2006-12-24 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* include/styles/pandora.css, tip.css: Stylesheet correction. * include/general/footer.php, header.php, login_page.php: Corrected styles. * index.php: added div for footer. * include/languages/*.php: Removed old texts. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@335 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
2006-12-24 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* include/styles/pandora.css, tip.css: Stylesheet correction.
* include/general/footer.php, header.php, login_page.php: Corrected
* index.php: added div for footer.
* include/languages/*.php: Removed old texts.
2006-12-19 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>
* help/en/*: Stylesheet correction. Change some texts and images.
@ -17,24 +17,20 @@
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
echo '
<a target="_new" href="general/license/pandora_info_'.$language_code.'.html">
Pandora FMS '.$pandora_version.' Build '.$build_version.' '.
if (isset($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) {
<div id="foot">
echo '<a target="_new" href="general/license/pandora_info_'
.$language_code.'.html">Pandora FMS ';
echo $pandora_version." Build ".$build_version." ";
echo $lang_label["gpl_notice"];
echo '</a><br>';
if (isset($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) {
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) {
} else {
$time = time();
echo $lang_label["gen_date"]." ".date("D F d, Y H:i:s", $time)."<br>";
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) {
} else {
$time = time();
<i>Pandora FMS is a <a target="_new" href="http://pandora.sourceforge.net">
SourceForge registered project</a></i>
echo $lang_label["gen_date"]." ".date("D F d, Y H:i:s", $time)."<br>";
<i>Pandora FMS is a <a target="_new" href="http://pandora.sourceforge.net">
SourceForge registered project</a></i>
@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
// Pandora - The Free Monitoring System
// This code is protected by GPL license.
// Este codigo esta protegido por la licencia GPL.
// Sancho Lerena <slerena@gmail.com>, 2003-2006
// Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>, 2004-2006
// Pandora - the Free monitoring system
// ====================================
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L, info@artica.es
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Raul Mateos Martin, raulofpandora@gmail.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Pandora <?php echo $pandora_version." - ".$lang_label["header_title"];?>
@ -32,10 +32,11 @@
<div id="logo_box">
<a href="index.php"><img src="images/logo_login.gif" border="0" alt="logo"></a><br>
<a href="index.php">
<img src="images/logo_login.gif" border="0" alt="logo"></a><br>
<?php echo $pandora_version; ?>
<div id="ip"><?php echo 'IP: <b class="f10">'.$REMOTE_ADDR.'</b>'; ?></div>
<?php include "general/footer.php"; ?>
<div id="foot"><?php require("general/footer.php") ?></div>
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ $lang_label["medium"]="Media";
$lang_label["very_serious"]="Muy grave";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vista principal d'incidentes";
$lang_label["all_inc"]="Tolos incidentes";
$lang_label["opened_inc"]="Incidentes activos";
@ -96,7 +97,6 @@ $lang_label["openedcom_inc"]="Incidentes activos, con comentarios";
$lang_label["closed_inc"]="Incidentes zarraos";
$lang_label["rej_inc"]="Incidentes rechazaos";
$lang_label["exp_inc"]="Incidentes espiraos";
$lang_label["rev_incident"]="Revisar incidente";
$lang_label["note_title"]="Añadir nota l'incidente";
$lang_label["audit_title"]="Revisar logs d'auditoría de Pandora";
@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"]="Testu llibre pa buscar (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"]="(*) La búsqueda de testu fadríase a partir de toles pallabres introducíes como subcadena, na descrición del títulu o na descrición de cada incidente";
$lang_label["users_pandora"]="Que ye un usuariu en Pandora";
$lang_label["users"]="Usuarios definíos en Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"]="ID d'usuariu";
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ $lang_label["medium"]="Mig";
$lang_label["very_serious"]="Molt Greu";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vista Principal d'Incidents";
$lang_label["all_inc"]="Tots els incidents";
$lang_label["opened_inc"]="Incidents actius";
@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ $lang_label["openedcom_inc"]="Incidents actius, amb comentaris";
$lang_label["closed_inc"]="Incidents tancats";
$lang_label["rej_inc"]="Incidents rebutjats";
$lang_label["exp_inc"]="Incidents caducats";
$lang_label["rev_incident"]="Revisió d'incident";
$lang_label["note_title"]="Afegir una nota a l'incident";
$lang_label["audit_title"]="Revició dels logs d'auditoria del Pandora";
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"]="Text a cercar (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] ="(*) La cerca de text tindrá en compte totes les paraules entrades com a una sub-cadena, al títol o la descripció de l'ìncident";
$lang_label["users_pandora"]="Que es un usuari del Pandora?";
$lang_label["users"]="Usuaris del Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"]="Identificador d'usuari";
@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ $lang_label["medium"]="Medium";
$lang_label["very_serious"]="Very Serious";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Incident Main view";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Incident Main view";
$lang_label["all_inc"]="All incidents";
$lang_label["opened_inc"]="Active incidents";
$lang_label["openedcom_inc"]="Active incidents, with comments";
$lang_label["closed_inc"]="Closed incidents";
$lang_label["rej_inc"]="Rejected incidents";
$lang_label["exp_inc"]="Expired incidents";
$lang_label["rev_incident"]="Review of incident";
$lang_label["note_title"]="Add note to incident";
$lang_label["audit_title"]="Review of Pandora audit logs";
@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"]="Free text for search (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] ="(*) The text search will look for all words entered as substring, in index title or description of each incident";
$lang_label["users_pandora"]="What is an user in Pandora";
$lang_label["users"]="Users defined in Pandora";
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $lang_label["os"]="SO";
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ $lang_label["in_openedby"]="Propietario";
$lang_label["in_openedwhen"]="Abierto el";
$lang_label["updated_at"]="Actualizado el";
$lang_label["main_text"]="Esta es la Consola de Administración de Pandora. Desde aquí puede gestionar sus agentes, alertas e incidentes. La sesión permanecerá abierta mientras no exista una inactividad prolongada.";
$lang_label["main_text"]="Esta es la Consola de Administración de Pandora. Desde aquí puede gestionar sus agentes, alertas e incidentes. La sesión permanecerá abierta mientras exista uactividad.";
$lang_label["id_user"]="ID usuario";
$lang_label["real_name"]="Nombre Real";
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ $lang_label["field1"]="Campo #1 (Alias, nombre)";
$lang_label["field2"]="Campo #2 (Línea sencilla)";
$lang_label["field3"]="Campo #3 (Texto completo)";
$lang_label["no_access_title"]="No tiene permiso para acceder a esta página";
$lang_label["no_access_text"]="El acceso a esta página está restringido a usuarios autorizados, contacte con el administrador del sistema si necesita ayuda. <br><br>Todos los intentos de acceso a esta página son grabados en los logs de seguridad de Pandora";
$lang_label["no_access_text"]="El acceso a esta página está restringido a usuarios autorizados, contacte con el administrador del sistema si necesita ayuda. <br><br>Todos los intentos de acceso a esta página son grabados en los logs de seguridad de Pandora FMS";
$lang_label["header_title"]="Sistema Libre de Monitorización";
$lang_label["gpl_notice"]="es un <b>Proyecto de Software GPL</b>";
$lang_label["gpl_notice"]="es un <b>Proyecto de Software Libre bajo licencia GPL</b>";
$lang_label["gpl_used"]="Desarrollado utilizando herramientas y software GPL";
$lang_label["gen_date"]="Página generada el ";
@ -101,15 +101,17 @@ $lang_label["medium"]="Media";
$lang_label["very_serious"]="Muy grave";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vista principal de incidentes";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vista principal de incidentes";
$lang_label["all_inc"]="Todos los incidentes";
$lang_label["opened_inc"]="Incidentes activos";
$lang_label["openedcom_inc"]="Incidentes activos, con comentarios";
$lang_label["closed_inc"]="Incidentes cerrados";
$lang_label["rej_inc"]="Incidentes rechazados";
$lang_label["exp_inc"]="Incidentes expirados";
$lang_label["rev_incident"]="Revisar incidente";
$lang_label["note_title"]="Añadir nota al incidente";
$lang_label["audit_title"]="Revisar logs de auditoría de Pandora";
@ -171,7 +173,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"]="Texto libre para buscar (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] ="(*) La búsqueda de texto se hará a partir de todas las palabras introducidas como subcadena, en la descripción del título o en la descripción de cada incidente";
$lang_label["users_pandora"]="Qué es un usuario en Pandora";
$lang_label["users"]="Usuarios definidos en Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"]="ID de usuario";
@ -343,8 +344,8 @@ $lang_label["purge_event_3day"]="Borrar los datos de eventos excepto los ú
$lang_label["purge_event_1day"]="Borrar todos los datos de eventos, excepto las últimas 24 horas";
$lang_label["purge_event_all"]="Borrar todos los datos de eventos";
$lang_label["deleting_records"]="Borrando registros para el módulo ";
$lang_label["purge_task"]="Tarea de borrado lanzada para el agente ";
$lang_label["deleting_records"]="Borrando registros para el módulo ";
$lang_label["purge_task"]="Tarea de borrado lanzada para el agente ";
$lang_label["manage_config"]="Gestionar conf.";
$lang_label["config_manage"]="Gestión de Configuraciones";
@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ $help_label["db_purge0"]="Use este control para seleccionar un agente. Es necesa
$lang_label["profiles"] ="Perfiles";
$lang_label["current_dbsetup"]="Configuración actual de la Base de Datos";
$lang_label["dbsetup_info"]="Por favor, asegúrate de que la gestión de la Base de Datos es correcta y de que el sistema automático de gestión de Base de Datos de Pandora está correctamente instalado y funcionando. Es muy importante para el correcto funcionamiento y rendimiento de Pandora.";
$lang_label["dbsetup_info"]="Por favor, asegúrate de que la gestión de la Base de Datos es correcta y de que el sistema automático de gestión de Base de Datos de Pandora está correctamente instalado y funcionando. Es muy importante para el correcto funcionamiento y rendimiento de Pandora.";
$lang_label["profile_title"]="Gestión de perfiles";
$lang_label["create_profile"]="Crear perfil";
$lang_label["profile_name"]="Nombre del perfil";
@ -542,7 +543,7 @@ $lang_label["SNMP_agent"]="Agente SNMP";
$lang_label["SNMP_console"]="Consola SNMP";
$lang_label["customvalue"]="Valor de usuario";
$lang_label["agent_type"]="Tipo agente";
$lang_label["agent_type"]="Tipo de agente";
$lang_label["snmp_assigned_alerts"]="Alertas SNMP";
$lang_label["max_alerts"]="Número máximo de alertas";
@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ $lang_label["medium"]="Media";
$lang_label["very_serious"]="Muy grave";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vista principal de incidentes";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vista principal de incidentes";
$lang_label["all_inc"]="Todos los incidentes";
$lang_label["opened_inc"]="Incidentes activos";
$lang_label["openedcom_inc"]="Incidentes activos, con comentarios";
$lang_label["closed_inc"]="Incidentes cerrados";
$lang_label["rej_inc"]="Incidentes rechazados";
$lang_label["exp_inc"]="Incidentes expirados";
$lang_label["rev_incident"]="Revisar el incidente";
$lang_label["note_title"]="Añadir una nota al incidente";
$lang_label["audit_title"]="Revisar logs de auditoría de Pandora";
@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"]="Texto libre para buscar (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] ="(*) La búsqueda de texto se hará a partir de todas las palabras introducidas como subcadena, en la descripción del título o en la descripción de cada incidente";
$lang_label["users_pandora"]="Qué es un usuario en Pandora";
$lang_label["users"]="Usuarios definidos en Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"]="ID de usuario";
@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ $lang_label["medium"]="Moyenne";
$lang_label["very_serious"]="Très grave";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vue principale des incidents";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"]="Vue principale des incidents";
$lang_label["all_inc"]="Tous les incidents";
$lang_label["opened_inc"]="Incidents actifs";
$lang_label["openedcom_inc"]="Incidents actifs, avec comentaires";
$lang_label["closed_inc"]="Incidents fermés";
$lang_label["rej_inc"]="Incidents refusés";
$lang_label["exp_inc"]="Incidents expirés";
$lang_label["rev_incident"]="Reviser l'incident";
$lang_label["note_title"]="Ajouter une note à l'incident";
$lang_label["audit_title"]="Reviser les registre d'audit de Pandora";
@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"]="Texte libre pour la recherche (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] ="(*) La recherche du texte se fera à partir de tous les mots introduits comme une sous-chaîne, dans la description du titre ou dans la description de chaque incident";
$lang_label["password"]="Mot de Passe";
$lang_label["users_pandora"]="Qu'est-ce qu'un usager chez Pandora";
$lang_label["users"]="Usagers définis chez Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"]="ID de l'usager";
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ $lang_label["medium"] = "Medio";
$lang_label["serious"] = "Grave";
$lang_label["very_serious"] = "Molto Grave";
$lang_label["maintenance"] = "Manutenzione";
$lang_label["date"] = "Data";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"] = "Vista Principale Avvenimento";
$lang_label["all_inc"] = "Tutti gli Avvenimenti";
$lang_label["opened_inc"] = "Avvenimenti Attivi";
@ -95,7 +96,6 @@ $lang_label["openedcom_inc"] = "Avvenimenti attivi, con commenti";
$lang_label["closed_inc"] = "Avvenimenti chiusi";
$lang_label["rej_inc"] = "Avvenimenti rifiutati";
$lang_label["exp_inc"] = "Avvenimenti scaduti";
$lang_label["date"] = "Data";
$lang_label["rev_incident"] = "Esamina tutti gli Avvenimenti";
$lang_label["note_title"] = "Aggiungi Annotazione all'Avvenimento";
$lang_label["audit_title"] = "Eamina i Registri di verifica di Pandora";
@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"] = "Testo libero da cercare (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] = "(*) La ricerca di testo cercherà tutte le parole digitate come sottostringa, nell'indice, titolo o descrizione di ogni avvenimento";
$lang_label["confirmation"] = "conferma";
$lang_label["password"] = "Password";
$lang_label["users_pandora"] = "Cos'è un utente in Pandora";
$lang_label["users"] = "Utenti definiti in Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"] = "ID Utente";
$lang_label["profile"] = "Profilo";
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ $lang_label["medium"] = "Média";
$lang_label["serious"] = "Grave";
$lang_label["very_serious"] = "Muito grave";
$lang_label["maintenance"] = "Manutenção";
$lang_label["date"] = "Data";
$lang_label["incident_main_view"] = "Visão geral dos incidentes";
$lang_label["all_inc"] = "Todos os incidentes";
$lang_label["opened_inc"] = "Incidentes ativos";
@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ $lang_label["openedcom_inc"] = "Incidentes ativos, com comentários";
$lang_label["closed_inc"] = "Incidentes fechados";
$lang_label["rej_inc"] = "Incidentes recusados";
$lang_label["exp_inc"] = "Incidentes expirados";
$lang_label["date"] = "Data";
$lang_label["rev_incident"] = "Revisar incidente";
$lang_label["note_title"] = "Adicionar nota ao incidente";
$lang_label["audit_title"] = "Revisar logs de auditoria do Pandora";
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ $lang_label["free_text_search"] = "Texto livre para busca (*)";
$lang_label["free_text_search_msg"] = "A busca pelo texto irá procurar por todas as palavras informadas como parã¢metros, tanto no índice de títulos, como na descrição de cada incidente";
$lang_label["confirmation"] = "confirmação";
$lang_label["password"] = "senha";
$lang_label["users_pandora"] = "O que é um usuário no Pandora";
$lang_label["users"] = "Usuários definidos no Pandora";
$lang_label["user_ID"] = "ID de usuário";
$lang_label["profile"] = "Perfil";
@ -29,60 +29,60 @@
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a.mn, .gr {
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div.nf {
background: url(../../images/info.gif) no-repeat;
color: #9a2f0a;
margin-left: 7px;
padding: 2px 1px 6px 25px;
@ -1,51 +1,45 @@
a.tip, a.tip2 {
cursor: help;
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a.tip {
cursor: help;
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cursor: help;
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text-decoration: none;
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padding: 2px 2px 2px 12px;
a.help {
cursor: help;
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
background: url(../../images/help.gif) no-repeat;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 12px;
left: 5px;
a.info {
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 25px 0px 0px 0px;
a.info2 {
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a.tip, a.tip2, a.help , a.info, a.info2 {
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
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a.tip:hover {
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a.tip2:hover {
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a.tip span, a.tip2 span, a.info span, a.info2 span, a.help span {
display: none;
a.tip:hover span, a.tip2:hover span, a.info:hover span, a.info2:hover span, a.help:hover span {
a.tip:hover span, a.tip2:hover span, a.info:hover span, a.info2:hover span,
a.help:hover span {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
position: absolute;
@ -57,16 +51,16 @@ a.tip:hover span, a.tip2:hover span, a.info:hover span, a.info2:hover span, a.he
background-color: #d4ddc6;
color: #000;
padding: 2px;
a.info:hover span {
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a.info2:hover span {
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@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
$pass = $primera . "****" . $ultima;
audit_db ($nick, $REMOTE_ADDR, "Logon Failed",
"Incorrect password: " . $nick . " / " . $pass);
echo '<div id="foot">';
include "general/footer.php";
echo '</div>';
@ -108,7 +110,9 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
$pass = $primera . "****" . $ultima;
audit_db ($nick, $REMOTE_ADDR, "Logon Failed",
"Invalid username: " . $nick . " / " . $pass);
echo '<div id="foot">';
include "general/footer.php";
echo '</div>';
} elseif (! isset ($_SESSION['id_usuario'])) {
@ -155,6 +159,6 @@ if (isset ($_GET["refr"])){
<?php require("general/footer.php") ?>
<div id="foot"><?php require("general/footer.php") ?></div>
@ -164,9 +164,8 @@ if (comprueba_login () == 0) {
<img src='images/dot_yellow.gif' alt=''>";
/* FIXME: This line is ugly */
$celda = "<td class='bot' width=100>
$celda = "<td class='bot' width='100'>
<a href='index.php?sec=estado&
@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ if (comprueba_login () == 0) {
<img class='top'
src='images/groups/".$icono_grupo."_1.gif' alt=''>
<table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='0'
@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ if (comprueba_login() == 0) {
echo "<br>";
echo "<table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3' width='775'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>".$lang_label["status"];
echo "<th>".$lang_label["event_name"];
echo "<th>".$lang_label["agent_name"];
echo "<th>".$lang_label["group"];
echo "<th>".$lang_label["id_user"];
echo "<th class='w130'>".$lang_label["timestamp"];
echo "<th>".$lang_label["action"];
echo "<th>".$lang_label["status"]."</th>";
echo "<th>".$lang_label["event_name"]."</th>";
echo "<th>".$lang_label["agent_name"]."</th>";
echo "<th>".$lang_label["group"]."</th>";
echo "<th>".$lang_label["id_user"]."</th>";
echo "<th class='w130'>".$lang_label["timestamp"]."</th>";
echo "<th>".$lang_label["action"]."</th>";
echo "<th class='p10'>";
echo "<label for='checkbox' class='p21'>".$lang_label["all"]." </label>";
echo '<input type="checkbox" class="chk" name="allbox" onclick="CheckAll();"></th>';
Reference in New Issue