Critical ACL fixes

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Gallardo Escobar 2015-03-05 19:42:11 +01:00
parent 91c72f8331
commit c2e6977051
1 changed files with 61 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -616,95 +616,45 @@ function tags_get_acl_tags($id_user, $id_group, $access = 'AR', $return_mode = '
if ($id_group[0] != 0) {
$id_group = groups_get_all_hierarchy_group ($id_group[0]);
if ((string)$id_group === "0") {
if ((int)$id_group === 0) {
$id_group = array_keys(users_get_groups($id_user, $access, false));
if (empty($id_group)) {
}$id_group = array();
elseif (empty($id_group)) {
elseif (!is_array($id_group)) {
$id_group = (array) $id_group;
$id_group = array($id_group);
$groups = $id_group;
$acl_column = get_acl_column($access);
if (empty($acl_column)) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT tags, id_grupo
FROM tusuario_perfil, tperfil
WHERE tperfil.id_perfil = tusuario_perfil.id_perfil AND
tusuario_perfil.id_usuario = '%s' AND
tperfil.%s = 1 AND
(tusuario_perfil.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tusuario_perfil.id_grupo = 0)
ORDER BY id_grupo", $id_user, $acl_column, implode(',',$id_group));
$tags = db_get_all_rows_sql($query);
// If not profiles returned, the user havent acl permissions
if (empty($tags)) {
return ERR_ACL;
$acltags = tags_get_user_module_and_tags($id_user, $access);
// Array to store groups where there arent tags restriction
$non_restriction_groups = array();
$acltags = array();
foreach ($tags as $tagsone) {
if ($force_group_and_tag) {
if (empty($tagsone['tags'])) {
// Do none
// Delete the groups without tag restrictions from the acl tags array if $force_group_and_tag == false
// Delete the groups that aren't in the received groups id
$acltags_aux = array();
foreach ($acltags as $group_id => $tags) {
if (!empty($groups) && array_search($group_id, $groups) === false) {
else {
if (empty($tagsone['tags'])) {
// If there arent tags restriction in all groups (group 0), return no condition
if ($tagsone['id_grupo'] == 0) {
switch ($return_mode) {
case 'data':
return array();
case 'event_condition':
case 'module_condition':
return "";
$non_restriction_groups[] = $tagsone['id_grupo'];
$tags_array = explode(',',$tagsone['tags']);
if ($force_group_and_tag) {
if (empty($tagsone['tags'])) {
$tags_array = array();
if (!isset($acltags[$tagsone['id_grupo']])) {
$acltags[$tagsone['id_grupo']] = $tags_array;
else {
$acltags[$tagsone['id_grupo']] = array_unique(array_merge($acltags[$tagsone['id_grupo']], $tags_array));
// Delete the groups without tag restrictions from the acl tags array
foreach ($non_restriction_groups as $nrgroup) {
if (isset($acltags[$nrgroup])) {
if (!empty($tags))
$tags = explode(",", $tags);
$acltags_aux[$group_id] = $tags;
// Clean the possible empty elements
if (!$force_group_and_tag)
$acltags_aux = array_filter($acltags_aux);
$acltags = $acltags_aux;
switch ($return_mode) {
case 'data':
@ -971,7 +921,7 @@ function tags_get_user_tags($id_user = false, $access = 'AR') {
// Get the tags of the required access flag for each group
$tags = tags_get_acl_tags($id_user, 0, $access, 'data','','', true, array(), true);
$tags = tags_get_acl_tags($id_user, 0, $access, 'data');
// If there are wrong parameters or fail ACL check, return false
if ($tags_user === ERR_WRONG_PARAMETERS || $tags_user === ERR_ACL) {
return array();
@ -1732,6 +1682,48 @@ function tags_monitors_fired_alerts ($id_tag, $groups_and_tags = array()) {
$count = db_get_sql ($sql);
return $count;
function tags_get_monitors_alerts ($id_tag, $groups_and_tags = array()) {
// Avoid mysql error
if (empty($id_tag))
$groups_clause = "";
if (!empty($groups_and_tags)) {
$groups_id = array();
foreach ($groups_and_tags as $group_id => $tags) {
if (!empty($tags)) {
$tags_arr = explode(',', $tags);
foreach ($tags_arr as $tag) {
if ($tag == $id_tag) {
$hierarchy_groups = groups_get_id_recursive($group_id);
$groups_id = array_merge($groups_id, $hierarchy_groups);
if (array_search(0, $groups_id) === false) {
$groups_id_str = implode(",", $groups_id);
$groups_clause = " AND tagente.id_grupo IN ($groups_id_str)";
FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo, tagente_estado, tagente
WHERE tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente
AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo
AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente.disabled = 0
AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0
AND talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo
AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE id_tag = $id_tag)
$count = db_get_sql ($sql);
return $count;
@ -1846,46 +1838,6 @@ function tags_get_user_module_and_tags ($id_user = false, $access = 'AR', $stric
return $acltags;
function tags_get_monitors_alerts ($id_tag, $groups_and_tags = array()) {
// Avoid mysql error
if (empty($id_tag))
$groups_clause = "";
if (!empty($groups_and_tags)) {
$groups_id = array();
foreach ($groups_and_tags as $group_id => $tags) {
if (!empty($tags)) {
$tags_arr = explode(',', $tags);
foreach ($tags_arr as $tag) {
if ($tag == $id_tag)
$groups_id[] = $group_id;
if (array_search(0, $groups_id) === false) {
$groups_id_str = implode(",", $groups_id);
$groups_clause = " AND tagente.id_grupo IN ($groups_id_str)";
FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo, tagente_estado, tagente
WHERE tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente
AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo
AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente.disabled = 0
AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0
AND talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo
AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE id_tag = $id_tag)
$count = db_get_sql ($sql);
return $count;
* Get agents filtering by id_tag.