From b3f4e68934951db5f6e61d62889f166d5d37bf11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: marcos Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 14:57:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] reduce longer module name on odometers VC --- .../include/visual-console-client/vc.main.min.js | 14 ++++++++------ visual_console_client/src/items/Odometer.ts | 2 +- 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.min.js b/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.min.js index f5fe2844aa..f650fa9ca9 100644 --- a/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.min.js +++ b/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.min.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ -!function(e){var t={};function n(r){if(t[r])return t[r].exports;var i=t[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[r].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,n),i.l=!0,i.exports}n.m=e,n.c=t,n.d=function(e,t,r){n.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:r})},n.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof 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n.c = t, n.d = function (e, t, r) { n.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: r }) }, n.r = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, n.t = function (e, t) { if (1 & t && (e = n(e)), 8 & t) return e; if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var r = Object.create(null); if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) for (var i in e) n.d(r, i, function (t) { return e[t] }.bind(null, i)); return r }, n.n = function (e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default } : function () { return e }; return n.d(t, "a", t), t }, n.o = function (e, t) { return, t) }, n.p = "", n(n.s = 14) }([function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "n", (function () { return i })), n.d(t, "m", (function () { return o })), n.d(t, "s", (function () { return s })), n.d(t, "k", (function () { return a })), n.d(t, "l", (function () { return l })), n.d(t, "o", (function () { return p })), n.d(t, "r", (function () { return u })), n.d(t, "j", (function () { return d })), n.d(t, "i", (function () { return h })), n.d(t, "h", (function () { return m })), n.d(t, "p", (function () { return f })), n.d(t, "d", (function () { return b })), n.d(t, "f", (function () { return v })), n.d(t, "g", (function () { return g })), n.d(t, "q", (function () { return y })), n.d(t, "c", (function () { return E })), n.d(t, "a", (function () { return O })), n.d(t, "b", (function () { return k })), n.d(t, "t", (function () { return M })), n.d(t, "e", (function () { return x })); n(9), n(4), n(5), n(12); var r = function () { return (r = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function i(e, t) { return "number" == typeof e ? e : "string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 && !isNaN(parseInt(e)) ? parseInt(e) : t } function o(e, t) { return "number" == typeof e ? e : "string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 && !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) ? parseFloat(e) : t } function s(e) { return null == e || 0 === e.length } function a(e, t) { return "string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 ? e : t } function l(e) { return "boolean" == typeof e ? e : "number" == typeof e ? e > 0 : "string" == typeof e && ("1" === e || "true" === e) } function c(e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = " "), "number" == typeof e && (e = "" + e), "number" == typeof n && (n = "" + n); var r = t - e.length; if (0 === r) return e; if (r < 0) return e.substr(Math.abs(r)); if (r === n.length) return "" + n + e; if (r < n.length) return "" + n.substring(0, r) + e; for (var i = Math.floor(r / n.length), o = r - n.length * i, s = "", a = 0; a < i; a++)s += n; return 0 === o ? "" + s + e : "" + s + n.substring(0, o) + e } function p(e) { return { x: i(e.x, 0), y: i(e.y, 0) } } function u(e) { if (null == e.width || isNaN(parseInt(e.width)) || null == e.height || isNaN(parseInt(e.height))) throw new TypeError("invalid size."); return { width: parseInt(e.width), height: parseInt(e.height) } } function d(e) { return r({ moduleId: i(e.moduleId, null), moduleName: a(e.moduleName, null), moduleDescription: a(e.moduleDescription, null), moduleDisabled: l(e.moduleDisabled) }, function (e) { var t = { agentId: i(e.agentId, null), agentName: a(e.agentName, null), agentAlias: a(e.agentAlias, null), agentDescription: a(e.agentDescription, null), agentAddress: a(e.agentAddress, null), agentDisabled: l(e.agentDisabled) }; return null != e.metaconsoleId ? r({ metaconsoleId: e.metaconsoleId }, t) : t }(e)) } function h(e) { var t = { linkedLayoutStatusType: "default" }; switch (e.linkedLayoutStatusType) { case "weight": var n = i(e.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight, null); if (null == n) throw new TypeError("invalid status calculation properties."); e.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight && (t = { linkedLayoutStatusType: "weight", linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight: n }); break; case "service": var o = i(e.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold, null), s = i(e.linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold, null); if (null == o || null == s) throw new TypeError("invalid status calculation properties."); t = { linkedLayoutStatusType: "service", linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold: o, linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold: s } }return r({ linkedLayoutId: i(e.linkedLayoutId, null), linkedLayoutNodeId: i(e.linkedLayoutNodeId, null) }, t) } function m(e) { var t, n, r = (t = e.receivedAt, n = null, t instanceof Date ? t : "number" == typeof t ? new Date(1e3 * t) : "string" != typeof t || Number.isNaN(new Date(t).getTime()) ? n : new Date(t)); if (null === r) throw new TypeError("invalid meta structure"); var i = null; return e.error instanceof Error ? i = e.error : "string" == typeof e.error && (i = new Error(e.error)), { receivedAt: r, error: i, editMode: l(e.editMode), isFromCache: l(e.isFromCache), isFetching: !1, isUpdating: !1, isBeingMoved: !1, isBeingResized: !1, isSelected: !1, lineMode: !1 } } function f(e, t) { var n = e + ": " + t + ";"; return ["-webkit-" + n, "-moz-" + n, "-ms-" + n, "-o-" + n, "" + n] } function b(e) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(e))) } function v(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = null), t && Intl && Intl.DateTimeFormat) { return Intl.DateTimeFormat(t, { day: "2-digit", month: "2-digit", year: "numeric" }).format(e) } return c(e.getDate(), 2, 0) + "/" + c(e.getMonth() + 1, 2, 0) + "/" + c(e.getFullYear(), 4, 0) } function g(e) { return c(e.getHours(), 2, 0) + ":" + c(e.getMinutes(), 2, 0) + ":" + c(e.getSeconds(), 2, 0) } function y(e, t) { return e.reduce((function (e, t) { var n = t.macro, r = t.value; return e.replace(n, r) }), t) } function _(e, t) { var n = 0; return function () { for (var r = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)r[i] = arguments[i]; var o =; if (!(o - n < e)) return n = o, t.apply(void 0, r) } } function E(e, t) { var n = null; return function () { for (var r = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)r[i] = arguments[i]; null !== n && window.clearTimeout(n), n = window.setTimeout((function () { t.apply(void 0, r), n = null }), e) } } function w(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = 0; e && !Number.isNaN(e.offsetLeft) && !Number.isNaN(e.offsetTop) && e !== t;)n += e.offsetLeft - e.scrollLeft, r += e.offsetTop - e.scrollTop, e = e.offsetParent; return { top: r, left: n } } function O(e, t, n) { var r = n || e.parentElement, i = e.draggable, o = 0, s = 0, a = 0, l = 0, c = 0, p = 0, u = r.getBoundingClientRect(), d = w(r), h =, m = h + u.height, f = d.left, b = f + u.width, v = e.getBoundingClientRect(), g = window.getComputedStyle(e).borderWidth || "0", y = 2 * Number.parseInt(g), O = E(32, t), k = _(16, t), M = function (e) { var t = 0, n = 0, r = e.pageX, i = e.pageY, d = r - a, g = i - l, _ = u.width - v.width + y, E = u.height - v.height + y, w = r < f || 0 === o && d > 0 && r < f + c, M = r > b || d + o + v.width - y > u.width || o === _ && d < 0 && r > f + _ + c, x = i < h || 0 === s && g > 0 && i < h + p, A = i > m || g + s + v.height - y > u.height || s === E && g < 0 && i > h + E + p; (t = w ? 0 : M ? _ : d + o) < 0 && (t = 0), (n = x ? 0 : A ? E : g + s) < 0 && (n = 0), a = r, l = i, t === o && n === s || (k(t, n), O(t, n), o = t, s = n) }, x = function () { o = 0, s = 0, a = 0, l = 0, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", M), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", x), e.draggable = i, = "auto" }, A = function (t) { if (2 !== t.button) { t.stopPropagation(), e.draggable = !1, e.setAttribute("ondragstart", "return false;"), e.setAttribute("draggable", "false"); var n = w(e, r); o = n.left, s =, a = t.pageX, l = t.pageY, c = t.offsetX, p = t.offsetY, u = r.getBoundingClientRect(), d = w(r), h =, m = h + u.height, f = d.left, b = f + u.width, v = e.getBoundingClientRect(), g = window.getComputedStyle(e).borderWidth || "0", y = 2 * Number.parseInt(g), document.addEventListener("mousemove", M), document.addEventListener("mouseup", x), = "none" } }; return e.addEventListener("mousedown", A), function () { e.removeEventListener("mousedown", A), x() } } function k(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "resize-draggable", e.appendChild(n); var r = e.parentElement, i = e.draggable, o = 0, s = 0, a = 0, l = 0, c = 0, p = r.getBoundingClientRect(), u = w(r), d =, h = d + p.height, m = u.left, f = m + p.width, b = w(e), v =, g = b.left, y = window.getComputedStyle(e).borderWidth || "0", O = Number.parseInt(y), k = E(32, t), M = _(16, t), x = function (e) { var t = o + (e.pageX - a), n = s + (e.pageY - l); t === o && n === s || t < o && e.pageX > g + (o - c) || (t < 15 ? t = 15 : t + g - O / 2 >= f && (t = f - g), n < 15 ? n = 15 : n + v - O / 2 >= h && (n = h - v), M(t, n), k(t, n), o = t, s = n, a = e.pageX, l = e.pageY) }, A = function () { o = 0, s = 0, a = 0, l = 0, c = 0, 0, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", x), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", A), e.draggable = i, = "auto" }; return n.addEventListener("mousedown", (function (t) { t.stopPropagation(), e.draggable = !1; var n = e.getBoundingClientRect(), i = n.width, y = n.height; o = i, s = y, a = t.pageX, l = t.pageY, c = t.offsetX, t.offsetY, p = r.getBoundingClientRect(), u = w(r), d =, h = d + p.height, m = u.left, f = m + p.width, b = w(e), v =, g = b.left, document.addEventListener("mousemove", x), document.addEventListener("mouseup", A), = "none" })), function () { n.remove(), A() } } function M(e) { return e } function x(e, t, n) { return void 0 === t && (t = 140), void 0 === n && (n = "…"), e.trim().length > t ? e.substr(0, t).trim() + n : e } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "b", (function () { return l })); var r = n(0), i = n(2), o = n(3), s = function () { return (s = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, a = function (e) { switch (e) { case "up": case "right": case "down": case "left": return e; default: return "down" } }; function l(e) { if (null == || isNaN(parseInt( throw new TypeError("invalid id."); if (null == e.type || isNaN(parseInt(e.type))) throw new TypeError("invalid type."); return s(s({ id: parseInt(, type: parseInt(e.type), label: Object(r.k)(e.label, null), labelPosition: a(e.labelPosition), isLinkEnabled: Object(r.l)(e.isLinkEnabled), link: Object(r.k)(, null), isOnTop: Object(r.l)(e.isOnTop), parentId: Object(r.n)(e.parentId, null), aclGroupId: Object(r.n)(e.aclGroupId, null), cacheExpiration: Object(r.n)(e.cacheExpiration, null), colorStatus: Object(r.k)(e.colorStatus, "#CCC"), cellId: Object(r.n)(e.cellId, null) }, Object(r.r)(e)), Object(r.o)(e)) } var c = function () { function e(e, t, n) { var o = this; void 0 === n && (n = !1), this.elementRef = document.createElement("div"), this.labelElementRef = document.createElement("div"), this.childElementRef = document.createElement("div"), this.clickEventManager = new i.a, this.dblClickEventManager = new i.a, this.movedEventManager = new i.a, this.movementFinishedEventManager = new i.a, this.resizedEventManager = new i.a, this.resizeFinishedEventManager = new i.a, this.removeEventManager = new i.a, this.selectionChangedEventManager = new i.a, this.disposables = [], this.debouncedMovementSave = Object(r.c)(500, (function (e, t) { o._metadata.isBeingMoved = !1; var n = { x: o.props.x, y: o.props.y }, r = { x: e, y: t }; o.positionChanged(n, r) && (o.move(e, t), o.movementFinishedEventManager.emit({ item: o, prevPosition: n, newPosition: r })) })), this.removeMovement = null, this.debouncedResizementSave = Object(r.c)(500, (function (e, t) { o._metadata.isBeingResized = !1; var n = { width: o.props.width, height: o.props.height }, r = { width: e, height: t }; o.sizeChanged(n, r) && (o.resize(e, t), o.resizeFinishedEventManager.emit({ item: o, prevSize: n, newSize: r })) })), this.removeResizement = null, this.itemProps = e, this._metadata = t, n || this.init() } return e.prototype.initMovementListener = function (e) { var t = this; 13 != this.props.type && 21 != this.props.type && (this.removeMovement = Object(r.a)(e, (function (e, n) { var r = { x: t.props.x, y: t.props.y }, i = { x: e, y: n }; t.meta = s(s({}, t.meta), { isSelected: !0 }), t.positionChanged(r, i) && (t._metadata.isBeingMoved = !0, t.moveElement(e, n), t.movedEventManager.emit({ item: t, prevPosition: r, newPosition: i }), t.debouncedMovementSave(e, n)) }))) }, e.prototype.stopMovementListener = function () { this.removeMovement && (this.removeMovement(), this.removeMovement = null) }, e.prototype.initResizementListener = function (e) { var t = this; 13 != this.props.type && 21 != this.props.type && (this.removeResizement = Object(r.b)(e, (function (e, n) { if (t._metadata.isBeingResized = !0, t.props.label && t.props.label.length > 0) { var r = t.labelElementRef.getBoundingClientRect(), i = r.width, o = r.height; switch (t.props.labelPosition) { case "up": case "down": n -= o; break; case "left": case "right": e -= i } } var s = { width: t.props.width, height: t.props.height }, a = { width: e, height: n }; t.sizeChanged(s, a) && (t.resizeElement(e, n), t.resizedEventManager.emit({ item: t, prevSize: s, newSize: a }), t.debouncedResizementSave(e, n)) }))) }, e.prototype.stopResizementListener = function () { this.removeResizement && (this.removeResizement(), this.removeResizement = null) }, e.prototype.init = function () { this.elementRef = this.createContainerDomElement(), this.labelElementRef = this.createLabelDomElement(), this.childElementRef = this.createDomElement(), this.elementRef.appendChild(this.childElementRef), this.elementRef.appendChild(this.labelElementRef), this.resizeElement(this.itemProps.width, this.itemProps.height), this.changeLabelPosition(this.itemProps.labelPosition) }, e.prototype.createContainerDomElement = function () { var e, t = this; return this.props.isLinkEnabled ? (e = document.createElement("a"), ? e.href = : e.className = "textDecorationNone") : (e = document.createElement("div")).className = "textDecorationNone", e.classList.add("visual-console-item"), this.props.isOnTop && e.classList.add("is-on-top"), = this.props.x + "px", = this.props.y + "px", e.addEventListener("dblclick", (function (e) { t.meta.isBeingMoved || t.meta.isBeingResized || (t.unSelectItem(), t.selectItem(), t.dblClickEventManager.emit({ item: t, nativeEvent: e })) })), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { if (t.meta.editMode) e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); else if (t.itemProps.isLinkEnabled && null != { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "div-visual-console-spinner"; var r = document.createElement("div"); r.className = "visual-console-spinner", n.appendChild(r); var i = document.getElementById("visual-console-container"); null != i && (i.classList.add("is-updating"), i.appendChild(n)) } t.meta.isBeingMoved || t.meta.isBeingResized || t.clickEventManager.emit({ item: t, nativeEvent: e }) })), this.meta.editMode && e.classList.add("is-editing"), this.meta.isFetching && e.classList.add("is-fetching"), this.meta.isUpdating && e.classList.add("is-updating"), this.meta.isSelected && e.classList.add("is-selected"), e }, e.prototype.createLabelDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "visual-console-item-label"; var t = this.getLabelWithMacrosReplaced(); if (t.length > 0) { var n = document.createElement("table"), r = document.createElement("tr"), i = document.createElement("tr"), o = document.createElement("tr"), s = document.createElement("td"); switch (s.innerHTML = t, r.appendChild(s), n.appendChild(i), n.appendChild(r), n.appendChild(o), = "center", this.props.labelPosition) { case "up": case "down": this.props.width > 0 && ( = this.props.width + "px", = ""); break; case "left": case "right": this.props.height > 0 && ( = "", = this.props.height + "px") }e.appendChild(n) } return e }, e.prototype.getLabelWithMacrosReplaced = function () { var e = this.props; return Object(r.q)([{ macro: "_date_", value: Object(r.f)(new Date) }, { macro: "_time_", value: Object(r.g)(new Date) }, { macro: "_agent_", value: null != e.agentAlias ? e.agentAlias : "" }, { macro: "_agentdescription_", value: null != e.agentDescription ? e.agentDescription : "" }, { macro: "_address_", value: null != e.agentAddress ? e.agentAddress : "" }, { macro: "_module_", value: null != e.moduleName ? e.moduleName : "" }, { macro: "_moduledescription_", value: null != e.moduleDescription ? e.moduleDescription : "" }], this.props.label || "") }, e.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { e.innerHTML = this.createDomElement().innerHTML }, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "props", { get: function () { return s({}, this.itemProps) }, set: function (e) { this.setProps(e) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.setProps = function (e) { var t = this.props; this.itemProps = e, this.shouldBeUpdated(t, e) && this.render(t, this._metadata) }, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "meta", { get: function () { return s({}, this._metadata) }, set: function (e) { this.setMeta(e) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.setMeta = function (e) { var t = this._metadata; this._metadata = s(s({}, t), e), void 0 !== e.isSelected && t.isSelected !== e.isSelected && this.selectionChangedEventManager.emit({ selected: e.isSelected }), this.render(this.itemProps, t) }, e.prototype.shouldBeUpdated = function (e, t) { return e !== t }, e.prototype.render = function (e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = null), void 0 === t && (t = null), this.updateDomElement(this.childElementRef), e && !this.positionChanged(e, this.props) || this.moveElement(this.props.x, this.props.y), e && !this.sizeChanged(e, this.props) || this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height); var n = this.labelElementRef.innerHTML, r = this.createLabelDomElement().innerHTML; if (n !== r && (this.labelElementRef.innerHTML = r), e && e.labelPosition === this.props.labelPosition || this.changeLabelPosition(this.props.labelPosition), e && e.isOnTop === this.props.isOnTop || (this.props.isOnTop ? this.elementRef.classList.add("is-on-top") : this.elementRef.classList.remove("is-on-top")), e && e.isLinkEnabled !== this.props.isLinkEnabled) { var i = this.createContainerDomElement(); i.innerHTML = this.elementRef.innerHTML; for (var o = this.elementRef.attributes, s = 0; s < o.length; s++)if ("id" !== o[s].nodeName) { var a = this.elementRef.getAttributeNode(o[s].nodeName); null !== a && i.setAttributeNode(a.cloneNode()) } null !== this.elementRef.parentNode && this.elementRef.parentNode.replaceChild(i, this.elementRef), this.elementRef = i } if (e && this.props.isLinkEnabled && !== && null !== && this.elementRef.setAttribute("href",, t && t.editMode === this.meta.editMode || (this.meta.editMode ? this.elementRef.classList.add("is-editing") : this.elementRef.classList.remove("is-editing")), t && t.isFetching === this.meta.isFetching || (this.meta.isFetching ? this.elementRef.classList.add("is-fetching") : this.elementRef.classList.remove("is-fetching")), !t || t.isUpdating !== this.meta.isUpdating) if (this.meta.isUpdating) { this.elementRef.classList.add("is-updating"); var l = document.createElement("div"); l.className = "div-visual-console-spinner"; var c = document.createElement("div"); c.className = "visual-console-spinner", l.appendChild(c), this.elementRef.appendChild(l) } else { this.elementRef.classList.remove("is-updating"); var p = this.elementRef.querySelector(".div-visual-console-spinner"); if (null !== p) { var u = p.parentElement; null !== u && u.removeChild(p) } } t && t.isSelected === this.meta.isSelected || (this.meta.isSelected ? this.elementRef.classList.add("is-selected") : this.elementRef.classList.remove("is-selected")) }, e.prototype.remove = function () { this.removeEventManager.emit({ item: this }), this.disposables.forEach((function (e) { try { e.dispose() } catch (e) { } })), this.elementRef.remove() }, e.prototype.positionChanged = function (e, t) { return e.x !== t.x || e.y !== t.y }, e.prototype.changeLabelPosition = function (e) { switch (e) { case "up": = "column-reverse"; break; case "left": = "row-reverse"; break; case "right": = "row"; break; case "down": default: = "column" }var t = this.labelElementRef.getElementsByTagName("table"), n = t.length > 0 ? t.item(0) : null; if (n) switch (this.props.labelPosition) { case "up": case "down": this.props.width > 0 && ( = this.props.width + "px", = ""); break; case "left": case "right": this.props.height > 0 && ( = "", = this.props.height + "px") } }, e.prototype.moveElement = function (e, t) { = e + "px", = t + "px" }, e.prototype.move = function (e, t) { this.moveElement(e, t), this.itemProps = s(s({}, this.props), { x: e, y: t }) }, e.prototype.sizeChanged = function (e, t) { return e.width !== t.width || e.height !== t.height }, e.prototype.resizeElement = function (e, t) { if (13 != this.props.type && 21 != this.props.type && ( = e > 0 ? e + "px" : "", = t > 0 ? t + "px" : ""), this.props.label && this.props.label.length > 0) { var n = this.labelElementRef.getElementsByTagName("table"), r = n.length > 0 ? n.item(0) : null; if (r) switch (this.props.labelPosition) { case "up": case "down": = e > 0 ? e + "px" : ""; break; case "left": case "right": = t > 0 ? t + "px" : "" } } }, e.prototype.resize = function (e, t) { this.resizeElement(e, t), this.itemProps = s(s({}, this.props), { width: e, height: t }) }, e.prototype.onClick = function (e) { var t = this.clickEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onDblClick = function (e) { var t = this.dblClickEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onMoved = function (e) { var t = this.movedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onMovementFinished = function (e) { var t = this.movementFinishedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onResized = function (e) { var t = this.resizedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onResizeFinished = function (e) { var t = this.resizeFinishedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onRemove = function (e) { var t = this.removeEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onSelectionChanged = function (e) { var t = this.selectionChangedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.selectItem = function () { this.meta = s(s({}, this.meta), { isSelected: !0 }), this.initMovementListener(this.elementRef), 13 !== this.props.type && 21 !== this.props.type && this.initResizementListener(this.elementRef) }, e.prototype.unSelectItem = function () { this.meta = s(s({}, this.meta), { isSelected: !1 }), this.stopMovementListener(), 13 !== this.props.type && this.stopResizementListener() }, e.prototype.getFormContainer = function () { return e.getFormContainer(this.props) }, e.getFormContainer = function (e) { var t = e.type ? function (e) { var t = ""; switch (e) { case 0: t = Object(r.t)("Static image"); break; case 1: t = Object(r.t)("Module graph"); break; case 2: t = Object(r.t)("Simple value"); break; case 3: t = Object(r.t)("Percentile item"); break; case 4: t = Object(r.t)("Label"); break; case 5: t = Object(r.t)("Icon"); break; case 6: case 7: case 8: t = Object(r.t)("Simple value"); break; case 9: t = Object(r.t)("Percentile item"); break; case 10: t = Object(r.t)("Service"); break; case 11: t = Object(r.t)("Group"); break; case 12: t = Object(r.t)("Box"); break; case 13: t = Object(r.t)("Line"); break; case 14: t = Object(r.t)("Event history graph"); break; case 15: case 16: t = Object(r.t)("Percentile item"); break; case 17: t = Object(r.t)("Serialized pie graph"); break; case 18: t = Object(r.t)("Bars graph"); break; case 19: t = Object(r.t)("Clock"); break; case 20: t = Object(r.t)("Color cloud"); break; case 21: t = Object(r.t)("Network link"); break; case 22: t = Object(r.t)("Odometer"); break; default: t = Object(r.t)("Item") }return t }(e.type) : Object(r.t)("Item"); return new o.FormContainer(t, [], []) }, e }(); t.a = c }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = function () { var e = this; this.listeners = [], this.listenersOncer = [], this.on = function (t) { return e.listeners.push(t), { dispose: function () { return } } }, this.once = function (t) { e.listenersOncer.push(t) }, = function (t) { var n = e.listeners.indexOf(t); n > -1 && e.listeners.splice(n, 1) }, this.emit = function (t) { e.listeners.forEach((function (e) { return e(t) })), e.listenersOncer.forEach((function (e) { return e(t) })), e.listenersOncer = [] }, this.pipe = function (t) { return e.on((function (e) { return t.emit(e) })) } }; t.a = r }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t), n.d(t, "InputGroup", (function () { return s })), n.d(t, "FormContainer", (function () { return a })); var r = n(2), i = function () { return (i = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, o = function () { for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = arguments.length; t < n; t++)e += arguments[t].length; var r = Array(e), i = 0; for (t = 0; t < n; t++)for (var o = arguments[t], s = 0, a = o.length; s < a; s++, i++)r[i] = o[s]; return r }, s = function () { function e(e, t) { this._name = "", this.currentData = {}, this.dataRequestedEventManager = new r.a, = e, this.initialData = t } return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", { get: function () { return this._name }, set: function (e) { if (0 === e.length) throw new RangeError("empty name"); this._name = e }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "data", { get: function () { return i({}, this.currentData) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "element", { get: function () { if (null == this._element) { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "input-group input-group-" +; var t = this.createContent(); t instanceof Array ? t.forEach(e.appendChild) : e.appendChild(t), this._element = e } return this._element }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.reset = function () { this.currentData = {} }, e.prototype.updateData = function (e) { this.currentData = i(i({}, this.currentData), e) }, e.prototype.requestData = function (e, t, n) { this.dataRequestedEventManager.emit({ identifier: e, params: t, done: n }) }, e.prototype.onDataRequested = function (e) { return this.dataRequestedEventManager.on(e) }, e }(), a = function () { function e(e, t, n) { var i = this; void 0 === t && (t = []), void 0 === n && (n = []), this.inputGroupsByName = {}, this.enabledInputGroupNames = [], this.submitEventManager = new r.a, this.itemDataRequestedEventManager = new r.a, this.handleItemDataRequested = this.itemDataRequestedEventManager.emit, this.title = e, t.length > 0 && (this.inputGroupsByName = t.reduce((function (e, t) { return t.onDataRequested(i.handleItemDataRequested), e[] = t, e }), this.inputGroupsByName)), n.length > 0 && (this.enabledInputGroupNames = o(this.enabledInputGroupNames, n.filter((function (e) { return null != i.inputGroupsByName[e] })))) } return e.prototype.getInputGroup = function (e) { return this.inputGroupsByName[e] || null }, e.prototype.addInputGroup = function (e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = null), e.onDataRequested(this.handleItemDataRequested), this.inputGroupsByName[] = e, this.enabledInputGroupNames = this.enabledInputGroupNames.filter((function (t) { return t !== })), null !== t ? t <= 0 ? this.enabledInputGroupNames = o([], this.enabledInputGroupNames) : t >= this.enabledInputGroupNames.length ? this.enabledInputGroupNames = o(this.enabledInputGroupNames, []) : this.enabledInputGroupNames = o(this.enabledInputGroupNames.slice(0, t), [], this.enabledInputGroupNames.slice(t)) : this.enabledInputGroupNames = o(this.enabledInputGroupNames, []), this }, e.prototype.removeInputGroup = function (e) { return delete this.inputGroupsByName[e], this.enabledInputGroupNames = this.enabledInputGroupNames.filter((function (t) { return t !== e })), this }, e.prototype.getFormElement = function (e) { var t = this; void 0 === e && (e = "update"); var n = document.createElement("form"); = "visual-console-item-edition", n.className = "visual-console-item-edition", n.addEventListener("submit", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t.submitEventManager.emit({ nativeEvent: e, data: t.enabledInputGroupNames.reduce((function (e, n) { return t.inputGroupsByName[n] && (e = i(i({}, e), t.inputGroupsByName[n].data)), e }), {}) }) })); var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "input-groups", this.enabledInputGroupNames.forEach((function (e) { t.inputGroupsByName[e] && r.appendChild(t.inputGroupsByName[e].element) })), n.appendChild(r), n }, e.prototype.reset = function () { var e = this; this.enabledInputGroupNames.forEach((function (t) { e.inputGroupsByName[t] && e.inputGroupsByName[t].reset() })) }, e.prototype.onSubmit = function (e) { return this.submitEventManager.on(e) }, e.prototype.onInputGroupDataRequested = function (e) { return this.itemDataRequestedEventManager.on(e) }, e }() }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n(11); var r = ""; t.a = function (e, t, n) { var i = void 0 === n ? {} : n, o = i.size, s = i.color, a = i.spin, l = i.pulse, c = document.createElement("figure"); c.title = t, c.className = "fa fa-" + e.iconName, o && c.classList.add("fa-" + o), a ? c.classList.add("fa-spin") : l && c.classList.add("fa-pulse"); var p = document.createElementNS(r, "svg"); p.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + e.icon[0] + " " + e.icon[1]), s && p.setAttribute("fill", s); var u = document.createElementNS(r, "path"), d = "string" == typeof e.icon[4] ? e.icon[4] : e.icon[4][0]; return u.setAttribute("d", d), p.appendChild(u), c.appendChild(p), c } }, function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; n.d(t, "a", (function () { return r })), n.d(t, "b", (function () { return i })), n.d(t, "c", (function () { return o })), n.d(t, "d", (function () { return s })); + /*! + * Font Awesome Free 5.15.3 by @fontawesome - + * License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) + */ + var r = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "list-alt", icon: [512, 512, [], "f022", "M464 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM128 120c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm288-136v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z"] }, i = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "pencil-alt", icon: [512, 512, [], "f303", "M497.9 142.1l-46.1 46.1c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-111-111c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l46.1-46.1c18.7-18.7 49.1-18.7 67.9 0l60.1 60.1c18.8 18.7 18.8 49.1 0 67.9zM284.2 99.8L21.6 362.4.4 483.9c-2.9 16.4 11.4 30.6 27.8 27.8l121.5-21.3 262.6-262.6c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-111-111c-4.8-4.7-12.4-4.7-17.1 0zM124.1 339.9c-5.5-5.5-5.5-14.3 0-19.8l154-154c5.5-5.5 14.3-5.5 19.8 0s5.5 14.3 0 19.8l-154 154c-5.5 5.5-14.3 5.5-19.8 0zM88 424h48v36.3l-64.5 11.3-31.1-31.1L51.7 376H88v48z"] }, o = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "plus-circle", icon: [512, 512, [], "f055", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm144 276c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-92v92c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-92h-92c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h92v-92c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v92h92c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56z"] }, s = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "trash-alt", icon: [448, 512, [], "f2ed", "M32 464a48 48 0 0 0 48 48h288a48 48 0 0 0 48-48V128H32zm272-256a16 16 0 0 1 32 0v224a16 16 0 0 1-32 0zm-96 0a16 16 0 0 1 32 0v224a16 16 0 0 1-32 0zm-96 0a16 16 0 0 1 32 0v224a16 16 0 0 1-32 0zM432 32H312l-9.4-18.7A24 24 0 0 0 281.1 0H166.8a23.72 23.72 0 0 0-21.4 13.3L136 32H16A16 16 0 0 0 0 48v32a16 16 0 0 0 16 16h416a16 16 0 0 0 16-16V48a16 16 0 0 0-16-16z"] } +}, function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", (function () { return eventsHistoryPropsDecoder })); var _lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(0), _Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(1), __extends = (extendStatics = function (e, t) { return (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(e, t) }, function (e, t) { function n() { this.constructor = e } extendStatics(e, t), e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (n.prototype = t.prototype, new n) }), extendStatics, __assign = function () { return (__assign = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(e) { if (Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.html) && Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.encodedHtml)) throw new TypeError("missing html content."); return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, Object(_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.b)(e)), { type: 14, maxTime: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.n)(e.maxTime, null), legendColor: e.legendColor, html: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.html) ? Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.d)(e.encodedHtml) : e.html }), Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.j)(e)) } var EventsHistory = function (_super) { function EventsHistory() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this } return __extends(EventsHistory, _super), EventsHistory.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var element = document.createElement("div"); element.className = "events-history", element.innerHTML = this.props.html, !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"); for (var scripts = element.getElementsByTagName("script"), _loop_1 = function (i) { 0 === scripts[i].src.length && setTimeout((function () { try { eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim()) } catch (e) { } }), 0) }, i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)_loop_1(i); var flotText = element.getElementsByClassName("noresizevc"); return flotText[0].style.color = this.props.legendColor, element }, EventsHistory.prototype.updateDomElement = function (element) { element.innerHTML = this.props.html; var aux = document.createElement("div"); aux.innerHTML = this.props.html; for (var scripts = aux.getElementsByTagName("script"), i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)0 === scripts[i].src.length && eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim()); var flotText = element.getElementsByClassName("noresizevc"); flotText[0].style.color = this.props.legendColor }, EventsHistory }(_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.a); __webpack_exports__.a = EventsHistory }, function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", (function () { return donutGraphPropsDecoder })); var _lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(0), _Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(1), __extends = (extendStatics = function (e, t) { return (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(e, t) }, function (e, t) { function n() { this.constructor = e } extendStatics(e, t), e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (n.prototype = t.prototype, new n) }), extendStatics, __assign = function () { return (__assign = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function donutGraphPropsDecoder(e) { if (Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.html) && Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.encodedHtml)) throw new TypeError("missing html content."); return __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, Object(_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.b)(e)), { type: 17, html: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.html) ? Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.d)(e.encodedHtml) : e.html, legendBackgroundColor: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.legendBackgroundColor) ? "#000000" : e.legendBackgroundColor }), Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.j)(e)), Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.i)(e)) } var DonutGraph = function (_super) { function DonutGraph() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this } return __extends(DonutGraph, _super), DonutGraph.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var element = document.createElement("div"); element.className = "donut-graph", element.innerHTML = this.props.html, !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"); for (var scripts = element.getElementsByTagName("script"), _loop_1 = function (i) { setTimeout((function () { 0 === scripts[i].src.length && eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim()) }), 0) }, i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)_loop_1(i); return element }, DonutGraph.prototype.updateDomElement = function (element) { element.innerHTML = this.props.html; var aux = document.createElement("div"); aux.innerHTML = this.props.html; for (var scripts = aux.getElementsByTagName("script"), i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)0 === scripts[i].src.length && eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim()) }, DonutGraph }(_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.a); __webpack_exports__.a = DonutGraph }, function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", (function () { return moduleGraphPropsDecoder })); var _lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(0), _Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(1), __extends = (extendStatics = function (e, t) { return (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(e, t) }, function (e, t) { function n() { this.constructor = e } extendStatics(e, t), e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (n.prototype = t.prototype, new n) }), extendStatics, __assign = function () { return (__assign = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, parseBackgroundType = function (e) { switch (e) { case "white": case "black": case "transparent": return e; default: return "transparent" } }, parseGraphType = function (e) { switch (e) { case "line": case "area": return e; default: return "line" } }; function moduleGraphPropsDecoder(e) { if (Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.html) && Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.encodedHtml)) throw new TypeError("missing html content."); return __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, Object(_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.b)(e)), { type: 1, html: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.s)(e.html) ? Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.d)(e.encodedHtml) : e.html, backgroundType: parseBackgroundType(e.backgroundType), period: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.n)(e.period, null), graphType: parseGraphType(e.graphType), customGraphId: Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.n)(e.customGraphId, null) }), Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.j)(e)), Object(_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.i)(e)) } var ModuleGraph = function (_super) { function ModuleGraph() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this } return __extends(ModuleGraph, _super), ModuleGraph.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var element = document.createElement("div"); element.innerHTML = this.props.html, element.className = "module-graph", !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"); for (var legendP = element.getElementsByTagName("p"), i = 0; i < legendP.length; i++)legendP[i].style.margin = "0px"; for (var overviewGraphs = element.getElementsByClassName("overview_graph"), i = 0; i < overviewGraphs.length; i++)overviewGraphs[i].remove(); for (var scripts = element.getElementsByTagName("script"), _loop_1 = function (i) { 0 === scripts[i].src.length && setTimeout((function () { try { eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim()) } catch (e) { } }), 0) }, i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)_loop_1(i); return element }, ModuleGraph.prototype.updateDomElement = function (element) { element.innerHTML = this.props.html; for (var legendP = element.getElementsByTagName("p"), i = 0; i < legendP.length; i++)legendP[i].style.margin = "0px"; for (var overviewGraphs = element.getElementsByClassName("overview_graph"), i = 0; i < overviewGraphs.length; i++)overviewGraphs[i].remove(); for (var scripts = element.getElementsByTagName("script"), i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)0 === scripts[i].src.length && eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim()) }, ModuleGraph }(_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.a); __webpack_exports__.a = ModuleGraph }, function (e, t) { e.exports = "" }, function (e, t, n) { }, function (e, t, n) { }, function (e, t, n) { }, function (e, t, n) { }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); n(10); var r, i = n(0), o = n(1), s = (r = function (e, t) { return (r = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(e, t) }, function (e, t) { function n() { this.constructor = e } r(e, t), e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (n.prototype = t.prototype, new n) }), a = function () { return (a = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, l = function (e) { switch (e) { case "default": case "enabled": case "disabled": return e; default: return "default" } }; function c(e) { if ("string" != typeof e.imageSrc || 0 === e.imageSrc.length) throw new TypeError("invalid image src."); return a(a(a(a({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 0, imageSrc: e.imageSrc, showLastValueTooltip: l(e.showLastValueTooltip), statusImageSrc: Object(i.k)(e.statusImageSrc, null), lastValue: Object(i.k)(e.lastValue, null) }), Object(i.j)(e)), Object(i.i)(e)) } var p = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return s(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = this.props.statusImageSrc || this.props.imageSrc, t = document.createElement("div"); return t.className = "static-graph", t.setAttribute("ondragstart", "return false;"), t.setAttribute("draggable", "false"), = "url(" + e + ")", = "no-repeat", = "contain", = "center", !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"), null !== this.props.lastValue && "disabled" !== this.props.showLastValueTooltip && (t.className = "static-graph image forced_title", t.setAttribute("data-use_title_for_force_title", "1"), t.setAttribute("data-title", this.props.lastValue)), t }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { var t = this.props.statusImageSrc || this.props.imageSrc; = "url(" + t + ")" }, t }(o.a), u = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), d = function () { return (d = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function h(e) { if ("string" != typeof e.imageSrc || 0 === e.imageSrc.length) throw new TypeError("invalid image src."); if ("string" != typeof e.image || 0 === e.image.length) throw new TypeError("invalid image."); return d(d(d({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 5, image: e.image, imageSrc: e.imageSrc }), Object(i.i)(e)) } var m = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return u(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "icon " + this.props.image, = "url(" + this.props.imageSrc + ")", = "no-repeat", = "contain", = "center", e }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { = "url(" + this.props.imageSrc + ")" }, t }(o.a), f = n(3), b = n(4), v = n(5), g = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), y = function () { return (y = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, _ = function () { for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = arguments.length; t < n; t++)e += arguments[t].length; var r = Array(e), i = 0; for (t = 0; t < n; t++)for (var o = arguments[t], s = 0, a = o.length; s < a; s++, i++)r[i] = o[s]; return r }; function E(e) { if ("string" != typeof e.color || 0 === e.color.length) throw new TypeError("invalid color."); return y(y(y(y({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 20, color: e.color, defaultColor: e.defaultColor, colorRanges: e.colorRanges }), Object(i.j)(e)), Object(i.i)(e)) } var w = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return g(t, e), t.prototype.createContent = function () { var e = this, t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "div-input-group"; var n = document.createElement("label"); n.textContent = Object(i.t)("Default color"), t.appendChild(n); var r = document.createElement("input"); return r.type = "color", r.required = !0, r.value = "" + (this.currentData.defaultColor || this.initialData.defaultColor || "#000000"), r.addEventListener("change", (function (t) { e.updateData({ defaultColor: }) })), t.appendChild(r), t }, t }(f.InputGroup), O = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return g(t, e), t.prototype.createContent = function () { var e = this, t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "div-input-group div-ranges-input-group"; var n = this.createLabel("Ranges"); t.appendChild(n); var r = document.createElement("div"), i = document.createElement("div"); t.appendChild(i), t.appendChild(r); var o, s = this.currentData.colorRanges || this.initialData.colorRanges || []; return (o = function (t) { i.innerHTML = "", t.forEach((function (t, n) { return i.appendChild(e.rangeContainer(t, function (t) { return function (n) { var r = e.currentData.colorRanges || e.initialData.colorRanges || []; e.updateData({ colorRanges: _(r.slice(0, t), [n], r.slice(t + 1)) }) } }(n), function (t) { return function () { var n = e.currentData.colorRanges || e.initialData.colorRanges || [], r = _(n.slice(0, t), n.slice(t + 1)); e.updateData({ colorRanges: r }), o(r) } }(n))) })) })(s), r.appendChild(this.initialRangeContainer((function (t) { var n = e.currentData.colorRanges || e.initialData.colorRanges || [], r = _(n, [t]); e.updateData({ colorRanges: r }), o(r) }))), t }, t.prototype.initialRangeContainer = function (e) { var t = { color: "#ffffff" }, n = y({}, t), r = document.createElement("div"), o = document.createElement("div"), s = this.createLabel("From Value"), a = this.createInputNumber(null, (function (e) { n.fromValue = e })); o.appendChild(s), o.appendChild(a), r.appendChild(o); var l = document.createElement("div"), c = this.createLabel("To Value"), p = this.createInputNumber(null, (function (e) { n.toValue = e })); o.appendChild(c), o.appendChild(p), r.appendChild(l); var u = document.createElement("div"), d = this.createLabel("Color"), h = this.createInputColor(t.color, (function (e) { n.color = e })); o.appendChild(d), o.appendChild(h), r.appendChild(u); var m = document.createElement("a"); m.appendChild(Object(b.a)(v.c, Object(i.t)("Create color range"), { size: "small", color: "#565656" })); return m.addEventListener("click", (function () { var r; void 0 !== (r = n).color && void 0 !== r.toValue && void 0 !== r.fromValue && e(n), n = t, a.value = "" + (n.fromValue || ""), p.value = "" + (n.toValue || ""), h.value = "" + n.color })), r.appendChild(m), r }, t.prototype.rangeContainer = function (e, t, n) { var r = y({}, e), o = document.createElement("div"), s = document.createElement("div"), a = this.createLabel("From Value"), l = this.createInputNumber(e.fromValue, (function (e) { r.fromValue = e, t(y({}, r)) })); s.appendChild(a), s.appendChild(l), o.appendChild(s); var c = document.createElement("div"), p = this.createLabel("To Value"), u = this.createInputNumber(e.toValue, (function (e) { r.toValue = e, t(y({}, r)) })); s.appendChild(p), s.appendChild(u), o.appendChild(c); var d = document.createElement("div"), h = this.createLabel("Color"), m = this.createInputColor(e.color, (function (e) { r.color = e, t(y({}, r)) })); s.appendChild(h), s.appendChild(m), o.appendChild(d); var f = document.createElement("a"); return f.appendChild(Object(b.a)(v.d, Object(i.t)("Delete color range"), { size: "small", color: "#565656" })), f.addEventListener("click", n), o.appendChild(f), o }, t.prototype.createLabel = function (e) { var t = document.createElement("label"); return t.textContent = Object(i.t)(e), t }, t.prototype.createInputNumber = function (e, t) { var n = document.createElement("input"); return n.type = "number", null !== e && (n.value = "" + e), n.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { var n = parseInt(; isNaN(n) || t(n) })), n }, t.prototype.createInputColor = function (e, t) { var n = document.createElement("input"); return n.type = "color", null !== e && (n.value = e), n.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { return t( })), n }, t }(f.InputGroup), k = "", M = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return g(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "color-cloud", e.append(this.createSvgElement()), e }, t.prototype.resizeElement = function (t) {, t, t) }, t.prototype.createSvgElement = function () { var e = "grad_" +, t = document.createElementNS(k, "svg"); t.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 100 100"); var n = document.createElementNS(k, "defs"), r = document.createElementNS(k, "radialGradient"); r.setAttribute("id", e), r.setAttribute("cx", "50%"), r.setAttribute("cy", "50%"), r.setAttribute("r", "50%"), r.setAttribute("fx", "50%"), r.setAttribute("fy", "50%"); var i = document.createElementNS(k, "stop"); i.setAttribute("offset", "0%"), i.setAttribute("style", "stop-color:" + this.props.color + ";stop-opacity:0.9"); var o = document.createElementNS(k, "stop"); o.setAttribute("offset", "100%"), o.setAttribute("style", "stop-color:" + this.props.color + ";stop-opacity:0"); var s = document.createElementNS(k, "circle"); return s.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + e + ")"), s.setAttribute("cx", "50%"), s.setAttribute("cy", "50%"), s.setAttribute("r", "50%"), r.append(i, o), n.append(r), t.append(n, s), !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || t.setAttribute("opacity", "0.2"), t }, t.prototype.getFormContainer = function () { return t.getFormContainer(this.props) }, t.getFormContainer = function (t) { var n =, t); return n.removeInputGroup("label"), n.addInputGroup(new w("color-cloud", t), 3), n.addInputGroup(new O("ranges-cloud", t), 4), n }, t }(o.a), x = n(2), A = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), C = function () { return (C = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function j(e) { var t = C(C({}, Object(o.b)(C(C({}, e), { width: 1, height: 1 }))), { type: 13, label: null, isLinkEnabled: !1, parentId: null, aclGroupId: null, x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, startPosition: { x: Object(i.n)(e.startX, 0), y: Object(i.n)(e.startY, 0) }, endPosition: { x: Object(i.n)(e.endX, 0), y: Object(i.n)(e.endY, 0) }, lineWidth: Object(i.n)(e.lineWidth || e.borderWidth, 1), color: Object(i.k)(e.borderColor || e.color, null), viewportOffsetX: 0, viewportOffsetY: 0, labelEnd: Object(i.k)(e.labelEnd, ""), labelEndWidth: Object(i.n)(e.labelEndWidth, 0), linkedEnd: e.linkedEnd, linkedStart: e.linkedStart, labelEndHeight: Object(i.n)(e.labelEndHeight, 0), labelStart: Object(i.k)(e.labelStart, ""), labelStartWidth: Object(i.n)(e.labelStartWidth, 0), labelStartHeight: Object(i.n)(e.labelStartHeight, 0) }); return C(C({}, t), P.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(t.startPosition, t.endPosition)) } var I = "", P = function (e) { function t(n, r) { var o =, C(C({}, n), t.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(n.startPosition, n.endPosition)), C({}, r), !0) || this; return o.circleRadius = 8, o.moveMode = !1, o.isMoving = !1, o.lineMovedEventManager = new x.a, o.lineMovedEventDisposables = [], o.debouncedStartPositionMovementSave = Object(i.c)(500, (function (e, t) { o.isMoving = !1; var n = { x: e, y: t }; o.lineMovedEventManager.emit({ item: o, startPosition: n, endPosition: o.props.endPosition }) })), o.removeStartPositionMovement = null, o.debouncedEndPositionMovementSave = Object(i.c)(500, (function (e, t) { o.isMoving = !1; var n = { x: e, y: t }; o.lineMovedEventManager.emit({ item: o, endPosition: n, startPosition: o.props.startPosition }) })), o.removeEndPositionMovement = null, o.moveMode = r.editMode, o.init(),, Math.max(n.width, n.viewportOffsetX), Math.max(n.height, n.viewportOffsetY)), o } return A(t, e), t.prototype.initStartPositionMovementListener = function (e, t) { var n = this; this.removeStartPositionMovement = Object(i.a)(e, (function (e, t) { var r = { x: e += n.circleRadius - n.props.viewportOffsetX / 2, y: t += n.circleRadius - n.props.viewportOffsetY / 2 }; n.isMoving = !0, n.props = C(C({}, n.props), { startPosition: r }), n.debouncedStartPositionMovementSave(e, t) }), t) }, t.prototype.stopStartPositionMovementListener = function () { this.removeStartPositionMovement && (this.removeStartPositionMovement(), this.removeStartPositionMovement = null) }, t.prototype.initEndPositionMovementListener = function (e, t) { var n = this; this.removeEndPositionMovement = Object(i.a)(e, (function (e, t) { e += n.circleRadius - n.props.viewportOffsetX / 2, t += n.circleRadius - n.props.viewportOffsetY / 2, n.isMoving = !0, n.props = C(C({}, n.props), { endPosition: { x: e, y: t } }), n.debouncedEndPositionMovementSave(e, t) }), t) }, t.prototype.stopEndPositionMovementListener = function () { this.removeEndPositionMovement && (this.removeEndPositionMovement(), this.removeEndPositionMovement = null) }, t.prototype.setProps = function (n) {, C(C({}, n), t.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(n.startPosition, n.endPosition))) }, t.prototype.setMeta = function (t) { this.moveMode = t.editMode,, C(C({}, t), { lineMode: !0 })) }, t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "line"; var t = this.props, n = t.x, r = t.y, i = t.width, o = t.height, s = t.lineWidth, a = t.viewportOffsetX, l = t.viewportOffsetY, c = t.startPosition, p = t.endPosition, u = t.color; i += a, o += l; var d = c.x - n + s / 2 + a / 2, h = c.y - r + s / 2 + l / 2, m = p.x - n + s / 2 + a / 2, f = p.y - r + s / 2 + l / 2, b = document.createElementNS(I, "svg"); b.setAttribute("width", "" + (i + s)), b.setAttribute("height", "" + (o + s)); var v = document.createElementNS(I, "line"); return v.setAttribute("x1", "" + d), v.setAttribute("y1", "" + h), v.setAttribute("x2", "" + m), v.setAttribute("y2", "" + f), v.setAttribute("stroke", u || "black"), v.setAttribute("stroke-width", "" + s), b.append(v), e.append(b), e }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { null != e.parentElement && ( = "default"); var t = this.props, n = t.x, r = t.y, i = t.width, o = t.height, s = t.lineWidth, a = t.viewportOffsetX, l = t.viewportOffsetY, c = t.startPosition, p = t.endPosition, u = t.color; i += a, o += l; var d = c.x - n + s / 2 + a / 2, h = c.y - r + s / 2 + l / 2, m = p.x - n + s / 2 + a / 2, f = p.y - r + s / 2 + l / 2, b = e.getElementsByTagName("svg"); if (b.length > 0) { var v = b.item(0); if (null != v) { v.setAttribute("width", "" + (i + s)), v.setAttribute("height", "" + (o + s)); var g = v.getElementsByTagNameNS(I, "line"); if (g.length > 0) { var y = g.item(0); null != y && (y.setAttribute("x1", "" + d), y.setAttribute("y1", "" + h), y.setAttribute("x2", "" + m), y.setAttribute("y2", "" + f), y.setAttribute("stroke", u || "black"), y.setAttribute("stroke-width", "" + s)) } } } if (this.moveMode) { var _ = document.createElement("div"), E = document.createElement("div"); if (this.isMoving) { var w = e.getElementsByClassName("visual-console-item-line-circle-start"); if (w.length > 0) (M = w.item(0)) && (_ = M); var O = e.getElementsByClassName("visual-console-item-line-circle-end"); if (O.length > 0) (M = O.item(0)) && (E = M) } if (_.classList.add("visual-console-item-line-circle", "visual-console-item-line-circle-start"), = 2 * this.circleRadius + "px", = 2 * this.circleRadius + "px", = "50%", = "" + u, = "absolute", = d - this.circleRadius + "px", = h - this.circleRadius + "px", = "move", E.classList.add("visual-console-item-line-circle", "visual-console-item-line-circle-end"), = 2 * this.circleRadius + "px", = 2 * this.circleRadius + "px", = "50%", = "" + u, = "absolute", = m - this.circleRadius + "px", = f - this.circleRadius + "px", = "move", null !== e.parentElement) { for (var k = e.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("visual-console-item-line-circle"); k.length > 0;) { (M = k.item(0)) && M.remove() } e.parentElement.appendChild(_), e.parentElement.appendChild(E) } this.initStartPositionMovementListener(_, this.elementRef.parentElement), this.initEndPositionMovementListener(E, this.elementRef.parentElement) } else if (this.moveMode) this.stopStartPositionMovementListener(); else if (this.stopStartPositionMovementListener(), null !== e.parentElement) for (k = e.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("visual-console-item-line-circle"); k.length > 0;) { var M; (M = k.item(0)) && M.remove() } }, t.extractBoxSizeAndPosition = function (e, t) { return { width: Math.abs(e.x - t.x), height: Math.abs(e.y - t.y), x: Math.min(e.x, t.x), y: Math.min(e.y, t.y) } }, t.prototype.move = function (t, n) {, t, n); var r = this.props.startPosition.x - this.props.endPosition.x <= 0, i = this.props.startPosition.y - this.props.endPosition.y <= 0, o = { x: r ? t : this.props.width + t, y: i ? n : this.props.height + n }, s = { x: r ? this.props.width + t : t, y: i ? this.props.height + n : n }; this.props = C(C({}, this.props), { startPosition: o, endPosition: s }) }, t.prototype.remove = function () { this.stopStartPositionMovementListener(), }, t.prototype.onLineMovementFinished = function (e) { var t = this.lineMovedEventManager.on(e); return this.lineMovedEventDisposables.push(t), t }, t }(o.a), S = P, T = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), L = function () { return (L = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function R(e) { return L(L({}, j(e)), { type: 21, viewportOffsetX: 0, viewportOffsetY: 0, labelEnd: Object(i.k)(e.labelEnd, ""), labelEndWidth: Object(i.n)(e.labelEndWidth, 0), labelEndHeight: Object(i.n)(e.labelEndHeight, 0), labelStart: Object(i.k)(e.labelStart, ""), labelStartWidth: Object(i.n)(e.labelStartWidth, 0), labelStartHeight: Object(i.n)(e.labelStartHeight, 0) }) } var N = function (e) { function t(t, n) { var r =, L({}, t), L({}, n)) || this; return r.debouncedStartPositionMovementSave = Object(i.c)(50, (function (e, t) { r.isMoving = !1; var n = { x: e, y: t }; r.render(), r.lineMovedEventManager.emit({ item: r, startPosition: n, endPosition: r.props.endPosition }) })), r.debouncedEndPositionMovementSave = Object(i.c)(50, (function (e, t) { r.isMoving = !1; var n = { x: e, y: t }; r.render(), r.lineMovedEventManager.emit({ item: r, endPosition: n, startPosition: r.props.startPosition }) })), r.render(), r } return T(t, e), t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (t) {, t); var n, r, i = this.props, o = i.x, s = i.y, a = i.lineWidth, l = i.viewportOffsetX, c = i.viewportOffsetY, p = i.startPosition, u = i.endPosition, d = i.color, h = i.labelEnd, m = i.labelStart, f = i.labelEndWidth, b = i.labelEndHeight, v = i.labelStartWidth, g = i.labelStartHeight, y = t.getElementsByTagName("svg"); if (y.length > 0) { if (null != (r = y.item(0))) { for (var _ = r.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "line"), E = r.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "g"); E.length > 0;)E[0].remove(); _.length > 0 && (n = _.item(0)) } if (null != r && null != n) { var w = p.x - o + a / 2 + l / 2, O = p.y - s + a / 2 + c / 2, k = u.x - o + a / 2 + l / 2, M = u.y - s + a / 2 + c / 2, x = p.x - o + a / 2 + l / 2, A = p.y - s + a / 2 + c / 2, C = u.x - o + a / 2 + l / 2, j = u.y - s + a / 2 + c / 2, I = 180 * Math.atan2(M - O, k - w) / Math.PI; if (v <= 0) { _ = m.split("
"); v = 0, _.forEach((function (e) { e.length > v && (v = 10 * e.length) })), g <= 0 && (g = 25 * _.length) } if (f <= 0) { _ = h.split("
"); f = 0, _.forEach((function (e) { e.length > f && (f = 10 * e.length) })), b <= 0 && (b = 25 * _.length) } if (x < C && (x += 25, C -= 25 + f), x > C && (x -= 25 + v, C += 25), A < j && (A += 25, j -= 25 + b), A > j && (A -= 25 + g, j += 25), void 0 === d && (d = "#000"), null !== t.parentElement) { for (var P = t.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("vc-item-nl-label"); P.length > 0;) { var S = P.item(0); S && S.remove() } for (var T = t.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("vc-item-nl-arrow"); T.length > 0;) { var L = T.item(0); L && L.remove() } } var R = 2 * a, N = w + (k - w) / 2 - R, D = O + (M - O) / 2 - R, B = document.createElement("div"); B.classList.add("vc-item-nl-arrow"), = "absolute", = R + "px solid transparent", = R + "px solid " + d, = N + "px", = D + "px", = "rotate(" + (90 + I) + "deg)"; var z = document.createElement("div"); if (z.classList.add("vc-item-nl-arrow"), = "absolute", = R + "px solid transparent", = R + "px solid " + d, = N + "px", = D + "px", = "rotate(" + (270 + I) + "deg)", null !== t.parentElement && (t.parentElement.appendChild(B), t.parentElement.appendChild(z)), "" != m) { var H = document.createElement("div"); try { H.innerHTML = m, = "absolute", = x + "px", = A + "px", = v + "px", = "2px solid " + d, H.classList.add("vc-item-nl-label", "label-start") } catch (e) { console.error(e) } null !== t.parentElement && t.parentElement.appendChild(H) } if ("" != h) { var G = document.createElement("div"); try { G.innerHTML = h, = "absolute", = C + "px", = j + "px", = f + "px", = "2px solid " + d, G.classList.add("vc-item-nl-label", "label-end") } catch (e) { console.error(e) } null !== t.parentElement && t.parentElement.appendChild(G) } } } }, t }(S), D = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), B = function () { return (B = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function z(e) { if (("string" != typeof e.imageSrc || 0 === e.imageSrc.length) && null === e.encodedHtml) throw new TypeError("invalid image src."); if (null === Object(i.n)(e.groupId, null)) throw new TypeError("invalid group Id."); var t = Object(i.l)(e.showStatistics), n = t ? function (e) { return Object(i.s)(e.html) ? Object(i.s)(e.encodedHtml) ? null : Object(i.d)(e.encodedHtml) : e.html }(e) : null; return B(B(B({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 11, groupId: parseInt(e.groupId), imageSrc: Object(i.k)(e.imageSrc, null), statusImageSrc: Object(i.k)(e.statusImageSrc, null), showStatistics: t, html: n }), Object(i.i)(e)) } var H = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return D(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "group", this.props.showStatistics || null === this.props.statusImageSrc ? this.props.showStatistics && null != this.props.html && ( = "none", e.innerHTML = this.props.html) : ( = "url(" + this.props.statusImageSrc + ")", = "no-repeat", = "contain", = "center"), e }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { this.props.showStatistics || null === this.props.statusImageSrc ? this.props.showStatistics && null != this.props.html && ( = "none", e.innerHTML = this.props.html) : ( = "url(" + this.props.statusImageSrc + ")", = "no-repeat", = "contain", = "center", e.innerHTML = "") }, t }(o.a), G = (n(13), function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }()), W = function () { return (W = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, F = function (e) { switch (e) { case "analogic": case "digital": return e; default: return "analogic" } }, U = function (e) { switch (e) { case "datetime": case "time": return e; default: return "datetime" } }; function V(e) { if ("string" != typeof e.clockTimezone || 0 === e.clockTimezone.length) throw new TypeError("invalid timezone."); return W(W(W({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 19, clockType: F(e.clockType), clockFormat: U(e.clockFormat), clockTimezone: e.clockTimezone, clockTimezoneOffset: Object(i.n)(e.clockTimezoneOffset, 0), showClockTimezone: Object(i.l)(e.showClockTimezone), color: Object(i.k)(e.color, null) }), Object(i.i)(e)) } var K = function (e) { function t(n, r) { var i =, n, r) || this; return i.intervalRef = null, i.startTick((function () { i.childElementRef.innerHTML = i.createClock().innerHTML }), "analogic" === i.props.clockType ? 2e4 : t.TICK_INTERVAL), i } return G(t, e), t.prototype.stopTick = function () { null !== this.intervalRef && (window.clearInterval(this.intervalRef), this.intervalRef = null) }, t.prototype.startTick = function (e, n) { void 0 === n && (n = t.TICK_INTERVAL), this.stopTick(), this.intervalRef = window.setInterval(e, n) }, t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { return this.createClock() }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (t) { var n = this.getElementSize(this.props.width, this.props.height), r = n.width, i = n.height; "digital" === this.props.clockType ? (!1 === this.meta.isBeingResized &&, this.props.width, this.props.height), t.classList.replace("analogic-clock", "digital-clock")) : (!1 === this.meta.isBeingResized &&, r, i), t.classList.replace("digital-clock", "analogic-clock")), t.innerHTML = this.createDomElement().innerHTML }, t.prototype.remove = function () { this.stopTick(), }, t.prototype.resizeElement = function (t, n) { var r = this.getElementSize(t, n), i = r.width, o = r.height; "digital" === this.props.clockType ?, t, n) :, i, o) }, t.prototype.createClock = function () { switch (this.props.clockType) { case "analogic": return this.createAnalogicClock(); case "digital": return this.createDigitalClock(); default: throw new Error("invalid clock type.") } }, t.prototype.createAnalogicClock = function () { var e = "", t = "#FFFFF0", n = "#242124", r = "#242124", o = "#242124", s = "#525252", a = "#DC143C", l = this.getElementSize(), c = l.width, p = l.height, u = 10 * c / 100, d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "analogic-clock", = c + "px", = p + "px"; var h = document.createElementNS(e, "svg"); h.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 100 100"); var m = document.createElementNS(e, "g"); m.setAttribute("class", "clockface"); var f = document.createElementNS(e, "circle"); f.setAttribute("cx", "50"), f.setAttribute("cy", "50"), f.setAttribute("r", "48"), f.setAttribute("fill", t), f.setAttribute("stroke", n), f.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2"), f.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"), m.append(f); var b = this.getHumanTimezone(); if (b.length > 0) { var v = document.createElementNS(e, "text"); v.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle"), v.setAttribute("font-size", "8"), v.setAttribute("transform", "translate(30 50) rotate(90)"), v.setAttribute("fill", r), v.textContent = b, m.append(v) } var g = document.createElementNS(e, "g"); g.setAttribute("class", "marks"); var y = document.createElementNS(e, "g"); y.setAttribute("class", "mark"), y.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"); var _ = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); _.setAttribute("x1", "36"), _.setAttribute("y1", "0"), _.setAttribute("x2", "46"), _.setAttribute("y2", "0"), _.setAttribute("stroke", r), _.setAttribute("stroke-width", "5"); var E = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); E.setAttribute("x1", "36"), E.setAttribute("y1", "0"), E.setAttribute("x2", "46"), E.setAttribute("y2", "0"), E.setAttribute("stroke", t), E.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1"), y.append(_, E), g.append(y); for (var w = 1; w < 60; w++) { var O = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); O.setAttribute("y1", "0"), O.setAttribute("y2", "0"), O.setAttribute("stroke", r), O.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50) rotate(" + 6 * w + ")"), w % 5 == 0 ? (O.setAttribute("x1", "38"), O.setAttribute("x2", "46"), O.setAttribute("stroke-width", w % 15 == 0 ? "2" : "1")) : (O.setAttribute("x1", "42"), O.setAttribute("x2", "46"), O.setAttribute("stroke-width", "0.5")), g.append(O) } var k = document.createElementNS(e, "g"); k.setAttribute("class", "hour-hand"), k.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"); var M = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); M.setAttribute("class", "hour-hand-a"), M.setAttribute("x1", "0"), M.setAttribute("y1", "0"), M.setAttribute("x2", "30"), M.setAttribute("y2", "0"), M.setAttribute("stroke", s), M.setAttribute("stroke-width", "4"), M.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"); var x = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); x.setAttribute("class", "hour-hand-b"), x.setAttribute("x1", "0"), x.setAttribute("y1", "0"), x.setAttribute("x2", "29.9"), x.setAttribute("y2", "0"), x.setAttribute("stroke", o), x.setAttribute("stroke-width", "3.1"), x.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"), k.append(M, x); var A = document.createElementNS(e, "g"); A.setAttribute("class", "minute-hand"), A.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"); var C = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); C.setAttribute("class", "minute-hand-a"), C.setAttribute("x1", "0"), C.setAttribute("y1", "0"), C.setAttribute("x2", "40"), C.setAttribute("y2", "0"), C.setAttribute("stroke", s), C.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2"), C.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"); var j = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); j.setAttribute("class", "minute-hand-b"), j.setAttribute("x1", "0"), j.setAttribute("y1", "0"), j.setAttribute("x2", "39.9"), j.setAttribute("y2", "0"), j.setAttribute("stroke", o), j.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1.5"), j.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"); var I = document.createElementNS(e, "circle"); I.setAttribute("r", "3"), I.setAttribute("fill", o), A.append(C, j, I); var P = document.createElementNS(e, "g"); P.setAttribute("class", "second-hand"), P.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"); var S = document.createElementNS(e, "line"); S.setAttribute("x1", "0"), S.setAttribute("y1", "0"), S.setAttribute("x2", "46"), S.setAttribute("y2", "0"), S.setAttribute("stroke", a), S.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1"), S.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"); var T = document.createElementNS(e, "circle"); T.setAttribute("r", "2"), T.setAttribute("fill", a), P.append(S, T); var L = document.createElementNS(e, "circle"); L.setAttribute("cx", "50"), L.setAttribute("cy", "50"), L.setAttribute("r", "0.3"), L.setAttribute("fill", o); var R = this.getOriginDate(), N = R.getSeconds(), D = R.getMinutes(), B = 6 * N, z = 6 * D + N / 60 * 6, H = 30 * R.getHours() + D / 60 * 30; if (k.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50) rotate(" + H + ")"), A.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50) rotate(" + z + ")"), P.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50) rotate(" + B + ")"), h.append(m, g, k, A, P, L), h.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-90)"), d.innerHTML = "\n \n ", d.append(h), "datetime" === this.props.clockFormat) { var G = document.createElement("span"); G.className = "date", G.textContent = Object(i.f)(R, "default"), = u + "px", this.props.color && ( = this.props.color), d.append(G) } return d }, t.prototype.createDigitalClock = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "digital-clock"; var t = this.getElementSize().width, n = 6 / this.props.clockTimezone.length, r = 20 * t / 100, o = 10 * t / 100, s = Math.min(20 * n * t / 100, t / 100 * 10), a = this.getOriginDate(); if ("datetime" === this.props.clockFormat) { var l = document.createElement("span"); l.className = "date", l.textContent = Object(i.f)(a, "default"), = o + "px", this.props.color && ( = this.props.color), e.append(l) } var c = document.createElement("span"); c.className = "time", c.textContent = Object(i.g)(a), = r + "px", this.props.color && ( = this.props.color), e.append(c); var p = this.getHumanTimezone(); if (p.length > 0) { var u = document.createElement("span"); u.className = "timezone", u.textContent = p, = s + "px", this.props.color && ( = this.props.color), e.append(u) } return e }, t.prototype.getOriginDate = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = null); var t = e || new Date, n = 1e3 * this.props.clockTimezoneOffset, r = 60 * t.getTimezoneOffset() * 1e3, i = t.getTime() + n + r; return new Date(i) }, t.prototype.getHumanTimezone = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = this.props.clockTimezone); var t = e.split("/")[1]; return (void 0 === t ? "" : t).replace("_", " ") }, t.prototype.getElementSize = function (e, t) { switch (void 0 === e && (e = this.props.width), void 0 === t && (t = this.props.height), this.props.clockType) { case "analogic": var n = 100; e > 0 && t > 0 ? n = Math.min(e, t) : e > 0 ? n = e : t > 0 && (n = t); var r = 0; return "datetime" === this.props.clockFormat && (r = t / 8), { width: n, height: n + r }; case "digital": return e > 0 && t > 0 ? t = e / 2 < t ? e / 2 : t : e > 0 ? t = e / 2 : t > 0 ? e = 2 * t : (e = 100, t = 50), { width: e, height: t }; default: throw new Error("invalid clock type.") } }, t.TICK_INTERVAL = 1e3, t }(o.a), q = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), Y = function () { return (Y = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function X(e) { return Y(Y({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 12, label: null, isLinkEnabled: !1, parentId: null, aclGroupId: null, borderWidth: Object(i.n)(e.borderWidth, 0), borderColor: Object(i.k)(e.borderColor, null), fillColor: Object(i.k)(e.fillColor, null), fillTransparent: e.fillTransparent }) } var J = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return q(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); if (e.className = "box", = "border-box", this.props.fillTransparent ? = "transparent" : this.props.fillColor && ( = this.props.fillColor), this.props.borderWidth > 0) { = "solid"; var t = Math.min(this.props.width, this.props.height) / 2, n = Math.min(this.props.borderWidth, t); = n + "px", this.props.borderColor && ( = this.props.borderColor) } return e }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { if (this.props.fillTransparent ? = "transparent" : this.props.fillColor && ( = this.props.fillColor), this.props.borderWidth > 0) { = "solid"; var t = Math.min(this.props.width, this.props.height) / 2, n = Math.min(this.props.borderWidth, t); = n + "px", this.props.borderColor && ( = this.props.borderColor) } }, t }(o.a), Z = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), Q = function () { return (Q = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function $(e) { return Q(Q(Q({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 4 }), Object(i.i)(e)) } var ee = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return Z(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "label", e.innerHTML = this.getLabelWithMacrosReplaced(), e }, t.prototype.createLabelDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "visual-console-item-label", e }, t }(o.a), te = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), ne = function () { return (ne = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, re = function (e) { switch (e) { case "string": case "image": return e; default: return "string" } }; function ie(e) { if ("string" != typeof e.value || 0 === e.value.length) throw new TypeError("invalid value"); var t = function (e) { switch (e) { case "none": case "avg": case "max": case "min": return e; default: return "none" } }(e.processValue); return ne(ne(ne(ne(ne({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 2, valueType: re(e.valueType), value: e.value }), "none" === t ? { processValue: t } : { processValue: t, period: Object(i.n)(e.period, 0) }), Object(i.j)(e)), Object(i.i)(e)) } var oe = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return te(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); if (e.className = "simple-value", !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"), "image" === this.props.valueType) { var t = document.createElement("img"); t.src = this.props.value, e.append(t) } else { var n = this.props.value, r = this.getLabelWithMacrosReplaced(); r.length > 0 && (n = Object(i.q)([{ macro: /\(?_VALUE_\)?/i, value: n }], r)), e.innerHTML = n } return e }, t.prototype.createLabelDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "visual-console-item-label", e }, t }(o.a), se = n(6), ae = Math.PI, le = 2 * ae, ce = le - 1e-6; function pe() { this._x0 = this._y0 = this._x1 = this._y1 = null, this._ = "" } function ue() { return new pe } pe.prototype = ue.prototype = { constructor: pe, moveTo: function (e, t) { this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +t) }, closePath: function () { null !== this._x1 && (this._x1 = this._x0, this._y1 = this._y0, this._ += "Z") }, lineTo: function (e, t) { this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y1 = +t) }, quadraticCurveTo: function (e, t, n, r) { this._ += "Q" + +e + "," + +t + "," + (this._x1 = +n) + "," + (this._y1 = +r) }, bezierCurveTo: function (e, t, n, r, i, o) { this._ += "C" + +e + "," + +t + "," + +n + "," + +r + "," + (this._x1 = +i) + "," + (this._y1 = +o) }, arcTo: function (e, t, n, r, i) { e = +e, t = +t, n = +n, r = +r, i = +i; var o = this._x1, s = this._y1, a = n - e, l = r - t, c = o - e, p = s - t, u = c * c + p * p; if (i < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + i); if (null === this._x1) this._ += "M" + (this._x1 = e) + "," + (this._y1 = t); else if (u > 1e-6) if (Math.abs(p * a - l * c) > 1e-6 && i) { var d = n - o, h = r - s, m = a * a + l * l, f = d * d + h * h, b = Math.sqrt(m), v = Math.sqrt(u), g = i * Math.tan((ae - Math.acos((m + u - f) / (2 * b * v))) / 2), y = g / v, _ = g / b; Math.abs(y - 1) > 1e-6 && (this._ += "L" + (e + y * c) + "," + (t + y * p)), this._ += "A" + i + "," + i + ",0,0," + +(p * d > c * h) + "," + (this._x1 = e + _ * a) + "," + (this._y1 = t + _ * l) } else this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = e) + "," + (this._y1 = t); else; }, arc: function (e, t, n, r, i, o) { e = +e, t = +t, o = !!o; var s = (n = +n) * Math.cos(r), a = n * Math.sin(r), l = e + s, c = t + a, p = 1 ^ o, u = o ? r - i : i - r; if (n < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + n); null === this._x1 ? this._ += "M" + l + "," + c : (Math.abs(this._x1 - l) > 1e-6 || Math.abs(this._y1 - c) > 1e-6) && (this._ += "L" + l + "," + c), n && (u < 0 && (u = u % le + le), u > ce ? this._ += "A" + n + "," + n + ",0,1," + p + "," + (e - s) + "," + (t - a) + "A" + n + "," + n + ",0,1," + p + "," + (this._x1 = l) + "," + (this._y1 = c) : u > 1e-6 && (this._ += "A" + n + "," + n + ",0," + +(u >= ae) + "," + p + "," + (this._x1 = e + n * Math.cos(i)) + "," + (this._y1 = t + n * Math.sin(i)))) }, rect: function (e, t, n, r) { this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +t) + "h" + +n + "v" + +r + "h" + -n + "Z" }, toString: function () { return this._ } }; var de = ue, he = function (e) { return function () { return e } }, me = Math.abs, fe = Math.atan2, be = Math.cos, ve = Math.max, ge = Math.min, ye = Math.sin, _e = Math.sqrt, Ee = Math.PI, we = Ee / 2, Oe = 2 * Ee; function ke(e) { return e > 1 ? 0 : e < -1 ? Ee : Math.acos(e) } function Me(e) { return e >= 1 ? we : e <= -1 ? -we : Math.asin(e) } function xe(e) { return e.innerRadius } function Ae(e) { return e.outerRadius } function Ce(e) { return e.startAngle } function je(e) { return e.endAngle } function Ie(e) { return e && e.padAngle } function Pe(e, t, n, r, i, o, s, a) { var l = n - e, c = r - t, p = s - i, u = a - o, d = u * l - p * c; if (!(d * d < 1e-12)) return [e + (d = (p * (t - o) - u * (e - i)) / d) * l, t + d * c] } function Se(e, t, n, r, i, o, s) { var a = e - n, l = t - r, c = (s ? o : -o) / _e(a * a + l * l), p = c * l, u = -c * a, d = e + p, h = t + u, m = n + p, f = r + u, b = (d + m) / 2, v = (h + f) / 2, g = m - d, y = f - h, _ = g * g + y * y, E = i - o, w = d * f - m * h, O = (y < 0 ? -1 : 1) * _e(ve(0, E * E * _ - w * w)), k = (w * y - g * O) / _, M = (-w * g - y * O) / _, x = (w * y + g * O) / _, A = (-w * g + y * O) / _, C = k - b, j = M - v, I = x - b, P = A - v; return C * C + j * j > I * I + P * P && (k = x, M = A), { cx: k, cy: M, x01: -p, y01: -u, x11: k * (i / E - 1), y11: M * (i / E - 1) } } var Te = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), Le = function () { return (Le = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function Re(e) { switch (e) { case "progress-bar": case "bubble": case "circular-progress-bar": case "circular-progress-bar-alt": return e; default: case 3: return "progress-bar"; case 9: return "bubble"; case 15: return "circular-progress-bar"; case 16: return "circular-progress-bar-alt" } } function Ne(e) { switch (e) { case "percent": case "value": return e; default: return "percent" } } function De(e) { return Le(Le(Le(Le({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 3, percentileType: Re(e.percentileType || e.type), valueType: Ne(e.valueType), minValue: Object(i.n)(e.minValue, null), maxValue: Object(i.n)(e.maxValue, null), color: Object(i.k)(e.color, null), labelColor: Object(i.k)(e.labelColor, null), value: Object(i.m)(e.value, null), unit: Object(i.k)(e.unit, null) }), Object(i.j)(e)), Object(i.i)(e)) } var Be = "", ze = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return Te(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e, t = { background: "#000000", progress: this.props.color || "#F0F0F0", text: this.props.labelColor || "#444444" }, n = this.getProgress(), r = document.createElement("div"); null != this.props.value && (e = Intl ? Intl.NumberFormat("en-EN").format(this.props.value) : this.props.value); var i = document.createElementNS(Be, "svg"); switch (this.props.percentileType) { case "progress-bar": var o = document.createElementNS(Be, "rect"); o.setAttribute("fill", t.background), o.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "0.5"), o.setAttribute("width", "100%"), o.setAttribute("height", "100%"), o.setAttribute("rx", "5"), o.setAttribute("ry", "5"); var s = document.createElementNS(Be, "rect"); s.setAttribute("fill", t.progress), s.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "1"), s.setAttribute("width", n + "%"), s.setAttribute("height", "100%"), s.setAttribute("rx", "5"), s.setAttribute("ry", "5"), (u = document.createElementNS(Be, "text")).setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle"), u.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "middle"), u.setAttribute("font-size", "15"), u.setAttribute("font-family", "lato"), u.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold"), u.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + this.props.width / 2 + ", 17.5)"), u.setAttribute("fill", t.text), "value" === this.props.valueType ? ( = "6pt", u.textContent = this.props.unit ? e + " " + this.props.unit : "" + e) : u.textContent = n + "%", i.setAttribute("width", "100%"), i.setAttribute("height", "100%"), i.append(o, s, u); break; case "bubble": case "circular-progress-bar": case "circular-progress-bar-alt": if (i.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 100 100"), "bubble" === this.props.percentileType) { (a = document.createElementNS(Be, "circle")).setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"), a.setAttribute("fill", t.background), a.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "0.5"), a.setAttribute("r", "50"), (l = document.createElementNS(Be, "circle")).setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"), l.setAttribute("fill", t.progress), l.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "1"), l.setAttribute("r", "" + n / 2), i.append(a, l) } else { var a, l, c = { innerRadius: "circular-progress-bar" === this.props.percentileType ? 30 : 0, outerRadius: 50, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 2 * Math.PI }, p = function () { var e = xe, t = Ae, n = he(0), r = null, i = Ce, o = je, s = Ie, a = null; function l() { var l, c, p = +e.apply(this, arguments), u = +t.apply(this, arguments), d = i.apply(this, arguments) - we, h = o.apply(this, arguments) - we, m = me(h - d), f = h > d; if (a || (a = l = de()), u < p && (c = u, u = p, p = c), u > 1e-12) if (m > Oe - 1e-12) a.moveTo(u * be(d), u * ye(d)), a.arc(0, 0, u, d, h, !f), p > 1e-12 && (a.moveTo(p * be(h), p * ye(h)), a.arc(0, 0, p, h, d, f)); else { var b, v, g = d, y = h, _ = d, E = h, w = m, O = m, k = s.apply(this, arguments) / 2, M = k > 1e-12 && (r ? +r.apply(this, arguments) : _e(p * p + u * u)), x = ge(me(u - p) / 2, +n.apply(this, arguments)), A = x, C = x; if (M > 1e-12) { var j = Me(M / p * ye(k)), I = Me(M / u * ye(k)); (w -= 2 * j) > 1e-12 ? (_ += j *= f ? 1 : -1, E -= j) : (w = 0, _ = E = (d + h) / 2), (O -= 2 * I) > 1e-12 ? (g += I *= f ? 1 : -1, y -= I) : (O = 0, g = y = (d + h) / 2) } var P = u * be(g), S = u * ye(g), T = p * be(E), L = p * ye(E); if (x > 1e-12) { var R, N = u * be(y), D = u * ye(y), B = p * be(_), z = p * ye(_); if (m < Ee && (R = Pe(P, S, B, z, N, D, T, L))) { var H = P - R[0], G = S - R[1], W = N - R[0], F = D - R[1], U = 1 / ye(ke((H * W + G * F) / (_e(H * H + G * G) * _e(W * W + F * F))) / 2), V = _e(R[0] * R[0] + R[1] * R[1]); A = ge(x, (p - V) / (U - 1)), C = ge(x, (u - V) / (U + 1)) } } O > 1e-12 ? C > 1e-12 ? (b = Se(B, z, P, S, u, C, f), v = Se(N, D, T, L, u, C, f), a.moveTo( + b.x01, + b.y01), C < x ? a.arc(,, C, fe(b.y01, b.x01), fe(v.y01, v.x01), !f) : (a.arc(,, C, fe(b.y01, b.x01), fe(b.y11, b.x11), !f), a.arc(0, 0, u, fe( + b.y11, + b.x11), fe( + v.y11, + v.x11), !f), a.arc(,, C, fe(v.y11, v.x11), fe(v.y01, v.x01), !f))) : (a.moveTo(P, S), a.arc(0, 0, u, g, y, !f)) : a.moveTo(P, S), p > 1e-12 && w > 1e-12 ? A > 1e-12 ? (b = Se(T, L, N, D, p, -A, f), v = Se(P, S, B, z, p, -A, f), a.lineTo( + b.x01, + b.y01), A < x ? a.arc(,, A, fe(b.y01, b.x01), fe(v.y01, v.x01), !f) : (a.arc(,, A, fe(b.y01, b.x01), fe(b.y11, b.x11), !f), a.arc(0, 0, p, fe( + b.y11, + b.x11), fe( + v.y11, + v.x11), f), a.arc(,, A, fe(v.y11, v.x11), fe(v.y01, v.x01), !f))) : a.arc(0, 0, p, E, _, f) : a.lineTo(T, L) } else a.moveTo(0, 0); if (a.closePath(), l) return a = null, l + "" || null } return l.centroid = function () { var n = (+e.apply(this, arguments) + +t.apply(this, arguments)) / 2, r = (+i.apply(this, arguments) + +o.apply(this, arguments)) / 2 - Ee / 2; return [be(r) * n, ye(r) * n] }, l.innerRadius = function (t) { return arguments.length ? (e = "function" == typeof t ? t : he(+t), l) : e }, l.outerRadius = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (t = "function" == typeof e ? e : he(+e), l) : t }, l.cornerRadius = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (n = "function" == typeof e ? e : he(+e), l) : n }, l.padRadius = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (r = null == e ? null : "function" == typeof e ? e : he(+e), l) : r }, l.startAngle = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (i = "function" == typeof e ? e : he(+e), l) : i }, l.endAngle = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (o = "function" == typeof e ? e : he(+e), l) : o }, l.padAngle = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (s = "function" == typeof e ? e : he(+e), l) : s }, l.context = function (e) { return arguments.length ? (a = null == e ? null : e, l) : a }, l }(); (a = document.createElementNS(Be, "path")).setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"), a.setAttribute("fill", t.background), a.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "0.5"), a.setAttribute("d", "" + p(c)), (l = document.createElementNS(Be, "path")).setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"), l.setAttribute("fill", t.progress), l.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "1"), l.setAttribute("d", "" + p(Le(Le({}, c), { endAngle: c.endAngle * (n / 100) }))), i.append(a, l) } var u; if ((u = document.createElementNS(Be, "text")).setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle"), u.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "middle"), u.setAttribute("font-size", "16"), u.setAttribute("font-family", "lato"), u.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold"), u.setAttribute("fill", t.text), "value" === this.props.valueType && null != this.props.value) if (this.props.unit && this.props.unit.length > 0) { var d = document.createElementNS(Be, "tspan"); d.setAttribute("x", "0"), d.setAttribute("dy", "1em"), d.textContent = "" + e, = "8pt"; var h = document.createElementNS(Be, "tspan"); h.setAttribute("x", "0"), h.setAttribute("dy", "1em"), h.textContent = "" + this.props.unit, = "8pt", u.append(d, h), u.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 33)") } else u.textContent = "" + e, = "8pt", u.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"); else u.textContent = n + "%", u.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 50)"); i.append(u) }return !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || i.setAttribute("opacity", "0.2"), null !== i && r.append(i), r }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { !1 === this.meta.isBeingResized && this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height), e.innerHTML = this.createDomElement().innerHTML }, t.prototype.resizeElement = function (t, n) { "progress-bar" === this.props.percentileType ?, t, 35) :, t, t) }, t.prototype.resize = function (t) { this.resizeElement(t, t); var n = this.props.maxValue || 0; "progress-bar" === this.props.percentileType && (n = 35),, Le(Le({}, this.props), { width: t, height: n })) }, t.prototype.getProgress = function () { var e = this.props.minValue || 0, t = this.props.maxValue || 100, n = null == this.props.value ? 0 : this.props.value; return n <= e ? 0 : n >= t ? 100 : Math.trunc((n - e) / (t - e) * 100) }, t }(o.a), He = n(7), Ge = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), We = function () { return (We = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, Fe = function (e) { switch (e) { case "white": case "black": case "transparent": return e; default: return "transparent" } }, Ue = function (e) { switch (e) { case "horizontal": case "vertical": return e; default: return "vertical" } }; function Ve(e) { if (Object(i.s)(e.html) && Object(i.s)(e.encodedHtml)) throw new TypeError("missing html content."); return We(We(We({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 18, html: Object(i.s)(e.html) ? Object(i.d)(e.encodedHtml) : e.html, backgroundColor: Fe(e.backgroundColor), typeGraph: Ue(e.typeGraph), gridColor: Object(i.s)(e.gridColor) ? "#000000" : e.gridColor }), Object(i.j)(e)) } var Ke = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return Ge(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "bars-graph", = "url(" + this.props.html + ")", = "no-repeat", = this.props.width + "px " + this.props.height + "px", !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"), e }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { = "url(" + this.props.html + ")", = "no-repeat", = this.props.width + "px " + this.props.height + "px", !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2") }, t }(o.a), qe = n(8), Ye = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), Xe = function () { return (Xe = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function Je(e) { if (null !== e.imageSrc) { if ("string" != typeof e.statusImageSrc || 0 === e.imageSrc.statusImageSrc) throw new TypeError("invalid status image src.") } else if (Object(i.s)(e.encodedTitle)) throw new TypeError("missing encode tittle content."); if (null === Object(i.n)(e.serviceId, null)) throw new TypeError("invalid service id."); return Xe(Xe({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 10, serviceId: e.serviceId, imageSrc: Object(i.k)(e.imageSrc, null), statusImageSrc: Object(i.k)(e.statusImageSrc, null), encodedTitle: Object(i.k)(e.encodedTitle, null) }) } var Ze = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return Ye(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "service", null !== this.props.statusImageSrc ? ( = "url(" + this.props.statusImageSrc + ") no-repeat", = "contain", = "center", null !== this.props.encodedTitle && (e.className = "service image forced_title", e.setAttribute("data-use_title_for_force_title", "1"), e.setAttribute("data-title", Object(i.d)(this.props.encodedTitle)))) : null !== this.props.encodedTitle && (e.innerHTML = Object(i.d)(this.props.encodedTitle)), e }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { null !== this.props.statusImageSrc ? ( = "url(" + this.props.statusImageSrc + ") no-repeat", = "contain", = "center", null !== this.props.encodedTitle && (e.className = "service image forced_title", e.setAttribute("data-use_title_for_force_title", "1"), e.setAttribute("data-title", Object(i.d)(this.props.encodedTitle))), e.innerHTML = "") : null !== this.props.encodedTitle && (e.innerHTML = Object(i.d)(this.props.encodedTitle)) }, t }(o.a), Qe = function () { var e = function (t, n) { return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })(t, n) }; return function (t, n) { function r() { this.constructor = t } e(t, n), t.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(), $e = function () { return ($e = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function et(e) { return $e($e($e({}, Object(o.b)(e)), { type: 22, value: Object(i.n)(e.value, 0), status: Object(i.s)(e.status) ? "#B2B2B2" : e.status, titleColor: Object(i.s)(e.titleColor) ? "#3f3f3f" : e.titleColor, title: Object(i.s)(e.title) ? "" : e.title, thresholds: Object(i.s)(e.thresholds) ? "" : e.thresholds, minMaxValue: Object(i.s)(e.minMaxValue) ? "" : e.minMaxValue, odometerType: Object(i.s)(e.odometerType) ? "percent" : e.odometerType }), Object(i.j)(e)) } var tt, nt = function (e) { function t() { return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this } return Qe(t, e), t.prototype.createDomElement = function () { var e = "", t = "", n = "", r = ""; if ("" !== this.props.thresholds) { var i = JSON.parse(this.props.thresholds); null !== i && (0 == i.min_warning && 0 == i.max_warning || (e = this.getCoords(i.min_warning, this.props.width / 2), t = 0 == i.max_warning ? this.getCoords(100, this.props.width / 2) : this.getCoords(i.max_warning, this.props.width / 2)), 0 == i.min_critical && 0 == i.max_critical || (n = this.getCoords(i.min_critical, this.props.width / 2), r = 0 == i.max_critical ? this.getCoords(100, this.props.width / 2) : this.getCoords(i.max_critical, this.props.width / 2))) } var o, s = ""; Number(this.props.value) === this.props.value && this.props.value % 1 != 0 ? o = this.props.value.toFixed(1) : (s = "" === this.props.minMaxValue ? " %" : this.getSubfix(this.props.value), o = new Intl.NumberFormat("es", { maximumSignificantDigits: 4, maximumFractionDigits: 3 }).format(this.props.value)); var a = o.match(/\d*\.\d/); null !== a && (o = a[0]); var l = this.getRotate(this.props.value), c = document.getElementById("visual-console-container"); null === c && (c = document.getElementById("visual-console-container-" + this.props.cellId)), "" == && ( = "#fff"); var p = .7 * this.props.width, u = document.createElement("div"); u.className = "odometer", !0 !== this.props.agentDisabled && !0 !== this.props.moduleDisabled || ( = "0.2"); var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "odometer-container"; var h = document.createElement("div"); h.className = "odometer-a", = "" +; var m = document.createElement("div"); m.className = "odometer-b", = "odometerB-" +, = "" + this.props.status; var f = document.createElement("div"); f.className = "odometer-c"; var b = document.createElement("div"); b.className = "odometer-d"; var v = ""; if ("" != e) { var g = document.createElementNS(v, "svg"); g.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "100%"), g.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "100%"), g.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "position:absolute;z-index:1"); var y = document.createElementNS(v, "path"); y.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "svgWarning-" +, y.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M" + this.props.width / 2 + "," + this.props.width / 2 + "L" + e + "A" + this.props.width / 2 + "," + this.props.width / 2 + ",0,0,1," + t + "Z"), y.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "svg_warning"), g.appendChild(y), d.appendChild(g) } if ("" != n) { var _ = document.createElementNS(v, "svg"); _.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "100%"), _.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "100%"), _.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "position:absolute;z-index:2"); var E = document.createElementNS(v, "path"); E.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "svgCritical-" +, E.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M" + this.props.width / 2 + "," + this.props.width / 2 + "L" + n + "A" + this.props.width / 2 + "," + this.props.width / 2 + ",0,0,1," + r + "Z"), E.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#E63C52"), _.appendChild(E), d.appendChild(_) } var w = document.createElement("h1"); w.innerText = o + s, = .17 * p + "px", = "" + this.props.status, = "0"; var O = document.createElement("h2"); "" == this.props.title ? O.textContent = this.props.moduleName : O.textContent = this.truncateTitle(this.props.title), = .06 * p + "px", = "" + this.props.titleColor, = "0"; var k = document.createElement("script"); return k.type = "text/javascript", k.onload = function () { = "rotate(" + l + "turn)" }, void 0 !== this.props.metaconsoleId ? k.src = "./../../include/javascript/pandora_alerts.js" : k.src = "./include/javascript/pandora_alerts.js", h.appendChild(w), h.appendChild(O), d.appendChild(m), d.appendChild(f), d.appendChild(b), d.appendChild(h), d.appendChild(k), u.appendChild(d), u }, t.prototype.updateDomElement = function (e) { var t = this; e.innerHTML = this.createDomElement().innerHTML; var n = this.getRotate(this.props.value), r = document.getElementById("svgWarning-" +; null != r && ( = "none"); var i = document.getElementById("svgCritical-" +; null != i && ( = "none"), setTimeout((function () { null != r && ( = "block"), null != i && ( = "block"); var e = document.getElementById("odometerB-" +; e && ( = "rotate(" + n + "turn)") }), 500) }, t.prototype.resizeElement = function (t) {, t, t / 2) }, t.prototype.resize = function (e) { this.resizeElement(this.props.width) }, t.prototype.getRotate = function (e) { var t = 0; if ("" === this.props.minMaxValue) t = e / 2 / 100; else { var n = JSON.parse(this.props.minMaxValue); if (n.min === e) t = 0; else if (n.max === e) t = .5; else { var r = n.max - n.min; t = (100 - 100 * (n.max - e) / r) / 100 / 2 } } return t }, t.prototype.getSubfix = function (e) { var t = "", n = (e + "").length; return n > 3 && n <= 6 ? t = " K" : n > 6 && n <= 9 ? t = " M" : n > 9 && n <= 12 ? t = " G" : n > 12 && n <= 15 && (t = " T"), t }, t.prototype.getCoords = function (e, t) { if ("" === this.props.minMaxValue) e = e; else { var n = JSON.parse(this.props.minMaxValue); if (n.min === e) e = 0; else if (n.max === e || 100 === e) e = 100; else { var r = n.max - n.min; e = 100 - 100 * (n.max - e) / r } } return e = 180 - 1.8 * e, t + Math.cos(e * Math.PI / 180) * t + "," + (t - Math.sin(e * Math.PI / 180) * t) }, t.prototype.truncateTitle = function (e) { if (null != e && e.length > 22) { var t = e.length / 2, n = t - 9; return e.substr(0, t - n) + "..." + e.substr(t + n) } return e }, t }(o.a), rt = function () { return (rt = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function it(e) { var t = Object(i.n)(e.type, null); if (null == t) throw new TypeError("missing item type."); switch (t) { case 0: return c(e); case 1: return Object(qe.b)(e); case 2: case 6: case 7: case 8: return ie(e); case 3: case 9: case 15: case 16: return De(e); case 4: return $(e); case 5: return h(e); case 10: return Je(e); case 11: return z(e); case 12: return X(e); case 13: return j(e); case 14: return Object(se.b)(e); case 17: return Object(He.b)(e); case 18: return Ve(e); case 19: return V(e); case 20: return E(e); case 21: return R(e); case 22: return et(e); default: throw new TypeError("decoder not found") } } var ot = function () { function e(e, t, n) { var r = this; this.elementsById = {}, this.elementIds = [], this.relations = {}, this.lineLinks = {}, this.lines = {}, this.clickEventManager = new x.a, this.dblClickEventManager = new x.a, this.movedEventManager = new x.a, this.lineMovedEventManager = new x.a, this.resizedEventManager = new x.a, this.selectionChangedEventManager = new x.a, this.disposables = [], this.handleElementClick = function (e) { r.clickEventManager.emit(e) }, this.handleElementDblClick = function (e) { r.dblClickEventManager.emit(e) }, this.handleElementMovement = function (e) { var t =; r.getItemRelations(t).forEach((function (n) { n.parentId === t ? n.line.props = rt(rt({}, n.line.props), { startPosition: r.getVisualCenter(e.newPosition, e.item) }) : n.childId === t && (n.line.props = rt(rt({}, n.line.props), { endPosition: r.getVisualCenter(e.newPosition, e.item) })) })), r.updateLinesConnected(e.item.props, e.newPosition, !1) }, this.handleElementMovementFinished = function (e) { r.movedEventManager.emit(e), r.updateLinesConnected(e.item.props, e.newPosition, !0) }, this.handleLineElementMovementFinished = function (e) { r.refreshLink(e.item), r.lineMovedEventManager.emit(e) }, this.handleElementResizement = function (e) { var t = e.item, n = t.props, i =, o = r.getItemRelations(i), s = { x: n.x, y: n.y }, a = r.elementsById[i].meta; r.elementsById[i].meta = rt(rt({}, a), { isUpdating: !0 }), o.forEach((function (e) { e.parentId === i ? e.line.props = rt(rt({}, e.line.props), { startPosition: r.getVisualCenter(s, t) }) : e.childId === i && (e.line.props = rt(rt({}, e.line.props), { endPosition: r.getVisualCenter(s, t) })) })) }, this.handleElementResizementFinished = function (e) { r.resizedEventManager.emit(e) }, this.handleElementRemove = function (e) { r.elementIds = r.elementIds.filter((function (t) { return t !== })), delete r.elementsById[], r.clearRelations( }, this.handleElementSelectionChanged = function (e) { r.elements.filter((function (e) { return 1 == e.meta.isSelected })).length > 0 ? e.selected = !0 : e.selected = !1, r.selectionChangedEventManager.emit(e) }, this.handleContainerClick = function () { r.unSelectItems() }, this.containerRef = e, this._props = function (e) { var t =, n =, r = e.groupId, o = e.backgroundURL, s = e.backgroundColor, a = e.isFavorite, l = e.relationLineWidth; if (null == t || isNaN(parseInt(t))) throw new TypeError("invalid Id."); if ("string" != typeof n || 0 === n.length) throw new TypeError("invalid name."); if (null == r || isNaN(parseInt(r))) throw new TypeError("invalid group Id."); return rt({ id: parseInt(t), name: n, groupId: parseInt(r), backgroundURL: Object(i.k)(o, null), backgroundColor: Object(i.k)(s, null), isFavorite: Object(i.l)(a), relationLineWidth: Object(i.n)(l, 0) }, Object(i.r)(e)) }(t), this.render(), (n = n.sort((function (e, t) { return null == || null == ? 0 : > ? 1 : -1 }))).forEach((function (e) { return r.addElement(e, r) })), this.buildRelations(), this.elements.forEach((function (e) { e instanceof S && r.refreshLink(e) })), this.containerRef.addEventListener("click", this.handleContainerClick) } return e.prototype.coordinatesInItem = function (e, t, n) { return 13 != n.type && 21 != n.type && (e > n.x && e < n.x + n.width && t > n.y && t < n.y + n.height) }, e.prototype.refreshLink = function (e) { var t =, n = 0, r = 0; try { for (var i in this.elementsById) this.coordinatesInItem(e.props.startPosition.x, e.props.startPosition.y, this.elementsById[i].props) && (n = parseInt(i)), this.coordinatesInItem(e.props.endPosition.x, e.props.endPosition.y, this.elementsById[i].props) && (r = parseInt(i)); for (var i in null == this.lineLinks && (this.lineLinks = {}), null == this.lines && (this.lines = {}), n == t && (n = 0), r == t && (r = 0), null == this.lines[t] && (this.lines[t] = { start: n, end: r }), n > 0 ? (null == this.lineLinks[n] && (this.lineLinks[n] = {}), this.lineLinks[n][t] = { start: n, end: r }) : this.lines[t].start > 0 && (this.lineLinks[this.lines[t].start][t].start = 0, this.lines[t].start = 0), r > 0 ? (null == this.lineLinks[r] && (this.lineLinks[r] = {}), this.lineLinks[r][t] = { start: n, end: r }) : this.lines[t].end > 0 && (this.lineLinks[this.lines[t].end][t].end = 0, this.lines[t].end = 0), this.lines[t] = { start: n, end: r }, this.lineLinks) this.lineLinks[i][t] && 0 == this.lineLinks[i][t].start && 0 == this.lineLinks[i][t].end && (delete this.lineLinks[i][t], 0 === Object.keys(this.lineLinks[i]).length && delete this.lineLinks[i]) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }, e.prototype.updateLinesConnected = function (e, t, n) { var r = this; null != this.lineLinks[] && (Object.keys(this.lineLinks[]).forEach((function (o) { var s = parseInt(o), a = r.elementsById[s]; if (a.props) { var l = a.props.startPosition.x, c = a.props.startPosition.y, p = a.props.endPosition.x, u = a.props.endPosition.y; if ( == r.lineLinks[][s].start && (l = t.x + e.width / 2, c = t.y + e.height / 2), == r.lineLinks[][s].end && (p = t.x + e.width / 2, u = t.y + e.height / 2), r.updateElement(rt(rt({}, a.props), { startX: l, startY: c, endX: p, endY: u })), n) Object(i.c)(500, (function (e) { r.lineMovedEventManager.emit({ item: e.line, startPosition: { x: e.startX, y: e.startY }, endPosition: { x: e.endX, y: e.endY } }) }))({ line: a, startX: l, startY: c, endX: p, endY: u }) } })), this.buildRelations(, t.x + e.width / 2, t.y + e.height / 2)) }, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "elements", { get: function () { var e = this; return (t) { return e.elementsById[t] })).filter((function (e) { return null != e })) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.addElement = function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = this); try { var n = function (e) { var t = Object(i.n)(e.type, null); if (null == t) throw new TypeError("missing item type."); var n = Object(i.h)(e); switch (t) { case 0: return new p(c(e), n); case 1: return new qe.a(Object(qe.b)(e), n); case 2: case 6: case 7: case 8: return new oe(ie(e), n); case 3: case 9: case 15: case 16: return new ze(De(e), n); case 4: return new ee($(e), n); case 5: return new m(h(e), n); case 10: return new Ze(Je(e), n); case 11: return new H(z(e), n); case 12: return new J(X(e), n); case 13: return new S(j(e), n); case 14: return new se.a(Object(se.b)(e), n); case 17: return new He.a(Object(He.b)(e), n); case 18: return new Ke(Ve(e), n); case 19: return new K(V(e), n); case 20: return new M(E(e), n); case 21: return new N(R(e), n); case 22: return new nt(et(e), n); default: throw new TypeError("item not found") } }(e); return t.elementsById[] = n, t.elementIds.push(, n.onRemove(t.handleElementRemove), n.onSelectionChanged(t.handleElementSelectionChanged), n.onClick(t.handleElementClick), n.onDblClick(t.handleElementDblClick), n instanceof S ? (n.onLineMovementFinished(t.handleLineElementMovementFinished), this.refreshLink(n)) : (n.onMoved(t.handleElementMovement), n.onMovementFinished(t.handleElementMovementFinished), n.onResized(t.handleElementResizement), n.onResizeFinished(t.handleElementResizementFinished)), t.containerRef.append(n.elementRef), n } catch (e) { console.error("Error creating a new element:", e.message) } }, e.prototype.updateElements = function (e) { var t = this, n = (e) { return || null })).filter((function (e) { return null != e })); this.elementIds.filter((function (e) { return n.indexOf(e) < 0 })).forEach((function (e) { null != t.elementsById[e] && (t.elementsById[e].remove(), delete t.elementsById[e]) })), this.elementIds = n, e.forEach((function (e) { if ( if (null == t.elementsById[]) t.addElement(e); else try { t.elementsById[].props = it(e) } catch (e) { console.error("Error updating an element:", e.message) } })), this.buildRelations() }, e.prototype.updateElement = function (e) { try { this.elementsById[].props = rt({}, it(e)) } catch (e) { console.error("Error updating element:", e.message) } this.buildRelations() }, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "props", { get: function () { return rt({}, this._props) }, set: function (e) { var t = this.props; this._props = e, this.render(t) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.render = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = null), e ? (e.backgroundURL !== this.props.backgroundURL && ( = null !== this.props.backgroundURL ? "url(" + this.props.backgroundURL + ")" : ""), null != this.props.backgroundColor && e.backgroundColor !== this.props.backgroundColor && ( = this.props.backgroundColor), this.sizeChanged(e, this.props) && this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height)) : (this.props.backgroundURL && ( = null !== this.props.backgroundURL ? "url(" + this.props.backgroundURL + ")" : ""), this.props.backgroundColor && ( = this.props.backgroundColor), this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height)) }, e.prototype.sizeChanged = function (e, t) { return e.width !== t.width || e.height !== t.height }, e.prototype.resizeElement = function (e, t) { = e + "px", = t + "px" }, e.prototype.resize = function (e, t) { this.props = rt(rt({}, this.props), { width: e, height: t }) }, e.prototype.remove = function () { this.disposables.forEach((function (e) { return e.dispose() })), this.elements.forEach((function (e) { return e.remove() })), this.elementsById = {}, this.elementIds = [], this.clearRelations(), this.containerRef.removeEventListener("click", this.handleContainerClick), this.containerRef.innerHTML = "" }, e.prototype.buildRelations = function (e, t, n) { var r = this; this.clearRelations(), this.elements.forEach((function (i) { if (null !== i.props.parentId) { var o = r.elementsById[i.props.parentId], s = r.elementsById[]; o && s && (null != e ? i.props.parentId == e ? r.addRelationLine(o, s, t, n) : == e ? r.addRelationLine(o, s, void 0, void 0, t, n) : r.addRelationLine(o, s) : r.addRelationLine(o, s)) } })) }, e.prototype.clearRelations = function (e) { if (null != e) for (var t in this.relations) { var n = t.split("|"), r = Number.parseInt(n[0]), i = Number.parseInt(n[1]); e !== r && e !== i || (this.relations[t].remove(), delete this.relations[t]) } else for (var t in this.relations) this.relations[t].remove(), delete this.relations[t] }, e.prototype.getRelationLine = function (e, t) { var n = e + "|" + t; return this.relations[n] || null }, e.prototype.getItemRelations = function (e) { var t = []; for (var n in this.relations) { var r = n.split("|"), i = Number.parseInt(r[0]), o = Number.parseInt(r[1]); e !== i && e !== o || t.push({ parentId: i, childId: o, line: this.relations[n] }) } return t }, e.prototype.getVisualCenter = function (e, t) { var n = e.x + t.elementRef.clientWidth / 2, r = e.y + t.elementRef.clientHeight / 2; if (void 0 !== t.props.label || "" !== t.props.label || null !== t.props.label) switch (t.props.labelPosition) { case "up": r = e.y + (t.elementRef.clientHeight + t.labelElementRef.clientHeight) / 2; break; case "down": r = e.y + (t.elementRef.clientHeight - t.labelElementRef.clientHeight) / 2; break; case "right": n = e.x + (t.elementRef.clientWidth - t.labelElementRef.clientWidth) / 2; break; case "left": n = e.x + (t.elementRef.clientWidth + t.labelElementRef.clientWidth) / 2 }return { x: n, y: r } }, e.prototype.addRelationLine = function (e, t, n, r, o, s) { var a = + "|" +; null != this.relations[a] && this.relations[a].remove(); var l = this.getVisualCenter(e.props, e), c = l.x, p = l.y, u = this.getVisualCenter(t.props, t), d = u.x, h = u.y; null != n && (c = n), null != r && (p = r), null != o && (d = o), null != s && (h = s); var m = new S(j({ id: 0, type: 13, startX: c, startY: p, endX: d, endY: h, width: 0, height: 0, lineWidth: this.props.relationLineWidth, color: Object(i.k)(t.props.colorStatus, "#CCC") }), Object(i.h)({ receivedAt: new Date })); return this.relations[a] = m, = "0", this.containerRef.append(m.elementRef), m }, e.prototype.onItemClick = function (e) { var t = this.clickEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onItemDblClick = function (e) { var t = this.dblClickEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onItemMoved = function (e) { var t = this.movedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onLineMoved = function (e) { var t = this.lineMovedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onItemResized = function (e) { var t = this.resizedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.onItemSelectionChanged = function (e) { var t = this.selectionChangedEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e.prototype.enableEditMode = function () { this.elements.forEach((function (e) { e.meta = rt(rt({}, e.meta), { editMode: !0 }) })), this.containerRef.classList.add("is-editing") }, e.prototype.disableEditMode = function () { this.elements.forEach((function (e) { e.meta = rt(rt({}, e.meta), { editMode: !1 }) })), this.containerRef.classList.remove("is-editing") }, e.prototype.selectItem = function (e, t) { var n = this; void 0 === t && (t = !1), t ? this.elementIds.forEach((function (t) { var r = n.elementsById[t].meta; t !== e && r.isSelected ? n.elementsById[t].unSelectItem() : t !== e || r.isSelected || n.elementsById[t].selectItem() })) : this.elementsById[e] && this.elementsById[e].selectItem() }, e.prototype.unSelectItem = function (e) { this.elementsById[e] && (this.elementsById[e].meta.isSelected && this.elementsById[e].unSelectItem()) }, e.prototype.unSelectItems = function () { var e = this; this.elementIds.forEach((function (t) { e.elementsById[t] && e.elementsById[t].unSelectItem() })) }, e.itemDescriptiveName = function (e) { var t; switch (e.props.type) { case 0: t = Object(i.t)("Static graph") + " - " + e.props.imageSrc; break; case 1: t = Object(i.t)("Module graph"); break; case 19: t = Object(i.t)("Clock"); break; case 18: t = Object(i.t)("Bars graph"); break; case 14: t = Object(i.t)("Event history graph"); break; case 3: t = Object(i.t)("Percentile bar"); break; case 15: t = Object(i.t)("Circular progress bar"); break; case 16: t = Object(i.t)("Circular progress bar (interior)"); break; case 2: t = Object(i.t)("Simple Value"); break; case 4: t = Object(i.t)("Label"); break; case 11: t = Object(i.t)("Group"); break; case 20: t = Object(i.t)("Color cloud"); break; case 5: t = Object(i.t)("Icon") + " - " + e.props.imageSrc; break; case 22: t = Object(i.t)("Odometer"); break; default: t = Object(i.t)("Item") }var n = e.props; return null != n.agentAlias && null != n.moduleName ? t += " (" + Object(i.e)(n.agentAlias, 18) + " - " + Object(i.e)(n.moduleName, 25) + ")" : null != n.agentAlias && (t += " (" + Object(i.e)(n.agentAlias, 25) + ")"), t }, e.items = ((tt = {})[0] = p, tt[1] = qe.a, tt[2] = oe, tt[6] = oe, tt[7] = oe, tt[8] = oe, tt[3] = ze, tt[9] = ze, tt[15] = ze, tt[16] = ze, tt[4] = ee, tt[5] = m, tt[10] = Ze, tt[11] = H, tt[12] = J, tt[13] = S, tt[14] = se.a, tt[17] = He.a, tt[18] = Ke, tt[19] = K, tt[20] = M, tt[21] = N, tt[22] = nt, tt), e }(), st = function () { function e(e) { this.cancellable = { cancel: function () { } }, this._status = "waiting", this.statusChangeEventManager = new x.a, this.disposables = [], this.taskInitiator = e } return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "status", { get: function () { return this._status }, set: function (e) { this._status = e, this.statusChangeEventManager.emit(e) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.init = function () { var e = this; this.cancellable = this.taskInitiator((function () { e.status = "finished" })), this.status = "started" }, e.prototype.cancel = function () { this.cancellable.cancel(), this.status = "cancelled" }, e.prototype.onStatusChange = function (e) { var t = this.statusChangeEventManager.on(e); return this.disposables.push(t), t }, e }(); var at = function () { function e() { this.tasks = {} } return e.prototype.add = function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = 0), this.tasks[e] && "started" === this.tasks[e].status && this.tasks[e].cancel(); var r = n > 0 ? function (e, t) { return new st((function () { var n = null; return e.onStatusChange((function (r) { "finished" === r && (n = window.setTimeout((function () { e.init() }), t)) })), e.init(), { cancel: function () { n && clearTimeout(n), e.cancel() } } })) }(new st(t), n) : new st(t); return this.tasks[e] = r, this.tasks[e] }, e.prototype.init = function (e) { !this.tasks[e] || "waiting" !== this.tasks[e].status && "cancelled" !== this.tasks[e].status && "finished" !== this.tasks[e].status || this.tasks[e].init() }, e.prototype.cancel = function (e) { this.tasks[e] && "started" === this.tasks[e].status && this.tasks[e].cancel() }, e }(); window.VisualConsole = ot, window.VisualConsole.Form = f, window.AsyncTaskManager = at }]); //# \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/visual_console_client/src/items/Odometer.ts b/visual_console_client/src/items/Odometer.ts index 159a5a1d16..c88c43bdf1 100644 --- a/visual_console_client/src/items/Odometer.ts +++ b/visual_console_client/src/items/Odometer.ts @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ export default class Odometer extends Item { } else { h2.textContent = this.truncateTitle(this.props.title); } - = `${anchoB * 0.06}px`; + = `12px`; = `${this.props.titleColor}`; = "0";