Merge branch '1801-migrado-cambios-jmx' into 'develop'
1801 migrado cambios jmx See merge request artica/pandorafms!1408
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ $PANDHOME_ENT/pandora_plugins/MTL/ \
$PANDHOME_ENT/pandora_plugins/Informix/ \
$PANDHOME_ENT/pandora_plugins/Ruckus/ \
$PANDHOME_ENT/pandora_plugins/UX/ \
$PANDHOME_ENT/pandora_plugins/JMX/ \
$PANDHOME_ENT/pandora_server/util/plugin/ "
@ -417,9 +417,11 @@ sub print_module {
$data->{value} = trim($data->{value});
$data->{value} = '' if empty($data->{value});
$data->{tags} = $data->{tags}?$data->{tags}:($conf->{MODULE_TAG_LIST}?$conf->{MODULE_TAG_LIST}:undef);
$data->{interval} = $data->{interval}?$data->{interval}:($conf->{MODULE_INTERVAL}?$conf->{MODULE_INTERVAL}:undef);
$data->{module_group} = $data->{module_group}?$data->{module_group}:($conf->{MODULE_GROUP}?$conf->{MODULE_GROUP}:undef);
# Global instructions (if defined)
$data->{unknown_instructions} = $conf->{unknown_instructions} unless (defined($data->{unknown_instructions}) || (!defined($conf->{unknown_instructions})));
@ -605,8 +607,11 @@ sub transfer_xml {
$file_name .= "_" . time() . ".data";
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{tmp} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{tmp}));
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{temporal} if (empty($conf->{temporal}) && defined($conf->{temporal}));
logger($conf, "transfer_xml", "Failed to generate file name.") if empty($file_name);
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{tmp} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{tmp}));
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{temporal} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{temporal}));
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{__system}->{tmp} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{__system})) && (ref($conf->{__system}) eq "HASH");
$file_path = $conf->{temp} . "/" . $file_name;
@ -734,7 +739,7 @@ sub print_execution_result {
print_module($conf, {
name => "Plugin execution result",
name => "Plugin execution result " . $0,
type => "generic_proc",
value => (defined($value)?$value:0),
desc => $msg,
@ -745,12 +750,12 @@ sub print_execution_result {
## Plugin devolution in case of error
sub print_error {
my ($conf, $msg, $value) = @_;
my ($conf, $msg, $value, $always_show) = @_;
$value = 0 unless defined($value);
if (!(is_enabled($conf->{informational_modules}))) {
return 0;
if (!(is_enabled($conf->{informational_modules}) || is_enabled($always_show))) {
exit 1;
if (is_enabled($conf->{'as_server_plugin'})) {
@ -760,7 +765,7 @@ sub print_error {
print_module($conf, {
name => (empty($conf->{'global_plugin_module'})?"Plugin execution result":$conf->{'global_plugin_module'}),
name => (empty($conf->{'global_plugin_module'})?"Plugin execution result " . $0:$conf->{'global_plugin_module'}),
type => "generic_proc",
value => $value,
desc => $msg,
@ -786,32 +791,39 @@ sub print_stderror {
my $log_aux_flag = 0;
sub logger {
my ($conf, $tag, $message) = @_;
my $file = $conf->{log};
print_error($conf, "Log file undefined\n") unless defined $file;
my $file = $conf->{'log'};
print_error($conf, "[ERROR] Log file is not defined.", 0, 1) unless defined($file);
# Log rotation
if (-e $file && (stat($file))[7] > 32000000) {
if (defined($file) && -e $file && (stat($file))[7] > 32000000) {
rename ($file, $file.'.old');
if ($log_aux_flag == 0) {
# Log starts
if (! open ($LOGFILE, "> $file")) {
print_error ($conf, "[ERROR] Could not open logfile '$file'");
print_error ($conf, "[ERROR] Could not open logfile '$file'", 0, 1);
$log_aux_flag = 1;
else {
if (! open ($LOGFILE, ">> $file")) {
print_error ($conf, "[ERROR] Could not open logfile '$file'");
print_error ($conf, "[ERROR] Could not open logfile '$file'", 0, 1);
$message = '' if empty($message);
$message = "[" . $tag . "] " . $message if empty($tag);
if (empty($message)) {
$message = $tag;
$message = "" if empty($message);
else {
$message = "[" . $tag . "] " . $message unless empty($tag);
if (!(empty($conf->{agent_name}))){
$message = "[" . $conf->{agent_xml_name} . "] " . $message;
if (!(empty($conf->{'agent_name'}))){
$message = "[" . $conf->{'agent_name'} . "] " . $message;
print $LOGFILE strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . " - " . $message . "\n";
@ -824,7 +836,7 @@ sub logger {
sub is_enabled {
my $value = shift;
if ((defined ($value)) && ($value > 0)){
if ((defined ($value)) && looks_like_number($value) && ($value > 0)){
# return true
return 1;
@ -931,6 +943,7 @@ sub init_system {
$system{grep} = "findstr";
$system{echo} = "echo";
$system{wcl} = "wc -l";
$system{tmp} = ".\\";
else {
$system{devnull} = "/dev/null";
@ -940,6 +953,7 @@ sub init_system {
$system{grep} = "grep";
$system{echo} = "echo";
$system{wcl} = "wc -l";
$system{tmp} = "/tmp";
if ($^O =~ /hpux/i) {
$system{os} = "HPUX";
@ -970,6 +984,41 @@ sub get_sys_environment {
# Parses any configuration, from file (1st arg to program) or direct arguments
# Custom evals are defined in an array reference of hash references:
# $custom_eval = [
# {
# 'exp' => 'regular expression to match',
# 'target' => \&target_custom_method_to_parse_line
# },
# {
# 'exp' => 'another regular expression to search',
# 'target' => \&target_custom_method_to_parse_line2
# },
# ]
# Target is an user defined function wich will be invoked with following
# arguments:
# $config : The configuration read to the point the regex matches
# $exp : The matching regex which fires this action
# $line : The complete line readed from the file
# $file_pointer : A pointer to the file which is being parsed.
# $current_entity : The current_entity (optional) when regex matches
# E.g.
# sub target_custom_method_to_parse_line {
# my ($config, $exp, $line, $file_pointer, $current_entity) = @_;
# if ($line =~ /$exp/) {
# $config->{'my_key'} = complex_operation_on_data($1,$2,$3);
# }
# return $config;
# }
sub read_configuration {
my ($config, $separator, $custom_eval) = @_;
@ -979,6 +1028,20 @@ sub read_configuration {
$config = merge_hashes($config, parse_arguments(\@ARGV));
if(is_enabled($config->{'as_agent_plugin'})) {
$config->{'as_server_plugin'} = 0 if (empty($config->{'as_server_plugin'}));
else {
$config->{'as_server_plugin'} = 1 if (empty($config->{'as_server_plugin'}));
if(is_enabled($config->{'as_server_plugin'})) {
$config->{'as_agent_plugin'} = 0 if (empty($config->{'as_agent_plugin'}));
else {
$config->{'as_agent_plugin'} = 1 if (empty($config->{'as_agent_plugin'}));
return $config;
@ -1034,11 +1097,16 @@ sub parse_arguments {
# $current_entity : The current_entity (optional) when regex matches
sub parse_configuration;
sub parse_configuration {
my ($conf_file, $separator, $custom_eval, $detect_entities, $entities_list) = @_;
my @arguments = @_;
$separator = "=" unless defined($separator);
my $_CFILE;
my $_config;
@ -1124,6 +1192,24 @@ sub parse_configuration {
if ($key =~ /^include$/i) {
my $file_included = trim($value);
my $aux;
eval {
$aux = parse_configuration($file_included, @arguments);
if($@) {
Carp::croak ("Failed to parse configuration");
if (empty($_config)) {
$_config = $aux;
elsif (!empty($aux) && (ref ($aux) eq "HASH")) {
$_config = merge_hashes($_config, $aux);
$_config->{trim($key)} = trim($value);
close ($_CFILE);
@ -1138,7 +1224,7 @@ sub parse_configuration {
return $global_config unless empty($global_config);
return $_config;
Reference in New Issue