From a6c62373816a03ac6ee6a6e94a313346649e9152 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vgilc <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 13:29:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] 2012-02-24  Vanessa Gil  <>

	* include/functions_reporting.php
	  godmode/reporting/graphs.php: Added template graph tabs to graph
	builder view.

git-svn-id: c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
 pandora_console/ChangeLog                     |   6 +
 .../reporting/graph_template_editor.php       | 225 ---------
 .../reporting/graph_template_item_editor.php  | 236 ----------
 .../godmode/reporting/graph_template_list.php | 166 -------
 .../reporting/graph_template_wizard.php       | 431 ------------------
 pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graphs.php  |  34 +-
 .../include/functions_reporting.php           |  80 +---
 7 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 1144 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor.php
 delete mode 100644 pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor.php
 delete mode 100644 pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_list.php
 delete mode 100644 pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard.php

diff --git a/pandora_console/ChangeLog b/pandora_console/ChangeLog
index bdd64dda64..d350084f2c 100644
--- a/pandora_console/ChangeLog
+++ b/pandora_console/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2012-02-24  Vanessa Gil  <>
+	* include/functions_reporting.php
+	  godmode/reporting/graphs.php: Added template graph tabs to graph
+	builder view.
 2012-02-24  Junichi Satoh  <>
 	include/help/ja/help_ff_threshold.php: Small warning about do not
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor.php b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c1380de357..0000000000
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// Pandora FMS -
-// ==================================================
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
-// Please see for full contribution list
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-global $config;
-check_login ();
-if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW")) {
-	db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation",
-		"Trying to access graph builder");
-	include ("general/noaccess.php");
-	exit;
-$update = get_parameter('edit_template', 0);
-$create = get_parameter('create_template', 0);
-$id_template = get_parameter('id', 0);
-if ($create){
-	$stacked = get_parameter('stacked');
-	$events = get_parameter('events');
-	$period = get_parameter('period');
-	$name = get_parameter('name');
-	$description = get_parameter('description');
-	$id_group = get_parameter('id_group');
-	$width = get_parameter('width');
-	$height = get_parameter('height');
-	$values = array (
-			'name' => $name,
-			'id_user' => $config['id_user'],
-			'period' => $period,
-			'width' => $width,
-			'height' => $height,
-			'id_group' => $id_group,
-			'stacked' => $stacked,
-			'private' => 0,
-			'events' => $events,
-			'description' => $description
-			);
-	$id_template = db_process_sql_insert('tgraph_template', $values);
-$buttons['graph_list'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graphs">' .
-		html_print_image("images/god6.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph list'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['wizard'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard">' .
-		html_print_image("images/wand.png", true, array ("title" => __('Wizard'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['template'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list">' .
-		html_print_image("images/paste_plain.png", true, array ("title" => __('Templates'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['template_editor'] = array('active' => true,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor&id='.$id_template.'">' .
-		html_print_image("images/config.png", true, array ("title" => __('Item editor'))) .'</a>');
-// Header
-ui_print_page_header (__('Graph template editor'), "", false, "", true, $buttons);
-if ($create) {
-	if ($id_template === false) {
-			ui_print_error_message ('Error creating template');
-		} else {
-			ui_print_success_message ('Template created successfully');
-		}
-if ($id_template) {
-	$template_data = db_get_row_sql("SELECT * FROM tgraph_template WHERE id_graph_template = " . $id_template);
-	$stacked = $template_data['stacked'];
-	$events = $template_data['events'];
-	$period = $template_data['period'];
-	$name = $template_data['name'];
-	$description = $template_data['description'];
-	$id_group = $template_data['id_group'];
-	$width = $template_data['width'];
-	$height = $template_data['height'];
-} else {
-	$id_agent = 0;
-	$id_module = 0;
-	$id_group = 0;
-	$name = "";
-	$description = "";
-	$width = 550;
-	$height = 210;
-	$period = 86400;
-	$events = 0;
-	$factor = 1;
-	$stacked = 0;
-if ($update) {
-	$stacked = get_parameter('stacked');
-	$events = get_parameter('events');
-	$period = get_parameter('period');
-	$name = get_parameter('name');
-	$description = get_parameter('description');
-	$id_group = get_parameter('id_group');
-	$width = get_parameter('width');
-	$height = get_parameter('height');
-	if ($name == '') {
-		ui_print_error_message (__('Not updated. Blank name'));
-    } else {
-		$result = db_process_sql_update ('tgraph_template',
-			array (
-				'name' => $name,
-				'period' => $period,
-				'width' => $width,
-				'height' => $height,
-				'id_group' => $id_group,
-				'stacked' => $stacked,
-				'events' => $events,
-				'description' => $description
-				),
-			array ('id_graph_template' => $id_template));
-        ui_print_result_message ($result, __('Template updated successfully'), __('Error updating template'));
-	}
-// -----------------------
-// -----------------------
-echo "<table width='98%' cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4 class='databox_color'>";
-if ($id_template)
-	echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor&edit_template=1&id=" . $id_template . "'>";
-	echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor&create_template=1&id=" . $id_template . "'>";
-echo "<tr>";
-echo "<td class='datos'><b>".__('Name')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos'><input type='text' name='name' size='25' ";
-echo "value='" . $name . "'>";
-$own_info = get_user_info ($config['id_user']);
-if ($own_info['is_admin'] || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "PM"))
-	$return_all_groups = true;
-	$return_all_groups = false;
-echo "<td><b>".__('Group')."</b></td><td>" .
-	html_print_select_groups($config['id_user'], "AR", $return_all_groups, 'graph_id_group', $id_group, '', '', '', true) .
-	"</td></tr>";
-echo "<tr>";
-echo "<td class='datos2'><b>".__('Description')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos2' colspan=3><textarea name='description' style='height:45px;' cols=55 rows=2>";
-echo $description;
-echo "</textarea>";
-echo "</td></tr>";
-echo "<tr>";
-echo "<td class='datos'>";
-echo "<b>".__('Width')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos'>";
-echo "<input type='text' name='width' value='$width' size=6></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos2'>";
-echo "<b>".__('Height')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos2'>";
-echo "<input type='text' name='height' value='$height' size=6></td></tr>";
-$periods = array(3600 => "1 ".__('hour'), 7200 => "2 ".__('hours'), 10800 => "3 ".__('hours'),
-					21600 => "6 ".__('hours'), 43200 => "12 ".__('hours'), 86400 => "1 ".__('day'),
-					172800 => "2 ".__('days'), 345600 => "4 ".__('days'), 604800 => __('Last week'),
-					1296000 => "15 ".__('days'), 2592000 => __('Last month'), 5184000 => "2 ".__('months'),
-					15552000 => "6 ".__('months'), 31104000 => __('1 year'), 31104000 => __('1 year'));
-echo "<tr>";
-echo "<td class='datos'>";
-echo "<b>".__('Period')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos'>";
-html_print_select ($periods, 'period', $period);
-echo "</td><td class='datos2'>";
-echo "<b>".__('Stacked')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos2'>";
-include_once($config["homedir"] . "/include/functions_graph.php");
-$stackeds = array(
-	GRAPH_AREA => __('Area'),
-	GRAPH_STACKED_AREA => __('Stacked area'),
-	GRAPH_LINE => __('Line'),
-	GRAPH_STACKED_LINE => __('Stacked line'));
-html_print_select ($stackeds, 'stacked', $stacked);
-echo "</td>";
-echo "<tr>";
-echo "<td class='datos'>";
-echo "<b>".__('View events')."</b></td>";
-echo "<td class='datos'>";
-html_print_checkbox('events', 1, $events);
-echo "</td>";
-echo "<td></td><td></td>";
-echo "</tr>";
-echo "<tr><td colspan='4' align='right'>";
-if ($id_template) {
-	echo "<input type=submit class='sub upd' value='".__('Update')."'>";
-else {
-	echo "<input type=submit class='sub next' value='".__('Create')."'>";
-echo "</td></tr></table>";
-echo "</form>";
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor.php b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e0434d9077..0000000000
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// Pandora FMS -
-// ==================================================
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
-// Please see for full contribution list
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-global $config;
-check_login ();
-if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW")) {
-	db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation",
-		"Trying to access graph builder");
-	include ("general/noaccess.php");
-	exit;
-$id_template = get_parameter('id',0);
-$delete = get_parameter('delete',0);
-$multiple_delete = (bool)get_parameter('multiple_delete', 0);
-$change_weight = (bool)get_parameter('change_weight', 0);
-$create = get_parameter('add',0);
-$buttons['graph_list'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graphs">' .
-		html_print_image("images/god6.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph list'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['wizard'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard">' .
-		html_print_image("images/wand.png", true, array ("title" => __('Wizard'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['template'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list">' .
-		html_print_image("images/paste_plain.png", true, array ("title" => __('Templates'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['template_editor'] = array('active' => true,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor&id='.$id_template.'">' .
-		html_print_image("images/config.png", true, array ("title" => __('Template editor'))) .'</a>');
-// Header
-ui_print_page_header (__('Graph template editor'), "", false, "", true, $buttons);
-if ($create) {
-	if (!$id_template) {
-		ui_print_error_message ('Not created. Blank template.');
-	} else {
-		$agent = get_parameter('agent', '');
-		$module = get_parameter('module', '');
-		$match = get_parameter('match', 0);
-		$weight = get_parameter('weight', 1);
-		if ($module != '') { 
-			$values = array (
-					'id_template' => $id_template,
-					'agent' => $agent,
-					'module' => $module,
-					'exact_match' => $match,
-					'weight' => $weight
-					);
-			$id_gs_template = db_process_sql_insert('tgraph_source_template', $values);	
-			if ($id_gs_template === false) {
-				ui_print_error_message ('Error creating template');
-			} else {
-				ui_print_success_message ('Template created successfully');
-			}
-		} else {
-			ui_print_error_message ('Not created. Blank module');
-		}
-	}
-if ($delete) {
-	$id_gs_template = get_parameter('id_gs_template');
-	$id_template = get_parameter('id_template');
-	$result = db_process_sql_delete ('tgraph_source_template',
-		array ('id_gs_template' => $id_gs_template));
-	if ($result !== false) {
-		$result = true;
-	} else {
-		$result = false;
-	}
-	ui_print_result_message ($result,
-		__('Successfully deleted'),
-		__('Not deleted. Error deleting data'));
-if ($multiple_delete) {
-	$ids = (array)get_parameter('delete_multiple', array());
-	db_process_sql_begin();
-	foreach ($ids as $id) {
-		$result = db_process_sql_delete ('tgraph_source_template',
-			array ('id_gs_template' => $id));
-		if ($result === false) {
-			db_process_sql_rollback();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if ($result !== false) {
-		db_process_sql_commit();
-	}
-	if ($result !== false) $result = true;
-	else $result = false;
-	ui_print_result_message ($result,
-		__('Successfully deleted'),
-		__('Not deleted. Error deleting data'));
-if ($change_weight) {
-	$new_weight = get_parameter('new_weight');
-	$id_gs_template = get_parameter ('id_gs_template');
-	$value = array (
-		'weight' => $new_weight
-		);
-	$result = db_process_sql_update('tgraph_source_template', $value, array('id_gs_template'=>$id_gs_template)); 
-if ($id_template) {
-	$sql = "SELECT * FROM tgraph_source_template where id_template=$id_template";
-	$templates = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
-	if ($templates != false) {
-		$table_aux->width = '98%';
-		$table_aux->size = array();
-		//$table_aux->size[0] = '40%';
-		$table_aux->size[1] = '40%';
-		$table_aux->size[2] = '30%';
-		$table_aux->size[3] = '20%';
-		$table_aux->size[4] = '60px';
-		//$table_aux->head[0] = __('Agent');
-		//$table_aux->align[0] = 'center';
-		$table_aux->head[1] = __('Module');
-		$table_aux->align[1] = 'center';
-		$table_aux->head[2] = __('Weight');
-		$table_aux->align[2] = 'center';
-		$table_aux->head[3] = __('Exact match');
-		$table_aux->align[3] = 'center';
-		$table_aux->head[4] = __('Action') . html_print_checkbox('all_delete', 0, false, true, false, 'check_all_checkboxes();');
-		$table_aux->align[4] = 'center';
-		$table_aux->data = array();
-		foreach ($templates as $template) {
-			$data = array();
-			//$data[0] = $template['agent'];
-			$data[1] = $template['module'];
-			$dec_weight = $template['weight']-0.125;
-			$inc_weight = $template['weight']+0.125;
-			$data[2] = "<a href='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor&id=".$template['id_template']."&change_weight=1&new_weight=".$dec_weight."&id_gs_template=". $template['id_gs_template']. "'>".
-				html_print_image('images/down.png', true, array ('title' => __('Decrease Weight')))."</a>".
-				$template['weight']. 
-				"<a href='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor&id=".$template['id_template']."&change_weight=1&new_weight=".$inc_weight."&id_gs_template=". $template['id_gs_template']. "'>".
-				html_print_image('images/up.png', true, array ('title' => __('Increase Weight')))."</a>";
-			if ($template['exact_match'])
-				$data[3] = __('Yes');
-			else 
-				$data[3] = __('No');
-			$data[4] = "<a onclick='if(confirm(\"" . __('Are you sure?') . "\")) return true; else return false;' 
-				href='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor&delete=1&id_gs_template=".$template['id_gs_template']."&id_template=".$template['id_template']."&offset=0'>" . 
-				html_print_image('images/cross.png', true, array('title' => __('Delete'))) . "</a>" .
-				html_print_checkbox_extended ('delete_multiple[]', $template['id_gs_template'], false, false, '', 'class="check_delete"', true);
-			array_push ($table_aux->data, $data);
-		}
-		if(isset($data)) {
-			echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor'>";
-			html_print_input_hidden('multiple_delete', 1);
-			html_print_table ($table_aux);
-			echo "<div style='padding-bottom: 20px; text-align: right; width:" . $table_aux->width . "'>";
-			html_print_submit_button(__('Delete'), 'delete_btn', false, 'class="sub delete"');
-			echo "</div>";
-			echo "</form>";
-		}
-	}
-//Configuration form
-$table->width = '98%';
-$table->data = array();
-//$table->data[0][0] = '<b>'.__('Agent').'</b>';
-//$table->data[1][0] = html_print_input_text('agent', '', '', 30, 255, true);
-$table->data[0][0] = '<b>'.__('Module').'</b>'."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-$table->data[0][0] .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".html_print_input_text('module', '', '', 30, 255, true);
-$table->data[1][0] = '<b>'.__('Weight').'</b>'."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-$table->data[1][0] .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.html_print_input_text('weight', 2, '', 3, 5, true);
-$table->data[2][0] = __('Exact match')."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-$table->data[2][0] .= html_print_checkbox('match', 1, 0, true);
-echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_item_editor&add=1&id='.$id_template.'">';
-echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width: '.$table->width.'">';
-html_print_submit_button (__('Add'), 'crt', false, 'class="sub add"');
-echo '</div>';
-echo '</form>';
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function check_all_checkboxes() {
-	if ($("input[name=all_delete]").attr('checked')) {
-		$(".check_delete").attr('checked', true);
-	}
-	else {
-		$(".check_delete").attr('checked', false);
-	}
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_list.php b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_list.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c178597e0..0000000000
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_list.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Pandora FMS -
-// ==================================================
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
-// Please see for full contribution list
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// Load global variables
-global $config;
-require_once ('include/functions_reporting.php');
-// Check user credentials
-check_login ();
-if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW")) {
-	db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation",
-		"Trying to access Inventory Module Management");
-	require ("general/noaccess.php");
-	return;
-$buttons['graph_list'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graphs">' .
-		html_print_image("images/god6.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph list'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['wizard'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard">' .
-		html_print_image("images/wand.png", true, array ("title" => __('Wizard'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['template'] = array('active' => true,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list">' .
-		html_print_image("images/paste_plain.png", true, array ("title" => __('Templates'))) .'</a>');
-// Header
-ui_print_page_header (__('Graph template management'), "", false, "", true, $buttons);
-$delete = get_parameter ('delete_template', 0);
-$id_template = get_parameter('id', 0);
-$multiple_delete = (bool)get_parameter('multiple_delete', 0);
-if ($delete) {
-	$result = db_process_sql_delete ('tgraph_template',
-		array ('id_graph_template' => $id_template));
-	if ($result !== false)
-		$result = true;
-	else
-		$result = false;
-	ui_print_result_message ($result,
-		__('Successfully deleted'),
-		__('Not deleted. Error deleting data'));
-if ($multiple_delete) {
-	$ids = (array)get_parameter('delete_multiple', array());
-	db_process_sql_begin();
-	foreach ($ids as $id) {
-		$result = db_process_sql_delete ('tgraph_template',
-			array ('id_graph_template' => $id));
-		if ($result === false) {
-			db_process_sql_rollback();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if ($result !== false) {
-		db_process_sql_commit();
-	}
-	if ($result !== false) $result = true;
-	else $result = false;
-	ui_print_result_message ($result,
-		__('Successfully deleted'),
-		__('Not deleted. Error deleting data'));
-$own_info = get_user_info ($config['id_user']);
-if ($own_info['is_admin'] || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "PM"))
-	$return_all_group = true;
-	$return_all_group = false;
-$templates = reporting_template_graphs_get_user ($config['id_user'], false, $return_all_group, "IW");
-if (! empty ($templates)) {
-	$table->width = '98%';
-	$tale->class = 'databox_frame';
-	$table->align = array ();
-	$table->align[3] = 'center';
-	$table->head = array ();
-	$table->head[0] = __('Template name');
-	$table->head[1] = __('Description');
-	$table->head[3] = __('Group');
-	$table->size[3] = '50px';
-	if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AW")) {
-		$table->align[4] = 'center';
-		$table->head[4] = __('Action'). html_print_checkbox('all_delete', 0, false, true, false, 'check_all_checkboxes();');
-		$table->size[4] = '60px';
-	}
-	$table->data = array ();
-	foreach ($templates as $template) {
-		$data = array ();
-		$data[0] = '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor&id='.
-			$template['id_graph_template'].'">'.$template['name'].'</a>';
-		$data[1] = $template["description"];
-		$data[3] = ui_print_group_icon($template['id_group'],true);
-		if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AW")) {
-			$data[4] = '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list&delete_template=1&id='
-				.$template['id_graph_template'].'" onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\'))
-					return false;">' . html_print_image("images/cross.png", true) . '</a>'. 
-				html_print_checkbox_extended ('delete_multiple[]', $template['id_graph_template'], false, false, '', 'class="check_delete"', true);
-		}
-		array_push ($table->data, $data);
-	}
-	echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list'>";
-	html_print_input_hidden('multiple_delete', 1);
-	html_print_table ($table);
-	echo "<div style='padding-bottom: 20px; text-align: right; width:" . $table->width . "'>";
-	html_print_submit_button(__('Delete'), 'delete_btn', false, 'class="sub delete"');
-	echo "</div>";
-	echo "</form>";
-else {
-	echo "<div class='nf'>".__('There are no defined graph templates')."</div>";
-echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_editor">';
-echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width: 98%;">';
-html_print_submit_button (__('Create template'), 'create', false, 'class="sub next"');
-echo "</div>";
-echo "</form>";
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function check_all_checkboxes() {
-	if ($("input[name=all_delete]").attr('checked')) {
-		$(".check_delete").attr('checked', true);
-	}
-	else {
-		$(".check_delete").attr('checked', false);
-	}
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard.php b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ff6f92710d..0000000000
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-// Pandora FMS -
-// ==================================================
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
-// Please see for full contribution list
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-global $config;
-// Login check
-check_login ();
-if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW")) {
-	db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation",
-		"Trying to access template wizard");
-	require ("general/noaccess.php");
-	exit;
-$id_template = get_parameter('id_template');
-$agent_filter = (string) get_parameter ('agent_filter', '');
-$agent_filter2 = (string) get_parameter ('agent_filter2', '');
-$template_selected = get_parameter ('template_selected');
-$cleanup_template = get_parameter('cleanup_template', 0);
-$action_wizard = get_parameter ('action_wizard');
-$template = get_parameter('templates');
-if (is_ajax()) {
-	$cleanup_template = get_parameter('cleanup_template', 0);
-	$id_template_cleanup = get_parameter('id_template_cleanup');
-	// Cleanup applied template from database
-	if ($cleanup_template){
-		$sql = "SELECT id_graph FROM tgraph WHERE id_graph_template=$id_template_cleanup";
-		$id_graphs = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
-		$result = db_process_sql_delete('tgraph', array('id_graph_template' => $id_template_cleanup));
-		if($result) {
-			foreach ($id_graphs as $id_graph) {
-				$result_aux = db_process_sql_delete('tgraph_source', array('id_graph' => $id_graph));
-			}
-			echo 1;
-		} else {
-			echo 0;
-		}	
-	}
-	return;
-// Result for cleanup functionality
-echo '<div id="sucess_cleanup" style="display:none">'; 
-		ui_print_success_message(__('Cleanup sucessfully'));
-echo '</div>';	
-echo '<div id="wrong_cleanup" style="display:none">';
-		ui_print_error_message(__('Cleanup error'));
-echo '</div>';
-$buttons['graph_list'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graphs">' .
-		html_print_image("images/god6.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph list'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['wizard'] = array('active' => true,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard">' .
-		html_print_image("images/wand.png", true, array ("title" => __('Wizard'))) .'</a>');
-$buttons['template'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list">' .
-		html_print_image("images/paste_plain.png", true, array ("title" => __('Templates'))) .'</a>');
-// Header
-ui_print_page_header (__('Wizard template'), "", false, "", true, $buttons);
-// Apply templates action
-if ($action_wizard == 'apply') {
-	$agents_selected = (array) get_parameter ('id_agents2');
-	$template_selected = get_parameter('templates');
-	if (empty($agents_selected) || empty($template_selected))
-		$result = false;
-	else {
-		$result = reporting_apply_report_template_graph($agents_selected, $template_selected);
-	}
-<table style="" class="databox" id="" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="98%">
-	<tr style="" class="datos">
-		<td>
-				<?php 
-					echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard&action=wizard&id_template=' . $id_template . '">';
-					// List all available templates
-					$own_info = get_user_info ($config['id_user']);
-					if ($own_info['is_admin'] || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "PM"))
-						$return_all_group = true;
-					else
-						$return_all_group = false;
-					$templates = reporting_template_graphs_get_user ($config['id_user'], false, true, 'IW');
-					if ($templates === false)
-						$template_select = array();
-					else{
-						foreach ($templates as $template){
-							$template_select[$template['id_graph_template']] = $template['name'];
-						}
-					}
-					echo  __('Templates') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-					html_print_select($template_select, 'templates', $template_selected, '', __('None'), '0', false, false, true, '', false, 'width:180px;');
-					echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-					echo '<a id="cleanup_template" href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard&cleanup_template=1&id_template=' . $id_template .'">'; 
-					html_print_image ('images/clean.png', false, array ('title' => __('Clean up template')));
-					echo '</a>';
-				?>
-		</td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr style="" class="datos">
-		<td>
-				<?php
-					echo __('Filter group') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-					html_print_select(groups_get_all(), 'group', '', "", __('All'), '0', false, false, true, '', false, 'width:180px;'); 
-					echo "<div id='loading_group' class='loading_div' style='display:none; float:left;'><img src='images/spinner.gif'></div>";
-				?>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr style="" class="datos">
-		<td>
-				<?php
-					echo __('Filter agent') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-					html_print_input_text ('agent_filter', $agent_filter, '', 22, 150);
-					echo "<div id='loading_filter' class='loading_div' style='display:none; float:left;'><img src='images/spinner.gif'></div>";
-				?>
-		</td>
-	</tr>	
-	<tr style="" class="datos">
-		<td>
-				<?php
-					echo "<b>" . __('Agents available')."</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . html_print_submit_button (__('Select all'), 'select_all', false, 'class="sub upd"', true);
-				?>
-		</td>
-		<td></td>
-		<td>
-				<?php
-					echo "<b>" . __('Agents to apply')."</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . html_print_submit_button (__('Select all'), 'select_all2', false, 'class="sub upd"', true);
-				?>
-		</td>
-	</tr>		
-	<tr style="" class="datos">
-		<td>
-		<?php 
-			$option_style = array();
-			/* This will keep agents that will be added to the template */ 
-			$template_agents_in = array();
-			$template_agents_all = agents_get_group_agents(0, false, '');
-			$template_agents_out = array();
-			$template_agents_out = array_diff_key($template_agents_all, $template_agents_in);
-			$template_agents_in_keys = array_keys($template_agents_in);
-			$template_agents_out_keys = array_keys($template_agents_out);
-			html_print_select ($template_agents_out, 'id_agents[]', 0, false, '', '', false, true, true, '', false, 'width: 100%;', $option_style);
-		?>
-		</td>
-		<td>
-		<br>
-		<?php 
-			html_print_image ('images/darrowright.png', false, array ('id' => 'right', 'title' => __('Add agents to template')));
-		?>
-		<br><br><br><br>
-		<?php 
-			html_print_image ('images/darrowleft.png', false, array ('id' => 'left', 'title' => __('Undo agents to template')));
-		?>	
-		<br><br><br>
-		</td>
-		<td>
-		<?php
-			$option_style = array();
-			/* Agents applied to the template */
-			html_print_select ($template_agents_in, 'id_agents2[]', 0, false, '', '', false, true, true, '', false, 'width: 100%;', $option_style);
-		?>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width: 98%;">';
-html_print_input_hidden('action_wizard', 'apply');
-html_print_submit_button (__('Apply template'), 'apply', false, 'class="sub next"');
-echo '</div>';
-echo '</form>';
-// Choose a weird separator
-$separator = ';;..;;..;;';
-html_print_input_hidden('separator', $separator);
-html_print_input_hidden('agents_in', implode($separator, $template_agents_in));
-html_print_input_hidden('agents_in_keys', implode($separator, $template_agents_in_keys));
-html_print_input_hidden('agents_out', implode($separator, $template_agents_out));
-html_print_input_hidden('agents_out_keys', implode($separator, $template_agents_out_keys));
-<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
-var agents_out;
-var agents_out_keys;
-var agents_in;
-var pending_delete_ids;
-var agents_in_keys;
-var separator;
-$(document).ready (function () {
-	// Get the agents in both sides from the hidden fields
-	separator = $("#hidden-separator").attr('value');
-	var aux;
-	aux = $("#hidden-agents_in").attr('value');
-	agents_in = aux.split(separator);
-	aux = $("#hidden-agents_in_keys").attr('value');
-	agents_in_keys = aux.split(separator);
-	aux = $("#hidden-agents_out").attr('value');
-	agents_out = aux.split(separator);
-	aux = $("#hidden-agents_out_keys").attr('value');
-	agents_out_keys = aux.split(separator);
-	$("select[name='group']").change(function(){
-		filterByGroup($(this).val(), '');
-	});
-	$("select[name='group2']").change(function(){
-		filterByGroup($(this).val(), '2');
-	});
-	function filterByGroup(idGroup, idSelect) {
-		$('#loading_group'+idSelect).show();
-		$('#id_agents'+idSelect).empty ();
-		search = $("#text-agent_filter"+idSelect).val();
- ("ajax.php",
-				{"page" : "godmode/groups/group_list",
-				"get_group_agents" : 1,
-				"search" : search,
-				"id_group" : idGroup
-				},
-				function (data, status) {			
-					var group_agents = new Array();
-					var group_agents_keys = new Array();
-					jQuery.each (data, function (id, value) {
-						group_agents.push(value);
-						group_agents_keys.push(id);
-					});
-					if(idSelect == '') {
-						agents_out_keys = group_agents_keys; 
-						agents_out = group_agents; 
-					}
-					else {
-						agents_in_keys = group_agents_keys; 
-						agents_in = group_agents; 
-					}
-					refresh_agents($("#text-agent_filter"+idSelect).attr('value'), agents_out_keys, agents_out, $("#id_agents"+idSelect));		
-				},
-				"json"
-			);	
-	}		
-	$("#group").click (function () {
-		$(this).css ("width", "auto"); 
-	});
-	$("#group").blur (function () {
-		$(this).css ("width", "180px"); 
-	});	
-	$("#group2").click (function () {
-		$(this).css ("width", "auto"); 
-	});
-	$("#group2").blur (function () {
-		$(this).css ("width", "180px"); 
-	});	
-	function refresh_agents(start_search, keys, values, select) {
-		var n = 0;
-		var i = 0;
-		select.empty();
-		values.forEach(function(item) {
-			var re = new RegExp(start_search,"gi");
-			match = item.match(re);
-			if(match != null) {
-				select.append ($("<option></option>").attr("value", keys[n]).html(values[n]));
-				i++;
-			}
-			n++;
-		});
-		if(i == 0) {
-			$(select).empty ();
-			$(select).append ($("<option></option>").attr ("value", 0).html ('<?php echo __('None');?>'));
-		}
-		$('.loading_div').hide();
-	}
-	$("#text-agent_filter").keyup (function () {
-		$('#loading_filter').show();
-		refresh_agents($(this).val(), agents_out_keys, agents_out, $("#id_agents"));
-	});	
-	$("#text-agent_filter2").keyup (function () {
-		$('#loading_filter2').show();
-		refresh_agents($(this).val(), agents_in_keys, agents_in, $("#id_agents2"));
-	});	
-	$("#right").click (function () {
-		jQuery.each($("select[name='id_agents[]'] option:selected"), function (key, value) {
-				agent_name = $(value).html();
-				if (agent_name != <?php echo "'".__('None')."'"; ?>){
-					id_agent = $(value).attr('value');
-					$("select[name='id_agents2[]']").append($("<option>").val(id_agent).html('<i>' + agent_name + '</i>'));
-					$("#id_agents").find("option[value='" + id_agent + "']").remove();
-				}
-		});			
-	});
-	$("#left").click(function(){
-		jQuery.each($("select[name='id_agents2[]'] option:selected"), function (key, value) {
-				agent_name = $(value).html();
-				if (agent_name != <?php echo "'".__('None')."'"; ?>){
-					id_agent = $(value).attr('value');
-					$("select[name='id_agents[]']").append($("<option>").val(id_agent).html('<i>' + agent_name + '</i>'));
-					$("#id_agents2").find("option[value='" + id_agent + "']").remove();
-				}
-		});				
-	});
-	$("#submit-apply").click(function () {
-		$('#id_agents2 option').map(function(){
-			$(this).attr('selected','selected');
-		});
-		//Prevent from applying template 'None' over agent 	
-		if ($("#templates").val() == 0){
-			alert( <?php echo "'" . __('Please set template distinct than ') . '"' . __('None') . '"' . "'"; ?> );
-			return false;
-		}		
-		if (!confirm ( <?php echo "'" . __('Are you sure?') . "'"; ?> ))
-			return false;
-	});	
-	$("#submit-select_all").click(function () {
-		$('#id_agents option').map(function(){
-			$(this).attr('selected','selected');
-		});
-		return false;
-	});	
-	$("#submit-select_all2").click(function () {
-		$('#id_agents2 option').map(function(){
-			$(this).attr('selected','selected');
-		});
-		return false;
-	});		
-	$("#cleanup_template").click(function () {
-		// Prevent user of current action
-		if (! confirm ( <?php echo "'" . __('This will be delete all reports created in previous template applications. Do you want to continue?') . "'"; ?> )) 
-			return false;		
-		// Prevent from applying template 'None' over agent 	
-		if ($("#templates").val() == 0){
-			alert( <?php echo "'" . __('Please set template distinct than ') . '"' . __('None') . '"' . "'"; ?> );
-			return false;
-		}
-		// Cleanup applied template
-		var params = [];
-		var result;
-		params.push("cleanup_template=1");
-		params.push("id_template_cleanup=" + $("#templates").val());
-		params.push("page=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard");
-		jQuery.ajax ({
-			data: params.join ("&"),
-			type: 'POST',
-			url: action="ajax.php",
-			async: false,
-			timeout: 10000,
-			success: function (data) {
-				result = data;
-				if (result == 1)
-					$("#sucess_cleanup").css("display", "");
-				else
-					$("#wrong_cleanup").css("display", "");
-			}
-		});
-		return false;
-	});			
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graphs.php b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graphs.php
index 09a9fee508..325393748b 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graphs.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/graphs.php
@@ -27,17 +27,37 @@ if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW")) {
+$activeTab = get_parameter('tab', 'main');
+$enterpriseEnable = false;
+if (enterprise_include_once('include/functions_reporting.php') !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
+	$enterpriseEnable = true;
 $buttons['graph_list'] = array('active' => true,
 		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graphs">' .
 		html_print_image("images/god6.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph list'))) .'</a>');
+if ($enterpriseEnable){
+	$buttons = reporting_enterprise_add_template_graph_tabs($buttons);
-$buttons['wizard'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_wizard">' .
-		html_print_image("images/wand.png", true, array ("title" => __('Wizard'))) .'</a>');
+$subsection = '';
+switch ($activeTab){
-$buttons['template'] = array('active' => false,
-		'text' => '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/graph_template_list">' .
-		html_print_image("images/paste_plain.png", true, array ("title" => __('Templates'))) .'</a>');
+	case 'main':	$buttons['graph_list']['active'] = true;
+					$subsection = ' &raquo; '.__('Graph list');
+					break;
+	default:		$subsection = reporting_enterprise_add_graph_template_subsection($activeTab, &$buttons);
+					break;
+	}
+switch ($activeTab) {
+	case 'main':	require_once('godmode/reporting/graphs.php');
+					break;
+	default:		reporting_enterprise_select_graph_template_tab($activeTab);
+					break;
 $delete_graph = (bool) get_parameter ('delete_graph');
 $view_graph = (bool) get_parameter ('view_graph');
@@ -126,7 +146,7 @@ if (! empty ($graphs)) {
 	if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AW")) {
 		$table->align[5] = 'center';
 		$table->head[5] = __('Delete'). html_print_checkbox('all_delete', 0, false, true, false, 'check_all_checkboxes();');
-		$table->size[5] = '50px';
+		$table->size[5] = '60px';
 	$table->data = array ();
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
index 2aff500b62..edc7a4eede 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
@@ -4640,7 +4640,7 @@ function reporting_get_agentmodule_ttr ($id_agent_module, $period, $date = 0) {
 	return $critical_period;
  * Get all the template graphs a user can see.
  * @param $id_user User id to check.
@@ -4689,82 +4689,4 @@ function reporting_template_graphs_get_user ($id_user = 0, $only_names = false,
 	return $templates;
- * Apply a template graph
- *
- * @param array $agents_selected to apply the template.
- * @param $template_selected
- *
- * @return
- */
-function reporting_apply_report_template_graph ($agents_selected, $template_selected) {
-	if ($agents_selected[0] == '') {
-		unset($agents_selected[0]);
-	}
-	if ($agents_selected != null) {
-		$template_data = db_get_row('tgraph_template','id_graph_template', $template_selected);
-		foreach ($agents_selected as $id_agent) {
-			$values = array(
-				'id_user' => $template_data['id_user'],
-				'name' => $template_data['name'],
-				'description' => $template_data['description'],
-				'period' => $template_data['period'],
-				'width' => $template_data['width'],
-				'height' => $template_data['height'],
-				'private' => $template_data['private'],
-				'events' => $template_data['events'],
-				'stacked' => $template_data['stacked'],
-				'id_group' => $template_data['id_group'],
-				'id_graph_template' => $template_selected
-			);
-			$id_graph = db_process_sql_insert('tgraph', $values);
-			$sql = "SELECT * FROM tgraph_source_template WHERE id_template=$template_selected";
-			$source_templates = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
-			foreach ($source_templates as $source) {
-				$modules = agents_get_modules($id_agent, false, array('disabled' => 0));
-				$exact_match = $source['exact_match'];
-				foreach ($modules as $key => $module) {
-					$insert_module = false;
-					if ($exact_match) {
-						if ($module == $source['module']) {
-							$insert_module = true;
-						}
-					} else {
-						$exp = '/'.$source['module'].'/i';
-						$result = preg_match($exp, $module);
-						if ($result) {
-							$insert_module = true;
-						}
-					}
-					if ($insert_module) {
-						$values_aux = array(
-							'id_graph' => $id_graph,
-							'id_agent_module' => $key,
-							'weight' => $source['weight']
-						);
-						$id_gs = db_process_sql_insert('tgraph_source', $values_aux);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ($id_graph) {
-			ui_print_success_message ('Template applied successfully');
-			//return true;
-		} else {
-			ui_print_error_message ('An error has ocurred apllying template');
-		}
-	} else {
-		ui_print_error_message ('Agent must be selected');
-	}
-	return false;