Removed a pair of dispensable graphs
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,78 +18,19 @@
// Load global vars
global $config;
require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_graph.php');
require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_agents.php');
require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_modules.php');
ui_print_page_header (__('Database maintenance').' » '.__('Database information'), "images/gm_db.png", false, "", true);
check_login ();
if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "DM")) {
db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation",
"Trying to access Database Management Info");
require ("general/noaccess.php");
// Todo for a good DB maintenance
- Delete too on datos_string and and datos_inc tables
- A function to "compress" data, and interpolate big chunks of data (1 month - 60000 registers)
onto a small chunk of interpolated data (1 month - 600 registers)
- A more powerful selection (by Agent, by Module, etc).
require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_graph.php');
ui_print_page_header (__('Database maintenance').' » '.__('Database information'), "images/gm_db.png", false, "", true);
echo '<h4>'.__('Module data received').'</h4>';
echo grafico_db_agentes_purge(0, 600, 400);
echo '<div id="db_info_graph">';
echo '<table border=0 width="98%">';
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '<h4>'.__('Modules per agent').'</h4>';
echo graph_db_agentes_modulos(600, 250);
echo '</td></tr><tr><td><br /></tr></td>';
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '<h4>'.__('Packets per agent').'</h4>';
echo grafico_db_agentes_paquetes(700, 300);
echo '</table>';
echo '<a href="#" onClick="toggleDiv(\'db_info_data\'); toggleDiv(\'db_info_graph\'); return false;"><b>'.__('Press here to get database information as text').'</b> ' . html_print_image("images/down.png", true, array("alt" => "down", "title" => "down")) . '</a></div>';
echo '<div id="db_info_data" style="display:none">';
//Merged from db_info_data.php because the queries are the same, so the cache
//will kick in.
$table->data = array ();
$table->head = array ();
$table->head[0] = __('Agent name');
$table->head[1] = __('Assigned modules');
$table->head[2] = __('Total data');
$agents = agents_get_group_agents (0);
$count = agents_get_modules_data_count (array_keys ($agents));
unset ($count["total"]); //Not interested in total
asort ($count, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($count as $agent_id => $value) {
$data = array ();
//First row is a link to the agent
$data[0] = '<strong><a href="index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent_id.'">'.$agents[$agent_id].'</a></strong>';
//Second row is a number of modules for the agent
$data[1] = modules_get_agent_modules_count ($agent_id);
//Then the number of data packets for the agent
$data[2] = $value;
array_unshift ($table->data, $data);
html_print_table ($table);
echo '<a href="#" onClick="toggleDiv(\'db_info_graph\'); toggleDiv(\'db_info_data\'); return false;">'.__('Press here to get database information as a graph').'</a></div>';
Reference in New Issue