diff --git a/pandora_console/include/ajax/visual_console_builder.ajax.php b/pandora_console/include/ajax/visual_console_builder.ajax.php
index 461c20298a..52e77d2de2 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/ajax/visual_console_builder.ajax.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/ajax/visual_console_builder.ajax.php
@@ -251,20 +251,29 @@ switch ($action) {
 		if ($id_custom_graph != 0) {
 			$img = custom_graphs_print(
 				$id_custom_graph, $height, $width, $period,
 				null, true, 0, true, $background_color);
 		else {
-			$img = grafico_modulo_sparse($id_agent_module,
-				$period, 0, $width, $height, '', null, false, 1,
-				0, 0, '', 0, 0, true, true, '', 1, false, '',
-				false, false, true, $background_color,
-				false, false, false, $config['type_module_charts']);
+			$params =array(
+				'agent_module_id'     => $id_agent_module,
+				'period'              => $period,
+				'show_events'         => false,
+				'width'               => $width,
+				'height'              => $height,
+				//'only_image'          => true,
+				//'homeurl'             => '',
+				'menu'                => false,
+				'backgroundColor'     => $background_color,
+				'vconsole'            => true,
+				'type_graph'          => $config['type_module_charts']
+			);
+			$img = grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
 		//Restore db connection
 		if (!empty($id_metaconsole)) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions.php b/pandora_console/include/functions.php
index 6e95fb00f1..a1aff0d960 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions.php
@@ -3104,6 +3104,10 @@ function series_type_graph_array($data, $show_elements_graph){
 												) . ' ' . $series_suffix_str;
+			elseif(strpos($key, 'projection') !== false){
+				$data_return['series_type'][$key] = 'area';
+				$data_return['legend'][$key] = __('Projection') . ' ' . $series_suffix_str;
+			}
 				$data_return['series_type'][$key] = 'area';
@@ -3116,15 +3120,23 @@ function series_type_graph_array($data, $show_elements_graph){
 function generator_chart_to_pdf($params){
 	global $config;
 	$params_encode_json = urlencode(json_encode($params));
-	$file_js = "/var/www/html/pandora_console/include/web2image.js";
-	$url = "http://localhost/pandora_console/include/chart_generator.php";
-	$img_destination = "/var/www/html/pandora_console/attachment/imagen_". $params['agent_module_id'] .".png";
-	$width_img = 1048;
-	$height_img = 568;
-	html_debug_print("entra con: " . $params['agent_module_id'] ."  en el tiempo " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), true);
-	exec("phantomjs " . $file_js . " " . $url . "  '" . $params_encode_json . "' " . $img_destination . " " . $width_img . " " . $height_img);
-	html_debug_print("sale con:  " . $params['agent_module_id'] ."  en el tiempo " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), true);
-	return "<img src='/var/www/html/pandora_console/attachment/imagen_". $params['agent_module_id'] .".png' alt='la imagen bonica'>";
+	$file_js = $config["homedir"] . "/include/web2image.js";
+	$url = $config["homeurl"] . "/include/chart_generator.php";
+	$img_file = "img_". uniqid() . $params['agent_module_id'] .".png";
+	$img_path = $config["homedir"] . "/attachment/" . $img_file;
+	$img_url  = $config["homeurl"] . "/attachment/" . $img_file;
+	error_log($img_url);
+	$width_img  = 500;
+	$height_img = 450;
+	//html_debug_print('entrando en llamada a phantom.js.......', true);
+	$result = exec("phantomjs " . $file_js . " " . $url . "  '" . $params_encode_json . "' " . $img_path . " " . $width_img . " " . $height_img);
+	return '<img src="' . $img_url . '" />';
+	//header('Content-Type: image/png;');
+	//return '<img src="data:image/jpg;base64, '.$result.'" />';
+	//return "<img src='/var/www/html/pandora_console/attachment/imagen_". $params['agent_module_id'] .".png' alt='la imagen bonica'>";
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_api.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_api.php
index b65f17dbda..4a2168b58d 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_api.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_api.php
@@ -10041,25 +10041,13 @@ function api_get_module_graph($id_module, $thrash2, $other, $thrash4) {
 		// returnError('error_module_graph', __(''));
-	$id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($id_module);
-	$module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type);
-	$string_type = strpos($module_type,'string');
-	// Get the html item
-	if ($string_type === false) {
-		$graph_html = grafico_modulo_sparse(
-			$id_module, $graph_seconds, false, 600, 300, '',
-			'', false, false, true, time(), '', 0, 0, true, true,
-			ui_get_full_url(false) . '/', 1, false, '', false, true,
-			true, 'white', null, false, false, $config['type_module_charts'], 
-			false, false);
-	} else {
-		$graph_html = grafico_modulo_string(
-			$id_module, $graph_seconds, false, 600, 300, '',
-			'', false, false, true, time(), true, ui_get_full_url(false) . '/', 
-			'', 1, true);
-	}
+	$graph_html = grafico_modulo_sparse(
+		$id_module, $graph_seconds, false, 600, 300, '',
+		'', false, false, true, time(), '', 0, 0, true, true,
+		ui_get_full_url(false) . '/', 1, false, '', false, true,
+		true, 'white', null, false, false, $config['type_module_charts'], 
+		false, false);
 	$graph_image_file_encoded = false;
 	if (preg_match("/<img src='(.+)'./", $graph_html, $matches)) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_forecast.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_forecast.php
index ceafe817e2..f58e3592e7 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_forecast.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_forecast.php
@@ -46,12 +46,15 @@ function forecast_projection_graph($module_id,
 	$begin_time = time();
-	$module_data=grafico_modulo_sparse ($module_id, $period, 0,
-		300, 300 , '', null,
-		false, 0, false,
-		0, '', 0, 1, false,
-		true, '', 1, true);
+	$params =array(
+		'agent_module_id'     => $module_id,
+		'period'              => $period,
+		'return_data'         => 1,
+		'projection'          => true
+	);
+	$module_data = grafico_modulo_sparse ($params);
 	if (empty($module_data)) {
 		return array();	
@@ -62,55 +65,57 @@ function forecast_projection_graph($module_id,
 	// Data initialization
-	$sum_obs = 0;
-	$sum_xi = 0;
-	$sum_yi = 0;
-	$sum_xi_yi = 0;
-	$sum_xi2 = 0;
-	$sum_yi2 = 0;
+	$sum_obs        = 0;
+	$sum_xi         = 0;
+	$sum_yi         = 0;
+	$sum_xi_yi      = 0;
+	$sum_xi2        = 0;
+	$sum_yi2        = 0;
 	$sum_diff_dates = 0;
 	$last_timestamp = get_system_time();
 	$agent_interval = SECONDS_5MINUTES;
-	$cont = 1;
-	$data = array();
+	$cont           = 1;
+	$data           = array();
 	//$table->data = array();
 	// Creates data for calculation
 	if (is_array($module_data) || is_object($module_data)) {
-		foreach ($module_data as $utimestamp => $row) {
-			if ($utimestamp == '') {
+		foreach ($module_data['sum1']['data'] as $key => $row) {
+			if ($row[0] == '') {
+			$row[0] = $row[0] / 1000;
 			$data[0] = '';
 			$data[1] = $cont;
-			$data[2] = date($config["date_format"], $utimestamp);
-			$data[3] = $utimestamp;
-			$data[4] = $row['sum'];
-			$data[5] = $utimestamp * $row['sum'];
-			$data[6] = $utimestamp * $utimestamp;
-			$data[7] = $row['sum'] * $row['sum'];
+			$data[2] = date($config["date_format"], $row[0]);
+			$data[3] = $row[0];
+			$data[4] = $row[1];
+			$data[5] = $row[0] * $row[1];
+			$data[6] = $row[0] * $row[0];
+			$data[7] = $row[1] * $row[1];
 			if ($cont == 1) {
 				$data[8] = 0;
 			else {
-				$data[8] = $utimestamp - $last_timestamp;
+				$data[8] = $row[0] - $last_timestamp;
-			$sum_obs = $sum_obs + $cont;
-			$sum_xi = $sum_xi + $utimestamp;
-			$sum_yi = $sum_yi + $row['sum'];
-			$sum_xi_yi = $sum_xi_yi + $data[5];
-			$sum_xi2 = $sum_xi2 + $data[6];
-			$sum_yi2 = $sum_yi2 + $data[7];
+			$sum_obs        = $sum_obs + $cont;
+			$sum_xi         = $sum_xi + $row[0];
+			$sum_yi         = $sum_yi + $row[1];
+			$sum_xi_yi      = $sum_xi_yi + $data[5];
+			$sum_xi2        = $sum_xi2 + $data[6];
+			$sum_yi2        = $sum_yi2 + $data[7];
 			$sum_diff_dates = $sum_diff_dates + $data[8];
-			$last_timestamp = $utimestamp;	
+			$last_timestamp = $row[0];
 	// Calculation over data above:
 	// 1. Calculation of linear correlation coefficient...
@@ -121,15 +126,6 @@ function forecast_projection_graph($module_id,
 	// 3.2 Standard deviation for Y: sqrt((Sum(Yi²)/Obs) - (avg Y)²) 
 	// Linear correlation coefficient:
-	if ($sum_xi != 0) {
-		$avg_x = $cont/$sum_xi;
-	} else {
-		$avg_x = 0;
-	}
-	if ($sum_yi != 0)
-		$avg_y = $cont/$sum_yi;
-	else
-		$avg_y = 0;
 	if ($cont != 0) {
@@ -229,18 +225,17 @@ function forecast_projection_graph($module_id,
-		$timestamp_f = date($time_format, $current_ts);
-		//$timestamp_f = date($time_format, $current_ts);
-		$timestamp_f = graph_get_formatted_date($current_ts, $time_format, $time_format_2);
+		$timestamp_f = $current_ts * 1000;
 		if ($csv) {
 			$output_data[$idx]['date'] = $current_ts;
 			$output_data[$idx]['data'] = ($a + ($b * $current_ts));
 		else {
-			$output_data[$timestamp_f] = ($a + ($b * $current_ts));
+			$output_data[$idx][0] = $timestamp_f;
+			$output_data[$idx][1] = ($a + ($b * $current_ts));
 		// Using this function for prediction_date
 		if ($prediction_period == false) {
 			// These statements stop the prediction when interval is greater than 2 years
@@ -249,7 +244,7 @@ function forecast_projection_graph($module_id,
 			// Found it
-			if ($max_value >= $output_data[$timestamp_f] and $min_value <= $output_data[$timestamp_f]) {
+			if ($max_value >= $output_data[$idx][0] and $min_value <= $output_data[$idx][0]) {
 				return $current_ts;
@@ -259,7 +254,7 @@ function forecast_projection_graph($module_id,
 		$current_ts = $current_ts + $agent_interval;
 	return $output_data;
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php
index 06048496b4..5c8ac0ecb9 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php
@@ -234,16 +234,45 @@ function grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart (
 	global $config;
-	$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
-		'tagente_datos',
-		array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
-				"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
-				"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
-				'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
-		array ('datos', 'utimestamp'),
-		'AND',
-		$data_module_graph['history_db']
-	);
+	if( $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 23 ||
+		$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 3 ||
+		$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 17 ||
+		$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 10 ||
+		$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 33 ){
+"SELECT count(*) as data, min(utimestamp) as utimestamp
+					FROM tagente_datos_string
+					WHERE id_agente_modulo = 227
+					AND utimestamp > 1527584831
+					AND utimestamp < 1527671231
+					GROUP by ROUND(utimestamp / 300);"
+		$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
+			'tagente_datos_string',
+			array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
+					"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
+					"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
+					'group' => "ROUND(utimestamp / 300)",
+					'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
+			array ('count(*) as datos', 'min(utimestamp) as utimestamp'),
+			'AND',
+			$data_module_graph['history_db']
+		);
+	}
+	else{
+		$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
+			'tagente_datos',
+			array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
+					"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
+					"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
+					'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
+			array ('datos', 'utimestamp'),
+			'AND',
+			$data_module_graph['history_db']
+		);
+	}
 	if($data === false){
 		$data = array();
@@ -665,7 +694,6 @@ function grafico_modulo_sparse_data(
 function grafico_modulo_sparse ($params) {
-	html_debug_print('entra por este sitio', true);
 	global $config;
 	/*XXXXXXXXXXXX Documnetar
@@ -691,8 +719,6 @@ function grafico_modulo_sparse ($params) {
 		$params['show_events'] = false;
-	// ATTENTION: The min size is in constants.php
-	// It's not the same minsize for all graphs, but we are choosed a prudent minsize for all
 		$params['width'] = '90%';
@@ -821,7 +847,7 @@ function grafico_modulo_sparse ($params) {
 	//XXXXXXXXXXXX se devuelve phantom.js
-		return	generator_chart_to_pdf($params);
+		return generator_chart_to_pdf($params);
 	global $graphic_type;
@@ -1251,6 +1277,10 @@ function graphic_combined_module (
+	if($projection && is_array($projection)){
+		$array_data['projection']['data']= $projection;
+	}
 	//summatory and average series
 	if($stacked == CUSTOM_GRAPH_AREA  || $stacked == CUSTOM_GRAPH_LINE) {
 		if($summatory || $average) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
index e6c3d1da8f..e37fcc03da 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
@@ -6478,10 +6478,6 @@ function reporting_simple_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
 		$fullscale = (bool) $content['style']['fullscale'];
-	$moduletype_name = modules_get_moduletype_name(
-		modules_get_agentmodule_type(
-			$content['id_agent_module']));
 	$return['chart'] = '';
 	// Get chart
@@ -6498,54 +6494,30 @@ function reporting_simple_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
 	switch ($type) {
 		case 'dinamic':
 		case 'static':
-			if (preg_match ("/string/", $moduletype_name)) {
-				$urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false);
-				/*
-				$return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_string(
-					$content['id_agent_module'],
-					$content['period'],
-					false,
-					$width,
-					$height,
-					$label,
-					'',
-					false,
-					$only_avg,
-					false,
-					$report["datetime"],
-					$only_image,
-					$urlImage,
-					"",
-					$ttl);
-				*/
-				$return['chart'] = 'arreglar la grafica de string de una vez por todassssssssss';
+			// HACK it is saved in show_graph field.
+			$time_compare_overlapped = false;
+			if ($content['show_graph']) {
+				$time_compare_overlapped = 'overlapped';
-			else {
-				// HACK it is saved in show_graph field.
-				$time_compare_overlapped = false;
-				if ($content['show_graph']) {
-					$time_compare_overlapped = 'overlapped';
-				}
-				$params =array(
-					'agent_module_id'     => $content['id_agent_module'],
-					'period'              => $content['period'],
-					'title'               => $label,
-					'avg_only'            => $only_avg,
-					'pure'                => false, //XXX
-					'date'                => $report["datetime"],
-					'only_image'          => $only_image,
-					'homeurl'             => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false),
-					'ttl'                 => $ttl,
-					'compare'             => $time_compare_overlapped,
-					'show_unknown'        => true,
-					'percentil'           => ($content['style']['percentil'] == 1) ? $config['percentil'] : null,
-					'fullscale'           => $fullscale
-				);
+			$params =array(
+				'agent_module_id'     => $content['id_agent_module'],
+				'period'              => $content['period'],
+				'title'               => $label,
+				'avg_only'            => $only_avg,
+				'pure'                => false, //XXX
+				'date'                => $report["datetime"],
+				'only_image'          => $only_image,
+				'homeurl'             => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false),
+				'ttl'                 => $ttl,
+				'compare'             => $time_compare_overlapped,
+				'show_unknown'        => true,
+				'percentil'           => ($content['style']['percentil'] == 1) ? $config['percentil'] : null,
+				'fullscale'           => $fullscale
+			);
+			$return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
-				$return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
-			}
 		case 'data':
 			$data = modules_get_agentmodule_data(
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_visual_map.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_visual_map.php
index f852f7af1a..496bff897c 100755
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_visual_map.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_visual_map.php
@@ -1034,85 +1034,61 @@ function visual_map_print_item($mode = "read", $layoutData,
 							$img =  '<img src="images/console/signes/module_graph.png" style="width:'.$width.'px;height:'.	$height.'px;'.$imgpos.'">';
-					}				
-			 	}
-				else {
-					if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
-						if ($layoutData['label_position']=='left') {
-							$img =  '<div style="z-index:'.$show_on_top_index.';float:right;height:'.$himg.'px;">'.
-							grafico_modulo_sparse($id_module, $period, 
-							0, 300, 180, modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module),null, false, 1, false, 0, 
-							modules_get_unit($id_module), 0, 0, true, $only_image, '', 1, false, '', 
-							false, false, false, $layoutData['image'], 
-							null, true, false, $type_graph) . '</div>';
-						}
-						elseif($layoutData['label_position']=='right') {
-							$img =  '<div style="z-index:'.$show_on_top_index.';float:left;height:'.$himg.'px;">' . 
-								grafico_modulo_sparse($id_module, 
-								$period, 0, 300, 180, modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module),null, false, 
-								1, false, 0, modules_get_unit($id_module), 0, 0, true, $only_image, '', 
-								1, false, '', false, false, false, 
-								$layoutData['image'], null, true, 
-								false, $type_graph) . '</div>';
-						}
-						else {
-							$img =  grafico_modulo_sparse($id_module, 
-							$period, 0, 300, 180, modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module),null, false, 1, 
-							false, 0, modules_get_unit($id_module), 0, 0, true, $only_image, '', 
-							1, false, '', false, false, false, 
-							$layoutData['image'], null, true, false, $type_graph);
-						}
-					}
-					else{
-						if ($layoutData['label_position']=='left') {
-							$img =  '<div style="z-index:'.$show_on_top_index.';float:right;height:'.$himg.'px;">' . 
-								grafico_modulo_sparse($id_module, $period, 
-							0, $width, $height, modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module), null, false, 1, 
-							false, 0, modules_get_unit($id_module), 0, 0, true, $only_image, '', 
-							1, false, '', false, false, false, 
-							$layoutData['image'], null, true, 
-							false, $type_graph) . '</div>';
-						}
-						elseif ($layoutData['label_position']=='right') {
-							$img =  '<div style="z-index:'.$show_on_top_index.';float:left;height:'.$himg.'px;">' . 
-								grafico_modulo_sparse($id_module, $period, 
-								0, $width, $height, modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module), null, false, 1, 
-								false, 0, modules_get_unit($id_module), 0, 0, true, $only_image, 
-								'', 1, false, modules_get_unit($id_module), false, false, false, 
-								$layoutData['image'], null, true, 
-								false, $type_graph) . '</div>';
-						}
-						else {
-							$img =  grafico_modulo_sparse($id_module, 
-								$period, 0, $width, $height, modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module), null, 
-								false, 1, false, 0, modules_get_unit($id_module), 0, 0, true, 
-								$only_image, '', 1, false, '', false, 
-								false, false, $layoutData['image'], 
-								null, false, true, $type_graph);
-						}
-		    }
+				else {
+					if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
+						$width = 300;
+						$height = 180;
+					}
+					$params =array(
+						'agent_module_id'     => $id_module,
+						'period'              => $period,
+						'show_events'         => false,
+						'width'               => $width,
+						'height'              => $height,
+						'title'               => modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module),
+						'unit'                => modules_get_unit($id_module),
+						'only_image'          => $only_image,
+						'menu'                => false,
+						'backgroundColor'     => $layoutData['image'],
+						'type_graph'          => $type_graph
+					);
+					if ($layoutData['label_position']=='left') {
+						$img =  '<div style="z-index:'.$show_on_top_index.';float:right;height:'.$himg.'px;">'.
+						grafico_modulo_sparse($params) . '</div>';
+					}
+					elseif($layoutData['label_position']=='right') {
+						$img =  '<div style="z-index:'.$show_on_top_index.';float:left;height:'.$himg.'px;">' . 
+							grafico_modulo_sparse($params) . '</div>';
+					}
+					else {
+						$img =  grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
+					}
+				}
+			}
 			//Restore db connection
 			if ($layoutData['id_metaconsole'] != 0) {
 		case BARS_GRAPH:
 			$imgpos = '';
 				$imgpos = 'float:right';
 			else if($layoutData['label_position']=='right'){
 				$imgpos = 'float:left';
 			if (!empty($proportion)) {
 				$width =
 					((integer)($proportion['proportion_width'] * $width));
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/web2image.js b/pandora_console/include/web2image.js
index cfb36726f6..018be8db47 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/web2image.js
+++ b/pandora_console/include/web2image.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 var system = require('system');
 if (system.args.length < 2 || system.args.length > 6) {
-	//console.log('Usage web2image.js url url_parameters output_filename width height');
@@ -22,12 +21,15 @@ if (!_height) {
 page.viewportSize = { width: _width, height: _height };
+//page.zoomFactor = 1.75;
 //console.log("Pagina: " + url);
 //console.log("parametros: " + url_params);
 //console.log("Archivo salida: " + output_filename);
 page.open(url + "?" + "data=" + url_params, function start(status) {
-	page.render(output_filename, {format: 'png'}); //, 'quality': 100});
+	page.render(output_filename, {format: 'png'});
+	//var base64 = page.renderBase64('JPG');
+	//console.log(base64);
diff --git a/pandora_console/mobile/operation/module_graph.php b/pandora_console/mobile/operation/module_graph.php
index 38841485aa..249a4e770e 100644
--- a/pandora_console/mobile/operation/module_graph.php
+++ b/pandora_console/mobile/operation/module_graph.php
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ class ModuleGraph {
 					switch ($this->graph_type) {
 						case 'boolean':
 						case 'sparse':
+						case 'string':
 							$params =array(
 								'agent_module_id'     => $this->id,
 								'period'              => $this->period,
@@ -164,32 +165,6 @@ class ModuleGraph {
 									$this->zoom, 'adapted_'.$this->graph_type, $date);
-						case 'string':
-							$graph = grafico_modulo_string(
-								$this->id,
-								$this->period,
-								$this->draw_events,
-								$this->width,
-								$this->height,
-								false,
-								null,
-								$this->draw_alerts,
-								1,
-								false,
-								$date,
-								false,
-								$urlImage,
-								'adapter_' . $this->graph_type,
-								1,
-								false);
-							if ($this->draw_events) {
-								$graph .= '<br>';
-								$graph .= graphic_module_events($this->id,
-									$this->width, $this->height,
-									$this->period, $config['homeurl'],
-									$this->zoom, 'adapted_' . $this->graph_type, $date);
-							}
-							break;
 							$graph .= fs_error_image ('../images');
diff --git a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
index 0fcc0c1fc9..d8a0bdd3f6 100644
--- a/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
+++ b/pandora_console/operation/agentes/stat_win.php
@@ -235,26 +235,26 @@ $alias    = db_get_value ("alias","tagente","id_agente",$id_agent);
 		switch ($graph_type) {
 			case 'boolean':
 			case 'sparse':
-			$params =array(
-				'agent_module_id'     => $id,
-				'period'              => $period,
-				'show_events'         => $draw_events,
-				'title'               => $label_graph,
-				'unit_name'           => $unit,
-				'show_alerts'         => $draw_alerts,
-				'avg_only'            => $avg_only,
-				'date'                => $date,
-				'unit'                => $unit,
-				'baseline'            => $baseline,
-				'homeurl'             => $urlImage,
-				'adapt_key'           => 'adapter_' . $graph_type,
-				'compare'             => $time_compare,
-				'show_unknown'        => $unknown_graph,
-				'percentil'           => (($show_percentil)? $config['percentil'] : null),
-				'type_graph'          => $config['type_module_charts'],
-				'fullscale'           => $fullscale
-			);
+			case 'string':
+				$params =array(
+					'agent_module_id'     => $id,
+					'period'              => $period,
+					'show_events'         => $draw_events,
+					'title'               => $label_graph,
+					'unit_name'           => $unit,
+					'show_alerts'         => $draw_alerts,
+					'avg_only'            => $avg_only,
+					'date'                => $date,
+					'unit'                => $unit,
+					'baseline'            => $baseline,
+					'homeurl'             => $urlImage,
+					'adapt_key'           => 'adapter_' . $graph_type,
+					'compare'             => $time_compare,
+					'show_unknown'        => $unknown_graph,
+					'percentil'           => (($show_percentil)? $config['percentil'] : null),
+					'type_graph'          => $config['type_module_charts'],
+					'fullscale'           => $fullscale
+				);
 				echo grafico_modulo_sparse ($params);
 				echo '<br>';
 				if ($show_events_graph){
@@ -264,18 +264,6 @@ $alias    = db_get_value ("alias","tagente","id_agente",$id_agent);
 						'adapted_' . $graph_type, $date, true);
-			case 'string':
-				html_debug_print('entra x stats win hay que rehacer esta funcion');
-				echo grafico_modulo_string ($id, $period, $draw_events,
-					$width, $height, $label_graph, null, $draw_alerts, 1,
-					false, $date, false, $urlImage,
-					'adapter_' . $graph_type);
-				echo '<br>';
-				if ($show_events_graph)
-					echo graphic_module_events($id, $width, $height,
-						$period, $config['homeurl'], $zoom,
-						'adapted_' . $graph_type, $date, true);
-				break;
 				echo fs_error_image ('../images');