Apply Aoyagi's patch.

This commit is contained in:
Ramon Novoa 2017-03-01 12:34:12 +01:00
parent 44724e648d
commit 936ae0b4cd
1 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -426,6 +426,41 @@ function __ ($string /*, variable arguments */) {
return vsprintf ($l10n->translate ($string), $args);
* Get a translated string for extension
* @param string String to translate. It can have special format characters like
* a printf
* @param mixed Optional parameters to be replaced in string. Example:
* <code>
* echo ___('Hello!');
* echo ___('Hello, %s!', $user);
* </code>
* @return string The translated string. If not defined, the same string will be returned
function ___ ($string /*, variable arguments */) {
global $config;
$trace = debug_backtrace();
foreach($config['extensions'] as $extension){
$extension_file = $extension['file'];
foreach($trace as $item){
if(pathinfo($item['file'], PATHINFO_BASENAME) == $extension_file){
$tranlateString = call_user_func_array($config['extensions'][$extension_file]['translate_function'], func_get_args());
if ($tranlateString !== false) {
return $tranlateString;
return call_user_func_array('__', func_get_args());
* json_encode for multibyte characters.