diff --git a/pandora_agents/win32/installer/How_to_create_installer.txt b/pandora_agents/win32/installer/How_to_create_installer.txt
index 738335601f..b624dfce5e 100644
--- a/pandora_agents/win32/installer/How_to_create_installer.txt
+++ b/pandora_agents/win32/installer/How_to_create_installer.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Doing that, you must have the next directory structure:
-		+--- pandora_1.3.mpi
+		+--- pandora_1.3.1.mpi
 		+--- bin
 			  +--- LICENSE.txt
 			  +--- README.txt
@@ -40,14 +40,20 @@ C:\pandora_installer
 			  |		+--- md5.exe
 			  |		+--- puttygen.exe
 			  |		+--- tail.exe
+			  |		+--- tentacle_client.exe
 			  |		+--- tr.exe
 			  |		+--- wc.exe
 			  +--- key
+			  |		+--- id_dsa
+			  |		+--- id_dsa.pub			  
 			  |		+--- PUT_SSH_KEYS_HERE
 			  +--- scripts
 			  		+--- start_pandora_agent.bat
 			  		+--- stop_pandora_agent.bat
-3) Execute InstallJammer program, and open the file C:\pandora_installer\pandora_1.3.mpi
+3) Change any thing you want in your pandora_agent.conf file and also you can 
+(you MUST) change your own keys to distribute them with your agents.
-4) Just go to Build menu and select Build Install (Ctrl + B).
\ No newline at end of file
+4) Execute InstallJammer program, and open the file C:\pandora_installer\pandora_1.3.1.mpi
+5) Just go to Build menu and select Build Install (Ctrl + B).