Delete extras/scripts/webserver directory

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Sancho Lerena 2024-04-01 19:36:26 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 52a301c34a
commit 78bd499c10
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
2 changed files with 0 additions and 664 deletions

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@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
# Pandora FMS Agent Plugin for SunONE
# (c) Pandora FMS <> 2011
# v2, 1 Sep 2011
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
# OS and OS version
my $OS = $^O;
# Load on Win32 only
if ($OS eq "MSWin32"){
# Check dependencies
eval 'local $SIG{__DIE__}; use Win32::OLE("in");';
if ($@) {
print "Error loading Win32::Ole library. Cannot continue\n";
use constant wbemFlagReturnImmediately => 0x10;
use constant wbemFlagForwardOnly => 0x20;
my %plugin_setup; # This stores plugin parameters
my $archivo_cfg = $ARGV[0];
my $volume_items = 0;
my $log_items = 0;
my $webcheck_items = 0;
my $process_items = 0;
# FLUSH in each IO
$| = 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This cleans DOS-like line and cleans ^M character. VERY Important when you process .conf edited from DOS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub parse_dosline ($){
my $str = $_[0];
$str =~ s/\r//g;
return $str;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strips blank likes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub trim ($){
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# clean_blank
# This function return a string without blankspaces, given a simple text string
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub clean_blank($){
my $input = $_[0];
$input =~ s/[\s\r\n]*//g;
return $input;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# print_module
# This function return a pandora FMS valid module fiven name, type, value, description
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub print_module ($$$$){
my $MODULE_NAME = $_[0];
my $MODULE_TYPE = $_[1];
my $MODULE_VALUE = $_[2];
my $MODULE_DESC = $_[3];
# If not a string type, remove all blank spaces!
if ($MODULE_TYPE !~ m/string/){
print "<module>\n";
print "<name>$MODULE_NAME</name>\n";
print "<type>$MODULE_TYPE</type>\n";
print "<data><![CDATA[$MODULE_VALUE]]></data>\n";
print "<description><![CDATA[$MODULE_DESC]]></description>\n";
print "</module>\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# load_external_setup
# Load external file containing configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub load_external_setup ($); # Declaration due a recursive call to itself on includes
sub load_external_setup ($){
my $archivo_cfg = $_[0];
my $buffer_line;
my @config_file;
my $parametro = "";
# Collect items from config file and put in an array
if (! open (CFG, "< $archivo_cfg")) {
print "[ERROR] Error opening configuration file $archivo_cfg: $!.\n";
exit 1;
while (<CFG>){
$buffer_line = parse_dosline ($_);
# Parse configuration file, this is specially difficult because can contain SQL code, with many things
if ($buffer_line !~ /^\#/){ # begins with anything except # (for commenting)
if ($buffer_line =~ m/(.+)\s(.*)/){
push @config_file, $buffer_line;
close (CFG);
# Some plugin setup default options
$plugin_setup{"timeout"} = 5;
$plugin_setup{"apache_stats"} = "";
foreach (@config_file){
$parametro = $_;
if ($parametro =~ m/^include\s(.*)/i) {
load_external_setup ($1);
if ($parametro =~ m/^logparser\s(.*)/i) {
if ($parametro =~ m/^timeout\s(.*)/i) {
# Log check
if ($parametro =~ m/^log\s(.*)/i) {
# Volume check
if ($parametro =~ m/^volume\s(.*)/i) {
# Webcheck
if ($parametro =~ m/^webcheck\s(.*)/i) {
# Processcheck
if ($parametro =~ m/^process\s(.*)/i) {
# Apachestats
if ($parametro =~ m/^apache_stats\s(.*)/i) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# http_check
# This function recives something like / 200 OK
# to check a HTTP response, given Host:PORT, URL and Search string
# Return 0 if not, and 1 if found
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub http_check ($$$$$){
my $name = $_[0];
my $host = $_[1];
my $port = $_[2];
my $query_string = $_[3];
my $search_string = $_[4];
my $tcp_send = "GET $query_string HTTP/1.0\n\n";
my $temp; my $match = 0;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
Timeout=> $plugin_setup{"timeout"},
Blocking=>1 ); # Non block gives non-accurate results. We need to be SURE about this results :(
if (!$sock){
print_module("web_$name", "generic_proc", 0, "HTTP Check on $host for $query_string");
# Send data
$tcp_send =~ s/\^M/\r\n/g;
# Replace Carriage return and line feed
print $sock $tcp_send;
my @buffer = <$sock>;
# Search on buffer
foreach (@buffer) {
if ($_ =~ /$search_string/){
$match = 1;
print_module ("web_$name", "generic_proc", $match, "HTTP Check on $host for $query_string");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# apache_stats
# This function uses mod_status from apache to get information
# Given Instance, Host:PORT, URL (usually should be /server-status)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub apache_stats ($$$$){
my $name = $_[0];
my $host = $_[1];
my $port = $_[2];
my $query_string = $_[3];
if ($query_string eq ""){
$query_string = "/";
my $tcp_send = "GET $query_string HTTP/1.0\n\n";
my $temp; my $match = 0;
# First at all, check response on apache (200 OK)
http_check ("Apache_Status_$name", $host, $port, $query_string, "200 OK");
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
Timeout=> $plugin_setup{"timeout"},
Blocking=>1 ); # Non block gives non-accurate results. We need to be SURE about this results :(
if (!$sock){
# Send data
$tcp_send =~ s/\^M/\r\n/g;
# Replace Carriage return and line feed
print $sock $tcp_send;
my @buffer = <$sock>;
# Search on buffer
foreach (@buffer) {
if ($_ =~ /Restart Time: ([aA-zZ]+\,\s[0-9]{2}\-[aA-zZ]{3}\-[0-9]{4}\s[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\s[aA-zZ]+)/ ) {
print_module ("apache_restart_time_$name", "generic_data_string", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /Server uptime: ([aA-zZ 0-9]+)/) {
print_module ("apache_server_uptime_$name", "generic_data_string", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /Total accesses: ([0-9]+)/ ) {
print_module ("apache_accesses_$name", "generic_data_inc", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /Total Traffic: ([0-9]+)/ ) {
print_module ("apache_total_traffic_$name", "generic_data_inc", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\%\sCPU\sload/ ){
print_module ("apache_CPU_Load_$name", "generic_data", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /CPU Usage\: u([\.0-9]*)/ ){
print_module ("apache_CPU_User_Load_$name", "generic_data", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /CPU Usage\: u[\.0-9]* s([\.0-9]*)/ ){
print_module ("apache_CPU_System_Load_$name", "generic_data", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /([\.0-9]+)\srequests\/sec/){
print_module ("apache_Req/Sec_$name", "generic_data", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+)\sB\/second/) {
print_module ("apache_B/Sec_$name", "generic_data_inc", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+)\skB\/request/) {
print_module ("apache_KB/Request_$name", "generic_data_inc", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+)\srequests\scurrently/) {
print_module ("apache_request_currently_$name", "generic_data", $1, "" );
if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+)\sidle\sworkers/) {
print_module ("apache_idle_workers_$name", "generic_data", $1, "" );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# alert_log
# Do a call to alertlog plugin and output the result
# Receives logfile, and module name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub alert_log($$$){
my $alertlog = $_[0];
my $module_name = $_[1];
my $log_expression = $_[2];
my $plugin_call = "";
# Call to logparser
if ($OS eq "MSWin32") {
$plugin_call = $plugin_setup{"logparser"}. " $alertlog $module_name $log_expression";
} else {
$plugin_call = $plugin_setup{"logparser"}. " $alertlog $module_name $log_expression 2> /dev/null";
my $output = `$plugin_call`;
if ($output ne ""){
print $output;
} else {
print_module($module_name, "async_string", "", "Alertlog for $alertlog ($log_expression)");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# spare_system_disk_win
# This function return % free disk on Windows, using WMI call
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub spare_system_disk_win ($$){
my $name = $_[0];
my $volume = $_[1];
my $computer = "localhost";
my $objWMIService = Win32::OLE->GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\$computer\\root\\CIMV2") or return;
my $colItems = $objWMIService->ExecQuery("SELECT * from CIM_LogicalDisk WHERE Name = '$volume'", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly);
foreach my $objItem (in $colItems) {
my $data = ($objItem->{"FreeSpace"} / $objItem->{"Size"}) * 100;
print_module("Volume_$volume" . "_" . "$name", "generic_data", "$data", "Free disk on $volume");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# spare_system_disk
# Check free space on volume
# Receives volume name and instance
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub spare_system_disk ($$) {
my $name = $_[0];
my $vol = $_[1];
if ($vol eq ""){
# This is a posix call, should be the same on all systems !
my $output = `df -kP | grep "$vol\$" | awk '{ print \$5 }' | tr -d "%"`;
my $disk_space = 100 - $output;
print_module("Volume_$vol" . "_" . "$name", "generic_data", $disk_space, "% of volume free");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# process_status_unix
# Generates a pandora module about the running status of a given process
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub process_status_unix ($$){
my $proc = $_[0];
my $proc_name = $_[1];
if ($proc eq ""){
my $data = trim (`ps aux | grep "$proc" | grep -v grep | wc -l`);
print_module("Process_$proc_name", "generic_proc", $data, "Status of process $proc");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# process_status_win
# Generates a pandora module about the running status of a given process
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub process_status_win ($$){
my $proc = $_[0];
my $proc_name = $_[1];
if ($proc eq ""){
my $computer = "localhost";
my $objWMIService = Win32::OLE->GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\$computer\\root\\CIMV2") or return;
my $colItems = $objWMIService->ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Caption = '$proc'", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly);
foreach my $objItem (in $colItems) {
if ($objItem->{"Caption"} eq $proc){
print_module("Process_$proc_name", "generic_proc", 1, "Status of process $proc");
} else {
print_module("Process_$proc_name", "generic_proc", 0, "Status of process $proc");
# no matches, process is not running
print_module("Process_$proc_name", "generic_proc", 0, "Status of process $proc");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# process_mem_win
# Generates a Pandora FMS about memory usage of a given process "pepito.exe"
# only works with EXACT names.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub process_mem_win ($$){
my $proc = $_[0];
my $proc_name = $_[1];
if ($proc eq ""){
my $computer = "localhost";
my $objWMIService = Win32::OLE->GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\$computer\\root\\CIMV2") or return;
my $colItems = $objWMIService->ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Caption = '$proc'", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly);
foreach my $objItem (in $colItems) {
if ($objItem->{"Caption"} eq $proc){
print_module("Process_MEM_$proc_name", "generic_data", $objItem->{"WorkingSetSize"}, "Memory in bytes of process $proc");
} else {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# process_mem_unix
# Generates a Pandora FMS about memory usage of a given process
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub process_mem_unix ($$){
my $vol = $_[0];
my $proc_name = $_[1];
if ($vol eq ""){
my $data = `ps aux | grep "$vol" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print \$6 }'`;
my @data2 = split ("\n", $data),
my $tot = 0;
foreach (@data2){
$tot = $tot + $_;
print_module("Proc_MEM_$proc_name", "generic_data", $tot, "Memory used (in bytes) for process $vol");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# process_cpu_unix
# Generates a Pandora FMS about memory usage of a given process
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub process_cpu_unix ($$) {
my $vol = $_[0];
my $proc_name = $_[1];
if ($vol eq ""){
my $data = `ps aux | grep "$vol" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print \$3 }'`;
my @data2 = split ("\n", $data),
my $tot = 0;
foreach (@data2){
$tot = $tot + $_;
print_module("Proc_CPU_$proc_name", "generic_data", $tot, "CPU (%) used for process $vol");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse external configuration file
# Load config file from command line
if ($#ARGV == -1 ){
print "I need at least one parameter: Complete path to external configuration file \n";
# Check for file
if ( ! -f $archivo_cfg ) {
printf "\n [ERROR] Cannot open configuration file at $archivo_cfg. \n\n";
exit 1;
load_external_setup ($archivo_cfg);
# Check for logparser, if not ready, skip all log check
if ( ! -f $plugin_setup{"logparser"} ) {
# Create a dummy check module with and advise warning
if ($log_items > 0) {
print_module("Error: Log parser not found", "async_string", 0, "Log parser not found, please check your configuration file and set it");
$log_items =0;
# Webchecks
if ($webcheck_items > 0){
my $ax;
for ($ax=0; $ax < $webcheck_items; $ax++){
my ($name, $host, $port, $url, $string) = split (";",$plugin_setup{"webcheck"}[$ax]);
http_check ($name, $host, $port, $url, $string);
# Check individual defined volumes
if ($volume_items > 0){
my $ax;
for ($ax=0; $ax < $volume_items; $ax++){
my ($name, $volume) = split (";",$plugin_setup{"volume"}[$ax]);
if ($OS eq "MSWin32"){
spare_system_disk_win ($name, $volume);
} else {
spare_system_disk ($name, $volume);
# Check individual defined logs
if ($log_items > 0){
my $ax;
for ($ax=0; $ax < $log_items; $ax++){
my ($logfile, $name, $expression) = split (";",$plugin_setup{"log"}[$ax]);
# Verify proper valid values here or skip
if (!defined($logfile)){
if (!defined($name)){
if (!defined($expression)){
alert_log ($logfile, $name, $expression);
# Check individual defined process
if ($process_items > 0){
my $ax;
for ($ax=0; $ax < $process_items; $ax++){
my ($name, $process) = split (";",$plugin_setup{"process"}[$ax]);
if ($OS eq "MSWin32") {
process_status_win ($process, $name);
process_mem_win ($process, $name);
} else {
process_status_unix ($process, $name);
process_mem_unix ($process, $name);
process_cpu_unix ($process, $name);
# Apache stats
if ($plugin_setup{"apache_stats"} ne "") {
my ($name, $host, $port, $url) = split (";",$plugin_setup{"apache_stats"});
apache_stats ($name, $host, $port, $url);