2012-01-17 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>

* util/pandora_manage.pl: Added option to add all
	policy to application queue in CLI. Organize help
	by categories

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@5381 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
zarzuelo 2012-01-17 13:10:54 +00:00
parent 1cb3751ba8
commit 81af81be97
2 changed files with 113 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2012-01-17 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* util/pandora_manage.pl: Added option to add all
policy to application queue in CLI. Organize help
by categories
2012-01-17 Koichiro Kikuchi <koichiro@rworks.jp>
* pandora_server.redhat.spec: Fixed a wrong dependency.

View File

@ -79,52 +79,62 @@ exit;
sub help_screen{
print "Usage: $0 <path to pandora_server.conf> [options] \n\n" unless $param ne '';
print "Available options:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
print "Available options by category:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
print "Available options for $param:\n\n" unless $param eq '';
help_screen_line('--disable_alerts', '', 'Disable alerts in all groups (system wide)');
help_screen_line('--enable_alerts', '', 'Enable alerts in all groups (system wide)');
help_screen_line('--disable_eacl', '', 'Disable enterprise ACL system');
help_screen_line('--enable_eacl', '', 'Enable enterprise ACL system');
help_screen_line('--disable_group', '<group_name>', 'Disable agents from an entire group');
help_screen_line('--enable_group', '<group_name>', 'Enable agents from an entire group');
print "AGENTS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_agent', '<agent_name> <operating_system> <group> <server_name> [<address> <description> <interval>]', 'Create agent');
help_screen_line('--delete_agent', '<agent_name>', 'Delete agent');
help_screen_line('--disable_group', '<group_name>', 'Disable agents from an entire group');
help_screen_line('--enable_group', '<group_name>', 'Enable agents from an entire group');
help_screen_line('--create_group', '<group_name> [<parent_group_name> <icon>]', 'Create an agent group');
help_screen_line('--stop_downtime', '<downtime_name>', 'Stop a planned downtime');
print "MODULES:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_data_module', '<module_name> <module_type> <agent_name> [<description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <definition_file> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add data server module to agent');
help_screen_line('--create_network_module', '<module_name> <module_type> <agent_name> <module_address> [<module_port> <description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <ff_threshold> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add not snmp network module to agent');
help_screen_line('--create_snmp_module', '<module_name> <module_type> <agent_name> <module_address> <module_port> <version> [<community> <oid> <description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <snmp3_priv_method> <snmp3_priv_pass> <snmp3_sec_level> <snmp3_auth_method> <snmp3_auth_user> <snmp3_priv_pass> <ff_threshold> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add snmp network module to agent');
help_screen_line('--create_plugin_module', '<module_name> <module_type> <agent_name> <module_address> <module_port> <plugin_name> <user> <password> <parameters> [<description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <ff_threshold> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add plug-in module to agent');
help_screen_line('--delete_module', 'Delete module from agent', '<module_name> <agent_name>');
help_screen_line('--data_module', '<server_name> <agent_name> <module_name> <module_type> [<datetime>]', 'Insert data to module');
help_screen_line('--get_module_data', '<agent_name> <module_name> <interval> [<csv_separator>]', 'Show the data of a module in the last X seconds (interval) in CSV format');
help_screen_line('--delete_data', '-m <module_name> <agent_name> | -a <agent_name> | -g <group_name>', 'Delete historic data of a module, the modules of an agent or the modules of the agents of a group');
help_screen_line('--update_module', '<agent_name> <module_name> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a module field');
print "ALERTS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_template_module', '<template_name> <module_name> <agent_name>', 'Add alert template to module');
help_screen_line('--delete_template_module', '<template_name> <module_name> <agent_name>', 'Delete alert template from module');
help_screen_line('--create_template_action', '<action_name> <template_name> <module_name> <agent_name> [<fires_min> <fires_max>]', 'Add alert action to module-template');
help_screen_line('--delete_template_action', '<action_name> <template_name> <module_name> <agent_name>', 'Delete alert action from module-template');
help_screen_line('--data_module', '<server_name> <agent_name> <module_name> <module_type> [<datetime>]', 'Insert data to module');
help_screen_line('--disable_alerts', '', 'Disable alerts in all groups (system wide)');
help_screen_line('--enable_alerts', '', 'Enable alerts in all groups (system wide)');
help_screen_line('--create_alert_template', '<template_name> <condition_type_serialized> <time_from> <time_to> [<description> <group_name> <field1> <field2> <field3> <priority> <default_action> <days> <time_threshold> <min_alerts> <max_alerts> <alert_recovery> <field2_recovery> <field3_recovery> <condition_type_separator>]', 'Create alert template');
help_screen_line('--delete_alert_template', '<template_name>', 'Delete alert template');
help_screen_line('--update_alert_template', '<template_name> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a field of an alert template');
print "USERS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_user', '<user_name> <user_password> <is_admin> [<comments>]', 'Create user');
help_screen_line('--delete_user', '<user_name>', 'Delete user');
help_screen_line('--update_user', '<user_id> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a user field. The fields can be the following: email, phone, is_admin (0-1), language, id_skin, flash_chart (0-1), comments, fullname, password');
help_screen_line('--enable_user', '<user_id>', 'Enable a given user');
help_screen_line('--disable_user', '<user_id>', 'Disable a given user');
help_screen_line('--create_profile', '<user_name> <profile_name> <group_name>', 'Add perfil to user');
help_screen_line('--delete_profile', '<user_name> <profile_name> <group_name>', 'Delete perfil from user');
help_screen_line('--create_event', '<event> <event_type> <agent_name> <module_name> <group_name> [<event_status> <severity> <template_name>]', 'Add event');
help_screen_line('--validate_event', '<agent_name> <module_name> <datetime_min> <datetime_max> <user_name> <criticity> <template_name>', 'Validate events');
help_screen_line('--create_incident', '<title> <description> <origin> <status> <priority 0 for Informative, 1 for Low, 2 for Medium, 3 for Serious, 4 for Very serious or 5 for Maintenance> <group> [<owner>]', 'Create incidents');
help_screen_line('--delete_data', '-m <module_name> <agent_name> | -a <agent_name> | -g <group_name>', 'Delete historic data of a module, the modules of an agent or the modules of the agents of a group');
help_screen_line('--delete_not_policy_modules', '', 'Delete all modules without policy from configuration file');
help_screen_line('--apply_policy', '<policy_name>', 'Force apply a policy');
help_screen_line('--disable_policy_alerts', '<policy_name>', 'Disable all the alerts of a policy');
help_screen_line('--create_group', '<group_name> [<parent_group_name> <icon>]', 'Create an agent group');
help_screen_line('--add_agent_to_policy', '<agent_name> <policy_name>', 'Add an agent to a policy');
help_screen_line('--disable_user', '<user_id>', 'Disable a given user');
help_screen_line('--enable_user', '<user_id>', 'Enable a given user');
help_screen_line('--update_user', '<user_id> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a user field. The fields can be the following: email, phone, is_admin (0-1), language, id_skin, flash_chart (0-1), comments, fullname, password');
help_screen_line('--add_profile_to_user', '<user_id> <profile_name> [<group_name>]', 'Add a profile in group to a user');
help_screen_line('--get_module_data', '<agent_name> <module_name> <interval> [<csv_separator>]', 'Show the data of a module in the last X seconds (interval) in CSV format');
help_screen_line('--disable_eacl', '', 'Disable enterprise ACL system');
help_screen_line('--enable_eacl', '', 'Enable enterprise ACL system');
print "EVENTS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_event', '<event> <event_type> <agent_name> <module_name> <group_name> [<event_status> <severity> <template_name>]', 'Add event');
help_screen_line('--validate_event', '<agent_name> <module_name> <datetime_min> <datetime_max> <user_name> <criticity> <template_name>', 'Validate events');
print "INCIDENTS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_incident', '<title> <description> <origin> <status> <priority 0 for Informative, 1 for Low, 2 for Medium, 3 for Serious, 4 for Very serious or 5 for Maintenance> <group> [<owner>]', 'Create incidents');
print "POLICIES:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--apply_policy', '<policy_name>', 'Force apply a policy');
help_screen_line('--apply_all_policies', '', 'Force apply to all the policies');
help_screen_line('--add_agent_to_policy', '<agent_name> <policy_name>', 'Add an agent to a policy');
help_screen_line('--delete_not_policy_modules', '', 'Delete all modules without policy from configuration file');
help_screen_line('--disable_policy_alerts', '<policy_name>', 'Disable all the alerts of a policy');
help_screen_line('--create_policy_data_module', '<policy_name> <module_name> <module_type> [<description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <data_configuration> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add data server module to policy');
help_screen_line('--create_policy_network_module', '<policy_name> <module_name> <module_type> [<module_port> <description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <ff_threshold> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add not snmp network module to policy');
help_screen_line('--create_policy_snmp_module', '<policy_name> <module_name> <module_type> <module_port> <version> [<community> <oid> <description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <snmp3_priv_method> <snmp3_priv_pass> <snmp3_sec_level> <snmp3_auth_method> <snmp3_auth_user> <snmp3_priv_pass> <ff_threshold> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add snmp network module to policy');
help_screen_line('--create_policy_plugin_module', '<policy_name> <module_name> <module_type> <module_port> <plugin_name> <user> <password> <parameters> [<description> <module_group> <min> <max> <post_process> <interval> <warning_min> <warning_max> <critical_min> <critical_max> <history_data> <ff_threshold> <warning_str> <critical_str>]', 'Add plug-in module to policy');
help_screen_line('--create_alert_template', '<template_name> <condition_type_serialized> <time_from> <time_to> [<description> <group_name> <field1> <field2> <field3> <priority> <default_action> <days> <time_threshold> <min_alerts> <max_alerts> <alert_recovery> <field2_recovery> <field3_recovery> <condition_type_separator>]', 'Create alert template');
help_screen_line('--delete_alert_template', '<template_name>', 'Delete alert template');
help_screen_line('--update_alert_template', '<template_name> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a field of an alert template');
help_screen_line('--update_module', '<agent_name> <module_name> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a module field');
print "TOOLS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--exec_from_file', '<file_path> <option_to_execute> <option_params>', 'Execute any CLI option with macros from CSV file');
print "\n";
@ -445,6 +455,18 @@ sub pandora_get_alert_template_id ($$) {
return defined ($template_id) ? $template_id : -1;
## SUB get_planned_downtime_id(id)
## Return the planned downtime id, given "downtime_name"
sub pandora_get_planned_downtime_id ($$) {
my ($dbh, $downtime_name) = @_;
my $downtime_id = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id FROM tplanned_downtime WHERE name = ?", safe_input($downtime_name));
return defined ($downtime_id) ? $downtime_id : -1;
@ -2239,14 +2261,12 @@ sub cli_delete_data($) {
# Add policy to apply queue.
# Related option: --apply policy
# Related option: --apply_policy
sub cli_apply_policy() {
my $policy_name = @ARGV[2];
my $configuration_data = "";
my $policy_id = enterprise_hook('get_policy_id',[$dbh, safe_input($policy_name)]);
@ -2260,6 +2280,33 @@ sub cli_apply_policy() {
print "[INFO] Added operation 'apply' to policy '$policy_name'\n\n";
# Add all policies to apply queue.
# Related option: --apply_all_policies
sub cli_apply_all_policies() {
my $policies = enterprise_hook('get_policies', [$dbh, 0]);
my $npolicies = scalar(@{$policies});
print "[INFO] $npolicies policies found\n\n";
my $added = 0;
foreach my $policy (@{$policies}) {
my $ret = enterprise_hook('pandora_add_policy_queue', [$dbh, $conf, $policy->{'id'}, 'apply']);
if($ret != -1) {
print "[INFO] Added operation 'apply' to policy '".safe_output($policy->{'name'})."'\n";
if($npolicies > $added) {
my $failed = $npolicies - $added;
print "[ERROR] $failed policies cannot be added to apply queue. Maybe the queue already contains these operations.\n";
# Disable policy alerts.
# Related option: --disable_policy_alerts
@ -2268,8 +2315,6 @@ sub cli_apply_policy() {
sub cli_disable_policy_alerts() {
my $policy_name = @ARGV[2];
my $configuration_data = "";
my $policy_id = enterprise_hook('get_policy_id',[$dbh, safe_input($policy_name)]);
@ -2442,6 +2487,31 @@ sub cli_user_disable () {
# Stop Planned downtime
# Related option: --stop_downtime
sub cli_stop_downtime () {
my $downtime_name = @ARGV[2];
my $downtime_id = pandora_get_planned_downtime_id ($dbh, $downtime_name);
exist_check($downtime_id,'planned downtime',$downtime_id);
my $current_time = time;
my $downtime_date_to = get_db_value ($dbh, 'SELECT date_to FROM tplanned_downtime WHERE id=?', $downtime_id);
if($current_time >= $downtime_date_to) {
print "[INFO] Planned_downtime '$downtime_name' is already stopped\n\n";
print "[INFO] Stopping planned downtime '$downtime_name'\n\n";
my $parameters->{'date_to'} = time;
db_process_update($dbh, 'tplanned_downtime', $parameters, 'id', $downtime_id);
# Get module data
# Related option: --get_module_data
@ -2686,6 +2756,13 @@ sub pandora_manage_main ($$$) {
elsif ($param eq '--exec_from_file') {
elsif ($param eq '--stop_downtime') {
elsif ($param eq '--apply_all_policies') {
param_check($ltotal, 0);
else {
print "[ERROR] Invalid option '$param'.\n\n";
$param = '';