVISION    "199707140000Z"             -- 14 July 1997
+    DESCRIPTION "The initial revision, published as RFC2273."
+    ::= { snmpModules 13 }
+snmpNotifyObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                          { snmpNotificationMIB 1 }
+snmpNotifyConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                          { snmpNotificationMIB 3 }
+-- The snmpNotifyObjects group
+snmpNotifyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpNotifyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table is used to select management targets which should
+         receive notifications, as well as the type of notification
+         which should be sent to each selected management target."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyObjects 1 }
+snmpNotifyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpNotifyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry in this table selects a set of management targets
+         which should receive notifications, as well as the type of
+         notification which should be sent to each selected
+         management target.
+         Entries in the snmpNotifyTable are created and
+         deleted using the snmpNotifyRowStatus object."
+    INDEX { IMPLIED snmpNotifyName }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyTable 1 }
+SnmpNotifyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpNotifyName         SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpNotifyTag          SnmpTagValue,
+    snmpNotifyType         INTEGER,
+    snmpNotifyStorageType  StorageType,
+    snmpNotifyRowStatus    RowStatus
+snmpNotifyName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this snmpNotifyEntry."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 1 }
+snmpNotifyTag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTagValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains a single tag value which is used
+         to select entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable.  Any entry
+         in the snmpTargetAddrTable which contains a tag value
+         which is equal to the value of an instance of this
+         object is selected.  If this object contains a value
+         of zero length, no entries are selected."
+    DEFVAL { "" }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 2 }
+snmpNotifyType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    trap(1),
+                    inform(2)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object determines the type of notification to
+         be generated for entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable
+         selected by the corresponding instance of
+         snmpNotifyTag.  This value is only used when
+         generating notifications, and is ignored when
+         using the snmpTargetAddrTable for other purposes.
+         If the value of this object is trap(1), then any
+         messages generated for selected rows will contain
+         Unconfirmed-Class PDUs.
+         If the value of this object is inform(2), then any
+         messages generated for selected rows will contain
+         Confirmed-Class PDUs.
+         Note that if an SNMP entity only supports
+         generation of Unconfirmed-Class PDUs (and not
+         Confirmed-Class PDUs), then this object may be
+         read-only."
+    DEFVAL { trap }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 3 }
+snmpNotifyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+         allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 4 }
+snmpNotifyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this conceptual row.
+         To create a row in this table, a manager must
+         set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
+         createAndWait(5)."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 5 }
+snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "This table is used to associate a notification filter
+         profile with a particular set of target parameters."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyObjects 2 }
+snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry in this table indicates the name of the filter
+         profile to be used when generating notifications using
+         the corresponding entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
+         Entries in the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable are created
+         and deleted using the snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus
+         object."
+    INDEX { IMPLIED snmpTargetParamsName }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable 1 }
+SnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpNotifyFilterProfileName         SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType     StorageType,
+    snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus    RowStatus
+snmpNotifyFilterProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the filter profile to be used when generating
+         notifications using the corresponding entry in the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry 1 }
+snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+         allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry 2 }
+snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this conceptual row.
+         To create a row in this table, a manager must
+         set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
+         createAndWait(5).
+         Until instances of all corresponding columns are
+         appropriately configured, the value of the
+         corresponding instance of the
+         snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus column is 'notReady'.
+         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
+         active until the corresponding instance of
+         snmpNotifyFilterProfileName has been set."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry 3 }
+snmpNotifyFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpNotifyFilterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The table of filter profiles.  Filter profiles are used
+         to determine whether particular management targets should
+         receive particular notifications.
+         When a notification is generated, it must be compared
+         with the filters associated with each management target
+         which is configured to receive notifications, in order to
+         determine whether it may be sent to each such management
+         target.
+         A more complete discussion of notification filtering
+         can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL]."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyObjects 3 }
+snmpNotifyFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpNotifyFilterEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An element of a filter profile.
+         Entries in the snmpNotifyFilterTable are created and
+         deleted using the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus object."
+    INDEX {         snmpNotifyFilterProfileName,
+            IMPLIED snmpNotifyFilterSubtree }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterTable 1 }
+SnmpNotifyFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpNotifyFilterSubtree           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    snmpNotifyFilterMask              OCTET STRING,
+    snmpNotifyFilterType              INTEGER,
+    snmpNotifyFilterStorageType       StorageType,
+    snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus         RowStatus
+snmpNotifyFilterSubtree OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The MIB subtree which, when combined with the corresponding
+         instance of snmpNotifyFilterMask, defines a family of
+         subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
+         filter profile."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 1 }
+snmpNotifyFilterMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding
+         instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, defines a family of
+         subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
+         filter profile.
+         Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a
+         sub-identifier of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, with the
+         most significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
+         string value (extended if necessary, see below)
+         corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier, and
+         the least significant bit of the i-th octet of this
+         octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
+         sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through 16.
+         Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
+         the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
+         determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER matches this
+         family of filter subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
+         exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild card',
+         i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.
+         Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object instance
+         is contained in a family of filter subtrees if, for
+         each sub-identifier of the value of
+         snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, either:
+           the i-th bit of snmpNotifyFilterMask is 0, or
+           the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to the i-th
+           sub-identifier of the value of
+           snmpNotifyFilterSubtree.
+         If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
+         there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
+         corresponding instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree,
+         then the bit mask is extended with 1's to be the
+         required length.
+         Note that when the value of this object is the
+         zero-length string, this extension rule results in
+         a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild card'),
+         and the family of filter subtrees is the one
+         subtree uniquely identified by the corresponding
+         instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree."
+    DEFVAL { ''H }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 2 }
+snmpNotifyFilterType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    included(1),
+                    excluded(2)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object indicates whether the family of filter subtrees
+         defined by this entry are included in or excluded from a
+         filter.  A more detailed discussion of the use of this
+         object can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL]."
+    DEFVAL { included }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 3 }
+snmpNotifyFilterStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+         allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 4 }
+snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this conceptual row.
+         To create a row in this table, a manager must
+         set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
+         createAndWait(5)."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 5 }
+-- Conformance information
+snmpNotifyCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                        { snmpNotifyConformance 1 }
+snmpNotifyGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                        { snmpNotifyConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements
+snmpNotifyBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for minimal SNMP entities which
+         implement only SNMP Unconfirmed-Class notifications and
+         read-create operations on only the snmpTargetAddrTable."
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup }
+        OBJECT snmpTargetParamsMPModel
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpTargetParamsSecurityName
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpTargetParamsStorageType
+            readOnly(5)
+        }
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required.
+             Support of the values other(1), volatile(2),
+             nonVolatile(3), and permanent(4) is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpTargetParamsRowStatus
+            active(1)
+        }
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access to the
+             snmpTargetParamsTable is not required.
+             Support of the values notInService(2), notReady(3),
+             createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), and destroy(6) is
+             not required."
+    MODULE -- This Module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpNotifyGroup }
+        OBJECT snmpNotifyTag
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpNotifyType
+            trap(1)
+        }
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required.
+             Support of the value notify(2) is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpNotifyStorageType
+            readOnly(5)
+        }
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access is not required.
+             Support of the values other(1), volatile(2),
+             nonVolatile(3), and permanent(4) is not required."
+        OBJECT snmpNotifyRowStatus
+            active(1)
+        }
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+            "Create/delete/modify access to the
+             snmpNotifyTable is not required.
+             Support of the values notInService(2), notReady(3),
+             createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), and destroy(6) is
+             not required."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyCompliances 1 }
+snmpNotifyBasicFiltersCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
+         SNMP Unconfirmed-Class notifications with filtering, and
+         read-create operations on all related tables."
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup }
+    MODULE -- This Module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpNotifyGroup,
+                           snmpNotifyFilterGroup }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyCompliances 2 }
+snmpNotifyFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which either
+         implement only SNMP Confirmed-Class notifications, or both
+         SNMP Unconfirmed-Class and Confirmed-Class notifications,
+         plus filtering and read-create operations on all related
+         tables."
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup,
+                           snmpTargetResponseGroup }
+    MODULE -- This Module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpNotifyGroup,
+                           snmpNotifyFilterGroup }
+    ::= { snmpNotifyCompliances 3 }
+snmpNotifyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpNotifyTag,
+        snmpNotifyType,
+        snmpNotifyStorageType,
+        snmpNotifyRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects for selecting which management
+         targets are used for generating notifications, and the
+         type of notification to be generated for each selected
+         management target."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyGroups 1 }
+snmpNotifyFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpNotifyFilterProfileName,
+        snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType,
+        snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus,
+        snmpNotifyFilterMask,
+        snmpNotifyFilterType,
+        snmpNotifyFilterStorageType,
+        snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing remote configuration
+         of notification filters."
+    ::= { snmpNotifyGroups 2 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-PROXY-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-PROXY-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c7219937b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-PROXY-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+    snmpModules
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus,
+    StorageType
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpEngineID,
+    SnmpAdminString
+    SnmpTagValue
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv3 Working Group"
+        "WG-email:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+         Subscribe:  majordomo@lists.tislabs.com
+                     In message body:  subscribe snmpv3
+         Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                     Network Associates Laboratories
+         Postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                     Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                     USA
+         EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+         Phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+         Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                     Enterasys Networks
+         Postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                     P. O. Box 5004
+                     Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                     USA
+         EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+         Phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+         Co-editor:  David B. Levi
+                     Nortel Networks
+         Postal:     3505 Kesterwood Drive
+                     Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
+         EMail:      dlevi@nortelnetworks.com
+         Phone:      +1 865 686 0432
+         Co-editor:  Paul Meyer
+                     Secure Computing Corporation
+         Postal:     2675 Long Lake Road
+                     Roseville, Minnesota 55113
+         EMail:      paul_meyer@securecomputing.com
+         Phone:      +1 651 628 1592
+         Co-editor:  Bob Stewart
+                     Retired"
+        "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
+         mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters
+         used by a proxy forwarding application.
+         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+         version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3413;
+         see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+        "
+    REVISION    "200210140000Z"             -- 14 October 2002
+    DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
+                 RFC 3413."
+    REVISION    "199808040000Z"             -- 4 August 1998
+    DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
+                 RFC 2573."
+    REVISION    "199707140000Z"             -- 14 July 1997
+    DESCRIPTION "The initial revision, published as RFC2273."
+    ::= { snmpModules 14 }
+snmpProxyObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpProxyMIB 1 }
+snmpProxyConformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpProxyMIB 3 }
+-- The snmpProxyObjects group
+snmpProxyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpProxyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The table of translation parameters used by proxy forwarder
+         applications for forwarding SNMP messages."
+    ::= { snmpProxyObjects 2 }
+snmpProxyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpProxyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of translation parameters used by a proxy forwarder
+         application for forwarding SNMP messages.
+         Entries in the snmpProxyTable are created and deleted
+         using the snmpProxyRowStatus object."
+    INDEX { IMPLIED snmpProxyName }
+    ::= { snmpProxyTable 1 }
+SnmpProxyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpProxyName               SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpProxyType               INTEGER,
+    snmpProxyContextEngineID    SnmpEngineID,
+    snmpProxyContextName        SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpProxyTargetParamsIn     SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpProxySingleTargetOut    SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut  SnmpTagValue,
+    snmpProxyStorageType        StorageType,
+    snmpProxyRowStatus          RowStatus
+snmpProxyName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this snmpProxyEntry."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 1 }
+snmpProxyType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    read(1),
+                    write(2),
+                    trap(3),
+                    inform(4)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The type of message that may be forwarded using
+         the translation parameters defined by this entry."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 2 }
+snmpProxyContextEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The contextEngineID contained in messages that
+         may be forwarded using the translation parameters
+         defined by this entry."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 3 }
+snmpProxyContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The contextName contained in messages that may be
+         forwarded using the translation parameters defined
+         by this entry.
+         This object is optional, and if not supported, the
+         contextName contained in a message is ignored when
+         selecting an entry in the snmpProxyTable."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 4 }
+snmpProxyTargetParamsIn OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object selects an entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
+         The selected entry is used to determine which row of the
+         snmpProxyTable to use for forwarding received messages."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 5 }
+snmpProxySingleTargetOut OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object selects a management target defined in the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable (in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB).  The
+         selected target is defined by an entry in the
+         snmpTargetAddrTable whose index value (snmpTargetAddrName)
+         is equal to this object.
+         This object is only used when selection of a single
+         target is required (i.e. when forwarding an incoming
+         read or write request)."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 6 }
+snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTagValue
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object selects a set of management targets defined
+         in the snmpTargetAddrTable (in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB).
+         This object is only used when selection of multiple
+         targets is required (i.e. when forwarding an incoming
+         notification)."
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 7 }
+snmpProxyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type of this conceptual row.
+         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+         allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 8 }
+snmpProxyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this conceptual row.
+         To create a row in this table, a manager must
+         set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
+         createAndWait(5).
+         The following objects may not be modified while the
+         value of this object is active(1):
+             - snmpProxyType
+             - snmpProxyContextEngineID
+             - snmpProxyContextName
+             - snmpProxyTargetParamsIn
+             - snmpProxySingleTargetOut
+             - snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut"
+    ::= { snmpProxyEntry 9 }
+-- Conformance information
+snmpProxyCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                         { snmpProxyConformance 1 }
+snmpProxyGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                         { snmpProxyConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements
+snmpProxyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which include
+         a proxy forwarding application."
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup,
+                           snmpTargetResponseGroup }
+    MODULE -- This Module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpProxyGroup }
+    ::= { snmpProxyCompliances 1 }
+snmpProxyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpProxyType,
+        snmpProxyContextEngineID,
+        snmpProxyContextName,
+        snmpProxyTargetParamsIn,
+        snmpProxySingleTargetOut,
+        snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut,
+        snmpProxyStorageType,
+        snmpProxyRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing remote configuration of
+         management target translation parameters for use by
+         proxy forwarder applications."
+    ::= { snmpProxyGroups 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-TARGET-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-TARGET-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a70d34efe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-TARGET-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+    snmpModules,
+    Counter32,
+    Integer32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TDomain,
+    TAddress,
+    TimeInterval,
+    RowStatus,
+    StorageType,
+    TestAndIncr
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpSecurityModel,
+    SnmpMessageProcessingModel,
+    SnmpSecurityLevel,
+    SnmpAdminString
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv3 Working Group"
+        "WG-email:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+         Subscribe:  majordomo@lists.tislabs.com
+                     In message body:  subscribe snmpv3
+         Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                     Network Associates Laboratories
+         Postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                     Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                     USA
+         EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+         Phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+         Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                     Enterasys Networks
+         Postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                     P. O. Box 5004
+                     Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                     USA
+         EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+         Phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+         Co-editor:  David B. Levi
+                     Nortel Networks
+         Postal:     3505 Kesterwood Drive
+                     Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
+         EMail:      dlevi@nortelnetworks.com
+         Phone:      +1 865 686 0432
+         Co-editor:  Paul Meyer
+                     Secure Computing Corporation
+         Postal:     2675 Long Lake Road
+                     Roseville, Minnesota 55113
+         EMail:      paul_meyer@securecomputing.com
+         Phone:      +1 651 628 1592
+         Co-editor:  Bob Stewart
+                     Retired"
+        "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
+         mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters used
+         by an SNMP entity for the generation of SNMP messages.
+         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+         version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3413;
+         see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+        "
+    REVISION    "200210140000Z"             -- 14 October 2002
+    DESCRIPTION "Fixed DISPLAY-HINTS for UTF-8 strings, fixed hex
+                 value of LF characters, clarified meaning of zero
+                 length tag values, improved tag list examples.
+                 Published as RFC 3413."
+    REVISION    "199808040000Z"             -- 4 August 1998
+    DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
+                 RFC 2573."
+    REVISION    "199707140000Z"             -- 14 July 1997
+    DESCRIPTION "The initial revision, published as RFC2273."
+    ::= { snmpModules 12 }
+snmpTargetObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTargetMIB 1 }
+snmpTargetConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTargetMIB 3 }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255t"
+    STATUS       current
+        "An octet string containing a tag value.
+         Tag values are preferably in human-readable form.
+         To facilitate internationalization, this information
+         is represented using the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character
+         set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8
+         character encoding scheme described in RFC 2279.
+         Since additional code points are added by amendments
+         to the 10646 standard from time to time,
+         implementations must be prepared to encounter any code
+         point from 0x00000000 to 0x7fffffff.
+         The use of control codes should be avoided, and certain
+         control codes are not allowed as described below.
+         For code points not directly supported by user
+         interface hardware or software, an alternative means
+         of entry and display, such as hexadecimal, may be
+         provided.
+         For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8
+         representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
+         Note that when this TC is used for an object that
+         is used or envisioned to be used as an index, then a
+         SIZE restriction must be specified so that the number
+         of sub-identifiers for any object instance does not
+         exceed the limit of 128, as defined by [RFC1905].
+         An object of this type contains a single tag value
+         which is used to select a set of entries in a table.
+         A tag value is an arbitrary string of octets, but
+         may not contain a delimiter character.  Delimiter
+         characters are defined to be one of the following:
+             -  An ASCII space character (0x20).
+             -  An ASCII TAB character (0x09).
+             -  An ASCII carriage return (CR) character (0x0D).
+             -  An ASCII line feed (LF) character (0x0A).
+         Delimiter characters are used to separate tag values
+         in a tag list.  An object of this type may only
+         contain a single tag value, and so delimiter
+         characters are not allowed in a value of this type.
+         Note that a tag value of 0 length means that no tag is
+         defined.  In other words, a tag value of 0 length would
+         never match anything in a tag list, and would never
+         select any table entries.
+         Some examples of valid tag values are:
+             - 'acme'
+             - 'router'
+             - 'host'
+         The use of a tag value to select table entries is
+         application and MIB specific."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255t"
+    STATUS       current
+        "An octet string containing a list of tag values.
+         Tag values are preferably in human-readable form.
+         To facilitate internationalization, this information
+         is represented using the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character
+         set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8
+         character encoding scheme described in RFC 2279.
+         Since additional code points are added by amendments
+         to the 10646 standard from time to time,
+         implementations must be prepared to encounter any code
+         point from 0x00000000 to 0x7fffffff.
+         The use of control codes should be avoided, except as
+         described below.
+         For code points not directly supported by user
+         interface hardware or software, an alternative means
+         of entry and display, such as hexadecimal, may be
+         provided.
+         For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8
+         representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
+         An object of this type contains a list of tag values
+         which are used to select a set of entries in a table.
+         A tag value is an arbitrary string of octets, but
+         may not contain a delimiter character.  Delimiter
+         characters are defined to be one of the following:
+             -  An ASCII space character (0x20).
+             -  An ASCII TAB character (0x09).
+             -  An ASCII carriage return (CR) character (0x0D).
+             -  An ASCII line feed (LF) character (0x0A).
+         Delimiter characters are used to separate tag values
+         in a tag list.  Only a single delimiter character may
+         occur between two tag values.  A tag value may not
+         have a zero length.  These constraints imply certain
+         restrictions on the contents of this object:
+             - There cannot be a leading or trailing delimiter
+               character.
+             - There cannot be multiple adjacent delimiter
+               characters.
+         Some examples of valid tag lists are:
+             - ''                        -- an empty list
+             - 'acme'                    -- list of one tag
+             - 'host router bridge'      -- list of several tags
+         Note that although a tag value may not have a length of
+         zero, an empty string is still valid.  This indicates
+         an empty list (i.e. there are no tag values in the list).
+         The use of the tag list to select table entries is
+         application and MIB specific.  Typically, an application
+         will provide one or more tag values, and any entry
+         which contains some combination of these tag values
+         will be selected."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+-- The snmpTargetObjects group
+snmpTargetSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object is used to facilitate modification of table
+         entries in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB module by multiple
+         managers.  In particular, it is useful when modifying
+         the value of the snmpTargetAddrTagList object.
+         The procedure for modifying the snmpTargetAddrTagList
+         object is as follows:
+             1.  Retrieve the value of snmpTargetSpinLock and
+                 of snmpTargetAddrTagList.
+             2.  Generate a new value for snmpTargetAddrTagList.
+             3.  Set the value of snmpTargetSpinLock to the
+                 retrieved value, and the value of
+                 snmpTargetAddrTagList to the new value.  If
+                 the set fails for the snmpTargetSpinLock
+                 object, go back to step 1."
+    ::= { snmpTargetObjects 1 }
+snmpTargetAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTargetAddrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of transport addresses to be used in the generation
+         of SNMP messages."
+    ::= { snmpTargetObjects 2 }
+snmpTargetAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTargetAddrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A transport address to be used in the generation
+         of SNMP operations.
+         Entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable are created and
+         deleted using the snmpTargetAddrRowStatus object."
+    INDEX { IMPLIED snmpTargetAddrName }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrTable 1 }
+SnmpTargetAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpTargetAddrName         SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpTargetAddrTDomain      TDomain,
+    snmpTargetAddrTAddress     TAddress,
+    snmpTargetAddrTimeout      TimeInterval,
+    snmpTargetAddrRetryCount   Integer32,
+    snmpTargetAddrTagList      SnmpTagList,
+    snmpTargetAddrParams       SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpTargetAddrStorageType  StorageType,
+    snmpTargetAddrRowStatus    RowStatus
+snmpTargetAddrName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this snmpTargetAddrEntry."
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 1 }
+snmpTargetAddrTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TDomain
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object indicates the transport type of the address
+         contained in the snmpTargetAddrTAddress object."
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 2 }
+snmpTargetAddrTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains a transport address.  The format of
+         this address depends on the value of the
+         snmpTargetAddrTDomain object."
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 3 }
+snmpTargetAddrTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      TimeInterval
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object should reflect the expected maximum round
+         trip time for communicating with the transport address
+         defined by this row.  When a message is sent to this
+         address, and a response (if one is expected) is not
+         received within this time period, an implementation
+         may assume that the response will not be delivered.
+         Note that the time interval that an application waits
+         for a response may actually be derived from the value
+         of this object.  The method for deriving the actual time
+         interval is implementation dependent.  One such method
+         is to derive the expected round trip time based on a
+         particular retransmission algorithm and on the number
+         of timeouts which have occurred.  The type of message may
+         also be considered when deriving expected round trip
+         times for retransmissions.  For example, if a message is
+         being sent with a securityLevel that indicates both
+         authentication and privacy, the derived value may be
+         increased to compensate for extra processing time spent
+         during authentication and encryption processing."
+    DEFVAL { 1500 }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 4 }
+snmpTargetAddrRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object specifies a default number of retries to be
+         attempted when a response is not received for a generated
+         message.  An application may provide its own retry count,
+         in which case the value of this object is ignored."
+    DEFVAL { 3 }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 5 }
+snmpTargetAddrTagList OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTagList
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "This object contains a list of tag values which are
+         used to select target addresses for a particular
+         operation."
+    DEFVAL { "" }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 6 }
+snmpTargetAddrParams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The value of this object identifies an entry in the
+         snmpTargetParamsTable.  The identified entry
+         contains SNMP parameters to be used when generating
+         messages to be sent to this transport address."
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 7 }
+snmpTargetAddrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+         allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 8 }
+snmpTargetAddrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this conceptual row.
+         To create a row in this table, a manager must
+         set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
+         createAndWait(5).
+         Until instances of all corresponding columns are
+         appropriately configured, the value of the
+         corresponding instance of the snmpTargetAddrRowStatus
+         column is 'notReady'.
+         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
+         active until the corresponding instances of
+         snmpTargetAddrTDomain, snmpTargetAddrTAddress, and
+         snmpTargetAddrParams have all been set.
+         The following objects may not be modified while the
+         value of this object is active(1):
+             - snmpTargetAddrTDomain
+             - snmpTargetAddrTAddress
+         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
+         snmpTargetAddrRowStatus is active(1) will result in
+         an inconsistentValue error."
+    ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 9 }
+snmpTargetParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTargetParamsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of SNMP target information to be used
+         in the generation of SNMP messages."
+    ::= { snmpTargetObjects 3 }
+snmpTargetParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpTargetParamsEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A set of SNMP target information.
+         Entries in the snmpTargetParamsTable are created and
+         deleted using the snmpTargetParamsRowStatus object."
+    INDEX { IMPLIED snmpTargetParamsName }
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsTable 1 }
+SnmpTargetParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    snmpTargetParamsName           SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpTargetParamsMPModel        SnmpMessageProcessingModel,
+    snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel  SnmpSecurityModel,
+    snmpTargetParamsSecurityName   SnmpAdminString,
+    snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel  SnmpSecurityLevel,
+    snmpTargetParamsStorageType    StorageType,
+    snmpTargetParamsRowStatus      RowStatus
+snmpTargetParamsName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
+         with this snmpTargetParamsEntry."
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 1 }
+snmpTargetParamsMPModel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpMessageProcessingModel
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Message Processing Model to be used when generating
+         SNMP messages using this entry."
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 2 }
+snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpSecurityModel (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Security Model to be used when generating SNMP
+          messages using this entry.  An implementation may
+          choose to return an inconsistentValue error if an
+          attempt is made to set this variable to a value
+          for a security model which the implementation does
+          not support."
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 3 }
+snmpTargetParamsSecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The securityName which identifies the Principal on
+         whose behalf SNMP messages will be generated using
+         this entry."
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 4 }
+snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpSecurityLevel
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Level of Security to be used when generating
+         SNMP messages using this entry."
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 5 }
+snmpTargetParamsStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+         allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
+    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 6 }
+snmpTargetParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
+    STATUS      current
+        "The status of this conceptual row.
+         To create a row in this table, a manager must
+         set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
+         createAndWait(5).
+         Until instances of all corresponding columns are
+         appropriately configured, the value of the
+         corresponding instance of the snmpTargetParamsRowStatus
+         column is 'notReady'.
+         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
+         active until the corresponding
+         snmpTargetParamsMPModel,
+         snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel,
+         snmpTargetParamsSecurityName,
+         and snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel have all been set.
+         The following objects may not be modified while the
+         value of this object is active(1):
+             - snmpTargetParamsMPModel
+             - snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel
+             - snmpTargetParamsSecurityName
+             - snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel
+         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
+         snmpTargetParamsRowStatus is active(1) will result in
+         an inconsistentValue error."
+    ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 7 }
+snmpUnavailableContexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+        "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+         engine which were dropped because the context
+         contained in the message was unavailable."
+    ::= { snmpTargetObjects 4 }
+snmpUnknownContexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+        "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+         engine which were dropped because the context
+         contained in the message was unknown."
+    ::= { snmpTargetObjects 5 }
+-- Conformance information
+snmpTargetCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                        { snmpTargetConformance 1 }
+snmpTargetGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                                        { snmpTargetConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements
+snmpTargetCommandResponderCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which include
+         a command responder application."
+    MODULE -- This Module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup }
+    ::= { snmpTargetCompliances 1 }
+snmpTargetBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpTargetSpinLock,
+        snmpTargetAddrTDomain,
+        snmpTargetAddrTAddress,
+        snmpTargetAddrTagList,
+        snmpTargetAddrParams,
+        snmpTargetAddrStorageType,
+        snmpTargetAddrRowStatus,
+        snmpTargetParamsMPModel,
+        snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel,
+        snmpTargetParamsSecurityName,
+        snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel,
+        snmpTargetParamsStorageType,
+        snmpTargetParamsRowStatus
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing basic remote
+         configuration of management targets."
+    ::= { snmpTargetGroups 1 }
+snmpTargetResponseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpTargetAddrTimeout,
+        snmpTargetAddrRetryCount
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects providing remote configuration
+         of management targets for applications which generate
+         SNMP messages for which a response message would be
+         expected."
+    ::= { snmpTargetGroups 2 }
+snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+        snmpUnavailableContexts,
+        snmpUnknownContexts
+    }
+    STATUS      current
+        "A collection of objects required for command responder
+         applications, used for counting error conditions."
+    ::= { snmpTargetGroups 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18bd5c9fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+    snmpModules, Counter32                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus, RowPointer,
+    StorageType, AutonomousType           FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString, SnmpEngineID,
+    snmpAuthProtocols, snmpPrivProtocols  FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210160000Z"            -- 16 Oct 2002, midnight
+    ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Subscribe:  majordomo@lists.tislabs.com
+                              In msg body:  subscribe snmpv3
+                  Chair:      Russ Mundy
+                              Network Associates Laboratories
+                  postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                              Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                              USA
+                  email:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                  phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+                  Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                              Enterasys Networks
+                  Postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                              P. O. Box 5004
+                              Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+                  Phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+                  Co-editor   Uri Blumenthal
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  postal:     67 Whippany Rd.
+                              Whippany, NJ 07981
+                              USA
+                  email:      uri@lucent.com
+                  phone:      +1-973-386-2163
+                  Co-editor:  Bert Wijnen
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  postal:     Schagen 33
+                              3461 GL Linschoten
+                              Netherlands
+                  email:      bwijnen@lucent.com
+                  phone:      +31-348-480-685
+                 "
+    DESCRIPTION  "The management information definitions for the
+                  SNMP User-based Security Model.
+                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+                  version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3414;
+                  see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+                 "
+--  Revision history
+    REVISION     "200210160000Z"          -- 16 Oct 2002, midnight
+    DESCRIPTION  "Changes in this revision:
+                  - Updated references and contact info.
+                  - Clarification to usmUserCloneFrom DESCRIPTION
+                    clause
+                  - Fixed 'command responder' into 'command generator'
+                    in last para of DESCRIPTION clause of
+                    usmUserTable.
+                  This revision published as RFC3414.
+                 "
+    REVISION     "199901200000Z"          -- 20 Jan 1999, midnight
+    DESCRIPTION  "Clarifications, published as RFC2574"
+    REVISION     "199711200000Z"          -- 20 Nov 1997, midnight
+    DESCRIPTION  "Initial version, published as RFC2274"
+    ::= { snmpModules 15 }
+-- Administrative assignments ****************************************
+usmMIBObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpUsmMIB 1 }
+usmMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpUsmMIB 2 }
+-- Identification of Authentication and Privacy Protocols ************
+usmNoAuthProtocol OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "No Authentication Protocol."
+    ::= { snmpAuthProtocols 1 }
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The HMAC-MD5-96 Digest Authentication Protocol."
+    REFERENCE    "- H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, R. Canetti HMAC:
+                    Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,
+                    RFC2104, Feb 1997.
+                  - Rivest, R., Message Digest Algorithm MD5, RFC1321.
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpAuthProtocols 2 }
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The HMAC-SHA-96 Digest Authentication Protocol."
+    REFERENCE    "- H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, R. Canetti, HMAC:
+                    Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,
+                    RFC2104, Feb 1997.
+                  - Secure Hash Algorithm. NIST FIPS 180-1.
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpAuthProtocols 3 }
+usmNoPrivProtocol OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "No Privacy Protocol."
+    ::= { snmpPrivProtocols 1 }
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The CBC-DES Symmetric Encryption Protocol."
+    REFERENCE    "- Data Encryption Standard, National Institute of
+                    Standards and Technology.  Federal Information
+                    Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 46-1.
+                    Supersedes FIPS Publication 46,
+                    (January, 1977; reaffirmed January, 1988).
+                  - Data Encryption Algorithm, American National
+                    Standards Institute.  ANSI X3.92-1981,
+                    (December, 1980).
+                  - DES Modes of Operation, National Institute of
+                    Standards and Technology.  Federal Information
+                    Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 81,
+                    (December, 1980).
+                  - Data Encryption Algorithm - Modes of Operation,
+                    American National Standards Institute.
+                    ANSI X3.106-1983, (May 1983).
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpPrivProtocols 2 }
+-- Textual Conventions ***********************************************
+   STATUS         current
+         "Every definition of an object with this syntax must identify
+          a protocol P, a secret key K, and a hash algorithm H
+          that produces output of L octets.
+          The object's value is a manager-generated, partially-random
+          value which, when modified, causes the value of the secret
+          key K, to be modified via a one-way function.
+          The value of an instance of this object is the concatenation
+          of two components: first a 'random' component and then a
+          'delta' component.
+          The lengths of the random and delta components
+          are given by the corresponding value of the protocol P;
+          if P requires K to be a fixed length, the length of both the
+          random and delta components is that fixed length; if P
+          allows the length of K to be variable up to a particular
+          maximum length, the length of the random component is that
+          maximum length and the length of the delta component is any
+          length less than or equal to that maximum length.
+          For example, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol requires K to be a fixed
+          length of 16 octets and L - of 16 octets.
+          usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol requires K to be a fixed length of
+          20 octets and L - of 20 octets. Other protocols may define
+          other sizes, as deemed appropriate.
+          When a requester wants to change the old key K to a new
+          key keyNew on a remote entity, the 'random' component is
+          obtained from either a true random generator, or from a
+          pseudorandom generator, and the 'delta' component is
+          computed as follows:
+           - a temporary variable is initialized to the existing value
+             of K;
+           - if the length of the keyNew is greater than L octets,
+             then:
+              - the random component is appended to the value of the
+                temporary variable, and the result is input to the
+                the hash algorithm H to produce a digest value, and
+                the temporary variable is set to this digest value;
+              - the value of the temporary variable is XOR-ed with
+                the first (next) L-octets (16 octets in case of MD5)
+                of the keyNew to produce the first (next) L-octets
+                (16 octets in case of MD5) of the 'delta' component.
+              - the above two steps are repeated until the unused
+                portion of the keyNew component is L octets or less,
+           - the random component is appended to the value of the
+             temporary variable, and the result is input to the
+             hash algorithm H to produce a digest value;
+           - this digest value, truncated if necessary to be the same
+             length as the unused portion of the keyNew, is XOR-ed
+             with the unused portion of the keyNew to produce the
+             (final portion of the) 'delta' component.
+           For example, using MD5 as the hash algorithm H:
+              iterations = (lenOfDelta - 1)/16; /* integer division */
+              temp = keyOld;
+              for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
+                  temp = MD5 (temp || random);
+                  delta[i*16 .. (i*16)+15] =
+                         temp XOR keyNew[i*16 .. (i*16)+15];
+              }
+              temp = MD5 (temp || random);
+              delta[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1] =
+                     temp XOR keyNew[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1];
+          The 'random' and 'delta' components are then concatenated as
+          described above, and the resulting octet string is sent to
+          the recipient as the new value of an instance of this object.
+          At the receiver side, when an instance of this object is set
+          to a new value, then a new value of K is computed as follows:
+           - a temporary variable is initialized to the existing value
+             of K;
+           - if the length of the delta component is greater than L
+             octets, then:
+              - the random component is appended to the value of the
+                temporary variable, and the result is input to the
+                hash algorithm H to produce a digest value, and the
+                temporary variable is set to this digest value;
+              - the value of the temporary variable is XOR-ed with
+                the first (next) L-octets (16 octets in case of MD5)
+                of the delta component to produce the first (next)
+                L-octets (16 octets in case of MD5) of the new value
+                of K.
+              - the above two steps are repeated until the unused
+                portion of the delta component is L octets or less,
+           - the random component is appended to the value of the
+             temporary variable, and the result is input to the
+             hash algorithm H to produce a digest value;
+           - this digest value, truncated if necessary to be the same
+             length as the unused portion of the delta component, is
+             XOR-ed with the unused portion of the delta component to
+             produce the (final portion of the) new value of K.
+           For example, using MD5 as the hash algorithm H:
+              iterations = (lenOfDelta - 1)/16; /* integer division */
+              temp = keyOld;
+              for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
+                  temp = MD5 (temp || random);
+                  keyNew[i*16 .. (i*16)+15] =
+                         temp XOR delta[i*16 .. (i*16)+15];
+              }
+              temp = MD5 (temp || random);
+              keyNew[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1] =
+                     temp XOR delta[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1];
+          The value of an object with this syntax, whenever it is
+          retrieved by the management protocol, is always the zero
+          length string.
+          Note that the keyOld and keyNew are the localized keys.
+          Note that it is probably wise that when an SNMP entity sends
+          a SetRequest to change a key, that it keeps a copy of the old
+          key until it has confirmed that the key change actually
+          succeeded.
+         "
+-- Statistics for the User-based Security Model **********************
+usmStats         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBObjects 1 }
+usmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they requested a
+                 securityLevel that was unknown to the SNMP engine
+                 or otherwise unavailable.
+                "
+    ::= { usmStats 1 }
+usmStatsNotInTimeWindows OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they appeared
+                 outside of the authoritative SNMP engine's window.
+                "
+    ::= { usmStats 2 }
+usmStatsUnknownUserNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they referenced a
+                 user that was not known to the SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { usmStats 3 }
+usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they referenced an
+                 snmpEngineID that was not known to the SNMP engine.
+                "
+    ::= { usmStats 4 }
+usmStatsWrongDigests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they didn't
+                 contain the expected digest value.
+                "
+    ::= { usmStats 5 }
+usmStatsDecryptionErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
+                 engine which were dropped because they could not be
+                 decrypted.
+                "
+    ::= { usmStats 6 }
+-- The usmUser Group ************************************************
+usmUser          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBObjects 2 }
+usmUserSpinLock  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An advisory lock used to allow several cooperating
+                 Command Generator Applications to coordinate their
+                 use of facilities to alter secrets in the
+                 usmUserTable.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUser 1 }
+-- The table of valid users for the User-based Security Model ********
+usmUserTable     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF UsmUserEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The table of users configured in the SNMP engine's
+                 Local Configuration Datastore (LCD).
+                 To create a new user (i.e., to instantiate a new
+                 conceptual row in this table), it is recommended to
+                 follow this procedure:
+                   1)  GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
+                   2)  SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
+                           usmUserCloneFrom=templateUser,
+                           usmUserStatus=createAndWait)
+                       You should use a template user to clone from
+                       which has the proper auth/priv protocol defined.
+                 If the new user is to use privacy:
+                   3)  generate the keyChange value based on the secret
+                       privKey of the clone-from user and the secret key
+                       to be used for the new user. Let us call this
+                       pkcValue.
+                   4)  GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
+                   5)  SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
+                           usmUserPrivKeyChange=pkcValue
+                           usmUserPublic=randomValue1)
+                   6)  GET(usmUserPulic) and check it has randomValue1.
+                       If not, repeat steps 4-6.
+                 If the new user will never use privacy:
+                   7)  SET(usmUserPrivProtocol=usmNoPrivProtocol)
+                 If the new user is to use authentication:
+                   8)  generate the keyChange value based on the secret
+                       authKey of the clone-from user and the secret key
+                       to be used for the new user. Let us call this
+                       akcValue.
+                   9)  GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
+                   10) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
+                           usmUserAuthKeyChange=akcValue
+                           usmUserPublic=randomValue2)
+                   11) GET(usmUserPulic) and check it has randomValue2.
+                       If not, repeat steps 9-11.
+                 If the new user will never use authentication:
+                   12) SET(usmUserAuthProtocol=usmNoAuthProtocol)
+                 Finally, activate the new user:
+                   13) SET(usmUserStatus=active)
+                 The new user should now be available and ready to be
+                 used for SNMPv3 communication. Note however that access
+                 to MIB data must be provided via configuration of the
+                 SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.
+                 The use of usmUserSpinlock is to avoid conflicts with
+                 another SNMP command generator application which may
+                 also be acting on the usmUserTable.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUser 2 }
+usmUserEntry     OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       UsmUserEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A user configured in the SNMP engine's Local
+                 Configuration Datastore (LCD) for the User-based
+                 Security Model.
+                "
+    INDEX       { usmUserEngineID,
+                  usmUserName
+                }
+    ::= { usmUserTable 1 }
+UsmUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE
+    {
+        usmUserEngineID         SnmpEngineID,
+        usmUserName             SnmpAdminString,
+        usmUserSecurityName     SnmpAdminString,
+        usmUserCloneFrom        RowPointer,
+        usmUserAuthProtocol     AutonomousType,
+        usmUserAuthKeyChange    KeyChange,
+        usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange KeyChange,
+        usmUserPrivProtocol     AutonomousType,
+        usmUserPrivKeyChange    KeyChange,
+        usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange KeyChange,
+        usmUserPublic           OCTET STRING,
+        usmUserStorageType      StorageType,
+        usmUserStatus           RowStatus
+    }
+usmUserEngineID  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpEngineID
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
+                 In a simple agent, this value is always that agent's
+                 own snmpEngineID value.
+                 The value can also take the value of the snmpEngineID
+                 of a remote SNMP engine with which this user can
+                 communicate.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 1 }
+usmUserName      OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A human readable string representing the name of
+                 the user.
+                 This is the (User-based Security) Model dependent
+                 security ID.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 2 }
+usmUserSecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A human readable string representing the user in
+                 Security Model independent format.
+                 The default transformation of the User-based Security
+                 Model dependent security ID to the securityName and
+                 vice versa is the identity function so that the
+                 securityName is the same as the userName.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 3 }
+usmUserCloneFrom OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowPointer
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A pointer to another conceptual row in this
+                 usmUserTable.  The user in this other conceptual
+                 row is called the clone-from user.
+                 When a new user is created (i.e., a new conceptual
+                 row is instantiated in this table), the privacy and
+                 authentication parameters of the new user must be
+                 cloned from its clone-from user. These parameters are:
+                   - authentication protocol (usmUserAuthProtocol)
+                   - privacy protocol (usmUserPrivProtocol)
+                 They will be copied regardless of what the current
+                 value is.
+                 Cloning also causes the initial values of the secret
+                 authentication key (authKey) and the secret encryption
+                 key (privKey) of the new user to be set to the same
+                 values as the corresponding secrets of the clone-from
+                 user to allow the KeyChange process to occur as
+                 required during user creation.
+                 The first time an instance of this object is set by
+                 a management operation (either at or after its
+                 instantiation), the cloning process is invoked.
+                 Subsequent writes are successful but invoke no
+                 action to be taken by the receiver.
+                 The cloning process fails with an 'inconsistentName'
+                 error if the conceptual row representing the
+                 clone-from user does not exist or is not in an active
+                 state when the cloning process is invoked.
+                 When this object is read, the ZeroDotZero OID
+                 is returned.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 4 }
+usmUserAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
+                 this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
+                 usmUserEngineID, can be authenticated, and if so,
+                 the type of authentication protocol which is used.
+                 An instance of this object is created concurrently
+                 with the creation of any other object instance for
+                 the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
+                 the set operation which creates the first object
+                 instance in the same conceptual row).
+                 If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
+                 tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
+                 protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
+                 The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
+                 is performed on the corresponding instance of
+                 usmUserCloneFrom.
+                 Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
+                 this object can only be changed via a set operation to
+                 the value of the usmNoAuthProtocol.
+                 If a set operation tries to change the value of an
+                 existing instance of this object to any value other
+                 than usmNoAuthProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
+                 error must be returned.
+                 If a set operation tries to set the value to the
+                 usmNoAuthProtocol while the usmUserPrivProtocol value
+                 in the same row is not equal to usmNoPrivProtocol,
+                 then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
+                 That means that an SNMP command generator application
+                 must first ensure that the usmUserPrivProtocol is set
+                 to the usmNoPrivProtocol value before it can set
+                 the usmUserAuthProtocol value to usmNoAuthProtocol.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { usmNoAuthProtocol }
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 5 }
+usmUserAuthKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       KeyChange   -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for HMACMD5
+                             -- typically (SIZE (0 | 40)) for HMACSHA
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An object, which when modified, causes the secret
+                 authentication key used for messages sent on behalf
+                 of this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
+                 usmUserEngineID, to be modified via a one-way
+                 function.
+                 The associated protocol is the usmUserAuthProtocol.
+                 The associated secret key is the user's secret
+                 authentication key (authKey). The associated hash
+                 algorithm is the algorithm used by the user's
+                 usmUserAuthProtocol.
+                 When creating a new user, it is an 'inconsistentName'
+                 error for a set operation to refer to this object
+                 unless it is previously or concurrently initialized
+                 through a set operation on the corresponding instance
+                 of usmUserCloneFrom.
+                 When the value of the corresponding usmUserAuthProtocol
+                 is usmNoAuthProtocol, then a set is successful, but
+                 effectively is a no-op.
+                 When this object is read, the zero-length (empty)
+                 string is returned.
+                 The recommended way to do a key change is as follows:
+                   1) GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
+                   2) generate the keyChange value based on the old
+                      (existing) secret key and the new secret key,
+                      let us call this kcValue.
+                 If you do the key change on behalf of another user:
+                   3) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
+                          usmUserAuthKeyChange=kcValue
+                          usmUserPublic=randomValue)
+                 If you do the key change for yourself:
+                   4) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
+                          usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange=kcValue
+                          usmUserPublic=randomValue)
+                 If you get a response with error-status of noError,
+                 then the SET succeeded and the new key is active.
+                 If you do not get a response, then you can issue a
+                 GET(usmUserPublic) and check if the value is equal
+                 to the randomValue you did send in the SET. If so, then
+                 the key change succeeded and the new key is active
+                 (probably the response got lost). If not, then the SET
+                 request probably never reached the target and so you
+                 can start over with the procedure above.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }    -- the empty string
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 6 }
+usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       KeyChange   -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for HMACMD5
+                             -- typically (SIZE (0 | 40)) for HMACSHA
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "Behaves exactly as usmUserAuthKeyChange, with one
+                 notable difference: in order for the set operation
+                 to succeed, the usmUserName of the operation
+                 requester must match the usmUserName that
+                 indexes the row which is targeted by this
+                 operation.
+                 In addition, the USM security model must be
+                 used for this operation.
+                 The idea here is that access to this column can be
+                 public, since it will only allow a user to change
+                 his own secret authentication key (authKey).
+                 Note that this can only be done once the row is active.
+                 When a set is received and the usmUserName of the
+                 requester is not the same as the umsUserName that
+                 indexes the row which is targeted by this operation,
+                 then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
+                 When a set is received and the security model in use
+                 is not USM, then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }    -- the empty string
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 7 }
+usmUserPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       AutonomousType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
+                 this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
+                 usmUserEngineID, can be protected from disclosure,
+                 and if so, the type of privacy protocol which is used.
+                 An instance of this object is created concurrently
+                 with the creation of any other object instance for
+                 the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
+                 the set operation which creates the first object
+                 instance in the same conceptual row).
+                 If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
+                 tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
+                 protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
+                 The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
+                 is performed on the corresponding instance of
+                 usmUserCloneFrom.
+                 Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
+                 this object can only be changed via a set operation to
+                 the value of the usmNoPrivProtocol.
+                 If a set operation tries to change the value of an
+                 existing instance of this object to any value other
+                 than usmNoPrivProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
+                 error must be returned.
+                 Note that if any privacy protocol is used, then you
+                 must also use an authentication protocol. In other
+                 words, if usmUserPrivProtocol is set to anything else
+                 than usmNoPrivProtocol, then the corresponding instance
+                 of usmUserAuthProtocol cannot have a value of
+                 usmNoAuthProtocol. If it does, then an
+                 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { usmNoPrivProtocol }
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 8 }
+usmUserPrivKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       KeyChange  -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for DES
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An object, which when modified, causes the secret
+                 encryption key used for messages sent on behalf
+                 of this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
+                 usmUserEngineID, to be modified via a one-way
+                 function.
+                 The associated protocol is the usmUserPrivProtocol.
+                 The associated secret key is the user's secret
+                 privacy key (privKey). The associated hash
+                 algorithm is the algorithm used by the user's
+                 usmUserAuthProtocol.
+                 When creating a new user, it is an 'inconsistentName'
+                 error for a set operation to refer to this object
+                 unless it is previously or concurrently initialized
+                 through a set operation on the corresponding instance
+                 of usmUserCloneFrom.
+                 When the value of the corresponding usmUserPrivProtocol
+                 is usmNoPrivProtocol, then a set is successful, but
+                 effectively is a no-op.
+                 When this object is read, the zero-length (empty)
+                 string is returned.
+                 See the description clause of usmUserAuthKeyChange for
+                 a recommended procedure to do a key change.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }    -- the empty string
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 9 }
+usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       KeyChange  -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for DES
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "Behaves exactly as usmUserPrivKeyChange, with one
+                 notable difference: in order for the Set operation
+                 to succeed, the usmUserName of the operation
+                 requester must match the usmUserName that indexes
+                 the row which is targeted by this operation.
+                 In addition, the USM security model must be
+                 used for this operation.
+                 The idea here is that access to this column can be
+                 public, since it will only allow a user to change
+                 his own secret privacy key (privKey).
+                 Note that this can only be done once the row is active.
+                 When a set is received and the usmUserName of the
+                 requester is not the same as the umsUserName that
+                 indexes the row which is targeted by this operation,
+                 then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
+                 When a set is received and the security model in use
+                 is not USM, then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }    -- the empty string
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 10 }
+usmUserPublic    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A publicly-readable value which can be written as part
+                 of the procedure for changing a user's secret
+                 authentication and/or privacy key, and later read to
+                 determine whether the change of the secret was
+                 effected.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }  -- the empty string
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 11 }
+usmUserStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+                 Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' must
+                 allow write-access at a minimum to:
+                 - usmUserAuthKeyChange, usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange
+                   and usmUserPublic for a user who employs
+                   authentication, and
+                 - usmUserPrivKeyChange, usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange
+                   and usmUserPublic for a user who employs
+                   privacy.
+                 Note that any user who employs authentication or
+                 privacy must allow its secret(s) to be updated and
+                 thus cannot be 'readOnly'.
+                 If an initial set operation tries to set the value to
+                 'readOnly' for a user who employs authentication or
+                 privacy, then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be
+                 returned.  Note that if the value has been previously
+                 set (implicit or explicit) to any value, then the rules
+                 as defined in the StorageType Textual Convention apply.
+                 It is an implementation issue to decide if a SET for
+                 a readOnly or permanent row is accepted at all. In some
+                 contexts this may make sense, in others it may not. If
+                 a SET for a readOnly or permanent row is not accepted
+                 at all, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 12 }
+usmUserStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
+                 Until instances of all corresponding columns are
+                 appropriately configured, the value of the
+                 corresponding instance of the usmUserStatus column
+                 is 'notReady'.
+                 In particular, a newly created row for a user who
+                 employs authentication, cannot be made active until the
+                 corresponding usmUserCloneFrom and usmUserAuthKeyChange
+                 have been set.
+                 Further, a newly created row for a user who also
+                 employs privacy, cannot be made active until the
+                 usmUserPrivKeyChange has been set.
+                 The RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
+                 DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
+                 other objects in this row can be modified:
+                 The value of this object has no effect on whether
+                 other objects in this conceptual row can be modified,
+                 except for usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange and
+                 usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange. For these 2 objects, the
+                 value of usmUserStatus MUST be active.
+                "
+    ::= { usmUserEntry 13 }
+-- Conformance Information *******************************************
+usmMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBConformance 1 }
+usmMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
+                 implement the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.
+                "
+    MODULE       -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { usmMIBBasicGroup }
+        OBJECT           usmUserAuthProtocol
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT           usmUserPrivProtocol
+        MIN-ACCESS       read-only
+        DESCRIPTION     "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { usmMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- Units of compliance
+    OBJECTS     {
+                  usmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels,
+                  usmStatsNotInTimeWindows,
+                  usmStatsUnknownUserNames,
+                  usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs,
+                  usmStatsWrongDigests,
+                  usmStatsDecryptionErrors,
+                  usmUserSpinLock,
+                  usmUserSecurityName,
+                  usmUserCloneFrom,
+                  usmUserAuthProtocol,
+                  usmUserAuthKeyChange,
+                  usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange,
+                  usmUserPrivProtocol,
+                  usmUserPrivKeyChange,
+                  usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange,
+                  usmUserPublic,
+                  usmUserStorageType,
+                  usmUserStatus
+                }
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing for configuration
+                 of an SNMP engine which implements the SNMP
+                 User-based Security Model.
+                "
+    ::= { usmMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USM-AES-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USM-AES-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fd17a5e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USM-AES-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+        snmpModules             FROM SNMPv2-SMI          -- [RFC2578]
+        snmpPrivProtocols       FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB; -- [RFC3411]
+    LAST-UPDATED "200406140000Z"
+    CONTACT-INFO "Uri Blumenthal
+                  Lucent Technologies / Bell Labs
+                  67 Whippany Rd.
+                  14D-318
+                  Whippany, NJ  07981, USA
+                  973-386-2163
+                  uri@bell-labs.com
+                  Fabio Maino
+                  Andiamo Systems, Inc.
+                  375 East Tasman Drive
+                  San Jose, CA  95134, USA
+                  408-853-7530
+                  fmaino@andiamo.com
+                  Keith McCloghrie
+                  Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                  170 West Tasman Drive
+                  San Jose, CA  95134-1706, USA
+                  408-526-5260
+                  kzm@cisco.com"
+    DESCRIPTION  "Definitions of Object Identities needed for
+                  the use of AES by SNMP's User-based Security
+                  Model.
+                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).
+            This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3826;
+            see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+            Supplementary information may be available on
+            http://www.ietf.org/copyrights/ianamib.html."
+    REVISION     "200406140000Z"
+    DESCRIPTION  "Initial version, published as RFC3826"
+    ::= { snmpModules 20 }
+usmAesCfb128Protocol OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS        current
+    DESCRIPTION  "The CFB128-AES-128 Privacy Protocol."
+    REFERENCE    "- Specification for the ADVANCED ENCRYPTION
+                    STANDARD. Federal Information Processing
+                    Standard (FIPS) Publication 197.
+                    (November 2001).
+                  - Dworkin, M., NIST Recommendation for Block
+                    Cipher Modes of Operation, Methods and
+                    Techniques. NIST Special Publication 800-38A
+                    (December 2001).
+                 "
+    ::= { snmpPrivProtocols 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e97bac9ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+    experimental, Integer32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+    usmUserEntry
+    SnmpAdminString
+    LAST-UPDATED "200003060000Z"  -- 6 March 2000, Midnight
+    ORGANIZATION "Excite@Home"
+    CONTACT-INFO "Author: Mike StJohns
+                  Postal: Excite@Home
+                          450 Broadway
+                          Redwood City, CA 94063
+                  Email:  stjohns@corp.home.net
+                  Phone:  +1-650-556-5368"
+        "The management information definitions for providing forward
+    secrecy for key changes for the usmUserTable, and for providing a
+    method for 'kickstarting' access to the agent via a Diffie-Helman
+    key agreement."
+    REVISION     "200003060000Z"
+       "Initial version published as RFC 2786."
+    ::= { experimental 101 }  -- IANA DHKEY-CHANGE 101
+-- Administrative assignments
+usmDHKeyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpUsmDHObjectsMIB 1 }
+usmDHKeyConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpUsmDHObjectsMIB 2 }
+-- Textual conventions
+DHKeyChange ::=         TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS              current
+        "Upon initialization, or upon creation of a row containing an
+    object of this type, and after any successful SET of this value, a
+    GET of this value returns 'y' where y = g^xa MOD p, and where g is
+    the base from usmDHParameters, p is the prime from
+    usmDHParameters, and xa is a new random integer selected by the
+    agent in the interval 2^(l-1) <= xa < 2^l < p-1.  'l' is the
+    optional privateValueLength from usmDHParameters in bits.  If 'l'
+    is omitted, then xa (and xr below) is selected in the interval 0
+    <= xa < p-1.  y is expressed as an OCTET STRING 'PV' of length 'k'
+    which satisfies
+              k
+        y =  SUM   2^(8(k-i)) PV'i
+             i=1
+        where PV1,...,PVk are the octets of PV from first to last, and
+        where PV1 <> 0.
+    A successful SET consists of the value 'y' expressed as an OCTET
+    STRING as above concatenated with the value 'z'(expressed as an
+    OCTET STRING in the same manner as y) where z = g^xr MOD p, where
+    g, p and l are as above, and where xr is a new random integer
+    selected by the manager in the interval 2^(l-1) <= xr < 2^l <
+    p-1. A SET to an object of this type will fail with the error
+    wrongValue if the current 'y' does not match the 'y' portion of
+    the value of the varbind for the object. (E.g. GET yout, SET
+    concat(yin, z), yout <> yin).
+    Note that the private values xa and xr are never transmitted from
+    manager to device or vice versa, only the values y and z.
+    Obviously, these values must be retained until a successful SET on
+    the associated object.
+    The shared secret 'sk' is calculated at the agent as sk = z^xa MOD
+    p, and at the manager as sk = y^xr MOD p.
+    Each object definition of this type MUST describe how to map from
+    the shared secret 'sk' to the operational key value used by the
+    protocols and operations related to the object.  In general, if n
+    bits of key are required, the author suggests using the n
+    right-most bits of the shared secret as the operational key value."
+        "-- Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement Standard, PKCS #3;
+            RSA Laboratories, November 1993"
+    SYNTAX              OCTET STRING
+-- Diffie Hellman public values
+usmDHPublicObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmDHKeyObjects 1 }
+usmDHParameters OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS  current
+        "The public Diffie-Hellman parameters for doing a Diffie-Hellman
+    key agreement for this device.  This is encoded as an ASN.1
+    DHParameter per PKCS #3, section 9.  E.g.
+        DHParameter ::= SEQUENCE {
+           prime   INTEGER,   -- p
+           base    INTEGER,   -- g
+           privateValueLength  INTEGER OPTIONAL }
+    Implementors are encouraged to use either the values from
+    Oakley Group 1  or the values of from Oakley Group 2 as specified
+    in RFC-2409, The Internet Key Exchange, Section 6.1, 6.2 as the
+    default for this object.  Other values may be used, but the
+    security properties of those values MUST be well understood and
+    MUST meet the requirements of PKCS #3 for the selection of
+    Diffie-Hellman primes.
+        In addition, any time usmDHParameters changes, all values of
+    type DHKeyChange will change and new random numbers MUST be
+    generated by the agent for each DHKeyChange object."
+        "-- Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement Standard, PKCS #3,
+            RSA Laboratories, November 1993
+         -- The Internet Key Exchange, RFC 2409, November 1998,
+            Sec 6.1, 6.2"
+    ::= { usmDHPublicObjects 1 }
+usmDHUserKeyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS  current
+        "This table augments and extends the usmUserTable and provides
+    4 objects which exactly mirror the objects in that table with the
+    textual convention of 'KeyChange'.  This extension allows key
+    changes to be done in a manner where the knowledge of the current
+    secret plus knowledge of the key change data exchanges (e.g. via
+    wiretapping)  will not reveal the new key."
+    ::= { usmDHPublicObjects 2 }
+usmDHUserKeyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  UsmDHUserKeyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS  current
+        "A row of DHKeyChange objects which augment or replace the
+    functionality of the KeyChange objects in the base table row."
+    AUGMENTS { usmUserEntry }
+    ::= {usmDHUserKeyTable 1 }
+UsmDHUserKeyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        usmDHUserAuthKeyChange          DHKeyChange,
+    usmDHUserOwnAuthKeyChange   DHKeyChange,
+        usmDHUserPrivKeyChange          DHKeyChange,
+        usmDHUserOwnPrivKeyChange       DHKeyChange
+        }
+usmDHUserAuthKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  DHKeyChange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS  current
+        "The object used to change any given user's Authentication Key
+    using a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
+    The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is the
+    number of bits required for the protocol defined by
+    usmUserAuthProtocol, are installed as the operational
+    authentication key for this row after a successful SET."
+    ::= { usmDHUserKeyEntry 1 }
+usmDHUserOwnAuthKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  DHKeyChange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS  current
+        "The object used to change the agents own Authentication Key
+    using a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
+    The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is the
+    number of bits required for the protocol defined by
+    usmUserAuthProtocol, are installed as the operational
+    authentication key for this row after a successful SET."
+    ::= { usmDHUserKeyEntry 2 }
+usmDHUserPrivKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  DHKeyChange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS  current
+        "The object used to change any given user's Privacy Key using
+    a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
+    The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is the
+    number of bits required for the protocol defined by
+    usmUserPrivProtocol, are installed as the operational privacy key
+    for this row after a successful SET."
+    ::= { usmDHUserKeyEntry 3 }
+usmDHUserOwnPrivKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX  DHKeyChange
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS  current
+        "The object used to change the agent's own Privacy Key using a
+    Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
+    The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is the
+    number of bits required for the protocol defined by
+    usmUserPrivProtocol, are installed as the operational privacy key
+    for this row after a successful SET."
+    ::= { usmDHUserKeyEntry 4 }
+usmDHKickstartGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmDHKeyObjects 2 }
+usmDHKickstartTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF UsmDHKickstartEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "A table of mappings between zero or more Diffie-Helman key
+    agreement values and entries in the usmUserTable.  Entries in this
+    table are created by providing the associated device with a
+    Diffie-Helman public value and a usmUserName/usmUserSecurityName
+    pair during initialization. How these values are provided is
+    outside the scope of this MIB, but could be provided manually, or
+    through a configuration file.  Valid public value/name pairs
+    result in the creation of a row in this table as well as the
+    creation of an associated row (with keys derived as indicated) in
+    the usmUserTable.  The actual access the related usmSecurityName
+    has is dependent on the entries in the VACM tables.  In general,
+    an implementor will specify one or more standard security names
+    and will provide entries in the VACM tables granting various
+    levels of access to those names.  The actual content of the VACM
+    table is beyond the scope of this MIB.
+    Note: This table is expected to be readable without authentication
+    using the usmUserSecurityName 'dhKickstart'.  See the conformance
+    statements for details."
+    ::= { usmDHKickstartGroup 1 }
+usmDHKickstartEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      UsmDHKickstartEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry in the usmDHKickstartTable.  The agent SHOULD either
+    delete this entry or mark it as inactive upon a successful SET of
+    any of the KeyChange-typed objects in the usmUserEntry or upon a
+    successful SET of any of the DHKeyChange-typed objects in the
+    usmDhKeyChangeEntry where the related usmSecurityName (e.g. row of
+    usmUserTable or row of ushDhKeyChangeTable) equals this entry's
+    usmDhKickstartSecurityName.  In otherwords, once you've changed
+    one or more of the keys for a row in usmUserTable with a
+    particular security name, the row in this table with that same
+    security name is no longer useful or meaningful."
+    INDEX   { usmDHKickstartIndex }
+    ::= {usmDHKickstartTable 1 }
+UsmDHKickstartEntry ::= SEQUENCE  {
+        usmDHKickstartIndex     Integer32,
+        usmDHKickstartMyPublic  OCTET STRING,
+        usmDHKickstartMgrPublic OCTET STRING,
+        usmDHKickstartSecurityName      SnmpAdminString
+        }
+usmDHKickstartIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Integer32  (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Index value for this row."
+    ::= { usmDHKickstartEntry 1 }
+usmDHKickstartMyPublic OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The agent's Diffie-Hellman public value for this row.  At
+    initialization, the agent generates a random number and derives
+    its public value from that number.  This public value is published
+    here.  This public value 'y' equals g^r MOD p where g is the from
+    the set of Diffie-Hellman parameters, p is the prime from those
+    parameters, and r is a random integer selected by the agent in the
+    interval 2^(l-1) <= r < p-1 < 2^l.  If l is unspecified, then r is
+    a random integer selected in the interval 0 <= r < p-1
+    The public value is expressed as an OCTET STRING 'PV' of length
+    'k' which satisfies
+              k
+        y =  SUM   2^(8(k-i)) PV'i
+             i = 1
+        where PV1,...,PVk are the octets of PV from first to last, and
+        where PV1 != 0.
+    The following DH parameters (Oakley group #2, RFC 2409, sec 6.1,
+    6.2) are used for this object:
+    g = 2
+    p = FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1
+        29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD
+        EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245
+        E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED
+        EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE65381
+    l=1024
+    "
+        "-- Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement Standard, PKCS#3v1.4;
+            RSA Laboratories, November 1993
+         -- The Internet Key Exchange, RFC2409;
+            Harkins, D., Carrel, D.; November 1998"
+    ::= { usmDHKickstartEntry 2 }
+usmDHKickstartMgrPublic OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The manager's Diffie-Hellman public value for this row.  Note
+    that this value is not set via the SNMP agent, but may be set via
+    some out of band method, such as the device's configuration file.
+    The manager calculates this value in the same manner and using the
+    same parameter set as the agent does.  E.g. it selects a random
+    number 'r', calculates y = g^r mod p and provides 'y' as the
+    public number expressed as an OCTET STRING.  See
+    usmDHKickstartMyPublic for details.
+    When this object is set with a valid value during initialization,
+    a row is created in the usmUserTable with the following values:
+    usmUserEngineID             localEngineID
+    usmUserName                 [value of usmDHKickstartSecurityName]
+    usmUserSecurityName         [value of usmDHKickstartSecurityName]
+    usmUserCloneFrom            ZeroDotZero
+    usmUserAuthProtocol         usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol
+    usmUserAuthKeyChange        -- derived from set value
+    usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange     -- derived from set value
+    usmUserPrivProtocol         usmDESPrivProtocol
+    usmUserPrivKeyChange        -- derived from set value
+    usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange     -- derived from set value
+    usmUserPublic               ''
+    usmUserStorageType          permanent
+    usmUserStatus               active
+    A shared secret 'sk' is calculated at the agent as sk =
+    mgrPublic^r mod p where r is the agents random number and p is the
+    DH prime from the common parameters.  The underlying privacy key
+    for this row is derived from sk by applying the key derivation
+    function PBKDF2 defined in PKCS#5v2.0 with a salt of 0xd1310ba6,
+    and iterationCount of 500, a keyLength of 16 (for
+    usmDESPrivProtocol), and a prf (pseudo random function) of
+    'id-hmacWithSHA1'.  The underlying authentication key for this row
+    is derived from sk by applying the key derivation function PBKDF2
+    with a salt of 0x98dfb5ac , an interation count of 500, a
+    keyLength of 16 (for usmHMAC5AuthProtocol), and a prf of
+    'id-hmacWithSHA1'.  Note: The salts are the first two words in the
+    ks0 [key schedule 0] of the BLOWFISH cipher from 'Applied
+    Cryptography' by Bruce Schnier - they could be any relatively
+    random string of bits.
+    The manager can use its knowledge of its own random number and the
+    agent's public value to kickstart its access to the agent in a
+    secure manner.  Note that the security of this approach is
+    directly related to the strength of the authorization security of
+    the out of band provisioning of the managers public value
+    (e.g. the configuration file), but is not dependent at all on the
+    strength of the confidentiality of the out of band provisioning
+    data."
+        "-- Password-Based Cryptography Standard, PKCS#5v2.0;
+            RSA Laboratories, March 1999
+         -- Applied Cryptography, 2nd Ed.; B. Schneier,
+            Counterpane Systems; John Wiley & Sons, 1996"
+    ::= { usmDHKickstartEntry 3 }
+usmDHKickstartSecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The usmUserName and usmUserSecurityName in the usmUserTable
+    associated with this row.  This is provided in the same manner and
+    at the same time as the usmDHKickstartMgrPublic value -
+    e.g. possibly manually, or via the device's configuration file."
+    ::= { usmDHKickstartEntry 4 }
+-- Conformance Information
+usmDHKeyMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmDHKeyConformance 1 }
+usmDHKeyMIBGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmDHKeyConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements
+    STATUS      current
+        "The compliance statement for this module."
+        GROUP usmDHKeyMIBBasicGroup
+        "This group MAY be implemented by any agent which
+        implements the usmUserTable and which wishes to provide the
+        ability to change user and agent authentication and privacy
+        keys via Diffie-Hellman key exchanges."
+        GROUP usmDHKeyParamGroup
+            "This group MUST be implemented by any agent which
+        implements a MIB containing the DHKeyChange Textual
+        Convention defined in this module."
+        GROUP usmDHKeyKickstartGroup
+            "This group MAY be implemented by any agent which
+        implements the usmUserTable and which wishes the ability to
+        populate the USM table based on out-of-band provided DH
+        ignition values.
+             Any agent implementing this group is expected to provide
+        preinstalled entries in the vacm tables as follows:
+             In the usmUserTable: This entry allows access to the
+        system and dhKickstart groups
+        usmUserEngineID         localEngineID
+        usmUserName             'dhKickstart'
+        usmUserSecurityName     'dhKickstart'
+        usmUserCloneFrom        ZeroDotZero
+        usmUserAuthProtocol     none
+        usmUserAuthKeyChange    ''
+        usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange ''
+        usmUserPrivProtocol     none
+        usmUserPrivKeyChange    ''
+        usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange ''
+        usmUserPublic           ''
+        usmUserStorageType      permanent
+        usmUserStatus           active
+            In the vacmSecurityToGroupTable: This maps the initial
+        user into the accessible objects.
+        vacmSecurityModel               3 (USM)
+        vacmSecurityName                'dhKickstart'
+        vacmGroupName                   'dhKickstart'
+        vacmSecurityToGroupStorageType  permanent
+        vacmSecurityToGroupStatus       active
+            In the vacmAccessTable: Group name to view name translation.
+        vacmGroupName                   'dhKickstart'
+    vacmAccessContextPrefix             ''
+        vacmAccessSecurityModel         3 (USM)
+        vacmAccessSecurityLevel         noAuthNoPriv
+        vacmAccessContextMatch          exact
+        vacmAccessReadViewName          'dhKickRestricted'
+        vacmAccessWriteViewName         ''
+        vacmAccessNotifyViewName        'dhKickRestricted'
+        vacmAccessStorageType           permanent
+        vacmAccessStatus                active
+            In the vacmViewTreeFamilyTable: Two entries to allow the
+        initial entry to access the system and kickstart groups.
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName      'dhKickRestricted'
+        vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree  (system)
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyMask          ''
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyType          1
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyStorageType   permanent
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus        active
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName      'dhKickRestricted'
+        vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree         (usmDHKickstartTable OID)
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyMask          ''
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyType          1
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyStorageType   permanent
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus        active
+        "
+        OBJECT usmDHParameters
+        MIN-ACCESS      read-only
+            "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only for
+        any device."
+    ::= { usmDHKeyMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- Units of Compliance
+    OBJECTS     {
+                  usmDHUserAuthKeyChange,
+                  usmDHUserOwnAuthKeyChange,
+                  usmDHUserPrivKeyChange,
+                  usmDHUserOwnPrivKeyChange
+                }
+    STATUS      current
+        ""
+    ::= { usmDHKeyMIBGroups 1 }
+usmDHKeyParamGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     {
+                  usmDHParameters
+                }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The mandatory object for all MIBs which use the DHKeyChange
+    textual convention."
+    ::= { usmDHKeyMIBGroups 2 }
+usmDHKeyKickstartGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS     {
+                  usmDHKickstartMyPublic,
+                  usmDHKickstartMgrPublic,
+                  usmDHKickstartSecurityName
+                }
+    STATUS      current
+        "The objects used for kickstarting one or more SNMPv3 USM
+    associations via a configuration file or other out of band,
+    non-confidential access."
+    ::= { usmDHKeyMIBGroups 3 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ec82d65a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+    snmpModules                           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TestAndIncr,
+    RowStatus, StorageType                FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    SnmpAdminString,
+    SnmpSecurityLevel,
+    SnmpSecurityModel                     FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210160000Z"          -- 16 Oct 2002, midnight
+    ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
+    CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+                  Subscribe:  majordomo@lists.tislabs.com
+                              In message body:  subscribe snmpv3
+                  Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                              Network Associates Laboratories
+                  postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                              Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                              USA
+                  email:      mundy@tislabs.com
+                  phone:      +1 301-947-7107
+                  Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                              Enterasys Networks
+                  Postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                              P. O. Box 5004
+                              Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
+                              USA
+                  EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+                  Phone:      +1 603-337-2614
+                  Co-editor:  Bert Wijnen
+                              Lucent Technologies
+                  postal:     Schagen 33
+                              3461 GL Linschoten
+                              Netherlands
+                  email:      bwijnen@lucent.com
+                  phone:      +31-348-480-685
+                  Co-editor:  Randy Presuhn
+                              BMC Software, Inc.
+                  postal:     2141 North First Street
+                              San Jose, CA 95131
+                              USA
+                  email:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+                  phone:      +1 408-546-1006
+                  Co-editor:  Keith McCloghrie
+                              Cisco Systems, Inc.
+                  postal:     170 West Tasman Drive
+                              San Jose, CA  95134-1706
+                              USA
+                  email:      kzm@cisco.com
+                  phone:      +1-408-526-5260
+                 "
+    DESCRIPTION  "The management information definitions for the
+                  View-based Access Control Model for SNMP.
+                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+                  version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3415;
+                  see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+                 "
+--  Revision history
+    REVISION     "200210160000Z"          -- 16 Oct 2002, midnight
+    DESCRIPTION  "Clarifications, published as RFC3415"
+    REVISION     "199901200000Z"          -- 20 Jan 1999, midnight
+    DESCRIPTION  "Clarifications, published as RFC2575"
+    REVISION     "199711200000Z"          -- 20 Nov 1997, midnight
+    DESCRIPTION  "Initial version, published as RFC2275"
+    ::= { snmpModules 16 }
+-- Administrative assignments ****************************************
+vacmMIBObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpVacmMIB 1 }
+vacmMIBConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpVacmMIB 2 }
+-- Information about Local Contexts **********************************
+vacmContextTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VacmContextEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The table of locally available contexts.
+                 This table provides information to SNMP Command
+                 Generator applications so that they can properly
+                 configure the vacmAccessTable to control access to
+                 all contexts at the SNMP entity.
+                 This table may change dynamically if the SNMP entity
+                 allows that contexts are added/deleted dynamically
+                 (for instance when its configuration changes).  Such
+                 changes would happen only if the management
+                 instrumentation at that SNMP entity recognizes more
+                 (or fewer) contexts.
+                 The presence of entries in this table and of entries
+                 in the vacmAccessTable are independent.  That is, a
+                 context identified by an entry in this table is not
+                 necessarily referenced by any entries in the
+                 vacmAccessTable; and the context(s) referenced by an
+                 entry in the vacmAccessTable does not necessarily
+                 currently exist and thus need not be identified by an
+                 entry in this table.
+                 This table must be made accessible via the default
+                 context so that Command Responder applications have
+                 a standard way of retrieving the information.
+                 This table is read-only.  It cannot be configured via
+                 SNMP.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmMIBObjects 1 }
+vacmContextEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       VacmContextEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular context."
+    INDEX       {
+                  vacmContextName
+                }
+    ::= { vacmContextTable 1 }
+VacmContextEntry ::= SEQUENCE
+    {
+        vacmContextName SnmpAdminString
+    }
+vacmContextName  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A human readable name identifying a particular
+                 context at a particular SNMP entity.
+                 The empty contextName (zero length) represents the
+                 default context.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmContextEntry 1 }
+-- Information about Groups ******************************************
+vacmSecurityToGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VacmSecurityToGroupEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "This table maps a combination of securityModel and
+                 securityName into a groupName which is used to define
+                 an access control policy for a group of principals.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmMIBObjects 2 }
+vacmSecurityToGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       VacmSecurityToGroupEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table maps the combination of a
+                 securityModel and securityName into a groupName.
+                "
+    INDEX       {
+                  vacmSecurityModel,
+                  vacmSecurityName
+                }
+    ::= { vacmSecurityToGroupTable 1 }
+VacmSecurityToGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE
+    {
+        vacmSecurityModel               SnmpSecurityModel,
+        vacmSecurityName                SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmGroupName                   SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmSecurityToGroupStorageType  StorageType,
+        vacmSecurityToGroupStatus       RowStatus
+    }
+vacmSecurityModel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpSecurityModel(1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The Security Model, by which the vacmSecurityName
+                 referenced by this entry is provided.
+                 Note, this object may not take the 'any' (0) value.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmSecurityToGroupEntry 1 }
+vacmSecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The securityName for the principal, represented in a
+                 Security Model independent format, which is mapped by
+                 this entry to a groupName.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmSecurityToGroupEntry 2 }
+vacmGroupName    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the
+                 combination of securityModel and securityName)
+                 belongs.
+                 This groupName is used as index into the
+                 vacmAccessTable to select an access control policy.
+                 However, a value in this table does not imply that an
+                 instance with the value exists in table vacmAccesTable.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmSecurityToGroupEntry 3 }
+vacmSecurityToGroupStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+                 Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+                 allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { vacmSecurityToGroupEntry 4 }
+vacmSecurityToGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
+                 Until instances of all corresponding columns are
+                 appropriately configured, the value of the
+                 corresponding instance of the vacmSecurityToGroupStatus
+                 column is 'notReady'.
+                 In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
+                 active until a value has been set for vacmGroupName.
+                 The  RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
+                 DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
+                 other objects in this row can be modified:
+                 The value of this object has no effect on whether
+                 other objects in this conceptual row can be modified.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmSecurityToGroupEntry 5 }
+-- Information about Access Rights ***********************************
+vacmAccessTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VacmAccessEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The table of access rights for groups.
+                 Each entry is indexed by a groupName, a contextPrefix,
+                 a securityModel and a securityLevel.  To determine
+                 whether access is allowed, one entry from this table
+                 needs to be selected and the proper viewName from that
+                 entry must be used for access control checking.
+                 To select the proper entry, follow these steps:
+                 1) the set of possible matches is formed by the
+                    intersection of the following sets of entries:
+                      the set of entries with identical vacmGroupName
+                      the union of these two sets:
+                       - the set with identical vacmAccessContextPrefix
+                       - the set of entries with vacmAccessContextMatch
+                         value of 'prefix' and matching
+                         vacmAccessContextPrefix
+                      intersected with the union of these two sets:
+                       - the set of entries with identical
+                         vacmSecurityModel
+                       - the set of entries with vacmSecurityModel
+                         value of 'any'
+                      intersected with the set of entries with
+                      vacmAccessSecurityLevel value less than or equal
+                      to the requested securityLevel
+                 2) if this set has only one member, we're done
+                    otherwise, it comes down to deciding how to weight
+                    the preferences between ContextPrefixes,
+                    SecurityModels, and SecurityLevels as follows:
+                    a) if the subset of entries with securityModel
+                       matching the securityModel in the message is
+                       not empty, then discard the rest.
+                    b) if the subset of entries with
+                       vacmAccessContextPrefix matching the contextName
+                       in the message is not empty,
+                       then discard the rest
+                    c) discard all entries with ContextPrefixes shorter
+                       than the longest one remaining in the set
+                    d) select the entry with the highest securityLevel
+                 Please note that for securityLevel noAuthNoPriv, all
+                 groups are really equivalent since the assumption that
+                 the securityName has been authenticated does not hold.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmMIBObjects 4 }
+vacmAccessEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       VacmAccessEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An access right configured in the Local Configuration
+                 Datastore (LCD) authorizing access to an SNMP context.
+                 Entries in this table can use an instance value for
+                 object vacmGroupName even if no entry in table
+                 vacmAccessSecurityToGroupTable has a corresponding
+                 value for object vacmGroupName.
+                "
+    INDEX       { vacmGroupName,
+                  vacmAccessContextPrefix,
+                  vacmAccessSecurityModel,
+                  vacmAccessSecurityLevel
+                }
+    ::= { vacmAccessTable 1 }
+VacmAccessEntry ::= SEQUENCE
+    {
+        vacmAccessContextPrefix    SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmAccessSecurityModel    SnmpSecurityModel,
+        vacmAccessSecurityLevel    SnmpSecurityLevel,
+        vacmAccessContextMatch     INTEGER,
+        vacmAccessReadViewName     SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmAccessWriteViewName    SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmAccessNotifyViewName   SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmAccessStorageType      StorageType,
+        vacmAccessStatus           RowStatus
+    }
+vacmAccessContextPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "In order to gain the access rights allowed by this
+                 conceptual row, a contextName must match exactly
+                 (if the value of vacmAccessContextMatch is 'exact')
+                 or partially (if the value of vacmAccessContextMatch
+                 is 'prefix') to the value of the instance of this
+                 object.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 1 }
+vacmAccessSecurityModel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpSecurityModel
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "In order to gain the access rights allowed by this
+                 conceptual row, this securityModel must be in use.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 2 }
+vacmAccessSecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpSecurityLevel
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The minimum level of security required in order to
+                 gain the access rights allowed by this conceptual
+                 row.  A securityLevel of noAuthNoPriv is less than
+                 authNoPriv which in turn is less than authPriv.
+                 If multiple entries are equally indexed except for
+                 this vacmAccessSecurityLevel index, then the entry
+                 which has the highest value for
+                 vacmAccessSecurityLevel is selected.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 3 }
+vacmAccessContextMatch OBJECT-TYPE
+                { exact (1), -- exact match of prefix and contextName
+                  prefix (2) -- Only match to the prefix
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is exact(1), then all
+                 rows where the contextName exactly matches
+                 vacmAccessContextPrefix are selected.
+                 If the value of this object is prefix(2), then all
+                 rows where the contextName whose starting octets
+                 exactly match vacmAccessContextPrefix are selected.
+                 This allows for a simple form of wildcarding.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { exact }
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 4 }
+vacmAccessReadViewName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The value of an instance of this object identifies
+                 the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this
+                 conceptual row authorizes read access.
+                 The identified MIB view is that one for which the
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the
+                 instance of this object; if the value is the empty
+                 string or if there is no active MIB view having this
+                 value of vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName, then no access
+                 is granted.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 5 }
+vacmAccessWriteViewName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The value of an instance of this object identifies
+                 the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this
+                 conceptual row authorizes write access.
+                 The identified MIB view is that one for which the
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the
+                 instance of this object; if the value is the empty
+                 string or if there is no active MIB view having this
+                 value of vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName, then no access
+                 is granted.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 6 }
+vacmAccessNotifyViewName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The value of an instance of this object identifies
+                 the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this
+                 conceptual row authorizes access for notifications.
+                 The identified MIB view is that one for which the
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the
+                 instance of this object; if the value is the empty
+                 string or if there is no active MIB view having this
+                 value of vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName, then no access
+                 is granted.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- the empty string
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 7 }
+vacmAccessStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+                 Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+                 allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 8 }
+vacmAccessStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
+                 The  RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
+                 DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
+                 other objects in this row can be modified:
+                 The value of this object has no effect on whether
+                 other objects in this conceptual row can be modified.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmAccessEntry 9 }
+-- Information about MIB views ***************************************
+-- Support for instance-level granularity is optional.
+-- In some implementations, instance-level access control
+-- granularity may come at a high performance cost.  Managers
+-- should avoid requesting such configurations unnecessarily.
+vacmMIBViews     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vacmMIBObjects 5 }
+vacmViewSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "An advisory lock used to allow cooperating SNMP
+                 Command Generator applications to coordinate their
+                 use of the Set operation in creating or modifying
+                 views.
+                 When creating a new view or altering an existing
+                 view, it is important to understand the potential
+                 interactions with other uses of the view.  The
+                 vacmViewSpinLock should be retrieved.  The name of
+                 the view to be created should be determined to be
+                 unique by the SNMP Command Generator application by
+                 consulting the vacmViewTreeFamilyTable.  Finally,
+                 the named view may be created (Set), including the
+                 advisory lock.
+                 If another SNMP Command Generator application has
+                 altered the views in the meantime, then the spin
+                 lock's value will have changed, and so this creation
+                 will fail because it will specify the wrong value for
+                 the spin lock.
+                 Since this is an advisory lock, the use of this lock
+                 is not enforced.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmMIBViews 1 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VacmViewTreeFamilyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "Locally held information about families of subtrees
+                 within MIB views.
+                 Each MIB view is defined by two sets of view subtrees:
+                   - the included view subtrees, and
+                   - the excluded view subtrees.
+                 Every such view subtree, both the included and the
+                 excluded ones, is defined in this table.
+                 To determine if a particular object instance is in
+                 a particular MIB view, compare the object instance's
+                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER with each of the MIB view's active
+                 entries in this table.  If none match, then the
+                 object instance is not in the MIB view.  If one or
+                 more match, then the object instance is included in,
+                 or excluded from, the MIB view according to the
+                 value of vacmViewTreeFamilyType in the entry whose
+                 value of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree has the most
+                 sub-identifiers.  If multiple entries match and have
+                 the same number of sub-identifiers (when wildcarding
+                 is specified with the value of vacmViewTreeFamilyMask),
+                 then the lexicographically greatest instance of
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyType determines the inclusion or
+                 exclusion.
+                 An object instance's OBJECT IDENTIFIER X matches an
+                 active entry in this table when the number of
+                 sub-identifiers in X is at least as many as in the
+                 value of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree for the entry,
+                 and each sub-identifier in the value of
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree matches its corresponding
+                 sub-identifier in X.  Two sub-identifiers match
+                 either if the corresponding bit of the value of
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyMask for the entry is zero (the
+                 'wild card' value), or if they are equal.
+                 A 'family' of subtrees is the set of subtrees defined
+                 by a particular combination of values of
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask.
+                 In the case where no 'wild card' is defined in the
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyMask, the family of subtrees reduces
+                 to a single subtree.
+                 When creating or changing MIB views, an SNMP Command
+                 Generator application should utilize the
+                 vacmViewSpinLock to try to avoid collisions.  See
+                 DESCRIPTION clause of vacmViewSpinLock.
+                 When creating MIB views, it is strongly advised that
+                 first the 'excluded' vacmViewTreeFamilyEntries are
+                 created and then the 'included' entries.
+                 When deleting MIB views, it is strongly advised that
+                 first the 'included' vacmViewTreeFamilyEntries are
+                 deleted and then the 'excluded' entries.
+                 If a create for an entry for instance-level access
+                 control is received and the implementation does not
+                 support instance-level granularity, then an
+                 inconsistentName error must be returned.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmMIBViews 2 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       VacmViewTreeFamilyEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "Information on a particular family of view subtrees
+                 included in or excluded from a particular SNMP
+                 context's MIB view.
+                 Implementations must not restrict the number of
+                 families of view subtrees for a given MIB view,
+                 except as dictated by resource constraints on the
+                 overall number of entries in the
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilyTable.
+                 If no conceptual rows exist in this table for a given
+                 MIB view (viewName), that view may be thought of as
+                 consisting of the empty set of view subtrees.
+                "
+    INDEX       { vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName,
+                  vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree
+                }
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyTable 1 }
+VacmViewTreeFamilyEntry ::= SEQUENCE
+    {
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName     SnmpAdminString,
+        vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyMask         OCTET STRING,
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyType         INTEGER,
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyStorageType  StorageType,
+        vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus       RowStatus
+    }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The human readable name for a family of view subtrees.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry 1 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The MIB subtree which when combined with the
+                 corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilyMask
+                 defines a family of view subtrees.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry 2 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The bit mask which, in combination with the
+                 corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree,
+                 defines a family of view subtrees.
+                 Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a
+                 sub-identifier of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, with the
+                 most significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
+                 string value (extended if necessary, see below)
+                 corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier, and
+                 the least significant bit of the i-th octet of this
+                 octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
+                 sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through 16.
+                 Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
+                 the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
+                 determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER is in this
+                 family of view subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
+                 exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild card',
+                 i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.
+                 Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object instance
+                 is contained in a family of view subtrees if, for
+                 each sub-identifier of the value of
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, either:
+                   the i-th bit of vacmViewTreeFamilyMask is 0, or
+                   the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to the i-th
+                   sub-identifier of the value of
+                   vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree.
+                 If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
+                 there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
+                 corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree,
+                 then the bit mask is extended with 1's to be the
+                 required length.
+                 Note that when the value of this object is the
+                 zero-length string, this extension rule results in
+                 a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild card'),
+                 and the family of view subtrees is the one view
+                 subtree uniquely identified by the corresponding
+                 instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree.
+                 Note that masks of length greater than zero length
+                 do not need to be supported.  In this case this
+                 object is made read-only.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { ''H }
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry 3 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER  { included(1), excluded(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the corresponding instances of
+                 vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask
+                 define a family of view subtrees which is included in
+                 or excluded from the MIB view.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { included }
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry 4 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       StorageType
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row.
+                 Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
+                 allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
+                "
+    DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry 5 }
+vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX       RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
+                 The  RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
+                 DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
+                 other objects in this row can be modified:
+                 The value of this object has no effect on whether
+                 other objects in this conceptual row can be modified.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmViewTreeFamilyEntry 6 }
+-- Conformance information *******************************************
+vacmMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vacmMIBConformance 1 }
+vacmMIBGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vacmMIBConformance 2 }
+-- Compliance statements *********************************************
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
+                 implement the SNMP View-based Access Control Model
+                 configuration MIB.
+                "
+    MODULE -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { vacmBasicGroup }
+        OBJECT        vacmAccessContextMatch
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmAccessReadViewName
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmAccessWriteViewName
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmAccessNotifyViewName
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmAccessStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmAccessStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Create/delete/modify access to the
+                      vacmAccessTable is not required.
+                     "
+        OBJECT        vacmViewTreeFamilyMask
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Support for configuration via SNMP of subtree
+                      families using wild-cards is not required.
+                     "
+        OBJECT        vacmViewTreeFamilyType
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmViewTreeFamilyStorageType
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT        vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS    read-only
+        DESCRIPTION  "Create/delete/modify access to the
+                      vacmViewTreeFamilyTable is not required.
+                     "
+    ::= { vacmMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- Units of conformance **********************************************
+vacmBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS {
+              vacmContextName,
+              vacmGroupName,
+              vacmSecurityToGroupStorageType,
+              vacmSecurityToGroupStatus,
+              vacmAccessContextMatch,
+              vacmAccessReadViewName,
+              vacmAccessWriteViewName,
+              vacmAccessNotifyViewName,
+              vacmAccessStorageType,
+              vacmAccessStatus,
+              vacmViewSpinLock,
+              vacmViewTreeFamilyMask,
+              vacmViewTreeFamilyType,
+              vacmViewTreeFamilyStorageType,
+              vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus
+            }
+    STATUS       current
+    DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing for remote
+                 configuration of an SNMP engine which implements
+                 the SNMP View-based Access Control Model.
+                "
+    ::= { vacmMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-CONF.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-CONF.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f11128b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-CONF.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+IMPORTS ObjectName, NotificationName, ObjectSyntax
+                                               FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+-- definitions for conformance groups
+                  ObjectsPart
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    ObjectsPart ::=
+                  "OBJECTS" "{" Objects "}"
+    Objects ::=
+                  Object
+                | Objects "," Object
+    Object ::=
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in [2]
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- more definitions for conformance groups
+                  NotificationsPart
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    NotificationsPart ::=
+                  "NOTIFICATIONS" "{" Notifications "}"
+    Notifications ::=
+                  Notification
+                | Notifications "," Notification
+    Notification ::=
+                  value(NotificationName)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in [2]
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- definitions for compliance statements
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  ModulePart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    ModulePart ::=
+                  Modules
+    Modules ::=
+                  Module
+                | Modules Module
+    Module ::=
+                  -- name of module --
+                  "MODULE" ModuleName
+                  MandatoryPart
+                  CompliancePart
+    ModuleName ::=
+                  -- identifier must start with uppercase letter
+                  identifier ModuleIdentifier
+                  -- must not be empty unless contained
+                  -- in MIB Module
+                | empty
+    ModuleIdentifier ::=
+                  value(OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+                | empty
+    MandatoryPart ::=
+                  "MANDATORY-GROUPS" "{" Groups "}"
+                | empty
+    Groups ::=
+                  Group
+                | Groups "," Group
+    Group ::=
+                  value(OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    CompliancePart ::=
+                  Compliances
+                | empty
+    Compliances ::=
+                  Compliance
+                | Compliances Compliance
+    Compliance ::=
+                  ComplianceGroup
+                | Object
+    ComplianceGroup ::=
+                  "GROUP" value(OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+    Object ::=
+                  "OBJECT" value(ObjectName)
+                  SyntaxPart
+                  WriteSyntaxPart
+                  AccessPart
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+    -- must be a refinement for object's SYNTAX clause
+    SyntaxPart ::= "SYNTAX" Syntax
+                | empty
+    -- must be a refinement for object's SYNTAX clause
+    WriteSyntaxPart ::= "WRITE-SYNTAX" Syntax
+                | empty
+    Syntax ::=    -- Must be one of the following:
+                       -- a base type (or its refinement),
+                       -- a textual convention (or its refinement), or
+                       -- a BITS pseudo-type
+                  type
+                | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
+    NamedBits ::= NamedBit
+                | NamedBits "," NamedBit
+    NamedBit ::= identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative
+    AccessPart ::=
+                  "MIN-ACCESS" Access
+                | empty
+    Access ::=
+                  "not-accessible"
+                | "accessible-for-notify"
+                | "read-only"
+                | "read-write"
+                | "read-create"
+    -- a character string as defined in [2]
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- definitions for capabilities statements
+                  "PRODUCT-RELEASE" Text
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  ModulePart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    ModulePart ::=
+                  Modules
+                | empty
+    Modules ::=
+                  Module
+                | Modules Module
+    Module ::=
+                  -- name of module --
+                  "SUPPORTS" ModuleName
+                  "INCLUDES" "{" Groups "}"
+                  VariationPart
+    ModuleName ::=
+                  -- identifier must start with uppercase letter
+                  identifier ModuleIdentifier
+    ModuleIdentifier ::=
+                  value(OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+                | empty
+    Groups ::=
+                  Group
+                | Groups "," Group
+    Group ::=
+                  value(OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    VariationPart ::=
+                  Variations
+                | empty
+    Variations ::=
+                  Variation
+                | Variations Variation
+    Variation ::=
+                  ObjectVariation
+                | NotificationVariation
+    NotificationVariation ::=
+                  "VARIATION" value(NotificationName)
+                  AccessPart
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+    ObjectVariation ::=
+                  "VARIATION" value(ObjectName)
+                  SyntaxPart
+                  WriteSyntaxPart
+                  AccessPart
+                  CreationPart
+                  DefValPart
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+    -- must be a refinement for object's SYNTAX clause
+    SyntaxPart ::= "SYNTAX" Syntax
+                | empty
+    WriteSyntaxPart ::= "WRITE-SYNTAX" Syntax
+                | empty
+    Syntax ::=    -- Must be one of the following:
+                       -- a base type (or its refinement),
+                       -- a textual convention (or its refinement), or
+                       -- a BITS pseudo-type
+                  type
+                | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
+    NamedBits ::= NamedBit
+                | NamedBits "," NamedBit
+    NamedBit ::= identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative
+    AccessPart ::=
+                  "ACCESS" Access
+                | empty
+    Access ::=
+                  "not-implemented"
+                -- only "not-implemented" for notifications
+                | "accessible-for-notify"
+                | "read-only"
+                | "read-write"
+                | "read-create"
+                -- following is for backward-compatibility only
+                | "write-only"
+    CreationPart ::=
+                  "CREATION-REQUIRES" "{" Cells "}"
+                | empty
+    Cells ::=
+                  Cell
+                | Cells "," Cell
+    Cell ::=
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    DefValPart ::= "DEFVAL" "{" Defvalue "}"
+                | empty
+    Defvalue ::=  -- must be valid for the object's syntax
+                  -- in this macro's SYNTAX clause, if present,
+                  -- or if not, in object's OBJECT-TYPE macro
+                  value(ObjectSyntax)
+                | "{" BitsValue "}"
+    BitsValue ::= BitNames
+                | empty
+    BitNames ::=  BitName
+                | BitNames "," BitName
+    BitName ::= identifier
+    -- a character string as defined in [2]
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9074517a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+    TimeTicks, Counter32, snmpModules, mib-2
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString, TestAndIncr, TimeStamp
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210160000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv3 Working Group"
+            "WG-EMail:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+             Subscribe:  snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
+             Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                         Network Associates Laboratories
+             postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                         Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                         USA
+             EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+             phone:      +1 301 947-7107
+             Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                         Enterasys Networks
+             postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                         P. O. Box 5005
+                         Rochester, NH 03866-5005
+                         USA
+             EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+             phone:      +1 603 337-2614
+             Editor:     Randy Presuhn
+                         BMC Software, Inc.
+             postal:     2141 North First Street
+                         San Jose, CA 95131
+                         USA
+             EMail:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+             phone:      +1 408 546-1006"
+            "The MIB module for SNMP entities.
+             Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+             version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3418;
+             see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+            "
+    REVISION      "200210160000Z"
+            "This revision of this MIB module was published as
+             RFC 3418."
+    REVISION      "199511090000Z"
+            "This revision of this MIB module was published as
+             RFC 1907."
+    REVISION      "199304010000Z"
+            "The initial revision of this MIB module was published
+            as RFC 1450."
+    ::= { snmpModules 1 }
+snmpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIB 1 }
+--  ::= { snmpMIBObjects 1 }        this OID is obsolete
+--  ::= { snmpMIBObjects 2 }        this OID is obsolete
+--  ::= { snmpMIBObjects 3 }        this OID is obsolete
+-- the System group
+-- a collection of objects common to all managed systems.
+system   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A textual description of the entity.  This value should
+            include the full name and version identification of
+            the system's hardware type, software operating-system,
+            and networking software."
+    ::= { system 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
+            network management subsystem contained in the entity.
+            This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises
+            subtree ( and provides an easy and
+            unambiguous means for determining `what kind of box' is
+            being managed.  For example, if vendor `Flintstones,
+            Inc.' was assigned the subtree,
+            it could assign the identifier
+            to its `Fred Router'."
+    ::= { system 2 }
+    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
+            network management portion of the system was last
+            re-initialized."
+    ::= { system 3 }
+sysContact OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "The textual identification of the contact person for
+            this managed node, together with information on how
+            to contact this person.  If no contact information is
+            known, the value is the zero-length string."
+    ::= { system 4 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "An administratively-assigned name for this managed
+            node.  By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified
+            domain name.  If the name is unknown, the value is
+            the zero-length string."
+    ::= { system 5 }
+sysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "The physical location of this node (e.g., 'telephone
+            closet, 3rd floor').  If the location is unknown, the
+            value is the zero-length string."
+    ::= { system 6 }
+sysServices OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..127)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+            "A value which indicates the set of services that this
+            entity may potentially offer.  The value is a sum.
+            This sum initially takes the value zero. Then, for
+            each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node
+            performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added
+            to the sum.  For example, a node which performs only
+            routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).
+            In contrast, a node which is a host offering application
+            services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).
+            Note that in the context of the Internet suite of
+            protocols, values should be calculated accordingly:
+                 layer      functionality
+                   1        physical (e.g., repeaters)
+                   2        datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
+                   3        internet (e.g., supports the IP)
+                   4        end-to-end  (e.g., supports the TCP)
+                   7        applications (e.g., supports the SMTP)
+            For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6
+            may also be counted."
+    ::= { system 7 }
+-- object resource information
+-- a collection of objects which describe the SNMP entity's
+-- (statically and dynamically configurable) support of
+-- various MIB modules.
+sysORLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent
+            change in state or value of any instance of sysORID."
+    ::= { system 8 }
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The (conceptual) table listing the capabilities of
+            the local SNMP application acting as a command
+            responder with respect to various MIB modules.
+            SNMP entities having dynamically-configurable support
+            of MIB modules will have a dynamically-varying number
+            of conceptual rows."
+    ::= { system 9 }
+    SYNTAX     SysOREntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable."
+    INDEX      { sysORIndex }
+    ::= { sysORTable 1 }
+SysOREntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    sysORIndex     INTEGER,
+    sysORDescr     DisplayString,
+    sysORUpTime    TimeStamp
+    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances
+            of the columnar objects in the sysORTable."
+    ::= { sysOREntry 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "An authoritative identification of a capabilities
+            statement with respect to various MIB modules supported
+            by the local SNMP application acting as a command
+            responder."
+    ::= { sysOREntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX     DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "A textual description of the capabilities identified
+            by the corresponding instance of sysORID."
+    ::= { sysOREntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The value of sysUpTime at the time this conceptual
+            row was last instantiated."
+    ::= { sysOREntry 4 }
+-- the SNMP group
+-- a collection of objects providing basic instrumentation and
+-- control of an SNMP entity.
+snmp     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 11 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The total number of messages delivered to the SNMP
+            entity from the transport service."
+    ::= { snmp 1 }
+snmpInBadVersions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The total number of SNMP messages which were delivered
+            to the SNMP entity and were for an unsupported SNMP
+            version."
+    ::= { snmp 3 }
+snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of community-based SNMP messages (for
+           example,  SNMPv1) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+           used an SNMP community name not known to said entity.
+           Also, implementations which authenticate community-based
+           SNMP messages using check(s) in addition to matching
+           the community name (for example, by also checking
+           whether the message originated from a transport address
+           allowed to use a specified community name) MAY include
+           in this value the number of messages which failed the
+           additional check(s).  It is strongly RECOMMENDED that
+           the documentation for any security model which is used
+           to authenticate community-based SNMP messages specify
+           the precise conditions that contribute to this value."
+    ::= { snmp 4 }
+snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of community-based SNMP messages (for
+           example, SNMPv1) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+           represented an SNMP operation that was not allowed for
+           the SNMP community named in the message.  The precise
+           conditions under which this counter is incremented
+           (if at all) depend on how the SNMP entity implements
+           its access control mechanism and how its applications
+           interact with that access control mechanism.  It is
+           strongly RECOMMENDED that the documentation for any
+           access control mechanism which is used to control access
+           to and visibility of MIB instrumentation specify the
+           precise conditions that contribute to this value."
+    ::= { snmp 5 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by
+            the SNMP entity when decoding received SNMP messages."
+    ::= { snmp 6 }
+snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
+    STATUS      current
+            "Indicates whether the SNMP entity is permitted to
+            generate authenticationFailure traps.  The value of this
+            object overrides any configuration information; as such,
+            it provides a means whereby all authenticationFailure
+            traps may be disabled.
+            Note that it is strongly recommended that this object
+            be stored in non-volatile memory so that it remains
+            constant across re-initializations of the network
+            management system."
+    ::= { snmp 30 }
+snmpSilentDrops OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs (such as
+           GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
+           GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
+           InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+           were silently dropped because the size of a reply
+           containing an alternate Response Class PDU (such as a
+           Response-PDU) with an empty variable-bindings field
+           was greater than either a local constraint or the
+           maximum message size associated with the originator of
+           the request."
+    ::= { snmp 31 }
+snmpProxyDrops OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs
+            (such as GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
+            GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
+            InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
+            were silently dropped because the transmission of
+            the (possibly translated) message to a proxy target
+            failed in a manner (other than a time-out) such that
+            no Response Class PDU (such as a Response-PDU) could
+            be returned."
+    ::= { snmp 32 }
+-- information for notifications
+-- a collection of objects which allow the SNMP entity, when
+-- supporting a notification originator application,
+-- to be configured to generate SNMPv2-Trap-PDUs.
+snmpTrap       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBObjects 4 }
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+            "The authoritative identification of the notification
+            currently being sent.  This variable occurs as
+            the second varbind in every SNMPv2-Trap-PDU and
+            InformRequest-PDU."
+    ::= { snmpTrap 1 }
+--  ::= { snmpTrap 2 }   this OID is obsolete
+snmpTrapEnterprise OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
+    STATUS     current
+            "The authoritative identification of the enterprise
+            associated with the trap currently being sent.  When an
+            SNMP proxy agent is mapping an RFC1157 Trap-PDU
+            into a SNMPv2-Trap-PDU, this variable occurs as the
+            last varbind."
+    ::= { snmpTrap 3 }
+--  ::= { snmpTrap 4 }   this OID is obsolete
+-- well-known traps
+snmpTraps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBObjects 5 }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A coldStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity,
+            supporting a notification originator application, is
+            reinitializing itself and that its configuration may
+            have been altered."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 1 }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A warmStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity,
+            supporting a notification originator application,
+            is reinitializing itself such that its configuration
+            is unaltered."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 2 }
+-- Note the linkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE ::= { snmpTraps 3 }
+-- and the linkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE ::= { snmpTraps 4 }
+-- are defined in RFC 2863 [RFC2863]
+authenticationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+    STATUS  current
+            "An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMP
+             entity has received a protocol message that is not
+             properly authenticated.  While all implementations
+             of SNMP entities MAY be capable of generating this
+             trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object indicates
+             whether this trap will be generated."
+    ::= { snmpTraps 5 }
+-- Note the egpNeighborLoss notification is defined
+-- as { snmpTraps 6 } in RFC 1213
+-- the set group
+-- a collection of objects which allow several cooperating
+-- command generator applications to coordinate their use of the
+-- set operation.
+snmpSet        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBObjects 6 }
+snmpSetSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TestAndIncr
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+            "An advisory lock used to allow several cooperating
+            command generator applications to coordinate their
+            use of the SNMP set operation.
+            This object is used for coarse-grain coordination.
+            To achieve fine-grain coordination, one or more similar
+            objects might be defined within each MIB group, as
+            appropriate."
+    ::= { snmpSet 1 }
+-- conformance information
+               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIB 2 }
+               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBConformance 1 }
+snmpMIBGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpMIBConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+--    ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 1 }      this OID is obsolete
+snmpBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  deprecated
+            "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
+            implement the SNMPv2 MIB.
+            This compliance statement is replaced by
+            snmpBasicComplianceRev2."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup,
+                           snmpBasicNotificationsGroup }
+        GROUP   snmpCommunityGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for SNMPv2 entities which
+            support community-based authentication."
+    ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 2 }
+snmpBasicComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which
+            implement this MIB module."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup,
+                           snmpBasicNotificationsGroup }
+        GROUP   snmpCommunityGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which
+            support community-based authentication."
+        GROUP   snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup
+            "This group is mandatory for an SNMP entity which
+            supports command responder applications, and is
+            able to reinitialize itself such that its
+            configuration is unaltered."
+    ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 3 }
+-- units of conformance
+--  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 1 }           this OID is obsolete
+--  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 2 }           this OID is obsolete
+--  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 3 }           this OID is obsolete
+--  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 4 }           this OID is obsolete
+    OBJECTS { snmpInPkts,
+              snmpInBadVersions,
+              snmpInASNParseErrs,
+              snmpSilentDrops,
+              snmpProxyDrops,
+              snmpEnableAuthenTraps }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
+            and control of an SNMP entity."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 8 }
+snmpCommunityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { snmpInBadCommunityNames,
+              snmpInBadCommunityUses }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
+            of a SNMP entity which supports community-based
+            authentication."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 9 }
+snmpSetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { snmpSetSerialNo }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects which allow several cooperating
+            command generator applications to coordinate their
+            use of the set operation."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 5 }
+systemGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { sysDescr, sysObjectID, sysUpTime,
+              sysContact, sysName, sysLocation,
+              sysServices,
+              sysORLastChange, sysORID,
+              sysORUpTime, sysORDescr }
+    STATUS  current
+            "The system group defines objects which are common to all
+            managed systems."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 6 }
+snmpBasicNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+    NOTIFICATIONS { coldStart, authenticationFailure }
+    STATUS        current
+       "The basic notifications implemented by an SNMP entity
+        supporting command responder applications."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 7 }
+snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+   NOTIFICATIONS { warmStart }
+   STATUS        current
+     "An additional notification for an SNMP entity supporting
+     command responder applications, if it is able to reinitialize
+     itself such that its configuration is unaltered."
+  ::= { snmpMIBGroups 11 }
+snmpNotificationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { snmpTrapOID, snmpTrapEnterprise }
+    STATUS  current
+            "These objects are required for entities
+            which support notification originator applications."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 12 }
+-- definitions in RFC 1213 made obsolete by the inclusion of a
+-- subset of the snmp group in this MIB
+snmpOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
+            passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the
+            transport service."
+    ::= { snmp 2 }
+-- { snmp 7 } is not used
+snmpInTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field was
+            `tooBig'."
+    ::= { snmp 8 }
+snmpInNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field was
+            `noSuchName'."
+    ::= { snmp 9 }
+snmpInBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+            delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+            which the value of the error-status field was
+            `badValue'."
+    ::= { snmp 10 }
+snmpInReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were delivered
+            to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+            of the error-status field was `readOnly'.  It should
+            be noted that it is a protocol error to generate an
+            SNMP PDU which contains the value `readOnly' in the
+            error-status field, as such this object is provided
+            as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of
+            the SNMP."
+    ::= { snmp 11 }
+snmpInGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered
+            to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+            of the error-status field was `genErr'."
+    ::= { snmp 12 }
+snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+            retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
+            as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request
+            and Get-Next PDUs."
+    ::= { snmp 13 }
+snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+            altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as
+            the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs."
+    ::= { snmp 14 }
+snmpInGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+            have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+            protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 15 }
+snmpInGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been
+            accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 16 }
+snmpInSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+            have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+            entity."
+    ::= { snmp 17 }
+snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+            have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+            entity."
+    ::= { snmp 18 }
+snmpInTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been
+            accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 19 }
+snmpOutTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+            by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+            of the error-status field was `tooBig.'"
+    ::= { snmp 20 }
+snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+            by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+            of the error-status was `noSuchName'."
+    ::= { snmp 21 }
+snmpOutBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+            by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+            of the error-status field was `badValue'."
+    ::= { snmp 22 }
+-- { snmp 23 } is not used
+snmpOutGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
+            by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
+            of the error-status field was `genErr'."
+    ::= { snmp 24 }
+snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+            have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 25 }
+snmpOutGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
+            been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 26 }
+snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+            have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 27 }
+snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+            have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 28 }
+snmpOutTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      obsolete
+            "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
+            been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+    ::= { snmp 29 }
+snmpObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { snmpOutPkts, snmpInTooBigs, snmpInNoSuchNames,
+              snmpInBadValues, snmpInReadOnlys, snmpInGenErrs,
+              snmpInTotalReqVars, snmpInTotalSetVars,
+              snmpInGetRequests, snmpInGetNexts, snmpInSetRequests,
+              snmpInGetResponses, snmpInTraps, snmpOutTooBigs,
+              snmpOutNoSuchNames, snmpOutBadValues,
+              snmpOutGenErrs, snmpOutGetRequests, snmpOutGetNexts,
+              snmpOutSetRequests, snmpOutGetResponses, snmpOutTraps
+              }
+    STATUS  obsolete
+            "A collection of objects from RFC 1213 made obsolete
+            by this MIB module."
+    ::= { snmpMIBGroups 10 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9fa25cf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+-- the path to the root
+org            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 }  --  "iso" = 1
+dod            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { org 6 }
+internet       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dod 1 }
+directory      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }
+mgmt           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }
+mib-2          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
+transmission   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }
+experimental   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }
+private        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
+enterprises    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
+security       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 5 }
+snmpV2         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 6 }
+-- transport domains
+snmpDomains    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 1 }
+-- transport proxies
+snmpProxys     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 2 }
+-- module identities
+snmpModules    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 3 }
+-- Extended UTCTime, to allow dates with four-digit years
+-- (Note that this definition of ExtUTCTime is not to be IMPORTed
+--  by MIB modules.)
+ExtUTCTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(11 | 13))
+    --   where: YY   - last two digits of year (only years
+    --                 between 1900-1999)
+    --          YYYY - last four digits of the year (any year)
+    --          MM   - month (01 through 12)
+    --          DD   - day of month (01 through 31)
+    --          HH   - hours (00 through 23)
+    --          MM   - minutes (00 through 59)
+    --          Z    - denotes GMT (the ASCII character Z)
+    --
+    -- For example, "9502192015Z" and "199502192015Z" represent
+    -- 8:15pm GMT on 19 February 1995. Years after 1999 must use
+    -- the four digit year format. Years 1900-1999 may use the
+    -- two or four digit format.
+-- definitions for information modules
+                  "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update ExtUTCTime)
+                  "ORGANIZATION" Text
+                  "CONTACT-INFO" Text
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  RevisionPart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    RevisionPart ::=
+                  Revisions
+                | empty
+    Revisions ::=
+                  Revision
+                | Revisions Revision
+    Revision ::=
+                  "REVISION" value(Update ExtUTCTime)
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- names of objects
+-- (Note that these definitions of ObjectName and NotificationName
+--  are not to be IMPORTed by MIB modules.)
+ObjectName ::=
+NotificationName ::=
+-- syntax of objects
+-- the "base types" defined here are:
+--   8 application-defined types: Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32,
+--              Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, and Counter64
+ObjectSyntax ::=
+    CHOICE {
+        simple
+            SimpleSyntax,
+          -- note that SEQUENCEs for conceptual tables and
+          -- rows are not mentioned here...
+        application-wide
+            ApplicationSyntax
+    }
+-- built-in ASN.1 types
+SimpleSyntax ::=
+    CHOICE {
+        -- INTEGERs with a more restrictive range
+        -- may also be used
+        integer-value               -- includes Integer32
+            INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647),
+        -- OCTET STRINGs with a more restrictive size
+        -- may also be used
+        string-value
+            OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..65535)),
+        objectID-value
+    }
+-- indistinguishable from INTEGER, but never needs more than
+-- 32-bits for a two's complement representation
+Integer32 ::=
+        INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+-- application-wide types
+ApplicationSyntax ::=
+    CHOICE {
+        ipAddress-value
+            IpAddress,
+        counter-value
+            Counter32,
+        timeticks-value
+            TimeTicks,
+        arbitrary-value
+            Opaque,
+        big-counter-value
+            Counter64,
+        unsigned-integer-value  -- includes Gauge32
+            Unsigned32
+    }
+-- in network-byte order
+-- (this is a tagged type for historical reasons)
+IpAddress ::=
+-- this wraps
+Counter32 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- this doesn't wrap
+Gauge32 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- an unsigned 32-bit quantity
+-- indistinguishable from Gauge32
+Unsigned32 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- hundredths of seconds since an epoch
+TimeTicks ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- for backward-compatibility only
+Opaque ::=
+-- for counters that wrap in less than one hour with only 32 bits
+Counter64 ::=
+        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615)
+-- definition for objects
+                  "SYNTAX" Syntax
+                  UnitsPart
+                  "MAX-ACCESS" Access
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  IndexPart
+                  DefValPart
+                  value(VALUE ObjectName)
+    Syntax ::=   -- Must be one of the following:
+                       -- a base type (or its refinement),
+                       -- a textual convention (or its refinement), or
+                       -- a BITS pseudo-type
+                   type
+                | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
+    NamedBits ::= NamedBit
+                | NamedBits "," NamedBit
+    NamedBit ::=  identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative
+    UnitsPart ::=
+                  "UNITS" Text
+                | empty
+    Access ::=
+                  "not-accessible"
+                | "accessible-for-notify"
+                | "read-only"
+                | "read-write"
+                | "read-create"
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    IndexPart ::=
+                  "INDEX"    "{" IndexTypes "}"
+                | "AUGMENTS" "{" Entry      "}"
+                | empty
+    IndexTypes ::=
+                  IndexType
+                | IndexTypes "," IndexType
+    IndexType ::=
+                  "IMPLIED" Index
+                | Index
+    Index ::=
+                    -- use the SYNTAX value of the
+                    -- correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    Entry ::=
+                    -- use the INDEX value of the
+                    -- correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    DefValPart ::= "DEFVAL" "{" Defvalue "}"
+                | empty
+    Defvalue ::=  -- must be valid for the type specified in
+                  -- SYNTAX clause of same OBJECT-TYPE macro
+                  value(ObjectSyntax)
+                | "{" BitsValue "}"
+    BitsValue ::= BitNames
+                | empty
+    BitNames ::=  BitName
+                | BitNames "," BitName
+    BitName ::= identifier
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- definitions for notifications
+                  ObjectsPart
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  value(VALUE NotificationName)
+    ObjectsPart ::=
+                  "OBJECTS" "{" Objects "}"
+                | empty
+    Objects ::=
+                  Object
+                | Objects "," Object
+    Object ::=
+                  value(ObjectName)
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+-- definitions of administrative identifiers
+    STATUS     current
+            "A value used for null identifiers."
+    ::= { 0 0 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-TC.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-TC.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6cf88fb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-TC.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+    TimeTicks         FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+-- definition of textual conventions
+                  DisplayPart
+                  "STATUS" Status
+                  "DESCRIPTION" Text
+                  ReferPart
+                  "SYNTAX" Syntax
+                   value(VALUE Syntax)      -- adapted ASN.1
+    DisplayPart ::=
+                  "DISPLAY-HINT" Text
+                | empty
+    Status ::=
+                  "current"
+                | "deprecated"
+                | "obsolete"
+    ReferPart ::=
+                  "REFERENCE" Text
+                | empty
+    -- a character string as defined in [2]
+    Text ::= value(IA5String)
+    Syntax ::=   -- Must be one of the following:
+                       -- a base type (or its refinement), or
+                       -- a BITS pseudo-type
+                  type
+                | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
+    NamedBits ::= NamedBit
+                | NamedBits "," NamedBit
+    NamedBit ::=  identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative
+    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII
+            character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854.
+            To summarize RFC 854, the NVT ASCII repertoire specifies:
+              - the use of character codes 0-127 (decimal)
+              - the graphics characters (32-126) are interpreted as
+                US ASCII
+              - NUL, LF, CR, BEL, BS, HT, VT and FF have the special
+                meanings specified in RFC 854
+              - the other 25 codes have no standard interpretation
+              - the sequence 'CR LF' means newline
+              - the sequence 'CR NUL' means carriage-return
+              - an 'LF' not preceded by a 'CR' means moving to the
+                same column on the next line.
+              - the sequence 'CR x' for any x other than LF or NUL is
+                illegal.  (Note that this also means that a string may
+                end with either 'CR LF' or 'CR NUL', but not with CR.)
+            Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 255
+            characters in length."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents media- or physical-level addresses."
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an 802 MAC address represented in the
+            `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it
+            were transmitted least significant bit first, even though
+            802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC
+            addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first."
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents a boolean value."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents integer-valued information used for atomic
+            operations.  When the management protocol is used to specify
+            that an object instance having this syntax is to be
+            modified, the new value supplied via the management protocol
+            must precisely match the value presently held by the
+            instance.  If not, the management protocol set operation
+            fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise, if
+            the current value is the maximum value of 2^31-1 (2147483647
+            decimal), then the value held by the instance is wrapped to
+            zero; otherwise, the value held by the instance is
+            incremented by one.  (Note that regardless of whether the
+            management protocol set operation succeeds, the variable-
+            binding in the request and response PDUs are identical.)
+            The value of the ACCESS clause for objects having this
+            syntax is either `read-write' or `read-create'.  When an
+            instance of a columnar object having this syntax is created,
+            any value may be supplied via the management protocol.
+            When the network management portion of the system is re-
+            initialized, the value of every object instance having this
+            syntax must either be incremented from its value prior to
+            the re-initialization, or (if the value prior to the re-
+            initialization is unknown) be set to a pseudo-randomly
+            generated value."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+AutonomousType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an independently extensible type identification
+            value.  It may, for example, indicate a particular sub-tree
+            with further MIB definitions, or define a particular type of
+            protocol or hardware."
+InstancePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       obsolete
+            "A pointer to either a specific instance of a MIB object or
+            a conceptual row of a MIB table in the managed device.  In
+            the latter case, by convention, it is the name of the
+            particular instance of the first accessible columnar object
+            in the conceptual row.
+            The two uses of this textual convention are replaced by
+            VariablePointer and RowPointer, respectively."
+VariablePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS       current
+            "A pointer to a specific object instance.  For example,
+            sysContact.0 or ifInOctets.3."
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents a pointer to a conceptual row.  The value is the
+            name of the instance of the first accessible columnar object
+            in the conceptual row.
+            For example, ifIndex.3 would point to the 3rd row in the
+            ifTable (note that if ifIndex were not-accessible, then
+            ifDescr.3 would be used instead)."
+    STATUS       current
+            "The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the
+            creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the
+            value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a
+            conceptual row (as described in Section 7.7.1 of [2].)
+            The status column has six defined values:
+                 - `active', which indicates that the conceptual row is
+                 available for use by the managed device;
+                 - `notInService', which indicates that the conceptual
+                 row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by
+                 the managed device (see NOTE below); 'notInService' has
+                 no implication regarding the internal consistency of
+                 the row, availability of resources, or consistency with
+                 the current state of the managed device;
+                 - `notReady', which indicates that the conceptual row
+                 exists in the agent, but is missing information
+                 necessary in order to be available for use by the
+                 managed device (i.e., one or more required columns in
+                 the conceptual row have not been instanciated);
+                 - `createAndGo', which is supplied by a management
+                 station wishing to create a new instance of a
+                 conceptual row and to have its status automatically set
+                 to active, making it available for use by the managed
+                 device;
+                 - `createAndWait', which is supplied by a management
+                 station wishing to create a new instance of a
+                 conceptual row (but not make it available for use by
+                 the managed device); and,
+                 - `destroy', which is supplied by a management station
+                 wishing to delete all of the instances associated with
+                 an existing conceptual row.
+            Whereas five of the six values (all except `notReady') may
+            be specified in a management protocol set operation, only
+            three values will be returned in response to a management
+            protocol retrieval operation:  `notReady', `notInService' or
+            `active'.  That is, when queried, an existing conceptual row
+            has only three states:  it is either available for use by
+            the managed device (the status column has value `active');
+            it is not available for use by the managed device, though
+            the agent has sufficient information to attempt to make it
+            so (the status column has value `notInService'); or, it is
+            not available for use by the managed device, and an attempt
+            to make it so would fail because the agent has insufficient
+            information (the state column has value `notReady').
+                                     NOTE WELL
+                 This textual convention may be used for a MIB table,
+                 irrespective of whether the values of that table's
+                 conceptual rows are able to be modified while it is
+                 active, or whether its conceptual rows must be taken
+                 out of service in order to be modified.  That is, it is
+                 the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the
+                 status column to specify whether the status column must
+                 not be `active' in order for the value of some other
+                 column of the same conceptual row to be modified.  If
+                 such a specification is made, affected columns may be
+                 changed by an SNMP set PDU if the RowStatus would not
+                 be equal to `active' either immediately before or after
+                 processing the PDU.  In other words, if the PDU also
+                 contained a varbind that would change the RowStatus
+                 value, the column in question may be changed if the
+                 RowStatus was not equal to `active' as the PDU was
+                 received, or if the varbind sets the status to a value
+                 other than 'active'.
+            Also note that whenever any elements of a row exist, the
+            RowStatus column must also exist.
+            To summarize the effect of having a conceptual row with a
+            status column having a SYNTAX clause value of RowStatus,
+            consider the following state diagram:
+                                         STATE
+              +--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
+              |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
+              |              |status col.|status column|
+              |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
+    ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
+set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
+column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
+createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
+              |         Value|           |             |
+set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
+column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
+createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
+set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
+column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
+active        |              |           |             |
+              |              |     or    |             |
+              |              |           |             |
+              |              |see 2   ->D|see 8     ->D|          ->D
+set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
+column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
+notInService  |              |           |             |
+              |              |     or    |             |      or
+              |              |           |             |
+              |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|see 6
+set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError   ->A
+column to     |              |           |             |      or
+destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|see 7
+set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
+column to some|              |           |             |
+value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D
+            (1) goto B or C, depending on information available to the
+            agent.
+            (2) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
+            provide values for all columns which are missing but
+            required, and all columns have acceptable values, then
+            return noError and goto D.
+            (3) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
+            provide legal values for all columns which are missing but
+            required, then return noError and goto C.
+            (4) at the discretion of the agent, the return value may be
+            either:
+                 inconsistentName:  because the agent does not choose to
+                 create such an instance when the corresponding
+                 RowStatus instance does not exist, or
+                 inconsistentValue:  if the supplied value is
+                 inconsistent with the state of some other MIB object's
+                 value, or
+                 noError: because the agent chooses to create the
+                 instance.
+            If noError is returned, then the instance of the status
+            column must also be created, and the new state is B or C,
+            depending on the information available to the agent.  If
+            inconsistentName or inconsistentValue is returned, the row
+            remains in state A.
+            (5) depending on the MIB definition for the column/table,
+            either noError or inconsistentValue may be returned.
+            (6) the return value can indicate one of the following
+            errors:
+                 wrongValue: because the agent does not support
+                 notInService (e.g., an agent which does not support
+                 createAndWait), or
+                 inconsistentValue: because the agent is unable to take
+                 the row out of service at this time, perhaps because it
+                 is in use and cannot be de-activated.
+            (7) the return value can indicate the following error:
+                 inconsistentValue: because the agent is unable to
+                 remove the row at this time, perhaps because it is in
+                 use and cannot be de-activated.
+            (8) the transition to D can fail, e.g., if the values of the
+            conceptual row are inconsistent, then the error code would
+            be inconsistentValue.
+            NOTE: Other processing of (this and other varbinds of) the
+            set request may result in a response other than noError
+            being returned, e.g., wrongValue, noCreation, etc.
+                              Conceptual Row Creation
+            There are four potential interactions when creating a
+            conceptual row:  selecting an instance-identifier which is
+            not in use; creating the conceptual row; initializing any
+            objects for which the agent does not supply a default; and,
+            making the conceptual row available for use by the managed
+            device.
+            Interaction 1: Selecting an Instance-Identifier
+            The algorithm used to select an instance-identifier varies
+            for each conceptual row.  In some cases, the instance-
+            identifier is semantically significant, e.g., the
+            destination address of a route, and a management station
+            selects the instance-identifier according to the semantics.
+            In other cases, the instance-identifier is used solely to
+            distinguish conceptual rows, and a management station
+            without specific knowledge of the conceptual row might
+            examine the instances present in order to determine an
+            unused instance-identifier.  (This approach may be used, but
+            it is often highly sub-optimal; however, it is also a
+            questionable practice for a naive management station to
+            attempt conceptual row creation.)
+            Alternately, the MIB module which defines the conceptual row
+            might provide one or more objects which provide assistance
+            in determining an unused instance-identifier.  For example,
+            if the conceptual row is indexed by an integer-value, then
+            an object having an integer-valued SYNTAX clause might be
+            defined for such a purpose, allowing a management station to
+            issue a management protocol retrieval operation.  In order
+            to avoid unnecessary collisions between competing management
+            stations, `adjacent' retrievals of this object should be
+            different.
+            Finally, the management station could select a pseudo-random
+            number to use as the index.  In the event that this index
+            was already in use and an inconsistentValue was returned in
+            response to the management protocol set operation, the
+            management station should simply select a new pseudo-random
+            number and retry the operation.
+            A MIB designer should choose between the two latter
+            algorithms based on the size of the table (and therefore the
+            efficiency of each algorithm).  For tables in which a large
+            number of entries are expected, it is recommended that a MIB
+            object be defined that returns an acceptable index for
+            creation.  For tables with small numbers of entries, it is
+            recommended that the latter pseudo-random index mechanism be
+            used.
+            Interaction 2: Creating the Conceptual Row
+            Once an unused instance-identifier has been selected, the
+            management station determines if it wishes to create and
+            activate the conceptual row in one transaction or in a
+            negotiated set of interactions.
+            Interaction 2a: Creating and Activating the Conceptual Row
+            The management station must first determine the column
+            requirements, i.e., it must determine those columns for
+            which it must or must not provide values.  Depending on the
+            complexity of the table and the management station's
+            knowledge of the agent's capabilities, this determination
+            can be made locally by the management station.  Alternately,
+            the management station issues a management protocol get
+            operation to examine all columns in the conceptual row that
+            it wishes to create.  In response, for each column, there
+            are three possible outcomes:
+                 - a value is returned, indicating that some other
+                 management station has already created this conceptual
+                 row.  We return to interaction 1.
+                 - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
+                 indicating that the agent implements the object-type
+                 associated with this column, and that this column in at
+                 least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
+                 view used by the retrieval were it to exist. For those
+                 columns to which the agent provides read-create access,
+                 the `noSuchInstance' exception tells the management
+                 station that it should supply a value for this column
+                 when the conceptual row is to be created.
+                 - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
+                 that the agent does not implement the object-type
+                 associated with this column or that there is no
+                 conceptual row for which this column would be
+                 accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
+                 such, the management station can not issue any
+                 management protocol set operations to create an
+                 instance of this column.
+            Once the column requirements have been determined, a
+            management protocol set operation is accordingly issued.
+            This operation also sets the new instance of the status
+            column to `createAndGo'.
+            When the agent processes the set operation, it verifies that
+            it has sufficient information to make the conceptual row
+            available for use by the managed device.  The information
+            available to the agent is provided by two sources:  the
+            management protocol set operation which creates the
+            conceptual row, and, implementation-specific defaults
+            supplied by the agent (note that an agent must provide
+            implementation-specific defaults for at least those objects
+            which it implements as read-only).  If there is sufficient
+            information available, then the conceptual row is created, a
+            `noError' response is returned, the status column is set to
+            `active', and no further interactions are necessary (i.e.,
+            interactions 3 and 4 are skipped).  If there is insufficient
+            information, then the conceptual row is not created, and the
+            set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.
+            On this error, the management station can issue a management
+            protocol retrieval operation to determine if this was
+            because it failed to specify a value for a required column,
+            or, because the selected instance of the status column
+            already existed.  In the latter case, we return to
+            interaction 1.  In the former case, the management station
+            can re-issue the set operation with the additional
+            information, or begin interaction 2 again using
+            `createAndWait' in order to negotiate creation of the
+            conceptual row.
+                                     NOTE WELL
+                 Regardless of the method used to determine the column
+                 requirements, it is possible that the management
+                 station might deem a column necessary when, in fact,
+                 the agent will not allow that particular columnar
+                 instance to be created or written.  In this case, the
+                 management protocol set operation will fail with an
+                 error such as `noCreation' or `notWritable'.  In this
+                 case, the management station decides whether it needs
+                 to be able to set a value for that particular columnar
+                 instance.  If not, the management station re-issues the
+                 management protocol set operation, but without setting
+                 a value for that particular columnar instance;
+                 otherwise, the management station aborts the row
+                 creation algorithm.
+            Interaction 2b: Negotiating the Creation of the Conceptual
+            Row
+            The management station issues a management protocol set
+            operation which sets the desired instance of the status
+            column to `createAndWait'.  If the agent is unwilling to
+            process a request of this sort, the set operation fails with
+            an error of `wrongValue'.  (As a consequence, such an agent
+            must be prepared to accept a single management protocol set
+            operation, i.e., interaction 2a above, containing all of the
+            columns indicated by its column requirements.)  Otherwise,
+            the conceptual row is created, a `noError' response is
+            returned, and the status column is immediately set to either
+            `notInService' or `notReady', depending on whether it has
+            sufficient information to (attempt to) make the conceptual
+            row available for use by the managed device.  If there is
+            sufficient information available, then the status column is
+            set to `notInService'; otherwise, if there is insufficient
+            information, then the status column is set to `notReady'.
+            Regardless, we proceed to interaction 3.
+            Interaction 3: Initializing non-defaulted Objects
+            The management station must now determine the column
+            requirements.  It issues a management protocol get operation
+            to examine all columns in the created conceptual row.  In
+            the response, for each column, there are three possible
+            outcomes:
+                 - a value is returned, indicating that the agent
+                 implements the object-type associated with this column
+                 and had sufficient information to provide a value.  For
+                 those columns to which the agent provides read-create
+                 access (and for which the agent allows their values to
+                 be changed after their creation), a value return tells
+                 the management station that it may issue additional
+                 management protocol set operations, if it desires, in
+                 order to change the value associated with this column.
+                 - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
+                 indicating that the agent implements the object-type
+                 associated with this column, and that this column in at
+                 least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
+                 view used by the retrieval were it to exist. However,
+                 the agent does not have sufficient information to
+                 provide a value, and until a value is provided, the
+                 conceptual row may not be made available for use by the
+                 managed device.  For those columns to which the agent
+                 provides read-create access, the `noSuchInstance'
+                 exception tells the management station that it must
+                 issue additional management protocol set operations, in
+                 order to provide a value associated with this column.
+                 - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
+                 that the agent does not implement the object-type
+                 associated with this column or that there is no
+                 conceptual row for which this column would be
+                 accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
+                 such, the management station can not issue any
+                 management protocol set operations to create an
+                 instance of this column.
+            If the value associated with the status column is
+            `notReady', then the management station must first deal with
+            all `noSuchInstance' columns, if any.  Having done so, the
+            value of the status column becomes `notInService', and we
+            proceed to interaction 4.
+            Interaction 4: Making the Conceptual Row Available
+            Once the management station is satisfied with the values
+            associated with the columns of the conceptual row, it issues
+            a management protocol set operation to set the status column
+            to `active'.  If the agent has sufficient information to
+            make the conceptual row available for use by the managed
+            device, the management protocol set operation succeeds (a
+            `noError' response is returned).  Otherwise, the management
+            protocol set operation fails with an error of
+            `inconsistentValue'.
+                                     NOTE WELL
+                 A conceptual row having a status column with value
+                 `notInService' or `notReady' is unavailable to the
+                 managed device.  As such, it is possible for the
+                 managed device to create its own instances during the
+                 time between the management protocol set operation
+                 which sets the status column to `createAndWait' and the
+                 management protocol set operation which sets the status
+                 column to `active'.  In this case, when the management
+                 protocol set operation is issued to set the status
+                 column to `active', the values held in the agent
+                 supersede those used by the managed device.
+            If the management station is prevented from setting the
+            status column to `active' (e.g., due to management station
+            or network failure) the conceptual row will be left in the
+            `notInService' or `notReady' state, consuming resources
+            indefinitely.  The agent must detect conceptual rows that
+            have been in either state for an abnormally long period of
+            time and remove them.  It is the responsibility of the
+            DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate what an
+            abnormally long period of time would be.  This period of
+            time should be long enough to allow for human response time
+            (including `think time') between the creation of the
+            conceptual row and the setting of the status to `active'.
+            In the absence of such information in the DESCRIPTION
+            clause, it is suggested that this period be approximately 5
+            minutes in length.  This removal action applies not only to
+            newly-created rows, but also to previously active rows which
+            are set to, and left in, the notInService state for a
+            prolonged period exceeding that which is considered normal
+            for such a conceptual row.
+                             Conceptual Row Suspension
+            When a conceptual row is `active', the management station
+            may issue a management protocol set operation which sets the
+            instance of the status column to `notInService'.  If the
+            agent is unwilling to do so, the set operation fails with an
+            error of `wrongValue' or `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise,
+            the conceptual row is taken out of service, and a `noError'
+            response is returned.  It is the responsibility of the
+            DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate under
+            what circumstances the status column should be taken out of
+            service (e.g., in order for the value of some other column
+            of the same conceptual row to be modified).
+                              Conceptual Row Deletion
+            For deletion of conceptual rows, a management protocol set
+            operation is issued which sets the instance of the status
+            column to `destroy'.  This request may be made regardless of
+            the current value of the status column (e.g., it is possible
+            to delete conceptual rows which are either `notReady',
+            `notInService' or `active'.)  If the operation succeeds,
+            then all instances associated with the conceptual row are
+            immediately removed."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     -- the following two values are states:
+                     -- these values may be read or written
+                     active(1),
+                     notInService(2),
+                     -- the following value is a state:
+                     -- this value may be read, but not written
+                     notReady(3),
+                     -- the following three values are
+                     -- actions: these values may be written,
+                     --   but are never read
+                     createAndGo(4),
+                     createAndWait(5),
+                     destroy(6)
+                 }
+    STATUS       current
+            "The value of the sysUpTime object at which a specific
+            occurrence happened.  The specific occurrence must be
+            defined in the description of any object defined using this
+            type.
+            If sysUpTime is reset to zero as a result of a re-
+            initialization of the network management (sub)system, then
+            the values of all TimeStamp objects are also reset.
+            However, after approximately 497 days without a re-
+            initialization, the sysUpTime object will reach 2^^32-1 and
+            then increment around to zero; in this case, existing values
+            of TimeStamp objects do not change.  This can lead to
+            ambiguities in the value of TimeStamp objects."
+    SYNTAX       TimeTicks
+    STATUS       current
+            "A period of time, measured in units of 0.01 seconds."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+    DISPLAY-HINT "2d-1d-1d,1d:1d:1d.1d,1a1d:1d"
+    STATUS       current
+            "A date-time specification.
+            field  octets  contents                  range
+            -----  ------  --------                  -----
+              1      1-2   year*                     0..65536
+              2       3    month                     1..12
+              3       4    day                       1..31
+              4       5    hour                      0..23
+              5       6    minutes                   0..59
+              6       7    seconds                   0..60
+                           (use 60 for leap-second)
+              7       8    deci-seconds              0..9
+              8       9    direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
+              9      10    hours from UTC*           0..13
+             10      11    minutes from UTC          0..59
+            * Notes:
+            - the value of year is in network-byte order
+            - daylight saving time in New Zealand is +13
+            For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT would be
+            displayed as:
+                             1992-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0
+            Note that if only local time is known, then timezone
+            information (fields 8-10) is not present."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (8 | 11))
+    STATUS       current
+            "Describes the memory realization of a conceptual row.  A
+            row which is volatile(2) is lost upon reboot.  A row which
+            is either nonVolatile(3), permanent(4) or readOnly(5), is
+            backed up by stable storage.  A row which is permanent(4)
+            can be changed but not deleted.  A row which is readOnly(5)
+            cannot be changed nor deleted.
+            If the value of an object with this syntax is either
+            permanent(4) or readOnly(5), it cannot be written.
+            Conversely, if the value is either other(1), volatile(2) or
+            nonVolatile(3), it cannot be modified to be permanent(4) or
+            readOnly(5).  (All illegal modifications result in a
+            'wrongValue' error.)
+            Every usage of this textual convention is required to
+            specify the columnar objects which a permanent(4) row must
+            at a minimum allow to be writable."
+    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                     other(1),       -- eh?
+                     volatile(2),    -- e.g., in RAM
+                     nonVolatile(3), -- e.g., in NVRAM
+                     permanent(4),   -- e.g., partially in ROM
+                     readOnly(5)     -- e.g., completely in ROM
+                 }
+    STATUS       current
+          "Denotes a kind of transport service.
+          Some possible values, such as snmpUDPDomain, are defined in
+          the SNMPv2-TM MIB module.  Other possible values are defined
+          in other MIB modules."
+    REFERENCE    "The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906."
+    STATUS       current
+          "Denotes a transport service address.
+          A TAddress value is always interpreted within the context of a
+          TDomain value.  Thus, each definition of a TDomain value must
+          be accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use
+          with that TDomain.  Some possible textual conventions, such as
+          SnmpUDPAddress for snmpUDPDomain, are defined in the SNMPv2-TM
+          MIB module.  Other possible textual conventions are defined in
+          other MIB modules."
+    REFERENCE    "The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-TM.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-TM.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c424805c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/SNMPv2-TM.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+    snmpModules, snmpDomains, snmpProxys
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200210160000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv3 Working Group"
+            "WG-EMail:   snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
+             Subscribe:  snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
+             Co-Chair:   Russ Mundy
+                         Network Associates Laboratories
+             postal:     15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
+                         Rockville, MD 20850-4601
+                         USA
+             EMail:      mundy@tislabs.com
+             phone:      +1 301 947-7107
+             Co-Chair:   David Harrington
+                         Enterasys Networks
+             postal:     35 Industrial Way
+                         P. O. Box 5005
+                         Rochester, NH 03866-5005
+                         USA
+             EMail:      dbh@enterasys.com
+             phone:      +1 603 337-2614
+             Editor:     Randy Presuhn
+                         BMC Software, Inc.
+             postal:     2141 North First Street
+                         San Jose, CA 95131
+                         USA
+             EMail:      randy_presuhn@bmc.com
+             phone:      +1 408 546-1006"
+            "The MIB module for SNMP transport mappings.
+             Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
+             version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3417;
+             see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
+            "
+    REVISION     "200210160000Z"
+            "Clarifications, published as RFC 3417."
+    REVISION    "199601010000Z"
+            "Clarifications, published as RFC 1906."
+    REVISION    "199304010000Z"
+            "The initial version, published as RFC 1449."
+    ::= { snmpModules 19 }
+-- SNMP over UDP over IPv4
+    STATUS     current
+            "The SNMP over UDP over IPv4 transport domain.
+            The corresponding transport address is of type
+            SnmpUDPAddress."
+    ::= { snmpDomains 1 }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d/2d"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents a UDP over IPv4 address:
+               octets   contents        encoding
+                1-4     IP-address      network-byte order
+                5-6     UDP-port        network-byte order
+            "
+-- SNMP over OSI
+    STATUS     current
+            "The SNMP over CLNS transport domain.
+            The corresponding transport address is of type
+            SnmpOSIAddress."
+    ::= { snmpDomains 2 }
+    STATUS     current
+            "The SNMP over CONS transport domain.
+            The corresponding transport address is of type
+            SnmpOSIAddress."
+    ::= { snmpDomains 3 }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "*1x:/1x:"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an OSI transport-address:
+          octets   contents           encoding
+             1     length of NSAP     'n' as an unsigned-integer
+                                         (either 0 or from 3 to 20)
+          2..(n+1) NSAP                concrete binary representation
+          (n+2)..m TSEL                string of (up to 64) octets
+            "
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 | 4..85))
+-- SNMP over DDP
+    STATUS     current
+            "The SNMP over DDP transport domain.  The corresponding
+            transport address is of type SnmpNBPAddress."
+    ::= { snmpDomains 4 }
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an NBP name:
+         octets        contents          encoding
+            1          length of object  'n' as an unsigned integer
+          2..(n+1)     object            string of (up to 32) octets
+           n+2         length of type    'p' as an unsigned integer
+      (n+3)..(n+2+p)   type              string of (up to 32) octets
+          n+3+p        length of zone    'q' as an unsigned integer
+    (n+4+p)..(n+3+p+q) zone              string of (up to 32) octets
+            For comparison purposes, strings are
+            case-insensitive. All strings may contain any octet
+            other than 255 (hex ff)."
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..99))
+-- SNMP over IPX
+    STATUS     current
+            "The SNMP over IPX transport domain.  The corresponding
+            transport address is of type SnmpIPXAddress."
+    ::= { snmpDomains 5 }
+    DISPLAY-HINT "4x.1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x.2d"
+    STATUS       current
+            "Represents an IPX address:
+               octets   contents            encoding
+                1-4     network-number      network-byte order
+                5-10    physical-address    network-byte order
+               11-12    socket-number       network-byte order
+            "
+    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (12))
+-- for proxy to SNMPv1 (RFC 1157)
+rfc1157Proxy   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpProxys 1 }
+rfc1157Domain  OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS     deprecated
+            "The transport domain for SNMPv1 over UDP over IPv4.
+            The corresponding transport address is of type
+            SnmpUDPAddress."
+    ::= { rfc1157Proxy 1 }
+--  ::= { rfc1157Proxy 2 }            this OID is obsolete
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TCP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TCP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3802e7a967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TCP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32,
+    Gauge32, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress, mib-2
+                                       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType,
+    InetPortNumber                     FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200502180000Z"  -- 18 February 2005
+           "IETF IPv6 MIB Revision Team
+            http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ipv6-charter.html"
+           "Rajiv Raghunarayan (editor)
+            Cisco Systems Inc.
+            170 West Tasman Drive
+            San Jose, CA 95134
+            Phone: +1 408 853 9612
+            Email: <raraghun@cisco.com>
+            Send comments to <ipv6@ietf.org>"
+           "The MIB module for managing TCP implementations.
+            Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This version
+            of this MIB module is a part of RFC 4022; see the RFC
+            itself for full legal notices."
+    REVISION      "200502180000Z"  -- 18 February 2005
+           "IP version neutral revision, published as RFC 4022."
+    REVISION      "9411010000Z"
+           "Initial SMIv2 version, published as RFC 2012."
+    REVISION      "9103310000Z"
+           "The initial revision of this MIB module was part of
+            MIB-II."
+    ::= { mib-2 49 }
+-- the TCP base variables group
+tcp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
+-- Scalars
+tcpRtoAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    other(1),    -- none of the following
+                    constant(2), -- a constant rto
+                    rsre(3),     -- MIL-STD-1778, Appendix B
+                    vanj(4),     -- Van Jacobson's algorithm
+                    rfc2988(5)   -- RFC 2988
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The algorithm used to determine the timeout value used for
+            retransmitting unacknowledged octets."
+    ::= { tcp 1 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for
+            the retransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds.
+            More refined semantics for objects of this type depend
+            on the algorithm used to determine the retransmission
+            timeout; in particular, the IETF standard algorithm
+            rfc2988(5) provides a minimum value."
+    ::= { tcp 2 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    UNITS      "milliseconds"
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for
+            the retransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds.
+            More refined semantics for objects of this type depend
+            on the algorithm used to determine the retransmission
+            timeout; in particular, the IETF standard algorithm
+            rfc2988(5) provides an upper bound (as part of an
+            adaptive backoff algorithm)."
+    ::= { tcp 3 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-1 | 0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The limit on the total number of TCP connections the entity
+            can support.  In entities where the maximum number of
+            connections is dynamic, this object should contain the
+            value -1."
+    ::= { tcp 4 }
+tcpActiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct
+            transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 5 }
+tcpPassiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of times TCP connections have made a direct
+            transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 6 }
+tcpAttemptFails OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct
+            transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT
+            state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times that
+            TCP connections have made a direct transition to the
+            LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 7 }
+tcpEstabResets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct
+            transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED
+            state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 8 }
+tcpCurrEstab OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Gauge32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of TCP connections for which the current state
+            is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT."
+    ::= { tcp 9 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of segments received, including those
+            received in error.  This count includes segments received
+            on currently established connections.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 10 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of segments sent, including those on
+            current connections but excluding those containing only
+            retransmitted octets.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 11 }
+tcpRetransSegs OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of segments retransmitted; that is, the
+            number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more
+            previously transmitted octets.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 12 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad
+            TCP checksums).
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 14 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 15 }
+-- { tcp 16 } was used to represent the ipv6TcpConnTable in RFC 2452,
+-- which has since been obsoleted.  It MUST not be used.
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of segments received, including those
+            received in error.  This count includes segments received
+            on currently established connections.  This object is
+            the 64-bit equivalent of tcpInSegs.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 17 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of segments sent, including those on
+            current connections but excluding those containing only
+            retransmitted octets.  This object is the 64-bit
+            equivalent of tcpOutSegs.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter are
+            indicated via discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { tcp 18 }
+-- The TCP Connection table
+tcpConnectionTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TcpConnectionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A table containing information about existing TCP
+            connections.  Note that unlike earlier TCP MIBs, there
+            is a separate table for connections in the LISTEN state."
+    ::= { tcp 19 }
+tcpConnectionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TcpConnectionEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A conceptual row of the tcpConnectionTable containing
+            information about a particular current TCP connection.
+            Each row of this table is transient in that it ceases to
+            exist when (or soon after) the connection makes the
+            transition to the CLOSED state."
+    INDEX   { tcpConnectionLocalAddressType,
+              tcpConnectionLocalAddress,
+              tcpConnectionLocalPort,
+              tcpConnectionRemAddressType,
+              tcpConnectionRemAddress,
+              tcpConnectionRemPort }
+    ::= { tcpConnectionTable 1 }
+TcpConnectionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        tcpConnectionLocalAddressType   InetAddressType,
+        tcpConnectionLocalAddress       InetAddress,
+        tcpConnectionLocalPort          InetPortNumber,
+        tcpConnectionRemAddressType     InetAddressType,
+        tcpConnectionRemAddress         InetAddress,
+        tcpConnectionRemPort            InetPortNumber,
+        tcpConnectionState              INTEGER,
+        tcpConnectionProcess            Unsigned32
+    }
+tcpConnectionLocalAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of tcpConnectionLocalAddress."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 1 }
+tcpConnectionLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The local IP address for this TCP connection.  The type
+            of this address is determined by the value of
+            tcpConnectionLocalAddressType.
+            As this object is used in the index for the
+            tcpConnectionTable, implementors should be
+            careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
+            with more than 128 subidentifiers; otherwise the information
+            cannot be accessed by using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 2 }
+tcpConnectionLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The local port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 3 }
+tcpConnectionRemAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of tcpConnectionRemAddress."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 4 }
+tcpConnectionRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remote IP address for this TCP connection.  The type
+            of this address is determined by the value of
+            tcpConnectionRemAddressType.
+            As this object is used in the index for the
+            tcpConnectionTable, implementors should be
+            careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
+            with more than 128 subidentifiers; otherwise the information
+            cannot be accessed by using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 5 }
+tcpConnectionRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 6 }
+tcpConnectionState OBJECT-TYPE
+                    closed(1),
+                    listen(2),
+                    synSent(3),
+                    synReceived(4),
+                    established(5),
+                    finWait1(6),
+                    finWait2(7),
+                    closeWait(8),
+                    lastAck(9),
+                    closing(10),
+                    timeWait(11),
+                    deleteTCB(12)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+           "The state of this TCP connection.
+            The value listen(2) is included only for parallelism to the
+            old tcpConnTable and should not be used.  A connection in
+            LISTEN state should be present in the tcpListenerTable.
+            The only value that may be set by a management station is
+            deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent
+            to return a `badValue' response if a management station
+            attempts to set this object to any other value.
+            If a management station sets this object to the value
+            deleteTCB(12), then the TCB (as defined in [RFC793]) of
+            the corresponding connection on the managed node is
+            deleted, resulting in immediate termination of the
+            connection.
+            As an implementation-specific option, a RST segment may be
+            sent from the managed node to the other TCP endpoint (note,
+            however, that RST segments are not sent reliably)."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 7 }
+tcpConnectionProcess OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The system's process ID for the process associated with
+            this connection, or zero if there is no such process.  This
+            value is expected to be the same as HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::
+            hrSWRunIndex or SYSAPPL-MIB::sysApplElmtRunIndex for some
+            row in the appropriate tables."
+    ::= { tcpConnectionEntry 8 }
+-- The TCP Listener table
+tcpListenerTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TcpListenerEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A table containing information about TCP listeners.  A
+            listening application can be represented in three
+            possible ways:
+            1. An application that is willing to accept both IPv4 and
+               IPv6 datagrams is represented by
+               a tcpListenerLocalAddressType of unknown (0) and
+               a tcpListenerLocalAddress of ''h (a zero-length
+               octet-string).
+            2. An application that is willing to accept only IPv4 or
+               IPv6 datagrams is represented by a
+               tcpListenerLocalAddressType of the appropriate address
+               type and a tcpListenerLocalAddress of '' or '::'
+               respectively.
+            3. An application that is listening for data destined
+               only to a specific IP address, but from any remote
+               system, is represented by a tcpListenerLocalAddressType
+               of an appropriate address type, with
+               tcpListenerLocalAddress as the specific local address.
+            NOTE: The address type in this table represents the
+            address type used for the communication, irrespective
+            of the higher-layer abstraction.  For example, an
+            application using IPv6 'sockets' to communicate via
+            IPv4 between ::ffff: and ::ffff: would
+            use InetAddressType ipv4(1))."
+    ::= { tcp 20 }
+tcpListenerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TcpListenerEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A conceptual row of the tcpListenerTable containing
+            information about a particular TCP listener."
+    INDEX   { tcpListenerLocalAddressType,
+              tcpListenerLocalAddress,
+              tcpListenerLocalPort }
+    ::= { tcpListenerTable 1 }
+TcpListenerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        tcpListenerLocalAddressType       InetAddressType,
+        tcpListenerLocalAddress           InetAddress,
+        tcpListenerLocalPort              InetPortNumber,
+        tcpListenerProcess                Unsigned32
+    }
+tcpListenerLocalAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of tcpListenerLocalAddress.  The value
+            should be unknown (0) if connection initiations to all
+            local IP addresses are accepted."
+    ::= { tcpListenerEntry 1 }
+tcpListenerLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The local IP address for this TCP connection.
+            The value of this object can be represented in three
+            possible ways, depending on the characteristics of the
+            listening application:
+            1. For an application willing to accept both IPv4 and
+               IPv6 datagrams, the value of this object must be
+               ''h (a zero-length octet-string), with the value
+               of the corresponding tcpListenerLocalAddressType
+               object being unknown (0).
+            2. For an application willing to accept only IPv4 or
+               IPv6 datagrams, the value of this object must be
+               '' or '::' respectively, with
+               tcpListenerLocalAddressType representing the
+               appropriate address type.
+            3. For an application which is listening for data
+               destined only to a specific IP address, the value
+               of this object is the specific local address, with
+               tcpListenerLocalAddressType representing the
+               appropriate address type.
+            As this object is used in the index for the
+            tcpListenerTable, implementors should be
+            careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
+            with more than 128 subidentifiers; otherwise the information
+            cannot be accessed, using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { tcpListenerEntry 2 }
+tcpListenerLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The local port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpListenerEntry 3 }
+tcpListenerProcess OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The system's process ID for the process associated with
+            this listener, or zero if there is no such process.  This
+            value is expected to be the same as HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::
+            hrSWRunIndex or SYSAPPL-MIB::sysApplElmtRunIndex for some
+            row in the appropriate tables."
+    ::= { tcpListenerEntry 4 }
+-- The deprecated TCP Connection table
+tcpConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TcpConnEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "A table containing information about existing IPv4-specific
+            TCP connections or listeners.  This table has been
+            deprecated in favor of the version neutral
+            tcpConnectionTable."
+    ::= { tcp 13 }
+tcpConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TcpConnEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "A conceptual row of the tcpConnTable containing information
+            about a particular current IPv4 TCP connection.  Each row
+            of this table is transient in that it ceases to exist when
+            (or soon after) the connection makes the transition to the
+            CLOSED state."
+    INDEX   { tcpConnLocalAddress,
+              tcpConnLocalPort,
+              tcpConnRemAddress,
+              tcpConnRemPort }
+    ::= { tcpConnTable 1 }
+TcpConnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        tcpConnState         INTEGER,
+        tcpConnLocalAddress  IpAddress,
+        tcpConnLocalPort     Integer32,
+        tcpConnRemAddress    IpAddress,
+        tcpConnRemPort       Integer32
+    }
+tcpConnState OBJECT-TYPE
+                    closed(1),
+                    listen(2),
+                    synSent(3),
+                    synReceived(4),
+                    established(5),
+                    finWait1(6),
+                    finWait2(7),
+                    closeWait(8),
+                    lastAck(9),
+                    closing(10),
+                    timeWait(11),
+                    deleteTCB(12)
+                }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The state of this TCP connection.
+            The only value that may be set by a management station is
+            deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent
+            to return a `badValue' response if a management station
+            attempts to set this object to any other value.
+            If a management station sets this object to the value
+            deleteTCB(12), then the TCB (as defined in [RFC793]) of
+            the corresponding connection on the managed node is
+            deleted, resulting in immediate termination of the
+            connection.
+            As an implementation-specific option, a RST segment may be
+            sent from the managed node to the other TCP endpoint (note,
+            however, that RST segments are not sent reliably)."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 1 }
+tcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The local IP address for this TCP connection.  In the case
+            of a connection in the listen state willing to
+            accept connections for any IP interface associated with the
+            node, the value is used."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 2 }
+tcpConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The local port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 3 }
+tcpConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The remote IP address for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 4 }
+tcpConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
+    ::= { tcpConnEntry 5 }
+-- conformance information
+tcpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpMIB 2 }
+tcpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpMIBConformance 1 }
+tcpMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpMIBConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS     current
+           "The compliance statement for systems that implement TCP.
+            A number of INDEX objects cannot be
+            represented in the form of OBJECT clauses in SMIv2 but
+            have the following compliance requirements,
+            expressed in OBJECT clause form in this description
+            clause:
+            -- OBJECT      tcpConnectionLocalAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4
+            --     and IPv6 address types.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT      tcpConnectionRemAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4
+            --     and IPv6 address types.
+            --
+            -- OBJECT      tcpListenerLocalAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
+            --                               ipv6(2) }
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4
+            --     and IPv6 address types.  The type unknown also
+            --     needs to be supported to identify a special
+            --     case in the listener table: a listen using
+            --     both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the device.
+            --
+           "
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup,
+                           tcpListenerGroup }
+        GROUP       tcpHCGroup
+           "This group is mandatory for systems that are capable
+            of receiving or transmitting more than 1 million TCP
+            segments per second.  1 million segments per second will
+            cause a Counter32 to wrap in just over an hour."
+        OBJECT      tcpConnectionState
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { closed(1), listen(2), synSent(3),
+                              synReceived(4), established(5),
+                              finWait1(6), finWait2(7), closeWait(8),
+                              lastAck(9), closing(10), timeWait(11) }
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+           "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+            deleteTCB (12)."
+    ::= { tcpMIBCompliances 2 }
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The compliance statement for IPv4-only systems that
+            implement TCP.  In order to be IP version independent, this
+            compliance statement is deprecated in favor of
+            tcpMIBCompliance2.  However, agents are still encouraged
+            to implement these objects in order to interoperate with
+            the deployed base of managers."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { tcpGroup }
+        OBJECT      tcpConnState
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+           "Write access is not required."
+    ::= { tcpMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+    OBJECTS   { tcpRtoAlgorithm, tcpRtoMin, tcpRtoMax,
+                tcpMaxConn, tcpActiveOpens,
+                tcpPassiveOpens, tcpAttemptFails,
+                tcpEstabResets, tcpCurrEstab, tcpInSegs,
+                tcpOutSegs, tcpRetransSegs, tcpConnState,
+                tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort,
+                tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort,
+                tcpInErrs, tcpOutRsts }
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The tcp group of objects providing for management of TCP
+            entities."
+    ::= { tcpMIBGroups 1 }
+tcpBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { tcpRtoAlgorithm, tcpRtoMin, tcpRtoMax,
+                tcpMaxConn, tcpActiveOpens,
+                tcpPassiveOpens, tcpAttemptFails,
+                tcpEstabResets, tcpCurrEstab, tcpInSegs,
+                tcpOutSegs, tcpRetransSegs,
+                tcpInErrs, tcpOutRsts }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of counters common to TCP entities."
+    ::= { tcpMIBGroups 2 }
+tcpConnectionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS    { tcpConnectionState, tcpConnectionProcess }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group provides general information about TCP
+            connections."
+    ::= { tcpMIBGroups 3 }
+tcpListenerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS    { tcpListenerProcess }
+    STATUS     current
+           "This group has objects providing general information about
+            TCP listeners."
+    ::= { tcpMIBGroups 4 }
+    OBJECTS    { tcpHCInSegs, tcpHCOutSegs }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects providing for counters of high speed
+            TCP implementations."
+    ::= { tcpMIBGroups 5 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..642fabbbe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                          FROM SNMPv2-TC;
+transportAddressMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
+    LAST-UPDATED "200211010000Z"
+        "IETF Operations and Management Area"
+        "Juergen Schoenwaelder (Editor)
+         TU Braunschweig
+         Bueltenweg 74/75
+         38106 Braunschweig, Germany
+         Phone: +49 531 391-3289
+         EMail: schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
+         Send comments to <mibs@ops.ietf.org>."
+        "This MIB module provides commonly used transport
+         address definitions.
+         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This version of
+         this MIB module is part of RFC 3419; see the RFC itself for
+         full legal notices."
+    -- Revision log
+    REVISION    "200211010000Z"
+        "Initial version, published as RFC 3419."
+    ::= { mib-2 100 }
+transportDomains OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transportAddressMIB 1 }
+transportDomainUdpIpv4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The UDP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv4 for
+         global IPv4 addresses."
+    ::= { transportDomains 1 }
+transportDomainUdpIpv6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The UDP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv6 for
+         global IPv6 addresses."
+    ::= { transportDomains 2 }
+transportDomainUdpIpv4z OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The UDP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv4z for
+         scoped IPv4 addresses with a zone index."
+    ::= { transportDomains 3 }
+transportDomainUdpIpv6z OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The UDP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv6z for
+         scoped IPv6 addresses with a zone index."
+    ::= { transportDomains 4 }
+transportDomainTcpIpv4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The TCP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv4 for
+         global IPv4 addresses."
+    ::= { transportDomains 5 }
+transportDomainTcpIpv6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The TCP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv6 for
+         global IPv6 addresses."
+    ::= { transportDomains 6 }
+transportDomainTcpIpv4z OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The TCP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv4z for
+         scoped IPv4 addresses with a zone index."
+    ::= { transportDomains 7 }
+transportDomainTcpIpv6z OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The TCP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv6z for
+         scoped IPv6 addresses with a zone index."
+    ::= { transportDomains 8 }
+transportDomainSctpIpv4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The SCTP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv4 for
+         global IPv4 addresses. This transport domain usually
+         represents the primary address on multihomed SCTP
+         endpoints."
+    ::= { transportDomains 9 }
+transportDomainSctpIpv6 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The SCTP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv6 for
+         global IPv6 addresses. This transport domain usually
+         represents the primary address on multihomed SCTP
+         endpoints."
+    ::= { transportDomains 10 }
+transportDomainSctpIpv4z OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The SCTP over IPv4 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv4z for
+         scoped IPv4 addresses with a zone index. This transport
+         domain usually represents the primary address on
+         multihomed SCTP endpoints."
+    ::= { transportDomains 11 }
+transportDomainSctpIpv6z OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The SCTP over IPv6 transport domain.  The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressIPv6z for
+         scoped IPv6 addresses with a zone index. This transport
+         domain usually represents the primary address on
+         multihomed SCTP endpoints."
+    ::= { transportDomains 12 }
+transportDomainLocal OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The Posix Local IPC transport domain. The corresponding
+         transport address is of type TransportAddressLocal.
+         The Posix Local IPC transport domain incorporates the
+         well-known UNIX domain sockets."
+    ::= { transportDomains 13 }
+transportDomainUdpDns OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The UDP transport domain using fully qualified domain
+         names. The corresponding transport address is of type
+         TransportAddressDns."
+    ::= { transportDomains 14 }
+transportDomainTcpDns OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The TCP transport domain using fully qualified domain
+         names. The corresponding transport address is of type
+         TransportAddressDns."
+    ::= { transportDomains 15 }
+transportDomainSctpDns OBJECT-IDENTITY
+    STATUS      current
+        "The SCTP transport domain using fully qualified domain
+         names. The corresponding transport address is of type
+         TransportAddressDns."
+    ::= { transportDomains 16 }
+TransportDomain ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "A value that represents a transport domain.
+         Some possible values, such as transportDomainUdpIpv4, are
+         defined in this module.  Other possible values can be
+         defined in other MIB modules."
+-- The enumerated values of the textual convention below should
+-- be identical to the last sub-identifier of the OID registered
+-- for the same domain.
+TransportAddressType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "A value that represents a transport domain. This is the
+         enumerated version of the transport domain registrations
+         in this MIB module. The enumerated values have the
+         following meaning:
+         unknown(0)     unknown transport address type
+         udpIpv4(1)     transportDomainUdpIpv4
+         udpIpv6(2)     transportDomainUdpIpv6
+         udpIpv4z(3)    transportDomainUdpIpv4z
+         udpIpv6z(4)    transportDomainUdpIpv6z
+         tcpIpv4(5)     transportDomainTcpIpv4
+         tcpIpv6(6)     transportDomainTcpIpv6
+         tcpIpv4z(7)    transportDomainTcpIpv4z
+         tcpIpv6z(8)    transportDomainTcpIpv6z
+         sctpIpv4(9)    transportDomainSctpIpv4
+         sctpIpv6(10)   transportDomainSctpIpv6
+         sctpIpv4z(11)  transportDomainSctpIpv4z
+         sctpIpv6z(12)  transportDomainSctpIpv6z
+         local(13)      transportDomainLocal
+         udpDns(14)     transportDomainUdpDns
+         tcpDns(15)     transportDomainTcpDns
+         sctpDns(16)    transportDomainSctpDns
+         This textual convention can be used to represent transport
+         domains in situations where a syntax of TransportDomain is
+         unwieldy (for example, when used as an index).
+         The usage of this textual convention implies that additional
+         transport domains can only be supported by updating this MIB
+         module. This extensibility restriction does not apply for the
+         TransportDomain textual convention which allows MIB authors
+         to define additional transport domains independently in
+         other MIB modules."
+    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                    unknown(0),
+                    udpIpv4(1),
+                    udpIpv6(2),
+                    udpIpv4z(3),
+                    udpIpv6z(4),
+                    tcpIpv4(5),
+                    tcpIpv6(6),
+                    tcpIpv4z(7),
+                    tcpIpv6z(8),
+                    sctpIpv4(9),
+                    sctpIpv6(10),
+                    sctpIpv4z(11),
+                    sctpIpv6z(12),
+                    local(13),
+                    udpDns(14),
+                    tcpDns(15),
+                    sctpDns(16)
+                }
+TransportAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    STATUS      current
+        "Denotes a generic transport address.
+         A TransportAddress value is always interpreted within the
+         context of a TransportAddressType or TransportDomain value.
+         Every usage of the TransportAddress textual convention MUST
+         specify the TransportAddressType or TransportDomain object
+         which provides the context. Furthermore, MIB authors SHOULD
+         define a separate TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         object for each TransportAddress object. It is suggested that
+         the TransportAddressType or TransportDomain is logically
+         registered before the object(s) which use the
+         TransportAddress textual convention if they appear in the
+         same logical row.
+         The value of a TransportAddress object must always be
+         consistent with the value of the associated
+         TransportAddressType or TransportDomain object. Attempts
+         to set a TransportAddress object to a value which is
+         inconsistent with the associated TransportAddressType or
+         TransportDomain must fail with an inconsistentValue error.
+         When this textual convention is used as a syntax of an
+         index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
+         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58. In this case,
+         the OBJECT-TYPE declaration MUST include a 'SIZE' clause
+         to limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers."
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+TransportAddressIPv4 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d:2d"
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a transport address consisting of an IPv4
+         address and a port number (as used for example by UDP,
+         TCP and SCTP):
+          octets       contents         encoding
+           1-4         IPv4 address     network-byte order
+           5-6         port number      network-byte order
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or
+         in conjunction with TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         as a pair."
+TransportAddressIPv6 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "0a[2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x]0a:2d"
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a transport address consisting of an IPv6
+         address and a port number (as used for example by UDP,
+         TCP and SCTP):
+          octets       contents         encoding
+           1-16        IPv6 address     network-byte order
+          17-18        port number      network-byte order
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or
+         in conjunction with TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         as a pair."
+TransportAddressIPv4z ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d%4d:2d"
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a transport address consisting of an IPv4
+         address, a zone index and a port number (as used for
+         example by UDP, TCP and SCTP):
+          octets       contents         encoding
+           1-4         IPv4 address     network-byte order
+           5-8         zone index       network-byte order
+           9-10        port number      network-byte order
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or
+         in conjunction with TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         as a pair."
+TransportAddressIPv6z ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "0a[2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x%4d]0a:2d"
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a transport address consisting of an IPv6
+         address, a zone index and a port number (as used for
+         example by UDP, TCP and SCTP):
+          octets       contents         encoding
+           1-16        IPv6 address     network-byte order
+          17-20        zone index       network-byte order
+          21-22        port number      network-byte order
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or
+         in conjunction with TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         as a pair."
+TransportAddressLocal ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1a"
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a POSIX Local IPC transport address:
+          octets       contents                   encoding
+           all         POSIX Local IPC address    string
+         The Posix Local IPC transport domain subsumes UNIX domain
+         sockets.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or
+         in conjunction with TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         as a pair.
+         When this textual convention is used as a syntax of an
+         index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
+         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58. In this case,
+         the OBJECT-TYPE declaration MUST include a 'SIZE' clause
+         to limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers."
+        "Protocol Independent Interfaces (IEEE POSIX 1003.1g)"
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
+TransportAddressDns ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+    DISPLAY-HINT "1a"
+    STATUS      current
+        "Represents a DNS domain name followed by a colon ':'
+         (ASCII character 0x3A) and a port number in ASCII.
+         The name SHOULD be fully qualified whenever possible.
+         Values of this textual convention are not directly useable as
+         transport-layer addressing information, and require runtime
+         resolution. As such, applications that write them must be
+         prepared for handling errors if such values are not
+         supported, or cannot be resolved (if resolution occurs at the
+         time of the management operation).
+         The DESCRIPTION clause of TransportAddress objects that may
+         have TransportAddressDns values must fully describe how (and
+         when) such names are to be resolved to IP addresses and vice
+         versa.
+         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
+         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific format.
+         However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its own or
+         in conjunction with TransportAddressType or TransportDomain
+         as a pair.
+         When this textual convention is used as a syntax of an
+         index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
+         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58. In this case,
+         the OBJECT-TYPE declaration MUST include a 'SIZE' clause
+         to limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers."
+    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd2844ebc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, transmission,
+    Integer32, IpAddress             FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    RowStatus                        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ifIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero    FROM IF-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "9908241200Z" -- August 24, 1999
+    ORGANIZATION "IETF Interfaces MIB Working Group"
+            " Dave Thaler
+              Microsoft Corporation
+              One Microsoft Way
+              Redmond, WA  98052-6399
+              EMail: dthaler@dthaler.microsoft.com"
+            "The MIB module for management of IP Tunnels, independent of
+            the specific encapsulation scheme in use."
+    REVISION     "9908241200Z" -- August 24, 1999
+            "Initial version, published as RFC 2667."
+    ::= { transmission 131 }
+tunnelMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIB 1 }
+tunnel      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBObjects 1 }
+-- the IP Tunnel MIB-Group
+-- a collection of objects providing information about
+-- IP Tunnels
+tunnelIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TunnelIfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The (conceptual) table containing information on configured
+            tunnels."
+    ::= { tunnel 1 }
+tunnelIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TunnelIfEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information on a
+            particular configured tunnel."
+    INDEX      { ifIndex }
+    ::= { tunnelIfTable 1 }
+TunnelIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    tunnelIfLocalAddress            IpAddress,
+    tunnelIfRemoteAddress           IpAddress,
+    tunnelIfEncapsMethod            INTEGER,
+    tunnelIfHopLimit                Integer32,
+    tunnelIfSecurity                INTEGER,
+    tunnelIfTOS                     Integer32
+tunnelIfLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel (i.e., the
+            source address used in the outer IP header), or if
+            unknown."
+    ::= { tunnelIfEntry 1 }
+tunnelIfRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel (i.e., the
+            destination address used in the outer IP header), or
+            if unknown."
+    ::= { tunnelIfEntry 2 }
+tunnelIfEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
+                   other(1),   -- none of the following
+                   direct(2),  -- no intermediate header
+                   gre(3),     -- GRE encapsulation
+                   minimal(4), -- Minimal encapsulation
+                   l2tp(5),    -- L2TP encapsulation
+                   pptp(6),    -- PPTP encapsulation
+                   l2f(7),     -- L2F encapsulation
+                   udp(8),     -- UDP encapsulation
+                   atmp(9)     -- ATMP encapsulation
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel. The value
+            direct indicates that the packet is encapsulated directly
+            within a normal IPv4 header, with no intermediate header,
+            and unicast to the remote tunnel endpoint (e.g., an RFC 2003
+            IP-in-IP tunnel, or an RFC 1933 IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel). The
+            value minimal indicates that a Minimal Forwarding Header
+            (RFC 2004) is inserted between the outer header and the
+            payload packet. The value UDP indicates that the payload
+            packet is encapsulated within a normal UDP packet (e.g., RFC
+            1234).  The remaining protocol-specific values indicate that
+            a header of the protocol of that name is inserted between
+            the outer header and the payload header."
+    ::= { tunnelIfEntry 3 }
+tunnelIfHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+            "The TTL to use in the outer IP header. A value of 0
+            indicates that the value is copied from the payload's
+            header."
+    ::= { tunnelIfEntry 4 }
+tunnelIfSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
+                   none(1),   -- no security
+                   ipsec(2),  -- IPSEC security
+                   other(3)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "The method used by the tunnel to secure the outer IP
+            header.  The value ipsec indicates that IPsec is used
+            between the tunnel endpoints for authentication or
+            encryption or both.  More specific security-related
+            information may be available in a MIB for the security
+            protocol in use."
+    ::= { tunnelIfEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..63)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-write
+    STATUS     current
+            "The method used to set the high 6 bits of the TOS in the
+            outer IP header.  A value of -1 indicates that the bits are
+            copied from the payload's header. A value of -2 indicates
+            that a traffic conditioner is invoked and more information
+            may be available in a traffic conditioner MIB.  A value
+            between 0 and 63 inclusive indicates that the bit field is
+            set to the indicated value."
+    ::= { tunnelIfEntry 6 }
+tunnelConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TunnelConfigEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The (conceptual) table containing information on configured
+            tunnels.  This table can be used to map a set of tunnel
+            endpoints to the associated ifIndex value.  It can also be
+            used for row creation.  Note that every row in the
+            tunnelIfTable with a fixed destination address should have a
+            corresponding row in the tunnelConfigTable, regardless of
+            whether it was created via SNMP."
+    ::= { tunnel 2 }
+tunnelConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     TunnelConfigEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information on a
+            particular configured tunnel."
+    INDEX      { tunnelConfigLocalAddress,
+                 tunnelConfigRemoteAddress,
+                 tunnelConfigEncapsMethod,
+                 tunnelConfigID }
+    ::= { tunnelConfigTable 1 }
+TunnelConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    tunnelConfigLocalAddress            IpAddress,
+    tunnelConfigRemoteAddress           IpAddress,
+    tunnelConfigEncapsMethod            INTEGER,
+    tunnelConfigID                      Integer32,
+    tunnelConfigIfIndex                 InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+    tunnelConfigStatus                  RowStatus
+tunnelConfigLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel, or
+            if the device is free to choose any of its addresses at
+            tunnel establishment time."
+    ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 1 }
+tunnelConfigRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel."
+    ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 2 }
+tunnelConfigEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
+                   other(1),   -- none of the following
+                   direct(2),  -- no intermediate header
+                   gre(3),     -- GRE encapsulation
+                   minimal(4), -- Minimal encapsulation
+                   l2tp(5),    -- L2TP encapsulation
+                   pptp(6),    -- PPTP encapsulation
+                   l2f(7),     -- L2F encapsulation
+                   udp(8),     -- UDP encapsulation
+                   atmp(9)
+               }
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel."
+    ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 3 }
+tunnelConfigID OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+            "An identifier used to distinguish between multiple tunnels
+            of the same encapsulation method, with the same endpoints.
+            If the encapsulation protocol only allows one tunnel per set
+            of endpoint addresses (such as for GRE or IP-in-IP), the
+            value of this object is 1.  For encapsulation methods (such
+            as L2F) which allow multiple parallel tunnels, the manager
+            is responsible for choosing any ID which does not conflict
+            with an existing row, such as choosing a random number."
+    ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 4 }
+tunnelConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+            "If the value of tunnelConfigStatus for this row is active,
+            then this object contains the value of ifIndex corresponding
+            to the tunnel interface.  A value of 0 is not legal in the
+            active state, and means that the interface index has not yet
+            been assigned."
+    ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 5 }
+tunnelConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     RowStatus
+    MAX-ACCESS read-create
+    STATUS     current
+            "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
+            created, or old entries deleted from this table. The agent
+            need not support setting this object to createAndWait or
+            notInService since there are no other writable objects in
+            this table, and writable objects in rows of corresponding
+            tables such as the tunnelIfTable may be modified while this
+            row is active.
+            To create a row in this table for an encapsulation method
+            which does not support multiple parallel tunnels with the
+            same endpoints, the management station should simply use a
+            tunnelConfigID of 1, and set tunnelConfigStatus to
+            createAndGo.  For encapsulation methods such as L2F which
+            allow multiple parallel tunnels, the management station may
+            select a pseudo-random number to use as the tunnelConfigID
+            and set tunnelConfigStatus to createAndGo.  In the event
+            that this ID is already in use and an inconsistentValue is
+            returned in response to the set operation, the management
+            station should simply select a new pseudo-random number and
+            retry the operation.
+            Creating a row in this table will cause an interface index
+            to be assigned by the agent in an implementation-dependent
+            manner, and corresponding rows will be instantiated in the
+            ifTable and the tunnelIfTable.  The status of this row will
+            become active as soon as the agent assigns the interface
+            index, regardless of whether the interface is operationally
+            up.
+            Deleting a row in this table will likewise delete the
+            corresponding row in the ifTable and in the tunnelIfTable."
+    ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 6 }
+-- conformance information
+                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIB 2 }
+                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBConformance 1 }
+tunnelMIBGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS  current
+            "The compliance statement for the IP Tunnel MIB."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+    MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBBasicGroup }
+        OBJECT      tunnelIfHopLimit
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      tunnelIfTOS
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+        OBJECT      tunnelConfigStatus
+        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
+            "Write access is not required."
+   ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+tunnelMIBBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS { tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress,
+       tunnelIfEncapsMethod, tunnelIfHopLimit, tunnelIfTOS,
+       tunnelIfSecurity, tunnelConfigIfIndex, tunnelConfigStatus }
+    STATUS  current
+            "A collection of objects to support basic management of IP
+            Tunnels."
+    ::= { tunnelMIBGroups 1 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DEMO-MIB.inc b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DEMO-MIB.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5df252508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DEMO-MIB.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-- input include file for smicng.
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-SMI.inc"  -- SNMPv2-SMI (SNMPv2 SMI)
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-TC.inc"   -- SNMPv2-TC (SNMPv2 TC macro and base TCs)
+#condInclude "UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc"
+#addOpt "CM"
+#condInclude "UCD-DEMO-MIB.txt"
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DEMO-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DEMO-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f355bb921d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DEMO-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+    ucdavis					FROM UCD-SNMP-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "9912090000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+	"The UCD-SNMP Demonstration MIB."
+    REVISION	 "9912090000Z"
+	"SMIv2 version converted from older MIB definitions."
+    ::= { ucdavis 14 }
+ucdDemoMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdDemoMIB 1 }
+ucdDemoPublic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdDemoMIBObjects 1 }
+ucdDemoResetKeys OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"A set of value 1 to this object resets the
+	 demonstration user's auth and priv keys to the
+	 keys based on the P->Ku->Kul transformation of the
+	 value of the ucdDemoPasspharse object.
+	 Values other than 1 are ignored."
+    ::= { ucdDemoPublic 1 }
+ucdDemoPublicString OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"A publicly settable string that can be set for testing 
+	 snmpsets.  This value has no real usage other than
+	 testing purposes."
+    ::= { ucdDemoPublic 2 }
+ucdDemoUserList OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The list of users affected by the ucdDemoResetKeys object."
+    ::= { ucdDemoPublic 3 }
+ucdDemoPassphrase  OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The demo passphrase that ucdDemoResetKeys changes each 
+	 users localized key to based on the P->Ku->Kul transformation."
+    ::= { ucdDemoPublic 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.inc b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f45cdd696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-- input include file for smicng.
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-SMI.inc"  -- SNMPv2-SMI (SNMPv2 SMI)
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-TC.inc"   -- SNMPv2-TC (SNMPv2 TC macro and base TCs)
+#condInclude "UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc"
+#addOpt "CM"
+#condInclude "UCD-DISKIO-MIB.txt"
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..229f9e9134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DISKIO-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+-- Derived from the original VEST-INTERNETT-MIB. Open issues:
+-- (a) where to register this MIB?
+-- (b) use not-accessible for diskIOIndex?
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    DisplayString
+        FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ucdExperimental
+    LAST-UPDATED "200001260000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+        "This MIB module defines objects for disk IO statistics."
+    REVISION     "200001260000Z"
+        "SMIv2 version derived from older definitions contained
+         in the VEST-INTERNETT-MIB module."
+    REVISION     "200504200000Z"
+        "Add 64 bit counters. Patch from Dan Nelson."
+    ::= { ucdExperimental 15 }
+    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DiskIOEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "Table of IO devices and how much data they have read/written."
+    ::= { ucdDiskIOMIB 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DiskIOEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
+    STATUS      current
+        "An entry containing a device and its statistics."
+    INDEX       { diskIOIndex }
+    ::= { diskIOTable 1 }
+DiskIOEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    diskIOIndex         Integer32,
+    diskIODevice        DisplayString,
+    diskIONRead         Counter32,
+    diskIONWritten      Counter32,
+    diskIOReads         Counter32,
+    diskIOWrites        Counter32,
+    diskIONReadX        Counter64,
+    diskIONWrittenX     Counter64
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Reference index for each observed device."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX      DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The name of the device we are counting/checking."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes read from this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes written to this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of read accesses from this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of write accesses to this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 1 minute average load of disk (%)"
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 9 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 5 minute average load of disk (%)"
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The 15 minute average load of disk (%)"
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 11 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes read from this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 12 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "The number of bytes written to this device since boot."
+    ::= { diskIOEntry 13 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DLMOD-MIB.inc b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DLMOD-MIB.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49b4587873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DLMOD-MIB.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-SMI.inc"  -- SNMPv2-SMI (SNMPv2 SMI)
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-TC.inc"   -- SNMPv2-TC (SNMPv2 TC macro and base TCs)
+#condInclude "UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc"
+#addOpt "CM"
+#condInclude "UCD-DLMOD-MIB.txt"
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DLMOD-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DLMOD-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ce61911fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-DLMOD-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+-- Why do we have dlmodNextIndex if the dlmodTable is read-write?
+-- What exactly is the dlmodName and dlmodPath?
+-- Should there not be a timestamp associated with dlmodError?
+-- What exactly do the dlmodStatus enumerations mean?
+    DisplayString				FROM SNMPv2-TC
+    ucdExperimental				FROM UCD-SNMP-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "9912100000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+	"This file defines the MIB objects for dynamic 
+	 loadable MIB modules."
+    REVISION	 "9912100000Z"
+	"SMIv2 version converted from older MIB definitions."
+    ::= { ucdExperimental 14 }
+dlmodNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The index number of next appropiate unassigned entry
+	 in the dlmodTable."
+    ::= { ucdDlmodMIB 1 }
+dlmodTable OBJECT-TYPE 
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table of dlmodEntry."
+    ::= { ucdDlmodMIB 2 }
+dlmodEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DlmodEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"The parameters of dynamically loaded MIB module."
+    INDEX	{ dlmodIndex }
+    ::= { dlmodTable 1 }
+DlmodEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    dlmodIndex	Integer32,
+    dlmodName	DisplayString,
+    dlmodPath	DisplayString,
+    dlmodError	DisplayString,
+    dlmodStatus	INTEGER
+dlmodIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (1..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"An index that uniqely identifies an entry in the dlmodTable."
+    ::= { dlmodEntry 1 }
+dlmodName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"The module name."
+    ::= { dlmodEntry 2 }
+dlmodPath OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"The path of the module executable file."
+    ::= { dlmodEntry 3 } 
+dlmodError OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The last error from dlmod_load_module."
+    ::= { dlmodEntry 4 }
+dlmodStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+		    loaded(1),
+		    unloaded(2),
+		    error(3),
+		    load(4),
+		    unload(5),
+		    create(6),
+		    delete(7)
+		}
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"The current status of the loaded module."
+    ::= { dlmodEntry 5 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.inc b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f5ca67022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-SMI.inc"  -- SNMPv2-SMI (SNMPv2 SMI)
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-TC.inc"   -- SNMPv2-TC (SNMPv2 TC macro and base TCs)
+#condInclude "UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc"
+#addOpt "CM"
+#condInclude "UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.txt"
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0f720c237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+    OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, Counter32, Integer32
+    ucdExperimental
+    LAST-UPDATED "9912150000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+	"This module defines MIB components for reading information 
+	 from the IP Filter. This would let you only read its rules 
+	 and counters.
+         IP Filter by Darren Reed <darrenr@pobox.com>
+         IP Filter web page URL http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~avalon/
+         ipf-mod.pl module by Yaroslav Terletsky <ts@polynet.lviv.ua>
+         IP Filter UCD-SNMP module URL
+         ftp://ftp.polynet.lviv.ua/pub/UNIX/security/ipf/ucd-snmp-ipf-mod.tgz
+         Yaroslav Terletsky <ts@polynet.lviv.ua>"
+    REVISION	 "9912150000Z"
+	"SMIv2 version converted from an older MIB definition."
+    ::= { ucdExperimental 2 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table with IP Filter incoming rules and statistics."
+    ::= { ucdIpFilter 1 }
+    SYNTAX	IpfInEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"IP Filter incoming rules table entry."
+    INDEX	{ ipfInIndex }
+    ::= { ipfInTable 1 }
+IpfInEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    ipfInIndex	Integer32,
+    ipfInRule	OCTET STRING,
+    ipfInHits	Counter32
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference index for each incoming IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfInEntry 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Textual representation of the incoming IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfInEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Hits of the incoming IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfInEntry 3 }
+ipfOutTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table with IP Filter outgoing rules and statistic."
+    ::= { ucdIpFilter 2 }
+ipfOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE  
+    SYNTAX	IpfOutEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible 
+    STATUS	current
+	"IP Filter outgoing rules table entry."
+    INDEX	{ ipfOutIndex }
+    ::= { ipfOutTable 1 }
+IpfOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    ipfOutIndex	Integer32,
+    ipfOutRule	OCTET STRING,
+    ipfOutHits	Counter32
+ipfOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference index for each outgoing IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfOutEntry 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Textual representation of the outgoing IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfOutEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Hits of the outgoing IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfOutEntry 3 }
+ipfAccInTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table with IP Filter incoming accounting rules
+	 and statistics."
+    ::= { ucdIpFilter 3 }
+ipfAccInEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	IpfAccInEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"IP FIlter incoming accounting rules table entry."
+    INDEX	{ ipfAccInIndex }
+    ::= { ipfAccInTable 1 }
+IpfAccInEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    ipfAccInIndex	Integer32,
+    ipfAccInRule	OCTET STRING,
+    ipfAccInHits	Counter32,
+    ipfAccInBytes	Counter32
+ipfAccInIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference index for each incoming accounting
+	 IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccInEntry 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Textual representation of the incoming accounting
+	 IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccInEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Hits of the incoming accounting IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccInEntry 3 }
+ipfAccInBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bytes passed thru the incoming accounting
+	 IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccInEntry 4 }
+ipfAccOutTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table with IP Filter outgoing accounting rules
+	 and statistic."
+    ::= { ucdIpFilter 4 }
+ipfAccOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	IpfAccOutEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"IP Filter outgoing accounting rules table entry."
+    INDEX	{ ipfAccOutIndex }
+    ::= { ipfAccOutTable 1 }
+IpfAccOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    ipfAccOutIndex	Integer32,
+    ipfAccOutRule	OCTET STRING,
+    ipfAccOutHits	Counter32,
+    ipfAccOutBytes	Counter32
+ipfAccOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference index for each outgoing accounting
+	 IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccOutEntry 1 }
+ipfAccOutRule OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Textual representation of the outgoing accounting
+	 IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccOutEntry 2 }
+ipfAccOutHits OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Hits of the outgoing accounting IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccOutEntry 3 }
+ipfAccOutBytes OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bytes passed thru the outgoing accounting
+	 IP Filter rule."
+    ::= { ipfAccOutEntry 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.inc b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d67418bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-- input include file for smicng.
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-SMI.inc"  -- SNMPv2-SMI (SNMPv2 SMI)
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-TC.inc"   -- SNMPv2-TC (SNMPv2 TC macro and base TCs)
+#condInclude "UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc"
+#addOpt "CM"
+#condInclude "UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.txt"
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7cc2b9d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+    OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, IpAddress, Integer32, Counter32
+    DisplayString
+    ucdExperimental
+    LAST-UPDATED "9912160000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+	"This module defines MIB components for reading information
+         from the accounting rules IP Firewall. This would typically
+         let you read the rules and the counters. I did not include
+         some flags and fields that I considered irrelevant for the
+         accounting rules. Resetting the counters of the rules by SNMP
+         would be simple, but I don't consider it so useful. I gave no
+         consideration to implementing write access for allowing
+         modification of the accounting rules.
+         Cristian.Estan@net.utcluj.ro "
+    REVISION	 "9912160000Z"
+	"SMIv2 version converted from an older MIB definition."
+    ::= { ucdExperimental 1 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table with the accounting rules of the IP firewall"
+    ::= { ucdIpFwAccMIB 1 }
+    SYNTAX	IpFwAccEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"An accounting rule of the IP firewall"
+    INDEX	{ ipFwAccIndex }
+    ::= { ipFwAccTable 1 }
+IpFwAccEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    ipFwAccIndex	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccSrcAddr	IpAddress,
+    ipFwAccSrcNetMask	IpAddress,
+    ipFwAccDstAddr	IpAddress,
+    ipFwAccDstNetMask	IpAddress,
+    ipFwAccViaName	DisplayString,
+    ipFwAccViaAddr	IpAddress,
+    ipFwAccProto	INTEGER,
+    ipFwAccBidir	INTEGER,
+    ipFwAccDir		INTEGER,
+    ipFwAccBytes	Counter32,
+    ipFwAccPackets	Counter32,
+    ipFwAccNrSrcPorts	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccNrDstPorts	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccSrcIsRange	INTEGER,
+    ipFwAccDstIsRange	INTEGER,
+    ipFwAccPort1	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort2	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort3	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort4	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort5	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort6	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort7	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort8	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort9	Integer32,
+    ipFwAccPort10	Integer32
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference index for each firewall rule."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The source address in the firewall rule."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 2 }
+ipFwAccSrcNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The netmask of the source address in the firewall rule."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The destination address in the firewall rule."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 4 }
+ipFwAccDstNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The netmask of the destination address in the firewall rule."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 5 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString (SIZE(1..64))
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The name of the interface to which the rule applies. If no
+	 interface is associated with the present rule, this should
+	 contain a dash (-)."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 6 }
+    SYNTAX	IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The address of the interface to which the rule applies.
+	 Using this parameter makes sense when multiple addresses are
+	 associated to the same physical interface. If not defined
+	 for the current rule this should be set to 0."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 7 }
+		    other(1),
+		    all(2),
+		    tcp(3),
+		    udp(4),
+		    icmp(5)
+		}
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The protocol(s) to which the rule applies."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 8 }
+		    unidirectional(1),
+		    bidirectional(2)
+		}
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Whether the rule works in both directions (i.e. with the
+	 source and destination parts swapped) or not."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 9 }
+		    both(1),
+		    in(2),
+		    out(3)
+		}
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Whether the rule applies to packets entering or exiting the
+	 kernel."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 10 }
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The number of bytes that matched this rule since the last
+	 reset of the counters."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 11 }
+ipFwAccPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The number of packets that matched this rule since the last
+	 reset of the counters."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 12 }
+ipFwAccNrSrcPorts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The number of ports that refer to the source address."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 13 }
+ipFwAccNrDstPorts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The number of ports that refer to the destination address."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 14 }
+ipFwAccSrcIsRange OBJECT-TYPE
+		    srchasrange(1),
+		    srchasnorange(2)
+		}
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Interpret the first two ports of the source part as
+	 the upper and lower limit of an interval or not."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 15 }
+ipFwAccDstIsRange OBJECT-TYPE
+		    dsthasrange(1),
+		    dsthasnorange(2)
+		}
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Interpret the first two ports of the destination part as
+	 the upper and lower limit of an interval or not."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 16 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 1."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 17 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 2."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 18 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 3."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 19 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 4."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 20 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 5."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 21 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 6."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 22 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 7."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 23 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 8."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 24 }
+     SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 9."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 25 }
+ipFwAccPort10 OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Port number 10."
+    ::= { ipFwAccEntry 26 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB-OLD.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB-OLD.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78d0069703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB-OLD.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+--  This mib is a badly created mib which has been replaced by a more
+--  properly created UCD-SNMP-MIB.  Use that mib instead.  This file
+--  exists for historical purposes only and for use by people that
+--  need to support both agent versions.
+	ucdavis
+        OBJECT-TYPE 				
+	DisplayString 				
+	    FROM SNMPv2-TC
+	Integer32
+            FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
+-- private	  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
+-- enterprises    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
+-- ucdavis          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2021 }
+-- processes      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 1 }
+-- exec           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 3 }
+-- memory         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 4 }
+-- lockd          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 5 }
+-- disk           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 6 }
+-- load           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 7 }
+-- version        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 100 }
+-- snmperrs       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 101 }
+-- mibRegistryTable    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 102 }
+-- These are the returned values of the agent type.
+-- returned to:  .iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysObjectID.0 
+-- The following section is commented out since it is defined in the
+-- current UCD-SNMP-MIB
+-- ucdSnmpAgent      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 250 }
+-- hpux9             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 1 }
+-- hpux10            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 6 }
+-- sunos4            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 2 }
+-- solaris           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 3 }
+-- osf               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 4 }
+-- ultrix            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 5 }
+-- netbsd1           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 7 }
+-- freebsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 8 }
+-- irix              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 9 }
+-- linux             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 10 }
+-- bsdi              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 11 }
+-- unknown           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 255 }
+Processes ::= SEQUENCE {
+   processIndex  INTEGER,
+   processNames  DisplayString,
+   processMin    INTEGER,
+   processMax    INTEGER,
+   processCount  INTEGER,
+   processErrorFlag  INTEGER,
+   processErrMessage  DisplayString,
+   processErrFix  INTEGER
+processes OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"A set of information on running programs/daemons."
+	INDEX { processIndex }
+	::= { ucdavis 1 }
+processIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Reference Index for each observed process."
+	::= { processes 1 }
+processNames OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString  (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The table of process names we're Counting."
+	::= { processes 2 }
+processMin OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The minimum number of processes that should be
+		running.  An error flag is generated if the number of
+		running processes is < the minimum."
+	::= { processes 3 }
+processMax OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The maximum number of processes that should be
+		running.  An error flag is generated if the number of
+		running processes is > the maximum."
+	::= { processes 4 }
+processCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The number of current processes running with the name
+		in question."
+	::= { processes 5 }
+processErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"A Error flag to indicate trouble with a process.  It
+		goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+	::= { processes 100 }
+processErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString  (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+	::= { processes 101 }
+processErrFix OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Setting this to one will try to fix the problem if possible."
+	::= { processes 102 }
+extensible OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Extensible commands returning output and result codes."
+	INDEX { extensibleIndex }
+	::= { ucdavis 3 }
+Extensible ::= SEQUENCE {
+   extensibleIndex   INTEGER,
+   extensibleNames   DisplayString,
+   extensibleCommand DisplayString,
+   extensibleResult  INTEGER,
+   extensibleOutput  DisplayString,
+   extensibleErrFix  INTEGER
+extensibleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Reference Index for extensible calls."
+	::= { extensible 1 }
+extensibleNames OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString  (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Short, one name descriptions of the extensible commands."
+	::= { extensible 2 }
+extensibleCommand OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString  (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The command line to be executed."
+	::= { extensible 3 }
+extensibleResult OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The result code from the executed command."
+	::= { extensible 100 }
+extensibleOutput OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The output of the extensible command (top line only)."
+	::= { extensible 101 }
+extensibleErrFix OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-write
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Set to 1 to fix the problem, if possible."
+	::= { extensible 102 }
+-- the following section is commented out because it is already
+-- defined in the current UCD-SNMP-MIB
+-- memory OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX Memory
+-- 	ACCESS not-accessible
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Miscellanous stuff - memory related."
+-- 	::= { ucdavis 4 }
+-- Memory ::= SEQUENCE {
+--    memIndex        INTEGER,
+--    memErrorName    DisplayString,
+--    memTotalSwap     INTEGER,
+--    memAvailSwap     INTEGER,
+--    memTotalReal     INTEGER,
+--    memAvailReal     INTEGER,
+--    memTotalSwapTXT     INTEGER,
+--    memAvailSwapTXT     INTEGER,
+--    memTotalRealTXT     INTEGER,
+--    memAvailRealTXT     INTEGER,
+--    memTotalFree       INTEGER,
+--    memMinimumSwap       INTEGER,
+--    memSwapError       DisplayString,
+--    memShared          INTEGER,
+--    memBuffer          INTEGER,
+--    memCached          INTEGER
+-- }
+-- memIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Generic Index."
+--      ::= { memory 1 } 
+-- memErrorName OBJECT-TYPE
+--      SYNTAX  DisplayString
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Bogus Name (swap) for consistancy with the rest of the mibs."
+--      ::= { memory 2 } 
+-- memTotalSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Swap Size."
+-- 	::= { memory 3 }
+-- memAvailSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Available Swap Space."
+-- 	::= { memory 4 }
+-- memTotalReal OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Real/Physical Memory Size."
+-- 	::= { memory 5 }
+-- memAvailReal OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Available Real/Physical Memory Space."
+-- 	::= { memory 6 }
+-- memTotalSwapTXT OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total VM used by text."
+-- 	::= { memory 7 }
+-- memAvailSwapTXT OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Active VM used by text."
+-- 	::= { memory 8 }
+-- memTotalRealTXT OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Real/Physical Memory Size used by txt."
+-- 	::= { memory 9 }
+-- memAvailRealTXT OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Active Real/Physical Memory Space used by txt."
+-- 	::= { memory 10 }
+-- memTotalFree OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Available Memory"
+-- 	::= { memory 11 }
+-- memMinimumSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Minimum amount of free swap.  Otherwise memErrorSwap
+-- 		is set to 1 "
+-- 	::= { memory 12 }
+-- memShared OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Shared Memory"
+-- 	::= { memory 13 }
+-- memBuffer OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Buffered Memory"
+-- 	::= { memory 14 }
+-- memCached OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Total Cached Memory"
+-- 	::= { memory 15 }
+-- memSwapError OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Error flag.  1 indicates very little swap space left"
+-- 	::= { memory 100 }
+-- memSwapErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+--      SYNTAX  DisplayString
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Error message describing the errorflag condition"
+--      ::= { memory 101 } 
+-- lockd OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX Lockd
+-- 	ACCESS not-accessible
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Tests the functionality of the rpc.lockd/rpc.statd pair."
+-- 	INDEX { lockdIndex }
+-- 	::= { ucdavis 5 }
+-- Lockd ::= SEQUENCE {
+--    lockdIndex   INTEGER,
+--    lockdError  INTEGER,
+--    lockdErrorMsg  DisplayString
+-- }
+-- lockdIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Reference Index for lockd calls."
+-- 	::= { lockd 1 }
+-- lockdError OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Error Flag.  > 0 indicates error"
+-- 	::= { lockd 100 }
+-- lockdErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Error message if something is wrong"
+-- 	::= { lockd 101 }
+	ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Disk watching information."
+	INDEX { diskIndex }
+	::= { ucdavis 6 }
+Disk ::= SEQUENCE {
+   diskIndex   INTEGER,
+   diskPath  DisplayString,
+   diskDevice  DisplayString,
+   diskMinimum  INTEGER,
+   diskMinPercent  INTEGER,
+   diskTotal  INTEGER,
+   diskAvail  INTEGER,
+   diskUsed  INTEGER,
+   diskPercent  INTEGER,
+   diskErrorFlag  INTEGER,
+   diskErrorMsg  DisplayString
+diskIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Reference number for the Disk Mib."
+	::= { disk 1 }
+     SYNTAX  DisplayString
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Path where disk is mounted."
+     ::= { disk 2 } 
+diskDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX  DisplayString
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Device path"
+     ::= { disk 3 } 
+diskMinimum OBJECT-TYPE
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Minimum space required on the disk."
+     ::= { disk 4 } 
+diskMinPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Minimum percentage of space required on the disk."
+     ::= { disk 5 } 
+diskTotal OBJECT-TYPE
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Total Disk Size (kbytes)"
+     ::= { disk 6 } 
+diskAvail OBJECT-TYPE
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Available disk Space"
+     ::= { disk 7 } 
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Used Space on Disk"
+     ::= { disk 8 } 
+diskPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Percentage of space used on disk"
+     ::= { disk 9 } 
+diskErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "Error flag signaling disk is over minimum required space"
+     ::= { disk 100 } 
+diskErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX  DisplayString
+     ACCESS  read-only
+     STATUS  mandatory
+          "A text description of what caused the error flag to be set."
+     ::= { disk 101 } 
+loadaves OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Load average information."
+	INDEX { loadaveIndex }
+	::= { ucdavis 7 }
+Loadaves ::= SEQUENCE {
+   loadaveIndex  INTEGER,
+   loadaveNames  DisplayString,
+   loadaveLoad   DisplayString,
+   loadaveConfig DisplayString,
+   loadaveErrorFlag  INTEGER,
+   loadaveErrMessage  DisplayString
+loadaveIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"Reference Index for each observed loadave."
+	::= { loadaves 1 }
+loadaveNames OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The list of loadave names we're Counting."
+	::= { loadaves 2 }
+loadaveLoad OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The 1,5 and 10 minute load averages."
+	::= { loadaves 3 }
+loadaveConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"The watch point for loadaverages to signal an error."
+	::= { loadaves 4 }
+loadaveErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"A Error flag to indicate trouble with a loadave.  It
+		goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+	::= { loadaves 100 }
+loadaveErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+	ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS mandatory
+		"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+	::= { loadaves 101 }
+-- the following section is commented out because it is already
+-- defined in the current UCD-SNMP-MIB
+-- version	OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX Version
+-- 	ACCESS not-accessible
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"ece-snmpd version info."
+-- 	INDEX { versionIndex }
+-- 	::= { ucdavis 100 }
+-- Version ::= SEQUENCE {
+--    versionIndex   INTEGER,
+--    versionTag  DisplayString,
+--    versionDate  DisplayString,
+--    versionCDate  DisplayString,
+--    versionIdent  DisplayString,
+--    versionClearCache  INTEGER,
+--    versionUpdateConfig  INTEGER,
+--    versionDoDebugging  INTEGER
+-- }
+-- versionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Index to mib (always 1)"
+--      ::= { version 1 } 
+-- versionTag OBJECT-TYPE
+--      SYNTAX  DisplayString
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "CVS tag keyword"
+--      ::= { version 2 } 
+-- versionDate OBJECT-TYPE
+--      SYNTAX  DisplayString
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Date string from RCS keyword"
+--      ::= { version 3 } 
+-- versionCDate OBJECT-TYPE
+--      SYNTAX  DisplayString
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Date string from ctime() "
+--      ::= { version 4 } 
+-- versionIdent OBJECT-TYPE
+--      SYNTAX  DisplayString
+--      ACCESS  read-only
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Id string from RCS keyword"
+--      ::= { version 5 } 
+-- versionClearCache OBJECT-TYPE
+--      ACCESS  read-write
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Set to 1 to clear the exec cache, if enabled"
+--      ::= { version 10 } 
+-- versionUpdateConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+--      ACCESS  read-write
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Set to 1 to read-read the config file(s)."
+--      ::= { version 11 } 
+-- versionRestartAgent OBJECT-TYPE
+--      ACCESS  read-write
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Set to 1 to restart the agent."
+--      ::= { version 12 } 
+-- versionDoDebugging OBJECT-TYPE
+--      ACCESS  read-write
+--      STATUS  mandatory
+--      DESCRIPTION  
+--           "Set to 1 to turn debugging statements on in the agent."
+--      ::= { version 20 } 
+-- the following section is commented out because it is already
+-- defined in the current UCD-SNMP-MIB
+-- snmperrs OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX Snmperrs
+-- 	ACCESS not-accessible
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"A place for the agent to report problems."
+-- 	INDEX { snmperrIndex }
+-- 	::= { ucdavis 101 }
+-- Snmperrs ::= SEQUENCE {
+--    snmperrIndex  INTEGER,
+--    snmperrNames  DisplayString,
+--    snmperrErrorFlag  INTEGER,
+--    snmperrErrMessage  DisplayString
+-- }
+-- snmperrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"Reference Index for each observed snmperr."
+-- 	::= { snmperrs 1 }
+-- snmperrNames OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"snmp"
+-- 	::= { snmperrs 2 }
+-- snmperrErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"A Error flag to indicate trouble with the agent.  It
+-- 		goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+-- 	::= { snmperrs 100 }
+-- snmperrErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+-- 	SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+-- 	ACCESS read-only
+-- 	STATUS mandatory
+-- 		"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+-- 	::= { snmperrs 101 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..758e76fedd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+-- input include file for smicng.
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-SMI.inc"  -- SNMPv2-SMI (SNMPv2 SMI)
+#condInclude "SNMPv2-TC.inc"   -- SNMPv2-TC (SNMPv2 TC macro and base TCs)
+#addOpt "CM"
+#condInclude "UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt"
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8647e8862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+-- Design notes:
+-- The design of this mib may seem unusual in parts, as it was
+-- designed for ease of numerical management routines.
+-- In that light, most sub-sections of this mib have four common
+-- numerical oid consistencies:
+-- 2021.ID.1   : an integer index value.  In scalers, this is always
+--               of value 1.  In tables it is a row index.
+-- 2021.ID.2   : a name of the script, process, etc. that this row represents.
+-- 2021.ID.100 : An error flag indicating if an error is present on
+--               that row (a threshold value was crossed, etc).
+-- 2021.ID.101 : An error string describing why the error flag is non-0.
+-- These conventions enable managers to easy examine portions of the
+-- mib by setting the ID to the sub-section they are interested in
+-- monitoring, and then scanning the .100 value to check for an
+-- error(s), and get a more specific error message from .101 for the
+-- named check found in .2.
+-- Row numbers between 2 and 100 are sub-section specific.
+-- Mib sections utilizing the above conventions:
+--   Tables:  	procTable, execTable, diskTable, loadTable
+--   Scalers: 	memory, snmperrs
+    Integer32, Opaque, enterprises, Counter32
+        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue
+    LAST-UPDATED "200209050000Z"
+    ORGANIZATION "University of California, Davis"
+	"This mib is no longer being maintained by the University of
+	 California and is now in life-support-mode and being
+	 maintained by the net-snmp project.  The best place to write
+	 for public questions about the net-snmp-coders mailing list
+	 at net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net.
+         postal:   Wes Hardaker
+                   P.O. Box 382
+                   Davis CA  95617
+         email:    net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
+        "
+	"Added ssCpuRawSoftIRQ for Linux (2.6) and forgotten raw swap counters."
+    REVISION	 "200404070000Z"
+	"Deprecate the non-raw objects."
+    REVISION	 "200209050000Z"
+	"This file defines the private UCD SNMP MIB extensions."
+    REVISION	 "200101170000Z"
+	"Added raw CPU and IO counters."
+    REVISION	 "9912090000Z"
+	"SMIv2 version converted from older MIB definitions."
+    ::= { enterprises 2021 }
+-- Current UCD core mib table entries:
+--   prTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   2 }
+--   memory           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   4 }
+--   extTable         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   8 }
+--   diskTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   9 }
+--   loadTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  10 }
+--   systemStats      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  11 }
+--   ucdDemoMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  14 } - UCD-DEMO-MIB
+--   fileTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  15 }
+--   logMatch         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  16 }
+--   version          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 100 }
+--   snmperrs         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 101 }
+--   mibRegistryTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 102 }
+-- Older mib table entries that were changed to new locations above:
+--   processes        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   1 }
+--   exec             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   3 }
+--   disk             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   6 }
+--   load             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   7 }
+-- Never implemented and removed from the mib:
+--   lockd            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   5 }
+-- Branches for registering other UCD MIB modules:
+ucdInternal           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 12 }
+ucdExperimental       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 13 }
+-- OID values assigned in the ucdExperimental branch:
+--   ucdIpFwAccMIB    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental  1 } - UCD-IPFWACC-MIB
+--   ucdIpFilter      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental  2 } - UCD-IPFILTER-MIB
+--   wavelan          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental  3 } - WL-MIB
+--   ucdDlmodMIB      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 14 } - UCD-DLMOD-MIB
+--   ucdDiskIOMIB     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 15 } - UCD-DISKIO-MIB
+--   lmSensors        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdExperimental 16 } - LM-SENSORS-MIB
+-- These are the returned values of the agent type.
+-- returned to:  .iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysObjectID.0 
+ucdSnmpAgent      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 250 }
+hpux9             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 1 }
+sunos4            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 2 }
+solaris           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 3 }
+osf               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 4 }
+ultrix            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 5 }
+hpux10            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 6 }
+netbsd1           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 7 }
+freebsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 8 }
+irix              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 9 }
+linux             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 10 }
+bsdi              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 11 }
+openbsd           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 12 }
+win32		  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 13 } -- unlucky
+hpux11            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 14 }
+unknown           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdSnmpAgent 255 }
+-- Define the Float Textual Convention
+--   This definition was written by David Perkins.
+    STATUS      current
+        "A single precision floating-point number.  The semantics
+         and encoding are identical for type 'single' defined in
+         IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point,
+         ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985.
+         The value is restricted to the BER serialization of
+         the following ASN.1 type:
+             FLOATTYPE ::= [120] IMPLICIT FloatType
+         (note: the value 120 is the sum of '30'h and '48'h)
+         The BER serialization of the length for values of
+         this type must use the definite length, short
+         encoding form.
+         For example, the BER serialization of value 123
+         of type FLOATTYPE is '9f780442f60000'h.  (The tag
+         is '9f78'h; the length is '04'h; and the value is
+         '42f60000'h.) The BER serialization of value
+         '9f780442f60000'h of data type Opaque is
+         '44079f780442f60000'h. (The tag is '44'h; the length
+         is '07'h; and the value is '9f780442f60000'h."
+    SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (7))
+-- Process table checks
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table containing information on running
+	 programs/daemons configured for monitoring in the
+	 snmpd.conf file of the agent.  Processes violating the
+	 number of running processes required by the agent's
+	 configuration file are flagged with numerical and
+	 textual errors."
+    ::= { ucdavis 2 }
+    SYNTAX	PrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+        "An entry containing a process and its statistics."
+    INDEX	{ prIndex }
+    ::= { prTable  1 }
+PrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    prIndex		Integer32,
+    prNames		DisplayString,
+    prMin		Integer32,
+    prMax		Integer32,
+    prCount		Integer32,
+    prErrorFlag		Integer32,
+    prErrMessage	DisplayString,
+    prErrFix		Integer32,
+    prErrFixCmd		DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference Index for each observed process."
+    ::= { prEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The process name we're counting/checking on."
+    ::= { prEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The minimum number of processes that should be
+	 running.  An error flag is generated if the number of
+	 running processes is < the minimum."
+    ::= { prEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The maximum number of processes that should be
+	 running.  An error flag is generated if the number of
+	 running processes is > the maximum."
+    ::= { prEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The number of current processes running with the name
+	 in question."
+    ::= { prEntry 5 }
+prErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Error flag to indicate trouble with a process.  It
+	 goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+    ::= { prEntry 100 }
+prErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+    ::= { prEntry 101 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Setting this to one will try to fix the problem if
+	 the agent has been configured with a script to call
+	 to attempt to fix problems automatically using remote
+	 snmp operations."
+    ::= { prEntry 102 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The command that gets run when the prErrFix column is 
+	 set to 1."
+    ::= { prEntry 103 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table of extensible commands returning output and
+	 result codes.  These commands are configured via the
+	 agent's snmpd.conf file."
+    ::= { ucdavis 8 }
+    SYNTAX     ExtEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "An entry containing an extensible script/program and its output."
+    INDEX      { extIndex }
+    ::= { extTable  1 }
+ExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    extIndex		Integer32,
+    extNames		DisplayString,
+    extCommand		DisplayString,
+    extResult		Integer32,
+    extOutput		DisplayString,
+    extErrFix		Integer32,
+    extErrFixCmd	DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference Index for extensible scripts.  Simply an
+	 integer row number."
+    ::= { extEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Short, one name description of the extensible command."
+    ::= { extEntry 2 }
+extCommand OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The command line to be executed."
+    ::= { extEntry 3 }
+extResult OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The result code (exit status) from the executed command."
+    ::= { extEntry 100 }
+extOutput OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The first line of output of the executed command."
+    ::= { extEntry 101 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Setting this to one will try to fix the problem if
+	 the agent has been configured with a script to call
+	 to attempt to fix problems automatically using remote
+	 snmp operations."
+    ::= { extEntry 102 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The command that gets run when the extErrFix column is 
+	 set to 1."
+    ::= { extEntry 103 }
+-- Memory usage/watch reporting.
+-- Not supported on all systems!
+-- See agent/mibgroup/ucd_snmp.h to see if its loaded for your architecture.
+memory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Index.  This should always return the integer 0."
+    ::= { memory 1 } 
+memErrorName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Name. This should always return the string 'swap'."
+    ::= { memory 2 } 
+memTotalSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Swap Size configured for the host."
+    ::= { memory 3 }
+memAvailSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Available Swap Space on the host."
+    ::= { memory 4 }
+memTotalReal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Real/Physical Memory Size on the host."
+    ::= { memory 5 }
+memAvailReal OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Available Real/Physical Memory Space on the host."
+    ::= { memory 6 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total virtual memory used by text."
+    ::= { memory 7 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Active virtual memory used by text."
+    ::= { memory 8 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Real/Physical Memory Size used by text."
+    ::= { memory 9 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Active Real/Physical Memory Space used by text."
+    ::= { memory 10 }
+memTotalFree OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Available Memory on the host"
+    ::= { memory 11 }
+memMinimumSwap OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Minimum amount of free swap required to be free
+	 or else memErrorSwap is set to 1 and an error string is
+	 returned memSwapErrorMsg."
+    ::= { memory 12 }
+memShared OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Shared Memory"
+    ::= { memory 13 }
+memBuffer OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Buffered Memory"
+    ::= { memory 14 }
+memCached OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total Cached Memory"
+    ::= { memory 15 }
+memSwapError OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Error flag.  1 indicates very little swap space left"
+    ::= { memory 100 }
+memSwapErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Error message describing the Error Flag condition"
+    ::= { memory 101 } 
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Disk watching information.  Partions to be watched
+	 are configured by the snmpd.conf file of the agent."
+    ::= { ucdavis 9 }
+    SYNTAX     DskEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+        "An entry containing a disk and its statistics."
+    INDEX      { dskIndex }
+    ::= { dskTable  1 }
+DskEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    dskIndex		Integer32,
+    dskPath		DisplayString,
+    dskDevice		DisplayString,
+    dskMinimum		Integer32,
+    dskMinPercent	Integer32,
+    dskTotal		Integer32,
+    dskAvail		Integer32,
+    dskUsed		Integer32,
+    dskPercent		Integer32,
+    dskPercentNode	Integer32,
+    dskErrorFlag	Integer32,
+    dskErrorMsg		DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Integer reference number (row number) for the disk mib."
+    ::= { dskEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Path where the disk is mounted."
+    ::= { dskEntry 2 } 
+dskDevice OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Path of the device for the partition"
+    ::= { dskEntry 3 } 
+dskMinimum OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Minimum space required on the disk (in kBytes) before the
+         errors are triggered.  Either this or dskMinPercent is
+         configured via the agent's snmpd.conf file."
+    ::= { dskEntry 4 } 
+dskMinPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Percentage of minimum space required on the disk before the
+         errors are triggered.  Either this or dskMinimum is
+         configured via the agent's snmpd.conf file."
+    ::= { dskEntry 5 } 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes)"
+    ::= { dskEntry 6 } 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Available space on the disk"
+    ::= { dskEntry 7 } 
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Used space on the disk"
+    ::= { dskEntry 8 } 
+dskPercent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Percentage of space used on disk"
+    ::= { dskEntry 9 } 
+dskPercentNode OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Percentage of inodes used on disk"
+    ::= { dskEntry 10 } 
+dskErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Error flag signaling that the disk or partition is under
+	 the minimum required space configured for it."
+    ::= { dskEntry 100 } 
+dskErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A text description providing a warning and the space left
+	 on the disk."
+    ::= { dskEntry 101 } 
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Load average information."
+    ::= { ucdavis 10 }
+    SYNTAX	LaEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"An entry containing a load average and its values."
+    INDEX	{ laIndex }
+    ::= { laTable  1 }
+LaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    laIndex		Integer32,
+    laNames		DisplayString,
+    laLoad		DisplayString,
+    laConfig		DisplayString,
+    laLoadInt		Integer32,
+    laLoadFloat		Float,
+    laErrorFlag		Integer32,
+    laErrMessage	DisplayString
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..3)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"reference index/row number for each observed loadave."
+    ::= { laEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The list of loadave names we're watching."
+    ::= { laEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The 1,5 and 10 minute load averages (one per row)."
+    ::= { laEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The watch point for load-averages to signal an
+	 error.  If the load averages rises above this value,
+	 the laErrorFlag below is set."
+    ::= { laEntry 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The 1,5 and 10 minute load averages as an integer.
+	 This is computed by taking the floating point
+	 loadaverage value and multiplying by 100, then
+	 converting the value to an integer."
+    ::= { laEntry 5 }
+laLoadFloat OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Float
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The 1,5 and 10 minute load averages as an opaquely
+	 wrapped floating point number."
+    ::= { laEntry 6 }
+laErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Error flag to indicate the load-average has crossed
+	 its threshold value defined in the snmpd.conf file.
+	 It is set to 1 if the threshold is crossed, 0 otherwise."
+    ::= { laEntry 100 }
+laErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"An error message describing the load-average and its
+	 surpased watch-point value."
+    ::= { laEntry 101 }
+version	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 100 }
+versionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Index to mib (always 0)"
+    ::= { version 1 } 
+versionTag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"CVS tag keyword"
+    ::= { version 2 } 
+versionDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Date string from RCS keyword"
+    ::= { version 3 } 
+versionCDate OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Date string from ctime() "
+    ::= { version 4 } 
+versionIdent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Id string from RCS keyword"
+    ::= { version 5 } 
+versionConfigureOptions OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Options passed to the configure script when this agent was built."
+    ::= { version 6 } 
+versionClearCache OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to clear the exec cache, if enabled"
+    ::= { version 10 } 
+versionUpdateConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to read-read the config file(s)."
+    ::= { version 11 } 
+versionRestartAgent OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to restart the agent."
+    ::= { version 12 } 
+versionSavePersistentData OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to force the agent to save it's persistent data immediately."
+    ::= { version 13 } 
+versionDoDebugging OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-write
+    STATUS	current
+	"Set to 1 to turn debugging statements on in the agent or 0
+	 to turn it off."
+    ::= { version 20 } 
+snmperrs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 101 }
+snmperrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Bogus Index for snmperrs (always 0)."
+    ::= { snmperrs 1 }
+snmperrNames OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"snmp"
+    ::= { snmperrs 2 }
+snmperrErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"A Error flag to indicate trouble with the agent.  It
+	 goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error."
+    ::= { snmperrs 100 }
+snmperrErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"An error message describing the problem (if one exists)."
+    ::= { snmperrs 101 }
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"A table displaying all the oid's registered by mib modules in
+	 the agent.  Since the agent is modular in nature, this lists
+	 each module's OID it is responsible for and the name of the module"
+    ::= { ucdavis 102 }
+    SYNTAX	MrEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"An entry containing a registered mib oid."
+    INDEX	{ IMPLIED mrIndex }
+    ::= { mrTable 1 }
+MrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    mrModuleName	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The registry slot of a mibmodule."
+    ::= { mrEntry  1 }
+mrModuleName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The module name that registered this OID."
+    ::= { mrEntry  2 }
+systemStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 11 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Reference Index for each observed systemStat (1)."
+    ::= { systemStats 1 }
+ssErrorName OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"The list of systemStats names (vmstat) we're Counting."
+    ::= { systemStats 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Amount of memory swapped in from disk (kB/s)."
+    ::= { systemStats 3 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Amount of memory swapped to disk (kB/s)."
+    ::= { systemStats 4 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s). Deprecated, replaced by
+	the ssIORawSent object"
+    ::= { systemStats 5 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s). Deprecated, replaced by
+	the ssIORawReceived object"
+    ::= { systemStats 6 }
+ssSysInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The number of interrupts per second, including the clock.
+	Deprecated, replaced by ssRawInterrupts"
+    ::= { systemStats 7 }
+ssSysContext OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"The number of context switches per second.
+	Deprecated, replaced by ssRawContext"
+    ::= { systemStats 8 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"percentages of user CPU time. Deprecated, replaced by the ssCpuRawUser
+	object"
+    ::= { systemStats 9 }
+ssCpuSystem OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"percentages of system CPU time. Deprecated, replaced by of the
+	ssCpuRawSystem object"
+    ::= { systemStats 10 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	deprecated
+	"percentages of idle CPU time. Deprecated, replaced by of the
+	ssCpuRawIdle object"
+    ::= { systemStats 11 }
+-- The agent only implements those of the following counters that the
+-- kernel supports! Don't expect all to be present.
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "user CPU time."
+    ::= { systemStats 50 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "nice CPU time."
+    ::= { systemStats 51 }
+ssCpuRawSystem OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "system CPU time."
+    ::= { systemStats 52 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "idle CPU time."
+    ::= { systemStats 53 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "iowait CPU time. This is primarily a SysV thingie"
+    ::= { systemStats 54 }
+ssCpuRawKernel OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "kernel CPU time."
+    ::= { systemStats 55 }
+ssCpuRawInterrupt OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "interruptlevel CPU time. This is primarily a BSD thingie"
+    ::= { systemStats 56 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks sent to a block device"
+    ::= { systemStats 57 }
+ssIORawReceived OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks received from a block device"
+    ::= { systemStats 58 }
+ssRawInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of interrupts processed"
+    ::= { systemStats 59 }
+ssRawContexts OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of context switches"
+    ::= { systemStats 60 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Soft IRQ CPU time. This is for Linux 2.6"
+    ::= { systemStats 61 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks swapped in"
+    ::= { systemStats 62 }
+    SYNTAX      Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+    STATUS      current
+        "Number of blocks swapped out"
+    ::= { systemStats 63 }
+-- possibly used in the future:
+-- ssErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+--     SYNTAX	   Integer32
+--     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+--     STATUS      current
+--         "Error flag."
+--     ::= { systemStats 100 }
+-- ssErrMessage OBJECT-TYPE
+--     SYNTAX      DisplayString
+--     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
+--     STATUS      current
+--         "Error message describing the errorflag condition."
+--     ::= { systemStats 101 } 
+ucdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 251 }
+    STATUS	current
+	""
+    ::= { ucdTraps 1 }
+    STATUS current
+	"This trap is sent when the agent terminates"
+    ::= { ucdTraps 2 }
+-- File Table:  monitor a list of files to check for a maximum size.
+fileTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Table of monitored files."
+    ::= { ucdavis 15 }
+fileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	FileEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS	not-accessible
+    STATUS	current
+	"Entry of file"
+    INDEX	{ fileIndex }
+    ::= { fileTable 1 }
+FileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    fileIndex		Integer32,
+    fileName		DisplayString,
+    fileSize		Integer32,
+    fileMax		Integer32,
+    fileErrorFlag	TruthValue,
+    fileErrorMsg	DisplayString
+fileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Index of file"
+    ::= { fileEntry 1 }
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Filename"
+    ::= { fileEntry 2 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Size of file (kB)"
+    ::= { fileEntry 3 }
+    SYNTAX	Integer32
+    UNITS       "kB"
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Limit of filesize (kB)"
+    ::= { fileEntry 4 }
+fileErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	TruthValue
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Limit exceeded flag"
+    ::= { fileEntry 100 }
+fileErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX	DisplayString
+    MAX-ACCESS	read-only
+    STATUS	current
+	"Filesize error message"
+    ::= { fileEntry 101 }
+logMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 16 }
+logMatchMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"The maximum number of logmatch entries
+		this snmpd daemon can support."
+	::= { logMatch 1 }
+logMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Table of monitored files."
+	::= { logMatch 2 }
+logMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX LogMatchEntry
+	MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+	STATUS current
+		"Entry of file"
+	INDEX { logMatchIndex }
+	::= { logMatchTable 1 }
+LogMatchEntry ::=
+		logMatchIndex
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchName
+			DisplayString,
+		logMatchFilename
+			DisplayString,
+		logMatchRegEx
+			DisplayString,
+		logMatchGlobalCounter
+			Counter32,
+		logMatchGlobalCount
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchCurrentCounter
+			Counter32,
+		logMatchCurrentCount
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchCounter
+			Counter32,
+		logMatchCount
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchCycle
+			Integer32,
+		logMatchErrorFlag
+			TruthValue,
+		logMatchRegExCompilation
+			DisplayString
+	 }
+logMatchIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Index of logmatch"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 1 }
+logMatchName OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"logmatch instance name"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 2 }
+logMatchFilename OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"filename to be logmatched"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 3 }
+logMatchRegEx OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"regular expression"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 4 }
+logMatchGlobalCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"global count of matches"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 5 }
+logMatchGlobalCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Description."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 6 }
+logMatchCurrentCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Regex match counter. This counter will
+		be reset with each logfile rotation."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 7 }
+logMatchCurrentCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Description."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 8 }
+logMatchCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Counter32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Regex match counter. This counter will
+		be reset with each read"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 9 }
+logMatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"Description."
+	::= { logMatchEntry 10 }
+logMatchCycle OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX Integer32
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"time between updates (if not queried) in seconds"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 11 }
+logMatchErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX TruthValue
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"errorflag: is this line configured correctly?"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 100 }
+logMatchRegExCompilation OBJECT-TYPE
+	SYNTAX DisplayString
+	MAX-ACCESS read-only
+	STATUS current
+		"message of regex precompilation"
+	::= { logMatchEntry 101 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UDP-MIB.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UDP-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baf553364e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/UDP-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64,
+    Unsigned32, IpAddress, mib-2       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+    InetAddress, InetAddressType,
+    InetPortNumber                     FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;
+    LAST-UPDATED "200505200000Z"  -- May 20, 2005
+           "IETF IPv6 Working Group
+            http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ipv6-charter.html"
+           "Bill Fenner (editor)
+            AT&T Labs -- Research
+            75 Willow Rd.
+            Menlo Park, CA 94025
+            Phone: +1 650 330-7893
+            Email: <fenner@research.att.com>
+            John Flick (editor)
+            Hewlett-Packard Company
+            8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
+            Roseville, CA 95747
+            Phone: +1 916 785 4018
+            Email: <john.flick@hp.com>
+            Send comments to <ipv6@ietf.org>"
+           "The MIB module for managing UDP implementations.
+            Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This
+            version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4113;
+            see the RFC itself for full legal notices."
+    REVISION      "200505200000Z"  -- May 20, 2005
+           "IP version neutral revision, incorporating the
+            following revisions:
+            - Added udpHCInDatagrams and udpHCOutDatagrams in order
+              to provide high-capacity counters for fast networks.
+            - Added text to the descriptions of all counter objects
+              to indicate how discontinuities are detected.
+            - Deprecated the IPv4-specific udpTable and replaced it
+              with the version neutral udpEndpointTable.  This
+              table includes support for connected UDP endpoints
+              and support for identification of the operating
+              system process associated with a UDP endpoint.
+            - Deprecated the udpGroup and replaced it with object
+              groups representing the current set of objects.
+            - Deprecated udpMIBCompliance and replaced it with
+              udpMIBCompliance2, which includes the compliance
+              information for the new object groups.
+            This version published as RFC 4113."
+    REVISION      "199411010000Z"    -- November 1, 1994
+           "Initial SMIv2 version, published as RFC 2013."
+    REVISION      "199103310000Z"    -- March 31, 1991
+           "The initial revision of this MIB module was part of
+            MIB-II, published as RFC 1213."
+    ::= { mib-2 50 }
+-- the UDP group
+udp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 7 }
+udpInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP
+            users.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
+            at re-initialization of the management system, and at
+            other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
+            value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { udp 1 }
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of received UDP datagrams for which
+            there was no application at the destination port.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
+            at re-initialization of the management system, and at
+            other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
+            value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { udp 2 }
+udpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be
+            delivered for reasons other than the lack of an
+            application at the destination port.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
+            at re-initialization of the management system, and at
+            other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
+            value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { udp 3 }
+udpOutDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
+            entity.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
+            at re-initialization of the management system, and at
+            other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
+            value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { udp 4 }
+udpHCInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP
+            users, for devices that can receive more than 1
+            million UDP datagrams per second.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
+            at re-initialization of the management system, and at
+            other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
+            value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { udp 8 }
+udpHCOutDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Counter64
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
+            entity, for devices that can transmit more than 1
+            million UDP datagrams per second.
+            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
+            at re-initialization of the management system, and at
+            other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
+            value of sysUpTime."
+    ::= { udp 9 }
+-- { udp 6 } was defined as the ipv6UdpTable in RFC2454's
+-- IPV6-UDP-MIB.  This RFC obsoletes RFC 2454, so { udp 6 } is
+-- obsoleted.
+-- The UDP "Endpoint" table.
+udpEndpointTable OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF UdpEndpointEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "A table containing information about this entity's UDP
+            endpoints on which a local application is currently
+            accepting or sending datagrams.
+            The address type in this table represents the address
+            type used for the communication, irrespective of the
+            higher-layer abstraction.  For example, an application
+            using IPv6 'sockets' to communicate via IPv4 between
+            ::ffff: and ::ffff: would use
+            InetAddressType ipv4(1).
+            Unlike the udpTable in RFC 2013, this table also allows
+            the representation of an application that completely
+            specifies both local and remote addresses and ports.  A
+            listening application is represented in three possible
+            ways:
+            1) An application that is willing to accept both IPv4
+               and IPv6 datagrams is represented by a
+               udpEndpointLocalAddressType of unknown(0) and a
+               udpEndpointLocalAddress of ''h (a zero-length
+               octet-string).
+            2) An application that is willing to accept only IPv4
+               or only IPv6 datagrams is represented by a
+               udpEndpointLocalAddressType of the appropriate
+               address type and a udpEndpointLocalAddress of
+               '' or '::' respectively.
+            3) An application that is listening for datagrams only
+               for a specific IP address but from any remote
+               system is represented by a
+               udpEndpointLocalAddressType of the appropriate
+               address type, with udpEndpointLocalAddress
+               specifying the local address.
+            In all cases where the remote is a wildcard, the
+            udpEndpointRemoteAddressType is unknown(0), the
+            udpEndpointRemoteAddress is ''h (a zero-length
+            octet-string), and the udpEndpointRemotePort is 0.
+            If the operating system is demultiplexing UDP packets
+            by remote address and port, or if the application has
+            'connected' the socket specifying a default remote
+            address and port, the udpEndpointRemote* values should
+            be used to reflect this."
+    ::= { udp 7 }
+udpEndpointEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     UdpEndpointEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "Information about a particular current UDP endpoint.
+            Implementers need to be aware that if the total number
+            of elements (octets or sub-identifiers) in
+            udpEndpointLocalAddress and udpEndpointRemoteAddress
+            exceeds 111, then OIDs of column instances in this table
+            will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and cannot be
+            accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    INDEX   { udpEndpointLocalAddressType,
+              udpEndpointLocalAddress,
+              udpEndpointLocalPort,
+              udpEndpointRemoteAddressType,
+              udpEndpointRemoteAddress,
+              udpEndpointRemotePort,
+              udpEndpointInstance }
+    ::= { udpEndpointTable 1 }
+UdpEndpointEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+        udpEndpointLocalAddressType   InetAddressType,
+        udpEndpointLocalAddress       InetAddress,
+        udpEndpointLocalPort          InetPortNumber,
+        udpEndpointRemoteAddressType  InetAddressType,
+        udpEndpointRemoteAddress      InetAddress,
+        udpEndpointRemotePort         InetPortNumber,
+        udpEndpointInstance           Unsigned32,
+        udpEndpointProcess            Unsigned32
+    }
+udpEndpointLocalAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of udpEndpointLocalAddress.  Only
+            IPv4, IPv4z, IPv6, and IPv6z addresses are expected, or
+            unknown(0) if datagrams for all local IP addresses are
+            accepted."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 1 }
+udpEndpointLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The local IP address for this UDP endpoint.
+            The value of this object can be represented in three
+            possible ways, depending on the characteristics of the
+            listening application:
+            1. For an application that is willing to accept both
+               IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams, the value of this object
+               must be ''h (a zero-length octet-string), with
+               the value of the corresponding instance of the
+               udpEndpointLocalAddressType object being unknown(0).
+            2. For an application that is willing to accept only IPv4
+               or only IPv6 datagrams, the value of this object
+               must be '' or '::', respectively, while the
+               corresponding instance of the
+               udpEndpointLocalAddressType object represents the
+               appropriate address type.
+            3. For an application that is listening for data
+               destined only to a specific IP address, the value
+               of this object is the specific IP address for which
+               this node is receiving packets, with the
+               corresponding instance of the
+               udpEndpointLocalAddressType object representing the
+               appropriate address type.
+            As this object is used in the index for the
+            udpEndpointTable, implementors of this table should be
+            careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
+            with more than 128 subidentifiers; else the information
+            cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 2 }
+udpEndpointLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The local port number for this UDP endpoint."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 3 }
+udpEndpointRemoteAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddressType
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The address type of udpEndpointRemoteAddress.  Only
+            IPv4, IPv4z, IPv6, and IPv6z addresses are expected, or
+            unknown(0) if datagrams for all remote IP addresses are
+            accepted.  Also, note that some combinations of
+            udpEndpointLocalAdressType and
+            udpEndpointRemoteAddressType are not supported.  In
+            particular, if the value of this object is not
+            unknown(0), it is expected to always refer to the
+            same IP version as udpEndpointLocalAddressType."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 4 }
+udpEndpointRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remote IP address for this UDP endpoint.  If
+            datagrams from any remote system are to be accepted,
+            this value is ''h (a zero-length octet-string).
+            Otherwise, it has the type described by
+            udpEndpointRemoteAddressType and is the address of the
+            remote system from which datagrams are to be accepted
+            (or to which all datagrams will be sent).
+            As this object is used in the index for the
+            udpEndpointTable, implementors of this table should be
+            careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
+            with more than 128 subidentifiers; else the information
+            cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 5 }
+udpEndpointRemotePort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The remote port number for this UDP endpoint.  If
+            datagrams from any remote system are to be accepted,
+            this value is zero."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 6 }
+udpEndpointInstance OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     current
+           "The instance of this tuple.  This object is used to
+            distinguish among multiple processes 'connected' to
+            the same UDP endpoint.  For example, on a system
+            implementing the BSD sockets interface, this would be
+            used to support the SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT
+            socket options."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 7 }
+udpEndpointProcess OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     current
+           "The system's process ID for the process associated with
+            this endpoint, or zero if there is no such process.
+            This value is expected to be the same as
+            HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunIndex or SYSAPPL-MIB::
+            sysApplElmtRunIndex for some row in the appropriate
+            tables."
+    ::= { udpEndpointEntry 8 }
+-- The deprecated UDP Listener table
+-- The deprecated UDP listener table only contains information
+-- about this entity's IPv4 UDP end-points on which a local
+-- application is currently accepting datagrams.  It does not
+-- provide more detailed connection information, or information
+-- about IPv6 endpoints.
+    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF UdpEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "A table containing IPv4-specific UDP listener
+            information.  It contains information about all local
+            IPv4 UDP end-points on which an application is
+            currently accepting datagrams.  This table has been
+            deprecated in favor of the version neutral
+            udpEndpointTable."
+    ::= { udp 5 }
+    SYNTAX     UdpEntry
+    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "Information about a particular current UDP listener."
+    INDEX   { udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
+    ::= { udpTable 1 }
+UdpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+    udpLocalAddress   IpAddress,
+    udpLocalPort      Integer32
+udpLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     IpAddress
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The local IP address for this UDP listener.  In the
+            case of a UDP listener that is willing to accept
+            datagrams for any IP interface associated with the
+            node, the value is used."
+    ::= { udpEntry 1 }
+udpLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
+    MAX-ACCESS read-only
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The local port number for this UDP listener."
+    ::= { udpEntry 2 }
+-- conformance information
+udpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { udpMIB 2 }
+udpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { udpMIBConformance 1 }
+udpMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { udpMIBConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+    STATUS     current
+           "The compliance statement for systems that implement
+            UDP.
+            There are a number of INDEX objects that cannot be
+            represented in the form of OBJECT clauses in SMIv2, but
+            for which we have the following compliance
+            requirements, expressed in OBJECT clause form in this
+            description clause:
+            -- OBJECT      udpEndpointLocalAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
+            --                               ipv6(2), ipv4z(3),
+            --                               ipv6z(4) }
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     Support for dns(5) is not required.
+            -- OBJECT      udpEndpointLocalAddress
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|8|16|20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     Support is only required for zero-length
+            --     octet-strings, and for scoped and unscoped
+            --     IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+            -- OBJECT      udpEndpointRemoteAddressType
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
+            --                               ipv6(2), ipv4z(3),
+            --                               ipv6z(4) }
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     Support for dns(5) is not required.
+            -- OBJECT      udpEndpointRemoteAddress
+            -- SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|8|16|20))
+            -- DESCRIPTION
+            --     Support is only required for zero-length
+            --     octet-strings, and for scoped and unscoped
+            --     IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+           "
+    MODULE  -- this module
+         MANDATORY-GROUPS { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup }
+         GROUP       udpHCGroup
+                "This group is mandatory for systems that
+                 are capable of receiving or transmitting more than
+                 1 million UDP datagrams per second.  1 million
+                 datagrams per second will cause a Counter32 to
+                 wrap in just over an hour."
+    ::= { udpMIBCompliances 2 }
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The compliance statement for IPv4-only systems that
+            implement UDP.  For IP version independence, this
+            compliance statement is deprecated in favor of
+            udpMIBCompliance2.  However, agents are still
+            encouraged to implement these objects in order to
+            interoperate with the deployed base of managers."
+    MODULE  -- this module
+        MANDATORY-GROUPS { udpGroup }
+    ::= { udpMIBCompliances 1 }
+-- units of conformance
+    OBJECTS   { udpInDatagrams, udpNoPorts,
+                udpInErrors, udpOutDatagrams,
+                udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
+    STATUS     deprecated
+           "The deprecated group of objects providing for
+            management of UDP over IPv4."
+    ::= { udpMIBGroups 1 }
+udpBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS   { udpInDatagrams, udpNoPorts, udpInErrors,
+                udpOutDatagrams }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects providing for counters of UDP
+            statistics."
+    ::= { udpMIBGroups 2 }
+    OBJECTS   { udpHCInDatagrams, udpHCOutDatagrams }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects providing for counters of high
+            speed UDP implementations."
+    ::= { udpMIBGroups 3 }
+udpEndpointGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+    OBJECTS    { udpEndpointProcess }
+    STATUS     current
+           "The group of objects providing for the IP version
+            independent management of UDP 'endpoints'."
+    ::= { udpMIBGroups 4 }
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/ianalist b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/ianalist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66ba365fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/ianalist
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# updated 2005-01-06
+ianaiftype-mib			IANAifType-MIB
+ianalanguage-mib		IANA-LANGUAGE-MIB
+ianaaddressfamilynumbers-mib	IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB
+ianaiprouteprotocol-mib		IANA-RTPROTO-MIB
+ianatn3270etc-mib		IANATn3270eTC-MIB
+ianamalloc-mib			IANA-MALLOC-MIB
+ianacharset-mib			IANA-CHARSET-MIB
+ianaprinter-mib			IANA-PRINTER-MIB
+ianafinisher-mib		IANA-FINISHER-MIB
+ianaitualarmtc-mib		IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/makehtml.pl b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/makehtml.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e772776f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/makehtml.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+use SNMP;
+use Getopt::Std;
+%opts = ( M => ".",
+	  D => "html");
+getopts("M:D:WH:", \%opts) || die "usage: makehtml.pl -W [-M MIBDIR] [-D OUTDIR] files > index.html";
+$SNMP::save_descriptions = 1;
+$ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = $opts{'M'};
+$ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'bogus';
+if (-f "rfclist") {
+    open(I,"rfclist");
+    while (<I>) {
+	if (/^(\d+)\s+([-:\w]+)\s*$/) {
+	    my $mib = $2;
+	    my $rfc = $1;
+	    my @mibs = split(/:/,$mib);
+	    foreach my $i (@mibs) {
+		$mibs{$i} = $rfc; 
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    close(I);
+if (-f "nodemap") {
+    open(I,"nodemap");
+    while (<I>) {
+	if (/^([-\w]+)\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
+	    $nodemap{$1} = $2;
+	}
+    }
+    close(I);
+if ($opts{'W'}) {
+  print '<p class="SectionTitle">
+Net-SNMP Distributed MIBs
+<p>The following are the MIB files distributed with Net-SNMP.  Note that because they are distributed with Net-SNMP does not mean the agent implements them all.  Another good place for finding other MIB definitions can be found <a href="http://www.mibdepot.com/">at the MIB depot</a>.</p>
+<table border="2" bgcolor="#dddddd">
+  <tr><th>MIB</th><th>RFC</th><th>Description</th></tr>
+my %didit;
+foreach my $mibf (@ARGV) {
+    my $node;
+    my $mib = $mibf;
+    $mib =~ s/.txt//;
+    next if ($didit{$mib});
+    $didit{$mib} = 1;
+    open(I, "$opts{M}/$mibf");
+    while (<I>) {
+	if (/(\w+)\s+MODULE-IDENTITY/) {
+	    $node = $1;
+	}
+    }
+    close(I);
+    if (!$node) {
+	print STDERR "Couldn't find starting node for $mib $node $_\n";
+	next;
+    }
+    SNMP::loadModules($mib);
+    $desc = $SNMP::MIB{$node}{'description'};
+    # get a different tree than the module identity though.
+    if (exists($nodemap{$mib})) {
+	$node = $nodemap{$mib};
+    }
+    # Change tabs to spaces
+    $desc =~ s/\t/        /g;
+    # Clean up formatting
+    my ($s) = ($desc =~ /\n(\s+)/);
+    $desc =~ s/^$s//gm;
+    $desc =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+    $desc =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $desc =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+    print "  <tr>\n";
+    print "    <td><a href=\"$node.html\">$mib</a><br />\n";
+    print "        <a href=\"$mib.txt\">[mib file]</a></td>\n";
+    print "        <br><a href=\"$mib-conf.html\">[conformance summary]</a></td>\n";
+    print "    <td><a href=\"http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc$mibs{$mib}.txt\">rfc$mibs{$mib}</a></td>\n" if ($mibs{$mib});
+    print "    <td>&nbsp;</td>\n" if (!$mibs{$mib});
+    print "    <td><pre>$desc</pre></td>\n";
+    print "  </tr>\n";
+    system("MIBS=$mib mib2c -c mib2c.genhtml.conf $node");
+    system("mv $node.html $opts{D}");
+print "</table>\n";
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/mibfetch b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/mibfetch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4a27f7105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/mibfetch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Usage: mibfetch [ -d outdir ] host directory rfc [mibs]
+# If "rfc" contains a "." it is expected to be a complete file name,
+# otherwise it is assumed to be just the rfc number.
+# If "mibs" is specified, it is a ":" separated list of mibs to extract,
+# otherwise all mibs are extracted.
+# The script fetches the file from the givn directory on the given
+# host, and then runs the file through smistrip to extract the mibs.
+while getopts xvd: c
+    case $c in
+    d)	mdir="-d $OPTARG"
+    	;;
+    x)	exact=1
+    	;;
+    v)	verbose=-v
+    	;;
+    \?)	exit 2
+    	;;
+    esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+set -e
+if [ $exact = 0 -a `echo $rfc | sed 's/\.//'` = $rfc ]; then
+  file=rfc$rfc.txt
+  file=$rfc
+if [ -n "$4" ]; then
+  mibs="-m $4"
+# ncftpget -FV ftp://$host/$dir/$file
+wget -O - -q -nv $host/$dir/$file | \
+	tr -d \\r | \
+	./smistrip $verbose -x .txt $mdir $mibs -
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/nodemap b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/nodemap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a69ce3bfca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/nodemap
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+EtherLike-MIB		dot3
+IP-MIB			ip
+IF-MIB			interfaces
+UDP-MIB			udp
+TCP-MIB			tcp
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/rfclist b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/rfclist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06811c6161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/rfclist
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# updated 2005-03-14
+1155	RFC1155-SMI
+1213	RFC1213-MIB
+1227	SMUX-MIB
+1238	CLNS-MIB
+1381	RFC1381-MIB
+1382	RFC1382-MIB
+1414	RFC1414-MIB
+1461	MIOX25-MIB
+1512	FDDI-SMT73-MIB
+1567	DSA-MIB
+1628	UPS-MIB
+1657	BGP4-MIB
+1659	RS-232-MIB
+1694	SIP-MIB
+1696	Modem-MIB
+1724	RIPv2-MIB
+2006	MIP-MIB
+2020	DOT12-IF-MIB
+2021	RMON2-MIB
+2024	DLSW-MIB
+2051	APPC-MIB
+2127	ISDN-MIB
+2206	RSVP-MIB
+2238	HPR-MIB
+2266	DOT12-RPTR-MIB
+2320	IPOA-MIB
+2452	IPV6-TCP-MIB
+2454	IPV6-UDP-MIB
+2455	APPN-MIB
+2457	EBN-MIB
+2465	IPV6-TC:IPV6-MIB
+2495	DS1-MIB
+2496	DS3-MIB
+2514	ATM-TC-MIB
+2515	ATM-MIB
+2561	TN3270E-MIB
+2562	TN3270E-RT-MIB
+2578	SNMPv2-SMI
+2579	SNMPv2-TC
+2580	SNMPv2-CONF
+2584	HPR-IP-MIB
+2594	WWW-MIB
+2613	SMON-MIB
+2677	NHRP-MIB
+2707	Job-Monitoring-MIB
+2787	VRRP-MIB
+2789	MTA-MIB
+2819	RMON-MIB
+2856	HCNUM-TC
+2863	IF-MIB
+2934	PIM-MIB
+2959	RTP-MIB
+3019	IPV6-MLD-MIB
+3020	FR-MFR-MIB
+3055	PINT-MIB
+3295	GSMP-MIB
+3371    L2TP-MIB
+3417	SNMPv2-TM
+3418	SNMPv2-MIB
+3498	APS-MIB
+3591	OPT-IF-MIB
+3593	PerfHist-TC-MIB
+3606	ATM2-MIB
+3635	EtherLike-MIB
+3636	MAU-MIB
+3705	HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB
+3729	APM-MIB
+3805	Printer-MIB
+3806	Finisher-MIB
+3873	SCTP-MIB
+3878	ARC-MIB
+3970	TE-MIB
+4008	NAT-MIB
+4022	TCP-MIB
+4113	UDP-MIB
+4149	SSPM-MIB
+4293	IP-MIB
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/rfcmibs.diff b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/rfcmibs.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d40932c0e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/rfcmibs.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+Only in /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc: .index
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/ADSL-LINE-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/ADSL-LINE-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/ADSL-LINE-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:27:00 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/ADSL-LINE-MIB.txt	Tue Jan 23 00:42:41 2001
+@@ -3379,7 +3379,6 @@
+                static profiles are implemented."
+           OBJECT      adslAtucConfMinSnrMgn
+-          MIN-ACCESS  read-wr
+           MIN-ACCESS  read-write
+           DESCRIPTION
+               "Read-write access is applicable when
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/DLSW-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/DLSW-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/DLSW-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:18:28 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/DLSW-MIB.txt	Tue Jan 23 00:13:40 2001
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+         Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks,
+-        NOTIFICATION-TYPE                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
++        NOTIFICATION-TYPE, mib-2          FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+         NOTIFICATION-GROUP                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
+         ifIndex                           FROM IF-MIB
+@@ -150,12 +150,12 @@
+ -- The DLSw MIB module contains an object part and a conformance part.
+ -- Object part is organized in the following groups:
+--- (1) dlswNode      -- information about this DLSw
+--- (2) dlswTConn     -- about adjacent DLSw partners
+--- (3) dlswInterface -- about which interfaces DLSw is active on
+--- (4) dlswDirectory -- about any directory of local/remote resources
+--- (5) dlswCircuit   -- about established circuits.
+--- (6) dlswSdlc      -- about SDLC data link switched devices
++-- (1) dlswNode      - information about this DLSw
++-- (2) dlswTConn     - about adjacent DLSw partners
++-- (3) dlswInterface - about which interfaces DLSw is active on
++-- (4) dlswDirectory - about any directory of local/remote resources
++-- (5) dlswCircuit   - about established circuits.
++-- (6) dlswSdlc      - about SDLC data link switched devices
+ dlswNode        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswMIB 1 }
+ dlswTConn       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswMIB 2 }
+@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@
+ -- *******************************************************************
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- DLSw Node Identity
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswNodeVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
+     MAX-ACCESS read-only
+@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@
+        "DLSW: Switch-to-Switch Protocol RFC 1795"
+     ::= { dlswNode 3 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- DLSw Code Capability
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswNodeStdPacingSupport  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     INTEGER  {
+        none              (1),  -- does not support DLSw
+@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@
+         scheme but never varies its receive window size."
+     ::= { dlswNode 4 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- DLSw Node Operational Objects
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ dlswNodeStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     INTEGER  {
+         active        (1),
+@@ -339,10 +339,10 @@
+ -- *******************************************************************
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Transport Connection Statistics Objects
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswTConnStat    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswTConn 1 }
+ dlswTConnStatActiveConnections  OBJECT-TYPE
+@@ -375,9 +375,9 @@
+         this means the transport connection failed unexpectedly."
+     ::= { dlswTConnStat 3 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Transport Connection Configuration Table
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswTConnConfigTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF DlswTConnConfigEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+@@ -651,15 +651,15 @@
+         row definition out of use."
+     ::= { dlswTConnConfigEntry 13 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Transport Connection Operation Table
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- (1) At most one transport connection can be connected between
+ --     this DLSw and one of its DLSw partners at a given time.
+ -- (2) Multiple transport types are supported.
+ -- (3) Since the entries may be reused, dlswTConnOperEntryTime
+ --     needs to be consulted for the possibility of counter reset.
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswTConnOperTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF DlswTConnOperEntry
+@@ -1254,14 +1254,14 @@
+         connection, where `active' means not in `disconnected' state."
+     ::= { dlswTConnOperEntry 36 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Transport Connection Specific
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswTConnSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswTConn 4 }
+ dlswTConnTcp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswTConnSpecific 1 }
+ -- ...................................................................
+--- TCP Transport Connection Specific -- Configuration
++-- TCP Transport Connection Specific - Configuration
+ -- ...................................................................
+ dlswTConnTcpConfigTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF DlswTConnTcpConfigEntry
+@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@
+     ::= { dlswTConnTcpConfigEntry 3 }
+ -- ...................................................................
+--- TCP Transport Connection Specific -- Operation
++-- TCP Transport Connection Specific - Operation
+ -- ...................................................................
+ dlswTConnTcpOperTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF DlswTConnTcpOperEntry
+@@ -1472,9 +1472,9 @@
+ -- transport address of the DLSw partner is cached.
+ -- *******************************************************************
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Directory Related Statistical Objects
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswDirStat     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswDirectory 1 }
+ dlswDirMacEntries  OBJECT-TYPE
+@@ -1556,9 +1556,9 @@
+         create new rows."
+     ::= { dlswDirStat 8 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Directory Cache
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswDirCache     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswDirectory 2 }
+ -- ...................................................................
+@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@
+ -- All Possible combinations of values of these objects.
+ --
+ --     EntryType   LocationType       Location        Status
+---  -------------- ------------ ------------------ --------------
++--  ============== ============ ================== ==============
+ --  userConfigured    local     ifEntry or 0.0     reachable, or
+ --                                                 notReachable, or
+ --                                                 unknown
+@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@
+ -- All Possible combinations of values of these objects.
+ --
+ --     EntryType   LocationType       Location        Status
+---  -------------- ------------ ------------------ --------------
++--  ============== ============ ================== ==============
+ --  userConfigured    local     ifEntry or 0.0     reachable, or
+ --                                                 notReachable, or
+ --                                                 unknown
+@@ -1918,9 +1918,9 @@
+         following the RowStatus textual convention."
+     ::= { dlswDirNBEntry 9 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Resource Locations
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswDirLocate       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswDirectory 3 }
+@@ -2056,9 +2056,9 @@
+ -- station that receives the initiation.
+ -- *******************************************************************
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Statistics Related to Circuits
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswCircuitStat      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswCircuit 1 }
+ dlswCircuitStatActives  OBJECT-TYPE
+@@ -2079,7 +2079,7 @@
+         or reactivated upon exiting `disconnected' state."
+     ::= { dlswCircuitStat 2 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- Circuit Table
+ --
+ -- This table is the DLSw entity's view of circuits.  There will be
+@@ -2090,9 +2090,9 @@
+ -- this Circuit Table:
+ --
+ --           number of       |    Origin End Station Location
+---         entries in the    |--------------------------------------
++--         entries in the    |======================================
+ --         Circuit Table     |  internal     local       remote
+---    -----------------------|--------------------------------------
++--    =======================|======================================
+ --     Target    |  internal |     NA          2           1
+ --     End       |  local    |     2           2           1
+ --     Station   |  remote   |     1           1           NA
+@@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@
+ --
+ -- Most of statistics related to circuits can be collected
+ -- from LLC-2 Link Station Table.
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ dlswCircuitTable  OBJECT-TYPE
+     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF DlswCircuitEntry
+     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+@@ -2814,7 +2814,7 @@
+ -- *******************************************************************
+ dlswTraps              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswMIB 0 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- This section defines the well-known notifications sent by
+ -- DLSW agents.
+ -- Care must be taken to insure that no particular notification
+@@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@
+ -- (3) Transport connection up/down
+ -- (4) Circuit up/down
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ --
+ dlswTrapTConnPartnerReject NOTIFICATION-TYPE
+@@ -2902,9 +2902,9 @@
+ dlswCompliances        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswConformance 1 }
+ dlswGroups             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlswConformance 2 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- ...................................................................
+ -- Core compliance for all DLSw entities
+@@ -3245,9 +3245,9 @@
+                "Write access is not required."
+     ::= { dlswCompliances 5 }
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
++-- ===================================================================
+ -- ...................................................................
+ -- Node Conformance Group
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/DSA-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/DSA-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/DSA-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:15:36 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/DSA-MIB.txt	Thu Feb 22 00:33:45 2001
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+           mib-2
+                      FROM RFC1213-MIB
+           applIndex, DistinguishedName
+-                     FROM APPLICATION-MIB;
++                     FROM NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB;
+            LAST-UPDATED "9311250000Z"
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/FDDI-SMT73-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/FDDI-SMT73-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/FDDI-SMT73-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:15:09 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/FDDI-SMT73-MIB.txt	Tue Jan 23 00:11:46 2001
+@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
+         Counter
+             FROM RFC1155-SMI
++	transmission
++	    FROM RFC1213-MIB
+         OBJECT-TYPE
+             FROM RFC-1212;
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/HPR-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/HPR-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/HPR-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:19:54 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/HPR-MIB.txt	Tue Jan 23 00:25:54 2001
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+                 FROM APPN-MIB;
+-        LAST-UPDATED  "970514000000Z"
++        LAST-UPDATED  "9705140000Z"
+         CONTACT-INFO
+                 "
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/MIP-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/MIP-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/MIP-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:17:42 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/MIP-MIB.txt	Tue Jan 23 00:25:27 2001
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+-        Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, experimental,
++        Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, mib-2,
+                                         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+         RowStatus, TruthValue, TimeStamp,
+@@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@
+                 function within a home agent."
+         ::= { mipGroups 12 }
+-    mipSecNotifcationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
++    mipSecNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+         NOTIFICATIONS { mipAuthFailure }
+         STATUS      current
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/Modem-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/Modem-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/Modem-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:16:35 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/Modem-MIB.txt	Mon Jan 22 23:53:08 2001
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+              E-mail: waldbusser@cmu.edu"
+             "The MIB module for management of dial-up modems."
+-    ::= { mdmMIB 1 }
++    ::= { mdmMib 1 }
+ mdmMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 38 }
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/PPP-LCP-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/PPP-LCP-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/PPP-LCP-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:14:46 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/PPP-LCP-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 23:13:27 2001
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
+      ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 5 }
+ pppLinkStatusLocalMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
+-     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
++     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483647)
+      ACCESS    read-only
+      STATUS    mandatory
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
+      ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 6 }
+ pppLinkStatusRemoteMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
+-     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
++     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483647)
+      ACCESS    read-only
+      STATUS    mandatory
+@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
+      ::= { pppLqrEntry 2 }
+ pppLqrLocalPeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
+-     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
++     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483647)
+      ACCESS    read-only
+      STATUS    mandatory
+@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
+      ::= { pppLqrEntry 3 }
+ pppLqrRemotePeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
+-     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
++     SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483647)
+      ACCESS    read-only
+      STATUS    mandatory
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/RDBMS-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/RDBMS-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/RDBMS-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:16:41 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/RDBMS-MIB.txt	Tue Jan 23 00:24:04 2001
+@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
+         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+     DisplayString, DateAndTime, AutonomousType
+         FROM SNMPv2-TC
+-    applIndex, applGroup
++    applIndex, applGroups
+     mib-2
+         FROM RFC1213-MIB;
+@@ -1263,8 +1263,8 @@
+          implement the RDBMS MIB"
+         MANDATORY-GROUPS    { hrSystem }
+-        MANDATORY-GROUPS { applGroup }
++        MANDATORY-GROUPS { applGroups }
+         MANDATORY-GROUPS { rdbmsGroup }
+Only in /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc: RFC-1215.txt
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/RFC1414-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/RFC1414-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/RFC1414-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:14:37 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/RFC1414-MIB.txt	Tue Feb 20 00:25:21 2001
+@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+         FROM RFC-1212
++    mib-2,
+     tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort,
+     tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort
+             FROM RFC1213-MIB;
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/SNA-NAU-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/SNA-NAU-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/SNA-NAU-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:16:24 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/SNA-NAU-MIB.txt	Mon Jan 22 23:57:44 2001
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+         DisplayString, RowStatus, TimeStamp, InstancePointer
+                 FROM SNMPv2-TC
+-        Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32,
++        Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, mib-2,
+                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/TCPIPX-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/TCPIPX-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/TCPIPX-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:17:17 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/TCPIPX-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 16:51:11 2001
+@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
++	   enterprises
++		   FROM RFC1155-SMI
+            OBJECT-TYPE
+                    FROM RFC-1212;
+@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@
+ -- as hex digits, as in:  nnnnnnnn:mmmmmmmmmmmm
+-IpxAddress ::= OCTET STRING (size (10))
++IpxAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (10))
+    -- TCP/IPX MIB object idenfifiers
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/UPS-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/UPS-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/UPS-MIB.txt	Sat Mar  3 17:16:01 2001
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/UPS-MIB.txt	Mon Jan 22 23:55:45 2001
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+-    OBJECT-IDENTITY, Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32
++    OBJECT-IDENTITY, Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, mib-2
+         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
+     DisplayString, TimeStamp, TimeInterval, TestAndIncr,
+       AutonomousType
+diff -ru /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/SMUX-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/SMUX-MIB.txt
+--- /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc.orig/SMUX-MIB.txt	2002-06-15 15:31:22.000000000 +0200
++++ /usr/local/share/snmp/rfc/SMUX-MIB.txt	2002-06-15 15:31:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
+         enterprises
+                 FROM RFC1155-SMI
++        DisplayString
++                FROM RFC1213-MIB
+         OBJECT-TYPE
+                 FROM RFC1212;
+@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@
+         ::= { smuxTreeEntry 1 }
+ smuxTpriority OBJECT-TYPE
+-        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..'07fffffff'h)
++        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..'7fffffff'h)
+         ACCESS  read-only
+         STATUS  mandatory
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/smistrip b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/smistrip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82f8807d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/mibs/smistrip
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# smistrip --
+#	Extract MIB modules from text files, like RFCs or I-Ds.
+# This is variant of smistrip from libsmi-0.2, modified to be somewhat
+# more aggressive in suppressing blank lines, and support the -x option.
+# Copyright (c) 1999 Frank Strauss, Technical University of Braunschweig.
+# Modified by Niels Baggesen
+# See the file "COPYING" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# $Id: smistrip,v 5.3 2005/02/08 20:06:34 nba Exp $
+# NOTE, that this script relies on awk (tested with GNU awk) and getopts
+# (shell builtin like in bash or standalone).
+[ `uname` != SunOS ] || AWK=/usr/bin/nawk
+do_version () {
+    echo "smistrip $VERSION"
+do_usage () {
+    echo "Usage: smistrip [-Vhn] [-d dir] [-s suffix] [-m modules] file ..."
+    echo "-V         show version and license information"
+    echo "-v         verbose"
+    echo "-h         show usage information"
+    echo "-n         do not write module files"
+    echo "-d dir     write module to directory dir"
+    echo "-x suffix  append suffix to the module file name"
+    echo "-m modules strip only the specified modules. For a list of modules"
+    echo "           use : as a separator"
+    echo "file ...   input files to parse (RFCs, I-Ds, ...)"
+do_strip () {
+    cat $1 | $AWK -v test="$test" -v dir="$dir" -v single="$single" -v suffix="$suffix" -v verbose="$verbose" '
+    BEGIN {
+	if (length(single) != 0) {
+	    single = ":"single":"
+	}
+	else {
+	    single = ""
+	}
+    }
+    END {
+	if (single != "" && single != ":") {
+	    gsub(":", " ", single)
+	    print "WARNING: Module(s) not found:" single
+	}
+    }
+    # start of module
+    /^[ \t]*[A-Za-z0-9-]* *DEFINITIONS *::= *BEGIN/ {
+	module = $1
+	collect = 1
+	macro = 0
+	n = 0
+    }
+    # page footer - start skipping
+    /\[Page [iv0-9]*\] */ {
+        collect = 0
+	next
+    }
+	if (collect)
+	    if (line[n-1] == "") n--
+    }
+    # a blank line - suppress multiple
+    /^[ \t\r]*$/ {
+        if (collect)
+	    if (line[n-1] != "" && line[n-1] !~ /,[ \t\r]*$/) line[n++] = ""    
+	next
+    }
+    # collect non-blank line when inside mib module
+    /[^ \f\t]/ {
+	if (length(module) > 0) {
+	    if (!collect)
+		collect = 1	# page header, stop skipping
+	    else
+		line[n++] = $0
+	}
+    }
+    # remember when we enter a macro definition
+    / *MACRO *::=/ {
+	macro = 1
+    }
+    # end of module
+    /^[ \t]*END[ \t\r]*$/ {
+	if (macro)
+	    macro = 0
+	else if (single == "" || match(single, ":"module":")) {
+	    sub(":"module, "", single)
+	    strip = 99
+	    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
+		# find the minimum column that contains non-blank characters
+		# in order to cut a blank prefix off.
+		p = match(line[i], "[^ ]")
+		if (p < strip && length(line[i]) > p) strip = p
+	    }
+	    if (test != "1") {
+		if (dir)
+		    f = dir "/" module suffix
+		else
+		    f = module suffix
+		for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+		    print substr(line[i], strip) >f
+	    }
+	    if (verbose) {
+		print module ": " n " lines."
+	    }
+	    module = ""
+	    collect = 0
+	}
+	else
+	    print "NOTE: " module ": ignored."
+    }
+    '
+while $GETOPTS Vvhnm:d:x: c ; do
+    case $c in
+	v)	verbose=1
+		;;
+	n)	test=1
+		;;
+	m)	single=$OPTARG
+		;;
+	d)	dir=$OPTARG
+		;;
+	x)	suffix=$OPTARG
+		;;
+	h)	do_usage
+		exit 0
+		;;
+	V)	do_version
+		exit 0
+		;;
+	*)	do_usage
+		exit 1
+		;;
+    esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
+    do_strip -
+    for f in $@ ; do
+	do_strip $f
+    done
+exit 0
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/snmpget.exe b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/snmpget.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f80ff56093
Binary files /dev/null and b/pandora_agents/win32/bin/util/snmpget.exe differ
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/installer/pandora.mpi b/pandora_agents/win32/installer/pandora.mpi
index 61f030482f..cfa002d7ef 100755
--- a/pandora_agents/win32/installer/pandora.mpi
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/installer/pandora.mpi
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ AllowLanguageSelection
-{Pandora FMS Windows Agent v3.1}
+{Pandora FMS Windows Agent v3.2}
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ InstallPassword
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ PackageRelease
-{This is the installer for Pandora FMS agent for windows platforms}
+{This is the installer for Pandora FMS agent for all Microsoft Windows platforms }
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ UpgradeApplicationID
+{RC2 (101028)}
@@ -296,6 +296,95 @@ File ::7B1652FD-0C02-13A8-BAA8-1B6F8BB257A5 -name df.vbs -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-4
 File ::558D0D7E-2D41-EA8A-325D-27FA08CE8B69 -name ps.vbs -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
 File ::92375EEB-039A-EAF0-C1AC-B91B00CD1DD6 -name logevent_log4x.vbs -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
 File ::0A9C1B7E-7F5C-84E0-55F9-0224A97F3CD2 -name unzip.exe -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
+File ::8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A -type dir -name mibs -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
+File ::10C3DFEB-75EC-B329-9CCB-F96223B326C2 -name SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::F7ECC5A7-160D-BA30-5C90-16128275160C -name IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::CA57A40B-EAF2-C3FF-0266-4849D92307F3 -name IPV6-UDP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::A4AE302D-4B1F-1B96-D1AF-63647EE43060 -name UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::4894E284-5E13-99E3-1CAE-F90BF9006641 -name Makefile.mib -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::CDBCA051-ABF8-586B-EEA2-2738E8B839C7 -name RFC1155-SMI.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::8D3FC0D8-3E89-AA48-8AC1-0E2ABA206413 -name NET-SNMP-MONITOR-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::9E24308A-6C93-A14B-4054-B98C8855B3E7 -name DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::104C6B91-8D0A-1830-50F0-85B29FDFA7A4 -name SNMPv2-SMI.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::1CEF1B2C-F75C-9439-260A-940E0B6BDF34 -name RFC1213-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::1737EB19-488D-CC18-8B5B-1118C9868A2C -name HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::E3CCE554-B504-5F5F-7F74-FF9C7B31BF4D -name NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::5C1CE0DF-685D-8D71-7E6E-A2DFAAAF3AB9 -name UCD-SNMP-MIB-OLD.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::E603538F-D5D1-6EDF-CE46-CB9C4DC718F1 -name AGENTX-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::471A4833-F9C7-0E6A-FF2D-159AB861F958 -name SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::797C81CC-9E82-ACFC-8D45-A94DC430755D -name HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::45BFFEA9-B757-1464-8F91-A07A03BA229C -name ianalist -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::88C873FE-F358-1FBC-608F-4273AD8391E4 -name RMON-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::0AC17338-9F54-9B51-00A1-9FB655FE5A8F -name HCNUM-TC.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::4B3D7FA9-0633-0969-0D48-86E9714EDDB7 -name UCD-DLMOD-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::71E96358-3EC9-3FF2-DE0F-24713B0BE65B -name EtherLike-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::0AC34548-4415-39F5-F75E-3E54611FBEA1 -name NET-SNMP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::F3A8B2CF-374D-D5F1-AAAD-675F04ECF107 -name LM-SENSORS-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::7EE2B7C3-913B-A889-EEFB-8FD7D5B36D3D -name IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::DFD52E2F-6DE4-5176-C430-683C42915D68 -name rfcmibs.diff -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::77DAD413-0D51-0043-DAB1-959155FA1584 -name SMUX-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::42EEFE3A-A534-4FDD-2D98-EDE92C9D56D5 -name IANA-RTPROTO-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::2DB878B1-5A00-3949-E1EB-6C5FFEE1BB6E -name README.mibs -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::EBC9F917-BDA1-5E9E-70A2-939E85145E96 -name UCD-IPFWACC-MIB.inc -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::8DA0A3E3-5D3A-493A-30B3-86A81D35C077 -name rfclist -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::414F8D04-D7F8-8E4B-8B9C-34C9CEEAE990 -name RFC-1215.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::3DECE776-AE57-4B11-1B00-C1E5D6E680F5 -name TUNNEL-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::316FEA16-1105-B2F9-1D64-0F94F07451DB -name makehtml.pl -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::98D3387E-6994-71AD-5E68-EC53C256BF89 -name Makefile.in -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::DD5BA10C-D728-E267-CC3C-6BFBDB0FD0F4 -name INET-ADDRESS-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::787BF3D9-F3D8-AEDC-C0A8-4539892510B3 -name DISMAN-EVENT-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::40A38693-383D-E70D-2D0B-97F14FC06A25 -name SNMPv2-TM.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::B172ABC4-5B10-6800-1C26-B5E4E7DCB3BE -name NET-SNMP-TC.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::029D3EFA-AA5D-FE7D-9B70-CB162B8731BC -name SNMP-MPD-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::C69A3E3F-602D-B85A-AD84-CD3FF7163906 -name SNMP-TARGET-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::8CDCB12A-2544-A5C7-A6F0-6C5A9D0C061D -name NET-SNMP-SYSTEM-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::A9026441-0B6F-D92B-1A07-ED3DD99BD501 -name smistrip -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::48CA671F-9217-EDAF-4196-9D9AF61A699B -name DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::CB1B4307-0998-D9C3-AB12-4F0367B9BC50 -name NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::37418DC6-CB58-F6D6-C221-FE20835BA5B6 -name TCP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::74E4DAD6-E267-4FBD-C7E2-FCBEF64BF132 -name DISMAN-PING-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::0A4E3D96-62B4-0244-A2C3-3E8CA564EDE0 -name NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::6620F423-865F-91B1-4C0E-93D483092228 -name NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::8049FBBB-1C36-02C7-8690-5C24686D9CD2 -name IP-FORWARD-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::183ED813-65AD-F929-5041-715D4FD09737 -name DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::51842E62-465C-E1B4-2DEA-871C045AF913 -name UCD-DISKIO-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::569B4E77-0B32-E95A-8540-2C97C2B2A354 -name SNMPv2-TC.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::DA1819A0-F1C0-B6BD-3C5D-FC02602ABDB2 -name SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::C90B00DD-3DF9-5A10-80A4-F173C81E267B -name IANAifType-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::4CDDD873-7C7B-DDF1-0547-C716FA2EE6B8 -name UCD-DISKIO-MIB.inc -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::56603234-865E-B851-B55A-9A620209A198 -name SNMPv2-CONF.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::1112D09B-33C9-483A-E700-C85832FC6C69 -name IPV6-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::AF86F856-6A36-299A-5ADA-5CC9E3B14BA1 -name SNMPv2-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::605BCDB3-C411-8D49-BF90-B0D3E29288C9 -name DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::DB106B45-CA94-21A2-F638-19EEC4BB84B6 -name IANA-LANGUAGE-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::B2FE8CE3-716F-A393-D0D3-FAAF748EFAB0 -name UCD-DEMO-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::D4295B27-BEDC-FDF3-48B1-2A58B7CF306D -name SNMP-PROXY-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::9DB499F2-F384-C5AA-E496-CA7F859FF8C8 -name IPV6-ICMP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::B8B3D274-B94B-809E-5ABC-E2B0488B51B5 -name DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::00F9ECA3-E979-9343-7F94-9D8F349EF579 -name mibfetch -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::9430EE3D-3EF2-5CE9-BA36-02A3C0680C37 -name SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::5A093FFD-6A05-1693-6A29-F5D68054DF46 -name UDP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::73AD77A4-08F4-8A7D-D52B-6151D11FF33F -name UCD-DEMO-MIB.inc -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::C0B97EE6-9A3C-2EF0-22ED-082B40EE910F -name UCD-SNMP-MIB.inc -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::02DE3F78-ED9A-5A73-D283-0CD205B7BE58 -name TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::09203A02-1DA2-BDE3-175B-15043E2ACAE0 -name SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::BEEFE984-6F00-376D-7BCE-812B945AEDBD -name SNMP-USM-AES-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::3D1E7967-95A3-E9B8-3579-6FFDF0D1E5AF -name UCD-DLMOD-MIB.inc -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::1A4D4BF6-FF57-559E-251B-F63BB6D9FA94 -name UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::31EC3141-C348-56FF-16E2-75C2FFA65413 -name MTA-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::17D117A5-B736-A21C-AAC1-C6B017A644D5 -name IPV6-TC.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::E1FDBB74-8D12-9843-B4D3-40385D91CDF5 -name SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::8CD8FE57-2B98-7814-258B-1D4FB03B144E -name IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::4A727B8A-ED01-A5C4-BFF3-F7E632E1F056 -name NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::074CBF5A-7246-A35C-EBD7-DAECBDFA8044 -name IF-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::69610A79-5EA4-6111-2946-D870A009B4FD -name UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::2285B4E9-C139-D5EC-DCF4-F0943BBB0FE1 -name nodemap -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::CC5A58CA-2719-7E75-7DC9-178C4A7AB956 -name UCD-IPFILTER-MIB.inc -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::4AF37C51-C6F6-71AB-BA2A-759CCF9EE297 -name IP-MIB.txt -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::1D9B106C-A0A0-4989-645B-0A1AFDC44138 -name .index -parent 8B69786B-B84F-22AC-B466-C84617B1330A
+File ::3A6A9726-7944-6766-FE7A-45E11E8324EC -name df_percent.vbs -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
+File ::DC4E6C4D-0CAC-9299-7F7E-715C90CA2655 -name getsnmp.bat -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
+File ::1DD45A3E-D828-38FB-3715-D9DA537EDCAA -name snmpget.exe -parent 6E5B73B7-8B81-48D7-BF49-59D8D92FB830
 File ::EE3962D4-48B8-4715-B986-40794679FC89 -name ../bin/libcurl.dll -parent 946FC43B-0E32-4C38-86EF-4F9252C67E16
 File ::0C6E0B9F-E094-42D4-9376-EAC5E3E475F7 -name ../bin/libeay32.dll -parent 946FC43B-0E32-4C38-86EF-4F9252C67E16
 File ::03A7EA5A-D6FC-4427-B35C-0288C07813B6 -filemethod {Never overwrite files} -name ../bin/pandora_agent.conf -parent 946FC43B-0E32-4C38-86EF-4F9252C67E16
@@ -373,6 +462,13 @@ File ::9376A1BB-540D-AF99-82D1-DEEDB5621B31 -type dir -name props -active 0 -par
 File ::FDE18B19-66AE-E8C6-38A9-FB675E103E81 -type dir -name text-base -active 0 -parent 33B94DB4-C180-92CA-28A9-8E748747A201
 File ::9E5D6A00-E82C-49B4-B654-3F36D4D48A83 -name ../bin/libodbc++.dll -parent 946FC43B-0E32-4C38-86EF-4F9252C67E16
 File ::8DC9C5E7-7957-7E7A-5603-F78DACBDE9C2 -type dir -name ../bin/collections -parent 946FC43B-0E32-4C38-86EF-4F9252C67E16
+File ::DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9 -type dir -name .svn -active 0 -parent 8DC9C5E7-7957-7E7A-5603-F78DACBDE9C2
+File ::F253AE0D-A56D-F650-C7C7-0FC69D2EA3B8 -type dir -name props -active 0 -parent DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9
+File ::A90AA2E8-3EEF-A991-CE94-75B3008A53F7 -type dir -name prop-base -active 0 -parent DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9
+File ::EEA6B667-6883-7666-FFFC-E7701DCDBD81 -type dir -name tmp -active 0 -parent DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9
+File ::4D77EDB1-1EE5-72EA-9495-48A48F5F926C -type dir -name text-base -active 0 -parent DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9
+File ::B7F88BC0-DD0F-510C-D701-C809345CB1BF -name all-wcprops -active 0 -parent DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9
+File ::626C46DF-B711-6026-CA4C-2D0C7FAB64CD -name entries -active 0 -parent DC2682C5-68A1-8249-6160-9B1896DAECB9
 Component ::FB96078B-BA3C-498C-8C20-B01C1F28ACA9 -setup Install -active Yes -platforms {Windows FreeBSD-5-x86 FreeBSD-6-x86 FreeBSD-7-x86 Linux-x86_64 Solaris-x86} -name {Default Component} -parent Components
 SetupType ::A87C1A6B-ED26-4B07-8736-750725FF34E4 -setup Install -active Yes -platforms {Windows FreeBSD-5-x86 FreeBSD-6-x86 FreeBSD-7-x86 Linux-x86_64 Solaris-x86} -name Typical -parent SetupTypes
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/pandora.cc b/pandora_agents/win32/pandora.cc
index f6686e769b..9423814fad 100644
--- a/pandora_agents/win32/pandora.cc
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/pandora.cc
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ using namespace Pandora;
 using namespace Pandora_Strutils;
 #define PATH_SIZE    _MAX_PATH+1
-#define PANDORA_VERSION ("3.1(Build 100608)")
+#define PANDORA_VERSION ("3.2 RC1 (Build 101029)")
 string pandora_path;
 string pandora_dir;
diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/pandora_windows_service.cc b/pandora_agents/win32/pandora_windows_service.cc
index 16752ebf27..c5bdc91cf8 100644
--- a/pandora_agents/win32/pandora_windows_service.cc
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/pandora_windows_service.cc
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init () {
  	/* Sleep if a startup delay was specified */
  	startup_delay = atoi (conf->getValue ("startup_delay").c_str ()) * 1000;
  	if (startup_delay > 0) {
-        pandoraLog ("Delaying startup %d seconds", startup_delay);
+        pandoraLog ("Delaying startup %d miliseconds", startup_delay);
         Sleep (startup_delay);