2013-01-11 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Config.pm lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: clean up the compound alerts from server code git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@7438 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2013-01-11 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Config.pm
lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: clean up the compound alerts from
server code
2013-01-11 Juan Manuel Ramon <juanmanuel.ramon@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: Fixed _id_alert_ macro in events.
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ sub pandora_load_config {
$pa_config->{"wmi_threads"} = 2; # Introduced on 2.0
$pa_config->{"wmi_timeout"} = 5; # Introduced on 2.0
$pa_config->{"wmi_client"} = 'wmic'; # 3.0
$pa_config->{"compound_max_depth"} = 5; # Maximum nested compound alert depth. Not in config file.
$pa_config->{"dataserver_threads"} = 2; # Introduced on 2.0
$pa_config->{"inventory_threads"} = 2; # 2.1
$pa_config->{"export_threads"} = 1; # 3.0
@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ Exported Functions:
=item * C<pandora_evaluate_alert>
=item * C<pandora_evaluate_compound_alert>
=item * C<pandora_evaluate_snmp_alerts>
=item * C<pandora_event>
@ -64,8 +62,6 @@ Exported Functions:
=item * C<pandora_generate_alerts>
=item * C<pandora_generate_compound_alerts>
=item * C<pandora_module_keep_alive>
=item * C<pandora_module_keep_alive_nd>
@ -146,14 +142,12 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -270,11 +264,6 @@ sub pandora_generate_alerts ($$$$$$$$;$$$) {
pandora_process_alert ($pa_config, $data, $agent, $module,
$alert, $rc, $dbh, $timestamp, $extra_macros);
# Evaluate compound alerts even if the alert status did not change in
# case the compound alert does not recover
pandora_generate_compound_alerts ($pa_config, $data, $status,
$agent, $module, $alert, $utimestamp, $dbh, $timestamp);
@ -424,11 +413,7 @@ sub pandora_evaluate_alert ($$$$$$$;$$$) {
return $status if ($last_status != 2 && $alert->{'type'} eq 'warning');
return $status if ($last_status != 3 && $alert->{'type'} eq 'unknown');
# Compound alert
elsif (defined ($alert->{'id_agent'})) {
return $status if (pandora_evaluate_compound_alert($pa_config, $alert->{'id'}, $alert->{'name'}, $dbh) == 0);
# Event alert
else {
my $rc = enterprise_hook ('evaluate_event_alert', [$pa_config, $dbh, $alert, $events, $event]);
return $status unless (defined ($rc) && $rc == 1);
@ -457,14 +442,11 @@ sub pandora_process_alert ($$$$$$$$;$) {
logger ($pa_config, "Processing alert '" . safe_output($alert->{'name'}) . "': " . (defined ($AlertStatus[$rc]) ? $AlertStatus[$rc] : 'Unknown status') . ".", 10);
# Simple, event or compound alert?
# Simple or event alert?
my ($id, $table) = (undef, undef);
if (defined ($alert->{'id_template_module'})) {
$id = $alert->{'id_template_module'};
$table = 'talert_template_modules';
} elsif (defined ($alert->{'id_agent'})) {
$id = $alert->{'id'};
$table = 'talert_compound';
} else {
$id = $alert->{'id'};
$table = 'tevent_alert';
@ -575,96 +557,6 @@ sub pandora_process_alert ($$$$$$$$;$) {
=head2 C<< pandora_evaluate_compound_alert (I<$pa_config>, I<$id>, I<$name>, I<$dbh>) >>
Evaluate the given compound alert. Returns 1 if the alert should be
fired, 0 if not.
sub pandora_evaluate_compound_alert ($$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $id, $name, $dbh) = @_;
logger ($pa_config, "Evaluating compound alert '".safe_output($name)."'.", 10);
# Return value
my $status = 0;
# Get all the alerts associated with this compound alert
my @compound_alerts = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT id_alert_template_module, operation FROM talert_compound_elements
WHERE id_alert_compound = ? ORDER BY ' . db_reserved_word ('order'), $id);
foreach my $compound_alert (@compound_alerts) {
# Get alert data if enabled
my $times_fired = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT times_fired FROM talert_template_modules WHERE id = ?
AND disabled = 0", $compound_alert->{'id_alert_template_module'});
next unless defined ($times_fired);
# Check whether the alert was fired
my $fired = ($times_fired > 0) ? 1 : 0;
my $operation = $compound_alert->{'operation'};
# Operate...
if ($operation eq "AND") {
$status &= $fired;
elsif ($operation eq "OR") {
$status |= $fired;
elsif ($operation eq "XOR") {
$status ^= $fired;
elsif ($operation eq "NAND") {
$status &= ! $fired;
elsif ($operation eq "NOR") {
$status |= ! $fired;
elsif ($operation eq "NXOR") {
$status ^= ! $fired;
elsif ($operation eq "NOP") {
$status = $fired;
} else {
logger ($pa_config, "Unknown operation: $operation.", 3);
return $status;
=head2 C<< pandora_generate_compound_alerts (I<$pa_config>, I<$data>, I<$status>, I<$agent>, I<$module>, I<$alert>, I<$utimestamp>, I<$dbh>, I<$timestamp>) >>
Generate compound alerts that depend on a given alert.
sub pandora_generate_compound_alerts ($$$$$$$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $data, $status, $agent, $module, $alert, $utimestamp, $dbh, $timestamp) = @_;
# Get all compound alerts that depend on this alert
my @elements = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT id_alert_compound FROM talert_compound_elements
WHERE id_alert_template_module = ?',
foreach my $element (@elements) {
# Get compound alert parameters
my $compound_alert = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM talert_compound WHERE id = ?', $element->{'id_alert_compound'});
next unless defined ($compound_alert);
# Evaluate the alert
my $rc = pandora_evaluate_alert ($pa_config, $agent, $data, $status, $compound_alert,
$utimestamp, $dbh);
pandora_process_alert ($pa_config, $data, $agent, $module,
$compound_alert, $rc, $dbh, $timestamp);
=head2 C<< pandora_execute_alert (I<$pa_config>, I<$data>, I<$agent>, I<$module>, I<$alert>, I<$alert_mode>, I<$dbh>, I<$timestamp>) >>
@ -714,16 +606,6 @@ sub pandora_execute_alert ($$$$$$$$;$) {
# Compound alert
elsif (defined ($alert->{'id_agent'})) {
@actions = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM talert_compound_actions, talert_actions, talert_commands
WHERE talert_compound_actions.id_alert_action = talert_actions.id
AND talert_actions.id_alert_command = talert_commands.id
AND talert_compound_actions.id_alert_compound = ?
AND ((fires_min = 0 AND fires_max = 0)
OR (? >= fires_min AND ? <= fires_max))',
$alert->{'id'}, $alert->{'times_fired'}, $alert->{'times_fired'});
# Event alert
else {
@actions = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tevent_alert_action, talert_actions, talert_commands
@ -3153,10 +3035,8 @@ sub pandora_inhibit_alerts {
AND talert_template_modules.times_fired > 0
AND talert_templates.priority = 4', $agent->{'id_parent'});
return 1 if ($count > 0);
# Are any of the parent's critical compound alerts fired?
$count = get_db_value ($dbh, 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM talert_compound WHERE id_agent = ? AND times_fired > 0 AND priority = 4', $agent->{'id_parent'});
return 1 if ($count > 0);
# Check the parent's parent next
$agent = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent->{'id_parent'});
Reference in New Issue