2006-12-15 Esteban Sanchez <estebans@artica.es>
* operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Huge style correction. There is too much work left. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@322 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2006-12-15 Esteban Sanchez <estebans@artica.es>
* operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Huge style correction. There is
too much work left.
2006-12-14 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* operation/messages/message.php: Updated style for not found items.
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ echo "<div class='jus'>";
$nick = $_SESSION['id_usuario'];
echo "<h1>" . $lang_label["welcome_title"] . "</h1>";
echo $lang_label["main_text"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo $lang_label["has_connected"] . " <b>" . $nick . "</b> - ";
if (dame_admin ($nick) == 1) {
echo $lang_label["administrator"] . '. ';
else {
} else {
echo $lang_label["normal_user"] . '. ';
@ -47,18 +47,19 @@ $query1="SELECT * FROM tsesion WHERE (TO_DAYS(fecha) > TO_DAYS(NOW()) -7) AND ID
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$contador = 5; // Max items
$color = 1;
while (($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) and ($contador > 0))
while (($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) and ($contador > 0)) {
if ($color == 1){
$tdcolor = "datos";
$color = 0;
else {
} else {
$tdcolor = "datos2";
$color = 1;
$usuario = $row["ID_usuario"];
echo '<tr><td class="'.$tdcolor.'"><b class="'.$tdcolor.'f9">'.$usuario."</b>";
echo '<tr><td class="' . $tdcolor . '">';
echo '"<b class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">' . $usuario . '</b>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
echo $row["accion"];
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ $query1="SELECT * FROM tsesion WHERE (TO_DAYS(fecha) > TO_DAYS(NOW()) -7) AND ID
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
echo $row["descripcion"];
echo '</tr>';
@ -77,44 +79,48 @@ $query1="SELECT * FROM tsesion WHERE (TO_DAYS(fecha) > TO_DAYS(NOW()) -7) AND ID
$resultado = mysql_query ($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($resultado);
if ($row["COUNT(*)"] != 0){
echo "<div style='margin-left: 8px'>".$lang_label["new_message_bra"]."<b><a href='index.php?sec=messages&sec2=operation/messages/message'>". $row["COUNT(*)"] . "</b> <img src='images/mail.gif' border='0'></a>".$lang_label["new_message_ket"]."</div>";
echo '<div style="margin-left: 8px">' . $lang_label["new_message_bra"];
echo '<b><a href="index.php?sec=messages&sec2=operation/messages/message">';
echo $row["COUNT(*)"] . '</b> <img src="images/mail.gif" border="0"></a>';
echo $lang_label["new_message_ket"] . '</div>';
echo "<h2>".$lang_label["stat_title"]."</h2>";
echo '<h2>' . $lang_label["stat_title"] . '</h2>';
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tusuario";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo "<img src='images/usuarios.gif' align='middle' alt=''> ";
echo $lang_label["there_are"].$row[0]." ".$lang_label["user_defined"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo '<img src="images/usuarios.gif" align="middle" alt=""> ';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . $row[0] . ' ' . $lang_label["user_defined"];
echo '<br /><br />';
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo "<img src='images/agentes.gif' align='middle' alt=''> ";
echo $lang_label["there_are"].$row[0]." ".$lang_label["agent_defined"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo '<img src="images/agentes.gif" align="middle" alt=""> ';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . $row[0] .' ' . $lang_label["agent_defined"];
echo '<br /><br />';
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo "<img src='images/datos.gif' align='middle' alt=''> ";
echo $lang_label["there_are"].$row[0]." ".$lang_label["data_harvested"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo '<img src="images/datos.gif" align="middle" alt=""> ';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . $row[0] . ' ' . $lang_label["data_harvested"];
echo '<br /><br />';
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM talerta_agente_modulo";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo "<img src='images/alertas.gif' align='middle' alt=''> ";
echo $lang_label["there_are"].$row[0]." ".$lang_label["alert_defined"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo '<img src="images/alertas.gif" align="middle" alt=""> ';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . $row[0] .' ' . $lang_label["alert_defined"];
echo '<br /><br />';
$query1 = "SELECT * FROM tagente_estado ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
// Take the first element only
echo "<img src='images/time.gif' align='middle' alt=''> ";
echo '<img src="images/time.gif" align="middle" alt=""> ';
echo $lang_label["data_timestamp"] . $row["timestamp"];
echo "</div>";
echo '</div>';
@ -13,19 +13,23 @@
require ("operation/menu.php");
if (! isset ($_SESSION["id_usuario"])) {
echo '<div class="f10">' . $lang_label["not_connected"];
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?login=1">
<div class="f9b">Login</div><input class="login" type="text" name="nick">
<div class="f9b">Password</div><input class="login" type="password" name="pass">
<div><input name="login" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["login"].'"></div>
<br>IP: <b class="f10">'.$REMOTE_ADDR.'</b><br></div>';
else {
echo '<br /><br />';
echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?login=1">';
echo '<div class="f9b">Login</div><input class="login" type="text" name="nick">';
echo '<div class="f9b">Password</div><input class="login" type="password" name="pass">';
echo '<div><input name="login" type="submit" class="sub" value="' . $lang_label["login"] .'"></div>';
echo '<br />IP: <b class="f10">' . $REMOTE_ADDR . '</b><br /></div>';
} else {
$iduser = $_SESSION['id_usuario'];
require ("godmode/menu.php");
echo '<div class="w155f10"><form method="post" action="index.php?logoff=1"><input type="hidden" name="bye" value="bye"><input name="logoff" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["logout"].'"></form>'
.$lang_label["has_connected"].' <br>[<b class="f10">'.$iduser.'</b>]<br>';
echo "<br>IP: <b class='f10'>".$REMOTE_ADDR."</b><br></div><div> </div>";
echo '<div class="w155f10"><form method="post" action="index.php?logoff=1">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="bye" value="bye">';
echo '<input name="logoff" type="submit" class="sub" value="' . $lang_label["logout"] . '">';
echo '</form>' . $lang_label["has_connected"] . '<br />';
echo '[<b class="f10">' . $iduser . '</b>]<br />';
echo "<br />IP: <b class='f10'>" . $REMOTE_ADDR . "</b><br /></div><div> </div>";
require ("links_menu.php");
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
$ag_group = $_POST["ag_group"];
$query = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&ag_group_refresh=' . $ag_group;
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $intervalo . '; URL=' . $query . '">';
} else
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $intervalo . '">';
@ -56,22 +55,28 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
// Show custom background
echo "<body background='images/backgrounds/$config_bgimage'>";
echo '<body background="images/backgrounds/' . $config_bgimage . '">';
global $REMOTE_ADDR;
if ( (! isset($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) AND (isset($_GET["login"]))){ // Login process
// Login process
if ( (! isset ($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) AND (isset ($_GET["login"]))) {
$nick = entrada_limpia ($_POST["nick"]);
$pass = entrada_limpia ($_POST["pass"]);
// Connect to Database
$sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM tusuario WHERE id_usuario = "'.$nick.'"';
$result = mysql_query ($sql1);
// Every registry
// For every registry
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)){
if ($row["password"] == md5 ($pass)){
// Login OK
// Nick could be uppercase or lowercase (select in mysql is not case sensitive)
// We get DB nick to put in PHP Session variable, to avoid problems with case-sensitive usernames :)
// Nick could be uppercase or lowercase (select in MySQL
// is not case sensitive)
// We get DB nick to put in PHP Session variable,
// to avoid problems with case-sensitive usernames.
// Thanks to David Muñiz for Bug discovery :)
$nick = $row["id_usuario"];
unset ($_GET["sec2"]);
@ -80,37 +85,40 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
logon_db ($nick, $REMOTE_ADDR);
$_SESSION['id_usuario'] = $nick;
else { // Login failed (bad password)
} else {
// Login failed (bad password)
unset ($_GET["sec2"]);
include "general/logon_failed.php";
// change password to do not show all string
$primera = substr ($pass,0,1);
$ultima = substr ($pass, strlen ($pass) - 1, 1);
$pass = $primera . "****" . $ultima;
audit_db($nick,$REMOTE_ADDR,"Logon Failed","Incorrect password: ".$nick." / ".$pass);
audit_db ($nick, $REMOTE_ADDR, "Logon Failed",
"Incorrect password: " . $nick . " / " . $pass);
include "general/footer.php";
else { // User not known
else {
// User not known
unset ($_GET["sec2"]);
include "general/logon_failed.php";
$primera = substr ($pass, 0, 1);
$ultima = substr ($pass, strlen ($pass) - 1, 1);
$pass = $primera . "****" . $ultima;
audit_db($nick,$REMOTE_ADDR,"Logon Failed","Invalid username: ".$nick." / ".$pass);
audit_db ($nick, $REMOTE_ADDR, "Logon Failed",
"Invalid username: " . $nick . " / " . $pass);
include "general/footer.php";
// If there is no user connected
elseif (! isset($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) {
} elseif (! isset ($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) {
// There is no user connected
include "general/login_page.php";
if (isset($_GET["logoff"])){ // LOG OFF
if (isset ($_GET["logoff"])) {
// Log off
unset ($_GET["sec2"]);
$_GET["sec"] = "general/logoff";
$iduser = $_SESSION["id_usuario"];
@ -125,22 +133,25 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
if (isset ($_GET["sec2"])) {
$pagina = parametro_limpio ($_GET["sec2"]);
if ($pagina <> "") {
if (file_exists ($pagina . ".php")) {
require ($pagina . ".php");
else print "<br><b class='error'>Sorry! I can't find the page!</b>";
} else {
echo "<br><b class='error'>Sorry! I can't find the page!</b>";
elseif (isset($_GET["sec"] )){
} elseif (isset ($_GET["sec"])) {
$pagina = parametro_limpio ($_GET["sec"]);
if (file_exists ($pagina . ".php")) {
require ($pagina . ".php");
} else {
echo "<br><b class='error'>Sorry! I can't find the page!</b>";
else print "<br><b class='error'>Sorry! I can't find the page!</b>";
} else {
require ("general/logon_ok.php"); //default
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
// Load global vars
if (comprueba_login() == 0)
if (comprueba_login () == 0) {
if (give_acl ($id_user, 0, "AR") == 1) {
echo "<h2>".$lang_label["ag_title"]."</h2>";
echo "<h3>".$lang_label["group_view"]."<a href='help/".$help_code."/chap3.php#324' target='_help' class='help'> <span>".$lang_label["help"]."</span></a></h3>";
@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
$result2 = mysql_query ($sql1);
if (mysql_num_rows ($result2)) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result2)) {
if ($row["id_grupo"]!=1)
if (give_acl($iduser_temp,$row["id_grupo"], "AR") == 1)
if ($row["id_grupo"] != 1 &&
give_acl($iduser_temp,$row["id_grupo"], "AR") == 1) {
$mis_grupos[]=$row["id_grupo"]; //All my groups in an array
// Update network modules for this group
// Check for Network FLAG change request
if (isset ($_GET["update_netgroup"])) {
@ -47,11 +49,13 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
$contador_grupo = 0;
$contador_agente = 0;
$array_index = 0;
// Recorro cada grupo para ver el estado de todos los modulos
foreach ($mis_grupos as $migrupo)
foreach ($mis_grupos as $migrupo) {
if ($migrupo != "") {
$grupo[$array_index]["agent"] = 0;
$grupo[$array_index]["ok"] = 0;
@ -62,19 +66,23 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
$grupo[$array_index]["icon"] = dame_grupo_icono ($migrupo);
$grupo[$array_index]["id_grupo"] = $migrupo;
$existen_agentes =0;
$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE disabled=0 AND id_grupo =".$migrupo;
if ($result1 = mysql_query ($sql1)) {
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array ($result1)) {
$existen_agentes = 1;
$intervalo = $row1["intervalo"];
$id_agente=$row1["id_agente"]; // Bugsolved 0607113 <slerena@gmail.com>
$id_agente = $row1["id_agente"];
// Check for recent alerts
if (check_alert_fired($id_agente) == 1) {
$grupo[$array_index]["group"] = dame_nombre_grupo ($migrupo);
$contador_agente++; // Estado grupo, agent
// Estado grupo, agent
$sql3 = "SELECT * FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente = ".$row1["id_agente"];
$result3 = mysql_query ($sql3);
while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_array ($result3)) {
@ -85,35 +93,39 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
$result4 = mysql_query ($sql4);
if ($row4 = mysql_fetch_array ($result4)) {
$module_interval = $row4["module_interval"];
if ($module_interval > 0)
if ($module_interval > 0) {
$intervalo_comp = $module_interval;
else {
} else {
$intervalo_comp = $intervalo;
$ultimo_contacto_modulo = $row3["timestamp"];
# Defines if module is down (interval x 2 > time last contact)
// Defines if module is down (interval x 2 > time last contact)
if ($ultimo_contacto_modulo != "2000-00-00 00:00:00") {
$seconds = strtotime ($ahora) - strtotime ($ultimo_contacto_modulo);
if ($seconds >= ($intervalo_comp * 2)) {
elseif ($estado != 100) {
if ($row3["datos"] !=0)
} elseif ($estado != 100) {
if ($row3["datos"] != 0) {
} else {
} elseif ($estado == 100) // For data module, not monitors
$grupo[$array_index]["data"]++; // Data module
if ($existen_agentes == 1){
if ($contador_agente != 0) {
$ancho = ceil(sqrt($array_index+1));
$real_count =0;
@ -122,9 +134,11 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
echo "<tr class='bot'>";
for ($table_row=0; $table_row < $ancho; $table_row++) {
if ($real_count < $array_index) {
$group_name = $grupo[$real_count]["group"];
$icono_grupo = $grupo[$real_count]["icon"];
$icono_type = "";
if ($grupo[$real_count]["down"] > 0) {
$icono_type = "<img src='images/dot_down.gif' alt=''>";
@ -141,6 +155,8 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
if ($grupo[$real_count]["alerts"] > 0 ){
$icono_type=$icono_type."<img src='images/dot_yellow.gif' alt=''>";
/* FIXME: This line is ugly */
$celda = "<td class='bot' width=100><a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=60&group_id=".$grupo[$real_count]["id_grupo"]."' class='info'><img class='top' src='images/groups/".$icono_grupo."_1.gif' border='0' alt=''>
@ -156,26 +172,26 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
// Render network exec module button, only when this group is writtable by user
if (give_acl ($id_user, $grupo[$real_count]["id_grupo"], "AW") == 1) {
$celda = $celda . "<a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_grupo&update_netgroup=".$grupo[$real_count]["id_grupo"]."'><img src='images/target.gif' border=0></a>";
$celda .= "<a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_grupo&update_netgroup=".$grupo[$real_count]["id_grupo"]."'><img src='images/target.gif' border=0></a>";
$celda = $celda . "<br><br>".$icono_type."<br><br><font class='gr'>".$group_name."</font>";
$celda .= "<br><br>".$icono_type."<br><br><font class='gr'>".$group_name."</font>";
echo $celda;
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
echo "<div class='nf'>".$lang_label["no_agent_def"]."</div>";
else {
} else {
echo "<div class='nf'>".$lang_label["no_agent"]."</div>";
else {
} else {
audit_db ($id_user, $REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation", "Trying to access Agent view (Grouped)");
require ("general/noaccess.php");
Reference in New Issue