2013-03-05 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>

* lib/PandoraFMS/SNMPServer.pm: Added an option to start the snmptrapd
	  daemon manually.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@7788 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
Ramon Novoa 2013-03-05 17:59:46 +00:00
parent 2aef529f1d
commit b31630b986
2 changed files with 68 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2013-03-05 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/SNMPServer.pm: Added an option to start the snmptrapd
daemon manually.
2013-03-05 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: Add the new fields on snmp alerts

View File

@ -47,42 +47,16 @@ sub new ($$;$) {
return undef unless $config->{'snmpconsole'} == 1;
# Start snmptrapd
my $pid_file = '/var/run/pandora_snmptrapd.pid';
my $snmptrapd_running = 0;
if ( -e $pid_file && open (PIDFILE, $pid_file)) {
my $pid = <PIDFILE> + 0;
close PIDFILE;
# Check if snmptrapd is running
if ($snmptrapd_running = kill (0, $pid)) {
logger ($config, "snmptrapd (pid $pid) is already running, attempting to kill it...", 1);
print_message ($config, "snmptrapd (pid $pid) is already running, attempting to kill it...", 1);
kill (9, $pid);
# Ignore auth failure traps
my $snmp_ignore_authfailure = ($config->{'snmp_ignore_authfailure'} eq '1' ? ' -a' : '');
# Select agent-addr field of the PDU or PDU source address for V1 traps
my $address_format = ($config->{'snmp_pdu_address'} eq '0' ? '%a' : '%b');
my $snmptrapd_args = ' -t -On -n' . $snmp_ignore_authfailure . ' -Lf ' . $config->{'snmp_logfile'} . ' -p ' . $pid_file;
$snmptrapd_args .= ' --format1=SNMPv1[**]%4y-%02.2m-%l[**]%02.2h:%02.2j:%02.2k[**]' . $address_format . '[**]%N[**]%w[**]%W[**]%q[**]%v\\\n';
$snmptrapd_args .= ' --format2=SNMPv2[**]%4y-%02.2m-%l[**]%02.2h:%02.2j:%02.2k[**]%b[**]%v\\\n';
if (system ($config->{'snmp_trapd'} . $snmptrapd_args . ' >/dev/null 2>&1') != 0) {
logger ($config, " [E] Could not start snmptrapd.", 1);
print_message ($config, " [E] Could not start snmptrapd.", 1);
if (start_snmptrapd ($config) != 0) {
return undef;
# Call the constructor of the parent class
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($config, 2, $dbh);
# Save the path of snmptrapd
$self->{'snmp_trapd'} = $config->{'snmp_trapd'};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
@ -223,8 +197,10 @@ sub pandora_snmptrapd {
sub stop () {
my $self = shift;
system ('kill -9 `cat /var/run/pandora_snmptrapd.pid 2> /dev/null`');
unlink ('/var/run/pandora_snmptrapd.pid');
if ($self->{'snmp_trapd'} ne 'manual') {
system ('kill -9 `cat /var/run/pandora_snmptrapd.pid 2> /dev/null`');
unlink ('/var/run/pandora_snmptrapd.pid');
$self->SUPER::stop ();
@ -256,5 +232,60 @@ sub matches_filter ($$$) {
return 0;
# Start snmptrapd, attempting to kill it if it is already running. Returns 0 if
# successful, 1 otherwise.
sub start_snmptrapd ($) {
my ($config) = @_;
my $pid_file = '/var/run/pandora_snmptrapd.pid';
my $snmptrapd_running = 0;
# Manual start of snmptrapd
if ($config->{'snmp_trapd'} eq 'manual') {
logger ($config, "No SNMP trap daemon configured. Start snmptrapd manually.", 1);
print_message ($config, " [*] No SNMP trap daemon configured. Start snmptrapd manually.", 1);
if (! -f $config->{'snmp_logfile'}) {
logger ($config, "SNMP log file " . $config->{'snmp_logfile'} . " not found.", 1);
print_message ($config, " [E] SNMP log file " . $config->{'snmp_logfile'} . " not found.", 1);
return 1;
return 0;
if ( -e $pid_file && open (PIDFILE, $pid_file)) {
my $pid = <PIDFILE> + 0;
close PIDFILE;
# Check if snmptrapd is running
if ($snmptrapd_running = kill (0, $pid)) {
logger ($config, "snmptrapd (pid $pid) is already running, attempting to kill it...", 1);
print_message ($config, "snmptrapd (pid $pid) is already running, attempting to kill it...", 1);
kill (9, $pid);
# Ignore auth failure traps
my $snmp_ignore_authfailure = ($config->{'snmp_ignore_authfailure'} eq '1' ? ' -a' : '');
# Select agent-addr field of the PDU or PDU source address for V1 traps
my $address_format = ($config->{'snmp_pdu_address'} eq '0' ? '%a' : '%b');
my $snmptrapd_args = ' -t -On -n' . $snmp_ignore_authfailure . ' -Lf ' . $config->{'snmp_logfile'} . ' -p ' . $pid_file;
$snmptrapd_args .= ' --format1=SNMPv1[**]%4y-%02.2m-%l[**]%02.2h:%02.2j:%02.2k[**]' . $address_format . '[**]%N[**]%w[**]%W[**]%q[**]%v\\\n';
$snmptrapd_args .= ' --format2=SNMPv2[**]%4y-%02.2m-%l[**]%02.2h:%02.2j:%02.2k[**]%b[**]%v\\\n';
if (system ($config->{'snmp_trapd'} . $snmptrapd_args . ' >/dev/null 2>&1') != 0) {
logger ($config, " [E] Could not start snmptrapd.", 1);
print_message ($config, " [E] Could not start snmptrapd.", 1);
return 1;
return 0;