Merge branch 'ent-10923-scripts-cloud-para-el-nuevo-discovery-2' into 'develop'

added discovery cloud plugins in MR

See merge request 
This commit is contained in:
Enrique Martin 2023-10-02 07:54:54 +00:00
commit c19a76e58e
2 changed files with 160 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -105,6 +105,86 @@ INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' -g '__taskGroup__' --host '_host_' --port '_port_' --user '_user_' --password '_password_' --vm '_scanVM_' --lxc '_scanLXC_' --backups '_scanBackups_' --nodes '_scanNodes_' --transfer_mode tentacle --tentacle_address '_tentacleIP_' --tentacle_port '_tentaclePort_' --as_discovery_plugin 1');
-- Insert new EC2 APP
SET @short_name = '';
SET @name = 'Amazon EC2';
SET @section = 'cloud';
SET @description = 'Monitor AWS EC2 instances';
SET @version = '1.0';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version);
SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name;
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_ec2');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_ec2');
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileEC2_'');
-- Insert new RDS APP
SET @short_name = '';
SET @name = 'Amazon RDS';
SET @section = 'cloud';
SET @description = 'Monitor AWS RDS instances';
SET @version = '1.0';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version);
SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name;
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_rds');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_rds');
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileRDS_'');
-- Insert new S3 APP
SET @short_name = '';
SET @name = 'Amazon S3';
SET @section = 'cloud';
SET @description = 'Monitor AWS S3 buckets';
SET @version = '1.0';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version);
SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name;
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_s3');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_s3');
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileS3_'');
-- Insert new Azure APP
SET @short_name = '';
SET @name = 'Azure Microsoft Compute';
SET @section = 'cloud';
SET @description = 'Monitor Azure Microsoft Compute VMs';
SET @version = '1.0';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version);
SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name;
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_azure_mc');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/azure_vm');
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileAzureMC_'');
-- Insert new Google APP
SET @short_name = 'pandorafms.gcp.ce';
SET @name = 'Google Cloud Compute Engine';
SET @section = 'cloud';
SET @description = 'Monitor Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine VMs';
SET @version = '1.0';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version);
SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name;
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_gcp_ce');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/google_instances');
-- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileGoogleCE_'');
ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `cat_security_hardening` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `ignore_skipped` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `status_of_check` TINYTEXT;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long