Merge branch 'ent-12537-display-de-mensajes-no-tiene-en-cuenta-los-tipos' into 'develop'
Ent 12537 Display de mensajes no tiene en cuenta los tipos See merge request artica/pandorafms!6825
@ -2,4 +2,7 @@ START TRANSACTION;
ALTER TABLE `tusuario` CHANGE COLUMN `metaconsole_data_section` `metaconsole_data_section` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ;
ALTER TABLE `tmensajes` ADD COLUMN `icon_notification` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `url`;
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@ -58,6 +58,18 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
public const MIN_SYNC_QUEUE_LENGTH = 200;
* Icons for notifications.
public const ICON_CONGRATS = 'images/notification/congrats.svg';
public const ICON_DISABLE = 'images/notification/disable.svg';
public const ICON_ERROR = 'images/notification/error.svg';
public const ICON_FAVORITE = 'images/notification/favorite.svg';
public const ICON_HEADSUP = 'images/notification/headsup.svg';
public const ICON_INFORMATION = 'images/notification/information.svg';
public const ICON_POPULAR = 'images/notification/popular.svg';
public const ICON_QUESTION = 'images/notification/question.svg';
* Show if console supervisor is enabled or not.
@ -666,14 +678,15 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'type' => 'NOTIF.VARIABLES.PERFORMANCE.'.$variable,
'title' => __('Incorrect config value'),
'message' => __(
'type' => 'NOTIF.VARIABLES.PERFORMANCE.'.$variable,
'title' => __('Incorrect config value'),
'message' => __(
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
@ -710,12 +723,13 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
db_process_sql_update('tconfig', ['value' => 0], ['token' => 'agentaccess']);
'title' => __('Access statistics performance'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Access statistics performance'),
'message' => __(
'Usage of agent access statistics IS NOT RECOMMENDED on systems with more than 200 agents due performance penalty'
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -962,6 +976,9 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
$notification['subject'] = io_safe_input($data['title']);
$notification['subtype'] = $data['type'];
$notification['url'] = io_safe_input($data['url']);
if (isset($data['icon_notification']) === true) {
$notification['icon_notification'] = $data['icon_notification'];
$id = db_process_sql_insert('tmensajes', $notification);
@ -1055,13 +1072,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
// Warn user if license is going to expire in 15 days or less.
'title' => $title,
'message' => __(
'title' => $title,
'message' => __(
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/license',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/license',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else if (($days_to_expiry <= 0) && ((is_user_admin($config['id_user'])) || (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM')))) {
@ -1076,10 +1094,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
// Warn user, license has expired.
'title' => $title,
'message' => $msg,
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/license',
'title' => $title,
'message' => $msg,
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/license',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
return false;
@ -1150,13 +1169,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (is_writable($config['attachment_store']) !== true) {
'title' => __('Attachment directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Attachment directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'Directory %s is not writable. Please, configure corresponding permissions.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
@ -1206,13 +1226,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (is_readable($remote_config_dir) !== true) {
'title' => __('Remote configuration directory is not readable'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Remote configuration directory is not readable'),
'message' => __(
'Remote configuration directory %s is not readable. Please, adjust configuration.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
@ -1225,13 +1246,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (is_writable($remote_config_dir.'/conf') !== true) {
'title' => __('Remote configuration directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Remote configuration directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'Remote configuration directory %s is not writable. Please, adjust configuration.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -1243,13 +1265,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (is_writable($remote_config_dir.'/collections') !== true) {
'title' => __('Remote collections directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Remote collections directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'Collections directory %s is not writable. Please, adjust configuration.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -1261,13 +1284,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (is_writable($remote_config_dir.'/md5') !== true) {
'title' => __('Remote md5 directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Remote md5 directory is not writable'),
'message' => __(
'MD5 directory %s is not writable. Please, adjust configuration.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -1291,14 +1315,15 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($filecount > $MAX_FILES_DATA_IN) {
'title' => __('There are too much files in spool').'.',
'message' => __(
'title' => __('There are too much files in spool').'.',
'message' => __(
'There are more than %d files in %s. Consider checking DataServer performance',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1314,14 +1339,15 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($filecount > $MAX_BADXML_FILES_DATA_IN) {
'title' => __('There are too many BADXML files in spool'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('There are too many BADXML files in spool'),
'message' => __(
'There are more than %d files in %s. Consider checking software agents.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1402,18 +1428,19 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'type' => 'NOTIF.SERVER.QUEUE.'.$key,
'title' => __(
'type' => 'NOTIF.SERVER.QUEUE.'.$key,
'title' => __(
'%s (%s) is lacking performance.',
'message' => __(
'message' => __(
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&refr=60',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&refr=60',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1471,10 +1498,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __('No servers available.'),
'message' => __('There are no servers registered in this console. Please, check installation guide.'),
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('No servers available.'),
'message' => __('There are no servers registered in this console. Please, check installation guide.'),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
@ -1515,6 +1543,7 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
$icon_notification = self::ICON_QUESTION;
if ($server['status'] == 1) {
// Fatal error. Component has die.
$msg = __(
@ -1528,6 +1557,8 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
$icon_notification = self::ICON_ERROR;
} else {
// Non-fatal error. Controlated exit. Component is not running.
$msg = __(
@ -1544,10 +1575,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'type' => 'NOTIF.SERVER.STATUS.'.$server['id_server'],
'title' => $msg,
'message' => $description,
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&refr=60',
'type' => 'NOTIF.SERVER.STATUS.'.$server['id_server'],
'title' => $msg,
'message' => $description,
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&refr=60',
'icon_notification' => $icon_notification,
@ -1587,10 +1619,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __('No master servers found.'),
'message' => __('At least one server must be defined to run as master. Please, check documentation.'),
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('No master servers found.'),
'message' => __('At least one server must be defined to run as master. Please, check documentation.'),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_INFORMATION,
} else {
@ -1643,10 +1676,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'type' => 'NOTIF.PHP.SAFE_MODE',
'title' => __('PHP safe mode is enabled. Some features may not work properly'),
'message' => __('To disable it, go to your PHP configuration file (php.ini) and put safe_mode = Off (Do not forget to restart apache process after changes)'),
'url' => $url,
'type' => 'NOTIF.PHP.SAFE_MODE',
'title' => __('PHP safe mode is enabled. Some features may not work properly'),
'message' => __('To disable it, go to your PHP configuration file (php.ini) and put safe_mode = Off (Do not forget to restart apache process after changes)'),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1661,16 +1695,17 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => sprintf(
'title' => sprintf(
__('%s value in PHP configuration is not recommended'),
'message' => sprintf(
'message' => sprintf(
__('Recommended value is %s'),
'-1 ('.__('Unlimited').')'
).'<br><br>'.__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Do not forget to restart Apache process after)'),
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_INFORMATION,
} else {
@ -1685,16 +1720,17 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => sprintf(
'title' => sprintf(
__("Not recommended '%s' value in PHP configuration"),
'message' => sprintf(
'message' => sprintf(
__('Recommended value is: %s'),
'0 ('.__('Unlimited').')'
).'<br><br>'.__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Dont forget restart apache process after changes)'),
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_INFORMATION,
} else {
@ -1709,16 +1745,17 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => sprintf(
'title' => sprintf(
__("Not recommended '%s' value in PHP configuration"),
'message' => sprintf(
'message' => sprintf(
__('Recommended value is: %s'),
sprintf(__('%s or greater'), '800M')
).'<br><br>'.__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Dont forget restart apache process after changes)'),
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_INFORMATION,
} else {
@ -1738,16 +1775,17 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => sprintf(
'title' => sprintf(
__("Not recommended '%s' value in PHP configuration"),
'message' => sprintf(
'message' => sprintf(
__('Recommended value is: %s'),
sprintf(__('%s or greater'), $recommended_memory)
).'<br><br>'.__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator'),
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_INFORMATION,
} else {
@ -1762,10 +1800,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __('Problems with disable_functions in php.ini'),
'message' => __('The variable disable_functions contains functions system() or exec() in PHP configuration file (php.ini)').'<br /><br />'.__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Dont forget restart apache process after changes)'),
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('Problems with disable_functions in php.ini'),
'message' => __('The variable disable_functions contains functions system() or exec() in PHP configuration file (php.ini)').'<br /><br />'.__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Dont forget restart apache process after changes)'),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1779,10 +1818,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
// }
'title' => __('chromium is not installed'),
'message' => __('To be able to create images of the graphs for PDFs, please install the chromium extension. For that, it is necessary to follow these steps:'),
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('chromium is not installed'),
'message' => __('To be able to create images of the graphs for PDFs, please install the chromium extension. For that, it is necessary to follow these steps:'),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1840,10 +1880,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
$url = '';
'title' => __('PHP UPDATE REQUIRED'),
'message' => __('You should update your PHP version because it will be out of official support').'<br>'.__('Current PHP version: ').PHP_VERSION,
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('PHP UPDATE REQUIRED'),
'message' => __('You should update your PHP version because it will be out of official support').'<br>'.__('Current PHP version: ').PHP_VERSION,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1866,10 +1907,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
$url = '';
'title' => __('MYSQL UPDATE REQUIRED'),
'message' => __('You should update your MYSQL version because it will be out of official support').'<br>'.__('Current MYSQL version: ').$mysql_version,
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('MYSQL UPDATE REQUIRED'),
'message' => __('You should update your MYSQL version because it will be out of official support').'<br>'.__('Current MYSQL version: ').$mysql_version,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -1908,10 +1950,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($config['history_db_connection'] === false) {
'type' => 'NOTIF.HISTORYDB',
'title' => __('Historical database not available'),
'message' => __('Historical database is enabled, though not accessible with the current configuration.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=hist_db',
'type' => 'NOTIF.HISTORYDB',
'title' => __('Historical database not available'),
'message' => __('Historical database is enabled, though not accessible with the current configuration.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=hist_db',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_QUESTION,
} else {
@ -1952,13 +1995,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($last_maintance > 172800) {
'type' => 'NOTIF.PANDORADB',
'title' => __('Database maintenance problem'),
'message' => __(
'type' => 'NOTIF.PANDORADB',
'title' => __('Database maintenance problem'),
'message' => __(
'Your database hasn\'t been through maintenance for 48hrs. Please, check documentation on how to perform this maintenance process on %s and enable it as soon as possible.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -2013,12 +2057,13 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($last_maintance > 172800) {
'title' => __(
'title' => __(
'Historical database maintenance problem.'
'message' => __('Your historical database hasn\'t been through maintenance for 48hrs. Please, check documentation on how to perform this maintenance process on %s and enable it as soon as possible.', get_product_name()),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'message' => __('Your historical database hasn\'t been through maintenance for 48hrs. Please, check documentation on how to perform this maintenance process on %s and enable it as soon as possible.', get_product_name()),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=perf',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -2054,10 +2099,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($mrh_version != $config['MR']) {
'title' => __('Historical database MR mismatch'),
'message' => __('Your historical database is not using the same schema as the main DB. This could produce anomalies while storing historical data.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=hist_db',
'title' => __('Historical database MR mismatch'),
'message' => __('Your historical database is not using the same schema as the main DB. This could produce anomalies while storing historical data.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=hist_db',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_QUESTION,
} else {
@ -2095,10 +2141,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($elasticsearch === false) {
'title' => __('Log collector cannot connect to OpenSearch'),
'message' => __('OpenSearch is not available using current configuration.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=log',
'title' => __('Log collector cannot connect to OpenSearch'),
'message' => __('OpenSearch is not available using current configuration.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=log',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -2165,10 +2212,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
} else {
'title' => __('Metaconsole DB is not available.'),
'message' => __('Cannot connect with Metaconsole DB using current configuration.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=enterprise',
'title' => __('Metaconsole DB is not available.'),
'message' => __('Cannot connect with Metaconsole DB using current configuration.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=general&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=enterprise',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
@ -2384,10 +2432,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (update_manager_verify_registration() === false) {
'title' => __('This instance is not registered in the Warp Update section'),
'message' => __('Click here to start the registration process'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=messages&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'title' => __('This instance is not registered in the Warp Update section'),
'message' => __('Click here to start the registration process'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=messages&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_QUESTION,
} else {
@ -2414,9 +2463,10 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if (update_manager_verify_api() === false) {
'type' => 'NOTIF.API.ACCESS',
'title' => __('Cannot access the Pandora FMS API '),
'message' => __('Please check the configuration, some components may fail due to this misconfiguration in '.$server_name.' ('.$config['public_url'].')'),
'type' => 'NOTIF.API.ACCESS',
'title' => __('Cannot access the Pandora FMS API '),
'message' => __('Please check the configuration, some components may fail due to this misconfiguration in '.$server_name.' ('.$config['public_url'].')'),
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -2447,10 +2497,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($admin_with_default_pass > 0) {
'title' => __('Default password for "Admin" user has not been changed'),
'message' => __('Please, change the default password since it is a commonly reported vulnerability.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gusuarios&sec2=godmode/users/user_list',
'title' => __('Default password for "Admin" user has not been changed'),
'message' => __('Please, change the default password since it is a commonly reported vulnerability.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gusuarios&sec2=godmode/users/user_list',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} else {
@ -2562,10 +2613,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
foreach ($_SESSION['return_installation_open']['text'] as $message) {
'title' => __('Failed to retrieve updates, please configure utility'),
'message' => $message,
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'title' => __('Failed to retrieve updates, please configure utility'),
'message' => $message,
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/setup§ion=general',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
@ -2579,13 +2631,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($_SESSION['new_update'] == 'new') {
'title' => __(
'title' => __(
'New %s Console update',
'message' => __('There is a new update available. Please<a class="bolder" href="'.ui_get_full_url('index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online').'"> go to Administration:Setup:Update Manager</a> for more details.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'message' => __('There is a new update available. Please<a class="bolder" href="'.ui_get_full_url('index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online').'"> go to Administration:Setup:Update Manager</a> for more details.'),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_CONGRATS,
} else {
@ -2617,13 +2670,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __('Minor release/s available'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Minor release/s available'),
'message' => __(
'There is one or more minor releases available. <a id="aviable_updates" target="blank" href="%s">.About minor release update</a>.',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=messages&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=messages&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_CONGRATS,
} else {
@ -2680,10 +2734,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __('DiscoveryConsoleTasks is not configured.'),
'message' => __($message_conf_cron),
'url' => $url,
'title' => __('DiscoveryConsoleTasks is not configured.'),
'message' => __($message_conf_cron),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_QUESTION,
} else {
@ -2782,10 +2837,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __($title_ver_misaligned),
'message' => __($message_ver_misaligned),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=messages&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'title' => __($title_ver_misaligned),
'message' => __($message_ver_misaligned),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=messages&sec2=godmode/update_manager/update_manager&tab=online',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
@ -2838,10 +2894,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
$is_none = true;
'title' => __('AllowOverride is disabled'),
'message' => __($message),
'url' => '__url__/index.php',
'title' => __('AllowOverride is disabled'),
'message' => __($message),
'url' => '__url__/index.php',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
@ -2884,10 +2941,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ((int) $db_master !== (int) $cluster_master) {
'title' => __('Desynchronized operation on the node '.$node['host']),
'message' => __($message),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=enterprise/godmode/servers/HA_cluster',
'title' => __('Desynchronized operation on the node '.$node['host']),
'message' => __($message),
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=enterprise/godmode/servers/HA_cluster',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} else {
@ -2924,10 +2982,11 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'title' => __($title_pandoraconsole_old_log),
'message' => __($message_pandoraconsole_old_log),
'url' => $url,
'title' => __($title_pandoraconsole_old_log),
'message' => __($message_pandoraconsole_old_log),
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_QUESTION,
} else {
@ -3008,15 +3067,16 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'type' => 'NOTIF.SYNCQUEUE.LENGTH.'.$node_id,
'title' => __('Node %s sync queue length exceeded, ', $node->server_name()),
'message' => __(
'type' => 'NOTIF.SYNCQUEUE.LENGTH.'.$node_id,
'title' => __('Node %s sync queue length exceeded, ', $node->server_name()),
'message' => __(
'Synchronization queue lenght for node %s is %d items, this value should be 0 or lower than %d, please check the queue status.',
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_HEADSUP,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
@ -3063,14 +3123,15 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
'type' => 'NOTIF.SYNCQUEUE.STATUS.'.$node_id,
'title' => __('Node %s sync queue failed, ', $node->server_name()),
'message' => __(
'type' => 'NOTIF.SYNCQUEUE.STATUS.'.$node_id,
'title' => __('Node %s sync queue failed, ', $node->server_name()),
'message' => __(
'Node %s cannot process synchronization queue due %s, please check the queue status.',
'url' => $url,
'url' => $url,
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
@ -3096,13 +3157,14 @@ class ConsoleSupervisor
if ($error_dependecies > 0) {
'title' => __('Agent dependency error'),
'message' => __(
'title' => __('Agent dependency error'),
'message' => __(
'There are omnishell agents with dependency errors',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gextensions&sec2=enterprise/tools/omnishell',
'url' => '__url__/index.php?sec=gextensions&sec2=enterprise/tools/omnishell',
'icon_notification' => self::ICON_ERROR,
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_messages.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/class/ConsoleSupervisor.php';
@ -1265,6 +1266,12 @@ function notifications_print_dropdown_element($message_info)
$body_preview .= __('. Read More...');
$icon_notification = ConsoleSupervisor::ICON_INFORMATION;
if (isset($message_info['icon_notification']) === true && empty($message_info['icon_notification']) === false) {
$icon_notification = $message_info['icon_notification'];
return sprintf(
@ -1289,7 +1296,7 @@ function notifications_print_dropdown_element($message_info)
html_print_image('images/info.svg', true, ['style' => 'height: 40px;margin-left: -20px;margin-top: -40px;']),
html_print_image($icon_notification, true, ['style' => 'height: 56px; padding: 0px;']),
@ -4992,7 +4992,7 @@ div#dialog_messages table th:last-child {
.notification-item > * {
padding-left: 15px;
padding-left: 7px;
pointer-events: none;
@ -5018,6 +5018,10 @@ div#dialog_messages table th:last-child {
margin: 0;
.notification-subtitle {
margin-top: 2px;
.color-black-grey {
color: #373737;
@ -1395,6 +1395,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tmensajes` (
`subject` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`url` TEXT,
`icon_notification` VARCHAR(250) DEFAULT NULL,
`response_mode` VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT NULL,