2012-08-20 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* pandoradb_data.sql pandoradb.data.postgreSQL.sql pandoradb.data.oracle.sql: * include/javascript/pandora_modules.js: Fixed the bad order of the fields when put it on the form via ajax git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@6887 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
2012-08-20 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* pandoradb_data.sql
* include/javascript/pandora_modules.js: Fixed
the bad order of the fields when put it on the
form via ajax
2012-08-17 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* pandoradb.sql
@ -528,8 +528,17 @@ function add_macro_field(macro, row_model_id) {
// Assign values
$macro_field.insertAfter('#'+ row_model_id +'_field');
// Get the number of fields already printed
var fields = $('.macro_field').size();
// If is the first, we insert it after model row
if(fields == 0) {
$macro_field.insertAfter('#'+ row_model_id +'_field');
// If there are more fields, we insert it after the last one
else {
$macro_field.insertAfter('#'+ $('.macro_field').eq(fields-1).attr('id'));
// Change the label
if(macro_help == '') {
@ -600,3 +600,10 @@ INSERT INTO trecon_script VALUES (1,'SNMP Recon Script','This scr
INSERT INTO trecon_script VALUES
(2,'IMPI Recon', 'Specific Pandora FMS Intel DCM Discovery (c) Artica ST 2011 <info@artica.es> Usage: ./ipmi-recon.pl <task_id> <group_id> <create_incident_flag> <custom_field1> <custom_field2> <custom_field3> * custom_field1 = network. i.e.: * custom_field2 = username * custom_fiedl3 = password ', '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts/ipmi-recon.pl');
INSERT INTO tplugin (id, name, description, max_timeout, execute, plugin_type, macros, parameters) VALUES (1,'IPMI Plugin','Plugin to get IPMI monitors from a IPMI Device.',0,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/ipmi-plugin.pl',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_-u _field2_-p _field3_'),(2,'DNS Plugin','This plugin is used to check if a specific domain return a specific IP address, and to check how time (milisecs) takes the DNS to answer. Use IP address parameter to specify the IP of your domain. Use these custom parameters for the other parameters:

-d domain to check (for example pandorafms.com)
-s DNS Server to check  (for example

Optional parameters:

-t Do a DNS time response check instead DNS resolve test

',15,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/dns_plugin.sh',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Domain to check","help":"For example pandorafms.com","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"DNS Server to check","help":"For example","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-i _field1_ -d _field2_ -s _field3_ _field4_'),(3,'UDP port check','Check a remote UDP port (by using NMAP). Use IP address and Port options.',5,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/udp_nmap_plugin.sh',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""}}','-t _field1_-p _field2_'),(4,'SMTP Check','This plugin is used to send a mail to a SMTP server and check if works. 

Parameters in the plugin:

IP Address - SMTP Server IP address
User - AUTH login  
Pass - AUTH password
Port - SMTP port (optional)

Optional parameters:

-d Destination email
-f Email of the sender
-a Authentication system. Could be LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD',10,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/SMTP_check.pl',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""},"5":{"macro":"_field5_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_ -o _field2_ -u _field3_ -p _field4_ _field5_');
INSERT INTO tagent_custom_fields VALUES (1,'Serial Number',0),(2,'Department',0),(3,'Additional ID',0);
INSERT INTO ttag VALUES (1,'network','Network equipment','http://artica.es'),(2,'critical','Critical modules',''),(3,'dmz','DMZ Network Zone',''),(4,'performance','Performance anda capacity modules',''),(5,'configuration','','');
@ -441,3 +441,9 @@ INSERT INTO "trecon_script" ("id_recon_script", "name", "description", "script")
INSERT INTO "trecon_script" ("id_recon_script", "name", "description", "script") VALUES
(2,'IMPI Recon', 'Specific Pandora FMS Intel DCM Discovery (c) Artica ST 2011 <info@artica.es> Usage: ./ipmi-recon.pl <task_id> <group_id> <create_incident_flag> <custom_field1> <custom_field2> <custom_field3> * custom_field1 = network. i.e.: * custom_field2 = username * custom_fiedl3 = password ', '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts/ipmi-recon.pl');
INSERT INTO "tplugin" ("id", "name", "description", "max_timeout", "execute", "plugin_type", "macros", "parameters") VALUES (1,'IPMI Plugin','Plugin to get IPMI monitors from a IPMI Device.',0,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/ipmi-plugin.pl',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_-u _field2_-p _field3_'),(2,'DNS Plugin','This plugin is used to check if a specific domain return a specific IP address, and to check how time (milisecs) takes the DNS to answer. Use IP address parameter to specify the IP of your domain. Use these custom parameters for the other parameters:

-d domain to check (for example pandorafms.com)
-s DNS Server to check  (for example

Optional parameters:

-t Do a DNS time response check instead DNS resolve test

',15,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/dns_plugin.sh',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Domain to check","help":"For example pandorafms.com","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"DNS Server to check","help":"For example","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-i _field1_ -d _field2_ -s _field3_ _field4_'),(3,'UDP port check','Check a remote UDP port (by using NMAP). Use IP address and Port options.',5,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/udp_nmap_plugin.sh',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""}}','-t _field1_-p _field2_'),(4,'SMTP Check','This plugin is used to send a mail to a SMTP server and check if works. 

Parameters in the plugin:

IP Address - SMTP Server IP address
User - AUTH login  
Pass - AUTH password
Port - SMTP port (optional)

Optional parameters:

-d Destination email
-f Email of the sender
-a Authentication system. Could be LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD',10,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/SMTP_check.pl',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""},"5":{"macro":"_field5_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_ -o _field2_ -u _field3_ -p _field4_ _field5_');
INSERT INTO "tagent_custom_fields" VALUES (1,'Serial Number',0),(2,'Department',0),(3,'Additional ID',0);
INSERT INTO "ttag" VALUES (1,'network','Network equipment','http://artica.es'),(2,'critical','Critical modules',''),(3,'dmz','DMZ Network Zone',''),(4,'performance','Performance anda capacity modules',''),(5,'configuration','','');
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ INSERT INTO `trecon_script` VALUES (1,'SNMP Recon Script','This s
INSERT INTO `trecon_script` VALUES
(2,'IMPI Recon', 'Specific Pandora FMS Intel DCM Discovery (c) Artica ST 2011 <info@artica.es> Usage: ./ipmi-recon.pl <task_id> <group_id> <create_incident_flag> <custom_field1> <custom_field2> <custom_field3> * custom_field1 = network. i.e.: * custom_field2 = username * custom_fiedl3 = password ', '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts/ipmi-recon.pl');
INSERT INTO `tplugin` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `max_timeout`, `execute`, `net_dst_opt`, `net_port_opt`, `user_opt`, `pass_opt`, `plugin_type`) VALUES (1,'IPMI Plugin','Plugin to get IPMI monitors from a IPMI Device.',0,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/ipmi-plugin.pl','-h','','-u','-p',0),(2,'DNS Plugin','This plugin is used to check if a specific domain return a specific IP address, and to check how time (milisecs) takes the DNS to answer. Use IP address parameter to specify the IP of your domain. Use these custom parameters for the other parameters:

-d domain to check (for example pandorafms.com)
-s DNS Server to check  (for example

Optional parameters:

-t Do a DNS time response check instead DNS resolve test

',15,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/dns_plugin.sh','-i','','','',0),(3,'UDP port check','Check a remote UDP port (by using NMAP). Use IP address and Port options.',5,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/udp_nmap_plugin.sh','-t','-p','','',0),(4,'SMTP Check','This plugin is used to send a mail to a SMTP server and check if works. Parameters in the plugin 
IP Addres - SMTP Server IP address
User - AUTH login  
Pass - AUTH password
Port - SMTP port (optional)

Optional parameters 

 -d Destination email
 -f Email of the sender
 -a Autentication system, could be LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD

INSERT INTO `tplugin` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `max_timeout`, `execute`, `plugin_type`, `macros`, `parameters`) VALUES (1,'IPMI Plugin','Plugin to get IPMI monitors from a IPMI Device.',0,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/ipmi-plugin.pl',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_-u _field2_-p _field3_'),(2,'DNS Plugin','This plugin is used to check if a specific domain return a specific IP address, and to check how time (milisecs) takes the DNS to answer. Use IP address parameter to specify the IP of your domain. Use these custom parameters for the other parameters:

-d domain to check (for example pandorafms.com)
-s DNS Server to check  (for example

Optional parameters:

-t Do a DNS time response check instead DNS resolve test

',15,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/dns_plugin.sh',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Domain to check","help":"For example pandorafms.com","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"DNS Server to check","help":"For example","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-i _field1_ -d _field2_ -s _field3_ _field4_'),(3,'UDP port check','Check a remote UDP port (by using NMAP). Use IP address and Port options.',5,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/udp_nmap_plugin.sh',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""}}','-t _field1_-p _field2_'),(4,'SMTP Check','This plugin is used to send a mail to a SMTP server and check if works. 

Parameters in the plugin:

IP Address - SMTP Server IP address
User - AUTH login  
Pass - AUTH password
Port - SMTP port (optional)

Optional parameters:

-d Destination email
-f Email of the sender
-a Authentication system. Could be LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD',10,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/SMTP_check.pl',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""},"5":{"macro":"_field5_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_ -o _field2_ -u _field3_ -p _field4_ _field5_');
INSERT INTO `tagent_custom_fields` VALUES (1,'Serial Number',0),(2,'Department',0),(3,'Additional ID',0);
Reference in New Issue