diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm index 9d1736266f..cff0716ec3 100644 --- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm +++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm @@ -1093,12 +1093,12 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) { my ($field1, $field2, $field3, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10); my ($field11, $field12, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16, $field17, $field18, $field19, $field20); - # Check for empty alert fields and assign command field. - my $index = 1; - my @command_fields = split(/,|\[|\]/, $action->{'fields_values'}); - foreach my $field (@command_fields) { + # Check for empty alert fields and assign command field. + my $index = 1; + my @command_fields = split(/,|\[|\]/, $action->{'fields_values'}); + foreach my $field (@command_fields) { unless (defined($action->{'field'.$index}) && $action->{'field'.$index} ne "") { - $action->{'field'.$index} = defined($field) ? $field : "" ; + $action->{'field'.$index} = defined($field) ? $field : "" ; } } @@ -1259,6 +1259,13 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) { $group = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tgrupo WHERE id_grupo = ?', $agent->{'id_grupo'}); } + my $agent_status; + if(ref ($module) eq "HASH") { + $agent_status = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = ?', $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}); + } + + my $time_down = (defined ($agent_status)) ? (time() - $agent_status->{'last_status_change'}) : undef; + if (is_numeric($data)) { my $data_precision = $pa_config->{'graph_precision'}; $data = sprintf("%.$data_precision" . "f", $data); @@ -1266,94 +1273,100 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) { $data =~ s/\.+$//; } - # Thanks to people of Cordoba univ. for the patch for adding module and + # Thanks to people of Cordoba univ. for the patch for adding module and # id_agent macros to the alert. - + # TODO: Reuse queries. For example, tag data can be extracted with a single query. # Alert macros - my %macros = (_field1_ => $field1, - _field2_ => $field2, - _field3_ => $field3, - _field4_ => $field4, - _field5_ => $field5, - _field6_ => $field6, - _field7_ => $field7, - _field8_ => $field8, - _field9_ => $field9, - _field10_ => $field10, - _field11_ => $field11, - _field12_ => $field12, - _field13_ => $field13, - _field14_ => $field14, - _field15_ => $field15, - _field16_ => $field16, - _field17_ => $field17, - _field18_ => $field18, - _field19_ => $field19, - _field20_ => $field20, - _agentname_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'nombre'} : '', - _agentalias_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'alias'} : '', - _agent_ => (defined ($agent)) ? ($agent->{'alias'} ? $agent->{'alias'} : $agent->{'nombre'}) : '', - _agentcustomid_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'custom_id'} : '', - '_agentcustomfield_\d+_' => undef, - _agentdescription_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'comentarios'} : '', - _agentgroup_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'nombre'} : '', - _agentstatus_ => undef, - _agentos_ => (defined ($agent)) ? get_os_name($dbh, $agent->{'id_os'}) : '', - _address_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'direccion'} : '', - _timestamp_ => (defined($timestamp)) ? $timestamp : strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()), - _timezone_ => strftime ("%Z", localtime()), - _data_ => $data, - _prevdata_ => undef, - _homeurl_ => $pa_config->{'public_url'}, - _alert_name_ => $alert->{'name'}, - _alert_description_ => $alert->{'description'}, - _alert_threshold_ => $alert->{'time_threshold'}, - _alert_times_fired_ => $alert->{'times_fired'}, - _alert_priority_ => $alert->{'priority'}, - _alert_text_severity_ => get_priority_name($alert->{'priority'}), - _alert_critical_instructions_ => $alert->{'critical_instructions'}, - _alert_warning_instructions_ => $alert->{'warning_instructions'}, - _alert_unknown_instructions_ => $alert->{'unknown_instructions'}, - _groupcontact_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'contact'} : '', - _groupcustomid_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'custom_id'} : '', - _groupother_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'other'} : '', - _module_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'nombre'} : '', - _modulecustomid_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'custom_id'} : '', - _modulegroup_ => undef, - _moduledescription_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'descripcion'} : '', - _modulestatus_ => undef, - _moduletags_ => undef, - '_moduledata_\S+_' => undef, - _id_agent_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'id_agente'} : '', - _id_module_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'id_agente_modulo'} : '', - _id_group_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'id_grupo'} : '', - _id_alert_ => (defined ($alert->{'id_template_module'})) ? $alert->{'id_template_module'} : '', - _interval_ => (defined ($module) && $module->{'module_interval'} != 0) ? $module->{'module_interval'} : (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'intervalo'} : '', - _server_ip_ => (defined ($agent)) ? get_db_value($dbh, "SELECT ip_address FROM tserver WHERE name = ?", $agent->{'server_name'}) : '', - _server_name_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'server_name'} : '', - _target_ip_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'ip_target'} : '', - _target_port_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'tcp_port'} : '', - _policy_ => (defined ($module)) ? get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT name FROM tpolicies WHERE id = ?", get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id_policy FROM tpolicy_modules WHERE id = ?", $module->{'id_policy_module'})) : '', - _plugin_parameters_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'plugin_parameter'} : '', - _email_tag_ => undef, - _phone_tag_ => undef, - _name_tag_ => undef, - _all_address_ => undef, - '_addressn_\d+_' => undef, - _secondarygroups_ => undef, - ); - + my %macros = ( + _field1_ => $field1, + _field2_ => $field2, + _field3_ => $field3, + _field4_ => $field4, + _field5_ => $field5, + _field6_ => $field6, + _field7_ => $field7, + _field8_ => $field8, + _field9_ => $field9, + _field10_ => $field10, + _field11_ => $field11, + _field12_ => $field12, + _field13_ => $field13, + _field14_ => $field14, + _field15_ => $field15, + _field16_ => $field16, + _field17_ => $field17, + _field18_ => $field18, + _field19_ => $field19, + _field20_ => $field20, + _agentname_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'nombre'} : '', + _agentalias_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'alias'} : '', + _agent_ => (defined ($agent)) ? ($agent->{'alias'} ? $agent->{'alias'} : $agent->{'nombre'}) : '', + _agentcustomid_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'custom_id'} : '', + '_agentcustomfield_\d+_' => undef, + _agentdescription_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'comentarios'} : '', + _agentgroup_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'nombre'} : '', + _agentstatus_ => undef, + _agentos_ => (defined ($agent)) ? get_os_name($dbh, $agent->{'id_os'}) : '', + _address_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'direccion'} : '', + _timestamp_ => (defined($timestamp)) ? $timestamp : strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()), + _timezone_ => strftime ("%Z", localtime()), + _data_ => $data, + _prevdata_ => undef, + _homeurl_ => $pa_config->{'public_url'}, + _alert_name_ => $alert->{'name'}, + _alert_description_ => $alert->{'description'}, + _alert_threshold_ => $alert->{'time_threshold'}, + _alert_times_fired_ => $alert->{'times_fired'}, + _alert_priority_ => $alert->{'priority'}, + _alert_text_severity_ => get_priority_name($alert->{'priority'}), + _alert_critical_instructions_ => $alert->{'critical_instructions'}, + _alert_warning_instructions_ => $alert->{'warning_instructions'}, + _alert_unknown_instructions_ => $alert->{'unknown_instructions'}, + _groupcontact_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'contact'} : '', + _groupcustomid_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'custom_id'} : '', + _groupother_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'other'} : '', + _module_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'nombre'} : '', + _modulecustomid_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'custom_id'} : '', + _modulegroup_ => undef, + _moduledescription_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'descripcion'} : '', + _modulestatus_ => undef, + _moduletags_ => undef, + '_moduledata_\S+_' => undef, + _id_agent_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'id_agente'} : '', + _id_module_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'id_agente_modulo'} : '', + _id_group_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'id_grupo'} : '', + _id_alert_ => (defined ($alert->{'id_template_module'})) ? $alert->{'id_template_module'} : '', + _interval_ => (defined ($module) && $module->{'module_interval'} != 0) ? $module->{'module_interval'} : (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'intervalo'} : '', + _server_ip_ => (defined ($agent)) ? get_db_value($dbh, "SELECT ip_address FROM tserver WHERE name = ?", $agent->{'server_name'}) : '', + _server_name_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'server_name'} : '', + _target_ip_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'ip_target'} : '', + _target_port_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'tcp_port'} : '', + _policy_ => (defined ($module)) ? get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT name FROM tpolicies WHERE id = ?", get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id_policy FROM tpolicy_modules WHERE id = ?", $module->{'id_policy_module'})) : '', + _plugin_parameters_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'plugin_parameter'} : '', + _email_tag_ => undef, + _phone_tag_ => undef, + _name_tag_ => undef, + _all_address_ => undef, + '_addressn_\d+_' => undef, + _secondarygroups_ => undef, + _time_down_seconds_ => (defined ($time_down)) ? int($time_down) : '', + _time_down_human_ => seconds_totime($time_down), + _warning_threshold_min_ => (defined ($module->{'min_warning'})) ? $module->{'min_warning'} : '', + _warning_threshold_max_ => (defined ($module->{'max_warning'})) ? $module->{'max_warning'} : '', + _critical_threshold_min_ => (defined ($module->{'min_critical'})) ? $module->{'min_critical'} : '', + _critical_threshold_max_ => (defined ($module->{'max_critical'})) ? $module->{'max_critical'} : '', + ); + if ((defined ($extra_macros)) && (ref($extra_macros) eq "HASH")) { while ((my $macro, my $value) = each (%{$extra_macros})) { $macros{$macro} = $value; } } - + if (defined ($module)) { load_module_macros ($module->{'module_macros'}, \%macros); } - #logger($pa_config, "Clean name ".$clean_name, 10); # User defined alert diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Tools.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Tools.pm index 2d17d53b80..bcffd78034 100755 --- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Tools.pm +++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Tools.pm @@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw( ping resolve_hostname ticks_totime + seconds_totime safe_input safe_output month_have_days @@ -1409,6 +1410,31 @@ sub ticks_totime ($){ return "$days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes, $seconds seconds"; } + + +################################################################################ +## SUB human_time_readable +# Transform a seconds count in a human readable date +################################################################################ +sub seconds_totime ($){ + my $SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60; + my $SECONDS_PER_HOUR = $SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 60; + my $SECONDS_PER_DAY = $SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 24; + + my $orig_seconds = shift; + + if (!defined($orig_seconds)){ + return ""; + } + + my $seconds = int($orig_seconds) % 60; + my $minutes = int($orig_seconds / $SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) % 60; + my $hours = int($orig_seconds / $SECONDS_PER_HOUR) % 24; + my $days = int($orig_seconds / $SECONDS_PER_DAY); + + return "$days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes, $seconds seconds"; +} + ################################################################################ =head2 C<< pandora_ping (I<$pa_config>, I<$host>) >>