diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
index b1a9dcc3a4..a1d08bf995 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
@@ -3993,10 +3993,13 @@ function reporting_set_conf_charts(&$width, &$height, &$only_image, $type,
@@ -5748,4 +5751,449 @@ function reporting_tiny_stats ($counts_info, $return = false, $type = 'agent', $
echo $out;
+ * Get SLA of a module.
+ *
+ * @param int Agent module to calculate SLA
+ * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance.
+ * @param int Minimum data value the module in the right interval
+ * @param int Maximum data value the module in the right interval. False will
+ * ignore max value
+ * @param int Beginning date of the report in UNIX time (current date by default).
+ * @param array $dayWeek Array of days week to extract as array('monday' => false, 'tuesday' => true....), and by default is null.
+ * @param string $timeFrom Time in the day to start to extract in mysql format, by default null.
+ * @param string $timeTo Time in the day to end to extract in mysql format, by default null.
+ *
+ * @return float SLA percentage of the requested module. False if no data were
+ * found
+ */
+function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0,
+ $min_value = 1, $max_value = false, $date = 0, $daysWeek = null,
+ $timeFrom = null, $timeTo = null) {
+ global $config;
+ if (empty($id_agent_module))
+ return false;
+ // Set initial conditions
+ $bad_period = 0;
+ // Limit date to start searching data
+ $datelimit = $date - $period;
+ $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
+ // Initialize variables
+ if (empty ($date)) {
+ $date = get_system_time ();
+ }
+ if ($daysWeek === null) {
+ $daysWeek = array();
+ }
+ // Calculate the SLA for large time without hours
+ if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) {
+ // Get interval data
+ $sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
+ FROM tagente_datos
+ WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
+ AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d',
+ $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date);
+ //Add the working times (mon - tue - wed ...) and from time to time
+ $days = array();
+ //Translate to mysql week days
+ if ($daysWeek) {
+ foreach ($daysWeek as $key => $value) {
+ if (!$value) {
+ if ($key == 'monday') {
+ $days[] = 2;
+ }
+ if ($key == 'tuesday') {
+ $days[] = 3;
+ }
+ if ($key == 'wednesday') {
+ $days[] = 4;
+ }
+ if ($key == 'thursday') {
+ $days[] = 5;
+ }
+ if ($key == 'friday') {
+ $days[] = 6;
+ }
+ if ($key == 'saturday') {
+ $days[] = 7;
+ }
+ if ($key == 'sunday') {
+ $days[] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($days) > 0) {
+ $sql .= ' AND DAYOFWEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) NOT IN (' . implode(',', $days) . ')';
+ }
+ $sql .= "\n";
+ $sql .= ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC';
+ $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_in_history_db);
+ if ($interval_data === false) {
+ $interval_data = array ();
+ }
+ // Calculate planned downtime dates
+ $downtime_dates = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date);
+ // Get previous data
+ $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit);
+ if ($previous_data !== false) {
+ $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit;
+ array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data);
+ }
+ // Get next data
+ $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date);
+ if ($next_data !== false) {
+ $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date;
+ array_push ($interval_data, $next_data);
+ }
+ else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) {
+ // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval
+ $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data);
+ array_push ($interval_data, $next_data);
+ $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date;
+ array_push ($interval_data, $next_data);
+ }
+ if (count ($interval_data) < 2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data);
+ // Do not count the empty start of an interval as 0
+ if ($first_data['utimestamp'] != $datelimit) {
+ $period = $date - $first_data['utimestamp'];
+ }
+ $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp'];
+ if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($first_data['datos'] > $max_value OR $first_data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR
+ ($max_value <= $min_value AND $first_data['datos'] < $min_value)) {
+ $previous_status = 1;
+ foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) {
+ if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $previous_utimestamp) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $previous_utimestamp)) {
+ $previous_status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $previous_status = 0;
+ }
+ foreach ($interval_data as $data) {
+ // Previous status was critical
+ if ($previous_status == 1) {
+ $bad_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp;
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists('datos', $data)) {
+ // Re-calculate previous status for the next data
+ if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($data['datos'] > $max_value OR $data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR
+ ($max_value <= $min_value AND $data['datos'] < $min_value)) {
+ $previous_status = 1;
+ foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) {
+ if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $data['utimestamp']) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $data['utimestamp'])) {
+ $previous_status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $previous_status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp'];
+ }
+ // Return the percentage of SLA compliance
+ return (float) (100 - ($bad_period / $period) * 100);
+ }
+ elseif ($period <= SECONDS_1DAY) {
+ return reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day(
+ $id_agent_module,
+ $period,
+ $min_value,
+ $max_value,
+ $date,
+ $daysWeek,
+ $timeFrom,
+ $timeTo);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Extract the data each day
+ $sla = 0;
+ $i = 0;
+ for ($interval = 0; $interval <= $period; $interval = $interval + SECONDS_1DAY) {
+ $datelimit = $date - $interval;
+ $sla_day = reporting_get_agentmodule_sla(
+ $id_agent_module,
+ $min_value,
+ $max_value,
+ $datelimit + $interval,
+ $daysWeek,
+ $timeFrom, $timeTo);
+ $sla += $sla_day;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $sla = $sla / $i;
+ return $sla;
+ }
+ * Get the time intervals where an agentmodule is affected by the planned downtimes.
+ *
+ * @param int Agent module to calculate planned downtimes intervals.
+ * @param int Start date in utimestamp.
+ * @param int End date in utimestamp.
+ * @param bool Whether ot not to get the planned downtimes that affect the service associated with the agentmodule.
+ *
+ * @return Array with time intervals.
+ */
+function reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals ($id_agent_module, $start_date, $end_date, $check_services = false) {
+ global $config;
+ if (empty($id_agent_module))
+ return false;
+ require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php');
+ $malformed_planned_downtimes = planned_downtimes_get_malformed();
+ if (empty($malformed_planned_downtimes))
+ $malformed_planned_downtimes = array();
+ $sql_downtime = "SELECT DISTINCT(tpdr.id), tpdr.*
+ FROM (
+ SELECT tpd.*
+ FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_agents tpda, tagente_modulo tam
+ WHERE tpd.id = tpda.id_downtime
+ AND tpda.all_modules = 1
+ AND tpda.id_agent = tam.id_agente
+ AND tam.id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module
+ SELECT tpd.*
+ FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_modules tpdm
+ WHERE tpd.id = tpdm.id_downtime
+ AND tpdm.id_agent_module = $id_agent_module
+ ) tpdr
+ ORDER BY tpdr.id";
+ $downtimes = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_downtime);
+ if ($downtimes == false) {
+ $downtimes = array();
+ }
+ $downtime_dates = array();
+ foreach ($downtimes as $downtime) {
+ $downtime_id = $downtime['id'];
+ $downtime_type = $downtime['type_execution'];
+ $downtime_periodicity = $downtime['type_periodicity'];
+ if ($downtime_type == 'once') {
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = $downtime['date_from'];
+ $dates['date_to'] = $downtime['date_to'];
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ else if ($downtime_type == 'periodically') {
+ // If a planned downtime have malformed dates, its intervals aren't taken account
+ $downtime_malformed = false;
+ foreach ($malformed_planned_downtimes as $malformed_planned_downtime) {
+ if ($downtime_id == $malformed_planned_downtime['id']) {
+ $downtime_malformed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($downtime_malformed == true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If a planned downtime have malformed dates, its intervals aren't taken account
+ $downtime_time_from = $downtime['periodically_time_from'];
+ $downtime_time_to = $downtime['periodically_time_to'];
+ $downtime_hour_from = date("H", strtotime($downtime_time_from));
+ $downtime_minute_from = date("i", strtotime($downtime_time_from));
+ $downtime_second_from = date("s", strtotime($downtime_time_from));
+ $downtime_hour_to = date("H", strtotime($downtime_time_to));
+ $downtime_minute_to = date("i", strtotime($downtime_time_to));
+ $downtime_second_to = date("s", strtotime($downtime_time_to));
+ if ($downtime_periodicity == "monthly") {
+ $downtime_day_from = $downtime['periodically_day_from'];
+ $downtime_day_to = $downtime['periodically_day_to'];
+ $date_aux = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", $start_date));
+ $year_aux = date("Y", $date_aux);
+ $month_aux = date("m", $date_aux);
+ $end_year = date("Y", $end_date);
+ $end_month = date("m", $end_date);
+ while ($year_aux < $end_year || ($year_aux == $end_year && $month_aux <= $end_month)) {
+ if ($downtime_day_from > $downtime_day_to) {
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(date("Y-m-t H:i:s", strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-28 23:59:59")));
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ $dates = array();
+ if ($month_aux + 1 <= 12) {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($downtime_day_from == $downtime_day_to && strtotime($downtime_time_from) > strtotime($downtime_time_to)) {
+ $date_aux_from = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
+ $max_day_num = date('t', $date_aux);
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from 23:59:59");
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ if ($downtime_day_to + 1 > $max_day_num) {
+ $dates = array();
+ if ($month_aux + 1 <= 12) {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-".($downtime_day_to + 1)." 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-".($downtime_day_to + 1)." $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ }
+ $month_aux++;
+ if ($month_aux > 12) {
+ $month_aux = 1;
+ $year_aux++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($downtime_periodicity == "weekly") {
+ $date_aux = $start_date;
+ $active_days = array();
+ $active_days[0] = ($downtime['sunday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ $active_days[1] = ($downtime['monday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ $active_days[2] = ($downtime['tuesday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ $active_days[3] = ($downtime['wednesday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ $active_days[4] = ($downtime['thursday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ $active_days[5] = ($downtime['friday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ $active_days[6] = ($downtime['saturday'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ while ($date_aux <= $end_date) {
+ $weekday_num = date('w', $date_aux);
+ if ($active_days[$weekday_num]) {
+ $day_num = date('d', $date_aux);
+ $month_num = date('m', $date_aux);
+ $year_num = date('Y', $date_aux);
+ $max_day_num = date('t', $date_aux);
+ if (strtotime($downtime_time_from) > strtotime($downtime_time_to)) {
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num 23:59:59");
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ $dates = array();
+ if ($day_num + 1 > $max_day_num) {
+ if ($month_num + 1 > 12) {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_num + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_num + 1)."-01-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-".($month_num + 1)."-01 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-".($month_num + 1)."-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-".($day_num + 1)." 00:00:00");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-".($day_num + 1)." $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ }
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dates = array();
+ $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
+ $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
+ $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
+ }
+ }
+ $date_aux += SECONDS_1DAY;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_services) {
+ enterprise_include_once("include/functions_services.php");
+ if (function_exists("services_get_planned_downtimes_intervals")) {
+ services_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($downtime_dates, $start_date, $end_date, false, $id_agent_module);
+ }
+ }
+ return $downtime_dates;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php
index 8840793a78..a34687c64b 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php
@@ -2250,225 +2250,6 @@ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_
return (float) (100 - ($bad_period / $period) * 100);
- * Get SLA of a module.
- *
- * @param int Agent module to calculate SLA
- * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance.
- * @param int Minimum data value the module in the right interval
- * @param int Maximum data value the module in the right interval. False will
- * ignore max value
- * @param int Beginning date of the report in UNIX time (current date by default).
- * @param array $dayWeek Array of days week to extract as array('monday' => false, 'tuesday' => true....), and by default is null.
- * @param string $timeFrom Time in the day to start to extract in mysql format, by default null.
- * @param string $timeTo Time in the day to end to extract in mysql format, by default null.
- *
- * @return float SLA percentage of the requested module. False if no data were
- * found
- */
-function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0,
- $min_value = 1, $max_value = false, $date = 0, $daysWeek = null,
- $timeFrom = null, $timeTo = null) {
- global $config;
- if (empty($id_agent_module))
- return false;
- // Set initial conditions
- $bad_period = 0;
- // Limit date to start searching data
- $datelimit = $date - $period;
- $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
- // Initialize variables
- if (empty ($date)) {
- $date = get_system_time ();
- }
- if ($daysWeek === null) {
- $daysWeek = array();
- }
- // Calculate the SLA for large time without hours
- if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) {
- // Get interval data
- $sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
- FROM tagente_datos
- WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
- AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d',
- $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date);
- //Add the working times (mon - tue - wed ...) and from time to time
- $days = array();
- //Translate to mysql week days
- if ($daysWeek) {
- foreach ($daysWeek as $key => $value) {
- if (!$value) {
- if ($key == 'monday') {
- $days[] = 2;
- }
- if ($key == 'tuesday') {
- $days[] = 3;
- }
- if ($key == 'wednesday') {
- $days[] = 4;
- }
- if ($key == 'thursday') {
- $days[] = 5;
- }
- if ($key == 'friday') {
- $days[] = 6;
- }
- if ($key == 'saturday') {
- $days[] = 7;
- }
- if ($key == 'sunday') {
- $days[] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (count($days) > 0) {
- $sql .= ' AND DAYOFWEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) NOT IN (' . implode(',', $days) . ')';
- }
- $sql .= "\n";
- $sql .= ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC';
- $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_in_history_db);
- if ($interval_data === false) {
- $interval_data = array ();
- }
- // Calculate planned downtime dates
- $downtime_dates = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date);
- // Get previous data
- $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit);
- if ($previous_data !== false) {
- $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit;
- array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data);
- }
- // Get next data
- $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date);
- if ($next_data !== false) {
- $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date;
- array_push ($interval_data, $next_data);
- }
- else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) {
- // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval
- $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data);
- array_push ($interval_data, $next_data);
- $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date;
- array_push ($interval_data, $next_data);
- }
- if (count ($interval_data) < 2) {
- return false;
- }
- $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data);
- // Do not count the empty start of an interval as 0
- if ($first_data['utimestamp'] != $datelimit) {
- $period = $date - $first_data['utimestamp'];
- }
- $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp'];
- if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($first_data['datos'] > $max_value OR $first_data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR
- ($max_value <= $min_value AND $first_data['datos'] < $min_value)) {
- $previous_status = 1;
- foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) {
- if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $previous_utimestamp) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $previous_utimestamp)) {
- $previous_status = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $previous_status = 0;
- }
- foreach ($interval_data as $data) {
- // Previous status was critical
- if ($previous_status == 1) {
- $bad_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp;
- }
- if (array_key_exists('datos', $data)) {
- // Re-calculate previous status for the next data
- if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($data['datos'] > $max_value OR $data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR
- ($max_value <= $min_value AND $data['datos'] < $min_value)) {
- $previous_status = 1;
- foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) {
- if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $data['utimestamp']) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $data['utimestamp'])) {
- $previous_status = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $previous_status = 0;
- }
- }
- $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp'];
- }
- // Return the percentage of SLA compliance
- return (float) (100 - ($bad_period / $period) * 100);
- }
- elseif ($period <= SECONDS_1DAY) {
- return reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day(
- $id_agent_module,
- $period,
- $min_value,
- $max_value,
- $date,
- $daysWeek,
- $timeFrom,
- $timeTo);
- }
- else {
- // Extract the data each day
- $sla = 0;
- $i = 0;
- for ($interval = 0; $interval <= $period; $interval = $interval + SECONDS_1DAY) {
- $datelimit = $date - $interval;
- $sla_day = reporting_get_agentmodule_sla(
- $id_agent_module,
- $min_value,
- $max_value,
- $datelimit + $interval,
- $daysWeek,
- $timeFrom, $timeTo);
- $sla += $sla_day;
- $i++;
- }
- $sla = $sla / $i;
- return $sla;
- }
* Get several SLA data for an agentmodule within a period divided on subperiods
@@ -2789,228 +2570,6 @@ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $mi
return $data_colors;
- * Get the time intervals where an agentmodule is affected by the planned downtimes.
- *
- * @param int Agent module to calculate planned downtimes intervals.
- * @param int Start date in utimestamp.
- * @param int End date in utimestamp.
- * @param bool Whether ot not to get the planned downtimes that affect the service associated with the agentmodule.
- *
- * @return Array with time intervals.
- */
-function reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals ($id_agent_module, $start_date, $end_date, $check_services = false) {
- global $config;
- if (empty($id_agent_module))
- return false;
- require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php');
- $malformed_planned_downtimes = planned_downtimes_get_malformed();
- if (empty($malformed_planned_downtimes))
- $malformed_planned_downtimes = array();
- $sql_downtime = "SELECT DISTINCT(tpdr.id), tpdr.*
- FROM (
- SELECT tpd.*
- FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_agents tpda, tagente_modulo tam
- WHERE tpd.id = tpda.id_downtime
- AND tpda.all_modules = 1
- AND tpda.id_agent = tam.id_agente
- AND tam.id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module
- SELECT tpd.*
- FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_modules tpdm
- WHERE tpd.id = tpdm.id_downtime
- AND tpdm.id_agent_module = $id_agent_module
- ) tpdr
- ORDER BY tpdr.id";
- $downtimes = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_downtime);
- if ($downtimes == false) {
- $downtimes = array();
- }
- $downtime_dates = array();
- foreach ($downtimes as $downtime) {
- $downtime_id = $downtime['id'];
- $downtime_type = $downtime['type_execution'];
- $downtime_periodicity = $downtime['type_periodicity'];
- if ($downtime_type == 'once') {
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = $downtime['date_from'];
- $dates['date_to'] = $downtime['date_to'];
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- else if ($downtime_type == 'periodically') {
- // If a planned downtime have malformed dates, its intervals aren't taken account
- $downtime_malformed = false;
- foreach ($malformed_planned_downtimes as $malformed_planned_downtime) {
- if ($downtime_id == $malformed_planned_downtime['id']) {
- $downtime_malformed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($downtime_malformed == true) {
- continue;
- }
- // If a planned downtime have malformed dates, its intervals aren't taken account
- $downtime_time_from = $downtime['periodically_time_from'];
- $downtime_time_to = $downtime['periodically_time_to'];
- $downtime_hour_from = date("H", strtotime($downtime_time_from));
- $downtime_minute_from = date("i", strtotime($downtime_time_from));
- $downtime_second_from = date("s", strtotime($downtime_time_from));
- $downtime_hour_to = date("H", strtotime($downtime_time_to));
- $downtime_minute_to = date("i", strtotime($downtime_time_to));
- $downtime_second_to = date("s", strtotime($downtime_time_to));
- if ($downtime_periodicity == "monthly") {
- $downtime_day_from = $downtime['periodically_day_from'];
- $downtime_day_to = $downtime['periodically_day_to'];
- $date_aux = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", $start_date));
- $year_aux = date("Y", $date_aux);
- $month_aux = date("m", $date_aux);
- $end_year = date("Y", $end_date);
- $end_month = date("m", $end_date);
- while ($year_aux < $end_year || ($year_aux == $end_year && $month_aux <= $end_month)) {
- if ($downtime_day_from > $downtime_day_to) {
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(date("Y-m-t H:i:s", strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-28 23:59:59")));
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- $dates = array();
- if ($month_aux + 1 <= 12) {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- else {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- else {
- if ($downtime_day_from == $downtime_day_to && strtotime($downtime_time_from) > strtotime($downtime_time_to)) {
- $date_aux_from = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
- $max_day_num = date('t', $date_aux);
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from 23:59:59");
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- if ($downtime_day_to + 1 > $max_day_num) {
- $dates = array();
- if ($month_aux + 1 <= 12) {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- else {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- else {
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-".($downtime_day_to + 1)." 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-".($downtime_day_to + 1)." $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- }
- else {
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- }
- $month_aux++;
- if ($month_aux > 12) {
- $month_aux = 1;
- $year_aux++;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ($downtime_periodicity == "weekly") {
- $date_aux = $start_date;
- $active_days = array();
- $active_days[0] = ($downtime['sunday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- $active_days[1] = ($downtime['monday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- $active_days[2] = ($downtime['tuesday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- $active_days[3] = ($downtime['wednesday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- $active_days[4] = ($downtime['thursday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- $active_days[5] = ($downtime['friday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- $active_days[6] = ($downtime['saturday'] == 1) ? true : false;
- while ($date_aux <= $end_date) {
- $weekday_num = date('w', $date_aux);
- if ($active_days[$weekday_num]) {
- $day_num = date('d', $date_aux);
- $month_num = date('m', $date_aux);
- $year_num = date('Y', $date_aux);
- $max_day_num = date('t', $date_aux);
- if (strtotime($downtime_time_from) > strtotime($downtime_time_to)) {
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num 23:59:59");
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- $dates = array();
- if ($day_num + 1 > $max_day_num) {
- if ($month_num + 1 > 12) {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_num + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_num + 1)."-01-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- else {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-".($month_num + 1)."-01 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-".($month_num + 1)."-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- }
- else {
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-".($day_num + 1)." 00:00:00");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-".($day_num + 1)." $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- }
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- else {
- $dates = array();
- $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from");
- $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to");
- $downtime_dates[] = $dates;
- }
- }
- $date_aux += SECONDS_1DAY;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($check_services) {
- enterprise_include_once("include/functions_services.php");
- if (function_exists("services_get_planned_downtimes_intervals")) {
- services_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($downtime_dates, $start_date, $end_date, false, $id_agent_module);
- }
- }
- return $downtime_dates;
* Get the planned downtimes that affect the passed modules on an specific datetime range.
@@ -4003,57 +3562,7 @@ function reporting_header_content($mini, $content, $report, &$table,
function reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report, $mini = false) {
- global $config;
- global $graphic_type;
- $only_image = (bool)$config['flash_charts'] ? false : true;
- if ($mini) {
- $sizem = '1.5';
- $sizgraph_w = '450';
- $sizgraph_h = '100';
- }
- else {
- $sizem = '3';
- $sizgraph_w = '900';
- $sizgraph_h = '230';
- }
- // Disable remote connections for netflow report items
- if ($content['type'] != 'netflow_area' &&
- $content['type'] != 'netflow_pie' &&
- $content['type'] != 'netflow_data' &&
- $content['type'] != 'netflow_statistics' &&
- $content['type'] != 'netflow_summary') {
- $remote_connection = 1;
- }
- else {
- $remote_connection = 0;
- }
- $server_name = $content ['server_name'];
- if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE') && $remote_connection == 1) {
- $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name);
- if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) {
- //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name);
- }
- }
- $module_name = db_get_value ('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $content['id_agent_module']);
- if ($content['id_agent_module'] != 0) {
- $agent_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($content['id_agent_module']);
- }
- else {
- $agent_name = agents_get_name($content['id_agent']);
- }
- $item_title = $content['name'];
- //Restore dbconnection
- if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE') && $remote_connection == 1) {
- metaconsole_restore_db_force();
- }
diff --git a/pandora_console/operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php b/pandora_console/operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php
index 448300a64b..990a2f032a 100644
--- a/pandora_console/operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php
+++ b/pandora_console/operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php
@@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ if ($enable_init_date) {
$report = reporting_make_reporting_data($id_report, $date, $time, $period, 'dinamic');
-//~ html_debug_print($report);
echo "
@@ -353,67 +352,5 @@ if ($datetime === false || $datetime == -1) {
-// TODO: Evaluate if it's better to render blocks when are calculated
-// (enabling realtime flush) or if it's better to wait report to be
-// finished before showing anything (this could break the execution
-// by overflowing the running PHP memory on HUGE reports).
-$table->size = array ();
-$table->style = array ();
-$table->width = '98%';
-$table->class = 'databox';
-$table->rowclass = array ();
-$table->rowclass[0] = 'datos3';
-$report["group_name"] = groups_get_name ($report['id_group']);
-switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
- case "mysql":
- $contents = db_get_all_rows_field_filter ("treport_content",
- "id_report", $id_report, "`order`");
- break;
- case "postgresql":
- $contents = db_get_all_rows_field_filter ("treport_content",
- "id_report", $id_report, '"order"');
- break;
- case "oracle":
- $contents = db_get_all_rows_field_filter ("treport_content",
- "id_report", $id_report, '"order"');
- break;
-if ($contents === false) {
- return;
-foreach ($contents as $content) {
- $table->data = array ();
- $table->head = array ();
- $table->style = array ();
- $table->colspan = array ();
- $table->rowstyle = array ();
- // Calculate new inteval for all reports
- if ($enable_init_date) {
- if ($datetime_init >= $datetime) {
- $datetime_init = $date_init_less;
- }
- $new_interval = $report['datetime'] - $datetime_init;
- $content['period'] = $new_interval;
- }
- reporting_render_report_html_item ($content, $table, $report);
- if ($content['type'] == 'agent_module')
- echo '