diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/agentes/agent_wizard.snmp_explorer.php b/pandora_console/godmode/agentes/agent_wizard.snmp_explorer.php
index 5403d9aeb9..a51d8eacb2 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/agentes/agent_wizard.snmp_explorer.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/agentes/agent_wizard.snmp_explorer.php
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ require_once ('include/functions_modules.php');
require_once ('include/functions_alerts.php');
require_once ('include/functions_reporting.php');
require_once ('include/graphs/functions_utils.php');
// Define a separator to implode/explode data
$separator = '_.._';
$idAgent = (int) get_parameter('id_agente', 0);
$ipAgent = db_get_value('direccion', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $idAgent);
@@ -63,56 +64,6 @@ if (empty($plugin)) {
ui_print_info_message(array('message' => __('The SNMP remote plugin doesnt seem to be installed') . '. ' . __('It is necessary to use some features') . '.
' . __('Please, install the SNMP remote plugin (The name of the plugin must be snmp_remote.pl)'), 'no_close' => true));
-// Define STATIC SNMP data
-$static_snmp_descriptions = array(
- 'Load-1' => 'Load Average (Last minute)',
- 'Load-5' => 'Load Average (Last 5 minutes)',
- 'Load-15' => 'Load Average (Last 5 minutes)',
- 'memTotalSwap' => 'Total Swap Size configured for the host',
- 'memAvailSwap' => 'Available Swap Space on the host',
- 'memTotalReal' => 'Total Real/Physical Memory Size on the host',
- 'memAvailReal' => 'Available Real/Physical Memory Space on the host',
- 'memTotalFree' => 'Total Available Memory on the host',
- //'memShared' => 'Total Shared Memory',
- 'memCached' => 'Total Cached Memory',
- 'memBuffer' => 'Total Buffered Memory',
- 'ssSwapIn' => 'Amount of memory swapped in from disk (kB/s)',
- 'ssSwapOut' => 'Amount of memory swapped to disk (kB/s)',
- 'ssIORawSent' => 'Number of blocks sent to a block device',
- 'ssIORawReceived' => 'Number of blocks received from a block device',
- 'ssRawInterrupts' => 'Number of interrupts processed',
- 'ssRawContexts' => 'Number of context switches',
- 'ssCpuRawUser' => 'user CPU time',
- 'ssCpuRawSystem' => 'system CPU time',
- 'ssCpuRawIdle' => 'idle CPU time',
- 'sysUpTime' => 'system Up time');
-$static_snmp_oids = array(
- 'Load-1' => '.',
- 'Load-5' => '.',
- 'Load-15' => '.',
- 'memTotalSwap' => '.',
- 'memAvailSwap' => '.',
- 'memTotalReal' => '.',
- 'memAvailReal' => '.',
- 'memTotalFree' => '.',
- //'memShared' => '.',
- 'memCached' => '.',
- 'memBuffer' => '.',
- 'ssSwapIn' => '.',
- 'ssSwapOut' => '.',
- 'ssIORawSent' => '.',
- 'ssIORawReceived' => '.',
- 'ssRawInterrupts' => '.',
- 'ssRawContexts' => '.',
- 'ssCpuRawUser' => '.',
- 'ssCpuRawSystem' => '.',
- 'ssCpuRawIdle' => '.',
- 'sysUpTime' => '');
-$static_snmp_post_process = array(
- 'sysUpTime' => "0.00000011574074");
// Using plugin
if (!empty($plugin)) {
$static_snmp_descriptions['avgCpuLoad'] = 'Average of CPUs Load (%)';
@@ -128,6 +79,7 @@ $temperatures = array();
$arrow = false;
+$snmp_translation_data = index_array(snmp_get_translation_wizard(), null, 'description');
$other_snmp_data = array();
if ($snmpwalk) {
@@ -283,16 +235,16 @@ if ($snmpwalk) {
// Other SNMP Data
$arrow = true;
- foreach ($static_snmp_oids as $key => $oid) {
+ foreach ($snmp_translation_data as $oid => $temp) {
if ($snmp_version == 3) {
$result = false; //It is statics oids.
else {
- $result = snmpget($ip_target, $snmp_community, $oid);
+ $result = @snmpget($ip_target, $snmp_community, $oid);
if ($result != false) {
- $other_snmp_data[$key] = $static_snmp_descriptions[$key];
+ $other_snmp_data[$oid] = $snmp_translation_data[$oid];
if (empty($other_snmp_data)) {
@@ -375,10 +327,14 @@ if ($create_modules) {
$devices_prefix_descriptions = array(
- 'diskIONRead' => 'The number of bytes read from this device since boot',
- 'diskIONWritten' => 'The number of bytes written to this device since boot',
- 'diskIONReads' => 'The number of read accesses from this device since boot',
- 'diskIONWrites' => 'The number of write accesses from this device since boot'
+ 'diskIONRead' =>
+ __('The number of bytes read from this device since boot'),
+ 'diskIONWritten' =>
+ __('The number of bytes written to this device since boot'),
+ 'diskIONReads' =>
+ __('The number of read accesses from this device since boot'),
+ 'diskIONWrites' =>
+ __('The number of write accesses from this device since boot')
$results = array();
@@ -457,18 +413,17 @@ if ($create_modules) {
- foreach ($snmpdata as $snmpdata_name) {
+ foreach ($snmpdata as $snmpdata_oid) {
$module_values = $common_values;
+ $snmp_translation = snmp_get_translation($snmpdata_oid);
- $module_values['descripcion'] = $static_snmp_descriptions[$snmpdata_name];
+ $module_values['descripcion'] =
+ $snmp_translation['description'];
$module_values['id_tipo_modulo'] = modules_get_type_id('remote_snmp');
- if (isset($static_snmp_post_process[$snmpdata_name])) {
- $module_values['post_process'] =
- $static_snmp_post_process[$snmpdata_name];
- }
+ $module_values['post_process'] = $snmp_translation['post_process'];
//Average use of CPUs is a plugin module
- switch ($snmpdata_name) {
+ switch ($snmpdata_oid) {
case 'avgCpuLoad':
case 'memoryUse':
$module_values['id_modulo'] = MODULE_PLUGIN;
@@ -538,15 +493,16 @@ if ($create_modules) {
unset($module_values['tcp_send']); //snmp_version
- $module_values['snmp_oid'] = $static_snmp_oids[$snmpdata_name];
+ $module_values['snmp_oid'] = $snmpdata_oid;
$module_values['id_modulo'] = MODULE_SNMP;
- $result = modules_create_agent_module ($id_agent, io_safe_input($snmpdata_name), $module_values);
+ $result = modules_create_agent_module(
+ $id_agent, io_safe_input($snmp_translation['description']), $module_values);
- $results[$result][] = $snmpdata_name;
+ $results[$result][] = $snmp_translation['description'];
@@ -924,7 +880,7 @@ ui_require_javascript_file ('pandora_modules');
var separator = '';
-$(document).ready (function () {
+$(document).ready (function () {
$("#walk_form").submit(function() {
$("#oid_loading").show ();
@@ -951,11 +907,11 @@ $(document).ready (function () {
- $('#form_interfaces').hide();
+ $('#form_interfaces').hide();
$('.wizard_mode_devices_arrow').click(function() {
@@ -1045,7 +1001,7 @@ $(document).ready (function () {
if($("#module option").length == 0) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php b/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php
index 2287852d37..bb66431627 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php
@@ -306,10 +306,16 @@ if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "PM")) {
$sub["extras/pandora_diag"]["text"] = __('Diagnostic info');
$sub["extras/pandora_diag"]["id"] = 'Diagnostic info';
$sub["godmode/setup/news"]["text"] = __('Site news');
$sub["godmode/setup/news"]["id"] = 'Site news';
$sub["godmode/setup/file_manager"]["text"] = __('File manager');
$sub["godmode/setup/file_manager"]["id"] = 'File manager';
+ $sub["godmode/setup/snmp_wizard"]["text"] = __('SNMP Wizard');
+ $sub["godmode/setup/snmp_wizard"]["id"] = 'SNMP Wizard';
$menu_godmode["gextensions"]["sub"] = $sub;
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/setup/setup_general.php b/pandora_console/godmode/setup/setup_general.php
index 0e4b0c72d4..ee5f2b4cf1 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/setup/setup_general.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/setup/setup_general.php
@@ -288,7 +288,6 @@ echo "";
echo "";
- //enterprise_hook ('setup');
echo '
html_print_submit_button (__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"');
echo '
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/setup/snmp_wizard.php b/pandora_console/godmode/setup/snmp_wizard.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fec395f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/setup/snmp_wizard.php
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+id = 'snmp';
+$table->width = '100%';
+$table->class = 'databox data';
+$table->cellpadding = 0;
+$table->cellspacing = 0;
+$table->head = array ();
+$table->head["description"] = __('Description');
+$table->head["oid"] = __('OID');
+$table->head["post_process"] = __('Post process');
+$table->head["op"] = __('OP');
+$table->headstyle = array ();
+$table->headstyle["description"] = "text-align: left;";
+$table->headstyle["oid"] = "text-align: left;";
+$table->headstyle["post_process"] = "text-align: right;";
+$table->headstyle["op"] = "text-align: center;";
+$table->align = array ();
+$table->align["description"] = 'left';
+$table->align["oid"] = 'left';
+$table->align["post_process"] = 'right';
+$table->align["op"] = 'center';
+$table->size = array();
+$table->size["description"] = '40%';
+$table->size["oid"] = '25%';
+$table->size["post_process"] = '25%';
+$table->size["op"] = '10%';
+$oid_translations = snmp_get_translation_wizard();
+$table->data = array ();
+foreach ($oid_translations as $oid => $data) {
+ $row = array();
+ $row['oid'] = $oid;
+ $row['description'] = $data['description'];
+ $row['post_process'] = $data['post_process'];
+ if ($data['readonly']) {
+ $row['op'] = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $row['op'] = cell_op($oid);
+ }
+ $table->data[$oid] = $row;
+$table->data['template'] = array(
+ 'oid' => '',
+ 'description' => '',
+ 'post_process' => '',
+ 'op' => cell_op()
+ );
+$table->rowstyle['template'] = 'display: none;';
+// Form editor
+$table->data['editor'] = array(
+ 'oid' => html_print_input_text('oid_editor', '', '', 40, 255, true),
+ 'description' =>
+ html_print_input_text('description_editor', '', '', 40, 255, true),
+ 'post_process' =>
+ html_print_input_text('post_process_editor', '', '', 20, 255, true),
+ 'op' => '
' .
+ '' .
+ html_print_image("images/save_mc.png", true, array ("title" => __('Save'))) .'' .
+ '' .
+ html_print_image("images/update.png", true, array ("title" => __('Update'))) .
+ '' .
+ '' .
+ html_print_image("images/cancel.png", true, array ("title" => __('Cancel'))) .
+ '');
+function cell_op($oid = "") {
+ return '
' .
+ '' .
+ html_print_image("images/cog.png", true, array ("title" => __('Edit'))) .
+ '' .
+ '' .
+ html_print_image("images/cross.png", true, array ("title" => __('Delete'))) .
+ '';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/ajax/snmp.ajax.php b/pandora_console/include/ajax/snmp.ajax.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b3e45c704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora_console/include/ajax/snmp.ajax.php
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ $result));
+ return;
+if ($delete_snmp_translation) {
+ $oid = get_parameter('oid', '');
+ $result = snmp_delete_translation($oid);
+ echo json_encode(array('correct' => $result));
+ return;
+if ($update_snmp_translation) {
+ $oid = get_parameter('oid', '');
+ $new_oid = get_parameter('new_oid', '');
+ $description = get_parameter('description', '');
+ $post_process = get_parameter('post_process', '');
+ $result = snmp_update_translation($oid, $new_oid, $description, $post_process);
+ echo json_encode(array('correct' => $result));
+ return;
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions.php b/pandora_console/include/functions.php
index ae711e3fa2..042cbb14d8 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions.php
@@ -1371,9 +1371,11 @@ function index_array ($array, $index = 'id', $value = 'name') {
if (! is_array ($array))
return $retval;
- foreach ($array as $element) {
- if (! isset ($element[$index]))
- continue;
+ foreach ($array as $index_array => $element) {
+ if (!is_null($index)) {
+ if (! isset ($element[$index]))
+ continue;
+ }
if ($value === false) {
$retval[$element[$index]] = $element;
@@ -1381,7 +1383,13 @@ function index_array ($array, $index = 'id', $value = 'name') {
if (! isset ($element[$value]))
- $retval[$element[$index]] = $element[$value];
+ if (is_null($index)) {
+ $retval[$index_array] = $element[$value];
+ }
+ else {
+ $retval[$element[$index]] = $element[$value];
+ }
return $retval;
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_snmp.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_snmp.php
index dc9141e7e9..31b6beb8bf 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_snmp.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_snmp.php
@@ -42,9 +42,13 @@ function snmp_generate_trap($snmp_host_address, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $snm
else {
$snmpwalk_bin = $config['snmptrap'];
- $command = "snmptrap -v 1 -c " . escapeshellarg($snmp_community) . " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_host_address) . " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_oid) . " "
- . escapeshellarg($snmp_agent) . " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_type) . " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_data) . " 0 2>&1";
+ $command = "snmptrap -v 1 -c " . escapeshellarg($snmp_community) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_host_address) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_oid) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_agent) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_type) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($snmp_data) . " 0 2>&1";
$output = null;
exec($command, $output, $return);
@@ -57,4 +61,222 @@ function snmp_generate_trap($snmp_host_address, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $snm
+function snmp_get_default_translations() {
+ $return = array();
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Load Average (Last minute)'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Load Average (Last 5 minutes)'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Load Average (Last 15 minutes)'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Total Swap Size configured for the host'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Available Swap Space on the host'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Total Real/Physical Memory Size on the host'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Available Real/Physical Memory Space on the host'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Total Available Memory on the host'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Total Cached Memory'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Total Buffered Memory'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Amount of memory swapped in from disk (kB/s)'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Amount of memory swapped to disk (kB/s)'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Number of blocks sent to a block device'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Number of blocks received from a block device'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Number of interrupts processed'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('Number of context switches'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('user CPU time'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('system CPU time'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return['.'] = array(
+ 'description' => __('idle CPU time'),
+ 'post_process' => '1'
+ );
+ $return[''] = array(
+ 'description' => __('system Up time'),
+ 'post_process' => '0.00000011574074'
+ );
+ return $return;
+function snmp_get_user_translations() {
+ $row = db_get_row('tconfig', 'token', 'snmp_translations');
+ if (empty($row)) {
+ db_process_sql_insert('tconfig',
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations',
+ 'value' => json_encode(array())));
+ $return = array();
+ }
+ else {
+ $return = json_decode($row['value'], true);
+ }
+ return $return;
+function snmp_get_translation_wizard() {
+ $return = array();
+ $snmp_default_translations = snmp_get_default_translations();
+ $snmp_user_translations = snmp_get_user_translations();
+ foreach ($snmp_default_translations as $oid => $translation) {
+ $return[$oid] = array_merge($translation, array('readonly' => 1));
+ }
+ foreach ($snmp_user_translations as $oid => $translation) {
+ $return[$oid] = array_merge($translation, array('readonly' => 0));
+ }
+ return $return;
+function snmp_save_translation($oid, $description, $post_process) {
+ $row = db_get_row('tconfig', 'token', 'snmp_translations');
+ if (empty($row)) {
+ db_process_sql_insert('tconfig',
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations',
+ 'value' => json_encode(array())));
+ $snmp_translations = array();
+ }
+ else {
+ $snmp_translations = json_decode($row['value'], true);
+ }
+ if (isset($snmp_translations[$oid])) {
+ // exists the oid
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ $snmp_translations[$oid] = array(
+ 'description' => $description,
+ 'post_process' => $post_process
+ );
+ return (bool)db_process_sql_update('tconfig',
+ array('value' => json_encode($snmp_translations)),
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations'));
+ }
+function snmp_delete_translation($oid) {
+ $row = db_get_row('tconfig', 'token', 'snmp_translations');
+ if (empty($row)) {
+ db_process_sql_insert('tconfig',
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations',
+ 'value' => json_encode(array())));
+ $snmp_translations = array();
+ }
+ else {
+ $snmp_translations = json_decode($row['value'], true);
+ }
+ if (isset($snmp_translations[$oid])) {
+ unset($snmp_translations[$oid]);
+ return (bool)db_process_sql_update('tconfig',
+ array('value' => json_encode($snmp_translations)),
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations'));
+ }
+ else {
+ // exists the oid
+ return false;
+ }
+function snmp_get_translation($oid) {
+ $snmp_translations = snmp_get_translation_wizard();
+ return $snmp_translations[$oid];
+function snmp_update_translation($oid, $new_oid, $description, $post_process) {
+ $row = db_get_row('tconfig', 'token', 'snmp_translations');
+ if (empty($row)) {
+ db_process_sql_insert('tconfig',
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations',
+ 'value' => json_encode(array())));
+ $snmp_translations = array();
+ }
+ else {
+ $snmp_translations = json_decode($row['value'], true);
+ }
+ if (isset($snmp_translations[$new_oid])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (isset($snmp_translations[$oid])) {
+ unset($snmp_translations[$oid]);
+ $snmp_translations[$new_oid] = array(
+ 'description' => $description,
+ 'post_process' => $post_process
+ );
+ return (bool)db_process_sql_update('tconfig',
+ array('value' => json_encode($snmp_translations)),
+ array('token' => 'snmp_translations'));
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file