2013-05-07 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm, util/pandora_db.pl: Several improvements. Added support for detecting other running instances of the script. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8110 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2013-05-07 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm,
util/pandora_db.pl: Several improvements. Added support for detecting
other running instances of the script.
2013-05-03 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm: Add a default module_interval.
@ -36,10 +36,12 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -945,6 +947,37 @@ sub db_insert_get_values ($) {
return ($columns, \@values);
## Try to obtain the given lock.
sub db_get_lock($$;$) {
my ($dbh, $lock_name, $lock_timeout) = @_;
# Set a default lock timeout of 1 second
$lock_timeout = 1 if (! defined ($lock_timeout));
# Attempt to get the lock!
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT GET_LOCK(?, ?)');
$sth->execute($lock_name, $lock_timeout);
my ($lock) = $sth->fetchrow;
# Something went wrong
return 0 if (! defined ($lock));
return $lock;
## Release the given lock.
sub db_release_lock($$) {
my ($dbh, $lock_name) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)');
my ($lock) = $sth->fetchrow;
# End of function declaration
# End of defined Code
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# Includes list
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation
use DBI; # DB interface with MySQL
use POSIX qw(strftime);
@ -43,32 +44,6 @@ my $SMALL_OPERATION_STEP = 1000; # Each long operations has a LIMIT of SMALL_OPE
# FLUSH in each IO
$| = 1;
# Init
# Read config file
pandora_load_config (\%conf);
# Load enterprise module
if (enterprise_load (\%conf) == 0) {
print " [*] Pandora FMS Enterprise module not available.\n\n";
} else {
print " [*] Pandora FMS Enterprise module loaded.\n\n";
# Connect to the DB
my $dbh = db_connect ('mysql', $conf{'dbname'}, $conf{'dbhost'}, $conf{'dbport'}, $conf{'dbuser'}, $conf{'dbpass'});
my $history_dbh = ($conf{'_history_db_enabled'} eq '1') ? db_connect ('mysql', $conf{'_history_db_name'},
$conf{'_history_db_host'}, '3306', $conf{'_history_db_user'}, $conf{'_history_db_pass'}) : undef;
# Main
pandoradb_main(\%conf, $dbh, $history_dbh);
# Cleanup and exit
db_disconnect ($history_dbh) if defined ($history_dbh);
db_disconnect ($dbh);
# Delete old data from the database.
@ -88,7 +63,7 @@ sub pandora_purgedb ($$) {
# Delete old numeric data
print "[PURGE] Deleting old data... \n";
pandora_delete_old_module_data ('tagente_datos', $ulimit_access_timestamp, $ulimit_timestamp);
pandora_delete_old_module_data ($dbh, 'tagente_datos', $ulimit_access_timestamp, $ulimit_timestamp);
# Delete extended session data
if (enterprise_load (\%conf) != 0) {
@ -158,7 +133,7 @@ sub pandora_purgedb ($$) {
$ulimit_access_timestamp = time() - 86400;
$ulimit_timestamp = time() - (86400 * $conf->{'_days_purge'});
print "[PURGE] Deleting old string data... \n";
pandora_delete_old_module_data ('tagente_datos_string', $ulimit_access_timestamp, $ulimit_timestamp);
pandora_delete_old_module_data ($dbh, 'tagente_datos_string', $ulimit_access_timestamp, $ulimit_timestamp);
# Delete event data
if (!defined($conf->{'_event_purge'})){
@ -224,7 +199,7 @@ sub pandora_purgedb ($$) {
my $trap_limit = time() - 86400 * $conf->{'_trap_purge'};
$trap_limit = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($trap_limit));
print "[PURGE] Deleting old SNMP traps data (More than " . $conf->{'__trap_purge'} . " days)... \n";
print "[PURGE] Deleting old SNMP traps data (More than " . $conf->{'_trap_purge'} . " days)... \n";
db_do($dbh, "DELETE FROM ttrap WHERE timestamp < '$trap_limit'");
# Delete policy queue data
@ -237,7 +212,7 @@ sub pandora_purgedb ($$) {
my $gis_limit = time() - 86400 * $conf->{'_gis_purge'};
$gis_limit = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($gis_limit));
print "[PURGE] Deleting old GID data (More than " . $conf->{'__gis_purge'} . " days)... \n";
print "[PURGE] Deleting old GID data (More than " . $conf->{'_gis_purge'} . " days)... \n";
db_do($dbh, "DELETE FROM tgis_data_history WHERE end_timestamp < '$gis_limit'");
# Delete pending modules
@ -370,7 +345,7 @@ sub pandora_purge_log_dir ($$;$) {
if ($sub_dir < $limits->[$depth]) {
rmtree ($dir . '/' . $sub_dir);
} elsif ($sub_dir == $limits->[$depth]) {
pandora_purge_log_dir ($dir . '/' . $sub_dir, $limits, $depth + 1)
&pandora_purge_log_dir ($dir . '/' . $sub_dir, $limits, $depth + 1)
@ -469,6 +444,8 @@ sub pandora_init ($) {
help_screen () if ($#ARGV < 0);
$conf->{'_pandora_path'} = shift(@ARGV);
$conf->{'_onlypurge'} = 0;
$conf->{'_force'} = 0;
# If there are valid parameters store it
foreach my $param (@ARGV) {
@ -486,6 +463,9 @@ sub pandora_init ($) {
elsif ($param =~ m/-d\z/i) {
$conf->{'_debug'} = 1;
elsif ($param =~ m/-f\z/i) {
$conf->{'_force'} = 1;
help_screen () if ($conf->{'_pandora_path'} eq '');
@ -682,7 +662,8 @@ sub pandora_checkdb_consistency {
sub help_screen{
print "Usage: $0 <path to pandora_server.conf> [options]\n\n";
print "\t\t-p Only purge and consistency check, skip compact.\n\n";
print "\t\t-p Only purge and consistency check, skip compact.\n";
print "\t\t-f Force execution event if another instance of $0 is running.\n\n";
exit -1;
@ -690,7 +671,7 @@ sub help_screen{
# Delete old module data.
sub pandora_delete_old_module_data {
my ($table, $ulimit_access_timestamp, $ulimit_timestamp) = @_;
my ($dbh, $table, $ulimit_access_timestamp, $ulimit_timestamp) = @_;
my $first_mark;
my $total_time;
@ -727,6 +708,7 @@ sub pandora_delete_old_module_data {
usleep (10000);
$purge_count = $purge_count - $SMALL_OPERATION_STEP;
print "\n[PURGE] Data deletion Progress (".$ax."%) ";
print "\n";
@ -768,5 +750,43 @@ sub pandoradb_main ($$$) {
db_do ($dbh, "INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('db_maintance', '".time()."')");
print "\nEnding at ". strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . "\n";
exit 0;
# Init
# Read config file
pandora_load_config (\%conf);
# Load enterprise module
if (enterprise_load (\%conf) == 0) {
print " [*] Pandora FMS Enterprise module not available.\n\n";
} else {
print " [*] Pandora FMS Enterprise module loaded.\n\n";
# Connect to the DB
my $dbh = db_connect ('mysql', $conf{'dbname'}, $conf{'dbhost'}, $conf{'dbport'}, $conf{'dbuser'}, $conf{'dbpass'});
my $history_dbh = ($conf{'_history_db_enabled'} eq '1') ? db_connect ('mysql', $conf{'_history_db_name'},
$conf{'_history_db_host'}, '3306', $conf{'_history_db_user'}, $conf{'_history_db_pass'}) : undef;
# Get a lock
my $lock = db_get_lock ($dbh, 'pandora_db');
if ($lock == 0 && $conf{'_force'} == 0) {
print " [*] Another instance of pandora_db seems to be running.\n\n";
exit 1;
# Main
pandoradb_main(\%conf, $dbh, $history_dbh);
# Cleanup and exit
db_disconnect ($history_dbh) if defined ($history_dbh);
db_disconnect ($dbh);
# Release the lock
if ($lock == 1) {
db_release_lock ($dbh, 'pandora_db');
exit 0;
Reference in New Issue