added exchange mail plugin

This commit is contained in:
alejandro 2023-01-23 18:17:05 +01:00
parent 0a4ddc480a
commit 895b7c7403
1 changed files with 451 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from exchangelib import DELEGATE, Account, Credentials, Configuration,Message, Mailbox
from exchangelib.protocol import BaseProtocol, NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
from exchangelib import EWSTimeZone, EWSDateTime
BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
import urllib3
import argparse,sys,re,json,os,traceback
from datetime import datetime,timedelta,timezone
__author__ = "Alejandro Sánchez Carrion"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, PandoraFMS"
__maintainer__ = "Operations department"
__status__ = "Production"
__version__= '1.0'
info = f"""
Pandora FMS Exchange Mail
Version = {__version__}
Description = This plugin can search for matches in your mail and find the number of matches, as well as list them.
Manual execution
./exchange_mail --server <server> --username <user> --password <password> [ --subject <subject> ] [ --sender <sender> ] [ --date_start <date_start> ] [ --date_end <date_end> ] [ --agent_name <agent_name> ] [ --as_agent_plugin <as_agent_plugin> ] [ --tentacle_port <tentacle_port> ] [ --tentacle_address <tentacle_address> ] [ -g <group> ] [ --data_dir <data dir> ]
there are four parameters with which to filter the mails
You can use only one and filter from that or use the following combinations:
subject + sender
subject + sender + date
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= info, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--server', help="Server name")
parser.add_argument('--username', help="User name")
parser.add_argument('--password', help="Password")
parser.add_argument('--smtp_address', help="SMTP address")
parser.add_argument('--subject', help="Select match in subjects")
parser.add_argument('--sender', help="Select coincidences from email")
parser.add_argument('--date_start', help="Search for matches from a certain date,Each date must be separated by a hyphen and in quotation marks, with the following format: 'year-month-day-hour-minute'. example: '2021-1-12-0-0'")
parser.add_argument('--date_end', help="Search for matches from a certain date,Each date must be separated by a hyphen and in quotation marks, with the following format: 'year-month-day-hour-minute'. example: '2021-6-12-0-0'")
parser.add_argument('--mail_list', help='List mail coincidences',type=int,default=0)
parser.add_argument('--agent_name', help='agent name', default= "Exchange")
parser.add_argument('--module_prefix', help='module prefix', default= "Exchange")
parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', help='PandoraFMS destination group (default exchange)', default='exchange')
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', help='PandoraFMS data dir (default: /var/spool/pandora/data_in/)', default='/var/spool/pandora/data_in/')
parser.add_argument('--as_agent_plugin', help='mode plugin', default=0,type=int)
parser.add_argument('--tentacle_port', help='tentacle port', default=41121)
parser.add_argument('--tentacle_address', help='tentacle adress', default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
### Pandora Tools ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
modules = []
configuration = {
"data_in": args.data_dir,
"group" :
# print_agent
def print_agent(agent, modules, data_dir="/var/spool/pandora/data_in/", log_modules= None, print_flag = None):
"""Prints agent XML. Requires agent conf (dict) and modules (list) as arguments.
- Use print_flag to show modules' XML in STDOUT.
- Returns a tuple (xml, data_file).
header = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
header += "<agent_data"
for dato in agent:
header += " " + str(dato) + "='" + str(agent[dato]) + "'"
header += ">\n"
xml = header
if modules :
for module in modules:
modules_xml = print_module(module)
xml += str(modules_xml)
if log_modules :
for log_module in log_modules:
modules_xml = print_log_module(log_module)
xml += str(modules_xml)
xml += "</agent_data>"
if not print_flag:
data_file = write_xml(xml, agent["agent_name"], data_dir)
return (xml,data_file)
# print_module
def print_module(module, print_flag=None):
"""Returns module in XML format. Accepts only {dict}.\n
- Only works with one module at a time: otherwise iteration is needed.
- Module "value" field accepts str type or [list] for datalists.
- Use print_flag to show modules' XML in STDOUT.
data = dict(module)
module_xml = ("<module>\n"
"\t<name><![CDATA[" + str(data["name"]) + "]]></name>\n"
"\t<type>" + str(data["type"]) + "</type>\n"
if type(data["type"]) is not str and "string" not in data["type"]: #### Strip spaces if module not generic_data_string
data["value"] = data["value"].strip()
if isinstance(data["value"], list): # Checks if value is a list
module_xml += "\t<datalist>\n"
for value in data["value"]:
if type(value) is dict and "value" in value:
module_xml += "\t<data>\n"
module_xml += "\t\t<value><![CDATA[" + str(value["value"]) + "]]></value>\n"
if "timestamp" in value:
module_xml += "\t\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" + str(value["timestamp"]) + "]]></timestamp>\n"
module_xml += "\t</data>\n"
module_xml += "\t</datalist>\n"
module_xml += "\t<data><![CDATA[" + str(data["value"]) + "]]></data>\n"
if "desc" in data:
module_xml += "\t<description><![CDATA[" + str(data["desc"]) + "]]></description>\n"
if "unit" in data:
module_xml += "\t<unit><![CDATA[" + str(data["unit"]) + "]]></unit>\n"
if "interval" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_interval><![CDATA[" + str(data["interval"]) + "]]></module_interval>\n"
if "tags" in data:
module_xml += "\t<tags>" + str(data["tags"]) + "</tags>\n"
if "module_group" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_group>" + str(data["module_group"]) + "</module_group>\n"
if "module_parent" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_parent>" + str(data["module_parent"]) + "</module_parent>\n"
if "min_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_warning"]) + "]]></min_warning>\n"
if "min_warning_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_warning_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_warning_forced"]) + "]]></min_warning_forced>\n"
if "max_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_warning"]) + "]]></max_warning>\n"
if "max_warning_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_warning_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_warning_forced"]) + "]]></max_warning_forced>\n"
if "min_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_critical"]) + "]]></min_critical>\n"
if "min_critical_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_critical_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_critical_forced"]) + "]]></min_critical_forced>\n"
if "max_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_critical"]) + "]]></max_critical>\n"
if "max_critical_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_critical_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_critical_forced"]) + "]]></max_critical_forced>\n"
if "str_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_warning"]) + "]]></str_warning>\n"
if "str_warning_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_warning_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_warning_forced"]) + "]]></str_warning_forced>\n"
if "str_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_critical"]) + "]]></str_critical>\n"
if "str_critical_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_critical_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_critical_forced"]) + "]]></str_critical_forced>\n"
if "critical_inverse" in data:
module_xml += "\t<critical_inverse><![CDATA[" + str(data["critical_inverse"]) + "]]></critical_inverse>\n"
if "warning_inverse" in data:
module_xml += "\t<warning_inverse><![CDATA[" + str(data["warning_inverse"]) + "]]></warning_inverse>\n"
if "max" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max><![CDATA[" + str(data["max"]) + "]]></max>\n"
if "min" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min><![CDATA[" + str(data["min"]) + "]]></min>\n"
if "post_process" in data:
module_xml += "\t<post_process><![CDATA[" + str(data["post_process"]) + "]]></post_process>\n"
if "disabled" in data:
module_xml += "\t<disabled><![CDATA[" + str(data["disabled"]) + "]]></disabled>\n"
if "min_ff_event" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event"]) + "]]></min_ff_event>\n"
if "status" in data:
module_xml += "\t<status><![CDATA[" + str(data["status"]) + "]]></status>\n"
if "timestamp" in data:
module_xml += "\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" + str(data["timestamp"]) + "]]></timestamp>\n"
if "custom_id" in data:
module_xml += "\t<custom_id><![CDATA[" + str(data["custom_id"]) + "]]></custom_id>\n"
if "critical_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<critical_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["critical_instructions"]) + "]]></critical_instructions>\n"
if "warning_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<warning_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["warning_instructions"]) + "]]></warning_instructions>\n"
if "unknown_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<unknown_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["unknown_instructions"]) + "]]></unknown_instructions>\n"
if "quiet" in data:
module_xml += "\t<quiet><![CDATA[" + str(data["quiet"]) + "]]></quiet>\n"
if "module_ff_interval" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_ff_interval><![CDATA[" + str(data["module_ff_interval"]) + "]]></module_ff_interval>\n"
if "crontab" in data:
module_xml += "\t<crontab><![CDATA[" + str(data["crontab"]) + "]]></crontab>\n"
if "min_ff_event_normal" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_normal><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_normal"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_normal>\n"
if "min_ff_event_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_warning"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_warning>\n"
if "min_ff_event_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_critical"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_critical>\n"
if "ff_type" in data:
module_xml += "\t<ff_type><![CDATA[" + str(data["ff_type"]) + "]]></ff_type>\n"
if "ff_timeout" in data:
module_xml += "\t<ff_timeout><![CDATA[" + str(data["ff_timeout"]) + "]]></ff_timeout>\n"
if "each_ff" in data:
module_xml += "\t<each_ff><![CDATA[" + str(data["each_ff"]) + "]]></each_ff>\n"
if "module_parent_unlink" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_parent_unlink><![CDATA[" + str(data["parent_unlink"]) + "]]></module_parent_unlink>\n"
if "global_alerts" in data:
for alert in data["alert"]:
module_xml += "\t<alert_template><![CDATA[" + alert + "]]></alert_template>\n"
module_xml += "</module>\n"
if print_flag:
print (module_xml)
return (module_xml)
# write_xml
def write_xml(xml, agent_name, data_dir="/var/spool/pandora/data_in/"):
"""Creates a agent .data file in the specified data_dir folder\n
- xml (str): XML string to be written in the file.
- agent_name (str): agent name for the xml and file name.
- data_dir (str): folder in which the file will be created."""
Utime ='%s')
data_file = "%s/" %(str(data_dir),agent_name,str(Utime))
with open(data_file, 'x') as data:
except OSError as o:
sys.exit(f"ERROR - Could not write file: {o}, please check directory permissions")
except Exception as e:
sys.exit(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")
return (data_file)
# # default agent
def clean_agent() :
global agent
agent = {
"agent_name" : "",
"agent_alias" : "",
"parent_agent_name" : "",
"description" : "",
"version" : "",
"os_name" : "",
"os_version" : "",
"timestamp" :'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),
#"utimestamp" : int(datetime.timestamp(,
"address" : "",
"group" : configuration["group"],
"interval" : "",
"agent_mode" : "1",
return agent
# default module
def clean_module() :
global modulo
modulo = {
"name" : "",
"type" : "generic_data_string",
"desc" : "",
"value" : "",
return modulo
# tentacle_xml
def tentacle_xml(file, tentacle_ops,tentacle_path='', debug=0):
"""Sends file using tentacle protocol\n
- Only works with one file at time.
- file variable needs full file path.
- tentacle_opts should be a dict with tentacle options (address [password] [port]).
- tentacle_path allows to define a custom path for tentacle client in case is not in sys path).
- if debug is enabled, the data file will not be removed after being sent.
Returns 0 for OK and 1 for errors.
if file is None :
sys.stderr.write("Tentacle error: file path is required.")
else :
data_file = file
if tentacle_ops['address'] is None :
sys.stderr.write("Tentacle error: No address defined")
return 1
try :
with open(data_file, 'r') as data:
except Exception as e :
sys.stderr.write(f"Tentacle error: {type(e).__name__} {e}")
return 1
tentacle_cmd = f"{tentacle_path}tentacle_client -v -a {tentacle_ops['address']} "
if "port" in tentacle_ops:
tentacle_cmd += f"-p {tentacle_ops['port']} "
if "password" in tentacle_ops:
tentacle_cmd += f"-x {tentacle_ops['password']} "
tentacle_cmd += f"{data_file} "
tentacle_exe=Popen(tentacle_cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
if rc != 0 :
sys.stderr.write("Tentacle error")
return 1
elif debug == 0 :
return 0
## funcion agent
def agentplugin(modules,agent,plugin_type="server",data_dir="/var/spool/pandora/data_in/",tentacle=False,tentacle_conf=None) :
if plugin_type == "server":
for modulo in modules:
elif tentacle == True and tentacle_conf is not None:
agent_file=print_agent(agent, modules,data_dir)
if agent_file[1] is not None:
print ("1")
print_agent(agent, modules,data_dir)
print ("1")
def parse_result(list_email,sep="")-> list:
+ Return list containing each line as element
for line in list_email:
str_line=sep.join(str(elem) for elem in line)
return result
# Create agent
agent_name = args.agent_name ,
agent_alias =args.agent_name ,
description =""
def connect(username,password,server,smtp_address):
creds = Credentials(
config = Configuration(server=args.server, credentials=creds)
account = Account(
return account
except Exception as e:
sys.exit(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")
## Only one parameter
if args.subject and args.sender==None and args.date_start==None and args.date_end == None:
filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(subject__contains=args.subject)
if args.subject==None and args.sender and args.date_start==None and args.date_end == None:
filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(sender__icontains=args.sender)
if args.subject==None and args.sender==None and args.date_start and args.date_end :
filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__range=(datetime(int(date_start[0].strip()), int(date_start[1].strip()), int(date_start[2].strip()), int(date_start[3].strip()), int(date_start[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc),datetime(int(date_end[0].strip()), int(date_end[1].strip()), int(date_end[2].strip()), int(date_end[3].strip()), int(date_end[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)))
## Subject + sender
if args.subject and args.sender and args.date_start==None and args.date_end==None :
filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(sender__icontains=args.sender,subject__contains=args.subject)
## All parameters
if args.subject and args.sender and args.date_start and args.date_end :
filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__range=(datetime(int(date_start[0].strip()), int(date_start[1].strip()), int(date_start[2].strip()), int(date_start[3].strip()), int(date_start[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc),datetime(int(date_end[0].strip()), int(date_end[1].strip()), int(date_end[2].strip()), int(date_end[3].strip()), int(date_end[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)),sender__icontains=args.sender,subject__contains=args.subject)
# List Number email coincidences
# Count number messages coincidences
for item in filtered_items:
list_email.append("("+str(item.datetime_received) + ") - "+str(item.subject)+" - "+str(item.sender))
#print(item.subject, item.sender, item.datetime_received)
list_email = parse_result(list_email)
name = f"{args.module_prefix}.Coincidences_count",
type = "generic_data",
desc = "Number of mails matching the filter used in the run",
value = count
if args.mail_list:
name = f"{args.module_prefix}.Coincidences_list",
type = "generic_data_string",
desc = "List of mails matching the filter used in the run",'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),
value = list_email
if args.tentacle_address is not None:
elif args.as_agent_plugin!=1: