2007-05-08 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* godmode/modules/*.php, godmode/agentes/*.php: Added icon to buttons. * godmode/grupos/configurar_grupo.php: Changed datos2 style to datos in second row. * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Added code to show "Never" if timestamp is 00-00... * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Added title to <td> tag, to show name when is longer than 15 chars. * general/logon_ok.php: Closed some html tags. Reduce size of table. * include/styles/pandora.css: Changed some colours. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@454 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
2007-05-08 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* godmode/modules/*.php, godmode/agentes/*.php: Added icon to buttons.
* godmode/grupos/configurar_grupo.php: Changed datos2 style to datos in
second row.
* operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Added code to show "Never" if
timestamp is 00-00...
* operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Added title to <td> tag,
to show name when is longer than 15 chars.
* general/logon_ok.php: Closed some html tags. Reduce size of table.
* include/styles/pandora.css: Changed some colours.
2007-05-07 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* general/header.php: Made smaller.
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
echo '<th width="200px">' . $lang_label["comments"] . '</th></tr>';
// Skip offset records
$query1="SELECT * FROM tsesion WHERE (TO_DAYS(fecha) > TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 7) AND ID_usuario = '" . $nick . "' ORDER BY fecha DESC limit 15";
$query1="SELECT * FROM tsesion WHERE (TO_DAYS(fecha) > TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 7)
AND ID_usuario = '" . $nick . "' ORDER BY fecha DESC limit 15";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$contador = 5; // Max items
@ -52,16 +53,12 @@
$usuario = $row["ID_usuario"];
echo '<tr><td class="' . $tdcolor . '">';
echo '<b class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">' . $usuario . '</b>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
echo $row["accion"];
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
echo $row["fecha"];
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
echo $row["IP_origen"];
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">';
echo $row["descripcion"];
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9"><b>' . $usuario . '</b></td>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">' . $row["accion"]. '</td>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">' . $row["fecha"]. '</td>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">' . $row["IP_origen"]. '</td>';
echo '<td class="' . $tdcolor . 'f9">' . $row["descripcion"]. '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
@ -73,44 +70,47 @@
// Private messages pending to read !
$sql='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmensajes WHERE id_usuario_destino="' . $nick . '" AND estado="FALSE";';
$sql='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmensajes WHERE id_usuario_destino="'.$nick.'"
AND estado="FALSE";';
$resultado = mysql_query ($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($resultado);
if ($row["COUNT(*)"] != 0){
echo '<div style="margin-left: 8px">' . $lang_label["new_message_bra"];
echo '<b><a href="index.php?sec=messages&sec2=operation/messages/message">';
echo $row["COUNT(*)"] . '</b> <img src="images/mail.gif" border="0">';
echo $lang_label["new_message_ket"] . '</a></div>';
echo '
<div style="margin-left: 8px">' . $lang_label["new_message_bra"] . '
<b><a href="index.php?sec=messages&sec2=operation/messages/message">'
.$row["COUNT(*)"] . '</b> <img src="images/mail.gif" border="0">'
.$lang_label["new_message_ket"] . '</a>
// Site news !
echo '<h2>' . $lang_label["site_news"] . '</h2>';
$sql_news = "SELECT * FROM tnews ORDER by utimestamp LIMIT 3";
if ($result_news = mysql_query ($sql_news)){
echo '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="720"><tr>';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result_news)) {
echo '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="720">';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result_news)) {
echo '<tr><th align="left">';
echo $lang_label["at"]. " <i>". $row["utimestamp"] ."</i> ".$lang_label["user"]. " <b>". $row["author"]."</b> ".$lang_label["says"].": \"<b>".$row["subject"]."\"</b>";
echo $lang_label["at"]. " <i>". $row["utimestamp"] ."</i> ".
$lang_label["user"]. " <b>". $row["author"]."</b> ".
$lang_label["says"]. ": \"<b>".$row["subject"]."\"</b>";
echo '</th></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class=datos>';
echo clean_output_breaks($row["text"]);
echo '<td><td class=datos3">';
echo "</table>";
// Site stats
echo '<h2 style="margin-bottom: 25px;">'. $lang_label["stat_title"].'</h2>';
echo '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="500"><tr>';
echo '<h2 style="margin-bottom: 10px;">'. $lang_label["stat_title"].'</h2>';
echo '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="500"><tr>';
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) FROM tusuario";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo "<tr><td class=datos>";
echo '<span class="users">';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] ."<b>". $row[0] . '</b> ' . $lang_label["user_defined"];
echo '</span>';
echo '</span></td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td class=datos>";
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) FROM tagente";
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo '<span class="agents">';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . "<b>".$row[0]."</b> ". $lang_label["agent_defined"];
echo '</span>';
echo '</span></td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td class=datos>";
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos";
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo '<span class="data">';
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . "<b>".$row[0] . '</b> ' . $lang_label["data_harvested"];
echo '</span>';
echo '</span></td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td class=datos>";
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM talerta_agente_modulo";
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
echo "<span class='alerts'>";
echo $lang_label["there_are"] . "<b>".$row[0] .'</b> ' . $lang_label["alert_defined"];
echo "</span>";
echo "</span></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td class=datos>";
echo '<span class="time">';
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
} else {
echo 'No data received yet!';
echo '</span>';
echo '</span></td></tr>';
echo "</table>";
echo '</div>'; // class "jus"
@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if ($create_agent == 1){
echo "
<input name='crtbutton' type='submit' class='sub' value='".
<input name='crtbutton' type='submit' class='sub wand' value='".
} else {
echo "
<input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub' value='".
<input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub upd' value='".
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0)
<td align="right" class="datosb">
<input type="submit" name="copiar" class="sub" value="<?php echo $lang_label["copy"].'" onClick="if (!confirm("'.$lang_label["are_you_sure"].'")) return false;>'; ?>
<input type="submit" name="eliminar" class="sub" value="<?php echo $lang_label["delete"].'" onClick="if (!confirm("'.$lang_label["are_you_sure"].'")) return false;>'; ?>
<input type="submit" name="eliminar" class="sub delete" value="<?php echo $lang_label["delete"].'" onClick="if (!confirm("'.$lang_label["are_you_sure"].'")) return false;>'; ?>
<tr><td colspan=2>
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ $mis_grupos = list_group ($id_user); //Print combo for groups and set an array w
echo "</select>";
echo "<td valign='middle'>
<input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub'
<input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub upd'
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
// Create agent button
echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=gagente&
echo "<input type='submit' class='sub wand' name='crt'
echo "<input type='submit' class='sub next' name='crt'
echo "</form></td></tr></table>";
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ sec2=godmode/grupos/lista_grupos">
// Parent
echo "<tr><td class='datos2'>";
echo "<tr><td class='datos'>";
echo $lang_label["parent"];
echo '<td class="datos2">';
echo '<td class="datos">';
echo '<select name="parent">';
if ($id_parent != ""){
echo "<option value=$id_parent>".dame_nombre_grupo($id_parent);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ if ($id_sg != -1)
echo "<form name='snmp_c' method='post' action='http://pandora.localhost/index.php?sec=gmodules&sec2=godmode/modules/manage_nc_groups&create=1'>";
echo "<tr><td class='lb' rowspan='3' width='5'>";
echo "<tr><td class='lb' rowspan='3' width='3'>";
echo "<td class='datos'>".$lang_label["name"];
echo "<td class='datos'><input type='text' name='name' size=30 value='$name'>";
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ echo " <tr><td colspan='3'><div class='raya'></div></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='3' align='right'>";
if ($id_sg == -1)
echo "<input name='crtbutton' type='submit' class='sub' value='".$lang_label["create"]."'>";
echo "<input name='crtbutton' type='submit' class='sub wand' value='".$lang_label["create"]."'>";
echo "<input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub' value='".$lang_label["update"]."'>";
echo "<input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub upd' value='".$lang_label["update"]."'>";
echo "</form></table>";
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ if ($id_nc != -1)
echo "<form name='modulo' method='post' action='index.php?sec=gmodules&sec2=godmode/modules/manage_network_components&update=1&id_nc=$id_nc'>";
echo "<form name='modulo' method='post' action='index.php?sec=gmodules&sec2=godmode/modules/manage_network_components&create=1'>";
echo "<tr><td class='lb' rowspan='10' width='5'>";
echo "<tr><td class='lb' rowspan='10' width='3'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo '<tr><td class="datos2">'.$lang_label["module_name"];
@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=5 align='right'>";
if ($id_nc != "-1")
echo '<input name="updbutton" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["update"].'">';
echo '<input name="updbutton" type="submit" class="sub upd" value="'.$lang_label["update"].'">';
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["add"].'">';
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub wand" value="'.$lang_label["add"].'">';
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";
@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ echo "<table width=550>";
echo '<tr><td><div class="raya"></div></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td align="right" >';
if ($id_np == -1)
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["create"].'">';
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub wand" value="'.$lang_label["create"].'">';
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["update"].'">';
echo '<input name="updbutton" type="submit" class="sub upd" value="'.$lang_label["update"].'">';
echo "</table>";
echo "</form>";
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ if ($id_np != -1){
echo "</select>";
echo '<td valign="top">';
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub" value="'.$lang_label["add"].'">';
echo '<input name="crtbutton" type="submit" class="sub wand" value="'.$lang_label["add"].'">';
echo "</table>";
echo "</form>";
@ -217,19 +217,19 @@ input.sub {
input.next {
padding-right: 21px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/go.png) no-repeat right 4px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/go.png) no-repeat right 2px;
input.upd {
padding-right: 21px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/upd.png) no-repeat right 5px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/upd.png) no-repeat right 3px;
input.wand {
padding-right: 21px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/wand.png) no-repeat right 4px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/wand.png) no-repeat right 3px;
input.delete {
padding-right: 21px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/cross.png) no-repeat right 4px;
background: #e5e5e5 url(../../images/cross.png) no-repeat right 3px;
table, img {
border: 0px;
@ -240,21 +240,23 @@ th, td.lb {
td.lb_view {
color: #fff;
background-color: #7ba04a;
/*background-color: #7ba04a;*/
background-color: #778866;
td.lb, td.lb_view {
height: 16px;
padding-left: 3px;
font-weight: bold;
td.datos, td.datost, td.datosb, td.datos_id , td.datosf9 {
td.datos, td.datost, td.datosb , td.datos_id, td.datosf9 {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
td.datos2, td.datos2t, td.datos2b, td.datos2_id , td.datos2f9 {
background-color: #efefef;
td.datos3 {
background-color: #a7b896;
/*background-color: #a7b896;*/
background-color: #d4ddc6;
td.datos_id {
color: #1a313a;
@ -29,7 +29,12 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0) {
if (mysql_num_rows ($result_t)) {
echo "<h3>".$lang_label["monitor_listing"]."<a href='help/".$help_code."/chap3.php#3323' target='_help' class='help'> <span>".$lang_label["help"]."</span></a></h3>";
echo "<table width='750' cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3>";
echo "<tr><th>".$lang_label["type"]."<th>".$lang_label["module_name"]."<th>".$lang_label["description"]."<th>".$lang_label["status"]."<th>".$lang_label["interval"]."<th>".$lang_label["last_contact"];
echo "<tr><th>".$lang_label["type"]."</th>
while ($row_t=mysql_fetch_array($result_t)){
# For evey module in the status table
@ -87,7 +92,15 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0) {
if ($agent_down == 1) { // If agent down, it's shown red and bold
echo "<span class='redb'>";
echo $row_t["timestamp"]."</span></td>";
else {
echo "<span>";
if ($row_t["timestamp"]=='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
echo $lang_label["never"];
} else {
echo $row_t["timestamp"];
echo "</span></td>";
echo '<tr><td colspan="7"><div class="raya"></div></td></tr></table>';
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0) {
$nombre_tipo_modulo = dame_nombre_tipo_modulo($row3["id_tipo_modulo"]);
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."_id'>";
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."_id' title='".salida_limpia($row3["nombre"])."'>";
echo salida_limpia(substr($row3["nombre"],0,15));
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."'>";
echo "<img src='images/".show_icon_type($row3["id_tipo_modulo"])."' border=0>";
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0) {
$real_interval = $intervalo_agente;
//echo $nombre_tipo_modulo;
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9' title='".$row3["descripcion"]."'>";
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9' title='".salida_limpia($row3["descripcion"])."'>";
echo salida_limpia(substr($row3["descripcion"],0,32));
if (strlen($row3["descripcion"]) > 32){
echo "...";
Reference in New Issue