Se añaden las modificaciones
Former-commit-id: 91b242e0290bd030ac920032f5ca2b23468ba16a
This commit is contained in:
@ -14734,7 +14734,10 @@ function api_set_reset_agent_counts($id, $thrash1, $thrash2, $thrash3)
* Functions por get all user to new feature for Carrefour
* It depends of type the method will return csv or json data
* @param string $returnType
* @param string $returnType
* @param other don't use
* * Example:
* api.php?op=get&op2=list_all_user&return_type=json&apipass=1234&user=admin&pass=pandora
* @return
@ -14750,7 +14753,9 @@ function api_get_list_all_user($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
$sql = 'SELECT
tup.id_usuario AS user_id,
tu.fullname AS fullname,
tp.id_perfil AS profile_id,
tup.id_up AS id_up,
|||| AS profile_name,
tup.id_grupo AS group_id,
tgp.nombre AS group_name
@ -14758,7 +14763,9 @@ function api_get_list_all_user($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
INNER JOIN tusuario_perfil tup
ON tp.id_perfil = tup.id_perfil
LEFT OUTER JOIN tgrupo tgp
ON tup.id_grupo = tgp.id_grupo;';
ON tup.id_grupo = tgp.id_grupo
LEFT OUTER JOIN tusuario tu
ON tu.id_user = tup.id_usuario';
$users = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
@ -14772,6 +14779,8 @@ function api_get_list_all_user($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
$values[$i] = [
'id_usuario' => $up['user_id'],
'fullname' => $up['fullname'],
'id_up' => $up['id_up'],
'id_perfil' => $up['profile_id'],
'perfil_name' => $up['profile_name'],
'id_grupo' => $up['group_id'],
@ -14798,8 +14807,12 @@ function api_get_list_all_user($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
* Funtion for get all info user to new feature for Carrefour
* It depends of type the method will return csv or json data
* @param string $returnType
* @param string $user_db
* @param string $returnType
* @param array $other other[0] = user database
* Example
* api.php?op=get&op2=info_user_name&return_type=json&other=admin&other_mode=url_encode_separator_|&apipass=1234&user=admin&pass=pandora
* @return
@ -14816,6 +14829,7 @@ function api_get_info_user_name($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
$sql = sprintf(
'SELECT tup.id_usuario AS user_id,
tu.fullname AS fullname,
tup.id_up AS id_up,
tp.id_perfil AS profile_id,
|||| AS profile_name,
tup.id_grupo AS group_id,
@ -14844,6 +14858,7 @@ function api_get_info_user_name($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
$values[$i] = [
'id_usuario' => $up['user_id'],
'fullname' => $up['fullname'],
'id_up' => $up['id_up'],
'id_perfil' => $up['profile_id'],
'perfil_name' => $up['profile_name'],
'id_grupo' => $up['group_id'],
@ -14865,10 +14880,12 @@ function api_get_info_user_name($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
* Function for get user from a group to new feature for Carrefour.
* It depends of type the method will return csv or json data.
* @param string $returnType
* @param string $user_db
* @param string $group_db
* @param integer $disable
* @param string $returnType
* @param array $other other[0] = id group, other[1] = is disabled or not
* * Example
* api.php?op=get&op2=filter_user_group&return_type=json&other=0|0&other_mode=url_encode_separator_|&apipass=1234&user=admin&pass=pandora
* @return
@ -14882,21 +14899,25 @@ function api_get_filter_user_group($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
$filter_group = '';
if ($other['data'][1] !== null) {
$filter_group = 'AND tup.id_grupo = '.io_safe_output($other['data'][1]).'';
$filter = '';
if ($other['data'][0] !== '') {
$filter = 'WHERE tup.id_grupo = '.$other['data'][0].'';
$sql_disable = '';
if ($other['data'][2] !== null) {
$sql_disable = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN tusuario tus
ON tus.disabled ='.io_safe_output($other['data'][2]).'';
if ($other['data'][1] !== '') {
$filter = 'WHERE tu.disabled = '.$other['data'][1].'';
if ($other['data'][0] !== '' && $other['data'][1] !== '') {
$filter = 'WHERE tg.id_grupo = '.$other['data'][0].' AND tu.disabled = '.$other['data'][1].'';
$sql = sprintf(
tup.id_usuario AS user_id,
tu.fullname AS fullname,
tup.id_up AS id_up,
tp.id_perfil AS profile_id,
|||| AS profile_name,
tup.id_grupo AS group_id,
@ -14908,9 +14929,7 @@ function api_get_filter_user_group($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
ON tup.id_grupo = tg.id_grupo
LEFT OUTER JOIN tusuario tu
ON tu.id_user = tup.id_usuario
WHERE tup.id_usuario = "%s" '.$filter_group.'',
$filter_user = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
@ -14926,6 +14945,7 @@ function api_get_filter_user_group($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
$values[$i] = [
'id_usuario' => $up['user_id'],
'fullname' => $up['fullname'],
'id_up' => $up['id_up'],
'id_perfil' => $up['profile_id'],
'perfil_name' => $up['profile_name'],
'id_grupo' => $up['group_id'],
@ -14948,8 +14968,12 @@ function api_get_filter_user_group($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
* Function for delete an user profile for Carrefour new feature
* The return of this function its only a message
* @param string $user_db
* @param integer $id_up
* @param string $returnType
* @param array $other other[0] = id user & other[1] = id from tusuario_perfil table (optional)
* Example
* api.php?op=set&op2=delete_user_profiles&return_type=json&other=usuario|2&other_mode=url_encode_separator_|&apipass=1234&user=admin&pass=pandora
* @return void
@ -14963,7 +14987,7 @@ function api_set_delete_user_profiles($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
if ($other['data'][1] == '') {
if ($other['data'][1] == '' || $other['data'][1] == 0) {
$values = [
'id_usuario' => io_safe_output($other['data'][0]),
@ -14994,10 +15018,12 @@ function api_set_delete_user_profiles($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $returnType)
* Function for add permission a user to a group for Carrefour new feature
* It depends of type the method will return csv or json data
* @param string $returnType
* @param string $user_db
* @param integer $group_db
* @param integer $id_up
* @param string $returnType
* @param array $other other[0] = user database, other[1] = id group, other[2] = id profile
* & other [3] = no_hierarchy (if empty = 0) & other [4] = id from tusuario_perfil table (optional)
* Example
* api.php?op=set&op2=add_permission_user_to_group&return_type=json&other=admin|0|1|1|20&other_mode=url_encode_separator_|&apipass=1234&user=admin&pass=pandora
* @return void
@ -15014,7 +15040,7 @@ function api_set_add_permission_user_to_group($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $retur
$sql = 'SELECT id_up
FROM tusuario_perfil
WHERE id_up = '.$other['data'][3].'';
WHERE id_up = '.$other['data'][4].'';
$exist_profile = db_get_value_sql($sql);
@ -15022,15 +15048,15 @@ function api_set_add_permission_user_to_group($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $retur
'id_usuario' => $other['data'][0],
'id_perfil' => $other['data'][2],
'id_grupo' => $other['data'][1],
'no_hierarchy' => 0,
'no_hierarchy' => $other['data'][3],
'assigned_by' => 0,
'id_policy' => 0,
'tags' => '',
$where_id_up = ['id_up' => $other['data'][3]];
if ($exist_profile === $other['data'][3] && $where_id_up !== null) {
$where_id_up = ['id_up' => $other['data'][4]];
if ($exist_profile === $other['data'][4] && $where_id_up !== null) {
$sucessfull_insert = db_process_sql_update('tusuario_perfil', $values, $where_id_up);
} else {
$sucessfull_insert = db_process_sql_insert('tusuario_perfil', $values);
Reference in New Issue