2012-04-24 Dario Rodriguez <dario.rodriguez@artica.es>
* win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf, unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added more examples of modules enabled and improved comments in config file for windows and linux. MERGED FROM 4.0.2 git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@6141 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
2012-04-24 Dario Rodriguez <dario.rodriguez@artica.es>
* win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf,
unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added more examples of modules enabled and
improved comments in config file for windows and linux.
2012-04-23 Dario Rodriguez <dario.rodriguez@artica.es>
* win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added "parent_agent_name" parameter
@ -164,8 +164,13 @@ module_exec vmstat 1 2 | tail -1 | awk '{ print $13 }'
module_max 100
module_min 0
module_description User CPU Usage (%)
module_min_warning 70
module_max_warning 90
module_min_critical 91
module_max_critical 100
#Get load average
module_name Load Average
module_type generic_data
@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ module_exec cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d' ' -f1
module_description Average process in CPU (Last minute)
# Get disk space free in MB
module_name disk_root_free
module_type generic_data
@ -180,14 +186,22 @@ module_exec df -kh / | tail -1 | awk '{ print 100-$5 }'
module_max 100
module_min 0
module_description Free disk Percentage of root partition
module_min_warning 70
module_max_warning 90
module_min_critical 91
module_max_critical 100
#Get free memory in MB
module_name memfree
module_type generic_data
module_exec free -m | grep buffers/cache | awk '{print $4}'
module_description Free memory in MB
module_min_warning 500
module_max_warning 600
module_min_critical 100
module_max_critical 499
# This module uses postprocess feature to unit conversion
@ -199,11 +213,16 @@ module_postprocess 0,000976
module_description Used memory in KB postprocessed to be in MB
#Count total number of processes
module_name proctotal
module_type generic_data
module_exec ps -A | tail --lines=+5 | wc -l
module_description Total processes
module_min_warning 600
module_max_warning 799
module_min_critical 800
module_max_critical 1000
# Process information
@ -212,6 +231,7 @@ module_begin
module_name sshDaemon
module_type generic_proc
module_exec ps -Af | grep sshd | grep -v "grep" | wc -l
module_description Check ssh service
# Async data example
@ -220,10 +240,16 @@ module_begin
module_name LastLogin
module_type async_string
module_exec last | head -1
module_description Monitor last user loggin
# Plugin example
# This plugin detects all disk partitions and monitor the free spaces
module_plugin pandora_df
# This parses /var/log/syslog file, under the module name "syslog"
# And search for "ssh" string into it, sending only that information.
@ -232,3 +258,31 @@ module_plugin grep_log /var/log/syslog Syslog ssh
# Plugin for inventory on the agent (Only Enterprise)
# module_plugin inventory 1 cpu ram video nic hd cdrom software
# Example of preconditions
#module_name Test Precondicion
#module_type generic_data
#module_precondition < 10 echo 5
#module_precondition > 10 echo 15
#module_precondition = 10 echo 10
#module_precondition != 10 echo 5
#module_precondition =~ 10 echo 10
#module_precondition (5,15) echo 10
#module_description Precondition test module
# Example of postconditions
#module_name Test Postcondicion
#module_type generic_data
#module_condition < 10 echo min >> /tmp/log.txt
#module_condition > 3 echo max >> /tmp/log.txt
#module_condition = 5 echo equal >> /tmp/log.txt
#module_condition != 10 echo diff >> /tmp/log.txt
#module_condition =~ 5 echo regexp >> /tmp/log.txt
#module_condition (3,8) echo range >> /tmp/log.txt
#module_exec echo 5
#module_description Postcondition test module
@ -106,20 +106,18 @@ xml_buffer 0
# Check online documentation and module library at http://pandorafms.org
# =================
# Sample of Windows inventory module (ONLY ENTERPRISE)!
#module_name Inventory
#module_interval 7
#module_type generic_data_string
#module_inventory CPU RAM CDROM Video HD Patches Software Services NIC
#module_description Inventory
# Example plugin to retrieve last 5 min events in log4x format
# module_plugin cscript.exe //B "%ProgramFiles%\Pandora_Agent\util\logevent_log4x.vbs" Aplicacion System 300
# Example plugin to retrieve drive usage
# module_plugin cscript.exe //B "%ProgramFiles%\Pandora_Agent\util\df.vbs"
# CPU Load using WMI
module_name CPU Load
module_type generic_data
module_wmiquery SELECT LoadPercentage FROM Win32_Processor
module_wmicolumn LoadPercentage
module_description CPU Load (%)
module_min_warning 80
module_max_warning 90
module_min_critical 91
module_max_critical 100
# Free space on disk C: (%)
@ -127,23 +125,35 @@ module_name FreeDiskC
module_type generic_data
module_freepercentdisk C:
module_description Free space on drive C: (%)
module_min_warning 70
module_max_warning 90
module_min_critical 91
module_max_critical 100
# Free space on disk D: (%)
# module_begin
# module_name FreeDiskD
# module_type generic_data
# module_freepercentdisk D:
# module_description Free space on drive D: (%)
# module_end
# Number processes
module_name Number processes
module_type generic_data
module_exec tasklist | gawk "NR > 3 {print$0}" | wc -l
module_description Number of processes running
module_min_warning 600
module_max_warning 799
module_min_critical 800
module_max_critical 1000
# Free space on disk C: (Total)
# module_begin
# module_name FreeDiskCTotal
# module_type generic_data
# module_freedisk C:
# module_description Free space on drive C: (Total)
# module_end
module_name FreeDiskCTotal
module_type generic_data
module_freedisk C:
module_description Free space on drive C: (Total)
module_min_warning 501
module_max_warning 700
module_min_critical 300
module_max_critical 500
# CPU usage percentage
@ -151,6 +161,10 @@ module_name CPUUse
module_type generic_data
module_cpuusage all
module_description CPU# usage
module_min_warning 70
module_max_warning 90
module_min_critical 91
module_max_critical 100
# Free Memory
@ -158,7 +172,11 @@ module_begin
module_name FreeMemory
module_type generic_data
module_description Amount of free memory.
module_description Free memory (%).
module_min_warning 30
module_max_warning 21
module_min_critical 0
module_max_critical 20
# Log events
@ -180,6 +198,39 @@ module_source Security
module_eventcode 529
# Check if Dhcp service is enabled
module_name DHCP Enabled
module_type generic_proc
module_service Dhcp
module_description Check DCHP service enabled
module_min_critical 0
module_max_critical 1
# Example plugin to retrieve drive usage
module_plugin cscript.exe //B "%ProgramFiles%\Pandora_Agent\util\df.vbs"
# Free space on disk D: (%)
# module_begin
# module_name FreeDiskD
# module_type generic_data
# module_freepercentdisk D:
# module_description Free space on drive D: (%)
# module_end
# Sample of Windows inventory module (ONLY ENTERPRISE)!
#module_name Inventory
#module_interval 7
#module_type generic_data_string
#module_inventory CPU RAM CDROM Video HD Patches Software Services NIC
#module_description Inventory
# Example plugin to retrieve last 5 min events in log4x format
# module_plugin cscript.exe //B "%ProgramFiles%\Pandora_Agent\util\logevent_log4x.vbs" Aplicacion System 300
# Sample on how to get a value from registry
# This returns the last time user launch microsoft Windows update
@ -191,11 +242,14 @@ module_end
# Example of a remote TCP check
#module_name Tcp Sample check
#module_name Local TCP Port 80
#module_type generic_data
#module_tcpcheck www.google.com
#module_port 80
#module_timeout 5
#module_description Check local port 80
#module_min_critical 0
#module_max_critical 1
# Example of regexp matching
@ -268,10 +322,28 @@ module_end
# Example of preconditions
#module_name Prueba Precondicion
#module_name Test Precondicion
#module_type generic_data
#module_precondition < 10 type X:\fichero.txt | wc -l
#module_precondition < 10 cmd.exe /c echo 5
#module_precondition > 10 cmd.exe /c echo 15
#module_precondition = 10 cmd.exe /c echo 10
#module_precondition != 10 cmd.exe /c echo 5
#module_precondition =~ 10 cmd.exe /c echo 10
#module_precondition (5,15) cmd.exe /c echo 10
#module_description Amount of free memory.
#module_description Precondition test module
# Example of postconditions
#module_name Test Postcondicion
#module_type generic_data
#module_condition < 10 cmd.exe /c echo min >> c:\log.txt
#module_condition > 3 cmd.exe /c echo max >> c:\log.txt
#module_condition = 5 cmd.exe /c echo equal >> c:\log.txt
#module_condition != 10 cmd.exe /c echo diff >> c:\log.txt
#module_condition =~ 5 cmd.exe /c echo regexp >> c:\log.txt
#module_condition (3,8) cmd.exe /c echo range >> c:\log.txt
#module_exec echo 5
#module_description Postcondition test module
Reference in New Issue