2009-04-02 Manuel Arostegui <marostegui@artica.es>
* linux/pandora_agent_installer: Added tentacle_client installation * linux/tentacle_client: Added to repository. Tentacle_client is now installed along with the Agent. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@1588 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
2009-04-02 Manuel Arostegui <marostegui@artica.es>
* linux/pandora_agent_installer: Added tentacle_client installation
* linux/tentacle_client: Added to repository. Tentacle_client is now
installed along with the Agent.
2009-03-16 Manuel Arostegui <marostegui@artica.es>
* win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added example of a UDP server
@ -111,11 +111,15 @@ install () {
echo "Linking start-up daemon script to /etc/rc2.d";
ln -s /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon /etc/rc2.d/S90pandora_agent
echo "Copying tentacle_client to /usr/bin";
cp tentacle_client /usr/bin/
chown -R root $PANDORA_BIN
echo "Done."
echo " "
echo "You have your startup script ready at $PANDORA_STARTUP"
echo "First you need to copy your public SSH keys ($HOME/.ssh/id_dsa)"
echo "Tentacle is the default transfer mode"
echo "If you want to use SSH, firstly you need to copy your public SSH keys ($HOME/.ssh/id_dsa)"
echo "under /home/pandora/.ssh/authorized_keys on your Pandora FMS Server host"
echo "You also need to setup your $PANDORA_CFG/pandora_agent.conf config file"
echo " "
@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L.
# tentacle_client.pl Tentacle Client. See http://www.openideas.info/wiki for
# protocol description.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package tentacle::client;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Select;
use IO::Socket::INET;
# Program version
our $VERSION = '0.2.0';
# Server address
my $t_address = '';
# Block size for socket read/write operations in bytes
my $t_block_size = 1024;
# Log messages, 1 enabled, 0 disabled
my $t_log = 0;
# Server port
my $t_port = 41121;
# Do not output error messages, 1 enabled, 0 disabled
my $t_quiet = 0;
# Server password
my $t_pwd = '';
# Receive mode, 1 enabled, 0 disabled
my $t_recv = 0;
# Retries for socket read/write operations
my $t_retries = 3;
# Select handler
my $t_select;
# Server socket
my $t_socket;
# Use SSL, 1 true, 0 false
my $t_ssl = 0;
# SSL ca certificate file
my $t_ssl_ca = '';
# SSL certificate file
my $t_ssl_cert = '';
# SSL private key file
my $t_ssl_key = '';
# SSL private key file password
my $t_ssl_pwd = '';
# Timeout for socket read/write operations in seconds
my $t_timeout = 1;
## SUB print_help
## Print help screen.
sub print_help {
print ("Usage: $0 [options] [file] [file] ...\n\n");
print ("Tentacle client v$VERSION. See http://www.openideas.info/wiki for protocol description.\n\n");
print ("Options:\n");
print ("\t-a address\tServer address (default $t_address).\n");
print ("\t-c\t\tEnable SSL without a client certificate.\n");
print ("\t-e cert\t\tOpenSSL certificate file. Enables SSL.\n");
print ("\t-f ca\t\tVerify that the peer certificate is signed by a ca.\n");
print ("\t-g\t\tGet files from the server.\n");
print ("\t-h\t\tShow help.\n");
print ("\t-k key\t\tOpenSSL private key file.\n");
print ("\t-p port\t\tServer port (default $t_port).\n");
print ("\t-q\t\tQuiet. Do now print error messages.\n");
print ("\t-r number\tNumber of retries for network operations (default $t_retries).\n");
print ("\t-t time\t\tTime-out for network operations in seconds (default ${t_timeout}s).\n");
print ("\t-v\t\tBe verbose.\n");
print ("\t-w\t\tPrompt for OpenSSL private key password.\n");
print ("\t-x pwd\t\tServer password.\n\n");
## SUB parse_options
## Parse command line options and initialize global variables.
sub parse_options {
my %opts;
my $tmp;
# Get options
if (getopts ('a:ce:f:ghk:p:qr:t:vwx:', \%opts) == 0 || defined ($opts{'h'})) {
print_help ();
exit 1;
# Address
if (defined ($opts{'a'})) {
$t_address = $opts{'a'};
if ($t_address !~ /^[a-zA-Z\.]+$/ && ($t_address !~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
|| $1 < 0 || $1 > 255 || $2 < 0 || $2 > 255
|| $3 < 0 || $3 > 255 || $4 < 0 || $4 > 255)) {
error ("Address $t_address is not valid.");
# Enable SSL without a client certificate
if (defined ($opts{'c'})) {
require IO::Socket::SSL;
$t_ssl = 1;
# Enable SSL
if (defined ($opts{'e'})) {
if (defined ($opts{'c'})) {
error ("Flags -c and -e can not be used at the same time.");
require IO::Socket::SSL;
$t_ssl_cert = $opts{'e'};
if (! -f $t_ssl_cert) {
error ("File $t_ssl_cert does not exist.");
$t_ssl = 1;
# Verify peer certificate
if (defined ($opts{'f'})) {
if (! defined ($opts{'e'})) {
error ("Flag -e must be set to enable peer certificate verify.");
$t_ssl_ca = $opts{'f'};
if (! -f $t_ssl_ca) {
error ("File $t_ssl_ca does not exist.");
# Get files
if (defined ($opts{'g'})) {
$t_recv = 1;
# SSL private key file
if (defined ($opts{'k'})) {
if (! defined ($opts{'e'})) {
error ("Flag -e must be set to use a private key file.");
$t_ssl_key = $opts{'k'};
if (! -f $t_ssl_key) {
error ("File $t_ssl_key does not exist.");
# Port
if (defined ($opts{'p'})) {
$t_port = $opts{'p'};
if ($t_port !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_port < 1 || $t_port > 65535) {
error ("Port $t_port is not valid.");
# Quiet mode
if (defined ($opts{'q'})) {
$t_quiet = 1;
# Retries
if (defined ($opts{'r'})) {
$t_retries = $opts{'r'};
if ($t_retries !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_retries < 1) {
error ("Invalid number of retries for network operations.");
# Timeout
if (defined ($opts{'t'})) {
$t_timeout = $opts{'t'};
if ($t_timeout !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_timeout < 1) {
error ("Invalid timeout for network operations.");
# Be verbose
if (defined ($opts{'v'})) {
$t_log = 1;
# SSL private key password
if (defined ($opts{'w'})) {
if (! defined ($opts{'e'})) {
error ("Flag -k must be set to provide a private key password.");
$t_ssl_pwd = ask_passwd ("Enter private key file password: ", "Enter private key file password again for confirmation: ");
# Server password
if (defined ($opts{'x'})) {
$t_pwd = $opts{'x'};
## SUB start_client
## Open the server socket.
sub start_client {
# Connect to server
$t_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new (
PeerAddr => $t_address,
PeerPort => $t_port,
if (! defined ($t_socket)) {
error ("Cannot connect to $t_address on port $t_port: $!.");
# Add server socket to select queue
$t_select = IO::Select->new ();
$t_select->add ($t_socket);
print_log ("Connected to $t_address port $t_port");
## SUB stop_client
## Close the server socket.
sub stop_client {
$t_socket->close ();
## SUB start_ssl
## Convert the server socket to an IO::Socket::SSL socket.
sub start_ssl {
my $err;
if ($t_ssl_cert eq ''){
IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL (
elsif ($t_ssl_ca eq '') {
IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL (
SSL_cert_file => $t_ssl_cert,
SSL_key_file => $t_ssl_key,
SSL_passwd_cb => sub {return $t_ssl_pwd},
SSL_use_cert =>'1',
# No authentication
SSL_verify_mode => '0x00',
else {
IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL (
SSL_ca_file => $t_ssl_ca,
SSL_cert_file => $t_ssl_cert,
SSL_key_file => $t_ssl_key,
SSL_passwd_cb => sub {return $t_ssl_pwd},
SSL_use_cert =>'1',
# Verify peer
SSL_verify_mode => '0x01',
$err = IO::Socket::SSL::errstr ();
if ($err ne '') {
error ($err);
## SUB auth_pwd
## Authenticate client with server password.
sub auth_pwd {
my $command;
my $pwd_digest;
require Digest::MD5;
$pwd_digest = Digest::MD5::md5 ($t_pwd);
$pwd_digest = Digest::MD5::md5_hex ($pwd_digest);
send_data ("PASS $pwd_digest\n");
$command = recv_command ($t_block_size);
if ($command !~ /^PASS OK$/) {
error ("Authentication failed.");
## SUB recv_file
## Receive a file from the server
sub recv_file {
my $data = '';
my $file = $_[0];
my $response;
my $size;
# Request file
send_data ("RECV <$file>\n");
# Wait for server response
$response = recv_command ();
if ($response !~ /^RECV SIZE (\d+)$/) {
error ("Server responded $response.");
$size = $1;
send_data ("RECV OK\n");
# Receive file
$data = recv_data_block ($size);
# Write it to disk
open (FILE, "> $file") || error ("Cannot open file '$file' for writing.");
binmode (FILE);
print (FILE $data);
close (FILE);
print_log ("Received file '$file'");
## SUB send_file
## Send a file to the server
sub send_file {
my $base_name;
my $data = '';
my $response = '';
my $retries;
my $file = $_[0];
my $size;
my $written;
$base_name = basename ($file);
$size = -s $file;
# Request to send file
send_data ("SEND <$base_name> SIZE $size\n");
print_log ("Request to send file '$base_name' size ${size}b");
# Wait for server response
$response = recv_command ();
# Server rejected the file
if ($response ne "SEND OK") {
send_data ("QUIT\n");
error ("Server responded $response.");
print_log ("Server responded SEND OK");
# Send the file
open (FILE, $file) || error ("Cannot open file '$file' for reading.");
binmode (FILE);
while ($data = <FILE>) {
send_data ($data);
close (FILE);
# Wait for server response
$response = recv_command ();
if ($response ne "SEND OK") {
send_data ("QUIT\n");
error ("Server responded $response.");
print_log ("File sent");
# Common functions
## SUB print_log
## Print log messages.
sub print_log {
if ($t_log == 1) {
print (STDOUT "[log] $_[0]\n");
## SUB error
## Print an error and exit the program.
sub error {
if ($t_quiet == 0) {
print (STDERR "[err] $_[0]\n");
exit 1;
## SUB recv_data
## Read data from the client socket. Returns the number of bytes read and the
## string of bytes as a two element array.
sub recv_data {
my $data;
my $read;
my $retries = 0;
my $size = $_[0];
while (1) {
# Try to read data from the socket
if ($t_select->can_read ($t_timeout)) {
# Read at most $size bytes
$read = sysread ($t_socket, $data, $size);
# Read error
if (! defined ($read)) {
error ("Read error from " . $t_socket->sockhost () . ": $!.");
if ($read == 0) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_socket->sockhost () . " unexpectedly closed.");
return ($read, $data);
# Retry
# But check for error conditions first
if ($retries > $t_retries) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_socket->sockhost () . " timed out.");
## SUB send_data
## Write data to the client socket.
sub send_data {
my $data = $_[0];
my $retries = 0;
my $size;
my $total = 0;
my $written;
$size = length ($data);
while (1) {
# Try to write data to the socket
if ($t_select->can_write ($t_timeout)) {
$written = syswrite ($t_socket, $data, $size - $total, $total);
# Read error
if (! defined ($written)) {
error ("Connection error from " . $t_socket->sockhost () . ": $!.");
if ($written == 0) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_socket->sockhost () . " unexpectedly closed.");
$total += $written;
# All data was written
if ($total == $size) {
# Retry
# But check for error conditions first
if ($retries > $t_retries) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_socket->sockhost () . " timed out.");
## SUB recv_command
## Read a command from the client, ended by a new line character.
sub recv_command {
my $buffer;
my $char;
my $command = '';
my $read;
my $total = 0;
while (1) {
($read, $buffer) = recv_data ($t_block_size);
$command .= $buffer;
$total += $read;
# Check if the command is complete
$char = chop ($command);
if ($char eq "\n") {
return $command;
$command .= $char;
# Avoid overflow
if ($total > $t_block_size) {
error ("Received too much data from " . $t_socket->sockhost ());
## SUB recv_data_block
## Read $_[0] bytes of data from the client.
sub recv_data_block {
my $buffer = '';
my $data = '';
my $read;
my $size = $_[0];
my $total = 0;
while (1) {
($read, $buffer) = recv_data ($size - $total);
$data .= $buffer;
$total += $read;
# Check if all data has been read
if ($total == $size) {
return $data;
## SUB ask_passwd
## Asks the user for a password.
sub ask_passwd {
my $msg1 = $_[0];
my $msg2 = $_[1];
my $pwd1;
my $pwd2;
require Term::ReadKey;
# Disable keyboard echo
# Promt for password
print ($msg1);
$pwd1 = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
print ("\n$msg2");
$pwd2 = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
print ("\n");
# Restore original settings
if ($pwd1 ne $pwd2) {
# Call print to bypass quiet mode.
print ("[err] Passwords do not match.\n");
exit 1;
# Remove the trailing new line character
chop $pwd1;
return $pwd1;
# Main
my $file;
# Parse command line options
parse_options ();
# Check command line arguments
if ($t_recv == 0 && $#ARGV == -1) {
error ("No files to send.");
# Connect to the server
start_client ();
# Start SSL
if ($t_ssl == 1) {
start_ssl ();
# Authenticate with server
if ($t_pwd ne '') {
auth_pwd ();
if ($t_recv == 0) {
# Check that all files exist before trying to send them
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
if (! -f $file) {
error ("File '$file' does not exist.");
# Send the files
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
send_file ($file);
else {
# Send the files
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
recv_file ($file);
# Tell the server that we are finished
send_data ("QUIT\n");
stop_client ();
exit 0;
Reference in New Issue