@ -167,14 +167,22 @@ function reporting_make_reporting_data($report = null, $id_report,
$content );
break ;
case 'custom_graph' :
case 'automatic_custom_graph' :
$report [ 'contents' ][] =
reporting_custom_graph (
$report ,
$content ,
$type ,
$force_width_chart ,
$force_height_chart );
$force_height_chart , 'custom_graph' );
break ;
case 'automatic_graph' :
$report [ 'contents' ][] =
reporting_custom_graph (
$report ,
$content ,
$type ,
$force_width_chart ,
$force_height_chart , 'automatic_graph' );
break ;
case 'text' :
$report [ 'contents' ][] = reporting_text (
@ -1239,26 +1247,24 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
$return [ " description " ] = $content [ " description " ];
$return [ " date " ] = reporting_get_date_text ( $report , $content );
$event_filter = $content [ 'style' ];
$filter_event_no_validated = $event_filter [ 'filter_event_no_validated' ];
$filter_event_validated = $event_filter [ 'filter_event_validated' ];
$filter_event_critical = $event_filter [ 'filter_event_critical' ];
$filter_event_warning = $event_filter [ 'filter_event_warning' ];
$filter_event_filter_search = $event_filter [ 'event_filter_search' ];
$filter_event_type = json_decode ( $event_filter [ 'filter_event_type' ], true );
$filter_event_no_validated = $content [ 'style' ][ 'filter_event_no_validated' ];
$filter_event_validated = $content [ 'style' ][ 'filter_event_validated' ];
$filter_event_critical = $content [ 'style' ][ 'filter_event_critical' ];
$filter_event_warning = $content [ 'style' ][ 'filter_event_warning' ];
$filter_event_filter_search = $content [ 'style' ][ 'event_filter_search' ];
$event_graph_by_agent = $ event_filter ['event_graph_by_agent' ];
$event_graph_by_user_validator = $ event_filter ['event_graph_by_user_validator' ];
$event_graph_by_criticity = $ event_filter ['event_graph_by_criticity' ];
$event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $ event_filter ['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated' ];
$event_graph_by_agent = $ content[ 'style' ] ['event_graph_by_agent' ];
$event_graph_by_user_validator = $ content[ 'style' ] ['event_graph_by_user_validator' ];
$event_graph_by_criticity = $ content[ 'style' ] ['event_graph_by_criticity' ];
$event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $ content[ 'style' ] ['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated' ];
$data = reporting_get_group_detailed_event (
$content [ 'id_group' ], $content [ 'period' ], $report [ " datetime " ],
true , true , $filter_event_validated , $filter_event_critical ,
$filter_event_warning , $filter_event_no_validated ,
$filter_event_filter_search , 'hash' , $history , $filter_event_type );
$filter_event_filter_search , 'hash' , $history );
if ( empty ( $data )) {
$return [ 'failed' ] = __ ( 'No events' );
@ -1389,8 +1395,6 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
metaconsole_restore_db ();
$return [ 'total_events' ] = count ( $return [ 'data' ]);
return reporting_check_structure_content ( $return );
@ -1435,8 +1439,6 @@ function reporting_event_report_module($report, $content) {
metaconsole_restore_db ();
$return [ 'total_events' ] = count ( $return [ 'data' ]);
return reporting_check_structure_content ( $return );
@ -1565,13 +1567,15 @@ function reporting_inventory($report, $content, $type) {
function reporting_agent_module ( $report , $content ) {
global $config ;
$agents_and_modules = json_decode ( $content [ 'external_source' ], true );
$agents = array ();
$agents = $agents_and_modules [ 'id_agents' ];
$modules = $agents_and_modules [ 'module' ];
$id_group = $content [ 'id_group' ];
$id_module_group = $content [ 'id_module_group' ];
$return [ 'type' ] = 'agent_module' ;
if ( empty ( $content [ 'name' ])) {
$content [ 'name' ] = __ ( 'Agent/Modules' );
@ -1592,54 +1596,25 @@ function reporting_agent_module($report, $content) {
$return [ " data " ] = array ();
$agents = array ();
if ( $id_group > 0 ) {
$agents = agents_get_group_agents ( $id_group );
$agents = array_keys ( $agents );
$filter_module_groups = false ;
if ( $id_module_group > 0 ) {
$filter_module_groups [ 'id_module_group' ] = $id_module_group ;
$all_modules = agents_get_modules ( $agents , false ,
$filter_module_groups , true , false );
$modules_by_name = array ();
$name = '' ;
$cont = 0 ;
foreach ( $all_modules as $key => $module ) {
if ( $module == $name ) {
$modules_by_name [ $cont - 1 ][ 'id' ][] = $key ;
else {
$name = $module ;
$modules_by_name [ $cont ][ 'name' ] = $name ;
$modules_by_name [ $cont ][ 'id' ][] = $key ;
$cont ++ ;
foreach ( $modules as $modul_id ) {
$modules_by_name [ $cont ][ 'name' ] = io_safe_output ( modules_get_agentmodule_name ( $modul_id ));
$modules_by_name [ $cont ][ 'id' ][] = $modul_id ;
$cont ++ ;
$filter_groups = array ();
if ( $id_group > 0 ) {
$filter_groups [ 'id_grupo' ] = $id_group ;
$agents = agents_get_agents ( $filter_groups );
$nagents = count ( $agents );
if ( $all_modules == false || $agents == false ) {
if ( $modules_by_name == false || $agents == false ) {
$return [ 'failed' ] = __ ( 'There are no agents with modules' );
else {
foreach ( $agents as $agent ) {
$row = array ();
$row [ 'agent_status' ][ $agent ['id_agente' ] ] =
agents_get_status ( $agent ['id_agente' ] );
$row [ 'agent_name' ] = $agent [ 'nombre' ] ;
$row [ 'agent_status' ][ $agent ] =
agents_get_status ( $agent );
$row [ 'agent_name' ] = agents_get_name ( $agent );
$agent_modules = agents_get_modules ( $agent ['id_agente' ] );
$agent_modules = agents_get_modules ( $agent );
$row [ 'modules' ] = array ();
foreach ( $modules_by_name as $module ) {
@ -2168,7 +2143,6 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
$filter_event_validated = $style [ 'filter_event_validated' ];
$filter_event_critical = $style [ 'filter_event_critical' ];
$filter_event_warning = $style [ 'filter_event_warning' ];
$filter_event_type = json_decode ( $style [ 'filter_event_type' ], true );
$event_graph_by_user_validator = $style [ 'event_graph_by_user_validator' ];
$event_graph_by_criticity = $style [ 'event_graph_by_criticity' ];
@ -2184,8 +2158,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
$filter_event_warning ,
$filter_event_no_validated ,
true ,
$history ,
$filter_event_type );
$history );
@ -2282,8 +2255,6 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
metaconsole_restore_db ();
$return [ 'total_events' ] = count ( $return [ 'data' ]);
return reporting_check_structure_content ( $return );
@ -3279,6 +3250,14 @@ function reporting_prediction_date($report, $content) {
$return [ " date " ] = reporting_get_date_text ( $report , $content );
$return [ 'label' ] = ( isset ( $content [ 'style' ][ 'label' ])) ? $content [ 'style' ][ 'label' ] : '' ;
$module_name = io_safe_output (
modules_get_agentmodule_name ( $content [ 'id_agent_module' ]));
$agent_name = io_safe_output (
modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ( $content [ 'id_agent_module' ]));
$return [ 'agent_name' ] = $agent_name ;
$return [ 'module_name' ] = $module_name ;
set_time_limit ( 500 );
$intervals_text = $content [ 'text' ];
@ -4784,12 +4763,12 @@ function reporting_availability($report, $content, $date=false, $time=false) {
$item [ 'id_agent_module' ]);
$text = $row [ 'data' ][ 'agent' ] . " ( " . $text . " ) " ;
//Restore dbconnection
if (( $config [ 'metaconsole' ] == 1 ) && $server_name != '' && defined ( 'METACONSOLE' )) {
metaconsole_restore_db ();
//find order
$row [ 'data' ][ 'order' ] = $row [ 'data' ][ 'SLA' ];
@ -5170,18 +5149,23 @@ function reporting_general($report, $content) {
function reporting_custom_graph ( $report , $content , $type = 'dinamic' ,
$force_width_chart = null , $force_height_chart = null ) {
$force_width_chart = null , $force_height_chart = null , $type_report = " custom_graph " ) {
global $config ;
require_once ( $config [ " homedir " ] . '/include/functions_graph.php' );
if ( $config [ 'metaconsole' ]) {
$id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server ( $content [ " server_name " ]);
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ( $id_meta );
metaconsole_connect ( $server );
if ( $type_report == 'automatic_graph' ) {
// Do none
else {
if ( $config [ 'metaconsole' ]) {
$id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server ( $content [ " server_name " ]);
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ( $id_meta );
metaconsole_connect ( $server );
$graph = db_get_row ( " tgraph " , " id_graph " , $content [ 'id_gs' ]);
@ -5209,7 +5193,15 @@ function reporting_custom_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
$labels = array ();
foreach ( $graphs as $graph_item ) {
array_push ( $modules , $graph_item [ 'id_agent_module' ]);
if ( $type_report == 'automatic_graph' ) {
array_push ( $modules , array (
'module' => $graph_item [ 'id_agent_module' ],
'server' => $graph_item [ 'id_server' ]));
else {
array_push ( $modules , $graph_item [ 'id_agent_module' ]);
array_push ( $weights , $graph_item [ " weight " ]);
if ( in_array ( 'label' , $content [ 'style' ])) {
$item = array ( 'type' => 'custom_graph' ,
@ -5260,8 +5252,13 @@ function reporting_custom_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
break ;
if ( $config [ 'metaconsole' ]) {
metaconsole_restore_db ();
if ( $type_report == 'automatic_graph' ) {
// Do none
else {
if ( $config [ 'metaconsole' ]) {
metaconsole_restore_db ();
return reporting_check_structure_content ( $return );
@ -5629,8 +5626,7 @@ function reporting_get_group_detailed_event ($id_group, $period = 0,
$date = 0 , $return = false , $html = true ,
$filter_event_validated = false , $filter_event_critical = false ,
$filter_event_warning = false , $filter_event_no_validated = false ,
$filter_event_filter_search = null , $return_type = false ,
$history = false , $filter_event_type = false ) {
$filter_event_filter_search = null , $return_type = false , $history = false ) {
global $config ;
@ -5662,7 +5658,7 @@ function reporting_get_group_detailed_event ($id_group, $period = 0,
$events = events_get_group_events ( $id_group , $period , $date ,
$filter_event_validated , $filter_event_critical ,
$filter_event_warning , $filter_event_no_validated ,
$filter_event_filter_search , false , $history , $filter_event_type );
$filter_event_filter_search , false , $history );
if ( $return_type === 'hash' ) {
return $events ;
@ -5858,8 +5854,7 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
function reporting_get_agents_detailed_event ( $id_agents , $period = 0 ,
$date = 0 , $return = false , $filter_event_validated = false ,
$filter_event_critical = false , $filter_event_warning = false ,
$filter_event_no_validated = false , $only_data = false ,
$history = false , $filter_event_type = false ) {
$filter_event_no_validated = false , $only_data = false , $history = false ) {
global $config ;
@ -5885,8 +5880,8 @@ function reporting_get_agents_detailed_event ($id_agents, $period = 0,
( int ) $period ,
( int ) $date ,
$filter_event_validated , $filter_event_critical ,
$filter_event_warning , $filter_event_no_validated ,
$history , $filter_event_type );
$filter_event_warning , $filter_event_no_validated ,
$history );
if ( empty ( $event )) {
$event = array ();
@ -6537,7 +6532,11 @@ function reporting_get_stats_agents_monitors($data) {
$tdata [ 1 ] = $data [ " total_agents " ] <= 0 ? '-' : $data [ " total_agents " ];
$tdata [ 1 ] = '<a class="big_data" href="' . $urls [ 'total_agents' ] . '">' . $tdata [ 1 ] . '</a>' ;
/* Hello there ! : )
We added some of what seems to be " buggy " messages to the openSource version recently . This is not to force open - source users to move to the enterprise version , this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support . This does not imply open - source version is limited in any way . If you check the recently added code , it contains only warnings and messages , no limitations except one : we removed the option to add custom logo in header . In the Update Manager section , it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that' s why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support . It ' s not a joke , we know of many setups with a huge number of agents , and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” : (
You can of course remove the warnings , that 's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that' s why we added here this comment , to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years .
if ( $data [ " total_agents " ] > 500 && ! enterprise_installed ()) {
$tdata [ 2 ] = " <div id='agentsmodal' class='publienterprise' title='Community version' style=''><img data-title='Enterprise version' class='img_help forced_title' data-use_title_for_force_title='1' src='images/alert_enterprise.png'></div> " ;
@ -6546,7 +6545,11 @@ function reporting_get_stats_agents_monitors($data) {
$tdata [ 4 ] = $data [ " monitor_checks " ] <= 0 ? '-' : $data [ " monitor_checks " ];
$tdata [ 4 ] = '<a class="big_data" href="' . $urls [ 'monitor_checks' ] . '">' . $tdata [ 4 ] . '</a>' ;
/* Hello there ! : )
We added some of what seems to be " buggy " messages to the openSource version recently . This is not to force open - source users to move to the enterprise version , this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support . This does not imply open - source version is limited in any way . If you check the recently added code , it contains only warnings and messages , no limitations except one : we removed the option to add custom logo in header . In the Update Manager section , it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that' s why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support . It ' s not a joke , we know of many setups with a huge number of agents , and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” : (
You can of course remove the warnings , that 's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that' s why we added here this comment , to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years .
if (( $data [ " monitor_checks " ] / $data [ " total_agents " ] > 100 ) && ! enterprise_installed ()) {
$tdata [ 5 ] = " <div id='monitorcheckmodal' class='publienterprise' title='Community version' style=''><img data-title='Enterprise version' class='img_help forced_title' data-use_title_for_force_title='1' src='images/alert_enterprise.png'></div> " ;