diff --git a/pandora_server/ChangeLog b/pandora_server/ChangeLog
index 71e0e4c332..8a62fb09dd 100644
--- a/pandora_server/ChangeLog
+++ b/pandora_server/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+2010-03-04  Pablo de la ConcepciĆ³n <pablo.concepcion@artica.es>
+	* lib/PandoraFMS/Server.pm: Added spaces between server name and server
+	type on the event generation string.
+	* lib/PandoraFMS/GeoIP.pm: MaxMind GeoIP PurePerl GPL library to access
+	reverse geoip data.
+	* lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm: Modified to use GeoIP.pm
+	* lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm: Moved log line in case parent_agent_name
+	is not defined
 2010-03-03  Ramon Novoa  <rnovoa@artica.es>
 	* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: Added 'matches_value' support to 'onchange'
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm
index d078ba4c44..55671dbeb3 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
 		if ($parent_id < 1)	{ # Unknown parent
 			$parent_id = 0;
-	}
 	logger($pa_config,"Parent_agent_name: $parent_agent_name parent_id: $parent_id",10);
+	}
 	my $valid_position_data = 1; 	
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm
index dd5cc1c6b6..b34bd90af3 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ use PandoraFMS::DB;
 use PandoraFMS::Tools;
 # TODO:Test if is instaled 
-my $geoIPPurePerlavilable= (eval 'use  Geo::IP::PurePerl; 1') ? 1 : 0;
+my $geoIPPurePerlavilable= (eval 'use  PandoraFMS::GeoIP; 1') ? 1 : 0;
 require Exporter;
@@ -180,9 +180,12 @@ sub get_reverse_geoip_file($$) {
 		my $geoipdb = Geo::IP::PurePerl->open( $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'}); 
 		if (defined($geoipdb)) {
     		my $region_info = $geoipdb->get_city_record_as_hash($ip_addr);	
-    		logger($pa_config, "Region info found for IP '$ip_addr' is: country:".$region_info->{'country_name'}." region:".$region_info->{'region'}." city:".$region_info->{'city'}." longitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}." latitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}, 8);
+    		logger($pa_config, "Region info found for IP '$ip_addr' is: country:".$region_info->{'country_name'}." region:".$region_info->{'region'}." city:".$region_info->{'city'}." longitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}." latitude:".$region_info->{'latitude'}, 8);
 			return $region_info;
+		else {
+    		logger($pa_config, "WARNING: Can't open reverse geolocation file ($pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'}) :$!",8);
+		}
 	return undef;
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GeoIP.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GeoIP.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8547ef367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GeoIP.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
+package Geo::IP::PurePerl;
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Spec;
+  if ( $] >= 5.008 ) {
+    require Encode;
+    Encode->import(qw/ decode /);
+  }
+  else {
+    *decode = sub {
+      local $_ = $_[1];
+      use bytes;
+       s/([\x80-\xff])/my $c = ord($1);
+           my $p = $c >= 192 ? 1 : 0; 
+           pack ( 'CC' => 0xc2 + $p , $c & ~0x40 ); /ge;
+       return $_;
+    };
+  }
+use constant GEOIP_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1 => 0;
+use constant GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8 => 1;
+use constant FULL_RECORD_LENGTH => 50;
+use constant GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN => 16776960;
+use constant RECORD_LENGTH => 3;
+use constant GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0 => 16700000;
+use constant GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1 => 16000000;
+use constant STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE => 20;
+use constant DATABASE_INFO_MAX_SIZE => 100;
+use constant GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION => 1;
+use constant GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0 => 7; 
+use constant GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1 => 3;
+use constant GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0 => 6;
+use constant GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 => 2;
+use constant GEOIP_ORG_EDITION => 5;
+use constant GEOIP_ISP_EDITION => 4;
+use constant GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION => 8;
+use constant GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION => 9;
+use constant GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION => 10;
+use constant GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION => 11;
+use constant SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH => 3;
+use constant STANDARD_RECORD_LENGTH => 3;
+use constant ORG_RECORD_LENGTH => 4;
+use constant MAX_RECORD_LENGTH => 4;
+use constant MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH => 300;
+use constant US_OFFSET => 1;
+use constant CANADA_OFFSET => 677;
+use constant WORLD_OFFSET => 1353;
+use constant FIPS_RANGE => 360;
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+# cheat --- try to load Sys::Mmap
+  eval { 
+     # wrap into eval again, as workaround for centos / mod_perl issue
+     # seems they use $@ without eval somewhere
+    eval "require Sys::Mmap"
+      ? Sys::Mmap->import
+      : do {
+        for (qw/ PROT_READ MAP_PRIVATE MAP_SHARED /) {
+          no strict 'refs';
+          my $unused_stub = $_; # we must use a copy
+          *$unused_stub = sub { die 'Sys::Mmap required for mmap support' };
+        } # for
+      }; # do
+    1;
+  }; # eval
+} # begin
+my @countries = 
+my @code3s = ( undef,"AP","EU","AND","ARE","AFG","ATG","AIA","ALB","ARM","ANT","AGO","AQ","ARG","ASM","AUT","AUS","ABW","AZE","BIH","BRB","BGD","BEL","BFA","BGR","BHR","BDI","BEN","BMU","BRN","BOL","BRA","BHS","BTN","BV","BWA","BLR","BLZ","CAN","CC","COD","CAF","COG","CHE","CIV","COK","CHL","CMR","CHN","COL","CRI","CUB","CPV","CX","CYP","CZE","DEU","DJI","DNK","DMA","DOM","DZA","ECU","EST","EGY","ESH","ERI","ESP","ETH","FIN","FJI","FLK","FSM","FRO","FRA","FX","GAB","GBR","GRD","GEO","GUF","GHA","GIB","GRL","GMB","GIN","GLP","GNQ","GRC","GS","GTM","GUM","GNB","GUY","HKG","HM","HND","HRV","HTI","HUN","IDN","IRL","ISR","IND","IO","IRQ","IRN","ISL","ITA","JAM","JOR","JPN","KEN","KGZ","KHM","KIR","COM","KNA","PRK","KOR","KWT","CYM","KAZ","LAO","LBN","LCA","LIE","LKA","LBR","LSO","LTU","LUX","LVA","LBY","MAR","MCO","MDA","MDG","MHL","MKD","MLI","MMR","MNG","MAC","MNP","MTQ","MRT","MSR","MLT","MUS","MDV","MWI","MEX","MYS","MOZ","NAM","NCL","NER","NFK","NGA","NIC","NLD","NOR","NPL","NRU","NIU","NZL","OMN","PAN","PER","PYF","PNG","PHL","PAK","POL","SPM","PCN","PRI","PSE","PRT","PLW","PRY","QAT","REU","ROU","RUS","RWA","SAU","SLB","SYC","SDN","SWE","SGP","SHN","SVN","SJM","SVK","SLE","SMR","SEN","SOM","SUR","STP","SLV","SYR","SWZ","TCA","TCD","TF","TGO","THA","TJK","TKL","TKM","TUN","TON","TLS","TUR","TTO","TUV","TWN","TZA","UKR","UGA","UM","USA","URY","UZB","VAT","VCT","VEN","VGB","VIR","VNM","VUT","WLF","WSM","YEM","YT","SRB","ZAF","ZMB","MNE","ZWE","A1","A2","O1","ALA","GGY","IMN","JEY","BLM","MAF");
+my @names = (undef,"Asia/Pacific Region","Europe","Andorra","United Arab Emirates","Afghanistan","Antigua and Barbuda",
+	"Anguilla","Albania","Armenia","Netherlands Antilles","Angola","Antarctica","Argentina","American Samoa",
+	"Austria","Australia","Aruba","Azerbaijan","Bosnia and Herzegovina","Barbados","Bangladesh","Belgium","Burkina Faso",
+	"Bulgaria","Bahrain","Burundi","Benin","Bermuda","Brunei Darussalam","Bolivia","Brazil","Bahamas","Bhutan","Bouvet Island",
+	"Botswana","Belarus","Belize","Canada","Cocos (Keeling) Islands","Congo, The Democratic Republic of the","Central African Republic",
+	"Congo","Switzerland","Cote D'Ivoire","Cook Islands","Chile","Cameroon","China","Colombia","Costa Rica","Cuba","Cape Verde",
+	"Christmas Island","Cyprus","Czech Republic","Germany","Djibouti","Denmark","Dominica","Dominican Republic","Algeria","Ecuador",
+	"Estonia","Egypt","Western Sahara","Eritrea","Spain","Ethiopia","Finland","Fiji","Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
+	"Micronesia, Federated States of","Faroe Islands","France","France, Metropolitan","Gabon","United Kingdom","Grenada","Georgia",
+	"French Guiana","Ghana","Gibraltar","Greenland","Gambia","Guinea","Guadeloupe","Equatorial Guinea","Greece",
+	"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands","Guatemala","Guam","Guinea-Bissau","Guyana","Hong Kong",
+	"Heard Island and McDonald Islands","Honduras","Croatia","Haiti","Hungary","Indonesia","Ireland","Israel","India",
+	"British Indian Ocean Territory","Iraq","Iran, Islamic Republic of","Iceland","Italy","Jamaica","Jordan","Japan","Kenya",
+	"Kyrgyzstan","Cambodia","Kiribati","Comoros","Saint Kitts and Nevis","Korea, Democratic People's Republic of","Korea, Republic of",
+	"Kuwait","Cayman Islands","Kazakhstan","Lao People's Democratic Republic","Lebanon","Saint Lucia","Liechtenstein","Sri Lanka",
+	"Liberia","Lesotho","Lithuania","Luxembourg","Latvia","Libyan Arab Jamahiriya","Morocco","Monaco","Moldova, Republic of",
+	"Madagascar","Marshall Islands","Macedonia","Mali","Myanmar","Mongolia","Macau","Northern Mariana Islands","Martinique",
+	"Mauritania","Montserrat","Malta","Mauritius","Maldives","Malawi","Mexico","Malaysia","Mozambique","Namibia","New Caledonia",
+	"Niger","Norfolk Island","Nigeria","Nicaragua","Netherlands","Norway","Nepal","Nauru","Niue","New Zealand","Oman","Panama","Peru",
+	"French Polynesia","Papua New Guinea","Philippines","Pakistan","Poland","Saint Pierre and Miquelon","Pitcairn Islands","Puerto Rico",
+	"Palestinian Territory","Portugal","Palau","Paraguay","Qatar","Reunion","Romania","Russian Federation","Rwanda","Saudi Arabia",
+	"Solomon Islands","Seychelles","Sudan","Sweden","Singapore","Saint Helena","Slovenia","Svalbard and Jan Mayen","Slovakia","Sierra Leone",
+	"San Marino","Senegal","Somalia","Suriname","Sao Tome and Principe","El Salvador","Syrian Arab Republic","Swaziland",
+	"Turks and Caicos Islands","Chad","French Southern Territories","Togo","Thailand","Tajikistan","Tokelau","Turkmenistan","Tunisia",
+	"Tonga","Timor-Leste","Turkey","Trinidad and Tobago","Tuvalu","Taiwan","Tanzania, United Republic of","Ukraine","Uganda",
+	"United States Minor Outlying Islands","United States","Uruguay","Uzbekistan","Holy See (Vatican City State)",
+	"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","Venezuela","Virgin Islands, British","Virgin Islands, U.S.","Vietnam","Vanuatu",
+	"Wallis and Futuna","Samoa","Yemen","Mayotte","Serbia","South Africa","Zambia","Montenegro","Zimbabwe","Anonymous Proxy",
+	"Satellite Provider","Other","Aland Islands","Guernsey","Isle of Man","Jersey","Saint Barthelemy","Saint Martin");
+# --- unfortunately we do not know the path so we assume the 
+# default path /usr/local/share/GeoIP
+# if thats not true, you can set $Geo::IP::PurePerl::OPEN_TYPE_PATH
+sub open_type {
+  my ( $class, $type, $flags ) = @_;
+  my %type_dat_name_mapper = (
+    GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION()     => 'GeoIP',
+    GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0() => 'GeoIPRegion',
+    GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1() => 'GeoIPRegion',
+    GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0()   => 'GeoIPCity',
+    GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1()   => 'GeoIPCity',
+    GEOIP_ISP_EDITION()         => 'GeoIPISP',
+    GEOIP_ORG_EDITION()         => 'GeoIPOrg',
+    GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION()       => 'GeoIPProxy',
+    GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION()       => 'GeoIPASNum',
+    GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION()    => 'GeoIPNetSpeed',
+    GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION()      => 'GeoIPDomain',
+  );
+  # backward compatibility for 2003 databases.
+  $type -= 105 if $type >= 106;
+  my $name = $type_dat_name_mapper{$type};
+  die("Invalid database type $type\n") unless $name;
+  my $mkpath = sub { File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->rootdir, @_ ) };
+  my $path =
+    defined $Geo::IP::PurePerl::OPEN_TYPE_PATH
+    ? $Geo::IP::PurePerl::OPEN_TYPE_PATH
+    : do {
+    $^O eq 'NetWare'
+      ? $mkpath->(qw/ etc GeoIP /)
+      : do {
+            $^O eq 'MSWin32'
+        ? $mkpath->(qw/ GeoIP /)
+        : $mkpath->(qw/ usr local share GeoIP /);
+      }
+    };
+  my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $name . '.dat' );
+  return $class->open( $filename, $flags );
+sub open {
+  die "Geo::IP::PurePerl::open() requires a path name"
+    unless( @_ > 1 and $_[1] );
+  my ($class, $db_file, $flags) = @_;
+  my $fh = FileHandle->new;
+  my $gi;
+  CORE::open $fh, $db_file or die "Error opening $db_file";
+  binmode($fh);
+  if ( $flags && ( $flags & ( GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE | GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE ) ) ) {
+    my %self;
+    if ( $flags & GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE ) {
+      die "Sys::Mmap required for MMAP support"
+        unless defined $Sys::Mmap::VERSION;
+      mmap( $self{buf} = undef, 0, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, $fh )
+        or die "mmap: $!";
+    }
+    else {
+      local $/ = undef;
+      $self{buf} = <$fh>;
+    }
+    $self{fh} = $fh;
+    $gi = bless \%self, $class;
+  }
+  else {
+    $gi = bless { fh => $fh }, $class;
+  }
+  $gi->_setup_segments();
+  return $gi;
+sub new {
+  my ($class, $db_file, $flags) = @_;
+  # this will be less messy once deprecated new( $path, [$flags] )
+  # is no longer supported (that's what open() is for)
+  my $def_db_file = '/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
+    if ($^O eq 'NetWare') {
+    $def_db_file = 'sys:/etc/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
+  } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+    $def_db_file = 'c:/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
+  }
+  if ( !defined $db_file ) {
+    # called as new()
+    $db_file = $def_db_file;
+  } elsif ( $db_file =~ /^\d+$/	) {
+    # called as new( $flags )
+    $flags = $db_file;
+    $db_file = $def_db_file;
+  } # else called as new( $database_filename, [$flags] );
+  $class->open( $db_file, $flags );
+#this function setups the database segments
+sub _setup_segments {
+  my ($gi) = @_; 
+  my $a = 0;
+  my $i = 0;
+  my $j = 0;
+  my $delim;
+  my $buf;
+  $gi->{_charset} = GEOIP_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1;
+  $gi->{"databaseType"} = GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION;
+  $gi->{"record_length"} = STANDARD_RECORD_LENGTH;
+  my $filepos = tell($gi->{fh});
+  seek($gi->{fh}, -3, 2);
+  for ($i = 0; $i < STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE; $i++) {
+    read($gi->{fh},$delim,3);
+    #find the delim
+    if ($delim eq (chr(255).chr(255).chr(255))) {
+      read($gi->{fh},$a,1);
+      #read the databasetype
+      $gi->{"databaseType"} = ord($a);
+      # backward compatibility for 2003 databases.
+      $gi->{databaseType} -= 105 if $gi->{databaseType} >= 106;
+      #chose the database segment for the database type
+      #if database Type is GEOIP_REGION_EDITION then use database segment GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN
+      if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0) {
+        $gi->{"databaseSegments"} = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
+      } elsif ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1) {
+        $gi->{"databaseSegments"} = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
+      }
+      #read in the database segment
+      elsif (($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0) ||
+        ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1) ||
+        ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION) ||
+        ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION) ||
+        ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION)) {
+        $gi->{"databaseSegments"} = 0;
+        #read in the database segment for the database type
+        read($gi->{fh},$buf,SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH);
+        for ($j = 0;$j < SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH;$j++) {
+          $gi->{"databaseSegments"} += (ord(substr($buf,$j,1)) << ($j * 8));
+        }
+        #record length is four for ISP databases and ORG databases
+        #record length is three for country databases, region database and city databases
+        if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION ||
+	    $gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION) {
+          $gi->{"record_length"} = ORG_RECORD_LENGTH;
+        }
+      }
+      last;
+    } else {
+      seek($gi->{fh}, -4 , 1);
+    }
+  }
+  #if database Type is GEOIP_COUNTY_EDITION then use database segment GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN
+  if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION ||
+      $gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION) {
+    $gi->{"databaseSegments"} = GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
+  }
+  seek($gi->{fh},$filepos,0);
+  return $gi;
+sub _seek_country {
+  my ($gi, $ipnum) = @_;
+  my $fh  = $gi->{fh};
+  my $offset = 0;
+  my ($x0, $x1);
+  my $reclen = $gi->{"record_length"};
+  for (my $depth = 31; $depth >= 0; $depth--) {
+    unless ( exists $gi->{buf} ) {
+      seek $fh, $offset * 2 * $reclen, 0;
+      read $fh, $x0, $reclen;
+      read $fh, $x1, $reclen;
+    } else {
+      $x0 = substr($gi->{buf}, $offset * 2 * $reclen, $reclen);
+      $x1 = substr($gi->{buf}, $offset * 2 * $reclen + $reclen, $reclen);
+    }
+    $x0 = unpack("V1", $x0."\0");
+    $x1 = unpack("V1", $x1."\0");
+    if ($ipnum & (1 << $depth)) {
+      if ($x1 >= $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
+        $gi->{last_netmask} = 32 - $depth;	  
+        return $x1;
+      }
+      $offset = $x1;
+    } else {
+      if ($x0 >= $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
+        $gi->{last_netmask} = 32 - $depth;
+	    return $x0;
+      }
+      $offset = $x0;
+    }
+  }
+  print STDERR "Error Traversing Database for ipnum = $ipnum - Perhaps database is corrupt?";
+sub charset {
+  return $_[0]->{_charset};
+sub set_charset{
+  my ( $gi, $charset ) = @_;
+  my $old_charset      = $gi->{_charset};
+  $gi->{_charset}      = $charset;
+  return $old_charset;
+#this function returns the country code of ip address
+sub country_code_by_addr {
+  my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
+  return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
+  return $countries[$gi->id_by_addr($ip_address)];
+#this function returns the country code3 of ip address
+sub country_code3_by_addr {
+  my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
+  return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
+  return $code3s[$gi->id_by_addr($ip_address)];
+#this function returns the name of ip address
+sub country_name_by_addr {
+  my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
+  return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
+  return $names[$gi->id_by_addr($ip_address)];
+sub id_by_addr {
+  my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
+  return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
+  return $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
+#this function returns the country code of domain name
+sub country_code_by_name {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $country_id = $gi->id_by_name($host);
+  return $countries[$country_id];
+#this function returns the country code3 of domain name
+sub country_code3_by_name {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $country_id = $gi->id_by_name($host);
+  return $code3s[$country_id];
+#this function returns the country name of domain name
+sub country_name_by_name {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $country_id = $gi->id_by_name($host);
+  return $names[$country_id];
+sub id_by_name {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $ip_address;
+  if ($host =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!) {
+    $ip_address = $host;
+  } else {
+    $ip_address = join('.',unpack('C4',(gethostbyname($host))[4]));
+  }
+  return unless $ip_address;
+  return $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
+#this function returns the city record as a array
+sub get_city_record {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $ip_address = $gi->get_ip_address($host);
+  return unless $ip_address;
+  my $record_buf;
+  my $record_buf_pos;
+  my $char;
+  my $metroarea_combo;
+  my $record_country_code = "";
+  my $record_country_code3 = "";
+  my $record_country_name = "";
+  my $record_region = "";
+  my $record_city = "";
+  my $record_postal_code = "";
+  my $record_latitude = "";
+  my $record_longitude = "";
+  my $record_metro_code = "";
+  my $record_area_code = "";
+  my $str_length = 0;
+  my $i;
+  my $j;
+  #lookup the city
+  my $seek_country = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address));
+  if ($seek_country == $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
+    return;
+  }
+  #set the record pointer to location of the city record
+  my $record_pointer = $seek_country + (2 * $gi->{"record_length"} - 1) * $gi->{"databaseSegments"};
+  unless ( exists $gi->{buf} ) {
+    seek( $gi->{"fh"}, $record_pointer, 0 );
+    read( $gi->{"fh"}, $record_buf, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH );
+    $record_buf_pos = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+	  $record_buf = substr($gi->{buf}, $record_pointer, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH);
+    $record_buf_pos = 0;
+  }
+  #get the country
+  $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,1));
+  $record_country_code = $countries[$char];#get the country code
+  $record_country_code3 = $code3s[$char];#get the country code with 3 letters
+  $record_country_name = $names[$char];#get the country name
+  $record_buf_pos++;
+  #get the region
+  $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
+  while ($char != 0) {
+    $str_length++;#get the length of string
+    $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
+  }
+  if ($str_length > 0) {
+    $record_region = substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,$str_length);
+  }
+  $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
+  $str_length = 0;
+  #get the city
+  $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
+  while ($char != 0) {
+    $str_length++;#get the length of string
+    $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
+  }
+  if ($str_length > 0) {
+    $record_city = substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,$str_length);
+  }
+  $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
+  $str_length = 0;
+  #get the postal code
+  $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
+  while ($char != 0) {
+    $str_length++;#get the length of string
+    $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
+  }
+  if ($str_length > 0) {
+    $record_postal_code = substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,$str_length);
+  }
+  $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
+  $str_length = 0;
+  my $latitude = 0;
+  my $longitude = 0;
+  #get the latitude
+  for ($j = 0;$j < 3; ++$j) {
+    $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos++,1));
+    $latitude += ($char << ($j * 8));
+  }
+  $record_latitude = ($latitude/10000) - 180;
+  #get the longitude
+  for ($j = 0;$j < 3; ++$j) {
+    $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos++,1));
+    $longitude += ($char << ($j * 8));
+  }
+  $record_longitude = ($longitude/10000) - 180;
+  #get the metro code and the area code
+  if (GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 == $gi->{"databaseType"}) {
+    $metroarea_combo = 0;
+    if ($record_country_code eq "US") {
+      #if the country is US then read the metro area combo
+      for ($j = 0;$j < 3;++$j) {
+        $char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos++,1));
+        $metroarea_combo += ($char << ($j * 8));
+      }
+      #split the metro area combo into the metro code and the area code
+      $record_metro_code = int($metroarea_combo/1000);
+      $record_area_code = $metroarea_combo%1000;
+    }
+  }
+  # the pureperl API must convert the string by themself to UTF8
+  # using Encode for perl >= 5.008 otherwise use it's own iso-8859-1 to utf8      converter
+   $record_city = decode( 'iso-8859-1' => $record_city )
+     if $gi->charset == GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8;
+  return ($record_country_code,$record_country_code3,$record_country_name,$record_region,$record_city,$record_postal_code,$record_latitude,$record_longitude,$record_metro_code,$record_area_code);
+#this function returns the city record as a hash ref
+sub get_city_record_as_hash {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my %h;
+  @h{qw/ country_code country_code3 country_name 
+         region       city          postal_code
+		 latitude     longitude     metro_code
+		 area_code                  /} 
+		 = $gi->get_city_record($host);
+  $h{dma_code} = $h{metro_code}; # alias for depreciated dma_code
+  return \%h;
+#this function returns isp or org of the domain name
+sub org_by_name {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $ip_address = $gi->get_ip_address($host);
+  my $seek_org = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address));
+  my $char;
+  my $org_buf;
+  my $org_buf_length = 0;
+  my $record_pointer;
+  if ($seek_org == $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
+    return undef;
+  }
+  $record_pointer = $seek_org + (2 * $gi->{"record_length"} - 1) * $gi->{"databaseSegments"};
+  unless ( exists $gi->{buf} ) {
+    seek( $gi->{"fh"}, $record_pointer, 0 );
+    read( $gi->{"fh"}, $org_buf, MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH );
+  }
+  else {
+    $org_buf = substr($gi->{buf}, $record_pointer, MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH );
+  }
+  $char = ord(substr($org_buf,0,1));
+  while ($char != 0) {
+    $org_buf_length++;
+    $char = ord(substr($org_buf,$org_buf_length,1));
+  }
+  $org_buf = substr($org_buf, 0, $org_buf_length);
+  return $org_buf;
+#this function returns isp or org of the domain name
+*isp_by_name = \*org_by_name;
+*org_by_addr = \*org_by_name;
+*isp_by_addr = \*org_by_name;
+#this function returns the region
+sub region_by_name {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $ip_address = $gi->get_ip_address($host);
+  return unless $ip_address;
+  if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0) {
+    my $seek_region = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
+    if ($seek_region >= 1000) {
+      return ("US",chr(($seek_region - 1000)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - 1000)%26 + 65));
+    } else {
+      return ($countries[$seek_region],"");
+    }
+  } elsif ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1) {
+    my $seek_region = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
+    if ($seek_region < US_OFFSET) {
+      return ("","");
+    } elsif ($seek_region < CANADA_OFFSET) {
+      # return a us state
+      return ("US",chr(($seek_region - US_OFFSET)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - US_OFFSET)%26 + 65));
+    } elsif ($seek_region < WORLD_OFFSET) {
+      # return a canada province
+      return ("CA",chr(($seek_region - CANADA_OFFSET)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - CANADA_OFFSET)%26 + 65));
+    } else {
+      # return a country of the world
+      my $c = $countries[($seek_region - WORLD_OFFSET) / FIPS_RANGE];
+      my $a2 = ($seek_region - WORLD_OFFSET) % FIPS_RANGE;
+      my $r = chr(($a2 / 100)+48) . chr((($a2 / 10) % 10)+48) . chr(($a2 % 10)+48);
+      return ($c,$r);
+    }
+  }
+sub get_ip_address {
+  my ($gi, $host) = @_;
+  my $ip_address;
+  #check if host is ip address 
+  if ($host =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!) {
+    #host is ip address
+    $ip_address = $host;
+  } else {
+    #host is domain name do a dns lookup
+    $ip_address = join('.',unpack('C4',(gethostbyname($host))[4]));
+  }
+  return $ip_address;
+sub addr_to_num { unpack( N => pack( C4 => split( /\./, $_[0] ) ) ) }
+sub num_to_addr { join q{.}, unpack( C4 => pack( N => $_[0] ) ) }
+sub database_info {
+  my $gi = shift;
+  my $i = 0;
+  my $buf;
+  my $retval;
+  my $hasStructureInfo;
+  seek($gi->{fh},-3,2);  
+  for (my $i = 0;$i < STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE;$i++) {
+    read($gi->{fh},$buf,3);
+    if ($buf eq (chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255))) {
+      $hasStructureInfo = 1;
+      last;   
+    }
+    seek($gi->{fh},-4,1);
+  }  
+  if ($hasStructureInfo == 1) {
+    seek($gi->{fh},-6,1);
+  } else {
+    # no structure info, must be pre Sep 2002 database, go back to
+    seek($gi->{fh},-3,2);
+  }
+  for (my $i = 0;$i < DATABASE_INFO_MAX_SIZE;$i++){
+    read($gi->{fh},$buf,3);
+    if ($buf eq (chr(0). chr(0). chr(0))){
+      read($gi->{fh},$retval,$i);
+      return $retval;
+    }
+    seek($gi->{fh},-4,1);
+  }   
+  return "";
+sub range_by_ip {
+  my $gi = shift;
+  my $ipnum          = addr_to_num( shift );
+  my $c              = $gi->_seek_country( $ipnum );
+  my $nm             = $gi->last_netmask;
+  my $m              = 0xffffffff << 32 - $nm;
+  my $left_seek_num  = $ipnum & $m;
+  my $right_seek_num = $left_seek_num + ( 0xffffffff & ~$m );
+  while ( $left_seek_num != 0
+          and $c == $gi->_seek_country(  $left_seek_num - 1) ) {
+    my $lm = 0xffffffff << 32 - $gi->last_netmask;
+    $left_seek_num = ( $left_seek_num - 1 ) & $lm;
+  }
+  while ( $right_seek_num != 0xffffffff
+          and $c == $gi->_seek_country( $right_seek_num + 1 ) ) {
+    my $rm = 0xffffffff << 32 - $gi->last_netmask;
+    $right_seek_num = ( $right_seek_num + 1 ) & $rm;
+    $right_seek_num += ( 0xffffffff & ~$rm );
+  }
+  return ( num_to_addr($left_seek_num), num_to_addr($right_seek_num) );
+sub netmask { $_[0]->{last_netmask} = $_[1] }
+sub last_netmask {
+  return $_[0]->{last_netmask};
+sub DESTROY {
+  my $gi = shift;
+  if ( exists $gi->{buf} && $gi->{flags} && ( $gi->{flags} & GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE ) ) {
+    munmap( $gi->{buf} ) or die "munmap: $!";
+	  delete $gi->{buf};
+  }
+=head1 NAME
+Geo::IP::PurePerl - Look up country by IP Address
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Geo::IP::PurePerl;
+  my $gi = Geo::IP::PurePerl->new(GEOIP_STANDARD);
+  # look up IP address ''
+  my $country = $gi->country_code_by_addr('');
+  $country = $gi->country_code_by_name('yahoo.com');
+  # $country is equal to "US"
+This module uses a file based database.  This database simply contains
+IP blocks as keys, and countries as values.  This database is  more
+complete and accurate than reverse DNS lookups.
+This module can be used to automatically select the geographically closest mirror,
+to analyze your web server logs
+to determine the countries of your visiters, for credit card fraud
+detection, and for software export controls.
+The database is available for free, updated monthly:
+  http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/
+This free database is similar to the database contained in IP::Country,
+as well as many paid databases.  It uses ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, and LACNIC
+whois to obtain the IP->Country mappings.
+If you require greater accuracy, MaxMind offers a paid database
+on a paid subscription basis from http://www.maxmind.com/app/country
+=over 4
+=item $gi = Geo::IP->new( [$flags] );
+Constructs a new Geo::IP object with the default database located inside your system's
+I<datadir>, typically I</usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat>.
+Flags can be set to either GEOIP_STANDARD, or for faster performance
+(at a cost of using more memory), GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE.
+The default flag is GEOIP_STANDARD (uses less memory, but runs slower).
+=item $gi = Geo::IP->new( $database_filename );
+Calling the C<new> constructor in this fashion was was deprecated after version
+0.26 in order to make the XS and pure perl interfaces more similar. Use the
+C<open> constructor (below) if you need to specify a path. Eventually, this
+means of calling C<new> will no longer be supported.
+Flags can be set to either GEOIP_STANDARD, or for faster performance
+(at a cost of using more memory), GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE.
+=item $gi = Geo::IP->open( $database_filename, [$flags] );
+Constructs a new Geo::IP object with the database located at C<$database_filename>.
+The default flag is GEOIP_STANDARD (uses less memory, but runs slower).
+=over 4
+=item $code = $gi->country_code_by_addr( $ipaddr );
+Returns the ISO 3166 country code for an IP address.
+=item $code = $gi->country_code_by_name( $ipname );
+Returns the ISO 3166 country code for a hostname.
+=item $code = $gi->country_code3_by_addr( $ipaddr );
+Returns the 3 letter country code for an IP address.
+=item $code = $gi->country_code3_by_name( $ipname );
+Returns the 3 letter country code for a hostname.
+=item $name = $gi->country_name_by_addr( $ipaddr );
+Returns the full country name for an IP address.
+=item $name = $gi->country_name_by_name( $ipname );
+Returns the full country name for a hostname.
+=item $info = $gi->database_info;
+Returns database string, includes version, date, build number and copyright notice.
+=item $old_charset = $gi->set_charset( $charset );
+Set the charset for the city name - defaults to GEOIP_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1.  To
+set UTF8, pass GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8 to set_charset.
+=item $charset = $gi->charset;
+Gets the currently used charset.
+=item $netmask = $gi->last_netmask;
+Gets netmask of network block from last lookup.
+=item $gi->netmask(12);
+Sets netmask for the last lookup
+=item my ( $from, $to ) = $gi->range_by_ip('');
+Returns the start and end of the current network block. The method tries to join several continous netblocks.
+=item @data = $gi->get_city_record( $addr ); 
+ Returns a array filled with information about the city.
+  my ($country_code,$country_code3,$country_name,$region,$city,$postal_code,$latitude,$longitude,$metro_code,$area_code ) = $gi->get_city_record($addr);
+=item $href = get_city_record_as_hash( $addr ); 
+ Returns a hashref filled with information about the city.
+  my $href = $gi->get_city_record_as_hash($addr);
+The hash include the following keys:
+country_code, country_code3, country_name, region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude, metro_code, area_code
+=item $gi->isp_by_addr($addr)
+ Returns the isp name for an ipaddress
+=item $gi->isp_by_name($name)
+ Returns the isp name for a hostname
+=item $gi->org_by_addr($addr)
+ Returns the organisation name for an ipaddress
+=item $gi->org_by_name($name)
+ Returns the organisation name for a hostname
+Are available from SourceForge, see
+=head1 VERSION
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Geo::IP - this now has the PurePerl code merged it, so it supports
+both XS and Pure Perl implementations.  The XS implementation is
+a wrapper around the GeoIP C API, which is much faster than the
+Pure Perl API.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (c) 2008 MaxMind Inc
+All rights reserved.  This package is free software; it is licensed
+under the GPL.
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Server.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Server.pm
index b9176cfaf9..d20929ca1c 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Server.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Server.pm
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ sub upEvent ($) {
 	my $self = shift;
 	return unless defined ($self->{'_dbh'});
-	pandora_event ($self->{'_pa_config'}, $self->{'_pa_config'}->{'servername'} .
+	pandora_event ($self->{'_pa_config'}, $self->{'_pa_config'}->{'servername'} .' '.
 	               $ServerTypes[$self->{'_server_type'}] . ' going UP',
 	               0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 'system', 0, $self->{'_dbh'});
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ sub downEvent ($) {
 	my $self = shift;
 	return unless defined ($self->{'_dbh'});
-	pandora_event ($self->{'_pa_config'}, $self->{'_pa_config'}->{'servername'} .
+	pandora_event ($self->{'_pa_config'}, $self->{'_pa_config'}->{'servername'} .' '.
 	               $ServerTypes[$self->{'_server_type'}] . ' going DOWN',
 	               0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 'system', 0, $self->{'_dbh'});