Merge branch 'ent-12531-plugin-de-monitorizacion-de-seguridad-para-windows' into 'develop'

12531 adding security plugin for windows

See merge request artica/pandorafms!6763
This commit is contained in:
Rafael Ameijeiras 2023-12-18 07:34:58 +00:00
commit b7de3a1f8f
9 changed files with 23990 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Makefile for
.PHONY: all build_image
all: build_image
docker build -t pandora_security_win docker/
docker run --rm -t -v`pwd`:/pybuild pandora_security_win

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Build the winexe binary.
wine pip install -r src/requirements.txt
wine pyinstaller --onefile src/
rm -rf build/ __pycache__/ pandora_security_win.spec

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
FROM i386/debian
# Update the package list.
RUN apt-get update
# Install needed packages.
RUN apt-get install --yes \
gnupg2 \
unzip \
software-properties-common \
wget \
# Install WineHQ.
RUN wget -q -O- | apt-key add -
RUN apt-add-repository; apt-get update
RUN apt-get install --yes --install-recommends wine
# Use Windows 10.
COPY winetricks /tmp/winetricks
RUN /bin/bash /tmp/winetricks win10; rm -f /tmp/winetricks
# Install Python.
RUN wget
RUN xvfb-run wine python-3.8.10.exe /quiet Include_doc=0 Include_dev=0 Include_test=0 InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 TargetDir=c:\python; echo
ENV WINEPATH="c:\\python;c:\\python\Scripts"
# Install Python modules..
RUN wine pip.exe install wheel
RUN wine pip.exe install pyinstaller
VOLUME ["/pybuild"]
WORKDIR "/pybuild"
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/pybuild/"]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
import wmi, sys, winreg, os, subprocess, json, re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
## Define modules
def print_module(module, print_flag=None):
"""Returns module in XML format. Accepts only {dict}.\n
- Only works with one module at a time: otherwise iteration is needed.
- Module "value" field accepts str type or [list] for datalists.
- Use print_flag to show modules' XML in STDOUT.
data = dict(module)
module_xml = ("<module>\n"
"\t<name><![CDATA[" + str(data["name"]) + "]]></name>\n"
"\t<type>" + str(data["type"]) + "</type>\n"
if type(data["type"]) is not str and "string" not in data["type"]: #### Strip spaces if module not generic_data_string
data["value"] = data["value"].strip()
if isinstance(data["value"], list): # Checks if value is a list
module_xml += "\t<datalist>\n"
for value in data["value"]:
if type(value) is dict and "value" in value:
module_xml += "\t<data>\n"
module_xml += "\t\t<value><![CDATA[" + str(value["value"]) + "]]></value>\n"
if "timestamp" in value:
module_xml += "\t\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" + str(value["timestamp"]) + "]]></timestamp>\n"
module_xml += "\t</data>\n"
module_xml += "\t</datalist>\n"
module_xml += "\t<data><![CDATA[" + str(data["value"]) + "]]></data>\n"
if "desc" in data:
module_xml += "\t<description><![CDATA[" + str(data["desc"]) + "]]></description>\n"
if "unit" in data:
module_xml += "\t<unit><![CDATA[" + str(data["unit"]) + "]]></unit>\n"
if "interval" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_interval><![CDATA[" + str(data["interval"]) + "]]></module_interval>\n"
if "tags" in data:
module_xml += "\t<tags>" + str(data["tags"]) + "</tags>\n"
if "module_group" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_group>" + str(data["module_group"]) + "</module_group>\n"
if "module_parent" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_parent>" + str(data["module_parent"]) + "</module_parent>\n"
if "min_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_warning"]) + "]]></min_warning>\n"
if "min_warning_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_warning_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_warning_forced"]) + "]]></min_warning_forced>\n"
if "max_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_warning"]) + "]]></max_warning>\n"
if "max_warning_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_warning_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_warning_forced"]) + "]]></max_warning_forced>\n"
if "min_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_critical"]) + "]]></min_critical>\n"
if "min_critical_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_critical_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_critical_forced"]) + "]]></min_critical_forced>\n"
if "max_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_critical"]) + "]]></max_critical>\n"
if "max_critical_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max_critical_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["max_critical_forced"]) + "]]></max_critical_forced>\n"
if "str_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_warning"]) + "]]></str_warning>\n"
if "str_warning_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_warning_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_warning_forced"]) + "]]></str_warning_forced>\n"
if "str_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_critical"]) + "]]></str_critical>\n"
if "str_critical_forced" in data:
module_xml += "\t<str_critical_forced><![CDATA[" + str(data["str_critical_forced"]) + "]]></str_critical_forced>\n"
if "critical_inverse" in data:
module_xml += "\t<critical_inverse><![CDATA[" + str(data["critical_inverse"]) + "]]></critical_inverse>\n"
if "warning_inverse" in data:
module_xml += "\t<warning_inverse><![CDATA[" + str(data["warning_inverse"]) + "]]></warning_inverse>\n"
if "max" in data:
module_xml += "\t<max><![CDATA[" + str(data["max"]) + "]]></max>\n"
if "min" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min><![CDATA[" + str(data["min"]) + "]]></min>\n"
if "post_process" in data:
module_xml += "\t<post_process><![CDATA[" + str(data["post_process"]) + "]]></post_process>\n"
if "disabled" in data:
module_xml += "\t<disabled><![CDATA[" + str(data["disabled"]) + "]]></disabled>\n"
if "min_ff_event" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event"]) + "]]></min_ff_event>\n"
if "status" in data:
module_xml += "\t<status><![CDATA[" + str(data["status"]) + "]]></status>\n"
if "timestamp" in data:
module_xml += "\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" + str(data["timestamp"]) + "]]></timestamp>\n"
if "custom_id" in data:
module_xml += "\t<custom_id><![CDATA[" + str(data["custom_id"]) + "]]></custom_id>\n"
if "critical_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<critical_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["critical_instructions"]) + "]]></critical_instructions>\n"
if "warning_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<warning_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["warning_instructions"]) + "]]></warning_instructions>\n"
if "unknown_instructions" in data:
module_xml += "\t<unknown_instructions><![CDATA[" + str(data["unknown_instructions"]) + "]]></unknown_instructions>\n"
if "quiet" in data:
module_xml += "\t<quiet><![CDATA[" + str(data["quiet"]) + "]]></quiet>\n"
if "module_ff_interval" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_ff_interval><![CDATA[" + str(data["module_ff_interval"]) + "]]></module_ff_interval>\n"
if "crontab" in data:
module_xml += "\t<crontab><![CDATA[" + str(data["crontab"]) + "]]></crontab>\n"
if "min_ff_event_normal" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_normal><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_normal"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_normal>\n"
if "min_ff_event_warning" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_warning><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_warning"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_warning>\n"
if "min_ff_event_critical" in data:
module_xml += "\t<min_ff_event_critical><![CDATA[" + str(data["min_ff_event_critical"]) + "]]></min_ff_event_critical>\n"
if "ff_type" in data:
module_xml += "\t<ff_type><![CDATA[" + str(data["ff_type"]) + "]]></ff_type>\n"
if "ff_timeout" in data:
module_xml += "\t<ff_timeout><![CDATA[" + str(data["ff_timeout"]) + "]]></ff_timeout>\n"
if "each_ff" in data:
module_xml += "\t<each_ff><![CDATA[" + str(data["each_ff"]) + "]]></each_ff>\n"
if "module_parent_unlink" in data:
module_xml += "\t<module_parent_unlink><![CDATA[" + str(data["parent_unlink"]) + "]]></module_parent_unlink>\n"
if "global_alerts" in data:
for alert in data["alert"]:
module_xml += "\t<alert_template><![CDATA[" + alert + "]]></alert_template>\n"
module_xml += "</module>\n"
if print_flag:
print (module_xml)
return (module_xml)
def check_antivirus_status():
wmi_obj = wmi.WMI(namespace="root/SecurityCenter2")
antivirus_products = wmi_obj.query("SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct")
for product in antivirus_products:
display_name = product.displayName
product_state = product.productState
product_state_hex = hex(product_state)
last_update = product.timestamp
atv_status = int(product_state_hex[3:5])
atv_uptodate = int(product_state_hex[5:7])
atv_status = 1 if atv_status in [10, 11] else 0
atv_uptodate = 1 if atv_uptodate in [00,] else 0
#print(f"{display_name}, product_state: {product_state}, product_state_hex: {product_state_hex}, last_update: {last_update}, status: {atv_status}, uptodate: {atv_uptodate}")
"name" : f"{display_name} Antivirus status",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": atv_status,
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"{display_name} state: {product_state}, last update: {last_update}",
"name" : f"{display_name} Antivirus up to date",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": atv_uptodate,
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"{display_name} state: {product_state}, last update: {last_update}",
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error check antivirus: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
def is_lock_screen_enabled():
# Open the registry key
key_path = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path) as key:
# Query the value of the DisableLockScreen key
value_name = "DisableLockScreen"
value, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_name)
# Check if the lock screen is enabled (0 means enabled)
status = value == 0
if status == False: return status
except FileNotFoundError:
# If the registry key or value is not found, consider it as enabled
status = True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error check lockscreen: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
status = False
# Define the registry key for the lock screen settings
reg_key_path = r"SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization"
reg_key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_key_path)
# Query the "NoLockScreen" DWORD value
value_name = "NoLockScreen"
value, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(reg_key, value_name)
# Check if the "NoLockScreen" value is 0 (enabled)
status = value == 0
if status == False: return status
except FileNotFoundError:
# If the registry key or value is not found, consider it as enabled
status = True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error check lockscreen: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
status = False
return status
def check_locksreen_enables():
status = is_lock_screen_enabled()
value = 1 if status == True else 0
"name" : "Lockscreen status",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": value,
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"Check lockscreen enable",
def convert_to_human_readable_date(timestamp_str):
# Parse the timestamp string without the time zone
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
# Convert to a human-readable format
human_readable_date = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')
return human_readable_date.strip()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error converting date: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
return None
def check_time_difference(timestamp, timedays=10):
# Convert the timestamp string to a datetime object
given_timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Get the current time
current_time =
#Calculate the time difference
time_difference = current_time - given_timestamp
# Check if the time difference is greater than one hour
if time_difference < timedelta(days=timedays):
return "1"
return "0"
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error check time difference: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
return 0
def get_windows_update_info(limit=5):
# Connect to the Win32_ReliabilityRecords class in the root/cimv2 namespace
wmi_conn = wmi.WMI()
# Query the Win32_ReliabilityRecords class for Windows Update information
query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_ReliabilityRecords WHERE sourcename = 'Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient'"
result = wmi_conn.query(query)
# Extract relevant information and format output
update_info = [
"date": convert_to_human_readable_date(record.timegenerated.split('.')[0]),
"update": record.message
for record in result[:limit]
"name" : "Microsoft Update system status",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": value,
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"Check if system was updated in the last 10 days. last update: {last_update_date}",
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error windows update check: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
return False
def is_firewall_enabled():
# Run PowerShell command to check if the Windows Firewall is enabled
result =
['powershell', 'Get-NetFirewallProfile |Select-Object profile, enabled | ConvertTo-Json'],
result_json= json.loads(result.stdout)
for profile in result_json:
"name" : f"Firewall profile: {profile['Profile']} status",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": profile["Enabled"],
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"Check if firewall profile {profile['Profile']} is enabled",
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error firewall check: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
return False
def check_password_enforcement():
enforce_pass = 1
counter = 0
# Connect to the WMI service
wmi_service = wmi.WMI()
# Query for user accounts
users = wmi_service.Win32_UserAccount()
# Check if each user enforces password
for user in users:
# username = user.Name
# password_required = user.PasswordRequired
if user.PasswordRequired == False :
enforce_pass = 0
counter += 1
#print(f"User: {username}, Password Required: {password_required}")
"name" : "All users enforced password",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": enforce_pass,
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"Check if all users has enforced password, not secure users = {counter}",
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
print("Failed to check password enforcement for users.", file=sys.stderr)
def check_login_audit_policy():
# Run the auditpol command to check the audit policy for Logon/Logoff
cmd_command = "auditpol /get /subcategory:Logon"
result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
last_line = result.stdout.strip().split('\n')[-1]
cleaned_line = re.sub(' +', ' ', last_line)
# Interpret the result
if "Success and Failure" in result.stdout:
result = 1
elif "Aciertos y errores" in result.stdout:
result = 1
elif "No Auditing" in result.stdout:
result = 0
elif "Sin auditoría" in result.stdout:
result = 0
print("Unable to determine audit policy for Logon/Logoff events.", file=sys.stderr)
result = 0
"name" : "Check logon event audited",
"type" : "generic_proc",
"value": result,
"module_group": "security",
"desc" : f"Check if the logon events audit log is enables, status:{cleaned_line}",
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
print("Failed to check audit policy using auditpol command.", file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for module in modules:
print_module(module, True)
# Windows Defender status values:
# 0: No action needed
# 266240: Antivirus is up to date
# 266256: Antivirus is out of date
# 266304: Antivirus is not monitoring
# 393216 (0x60000): No action needed.
# 393232 (0x60010): Antivirus is up to date.
# 393240 (0x60018): Antivirus is out of date.
# 393216 (0x60030): Antivirus is not monitoring.
# 397312 (0x61000): Antivirus is disabled.
# AVG Internet Security 2012 (from antivirusproduct WMI)
# 262144 (040000) = disabled and up to date
# 266240 (041000) = enabled and up to date
# AVG Internet Security 2012 (from firewallproduct WMI)
# 266256 (041010) = firewall enabled - (last two blocks not relevant it seems for firewall)
# 262160 (040010) = firewall disabled - (last two blocks not relevant it seems for firewall)
# Windows Defender
# 393472 (060100) = disabled and up to date
# 397584 (061110) = enabled and out of date
# 397568 (061100) = enabled and up to date
# Microsoft Security Essentials
# 397312 (061000) = enabled and up to date
# 393216 (060000) = disabled and up to date

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -538,3 +538,8 @@ module_plugin "%PROGRAMFILES%\Pandora_Agent\util\autodiscover.exe" --default
#module_regexp C:\server\logs\xserver.log
#module_pattern .*
# Pandora basic security check plugin for windows.
#module_plugin "%PROGRAMFILES%\Pandora_Agent\util\pandora_security_win.exe"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:c58891fbd16bf80f288e0ff4751801aa02dbf4e6c914625b4d49a364c7e0b511
size 7829249