2013-03-01 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm, lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm, lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm: Refactored some GIS code. Still needs testing. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@7768 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
2013-03-01 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm,
lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm: Refactored some GIS code. Still needs
2013-02-28 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* Config.pm: updated version.
@ -1878,90 +1878,122 @@ defined also the parent is updated.
sub pandora_update_agent ($$$$$$$;$$$$$$) {
sub pandora_update_agent ($$$$$$$;$$) {
my ($pa_config, $agent_timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version,
$agent_version, $agent_interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset,
$longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description, $parent_agent_id) = @_;
my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime());
$parent_agent_id) = @_;
# No access update for data without interval.
# Single modules from network server, for example. This could be very
# Heavy for Pandora FMS
# Single modules from network server, for example. This could be very Heavy for Pandora FMS
if ($agent_interval != -1){
pandora_access_update ($pa_config, $agent_id, $dbh);
} else {
# Do not update the agent interval
$agent_interval = undef;
# No update for interval, timezone and position fields (some old agents don't support it)
if ($agent_interval == -1){
db_do($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente SET agent_version = ?, ultimo_contacto_remoto = ?, ultimo_contacto = ?, os_version = ? WHERE id_agente = ?',
$agent_version, $agent_timestamp, $timestamp, $os_version, $agent_id);
# Update tagente
my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime());
my ($set, $values) = db_update_get_values ({'agent_version' => $agent_version,
'intervalo' => $agent_interval,
'ultimo_contacto_remoto' => $agent_timestamp,
'ultimo_contacto' => $timestamp,
'os_version' => $os_version,
'timezone_offset' => $timezone_offset,
'id_parent' => $parent_agent_id,
db_do ($dbh, "UPDATE tagente SET $set WHERE id_agente = ?", @{$values}, $agent_id);
=head2 C<< pandora_update_gis_data (I<$pa_config>, I<$dbh>, I<$agent_id>, I<$longitude>, I<$latitude>, I<$altitude>) >>
Update agent GIS information.
sub pandora_update_gis_data ($$$$$$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $agent_id, $agent_name, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description, $timestamp) = @_;
logger($pa_config, "Updating GIS data for agent $agent_name (long: $longitude lat: $latitude alt: $altitude)", 10);
# Check for valid longitude and latitude
if (!defined($longitude) || $longitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/ ||
!defined($latitude) || $latitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) {
if ( defined ($timezone_offset)) {
if (defined($parent_agent_id)) {
# Update the table tagente with all the new data and set the new parent
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente SET intervalo = ?, agent_version = ?, ultimo_contacto_remoto = ?, ultimo_contacto = ?, os_version = ?,
timezone_offset = ?, id_parent = ? WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent_interval, $agent_version, $agent_timestamp,
$timestamp, $os_version, $timezone_offset, $parent_agent_id, $agent_id);
else {
# Update the table tagente with all the new data
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente SET intervalo = ?, agent_version = ?, ultimo_contacto_remoto = ?, ultimo_contacto = ?, os_version = ?,
timezone_offset = ? WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent_interval, $agent_version, $agent_timestamp, $timestamp, $os_version, $timezone_offset, $agent_id);
else {
if (defined($parent_agent_id)) {
# Update the table tagente with all the new data and set the new parent
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente SET intervalo = ?, agent_version = ?, ultimo_contacto_remoto = ?, ultimo_contacto = ?, os_version = ?, id_parent = ?
WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent_interval, $agent_version, $agent_timestamp, $timestamp, $os_version, $parent_agent_id, $agent_id);
else {
# Update the table tagente with all the new data
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente SET intervalo = ?, agent_version = ?, ultimo_contacto_remoto = ?, ultimo_contacto = ?, os_version = ? WHERE id_agente = ?',
$agent_interval, $agent_version, $agent_timestamp, $timestamp, $os_version, $agent_id);
my $update_gis_data= get_db_value ($dbh, 'SELECT update_gis_data FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent_id);
#Test if we have received the optional position parameters
if (defined ($longitude) && defined ($latitude) && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} == 1 && $update_gis_data == 1 ){
# Get the last position to see if it has moved.
my $last_agent_position= get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tgis_data_status WHERE tagente_id_agente = ?', $agent_id);
if(defined($last_agent_position)) {
logger($pa_config, "Old Agent data: current_longitude=". $last_agent_position->{'current_longitude'}. " current_latitude="
.$last_agent_position->{'current_latitude'}. " current_altitude=". $last_agent_position->{'current_altitude'}. " ID: $agent_id ", 10);
# If the agent has moved outside the range stablised as location error
if (distance_moved($pa_config, $last_agent_position->{'stored_longitude'}, $last_agent_position->{'stored_latitude'},
$last_agent_position->{'stored_altitude'}, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude) > $pa_config->{'location_error'}) {
#Archive the old position and save new one as status
archive_agent_position($pa_config, $last_agent_position->{'start_timestamp'},$timestamp,$last_agent_position->{'stored_longitude'}, $last_agent_position->{'stored_latitude'},
$last_agent_position->{'stored_altitude'},$last_agent_position->{'description'}, $last_agent_position->{'number_of_packages'},$agent_id, $dbh);
if(!defined($altitude) ) {
$altitude = 0;
# Save the agent position in the tgis_data_status table
update_agent_position($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $timestamp, $position_description);
else { #the agent has not moved enougth so just update the status table
update_agent_position ($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh);
else {
logger($pa_config, "There was not previous positional data, storing first positioal status",8);
save_agent_position($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh, $timestamp, $position_description);
else {
logger($pa_config, "Agent id $agent_id positional data ignored (update_gis_data = $update_gis_data)",10);
# Altitude is optional
if (!defined($altitude) || $altitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) {
$altitude = '';
# Get position description
if ((!defined($position_description))) {
# This code gets description (Reverse Geocoding) from a current GPS coordinates using Google maps API
# This requires a connection to internet and could be very slow and have a huge impact in performance.
# Other methods for reverse geocoding are OpenStreetmaps, in nternet or in a local server
if ($pa_config->{'google_maps_description'}){
my $content = get ('http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q='.$latitude.','.$longitude.'&output=csv&sensor=false');
my @address = split (/\"/,$content);
$position_description = $address[1];
elsif ($pa_config->{'openstreetmaps_description'}){
# Sample Query: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=csv&lat=40.43197&lon=-3.6993818&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&email=info@pandorafms.org
# Email address is sent by courtesy to OpenStreetmaps people.
# I read the API :-), thanks guys for your work.
# Change here URL to make request to a local openstreetmap server
my $content = get ('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=csv&lat='.$latitude.'&lon='.$longitude.'&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&email=info@pandorafms.org');
if ((defined($content)) && ($content ne "")){
# Yep, I need to parse the XML output.
my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new();
my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($content);
$position_description = safe_input ($doc->{result}{content});
} else {
$position_description = "";
if (!defined($position_description)){
$position_description = "";
logger($pa_config, "Getting GIS Data=longitude=$longitude latitude=$latitude altitude=$altitude position_description=$position_description", 10);
# Get the last position to see if it has moved.
my $last_agent_position= get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tgis_data_status WHERE tagente_id_agente = ?', $agent_id);
if(defined($last_agent_position)) {
logger($pa_config, "Old Agent data: current_longitude=". $last_agent_position->{'current_longitude'}. " current_latitude=".$last_agent_position->{'current_latitude'}. " current_altitude=". $last_agent_position->{'current_altitude'}. " ID: $agent_id ", 10);
# If the agent has moved outside the range stablised as location error
if (distance_moved($pa_config, $last_agent_position->{'stored_longitude'}, $last_agent_position->{'stored_latitude'}, $last_agent_position->{'stored_altitude'}, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude) > $pa_config->{'location_error'}) {
#Archive the old position and save new one as status
archive_agent_position($pa_config, $last_agent_position->{'start_timestamp'}, $timestamp,$last_agent_position->{'stored_longitude'}, $last_agent_position->{'stored_latitude'}, $last_agent_position->{'stored_altitude'},$last_agent_position->{'description'}, $last_agent_position->{'number_of_packages'},$agent_id, $dbh);
$altitude = 0 if (!defined($altitude));
# Save the agent position in the tgis_data_status table
update_agent_position($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $timestamp, $position_description);
# The agent has not moved enougth so just update the status table
else {
update_agent_position ($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh);
else {
logger($pa_config, "There was not previous positional data, storing first positioal status", 10);
save_agent_position($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh, $timestamp, $position_description);
@ -2372,40 +2404,38 @@ sub pandora_create_agent ($$$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$) {
$longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description,
$custom_id, $url_address) = @_;
if (!defined($custom_id)) {
$custom_id = '';
if (!defined($url_address)) {
$url_address = '';
logger ($pa_config, "Server '$server_name' creating agent '$agent_name' address '$address'.", 10);
if (!defined($group_id)) {
$group_id = $pa_config->{'autocreate_group'};
logger ($pa_config, "Server '$server_name' creating agent '$agent_name' address '$address'.", 10);
$description = "Created by $server_name" unless ($description ne '');
my $agent_id;
# Test if the optional positional parameters are defined or GIS is disabled
if (!defined ($timezone_offset) ) {
$agent_id = db_insert ($dbh, 'id_agente', 'INSERT INTO tagente (nombre, direccion, comentarios, id_grupo, id_os, server_name, intervalo, id_parent, modo, custom_id, url_address)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, ?, ?)', safe_input($agent_name), $address, $description, $group_id, $os_id, $server_name, $interval, $parent_id, $custom_id, $url_address);
else {
$agent_id = db_insert ($dbh, 'id_agente', 'INSERT INTO tagente (nombre, direccion, comentarios, id_grupo, id_os, server_name, intervalo, id_parent,
timezone_offset, modo, custom_id, url_address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, ?, ?)', safe_input($agent_name), $address,
$description, $group_id, $os_id, $server_name, $interval, $parent_id, $timezone_offset, $custom_id, $url_address);
if (defined ($longitude) && defined ($latitude ) && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} == 1 ) {
if (!defined($altitude)) {
$altitude = 0;
if (! defined (get_group_name ($dbh, $group_id))) {
logger($pa_config, "Group id $group_id does not exist (check autocreate_group config token)", 3);
$description = "Created by $server_name" unless ($description ne '');
my ($columns, $values) = db_insert_get_values ({ 'nombre' => safe_input($agent_name),
'direccion' => $address,
'comentarios' => $description,
'id_grupo' => $group_id,
'id_os' => $os_id,
'server_name' => $server_name,
'intervalo' => $interval,
'id_parent' => $parent_id,
'modo' => 1,
'custom_id' => $custom_id,
'url_address' => $url_address,
'timezone_offset' => $timezone_offset
my $agent_id = db_insert ($dbh, 'id_agente', "INSERT INTO tagente $columns", @{$values});
# Save GIS data
if (defined ($longitude) && defined ($latitude ) && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} == 1 ) {
# Save the first position
my $utimestamp = time ();
my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime ($utimestamp));
my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime (time ()));
save_agent_position($pa_config, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $agent_id, $dbh, $timestamp, $position_description) ;
@ -3223,25 +3253,24 @@ Saves a new agent GIS information record in B<tgis_data_status> table.
sub save_agent_position($$$$$$;$$) {
my ($pa_config, $current_longitude, $current_latitude, $current_altitude, $agent_id, $dbh, $start_timestamp, $description) = @_;
if (!defined($description)) {
$description = '';
logger($pa_config, "Updating agent position: longitude=$current_longitude, latitude=$current_latitude, altitude=$current_altitude, start_timestamp=$start_timestamp agent_id=$agent_id", 10);
if (defined($start_timestamp)) {
# Upadate the timestamp of the received agent
db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO tgis_data_status (tagente_id_agente, current_longitude , current_latitude, current_altitude,
stored_longitude , stored_latitude, stored_altitude, start_timestamp, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
$agent_id, $current_longitude, $current_latitude, $current_altitude, $current_longitude,
$current_latitude, $current_altitude, $start_timestamp, $description);
else {
# Upadate the data of the received agent using the default timestamp
db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO tgis_data_status (tagente_id_agente, current_longitude , current_latitude, current_altitude,
stored_longitude , stored_latitude, stored_altitude, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ',
$agent_id, $current_longitude, $current_latitude, $current_altitude, $current_longitude,
$current_latitude, $current_altitude, , $description);
# Set some default values
$description = '' if (!defined($description));
$current_altitude = 0 if (!defined($current_altitude));
my ($columns, $values) = db_insert_get_values ({ 'tagente_id_agente' => $agent_id,
'current_longitude' => $current_longitude,
'current_latitude' => $current_latitude,
'current_altitude' => $current_altitude,
'stored_longitude' => $current_longitude,
'stored_latitude' => $current_latitude,
'stored_altitude' => $current_altitude,
'start_timestamp' => $start_timestamp,
'description' => $description
db_do ($dbh, "INSERT INTO tgis_data_status $columns", @{$values});
@ -3255,6 +3284,7 @@ Updates agent GIS information in B<tgis_data_status> table.
sub update_agent_position($$$$$$;$$$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $current_longitude, $current_latitude, $current_altitude,
$agent_id, $dbh, $stored_longitude, $stored_latitude, $stored_altitude, $start_timestamp, $description) = @_;
if (defined($stored_longitude) && defined($stored_latitude) && defined($start_timestamp) ) {
# Upadate all the position data of the agent
logger($pa_config, "Updating agent position: current_longitude=$current_longitude, current_latitude=$current_latitude,
@ -3607,7 +3637,7 @@ sub pandora_group_statistics ($$) {
# Update the record.
db_do ($dbh, "DELETE FROM tgroup_stat WHERE id_group = $group");
db_do ($dbh, "INSERT INTO tgroup_stat (id_group, modules, normal, critical, warning, unknown, " . db_reserved_word ('non-init') . ", alerts, alerts_fired, agents, agents_unknown, utimestamp) VALUES ($group, $modules, $normal, $critical, $warning, $unknown, $non_init, $alerts, $alerts_fired, $agents, $agents_unknown, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
db_do ($dbh, "INSERT INTO tgroup_stat (id_group, modules, normal, critical, warning, unknown, " . $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . 'non-init' . $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . ", alerts, alerts_fired, agents, agents_unknown, utimestamp) VALUES ($group, $modules, $normal, $critical, $warning, $unknown, $non_init, $alerts, $alerts_fired, $agents, $agents_unknown, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -80,18 +81,26 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
# Relational database management system in use
our $RDBMS = '';
# Character used to quote reserved words in the current RDBMS
our $RDBMS_QUOTE = '';
## Connect to the DB.
my $RDBMS = '';
sub db_connect ($$$$$$) {
my ($rdbms, $db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pass) = @_;
if ($rdbms eq 'mysql') {
$RDBMS = 'mysql';
# Connect to MySQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db_name:$db_host:$db_port", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
return undef unless defined ($dbh);
@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ sub db_connect ($$$$$$) {
elsif ($rdbms eq 'postgresql') {
$RDBMS = 'postgresql';
# Connect to PostgreSQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
@ -114,6 +124,7 @@ sub db_connect ($$$$$$) {
return $dbh;
} elsif ($rdbms eq 'oracle') {
$RDBMS = 'oracle';
# Connect to Oracle
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port;sid=pandora", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
@ -616,11 +627,11 @@ sub db_insert ($$$;@) {
# PostgreSQL
elsif ($RDBMS eq 'postgresql') {
$insert_id = get_db_value ($dbh, $query . ' RETURNING ' . db_reserved_word ($index), @values);
$insert_id = get_db_value ($dbh, $query . ' RETURNING ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . $index . $RDBMS_QUOTE, @values);
# Oracle
elsif ($RDBMS eq 'oracle') {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query . ' RETURNING ' . db_reserved_word (uc ($index)) . ' INTO ?');
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query . ' RETURNING ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . (uc ($index)) . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ' INTO ?');
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#values; $i++) {
$sth->bind_param ($i+1, $values[$i]);
@ -776,8 +787,13 @@ sub db_do ($$;@) {
my ($dbh, $query, @values) = @_;
#DBI->trace( 3, '/tmp/dbitrace.log' );
use Carp;
eval {
$dbh->do($query, undef, @values);
if ($@) {
print "QUERY: $query\n";
@ -794,21 +810,6 @@ sub is_agent_address ($$$) {
return (defined ($id_ag)) ? $id_ag : 0;
## Escape the given reserved word.
sub db_reserved_word ($) {
my $reserved_word = shift;
return '`' . $reserved_word . '`' if ($RDBMS eq 'mysql');
# PostgreSQL
return '"' . $reserved_word . '"' if ($RDBMS eq 'postgresql' || $RDBMS eq 'oracle');
return $reserved_word;
## Quote the given string.
@ -885,6 +886,65 @@ sub get_priority_name ($) {
return '';
## Get the set string and array of values to perform un update from a hash.
sub db_update_get_values ($) {
my ($set_ref) = @_;
my $set = '';
my @values;
while (my ($key, $value) = each (%{$set_ref})) {
# Not value for the given column
next if (! defined ($value));
$set .= "$key = ?,";
push (@values, $value);
# Remove the last ,
chop ($set);
return ($set, \@values);
## Get the string and array of values to perform an insert from a hash.
sub db_insert_get_values ($) {
my ($insert_ref) = @_;
my $columns = '(';
my @values;
while (my ($key, $value) = each (%{$insert_ref})) {
# Not value for the given column
next if (! defined ($value));
$columns .= $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . "$key" . $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . ",";
push (@values, $value);
# Remove the last , and close the parentheses
chop ($columns);
$columns .= ')';
# No columns
if ($columns eq '()') {
# Add placeholders for the values
$columns .= ' VALUES (' . ("?," x ($#values + 1));
# Remove the last , and close the parentheses
chop ($columns);
$columns .= ')';
return ($columns, \@values);
# End of function declaration
# End of defined Code
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
# Timezone offset must be an integer beween -12 and +12
if (!defined($timezone_offset) || $timezone_offset !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) {
$timezone_offset = 0; # Default value
$timezone_offset = 0;
# Parent Agent Name
@ -227,69 +227,6 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
logger($pa_config,"Parent_agent_name: $parent_agent_name parent_id: $parent_id",10);
my $valid_position_data = 1;
# Get GIS information
my ($longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description) = (
$data->{'longitude'}, $data->{'latitude'}, $data->{'altitude'},
if ($pa_config->{'activate_gis'}) {
# Validate the GIS informtation
if (!defined($altitude) || $altitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) {
$altitude = ''; # Default value
# This could be a valid position data, not always will get altitude
if (!defined($longitude) || $longitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) {
$longitude = ''; # Default value
$valid_position_data = 0;
if (!defined($latitude) || $latitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) {
$latitude = ''; # Default value
$valid_position_data = 0;
if ((!defined($position_description)) && ($latitude ne '')) { #FIXME: Validate the data with a regexp
# This code gets description (Reverse Geocoding) from a current GPS coordinates using Google maps API
# This requires a connection to internet and could be very slow and have a huge impact in performance.
# Other methods for reverse geocoding are OpenStreetmaps, in nternet or in a local server
if ($pa_config->{'google_maps_description'}){
my $content = get ('http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q='.$latitude.','.$longitude.'&output=csv&sensor=false');
my @address = split (/\"/,$content);
$position_description = $address[1];
elsif ($pa_config->{'openstreetmaps_description'}){
# Sample Query: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=csv&lat=40.43197&lon=-3.6993818&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&email=info@pandorafms.org
# Email address is sent by courtesy to OpenStreetmaps people.
# I read the API :-), thanks guys for your work.
# Change here URL to make request to a local openstreetmap server
my $content = get ('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=csv&lat='.$latitude.'&lon='.$longitude.'&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&email=info@pandorafms.org');
if ((defined($content)) && ($content ne "")){
# Yep, I need to parse the XML output.
my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new();
my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($content);
$position_description = safe_input ($doc->{result}{content});
} else {
$position_description = "";
if (!defined($position_description)){
$position_description = "";
logger($pa_config, "Getting GIS Data=timezone_offset=$timezone_offset longitude=$longitude latitude=$latitude altitude=$altitude position_description=$position_description", 8);
# Unknown agent!
if (! defined ($agent_name) || $agent_name eq '') {
logger($pa_config, "$file_name has data from an unnamed agent", 3);
@ -300,26 +237,25 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
if ( $data->{'timestamp'} =~ /AUTO/ ){
$timestamp = strftime ("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime());
else {
if ($timezone_offset != 0) {
# Apply an offset to the timestamp
elsif ($timezone_offset != 0) {
# Modify the timestamp with the timezone_offset
logger($pa_config, "Unmodified timestamp = $timestamp", 5);
$timestamp =~ /(\d+)[\/|\-](\d+)[\/|\-](\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
logger($pa_config, "Unmodified timestamp = $1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6", 5);
my $utimestamp = ($timezone_offset * 3600);
eval {
$utimestamp += timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 -1 , $1 - 1900);
if ($@) {
logger($pa_config,"WARNING: Invalid timestamp ($@) using server timestamp.", 4);
$timestamp = strftime ("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime());
logger($pa_config, "Seconds timestamp = $timestamp modified timestamp in seconds $utimestamp with timezone_offset = $timezone_offset", 5);
$timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($utimestamp));
logger($pa_config, "Applied a timezone offset of $timestamp to agent " . $data->{'agent_name'}, 10);
# Calculate the start date to add the offset
my $utimestamp = 0;
eval {
if ($timestamp =~ /(\d+)[\/|\-](\d+)[\/|\-](\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) {
$utimestamp = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 -1 , $1 - 1900);
# Apply the offset if there were no errors
if (! $@ && $utimestamp != 0) {
$timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($utimestamp + ($timezone_offset * 3600)));
logger($pa_config, "Modified timestamp = $timestamp with timezone_offset = $timezone_offset", 5);
# Check some variables
$interval = 300 if (! defined ($interval) || $interval eq '');
@ -351,21 +287,9 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
my $description = '';
$description = $data->{'description'} if (defined ($data->{'description'}));
# Create the agent
if ($valid_position_data == 1 && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} != 0 ) {
logger($pa_config, "Creating agent $agent_name at long: $longitude lat: $latitude alt: $altitude", 5);
else { # Ignore agent positional data
logger($pa_config, "Creating agent $agent_name", 5);
$longitude = undef;
$latitude = undef;
$altitude = undef;
$position_description = undef;
$agent_id = pandora_create_agent($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $agent_name, $address, $group_id, $parent_id, $os,
$description, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description, $custom_id, $url_address);
$description, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, undef, undef, undef, undef, $custom_id, $url_address);
if (! defined ($agent_id)) {
@ -419,12 +343,16 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
$agent_version = $agent->{'agent_version'};
$timezone_offset = $agent->{'timezone_offset'};
$parent_id = $agent->{'id_parent'};
else { # Learning mode
# Learning mode
else {
# Update agent address if necessary
if ($address ne '' && $address ne $agent->{'direccion'}) {
# Update the main address
pandora_update_agent_address ($pa_config, $agent_id, $agent_name, $address, $dbh);
# Update the addres list if necessary
pandora_add_agent_address($pa_config, $agent_id, $address, $dbh);
@ -479,23 +407,16 @@ sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) {
# Update GIS data only if is allowed and is valid position
if ($valid_position_data == 1 && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} != 0) {
logger($pa_config, "Updating agent $agent_name at long: $longitude lat: $latitude alt: $altitude parent_id: $parent_id", 5);
else {
$longitude = undef;
$latitude = undef;
$altitude = undef;
$position_description = undef;
# Update agent information
pandora_update_agent($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset,
$longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description, $parent_id);
pandora_update_agent($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, $parent_id);
# Update GIS data
if ($pa_config->{'activate_gis'} != 0 && $agent->{'update_gis_data'} == 1) {
pandora_update_gis_data ($pa_config, $dbh, $agent_id, $agent_name, $data->{'longitude'}, $data->{'latitude'}, $data->{'altitude'}, $data->{'position_description'}, $timestamp);
# Update keep alive modules
pandora_module_keep_alive ($pa_config, $agent_id, $agent_name, $server_id, $dbh);
# Process modules
Reference in New Issue