2008-04-16 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>

* lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm: Rewrote the alert engine. Small fixes.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@807 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
Ramon Novoa 2008-04-16 11:03:03 +00:00
parent 017cc97354
commit 86bb8b22fc
2 changed files with 339 additions and 326 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
2008-04-16 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm: Rewrote the alert engine. Small fixes.
2008-04-09 Sancho Lerena <slerena@gmail.com>

View File

@ -57,9 +57,11 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -77,231 +79,247 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
# 'Dame' in spanish means 'give'
## SUB pandora_calcula_alerta
## (paconfig, timestamp,nombre_agente,tipo_modulo,nombre_modulo,datos,dbh)
## Given a datamodule, generate alert if needed
## SUB pandora_generate_alerts
## (paconfig, timestamp, agent_name, $id_agent, id_agent_module,
## id_module_type, id_group, module_data, module_type, dbh)
## Generate alerts for a given module.
sub pandora_calcula_alerta (%$$$$$$) {
sub pandora_generate_alerts (%$$$$$$$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $timestamp = $_[1];
my $nombre_agente = $_[2];
my $tipo_modulo = $_[3];
my $nombre_modulo = $_[4];
my $datos = $_[5];
my $dbh = $_[6];
my $agent_name = $_[2];
my $id_agent = $_[3];
my $id_agent_module = $_[4];
my $id_module_type = $_[5];
my $id_group = $_[6];
my $module_data = $_[7];
my $dbh = $_[8];
my $id_modulo;
my $id_agente;
my $id_agente_modulo;
my $alert_name;
my $max;
my $min; # for calculate max & min to generate ALERTS
my $alert_text="";
# Get IDs from data packet
$id_agente = dame_agente_id($pa_config, $nombre_agente, $dbh);
my $id_group = dame_grupo_agente ($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh);
# If this group is disabled (not in production, alert will not be checked)
if (give_group_disabled ($pa_config, $id_group, $dbh) == 1){
# Do not generate alerts for disabled groups
if (give_group_disabled ($pa_config, $id_group, $dbh) == 1) {
$id_modulo = dame_modulo_id($pa_config, $tipo_modulo, $dbh);
$id_agente_modulo = dame_agente_modulo_id ($pa_config, $id_agente, $id_modulo, $nombre_modulo, $dbh);
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: calcula_alerta() Calculado id_agente_modulo a $id_agente_modulo", 6);
# If any alert from this combinatio of agent/module
my $query_idag1 = "SELECT * FROM talerta_agente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = '$id_agente_modulo' AND disable = 0";
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag1);
$s_idag ->execute;
my @data;
# If exists a defined alert for this module then continue
if ($s_idag->rows != 0) {
while (@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array()) {
my $id_aam = $data[0];
my $id_alerta = $data[2];
$id_agente_modulo = $data[1];
$id_agente = dame_agente_id ($pa_config, dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo ($pa_config, $id_agente_modulo, $dbh), $dbh);
my $id_grupo = dame_grupo_agente ($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh);
my $campo1 = $data[3];
my $campo2 = $data[4];
my $campo3 = $data[5];
my $descripcion = $data[6];
my $dis_max = $data[7];
my $dis_min = $data[8];
my $threshold = $data[9];
my $last_fired = $data[10];
my $max_alerts = $data[11];
my $times_fired = $data[12];
my $min_alerts = $data[14];
my $internal_counter = $data[15];
my $alert_text = $data[16];
my $alert_disable = $data[17];
my $alert_timefrom = $data[18];
my $alert_timeto = $data[19];
my $ahora_hour = &UnixDate("today","%H");
my $ahora_min = &UnixDate("today","%M");
my $ahora_time = $ahora_hour.":".$ahora_min;
# Get enabled alerts associated with this module
my $query_alert = "SELECT * FROM talerta_agente_modulo WHERE
id_agente_modulo = '$id_agent_module' AND disable = 0";
my $handle_alert = $dbh->prepare($query_alert);
# time check !
if ((($ahora_time le $alert_timeto) && ($ahora_time ge $alert_timefrom)) || ($alert_timefrom eq $alert_timeto)){
my $comando ="";
logger($pa_config, "Found an alert defined for $nombre_modulo, its ID $id_alerta",4);
# Here we process alert if conditions are ok
# Get data for defined alert given as $id_alerta
my $query_idag2 = "select * from talerta where id_alerta = '$id_alerta'";
my $s2_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag2);
$s2_idag ->execute;
my @data2;
if ($s2_idag->rows != 0) {
while (@data2 = $s2_idag->fetchrow_array()) {
$comando = $data2[2];
$alert_name = $data2[1];
# Get MAX and MIN value for this Alert. Only generate alerts if value is ABOVE MIN and BELOW MAX.
my @data_max;
my $query_idag_max = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_agente_modulo = ".$id_agente_modulo;
my $s_idag_max = $dbh->prepare($query_idag_max);
$s_idag_max ->execute;
if ($s_idag_max->rows == 0) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR Cannot find agenteModulo $id_agente_modulo",3);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag_max ",10);
} else {
@data = $s_idag_max->fetchrow_array();
$max = $data_max[5];
$min = $data_max[6];
# Init values for alerts
my $alert_prefired = 0;
my $alert_fired = 0;
my $update_counter =0;
my $should_check_alert = 0;
my $id_tipo_modulo = dame_id_tipo_modulo ($pa_config, $id_agente_modulo, $dbh);
if (($id_tipo_modulo == 3) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 10) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 17)){
if ( $datos =~ m/$alert_text/i ){
$should_check_alert = 1;
} elsif (($datos > $dis_max) || ($datos < $dis_min)) {
$should_check_alert = 1;
if ($should_check_alert == 1){
# Check timegap
my $fecha_ultima_alerta = ParseDate($last_fired);
my $fecha_actual = ParseDate( $timestamp );
my $ahora_mysql = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); # If we need to update MYSQL ast_fired will use $ahora_mysql
my $time_threshold = $threshold;
my $err; my $flag;
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc ($fecha_ultima_alerta, "+ $time_threshold seconds", \$err);
$flag = Date_Cmp ($fecha_actual, $fecha_limite);
# Check timer threshold for this alert
if ( $flag >= 0 ) { # Out limits !, reset $times_fired, but do not write to
# database until a real alarm was fired
if ($times_fired > 0){
$times_fired = 0;
logger ($pa_config, "Alarm out of timethreshold limits, resetting counters", 10);
# We are between limits marked by time_threshold or running a new time-alarm-interval
# Caution: MIN Limit is related to triggered (in time-threshold limit) alerts
# but MAX limit is related to executed alerts, not only triggered. Because an alarm to be
# executed could be triggered X (min value) times to be executed.
if (($internal_counter >= $min_alerts) && ($times_fired < $max_alerts)){
# The new alert is between last valid time + threshold and between max/min limit to alerts in this gap of time.
if ($internal_counter == 0){
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = $times_fired, last_fired = '$ahora_mysql', internal_counter = $internal_counter WHERE id_aam = $id_aam");
my $nombre_agente = dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo ($pa_config, $id_agente_modulo, $dbh);
# --------------------------------------
# Now call to execute_alert to real exec
execute_alert ($pa_config, $id_alerta, $campo1, $campo2, $campo3,
$nombre_agente, $timestamp, $datos, $comando, $alert_name, $descripcion, 1, $dbh);
# --------------------------------------
# Evaluate compound alerts, since an alert has changed its status.
pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp, $id_aam, $nombre_agente, 0, $dbh);
} else {
# Alert is in valid timegap but has too many alerts
# or too many little
if ($internal_counter < $min_alerts){
# Now update new value for times_fired & last_fired
# if we are below minlimit for triggering this alert
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET internal_counter = $internal_counter WHERE id_aam = $id_aam");
else { # This block is executed because actual data is OUTSIDE
# limits that trigger alert (so, it is valid data)
# Check timegap
my $fecha_ultima_alerta = ParseDate($last_fired);
my $fecha_actual = ParseDate( $timestamp );
my $ahora_mysql = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# If we need to update MYSQL ast_fired will use $ahora_mysql
my $time_threshold = $threshold;
my $err; my $flag;
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($fecha_ultima_alerta,"+ $time_threshold seconds",\$err);
$flag = Date_Cmp ($fecha_actual, $fecha_limite);
# Check timer threshold for this alert
if ( $flag >= 0 ) {
# This is late, we need to reset alert NOW
# Create event for alert ceased only if has been fired.
# If not, simply restore counters to 0
if ($times_fired > 0){
my $evt_descripcion = "Alert ceased - Expired ($descripcion)";
pandora_event ($pa_config, $evt_descripcion, $id_grupo, $id_agente, $dbh);
} else {
# We're running on timegap, so check if we're above
# limit or below. If we don't have any alert fired,
# skip other checks
if ($times_fired > 0){
my $evt_descripcion = "Alert ceased - Recovered ($descripcion)";
pandora_event ($pa_config, $evt_descripcion, $id_grupo, $id_agente, $dbh);
# Specific patch for F. Corona
# This enable alert recovery notification by using the same alert definition but
# inserting WORD "RECOVERED" in second and third field of
# alert. To activate setup your .conf with new token
# "alert_recovery" and set to 1 (disabled by default)
if ($pa_config->{"alert_recovery"} eq "1"){
execute_alert ($pa_config, $id_alerta, $campo1,
"[RECOVERED ] - ".$campo2, "[ALERT CEASED - RECOVERED] - ".$campo3, $nombre_agente, $timestamp, $datos, $comando,
$alert_name, $descripcion, 0, $dbh);
if (($times_fired > 0) || ($internal_counter > 0)){
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET internal_counter = 0, times_fired =0 WHERE id_aam = $id_aam");
if ($handle_alert->rows == 0) {
# Evaluate compound alerts, since an alert has changed its status.
pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp, $id_aam, $nombre_agente, 0, $dbh);
} # timecheck (outside time limits for this alert)
else { # Outside operative alert timeslot
if ($times_fired > 0){
my $evt_descripcion2 = "Alert ceased - Run out of valid alert timegap ($descripcion)";
pandora_event ($pa_config, $evt_descripcion2, $id_grupo, $id_agente, $dbh);
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET internal_counter = 0, times_fired =0 WHERE id_aam = $id_aam");
while (my $alert_data = $handle_alert->fetchrow_hashref()) {
# Evaluate compound alerts, since an alert has changed its status.
pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp, $id_aam, $nombre_agente, 0, $dbh);
} # While principal
} # if there are valid records
my $rc = pandora_evaluate_alert($pa_config, $timestamp, $alert_data,
$module_data, $id_module_type, $dbh);
pandora_process_alert ($pa_config, $timestamp, $rc, $agent_name,
$id_agent, $id_group, $alert_data, $module_data,
# Evaluate compound alerts even if the alert status did not change in
# case the compound alert does not recover
pandora_generate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp,
$agent_name, $id_agent,
$id_group, 0, $dbh);
## SUB pandora_evaluate_alert
## (paconfig, timestamp, alert_data, module_data, id_module_type, dbh)
## Evaluate trigger conditions for a given alert. Returns:
## 0 Execute the alert.
## 1 Do not execute the alert.
## 2 Do not execute the alert, but increment its internal counter.
## 3 Cease the alert.
## 4 Recover the alert.
sub pandora_evaluate_alert (%$%$$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $timestamp = $_[1];
my $alert_data = $_[2];
my $module_data = $_[3];
my $id_module_type = $_[4];
my $dbh = $_[5];
my $status = 1; # Value returned on valid data
my $err;
# Check weekday
if ($alert_data->{lc(&UnixDate("today","%A"))} != 1) {
return 1;
# Check time slot
my $time = &UnixDate("today","%H:%M");
if (($alert_data->{'time_to'} ne $alert_data->{'time_from'}) &&
(($time ge $alert_data->{'time_to'}) ||
($time le $alert_data->{'time_from'}))) {
return 1;
# Check time threshold
my $last_fired_date = ParseDate($alert_data->{'last_fired'});
my $limit_date = DateCalc ($last_fired_date, "+ " .
$alert_data->{'time_threshold'} . " seconds",
my $date = ParseDate($timestamp);
if ($alert_data->{'times_fired'} > 0) {
# Reset fired alerts
if (Date_Cmp ($date, $limit_date) >= 0) {
# Cease on valid data
$status = 3;
# Always reset
$alert_data->{'internal_counter'} = 0;
$alert_data->{'times_fired'} = 0;
# Recover takes precedence over cease
if ($alert_data->{'recovery_notify'} == 1) {
$status = 4;
# Check for valid data
if ($id_module_type == 3 ||
$id_module_type == 10 ||
$id_module_type == 17) {
if ($module_data !~ m/$alert_data->{'alert_text'}/i) {
return $status;
elsif ($id_module_type == -1) {
if (pandora_evaluate_compound_alert($pa_config,
$dbh) == 0) {
return $status
else {
if ($module_data <= $alert_data->{'dis_max'} &&
$module_data >= $alert_data->{'dis_min'}) {
return $status;
# Check min and max alert limits
if (($alert_data->{'internal_counter'} < $alert_data->{'min_alerts'}) ||
($alert_data->{'times_fired'} >= $alert_data->{'max_alerts'})) {
return 2;
return 0;
## SUB pandora_process_alert
## ($pa_config, $timestamp, $rc, $agent_name, $id_agent, $id_group,
## $alert_data, $module_data, $dbh)
## Process an alert given the status returned by pandora_evaluate_alert.
sub pandora_process_alert (%$$$$$%$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $timestamp = $_[1];
my $rc = $_[2];
my $agent_name = $_[3];
my $id_agent = $_[4];
my $id_group = $_[5];
my $alert_data = $_[6];
my $module_data = $_[7];
my $dbh = $_[8];
# Do not execute
if ($rc == 1) {
# Cease
if ($rc == 3) {
# Update alert status
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = 0,
internal_counter = 0 WHERE id_aam = " .
# Generate an event
pandora_event ($pa_config, "Alert ceased (" .
$alert_data->{'descripcion'} . ")", $id_group,
$id_agent, $dbh);
# Recover
if ($rc == 4) {
# Update alert status
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = 0,
internal_counter = 0 WHERE id_aam = " .
execute_alert ($pa_config, $timestamp, $alert_data->{'id_alerta'},
$id_agent, $id_group, $alert_data->{'al_campo1'},
$alert_data->{'al_f3_recovery'}, $agent_name,
$module_data, '', '', $alert_data->{'descripcion'}, 1,
# Increment internal counter
if ($rc == 2) {
# Update alert status
$alert_data->{'internal_counter'} += 1;
# Do not increment times_fired, but set it in case the alert was reset
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = " .
$alert_data->{'times_fired'} . ", internal_counter = " .
$alert_data->{'internal_counter'} . " WHERE id_aam = " .
# Execute
if ($rc == 0) {
# Get current date
my $date_db = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# Update alert status
$alert_data->{'times_fired'} += 1;
$alert_data->{'internal_counter'} += 1;
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = " .
$alert_data->{'times_fired'} . ", last_fired =
'$date_db', internal_counter = " .
$alert_data->{'internal_counter'} . " WHERE id_aam = " .
execute_alert ($pa_config, $timestamp, $alert_data->{'id_alerta'},
$id_agent, $id_group, $alert_data->{'al_campo1'},
$alert_data->{'al_campo2'}, $alert_data->{'al_campo3'},
$agent_name, $module_data, '', '',
$alert_data->{'descripcion'}, 1, $dbh);
## SUB pandora_evaluate_compound_alert
## (paconfig,id,dbh)
## (pa_config, id, dbh)
## Evaluate a given compound alert. Returns 1 if the alert should be
## fired, 0 if not.
@ -309,53 +327,45 @@ sub pandora_evaluate_compound_alert (%$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $id = $_[1];
my $dbh = $_[2];
my @data;
# Return value
my $status = 0;
# Get all the alerts associated with this compound alert
my $query_id_aam = "SELECT id_aam, operation FROM tcompound_alert
WHERE id = '$id' ORDER BY operation";
my $s_id_aam = $dbh->prepare($query_id_aam);
$s_id_aam ->execute;
my $query_compound = "SELECT id_aam, operation FROM tcompound_alert
WHERE id = '$id' ORDER BY operation";
my $handle_compound = $dbh->prepare($query_compound);
$handle_compound ->execute;
if ($s_id_aam->rows == 0) {
if ($handle_compound->rows == 0) {
return 0;
while (@data = $s_id_aam->fetchrow_array()) {
# Alert ID
my $id_aam = $data[0];
while (my $data_compound = $handle_compound->fetchrow_hashref()) {
# Logical operation to perform
my $operation = $data[1];
# Get alert data if enabled
my $query_alert = "SELECT disable, times_fired FROM
talerta_agente_modulo WHERE id_aam = " .
$data_compound->{'id_aam'} .
" AND disable = 0";
my $handle_alert = $dbh->prepare($query_alert);
# Get alert data
my $query_times_fired = "SELECT disable, times_fired FROM
talerta_agente_modulo WHERE id_aam =
my $s_times_fired = $dbh->prepare($query_times_fired);
$s_times_fired ->execute;
if ($s_id_aam->rows == 0) {
my @data2 = $s_times_fired->fetchrow_array();
my $disable = $data2[0];
# Check whether the alert was fired
my $fired = $data2[1] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
# Skip disabled alerts
if ($disable == 1) {
if ($handle_alert->rows == 0) {
my $data_alert = $handle_alert->fetchrow_hashref();
# Check whether the alert was fired
my $fired = $data_alert->{'times_fired'} > 0 ? 1 : 0;
my $operation = $data_compound->{'operation'};
# Operate...
if ($operation eq "AND") {
$status &= $fired;
@ -380,106 +390,102 @@ sub pandora_evaluate_compound_alert (%$$) {
return $status;
## SUB pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts
## (paconfig,timestamp,id_aam,nombre_agente,depth,dbh)
## Evaluate compound alerts that depend on a given alert.
## SUB pandora_generate_compound_alerts
## (pa_config, timestamp, agent_name, id_agent, id_alert_agent_module, id_group,
## module_data, module_type, depth, dbh)
## Generate compound alerts that depend on a given alert.
sub pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts (%$$$$$) {
sub pandora_generate_compound_alerts (%$$$$$$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $timestamp = $_[1];
my $id_aam = $_[2];
my $nombre_agente = $_[3];
my $depth = $_[4];
my $dbh = $_[5];
# Get all compound alerts that depend on this alert
my $query_id = "SELECT id FROM tcompound_alert WHERE id_aam = '$id_aam'";
my $s_id = $dbh->prepare($query_id);
my $agent_name = $_[2];
my $id_agent = $_[3];
my $id_alert_agent_module = $_[4];
my $id_group = $_[5];
my $depth = $_[6];
my $dbh = $_[7];
$s_id ->execute;
if ($s_id->rows == 0) {
# Get all compound alerts that depend on this alert
my $query_compound = "SELECT id FROM tcompound_alert WHERE id_aam = '" .
$id_alert_agent_module . "'";
my $handle_compound = $dbh->prepare($query_compound);
if ($handle_compound->rows == 0) {
while (my @data = $s_id->fetchrow_array()) {
my $id = $data[0];
while (my $data_compound = $handle_compound->fetchrow_hashref()) {
# Get compound alert parameters
my $query_data = "SELECT al_campo1, al_campo2, al_campo3, descripcion, alert_text, disable FROM talerta_agente_modulo WHERE id_aam = '$id'";
my $s_data = $dbh->prepare($query_data);
my $query_alert = "SELECT * FROM talerta_agente_modulo WHERE id_aam =
'" . $data_compound->{'id'} . "'";
my $handle_alert = $dbh->prepare($query_alert);
$s_data ->execute;
if ($s_data->rows == 0) {
if ($handle_alert->rows == 0) {
@data = $s_data->fetchrow_array();
my $field1 = $data[0];
my $field2 = $data[1];
my $field3 = $data[2];
my $description = $data[3];
my $text = $data[4];
my $disable = $data[5];
# Skip disabled alerts
if ($disable == 1) {
my $data_alert = $handle_alert->fetchrow_hashref();
# Evaluate the alert
my $status = pandora_evaluate_compound_alert($pa_config, $id, $dbh);
if ($status != 0) {
# Update the alert status
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = 1 WHERE id_aam = $id");
my $command = dame_comando_alerta ($pa_config, $id, $dbh);
my $rc = pandora_evaluate_alert($pa_config, $timestamp, $data_alert,
'', -1, $dbh);
execute_alert ($pa_config, $id, $field1, $field2, $field3, $nombre_agente, $timestamp, $text, $command, '', $description, 1, $dbh);
else {
# Update the alert status
$dbh->do("UPDATE talerta_agente_modulo SET times_fired = 0 WHERE id_aam = $id");
pandora_process_alert ($pa_config, $timestamp, $rc, $agent_name, $id_agent,
$id_group, $data_alert, '', $dbh);
# Evaluate nested compound alerts
if ($depth < $pa_config->{"compound_max_depth"}) {
&pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp, $id, $nombre_agente, $depth + 1, $dbh);
else {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: Error in SUB pandora_evaluate_compound_alerts(): Maximum nested compound alert depth reached.", 2);
if ($depth >= $pa_config->{'compound_max_depth'}) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: Error in SUB pandora_generate_compound_
alerts(): Maximum nested compound alert depth
reached.", 2);
&pandora_generate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_name,
$id_agent, $data_compound->{'id'},
$id_group, $depth + 1, $dbh);
## SUB execute_alert (id_alert, field1, field2, field3, agent, timestamp, data,
## command, $alert_name, $alert_description, create_event, dbh)
## SUB execute_alert (pa_config, timestamp, id_alert, id_agent, id_group,
## field1, field2, field3, agent, data, command, alert_name, alert_description,
## create_event, dbh)
## Do a execution of given alert with this parameters
sub execute_alert (%$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
sub execute_alert (%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $id_alert = $_[1];
my $field1 = $_[2];
my $field2 = $_[3];
my $field3 = $_[4];
my $agent = $_[5];
my $timestamp = $_[6];
my $data = $_[7];
my $command = $_[8];
my $alert_name = $_[9];
my $alert_description = $_[10];
my $create_event = $_[11];
my $dbh = $_[12];
my $timestamp = $_[1];
my $id_alert = $_[2];
my $id_agent = $_[3];
my $id_group = $_[4];
my $field1 = $_[5];
my $field2 = $_[6];
my $field3 = $_[7];
my $agent = $_[8];
my $data = $_[9];
my $command = $_[10];
my $alert_name = $_[11];
my $alert_description = $_[12];
my $create_event = $_[13];
my $dbh = $_[14];
# Compound only
if ($id_alert == 1){
@ -495,12 +501,12 @@ sub execute_alert (%$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
if ($idag->rows != 0) {
while (@datarow = $idag->fetchrow_array()) {
$command = $datarow[2];
$alert_name = $datarow[1];
$alert_name = $datarow[1];
logger($pa_config, "Alert ($alert_name) TRIGGERED for $agent",2);
if ($id_alert != 3){ # id_alerta 3 is reserved for internal audit system
$command =~ s/_field1_/"$field1"/ig;
@ -533,9 +539,7 @@ sub execute_alert (%$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
if ($create_event == 1){
my $evt_descripcion = "Alert fired ($alert_description)";
my $id_agente = dame_agente_id ($pa_config, $agent, $dbh);
pandora_event ($pa_config, $evt_descripcion, dame_grupo_agente($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh),
$id_agente, $dbh);
pandora_event ($pa_config, $evt_descripcion, $id_group, $id_agent, $dbh);
@ -557,10 +561,9 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
my $estado = $_[5];
my $dbh = $_[6];
my $needs_update = $_[7];
my @data;
my $cambio = 0;
my $id_grupo;
my $cambio = 0;
# Get current timestamp / unix numeric time
my $timestamp = &UnixDate ("today", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); # string timestamp
@ -581,6 +584,8 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
return 0;
my $id_grupo = dame_grupo_agente($pa_config, $id_agente,$dbh);
# Seek for agent_interval or module_interval
my $query_idag = "SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = $id_agente AND id_agente_modulo = " . $id_agente_modulo;;
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
@ -588,9 +593,10 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger( $pa_config, "ERROR Cannot find agenteModulo $id_agente_modulo",4);
logger( $pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
} else {
@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array();
} else {
@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array();
my $id_module_type = $data[2];
my $module_interval = $data[7];
if ($module_interval == 0){
$module_interval = dame_intervalo ($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh);
@ -598,7 +604,7 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
# Check alert subroutine
eval {
pandora_calcula_alerta ($pa_config, $timestamp, $nombre_agente, $tipo_modulo, $nombre_modulo, $datos, $dbh);
pandora_generate_alerts ($pa_config, $timestamp, $nombre_agente, $id_agente, $id_agente_modulo, $id_module_type, $id_grupo, $datos, $dbh);
if ($@) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: Error in SUB calcula_alerta(). ModuleName: $nombre_modulo ModuleType: $tipo_modulo AgentName: $nombre_agente", 4);
@ -624,7 +630,6 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
$cambio = 1;
# Este seria el momento oportuno de probar a saltar la alerta si estuviera definida
# Makes an event entry, only if previous state changes, if new state, doesnt give any alert
$id_grupo = dame_grupo_agente($pa_config, $id_agente,$dbh);
my $descripcion;
if ( $estado == 0) {
$descripcion = "Monitor ($nombre_modulo) goes up ";
@ -681,7 +686,8 @@ sub pandora_accessupdate (%$$) {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $id_agent = $_[1];
my $dbh = $_[2];
my $err;
if ($id_agent != -1){
my $intervalo = dame_intervalo ($pa_config, $id_agent, $dbh);
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
@ -1149,7 +1155,10 @@ sub pandora_serverkeepaliver (%$$) {
my $version_data;
my $pandorasuffix;
my @data;
my $err;
my $temp = $pa_config->{"keepalive"} - $pa_config->{"server_threshold"};
if ($temp <= 0){
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
$temp = $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} * 2; # Down if keepalive x 2 seconds unknown
@ -1726,7 +1735,7 @@ sub give_network_component_profile_name (%$$) {
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR give_network_component_profile_name(): Cannot find network profile $id_nc",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR give_network_component_profile_name(): Cannot find network profile $id_np",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",2);
$tipo = 0;
} else { @data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array(); }